2--  File:            ZipAda.adb
3--  Description:     A minimal standalone command-line zip archiving utility
4--                     using the Zip-Ada library.
5--  Author:          Gautier de Montmollin
7--  Important changes:
9--  ZA v. 49: password can be set
10--  ZA v. 28: uses the Zip.Create package
11--  ZA v. 26: modified for the new Zip_Stream package
13with Ada.Calendar;                      use Ada.Calendar;
14with Ada.Command_Line;                  use Ada.Command_Line;
15with Ada.Directories;                   use Ada.Directories;
16with Ada.Text_IO;                       use Ada.Text_IO;
17with Ada.Float_Text_IO;                 use Ada.Float_Text_IO;
18with Ada.Strings.Fixed;                 use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
19with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;             use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
20with Ada.Characters.Handling;           use Ada.Characters.Handling;
21with Interfaces;
23with Zip_Streams;                       use Zip_Streams;
24with Zip.Compress, Zip.Create;          use Zip.Create;
26with My_feedback;
27with Zip;
29procedure ZipAda is
31  T0, T1 : Ada.Calendar.Time;
32  seconds_elapsed : Duration;
34  procedure Blurb is
35  begin
36    Put_Line("ZipAda * minimalistic standalone zipping tool.");
37    Put_Line("Demo for Zip-Ada library, by G. de Montmollin");
38    Put_Line("Library version " & Zip.version & " dated " & Zip.reference );
39    Put_Line("URL: " & Zip.web);
40    New_Line;
41  end Blurb;
43  function CutName(n:String; l:Natural) return String is
44    dots: constant String:= "...";
45  begin
46    if n'Length > l then
47      return dots & n( n'Last - (l-1) + dots'Length .. n'Last );
48    else
49      return n;
50    end if;
51  end CutName;
53  --  Final zipfile stream
54  MyStream: aliased File_Zipstream;
55  Info: Zip_Create_info;
56  password, password_confirm: Unbounded_String;
58  procedure Add_1_Stream(Stream : in out Root_Zipstream_Type'Class) is
59    Compressed_Size: Zip.File_size_type;
60    Final_Method   : Natural;
61    use Interfaces;
62  begin
63    Put("  Adding ");
64    declare
65      maxlen: constant:= 24;
66      cut: constant String:= CutName( Get_Name(Stream), maxlen );
67    begin
68      Put( cut & (1 + maxlen - cut'Length) * ' ');
69    end;
70    --
71    Add_Stream(
72      Info, Stream, My_feedback'Access, To_String(password), Compressed_Size, Final_Method
73    );
74    --
75    if Size(Stream) = 0 then
76      Put("          ");
77    end if;
78    Put(' ');
79    declare
80      meth: constant String:= Zip.Image(Zip.Method_from_code(Final_Method));
81    begin
82      Put( meth & (Zip.PKZip_method'Width - meth'Length) * ' ');
83    end;
84    if Size(Stream) > 0 then
85      Put(", to ");
86      Put(100.0 * Float(Compressed_Size) / Float(Size(Stream)), 3,2,0 );
87      Put('%');
88    end if;
89    Put_Line(", done.");
90  end Add_1_Stream;
92  function Add_zip_ext(s: String) return String is
93  begin
94    if s'Length < 4 or else
95       To_Upper(s(s'Last-3..s'Last)) /= ".ZIP"
96    then
97      return s & ".zip";
98    else
99      return s;
100    end if;
101  end Add_zip_ext;
103  use Zip.Compress;
105  method: Compression_Method:= Deflate_1;
106  zip_name_set: Boolean:= False;
108  procedure Zip_a_file(arg: String) is
109    InStream: File_Zipstream;
110  begin
111    Set_Name (InStream, arg);
112    Set_Time (InStream, Ada.Directories.Modification_Time(arg));
113    Open (InStream, In_File);
114    Add_1_Stream (InStream);
115    Close (InStream);
116  exception
117    when Ada.Text_IO.Use_Error =>
118      Put_Line("  ** Warning: skipping invalid entry: " & arg);
119  end Zip_a_file;
121  len: Natural:= 0;  --  absolute directory prefix, to be skipped.
