4 /**
5  *  @file     part_func_window.h
6  *  @ingroup  pf_fold, part_func_window
7  *  @brief    Partition function and equilibrium probability implementation for the sliding window algorithm
8  *
9  *  This file contains the implementation for sliding window partition function and equilibrium
10  *  probabilities. It also provides the unpaired probability implementation from Bernhart et al.
11  *  2011 @cite bernhart:2011
12  */
15 #include <ViennaRNA/datastructures/basic.h>
17 /**
18  *  @addtogroup part_func_window
19  *  @{
20  *  @brief  Scanning version using a sliding window approach to compute equilibrium
21  *          probabilities
22  */
24 /**
25  * @brief Sliding window probability computation callback
26  *
27  * @callback
28  * @parblock
29  * This function will be called for each probability data set in the sliding
30  * window probability computation implementation of vrna_probs_window().
31  * The argument @a type specifies the type of probability that is passed to
32  * this function.
33  * @endparblock
34  *
35  * #### Types: ####
39  *
40  * The above types usually come exclusively. However, for unpaired
41  * probabilities, the #VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_UP flag is OR-ed together
42  * with one of the loop type contexts
43  *
44  *  * #VRNA_EXT_LOOP  - @copybrief #VRNA_EXT_LOOP
45  *  * #VRNA_HP_LOOP   - @copybrief #VRNA_HP_LOOP
46  *  * #VRNA_INT_LOOP  - @copybrief #VRNA_INT_LOOP
47  *  * #VRNA_MB_LOOP   - @copybrief #VRNA_MB_LOOP
48  *  * #VRNA_ANY_LOOP  - @copybrief #VRNA_ANY_LOOP
49  *
50  * to indicate the particular type of data available through the @p pr
51  * pointer.
52  *
53  * @see vrna_probs_window(), vrna_pfl_fold_up_cb()
54  *
55  * @param pr      An array of probabilities
56  * @param pr_size The length of the probability array
57  * @param i       The i-position (5') of the probabilities
58  * @param max     The (theoretical) maximum length of the probability array
59  * @param type    The type of data that is provided
60  * @param data    Auxiliary data
61  */
63 typedef void (vrna_probs_window_callback)(FLT_OR_DBL    *pr,
64                                           int           pr_size,
65                                           int           i,
66                                           int           max,
67                                           unsigned int  type,
68                                           void          *data);
70 #include <ViennaRNA/fold_compound.h>
71 #include <ViennaRNA/utils/structures.h>
73 /**
74  *  @brief  Exterior loop
75  */
76 #define VRNA_EXT_LOOP   1U
78 /**
79  *  @brief  Hairpin loop
80  */
81 #define VRNA_HP_LOOP    2U
83 /**
84  *  @brief  Internal loop
85  */
86 #define VRNA_INT_LOOP   4U
88 /**
89  *  @brief  Multibranch loop
90  */
91 #define VRNA_MB_LOOP    8U
93 /**
94  *  @brief  Any loop
95  */
99 /**
100  *  @brief  Trigger base pairing probabilities
101  *
102  *  Passing this flag to vrna_probs_window() activates callback execution for base
103  *  pairing probabilities. In turn, the corresponding callback receives this flag
104  *  through the @p type argument whenever base pairing probabilities are provided.
105  *
106  *  Detailed information for the algorithm to compute unpaired probabilities
107  *  can be taken from @cite bernhart:2005.
108  *
109  *  @see  vrna_probs_window()
110  */
111 #define VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_BPP  4096U
113 /**
114  *  @brief  Trigger unpaired probabilities
115  *
116  *  Passing this flag to vrna_probs_window() activates callback execution for
117  *  unpaired probabilities. In turn, the corresponding callback receives this flag
118  *  through the @p type argument whenever unpaired probabilities are provided.
119  *
120  *  Detailed information for the algorithm to compute unpaired probabilities
121  *  can be taken from @cite bernhart:2011.
122  *
123  *  @see  vrna_probs_window()
124  */
125 #define VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_UP   8192U
127 /**
128  *  @brief Trigger base pair stack probabilities
129  *
130  *  Passing this flag to vrna_probs_window() activates callback execution for
131  *  stacking probabilities. In turn, the corresponding callback receives this flag
132  *  through the @p type argument whenever stack probabilities are provided.
133  *
134  *  @bug  Currently, this flag is a placeholder doing nothing as the corresponding
135  *        implementation for stack probability computation is missing.
