5 # if defined(__clang__)
6 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func __attribute__ ((deprecated("", msg)))
7 # elif defined(__GNUC__)
8 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func __attribute__ ((deprecated(msg)))
9 # else
10 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func
11 # endif
12 #else
13 # define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func
14 #endif
16 /**
17  *  @file     ViennaRNA/landscape/paths.h
18  *  @ingroup  paths
19  *  @brief    API for computing (optimal) (re-)folding paths between secondary structures
20  */
22 /**
23  *  @addtogroup   paths
24  *  @{
25  *
26  *  @brief  API for various RNA folding path algorithms
27  *
28  *  This part of our API allows for generating RNA secondary structure (re-)folding paths
29  *  between two secondary structures or simply starting from a single structure.
30  *  This is most important if an estimate of the refolding energy barrier between two
31  *  structures is required, or a structure's corresponding local minimum needs to be
32  *  determined, e.g. through a gradient-descent walk.
33  *
34  *  This part of the interface is further split into the following sections:
35  *  - @ref paths_direct, and
36  *  - @ref paths_walk
37  */
39 /**
40  *  @brief Typename for the refolding path data structure #vrna_path_s
41  */
42 typedef struct vrna_path_s vrna_path_t;
45 /**
46  *  @brief  Options data structure for (re-)folding path implementations
47  *  @ingroup paths
48  */
49 typedef struct vrna_path_options_s *vrna_path_options_t;
54 /**
55  *  @brief Old typename of #vrna_path_s
56  *  @deprecated Use #vrna_path_t instead!
57  *  @ingroup paths_deprecated
58  */
59 DEPRECATED(typedef struct vrna_path_s path_t,
60              "Use vrna_path_t instead!");
62 #endif
64 #include <ViennaRNA/fold_compound.h>
65 #include <ViennaRNA/landscape/move.h>
67 /**
68  *  @brief  Flag to indicate producing a (re-)folding path as list of dot-bracket structures
69  *  @see    #vrna_path_t, vrna_path_options_findpath(), vrna_path_direct(), vrna_path_direct_ub()
70  */
73 /**
74  *  @brief  Flag to indicate producing a (re-)folding path as list of transition moves
75  *  @see    #vrna_path_t, vrna_path_options_findpath(), vrna_path_direct(), vrna_path_direct_ub()
76  */
77 #define   VRNA_PATH_TYPE_MOVES          2U
79 /**
80  *  @brief  An element of a refolding path list
81  *
82  *  Usually, one has to deal with an array of vrna_path_s, e.g. returned from one of
83  *  the refolding-path algorithms.
84  *
85  *  Since in most cases the length of the list is not known in advance, such lists
86  *  have an <em>end-of-list</em> marker, which is either:
87  *  - a value of <em>NULL</em> for vrna_path_s::s if vrna_path_s::type = #VRNA_PATH_TYPE_DOT_BRACKET, or
88  *  - a vrna_path_s::move with zero in both fields vrna_move_t::pos_5 and vrna_move_t::pos_3 if
89  *    vrna_path_s::type = #VRNA_PATH_TYPE_MOVES.
90  *
91  *  In the following we show an example for how to cover both cases of iteration:
92  *  @code{.c}
93  *  vrna_path_t *ptr = path; // path was returned from one of the refolding path functions, e.g. vrna_path_direct()
94  *
95  *  if (ptr) {
96  *    if (ptr->type == VRNA_PATH_TYPE_DOT_BRACKET) {
97  *      for (; ptr->s; ptr++)
98  *        printf("%s [%6.2f]\n", ptr->s, ptr->en);
99  *    } else if (ptr->type == VRNA_PATH_TYPE_MOVES) {
100  *      for (; ptr->move.pos_5 != 0; ptr++)
101  *        printf("move %d:%d, dG = %6.2f\n", ptr->move.pos_5, ptr->move.pos_3, ptr->en);
102  *    }
103  *  }
104  *  @endcode
105  *
106  *  @see    vrna_path_free()
107  */
108 struct vrna_path_s {
109   unsigned int type;  /**< @brief The type of the path element.
110                        *  @details A value of #VRNA_PATH_TYPE_DOT_BRACKET indicates that
111                        *  vrna_path_s::s consists of the secondary structure in dot-bracket
112                        *  notation, and vrna_path_s::en the corresponding free energy.<br>
113                        *  On the other hand, if the value is #VRNA_PATH_TYPE_MOVES, vrna_path_s::s
114                        *  is <em>NULL</em> and vrna_path_s::move is set to the transition move
115                        *  that transforms a previous structure into it's neighbor along the path.
116                        *  In this case, the attribute vrna_path_s::en states the change in free
117                        *  energy with respect to the structure before application of vrna_path_s::move.
