4 #include <ViennaRNA/fold_compound.h>
6 /**
7  *  @file     constraints/basic.h
8  *  @ingroup  constraints
9  *  @brief    Functions and data structures for constraining secondary structure predictions and evaluation
10  */
12 /**
13  *  @addtogroup constraints
14  *
15  *  @brief This module provides general functions that allow for an easy control of
16  *  constrained secondary structure prediction and evaluation.
17  *
18  *  Secondary Structure constraints can be subdivided into two groups:
19  *
20  *  - @ref hard_constraints, and
21  *  - @ref soft_constraints.
22  *
23  *  While Hard-Constraints directly influence the production rules used in the folding
24  *  recursions by allowing, disallowing, or enforcing certain decomposition steps,
25  *  Soft-constraints on the other hand are used to change position specific contributions
26  *  in the recursions by adding bonuses/penalties in form of pseudo free energies
27  *  to certain loop configurations.
28  *
29  *  Secondary structure constraints are always applied at decomposition level, i.e.
30  *  in each step of the recursive structure decomposition, for instance during MFE
31  *  prediction. Below is a visualization of the decomposition scheme
32  *
33  *  @image html   recursions.svg
34  *  @image latex  recursions.eps
35  *
36  *  For @ref hard_constraints the following option flags may be used to constrain
37  *  the pairing behavior of single, or pairs of nucleotides:
38  *
48  *
49  *  However, for @ref soft_constraints we do not allow for simple loop type
50  *  dependent constraining. But soft constraints are equipped with generic constraint
51  *  support. This enables the user to pass arbitrary callback functions that
52  *  return auxiliary energy contributions for evaluation the evaluation of any
53  *  decomposition.
54  *
55  *  The callback will then always be notified about the type of decomposition
56  *  that is happening, and the corresponding delimiting sequence positions. The
57  *  following decomposition steps are distinguished, and should be captured by
58  *  the user's implementation of the callback:
59  *
63  *  - #VRNA_DECOMP_ML_ML_ML - @copybrief #VRNA_DECOMP_ML_ML_ML
65  *  - #VRNA_DECOMP_ML_ML - @copybrief #VRNA_DECOMP_ML_ML
66  *  - #VRNA_DECOMP_ML_UP - @copybrief #VRNA_DECOMP_ML_UP
70  *  - #VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_UP - @copybrief #VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_UP
77  *
78  *  Simplified interfaces to the soft constraints framework can be obtained
79  *  by the implementations in the submodules
80  *
81  *  - @ref SHAPE_reactivities and
82  *  - @ref constraints_ligand.
83  *
84  *  An implementation that generates soft constraints for unpaired nucleotides
85  *  by minimizing the discrepancy between their predicted and expected pairing
86  *  probability is available in submodule @ref perturbation.
87  *
88  */
91 /**
92  *  @brief  Flag for vrna_constraints_add() to indicate that constraints are present in a text file
93  *
94  *  @see vrna_constraints_add()
95  *  @deprecated   Use 0 instead!
96  *  @ingroup  constraints
97  *
98  */
99 #define VRNA_CONSTRAINT_FILE      0
101 /**
102  *  @brief  Indicate generation of constraints for MFE folding
103  *  @deprecated   This flag has no meaning anymore, since constraints are now always stored!
104  *  @ingroup  constraints
105  *
106  */
109 /**
110  *  @brief  Indicate generation of constraints for partition function computation
111  *  @deprecated   Use #VRNA_OPTION_PF instead!
112  *  @ingroup  constraints
113  *
114  */
117 /**
118  *  @brief  Flag passed to generic softt constraints callback to indicate hairpin loop decomposition step
119  *
120  *  @ingroup  constraints
121  *
122  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
123  *  decomposition step evaluates a hairpin loop enclosed by the base pair @f$(i,j)@f$.
124  *
125  *  @image html   decomp_hp.svg
126  *  @image latex  decomp_hp.eps
127  *
128  */
129 #define VRNA_DECOMP_PAIR_HP     (unsigned char)1
131 /**
132  *  @brief  Indicator for interior loop decomposition step
133  *
134  *  @ingroup  constraints
135  *
136  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
137  *  decomposition step evaluates an interior loop enclosed by the base pair @f$(i,j)@f$,
138  *  and enclosing the base pair @f$(k,l)@f$.
139  *
140  *  @image html   decomp_il.svg
141  *  @image latex  decomp_il.eps
142  *
143  */
144 #define VRNA_DECOMP_PAIR_IL     (unsigned char)2
146 /**
147  *  @brief  Indicator for multibranch loop decomposition step
148  *
149  *  @ingroup  constraints
150  *
151  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
152  *  decomposition step evaluates a multibranch loop enclosed by the base pair @f$(i,j)@f$,
153  *  and consisting of some enclosed multi loop content from k to l.
