5 # if defined(__clang__)
6 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func __attribute__ ((deprecated("", msg)))
7 # elif defined(__GNUC__)
8 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func __attribute__ ((deprecated(msg)))
9 # else
10 #  define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func
11 # endif
12 #else
13 # define DEPRECATED(func, msg) func
14 #endif
16 /**
17  *  @file     ViennaRNA/plotting/layouts.h
18  *  @ingroup  plotting_utils
19  *  @brief    Secondary structure plot layout algorithms
20  */
22 /**
23  *  @addtogroup   plot_layout_utils
24  *  @{
25  *  @brief  Functions to compute coordinate layouts for secondary structure plots
26  */
29 /**
30  *  @brief  RNA secondary structure figure layout
31  *
32  *  @see  vrna_plot_layout(), vrna_plot_layout_free(), vrna_plot_layout_simple(),
33  *        vrna_plot_layout_circular(), vrna_plot_layout_naview(), vrna_plot_layout_turtle(),
34  *        vrna_plot_layout_puzzler()
35  */
36 typedef struct vrna_plot_layout_s vrna_plot_layout_t;
39 #include <ViennaRNA/datastructures/basic.h>
40 #include <ViennaRNA/plotting/naview.h>
41 #include "ViennaRNA/plotting/RNApuzzler/RNAturtle.h"
42 #include "ViennaRNA/plotting/RNApuzzler/RNApuzzler.h"
45 /**
46  *  @brief Definition of Plot type <i>simple</i>
47  *
48  *  This is the plot type definition for several RNA structure plotting functions telling
49  *  them to use <b>Simple</b> plotting algorithm
50  *
51  *  @see rna_plot_type, vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_a(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot(), svg_rna_plot(), gmlRNA(), ssv_rna_plot(), xrna_plot()
52  */
53 #define VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_SIMPLE     0
55 /**
56  *  @brief Definition of Plot type <i>Naview</i>
57  *
58  *  This is the plot type definition for several RNA structure plotting functions telling
59  *  them to use <b>Naview</b> plotting algorithm @cite bruccoleri:1988.
60  *
61  *  @see rna_plot_type, vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_a(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot(), svg_rna_plot(), gmlRNA(), ssv_rna_plot(), xrna_plot()
62  */
63 #define VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_NAVIEW     1
65 /**
66  *  @brief Definition of Plot type <i>Circular</i>
67  *
68  *  This is the plot type definition for several RNA structure plotting functions telling
69  *  them to produce a <b>Circular plot</b>
70  *
71  *  @see rna_plot_type, vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_a(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot(), svg_rna_plot(), gmlRNA(), ssv_rna_plot(), xrna_plot()
72  */
75 /**
76  *  @brief  Definition of Plot type <i>Turtle</i> @cite wiegreffe:2018
77  *
78  */
81 /**
82  *  @brief  Definition of Plot type <i>RNApuzzler</i> @cite wiegreffe:2018
83  *
84  */
88 struct vrna_plot_layout_s {
89   unsigned int  length;
90   float         *x;
91   float         *y;
92   double        *arcs;
93   int           bbox[4];
94 };
97 /**
98  *  @brief  Create a layout (coordinates, etc.) for a secondary structure plot
99  *
100  *  This function can be used to create a secondary structure nucleotide layout
101  *  that is then further processed by an actual plotting function. The layout
102  *  algorithm can be specified using the @p plot_type parameter, and the following
103  *  algorithms are currently supported:
109  *
110  *  Passing an unsupported selection leads to the default algorithm #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_NAVIEW
111  *
112  *  @note If only X-Y coordinates of the corresponding structure layout are required, consider
113  *        using vrna_plot_coords() instead!
114  *
115  *  @see  vrna_plot_layout_free(), vrna_plot_layout_simple(), vrna_plot_layout_naview(),
116  *        vrna_plot_layout_circular(), vrna_plot_layout_turtle(), vrna_plot_layout_puzzler(),
117  *        vrna_plot_coords(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_layout()
118  *
119  *  @param    structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
120  *  @param    plot_type   The layout algorithm to be used
121  *  @return               The layout data structure for the provided secondary structure
122  */
123 vrna_plot_layout_t *
124 vrna_plot_layout(const char   *structure,
125                  unsigned int plot_type);
128 /**
129  *  @brief  Create a layout (coordinates, etc.) for a <i>simple</i> secondary structure plot
130  *
131  *  This function basically is a wrapper to vrna_plot_layout() that passes the @p plot_type #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_SIMPLE.