118                        */
119   double      en;     /**< @brief Free energy of current structure */
120   char        *s;     /**< @brief Secondary structure in dot-bracket notation */
121   vrna_move_t move;   /**< @brief Move that transforms the previous structure into it's next neighbor along the path */
122 };
125 /**
126  *  @brief    Release (free) memory occupied by a (re-)folding path
127  *
128  *  @see      vrna_path_direct(), vrna_path_direct_ub(), vrna_path_findpath(), vrna_path_findpath_ub()
129  *  @param    path    The refolding path to be free'd
130  */
131 void
132 vrna_path_free(vrna_path_t *path);
135 /**
136  *  @brief  Release (free) memory occupied by an options data structure for (re-)folding path implementations
137  *  @see    vrna_path_options_findpath(), vrna_path_direct(), vrna_path_direct_ub()
138  *
139  *  @param  options   The options data structure to be free'd
140  */
141 void
142 vrna_path_options_free(vrna_path_options_t options);
145 /** @} */
147 /**
148  *  @addtogroup paths_direct
149  *  @{
150  */
153 /**
154  *  @brief    Create options data structure for findpath direct (re-)folding path heuristic
155  *
156  *  This function returns an options data structure that switches the vrna_path_direct()
157  *  and vrna_path_direct_ub() API functions to use the <em>findpath</em> @cite flamm:2001
158  *  heuristic. The parameter @p width specifies the width of the breadth-first search
159  *  while the second parameter @p type allows one to set the type of the returned
160  *  (re-)folding path.
161  *
162  *  Currently, the following return types are available:
163  *  - A list of dot-bracket structures and corresponding free energy (flag: #VRNA_PATH_TYPE_DOT_BRACKET)
164  *  - A list of transition moves and corresponding free energy changes (flag: #VRNA_PATH_TYPE_MOVES)
165  *
166  *  @see      #VRNA_PATH_TYPE_DOT_BRACKET, #VRNA_PATH_TYPE_MOVES, vrna_path_options_free(),
167  *            vrna_path_direct(), vrna_path_direct_ub()
168  *
169  *  @param    width   Width of the breath-first search strategy
170  *  @param    type    Setting that specifies how the return (re-)folding path should be encoded
171  *  @returns          An options data structure with settings for the findpath direct path heuristic
172  */
173 vrna_path_options_t
174 vrna_path_options_findpath(int          width,
175                            unsigned int type);
178 /**
179  *  @brief  Determine an optimal direct (re-)folding path between two secondary structures
180  *
181  *  This is the generic wrapper function to retrieve (an optimal) (re-)folding path
182  *  between two secondary structures @p s1 and @p s2. The actual algorithm that
183  *  is used to generate the (re-)folding path is determined by the settings specified
184  *  in the @p options data structure. This data structure also determines the return
185  *  type, which might be either:
186  *  - a list of dot-bracket structures with corresponding free energy, or
187  *  - a list of transition moves with corresponding free energy change
188  *
189  *  If the @p options parameter is passed a <em>NULL</em> pointer, this function
190  *  defaults to the <em>findpath heuristic</em> @cite flamm:2001 with a breadth-first
191  *  search width of @f$ 10 @f$, and the returned path consists of dot-bracket structures
192  *  with corresponding free energies.
193  *
194  *  @see    vrna_path_direct_ub(), vrna_path_options_findpath(), vrna_path_options_free(),
195  *          vrna_path_free()
196  *
197  *  @param  fc      The #vrna_fold_compound_t with precomputed sequence encoding and model details
198  *  @param  s1      The start structure in dot-bracket notation
199  *  @param  s2      The target structure in dot-bracket notation
200  *  @param  options An options data structure that specifies the path heuristic and corresponding settings (maybe <em>NULL</em>)
201  *  @returns        An optimal (re-)folding path between the two input structures
202  */
203 vrna_path_t *
204 vrna_path_direct(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc,
205                  const char           *s1,
206                  const char           *s2,
207                  vrna_path_options_t  options);
210 /**
211  *  @brief  Determine an optimal direct (re-)folding path between two secondary structures
212  *
213  *  This function is similar to vrna_path_direct(), but allows to specify an <em>upper-bound</em>
214  *  for the saddle point energy. The underlying algorithms will stop determining an (optimal)
215  *  (re-)folding path, if none can be found that has a saddle point below the specified
216  *  upper-bound threshold @p maxE.
217  *
218  *  @warning  The argument @p maxE enables one to specify an upper bound, or maximum free
219  *            energy for the saddle point between the two input structures. If no path
220  *            with @f$E_{saddle} < E_{max}@f$ is found, the function simply returns @em NULL
221  *
222  *  @see    vrna_path_direct_ub(), vrna_path_options_findpath(), vrna_path_options_free(),
223  *          vrna_path_free()
224  *
225  *  @param  fc      The #vrna_fold_compound_t with precomputed sequence encoding and model details
226  *  @param  s1      The start structure in dot-bracket notation
227  *  @param  s2      The target structure in dot-bracket notation
228  *  @param  maxE    Upper bound for the saddle point along the (re-)folding path
229  *  @param  options An options data structure that specifies the path heuristic and corresponding settings (maybe <em>NULL</em>)
230  *  @returns        An optimal (re-)folding path between the two input structures
231  */
232 vrna_path_t *
233 vrna_path_direct_ub(vrna_fold_compound_t  *fc,
234                     const char            *s1,
235                     const char            *s2,
236                     int                   maxE,
237                     vrna_path_options_t   options);
240 /** @} */
242 #endif