1// -*- text -*-
3 * \file GeographicLib.dox
4 * \brief Documentation for GeographicLib
5 *
6 * Written by Charles Karney <charles@karney.com> and licensed under the
7 * MIT/X11 License.  For more information, see
8 * https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/
9 **********************************************************************/
10namespace GeographicLib {
12\mainpage GeographicLib library
13\author Charles F. F. Karney (charles@karney.com)
14\version @PROJECT_VERSION@
15\date 2021-06-22
17The documentation for other versions is available at
18<tt>https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/m.nn/</tt> for versions numbers
19<tt>m.nn</tt> &ge; 1.0.
21\section abstract Abstract
23GeographicLib is a small set of <a href="annotated.html">C++
24classes</a> for performing conversions between geographic, UTM, UPS,
25MGRS, geocentric, and local cartesian coordinates, for gravity (e.g.,
26EGM2008), geoid height and geomagnetic field (e.g., WMM2020)
27calculations, and for solving geodesic problems.  The emphasis is on
28returning accurate results with errors close to round-off (about 5--15
29nanometers).  Accurate algorithms for \ref geodesic and \ref
30transversemercator have been developed for this library.  The
31functionality of the library can be accessed from user code, from the
32\ref utilities provided, or via the \ref other.  Also included is a .NET
33wrapper library <a href="NET/index.html">NETGeographicLib</a>
34which exposes the functionality to .NET applications.  For a sample of
35the geodesic capabilities in JavaScript, check out the
36<a href="../scripts/geod-calc.html">online geodesic calculator</a> and
37the script for displaying
38<a href="../scripts/geod-google.html">geodesics in Google Maps</a>
40This library is <i>not</i> a general purpose projection library nor does
41it perform datum conversions; instead use
42<a href="https://proj.org">PROJ</a>.  On the other
43hand, it does provide the core functionality offered by
44<a href="http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/geotrans/">GEOTRANS</a>.
46\section download Download
48The main project page is at
49- https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib
51The code is available for download at
52- <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz">
53  GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz</a>
54- <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.zip">
55  GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.zip</a>
57as either a compressed tar file (tar.gz) or a zip file.  (The two
58archives have identical contents, except that the zip file has DOS
59line endings.)  Alternatively you can get the latest release using git
61  git clone git://git.code.sourceforge.net/p/geographiclib/code geographiclib
63Each release is tagged, e.g., with r@PROJECT_VERSION@.  There are also
64binary installers available for some platforms.  See \ref binaryinst.
66GeographicLib is licensed under the
67<a href="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT">MIT/X11 License</a>;
68see <a href="LICENSE.txt">LICENSE.txt</a> for the terms.
70For more information on GeographicLib, see
71- https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/.
73\section citint Citing GeographicLib
75When citing GeographicLib, use (adjust the version number and date as
77- C. F. F. Karney, GeographicLib, Version @PROJECT_VERSION@ (2021-06-22),
78  https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/@PROJECT_VERSION@
80\section contents Contents
81 - \ref intro
82 - \ref install
83 - \ref start
84 - \ref utilities
85 - \ref organization
86 - \ref other
87 - \ref geoid
88 - \ref gravity
89 - \ref normalgravity
90 - \ref magnetic
91 - \ref geodesic
92 - \ref nearest
93 - \ref triaxial
94 - \ref jacobi
95 - \ref rhumb
96 - \ref greatellipse
97 - \ref transversemercator
98 - \ref geocentric
99 - \ref auxlat
100 - \ref highprec
101 - \ref changes
104Forward to \ref intro.
109\page intro Introduction
112Forward to \ref install.  Up to \ref contents.
115GeographicLib offers a C++ interfaces to a small (but important!) set
116of geographic transformations.  It grew out of a desire to improve on
117the <a href="http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/geotrans/">GEOTRANS</a>
118package for transforming between geographic and MGRS coordinates.  At
119present, GeographicLib provides UTM, UPS, MGRS, geocentric, and local
120cartesian projections, gravity and geomagnetic models, and classes for
121geodesic calculations.
123The goals of GeographicLib are:
124 - Accuracy.  In most applications the accuracy is close to round-off,
125   about 5&nbsp;nm (5 nanometers).  Even though in many geographic
126   applications 1 cm is considered "accurate enough", there is little
127   penalty in providing much better accuracy.  In situations where a
128   faster approximate algorithm is necessary, GeographicLib offers an
129   accurate benchmark to guide the development.
130 - Completeness.  For each of the projections included, an attempt is
131   made to provide a complete solution.  For example,
132   Geodesic::Inverse works for anti-podal points.
133   Similarly, Geocentric::Reverse will return accurate
134   geodetic coordinates even for points close to the center of the
135   earth.
136 - C++ interface.  For the projection methods, this allows encapsulation
137   of the ellipsoid parameters.
138 - Emphasis on projections necessary for analyzing military data.
139 - Uniform treatment of UTM/UPS.  The UTMUPS class treats
140   UPS as zone 0.  This simplifies conversions between UTM and UPS
141   coordinates, etc.
142 - Well defined and stable conventions for the conversion between
143   UTM/UPS to MGRS coordinates.
144 - Detailed internal documentation on the algorithms.  For the most part
145   GeographicLib uses published algorithms and references are given.  If
146   changes have been made (usually to improve the numerical accuracy),
147   these are described in the code.
149Various \ref utilities are provided with the library.  These illustrate
150the use of the library and are useful in their own right.  This library
151and the utilities have been tested with C++11 compliant versions of g++
152under Linux, with Apple LLVM 7.0.2 under Mac OS X, and with MS Visual
153Studio 14 (2015), 15 (2017), and 16 (2019) compiled for 32 bit and 64
154bit on Windows.
156MATLAB, JavaScript, and Python interfaces are provided to portions of
157GeographicLib; see \ref other.
159The section \ref geodesic documents the method of solving the geodesic
162The section \ref transversemercator documents various properties of this
165The bulk of the testing has used geographically relevant values of the
166flattening.  Thus, you can expect close to full accuracy for &minus;0.01
167&le; \e f &le; 0.01 (but note that TransverseMercatorExact is restricted
168to \e f &gt; 0).  However, reasonably accurate results can be expected if
169&minus;0.1 &le; \e f &le; 0.1.  Outside this range, you should attempt
170to verify the accuracy of the routines independently.  Two types of
171problems may occur with larger values of <i>f</i>:
172 - Some classes, specifically Geodesic, GeodesicLine, and
173   TransverseMercator, use series expansions using \e f as a small
174   parameter.  The accuracy of these routines will degrade as \e f
175   becomes large.
176 - Even when exact formulas are used, many of the classes need to invert
177   the exact formulas (e.g., to invert a projection), typically, using
178   Newton's method.  This usually provides an essentially exact
179   inversion.  However, the choice of starting guess and the exit
180   conditions have been tuned to cover small values of \e f and the
181   inversion may be incorrect if \e f is large.
183Undoubtedly, bugs lurk in this code and in the documentation.  Please
184report any you find to charles@karney.com.
187Forward to \ref install.  Up to \ref contents.
192\page install Installing GeographicLib
195Back to \ref intro.  Forward to \ref start.  Up to \ref contents.
198GeographicLib has been developed under Linux with the g++ compiler,
199under Mac OS X with Xcode, and under Windows with Visual Studio 2015 and
200later.  It should compile on any systems with a C++11 compliant
201compiler.  First download either
202<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz">
203GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz</a> or
204<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.zip">
205GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.zip</a> (or
206<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@-win32.exe">
207GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@-win32.exe</a> or
208<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@-win64.exe">
210for binary installation under Windows).
211Then pick one of the first five options below:
212- \ref cmake.  This is the preferred installation method as it will work
213  on the widest range of platforms.  However it requires that you have
214  <a href="https://www.cmake.org">cmake</a> installed.
215- \ref autoconf.  This method works for most Unix-like systems,
216  including Linux and Mac OS X.
217- \ref gnu.  This is a simple installation method that works with g++
218  and GNU make on Linux and many Unix platforms.
219- \ref binaryinst.  Use this installation method if you only need to use
220  the \ref utilities supplied with GeographicLib.
221- \ref qt.  How to compile GeographicLib so that it can be used by Qt
222  programs.
223- \ref maintainer.  This describes addition tasks of interest only to
224  the maintainers of this code.
226This section documents only how to install the <i>software</i>.  If you
227wish to use GeographicLib to evaluate geoid heights or the earth's
228gravitational or magnetic fields, then you must also install the
229relevant data files.  See \ref geoidinst, \ref gravityinst, and \ref
230magneticinst for instructions.
232The first two installation methods use two important techniques which
233make software maintenance simpler
234- <b>Out-of-source builds:</b>  This means that you create a separate
235  directory for compiling the code.  In the description here the
236  directories are called BUILD and are located in the top-level of the
237  source tree.  You might want to use a suffix to denote the type of
238  build, e.g., BUILD-vc14 for Visual Studio 14 (2015), or BUILD-shared
239  for a build which creates a shared library.  The advantages of
240  out-of-source builds are:
241  - You don't mess up the source tree, so it's easy to "clean up".
242    Indeed the source tree might be on a read-only file system.
243  - Builds for multiple platforms or compilers don't interfere with each
244    other.
245- <b>The library is installed:</b> After compilation, there is a
246  separate <i>install</i> step which copies the headers, libraries,
247  tools, and documentation to a "central" location.  You may at this
248  point delete the source and build directories.  If you have
249  administrative privileges, you can install GeographicLib for the use
250  of all users (e.g., in /usr/local).  Otherwise, you can install it for
251  your personal use (e.g., in $HOME/packages).
253\section cmake Installation with cmake
255This is the recommended method of installation; however it requires that
256<a href="https://www.cmake.org">cmake</a>, version 3.7.0 or later, be
257installed on your system.  This permits GeographicLib to be built either
258as a shared or a static library on a wide variety of systems.  cmake can
259also determine the capabilities of your system and adjust the
260compilation of the libraries and examples appropriately.
262cmake is available for most computer platforms.  On Linux systems cmake
263will typically be one of the standard packages and can be installed by a
264command like
265  \verbatim
266  yum install cmake \endverbatim
267(executed as root).  The minimum version of cmake supported for building
268GeographicLib is 3.1.0 (which was released on 2014-12-15).
270On other systems, download a binary installer from https://www.cmake.org
271click on download, and save and run the appropriate installer.  Run the
272cmake command with no arguments to get help.  Other useful tools are
273ccmake and cmake-gui which offer curses and graphical interfaces to
274cmake.  Building under cmake depends on whether it is targeting an IDE
275(interactive development environment) or generating Unix-style
276makefiles.  The instructions below have been tested with makefiles and
277g++ on Linux and with the Visual Studio IDE on Windows.  It is known to
278work also for Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools.
280Here are the steps to compile and install GeographicLib:
281- Unpack the source, running one of \verbatim
282  tar xfpz GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz
283  unzip -q GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.zip \endverbatim
284  then enter the directory created with \verbatim
285  cd GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@ \endverbatim
286- Create a separate build directory and enter it, for example, \verbatim
287  mkdir BUILD
288  cd BUILD \endverbatim
289- Run cmake, pointing it to the source directory (..).  On Linux, Unix,
290  and MacOSX systems, the command is \verbatim
291  cmake .. \endverbatim
292  For Windows, the command is typically something like \verbatim
293  cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" -A win32 \
294    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:/Program Files (x86)/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@" \
295    ..
296  cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" -A x64 \
297    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:/Program Files/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@" \
298    ..\endverbatim
299  The definitions of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX point to system directories.
300  You might instead prefer to install to a user directory such as
301  <code>C:/Users/jsmith/projects/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@</code>.
302  The settings given above are recommended to ensure that packages that
303  use GeographicLib use the version compiled with the right compiler.
304  If you need to rerun cmake, use \verbatim
305  cmake . \endverbatim
306  possibly including some options via <code>-D</code> (see the next step).
307- cmake allows you to configure how GeographicLib is built and installed by
308  supplying options, for example \verbatim
309  cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/geographic . \endverbatim
310  The options you might need to change are
311  - <code>COMMON_INSTALL_PATH</code> governs the installation
312    convention.  If it is on ON (the Linux default), the installation
313    is to a common directory, e.g., /usr/local.  If it is OFF (the
314    Windows default), the installation directory contains the package
315    name, e.g.,
316    <code>C:/Program Files/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@</code>.  The
317    installation directories for the documentation, cmake configuration,
318    Python and MATLAB interfaces all depend on the variable with deeper
319    paths relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX being used when it's ON:
320    - cmake configuration: OFF cmake; ON: lib/cmake/GeographicLib;
321    - documentation: OFF: doc/html; ON: share/doc/GeographicLib/html;
322    - JavaScript interface: OFF: node_modules; ON: lib/node_modules;
323    - Python interface: OFF: python; ON: lib/python/site-packages;
324    - MATLAB interface: OFF: matlab; ON: share/matlab.
325    .
326  - <code>CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX</code> (default: <code>/usr/local</code>
327    on non-Windows systems, <code>C:/Program Files (x86)/GeographicLib</code>
328    on Windows systems) specifies where the library will be installed.
329    For Windows systems, you might want to use a prefix which includes
330    the compiler version, in order to keep the libraries built with
331    different versions of the compiler in distinct locations.  If you
332    just want to try the library to see if it suits your needs, pick,
333    for example,
334    <code>CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX</code>=/tmp/geographic.
335  - <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA</code> (default:
336    /usr/local/share/GeographicLib for non-Windows systems,
337    C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib for Windows systems) specifies the default
338    location for the various datasets for use by Geoid,
339    GravityModel, and MagneticModel.
340    See \ref geoidinst, \ref gravityinst, and \ref magneticinst for more
341    information.
342  - <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_LIB_TYPE</code> (allowed values: SHARED, STATIC, or
343    BOTH), specifies the types of libraries build.  The default is
344    STATIC for Windows and SHARED otherwise.  If building GeographicLib
345    for system-wide use, BOTH is recommended, because this provides users
346    with the choice of which library to use.
347  - <code>CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE</code> (default: Release).  This
348    flags only affects non-IDE compile environments (like make + g++).
349    The default is actually blank, but this is treated as
350    Release.  Choose one of
351    \verbatim
352  Debug
353  Release
354  RelWithDebInfo
355  MinSizeRel
357    (With IDE compile environments, you get to select the build type in
358    the IDE.)
359  - <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_DOCUMENTATION</code> (default: OFF).  If set to
360    ON, then html documentation is created from the source files,
361    provided a sufficiently recent version of doxygen can be found.
362    Otherwise, the html documentation will redirect to the appropriate
363    version of the online documentation.
364  - <code>BUILD_NETGEOGRAPHICLIB</code> (default: OFF).  If set to ON,
365    build the managed C++ wrapper library
366    <a href="NET/index.html">NETGeographicLib</a>.  This only makes
367    sense for Windows systems.
368  - <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION</code> specifies the precision to be
369    used for "real" (i.e., floating point) numbers.  Here are the
370    possible values
371    -# float (24-bit precision); typically this is far to inaccurate
372       for geodetic applications.
373    -# double precision (53-bit precision, the default).
374    -# long double (64-bit precision); this does not apply for Visual
375       Studio (long double is the same as double with that compiler).
376    -# quad precision (113-bit precision).
377    -# arbitrary precision.
378    .
379    See \ref highprec for additional information about the last two
380    values.  Nearly all the testing has been carried out with doubles
381    and that's the recommended configuration.  In particular you should
382    avoid "installing" the library with a precision different from
383    double.
384  - <code>USE_BOOST_FOR_EXAMPLES</code> (default: OFF).  If set to ON,
385    then the Boost library is searched for in order to build the
386    NearestNeighbor example.
387  - <code>APPLE_MULTIPLE_ARCHITECTURES</code> (default: OFF).  If set to
388    ON, build for i386 and x86_64 and Mac OS X systems.  Otherwise,
389    build for the default architecture.
390  - <code>CONVERT_WARNINGS_TO_ERRORS</code> (default: OFF).  If set to
391    ON, then compiler warnings are treated as errors.  (This happens
392    also if you are a "developer", i.e., if the file
393    <code>tests/CMakeLists.txt</code> is present.)
394  .
395- Build and install the software.  In non-IDE environments, run
396  \verbatim
397  make         # compile the library and utilities
398  make test    # run some tests
399  make install # as root, if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is a system directory
401  Possible additional targets are \verbatim
402  make dist
403  make exampleprograms
404  make netexamples (supported only for Release configuration) \endverbatim
405  On IDE environments, run your IDE (e.g., Visual Studio), load
406  GeographicLib.sln, pick the build type (e.g., Release), and select
407  "Build Solution".  If this succeeds, select "RUN_TESTS" to build;
408  finally, select "INSTALL" to install (RUN_TESTS and INSTALL are in
409  the CMakePredefinedTargets folder).  Alternatively (for example, if
410  you are using the Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools), you run the Visual
411  Studio compiler from the command line with \verbatim
412  cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD
413  cmake --build . --config Release --target RUN_TESTS
414  cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL \endverbatim
415  For maximum flexibility, it's a good idea to build and install both
416  the Debug and Release versions of the library (in that order).  The
417  installation directories will then contain the release versions of the
418  tools and <i>both</i> versions (debug and release) of the libraries.
419  If you use cmake to configure and build your programs, then the right
420  version of the library (debug vs. release) will automatically be used.
421- The headers, library, and utilities are installed in the
422  include/GeographicLib, lib, and bin directories under
423  <code>CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX</code>.  (dll dynamic libraries are
424  installed in bin.)  For documentation, open in a web browser
425  <a href="index.html">
426  PREFIX/share/doc/GeographicLib/html/index.html</a>, if
427  COMMON_INSTALL_PATH is ON, or <a href="index.html">
428  PREFIX/doc/index.html</a>, otherwise.
429- With cmake 3.13 and later, cmake can create the build directory for
430  you.  This allows you to configure and run the build on Windows with
431  \verbatim
432  cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" -A x64 -S . -B BUILD
433  cmake --build BUILD --config Release --target ALL_BUILD \endverbatim
434  or on Linux with \verbatim
435  cmake -S . -B BUILD
436  make -C BUILD -j4 \endverbatim
438\section autoconf Installation using the autoconfigure tools
440The method works on most Unix-like systems including Linux and Mac OS X.
441Here are the steps to compile and install GeographicLib:
442- Unpack the source, running \verbatim
443  tar xfpz GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz \endverbatim
444  then enter the directory created \verbatim
445  cd GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@ \endverbatim
446- Create a separate build directory and enter it, for example, \verbatim
447  mkdir BUILD
448  cd BUILD \endverbatim
449- Configure the software, specifying the path of the source directory,
450  with \verbatim
451  ../configure \endverbatim
452- By default GeographicLib will be installed under /usr/local.
453  You can change this with, for example \verbatim
454  ../configure --prefix=/tmp/geographic \endverbatim
455- Compile and install the software with \verbatim
456  make
457  make install \endverbatim
458- The headers, library, and utilities are installed in the
459  include/GeographicLib, lib, and bin directories under
460  <code>prefix</code>.  For documentation, open <a href="index.html">
461  share/doc/GeographicLib/html/index.html</a> in a web browser.
463\section gnu Installation with GNU compiler and Make
465This method requires the standard GNU suite of tools, in particular make
466and g++.  This builds a static library and the examples.
468Here are the steps to compile and install GeographicLib:
469- Unpack the source, running \verbatim
470  tar xfpz GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz \endverbatim
471  then enter the directory created \verbatim
472  cd GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@ \endverbatim
473- Edit \verbatim
474  include/GeographicLib/Config.h \endverbatim
475  If your C++ compiler does not recognize the long double type
476  (unlikely), insert \code
478  If your machine using big endian ordering, then insert \code
480- Build and install the software: \verbatim
481  make             # compile the library and the tools
482  make install     # as root \endverbatim
483  The installation is in directories under /usr/local.  You
484  can specify a different installation directory with, for example,
485  \verbatim
486  make PREFIX=/tmp/geographic install \endverbatim
487- The headers, library, and utilities are installed in the
488  include/GeographicLib, lib, and bin directories under
489  <code>PREFIX</code>.  For documentation, open <a href="index.html">
490  share/doc/GeographicLib/html/index.html</a> in a web browser.
492\section binaryinst Using a binary installer
494Binary installers are available for some platforms
496\subsection binaryinstwin Windows
498Use this method if you only need to use the GeographicLib utilities.
499The header files and static and shared versions of library are also
500provided; these can only be used by Visual Studio 14 2015 or later (2017
501or 2019) (in either release or debug mode).  However, if you plan to use
502the library, it may be advisable to build it with the compiler you are
503using for your own code using \ref cmake.
505Download and run
506<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@-win32.exe">
507GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@-win32.exe</a> or
508<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@-win64.exe">
510 - read the MIT/X11 License agreement,
511 - select whether you want your PATH modified,
512 - select the installation folder, by default
513   C:\\Program Files\\GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@ or
514   C:\\Program Files (x86)\\GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@,
515 - select the start menu folder,
516 - and install.
517 .
518(Note that the default installation folder adheres the the convention
519given in \ref cmake.)  The start menu will now include links to the
520documentation for the library and for the utilities (and a link for
521uninstalling the library).  If you ask for your PATH to be modified, it
522will include
523<code>C:/Program Files{, (x86)}/GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@/bin</code>
524where the utilities are installed.  The headers and library are
525installed in the include/GeographicLib and lib folders.  The libraries
526were built using using Visual Studio 14 2015 in release and debug modes.
527The utilities were linked against the release-mode shared library.
529<a href="NET/index.html">NETGeographicLib</a> library dlls (release and
530debug) are included with the binary installers; these are linked against
531the shared library for GeographicLib.
533Also included are the Python, JavaScript, and MATLAB interfaces.
535\subsection binaryinstosx MacOSX
537You can install using Homebrew.  Follow the directions on
538https://brew.sh/ for installing this package manager.  Then type
540brew install geographiclib \endverbatim
541Now links to GeographicLib are installed under /usr/local.
543\subsection binaryinstlin Linux
545Some Linux distributions, Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu, offer
546GeographicLib as a standard package.  Typically these will be one or two
547versions behind the latest.
549\section qt Building the library for use with Qt
551If Qt is using a standard compiler, then build GeographicLib with that
552same compiler (and optimization flags) as Qt.
554If you are using the mingw compiler on Windows for Qt, then you need to
555build GeographicLib with mingw.  You can accomplish this with cmake
556under cygwin with, for example, \verbatim
557  export PATH="`cygpath c:/QtSDK/mingw/bin`:$PATH"
558  mkdir BUILD
559  cd BUILD
560  cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:/Program Files/GeographicLib" ..
561  mingw32-make
562  mingw32-make install \endverbatim
563If cmake complains that sh mustn't be in your path, invoke cmake with
565  env PATH="$( echo $PATH | tr : '\n' |
566  while read d; do test -f "$d/sh.exe" || echo -n "$d:"; done |
567  sed 's/:$//' )" \
568  cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:/Program Files/GeographicLib" ..
571\section maintainer Maintainer tasks
573Check the code out of git with \verbatim
574  git clone -b master git://git.code.sourceforge.net/p/geographiclib/code geographiclib
576Here the "master" branch is checked out.  There are three branches in
577the git repository:
578- <b>master</b>: the main branch for code maintenance.  Releases are
579  tagged on this branch as, e.g., v@PROJECT_VERSION@.
580- <b>devel</b>: the development branch; changes made here are merged
581  into master.
582- <b>release</b>: the release branch created by unpacking the source
583  releases (git is \e not used to merge changes from the other
584  branches into this branch).  This is the \e default branch of the
585  repository (the branch you get if cloning the repository without
586  specifying a branch).  This differs from the master branch in that
587  some administrative files are excluded while some intermediate files
588  are included (in order to aid building on as many platforms as
589  possible).  Releases are tagged on this branch as, e.g.,
592The autoconf configuration script and the formatted man pages are not
593checked into master branch of the repository.  In order to create the
594autoconf configuration script, run \verbatim
595  sh autogen.sh \endverbatim
596in the top level directory.  Provided you are running on a system with
597doxygen, pod2man, and pod2html installed, then you can create the
598documentation and the man pages by building the system using cmake or
601In the case of cmake, you then run \verbatim
602  make dist \endverbatim
603which will copy the man pages from the build directory back into the
604source tree and package the resulting source tree for distribution as
606  GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz
607  GeographicLib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.zip \endverbatim
608Finally, \verbatim
609  make package \endverbatim
610or building PACKAGE in Visual Studio will create a binary installer for
611GeographicLib.  For Windows, this requires in the installation of
612<a href="https://nsis.sourceforge.io">NSIS</a>.  On Windows, you should
613configure GeographicLib with <code>PACKAGE_DEBUG_LIBS</code>=ON, build both
614Release and Debug versions of the library and finally build PACKAGE in
615Release mode.  This will get the release and debug versions of the
616library included in the package.  For example, the 64-bit binary
617installer is created with \verbatim
618  cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" -A x64 \
622    ..
623  cmake --build . --config Debug --target ALL_BUILD
624  cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD
625  cmake --build . --config Release --target matlabinterface
626  cmake --build . --config Release --target PACKAGE \endverbatim
628With configure, run \verbatim
629  make dist-gzip \endverbatim
630which will create the additional files and packages the results ready
631for distribution as \verbatim
632  geographiclib-@PROJECT_VERSION@.tar.gz \endverbatim
634Prior to making a release, the script
635<code>tests/test-distribution.sh</code> is run on a Fedora system.  This
636checked that the library compiles correctly is multiple configurations.
637In addition it creates a directory and scripts for checking the
638compilation on Windows.
640The following Fedora packages are required by
642- cmake
643- automake
644- autoconf-archive
645- libtool
646- gcc-c++
647- gcc-gfortran
648- ccache
649- doxygen
650- boost-devel
651- mpfr-devel
652- octave
653- python2
654- python3-sphinx
655- nodejs
656- maven
659The following npm packages need to be installed (jshint is just for
660syntax checking) \verbatim
661  npm install -g mocha jsdoc jshint \endverbatim
662The following Fedora package is also useful for syntax checking python
663- pylint
665Installing the python package requires the following \verbatim
666  python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel twine \endverbatim
667mpreal.h, version 3.6.8 or later, needs to be downloaded from
668https://github.com/advanpix/mpreal and installed in the
669<code>include/</code> directory.  (Version 3.6.8 requires also the fixes
670given in pull requests #8 and #10.)  For all the tests to be run,
671the following datasets need to be installed
672- geoid models: egm96-5
673- magnetic models: wmm2010 emm2015
674- gravity models: egm2008 grs80
677Back to \ref intro.  Forward to \ref start.  Up to \ref contents.
682\page start Getting started
685Back to \ref install.  Forward to \ref utilities.  Up to \ref contents.
688Much (but not all!) of the useful functionality of GeographicLib is
689available via simple command line utilities.  Interfaces to some of them
690are available via the web.  See \ref utilities for documentation on
693In order to use GeographicLib from C++ code, you will need to
694- Include the header files for the GeographicLib classes in your code.
695  E.g., \code
696  #include <GeographicLib/LambertConformalConic.hpp> \endcode
697- Include the GeographicLib:: namespace prefix to the GeographicLib classes,
698  or include \code
699  using namespace GeographicLib; \endcode
700  in your code.
701- Finally compile and link your code.  You have two options here.
702  - Use cmake to build your package.  If you are familiar with cmake
703    this typically will be far the simplest option.
704  - Set the include paths and linking options "manually".
705- Building your code with cmake.  In brief, the necessary steps are:
706  - include in your CMakeLists.txt files \verbatim
707    find_package (GeographicLib REQUIRED)
708    add_executable (program source1.cpp source2.cpp)
709    target_link_libraries (program ${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES}) \endverbatim
710  - configure your package, e.g., with \verbatim
711    mkdir BUILD
712    cd BUILD
713    cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" -A x64 \
714      -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:/Program Files" \
715      -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:/Program Files/testgeog" \
716      .. \endverbatim
717    Note that you almost always want to configure and build your code
718    somewhere other than the source directory (in this case, we use the
719    BUILD subdirectory).  Also, on Windows, make sure that the version
720    of Visual Studio (14 in the example above) architecture (x64 in the
721    example above) is compatible with that used to build GeographicLib.
722    In this example, it's not necessary to specify
723    <code>CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH</code>, because <code>C:/Program
724    Files</code> is one of the system paths which is searched
725    automatically.
726  - build your package.  On Linux and MacOS this usually involves just
727    running make.  On Windows, you can load the solution file created by
728    cmake into Visual Studio; alternatively, you can get cmake to run
729    build your code with \verbatim
730    cmake --build . --config Release --target ALL_BUILD \endverbatim
731    You might also want to install your package (using "make install" or
732    build the "INSTALL" target with the command above).
733  - With cmake 3.13 and later, cmake can create the build directory for
734    you.  This allows you to configure and run the build on Windows with
735    \verbatim
736    cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" -A x64 \
737      -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="C:/Program Files" \
738      -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="C:/Program Files/testgeog" \
739      -S . -B BUILD
740    cmake --build BUILD --config Release --target ALL_BUILD \endverbatim
741    or on Linux with \verbatim
742    cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/tmp/testgeog" \
743      -S . -B BUILD
744    make -C BUILD -j4 \endverbatim
745  .
746  The most import step is the find_package command.  The cmake
747  documentation describes the locations searched by find_package (the
748  appropriate rule for GeographicLib are those for "Config" mode lookups).
749  In brief, the locations that are searched are (from least specific to
750  most specific, i.e., in <i>reverse</i> order) are
751  - under the system paths, i.e., locations such as <code>C:/Program
752    Files</code> and <code>/usr/local</code>);
753  - frequently, it's necessary to search within a "package directory"
754    (or set of directories) for external dependencies; this is given by
755    a (semicolon separated) list of directories specified by the cmake
756    variable <code>CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH</code> (illustrated above);
757  - the package directory for GeographicLib can be overridden with the
758    <i>environment variable</i> <code>GeographicLib_DIR</code> (which is the
759    directory under which GeographicLib is installed);
760  - finally, if you need to point to a particular build of GeographicLib,
761    define the <i>cmake variable</i> <code>GeographicLib_DIR</code>, which
762    specifies the absolute path of the directory containing the
763    configuration file <code>geographiclib-config.cmake</code> (for
764    debugging this may be the top-level <i>build</i> directory, as
765    opposed to <i>installation</i> directory, for GeographicLib).
766  .
767  Typically, specifying nothing or <code>CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH</code>
768  suffices.  However the two <code>GeographicLib_DIR</code> variables allow
769  for a specific version to be chosen.  On Windows systems (with Visual
770  Studio), find_package will only find versions of GeographicLib built with
771  the right version of the compiler.  (If you used a non-cmake method of
772  installing GeographicLib, you can try copying cmake/FindGeographicLib.cmake
773  to somewhere in your <code>CMAKE_MODULE_PATH</code> in order for
774  find_package to work.  However, this method has not been thoroughly
775  tested.)
777  If GeographicLib is not found, check the values of
778  <code>GeographicLib_CONSIDERED_CONFIGS</code> and
779  <code>GeographicLib_CONSIDERED_VERSIONS</code>; these list the
780  configuration files and corresponding versions which were considered
781  by find_package.