132  *
133  *  @note If only X-Y coordinates of the corresponding structure layout are required, consider
134  *        using vrna_plot_coords_simple() instead!
135  *
136  *  @see  vrna_plot_layout_free(), vrna_plot_layout(), vrna_plot_layout_naview(),
137  *        vrna_plot_layout_circular(), vrna_plot_layout_turtle(), vrna_plot_layout_puzzler(),
138  *        vrna_plot_coords_simple(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_layout()
139  *
140  *  @param    structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
141  *  @return               The layout data structure for the provided secondary structure
142  */
143 vrna_plot_layout_t *
144 vrna_plot_layout_simple(const char *structure);
147 /**
148  *  @brief  Create a layout (coordinates, etc.) for a secondary structure plot using the <i>Naview Algorithm</i> @cite bruccoleri:1988.
149  *
150  *  This function basically is a wrapper to vrna_plot_layout() that passes the @p plot_type #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_NAVIEW.
151  *
152  *  @note If only X-Y coordinates of the corresponding structure layout are required, consider
153  *        using vrna_plot_coords_naview() instead!
154  *
155  *  @see  vrna_plot_layout_free(), vrna_plot_layout(), vrna_plot_layout_simple(),
156  *        vrna_plot_layout_circular(), vrna_plot_layout_turtle(), vrna_plot_layout_puzzler(),
157  *        vrna_plot_coords_naview(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_layout()
158  *
159  *  @param    structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
160  *  @return               The layout data structure for the provided secondary structure
161  */
162 vrna_plot_layout_t *
163 vrna_plot_layout_naview(const char *structure);
166 /**
167  *  @brief  Create a layout (coordinates, etc.) for a <i>circular</i> secondary structure plot
168  *
169  *  This function basically is a wrapper to vrna_plot_layout() that passes the @p plot_type #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_CIRCULAR.
170  *
171  *  @note If only X-Y coordinates of the corresponding structure layout are required, consider
172  *        using vrna_plot_coords_circular() instead!
173  *
174  *  @see  vrna_plot_layout_free(), vrna_plot_layout(), vrna_plot_layout_naview(),
175  *        vrna_plot_layout_simple(), vrna_plot_layout_turtle(), vrna_plot_layout_puzzler(),
176  *        vrna_plot_coords_circular(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_layout()
177  *
178  *  @param    structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
179  *  @return               The layout data structure for the provided secondary structure
180  */
181 vrna_plot_layout_t *
182 vrna_plot_layout_circular(const char *structure);
185 /**
186  *  @brief  Create a layout (coordinates, etc.) for a secondary structure plot using the <i>Turtle Algorithm</i> @cite wiegreffe:2018
187  *
188  *  This function basically is a wrapper to vrna_plot_layout() that passes the @p plot_type #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_TURTLE.
189  *
190  *  @note If only X-Y coordinates of the corresponding structure layout are required, consider
191  *        using vrna_plot_coords_turtle() instead!
192  *
193  *  @see  vrna_plot_layout_free(), vrna_plot_layout(), vrna_plot_layout_simple(),
194  *        vrna_plot_layout_circular(), vrna_plot_layout_naview(), vrna_plot_layout_puzzler(),
195  *        vrna_plot_coords_turtle(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_layout()
196  *
197  *  @param    structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
198  *  @return               The layout data structure for the provided secondary structure
199  */
200 vrna_plot_layout_t *
201 vrna_plot_layout_turtle(const char *structure);
204 /**
205  *  @brief  Create a layout (coordinates, etc.) for a secondary structure plot using the <i>RNApuzzler Algorithm</i> @cite wiegreffe:2018
206  *
207  *  This function basically is a wrapper to vrna_plot_layout() that passes the @p plot_type #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_PUZZLER.
208  *
209  *  @note If only X-Y coordinates of the corresponding structure layout are required, consider
210  *        using vrna_plot_coords_puzzler() instead!