136  *
137  *  @see  vrna_probs_window()
138  */
139 #define VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_STACKP   16384U
141 /**
142  *  @brief  Trigger detailed unpaired probabilities split up into different loop type contexts
143  *
144  *  Passing this flag to vrna_probs_window() activates callback execution for
145  *  unpaired probabilities. In contrast to #VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_UP this flag requests
146  *  unpaired probabilities to be split up into different loop type contexts. In turn,
147  *  the corresponding callback receives the #VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_UP flag OR-ed together
148  *  with the corresponding loop type, i.e.:
149  *
150  *  * #VRNA_EXT_LOOP  - @copybrief #VRNA_EXT_LOOP
151  *  * #VRNA_HP_LOOP   - @copybrief #VRNA_HP_LOOP
152  *  * #VRNA_INT_LOOP  - @copybrief #VRNA_INT_LOOP
153  *  * #VRNA_MB_LOOP   - @copybrief #VRNA_MB_LOOP
154  *  * #VRNA_ANY_LOOP  - @copybrief #VRNA_ANY_LOOP
155  *
156  *  @see  vrna_probs_window(), #VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_UP
157  */
158 #define VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_UP_SPLIT   32768U
161 /**
162  *  @brief  Trigger partition function
163  *
164  *  Passing this flag to vrna_probs_window() activates callback execution for
165  *  partition function. In turn, the corresponding callback receives this flag
166  *  through it's @p type argument whenever partition function data is provided.
167  *
168  *  @note Instead of actually providing the partition function @f$Z@f$, the
169  *        callback is always provided with the corresponding enemble free energy
170  *        @f$\Delta G = - RT \ln Z@f$.
171  *
172  *  @see  vrna_probs_window()
173  */
174 #define VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_PF        65536U
176 /**
177  *  @name Basic local partition function interface
178  *  @{
179  */
181 /**
182  *  @brief  Compute various equilibrium probabilities under a sliding window approach
183  *
184  *  This function applies a sliding window scan for the sequence provided with the
185  *  argument @p fc and reports back equilibrium probabilities through the callback
186  *  function @p cb. The data reported to the callback depends on the @p options flag.
187  *
188  *  @note   The parameter @p ulength only affects computation and resulting data if unpaired
189  *          probability computations are requested through the @p options flag.
190  *
191  *  #### Options: ####
192  *  * #VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_BPP      - @copybrief #VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_BPP
193  *  * #VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_UP       - @copybrief #VRNA_PROBS_WINDOW_UP
195  *
196  *  Options may be OR-ed together
197  *
198  *  @see  vrna_pfl_fold_cb(), vrna_pfl_fold_up_cb()
199  *
200  *  @param  fc            The fold compound with sequence data, model settings and precomputed energy parameters
201  *  @param  ulength       The maximal length of an unpaired segment (only for unpaired probability computations)
202  *  @param  cb            The callback function which collects the pair probability data for further processing
203  *  @param  data          Some arbitrary data structure that is passed to the callback @p cb
204  *  @param  options       Option flags to control the behavior of this function
205  *  @return               0 on failure, non-zero on success
206  */
207 int
208 vrna_probs_window(vrna_fold_compound_t        *fc,
209                   int                         ulength,
210                   unsigned int                options,
211                   vrna_probs_window_callback  *cb,
212                   void                        *data);
214 /* End basic interface */
215 /**@}*/
217 /**
218  *  @name Simplified global partition function computation using sequence(s) or multiple sequence alignment(s)
219  *  @{
220  */
222 /**
223  *  @brief  Compute base pair probabilities using a sliding-window approach
224  *
225  *  This is a simplified wrapper to vrna_probs_window() that given a nucleid acid sequence,
226  *  a window size, a maximum base pair span, and a cutoff value computes the pair probabilities
227  *  for any base pair in any window. The pair probabilities are returned as a list and the user
228  *  has to take care to free() the memory occupied by the list.
229  *
230  *  @note This function uses default model settings! For custom model settings, we refer to
231  *        the function vrna_probs_window().
232  *
233  *  @note In case of any computation errors, this function returns @p NULL
234  *
235  *  @see    vrna_probs_window(), vrna_pfl_fold_cb(), vrna_pfl_fold_up()
236  *
237  *  @param  sequence      The nucleic acid input sequence
238  *  @param  window_size   The size of the sliding window
239  *  @param  max_bp_span   The maximum distance along the backbone between two nucleotides that form a base pairs
240  *  @param  cutoff        A cutoff value that omits all pairs with lower probability
241  *  @return               A list of base pair probabilities, terminated by an entry with #vrna_ep_t.i and #vrna_ep_t.j set to 0
242  */
243 vrna_ep_t *
244 vrna_pfl_fold(const char  *sequence,
245               int         window_size,
246               int         max_bp_span,
247               float       cutoff);
250 /**
251  *  @brief  Compute base pair probabilities using a sliding-window approach (callback version)
252  *
253  *  This is a simplified wrapper to vrna_probs_window() that given a nucleid acid sequence,
254  *  a window size, a maximum base pair span, and a cutoff value computes the pair probabilities
255  *  for any base pair in any window. It is similar to vrna_pfl_fold() but uses a callback mechanism
256  *  to return the pair probabilities.
