4 #include <ViennaRNA/datastructures/basic.h>
5 #include <ViennaRNA/params/basic.h>
6 #include <ViennaRNA/ribo.h>
7 #include <ViennaRNA/mfe.h>
8 #include <ViennaRNA/part_func.h>
9 #include <ViennaRNA/utils/alignments.h>
10 #include <ViennaRNA/utils/structures.h>
11 #include <ViennaRNA/boltzmann_sampling.h>
14 # if defined(__clang__)
15 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func __attribute__ ((deprecated("", msg)))
16 # elif defined(__GNUC__)
17 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func __attribute__ ((deprecated(msg)))
18 # else
19 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func
20 # endif
21 #else
22 # define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func
23 #endif
25 /**
26  *  @file alifold.h
27  *  @ingroup mfe_global_deprecated
28  *  @brief Functions for comparative structure prediction using RNA sequence alignments
29  *
30  */
34 /*
35 #################################################
36 # DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS                          #
37 #################################################
38 */
40 /**
41  * @ingroup mfe_global_deprecated
42  * @{
43  */
45 /**
46  *  @brief Compute MFE and according consensus structure of an alignment of sequences
47  *
48  *  This function predicts the consensus structure for the aligned 'sequences'
49  *  and returns the minimum free energy; the mfe structure in bracket
50  *  notation is returned in 'structure'.
51  *
52  *  Sufficient space must be allocated for 'structure' before calling
53  *  alifold().
54  *
55  *  @deprecated Usage of this function is discouraged! Use vrna_alifold(), or vrna_mfe() instead!
56  *  @see vrna_alifold(), vrna_mfe()
57  *
58  *  @param strings    A pointer to a NULL terminated array of character arrays
59  *  @param structure  A pointer to a character array that may contain a constraining consensus structure
60  *                    (will be overwritten by a consensus structure that exhibits the MFE)
61  *  @return           The free energy score in kcal/mol
62  */
63 DEPRECATED(float alifold( const char **strings, char *structure),
64           "Use vrna_alifold() or vrna_mfe() instead");
66 /**
67  *  @brief Compute MFE and according structure of an alignment of sequences assuming the sequences are circular instead of linear
68  *
69  *  @deprecated Usage of this function is discouraged! Use vrna_alicircfold(), and vrna_mfe() instead!
70  *  @see vrna_alicircfold(), vrna_alifold(), vrna_mfe()
71  *
72  *  @param strings    A pointer to a NULL terminated array of character arrays
73  *  @param structure  A pointer to a character array that may contain a constraining consensus structure
74  *                    (will be overwritten by a consensus structure that exhibits the MFE)
75  *  @return           The free energy score in kcal/mol
76  */
77 DEPRECATED(float circalifold( const char **strings, char *structure),
78           "Use vrna_alicircfold() or vrna_mfe() instead");
80 /**
81  *  @brief Free the memory occupied by MFE alifold functions
82  *
83  *  @deprecated Usage of this function is discouraged! It only
84  *  affects memory being free'd that was allocated by an old API
85  *  function before. Release of memory occupied by the newly introduced
86  *  #vrna_fold_compound_t is handled by vrna_fold_compound_free()
87  *
88  *  @see vrna_fold_compound_free()
89  *
90  */
91 DEPRECATED(void free_alifold_arrays(void),
92           "This function is obsolete");
94 /* End group mfe_global_deprecated */
95 /**@}*/
97 /**
98  *  @brief Calculate the free energy of a consensus structure given a set of aligned sequences
99  *
100  *  @ingroup consensus_fold
101  *
102  *  @deprecated Usage of this function is discouraged! Use vrna_eval_structure(), and vrna_eval_covar_structure() instead!