211  *
212  *  @see  vrna_plot_layout_free(), vrna_plot_layout(), vrna_plot_layout_simple(),
213  *        vrna_plot_layout_circular(), vrna_plot_layout_naview(), vrna_plot_layout_turtle(),
214  *        vrna_plot_coords_puzzler(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_layout()
215  *
216  *  @param    structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
217  *  @return               The layout data structure for the provided secondary structure
218  */
219 vrna_plot_layout_t *
220 vrna_plot_layout_puzzler(const char                   *structure,
221                          vrna_plot_options_puzzler_t  *options);
224 /**
225  *  @brief  Free memory occupied by a figure layout data structure
226  *
227  *  @see  #vrna_plot_layout_t, vrna_plot_layout(), vrna_plot_layout_simple(),
228  *        vrna_plot_layout_circular(), vrna_plot_layout_naview(), vrna_plot_layout_turtle(),
229  *        vrna_plot_layout_puzzler(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_layout()
230  *
231  *  @param  layout  The layout data structure to free
232  */
233 void
234 vrna_plot_layout_free(vrna_plot_layout_t *layout);
237 /**
238  *  @brief Compute nucleotide coordinates for secondary structure plot
239  *
240  *  This function takes a secondary structure and computes X-Y coordinates
241  *  for each nucleotide that then can be used to create a structure plot.
242  *  The parameter @p plot_type is used to select the underlying layout algorithm.
243  *  Currently, the following selections are provided:
249  *
250  *  Passing an unsupported selection leads to the default algorithm #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_NAVIEW
251  *
252  *  Here is a simple example how to use this function, assuming variable @p structure contains
253  *  a valid dot-bracket string:
254  *  @code{.c}
255  *  float *x, *y;
256  *
257  *  if (vrna_plot_coords(structure, &x, &y)) {
258  *    printf("all fine");
259  *  } else {
260  *    printf("some failure occured!");
261  *  }
262  *
263  *  free(x);
264  *  free(y);
265  *  @endcode
266  *
267  *  @note On success, this function allocates memory for X and Y coordinates and assigns
268  *  the pointers at addressess @p x and @p y to the corresponding memory locations. It's
269  *  the users responsibility to cleanup this memory after usage!
270  *
271  *  @see  vrna_plot_coords_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_simple(), vrna_plot_coords_naview()
272  *        vrna_plot_coords_circular(), vrna_plot_coords_turtle(), vrna_plot_coords_puzzler()
273  *
274  *  @param        structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
275  *  @param[inout] x           The address of a pointer of X coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
276  *  @param[inout] y           The address of a pointer of Y coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
277  *  @param        plot_type   The layout algorithm to be used
278  *  @return                   The length of the structure on success, 0 otherwise
279  */
280 int
281 vrna_plot_coords(const char *structure,
282                  float      **x,
283                  float      **y,
284                  int        plot_type);
287 /**
288  *  @brief Compute nucleotide coordinates for secondary structure plot
289  *
290  *  Same as vrna_plot_coords() but takes a pair table with the structure
291  *  information as input.
292  *
293  *  @note On success, this function allocates memory for X and Y coordinates and assigns
294  *  the pointers at addressess @p x and @p y to the corresponding memory locations. It's
295  *  the users responsibility to cleanup this memory after usage!
296  *
297  *  @see  vrna_plot_coords(), vrna_plot_coords_simple_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_naview_pt()
298  *        vrna_plot_coords_circular_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_turtle_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_puzzler_pt()
299  *
300  *  @param        pt          The pair table that holds the secondary structure
301  *  @param[inout] x           The address of a pointer of X coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
302  *  @param[inout] y           The address of a pointer of Y coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
303  *  @param        plot_type   The layout algorithm to be used
304  *  @return                   The length of the structure on success, 0 otherwise
305  */
306 int
307 vrna_plot_coords_pt(const short *pt,
308                     float       **x,
309                     float       **y,
310                     int         plot_type);
313 /**
314  *  @brief Compute nucleotide coordinates for secondary structure plot the <i>Simple way</i>
315  *
316  *  This function basically is a wrapper to vrna_plot_coords() that passes the @p plot_type #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_SIMPLE.
