4 #include <stdio.h>
5 #include <ViennaRNA/fold_compound.h>
7 #ifdef VRNA_WITH_SVM
8 #include <ViennaRNA/zscore.h>
9 #endif
11 /**
12  *
13  *  @file mfe_window.h
14  *  @ingroup  mfe, mfe_window
15  *  @brief Compute local Minimum Free Energy (MFE) using a sliding window approach and
16  *         backtrace corresponding secondary structures
17  *
18  *  This file includes the interface to all functions related to predicting locally
19  *  stable secondary structures.
20  */
23 /**
24  *  @addtogroup  mfe_window
25  *  @{
26  *  @brief  Variations of the local (sliding window) Minimum Free Energy (MFE) prediction algorithm
27  *
28  *  We provide implementations for the local (sliding window) MFE prediction algorithm for
29  *  * Single sequences,
30  *  * Multiple sequence alignments (MSA), and
31  *
32  *  Note, that our implementation scans an RNA sequence (or MSA) from the 3' to the 5'
33  *  end, and reports back locally optimal (consensus) structures, the corresponding free
34  *  energy, and the position of the sliding window in global coordinates.
35  *
36  *  For any particular RNA sequence (or MSA) multiple locally optimal (consensus)
37  *  secondary structures may be predicted. Thus, we tried to implement an interface that
38  *  allows for an effortless conversion of the corresponding hits into any target data
39  *  structure. As a consequence, we provide two distinct ways to retrieve the corresponding
40  *  predictions, either
41  *  * through directly writing to an open @p FILE stream on-the-fly, or
42  *  * through a callback function mechanism.
43  *
44  *  The latter allows one to store the results in any possible target data structure. Our
45  *  implementations then pass the results through the user-implemented callback as soon as
46  *  the prediction for a particular window is finished.
47  */
49 /**
50  *  @brief  The default callback for sliding window MFE structure predictions
51  *
52  *  @callback
53  *  @parblock
54  *  This function will be called for each hit in a sliding window MFE prediction.
55  *  @endparblock
56  *  @see vrna_mfe_window()
57  *
58  *  @param start provides the first position of the hit (1-based, relative to entire sequence/alignment)
59  *  @param end provides the last position of the hit (1-based, relative to the entire sequence/alignment)
60  *  @param structure provides the (sub)structure in dot-bracket notation
61  *  @param en is the free energy of the structure hit in kcal/mol
62  *  @param data is some arbitrary data pointer passed through by the function executing the callback
63  */
64 typedef void (vrna_mfe_window_callback)(int         start,
65                                         int         end,
66                                         const char  *structure,
67                                         float       en,
68                                         void        *data);
71 #ifdef VRNA_WITH_SVM
72 typedef void (vrna_mfe_window_zscore_callback)(int        start,
73                                                int        end,
74                                                const char *structure,
75                                                float      en,
76                                                float      zscore,
77                                                void       *data);
78 #endif
80 /**
81  *  @name Basic local (sliding window) MFE prediction interface
82  *  @{
83  */
85 /**
86  *  @brief Local MFE prediction using a sliding window approach.
87  *
88  *  Computes minimum free energy structures using a sliding window
89  *  approach, where base pairs may not span outside the window.
90  *  In contrast to vrna_mfe(), where a maximum base pair span
91  *  may be set using the #vrna_md_t.max_bp_span attribute and one
92  *  globally optimal structure is predicted, this function uses a
93  *  sliding window to retrieve all locally optimal structures within
94  *  each window.
95  *  The size of the sliding window is set in the #vrna_md_t.window_size
96  *  attribute, prior to the retrieval of the #vrna_fold_compound_t
97  *  using vrna_fold_compound() with option #VRNA_OPTION_WINDOW
98  *
99  *  The predicted structures are written on-the-fly, either to
100  *  stdout, if a NULL pointer is passed as file parameter, or to
101  *  the corresponding filehandle.
102  *
103  *  @see  vrna_fold_compound(), vrna_mfe_window_zscore(), vrna_mfe(),
104  *        vrna_Lfold(), vrna_Lfoldz(),
105  *        #VRNA_OPTION_WINDOW, #vrna_md_t.max_bp_span, #vrna_md_t.window_size
106  *
107  *  @param  vc        The #vrna_fold_compound_t with preallocated memory for the DP matrices
108  *  @param  file      The output file handle where predictions are written to (maybe NULL)
109  */
110 float
111 vrna_mfe_window(vrna_fold_compound_t  *vc,
112                 FILE                  *file);
115 float
116 vrna_mfe_window_cb(vrna_fold_compound_t     *vc,
117                    vrna_mfe_window_callback *cb,
118                    void                     *data);
121 #ifdef VRNA_WITH_SVM
122 /**
123  *  @brief Local MFE prediction using a sliding window approach (with z-score cut-off)
124  *
125  *  Computes minimum free energy structures using a sliding window
126  *  approach, where base pairs may not span outside the window.
127  *  This function is the z-score version of vrna_mfe_window(), i.e.
128  *  only predictions above a certain z-score cut-off value are
129  *  printed.