783  If GeographicLib is found, then the following cmake variables are set:
784  - <code>GeographicLib_FOUND</code> = 1
785  - <code>GeographicLib_VERSION</code> = @PROJECT_VERSION@
786  - <code>GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS</code>
787  - <code>GeographicLib_LIBRARIES</code> = one of the following two:
788  - <code>GeographicLib_SHARED_LIBRARIES</code> = GeographicLib::GeographicLib_SHARED
789  - <code>GeographicLib_STATIC_LIBRARIES</code> = GeographicLib::GeographicLib_STATIC
790  - <code>GeographicLib_LIBRARY_DIRS</code>
791  - <code>GeographicLib_BINARY_DIRS</code>
792  - <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA</code> = value of this compile-time parameter
793  .
794  Either of <code>GeographicLib_SHARED_LIBRARIES</code> or
795  <code>GeographicLib_STATIC_LIBRARIES</code> may be empty, if that version
796  of the library is unavailable.  If you require a specific version,
797  SHARED or STATIC, of the library, add a <code>COMPONENTS</code> clause
798  to find_package, e.g.,
799  \verbatim
800    find_package (GeographicLib 1.34 REQUIRED COMPONENTS SHARED) \endverbatim
801  causes only packages which include the shared library to be found.  If
802  the package includes both versions of the library, then
803  <code>GeographicLib_LIBRARIES</code> is set to the shared version,
804  unless you include \verbatim
805    set (GeographicLib_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) \endverbatim
806  <i>before</i> the find_package command.  You can check whether
807  <code>GeographicLib_LIBRARIES</code> refers to the shared or static
808  library with \verbatim
809    get_target_property(_LIBTYPE ${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES} TYPE) \endverbatim
810  which results in <code>_LIBTYPE</code> being set to
811  <code>SHARED_LIBRARY</code> or <code>STATIC_LIBRARY</code>.
812  On Windows, cmake takes care of linking to the release or debug
813  version of the library as appropriate.  (This assumes that the Release
814  and Debug versions of the libraries were built and installed.  This is
815  true for the Windows binary installer for GeographicLib version 1.34 and
816  later.)
817- Here are the steps to compile and link your code using GeographicLib
818  "manually".
819  - Tell the compiler where to find the header files.  With g++ and with
820    /usr/local specified as the installation directory,
821    this is accomplished with \verbatim
822    g++ -c -g -O3 -I/usr/local/include testprogram.cpp
823    \endverbatim
824    With Visual Studio, specify the include directory in the IDE via,
825    e.g.,
826    \verbatim
827    C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories = C:\pkg-vc14-x64\GeographicLib\include
828    \endverbatim
829  - If using the shared (or static) library with Visual Studio, define
830    the macro <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_SHARED_LIB=1</code> (or
831    <code>0</code>), e.g.,
832    \verbatim
833    C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions = GEOGRAPHICLIB_SHARED_LIB=1
834    \endverbatim
835    This is only needed for Windows systems when both shared and static
836    libraries have been installed.  (If you configure your package with
837    cmake, this definition is added automatically.)
838  - Tell the linker the name, Geographic, and location of the
839    library.  Using g++ as the linker, you would use \verbatim
840    g++ -g -o testprogram testprogram.o -L/usr/local/lib -lGeographic
841    \endverbatim
842    With Visual Studio, you supply this information in the IDE via,
843    e.g., \verbatim
844    Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies = Geographic-i.lib (for shared library)
845    Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies = Geographic.lib (for static library)
846    Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories = C:\pkg-vc14-x64\Geographic\lib
847    \endverbatim
848    Note that the library name is <b>Geographic</b> and not
849    GeographicLib.  For the Debug version of your program on Windows
850    add "_d" to the library, e.g., Geographic_d-i.lib or
851    Geographic_d.lib.
852  - Tell the runtime environment where to find the shared library
853    (assuming you compiled %Geographic as a shared library).  With g++,
854    this is accomplished by modifying the link line above to read \verbatim
855    g++ -g -o testprogram testprogram.o -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib \
856      -L/usr/local/lib -lGeographic
857    \endverbatim
858    (There are two other ways to specify the location of shared libraries
859    at runtime: (1) define the environment variable
860    <code>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</code> to be a colon-separated list of
861    directories to search; (2) as <b>root</b>, specify /usr/local/lib as a
862    directory searched by ldconfig(8).)  On Windows, you need to ensure
863    that Geographic.dll or Geographic_d.dll is in the same directory as
864    your executable or else include the directory containing the dll in
865    your <code>PATH</code>.
866  - You can also use the pkg-config utility to specify compile and link
867    flags.  This requires that pkg-config be installed and that it's
868    configured to search, e.g., /usr/local/lib/pgkconfig; if not, define
869    the environment variable <code>PKG_CONFIG_PATH</code> to include
870    this directory.  The compile and link steps under Linux would
871    typically be
872    \verbatim
873    g++ -c -g -O3 `pkg-config --cflags geographiclib` testprogram.cpp
874    g++ -g -o testprogram testprogram.o `pkg-config --libs geographiclib`
875    \endverbatim
877Here is a very simple test code, which uses the Geodesic
879\include example-Geodesic-small.cpp
880This example is <code>examples/example-Geodesic-small.cpp</code>.  If you
881compile, link, and run it according to the instructions above, it should
882print out \verbatim
883  5551.76 km \endverbatim
884Here is a complete CMakeList.txt files you can use to build this test
885code using the installed library: \verbatim
886project (geodesictest)
887cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.1.0)
889find_package (GeographicLib REQUIRED)
891if (NOT MSVC)
893endif ()
895add_executable (${PROJECT_NAME} example-Geodesic-small.cpp)
896target_link_libraries (${PROJECT_NAME} ${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES})
898if (MSVC)
899  get_target_property (_LIBTYPE ${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES} TYPE)
901    # On Windows systems, copy the shared library to build directory
902    add_custom_command (TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD
904      copy $<TARGET_FILE:${GeographicLib_LIBRARIES}> ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}
905      COMMENT "Copying shared library for GeographicLib")
906  endif ()
907endif () \endverbatim
909The next steps are:
910 - Learn about and run the \ref utilities.
911 - Read the section, \ref organization, for an overview of the library.
912 - Browse the <a href="annotated.html">Class List</a> for full documentation
913   on the classes in the library.
914 - Look at the example code in the examples directory.  Each file
915   provides a very simple standalone example of using one GeographicLib
916   class.  These are included in the descriptions of the classes.
917 - Look at the source code for the utilities in the tools directory for
918   more examples of using GeographicLib from C++ code, e.g.,
919   GeodesicProj.cpp is a program to performing various geodesic
920   projections.
922Here's a list of some of the abbreviations used here with links to the
923corresponding Wikipedia articles:
924 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS84">
925   WGS84</a>, World Geodetic System 1984.
926 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Transverse_Mercator_coordinate_system">
927   UTM</a>, Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system.
928 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Polar_Stereographic">
929   UPS</a>, Universal Polar Stereographic coordinate system.
930 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_grid_reference_system">
931   MGRS</a>, Military Grid Reference System.
932 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoid">
933   EGM</a>, Earth Gravity Model.
934 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Magnetic_Model">
935   WMM</a>, World Magnetic Model.
936 - <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IGRF">
937   IGRF</a>, International Geomagnetic Reference Field.
940Back to \ref install.  Forward to \ref utilities.  Up to \ref contents.
945\page utilities Utility programs
948Back to \ref start.  Forward to \ref organization.  Up to \ref contents.
951Various utility programs are provided with GeographicLib.  These should
952be installed in a directory included in your PATH (e.g.,
953/usr/local/bin).  These programs are wrapper programs that invoke
954the underlying functionality provided by the library.
956The utilities are
957 - <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">
958   <b>GeoConvert</b></a>: convert geographic coordinates using
959   GeoCoords.  See \ref GeoConvert.cpp.
960 - <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">
961   <b>GeodSolve</b></a>: perform geodesic calculations using
962   Geodesic and GeodesicLine.  See \ref GeodSolve.cpp.
963 - <a href="Planimeter.1.html">
964   <b>Planimeter</b></a>: compute the area of geodesic polygons using
965   PolygonAreaT.  See \ref Planimeter.cpp.
966 - <a href="TransverseMercatorProj.1.html">
967   <b>TransverseMercatorProj</b></a>: convert between geographic
968   and transverse Mercator.  This is for testing
969   TransverseMercatorExact and
970   TransverseMercator.  See \ref TransverseMercatorProj.cpp.
971 - <a href="CartConvert.1.html">
972   <b>CartConvert</b></a>: convert geodetic coordinates to geocentric or
973   local cartesian using Geocentric and
974   LocalCartesian.  See \ref CartConvert.cpp.
975 - <a href="GeodesicProj.1.html">
976   <b>GeodesicProj</b></a>: perform projections based on geodesics
977   using AzimuthalEquidistant, Gnomonic,
978   and CassiniSoldner.  See \ref GeodesicProj.cpp.
979 - <a href="ConicProj.1.html">
980   <b>ConicProj</b></a>: perform conic projections using
981   LambertConformalConic and
982   AlbersEqualArea.  See \ref ConicProj.cpp.
983 - <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">
984   <b>GeoidEval</b></a>: look up geoid heights using
985   Geoid.  See \ref GeoidEval.cpp.
986 - <a href="Gravity.1.html">
987   <b>Gravity</b></a>: compute the earth's gravitational field using
988   GravityModel and GravityCircle.  See \ref Gravity.cpp.
989 - <a href="MagneticField.1.html">
990   <b>MagneticField</b></a>: compute the earth's magnetic field using
991   MagneticModel and MagneticCircle.  See \ref MagneticField.cpp.
992 - <a href="RhumbSolve.1.html">
993   <b>RhumbSolve</b></a>: perform rhumb line calculations using Rhumb
994   and RhumbLine.  See \ref RhumbSolve.cpp.
995 .
996The documentation for these utilities is in the form of man pages.  This
997documentation can be accessed by clicking on the utility name in the
998list above, running the man command on Unix-like systems, or by invoking
999the utility with the <code>\--help</code> option.  A brief summary of
1000usage is given by invoking the utility with the <code>-h</code> option.
1001The version of the utility is given by the <code>\--version</code>
1004The utilities all accept data on standard input, transform it in some
1005way, and print the results on standard output.  This makes the utilities
1006easy to use within scripts to transform tabular data; however they can
1007also be used interactively, often with the input supplied via a pipe,
1009 - echo 38SMB4488 | GeoConvert -d
1011Online versions of four of these utilities are provided:
1012 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/cgi-bin/GeoConvert">GeoConvert</a>
1013 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/cgi-bin/GeodSolve">GeodSolve</a>
1014 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/cgi-bin/Planimeter">Planimeter</a>
1015 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/cgi-bin/GeoidEval">GeoidEval</a>
1016 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/cgi-bin/RhumbSolve">RhumbSolve</a>
1019Back to \ref start.  Forward to \ref organization.  Up to \ref contents.
1024\page organization Code organization
1027Back to \ref utilities.  Forward to \ref other.  Up to \ref contents.
1030Here is a brief description of the relationship between the various
1031components of GeographicLib.  All of these are defined in the
1032GeographicLib namespace.
1034TransverseMercator, PolarStereographic, LambertConformalConic, and
1035AlbersEqualArea provide the basic projections.  The constructors for
1036these classes specify the ellipsoid and the forward and reverse
1037projections are implemented as const member functions.
1038TransverseMercator uses Kr&uuml;ger's series which have been extended to
1039sixth order in the square of the eccentricity.  PolarStereographic,
1040LambertConformalConic, and AlbersEqualArea use the exact formulas for
1041the projections (e.g., from Snyder).
1043TransverseMercator::UTM and PolarStereographic::UPS are const static
1044instantiations specific for the WGS84 ellipsoid with the UTM and UPS
1045scale factors.  (These do \e not add the standard false eastings or
1046false northings for UTM and UPS.)  Similarly
1047LambertConformalConic::Mercator is a const static instantiation of this
1048projection for a WGS84 ellipsoid and a standard parallel of 0 (which
1049gives the Mercator projection).  AlbersEqualArea::CylindricalEqualArea,
1050AzimuthalEqualAreaNorth, and AzimuthalEqualAreaSouth, likewise provide
1051special cases of the equal area projection.
1053UTMUPS uses TransverseMercator::UTM and PolarStereographic::UPS to
1054perform the UTM and UPS projections.  The class offers a uniform
1055interface to UTM and UPS by treating UPS as UTM zone 0.  This class
1056stores no internal state and the forward and reverse projections are
1057provided via static member functions.  The forward projection offers the
1058ability to override the standard UTM/UPS choice and the UTM zone.
1060MGRS transforms between UTM/UPS coordinates and MGRS.
1061UPS coordinates are handled as UTM zone 0.  This class stores no
1062internal state and the forward (UTM/UPS to MGRS) and reverse (MGRS to
1063UTM/UPS) conversions are provided via static member functions.
1065GeoCoords holds a single geographic location which may be
1066specified as latitude and longitude, UTM or UPS, or MGRS.  Member
1067functions are provided to convert between coordinate systems and to
1068provide formatted representations of them.
1069<a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a> is a simple command line
1070utility to provide access to the GeoCoords class.
1072TransverseMercatorExact is a drop in replacement for TransverseMercator
1073which uses the exact formulas, based on elliptic functions, for the
1074projection as given by Lee.
1075<a href="TransverseMercatorProj.1.html">TransverseMercatorProj</a> is a
1076simple command line utility to test to the TransverseMercator and
1079Geodesic and GeodesicLine perform geodesic calculations.  The
1080constructor for Geodesic specifies the ellipsoid and the direct and
1081inverse calculations are implemented as const member functions.
1082Geocentric::WGS84 is a const static instantiation of Geodesic specific
1083for the WGS84 ellipsoid.  In order to perform a series of direct
1084geodesic calculations on a single line, the GeodesicLine class can be
1085used.  This packages all the information needed to specify a geodesic.
1086A const member function returns the coordinates a specified distance
1087from the starting point.  <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a> is a
1088simple command line utility to perform geodesic calculations.
1089PolygonAreaT is a class which compute the area of geodesic polygons
1090using the Geodesic class and <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a>
1091is a command line utility for the same purpose.  AzimuthalEquidistant,
1092CassiniSoldner, and Gnomonic are projections based on the Geodesic
1093class.  <a href="GeodesicProj.1.html">GeodesicProj</a> is a command line
1094utility to exercise these projections.
1096GeodesicExact and GeodesicLineExact are drop in replacements for
1097Geodesic and GeodesicLine in which the solution is given in terms of
1098elliptic integrals (computed by EllipticFunction).  These classes should
1099be used if the absolute value of the flattening exceeds 0.02.  The -E
1100option to <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a> uses these classes.
1102NearestNeighbor is a header-only class for efficiently \ref nearest of a
1103collection of points where the distance function obeys the triangle
1104inequality.  The geodesic distance obeys this condition.
1106Geocentric and LocalCartesian convert between
1107geodetic and geocentric or a local cartesian system.  The constructor for
1108specifies the ellipsoid and the forward and reverse projections are
1109implemented as const member functions.  Geocentric::WGS84 is a
1110const static instantiation of Geocentric specific for the WGS84 ellipsoid.
1111<a href="CartConvert.1.html">CartConvert</a> is a simple command line
1112utility to provide access to these classes.
1114Geoid evaluates geoid heights by interpolation.  This is
1115provided by the operator() member function.
1116<a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> is a simple command line
1117utility to provide access to this class.  This class requires
1118installation of data files for the various geoid models; see \ref
1119geoidinst for details.
1121Ellipsoid is a class which performs latitude
1122conversions and returns various properties of the ellipsoid.
1124GravityModel evaluates the earth's gravitational field using a
1125particular gravity model.  Various member functions return the
1126gravitational field, the gravity disturbance, the gravity anomaly, and
1127the geoid height <a href="Gravity.1.html">Gravity</a> is a simple
1128command line utility to provide access to this class.  If the field
1129several points on a circle of latitude are sought then use
1130GravityModel::Circle to return a GravityCircle object whose member
1131functions performs the calculations efficiently.  (This is particularly
1132important for high degree models such as EGM2008.)  These classes
1133requires installation of data files for the various gravity models; see
1134\ref gravityinst for details.  NormalGravity computes the gravity of the
1135so-called level ellipsoid.
1137MagneticModel evaluates the earth's magnetic field using a particular
1138magnetic model.  The field is provided by the operator() member
1139function.  <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> is a simple
1140command line utility to provide access to this class.  If the field
1141several points on a circle of latitude are sought then use
1142MagneticModel::Circle to return a MagneticCircle object whose operator()
1143member function performs the calculation efficiently.  (This is
1144particularly important for high degree models such as emm2010.)  These
1145classes requires installation of data files for the various magnetic
1146models; see \ref magneticinst for details.
1148Constants, Math, Utility, DMS, are general utility class which are used
1149internally by the library; in addition EllipticFunction is used by
1150TransverseMercatorExact, Ellipsoid, and GeodesicExact, and
1151GeodesicLineExact; Accumulator is used by PolygonAreaT, and
1152SphericalEngine, CircularEngine, SphericalHarmonic, SphericalHarmonic1,
1153and SphericalHarmonic2 facilitate the summation of spherical harmonic
1154series which is needed by and MagneticModel and MagneticCircle.  One
1155important definition is Math::real which is the type used for real
1156numbers.  This allows the library to be easily switched to using floats,
1157doubles, or long doubles.  However all the testing has been with real
1158set to double and the library should be installed in this way.
1160GeographicLib uniformly represents all angle-like variables (latitude,
1161longitude, azimuth) in terms of degrees.  To convert from degrees to
1162radians, multiple the quantity by Math::degree().  To convert from
1163radians to degrees , divide the quantity by Math::degree().
1165In general, the constructors for the classes in GeographicLib check
1166their arguments and throw GeographicErr exceptions with a
1167explanatory message if these are illegal.  The member functions, e.g.,
1168the projections implemented by TransverseMercator and
1169PolarStereographic, the solutions to the geodesic problem, etc.,
1170typically do <i>not</i> check their arguments; the calling program
1171should ensure that the arguments are legitimate.  However, the functions
1172implemented by UTMUPS, MGRS, and GeoCoords do check their arguments and
1173may throw GeographicErr exceptions.  Similarly Geoid may
1174throw exceptions on file errors.  If a function does throw an exception,
1175then the function arguments used for return values will not have been
1178GeographicLib attempts to act sensibly with NaNs.  NaNs in constructors
1179typically throw errors (an exception is GeodesicLine).  However, calling
1180the class functions with NaNs as arguments is not an error; NaNs are
1181returned as appropriate.  "INV" is treated as an invalid zone
1182designation by UTMUPS.  "INVALID" is the corresponding invalid MGRS
1183string (and similarly for GARS, Geohash, and Georef strings).  NaNs
1184allow the projection of polylines which are separated by NaNs; in this
1185format they can be easily plotted in MATLAB.
1187A note about portability.  For the most part, the code uses standard C++
1188and should be able to be deployed on any system with a modern C++
1189compiler.  System dependencies come into
1190 - Math -- GeographicLib needs to define functions such
1191   as atanh for systems that lack them.  The system dependence will
1192   disappear with the adoption of C++11 because the needed functions are
1193   part of that standard.
1194 - use of long double -- the type is used only for testing.  On systems
1195   which lack this data type the cmake and autoconf configuration
1196   methods should detect its absence and omit the code that depends on
1197   it.
1198 - Geoid, GravityModel, and
1199   MagneticModel -- these class uses system-dependent
1200   default paths for looking up the respective datasets.  It also relies
1201   on getenv to find the value of the environment variables.
1202 - Utility::readarray reads numerical data from binary
1203   files.  This assumes that floating point numbers are in IEEE format.
1204   It attempts to handled the "endianness" of the target platform using
1205   the GEOGRAPHICLIB_WORDS_BIGENDIAN macro (which sets the compile-time
1206   constant Math::bigendian).
1208An attempt is made to maintain backward compatibility with GeographicLib
1209(especially at the level of your source code).  Sometimes it's necessary
1210to take actions that depend on what version of GeographicLib is being
1211used; for example, you may want to use a new feature of GeographicLib,
1212but want your code still to work with older versions.  In that case, you
1213can test the values of the macros GEOGRAPHICLIB_VERSION_MAJOR,
1215expand to numbers (and the last one is usually 0); these macros appeared
1216starting in version 1.31.  There's also a macro
1217GEOGRAPHICLIB_VERSION_STRING which expands to, e.g.,
1218"@PROJECT_VERSION@"; this macro has been defined since version 1.9.
1219Since version 1.37, there's also been a macro GEOGRAPHICLIB_VERSION
1220which encodes the version as a single number, e.g, 1003900.  Do not rely
1221on this particular packing; instead use the macro
1222GEOGRAPHICLIB_VERSION_NUM(a,b,c) which allows you to compare versions
1223with, e.g.,
1227#endif \endcode
1230Back to \ref utilities.  Forward to \ref other.  Up to \ref contents.
1235\page other Implementations in other languages
1238Back to \ref organization.  Forward to \ref geoid.  Up to \ref contents.
1241Various subsets of GeographicLib have been implemented in other
1242languages.  In some cases, these are available as independent packages.
1243Here is a summary:
1244- C (geodesic routines):
1245  <a href="C/index.html">
1246    documentation</a>, also included with recent versions of
1247  <a href="https://proj.org">
1248    PROJ</a>;
1249- Fortran (geodesic routines):
1250  <a href="Fortran/index.html">
1251    documentation</a>;
1252- Java (geodesic routines):
1253  <a href="https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/net/sf/geographiclib/GeographicLib-Java/">
1254    Maven Central package</a>,
1255  <a href="java/index.html">
1256    documentation</a>;
1257- JavaScript (geodesic routines):
1258  <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/geographiclib">
1259    npm package</a>,
1260  <a href="js/index.html">
1261    documentation</a>;
1262- Python (geodesic routines):
1263  <a href="https://pypi.python.org/pypi/geographiclib">
1264    PyPI package</a>,
1265  <a href="python/index.html">
1266    documentation</a>;
1267- MATLAB/Octave (geodesic and some other routines):
1268  <a href="https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50605">
1269    MATLAB Central package</a>,
1270  <a href="https://viewer.mathworks.com/?viewer=plain_code&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mathworks.com%2Fmatlabcentral%2Fmlc-downloads%2Fdownloads%2Fsubmissions%2F50605%2Fversions%2F15%2Fcontents%2FContents.m">
1271    documentation</a>;
1272- C# (.NET wrapper for C++ library):
1273  <a href="NET/index.html">
1274    documentation</a>.
1276Some more details are available in the following sections
1277- \ref c-fortran
1278- \ref java.
1279- \ref javascript.
1280- \ref python.
1281- \ref matlab.
1282- \ref dotnet.
1283- \ref maxima.
1284- \ref excel.
1286\section c-fortran C and Fortran implementation
1288This includes the geodesic capabilities of GeographicLib.  The source
1289code is in the directories <code>legacy/C</code> and
1290<code>legacy/Fortran</code>.  These are intended for use in old codes
1291written in these languages and should work any reasonably modern
1292compiler.  These implementations are entirely self-contained and do not
1293depend on the rest of GeographicLib.  Sample main programs to solve the
1294direct and inverse geodesic problems and to compute polygonal areas are
1297The C library is also included as part of
1298<a href="https://proj.org">PROJ</a> starting with
1299version 4.9.0, where it is used as the computational backend for
1300<a href="https://proj.org/apps/geod.html">geod(1)</a>.
1302For documentation, see
1303 - <a href="C/index.html">C library for geodesics</a>,
1304 - <a href="Fortran/index.html">Fortran library for geodesics</a>.
1306It is also possible to call the C++ version of GeographicLib directly
1307from C and the directory <code>wrapper/C</code> contains a small
1308example, which converts heights above the geoid to heights above the
1311\section java Java implementation
1313This includes the geodesic capabilities of GeographicLib.  The source
1314code is in the directory <code>java</code>.  This implementation is
1315entirely self-contained and does not depend on the rest of
1316GeographicLib.  Sample main programs to solve the direct and inverse
1317geodesic problems and to compute polygonal areas are provided.
1319This package is available on Maven Central; so if you're using Apache
1320Maven as your build system, you can use this package by including the
1321dependency \verbatim
1322  <dependency>
1323    <groupId>net.sf.geographiclib</groupId>
1324    <artifactId>GeographicLib-Java</artifactId>
1325    <version>@PROJECT_VERSION@</version>
1326  </dependency>
1327  \endverbatim
1328in your <code>pom.xml</code>.
1330For documentation, see
1331 - <a href="java/index.html">Java library for geodesics</a>.
1333\section javascript JavaScript implementation
1335This includes the geodesic capabilities of GeographicLib.  The source
1336code is in the directory <code>js</code>.  This implementation is
1337entirely self-contained and does not depend on the rest of
1340The library is available as an
1341<a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/geographiclib">
1342   npm package</a>.
1343To install this package, use \verbatim
1344  npm install geographiclib \endverbatim
1346For documentation, see
1347 - <a href="js/index.html">JavaScript library for geodesics</a>.
1349Examples of using this interface are
1350- a <a href="../scripts/geod-calc.html">geodesic calculator</a> showing
1351  the solution of direct and inverse geodesic problem, finding
1352  intermediate points on a geodesic line, and computing the area of a
1353  geodesic polygon;
1354- <a href="../scripts/geod-google.html">displaying geodesics in Google
1355  Maps</a> which shows the geodesic, the geodesic circle, and various
1356  geodesic envelopes.
1358\section python Python implementation
1360This includes the geodesic capabilities of GeographicLib.  The source
1361code is in the directory <code>python</code>.  This implementation is
1362entirely self-contained and does not depend on the rest of
1365The library is available as an
1366<a href="https://pypi.python.org/pypi/geographiclib">
1367   PyPI package</a>.
1368To install this package, use \verbatim
1369  pip install geographiclib \endverbatim
1371For documentation, see
1372 - <a href="python/index.html">Python library for geodesics</a>.
1374It is also possible to call the C++ version of GeographicLib directly
1375from Python and the directory <code>wrapper/python</code> contains a
1376small example, which converts heights above the geoid to heights above
1377the ellipsoid.
1379\section matlab MATLAB and Octave implementations
1381The includes the geodesic capabilities of GeographicLib and
1382implementations of the TransverseMercator, PolarStereographic,
1383AzimuthalEquidistant, CassiniSoldner, Gnomonic, UTMUPS, MGRS, Geocentric,
1384and LocalCartesian classes.  In addition, it includes solutions of the
1385direct, inverse, and area problems for \ref greatellipse.  Because these
1386functions are all vectorized, their performance is comparable to the C++
1387routines.  The minimum version numbers required are
1388 - MATLAB, version 7.9, 2009b,
1389 - Octave, version 3.4, Feb. 2011.
1390 .
1391In addition, in order to use the geoid routines, Octave needs to have
1392been built with a version of GraphicsMagick which supports 16-bit
1393images.  The source code is in the directory
1394<code>matlab/geographiclib</code>.  This implementation is entirely
1395self-contained and does not depend on the rest of GeographicLib.
1397The library is available as an MATLAB Central package,
1398<a href="https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50605">
1399   GeographicLib toolbox</a>,
1400<a href="https://viewer.mathworks.com/?viewer=plain_code&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mathworks.com%2Fmatlabcentral%2Fmlc-downloads%2Fdownloads%2Fsubmissions%2F50605%2Fversions%2F15%2Fcontents%2FContents.m">
1401   documentation</a>.
1403A summary of the routines is obtained by \verbatim
1404   help geographiclib \endverbatim
1406Prior to version 1.42, GeographicLib was distributed with some MATLAB
1407functionality offered via compiled interface code.  This has now been
1408replaced by native MATLAB wrapper functions in
1409<code>matlab/geographiclib-legacy</code>; these depend on the
1410<a href="https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50605">
1411GeographicLib toolbox</a>.
1412A summary of the routines is obtained by \verbatim
1413   help geographiclib-legacy \endverbatim
1415It is also possible to call the C++ version of GeographicLib directly
1416from MATLAB or Octave and the directory <code>wrapper/matlab</code>
1417contains a small example, which solves the inverse geodesic problem for
1418ellipsoids with arbitrary flattening.  (This example is taken from the
1419MATLAB interface code which was provided prior to version 1.42.)
1421\section dotnet .NET wrapper
1423This is a comprehensive wrapper library, written and maintained by Scott
1424Heiman, which exposes all of the functionality of GeographicLib to the
1425.NET family of languages.  For documentation, see
1426 - <a href="NET/index.html">NETGeographicLib .NET wrapper library</a>.
1428\section maxima Maxima routines
1430Maxima is a free computer algebra system which can be downloaded from
1431http://maxima.sourceforge.net.  Maxima was used to generate the series used by
1432TransverseMercator (<a href="tmseries.mac"> tmseries.mac</a>), Geodesic
1433(<a href="geod.mac"> geod.mac</a>), Rhumb (<a href="rhumbarea.mac">
1434rhumbarea.mac</a>), \ref gearea (<a href="gearea.mac"> gearea.mac</a>),
1435the relation between \ref auxlat (<a href="auxlat.mac"> auxlat.mac</a>),
1436and to generate accurate data for testing (<a href="tm.mac"> tm.mac</a>
1437and <a href="geodesic.mac"> geodesic.mac</a>).  The latter uses Maxima's
1438bigfloat arithmetic together with series extended to high order or
1439solutions in terms of elliptic integrals (<a href="ellint.mac">
1440ellint.mac</a>).  These files contain brief instructions on how to use
1443\section excel Excel wrapper
1445There is no implementation of the functionality GeographicLib in Visual
1446Basic which would be callable from Excel.  However, it <i>is</i>
1447possible to call the C++ library from Visual Basic.  The directory
1448<code>wrapper/Excel</code> contains an illustration which allows
1449geodesics and rhumb lines to be computed in Excel.  At present this
1450works only on Windows systems.
1453Back to \ref organization.  Forward to \ref geoid.  Up to \ref contents.
1458\page geoid Geoid height
1461Back to \ref other.  Forward to \ref gravity.  Up to \ref contents.
1464The gravitational equipotential surface approximately coinciding with
1465mean sea level is called the geoid.  The Geoid class and
1466the <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> utility evaluate the height
1467of the geoid above the WGS84 ellipsoid.  This can be used to convert
1468heights above mean sea level to heights above the WGS84 ellipsoid.
1469Because the normal to the ellipsoid differs from the normal to the geoid
1470(the direction of a plumb line) there is a slight ambiguity in the
1471measurement of heights; however for heights up to 10&nbsp;km this ambiguity
1472is only 1&nbsp;mm.
1474The geoid is usually approximated by an "earth gravity model" (EGM).
1475The models published by the NGA are:
1476- <b>EGM84</b>:
1477  https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84#tab_egm84
1478- <b>EGM96</b>:
1479  https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84#tab_egm96
1480- <b>EGM2008</b>:
1481  https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84#tab_egm2008
1483Geoid offers a uniform way to handle all 3 geoids at a variety of grid
1484resolutions.  (In contrast, the software tools that NGA offers are
1485different for each geoid, and the interpolation programs are different
1486for each grid resolution.  In addition these tools are written in
1487Fortran with is nowadays difficult to integrate with other software.)
1489The height of the geoid above the ellipsoid, \e N, is sometimes called
1490the geoid undulation.  It can be used to convert a height above the
1491ellipsoid, \e h, to the corresponding height above the geoid (the
1492orthometric height, roughly the height above mean sea level), \e H,
1493using the relations
1495&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\e h = \e N + \e H; &nbsp;&nbsp;\e H = &minus;\e N + \e h.