317  *
318  *  Here is a simple example how to use this function, assuming variable @p structure contains
319  *  a valid dot-bracket string:
320  *  @code{.c}
321  *  float *x, *y;
322  *
323  *  if (vrna_plot_coords_simple(structure, &x, &y)) {
324  *    printf("all fine");
325  *  } else {
326  *    printf("some failure occured!");
327  *  }
328  *
329  *  free(x);
330  *  free(y);
331  *  @endcode
332  *
333  *  @note On success, this function allocates memory for X and Y coordinates and assigns
334  *  the pointers at addressess @p x and @p y to the corresponding memory locations. It's
335  *  the users responsibility to cleanup this memory after usage!
336  *
337  *  @see  vrna_plot_coords(), vrna_plot_coords_simple_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_circular(),
338  *        vrna_plot_coords_naview(), vrna_plot_coords_turtle(), vrna_plot_coords_puzzler()
339  *
340  *  @param        structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
341  *  @param[inout] x           The address of a pointer of X coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
342  *  @param[inout] y           The address of a pointer of Y coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
343  *  @return                   The length of the structure on success, 0 otherwise
344  */
345 int
346 vrna_plot_coords_simple(const char  *structure,
347                         float       **x,
348                         float       **y);
351 /**
352  *  @brief Compute nucleotide coordinates for secondary structure plot the <i>Simple way</i>
353  *
354  *  Same as vrna_plot_coords_simple() but takes a pair table with the structure
355  *  information as input.
356  *
357  *  @note On success, this function allocates memory for X and Y coordinates and assigns
358  *  the pointers at addressess @p x and @p y to the corresponding memory locations. It's
359  *  the users responsibility to cleanup this memory after usage!
360  *
361  *  @see  vrna_plot_coords_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_simple(), vrna_plot_coords_circular_pt(),
362  *        vrna_plot_coords_naview_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_turtle_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_puzzler_pt()
363  *
364  *  @param        pt          The pair table that holds the secondary structure
365  *  @param[inout] x           The address of a pointer of X coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
366  *  @param[inout] y           The address of a pointer of Y coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
367  *  @return                   The length of the structure on success, 0 otherwise
368  */
369 int
370 vrna_plot_coords_simple_pt(const short  *pt,
371                            float        **x,
372                            float        **y);
375 /**
376  *  @brief Compute coordinates of nucleotides mapped in equal distancies onto a unit circle.
377  *
378  *  This function basically is a wrapper to vrna_plot_coords() that passes the @p plot_type #VRNA_PLOT_TYPE_CIRCULAR.
379  *
380  *  In order to draw nice arcs using quadratic bezier curves that connect base pairs one may calculate
381  *  a second tangential point @f$P^t@f$ in addition to the actual R<sup>2</sup> coordinates.
382  *  the simplest way to do so may be to compute a radius scaling factor @f$rs@f$ in the interval @f$[0,1]@f$ that
383  *  weights the proportion of base pair span to the actual length of the sequence. This scaling factor
384  *  can then be used to calculate the coordinates for @f$P^t@f$, i.e.
385  *  @f[
386  *  P^{t}_x[i] = X[i] * rs
387  *  @f]
388  *  and
389  *  @f[
390  *  P^{t}_y[i] = Y[i] * rs
391  *  @f].
392  *
393  *  @note On success, this function allocates memory for X and Y coordinates and assigns
394  *  the pointers at addressess @p x and @p y to the corresponding memory locations. It's
395  *  the users responsibility to cleanup this memory after usage!
396  *
397  *  @see  vrna_plot_coords(), vrna_plot_coords_circular_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_simple(),
398  *        vrna_plot_coords_naview(), vrna_plot_coords_turtle(), vrna_plot_coords_puzzler()
399  *
400  *  @param        structure   The secondary structure in dot-bracket notation
401  *  @param[inout] x           The address of a pointer of X coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
402  *  @param[inout] y           The address of a pointer of Y coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
403  *  @return                   The length of the structure on success, 0 otherwise
404  */
405 int
406 vrna_plot_coords_circular(const char  *structure,
407                           float       **x,
408                           float       **y);
411 /**
412  *  @brief Compute nucleotide coordinates for a <i>Circular Plot</i>
413  *
414  *  Same as vrna_plot_coords_circular() but takes a pair table with the structure
415  *  information as input.
416  *
417  *  @note On success, this function allocates memory for X and Y coordinates and assigns
418  *  the pointers at addressess @p x and @p y to the corresponding memory locations. It's
419  *  the users responsibility to cleanup this memory after usage!