154  *
155  *  @image html   decomp_ml.svg
156  *  @image latex  decomp_ml.eps
157  *
158  */
159 #define VRNA_DECOMP_PAIR_ML     (unsigned char)3
160 #define VRNA_DECOMP_PAIR_ML_EXT     (unsigned char)23
162 #define VRNA_DECOMP_PAIR_ML_OUTSIDE     (unsigned char)4
163 /**
164  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of multibranch loop part
165  *
166  *  @ingroup  constraints
167  *
168  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
169  *  decomposition step evaluates a multibranch loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
170  *  which will be decomposed into two multibranch loop parts @f$[i:k]@f$, and @f$[l:j]@f$.
171  *
172  *  @image html   decomp_ml_ml_ml.svg
173  *  @image latex  decomp_ml_ml_ml.eps
174  *
175  */
176 #define VRNA_DECOMP_ML_ML_ML    (unsigned char)5
178 /**
179  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of multibranch loop part
180  *
181  *  @ingroup  constraints
182  *
183  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
184  *  decomposition step evaluates a multibranch loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
185  *  which will be considered a single stem branching off with base pair @f$(k,l)@f$.
186  *
187  *  @image html   decomp_ml_stem.svg
188  *  @image latex  decomp_ml_stem.eps
189  *
190  */
191 #define VRNA_DECOMP_ML_STEM     (unsigned char)6
193 /**
194  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of multibranch loop part
195  *
196  *  @ingroup  constraints
197  *
198  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
199  *  decomposition step evaluates a multibranch loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
200  *  which will be decomposed into a (usually) smaller multibranch loop part @f$[k:l]@f$.
201  *
202  *  @image html   decomp_ml_ml.svg
203  *  @image latex  decomp_ml_ml.eps
204  *
205  */
206 #define VRNA_DECOMP_ML_ML       (unsigned char)7
208 /**
209  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of multibranch loop part
210  *
211  *  @ingroup  constraints
212  *
213  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
214  *  decomposition step evaluates a multibranch loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
215  *  which will be considered a multibranch loop part that only consists of unpaired
216  *  nucleotides.
217  *
218  *  @image html   decomp_ml_up.svg
219  *  @image latex  decomp_ml_up.eps
220  *
221  */
222 #define VRNA_DECOMP_ML_UP       (unsigned char)8
224 /**
225  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of multibranch loop part
226  *
227  *  @ingroup  constraints
228  *
229  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
230  *  decomposition step evaluates a multibranch loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
231  *  which will decomposed into a multibranch loop part @f$[i:k]@f$, and a stem with
232  *  enclosing base pair @f$(l,j)@f$.
233  *
234  *  @image html   decomp_ml_ml_stem.svg
235  *  @image latex  decomp_ml_ml_stem.eps
236  *
237  */
238 #define VRNA_DECOMP_ML_ML_STEM (unsigned char)9
240 /**
241  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of multibranch loop part
242  *
243  *  @ingroup  constraints
244  *
245  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
246  *  decomposition step evaluates a multibranch loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
247  *  where two stems with enclosing pairs @f$(i,k)@f$ and @f$(l,j)@f$ are coaxially stacking
248  *  onto each other.
249  *
250  *  @image html   decomp_ml_coaxial.svg
251  *  @image latex  decomp_ml_coaxial.eps
252  *
253  */
254 #define VRNA_DECOMP_ML_COAXIAL  (unsigned char)10
256 /**
257  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of multibranch loop part
258  *
259  *  @ingroup  constraints
260  *
261  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
262  *  decomposition step evaluates a multibranch loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
263  *  where two stems with enclosing pairs @f$(i,k)@f$ and @f$(l,j)@f$ are coaxially stacking
264  *  onto each other.
265  *
266  *  @image html   decomp_ml_coaxial.svg
267  *  @image latex  decomp_ml_coaxial.eps
268  *
269  */
270 #define VRNA_DECOMP_ML_COAXIAL_ENC  (unsigned char)11
272 /**
273  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of exterior loop part
274  *
275  *  @ingroup  constraints
276  *
277  *  @def VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_EXT
278  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
279  *  decomposition step evaluates an exterior loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
280  *  which will be decomposed into a (usually) smaller exterior loop part @f$[k:l]@f$.
281  *
282  *  @image html   decomp_ext_ext.svg
283  *  @image latex  decomp_ext_ext.eps
284  *
285  */
286 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_EXT     (unsigned char)12
288 /**
289  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of exterior loop part
290  *
291  *  @ingroup  constraints
292  *
293  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
294  *  decomposition step evaluates an exterior loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
295  *  which will be considered as an exterior loop component consisting of only unpaired
296  *  nucleotides.
297  *
298  *  @image html   decomp_ext_up.svg
299  *  @image latex  decomp_ext_up.eps
300  *
301  */
302 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_UP      (unsigned char)13
304 /**
305  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of exterior loop part
306  *
307  *  @ingroup  constraints
308  *
309  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
310  *  decomposition step evaluates an exterior loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
311  *  which will be considered a stem with enclosing pair @f$(k,l)@f$.
