1# This file was automatically generated by make import-symbols
3# See locale/README.md to know how to import dictionaries
6#A part of NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA)
7#Copyright (c) 2011-2017 NVDA Contributors
8#This file is covered by the GNU General Public License.
11# identifier	regexp
12# Sentence endings.
13. sentence ending	(?<=[^\s.])\.(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$)
14! sentence ending	(?<=[^\s!])\!(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$)
15? sentence ending	(?<=[^\s?])\?(?=[\"'”’)\s]|$)
16# Phrase endings.
17; phrase ending	(?<=[^\s;]);(?=\s|$)
18: phrase ending	(?<=[^\s:]):(?=\s|$)
19# Others
20decimal point	(?<![^\d -])\.(?=\d)
21in-word '	(?<=[^\W_])['’]
22negative number	(?<!\w)-(?=[$£€¥.]?\d)
25# identifier	replacement[[	level][	preserve]][	# display name]
27# Complex symbols
28. sentence ending	dot	all	always
29! sentence ending	bang	all	always
30? sentence ending	question	all	always
31; phrase ending	semi	most	always
32: phrase ending	colon	most	always
33decimal point		none	always
34in-word '	tick	all	norep
35negative number	minus	none	norep
37# Whitespace
38\0	blank	char	# null
39\t	tab
40\n	line feed	char
41\f	page break	none
42\r	carriage return	char
43 	space	char
44 	space	char	# no-break space
46# Standard punctuation/symbols
47!	bang	all
48"	quote	most
49\#	number	some
50$	dollar	all	norep
51£	pound	all	norep
52€	euro	all	norep
53¢	Cents	all	norep
54¥	Yen	all	norep
55₹	Rupee	some	norep
56%	percent	some
57&	and	some
58'	tick	all
59(	left paren	most	always
60)	right paren	most	always
61*	star	some
62+	plus	some
63,	comma	all	always
64-	dash	most
65.	dot	some
66/	slash	some
67:	colon	most	norep
68;	semi	most
69<	less	some
70>	greater	some
71=	equals	some
72?	question	all
73@	at	some
74[	left bracket	most
75]	right bracket	most
76\\	backslash	most
77^	caret	most
78_	line	most
79`	graav	most
80{	left brace	most
81}	right brace	most
82|	bar	most
83~	tilda	most
85# Other characters
86•	bullet	some
87…	dot dot dot	all	always
88...	dot dot dot	all	always
89“	left quote	most
90”	right quote	most
91‘	left tick	most
92’	right tick	most
93–	en dash	most	always
94—	em dash	most
95●	circle	most
96¨	diaeresis	most
97‎	left to right mark	char
98‏	right to left mark	char
99■	black square	some
100▪	black square	some
101◾	black square	some
102◦	white bullet	some
103⇒	right double arrow	some
104⇨	right white arrow	some
105➢	right arrowhead	some
106❖	black diamond minus white X	some
107♣	black club	some
108♦	black diamond	some
109§	section	all
110°	degrees	some
111«	double left pointing angle bracket
112»	double right pointing angle bracket
113µ	micro	some
114¹	superscript 1	some
115²	superscript 2	some
116³	superscript 3	some
117®	registered	some
118™	Trademark	some
119©	Copyright	some
120±	Plus or Minus	some
121×	times	some
122÷	divide by	some
123←	left arrow	some
124↑	up arrow	some
125→	right arrow	some
126↓	down arrow	some
127✓	check	some
128✔	check	some
130#Mathematical Operators U+2200 to U+220F
131∀	for all	none
132∁	complement	none
133∂	partial derivative	none
134∃	there exists	none
135∄	there does not exist	none
136∅	empty set	none
137∆	increment	none
138∇	nabla	none
139∈	element of	none
140∉	not an element of	none
141∊	small element of	none
142∋	contains as member	none
143∌	does not contain as member	none
144∍	small contains as member	none
145∎	end of proof	none
146∏	n-ary product	none
148# Miscellaneous Mathematical Operators
149∑	n-ary summation	none
150√	square root	none
151∛	cube root	none
152∜	fourth root	none
153∝	proportional to	none
154∞	infinity	none
155∟	right angle	none
156∠	angle	none
157∥	parallel to	none
158∦	not parallel to	none
159∧	logical and	none
160∨	logical or	none
161∩	intersection	none
162∪	union	none
163∫	integral	none
164∴	therefore	none
165∵	because	none
166∶	ratio	none
167∷	proportion	none
168≤	less- than or equal to	none
169≥	greater-than or equal to	none
170⊂	subset of	none
171⊃	superset of	none
172⊆	subset of or equal to	none
173⊇	superset of or equal to	none
175# Vulgur Fractions U+2150 to U+215E
176⅐	one seventh	none
177⅑	one ninth	none
178⅒	one tenth	none
179⅓	one third	none
180⅔	two thirds	none
181⅕	one fifth	none
182⅖	two fifths	none
183⅗	three fifths	none
184⅘	four fifths	none
185⅙	one sixth	none
186⅚	five sixths	none
187⅛	one eighth	none
188⅜	three eights	none
189⅝	five eighths	none
190⅞	seven eighths	none