1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (C) 2005 Osmo Salomaa
5# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8# (at your option) any later version.
10# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13# GNU General Public License for more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18"""Miscellaneous functions and decorators."""
20import aeidon
21import gaupol
22import inspect
23import sys
24import traceback
25import webbrowser
27from gi.repository import Gdk
28from gi.repository import GLib
29from gi.repository import Gtk
32def char_to_px(nchar, font=None):
33    """Convert characters to pixels."""
34    if nchar < 0: return nchar
35    label = Gtk.Label(label="etaoin shrdlu")
36    gaupol.style.use_font(label, font)
37    label.show()
38    width = label.get_preferred_width()[1]
39    return int(round(nchar * width/len(label.props.label)))
41def delay_add(delay, function, *args, **kwargs):
42    """Call `function` with `args` and `kwargs` once after `delay` (ms)."""
43    def call_function(*args, **kwargs):
44        function(*args, **kwargs)
45        return False # to not be called again.
46    return GLib.timeout_add(delay, call_function, *args, **kwargs)
48def document_to_text_field(doc):
49    """Return :attr:`gaupol.fields` item corresponding to `doc`."""
50    if doc == aeidon.documents.MAIN:
51        return gaupol.fields.MAIN_TEXT
52    if doc == aeidon.documents.TRAN:
53        return gaupol.fields.TRAN_TEXT
54    raise ValueError("Invalid document: {}"
55                     .format(repr(doc)))
57def flash_dialog(dialog):
58    """Run `dialog`, destroy it and return response."""
59    response = dialog.run()
60    dialog.destroy()
61    return response
63def get_content_size(widget, font=None):
64    """Return the width and height desired by `widget`."""
65    if isinstance(widget, Gtk.TextView):
66        return get_text_view_size(widget, font)
67    if isinstance(widget, Gtk.TreeView):
68        return get_tree_view_size(widget, font)
69    raise ValueError("Unsupported container type: {}"
70                     .format(repr(type(widget))))
72def get_font():
73    """Return custom font or blank string."""
74    return (gaupol.conf.editor.custom_font if
75            gaupol.conf.editor.use_custom_font and
76            gaupol.conf.editor.custom_font else "")
78def get_gst_version():
79    """Return :mod:`Gst` version number as string or ``None``."""
80    try:
81        from gi.repository import Gst
82        return ".".join(map(str, Gst.version()))
83    except Exception:
84        return None
86def get_icon_image(name, fallback, size):
87    """Return icon image from `name` or `fallback` in theme."""
88    theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default()
89    if theme.has_icon(name):
90        return Gtk.Image(icon_name=name, icon_size=size)
91    return Gtk.Image(icon_name=fallback, icon_size=size)
93def get_preview_command():
94    """Return command to use for lauching video player."""
95    if gaupol.conf.preview.use_custom_command:
96        return gaupol.conf.preview.custom_command
97    if gaupol.conf.preview.force_utf_8:
98        return gaupol.conf.preview.player.command_utf_8
99    return gaupol.conf.preview.player.command
101def get_text_view_size(text_view, font=None):
102    """Return the width and height desired by `text_view`."""
103    text_buffer = text_view.get_buffer()
104    start, end = text_buffer.get_bounds()
105    text = text_buffer.get_text(start, end, False)
106    label = Gtk.Label(label=text)
107    gaupol.style.use_font(label, font)
108    label.show()
109    return (label.get_preferred_width()[1]
110            + text_view.get_left_margin()
111            + text_view.get_right_margin(),
112            label.get_preferred_height()[1])
114def get_tree_view_size(tree_view, font=None):
115    """Return the width and height desired by `tree_view`."""
116    scroller = tree_view.get_parent()
117    policy = scroller.get_policy()
118    scroller.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER)
119    width = scroller.get_preferred_width()[1]
120    height = scroller.get_preferred_height()[1]
121    scroller.set_policy(*policy)
122    return width, height
125def get_zebra_color(tree_view):
126    """Return background color to use for tree view zebra-stripes."""
127    # XXX: Zebra stripes would be faster and cleaner done with CSS
128    # selectors :nth-child(odd) and :nth-child(even), but they don't
129    # seem to work, might even be deliberately broken.
130    # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=709617#c1
131    style = tree_view.get_style_context()
132    fg = style.get_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL)
133    bg = style.get_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL)
134    color = Gdk.RGBA()
135    color.red   = 0.92 * bg.red   + 0.08 * fg.red
136    color.green = 0.92 * bg.green + 0.08 * fg.green
137    color.blue  = 0.92 * bg.blue  + 0.08 * fg.blue
138    return(color)
141def gst_available():
142    """Return ``True`` if :mod:`Gst` and needed plugins are available."""
