History log of /reactos/sdk/lib/rtl/heap.c (Results 1 – 14 of 14)
Revision (<<< Hide revision tags) (Show revision tags >>>) Date Author Comments
# 7983297b 09-Jul-2024 Doug Lyons <douglyons@douglyons.com>

[RTL] Avoid some corner case ASSERT's in heap.c and fix heap allocations larger than MAXUSHORT. (#5750)


With most code copied from Thomas Faber's PR #4915 as follows:
[RTL] Correctly

[RTL] Avoid some corner case ASSERT's in heap.c and fix heap allocations larger than MAXUSHORT. (#5750)


With most code copied from Thomas Faber's PR #4915 as follows:
[RTL] Correctly initialize segments larger than MAXUSHORT.
GuardEntry->PreviousSize would overflow in this case.
RtlpInsertFreeBlock already handles this correctly by creating multiple free entries.
So we just let it return the last entry and use that for the PreviousSize.

This does not include all of the ASSERT's in PR #4915.

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# b8cdd1a8 07-Dec-2023 Mark Jansen <mark.jansen@reactos.org>

[RTL] Implement RtlGetProcessHeaps

Revision tags: 0.4.14-release
# 25bff3a1 24-May-2021 Serge Gautherie <reactos-git_serge_171003@gautherie.fr>

[NDK][NTDLL][RTL] RtlCreateTagHeap(): Fix types and annotations

According to

# 7e5c1872 09-Mar-2021 Jérôme Gardou <jerome.gardou@reactos.org>

[RTL] Improve performance by introducing a hint array for free entries

The array is there for the entries smaller than the decommit threshold, the rationale
being that entries which are larger will

[RTL] Improve performance by introducing a hint array for free entries

The array is there for the entries smaller than the decommit threshold, the rationale
being that entries which are larger will likely be split for honoring other allocations
or be coalesced and eventually decommitted.

This with the previous commits make a huge perf boost to memory-intensive applications like cmake


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# 325737f8 05-Mar-2021 Jérôme Gardou <jerome.gardou@reactos.org>

[SDK:RTL] Track the end of uncommitted ranges thanks to a "Guard" entry that we put at the end of each committed page

This avoids busy loop to get the last valid entry of the previous committed rang

[SDK:RTL] Track the end of uncommitted ranges thanks to a "Guard" entry that we put at the end of each committed page

This avoids busy loop to get the last valid entry of the previous committed range when committing a new one.


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# 6d697561 28-Jan-2021 Jérôme Gardou <jerome.gardou@reactos.org>

[RTL] Fix heap usage flags

- Use Heap->ForceFlags where needed
- Use passed-in flags instead of the heap flags in some places
- Do not recursively acquire the heap lock

Revision tags: 0.4.15-dev, 0.4.14-RC, 0.4.13-release
# 52f103c8 02-Feb-2020 Thomas Faber <thomas.faber@reactos.org>

[RTL] Use LastEntryInSegment to speed up RtlpFindAndCommitPages. CORE-14588

# c4f736e8 02-Feb-2020 Thomas Faber <thomas.faber@reactos.org>

[RTL] Add and populate LastEntryInSegment. CORE-14588

# 774ef4e8 24-Apr-2020 Katayama Hirofumi MZ <katayama.hirofumi.mz@gmail.com>

[SDK][RTL][NTDLL_APITEST] Add RtlMultipleAllocateHeap and RtlMultipleFreeHeap (#2641)

- Add RtlMultipleAllocateHeap and RtlMultipleFreeHeap functions (2k3+).
- Add a testcase for two functions.

[SDK][RTL][NTDLL_APITEST] Add RtlMultipleAllocateHeap and RtlMultipleFreeHeap (#2641)

- Add RtlMultipleAllocateHeap and RtlMultipleFreeHeap functions (2k3+).
- Add a testcase for two functions.

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Revision tags: 0.4.14-dev, 0.4.13-RC
# 5fa4fd7b 21-Sep-2019 Timo Kreuzer <timo.kreuzer@reactos.org>

[RTL][NTDLL] Add some function stubs

- LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback
- RtlCancelTimer
- RtlCreateServiceSid
- RtlQueryProcessHeapInformation
- RtlQueueApcWow64Thread
- RtlSetTimer
- RtlUnhan

[RTL][NTDLL] Add some function stubs

- LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback
- RtlCancelTimer
- RtlCreateServiceSid
- RtlQueryProcessHeapInformation
- RtlQueueApcWow64Thread
- RtlSetTimer
- RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter2
- RtlpNotOwnerCriticalSection

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Revision tags: 0.4.12-release, 0.4.12-RC, 0.4.13-dev, 0.4.11-release
# a951d660 17-Feb-2019 Thomas Faber <thomas.faber@reactos.org>

[RTL] Fix GCC build.

# 7246909a 03-Feb-2019 Thomas Faber <thomas.faber@reactos.org>

[RTL] Protect pointer validity check in RtlFreeHeap with SEH.

Fixes crash in kernel32_winetest:heap.

Revision tags: 0.4.11-RC, 0.4.12-dev, 0.4.10-release, 0.4.11-dev, 0.4.10-RC, 0.4.9-release, 0.4.10-dev, 0.4.9-RC, 0.4.8-release, 0.4.8-RC, 0.4.9-dev, 0.4.7-release, v0.4.7, 0.4.8-dev, 0.4.7-rc1
# c2c66aff 03-Oct-2017 Colin Finck <colin@reactos.org>

Git conversion: Make reactos the root directory, move rosapps, rostests, wallpapers into modules, and delete rossubsys.

Revision tags: backups/GSoC_2017/rapps@75905, ReactOS-0.4.6, backups/ros-branch-0_4_6@75728, 0.4.7-dev, ReactOS-0.4.5, backups/ros-branch-0_4_5@74569, ReactOS-0.4.4-CLT2017, backups/ReactOS-0.4.4-CLT2017@74182, ReactOS-0.4.4, backups/ros-branch-0_4_4@74002, ReactOS-0.4.4-FOSDEM2017, backups/ReactOS-0.4.4-FOSDEM2017@73667, ReactOS-0.4.3, backups/ros-branch-0_4_3@73437, backups/sndblst@72664, ReactOS-0.4.2, backups/ros-branch-0_4_2@73087, ReactOS-0.4.1, backups/ros-branch-0_4_1@71718
# 321bcc05 24-Apr-2016 Pierre Schweitzer <pierre@reactos.org>

Create the AHCI branch for Aman's work

svn path=/branches/GSoC_2016/AHCI/; revision=71203