312  *
313  *  @image html   decomp_ext_stem.svg
314  *  @image latex  decomp_ext_stem.eps
315  *
316  */
317 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_STEM (unsigned char)14
319 /**
320  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of exterior loop part
321  *
322  *  @ingroup  constraints
323  *
324  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
325  *  decomposition step evaluates an exterior loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
326  *  which will be decomposed into two exterior loop parts @f$[i:k]@f$ and @f$[l:j]@f$.
327  *
328  *  @image html   decomp_ext_ext_ext.svg
329  *  @image latex  decomp_ext_ext_ext.eps
330  *
331  */
332 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_EXT_EXT (unsigned char)15
334 /**
335  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of exterior loop part
336  *
337  *  @ingroup  constraints
338  *
339  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
340  *  decomposition step evaluates an exterior loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
341  *  which will be decomposed into a stem branching off with base pair @f$(i,k)@f$, and
342  *  an exterior loop part @f$[l:j]@f$.
343  *
344  *  @image html   decomp_ext_stem_ext.svg
345  *  @image latex  decomp_ext_stem_ext.eps
346  *
347  */
348 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_STEM_EXT (unsigned char)16
350 /**
351  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of exterior loop part
352  *
353  *  @ingroup  constraints
354  *
355  */
356 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_STEM_OUTSIDE (unsigned char)17
358 /**
359  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of exterior loop part
360  *
361  *  @ingroup  constraints
362  *
363  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
364  *  decomposition step evaluates an exterior loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
365  *  which will be decomposed into an exterior loop part @f$[i:k]@f$, and a stem
366  *  branching off with base pair @f$(l,j)@f$.
367  *
368  *  @image html   decomp_ext_ext_stem.svg
369  *  @image latex  decomp_ext_ext_stem.eps
370  *
371  */
372 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_EXT_STEM (unsigned char)18
374 /**
375  *  @brief  Indicator for decomposition of exterior loop part
376  *
377  *  @ingroup  constraints
378  *
380  *  @details This flag notifies the soft or hard constraint callback function that the current
381  *  decomposition step evaluates an exterior loop part in the interval @f$[i:j]@f$,
382  *  which will be decomposed into an exterior loop part @f$[i:k]@f$, and a stem
383  *  branching off with base pair @f$(l,j-1)@f$.
384  *
385  *  @image html   decomp_ext_ext_stem1.svg
386  *  @image latex  decomp_ext_ext_stem1.eps
387  *
388  */
389 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_EXT_STEM1 (unsigned char)19
391 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_STEM_EXT1 (unsigned char)20
393 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_L         (unsigned char)21
394 #define VRNA_DECOMP_EXT_EXT_L     (unsigned char)22
396 /**
397  *  @brief  Add constraints to a #vrna_fold_compound_t data structure
398  *
399  *  Use this function to add/update the hard/soft constraints
400  *  The function allows for passing a string 'constraint' that can either be a
401  *  filename that points to a constraints definition file or it may be a
402  *  pseudo dot-bracket notation indicating hard constraints. For the latter, the
403  *  user has to pass the #VRNA_CONSTRAINT_DB option. Also, the
404  *  user has to specify, which characters are allowed to be interpreted as
405  *  constraints by passing the corresponding options via the third parameter.
406  *
407  *  @see      vrna_hc_init(), vrna_hc_add_up(), vrna_hc_add_up_batch(), vrna_hc_add_bp(),
408  *            vrna_sc_init(), vrna_sc_set_up(), vrna_sc_set_bp(),
409  *            vrna_sc_add_SHAPE_deigan(),  vrna_sc_add_SHAPE_zarringhalam(),
410  *            vrna_hc_free(), vrna_sc_free(),
415  *
416  *  @ingroup  constraints
417  *
418  *  The following is an example for adding hard constraints given in
419  *  pseudo dot-bracket notation. Here, @p vc is the #vrna_fold_compound_t object,
420  *  @p structure is a char array with the hard constraint in dot-bracket notation,
421  *  and @p enforceConstraints is a flag indicating whether or not constraints for
422  *  base pairs should be enforced instead of just doing a removal of base pair that
423  *  conflict with the constraint.
424  *
425  *  @snippet RNAfold.c Adding hard constraints from pseudo dot-bracket
426  *
427  *  In constrat to the above, constraints may also be read from file:
428  *
429  *  @snippet RNAfold.c Adding hard constraints from file
430  *
431  *  @see  vrna_hc_add_from_db(), vrna_hc_add_up(), vrna_hc_add_up_batch()
432  *        vrna_hc_add_bp_unspecific(), vrna_hc_add_bp()
433  *
434  *  @param  vc            The fold compound
435  *  @param  constraint    A string with either the filename of the constraint definitions
436  *                        or a pseudo dot-bracket notation of the hard constraint. May be NULL.
437  *  @param  options       The option flags
438  */
439 void vrna_constraints_add(vrna_fold_compound_t  *vc,
440                           const char            *constraint,
441                           unsigned int          options);
444 #endif