143    try:
144        from gi.repository import Gst
145    except Exception:
146        return False
147    if not Gst.ElementFactory.find("playbin"):
148        print("GStreamer found, but playbin missing.",
149              "Try installing gst-plugins-base.",
150              file=sys.stderr)
151        return False
152    if not Gst.ElementFactory.find("textoverlay"):
153        print("GStreamer found, but textoverlay missing.",
154              "Try installing gst-plugins-base.",
155              file=sys.stderr)
156        return False
157    if not Gst.ElementFactory.find("timeoverlay"):
158        print("GStreamer found, but timeoverlay missing.",
159              "Try installing gst-plugins-base.",
160              file=sys.stderr)
161        return False
162    if not Gst.ElementFactory.find("gtksink"):
163        print("GStreamer found, but gtksink missing.",
164              "Try installing gst-plugins-good.",
165              file=sys.stderr)
166        return False
167    return True
170def gtkspell_available():
171    """Return ``True`` if :mod:`GtkSpell` module is available."""
172    try:
173        from gi.repository import GtkSpell
174        return True
175    except Exception:
176        return False
178def hex_to_rgba(string):
179    """Return a :class:`Gdk.RGBA` for hexadecimal `string`."""
180    rgba = Gdk.RGBA()
181    success = rgba.parse(string)
182    if not success:
183        raise ValueError("Parsing string {} failed".format(repr(string)))
184    return rgba
186def idle_add(function, *args, **kwargs):
187    """Call `function` with `args` and `kwargs` when idle."""
188    def call_function(*args, **kwargs):
189        function(*args, **kwargs)
190        return False # to not be called again.
191    return GLib.idle_add(call_function, *args, **kwargs)
193def install_module(name, obj):
194    """
195    Install `obj`'s module into the :mod:`gaupol` namespace.
197    Typical call is of form::
199        gaupol.util.install_module("foo", lambda: None)
200    """
201    gaupol.__dict__[name] = inspect.getmodule(obj)
203def iterate_main():
204    """Iterate the GTK+ main loop while events are pending."""
205    while Gtk.events_pending():
206        Gtk.main_iteration()
208def lines_to_px(nlines, font=None):
209    """Convert lines to pixels."""
210    if nlines < 0: return nlines
211    text = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
212    label = Gtk.Label(label=text)
213    gaupol.style.use_font(label, font)
214    label.show()
215    height = label.get_preferred_height()[1]
216    return int(round(nlines * height))
218def new_hbox(spacing):
219    """Return a new horizontal :class:`Gtk.Box`."""
220    return Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
221                   spacing=spacing)
223def new_vbox(spacing):
224    """Return a new vertical :class:`Gtk.Box`."""
225    return Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
226                   spacing=spacing)
228def pack_start(box, widget, padding=0):
229    """Pack widget to box without fill or expand."""
230    box.pack_start(widget,
231                   expand=False,
232                   fill=False,
233                   padding=padding)
235def pack_start_expand(box, widget, padding=0):
236    """Pack widget to box with fill and expand."""
237    box.pack_start(widget,
238                   expand=True,
239                   fill=True,
240                   padding=padding)
242def pack_start_fill(box, widget, padding=0):
243    """Pack widget to box with fill, but no expand."""
244    box.pack_start(widget,
245                   expand=False,
246                   fill=True,
247                   padding=padding)
249def prepare_text_view(text_view):
250    """Set spell-check, line-length margin and font properties."""
251    if (gaupol.util.gtkspell_available() and
252        gaupol.conf.spell_check.inline):
253        from gi.repository import GtkSpell
254        language = gaupol.conf.spell_check.language
255        with aeidon.util.silent(Exception):
256            checker = GtkSpell.Checker()
257            checker.set_language(language)
258            def on_language_changed(checker, lang, *args):
259                gaupol.conf.spell_check.language = lang
260            checker.connect("language-changed", on_language_changed)
261            checker.attach(text_view)
262    connect = gaupol.conf.editor.connect
263    def update_margin(section, value, text_view):
264        if gaupol.conf.editor.show_lengths_edit:
265            return gaupol.ruler.connect_text_view(text_view)
266        return gaupol.ruler.disconnect_text_view(text_view)
267    connect("notify::show_lengths_edit", update_margin, text_view)
268    update_margin(None, None, text_view)
269    def update_font(section, value, text_view):
270        text_view.reset_style()
271    gaupol.style.use_font(text_view, "custom")
272    connect("notify::use_custom_font", update_font, text_view)
273    connect("notify::custom_font", update_font, text_view)
274    update_font(None, None, text_view)
275    def update_spacing(section, value, text_view):
276        if gaupol.conf.editor.show_lengths_cell:
277            return text_view.set_pixels_above_lines(2)
278        return text_view.set_pixels_above_lines(0)
279    connect("notify::show_lengths_cell", update_spacing, text_view)
280    update_spacing(None, None, text_view)
282def raise_default(expression):
283    """Raise :exc:`gaupol.Default` if `expression` evaluates to ``True``."""
