6 #include <ViennaRNA/datastructures/basic.h>
7 #include <ViennaRNA/params/basic.h>
8 #include <ViennaRNA/mfe.h>
9 #include <ViennaRNA/eval.h>
12 # if defined(__clang__)
13 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func __attribute__ ((deprecated("", msg)))
14 # elif defined(__GNUC__)
15 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func __attribute__ ((deprecated(msg)))
16 # else
17 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func
18 # endif
19 #else
20 # define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func
21 #endif
23 /**
24  *  @file fold.h
25  *  @ingroup  mfe_global_deprecated
26  *  @brief MFE calculations for single RNA sequences
27  */
29 /**
30  *  @addtogroup mfe_global_deprecated
31  *  @{
32  */
34 /**
35  *  @brief Compute minimum free energy and an appropriate secondary
36  *  structure of an RNA sequence
37  *
38  *  The first parameter given, the RNA sequence, must be @a uppercase and should only contain
39  *  an alphabet @f$\Sigma@f$ that is understood by the RNAlib\n
40  *  (e.g. @f$ \Sigma = \{A,U,C,G\} @f$)\n
41  *
42  *  The second parameter, @a structure, must always point to an allocated
43  *  block of memory with a size of at least @f$\mathrm{strlen}(\mathrm{sequence})+1@f$
44  *
45  *  If the third parameter is NULL, global model detail settings are assumed for the folding
46  *  recursions. Otherwise, the provided parameters are used.
47  *
48  *  The fourth parameter indicates whether a secondary structure constraint in enhanced dot-bracket
49  *  notation is passed through the structure parameter or not. If so, the characters " | x < > " are
50  *  recognized to mark bases that are paired, unpaired, paired upstream, or downstream, respectively.
51  *  Matching brackets " ( ) " denote base pairs, dots "." are used for unconstrained bases.
52  *
53  *  To indicate that the RNA sequence is circular and thus has to be post-processed, set the last
54  *  parameter to non-zero
55  *
56  *  After a successful call of fold_par(), a backtracked secondary structure (in dot-bracket notation)
57  *  that exhibits the minimum of free energy will be written to the memory @a structure is pointing to.
58  *  The function returns the minimum of free energy for any fold of the sequence given.
59  *
60  *  @note OpenMP: Passing NULL to the 'parameters' argument involves access to several global model
61  *        detail variables and thus is not to be considered threadsafe
62  *
63  *  @deprecated use vrna_mfe() instead!
64  *
65  *  @see vrna_mfe(), fold(), circfold(), #vrna_md_t, set_energy_model(), get_scaled_parameters()
66  *
67  *  @param sequence       RNA sequence
68  *  @param structure      A pointer to the character array where the
69  *                        secondary structure in dot-bracket notation will be written to
70  *  @param parameters     A data structure containing the pre-scaled energy contributions
71  *                        and the model details. (NULL may be passed, see OpenMP notes above)
72  *  @param is_constrained Switch to indicate that a structure constraint is passed via the structure argument (0==off)
73  *  @param is_circular    Switch to (de-)activate post-processing steps in case RNA sequence is circular (0==off)
74  *
75  *  @return the minimum free energy (MFE) in kcal/mol
76  */
78 fold_par( const char *sequence,
79           char *structure,
80           vrna_param_t *parameters,
81           int is_constrained,
82           int is_circular),
83 "Use the new API and vrna_mfe() instead");
85 /**
86  *  @brief Compute minimum free energy and an appropriate secondary structure of an RNA sequence
87  *
88  *  This function essentially does the same thing as fold_par(). However, it takes its model details,
89  *  i.e. #temperature, #dangles, #tetra_loop, #noGU, #no_closingGU, #fold_constrained, #noLonelyPairs
90  *  from the current global settings within the library
91  *
92  *  @deprecated use vrna_fold(), or vrna_mfe() instead!
93  *
94  *  @see fold_par(), circfold()
95  *
96  *  @param sequence RNA sequence
97  *  @param structure A pointer to the character array where the
98  *         secondary structure in dot-bracket notation will be written to
99  *  @return the minimum free energy (MFE) in kcal/mol
100  */
101 DEPRECATED(float fold( const char *sequence, char *structure),
102 "Use vrna_fold() or vrna_mfe() instead");
104 /**
105  *  @brief Compute minimum free energy and an appropriate secondary structure of a circular RNA sequence
106  *
107  *  This function essentially does the same thing as fold_par(). However, it takes its model details,
108  *  i.e. #temperature, #dangles, #tetra_loop, #noGU, #no_closingGU, #fold_constrained, #noLonelyPairs
109  *  from the current global settings within the library
110  *
111  *  @deprecated Use vrna_circfold(), or vrna_mfe() instead!