1497Unlike other components of GeographicLib, there is a appreciable error
1498in the results obtained (at best, the RMS error is 1&nbsp;mm).  However the
1499class provides methods to report the maximum and RMS errors in the
1500results.  The class also returns the gradient of the geoid.  This can be
1501used to estimate the direction of a plumb line relative to the WGS84
1504The GravityModel class calculates geoid heights using the
1505underlying gravity model.  This is slower then Geoid but
1506considerably more accurate.  This class also can accurately compute all
1507the components of the acceleration due to gravity (and hence the
1508direction of plumb line).
1510Go to
1511 - \ref geoidinst
1512 - \ref geoidformat
1513 - \ref geoidinterp
1514 - \ref geoidcache
1515 - \ref testgeoid
1517\section geoidinst Installing the geoid datasets
1519The geoid heights are computed using interpolation into a rectangular
1520grid.  The grids are read from data files which have been are computed
1521using the NGA synthesis programs in the case of the EGM84 and EGM96
1522models and using the NGA binary gridded data files in the case of
1523EGM2008.  These data files are available for download:
1526<caption>Available geoid data files</caption>
1528 <th rowspan="2">name         <th rowspan="2">geoid    <th rowspan="2">grid
1529 <th rowspan="2">size\n(MB)
1530 <th colspan="3"><center>Download Links (size, MB)</center></th>
1532 <th>tar file</th>
1533 <th>Windows\n installer</th>
1534 <th>zip file</th>
1536 <td>egm84-30
1537 <td>EGM84
1538 <td><center>30'</center>
1539 <td><center>0.6</center>
1540 <td><center>
1541 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm84-30.tar.bz2">
1542 link</a> (0.5)</center>
1543 <td><center>
1544 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm84-30.exe">
1545 link</a> (0.8)</center>
1546 <td><center>
1547 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm84-30.zip">
1548 link</a> (0.5)</center>
1550 <td>egm84-15
1551 <td>EGM84
1552 <td><center>15'</center>
1553 <td><center>2.1</center>
1554 <td><center>
1555 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm84-15.tar.bz2">
1556 link</a> (1.5)</center>
1557 <td><center>
1558 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm84-15.exe">
1559 link</a> (1.9)</center>
1560 <td><center>
1561 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm84-15.zip">
1562 link</a> (2.0)</center>
1564 <td>egm96-15
1565 <td>EGM96
1566 <td><center>15'</center>
1567 <td><center>2.1</center>
1568 <td><center>
1569 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm96-15.tar.bz2">
1570 link</a> (1.5)</center>
1571 <td><center>
1572 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm96-15.exe">
1573 link</a> (1.9)</center>
1574 <td><center>
1575 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm96-15.zip">
1576 link</a> (2.0)</center>
1578 <td>egm96-5
1579 <td>EGM96
1580 <td><center>5'</center>
1581 <td><center> 19</center>
1582 <td><center>
1583 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm96-5.tar.bz2">
1584 link</a> (11)</center>
1585 <td><center>
1586 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm96-5.exe">
1587 link</a> (11)</center>
1588 <td><center>
1589 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm96-5.zip">
1590 link</a> (17)</center>
1592 <td>egm2008-5
1593 <td>EGM2008
1594 <td><center>5'</center>
1595 <td><center> 19</center>
1596 <td><center>
1597 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-5.tar.bz2">
1598 link</a> (11)</center>
1599 <td><center>
1600 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-5.exe">
1601 link</a> (11)</center>
1602 <td><center>
1603 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-5.zip">
1604 link</a> (17)</center>
1606 <td>egm2008-2_5
1607 <td>EGM2008
1608 <td><center>2.5'</center>
1609 <td><center> 75</center>
1610 <td><center>
1611 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-2_5.tar.bz2">
1612 link</a> (35)</center>
1613 <td><center>
1614 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-2_5.exe">
1615 link</a> (33)</center>
1616 <td><center>
1617 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-2_5.zip">
1618 link</a> (65)</center>
1620 <td>egm2008-1
1621 <td>EGM2008
1622 <td><center>1'</center>
1623 <td><center>470</center>
1624 <td><center>
1625 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-1.tar.bz2">
1626 link</a> (170)</center>
1627 <td><center>
1628 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-1.exe">
1629 link</a> (130)</center>
1630 <td><center>
1631 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/geoids-distrib/egm2008-1.zip">
1632 link</a> (390)</center>
1635The "size" column is the size of the uncompressed data and it also
1636gives the memory requirements for caching the entire dataset using the
1637Geoid::CacheAll method.
1638At a minimum you should install egm96-5 and either egm2008-1 or
1639egm2008-2_5.  Many applications use the EGM96 geoid, however the use of
1640EGM2008 is growing. (EGM84 is rarely used now.)
1642For Linux and Unix systems, GeographicLib provides a shell script
1643geographiclib-get-geoids (typically installed in /usr/local/sbin) which
1644automates the process of downloading and installing the geoid data.  For
1647   geographiclib-get-geoids best # to install egm84-15, egm96-5, egm2008-1
1648   geographiclib-get-geoids -h   # for help
1650This script should be run as a user with write access to the
1651installation directory, which is typically
1652/usr/local/share/GeographicLib (this can be overridden with the -p
1653flag), and the data will then be placed in the "geoids" subdirectory.
1655Windows users should download and run the Windows installers.  These
1656will prompt for an installation directory with the default being
1658   C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib
1660(which you probably should not change) and the data is installed in the
1661"geoids" sub-directory.  (The second directory name is an alternate name
1662that Windows 7 uses for the "Application Data" directory.)
1664Otherwise download \e either the tar.bz2 file \e or the zip file (they
1665have the same contents).  If possible use the tar.bz2 files, since these
1666are compressed about 2 times better than the zip file.  To unpack these,
1667run, for example
1669   mkdir -p /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
1670   tar xofjC egm96-5.tar.bz2 /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
1671   tar xofjC egm2008-2_5.tar.bz2 /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
1672   etc.
1674and, again, the data will be placed in the "geoids" subdirectory.
1676However you install the geoid data, all the datasets should
1677be installed in the same directory.  Geoid and
1678<a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> uses a compile time default to
1679locate the datasets.  This is
1680- /usr/local/share/GeographicLib/geoids, for non-Windows systems
1681- C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib/geoids, for Windows systems
1683consistent with the examples above.  This may be overridden at run-time
1685environment variables; see Geoid::DefaultGeoidPath() for
1686details.  Finally, the path may be set using the optional second
1687argument to the Geoid constructor or with the "-d" flag
1688to <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a>.  Supplying the "-h" flag to
1689<a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> reports the default geoid path
1690for that utility.  The "-v" flag causes GeoidEval to report the full
1691path name of the data file it uses.
1693\section geoidformat The format of the geoid data files
1695The gridded data used by the Geoid class is stored in
169616-bit PGM files.  Thus the data for egm96-5 might be stored in the file
1697- /usr/local/share/GeographicLib/geoids/egm96-5.pgm
1699PGM simple graphic format with the following properties
1700- it is well documented
1701  <a href="http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/pgm.html">here</a>;
1702- there are no separate "little-endian" and "big-endian" versions;
1703- it uses 1 or 2 bytes per pixel;
1704- pixels can be randomly accessed;
1705- comments can be added to the file header;
1706- it is sufficiently simple that it can be easily read without using the
1707  <a href="http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/libnetpbm.html">libnetpbm</a>
1708  library (and thus we avoid adding a software dependency to
1709  GeographicLib).
1711The major drawback of this format is that since there are only 65535
1712possible pixel values, the height must be quantized to 3&nbsp;mm.  However,
1713the resulting quantization error (up to 1.5&nbsp;mm) is typically smaller
1714than the linear interpolation errors.  The comments in the header for
1715egm96-5 are
1717   # Geoid file in PGM format for the GeographicLib::Geoid class
1718   # Description WGS84 EGM96, 5-minute grid
1719   # URL https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84#tab_egm96
1720   # DateTime 2009-08-29 18:45:03
1721   # MaxBilinearError 0.140
1722   # RMSBilinearError 0.005
1723   # MaxCubicError 0.003
1724   # RMSCubicError 0.001
1725   # Offset -108
1726   # Scale 0.003
1727   # Origin 90N 0E
1728   # AREA_OR_POINT Point
1729   # Vertical_Datum WGS84
1731Of these lines, the Scale and Offset lines are required and define the
1732conversion from pixel value to height (in meters) using \e height =
1733\e offset + \e scale \e pixel.  The Geoid constructor also reads the
1734Description, DateTime, and error lines (if present) and stores the
1735resulting data so that it can be returned by
1736Geoid::Description, Geoid::DateTime,
1737Geoid::MaxError, and Geoid::RMSError
1738methods.  The other lines serve as additional documentation but are not
1739used by this class.  Accompanying egm96-5.pgm (and similarly with the
1740other geoid data files) are two files egm96-5.wld and
1741egm96-5.pgm.aux.xml.  The first is an ESRI "world" file and the second
1742supplies complete projection metadata for use by
1743<a href="http://www.gdal.org">GDAL</a>.  Neither of these files is read
1744by Geoid.
1746You can use gdal_translate to convert the data files to a standard
1747GeoTiff, e.g., with
1749   gdal_translate -ot Float32 -scale 0 65000 -108 87 egm96-5.pgm egm96-5.tif
1751The arguments to -scale here are specific to the Offset and Scale
1752parameters used in the pgm file (note 65000 * 0.003 &minus; 108 = 87).
1753You can check these by running <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a>
1754with the "-v" option.
1756Here is a sample script which uses GDAL to create a 1-degree
1757squared grid of geoid heights at 3&quot; resolution (matching DTED1) by
1758bilinear interpolation.
1760   #! /bin/sh
1761   lat=37
1762   lon=067
1763   res=3                           # resolution in seconds
1764   TEMP=`mktemp junkXXXXXXXXXX`    # temporary file for GDAL
1765   gdalwarp -q -te `echo $lon $lat $res | awk '{
1766       lon = $1; lat = $2; res = $3;
1767       printf "%.14f %.14f %.14f %.14f",
1768           lon  -0.5*res/3600, lat  -0.5*res/3600,
1769           lon+1+0.5*res/3600, lat+1+0.5*res/3600;
1770   }'` -ts $((3600/res+1)) $((3600/res+1)) -r bilinear egm96-5.tif $TEMP
1771   gdal_translate -quiet \
1772       -mo AREA_OR_POINT=Point \
1773       -mo Description="WGS84 EGM96, $res-second grid" \
1774       -mo Vertical_Datum=WGS84 \
1775       -mo Tie_Point_Location=pixel_corner \
1776       $TEMP e$lon-n$lat.tif
1777   rm -f $TEMP
1780Because the pgm files are uncompressed, they can take up a lot of disk
1781space.  Some compressed formats compress in tiles and so might be
1782compatible with the requirement that the data can be randomly accessed.
1783In particular gdal_translate can be used to convert the pgm files to
1784compressed tiff files with
1786gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW -co PREDICTOR=2 -co TILED=YES \
1787   –a_offset -108 -a_scale 0.003 \
1788   egmyy-g.pgm egmyy-g.tif
1790(The <code>-a_offset</code> and <code>-a_scale</code> options were
1791introduced in gdal_translate version 2.3.)  The resulting files sizes
1794                  pgm      tif
1795    egm84-30      0.6 MB   0.5 MB
1796    egm84-15      2.1 MB   1.4 MB
1797    egm96-15      2.1 MB   1.5 MB
1798    egm96-5        19 MB   8.5 MB
1799    egm2008-5      19 MB   9.8 MB
1800    egm2008-2_5    75 MB    28 MB
1801    egm2008-1     470 MB    97 MB
1803Currently, there are no plans for GeographicLib to support this
1804compressed format.
1806The Geoid class only handles world-wide geoid models.  The pgm provides
1807geoid height postings on grid of points with uniform spacing in latitude
1808(row) and longitude (column).  If the dimensions of the pgm file are
1809\e h &times; \e w, then latitude (resp. longitude) spacing is
1810&minus;180&deg;/(\e h &minus; 1) (resp. 360&deg;/\e w), with the (0,0)
1811pixel given the value at &phi; = 90&deg;, &lambda; = 0&deg;.  Models
1812covering a limited area will need to be "inserted" into a world-wide
1813grid before being accessible to the Geoid class.
1815\section geoidinterp Interpolating the geoid data
1817Geoid evaluates the geoid height using bilinear or cubic
1820The bilinear interpolation is based on the values at the 4 corners of
1821the enclosing cell.  The interpolated height is a continuous function of
1822position; however the gradient has discontinuities are cell boundaries.
1823The quantization of the data files exacerbates the errors in the
1826The cubic interpolation is a least-squares fit to the values on a
182712-point stencil with weights as follows:
1829   . 1 1 .
1830   1 2 2 1
1831   1 2 2 1
1832   . 1 1 .
1834The cubic is constrained to be independent of longitude when evaluating
1835the height at one of the poles.  Cubic interpolation is considerably
1836more accurate than bilinear interpolation; however, in this
1837implementation there are small discontinuities in the heights are cell
1838boundaries.  The over-constrained cubic fit slightly reduces the
1839quantization errors on average.
1841The algorithm for the least squares fit is taken from, F. H. Lesh,
1842<a href="https://doi.org/10.1145/368424.368443">Multi-dimensional
1843least-squares polynomial curve fitting</a>, CACM 2, 29--30 (1959).
1844This algorithm is not part of Geoid; instead it is implemented as
1845<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxima_(software)">Maxima</a>
1846code which is used to precompute the matrices to convert the function
1847values on the stencil into the coefficients from the cubic polynomial.
1848This code is included as a comment in Geoid.cpp.
1850The interpolation methods are quick and give good accuracy.  Here is a
1851summary of the combined quantization and interpolation errors for the
1854<caption>Interpolation and quantization errors for geoid heights</caption>
1856 <th rowspan="2">name
1857 <th rowspan="2">geoid
1858 <th rowspan="2">grid
1859 <th colspan="2"><center>bilinear error</center></th>
1860 <th colspan="2"><center>cubic error</center></th>
1862 <th><center>max</center><th><center>rms</center>
1863 <th><center>max</center><th><center>rms</center>
1865 <td>egm84-30   <td>EGM84  <td><center>30'  </center>
1866 <td><center>1.546 m</center><td><center>70 mm</center>
1867 <td><center>0.274 m</center><td><center>14 mm</center>
1869 <td>egm84-15   <td>EGM84  <td><center>15'  </center>
1870 <td><center>0.413 m</center><td><center>18 mm</center>
1871 <td><center>0.021 m</center><td><center>1.2 mm</center>
1873 <td>egm96-15   <td>EGM96  <td><center>15'  </center>
1874 <td><center>1.152 m</center><td><center>40 mm</center>
1875 <td><center>0.169 m</center><td><center>7.0 mm</center>
1877 <td>egm96-5    <td>EGM96  <td><center> 5'  </center>
1878 <td><center>0.140 m</center><td><center>4.6 mm</center>
1879 <td><center>0.0032 m</center><td><center>0.7 mm</center>
1881 <td>egm2008-5  <td>EGM2008<td><center> 5'  </center>
1882 <td><center>0.478 m</center><td><center>12 mm</center>
1883 <td><center>0.294 m</center><td><center>4.5 mm</center>
1885 <td>egm2008-2_5<td>EGM2008<td><center> 2.5'</center>
1886 <td><center>0.135 m</center><td><center>3.2 mm</center>
1887 <td><center>0.031 m</center><td><center>0.8 mm</center>
1889 <td>egm2008-1  <td>EGM2008<td><center> 1'  </center>
1890 <td><center>0.025 m</center><td><center>0.8 mm</center>
1891 <td><center>0.0022 m</center><td><center>0.7 mm</center>
1893The errors are with respect to the specific NGA earth gravity model
1894(not to any "real" geoid).  The RMS values are obtained using 5 million
1895uniformly distributed random points.  The maximum values are obtained by
1896evaluating the errors using a different grid with points at the
1897centers of the original grid.  (The RMS difference between EGM96 and
1898EGM2008 is about 0.5&nbsp;m.  The RMS difference between EGM84 and EGM96 is
1899about 1.5&nbsp;m.)
1901The errors in the table above include the quantization errors that arise
1902because the height data that Geoid uses are quantized to
19033&nbsp;mm.  If, instead, Geoid were to use data files without
1904such quantization artifacts, the overall error would be reduced <i>but
1905only modestly</i> as shown in the following table, where only the
1906changed rows are included and where the changed entries are given in
1909<caption>Interpolation (only!) errors for geoid heights</caption>
1911 <th rowspan="2">name
1912 <th rowspan="2">geoid
1913 <th rowspan="2">grid
1914 <th colspan="2"><center>bilinear error</center></th>
1915 <th colspan="2"><center>cubic error</center></th>
1917 <th><center>max</center><th><center>rms</center>
1918 <th><center>max</center><th><center>rms</center>
1920 <td>egm96-5    <td>EGM96  <td><center> 5'  </center>
1921 <td><center>0.140 m</center><td><center>4.6 mm</center>
1922 <td><center><b>0.0026 m</b></center><td><center><b>0.1 mm</b></center>
1924 <td>egm2008-2_5<td>EGM2008<td><center> 2.5'</center>
1925 <td><center>0.135 m</center><td><center>3.2 mm</center>
1926 <td><center>0.031 m</center><td><center><b>0.4 mm</b></center>
1928 <td>egm2008-1  <td>EGM2008<td><center> 1'  </center>
1929 <td><center>0.025 m</center><td><center><b>0.6 mm</b></center>
1930 <td><center><b>0.0010 m</b></center><td><center><b>0.011 mm</b></center>
1933\section geoidcache Caching the geoid data
1935A simple way of calling Geoid is as follows
1937   #include <GeographicLib/Geoid.hpp>
1938   #include <iostream>
1939   ...
1940   GeographicLib::Geoid g("egm96-5");
1941   double lat, lon;
1942   while (std::cin >> lat >> lon)
1943      std::cout << g(lat, lon) << "\n";
1944   ...
1947The first call to g(lat, lon) causes the data for the stencil points (4
1948points for bilinear interpolation and 12 for cubic interpolation) to be
1949read and the interpolated value returned.  A simple 0th-order caching
1950scheme is provided by default, so that, if the second and subsequent
1951points falls within the same grid cell, the data values are not reread
1952from the file.  This is adequate for most interactive use and also
1953minimizes disk accesses for the case when a continuous track is being
1956If a large quantity of geoid calculations are needed, the calculation
1957can be sped up by preloading the data for a rectangular block with
1958Geoid::CacheArea or the entire dataset with
1959Geoid::CacheAll.  If the requested points lie within the
1960cached area, the cached data values are used; otherwise the data is read
1961from disk as before.  Caching all the data is a reasonable choice for
1962the 5' grids and coarser.  Caching all the data for the 1' grid will
1963require 0.5 GB of RAM and should only be used on systems with sufficient
1966The use of caching does not affect the values returned.  Because of the
1967caching and the random file access, this class is \e not normally thread
1968safe; i.e., a single instantiation cannot be safely used by multiple
1969threads.  If multiple threads need to calculate geoid heights, there are
1970two alternatives:
1971 - they should all construct thread-local instantiations.
1972 - Geoid should be constructed with \e threadsafe = true.
1973   This causes all the data to be read at the time of construction (and
1974   if this fails, an exception is thrown), the data file to be closed
1975   and the single-cell caching to be turned off.  The resulting object
1976   may then be shared safely between threads.
1978\section testgeoid Test data for geoids
1980A test set for the geoid models is available at
1981 - <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/testdata/GeoidHeights.dat.gz">
1982   GeoidHeights.dat.gz</a>
1983 .
1984This is about 11 MB (compressed).  This test set consists of a set of
1985500000 geographic coordinates together with the corresponding geoid
1986heights according to various earth gravity models.
1988Each line of the test set gives 6 space delimited numbers
1989 - latitude (degrees, exact)
1990 - longitude (degrees, exact)
1991 - EGM84 height (meters, accurate to 1 &mu;m)
1992 - EGM96 height (meters, accurate to 1 &mu;m)
1993 - EGM2008 height (meters, accurate to 1 &mu;m)
1994 .
1995The latitude and longitude are all multiples of 10<sup>&minus;6</sup>
1996deg and should be regarded as exact.  The geoid heights are computed
1997using the harmonic NGA synthesis programs, where the programs were
1998compiled (with gfortran) and run under Linux.  In the case of the
1999EGM2008 program, a <code>SAVE</code> statement needed to be added to
2000subroutine <code>latf</code>, in order for the program to compile
2001correctly with a stack-based compiler.  Similarly the EGM96 code
2002requires a <code>SAVE</code> statement in subroutine
2006Back to \ref other.  Forward to \ref gravity.  Up to \ref contents.
2011\page gravity Gravity models
2014Back to \ref geoid.  Forward to \ref normalgravity.  Up to \ref contents.
2017GeographicLib can compute the earth's gravitational field with an earth
2018gravity model using the GravityModel and GravityCircle classes and with
2019the <a href="Gravity.1.html">Gravity</a> utility.  These models expand
2020the gravitational potential of the earth as sum of spherical harmonics.
2021The models also specify a reference ellipsoid, relative to which geoid
2022heights and gravity disturbances are measured.  Underlying all these
2023models is <i>normal gravity</i> which is the exact solution for an
2024idealized rotating ellipsoidal body.  This is implemented with the
2025NormalGravity class and some notes on are provided in section \ref
2028Go to
2029 - \ref gravityinst
2030 - \ref gravityformat
2031 - \ref gravitynga
2032 - \ref gravitygeoid
2033 - \ref gravityatmos
2034 - \ref gravityparallel
2035 - \ref normalgravity (now on its own page)
2037The supported models are
2038 - <b>egm84</b>, the
2039   <a href="https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84#tab_egm84">
2040   Earth Gravity Model 1984</a>, which includes terms up to degree 180.
2041 - <b>egm96</b>, the
2042   <a href="https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84#tab_egm96">
2043   Earth Gravity Model 1996</a>, which includes terms up to degree 360.
2044 - <b>egm2008</b>, the
2045   <a href="https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84#tab_egm2008">
2046   Earth Gravity Model 2008</a>, which includes terms up to degree 2190.
2047   See also <a href="https://doi.org/10.1029/2011JB008916"> Pavlis et
2048   al. (2012)</a>
2049 - <b>wgs84</b>, the
2050   <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20161214054445/http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/publications/tr8350.2/tr8350_2.html">
2051   WGS84 Reference Ellipsoid</a>.  This is just reproduces the normal
2052   gravitational field for the reference ellipsoid.  This includes the
2053   zonal coefficients up to order 20.  Usually NormalGravity::WGS84()
2054   should be used instead.
2055 - <b>grs80</b>, the
2056   GRS80 Reference Ellipsoid.  This is just reproduces the normal
2057   gravitational field for the GRS80 ellipsoid.  This includes the
2058   zonal coefficients up to order 20.  Usually NormalGravity::GRS80()
2059   should be used instead.
2062 - W. A. Heiskanen and H. Moritz, Physical Geodesy (Freeman, San
2063   Francisco, 1967).
2064 .
2065for more information.
2067<b>Acknowledgment:</b> I would like to thank Mathieu Peyr&eacute;ga for
2068sharing EGM_Geoid_CalculatorClass from his Geo library with me.  His
2069implementation was the first I could easily understand and he and I
2070together worked through some of the issues with overflow and underflow
2071the occur while performing high-degree spherical harmonic sums.
2073\section gravityinst Installing the gravity models
2075These gravity models are available for download:
2078<caption>Available gravity models</caption>
2080 <th rowspan="2">name         <th rowspan="2">max\n degree
2081 <th rowspan="2">size\n(kB)
2082 <th colspan="3"><center>Download Links (size, kB)</center></th>
2084 <th>tar file</th>
2085 <th>Windows\n installer</th>
2086 <th>zip file</th>
2088 <td>egm84
2089 <td><center>180</center>
2090 <td><center>27</center>
2091 <td><center>
2092 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm84.tar.bz2">
2093 link</a> (26)</center>
2094 <td><center>
2095 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm84.exe">
2096 link</a> (55)</center>
2097 <td><center>
2098 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm84.zip">
2099 link</a> (26)</center>
2101 <td>egm96
2102 <td><center>360</center>
2103 <td><center>2100</center>
2104 <td><center>
2105 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm96.tar.bz2">
2106 link</a> (2100)</center>
2107 <td><center>
2108 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm96.exe">
2109 link</a> (2300)</center>
2110 <td><center>
2111 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm96.zip">
2112 link</a> (2100)</center>
2114 <td>egm2008
2115 <td><center>2190</center>
2116 <td><center>76000</center>
2117 <td><center>
2118 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm2008.tar.bz2">
2119 link</a> (75000)</center>
2120 <td><center>
2121 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm2008.exe">
2122 link</a> (72000)</center>
2123 <td><center>
2124 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/egm2008.zip">
2125 link</a> (73000)</center>
2127 <td>wgs84
2128 <td><center>20</center>
2129 <td><center>1</center>
2130 <td><center>
2131 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/wgs84.tar.bz2">
2132 link</a> (1)</center>
2133 <td><center>
2134 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/wgs84.exe">
2135 link</a> (30)</center>
2136 <td><center>
2137 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/gravity-distrib/wgs84.zip">
2138 link</a> (1)</center>
2141The "size" column is the size of the uncompressed data.
2143For Linux and Unix systems, GeographicLib provides a shell script
2144geographiclib-get-gravity (typically installed in /usr/local/sbin)
2145which automates the process of downloading and installing the gravity
2146models.  For example
2148   geographiclib-get-gravity all  # to install egm84, egm96, egm2008, wgs84
2149   geographiclib-get-gravity -h   # for help
2151This script should be run as a user with write access to the
2152installation directory, which is typically
2153/usr/local/share/GeographicLib (this can be overridden with the -p
2154flag), and the data will then be placed in the "gravity" subdirectory.
2156Windows users should download and run the Windows installers.  These
2157will prompt for an installation directory with the default being
2159   C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib
2161(which you probably should not change) and the data is installed in the
2162"gravity" sub-directory.  (The second directory name is an alternate name
2163that Windows 7 uses for the "Application Data" directory.)
2165Otherwise download \e either the tar.bz2 file \e or the zip file (they
2166have the same contents).  To unpack these, run, for example
2168   mkdir -p /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
2169   tar xofjC egm96.tar.bz2 /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
2170   tar xofjC egm2008.tar.bz2 /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
2171   etc.
2173and, again, the data will be placed in the "gravity" subdirectory.
2175However you install the gravity models, all the datasets should be
2176installed in the same directory.  GravityModel and
2177<a href="Gravity.1.html">Gravity</a> uses a compile time default to
2178locate the datasets.  This is
2179- /usr/local/share/GeographicLib/gravity, for non-Windows systems
2180- C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib/gravity, for Windows systems
2182consistent with the examples above.  This may be overridden at run-time
2184environment variables; see
2185GravityModel::DefaultGravityPath() for details.  Finally,
2186the path may be set using the optional second argument to the
2187GravityModel constructor or with the "-d" flag to
2188<a href="Gravity.1.html">Gravity</a>.  Supplying the "-h" flag to
2189<a href="Gravity.1.html">Gravity</a> reports the default path for
2190gravity models for that utility.  The "-v" flag causes Gravity to report
2191the full path name of the data file it uses.
2193\section gravityformat The format of the gravity model files
2195The constructor for GravityModel reads a file called
2196NAME.egm which specifies various properties for the gravity model.  It
2197then opens a binary file NAME.egm.cof to obtain the coefficients of the
2198spherical harmonic sum.
2200The first line of the .egm file must consist of "EGMF-v" where EGMF
2201stands for "Earth Gravity Model Format" and v is the version number of
2202the format (currently "1").
2204The rest of the File is read a line at a time.  A # character and
2205everything after it are discarded.  If the result is just white space it
2206is discarded.  The remaining lines are of the form "KEY WHITESPACE
2207VALUE".  In general, the KEY and the VALUE are case-sensitive.
2209GravityModel only pays attention to the following
2211 - keywords that affect the field calculation, namely:
2212   - <b>ModelRadius</b> (required), the normalizing radius for the model
2213     in meters.
2214   - <b>ReferenceRadius</b> (required), the equatorial radius \e a for
2215     the reference ellipsoid meters.
2216   - <b>ModelMass</b> (required), the mass constant \e GM for the model
2217     in meters<sup>3</sup>/seconds<sup>2</sup>.
2218   - <b>ReferenceMass</b> (required), the mass constant \e GM for the
2219     reference ellipsoid in meters<sup>3</sup>/seconds<sup>2</sup>.
2220   - <b>AngularVelocity</b> (required), the angular velocity &omega; for
2221     the model \e and the reference ellipsoid in rad
2222     seconds<sup>&minus;1</sup>.
2223   - <b>Flattening</b>, the flattening of the reference ellipsoid; this
2224     can be given a fraction, e.g., 1/298.257223563.  One of
2225     <b>Flattening</b> and <b>DynamicalFormFactor</b> is required.
2226   - <b>DynamicalFormFactor</b>, the dynamical form factor
2227     <i>J</i><sub>2</sub> for the reference ellipsoid.  One of
2228     <b>Flattening</b> and <b>DynamicalFormFactor</b> is required.
2229   - <b>HeightOffset</b> (default 0), the constant height offset
2230     (meters) added to obtain the geoid height.
2231   - <b>CorrectionMultiplier</b> (default 1), the multiplier for the
2232     "zeta-to-N" correction terms for the geoid height to convert them
2233     to meters.
2234   - <b>Normalization</b> (default full), the normalization used for the
2235     associated Legendre functions (full or schmidt).
2236   - <b>ID</b> (required), 8 printable characters which serve as a
2237     signature for the .egm.cof file (they must appear as the first 8
2238     bytes of this file).
2239   .
2240   The parameters <b>ModelRadius</b>, <b>ModelMass</b>, and
2241   <b>AngularVelocity</b> apply to the gravity model, while
2242   <b>ReferenceRadius</b>, <b>ReferenceMass</b>, <b>AngularVelocity</b>,
2243   and either <b>Flattening</b> or <b>DynamicalFormFactor</b>
2244   characterize the reference ellipsoid.  <b>AngularVelocity</b>
2245   (because it can be measured precisely) is the same for the gravity
2246   model and the reference ellipsoid.  <b>ModelRadius</b> is merely a
2247   scaling parameter for the gravity model and there's no requirement
2248   that it be close to the equatorial radius of the earth (although
2249   that's typically how it is chosen).  <b>ModelMass</b> and
2250   <b>ReferenceMass</b> need not be the same and, indeed, they are
2251   slightly difference for egm2008.  As a result the disturbing
2252   potential \e T has a 1/\e r dependence at large distances.
2253 - keywords that store data that the user can query:
2254   - <b>Name</b>, the name of the model.
2255   - <b>Description</b>, a more descriptive name of the model.
2256   - <b>ReleaseDate</b>, when the model was created.
2257 - keywords that are examined to verify that their values are valid:
2258   - <b>ByteOrder</b> (default little), the order of bytes in the
2259     .egm.cof file.  Only little endian is supported at present.
2260 .
2261Other keywords are ignored.
2263The coefficient file NAME.egm.cof is a binary file in little endian
2264order.  The first 8 bytes of this file must match the ID given in
2265NAME.egm.  This is followed by 2 sets of spherical harmonic
2266coefficients.  The first of these gives the gravity potential and the
2267second gives the zeta-to-N corrections to the geoid height.  The format
2268for each set of coefficients is:
2269 - \e N, the maximum degree of the sum stored as a 4-byte signed integer.