123  -- Recursive directory scan expanded from this example:
124  --
125  -- http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Walk_a_directory/Recursively#Ada
127  procedure Walk (Name : String; Pattern : String; Level: Natural; Recursive: Boolean) is
128    --
129    procedure Process_file (Item : Directory_Entry_Type) is
130    begin
131      if Simple_Name (Item) /= "." and then Simple_Name (Item) /= ".." then
132        declare
133          fn: constant String:= Full_Name (Item);
134        begin
135          Zip_a_file (fn(fn'First+len..fn'Last));
136        end;
137      end if;
138    end Process_file;
139    --
140    procedure Walk_subdirectory (Item : Directory_Entry_Type) is
141    begin
142      if Simple_Name (Item) /= "." and then Simple_Name (Item) /= ".." then
143        Walk (Full_Name (Item), Pattern, Level+1, True);
144      end if;
145    exception
146      when Ada.Directories.Name_Error => null;
147    end Walk_subdirectory;
148    --
149  begin
150    if Level = 0 then  --  Figure out the length of the absolute path
151      len:= Full_Name(".")'Length + 1;
152    end if;
153    -- Process files
154    Search (Name, Pattern, (Directory => False, others => True), Process_file'Access);
155    -- Process subdirectories
156    if Recursive then
157      Search (Name, "", (Directory => True, others => False), Walk_subdirectory'Access);
158    end if;
159  exception
160    when Ada.Directories.Name_Error => -- "unknown directory" -> probably a file.
161      if Level = 0 then
162            if Zip.Exists(Name) then
163              Zip_a_file(Name);
164            else
165              Put_Line("  ** Warning [a]: name not matched: " & Name);
166            end if;
167        Zip_a_file(Name);
168      end if;
169  end Walk;
171  type Scan_mode is (
172    files_only,
173    files_and_dirs,
174    files_and_dirs_recursive,
175    patterns_recursive
176  );
177  scan: Scan_mode:= files_only;
179  procedure Enter_password(title: String; pwd: out Unbounded_String) is
180    c: Character;
181  begin
182    Put_Line(title);
183    loop
184      Get_Immediate(c);
185      exit when c < ' ';
186      pwd:= pwd & c;
187    end loop;
188  end Enter_password;
190  Wrong_password, Overwrite_disallowed: exception;
192  procedure Process_argument(i: Positive) is
193    arg    : constant String:= Argument(i);
194    arg_zip: constant String:= Add_zip_ext(arg);
195    answer : Character;
196  begin
197    if arg(arg'First) = '-' or arg(arg'First) = '/' then
198      -- Options
199      declare
200        --  Spaces to avoid too short slices
201        opt : constant String:= arg(arg'First+1..arg'Last) & "    ";
202        eX  : constant String:= opt(opt'First..opt'First+1);
203      begin
204        if eX = "e0" then
205          method:= Store;
206        elsif eX = "er" then
207          case opt(opt'First+2) is
208            when '1'    => method:= Reduce_1;
209            when '2'    => method:= Reduce_2;
210            when '3'    => method:= Reduce_3;
211            when others => method:= Reduce_4;
212          end case;
213        elsif eX = "es" then
214          method:= Shrink;
215        elsif eX = "ed" then
216          case opt(opt'First+2) is
217            when 'f'    => method:= Deflate_Fixed;
218            when '1'    => method:= Deflate_1;
219            when '2'    => method:= Deflate_2;
220            when others => method:= Deflate_3;
221          end case;
222        elsif eX = "el" then
223          case opt(opt'First+2) is
224            when '1'    => method:= LZMA_1;
225            when '2'    => method:= LZMA_2;
226            when others => method:= LZMA_3;
227          end case;
228        elsif eX = "ep" then
229          case opt(opt'First+2) is
230            when '1'    => method:= Preselection_1;
231            when others => method:= Preselection_2;
232          end case;
233        elsif opt(opt'First..opt'First+3) = "dir " then
234          scan:= Scan_mode'Max(scan, files_and_dirs);
235        elsif eX = "r " then