257  *
258  *  Read the details for vrna_probs_window() for details on the callback implementation!
259  *
260  *  @note This function uses default model settings! For custom model settings, we refer to
261  *        the function vrna_probs_window().
262  *
263  *  @see    vrna_probs_window(), vrna_pfl_fold(), vrna_pfl_fold_up_cb()
264  *
265  *  @param  sequence      The nucleic acid input sequence
266  *  @param  window_size   The size of the sliding window
267  *  @param  max_bp_span   The maximum distance along the backbone between two nucleotides that form a base pairs
268  *  @param  cb            The callback function which collects the pair probability data for further processing
269  *  @param  data          Some arbitrary data structure that is passed to the callback @p cb
270  *  @return               0 on failure, non-zero on success
271  */
272 int
273 vrna_pfl_fold_cb(const char                 *sequence,
274                  int                        window_size,
275                  int                        max_bp_span,
276                  vrna_probs_window_callback *cb,
277                  void                       *data);
280 /**
281  *  @brief  Compute probability of contiguous unpaired segments
282  *
283  *  This is a simplified wrapper to vrna_probs_window() that given a nucleic acid sequence,
284  *  a maximum length of unpaired segments (@p ulength), a window size, and a maximum base
285  *  pair span computes the equilibrium probability of any segment not exceeding @p ulength.
286  *  The probabilities to be unpaired are returned as a 1-based, 2-dimensional matrix with
287  *  dimensions @f$ N \times M @f$, where @f$N@f$ is the length of the sequence and @f$M@f$
288  *  is the maximum segment length. As an example, the probability of a segment of size 5
289  *  starting at position 100 is stored in the matrix entry @f$X[100][5]@f$.
290  *
291  *  It is the users responsibility to free the memory occupied by this matrix.
292  *
293  *  @note This function uses default model settings! For custom model settings, we refer to
294  *        the function vrna_probs_window().
295  *
296  *  @param  sequence      The nucleic acid input sequence
297  *  @param  ulength       The maximal length of an unpaired segment
298  *  @param  window_size   The size of the sliding window
299  *  @param  max_bp_span   The maximum distance along the backbone between two nucleotides that form a base pairs
300  *  @return               The probabilities to be unpaired for any segment not exceeding @p ulength
301  */
302 double **
303 vrna_pfl_fold_up(const char *sequence,
304                  int        ulength,
305                  int        window_size,
306                  int        max_bp_span);
309 /**
310  *  @brief  Compute probability of contiguous unpaired segments
311  *
312  *  This is a simplified wrapper to vrna_probs_window() that given a nucleic acid sequence,
313  *  a maximum length of unpaired segments (@p ulength), a window size, and a maximum base
314  *  pair span computes the equilibrium probability of any segment not exceeding @p ulength.
315  *  It is similar to vrna_pfl_fold_up() but uses a callback mechanism to return the unpaired
316  *  probabilities.
317  *
318  *  Read the details for vrna_probs_window() for details on the callback implementation!
319  *
320  *
321  *  @note This function uses default model settings! For custom model settings, we refer to
322  *        the function vrna_probs_window().
323  *
324  *  @param  sequence      The nucleic acid input sequence
325  *  @param  ulength       The maximal length of an unpaired segment
326  *  @param  window_size   The size of the sliding window
327  *  @param  max_bp_span   The maximum distance along the backbone between two nucleotides that form a base pairs
328  *  @param  cb            The callback function which collects the pair probability data for further processing
329  *  @param  data          Some arbitrary data structure that is passed to the callback @p cb
330  *  @return               0 on failure, non-zero on success
331  */
332 int
333 vrna_pfl_fold_up_cb(const char                  *sequence,
334                     int                         ulength,
335                     int                         window_size,
336                     int                         max_bp_span,
337                     vrna_probs_window_callback  *cb,
338                     void                        *data);
341 /* End simplified interface */
342 /**@}*/
345 /**@}*/
347 #endif