103  *
104  *  @param  sequences   The NULL terminated array of sequences
105  *  @param  structure   The consensus structure
106  *  @param  n_seq       The number of sequences in the alignment
107  *  @param  energy      A pointer to an array of at least two floats that will hold the free energies
108  *                      (energy[0] will contain the free energy, energy[1] will be filled with the covariance energy term)
109  *  @returns free energy in kcal/mol
110  *
111  */
112 DEPRECATED(float energy_of_alistruct(const char **sequences, const char *structure, int n_seq, float *energy),
113            "Use vrna_eval_structure() and vrna_eval_covar_structure() instead");
115 DEPRECATED(float energy_of_ali_gquad_structure(const char **sequences, const char *structure, int n_seq, float *energy),
116           "Use vrna_eval_structure() and vrna_eval_covar_structure() instead");
118 /**
119  *  @brief This variable controls the weight of the covariance term in the
120  *  energy function of alignment folding algorithms
121  *
122  *  @ingroup consensus_fold
123  *
124  *  @deprecated See #vrna_md_t.cv_fact, and vrna_mfe() to avoid using global variables
125  *
126  *  Default is 1.
127  */
128 DEPRECATED(extern  double  cv_fact,
129           "Use the cv_fact attribute of the vrna_md_t datastructure instead");
130 /**
131  *  @brief This variable controls the magnitude of the penalty for non-compatible sequences in
132  *  the covariance term of alignment folding algorithms.
133  *
134  *  @ingroup consensus_fold
135  *
136  *  @deprecated See #vrna_md_t.nc_fact, and vrna_mfe() to avoid using global variables
137  *
138  *  Default is 1.
139  */
140 DEPRECATED(extern  double  nc_fact,
141           "Use the nc_fact attribute of the vrna_md_t datastructure instead");
143 /**
144  * @ingroup part_func_global_deprecated
145  * @{
146  */
148 /**
149  *  @brief
150  *
151  *  @deprecated Use vrna_pf() instead
152  *
153  *  @param  sequences
154  *  @param  structure
155  *  @param  pl
156  *  @param  parameters
157  *  @param  calculate_bppm
158  *  @param  is_constrained
159  *  @param  is_circular
160  *  @return
161  */
162 DEPRECATED(float alipf_fold_par( const char **sequences,
163                       char *structure,
164                       vrna_ep_t **pl,
165                       vrna_exp_param_t *parameters,
166                       int calculate_bppm,
167                       int is_constrained,
168                       int is_circular),
169           "Use vrna_pf_alifold() or vrna_pf() instead");
171 /**
172  *  @brief
173  *
174  *  The partition function version of alifold() works in analogy to
175  *  pf_fold(). Pair probabilities and information about sequence
176  *  covariations are returned via the 'pi' variable as a list of
177  *  #vrna_pinfo_t structs. The list is terminated by the first entry with
178  *  pi.i = 0.
179  *
180  *  @deprecated Use vrna_pf() instead
181  *
182  *  @param sequences
183  *  @param structure
184  *  @param pl
185  *  @return
186  */
187 DEPRECATED(float alipf_fold( const char **sequences, char *structure, vrna_ep_t **pl),
188           "Use vrna_pf_alifold() or vrna_pf() instead");
190 /**
191  *  @brief
192  *
193  *  @deprecated Use vrna_pf() instead
194  *
195  *  @param sequences
196  *  @param structure
197  *  @param pl
198  *  @return
199  */
200 DEPRECATED(float alipf_circ_fold(const char **sequences, char *structure, vrna_ep_t **pl),
201           "Use vrna_pf_circalifold() or vrna_pf() instead");
204 /**
205  *  @brief Get a pointer to the base pair probability array
206  *
207  *  Accessing the base pair probabilities for a pair (i,j) is achieved by
208  *  @verbatim FLT_OR_DBL *pr = export_bppm(); pr_ij = pr[iindx[i]-j]; @endverbatim
209  *
210  *  @deprecated Usage of this function is discouraged! The new #vrna_fold_compound_t
211  *  allows direct access to the folding matrices, including the pair probabilities!
212  *  The pair probability array returned here reflects the one of the latest call
213  *  to vrna_pf(), or any of the old API calls for consensus structure
214  *  partition function folding.