284    if expression:
285        raise gaupol.Default
287def rgba_to_hex(color):
288    """Return hexadecimal string for :class:`Gdk.RGBA` `color`."""
289    return "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(int(color.red   * 255),
290                                        int(color.green * 255),
291                                        int(color.blue  * 255))
293def run_dialog(dialog):
294    """Run `dialog` and return response."""
295    return dialog.run()
297def scale_to_content(widget, min_nchar=0,  max_nchar=32768,
298                     min_nlines=0, max_nlines=32768, font=None):
299    """Set `widget's` size by content, but limited by `min` and `max`."""
300    width, height = get_content_size(widget, font)
301    width  = max(width, char_to_px(min_nchar, font))
302    width  = min(width, char_to_px(max_nchar, font))
303    height = max(height, lines_to_px(min_nlines, font))
304    height = min(height, lines_to_px(max_nlines, font))
305    parent = widget.get_parent()
306    if isinstance(parent, Gtk.ScrolledWindow):
307        # Vaguely account for possible scrollbars.
308        return parent.set_size_request(width+24, height+24)
309    widget.set_size_request(width, height)
311def scale_to_size(widget, nchar, nlines, font=None):
312    """Set `widget`'s size to `nchar` and `nlines`."""
313    width  = char_to_px(nchar, font)
314    height = lines_to_px(nlines, font)
315    parent = widget.get_parent()
316    if isinstance(parent, Gtk.ScrolledWindow):
317        # Vaguely account for possible scrollbars.
318        return parent.set_size_request(width+24, height+24)
319    widget.set_size_request(width, height)
321def separate_combo(store, itr, data=None):
322    """Separator function for combo box models."""
323    return store.get_value(itr, 0) == gaupol.COMBO_SEPARATOR
325def set_cursor_busy(window):
326    """Set mouse pointer busy when above window."""
327    cursor = window.get_window().get_cursor()
328    if (cursor is not None and cursor.get_cursor_type() ==
329        Gdk.CursorType.WATCH): return
330    cursor = Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(
331        Gdk.Display.get_default(), Gdk.CursorType.WATCH)
332    window.get_window().set_cursor(cursor)
333    iterate_main()
335def set_cursor_normal(window):
336    """Set mouse pointer normal when above window."""
337    cursor = window.get_window().get_cursor()
338    if (cursor is not None and cursor.get_cursor_type() ==
339        Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR): return
340    cursor = Gdk.Cursor.new_for_display(
341        Gdk.Display.get_default(), Gdk.CursorType.LEFT_PTR)
342    window.get_window().set_cursor(cursor)
343    iterate_main()
345def show_exception(exctype, value, tb):
346    """A :class:`gaupol.DebugDialog` :attr`sys.excepthook`."""
347    traceback.print_exception(exctype, value, tb)
348    if not isinstance(value, Exception): return
349    try: # to avoid recursion.
350        dialog = gaupol.DebugDialog()
351        dialog.set_text(exctype, value, tb)
352        response = dialog.run()
353        dialog.destroy()
354        if response == Gtk.ResponseType.NO:
355            raise SystemExit(1)
356    except Exception:
357        traceback.print_exc()
359def show_uri(uri):
360    """Open `uri` in default application."""
361    try:
362        return Gtk.show_uri(None, uri, Gdk.CURRENT_TIME)
363    except Exception:
364        # Gtk.show_uri fails on Windows and some misconfigured installations.
365        # GError: No application is registered as handling this file
366        # Gtk.show_uri: Operation not supported
367        if uri.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
368            return webbrowser.open(uri)
369        raise # Exception
371def text_field_to_document(field):
372    """Return :attr:`aeidon.documents` item corresponding to `field`."""
373    if field == gaupol.fields.MAIN_TEXT:
374        return aeidon.documents.MAIN
375    if field == gaupol.fields.TRAN_TEXT:
376        return aeidon.documents.TRAN
377    raise ValueError("Invalid field: {}"
378                     .format(repr(field)))
380def tree_path_to_row(path):
381    """
382    Convert `path` to a list row integer.
384    `path` can be either a :class:`Gtk.Treepath` instance or a string
385    representation of it (as commonly used by various callbacks).
386    """
387    if path is None: return None
388    if isinstance(path, Gtk.TreePath):
389        return path.get_indices()[0]
390    if isinstance(path, str):
391        return int(path)
392    raise TypeError("Bad type {} for path {}"
393                    .format(repr(type(path)), repr(path)))
395def tree_row_to_path(row):
396    """Convert list row integer to a :class:`Gtk.TreePath`."""
397    if row is None: return None
398    return Gtk.TreePath.new_from_string(str(row))