2270   This must satisfy \e N &ge; &minus;1.
2271 - \e M, the maximum order of the sum stored as a 4-byte signed integer.
2272   This must satisfy \e N &ge; \e M &ge; &minus;1.
2273 - <i>C</i><sub><i>nm</i></sub>, the coefficients of the cosine
2274   coefficients of the sum in column (i.e., \e m) major order.  There
2275   are (\e M + 1) (2\e N - \e M + 2) / 2 elements which are stored as
2276   IEEE doubles (8 bytes).  For example for \e N = \e M = 3, there are
2277   10 coefficients arranged as
2278   <i>C</i><sub>00</sub>,
2279   <i>C</i><sub>10</sub>,
2280   <i>C</i><sub>20</sub>,
2281   <i>C</i><sub>30</sub>,
2282   <i>C</i><sub>11</sub>,
2283   <i>C</i><sub>21</sub>,
2284   <i>C</i><sub>31</sub>,
2285   <i>C</i><sub>22</sub>,
2286   <i>C</i><sub>32</sub>,
2287   <i>C</i><sub>33</sub>.
2288 - <i>S</i><sub><i>nm</i></sub>, the coefficients of the sine
2289   coefficients of the sum in column (i.e., \e m) major order starting
2290   at \e m = 1.  There are \e M (2\e N - \e M + 1) / 2 elements which
2291   are stored as IEEE doubles (8 bytes).  For example for \e N = \e M =
2292   3, there are 6 coefficients arranged as
2293   <i>S</i><sub>11</sub>,
2294   <i>S</i><sub>21</sub>,
2295   <i>S</i><sub>31</sub>,
2296   <i>S</i><sub>22</sub>,
2297   <i>S</i><sub>32</sub>,
2298   <i>S</i><sub>33</sub>.
2299 .
2300Although the coefficient file is in little endian order, GeographicLib
2301can read it on big endian machines.  It can only be read on machines
2302which store doubles in IEEE format.
2304As an illustration, here is egm2008.egm:
2307# An Earth Gravity Model (Format 1) file.  For documentation on the
2308# format of this file see
2309# https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/html/gravity.html#gravityformat
2310Name            egm2008
2311Publisher       National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
2312Description     Earth Gravity Model 2008
2313URL             https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84#tab_egm2008
2314ReleaseDate     2008-06-01
2315ConversionDate  2011-11-19
2316DataVersion     1
2317ModelRadius     6378136.3
2318ModelMass       3986004.415e8
2319AngularVelocity 7292115e-11
2320ReferenceRadius 6378137
2321ReferenceMass   3986004.418e8
2322Flattening      1/298.257223563
2323HeightOffset    -0.41
2325# Gravitational and correction coefficients taken from
2326# EGM2008_to2190_TideFree and Zeta-to-N_to2160_egm2008 from
2327# the egm2008 distribution.
2328ID              EGM2008A
2331The code to produce the coefficient files for the wgs84 and grs80 models
2333\include make-egmcof.cpp
2335\section gravitynga Comments on the NGA harmonic synthesis code
2337GravityModel attempts to reproduce the results of NGA's
2338harmonic synthesis code for EGM2008, hsynth_WGS84.f.  Listed here are
2339issues that I encountered using the NGA code:
2340 -# A compiler which allocates local variables on the stack produces an
2341    executable with just returns NaNs.  The problem here is a missing
2342    <code>SAVE</code> statement in subroutine <code>latf</code>.
2343 -# Because the model and references masses for egm2008 differ (by about
2344    1 part in 10<sup>9</sup>), there should be a 1/\e r contribution to
2345    the disturbing potential \e T.  However, this term is set to zero in
2346    hsynth_WGS84 (effectively altering the normal potential).  This
2347    shifts the surface \e W = <i>U</i><sub>0</sub> outward by about
2348    5&nbsp;mm.  Note too that the reference ellipsoid is no longer a
2349    level surface of the effective normal potential.
2350 -# Subroutine <code>radgrav</code> computes the ellipsoidal coordinate
2351    &beta; incorrectly.  This leads to small errors in the deflection
2352    of the vertical, &xi; and &eta;, when the height above the
2353    ellipsoid, \e h, is non-zero (about 10<sup>&minus;7</sup> arcsec at
2354    \e h = 400&nbsp;km).
2355 -# There are several expressions which will return inaccurate results
2356    due to cancellation.  For example, subroutine <code>grs</code>
2357    computes the flattening using \e f = 1 &minus; sqrt(1 &minus;
2358    <i>e</i><sup>2</sup>).  Much better is to use \e f =
2359    <i>e</i><sup>2</sup>/(1 + sqrt(1 &minus; <i>e</i><sup>2</sup>)).  The
2360    expressions for \e q and \e q' in <code>grs</code> and
2361    <code>radgrav</code> suffer from similar problems.  The resulting
2362    errors are tiny (about 50&nbsp;pm in the geoid height); however, given
2363    that's there's essentially no cost to using more accurate
2364    expressions, it's preferable to do so.
2365 -# hsynth_WGS84 returns an "undefined" value for \e xi and \e eta at the
2366    poles.  Better would be to return the value obtained by taking the
2367    limit \e lat &rarr; &plusmn; 90&deg;.
2368 .
2369Issues 1--4 have been reported to the authors of hsynth_WGS84.
2370Issue 1 is peculiar to Fortran and is not encountered in C++ code and
2371GravityModel corrects issues 3--5.  On issue 2,
2372GravityModel neglects the 1/\e r term in \e T in
2373GravityModel::GeoidHeight and
2374GravityModel::SphericalAnomaly in order to produce
2375results which match NGA's for these quantities.  On the other hand,
2376GravityModel::Disturbance and
2377GravityModel::T <i>do</i> include this term.
2379\section gravitygeoid Details of the geoid height and anomaly calculations
2381Ideally, the geoid represents a surface of constant gravitational
2382potential which approximates mean sea level.  In reality some
2383approximations are taken in determining this surface.  The steps taking
2384by GravityModel in computing the geoid height are
2385described here (in the context of EGM2008).  This mimics NGA's code
2386hsynth_WGS84 closely because most users of EGM2008 use the gridded data
2387generated by this code (e.g., Geoid) and it is desirable
2388to use a consistent definition of the geoid height.
2389 - The model potential is band limited; the minimum wavelength that is
2390   represented is 360&deg;/2160 = 10' (i.e., about 10NM or
2391   18.5km).  The maximum degree for the spherical harmonic sum is 2190;
2392   however the model was derived using ellipsoidal harmonics of degree
2393   and order 2160 and the degree was increased to 2190 in order to
2394   capture the ellipsoidal harmonics faithfully with spherical
2395   harmonics.
2396 - The 1/\e r term is omitted from the \e T (this is issue 2 in \ref
2397   gravitynga).  This moves the equipotential surface by about 5mm.
2398 - The surface \e W = <i>U</i><sub>0</sub> is determined by Bruns'
2399   formula, which is roughly equivalent to a single iteration of
2400   Newton's method.  The RMS error in this approximation is about 1.5mm
2401   with a maximum error of about 10&nbsp;mm.
2402 - The model potential is only valid above the earth's surface.  A
2403   correction therefore needs to be included where the geoid lies
2404   beneath the terrain.  This is NGA's "zeta-to-N" correction, which is
2405   represented by a spherical harmonic sum of degree and order 2160 (and
2406   so it misses short wavelength terrain variations).  In addition, it
2407   entails estimating the isostatic equilibrium of the earth's crust.
2408   The correction lies in the range [&minus;5.05&nbsp;m, 0.05&nbsp;m],
2409   however for 99.9% of the earth's surface the correction is less than
2410   10&nbsp;mm in magnitude.
2411 - The resulting surface lies above the observed mean sea level,
2412   so &minus;0.41m is added to the geoid height.  (Better would be to change
2413   the potential used to define the geoid; but this would only change
2414   the result by about 2mm.)
2415 .
2416A useful discussion of the problems with defining a geoid is given by
2417Dru A. Smith in
2418<a href="https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/EGM96_GEOID_PAPER/egm96_geoid_paper.html">
2419There is no such thing as "The" EGM96 geoid: Subtle points on the use of
2420a global geopotential model</a>, IGeS Bulletin No. 8, International
2421Geoid Service, Milan, Italy, pp. 17--28 (1998).
2423GravityModel::GeoidHeight reproduces the results of the
2424several NGA codes for harmonic synthesis with the following maximum
2426 - egm84 = 1.1mm.  This is probably due to inconsistent parameters for the
2427   reference ellipsoid in the NGA code.  (In particular, the value of
2428   mass constant excludes the atmosphere; however, it's not clear
2429   whether the other parameters have been correspondingly adjusted.)
2430   Note that geoid heights predicted by egm84 differ from those of more
2431   recent gravity models by about 1 meter.
2432 - egm96 = 23nm.
2433 - egm2008 = 78pm.  After addressing some of the issues alluded to in
2434   issue 4 in \ref gravitynga, the maximum discrepancy becomes 23pm.
2436The formula for the gravity anomaly vector involves computing gravity
2437and normal gravity at two different points (with the displacement
2438between the points unknown <i>ab initio</i>).  Since the gravity anomaly
2439is already a small quantity it is sometimes acceptable to employ
2440approximations that change the quantities by \e O(\e f).  The NGA code
2441uses the spherical approximation described by Heiskanen and Moritz,
2442Sec. 2-14 and GravityModel::SphericalAnomaly uses the
2443same approximation for compatibility.  In this approximation, the
2444gravity disturbance <b>delta</b> = <b>grad</b> \e T is calculated.
2445Here, \e T once again excludes the 1/\e r term (this is issue 2 in \ref
2446gravitynga and is consistent with the computation of the geoid height).
2447Note that <b>delta</b> compares the gravity and the normal gravity at
2448the \e same point; the gravity anomaly vector is then found by
2449estimating the gradient of the normal gravity in the limit that the
2450earth is spherically symmetric.  <b>delta</b> is expressed in \e
2451spherical coordinates as \e deltax, \e deltay, \e deltaz where, for
2452example, \e deltaz is the \e radial component of <b>delta</b> (not the
2453component perpendicular to the ellipsoid) and \e deltay is similarly
2454slightly different from the usual northerly component.  The components
2455of the anomaly are then given by
2456 - gravity anomaly, \e Dg01 = \e deltaz &minus; 2<i>T</i>/\e R, where \e R
2457   distance to the center of the earth;
2458 - northerly component of the deflection of the vertical, \e xi = &minus;
2459   <i>deltay</i>/\e gamma, where \e gamma is the magnitude of the normal
2460   gravity;
2461 - easterly component of the deflection of the vertical, \e eta = &minus;
2462   <i>deltax</i>/\e gamma.
2463 .
2464NormalGravity computes the normal gravity accurately and
2465avoids issue 3 of \ref gravitynga.  Thus while
2466GravityModel::SphericalAnomaly reproduces the results for
2467\e xi and \e eta at \e h = 0, there is a slight discrepancy if \e h is
2470\section gravityatmos The effect of the mass of the atmosphere
2472All of the supported models use WGS84 for the reference ellipsoid.  This
2473has (see
2474<a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20161214054445/https://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/publications/tr8350.2/wgs84fin.pdf">
2475TR8350.2</a>, table 3.1)
2476 - \e a = 6378137 m
2477 - \e f = 1/298.257223563
2478 - &omega; = 7292115 &times; 10<sup>&minus;11</sup> rad
2479   s<sup>&minus;1</sup>
2480 - \e GM = 3986004.418 &times; 10<sup>8</sup> m<sup>3</sup>
2481   s<sup>&minus;2</sup>.
2482 .
2483The value of \e GM includes the mass of the atmosphere and so strictly
2484only applies above the earth's atmosphere.  Near the surface of the
2485earth, the value of \e g will be less (in absolute value) than the value
2486predicted by these models by about &delta;\e g = (4&pi;<i>G</i>/\e
2487g) \e A = 8.552&nbsp;&times;&nbsp;10<sup>&minus;11</sup> \e
2488A&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup>/kg, where \e G is the gravitational constant, \e g
2489is the earth's gravity, and \e A is the pressure of the atmosphere.  At
2490sea level we have \e A = 101.3&nbsp;kPa, and &delta;\e g =
2492approximately.  (In other words the effect is about 1&nbsp;part in a
2493million; by way of comparison, buoyancy effects are about 100 times
2496\section gravityparallel Geoid heights on a multi-processor system
2498The egm2008 model includes many terms (over 2 million spherical
2499harmonics).  For that reason computations using this model may be slow;
2500for example it takes about 78 ms to compute the geoid height at a single
2501point.  There are two ways to speed up this computation:
2502 - Use a GravityCircle to compute the geoid height at
2503   several points on a circle of latitude.  This reduces the cost per
2504   point to about 92&nbsp;&mu;s (a reduction by a factor of over 800).
2505 - Compute the values on several circles of latitude in parallel.  One
2506   of the simplest ways of doing this is with
2507   <a href="https://www.openmp.org"> OpenMP</a>; on an 8-processor system,
2508   this can speed up the computation by another factor of 8.
2509 .
2510Both of these techniques are illustrated by the following code,
2511which computes a table of geoid heights on
2512a regular grid and writes on the result in a
2513<a href="https://vdatum.noaa.gov/docs/gtx_info.html#dev_gtx_binary">.gtx</a>
2514file.  On an 8-processor Intel 3.0 GHz machine using OpenMP
2515(-DHAVE_OPENMP=1), it takes about 10 minutes of elapsed time to compute
2516the geoid height for EGM2008 on a 1' grid.  (Without these
2517optimizations, the computation would have taken about 50 days!)
2518\include GeoidToGTX.cpp
2520cmake will add in support for OpenMP for
2521<code>examples/GeoidToGTX.cpp</code>, if it is available.
2524Back to \ref geoid.  Forward to \ref normalgravity.  Up to \ref contents.
2529\page normalgravity Normal gravity
2532Back to \ref gravity.  Forward to \ref magnetic.  Up to \ref contents.
2535The NormalGravity class computes "normal gravity" which refers to the
2536exact (classical) solution of an idealised system consisting of an
2537ellipsoid of revolution with the following properties:
2538 - \e M the mass interior to the ellipsoid,
2539 - \e a the equatorial radius,
2540 - \e b the polar semi-axis,
2541 - &omega; the rotation rate about the polar axis.
2542 .
2543(N.B. The mass always appears in the combination \e GM, with units
2544m<sup>3</sup>/s<sup>2</sup>, where \e G is the gravtitational constant.)
2545The distribution of the mass \e M within the ellipsoid is such that the
2546surface of the ellipsoid is at a constant normal potential where the
2547normal potential is the sum of the gravitational potential (due to the
2548gravitational attraction) and the centrifugal potential (due to the
2549rotation).  The resulting field exterior to the ellipsoid is called
2550<i>normal gravity</i> and was found by Somigliana (1929).  Because the
2551potential is constant on the ellipsoid it is sometimes referred to as
2552the <i>level ellipsoid</i>.
2554Go to
2555 - \ref normalgravcoords
2556 - \ref normalgravpot
2557 - \ref normalgravmass
2558 - \ref normalgravsurf
2559 - \ref normalgravmean
2560 - \ref normalgravj2
2563 - C. Somigliana, Teoria generale del campo gravitazionale dell'ellissoide
2564   di rotazione, Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital, <b>4</b>, 541--599 (1929).
2565 - W. A. Heiskanen and H. Moritz, Physical Geodesy (Freeman, San
2566   Francisco, 1967), Secs. 1-19, 2-7, 2-8 (2-9, 2-10), 6-2 (6-3).
2567 - B. Hofmann-Wellenhof, H. Moritz, Physical Geodesy (Second edition,
2568   Springer, 2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-211-33545-1
2569 - H. Moritz, Geodetic Reference System 1980, J. Geodesy 54(3), 395--405
2570   (1980). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02521480
2571 - H. Moritz, The Figure of the Earth (Wichmann, 1990).
2572 - M. Chasles, Solution nouvelle du probl&egrave;me de l’attraction d’un
2573   ellipso&iuml;de h&eacute;t&eacute;rog&egrave;ne sur un point
2574   exterieur, Jour. Liouville 5, 465--488 (1840), Note 2.
2575   http://sites.mathdoc.fr/JMPA/PDF/JMPA_1840_1_5_A41_0.pdf
2577\section normalgravcoords Ellipsoidal coordinates
2579Two set of formulas are presented: those of Heiskanen and Moritz (1967)
2580which are applicable to an oblate ellipsoid and a second set where the
2581variables are distinguished with primes which apply to a prolate
2582ellipsoid.  The primes are omitted from those variables which are the
2583same in the two cases.  In the text, the parenthetical "alt." clauses
2584apply to prolate ellipsoids.
2586Cylindrical coordinates \f$ R,Z \f$ are expressed in terms of
2587ellipsoidal coordinates
2590  R &= \sqrt{u^2 + E^2} \cos\beta = u' \cos\beta,\\
2591  Z &= u \sin\beta = \sqrt{u'^2 + E'^2} \sin\beta,
2597  E^2 = a^2 - b^2,&{} \qquad u^2 = u'^2 + E'^2,\\
2598  E'^2 = b^2 - a^2,&{} \qquad u'^2 = u^2 + E^2.
2601Surfaces of constant \f$ u \f$ (or \f$ u' \f$) are confocal ellipsoids.
2602The surface \f$ u = 0 \f$ (alt. \f$ u' = 0 \f$) corresponds to the
2603focal disc of diameter \f$ 2E \f$ (alt. focal rod of length
2604\f$ 2E' \f$).  The level ellipsoid is given by \f$ u = b \f$
2605(alt. \f$ u' = a \f$).  On the level ellipsoid, \f$ \beta \f$ is the
2606familiar parametric latitude.
2608In writing the potential and the gravity, it is useful to introduce the
2612  Q(z) &= \frac1{2z^3}
2613    \biggl[\biggl(1 + \frac3{z^2}\biggr)\tan^{-1}z - \frac3z\biggr],\\
2614  Q'(z') &= \frac{(1+z'^2)^{3/2}}{2z'^3}
2615    \biggl[\biggl(2 + \frac3{z'^2}\biggr)\sinh^{-1}z' -
2616      \frac{3\sqrt{1+z'^2}}{z'}\biggr],\\
2617  H(z) &= \biggl(3Q(z)+z\frac{dQ(z)}{dz}\biggr)(1+z^2)\\
2618       &= \frac1{z^4}\biggl[3(1+z^2)
2619         \biggl(1-\frac{\tan^{-1}z}z\biggr)-z^2\biggr],\\
2620  H'(z') &= \frac{3Q'(z')}{1+z'^2}+z'\frac{dQ'(z')}{dz'}\\
2621         &= \frac{1+z'^2}{z'^4}
2622           \biggl[3\biggl(1-\frac{\sqrt{1+z'^2}\sinh^{-1}z'}{z'}\biggr)
2623           +z'^2\biggr].
2626The function arguments are \f$ z = E/u \f$
2627(alt. \f$ z' = E'/u' \f$) and the unprimed and primed quantities are
2628related by
2631Q'(z') = Q(z),&{} \qquad H'(z') = H(z),\\
2632z'^2 = -\frac{z^2}{1 + z^2},&{} \qquad z^2 = -\frac{z'^2}{1 + z'^2}.
2635The functions \f$ q(u) \f$ and \f$ q'(u) \f$ used by Heiskanen and
2636Moritz are given by
2638  q(u) = \frac{E^3}{u^3}Q\biggl(\frac Eu\biggr),\qquad
2639  q'(u) = \frac{E^2}{u^2}H\biggl(\frac Eu\biggr).
2641The functions \f$ Q(z) \f$, \f$ Q'(z') \f$, \f$ H(z) \f$, and
2642\f$ H'(z') \f$ are more convenient for use in numerical codes because
2643they are finite in the spherical limit \f$ E \rightarrow 0 \f$, i.e.,
2644\f$ Q(0) = Q'(0) = \frac2{15} \f$, and \f$ H(0) = H'(0) = \frac25 \f$.
2646\section normalgravpot The normal potential
2648The normal potential is the sum of three components, a mass term, a
2649quadrupole term and a centrifugal term,
2650\f[ U = U_m + U_q + U_r. \f]
2651The mass term is
2652\f[ U_m = \frac {GM}E \tan^{-1}\frac Eu
2653        = \frac {GM}{E'} \sinh^{-1}\frac{E'}{u'}; \f]
2654the quadrupole term is
2657 U_q &= \frac{\omega^2}2 \frac{a^2 b^3}{u^3} \frac{Q(E/u)}{Q(E/b)}
2658        \biggl(\sin^2\beta-\frac13\biggr)\\
2659     &= \frac{\omega^2}2 \frac{a^2 b^3}{(u'^2+E'^2)^{3/2}}
2660        \frac{Q'(E'/u')}{Q'(E'/a)}
2661        \biggl(\sin^2\beta-\frac13\biggr);
2664finally, the rotational term is
2666U_r = \frac{\omega^2}2 R^2
2667    = \frac{\omega^2}2 (u^2 + E^2) \cos^2\beta
2668    = \frac{\omega^2}2 u'^2 \cos^2\beta.
2671\f$ U_m \f$ and \f$ U_q \f$ are both gravitational potentials (due to
2672mass within the ellipsoid).  The total mass contributing to \f$ U_m \f$
2673is \f$ M \f$; the total mass contributing to \f$ U_q \f$ vanishes (far
2674from the ellipsoid, the \f$ U_q \f$ decays inversely as the cube of the
2677\f$ U_m \f$ and \f$ U_q + U_r \f$ are separately both constant on the
2678level ellipsoid.  \f$ U_m \f$ is the normal potential for a massive
2679non-rotating ellipsoid.  \f$ U_q + U_r \f$ is the potential for a
2680massless rotating ellipsoid.  Combining all the terms, \f$ U \f$ is the
2681normal potential for a massive rotating ellipsoid.
2683The figure shows normal gravity for the case \f$ GM = 1 \f$,
2684\f$ a = 1 \f$, \f$ b = 0.8 \f$, \f$ \omega = 0.3 \f$.  The level
2685ellipsoid is shown in red.  Contours of constant gravity potential are
2686shown in blue; the contour spacing is constant outside the ellipsoid and
2687equal to 1/20 of the difference between the potentials on the ellipsoid
2688and at the geostationary point (\f$ R = 2.2536 \f$, \f$ Z = 0 \f$);
2689inside the ellipsoid the contour spacing is 5 times greater.  The green
2690lines are stream lines for the gravity; these are spaced at intervals of
269110&deg; in parametric latitude on the surface of the ellipsoid.  The
2692normal gravity is continued into the level ellipsoid under the
2693assumption that the mass is concentrated on the focal disc, shown in
2696\image html normal-gravity-potential-1.svg "Normal gravity"
2698\section normalgravmass The mass distribution
2700Typically, the normal potential, \f$ U \f$, is only of interest for
2701outside the ellipsoid \f$ u \ge b \f$ (alt. \f$ u' \ge a \f$).  In
2702planetary applications, an open problem is finding a mass distribution
2703which is in hydrostatic equilibrium (the mass density is non-negative
2704and a non-decreasing function of the potential interior to the
2707However it is possible to give singular mass distributions consistent
2708with the normal potential.
2710For a non-rotating body, the potential \f$ U = U_m \f$ is generated by a
2711sandwiching the mass \f$ M \f$ uniformly between the level ellipsoid
2712with semi-axes \f$ a \f$ and \f$ b \f$ and a close <i>similar</i>
2713ellipsoid with semi-axes \f$ (1-\epsilon)a \f$ and
2714\f$ (1-\epsilon)b \f$.  Chasles (1840) extends a theorem of Newton to
2715show that the field interior to such an ellipsoidal shell vanishes.
2716Thus the potential on the ellipsoid is constant, i.e., it is indeed a
2717level ellipsoid.  This result also holds for a non-rotating triaxial
2720Observing that \f$ U_m \f$ and \f$ U_q \f$ as defined above obey
2721\f$ \nabla^2 U_m = \nabla^2 U_q = 0 \f$ everywhere for \f$ u > 0 \f$
2722(alt. \f$ u' > 0 \f$), we see that these potentials correspond to
2723masses concentrated at \f$ u = 0 \f$ (alt. \f$ u' = 0 \f$).
2725In the oblate case, \f$ U_m \f$ is generated by a massive disc at
2726\f$ Z = 0 \f$, \f$ R < E \f$, with mass density (mass per unit area) \f$
2727\rho_m \f$ and moments of inertia about the equatorial (resp. polar)
2728axis of \f$ A_m \f$ (resp. \f$ C_m \f$) given by
2731\rho_m &= \frac M{2\pi E\sqrt{E^2 - R^2}},\\
2732A_m &= \frac {ME^2}3, \\
2733C_m &= \frac {2ME^2}3, \\
2734C_m-A_m &= \frac {ME^2}3.
2737This mass distribution is the same as that produced by projecting a
2738uniform spheric shell of mass \f$ M \f$ and radius \f$ E \f$ onto the
2739equatorial plane.
2741In the prolate case, \f$ U_m \f$ is generated by a massive rod at \f$ R
2742= 0 \f$, \f$ Z < E' \f$ and now the mass density \f$ \rho'_m \f$ has
2743units mass per unit length,
2746\rho'_m &= \frac M{2E'},\\
2747A_m &= \frac {ME'^2}3, \\
2748C_m &= 0, \\
2749C_m-A_m &= -\frac {ME'^2}3.
2752This mass distribution is the same as that produced by projecting a
2753uniform spheric shell of mass \f$ M \f$ and radius \f$ E' \f$ onto the
2754polar axis.
2756Similarly, \f$ U_q \f$ is generated in the oblate case by
2759\rho_q &= \frac{a^2 b^3 \omega^2}G
2760   \frac{2E^2 - 3R^2}{6\pi E^5 \sqrt{E^2 - R^2} Q(E/b)}, \\
2761A_q &= -\frac{a^2 b^3 \omega^2}G \frac2{45\,Q(E/b)}, \\
2762C_q &= -\frac{a^2 b^3 \omega^2}G \frac4{45\,Q(E/b)}, \\
2763C_q-A_q &= -\frac{a^2 b^3 \omega^2}G \frac2{45\,Q(E/b)}.
2766The corresponding results for a prolate ellipsoid are
2769\rho_q' &= \frac{a^2 b^3 \omega^2}G
2770   \frac{3Z^2 - E'^2}{12\,E'^5 Q'(E'/a)}, \\
2771A_q &= \frac{a^2 b^3 \omega^2}G \frac2{45\,Q'(E'/a)}, \\
2772C_q &= 0, \\
2773C_q-A_q &= -\frac{a^2 b^3 \omega^2}G \frac2{45\,Q'(E'/a)}.
2777Summing up the mass and quadrupole terms, we have
2780A &= A_m + A_q, \\
2781C &= C_m + C_q, \\
2782J_2 & = \frac{C - A}{Ma^2},
2785where \f$ J_2 \f$ is the <i>dynamical form factor</i>.
2787\section normalgravsurf The surface gravity
2789Each term in the potential contributes to the gravity on the surface of
2790the ellipsoid
2792\gamma = \gamma_m + \gamma_q + \gamma_r;
2794These are the components of gravity normal to the ellipsoid and, by
2795convention, \f$ \gamma \f$ is positive downwards.  The tangential
2796components of the total gravity and that due to \f$ U_m \f$ vanish.
2797Those tangential components of the gravity due to \f$ U_q \f$ and \f$
2798U_r \f$ cancel one another.
2800The gravity \f$ \gamma \f$ has the following dependence on latitude
2803\gamma &= \frac{b\gamma_a\cos^2\beta + a\gamma_b\sin^2\beta}
2804               {\sqrt{b^2\cos^2\beta + a^2\sin^2\beta}}\\
2805       &= \frac{a\gamma_a\cos^2\phi + b\gamma_b\sin^2\phi}
2806               {\sqrt{a^2\cos^2\phi + b^2\sin^2\phi}},
2809and the individual components, \f$ \gamma_m \f$, \f$ \gamma_q \f$, and
2810\f$ \gamma_r \f$, have the same dependence on latitude.  The equatorial
2811and polar gravities are
2814\gamma_a &= \gamma_{ma} + \gamma_{qa} + \gamma_{ra},\\
2815\gamma_b &= \gamma_{mb} + \gamma_{qb} + \gamma_{rb},
2821\gamma_{ma} &= \frac{GM}{ab},\qquad \gamma_{mb} = \frac{GM}{a^2},\\
2822\gamma_{qa} &= -\frac{\omega^2 a}6 \frac{H(E/b)}{Q(E/b)}
2823             = -\frac{\omega^2 a}6 \frac{H'(E'/a)}{Q'(E'/a)},\\
2824\gamma_{qb} &= -\frac{\omega^2 b}3 \frac{H(E/b)}{Q(E/b)}
2825             = -\frac{\omega^2 b}3 \frac{H'(E'/a)}{Q'(E'/a)},\\
2826\gamma_{ra} &= -\omega^2 a,\qquad \gamma_{rb} = 0.
2830\section normalgravmean The mean gravity
2832Performing an average of the surface gravity over the area of the
2833ellipsoid gives
2835\langle \gamma \rangle = \frac {4\pi a^2 b}A
2836  \biggl(\frac{2\gamma_a}{3a} + \frac{\gamma_b}{3b}\biggr),
2838where \f$ A \f$ is the area of the ellipsoid
2841 A &= 2\pi\biggl( a^2 + ab\frac{\sinh^{-1}(E/b)}{E/b} \biggr)\\
2842   &= 2\pi\biggl( a^2 + b^2\frac{\tan^{-1}(E'/a)}{E'/a} \biggr).
2846The contributions to the mean gravity are
2849\langle \gamma_m \rangle &= \frac{4\pi}A GM, \\
2850\langle \gamma_q \rangle &= 0 \quad \text{(as expected)}, \\
2851\langle \gamma_r \rangle &= -\frac{4\pi}A \frac{2\omega^2 a^2b}3,\\
2854resulting in
2856\langle \gamma \rangle = \frac{4\pi}A
2857    \biggl(GM - \frac{2\omega^2 a^2b}3\biggr).
2860\section normalgravj2 Possible values of the dynamical form factor
2862The solution for the normal gravity is well defined for arbitrary
2863\f$ M \f$, \f$ \omega \f$, \f$ a > 0\f$, and \f$ f < 1 \f$.  (Note that
2864arbitrary oblate and prolate ellipsoids are possible, although
2865hydrostatic equilibrium would not result in a prolate ellipsoid.)
2866However, it is much easier to measure the dynamical form factor
2867\f$ J_2 \f$ (from the motion of artificial satellites) than the
2868flattening \f$ f \f$.  (Note too that \f$ GM \f$ is typically
2869measured from from satellite or astronomical observations and so it
2870includes the mass of the atmosphere.)
2872So a question for the software developer is: given values of \f$ M > 0\f$,
2873\f$ \omega \f$, and \f$ a > 0 \f$, what are the allowed values of
2874\f$ J_2 \f$?  We restrict the question to \f$ M > 0 \f$.  The
2875(unphysical) case \f$ M = 0 \f$ is problematic because \f$ M \f$ appears
2876in the denominator in the definition of \f$ J_2 \f$.  In the (also
2877unphysical) case \f$ M < 0 \f$, a given \f$ J_2 \f$ can result from two
2878distinct values of \f$ f \f$.
