1!bdll.bat            Compile batch file for AES_DLL
2#ca.bat              Generic compile batch file for all console compilers
3#ca_dll.bat          T_AES_WS with AES_DLL compile batch file for win32 compilers
4#times.aes           Times for encrypting 512MB, different compilers and packages
5$d25.zip             dproj files for Delphi 25 (Tokyo Starter)
6$log_aes.zip         Archive with log files of final tests done before release
7aes_base.pas         AES basic routines
8aes_cbc.pas          AES CBC functions
9aes_ccm.pas          AES CCM functions
10aes_cfb.pas          AES CFB128 functions
11aes_cfb8.pas         AES CFB8 functions
12aes_cmac.pas         AES CMAC routines
13aes_conf.inc         AES configuration include file
14aes_cprf.pas         AES CMAC Pseudo-Random Function-128
15aes_ctr.pas          AES CTR mode functions
16aes_decr.pas         AES decrypt functions (not needed for CFB/CTR/OFB mode)
17aes_dll.dpr          Project file for AES_DLL
18aes_dll.res          RES     file for AES_DLL
19aes_eax.pas          AES EAX mode functions
20aes_ecb.pas          AES ECB functions
21aes_encr.pas         AES encrypt functions
22aes_gcm.pas          AES GCM mode functions
23aes_intf.pas         Interface unit for AES_DLL
24aes_intv.pas         Interface unit for AES_DLL (VirtualPascal version)
25aes_ofb.pas          AES OFB functions
26aes_omac.pas         AES OMAC1 routines
27aes_seek.inc         Include file for CTR_Seek functions
28aes_type.pas         AES type definitions
29aes_xts.pas          AES XTS mode functions
30btypes.pas           Common basic type definitions
31comp_speed           Cycles/Block and MB/s for supported (console) compilers
32copying_we.txt       License
33dec_*.inc            Include files for aes_decr.pas
34enc_*.inc            Include files for aes_encr.pas
35legal.txt            Legal notice (cryptography, software patents)
36manifest.aes         This file
37mem_util.pas         Utilities for hex dump and memory compare
38options.zip          Archive with optional inc files
39ppp.pas              AES PPP routines (GRC's Perfect Paper Passwords)
40readme.aes           Info about the AES archive
41samples.zip          Additional simple sample programs
42std.inc              Standard definitions and options
43t_aescbc.pas         Test prog for AES CBC
44t_aesccm.pas         Test prog for AES CCM
45t_aescf8.pas         Test prog for AES CFB8
46t_aescfb.pas         Test prog for AES CFB
47t_aescrp.pas         Test prog for AES encrypt/decrypt
48t_aesctr.pas         Test prog for AES CTR
49t_aesecb.pas         Test prog for AES ECB
50t_aesgcm.pas         Test prog for AES GCM
51t_aesofb.pas         Test prog for AES OFB
52t_aestab.pas         Calculate static full AES tables
53t_aes_as.pas         Test prog for associativity of CFB,OFB,CTR modes
54t_aes_cs.pas         Test prog for CTR_Seek functions
55t_aes_ws.pas         Main test prog for AES modes
56t_aes_xl.pas         Test prog for AES modes, ILen > $FFFF for 32 bit
57t_cbccts.pas         Test prog for AES CBC cipher text stealing
58t_cmac.pas           Test prog for AES CMAC routines
59t_cprf.pas           Test prog for aes_cprf
60t_eax2.pas           Test prog for AES EAX
61t_ecbcts.pas         Test prog for AES ECB cipher text stealing
62t_fbmodi.pas         Test prog for AES CTR/CFB/OFB with full blocks first
63t_gsp128.pas         Cycle test program for 128 bit keys, alignment info
64t_gspeed.pas         Test prog to compare AES encr/decr speed with Gladmann
65t_mcst.pas           Monte Carlo Self Tests, compares only final results
66t_mctful.pas         Full Monte Carlo Self Tests from AES submission
67t_mkctab.pas         Calculate compressed AES tables
68t_omac.pas           Test prog for AES OMAC
69t_ppp.pas            Test prog for PPP unit
70t_xts.pas            Test prog for AES XTS
71_comparm             Compile and run test programs on Raspberry Pi / 3