112  *
113  *  @see fold_par(), circfold()
114  *
115  *  @param sequence RNA sequence
116  *  @param structure A pointer to the character array where the
117  *         secondary structure in dot-bracket notation will be written to
118  *  @return the minimum free energy (MFE) in kcal/mol
119  */
120 DEPRECATED(float circfold( const char *sequence, char *structure),
121 "Use vrna_circfold() or vrna_mfe() instead");
124 /**
125  *  @brief Free arrays for mfe folding
126  *
127  *  @deprecated See vrna_fold(), vrna_circfold(), or vrna_mfe() and #vrna_fold_compound_t for the usage of the new API!
128  *
129  */
130 DEPRECATED(void free_arrays(void),
131 "This function is obsolete");
135 /**
136  *  @brief Recalculate energy parameters
137  *
138  *  @deprecated For non-default model settings use the new API with vrna_params_subst() and vrna_mfe() instead!
139  *
140  */
141 DEPRECATED(void update_fold_params(void),
142 "This function is obsolete");
144 /**
145  *  @brief Recalculate energy parameters
146  *
147  *  @deprecated For non-default model settings use the new API with vrna_params_subst() and vrna_mfe() instead!
148  *
149  */
150 DEPRECATED(void update_fold_params_par(vrna_param_t *parameters),
151 "Use the new API with vrna_fold_compound_t datastructure instead");
153 /**
154  *
155  *  @deprecated See vrna_mfe() and #vrna_fold_compound_t for the usage of the new API!
156  *
157  */
159 export_fold_arrays( int **f5_p,
160                     int **c_p,
161                     int **fML_p,
162                     int **fM1_p,
163                     int **indx_p,
164                     char **ptype_p),
165 "Use the new API with vrna_fold_compound_t datastructure instead");
167 /**
168  *
169  *  @deprecated See vrna_mfe() and #vrna_fold_compound_t for the usage of the new API!
170  *
171  */
173 export_fold_arrays_par( int **f5_p,
174                         int **c_p,
175                         int **fML_p,
176                         int **fM1_p,
177                         int **indx_p,
178                         char **ptype_p,
179                         vrna_param_t **P_p),
180 "Use the new API with vrna_fold_compound_t datastructure instead");
182 /**
183  *
184  *  @deprecated See vrna_mfe() and #vrna_fold_compound_t for the usage of the new API!
185  *
186  */
188 export_circfold_arrays( int *Fc_p,
189                         int *FcH_p,
190                         int *FcI_p,
191                         int *FcM_p,
192                         int **fM2_p,
193                         int **f5_p,
194                         int **c_p,
195                         int **fML_p,
196                         int **fM1_p,
197                         int **indx_p,
198                         char **ptype_p),
199 "Use the new API with vrna_fold_compound_t datastructure instead");
201 /**
202  *
203  *  @deprecated See vrna_mfe() and #vrna_fold_compound_t for the usage of the new API!
204  *
205  */
207 export_circfold_arrays_par( int *Fc_p,
208                             int *FcH_p,
209                             int *FcI_p,
210                             int *FcM_p,
211                             int **fM2_p,
212                             int **f5_p,
213                             int **c_p,
214                             int **fML_p,
215                             int **fM1_p,
216                             int **indx_p,
217                             char **ptype_p,
218                             vrna_param_t **P_p),
219 "Use the new API with vrna_fold_compound_t datastructure instead");
223 /* finally moved the loop energy function declarations to this header...  */
224 /* BUT: The functions only exist for backward compatibility reasons!      */
225 /* You better include "loop_energies.h" and call the functions:           */
226 /* E_Hairpin() and E_IntLoop() which are (almost) threadsafe as they get  */
227 /* a pointer to the energy parameter data structure as additional argument */
229 /**
230  *  @deprecated {This function is deprecated and will be removed soon.
231  *  Use @ref E_IntLoop() instead!}
232  */
233 DEPRECATED(int LoopEnergy(int n1,
234                           int n2,
235                           int type,
236                           int type_2,
237                           int si1,
238                           int sj1,
239                           int sp1,
240                           int sq1),
241 "This function is obsolete");
243 /**
244  *  @deprecated {This function is deprecated and will be removed soon.
245  *  Use @ref E_Hairpin() instead!}
246  */
247 DEPRECATED(int HairpinE(int size,
248                         int type,
249                         int si1,
250                         int sj1,
251                         const char *string),
252 "Use E_Hairpin() instead");
254 /**
255  *  Allocate arrays for folding\n
256  *  @deprecated See vrna_mfe() and #vrna_fold_compound_t for the usage of the new API!
257  *
258  */
259 DEPRECATED(void initialize_fold(int length),
260 "This function is obsolete");
262 /**
263  *
264  */
265 DEPRECATED(char *backtrack_fold_from_pair(char *sequence,
266                                           int i,
267                                           int j),
268 "This function is obsolete. Consider using vrna_backtrack_from_intervals() instead");
271 #endif
273 /**
274  *  @}
275  */
277 #endif