4 /**
5  *  @file pk_plex.h
6  *  @ingroup  pseudoknots
7  *  @brief    Heuristics for two-step pseudoknot forming interaction predictions
8  */
10 /**
11  *  @addtogroup   pseudoknots
12  *  @{
13  *
14  *  @brief Implementations to predict pseudoknotted structures
15  *
16  */
18 /**
19  *  @brief Pseudoknot loop scoring function prototype
20  *
21  *  This function is used to evaluate a formed pseudoknot (PK) interaction in vrna_pk_plex().
22  *  It is supposed to take a PK-free secondary structure as input and coordinates
23  *  of an additional interaction site. From this data, the energy (penalty) to score the
24  *  PK loop is derived and returned in decakal/mol.
25  *  Upon passing zero in any of the interaction site coordinates (@p start_5, @p end_5,
26  *  @p start_3, @p end_3) or a @em NULL pointer in @p pt, the function must return a
27  *  PK loop score. This minimum PK loop score is used in the first phase of the heuristic
28  *  implemented in vrna_pk_plex() to assess whether a particular interaction is further
29  *  taken into account in a later, more thorough evaluation step.
30  *
31  *  The simplest scoring function would simply return a constant score for any
32  *  PK loop, no matter what type of loop is formed and how large the loop is. This
33  *  is the default if vrna_pk_plex_opt_defaults() or vrna_pk_plex_opt() is used to
34  *  generate options for vrna_pk_plex().
35  *
36  *  @see vrna_pk_plex_opt_fun(), vrna_pk_plex()
37  *  @param  pt        The secondary structure (without pseudoknot) in pair table notation
38  *  @param  start_5   The start coordinate of the 5' site of the pseudoknot interaction
39  *  @param  end_5     The end coordinate of the 5' site of the pseudoknot interaction
40  *  @param  start_3   The start coordinate of the 3' site of the pseudoknot interaction
41  *  @param  end_3     The end coordinate of the 3' site of the pseudoknot interaction
42  *  @param  data      An arbitrary data structure passed from the calling function
43  *  @return           The energy (penalty) of the resulting pseudoknot
44  */
45 typedef int (vrna_callback_pk_plex_score)(const short *pt,
46                                           int         start_5,
47                                           int         end_5,
48                                           int         start_3,
49                                           int         end_3,
50                                           void        *data);
52 /**
53  *  @brief  RNA PKplex options object
54  *
55  *  @see  vrna_pk_plex_opt_defaults(), vrna_pk_plex_opt(), vrna_pk_plex_opt_fun(),
56  *        vrna_pk_plex(), #vrna_callback_pk_plex_score
57  */
58 typedef struct vrna_pk_plex_option_s *vrna_pk_plex_opt_t;
60 /**
61  *  @brief  Convenience typedef for results of the RNA PKplex prediction
62  *
63  *  @see #vrna_pk_plex_results_s, vrna_pk_plex()
64  */
65 typedef struct vrna_pk_plex_result_s vrna_pk_plex_t;
67 #include <ViennaRNA/fold_compound.h>
69 /**
70  *  @brief A result of the RNA PKplex interaction prediction
71  *
72  *  @see #vrna_pk_plex_t
73  */
74 struct vrna_pk_plex_result_s {
75   char          *structure; /**< @brief Secondary Structure in dot-bracket notation */
76   double        energy;     /**< @brief Net free energy in kcal/mol */
77   double        dGpk;       /**< @brief Free energy of PK loop in kcal/mol */
78   double        dGint;      /**< @brief Free energy of PK forming duplex interaction */
79   double        dG1;        /**< @brief Opening energy for the 5' interaction site used in the heuristic */
80   double        dG2;        /**< @brief Opening energy for the 3' interaction site used in the heuristic */
81   unsigned int  start_5;    /**< @brief Start coordinate of the 5' interaction site */
82   unsigned int  end_5;      /**< @brief End coordinate of the 5' interaction site */
83   unsigned int  start_3;    /**< @brief Start coordinate of the 3' interaction site */
84   unsigned int  end_3;      /**< @brief End coordinate of the 3' interaction site */
85 };
87 /**
88  *  @brief Predict Pseudoknot interactions in terms of a two-step folding process
89  *
90  *  Computes simple pseudoknot interactions according to the PKplex algorithm. This
91  *  simple heuristic first compiles a list of potential interaction sites that may
92  *  form a pseudoknot. The resulting candidate interactions are then fixed and an
93  *  PK-free MFE structure for the remainder of the sequence is computed.