2880Holding \f$ M > 0\f$, \f$ \omega \f$, and \f$ a > 0 \f$ fixed and
2881varying \f$ f \f$ from \f$ -\infty \f$ to \f$ 1 \f$, we find that
2882\f$ J_2 \f$ monotonically increases from \f$ -\infty \f$ to
2884\frac13 - \frac8{45\pi} \frac{\omega^2 a^3}{GM}.
2886Thus any value of \f$ J_2 \f$ less that this value is permissible (but
2887some of these values may be unphysical).  In obtaining this limiting
2888value, we used the result
2889\f$ Q(z \rightarrow \infty) \rightarrow \pi/(4 z^3) \f$.  The value
2891J_2 = -\frac13 \frac{\omega^2 a^3}{GM}
2893results in a sphere (\f$ f = 0 \f$).
2896Back to \ref gravity.  Forward to \ref magnetic.  Up to \ref contents.
2901\page magnetic Magnetic models
2904Back to \ref normalgravity.  Forward to \ref geodesic.  Up to \ref contents.
2907GeographicLib can compute the earth's magnetic field by a magnetic
2908model using the MagneticModel and
2909MagneticCircle classes and with the
2910<a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> utility.  These models
2911expand the internal magnetic potential of the earth as sum of spherical
2912harmonics.  They neglect magnetic fields due to the ionosphere, the
2913magnetosphere, nearby magnetized materials, electric machinery, etc.
2914Users of MagneticModel are advised to read the
2915<a href="https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrfhw.html">"Health
2916Warning"</a> this is provided with igrf11.  Although the advice is
2917specific to igrf11, many of the comments apply to all magnetic field
2920The supported models are
2921 - <b>wmm2010</b>, the
2922   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/WMM/DoDWMM.shtml"> World
2923   Magnetic Model 2010</a>, which approximates the main magnetic field
2924   for the period 2010--2015.
2925 - <b>wmm2015v2</b>, the
2926   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/WMM/DoDWMM.shtml"> World
2927   Magnetic Model 2015</a>, which approximates the main magnetic field
2928   for the period 2015--2020.
2929 - <b>wmm2015</b>, a deprecated version of wmm2015v2.
2930 - <b>wmm2020</b>, the
2931   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/WMM/DoDWMM.shtml"> World
2932   Magnetic Model 2020</a>, which approximates the main magnetic field
2933   for the period 2020--2025.
2934 - <b>igrf11</b>, the
2935   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html">International
2936   Geomagnetic Reference Field (11th generation)</a>, which approximates
2937   the main magnetic field for the period 1900--2015.
2938 - <b>igrf12</b>, the
2939   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html">International
2940   Geomagnetic Reference Field (12th generation)</a>, which approximates
2941   the main magnetic field for the period 1900--2020.
2942 - <b>igrf13</b>, the
2943   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html">International
2944   Geomagnetic Reference Field (13th generation)</a>, which approximates
2945   the main magnetic field for the period 1900--2025.
2946 - <b>emm2010</b>, the
2947   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/EMM/index.html"> Enhanced
2948   Magnetic Model 2010</a>, which approximates the main and crustal
2949   magnetic fields for the period 2010--2015.
2950 - <b>emm2015</b>, the
2951   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/EMM/index.html"> Enhanced
2952   Magnetic Model 2015</a>, which approximates the main and crustal
2953   magnetic fields for the period 2000--2020.
2954 - <b>emm2017</b>, the
2955   <a href="https://ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/EMM/index.html"> Enhanced
2956   Magnetic Model 2017</a>, which approximates the main and crustal
2957   magnetic fields for the period 2000--2022.
2959Go to
2960 - \ref magneticinst
2961 - \ref magneticformat
2963\section magneticinst Installing the magnetic field models
2965These magnetic models are available for download:
2968<caption>Available magnetic models</caption>
2970 <th rowspan="2">name         <th rowspan="2">max\n degree
2971 <th rowspan="2">time\n interval
2972 <th rowspan="2">size\n(kB)
2973 <th colspan="3"><center>Download Links (size, kB)</center></th>
2975 <th>tar file</th>
2976 <th>Windows\n installer</th>
2977 <th>zip file</th>
2979 <td>wmm2010
2980 <td><center>12</center>
2981 <td><center>2010--2015</center>
2982 <td><center>3</center>
2983 <td><center>
2984 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2010.tar.bz2">
2985 link</a> (2)</center>
2986 <td><center>
2987 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2010.exe">
2988 link</a> (300)</center>
2989 <td><center>
2990 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2010.zip">
2991 link</a> (2)</center>
2993 <td>wmm2015
2994 <td><center>12</center>
2995 <td><center>2015--2020</center>
2996 <td><center>3</center>
2997 <td><center>
2998 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2015.tar.bz2">
2999 link</a> (2)</center>
3000 <td><center>
3001 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2015.exe">
3002 link</a> (300)</center>
3003 <td><center>
3004 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2015.zip">
3005 link</a> (2)</center>
3007 <td>wmm2015v2
3008 <td><center>12</center>
3009 <td><center>2015--2020</center>
3010 <td><center>3</center>
3011 <td><center>
3012 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2015v2.tar.bz2">
3013 link</a> (2)</center>
3014 <td><center>
3015 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2015v2.exe">
3016 link</a> (300)</center>
3017 <td><center>
3018 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2015v2.zip">
3019 link</a> (2)</center>
3021 <td>wmm2020
3022 <td><center>12</center>
3023 <td><center>2020--2025</center>
3024 <td><center>3</center>
3025 <td><center>
3026 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2020.tar.bz2">
3027 link</a> (2)</center>
3028 <td><center>
3029 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2020.exe">
3030 link</a> (1390)</center>
3031 <td><center>
3032 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/wmm2020.zip">
3033 link</a> (2)</center>
3035 <td>igrf11
3036 <td><center>13</center>
3037 <td><center>1900--2015</center>
3038 <td><center>25</center>
3039 <td><center>
3040 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf11.tar.bz2">
3041 link</a> (7)</center>
3042 <td><center>
3043 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf11.exe">
3044 link</a> (310)</center>
3045 <td><center>
3046 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf11.zip">
3047 link</a> (8)</center>
3049 <td>igrf12
3050 <td><center>13</center>
3051 <td><center>1900--2020</center>
3052 <td><center>26</center>
3053 <td><center>
3054 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf12.tar.bz2">
3055 link</a> (7)</center>
3056 <td><center>
3057 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf12.exe">
3058 link</a> (310)</center>
3059 <td><center>
3060 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf12.zip">
3061 link</a> (8)</center>
3063 <td>igrf13
3064 <td><center>13</center>
3065 <td><center>1900--2025</center>
3066 <td><center>28</center>
3067 <td><center>
3068 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf13.tar.bz2">
3069 link</a> (7)</center>
3070 <td><center>
3071 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf13.exe">
3072 link</a> (1420)</center>
3073 <td><center>
3074 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/igrf13.zip">
3075 link</a> (8)</center>
3077 <td>emm2010
3078 <td><center>739</center>
3079 <td><center>2010--2015</center>
3080 <td><center>4400</center>
3081 <td><center>
3082 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2010.tar.bz2">
3083 link</a> (3700)</center>
3084 <td><center>
3085 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2010.exe">
3086 link</a> (3000)</center>
3087 <td><center>
3088 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2010.zip">
3089 link</a> (4100)</center>
3091 <td>emm2015
3092 <td><center>729</center>
3093 <td><center>2000--2020</center>
3094 <td><center>4300</center>
3095 <td><center>
3096 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2015.tar.bz2">
3097 link</a> (660)</center>
3098 <td><center>
3099 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2015.exe">
3100 link</a> (990)</center>
3101 <td><center>
3102 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2015.zip">
3103 link</a> (1030)</center>
3105 <td>emm2017
3106 <td><center>790</center>
3107 <td><center>2000--2022</center>
3108 <td><center>5050</center>
3109 <td><center>
3110 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2017.tar.bz2">
3111 link</a> (1740)</center>
3112 <td><center>
3113 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2017.exe">
3114 link</a> (1700)</center>
3115 <td><center>
3116 <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/magnetic-distrib/emm2017.zip">
3117 link</a> (2750)</center>
3120The "size" column is the size of the uncompressed data.  <b>N.B.</b>, the
3121wmm2015 model is <b>deprecated</b>; use wmm2015v2 instead.
3123For Linux and Unix systems, GeographicLib provides a shell script
3124geographiclib-get-magnetic (typically installed in /usr/local/sbin)
3125which automates the process of downloading and installing the magnetic
3126models.  For example
3128   geographiclib-get-magnetic all  # install all available models
3129   geographiclib-get-magnetic -h   # for help
3131This script should be run as a user with write access to the
3132installation directory, which is typically
3133/usr/local/share/GeographicLib (this can be overridden with the -p
3134flag), and the data will then be placed in the "magnetic" subdirectory.
3136Windows users should download and run the Windows installers.  These
3137will prompt for an installation directory with the default being
3139   C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib
3141(which you probably should not change) and the data is installed in the
3142"magnetic" sub-directory.  (The second directory name is an alternate name
3143that Windows 7 uses for the "Application Data" directory.)
3145Otherwise download \e either the tar.bz2 file \e or the zip file (they
3146have the same contents).  To unpack these, run, for example
3148   mkdir -p /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
3149   tar xofjC wmm2020.tar.bz2 /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
3150   tar xofjC emm2010.tar.bz2 /usr/local/share/GeographicLib
3151   etc.
3153and, again, the data will be placed in the "magnetic" subdirectory.
3155However you install the magnetic models, all the datasets should be
3156installed in the same directory.  MagneticModel and
3157<a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> uses a compile time
3158default to locate the datasets.  This is
3159- /usr/local/share/GeographicLib/magnetic, for non-Windows systems
3160- C:/ProgramData/GeographicLib/magnetic, for Windows systems
3162consistent with the examples above.  This may be overridden at run-time
3164environment variables; see
3165MagneticModel::DefaultMagneticPath() for details.
3166Finally, the path may be set using the optional second argument to the
3167MagneticModel constructor or with the "-d" flag to
3168<a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a>.  Supplying the "-h"
3169flag to
3170<a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> reports the default
3171path for magnetic models for that utility.  The "-v" flag causes
3172MagneticField to report the full path name of the data file it uses.
3174\section magneticformat The format of the magnetic model files
3176The constructor for MagneticModel reads a file called
3177NAME.wmm which specifies various properties for the magnetic model.  It
3178then opens a binary file NAME.wmm.cof to obtain the coefficients of the
3179spherical harmonic sum.
3181The first line of the .wmm file must consist of "WMMF-v" where WMMF
3182stands for "World Magnetic Model Format" and v is the version number of
3183the format (currently "2").
3185The rest of the File is read a line at a time.  A # character and
3186everything after it are discarded.  If the result is just white space it
3187is discarded.  The remaining lines are of the form "KEY WHITESPACE
3188VALUE".  In general, the KEY and the VALUE are case-sensitive.
3190MagneticModel only pays attention to the following
3192 - keywords that affect the field calculation, namely:
3193   - <b>Radius</b> (required), the normalizing radius of the model in
3194     meters.
3195   - <b>NumModels</b> (default 1), the number of models.  WMM2020
3196     consists of a single model giving the magnetic field and its time
3197     variation at 2020.  IGRF12 consists of 24 models for 1900 thru 2015
3198     at 5 year intervals.  The time variation is given only for the last
3199     model to allow extrapolation beyond 2015.  For dates prior to 2015,
3200     linear interpolation is used.
3201   - <b>NumConstants</b> (default 0), the number of time-independent
3202     terms; this can be 0 or 1.  This keyword was introduced in format
3203     version 2 (GeographicLib version 1.43) to support the EMM2015 and
3204     later models.  This model includes long wavelength time-varying
3205     components of degree 15.  This is supplemented by a short
3206     wavelength time-independent component with much higher degree.
3207   - <b>Epoch</b> (required), the time origin (in fractional years) for
3208     the first model.
3209   - <b>DeltaEpoch</b> (default 1), the interval between models in years
3210     (only relevant for NumModels &gt; 1).
3211   - <b>Normalization</b> (default schmidt), the normalization used for
3212     the associated Legendre functions (schmidt or full).
3213   - <b>ID</b> (required), 8 printable characters which serve as a
3214     signature for the .wmm.cof file (they must appear as the first 8
3215     bytes of this file).
3216 - keywords that store data that the user can query:
3217   - <b>Name</b>, the name of the model.
3218   - <b>Description</b>, a more descriptive name of the model.
3219   - <b>ReleaseDate</b>, when the model was created.
3220   - <b>MinTime</b>, the minimum date at which the model should be used.
3221   - <b>MaxTime</b>, the maximum date at which the model should be used.
3222   - <b>MinHeight</b>, the minimum height above the ellipsoid for which
3223     the model should be used.
3224   - <b>MaxHeight</b>, the maximum height above the ellipsoid for which
3225     the model should be used.
3226   .
3227   MagneticModel does not enforce the restrictions
3228   implied by last four quantities.  However,
3229   <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> issues a warning if
3230   these limits are exceeded.
3231 - keywords that are examined to verify that their values are valid:
3232   - <b>Type</b> (default linear), the type of the model.  "linear"
3233     means that the time variation is piece-wise linear (either using
3234     interpolation between the field at two dates or using the field and
3235     its first derivative with respect to time).  This is the only type
3236     of model supported at present.
3237   - <b>ByteOrder</b> (default little), the order of bytes in the
3238     .wmm.cof file.  Only little endian is supported at present.
3239 .
3240Other keywords are ignored.
3242The coefficient file NAME.wmm.cof is a binary file in little endian
3243order.  The first 8 bytes of this file must match the ID given in
3244NAME.wmm.  This is followed by NumModels + 1 sets of spherical harmonic
3245coefficients.  The first NumModels of these model the magnetic field at
3246Epoch + \e i * DeltaEpoch for 0 &le; \e i &lt; NumModels.  The last set of
3247coefficients model the rate of change of the magnetic field at Epoch +
3248(NumModels &minus; 1) * DeltaEpoch.  The format for each set of coefficients
3250 - \e N, the maximum degree of the sum stored as a 4-byte signed integer.
3251   This must satisfy \e N &ge; &minus;1.
3252 - \e M, the maximum order of the sum stored as a 4-byte signed integer.
3253   This must satisfy \e N &ge; \e M &ge; &minus;1.
3254 - <i>C</i><sub><i>nm</i></sub>, the coefficients of the cosine
3255   coefficients of the sum in column (i.e., \e m) major order.  There
3256   are (\e M + 1) (2\e N &minus; \e M + 2) / 2 elements which are stored
3257   as IEEE doubles (8 bytes).  For example for \e N = \e M = 3, there
3258   are 10 coefficients arranged as
3259   <i>C</i><sub>00</sub>,
3260   <i>C</i><sub>10</sub>,
3261   <i>C</i><sub>20</sub>,
3262   <i>C</i><sub>30</sub>,
3263   <i>C</i><sub>11</sub>,
3264   <i>C</i><sub>21</sub>,
3265   <i>C</i><sub>31</sub>,
3266   <i>C</i><sub>22</sub>,
3267   <i>C</i><sub>32</sub>,
3268   <i>C</i><sub>33</sub>.
3269 - <i>S</i><sub><i>nm</i></sub>, the coefficients of the sine
3270   coefficients of the sum in column (i.e., \e m) major order starting
3271   at \e m = 1.  There are \e M (2\e N &minus; \e M + 1) / 2 elements
3272   which are stored as IEEE doubles (8 bytes).  For example for \e N =
3273   \e M = 3, there are 6 coefficients arranged as
3274   <i>S</i><sub>11</sub>,
3275   <i>S</i><sub>21</sub>,
3276   <i>S</i><sub>31</sub>,
3277   <i>S</i><sub>22</sub>,
3278   <i>S</i><sub>32</sub>,
3279   <i>S</i><sub>33</sub>.
3280 .
3281Although the coefficient file is in little endian order, GeographicLib
3282can read it on big endian machines.  It can only be read on machines
3283which store doubles in IEEE format.
3285As an illustration, here is igrf11.wmm:
3288# A World Magnetic Model (Format 1) file.  For documentation on the
3289# format of this file see
3290# https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/html/magnetic.html#magneticformat
3291Name            igrf11
3292Description     International Geomagnetic Reference Field 11th Generation
3293URL             https://ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html
3294Publisher       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
3295ReleaseDate     2009-12-15
3296DataCutOff      2009-10-01
3297ConversionDate  2011-11-04
3298DataVersion     1
3299Radius          6371200
3300NumModels       23
3301Epoch           1900
3302DeltaEpoch      5
3303MinTime         1900
3304MaxTime         2015
3305MinHeight       -1000
3306MaxHeight       600000
3308# The coefficients are stored in a file obtained by appending ".cof" to
3309# the name of this file.  The coefficients were obtained from IGRF11.COF
3310# in the geomag70 distribution.
3311ID              IGRF11-A
3315Back to \ref normalgravity.  Forward to \ref geodesic.  Up to \ref contents.
3320\page geodesic Geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution
3323Back to \ref magnetic.  Forward to \ref nearest.  Up to \ref contents.
3326Geodesic and GeodesicLine provide accurate
3327solutions to the direct and inverse geodesic problems.  The
3328<a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a> utility provides an interface
3329to these classes.  AzimuthalEquidistant implements the
3330azimuthal equidistant projection in terms of geodesics.
3331CassiniSoldner implements a transverse cylindrical
3332equidistant projection in terms of geodesics.  The
3333<a href="GeodesicProj.1.html">GeodesicProj</a> utility provides an
3334interface to these projections.
3336The algorithms used by Geodesic and GeodesicLine are based on a Taylor
3337expansion of the geodesic integrals valid when the flattening \e f is
3338small.  GeodesicExact and GeodesicLineExact evaluate the integrals
3339exactly (in terms of incomplete elliptic integrals).  For the WGS84
3340ellipsoid, the series solutions are about 2--3 times faster and 2--3
3341times more accurate (because it's easier to control round-off errors
3342with series solutions); thus Geodesic and GeodesicLine are recommended
3343for most geodetic applications.  However, in applications where the
3344absolute value of \e f is greater than about 0.02, the exact classes
3345should be used.
3347Go to
3348 - \ref testgeod
3349 - \ref geodseries
3350 - \ref geodellip
3351 - \ref meridian
3352 - \ref geodshort
3353 .
3354For some background information on geodesics on triaxial ellipsoids, see
3355\ref triaxial.
3358 - F. W. Bessel,
3359   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/asna.201011352">The calculation
3360   of longitude and latitude from geodesic measurements (1825)</a>,
3361   Astron. Nachr. 331(8), 852--861 (2010);
3362   translated by C. F. F. Karney and R. E. Deakin; preprint:
3363   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/0908.1824">arXiv:0908.1824</a>.
3364 - F. R. Helmert,
3365   <a href="https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32050">
3366   Mathematical and Physical Theories of Higher Geodesy, Part 1 (1880)</a>,
3367   Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (St. Louis, 1964),
3368   Chaps. 5--7.
3369 - J. Danielsen,
3370   The area under the geodesic,
3371   Survey Review 30(232), 61--66 (1989).
3372   DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1179/003962689791474267">
3373   10.1179/003962689791474267</a>
3374 - C. F. F. Karney,
3375   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z">
3376   Algorithms for geodesics</a>,
3377   J. Geodesy 87(1), 43--55 (2013);
3378   DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z">
3379   10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z</a>;
3380   addenda: <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod-addenda.html">
3381   geod-addenda.html</a>;
3382   resource page:
3383   <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod.html"> geod.html</a>.
3384 - A collection of some papers on geodesics is available at
3385   https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geodesic-papers/biblio.html
3386 - The wikipedia page,
3387   <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesics_on_an_ellipsoid">
3388   Geodesics on an ellipsoid</a>.
3390\section testgeod Test data for geodesics
3392A test set a geodesics is available at
3393 - <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/testdata/GeodTest.dat.gz">
3394   GeodTest.dat.gz</a>
3395 - C. F. F. Karney, <i>Test set for geodesics</i> (2010), <br>
3396   DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32156">
3397   10.5281/zenodo.32156</a>.
3398 .
3399This is about 39 MB (compressed).  This consists of a set of geodesics
3400for the WGS84 ellipsoid.  A subset of this (consisting of 1/50 of the
3401members &mdash; about 690 kB, compressed) is available at
3402 - <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/testdata/GeodTest-short.dat.gz">
3403   GeodTest-short.dat.gz</a>
3405Each line of the test set gives 10 space delimited numbers
3406 - latitude at point 1, \e lat1 (degrees, exact)
3407 - longitude at point 1, \e lon1 (degrees, always 0)
3408 - azimuth at point 1, \e azi1 (clockwise from north in degrees, exact)
3409 - latitude at point 2, \e lat2 (degrees, accurate to
3410   10<sup>&minus;18</sup> deg)
3411 - longitude at point 2, \e lon2 (degrees, accurate to
3412   10<sup>&minus;18</sup> deg)
3413 - azimuth at point 2, \e azi2 (degrees, accurate to
3414   10<sup>&minus;18</sup> deg)
3415 - geodesic distance from point 1 to point 2, \e s12 (meters, exact)
3416 - arc distance on the auxiliary sphere, \e a12 (degrees, accurate to
3417   10<sup>&minus;18</sup> deg)
3418 - reduced length of the geodesic, \e m12 (meters, accurate to 0.1&nbsp;pm)
3419 - the area under the geodesic, \e S12 (m<sup>2</sup>, accurate to
3420   1&nbsp;mm<sup>2</sup>)
3421 .
3422These are computed using as direct geodesic calculations with the given
3423\e lat1, \e lon1, \e azi1, and \e s12.  The distance \e s12 always
3424corresponds to an arc length \e a12 &le; 180&deg;, so the given
3425geodesics give the shortest paths from point 1 to point 2.  For
3426simplicity and without loss of generality, \e lat1 is chosen in
3427[0&deg;, 90&deg;], \e lon1 is taken to be zero, \e azi1 is
3428chosen in [0&deg;, 180&deg;].  Furthermore, \e lat1 and \e
3429azi1 are taken to be multiples of 10<sup>&minus;12</sup> deg and \e s12
3430is a multiple of 0.1&nbsp;&mu;m in [0&nbsp;m, 20003931.4586254&nbsp;m].
3431This results in \e lon2 in [0&deg;, 180&deg;] and \e azi2 in [0&deg;,
3434The direct calculation uses an expansion of the geodesic equations
3435accurate to <i>f</i><sup>30</sup> (approximately 1 part in 10<sup>50</sup>)
3436and is computed with with
3437<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxima_(software)">Maxima</a>'s
3438bfloats and fpprec set to 100 (so the errors in the data are probably
34391/2 of the values quoted above).
3441The contents of the file are as follows:
3442 - 100000 entries randomly distributed
3443 - 50000 entries which are nearly antipodal
3444 - 50000 entries with short distances
3445 - 50000 entries with one end near a pole
3446 - 50000 entries with both ends near opposite poles
3447 - 50000 entries which are nearly meridional
3448 - 50000 entries which are nearly equatorial
3449 - 50000 entries running between vertices (\e azi1 = \e azi2 = 90&deg;)
3450 - 50000 entries ending close to vertices
3451 .
3452(a total of 500000 entries).  The values for \e s12 for the geodesics
3453running between vertices are truncated to a multiple of 0.1&nbsp;pm and this
3454is used to determine point 2.
3456This data can be fed to the <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a>
3457utility as follows
3458 - Direct from point 1:
3460  gunzip -c GeodTest.dat.gz | cut -d' ' -f1,2,3,7 | ./GeodSolve
3462   This should yield columns 4, 5, 6, and 9 of the test set.
3463 - Direct from point 2:
3465  gunzip -c GeodTest.dat.gz | cut -d' ' -f4,5,6,7 |
3466  sed "s/ \([^ ]*$\)/ -\1/" | ./GeodSolve
3468   (The sed command negates the distance.)  This should yield columns 1,
3469   2, and 3, and the negative of column 9 of the test set.
3470 - Inverse between points 1 and 2:
3472  gunzip -c GeodTest.dat.gz | cut -d' ' -f1,2,4,5 | ./GeodSolve -i
3474   This should yield columns 3, 6, 7, and 9 of the test set.
3475 .
3476Add, e.g., "-p 6", to the call to GeodSolve to change the precision of
3477the output.  Adding "-f" causes GeodSolve to print 12 fields specifying
3478the geodesic; these include the 10 fields in the test set plus the
3479geodesic scales \e M12 and \e M21 which are inserted between \e m12 and
3480\e S12.
3482Code for computing arbitrarily accurate geodesics in maxima is available
3483in <a href="geodesic.mac"> geodesic.mac</a> (this depends on
3484<a href="ellint.mac"> ellint.mac</a> and uses the series computed by
3485<a href="geod.mac"> geod.mac</a>).  This solve both the direct and
3486inverse geodesic problems and offers the ability to solve the problems
3487either using series expansions (similar to Geodesic) or in terms of
3488elliptic integrals (similar to GeodesicExact).
3490\section geodseries Expansions for geodesics
3492We give here the series expansions for the various geodesic integrals
3493valid to order <i>f</i><sup>10</sup>.  In this release of the code, we
3494use a 6th-order expansions.  This is sufficient to maintain accuracy for
3495doubles for the SRMmax ellipsoid (\e a = 6400&nbsp;km, \e f = 1/150).
3496However, the preprocessor macro GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEODESIC_ORDER can be used
3497to select an order from 3 thru 8.  (If using long doubles, with a 64-bit
3498fraction, the default order is 7.)  The series expanded to order
3499<i>f</i><sup>30</sup> are given in <a href="geodseries30.html">
3502In the formulas below ^ indicates exponentiation (<i>f</i>^3 =
3503<i>f</i><sup>3</sup>) and / indicates real division (3/5 = 0.6).  The
3504equations need to be converted to Horner form, but are here left in
3505expanded form so that they can be easily truncated to lower order.
3506These expansions were obtained using the Maxima code,
3507<a href="geod.mac">geod.mac</a>.
