1 // x11-rs: Rust bindings for X11 libraries
2 // The X11 libraries are available under the MIT license.
3 // These bindings are public domain.
5 use std::os::raw::{
6   c_char,
7   c_int,
8   c_long,
9   c_short,
10   c_uchar,
11   c_uint,
12   c_ulong,
13 };
15 use ::xlib::{
16   Atom,
17   Display,
18   Time,
19   XEvent,
20   XID,
21   XModifierKeymap,
22 };
24 //
25 // functions
26 //
28 x11_link! { XInput, xi, ["libXi.so.6", "libXi.so"], 44,
29   pub fn XAllowDeviceEvents (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XDevice, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
30   pub fn XChangeDeviceControl (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XDevice, _2: c_int, _1: *mut XDeviceControl) -> c_int,
31   pub fn XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList (_5: *mut Display, _4: c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
32   pub fn XChangeDeviceKeyMapping (_6: *mut Display, _5: *mut XDevice, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
33   pub fn XChangeDeviceProperty (_8: *mut Display, _7: *mut XDevice, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *const c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> (),
34   pub fn XChangeFeedbackControl (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XDevice, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut XFeedbackControl) -> c_int,
35   pub fn XChangeKeyboardDevice (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XDevice) -> c_int,
36   pub fn XChangePointerDevice (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XDevice, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
37   pub fn XCloseDevice (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XDevice) -> c_int,
38   pub fn XDeleteDeviceProperty (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: c_ulong) -> (),
39   pub fn XDeviceBell (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut XDevice, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
40   pub fn XFreeDeviceControl (_1: *mut XDeviceControl) -> (),
41   pub fn XFreeDeviceList (_1: *mut XDeviceInfo) -> (),
42   pub fn XFreeDeviceMotionEvents (_1: *mut XDeviceTimeCoord) -> (),
43   pub fn XFreeDeviceState (_1: *mut XDeviceState) -> (),
44   pub fn XFreeFeedbackList (_1: *mut XFeedbackState) -> (),
45   pub fn XGetDeviceButtonMapping (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XDevice, _2: *mut c_uchar, _1: c_uint) -> c_int,
46   pub fn XGetDeviceControl (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: c_int) -> *mut XDeviceControl,
47   pub fn XGetDeviceDontPropagateList (_3: *mut Display, _2: c_ulong, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_ulong,
48   pub fn XGetDeviceFocus (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut XDevice, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
49   pub fn XGetDeviceKeyMapping (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut XDevice, _3: c_uchar, _2: c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_ulong,
50   pub fn XGetDeviceModifierMapping (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XDevice) -> *mut XModifierKeymap,
51   pub fn XGetDeviceMotionEvents (_7: *mut Display, _6: *mut XDevice, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_ulong, _3: *mut c_int, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut XDeviceTimeCoord,
52   pub fn XGetDeviceProperty (_12: *mut Display, _11: *mut XDevice, _10: c_ulong, _9: c_long, _8: c_long, _7: c_int, _6: c_ulong, _5: *mut c_ulong, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut *mut c_uchar) -> c_int,
53   pub fn XGetExtensionVersion (_2: *mut Display, _1: *const c_char) -> *mut XExtensionVersion,
54   pub fn XGetFeedbackControl (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut XFeedbackState,
55   pub fn XGetSelectedExtensionEvents (_6: *mut Display, _5: c_ulong, _4: *mut c_int, _3: *mut *mut c_ulong, _2: *mut c_int, _1: *mut *mut c_ulong) -> c_int,
56   pub fn XGrabDevice (_9: *mut Display, _8: *mut XDevice, _7: c_ulong, _6: c_int, _5: c_int, _4: *mut c_ulong, _3: c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