94  *
95  *  The @p accessibility argument is a list of opening energies for potential
96  *  interaction sites. It is used in the first step of the algorithm to identify
97  *  potential interactions. Upon passing @em NULL, the opening energies are determined
98  *  automatically based on the current model settings.
99  *
100  *  Depending on the @p options, the function can return the MFE (incl. PK loops)
101  *  or suboptimal structures within an energy band around the MFE. The PK loop is
102  *  internally scored by a scoring function that in the simplest cases assigns a
103  *  constant value for each PK loop. More complicated scoring functions can be
104  *  passed as well, see #vrna_callback_pk_plex_score and vrna_pk_plex_opt_fun().
105  *
106  *  The function returns @em NULL on any error. Otherwise, a list of structures
107  *  and interaction coordinates with corresponding energy contributions is returned.
108  *  If no PK-interaction that satisfies the options is found, the list only
109  *  consists of the PK-free MFE structure.
110  *
111  *  @param  fc  fold compound with the input sequence and model settings
112  *  @param  accessibility   An array of opening energies for the implemented heuristic (maybe @em NULL)
113  *  @param  options         An #vrna_pk_plex_opt_t options data structure that determines the algorithm parameters
114  *  @return                 A list of potentially pseudoknotted structures (Last element in the list indicated by @em NULL value in #vrna_pk_plex_result_s.structure)
115  */
116 vrna_pk_plex_t *
117 vrna_pk_plex(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc,
118              const int            **accessibility,
119              vrna_pk_plex_opt_t   options);
122 /**
123  *  @brief  Obtain a list of opening energies suitable for PKplex computations
124  *
125  *  @see vrna_pk_plex()
126  *
127  *  @param  sequence  The RNA sequence
128  *  @param  unpaired  The maximum number of unpaired nucleotides, i.e. length of interaction
129  *  @param  cutoff    A cutoff value for unpaired probabilities
130  *  @return           Opening energies as required for vrna_pk_plex()
131  */
132 int **
133 vrna_pk_plex_accessibility(const char   *sequence,
134                            unsigned int unpaired,
135                            double       cutoff);
138 /**
139  *  @brief  Default options for PKplex algorithm
140  *
141  *  @see vrna_pk_plex(), vrna_pk_plex_opt(), vrna_pk_plex_opt_fun()
142  *
143  *  @return An options data structure suitabe for PKplex computations
144  */
145 vrna_pk_plex_opt_t
146 vrna_pk_plex_opt_defaults(void);
149 /**
150  *  @brief  Simple options for PKplex algorithm
151  *
152  *  @see vrna_pk_plex(), vrna_pk_plex_opt_defaults(), vrna_pk_plex_opt_fun()
153  *
154  *  @param  delta                   Size of energy band around MFE for suboptimal results in dekacal/mol
155  *  @param  max_interaction_length  Maximum length of interaction
156  *  @param  pk_penalty              Energy constant to score the PK forming loop
157  *  @return                         An options data structure suitabe for PKplex computations
158  */
159 vrna_pk_plex_opt_t
160 vrna_pk_plex_opt(unsigned int delta,
161                  unsigned int max_interaction_length,
162                  int          pk_penalty);
165 /**
166  *  @brief  Simple options for PKplex algorithm
167  *
168  *  @see vrna_pk_plex(), vrna_pk_plex_opt_defaults(), vrna_pk_plex_opt(), #vrna_callback_pk_plex_score
169  *
170  *  @param  delta                   Size of energy band around MFE for suboptimal results in dekacal/mol
171  *  @param  max_interaction_length  Maximum length of interaction
172  *  @param  scoring_function        Energy evaluating function to score the PK forming loop
173  *  @param  scoring_data            An arbitrary data structure passed to the scoring function (maybe @em NUL)
174  *  @return                         An options data structure suitabe for PKplex computations
175  */
176 vrna_pk_plex_opt_t
177 vrna_pk_plex_opt_fun(unsigned int                 delta,
178                      unsigned int                 max_interaction_length,
179                      vrna_callback_pk_plex_score  *scoring_function,
180                      void                         *scoring_data);
183 /**
184  * @}
185  */
187 #endif