3509In the expansions below, we have
3510 - \f$ \alpha \f$ is the azimuth
3511 - \f$ \alpha_0 \f$ is the azimuth at the equator crossing
3512 - \f$ \lambda \f$ is the longitude measured from the equator crossing
3513 - \f$ \sigma \f$ is the spherical arc length
3514 - \f$ \omega = \tan^{-1}(\sin\alpha_0\tan\sigma) \f$ is the spherical longitude
3515 - \f$ a \f$ is the equatorial radius
3516 - \f$ b \f$ is the polar semi-axis
3517 - \f$ f \f$ is the flattening
3518 - \f$ e^2 = f(2 - f) \f$
3519 - \f$ e'^2 = e^2/(1-e^2) \f$
3520 - \f$ k^2 = e'^2 \cos^2\alpha_0 = 4 \epsilon / (1 - \epsilon)^2 \f$
3521 - \f$ n = f / (2 - f) \f$
3522 - \f$ c^2 = a^2/2 + b^2/2 (\tanh^{-1}e)/e \f$
3523 - \e ep2 = \f$ e'^2 \f$
3524 - \e k2 = \f$ k^2 \f$
3525 - \e eps = \f$ \epsilon = k^2 / (\sqrt{1 + k^2} + 1)^2\f$
3527The formula for distance is
3529 \frac sb = I_1(\sigma)
3534  I_1(\sigma) &= A_1\bigl(\sigma + B_1(\sigma)\bigr) \\
3535  B_1(\sigma) &= \sum_{j=1} C_{1j} \sin 2j\sigma
3540A1 = (1 + 1/4 * eps^2
3541        + 1/64 * eps^4
3542        + 1/256 * eps^6
3543        + 25/16384 * eps^8
3544        + 49/65536 * eps^10) / (1 - eps);
3547C1[1] = - 1/2 * eps
3548        + 3/16 * eps^3
3549        - 1/32 * eps^5
3550        + 19/2048 * eps^7
3551        - 3/4096 * eps^9;
3552C1[2] = - 1/16 * eps^2
3553        + 1/32 * eps^4
3554        - 9/2048 * eps^6
3555        + 7/4096 * eps^8
3556        + 1/65536 * eps^10;
3557C1[3] = - 1/48 * eps^3
3558        + 3/256 * eps^5
3559        - 3/2048 * eps^7
3560        + 17/24576 * eps^9;
3561C1[4] = - 5/512 * eps^4
3562        + 3/512 * eps^6
3563        - 11/16384 * eps^8
3564        + 3/8192 * eps^10;
3565C1[5] = - 7/1280 * eps^5
3566        + 7/2048 * eps^7
3567        - 3/8192 * eps^9;
3568C1[6] = - 7/2048 * eps^6
3569        + 9/4096 * eps^8
3570        - 117/524288 * eps^10;
3571C1[7] = - 33/14336 * eps^7
3572        + 99/65536 * eps^9;
3573C1[8] = - 429/262144 * eps^8
3574        + 143/131072 * eps^10;
3575C1[9] = - 715/589824 * eps^9;
3576C1[10] = - 2431/2621440 * eps^10;
3579The function \f$ \tau(\sigma) = s/(b A_1) = \sigma + B_1(\sigma) \f$
3580may be inverted by series reversion giving
3582  \sigma(\tau) = \tau + \sum_{j=1} C'_{1j} \sin 2j\sigma
3586C1'[1] = + 1/2 * eps
3587         - 9/32 * eps^3
3588         + 205/1536 * eps^5
3589         - 4879/73728 * eps^7
3590         + 9039/327680 * eps^9;
3591C1'[2] = + 5/16 * eps^2
3592         - 37/96 * eps^4
3593         + 1335/4096 * eps^6
3594         - 86171/368640 * eps^8
3595         + 4119073/28311552 * eps^10;
3596C1'[3] = + 29/96 * eps^3
3597         - 75/128 * eps^5
3598         + 2901/4096 * eps^7
3599         - 443327/655360 * eps^9;
3600C1'[4] = + 539/1536 * eps^4
3601         - 2391/2560 * eps^6
3602         + 1082857/737280 * eps^8
3603         - 2722891/1548288 * eps^10;
3604C1'[5] = + 3467/7680 * eps^5
3605         - 28223/18432 * eps^7
3606         + 1361343/458752 * eps^9;
3607C1'[6] = + 38081/61440 * eps^6
3608         - 733437/286720 * eps^8
3609         + 10820079/1835008 * eps^10;
3610C1'[7] = + 459485/516096 * eps^7
3611         - 709743/163840 * eps^9;
3612C1'[8] = + 109167851/82575360 * eps^8
3613         - 550835669/74317824 * eps^10;
3614C1'[9] = + 83141299/41287680 * eps^9;
3615C1'[10] = + 9303339907/2972712960 * eps^10;
3618The reduced length is given by
3621  \frac mb &= \sqrt{1 + k^2 \sin^2\sigma_2} \cos\sigma_1 \sin\sigma_2 \\
3622  &\quad {}-\sqrt{1 + k^2 \sin^2\sigma_1} \sin\sigma_1 \cos\sigma_2 \\
3623  &\quad {}-\cos\sigma_1 \cos\sigma_2 \bigl(J(\sigma_2) - J(\sigma_1)\bigr)
3629 J(\sigma) &= I_1(\sigma) - I_2(\sigma) \\
3630 I_2(\sigma) &= A_2\bigl(\sigma + B_2(\sigma)\bigr) \\
3631 B_2(\sigma) &= \sum_{j=1} C_{2j} \sin 2j\sigma
3635A2 = (1 - 3/4 * eps^2
3636        - 7/64 * eps^4
3637        - 11/256 * eps^6
3638        - 375/16384 * eps^8
3639        - 931/65536 * eps^10) / (1 + eps);
3642C2[1] = + 1/2 * eps
3643        + 1/16 * eps^3
3644        + 1/32 * eps^5
3645        + 41/2048 * eps^7
3646        + 59/4096 * eps^9;
3647C2[2] = + 3/16 * eps^2
3648        + 1/32 * eps^4
3649        + 35/2048 * eps^6
3650        + 47/4096 * eps^8
3651        + 557/65536 * eps^10;
3652C2[3] = + 5/48 * eps^3
3653        + 5/256 * eps^5
3654        + 23/2048 * eps^7
3655        + 191/24576 * eps^9;
3656C2[4] = + 35/512 * eps^4
3657        + 7/512 * eps^6
3658        + 133/16384 * eps^8
3659        + 47/8192 * eps^10;
3660C2[5] = + 63/1280 * eps^5
3661        + 21/2048 * eps^7
3662        + 51/8192 * eps^9;
3663C2[6] = + 77/2048 * eps^6
3664        + 33/4096 * eps^8
3665        + 2607/524288 * eps^10;
3666C2[7] = + 429/14336 * eps^7
3667        + 429/65536 * eps^9;
3668C2[8] = + 6435/262144 * eps^8
3669        + 715/131072 * eps^10;
3670C2[9] = + 12155/589824 * eps^9;
3671C2[10] = + 46189/2621440 * eps^10;
3674The longitude is given in terms of the spherical longitude by
3676\lambda = \omega - f \sin\alpha_0 I_3(\sigma)
3681 I_3(\sigma) &= A_3\bigl(\sigma + B_3(\sigma)\bigr) \\
3682 B_3(\sigma) &= \sum_{j=1} C_{3j} \sin 2j\sigma
3687A3 = 1 - (1/2 - 1/2*n) * eps
3688       - (1/4 + 1/8*n - 3/8*n^2) * eps^2
3689       - (1/16 + 3/16*n + 1/16*n^2 - 5/16*n^3) * eps^3
3690       - (3/64 + 1/32*n + 5/32*n^2 + 5/128*n^3 - 35/128*n^4) * eps^4
3691       - (3/128 + 5/128*n + 5/256*n^2 + 35/256*n^3 + 7/256*n^4) * eps^5
3692       - (5/256 + 15/1024*n + 35/1024*n^2 + 7/512*n^3) * eps^6
3693       - (25/2048 + 35/2048*n + 21/2048*n^2) * eps^7
3694       - (175/16384 + 35/4096*n) * eps^8
3695       - 245/32768 * eps^9;
3698C3[1] = + (1/4 - 1/4*n) * eps
3699        + (1/8 - 1/8*n^2) * eps^2
3700        + (3/64 + 3/64*n - 1/64*n^2 - 5/64*n^3) * eps^3
3701        + (5/128 + 1/64*n + 1/64*n^2 - 1/64*n^3 - 7/128*n^4) * eps^4
3702        + (3/128 + 11/512*n + 3/512*n^2 + 1/256*n^3 - 7/512*n^4) * eps^5
3703        + (21/1024 + 5/512*n + 13/1024*n^2 + 1/512*n^3) * eps^6
3704        + (243/16384 + 189/16384*n + 83/16384*n^2) * eps^7
3705        + (435/32768 + 109/16384*n) * eps^8
3706        + 345/32768 * eps^9;
3707C3[2] = + (1/16 - 3/32*n + 1/32*n^2) * eps^2
3708        + (3/64 - 1/32*n - 3/64*n^2 + 1/32*n^3) * eps^3
3709        + (3/128 + 1/128*n - 9/256*n^2 - 3/128*n^3 + 7/256*n^4) * eps^4
3710        + (5/256 + 1/256*n - 1/128*n^2 - 7/256*n^3 - 3/256*n^4) * eps^5
3711        + (27/2048 + 69/8192*n - 39/8192*n^2 - 47/4096*n^3) * eps^6
3712        + (187/16384 + 39/8192*n + 31/16384*n^2) * eps^7
3713        + (287/32768 + 47/8192*n) * eps^8
3714        + 255/32768 * eps^9;
3715C3[3] = + (5/192 - 3/64*n + 5/192*n^2 - 1/192*n^3) * eps^3
3716        + (3/128 - 5/192*n - 1/64*n^2 + 5/192*n^3 - 1/128*n^4) * eps^4
3717        + (7/512 - 1/384*n - 77/3072*n^2 + 5/3072*n^3 + 65/3072*n^4) * eps^5
3718        + (3/256 - 1/1024*n - 71/6144*n^2 - 47/3072*n^3) * eps^6
3719        + (139/16384 + 143/49152*n - 383/49152*n^2) * eps^7
3720        + (243/32768 + 95/49152*n) * eps^8
3721        + 581/98304 * eps^9;
3722C3[4] = + (7/512 - 7/256*n + 5/256*n^2 - 7/1024*n^3 + 1/1024*n^4) * eps^4
3723        + (7/512 - 5/256*n - 7/2048*n^2 + 9/512*n^3 - 21/2048*n^4) * eps^5
3724        + (9/1024 - 43/8192*n - 129/8192*n^2 + 39/4096*n^3) * eps^6
3725        + (127/16384 - 23/8192*n - 165/16384*n^2) * eps^7
3726        + (193/32768 + 3/8192*n) * eps^8
3727        + 171/32768 * eps^9;
3728C3[5] = + (21/2560 - 9/512*n + 15/1024*n^2 - 7/1024*n^3 + 9/5120*n^4) * eps^5
3729        + (9/1024 - 15/1024*n + 3/2048*n^2 + 57/5120*n^3) * eps^6
3730        + (99/16384 - 91/16384*n - 781/81920*n^2) * eps^7
3731        + (179/32768 - 55/16384*n) * eps^8
3732        + 141/32768 * eps^9;
3733C3[6] = + (11/2048 - 99/8192*n + 275/24576*n^2 - 77/12288*n^3) * eps^6
3734        + (99/16384 - 275/24576*n + 55/16384*n^2) * eps^7
3735        + (143/32768 - 253/49152*n) * eps^8
3736        + 33/8192 * eps^9;
3737C3[7] = + (429/114688 - 143/16384*n + 143/16384*n^2) * eps^7
3738        + (143/32768 - 143/16384*n) * eps^8
3739        + 429/131072 * eps^9;
3740C3[8] = + (715/262144 - 429/65536*n) * eps^8
3741        + 429/131072 * eps^9;
3742C3[9] = + 2431/1179648 * eps^9;
3745The formula for area between the geodesic and the equator is given in
3746Sec. 6 of <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z">
3747Algorithms for geodesics</a> in terms of \e S,
3749S = c^2 \alpha + e^2 a^2 \cos\alpha_0 \sin\alpha_0 I_4(\sigma)
3753I_4(\sigma) = \sum_{j=0} C_{4j} \cos(2j+1)\sigma
3755In the paper, this was expanded in \f$ e'^2 \f$ and \f$ k^2 \f$.
3756However, the series converges faster for eccentric ellipsoids if the
3757expansion is in \f$ n \f$ and \f$ \epsilon \f$.  The series to order
3758\f$ f^{10} \f$ becomes
3760C4[0] = + (2/3 - 4/15*n + 8/105*n^2 + 4/315*n^3 + 16/3465*n^4 + 20/9009*n^5 + 8/6435*n^6 + 28/36465*n^7 + 32/62985*n^8 + 4/11305*n^9)
3761        - (1/5 - 16/35*n + 32/105*n^2 - 16/385*n^3 - 64/15015*n^4 - 16/15015*n^5 - 32/85085*n^6 - 112/692835*n^7 - 128/1616615*n^8) * eps
3762        - (2/105 + 32/315*n - 1088/3465*n^2 + 1184/5005*n^3 - 128/3465*n^4 - 3232/765765*n^5 - 1856/1616615*n^6 - 6304/14549535*n^7) * eps^2
3763        + (11/315 - 368/3465*n - 32/6435*n^2 + 976/4095*n^3 - 154048/765765*n^4 + 368/11115*n^5 + 5216/1322685*n^6) * eps^3
3764        + (4/1155 + 1088/45045*n - 128/1287*n^2 + 64/3927*n^3 + 2877184/14549535*n^4 - 370112/2078505*n^5) * eps^4
3765        + (97/15015 - 464/45045*n + 4192/153153*n^2 - 88240/969969*n^3 + 31168/1322685*n^4) * eps^5
3766        + (10/9009 + 4192/765765*n - 188096/14549535*n^2 + 23392/855855*n^3) * eps^6
3767        + (193/85085 - 6832/2078505*n + 106976/14549535*n^2) * eps^7
3768        + (632/1322685 + 3456/1616615*n) * eps^8
3769        + 107/101745 * eps^9;
3770C4[1] = + (1/45 - 16/315*n + 32/945*n^2 - 16/3465*n^3 - 64/135135*n^4 - 16/135135*n^5 - 32/765765*n^6 - 112/6235515*n^7 - 128/14549535*n^8) * eps
3771        - (2/105 - 64/945*n + 128/1485*n^2 - 1984/45045*n^3 + 256/45045*n^4 + 64/109395*n^5 + 128/855855*n^6 + 2368/43648605*n^7) * eps^2
3772        - (1/105 - 16/2079*n - 5792/135135*n^2 + 3568/45045*n^3 - 103744/2297295*n^4 + 264464/43648605*n^5 + 544/855855*n^6) * eps^3
3773        + (4/1155 - 2944/135135*n + 256/9009*n^2 + 17536/765765*n^3 - 3053056/43648605*n^4 + 1923968/43648605*n^5) * eps^4
3774        + (1/9009 + 16/19305*n - 2656/153153*n^2 + 65072/2078505*n^3 + 526912/43648605*n^4) * eps^5
3775        + (10/9009 - 1472/459459*n + 106112/43648605*n^2 - 204352/14549535*n^3) * eps^6
3776        + (349/2297295 + 28144/43648605*n - 32288/8729721*n^2) * eps^7
3777        + (632/1322685 - 44288/43648605*n) * eps^8
3778        + 43/479655 * eps^9;
3779C4[2] = + (4/525 - 32/1575*n + 64/3465*n^2 - 32/5005*n^3 + 128/225225*n^4 + 32/765765*n^5 + 64/8083075*n^6 + 32/14549535*n^7) * eps^2
3780        - (8/1575 - 128/5775*n + 256/6825*n^2 - 6784/225225*n^3 + 4608/425425*n^4 - 128/124355*n^5 - 5888/72747675*n^6) * eps^3
3781        - (8/1925 - 1856/225225*n - 128/17325*n^2 + 42176/1276275*n^3 - 2434816/72747675*n^4 + 195136/14549535*n^5) * eps^4
3782        + (8/10725 - 128/17325*n + 64256/3828825*n^2 - 128/25935*n^3 - 266752/10392525*n^4) * eps^5
3783        - (4/25025 + 928/3828825*n + 292288/72747675*n^2 - 106528/6613425*n^3) * eps^6
3784        + (464/1276275 - 17152/10392525*n + 83456/72747675*n^2) * eps^7
3785        + (1168/72747675 + 128/1865325*n) * eps^8
3786        + 208/1119195 * eps^9;
3787C4[3] = + (8/2205 - 256/24255*n + 512/45045*n^2 - 256/45045*n^3 + 1024/765765*n^4 - 256/2909907*n^5 - 512/101846745*n^6) * eps^3
3788        - (16/8085 - 1024/105105*n + 2048/105105*n^2 - 1024/51051*n^3 + 4096/373065*n^4 - 1024/357357*n^5) * eps^4
3789        - (136/63063 - 256/45045*n + 512/1072071*n^2 + 494336/33948915*n^3 - 44032/1996995*n^4) * eps^5
3790        + (64/315315 - 16384/5360355*n + 966656/101846745*n^2 - 868352/101846745*n^3) * eps^6
3791        - (16/97461 + 14848/101846745*n + 74752/101846745*n^2) * eps^7
3792        + (5024/33948915 - 96256/101846745*n) * eps^8
3793        - 1744/101846745 * eps^9;
3794C4[4] = + (64/31185 - 512/81081*n + 1024/135135*n^2 - 512/109395*n^3 + 2048/1247103*n^4 - 2560/8729721*n^5) * eps^4
3795        - (128/135135 - 2048/405405*n + 77824/6891885*n^2 - 198656/14549535*n^3 + 8192/855855*n^4) * eps^5
3796        - (512/405405 - 2048/530145*n + 299008/130945815*n^2 + 280576/43648605*n^3) * eps^6
3797        + (128/2297295 - 2048/1438965*n + 241664/43648605*n^2) * eps^7
3798        - (17536/130945815 + 1024/43648605*n) * eps^8
3799        + 2944/43648605 * eps^9;
3800C4[5] = + (128/99099 - 2048/495495*n + 4096/765765*n^2 - 6144/1616615*n^3 + 8192/4849845*n^4) * eps^5
3801        - (256/495495 - 8192/2807805*n + 376832/53348295*n^2 - 8192/855855*n^3) * eps^6
3802        - (6784/8423415 - 432128/160044885*n + 397312/160044885*n^2) * eps^7
3803        + (512/53348295 - 16384/22863555*n) * eps^8
3804        - 16768/160044885 * eps^9;
3805C4[6] = + (512/585585 - 4096/1422135*n + 8192/2078505*n^2 - 4096/1322685*n^3) * eps^6
3806        - (1024/3318315 - 16384/9006855*n + 98304/21015995*n^2) * eps^7
3807        - (103424/189143955 - 8192/4203199*n) * eps^8
3808        - 1024/189143955 * eps^9;
3809C4[7] = + (1024/1640925 - 65536/31177575*n + 131072/43648605*n^2) * eps^7
3810        - (2048/10392525 - 262144/218243025*n) * eps^8
3811        - 84992/218243025 * eps^9;
3812C4[8] = + (16384/35334585 - 131072/82447365*n) * eps^8
3813        - 32768/247342095 * eps^9;
3814C4[9] = + 32768/92147055 * eps^9;
3817\section geodellip Geodesics in terms of elliptic integrals
3819GeodesicExact and GeodesicLineExact solve the geodesic problem using
3820elliptic integrals.  The formulation of geodesic in terms of incomplete
3821elliptic integrals is given in
3822 - C. F. F. Karney,
3823   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1215v1">Geodesics
3824   on an ellipsoid of revolution</a>,
3825   Feb. 2011; preprint
3826   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1215v1">arxiv:1102.1215v1</a>.
3827 .
3828It is most convenient to use the form derived for a prolate ellipsoid in
3829Appendix D.  For an oblate ellipsoid this results in elliptic integrals
3830with an imaginary modulus.  However, the integrals themselves are real
3831and the algorithms used to compute the elliptic integrals handles the
3832case of an imaginary modulus using real arithmetic.
3834The key relations used by GeographicLib are
3836 \begin{align}
3837  \frac sb &= E(\sigma, ik), \\
3838  \lambda &= (1 - f) \sin\alpha_0  G(\sigma, \cos^2\alpha_0, ik) \\
3839          &= \chi
3840           - \frac{e'^2}{\sqrt{1+e'^2}}\sin\alpha_0 H(\sigma, -e'^2, ik), \\
3841  J(\sigma) &= k^2 D(\sigma, ik),
3842 \end{align}
3844where \f$ \chi \f$ is a modified spherical longitude given by
3846\tan\chi = \sqrt{\frac{1+e'^2}{1+k^2\sin^2\sigma}}\tan\omega,
3850 \begin{align}
3851 D(\phi,k) &= \int_0^\phi
3852 \frac{\sin^2\theta}{\sqrt{1 - k^2\sin^2\theta}}\,d\theta\\
3853 &=\frac{F(\phi, k) - E(\phi, k)}{k^2},\\
3854 G(\phi,\alpha^2,k) &= \int_0^\phi
3855 \frac{\sqrt{1 - k^2\sin^2\theta}}{1 - \alpha^2\sin^2\theta}\,d\theta\\
3856 &=\frac{k^2}{\alpha^2}F(\phi, k)
3857 +\biggl(1-\frac{k^2}{\alpha^2}\biggr)\Pi(\phi, \alpha^2, k),\\
3858 H(\phi, \alpha^2, k)
3859 &= \int_0^\phi
3860   \frac{\cos^2\theta}{(1-\alpha^2\sin^2\theta)\sqrt{1-k^2\sin^2\theta}}
3861   \,d\theta \\
3862 &=
3863 \frac1{\alpha^2} F(\phi, k) +
3864      \biggl(1 - \frac1{\alpha^2}\biggr) \Pi(\phi, \alpha^2, k),
3865 \end{align}
3867and \f$F(\phi, k)\f$, \f$E(\phi, k)\f$, \f$D(\phi, k)\f$, and
3868\f$\Pi(\phi, \alpha^2, k)\f$, are incomplete elliptic integrals (see
3869https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.ii).  The formula for \f$ s \f$ and the
3870first expression for \f$ \lambda \f$ are given by Legendre (1811) and
3871are the most common representation of geodesics in terms of elliptic
3872integrals.  The second (equivalent) expression for \f$ \lambda \f$,
3873which was given by Cayley (1870), is useful in that the elliptic
3874integral is relegated to a small correction term.  This form allows
3875the longitude to be computed more accurately and is used in
3876GeographicLib.  (The equivalence of the two expressions for \f$
3877\lambda \f$ follows from https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.7.E8.)
3879Nominally, GeodesicExact and GeodesicLineExact will give "exact" results
3880for any value of the flattening.  However, the geographic latitude is a
3881distorted measure of distance from the equator with very eccentric
3882ellipsoids and this introducing an irreducible representational error in
3883the algorithms in this case.  It is therefore recommended to restrict
3884the use of these classes to <i>b</i>/\e a &isin; [0.01, 100] or \e f
3885&isin; [&minus;99, 0.99].  Note that GeodesicExact still uses a series
3886expansion for the area \e S12.  However the series is taken out to 30th
3887order and gives accurate results for <i>b</i>/\e a &isin; [1/2, 2]; the
3888accuracy is about 8 decimal digits for <i>b</i>/\e a &isin; [1/4, 4].
3889Additional work planned for this aspect of the geodesic problem:
3890- formulate the area integral \e S12 in terms of elliptic integrals;
3891- generate accurate test geodesics for highly eccentric ellipsoids so
3892  that the roundoff errors can be quantified.
3894Thomas (1952) and Rollins (2010) use a different independent variable
3895for geodesics, \f$\theta\f$ instead of \f$\sigma\f$, where \f$
3896\tan\theta = \sqrt{1 + k^2} \tan\sigma \f$.  The corresponding
3897expressions for \f$ s \f$ and \f$ \lambda \f$ are given here for
3901\frac sb &= \sqrt{1-k'^2} \Pi(\theta, k'^2, k'), \\
3902\lambda &= (1-f) \sqrt{1-k'^2} \sin\alpha_0 \Pi(\theta, k'^2/e^2, k'),
3905where \f$ k' = k/\sqrt{1 + k^2} \f$.  The expression for \f$ s \f$
3906can be written in terms of elliptic integrals of the second kind and
3907Cayley's technique can be used to subtract out the leading order
3908behavior of \f$ \lambda \f$ to give
3911\frac sb &=\frac1{\sqrt{1-k'^2}}
3912  \biggl( E(\theta, k') -
3913    \frac{k'^2 \sin\theta \cos\theta}{\sqrt{1-k'^2\sin^2\theta}} \biggr), \\
3914\lambda &= \psi + (1-f) \sqrt{1-k'^2} \sin\alpha_0
3915\bigl( F(\theta, k') - \Pi(\theta, e^2, k') \bigr),
3921\tan\psi &= \sqrt{\frac{1+k^2\sin^2\sigma}{1+e'^2}}\tan\omega \\
3922         &= \sqrt{\frac{1-e^2}{1+k^2\cos^2\theta}}\sin\alpha_0\tan\theta.
3925The tangents of the three "longitude-like" angles are in geometric
3926progression, \f$ \tan\chi/\tan\omega = \tan\omega/\tan\psi \f$.
3928\section meridian Parameters for the meridian
3930The formulas for \f$ s \f$ given in the previous section are the same as
3931those for the distance along a meridian for an ellipsoid with equatorial
3932radius \f$ a \sqrt{1 - e^2 \sin^2\alpha_0} \f$ and polar semi-axis \f$ b
3933\f$.  Here is a list of possible ways of expressing the meridian
3934distance in terms of elliptic integrals using the notation:
3935- \f$ a \f$, equatorial axis,
3936- \f$ b \f$, polar axis,
3937- \f$ e = \sqrt{(a^2 - b^2)/a^2} \f$, eccentricity,
3938- \f$ e' = \sqrt{(a^2 - b^2)/b^2} \f$, second eccentricity,
3939- \f$ \phi = \mathrm{am}(u, e) \f$, the geographic latitude,
3940- \f$ \phi' = \mathrm{am}(v', ie') = \pi/2 - \phi \f$,
3941  the geographic colatitude,
3942- \f$ \beta = \mathrm{am}(v, ie') \f$, the parametric latitude
3943  (\f$ \tan^2\beta = (1 - e^2) \tan^2\phi \f$),
3944- \f$ \beta' = \mathrm{am}(u', e) = \pi/2 - \beta \f$,
3945  the parametric colatitude,
3946- \f$ M \f$, the length of a quarter meridian (equator to pole),
3947- \f$ y \f$, the distance along the meridian (measured from the equator).
3948- \f$ y' = M -y \f$, the distance along the meridian (measured from the pole).
3950The eccentricities \f$ (e, e') \f$ are real (resp. imaginary) for
3951oblate (resp. prolate) ellipsoids.  The elliptic variables \f$(u,
3952u')\f$ and \f$(v, v')\f$ are defined by
3953- \f$ u = F(\phi, e) ,\quad u' = F(\beta', e) \f$
3954- \f$ v = F(\beta, ie') ,\quad v' = F(\phi', ie') \f$,
3956and are linearly related by
3957- \f$ u + u' = K(e) ,\quad v + v' = K(ie') \f$
3958- \f$ v = \sqrt{1-e^2} u ,\quad u = \sqrt{1+e'^2} v \f$.
3960The cartesian coordinates for the meridian \f$ (x, z) \f$ are given by
3963  x &= a \cos\beta = a \cos\phi / \sqrt{1 - e^2 \sin^2\phi} \\
3964    &= a \sin\beta' = (a^2/b) \sin\phi' / \sqrt{1 + e'^2 \sin^2\phi'} \\
3965    &= a \,\mathrm{cn}(v, ie) = a \,\mathrm{cd}(u, e) \\
3966    &= a \,\mathrm{sn}(u', e) = (a^2/b) \,\mathrm{sd}(v', ie'),
3971  z &= b \sin\beta = (b^2/a) \sin\phi / \sqrt{1 - e^2 \sin^2\phi} \\
3972    &= b \cos\beta' = b \cos\phi' / \sqrt{1 + e'^2 \sin^2\phi'} \\
3973    &= b \,\mathrm{sn}(v, ie) = (b^2/a) \,\mathrm{sd}(u, e)  \\
3974    &= b \,\mathrm{cn}(u', e) = b \,\mathrm{cd}(v', ie').
3977The distance along the meridian can be expressed variously as
3980  y  &=   b   \int \sqrt{1 + e'^2  \sin^2\beta}\, d\beta
3981     =   b E(\beta, ie') \\
3982     &= \frac{b^2}a \int \frac1{(1 - e^2 \sin^2\phi)^{3/2}}\, d\phi
3983      = \frac{b^2}a \Pi(\phi, e^2, e) \\
3984     &=   a \biggl(E(\phi, e) -
3985        \frac{e^2\sin\phi \cos\phi}{\sqrt{1 - e^2\sin^2\phi}}\biggr) \\
3986     &=  b \int \mathrm{dn}^2(v, ie')\, dv
3987      = \frac{b^2}a \int \mathrm{nd}^2(u, e)\, du
3988      = \cal E(v, ie'),
3993  y' &=   a   \int \sqrt{1 - e^2  \sin^2\beta'}\, d\beta'
3994     =   a E(\beta', e) \\
3995     &= \frac{a^2}b \int \frac1{(1 + e'^2 \sin^2\phi')^{3/2}}\, d\phi'
3996      = \frac{a^2}b \Pi(\phi', -e'^2, ie') \\
3997     &=  b \biggl(E(\phi', ie') +
3998        \frac{e'^2\sin\phi' \cos\phi'}{\sqrt{1 + e'^2\sin^2\phi'}}\biggr) \\
3999     &=  a \int \mathrm{dn}^2(u', e)\, du'
4000      = \frac{a^2}b \int \mathrm{nd}^2(v', ie')\, dv'
4001      = \cal E(u', e),
4004with the quarter meridian distance given by
4006  M  = aE(e) = bE(ie') = (b^2/a)\Pi(e^2,e) = (a^2/b)\Pi(-e'^2,ie').
4008(Here \f$ E, F, \Pi \f$ are elliptic integrals defined in
4009https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.ii.  \f$ \cal E, \mathrm{am}, \mathrm{sn},
4010\mathrm{cn}, \mathrm{sd}, \mathrm{cd}, \mathrm{dn}, \mathrm{nd} \f$ are
4011Jacobi elliptic functions defined in https://dlmf.nist.gov/22.2 and
4014There are several considerations in the choice of independent variable
4015for evaluate the meridian distance
4016- The use of an imaginary modulus (namely, \f$ ie' \f$, above) is of no
4017  practical concern.  The integrals are real in this case and modern
4018  methods (GeographicLib uses the method given in
4019  https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.36.i) for computing integrals handles this
4020  case using just real arithmetic.
4021- If the "natural" origin is the equator, choose one of \f$ \phi, \beta,
4022  u, v \f$ (this might be preferred in geodesy).  If it's the pole,
4023  choose one of the complementary quantities \f$ \phi', \beta', u', v'
4024  \f$ (this might be preferred by mathematicians).
4025- Applying these formulas to the geodesic problems, \f$ \beta \f$
4026  becomes the arc length, \f$ \sigma \f$, on the auxiliary sphere.  This
4027  is the traditional method of solution used by Legendre (1806), Oriani
4028  (1806), Bessel (1825), Helmert (1880), Rainsford (1955), Thomas
4029  (1970), Vincenty (1975), Rapp (1993), and so on.  Many of the
4030  solutions in terms of elliptic functions use one of the elliptic
4031  variables (\f$ u \f$ or \f$ v \f$), see, for example, Jacobi (1855),
4032  Halphen (1888), Forsyth (1896).  In the context of geodesics \f$
4033  \phi \f$ becomes Thomas' variable \f$ \theta \f$; this is used by
4034  Thomas (1952) and Rollins (2010) in their formulation of the
4035  geodesic problem (see the previous section).
4036- For highly eccentric ellipsoids the variation of the meridian with
4037  respect to \f$ \beta \f$ is considerably "better behaved" than other
4038  choices (see the figure below).  The choice of \f$ \phi \f$ is
4039  probably a poor one in this case.
4041GeographicLib uses the geodesic generalization of
4042\f$ y = b E(\beta, ie') \f$, namely \f$ s = b E(\sigma, ik) \f$.  See
4043\ref geodellip.
4045\image html meridian-measures.png "Comparison of meridian measures"
4047\section geodshort Short geodesics
4049Here we describe Bowring's method for solving the inverse geodesic
4050problem in the limit of short geodesics and contrast it with the great
4051circle solution using Bessel's auxiliary sphere.  References:
4052 - B. R. Bowring, The Direct and Inverse Problems for Short Geodesic
4053   Lines on the Ellipsoid, Surveying and Mapping 41(2), 135--141 (1981).
4054 - R. H. Rapp,
4055   <a href="https://hdl.handle.net/1811/24333">
4056   Geometric Geodesy, Part I</a>, Ohio State Univ. (1991), Sec. 6.5.
4058Bowring considers the conformal mapping of the ellipsoid to a sphere of
4059radius \f$ R \f$ such that circles of latitude and meridians are
4060preserved (and hence the azimuth of a line is preserved).  Let \f$
4061(\phi, \lambda) \f$ and \f$ (\phi', \lambda') \f$ be the latitude and
4062longitude on the ellipsoid and sphere respectively.  Define isometric
4063latitudes for the sphere and the ellipsoid as
4066  \psi' &= \sinh^{-1} \tan \phi', \\
4067  \psi &= \sinh^{-1} \tan \phi - e \tanh^{-1}(e \sin\phi).
4070The most general conformal mapping satisfying Bowring's conditions is
4072\psi' = A \psi + K, \quad \lambda' = A \lambda,
4074where \f$ A \f$ and \f$ K \f$ are constants.  (In fact a constant can be
4075added to the equation for \f$ \lambda' \f$, but this does affect the
4076analysis.)  The scale of this mapping is
4078m(\phi) = \frac{AR}{\nu}\frac{\cos\phi'}{\cos\phi},
4080where \f$ \nu = a/\sqrt{1 - e^2\sin^2\phi} \f$ is the transverse radius
4081of curvature.  (Note that in Bowring's Eq. (10), \f$ \phi \f$ should be
4082replaced by \f$ \phi' \f$.)  The mapping from the ellipsoid to the sphere
4083depends on three parameters \f$ R, A, K \f$.  These will be selected to
4084satisfy certain conditions at some representative latitude \f$ \phi_0
4085\f$.  Two possible choices are given below.
4087\subsection bowring Bowring's method
4089Bowring (1981) requires that
4091m(\phi_0) = 1,\quad
4092\left.\frac{dm(\phi)}{d\phi}\right|_{\phi=\phi_0} = 0,\quad
4093\left.\frac{d^2m(\phi)}{d\phi^2}\right|_{\phi=\phi_0} = 0,
4095i.e, \f$m\approx 1\f$ in the vicinity of \f$\phi = \phi_0\f$.
4096This gives
4099R &= \frac{\sqrt{1 + e'^2}}{B^2} a, \\
4100A &= \sqrt{1 + e'^2 \cos^4\phi_0}, \\
4101\tan\phi'_0 &= \frac1B \tan\phi_0,
4104where \f$ e' = e/\sqrt{1-e^2} \f$ is the second eccentricity, \f$ B =
4105\sqrt{1+e'^2\cos^2\phi_0} \f$, and \f$ K \f$ is defined implicitly by
4106the equation for \f$\phi'_0\f$.  The radius \f$ R \f$ is the (Gaussian)
4107mean radius of curvature of the ellipsoid at \f$\phi_0\f$ (so near
4108\f$\phi_0\f$ the ellipsoid can be deformed to fit the sphere snugly).
4109The third derivative of \f$ m \f$ is given by
4111\left.\frac{d^3m(\phi)}{d\phi^3}\right|_{\phi=\phi_0} =
4115The method for solving the inverse problem between two nearby points \f$
4116(\phi_1, \lambda_1) \f$ and \f$ (\phi_2, \lambda_2) \f$ is as follows:
4117Set \f$\phi_0 = (\phi_1 + \phi_2)/2\f$.  Compute \f$ R, A, \phi'_0 \f$,
4118and hence find \f$ (\phi'_1, \lambda'_1) \f$ and \f$ (\phi'_2,
4119\lambda'_2) \f$.  Finally, solve for the great circle on a sphere of
4120radius \f$ R \f$; the resulting distance and azimuths are good
4121approximations for the corresponding quantities for the ellipsoidal
4124Consistent with the accuracy of this method, we can compute
4125\f$\phi'_1\f$ and \f$\phi'_2\f$ using a Taylor expansion about
4126\f$\phi_0\f$.  This also avoids numerical errors that arise from
4127subtracting nearly equal quantities when using the equation for
4128\f$\phi'\f$ directly.  Write \f$\Delta \phi = \phi - \phi_0\f$ and
4129\f$\Delta \phi' = \phi' - \phi'_0\f$; then we have
4131\Delta\phi' \approx
4132\frac{\Delta\phi}B \biggl[1 +
4134  \biggl(3\sin\phi_0\cos\phi_0 +
4135   \frac{\Delta\phi}{B^2}
4136   \bigl(B^2 - \sin^2\phi_0(2 - 3 e'^2 \cos^2\phi_0)\bigr)\biggr)\biggr],
4138where the error is \f$O(f\Delta\phi^4)\f$.