215  *
216  *  @see #vrna_fold_compound_t, vrna_fold_compound_comparative(), and vrna_pf()
217  *
218  *  @return A pointer to the base pair probability array
219  */
220 DEPRECATED(FLT_OR_DBL *export_ali_bppm(void),
221           "Use the new API with vrna_fold_compound_t datastructure instead");
223 /**
224  *  @brief Free the memory occupied by folding matrices allocated by alipf_fold, alipf_circ_fold, etc.
225  *
226  *  @deprecated Usage of this function is discouraged! This function only free's memory
227  *  allocated by old API function calls. Memory allocated by any of the new API calls (starting with vrna_)
228  *  will be not affected!
229  *
230  *  @see #vrna_fold_compound_t, vrna_vrna_fold_compound_free()
231  *
232  */
233 DEPRECATED(void  free_alipf_arrays(void),
234           "This function is obsolete");
236 /**
237  *  @brief Sample a consensus secondary structure from the Boltzmann ensemble according its probability
238  *
239  *  @deprecated Use vrna_pbacktrack() instead!
240  *
241  *  @param  prob  to be described (berni)
242  *  @return       A sampled consensus secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
243  */
244 DEPRECATED(char  *alipbacktrack(double *prob),
245           "Use the new API and vrna_pbacktrack() instead");
247 /**
248  *  @brief Get pointers to (almost) all relavant arrays used in alifold's partition function computation
249  *
250  *  @note To obtain meaningful pointers, call alipf_fold first!
251  *
252  *  @see pf_alifold(), alipf_circ_fold()
253  *
254  *  @deprecated It is discouraged to use this function! The new #vrna_fold_compound_t allows
255  *  direct access to all necessary consensus structure prediction related variables!
256  *
257  *  @see #vrna_fold_compound_t, vrna_fold_compound_comparative(), vrna_pf()
258  *
259  *  @param S_p      A pointer to the 'S' array (integer representation of nucleotides)
260  *  @param S5_p     A pointer to the 'S5' array
261  *  @param S3_p     A pointer to the 'S3' array
262  *  @param a2s_p    A pointer to the alignment-column to sequence position mapping array
263  *  @param Ss_p     A pointer to the 'Ss' array
264  *  @param qb_p     A pointer to the Q<sup>B</sup> matrix
265  *  @param qm_p     A pointer to the Q<sup>M</sup> matrix
266  *  @param q1k_p    A pointer to the 5' slice of the Q matrix (@f$q1k(k) = Q(1, k)@f$)
267  *  @param qln_p    A pointer to the 3' slice of the Q matrix (@f$qln(l) = Q(l, n)@f$)
268  *  @param pscore   A pointer to the start of a pscore list
269  *  @return         Non Zero if everything went fine, 0 otherwise
270  */
271 DEPRECATED(int get_alipf_arrays(short ***S_p,
272                      short ***S5_p,
273                      short ***S3_p,
274                      unsigned short ***a2s_p,
275                      char ***Ss_p,
276                      FLT_OR_DBL **qb_p,
277                      FLT_OR_DBL **qm_p,
278                      FLT_OR_DBL **q1k_p,
279                      FLT_OR_DBL **qln_p,
280                      short **pscore),
281           "Use the new API with vrna_fold_compound_t datastructure instead");
284 /* End group part_func_global_deprecated */
285 /**@}*/
287 /**
288  *  @brief Update the energy parameters for alifold function
289  *
290  *  Call this to recalculate the pair matrix and energy parameters after a
291  *  change in folding parameters like #temperature
292  *
293  *  @ingroup  consensus_fold
294  *  @deprecated Usage of this function is discouraged! The new API uses #vrna_fold_compound_t
295  *  to lump all folding related necessities together, including the energy parameters. Use
296  *  vrna_update_fold_params() to update the energy parameters within a #vrna_fold_compound_t.
297  */
298 DEPRECATED(void update_alifold_params(void),
299           "Use the new API with vrna_fold_compound_t datastructure instead");
301 #endif
304 #endif