57   pub fn XGrabDeviceButton (_11: *mut Display, _10: *mut XDevice, _9: c_uint, _8: c_uint, _7: *mut XDevice, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_uint, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
58   pub fn XGrabDeviceKey (_11: *mut Display, _10: *mut XDevice, _9: c_uint, _8: c_uint, _7: *mut XDevice, _6: c_ulong, _5: c_int, _4: c_uint, _3: *mut c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
60   pub fn XListDeviceProperties (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_ulong,
61   pub fn XListInputDevices (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut c_int) -> *mut XDeviceInfo,
62   pub fn XOpenDevice (_2: *mut Display, _1: c_ulong) -> *mut XDevice,
63   pub fn XQueryDeviceState (_2: *mut Display, _1: *mut XDevice) -> *mut XDeviceState,
64   pub fn XSelectExtensionEvent (_4: *mut Display, _3: c_ulong, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
65   pub fn XSendExtensionEvent (_7: *mut Display, _6: *mut XDevice, _5: c_ulong, _4: c_int, _3: c_int, _2: *mut c_ulong, _1: *mut XEvent) -> c_int,
66   pub fn XSetDeviceButtonMapping (_4: *mut Display, _3: *mut XDevice, _2: *mut c_uchar, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
67   pub fn XSetDeviceFocus (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut XDevice, _3: c_ulong, _2: c_int, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
68   pub fn XSetDeviceMode (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
69   pub fn XSetDeviceModifierMapping (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: *mut XModifierKeymap) -> c_int,
70   pub fn XSetDeviceValuators (_5: *mut Display, _4: *mut XDevice, _3: *mut c_int, _2: c_int, _1: c_int) -> c_int,
71   pub fn XUngrabDevice (_3: *mut Display, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
72   pub fn XUngrabDeviceButton (_6: *mut Display, _5: *mut XDevice, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
73   pub fn XUngrabDeviceKey (_6: *mut Display, _5: *mut XDevice, _4: c_uint, _3: c_uint, _2: *mut XDevice, _1: c_ulong) -> c_int,
74 variadic:
75 globals:
76 }
79 //
80 // types
81 //
83 pub enum _XAnyClassinfo {}
85 pub type XAnyClassPtr = *mut _XAnyClassinfo;
87 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
88 #[repr(C)]
89 pub struct XDevice {
90   pub device_id: XID,
91   pub num_classes: c_int,
92   pub classes: *mut XInputClassInfo,
93 }
95 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
96 #[repr(C)]
97 pub struct XDeviceControl {
98   pub control: XID,
99   pub length: c_int,
100 }
102 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
103 #[repr(C)]
104 pub struct XDeviceInfo {
105   pub id: XID,
106   pub type_: Atom,
107   pub name: *mut c_char,
108   pub num_classes: c_int,
109   pub use_: c_int,
110   pub inputclassinfo: XAnyClassPtr,
111 }
113 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
114 #[repr(C)]
115 pub struct XDeviceState {
116   pub device_id: XID,
117   pub num_classes: c_int,
118   pub data: *mut XInputClass,
119 }
121 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
122 #[repr(C)]
123 pub struct XDeviceTimeCoord {
124   pub time: Time,
125   pub data: *mut c_int,
126 }
128 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
129 #[repr(C)]
130 pub struct XExtensionVersion {
131   pub present: c_int,
132   pub major_version: c_short,
133   pub minor_version: c_short,
134 }
136 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
137 #[repr(C)]
138 pub struct XFeedbackControl {
139   pub class: XID,
140   pub length: c_int,
141   pub id: XID,
142 }
144 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
145 #[repr(C)]
146 pub struct XFeedbackState {
147   pub class: XID,
148   pub length: c_int,
149   pub id: XID,
150 }
152 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
153 #[repr(C)]
154 pub struct XInputClass {
155   pub class: c_uchar,
156   pub length: c_uchar,
157 }
159 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
160 #[repr(C)]
161 pub struct XInputClassInfo {
162   pub input_class: c_uchar,
163   pub event_type_base: c_uchar,
164 }