4139This is essentially Bowring's method.  Significant differences between
4140this result, "Bowring (improved)", compared to Bowring's paper, "Bowring
4141(original)", are:
4142 - Bowring elects to use \f$\phi_0 = \phi_1\f$.  This simplifies the
4143   calculations somewhat but increases the error by about a factor of
4144   4.
4145 - Bowring's expression for \f$ \Delta\phi' \f$ is only accurate in the
4146   limit \f$ e' \rightarrow 0 \f$.
4147 .
4148In fact, arguably, the highest order \f$O(f\Delta\phi^3)\f$ terms should
4149be dropped altogether.  Their inclusion does result in a better estimate
4150for the distance.  However, if your goal is to generate both accurate
4151distances \e and accurate azimuths, then \f$\Delta\phi\f$ needs to be
4152restricted sufficiently to allow these terms to be dropped to give the
4153"Bowring (truncated)" method.
4155With highly eccentric ellipsoids, the parametric latitude \f$ \beta \f$
4156is a better behaved independent variable to use.  In this case, \f$
4157\phi_0 \f$ is naturally defined using \f$\beta_0 = (\beta_1 +
4158\beta_2)/2\f$ and in terms of \f$\Delta\beta = \beta - \beta_0\f$, we
4161\Delta\phi' \approx
4162\frac{\Delta\beta}{B'} \biggl[1 +
4164  \biggl(\sin\beta_0\cos\beta_0 +
4165   \frac{\Delta\beta}{3B'^2}
4166    \bigl( \cos^2\beta_0 - \sin^2\beta_0 B'^2\bigr)
4169where \f$B' = \sqrt{1+e'^2\sin^2\beta_0} = \sqrt{1+e'^2}/B\f$, and the
4170error once again is \f$O(f\Delta\phi^4)\f$.  This is the &quot;Bowring
4171(using \f$\beta\f$)&quot; method.
4173\subsection auxsphere Bessel's auxiliary sphere
4175GeographicLib's uses the auxiliary sphere method of Legendre, Bessel,
4176and Helmert.  For short geodesics, this is equivalent to picking
4177\f$ R, A, K \f$ so that
4179m(\phi_0) = 1,\quad
4180\left.\frac{dm(\phi)}{d\phi}\right|_{\phi=\phi_0} = 0,\quad
4181\tan\phi'_0 = (1 - f) \tan\phi_0.
4183Bowring's requirement that the second derivative of \f$m\f$ vanish has
4184been replaced by the last relation which states that \f$\phi'_0 =
4185\beta_0\f$, the parametric latitude corresponding to \f$\phi_0\f$.  This
4189R &= B'(1-f)a, \\
4190A &= \frac1{B'(1-f)}, \\
4191\left.\frac{d^2m(\phi)}{d\phi^2}\right|_{\phi=\phi_0} &=
4196Similar to Bowring's method, we can compute \f$\phi'_1\f$ and
4197\f$\phi'_2\f$ using a Taylor expansion about \f$\beta_0\f$.  This results
4198in the simple expression
4200\Delta\phi' \approx \Delta\beta,
4202where the error is \f$O(f\Delta\beta^2)\f$.
4204\subsection shorterr Estimating the accuracy
4206In assessing the accuracy of these methods we use two metrics:
4207 - The absolute error in the distance.
4208 - The consistency of the predicted azimuths.  Imagine starting
4209   ellipsoidal geodesics at \f$ (\phi_1, \lambda_1) \f$ and \f$ (\phi_2,
4210   \lambda_2) \f$ with the predicted azimuths.  What is the distance
4211   between them when they are extended a distance \f$ a \f$ beyond the
4212   second point?
4213 .
4214(The second metric is much more stringent.)  We may now compare the
4215methods by asking for a bound to the length of a geodesic which ensures
4216that the one or other of the errors fall below 1&nbsp;mm (an "engineering"
4217definition of accurate) or 1&nbsp;nm (1 nanometer, about the round-off
4222<caption>Maximum distance that can be used in various methods for
4223computing short geodesics while keeping the errors within prescribed
4226 <th rowspan="2">method
4227 <th colspan="2"><center>distance metric</center></th>
4228 <th colspan="2"><center>azimuth metric</center></th>
4230 <th>1 mm error</th>
4231 <th>1 nm error</th>
4232 <th>1 mm error</th>
4233 <th>1 nm error</th>
4235 <td>Bowring (original)
4236 <td><center>87 km</center>
4237 <td><center>870 m</center>
4238 <td><center>35 km</center>
4239 <td><center>350 m</center>
4241 <td>Bowring (improved)
4242 <td><center>180 km</center>
4243 <td><center>1.8 km</center>
4244 <td><center>58 km</center>
4245 <td><center>580 m</center>
4247 <td>Bowring (truncated)
4248 <td><center>52 km</center>
4249 <td><center>520 m</center>
4250 <td><center>52 km</center>
4251 <td><center>520 m</center>
4253 <td>Bowring (using \f$\beta\f$)
4254 <td><center>380 km</center>
4255 <td><center>24 km</center>
4256 <td><center>60 km</center>
4257 <td><center>600 m</center>
4259 <td>Bessel's aux. sphere
4260 <td><center>42 km</center>
4261 <td><center>420 m</center>
4262 <td><center>1.7 km</center>
4263 <td><center>1.7 m</center>
4267For example, if you're only interested in measuring distances and an
4268accuracy of 1&nbsp;mm is sufficient, then Bowring's improved method can
4269be used for distances up to 180&nbsp;km.  On the other hand,
4270GeographicLib uses Bessel's auxiliary sphere and we require both the
4271distance and the azimuth to be accurate, so the great circle
4272approximation can only be used for distances less than 1.7&nbsp;m.  The
4273reason that GeographicLib does not use Bowring's method is that the
4274information necessary for auxiliary sphere method is already available
4275as part of the general solution and, as much as possible, we allow all
4276geodesics to be computed by the general method.
4279Back to \ref magnetic.  Forward to \ref nearest.  Up to \ref contents.
4284\page nearest Finding nearest neighbors
4287Back to \ref geodesic.  Forward to \ref  triaxial.  Up to \ref contents.
4290The problem of finding the maritime boundary defined by the "median
4291line" is discussed in Section 14 of
4292 - C. F. F. Karney,
4293   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1215v1">Geodesics
4294   on an ellipsoid of revolution</a>,
4295   Feb. 2011; preprint
4296   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1215v1">arxiv:1102.1215v1</a>.
4297 .
4298Figure 14 shows the median line which is equidistant from Britain and
4299mainland Europe.  Determining the median line involves finding, for any
4300given \e P, the closest points on the coast of Britain and on the coast
4301of mainland Europe.  The operation of finding the closest in a set of
4302points is usually referred to as the <i>nearest neighbor</i> problem and
4303the NearestNeighbor class implements an efficient algorithm for solving
4306The NearestNeighbor class implements nearest-neighbor calculations using
4307the vantage-point tree described by
4308- J. K. Uhlmann,
4309  <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/0020-0190(91)90074-r">
4310  Satisfying general proximity/similarity queries with metric trees</a>,
4311  Information Processing Letters 40 175--179 (1991).
4312- P. N. Yianilos,
4313  <a href="http://pnylab.com/pny/papers/vptree/vptree/">
4314  Data structures and algorithms for nearest neighbor search in general
4315  metric spaces</a>, Proc. 4th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms,
4316  (SIAM, 1993). pp. 311--321.
4318Given a set of points \e x, \e y, \e z, &hellip;, in some space and a
4319distance function \e d satisfying the metric conditions,
4322 d(x,y) &\ge 0,\\
4323 d(x,y) &= 0, \ \text{iff $x = y$},\\
4324 d(x,y) &= d(y,x),\\
4325 d(x,z) &\le d(x,y) + d(y,z),
4328the vantage-point (VP) tree provides an efficient way of determining
4329nearest neighbors.  The geodesic distance (implemented by the Geodesic
4330class) satisfies these metric conditions, while the great ellipse
4331distance and the rhumb line distance <i>do not</i> (they do not satisfy
4332the last condition, the triangle inequality).  Typically the cost of
4333constructing a VP tree of \e N points is \e N log \e N, while the cost
4334of a query is log \e N.  Thus a VP tree should be used in situations
4335where \e N is large and at least log \e N queries are to be made.  The
4336condition, \e N is large, means that \f$ N \gg 2^D \f$, where \e D is
4337the dimensionality of the space.
4339- This implementation includes Yianilos' upper and lower bounds for the
4340  inside and outside sets.  This helps limit the number of searches
4341  (compared to just using the median distance).
4342- Rather than do a depth-first or breath-first search on the tree, the
4343  nodes to be processed are put on a priority queue with the nodes most
4344  likely to contain close points processed first.  Frequently, this allows
4345  nodes lower down on the priority queue to be skipped.
4346- This technique also allows non-exhaustive searchs to be performed (to
4347  answer questions such as "are there any points within 1km of the query
4348  point?).
4349- When building the tree, the first vantage point is (arbitrarily)
4350  chosen as the middle element of the set.  Thereafter, the points
4351  furthest from the parent vantage point in both the inside and outside
4352  sets are selected as the children's vantage points.  This information
4353  is already available from the computation of the upper and lower
4354  bounds of the children.  This choice seems to lead to a reasonably
4355  optimized tree.
4356- The leaf nodes can contain a bucket of points (instead of just a vantage
4357  point).
4358- Coincident points are allowed in the set; these are treated as distinct
4359  points.
4361The figure below shows the construction of the VP tree for the points
4362making up the coastlines of Britain and Ireland (about 5000 points shown
4363in blue).  The set of points is recursively split into 2 equal "inside"
4364and "outside" subsets based on the distance from a "vantage point".  The
4365boundaries between the inside and outside sets are shown as green
4366circular arcs (arcs of geodesic circles).  At each stage, the newly
4367added vantage points are shown as red dots and the vantage points for
4368the next stage are shown as red plus signs.  The data is shown in the
4369Cassini-Soldner projection with a central meridian of 5&deg;W.
4371\image html vptree.gif "Vantage-point tree"
4374Back to \ref geodesic.  Forward to \ref triaxial.  Up to \ref contents.
4379\page triaxial Geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid
4382Back to \ref nearest.  Forward to \ref jacobi.  Up to \ref contents.
4385Jacobi (1839) showed that the problem of geodesics on a triaxial
4386ellipsoid (with 3 unequal axes) can be reduced to quadrature.  Despite
4387this, the detailed behavior of the geodesics is not very well known.  In
4388this section, I briefly give Jacobi's solution and illustrate the
4389behavior of the geodesics and outline an algorithm for the solution of
4390the inverse problem.
4392See also
4393 - The wikipedia page,
4394   <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesics_on_an_ellipsoid#Geodesics_on_a_triaxial_ellipsoid">
4395   Geodesics on  a triaxial ellipsoid</a>.
4397Go to
4398 - \ref triaxial-coords
4399 - \ref triaxial-jacobi
4400 - \ref triaxial-survey
4401 - \ref triaxial-stab
4402 - \ref triaxial-inverse
4405 -# A triaxial ellipsoid approximates the earth only slightly better
4406    than an ellipsoid of revolution.  If you are really considering
4407    measuring distances on the earth using a triaxial ellipsoid, you
4408    should also be worrying about the shape of the geoid, which
4409    essentially makes the geodesic problem a hopeless mess; see, for
4410    example, <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1112.3231"> Waters
4411    (2011)</a>.
4412 -# There is nothing new in this section.  It is just an exercise in
4413    exploring Jacobi's solution.  My interest here is in generating long
4414    geodesics with the correct long-time behavior.  Arnold gives a
4415    nice qualitative description of the solution in <i>Mathematical
4416    Methods of Classical Mechanics</i> (2nd edition, Springer, 1989),
4417    pp. 264--266.
4418 -# Possible reasons this problem might, nevertheless, be of interest
4419    are:
4420    - It is the first example of a dynamical system which has a
4421      non-trivial constant of motion.  As such, Jacobi's paper generated
4422      a lot of excitement and was followed by many papers elaborating
4423      his solution.  In particular, the unstable behavior of one of the
4424      closed geodesics of the ellipsoid, is an early example of a system
4425      with a positive Lyapunov exponent (one of the essential
4426      ingredients for chaotic behavior in dynamical systems).
4427    - Knowledge of ellipsoidal coordinates (used by Jacobi) might be
4428      useful in other areas of geodesy.
4429    - Geodesics which pass through the pole on an ellipsoid of revolution
4430      represent a degenerate class (they are all closed and all pass
4431      through the opposite pole).  It is of interest to see how this
4432      degeneracy is broken with a surface with a more general shape.
4433    - Similarly, it is of interest to see how the Mercator projection of
4434      the ellipsoid generalizes; this is another problem addressed by
4435      Jacobi.
4436 -# My interest in this problem was piqued by Jean-Marc Baillard.  I put
4437    him onto Jacobi's solution without having looked at it in detail
4438    myself; and he quickly implemented the solution for an HP-41
4439    calculator(!) which is posted
4440    <a href="http://hp41programs.yolasite.com/geod3axial.php"> here</a>.
4441 -# I do not give full citations of the papers here.  You can find these
4442    in the
4443    <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geodesic-papers/biblio.html">
4444    Geodesic Bibliography</a>; this includes links to online
4445    versions of the papers.
4446 -# An alternative to exploring geodesics using Jacobi's solution is to
4447    integrate the equations for the geodesics directly.  This is the
4448    approach taken by
4449    <a href="http://www.math.harvard.edu/~knill/caustic/">
4450    Oliver Knill and Michael Teodorescu</a>.  However it is difficult to
4451    ensure that the long time behavior is correctly modeled with such an
4452    approach.
4453 -# At this point, I have no plans to add the solution of triaxial
4454    geodesic problem to GeographicLib.
4455 -# If you only want to learn about geodesics on a biaxial ellipsoid (an
4456    ellipsoid of revolution), then see \ref geodesic or the paper
4457    - C. F. F. Karney,
4458      <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z">
4459      Algorithms for geodesics</a>,
4460      J. Geodesy 87(1), 43--55 (2013);
4461      DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z">
4462      10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z</a>;
4463      addenda: <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod-addenda.html">
4464      geod-addenda.html</a>.
4466\section triaxial-coords Triaxial coordinate systems
4468Consider the ellipsoid defined by
4470  f = \frac{X^2}{a^2} + \frac{Y^2}{b^2} + \frac{Z^2}{c^2} = 1,
4472where, without loss of generality, \f$ a \ge b \ge c \gt 0\f$.  A
4473point on the surface is specified by a latitude and longitude.  The \e
4474geographical latitude and longitude \f$(\phi, \lambda)\f$ are defined by
4476 \frac{\nabla f}{\left| \nabla f\right|} = \left(
4477\begin{array}{c} \cos\phi \cos\lambda \\ \cos\phi \sin\lambda \\ \sin\phi
4480The \e parametric latitude and longitude \f$(\phi', \lambda')\f$ are
4481defined by
4484 X &= a \cos\phi' \cos\lambda', \\
4485 Y &= b \cos\phi' \sin\lambda', \\
4486 Z &= c \sin\phi'.
4489Jacobi employed the \e ellipsoidal latitude and longitude \f$(\beta,
4490\omega)\f$ defined by
4493  X &= a \cos\omega
4494      \frac{\sqrt{a^2 - b^2\sin^2\beta - c^2\cos^2\beta}}
4495           {\sqrt{a^2 - c^2}}, \\
4496  Y &= b \cos\beta \sin\omega, \\
4497  Z &= c \sin\beta
4498      \frac{\sqrt{a^2\sin^2\omega + b^2\cos^2\omega - c^2}}
4499           {\sqrt{a^2 - c^2}}.
4502Grid lines of constant \f$\beta\f$ and \f$\omega\f$ are given in Fig. 1.
4505<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Triaxial_ellipsoid_coordinate_system.svg"
4506width=419 height=397 alt="Geodesic grid on a triaxial ellipsoid">
4507Fig. 1
4509Fig. 1:
4510The ellipsoidal grid.  The blue (resp. green) lines are lines of constant
4511\f$\beta\f$ (resp. \f$\omega\f$); the grid spacing is 10&deg;.  Also
4512shown in red are two of the principal sections of the ellipsoid, defined
4513by \f$x = 0\f$ and \f$z = 0\f$.  The third principal section, \f$y =
45140\f$, is covered by the lines \f$\beta = \pm 90^\circ\f$ and \f$\omega =
451590^\circ \pm 90^\circ\f$.  These lines meet at four umbilical points (two
4516of which are visible in this figure) where the principal radii of
4517curvature are equal.  The parameters of the ellipsoid are \f$a =
45181.01\f$, \f$b = 1\f$, \f$c = 0.8\f$, and it is viewed in an orthographic
4519projection from a point above \f$\phi = 40^\circ\f$, \f$\lambda =
452030^\circ\f$.  These parameters were chosen to accentuate the ellipsoidal
4521effects on geodesics (relative to those on the earth) while still
4522allowing the connection to an ellipsoid of revolution to be made.
4524The grid lines of the ellipsoid coordinates are "lines of curvature" on
4525the ellipsoid, i.e., they are parallel to the direction of principal
4526curvature (Monge, 1796).  They are also intersections of the ellipsoid
4527with confocal systems of hyperboloids of one and two sheets (Dupin,
45281813).  Finally they are geodesic ellipses and hyperbolas defined using
4529two adjacent umbilical points.  For example, the lines of constant
4530\f$\beta\f$ in Fig. 1 can be generated with the familiar string
4531construction for ellipses with the ends of the string pinned to the two
4532umbilical points.
4534The element of length on the ellipsoid in ellipsoidal coordinates is
4535given by
4538\frac{ds^2}{(a^2-b^2)\sin^2\omega+(b^2-c^2)\cos^2\beta} &=
4540     {a^2-b^2\sin^2\beta-c^2\cos^2\beta}
4541 d\beta^2 \\
4544     {a^2\sin^2\omega+b^2\cos^2\omega-c^2}
4545 d\omega^2.
4549The torus \f$(\omega, \beta) \in [-\pi,\pi] \times [-\pi,\pi]\f$ covers
4550the ellipsoid twice.  In order to facilitate passing to the limit of an
4551oblate ellipsoid, we may regard as the principal sheet \f$[-\pi,\pi]
4552\times [-\frac12\pi,\frac12\pi]\f$ and insert branch cuts at
4553\f$\beta=\pm\frac12\pi\f$.  The rule for switching sheets is
4556\omega & \rightarrow -\omega,\\
4557\beta & \rightarrow \pi-\beta,\\
4558\alpha & \rightarrow \pi+\alpha,
4561where \f$\alpha\f$ is the heading of a path, relative to a line of
4562constant \f$\omega\f$.
4564In the limit \f$b\rightarrow a\f$ (resp. \f$b\rightarrow c\f$), the
4565umbilic points converge on the \f$z\f$ (resp. \f$x\f$) axis and an
4566oblate (resp. prolate) ellipsoid is obtained with \f$\beta\f$
4567(resp. \f$\omega\f$) becoming the standard parametric latitude and
4568\f$\omega\f$ (resp. \f$\beta\f$) becoming the standard longitude.  The
4569sphere is a non-uniform limit, with the position of the umbilic points
4570depending on the ratio \f$(a-b)/(b-c)\f$.
4572Inter-conversions between the three different latitudes and longitudes
4573and the cartesian coordinates are simple algebraic exercises.
4575\section triaxial-jacobi Jacobi's solution
4577Solving the geodesic problem for an ellipsoid of revolution is, from the
4578mathematical point of view, trivial; because of symmetry, geodesics have
4579a constant of the motion (analogous to the angular momentum) which was
4580found by Clairaut (1733).  By 1806 (with the work of Legendre, Oriani,
4581et al.), there was a complete understanding of the qualitative behavior
4582of geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution.
4584On the other hand, geodesics on a triaxial ellipsoid have no obvious
4585constant of the motion and thus represented a challenging "unsolved"
4586problem in the first half of the nineteenth century.  Jacobi discovered
4587that the geodesic equations are separable if they are expressed in
4588ellipsoidal coordinates.  You can get an idea of the importance Jacobi
4589attached to his discovery from the
4590<a href="https://books.google.com/books?id=_09tAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA385">
4591letter</a> he wrote to his friend and neighbor Bessel:
4592<blockquote> The day before yesterday, I reduced to quadrature the
4593problem of geodesic lines on an <i>ellipsoid with three unequal
4594axes</i>.  They are the simplest formulas in the world, Abelian
4595integrals, which become the well known elliptic integrals if 2 axes are
4596set equal.\n
4597K&ouml;nigsberg, 28th Dec. '38.
4600On the same day he wrote a similar letter to the editor of Compte Rendus
4601and his result was published in J. Crelle in (1839) with a French
4602translation (from German) appearing in J. Liouville in (1841).
4604Here is the solution, exactly as given by Jacobi
4605<a href="https://books.google.com/books?id=Rh8GAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA268"> here</a>
4606(with minor changes in notation):
4609\delta &= \int \frac
4610{\sqrt{b^2\sin^2\beta + c^2\cos^2\beta}\,d\beta}
4611{\sqrt{a^2 - b^2\sin^2\beta - c^2\cos^2\beta}
4612 \sqrt{(b^2-c^2)\cos^2\beta - \gamma}}\\
4613&\quad -
4614\int \frac
4615{\sqrt{a^2\sin^2\omega + b^2\cos^2\omega}\,d\omega}
4616{\sqrt{a^2\sin^2\omega + b^2\cos^2\omega - c^2}
4617 \sqrt{(a^2-b^2)\sin^2\omega + \gamma}}
4620As Jacobi notes &quot;a function of the angle \f$\beta\f$ equals a
4621function of the angle \f$\omega\f$.  These two functions are just
4622Abelian integrals&hellip;&quot; Two constants \f$\delta\f$ and \f$\gamma\f$
4623appear in the solution.  Typically \f$\delta\f$ is zero if the lower
4624limits of the integrals are taken to be the starting point of the geodesic
4625and the direction of the geodesics is determined by \f$\gamma\f$.
4626However for geodesics that start at an umbilical points, we have \f$\gamma
4627= 0\f$ and \f$\delta\f$ determines the direction at the umbilical point.
4628Incidentally the constant \f$\gamma\f$ may be expressed as
4630\gamma = (b^2-c^2)\cos^2\beta\sin^2\alpha-(a^2-b^2)\sin^2\omega\cos^2\alpha
4632where \f$\alpha\f$ is the angle the geodesic makes with lines of
4633constant \f$\omega\f$. In the limit \f$b\rightarrow a\f$, this reduces
4634to \f$\cos\beta\sin\alpha = \text{const.}\f$, the familiar Clairaut
4635relation.  A nice derivation of Jacobi's result is given by Darboux
4636(1894) <a href="https://books.google.com/books?id=hGMSAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA9">
4637&sect;&sect;583--584</a> where he gives the solution found by Liouville
4638(1846) for general quadratic surfaces.  In this formulation, the
4639distance along the geodesic, \f$s\f$, is also found using
4642\frac{ds}{(b^2-c^2)\cos^2\beta + (a^2-b^2)\sin^2\omega}
4643&= \frac
4644{\sqrt{b^2\sin^2\beta + c^2\cos^2\beta}\,d\beta}
4645{\sqrt{a^2 - b^2\sin^2\beta - c^2\cos^2\beta}
4646 \sqrt{(b^2-c^2)\cos^2\beta - \gamma}}\\
4647&= \frac
4648{\sqrt{a^2\sin^2\omega + b^2\cos^2\omega}\,d\omega}
4649{\sqrt{a^2\sin^2\omega + b^2\cos^2\omega - c^2}
4650 \sqrt{(a^2-b^2)\sin^2\omega + \gamma}}
4653An alternative expression for the distance is
4657&= \frac
4658{\sqrt{b^2\sin^2\beta + c^2\cos^2\beta}
4659 \sqrt{(b^2-c^2)\cos^2\beta - \gamma}\,d\beta}
4660{\sqrt{a^2 - b^2\sin^2\beta - c^2\cos^2\beta}}\\
4661&\quad {}+ \frac
4662{\sqrt{a^2\sin^2\omega + b^2\cos^2\omega}
4663 \sqrt{(a^2-b^2)\sin^2\omega + \gamma}\,d\omega}
4664{\sqrt{a^2\sin^2\omega + b^2\cos^2\omega - c^2}}
4668Jacobi's solution is a convenient way to compute geodesics on an
4669ellipsoid.  Care must be taken with the signs of the square roots (which
4670are determined by the initial azimuth of the geodesic).  Also if
4671\f$\gamma \gt 0\f$ (resp. \f$\gamma \lt 0\f$), then the \f$\beta\f$
4672(resp. \f$\omega\f$) integrand diverges.  The integrand can be
4673transformed into a finite one by a change of variable, e.g.,
4674\f$\sin\beta = \sin\sigma \sqrt{1 - \gamma/(b^2-c^2)}\f$.  The resulting
4675integrals are periodic, so the behavior of an arbitrarily long geodesic
4676is entirely captured by tabulating the integrals over a single period.
4678The situation is more complicated if \f$\gamma = 0\f$ (corresponding to
4679umbilical geodesics).  Both integrands have simple poles at the umbilical
4680points.  However, this behavior may be subtracted from the integrands to
4681yield (for example) the sum of a term involving
4682\f$\tanh^{-1}\sin\beta\f$ and a finite integral.  Since both integrals
4683contain similar logarithmic singularities they can be equated (thus
4684fixing the ratio \f$\cos\beta/\sin\omega\f$ at the umbilical point) and
4685connection formulas can be found which allow the geodesic to be followed
4686through the umbilical point.  The study of umbilical geodesics was of
4687special interest to a group of Irish mathematicians in the 1840's and
46881850's, including Michael and William Roberts (twins!), Hart, Graves,
4689and Salmon.
4691\section triaxial-survey Survey of triaxial geodesics
4693Before delving into the nature of geodesics on a triaxial geodesic, it
4694is worth reviewing geodesics on an ellipsoid of revolution.  There are
4695two classes of simple closed geodesics (i.e., geodesics which close on
4696themselves without intersection): the equator and all the meridians.
4697All other geodesics oscillate between two equal and opposite circles of
4698latitude; but after completing a full oscillation in latitude these fall
4699slightly short (for an oblate ellipsoid) of completing a full circuit in
4702Turning to the triaxial case, we find that there are only 3 simple
4703closed geodesics, the three principal sections of the ellipsoid given by
4704\f$x = 0\f$, \f$y = 0\f$, and \f$z = 0\f$.  To survey the other
4705geodesics, it is convenient to consider geodesics which intersect the
4706middle principal section, \f$y = 0\f$, at right angles.  Such geodesics
4707are shown in Figs. 2--6, where I use the same ellipsoid parameters as in
4708Fig. 1 and the same viewing direction.  In addition, the three principal
4709ellipses are shown in red in each of these figures.
4711If the starting point is \f$\beta_1 \in (-90^\circ, 90^\circ)\f$,
4712\f$\omega_1 = 0\f$, and \f$\alpha_1 = 90^\circ\f$, then the geodesic
4713encircles the ellipsoid in a "circumpolar" sense.  The geodesic
4714oscillates north and south of the equator; on each oscillation it
4715completes slightly less that a full circuit around the ellipsoid
4716resulting in the geodesic filling the area bounded by the two latitude
4717lines \f$\beta = \pm \beta_1\f$.  Two examples are given in
4718Figs. 2 and 3.  Figure 2 shows practically the same behavior as for an
4719oblate ellipsoid of revolution (because \f$a \approx b\f$).  However, if
4720the starting point is at a higher latitude (Fig. 3) the distortions
4721resulting from \f$a \ne b\f$ are evident.
4724<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a9/Circumpolar_geodesic_on_a_triaxial_ellipsoid_case_A.svg"
4725width=419 height=397 alt="Example of a circumpolar geodesic on a
4726triaxial ellipsoid">
4727Fig. 2
4729Fig. 2:
4730Example of a circumpolar geodesic on a triaxial ellipsoid.  The starting
4731point of this geodesic is \f$\beta_1 = 45.1^\circ\f$, \f$\omega_1 =
47320^\circ\f$, and \f$\alpha_1 = 90^\circ\f$.
4735<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/Circumpolar_geodesic_on_a_triaxial_ellipsoid_case_B.svg"
4736width=419 height=397 alt="Another example of a circumpolar geodesic on a
4737triaxial ellipsoid">
4738Fig. 3
4740Fig. 3:
4741Another example of a circumpolar geodesic on a triaxial ellipsoid.  The
4742starting point of this geodesic is \f$\beta_1 = 87.48^\circ\f$, \f$\omega_1 =
47430^\circ\f$, and \f$\alpha_1 = 90^\circ\f$.
4745If the starting point is \f$\beta_1 = 90^\circ\f$, \f$\omega_1 \in
4746(0^\circ, 180^\circ)\f$, and \f$\alpha_1 = 180^\circ\f$, then the geodesic
4747encircles the ellipsoid in a "transpolar" sense.  The geodesic
4748oscillates east and west of the ellipse \f$x = 0\f$; on each oscillation
4749it completes slightly more that a full circuit around the ellipsoid
4750resulting in the geodesic filling the area bounded by the two longitude
4751lines \f$\omega = \omega_1\f$ and \f$\omega = 180^\circ - \omega_1\f$.
4752If \f$a = b\f$, all meridians are geodesics; the effect of \f$a \ne b\f$
4753causes such geodesics to oscillate east and west.  Two examples are
4754given in Figs. 4 and 5.
4757<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Transpolar_geodesic_on_a_triaxial_ellipsoid_case_A.svg"
4758width=419 height=397 alt="Example of a transpolar geodesic on a
4759triaxial ellipsoid">
4760Fig. 4
4762Fig. 4:
4763Example of a transpolar geodesic on a triaxial ellipsoid.  The
4764starting point of this geodesic is \f$\beta_1 = 90^\circ\f$, \f$\omega_1 =
476539.9^\circ\f$, and \f$\alpha_1 = 180^\circ\f$.
4768<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Transpolar_geodesic_on_a_triaxial_ellipsoid_case_B.svg"
4769width=419 height=397 alt="Another example of a transpolar geodesic on a
4770triaxial ellipsoid">
4771Fig. 5
4773Fig. 5:
4774Another example of a transpolar geodesic on a triaxial ellipsoid.  The
4775starting point of this geodesic is \f$\beta_1 = 90^\circ\f$, \f$\omega_1 =
47769.966^\circ\f$, and \f$\alpha_1 = 180^\circ\f$.