420  *
421  *  @see  vrna_plot_coords_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_circular(), vrna_plot_coords_simple_pt(),
422  *        vrna_plot_coords_naview_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_turtle_pt(), vrna_plot_coords_puzzler_pt()
423  *
424  *  @param        pt          The pair table that holds the secondary structure
425  *  @param[inout] x           The address of a pointer of X coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
426  *  @param[inout] y           The address of a pointer of Y coordinates (pointer will point to memory, or NULL on failure)
427  *  @return                   The length of the structure on success, 0 otherwise
428  */
429 int
430 vrna_plot_coords_circular_pt(const short  *pt,
431                              float        **x,
432                              float        **y);
435 /**
436  * @}
437  */
442 /**
443  *  @addtogroup   plotting_utils_deprecated
444  *  @{
445  */
448 /**
449  *  @brief this is a workarround for the SWIG Perl Wrapper RNA plot function
450  *  that returns an array of type COORDINATE
451  */
452 typedef struct {
453   float X;  /* X coords */
454   float Y;  /* Y coords */
458 /**
459  *  @brief Switch for changing the secondary structure layout algorithm
460  *
461  *  Current possibility are 0 for a simple radial drawing or 1 for the modified
462  *  radial drawing taken from the @e naview program of @cite bruccoleri:1988.
463  *
464  *  @note To provide thread safety please do not rely on this global variable in future implementations
465  *  but pass a plot type flag directly to the function that decides which layout algorithm it may use!
466  *
468  *
469  */
470 extern int rna_plot_type;
473 /**
474  *  @brief Calculate nucleotide coordinates for secondary structure plot the <i>Simple way</i>
475  *
476  *  @see make_pair_table(), rna_plot_type, simple_circplot_coordinates(), naview_xy_coordinates(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_a(),
477  *  vrna_file_PS_rnaplot, svg_rna_plot()
478  *
479  *  @deprecated   Consider switching to vrna_plot_coords_simple_pt() instead!
480  *
481  *  @param  pair_table  The pair table of the secondary structure
482  *  @param  X           a pointer to an array with enough allocated space to hold the x coordinates
483  *  @param  Y           a pointer to an array with enough allocated space to hold the y coordinates
484  *  @return             length of sequence on success, 0 otherwise
485  */
487            simple_xy_coordinates(short  *pair_table,
488                                  float  *X,
489                                  float  *Y),
490            "Use vrna_plot_coords_simple_pt() instead!");
493 /**
494  *  @brief Calculate nucleotide coordinates for <i>Circular Plot</i>
495  *
496  *  This function calculates the coordinates of nucleotides mapped in equal distancies onto a unit circle.
497  *
498  *  @note In order to draw nice arcs using quadratic bezier curves that connect base pairs one may calculate
499  *  a second tangential point @f$P^t@f$ in addition to the actual R<sup>2</sup> coordinates.
500  *  the simplest way to do so may be to compute a radius scaling factor @f$rs@f$ in the interval @f$[0,1]@f$ that
501  *  weights the proportion of base pair span to the actual length of the sequence. This scaling factor
502  *  can then be used to calculate the coordinates for @f$P^t@f$, i.e. @f$ P^{t}_x[i] = X[i] * rs@f$
503  *  and @f$P^{t}_y[i] = Y[i] * rs@f$.
504  *
505  *  @see make_pair_table(), rna_plot_type, simple_xy_coordinates(), naview_xy_coordinates(), vrna_file_PS_rnaplot_a(),
506  *  vrna_file_PS_rnaplot, svg_rna_plot()
507  *
508  *  @deprecated   Consider switching to vrna_plot_coords_circular_pt() instead!
509  *
510  *  @param  pair_table  The pair table of the secondary structure
511  *  @param  x           a pointer to an array with enough allocated space to hold the x coordinates
512  *  @param  y           a pointer to an array with enough allocated space to hold the y coordinates
513  *  @return             length of sequence on success, 0 otherwise
514  */
516            simple_circplot_coordinates(short  *pair_table,
517                                        float  *x,
518                                        float  *y),
519            "Use vrna_plot_coords_circular_pt() instead!");
522 /**
523  * @}
524  */
526 #endif
529 #endif