236          scan:= files_and_dirs_recursive;
237        elsif eX = "r2" then
238          scan:= patterns_recursive;
239        elsif opt(opt'First) = 's' then
240          if arg'Length > 2 then  --  Password is appended to the option
241            password:= To_Unbounded_String(arg(arg'First+2..arg'Last));
242          else
243            Enter_password("Enter password", password);
244            Enter_password("Confirm password", password_confirm);
245            if password /= password_confirm then
246              Put_Line("Password mismatch.");
247              raise Wrong_password;
248            end if;
249          end if;
250        end if;
251      end;
252    elsif not zip_name_set then
253      zip_name_set:= True;
254      if Zip.Exists(arg_zip) then
255        Put("Archive " & arg_zip & " already exists! Overwrite (y/n) ?");
256        Get_Immediate(answer);
257        answer:= To_Upper(answer);
258        Put_Line(" -> " & answer);
259        if answer /= 'Y' then
260          Put_Line("Stopped.");
261          raise Overwrite_disallowed;
262        end if;
263      end if;
264      Put_Line("Creating archive " & arg_zip);
265      Put_Line("Method: " & Compression_Method'Image(method));
266      T0:= Clock;
267      Create(Info, MyStream'Unchecked_Access, arg_zip, method, Zip.error_on_duplicate);
268    else -- First real argument has already been used for archive's name
269      if To_Upper(arg) = To_Upper(Name(Info)) then
270        Put_Line("  ** Warning: skipping archive's name as entry: " & arg);
271        -- avoid zipping the archive itself!
272        -- NB: case insensitive
273      else
274        case scan is
275          when files_only =>
276            if Zip.Exists(arg) then
277              Zip_a_file(arg);
278            else
279              Put_Line("  ** Warning [b]: name not matched: " & arg);
280            end if;
281          when files_and_dirs =>
282            Walk (arg, "*", 0, False);
283          when files_and_dirs_recursive =>
284            Walk (arg, "*", 0, True);
285          when patterns_recursive =>
286            Walk (".", arg, 0, True);
287        end case;
288      end if;
289    end if;
290  end Process_argument;
293  Blurb;
294  for i in 1..Argument_Count loop
295    Process_argument(i);
296  end loop;
297  if Is_Created (Info) then
298    Finish (Info);
299    T1:= Clock;
300    seconds_elapsed:= T1-T0;
301    Put("Time elapsed : ");
302    Put( Float( seconds_elapsed ), 4, 2, 0 );
303    Put_Line( " sec");
304  else
305    Put_Line("Usage: zipada [options] archive[.zip] name(s)");
306    New_Line;
307    Put_Line("Options:  -e0    : ""Store"": zero compression, archiving only (like tar)");
308    Put_Line("          -erN   : ""Reduce"" 2-pass method, factor N = 1..4");
309    Put_Line("          -es    : ""Shrink"" method (LZW algorithm)");
310    Put_Line("          -edf   : ""Deflate"" method, with one ""fixed"" block (weak)");
311    Put_Line("          -edN   : ""Deflate"" method, ""dynamic"" compression, strength N = 1..3");
312    Put_Line("          -elN   : ""LZMA"" method, strength N = 1..3");
313    Put_Line("          -epN   : preselection of an appropriate method, strength N = 1..2");
314    New_Line;
315    Put_Line("      NB: default method is ""Deflate"", strength 1 (-ed1)");
316    New_Line;
317    Put_Line("          -dir   : name(s) may be also directories,");
318    Put_Line("                      whose entire contents will be archived");
319    Put_Line("          -r     : same as ""-dir"", but recursively archives full subdirectories");
320    Put_Line("                      of the named directories as well");
321    Put_Line("          -r2    : search name(s) in current and all subdirectories as well;");
322    Put_Line("                      please enclose name(s) that have wildcards with");
323    Put_Line("                      single quotes, for example: '*.adb'");
324    Put_Line("          -s[X]  : set password X");
325  end if;
326end ZipAda;