130  *  As for vrna_mfe_window(), the size of the sliding window is set in
131  *  the #vrna_md_t.window_size attribute, prior to the retrieval of
132  *  the #vrna_fold_compound_t using vrna_fold_compound() with option
134  *
135  *  The predicted structures are written on-the-fly, either to
136  *  stdout, if a NULL pointer is passed as file parameter, or to
137  *  the corresponding filehandle.
138  *
139  *  @see  vrna_fold_compound(), vrna_mfe_window_zscore(), vrna_mfe(),
140  *        vrna_Lfold(), vrna_Lfoldz(),
141  *        #VRNA_OPTION_WINDOW, #vrna_md_t.max_bp_span, #vrna_md_t.window_size
142  *
143  *  @param  vc        The #vrna_fold_compound_t with preallocated memory for the DP matrices
144  *  @param  min_z     The minimal z-score for a predicted structure to appear in the output
145  *  @param  file      The output file handle where predictions are written to (maybe NULL)
146  */
147 float
148 vrna_mfe_window_zscore(vrna_fold_compound_t *vc,
149                        double               min_z,
150                        FILE                 *file);
153 float
154 vrna_mfe_window_zscore_cb(vrna_fold_compound_t            *vc,
155                           double                          min_z,
156                           vrna_mfe_window_zscore_callback *cb,
157                           void                            *data);
160 #endif
162 /* End basic local MFE interface */
163 /**@}*/
165 /**
166  *  @name Simplified local MFE prediction using sequence(s) or multiple sequence alignment(s)
167  *  @{
168  */
170 /**
171  *  @brief Local MFE prediction using a sliding window approach (simplified interface)
172  *
173  *  This simplified interface to vrna_mfe_window() computes the MFE and locally
174  *  optimal secondary structure using default options. Structures are predicted
175  *  using a sliding window approach, where base pairs may not span outside the
176  *  window. Memory required for dynamic programming (DP) matrices will
177  *  be allocated and free'd on-the-fly. Hence, after return of this function, the recursively filled
178  *  matrices are not available any more for any post-processing.
179  *
180  *  @note In case you want to use the filled DP matrices for any subsequent post-processing step, or
181  *  you require other conditions than specified by the default model details, use vrna_mfe_window(),
182  *  and the data structure #vrna_fold_compound_t instead.
183  *
184  *  @see  vrna_mfe_window(), vrna_Lfoldz(), vrna_mfe_window_zscore()
185  *
186  *  @param  string      The nucleic acid sequence
187  *  @param  window_size The window size for locally optimal structures
188  *  @param  file        The output file handle where predictions are written to (if NULL, output is written to stdout)
189  */
190 float
191 vrna_Lfold(const char *string,
192            int        window_size,
193            FILE       *file);
196 float
197 vrna_Lfold_cb(const char                *string,
198               int                       window_size,
199               vrna_mfe_window_callback  *cb,
200               void                      *data);
203 #ifdef VRNA_WITH_SVM
204 /**
205  *  @brief Local MFE prediction using a sliding window approach with z-score cut-off (simplified interface)
206  *
207  *  This simplified interface to vrna_mfe_window_zscore() computes the MFE and locally
208  *  optimal secondary structure using default options. Structures are predicted
209  *  using a sliding window approach, where base pairs may not span outside the
210  *  window. Memory required for dynamic programming (DP) matrices will
211  *  be allocated and free'd on-the-fly. Hence, after return of this function, the recursively filled
212  *  matrices are not available any more for any post-processing.
213  *  This function is the z-score version of vrna_Lfold(), i.e.
214  *  only predictions above a certain z-score cut-off value are
215  *  printed.
216  *
217  *  @note In case you want to use the filled DP matrices for any subsequent post-processing step, or
218  *  you require other conditions than specified by the default model details, use vrna_mfe_window(),
219  *  and the data structure #vrna_fold_compound_t instead.
220  *
221  *  @see  vrna_mfe_window_zscore(), vrna_Lfold(), vrna_mfe_window()
222  *
223  *  @param  string      The nucleic acid sequence
224  *  @param  window_size The window size for locally optimal structures
225  *  @param  min_z       The minimal z-score for a predicted structure to appear in the output
226  *  @param  file        The output file handle where predictions are written to (if NULL, output is written to stdout)
227  */
228 float
229 vrna_Lfoldz(const char  *string,
230             int         window_size,
231             double      min_z,
232             FILE        *file);
235 float
236 vrna_Lfoldz_cb(const char                       *string,
237                int                              window_size,
238                double                           min_z,
239                vrna_mfe_window_zscore_callback  *cb,
240                void                             *data);
243 #endif
245 float vrna_aliLfold(const char  **alignment,
246                     int         maxdist,
247                     FILE        *fp);
250 float vrna_aliLfold_cb(const char               **alignment,
251                        int                      maxdist,
252                        vrna_mfe_window_callback *cb,
253                        void                     *data);
256 /* End simplified local MFE interface */
257 /**@}*/
259 /* End group mfe_fold_window */
260 /**@}*/
263 #endif