4778If the starting point is \f$\beta_1 = 90^\circ\f$, \f$\omega_1 =
47790^\circ\f$ (an umbilical point), and \f$\alpha_1 = 135^\circ\f$ (the
4780geodesic leaves the ellipse \f$y = 0\f$ at right angles), then the
4781geodesic repeatedly intersects the opposite umbilical point and returns to
4782its starting point.  However on each circuit the angle at which it
4783intersects \f$y = 0\f$ becomes closer to \f$0^\circ\f$ or
4784\f$180^\circ\f$ so that asymptotically the geodesic lies on the ellipse
4785\f$y = 0\f$.  This is shown in Fig. 6.  Note that a single geodesic does
4786not fill an area on the ellipsoid.
4789<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/Unstable_umbilical_geodesic_on_a_triaxial_ellipsoid.svg"
4790width=419 height=397 alt="Example of an umbilical geodesic on a
4791triaxial ellipsoid">
4792Fig. 6
4794Fig. 6:
4795Example of an umbilical geodesic on a triaxial ellipsoid.  The
4796starting point of this geodesic is \f$\beta_1 = 90^\circ\f$, \f$\omega_1 =
47970^\circ\f$, and \f$\alpha_1 = 135^\circ\f$ and the geodesics is followed
4798forwards and backwards until it lies close to the plane \f$y = 0\f$ in
4799both directions.
4801Umbilical geodesics enjoy several interesting properties.
4802 - Through any point on the ellipsoid, there are two umbilical geodesics.
4803 - The geodesic distance between opposite umbilical points is the same
4804   regardless of the initial direction of the geodesic.
4805 - Whereas the closed geodesics on the ellipses \f$x = 0\f$ and \f$z =
4806   0\f$ are stable (an geodesic initially close to and nearly parallel to
4807   the ellipse remains close to the ellipse), the closed geodesic on the
4808   ellipse \f$y = 0\f$, which goes through all 4 umbilical points, is \e
4809   unstable.  If it is perturbed, it will swing out of the plane \f$y =
4810   0\f$ and flip around before returning to close to the plane.  (This
4811   behavior may repeat depending on the nature of the initial
4812   perturbation.).
4814\section triaxial-stab The stability of closed geodesics
4816The stability of the three simple closed geodesics can be determined by
4817examining the properties of Jacobi's solution.  In particular the
4818unstable behavior of umbilical geodesics was shown by Hart (1849).
4819However an alternative approach is to use the equations that Gauss
4820(1828) gives for a perturbed geodesic
4822\frac {d^2m}{ds^2} + Km = 0
4824where \f$m\f$ is the distance of perturbed geodesic from a reference
4825geodesic and \f$K\f$ is the Gaussian curvature of the surface.  If the
4826reference geodesic is closed, then this is a linear homogeneous
4827differential equation with periodic coefficients.  In fact it's a
4828special case of Hill's equation which can be treated using Floquet
4829theory, see <a href="https://dlmf.nist.gov/28.29">DLMF, &sect;28.29</a>.
4830Using the notation of &sect;3 of
4831<a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z"> Algorithms for
4832geodesics</a>, the stability is determined by computing the reduced
4833length \f$m_{12}\f$ and the geodesic scales \f$M_{12}, M_{21}\f$ over
4834half the perimeter of the ellipse and determining the eigenvalues
4835\f$\lambda_{1,2}\f$ of
4837{\cal M} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
4838M_{12} & m_{12}\\
4839-\frac{1 - M_{12}M_{21}}{m_{12}} & M_{21}
4842Because \f$\mathrm{det}\,{\cal M} = 1\f$, the eigenvalues are determined
4843by \f$\mathrm{tr}\,{\cal M}\f$.  In particular if
4844\f$\left|\mathrm{tr}\,{\cal M}\right| < 2\f$, we have
4845\f$\left|\lambda_{1,2}\right| = 1\f$ and the solution is stable; if
4846\f$\left|\mathrm{tr}\,{\cal M}\right| > 2\f$, one of
4847\f$\left|\lambda_{1,2}\right|\f$ is larger than unity and the solution
4848is (exponentially) unstable.  In the transition case,
4849\f$\left|\mathrm{tr}\,{\cal M}\right| = 2\f$, the solution is stable
4850provided that the off-diagonal elements of \f${\cal M}\f$ are zero;
4851otherwise the solution is linearly unstable.
4853The exponential instability of the geodesic on the ellipse \f$y = 0\f$
4854is confirmed by this analysis and results from the resonance between the
4855natural frequency of the equation for \f$m\f$ and the driving frequency
4856when \f$b\f$ lies in \f$(c, a)\f$.  If \f$b\f$ is equal to either of the
4857other axes (and the triaxial ellipsoid degenerates to an ellipsoid of
4858revolution), then the solution is linearly unstable.  (For example, a
4859geodesic is which is close to a meridian on an oblate ellipsoid, slowly
4860moves away from that meridian.)
4862\section triaxial-inverse The inverse problem
4864In order to solve the inverse geodesic problem, it helps to have an
4865understanding of the properties of all the geodesics emanating from a
4866single point \f$(\beta_1, \omega_1)\f$.
4867 - If the point is an umbilical point, all the lines meet at the
4868   opposite umbilical point.
4869 - Otherwise, the first envelope of the geodesics is a 4-pointed
4870   astroid.  The cusps of the astroid lie on either \f$\beta = -
4871   \beta_1\f$ or \f$\omega = \omega_1 + \pi\f$; see
4872   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1080/10586458.2003.10504515"> Sinclair
4873   (2003)</a>.
4874 - All geodesics intersect (or, in the case of \f$\alpha_1 = 0\f$ or
4875   \f$\pi\f$, touch) the line \f$\omega = \omega_1 + \pi\f$.
4876 - All geodesics intersect (or, in the case of \f$\alpha_1 =
4877   \pm\pi/2\f$, touch) the line \f$\beta = -\beta_1\f$.
4878 - Two geodesics with azimuths \f$\pm\alpha_1\f$ first intersect on
4879   \f$\omega = \omega_1 + \pi\f$ and their lengths to the point of
4880   intersection are equal.
4881 - Two geodesics with azimuths \f$\alpha_1\f$ and \f$\pi-\alpha_1\f$
4882   first intersect on \f$\beta = -\beta_1\f$ and their lengths to the
4883   point of intersection are equal.
4884 .
4885(These assertions follow directly from the equations for the geodesics;
4886some of them are somewhat surprising given the asymmetries of the
4887ellipsoid.)  Consider now terminating the geodesics from \f$(\beta_1,
4888\omega_1)\f$ at the point where they first intersect (or touch) the line
4889\f$\beta = -\beta_1\f$.  To focus the discussion, take \f$\beta_1 \le
4891 - The geodesics completely fill the portion of the ellipsoid satisfying
4892   \f$\beta \le -\beta_1\f$.
4893 - None of geodesics intersect any other geodesics.
4894 - Any initial portion of these geodesics is a shortest path.
4895 - Each geodesic intersects the line \f$\beta = \beta_2\f$, where
4896   \f$\beta_1 < \beta_2 < -\beta_1\f$, exactly once.
4897 - For a given \f$\beta_2\f$, this defines a continuous monotonic
4898   mapping of the circle of azimuths \f$\alpha_1\f$ to the circle of
4899   longitudes \f$\omega_2\f$.
4900 - If \f$\beta_2 = \pm \beta_1\f$, then the previous two assertions need
4901   to be modified similarly to the case for an ellipsoid of revolution.
4903These properties show that the inverse problem can be solved using
4904techniques similar to those employed for an ellipsoid of revolution (see
4905&sect;4 of
4906<a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z"> Algorithms for
4908 - If the points are opposite umbilical points, an arbitrary
4909   \f$\alpha_1\f$ may be chosen.
4910 - If the points are neighboring umbilical points, the shortest path
4911   lies on the ellipse \f$y = 0\f$.
4912 - If only one point is an umbilicial point, the azimuth at the
4913   non-umbilical point is found using the generalization of Clairaut's
4914   equation (given above) with \f$\gamma = 0\f$.
4915 - Treat the cases where the geodesic might follow a line of constant
4916   \f$\beta\f$.  There are two such cases: (a)&nbsp;the points lie on
4917   the ellipse \f$z = 0\f$ on a general ellipsoid and (b)&nbsp;the
4918   points lie on an ellipse whose major axis is the \f$x\f$ axis on a
4919   prolate ellipsoid (\f$a = b > c\f$).  Determine the reduced length
4920   \f$m_{12}\f$ for the geodesic which is the shorter path along the
4921   ellipse.  If \f$m_{12} \ge 0\f$, then this is the shortest path on
4922   the ellipsoid; otherwise proceed to the general case (next).
4923 - Swap the points, if necessary, so that the first point is the one
4924   closest to a pole.  Estimate \f$\alpha_1\f$ (by some means) and solve
4925   the \e hybrid problem, i.e., determine the longitude \f$\omega_2\f$
4926   corresponding to the first intersection of the geodesic with \f$\beta
4927   = \beta_2\f$.  Adjust \f$\alpha_1\f$ so that the value of
4928   \f$\omega_2\f$ matches the given \f$\omega_2\f$ (there is a single
4929   root).  If a sufficiently close solution can be found, Newton's
4930   method can be employed since the necessary derivative can be
4931   expressed in terms of the reduced length \f$m_{12}\f$.
4933The shortest path found by this method is unique unless:
4934 - The length of the geodesic vanishes \f$s_{12}=0\f$, in which case any
4935   constant can be added to the azimuths.
4936 - The points are opposite umbilical points.  In this case,
4937   \f$\alpha_1\f$ can take on any value and \f$\alpha_2\f$ needs to be
4938   adjusted to maintain the value of \f$\tan\alpha_1 / \tan\alpha_2\f$.
4939   Note that \f$\alpha\f$ increases by \f$\pm 90^\circ\f$ as the
4940   geodesic passes through an umbilical point, depending on whether the
4941   geodesic is considered as passing to the right or left of the point.
4942   Here \f$\alpha_2\f$ is the \e forward azimuth at the second umbilical
4943   point, i.e., its azimuth immediately \e after passage through the
4944   umbilical point.
4945 - \f$\beta_1 + \beta_2 = 0\f$ and \f$\cos\alpha_1\f$ and
4946   \f$\cos\alpha_2\f$ have opposite signs.  In this case, there another
4947   shortest geodesic with azimuths \f$\pi - \alpha_1\f$ and
4948   \f$\pi - \alpha_2\f$.
4950\section triaxial-conformal Jacobi's conformal projection
4952This material is now on its own page; see \ref jacobi.
4955Back to \ref nearest.  Forward to \ref jacobi.  Up to \ref contents.
4960\page jacobi Jacobi's conformal projection
4963Back to \ref triaxial.  Forward to \ref rhumb.  Up to \ref contents.
4966In addition to solving the geodesic problem for the triaxial ellipsoid,
4967Jacobi (1839) briefly mentions the problem of the conformal projection
4968of ellipsoid.  He covers this in greater detail in
4969<a href="https://books.google.com/books?id=ryEOAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA212">
4970<i>Vorlesungen &uuml;ber Dynamik</i>, &sect;28</a>, which is now
4971available in an <a href="https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/440645889">
4972English translation: Lectures on Dynamics</a>
4973(<a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/jacobi-errata.html">
4976\section jacobi-conformal Conformal projection
4978It is convenient to rotate Jacobi's ellipsoidal coordinate system so
4979that \f$(X,Y,Z)\f$ are respectively the middle, large, and small axes of
4980the ellipsoid.  The longitude \f$\omega\f$ is shifted so that
4981\f$(\beta=0,\omega=0)\f$ is the point \f$(b,0,0)\f$.  The coordinates
4982are thus defined by
4985  X &= b \cos\beta \cos\omega, \\
4986  Y &= a \sin\omega
4987      \frac{\sqrt{a^2 - b^2\sin^2\beta - c^2\cos^2\beta}}
4988           {\sqrt{a^2 - c^2}}, \\
4989  Z &= c \sin\beta
4990      \frac{\sqrt{a^2\cos^2\omega + b^2\sin^2\omega - c^2}}
4991           {\sqrt{a^2 - c^2}}.
4994After this change, the large principal ellipse is the equator,
4995\f$\beta=0\f$, while the small principal ellipse is the prime meridian,
4996\f$\omega=0\f$.  The four umbilic points, \f$\left|\omega\right| =
4997\left|\beta\right| = \frac12\pi\f$, lie on middle principal ellipse in
4998the plane \f$X=0\f$.
5000Jacobi gives the following conformal mapping of the triaxial ellipsoid
5001onto a plane
5004x &= \frac{\sqrt{a^2-c^2}}b  \int \frac
5005{\sqrt{a^2 \cos^2\omega + b^2 \sin^2\omega}}
5006{\sqrt{a^2 \cos^2\omega + b^2 \sin^2\omega - c^2}}\, d\omega, \\
5007y &= \frac{\sqrt{a^2-c^2}}b \int \frac
5008{\sqrt{b^2 \sin^2\beta + c^2 \cos^2\beta}}
5009{\sqrt{a^2 - b^2 \sin^2\beta - c^2 \cos^2\beta}}\, d\beta.
5012The scale of the projection is
5014k = \frac{\sqrt{a^2-c^2}}
5015{b\sqrt{a^2 \cos^2\omega + b^2 (\sin^2\omega-\sin^2\beta) - c^2 \cos^2\beta}}.
5017I have scaled the Jacobi's projection by a constant factor,
5021so that it reduces to the familiar formulas in the case of an oblate ellipsoid.
5023\section jacobi-elliptic The projection in terms of elliptic integrals
5025The projection may be expressed in terms of elliptic integrals,
5028x&=(1+e_a^2)\,\Pi(\omega',-e_a^2, \cos\nu),\\
5029y&=(1-e_c^2)\,\Pi(\beta' , e_c^2, \sin\nu),\\
5036e_a &= \frac{\sqrt{a^2-b^2}}b, \qquad
5037e_c = \frac{\sqrt{b^2-c^2}}b, \\
5038\tan\omega' &= \frac ba \tan\omega = \frac 1{\sqrt{1+e_a^2}} \tan\omega, \\
5039\tan\beta' &= \frac bc \tan\beta = \frac 1{\sqrt{1-e_c^2}} \tan\beta, \\
5040\tan\nu &= \frac ac \frac{\sqrt{b^2-c^2}}{\sqrt{a^2-b^2}}
5044\f$\nu\f$ is the geographic latitude of the umbilic point at \f$\beta =
5045\omega = \frac12\pi\f$ (the angle a normal at the umbilic point makes
5046with the equatorial plane), and \f$\Pi(\phi,\alpha^2,k)\f$ is the
5047elliptic integral of the third kind, https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.E7.  This
5048allows the projection to be numerically computed using
5049EllipticFunction::Pi(real phi) const.
5051Nyrtsov, et al.,
5052 - M. V. Nyrtsov, M. E. Flies, M. M. Borisov, P. J. Stooke,
5053   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-32618-9_17">
5054   Jacobi conformal projection of the triaxial ellipsoid: new projection
5055   for mapping of small celestial bodies,</a> in
5056   <i>Cartography from Pole to Pole</i>
5057   (Springer, 2014), pp. 235--246.
5058 .
5059also expressed the projection in terms of elliptic integrals.
5060However, their expressions don't allow the limits of ellipsoids of
5061revolution to be readily recovered.  The relations
5062https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.7.E5 can be used to put their results in the
5063form given here.
5065\section jacobi-properties Properties of the projection
5067\f$x\f$ (resp. \f$y\f$) depends on \f$\omega\f$ (resp. \f$\beta\f$)
5068alone, so that latitude-longitude grid maps to straight lines in the
5069projection.  In this sense, the Jacobi projection is the natural
5070generalization of the Mercator projection for the triaxial ellipsoid.
5071(See below for the limit \f$a\rightarrow b\f$, which makes this
5072connection explicit.)
5074In the general case (all the axes are different), the scale diverges
5075only at the umbilic points.  The behavior of these singularities is
5076illustrated by the complex function
5078f(z;e) = \cosh^{-1}(z/e) - \log(2/e).
5080For \f$e > 0\f$, this function has two square root singularities at
5081\f$\pm e\f$, corresponding to the two northern umbilic points.
5082Plotting contours of its real (resp. imaginary) part gives the
5083behavior of the lines of constant latitude (resp. longitude) near the
5084north pole in Fig. 1.  If we pass to the limit \f$e\rightarrow 0\f$,
5085then \f$ f(z;e)\rightarrow\log z\f$, and the two branch points merge
5086yielding a stronger (logarithmic) singularity at \f$z = 0\f$,
5087concentric circles of latitude, and radial lines of longitude.
5089Again in the general case, the extents of \f$x\f$ and \f$y\f$ are
5093x\bigl(\tfrac12\pi\bigr) &=(1+e_a^2)\,\Pi(-e_a^2, \cos\nu),\\
5094y\bigl(\tfrac12\pi\bigr) &=(1-e_c^2)\,\Pi(e_c^2, \sin\nu),
5097where \f$\Pi(\alpha^2,k)\f$ is the complete elliptic integral of the
5098third kind, https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.E8.
5100In particular, if we substitute values appropriate for the earth,
5103a&=(6378137+35)\,\mathrm m,\\
5104b&=(6378137-35)\,\mathrm m,\\
5105c&=6356752\,\mathrm m,\\
5108we have
5111x\bigl({\textstyle\frac12}\pi\bigr) &= 1.5720928 = \hphantom{0}90.07428^\circ,\\
5112y\bigl({\textstyle\frac12}\pi\bigr) &= 4.2465810 = 243.31117^\circ.\\
5116The projection may be inverted (to give \f$\omega\f$ in terms of \f$x\f$
5117and \f$\beta\f$ in terms of \f$y\f$) by using Newton's method to find
5118the root of, for example, \f$x(\omega) - x_0 = 0\f$.  The derivative of
5119the elliptic integral is, of course, just given by its defining
5122If rhumb lines are defined as curves with a constant bearing relative
5123to the ellipsoid coordinates, then these are straight lines in the
5124Jacobi projection.  A rhumb line which passes over an umbilic point
5125immediately retraces its path.  A rhumb line which crosses the line
5126joining the two northerly umbilic points starts traveling south with
5127a reversed heading (e.g., a NE heading becomes a SW heading).  This
5128behavior is preserved in the limit \f$a\rightarrow b\f$ (although the
5129longitude becomes indeterminate in this limit).
5131\section jacobi-limiting Limiting cases
5133<b>Oblate ellipsoid</b>, \f$a\rightarrow b\f$.  The coordinate system
5137  X &= b \cos\beta \cos\omega, \\
5138  Y &= b \cos\beta \sin\omega, \\
5139  Z &= c \sin\beta.
5142Thus \f$\beta\f$ (resp. \f$\beta'\f$) is the parametric
5143(resp. geographic) latitude and \f$\omega=\omega'\f$ is the longitude;
5144the quantity \f$e_c\f$ is the eccentricity of the ellipsoid.
5145Using https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.6.E12 and https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.E19
5146the projection reduces to the normal Mercator projection for an oblate
5150x &= \omega,\\
5151y &= \sinh^{-1}\tan\beta'
5152- e_c \tanh^{-1}(e_c\sin\beta'),\\
5153k &= \frac1{b\cos\beta}.
5157<b>Prolate ellipsoid</b>, \f$c\rightarrow b\f$. The coordinate system
5161  X &= b \cos\omega \cos\beta, \\
5162  Y &= a \sin\omega, \\
5163  Z &= b \cos\omega \sin\beta.
5166Thus \f$\omega\f$ (resp. \f$\omega'\f$) now plays the role of the
5167parametric (resp. geographic) latitude and while \f$\beta=\beta'\f$ is
5168the longitude.  Using https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.6.E12
5169https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.E19 and https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.E18 the
5170projection reduces to similar expressions with the roles of \f$\beta\f$
5171and \f$\omega\f$ switched,
5174x &= \sinh^{-1}\tan\omega'
5175+ e_a
5176  \tan^{-1}(e_a\sin\omega'),\\
5177y &= \beta,\\
5178k &= \frac1{b\cos\omega}.
5182<b>Sphere</b>, \f$a\rightarrow b\f$ and \f$c\rightarrow b\f$.  This is a
5183non-uniform limit depending on the parameter \f$\nu\f$,
5186  X &= b \cos\omega \cos\beta, \\
5187  Y &= b \sin\omega \sqrt{1 - \sin^2\nu\sin^2\beta}, \\
5188  Z &= b \sin\beta \sqrt{1 - \cos^2\nu\sin^2\omega}.
5191Using https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.6.E13 the projection can be put in terms
5192of the elliptic integral of the first kind, https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.E4
5195x &= F(\omega, \cos\nu), \\
5196y &= F(\beta, \sin\nu), \\
5197k &= \frac1{b \sqrt{\cos^2\nu\cos^2\omega + \sin^2\nu\cos^2\beta}},
5200Obtaining the limit of a sphere via an oblate (resp. prolate) ellipsoid
5201corresponds to setting \f$\nu = \frac12\pi\f$ (resp. \f$\nu
5202=0\f$).  In these limits, the elliptic integral reduces to elementary
5203functions https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.6.E7 and https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.6.E8
5206F(\phi, 0) &= \phi, \\
5207F(\phi, 1) &= \mathop{\mathrm{gd}}\nolimits^{-1}\phi = \sinh^{-1}\tan\phi.
5210The spherical limit gives the projection found by &Eacute;. Guyou in
5211 - <a href="https://books.google.com/books?id=saBDAQAAIAAJ&pg=PA308">
5212   Sur un nouveau syst&egrave;me de projection de la sph&egrave;re</a>,
5213   Comptes Rendus 102(6), 308--310 (1886).
5214 - <a href="https://books.google.com/books?id=VjU8AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA16">
5215   Nouveau syst&egrave;me de projection de la sph&egrave;re:
5216   g&eacute;n&eacute;ralisation de la projection de Mercator</a>,
5217   Annales Hydrographiques (2nd series) 9, 16--35 (1887).
5218 .
5219who apparently derived it without realizing that it is just a special
5220case of the projection Jacobi had given some 40 years earlier.  Guyou's
5221name is usually associated with the particular choice,
5222\f$\nu=\frac14\pi\f$, in which case the hemisphere
5223\f$\left|\omega\right|\le\frac12\pi\f$ is mapped into a square.
5224However, by varying \f$\nu\in[0,\frac12\pi]\f$ the hemisphere can be
5225mapped into a rectangle with any aspect ratio, \f$K(\cos\nu) :
5226K(\sin\nu)\f$, where \f$K(k)\f$ is the complete elliptic integral of
5227the first find, https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.E8.
5229\section jacobi-sphere Conformal mapping of an ellipsoid to a sphere
5231An essential tool in deriving conformal projections of an ellipsoid of
5232revolution is the conformal mapping of the ellipsoid onto a sphere.
5233This allows conformal projections of the sphere to be generalized to the
5234case of an ellipsoid of revolution.  This conformal mapping is obtained
5235by using the ellipsoidal Mercator projection to map the ellipsoid to
5236the plane and then using the spherical Mercator projection to map the
5237plane onto the sphere.
5239A similar construction is possible for a triaxial ellipsoid.  Map each
5240octant of the ellipsoid onto a rectangle using the Jacobi projection.
5241The aspect ratio of this rectangle is
5243(1+e_a^2)\,\Pi(-e_a^2, \cos\nu) :
5244(1-e_c^2)\,\Pi( e_c^2, \sin\nu).
5246Find the value of \f$\nu'\f$ such that this ratio equals
5248K(\cos\nu') : K(\sin\nu').
5250Map the rectangle onto the equivalent octant of the sphere using Guyou's
5251projection with parameter \f$\nu = \nu'\f$.  This reduces to the
5252standard construction in the limit of an ellipsoid of revolution.
5254\section jacobi-implementation An implementation of the projection
5256The JacobiConformal class provides an implementation of the Jacobi
5257conformal projection is given here.  <b>NOTE:</b> This is just sample
5258code.  It is not part of GeographicLib itself.
5261Back to \ref triaxial.  Forward to \ref rhumb.  Up to \ref contents.
5266\page rhumb Rhumb lines
5269Back to \ref jacobi.  Forward to \ref greatellipse.  Up to \ref contents.
5272The Rhumb and RhumbLine classes together with the
5273<a href="RhumbSolve.1.html">RhumbSolve</a> utility perform rhumb line
5274calculations.  A rhumb line (also called a loxodrome) is a line of
5275constant azimuth on the surface of the ellipsoid.  It is important for
5276historical reasons because sailing with a constant compass heading is
5277simpler than sailing the shorter geodesic course; see Osborne (2013).
5278The formulation of the problem on an ellipsoid is covered by Smart
5279(1946) and Carlton-Wippern (1992).  Computational approaches are given
5280by Williams (1950) and Bennett (1996).  My interest in this problem was
5281piqued by Botnev and Ustinov (2014) who discuss various techniques to
5282improve the accuracy of rhumb line calculations.  The items of interest
5283here are:
5284 - Review of accurate formulas for the auxiliary latitudes.
5285 - The calculation of the area under a rhumb line.
5286 - Using divided differences to compute \f$\mu_{12}/\psi_{12}\f$
5287   maintaining full accuracy.  Two cases are treated:
5288   - If \f$f\f$ is small, Kr&uuml;ger's series for the transverse
5289     Mercator projection relate \f$\chi\f$ and \f$\mu\f$.
5290   - For arbitrary \f$f\f$, the divided difference formula for
5291     incomplete elliptic integrals of the second relates \f$\beta\f$ and
5292     \f$\mu\f$.
5293   .
5294 - Extending Clenshaw summation to compute the divided difference of a
5295   trigonometric sum.
5297Go to
5298 - \ref rhumbform
5299 - \ref rhumblat
5300 - \ref rhumbarea
5301 - \ref divideddiffs
5302 - \ref dividedclenshaw
5305 - G. G. Bennett,
5306   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1017/S0373463300013151">
5307   Practical Rhumb Line Calculations on the Spheroid</a>
5308   J. Navigation 49(1), 112--119 (1996).
5309 - F. W. Bessel,
5310   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/asna.201011352">The calculation
5311   of longitude and latitude from geodesic measurements (1825)</a>,
5312   Astron. Nachr. 331(8), 852--861 (2010);
5313   translated by C. F. F. Karney and R. E. Deakin; preprint:
5314   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/0908.1824">arXiv:0908.1824</a>.
5315 - V.A. Botnev, S.M. Ustinov,
5316   <a href="http://ntv.spbstu.ru/fulltext/T3.198.2014_05.PDF">
5317   Metody resheniya pryamoy i obratnoy geodezicheskikh zadach s vysokoy
5318   tochnost'yu
5319   </a> (Methods for direct and inverse geodesic problems
5320   solving with high precision), St. Petersburg State Polytechnical
5321   University Journal 3(198), 49--58 (2014).
5322 - K. C. Carlton-Wippern
5323   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1017/S0373463300010791">
5324   On Loxodromic Navigation</a>,
5325   J. Navigation 45(2), 292--297 (1992).
5326 - K. E. Engsager and K. Poder,
5327   <a href="http://icaci.org/files/documents/ICC_proceedings/ICC2007/documents/doc/THEME 2/oral 1/2.1.2 A HIGHLY ACCURATE WORLD WIDE ALGORITHM FOR THE TRANSVE.doc">
5328   A highly accurate world wide algorithm for the
5329   transverse Mercator mapping (almost)</a>,
5330   Proc. XXIII Intl. Cartographic Conf. (ICC2007), Moscow (2007).
5331 - F. R. Helmert,
5332   <a href="https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32050">
5333   Mathematical and Physical Theories of Higher Geodesy, Part 1 (1880)</a>,
5334   Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (St. Louis, 1964),
5335   Chaps. 5--7.
5336 - W. M. Kahan and R. J. Fateman,
5337   <a href="https://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/papers/divdiff.pdf">
5338   Symbolic computation of divided differences</a>,
5339   SIGSAM Bull. 33(3), 7--28 (1999)
5340   DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1145/334714.334716">
5341   10.1145/334714.334716</a>.
5342 - C. F. F. Karney,
5343   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-011-0445-3">
5344   Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers</a>,
5345   J. Geodesy 85(8), 475--485 (Aug. 2011);
5346   addenda: <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm-addenda.html">
5347   tm-addenda.html</a>;
5348   preprint:
5349   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1417"> arXiv:1002.1417</a>;
5350   resource page:
5351   <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm.html"> tm.html</a>.
5352 - C. F. F. Karney,
5353   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z">
5354   Algorithms for geodesics</a>,
5355   J. Geodesy 87(1), 43--55 (2013);
5356   DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z">
5357   10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z</a>;
5358   addenda: <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod-addenda.html">
5359   geod-addenda.html</a>;
5360   resource page:
5361   <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod.html"> geod.html</a>.
5362 - L. Kr&uuml;ger,
5363   <a href="https://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.b103-krueger28"> Konforme
5364   Abbildung des Erdellipsoids in der Ebene</a> (Conformal mapping of
5365   the ellipsoidal earth to the plane), Royal Prussian Geodetic Institute,
5366   New Series 52, 172 pp. (1912).
5367 - P. Osborne,
5368   <a href="https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.35392">
5369   The Mercator Projections</a> (2013), &sect;2.5 and &sect;6.5;
5370   DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.35392">
5371   10.5281/zenodo.35392</a>.
5372 - W. M. Smart
5373   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/106.2.124">
5374   On a Problem in Navigation</a>
5375   MNRAS 106(2), 124--127 (1946).
5376 - J. E. D. Williams
5377   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1017/S0373463300045549">
5378   Loxodromic Distances on the Terrestrial Spheroid Journal</a>,
5379   J. Navigation 3(2), 133--140 (1950)
5381\section rhumbform Formulation of the rhumb line problem
5383The rhumb line can formulated in terms of three types of latitude, the
5384isometric latitude \f$\psi\f$ (this serves to define the course of rhumb
5385lines), the rectifying latitude \f$\mu\f$ (needed for computing
5386distances along rhumb lines), and the parametric latitude \f$\beta\f$
5387(needed for dealing with rhumb lines that run along a parallel).  These
5388are defined in terms of the geographical latitude \f$\phi\f$ by
5391 \frac{d\psi}{d\phi} &= \frac{\rho}R, \\
5392 \frac{d\mu}{d\phi}  &= \frac{\pi}{2M}\rho, \\
5395where \f$\rho\f$ is the meridional radius of curvature, \f$R =
5396a\cos\beta\f$ is the radius of a circle of latitude, and \f$M\f$ is the
5397length of a quarter meridian (from the equator to the pole).
5399Rhumb lines are straight in the Mercator projection, which maps a point
5400with geographical coordinates \f$ (\phi,\lambda) \f$ on the ellipsoid to
5401a point \f$ (\psi,\lambda) \f$.  The azimuth \f$\alpha_{12}\f$ of a
5402rhumb line from \f$ (\phi_1,\lambda_1) \f$ to \f$ (\phi_2,\lambda_2) \f$
5403is thus given by
5405\tan\alpha_{12} = \frac{\lambda_{12}}{\psi_{12}},
5407where the quadrant of \f$\alpha_{12}\f$ is determined by the signs of
5408the numerator and denominator of the right-hand side, \f$\lambda_{12} =
5409\lambda_2 - \lambda_1\f$, \f$\psi_{12} = \psi_2 - \psi_1\f$, and,
5410typically, \f$\lambda_{12}\f$ is reduced to the range \f$[-\pi,\pi]\f$
5411(thus giving the course of the <i>shortest</i> rhumb line).
5413The distance is given by
5416s_{12} &= \frac {2M}{\pi} \mu_{12} \sec\alpha_{12} \\
5417  &= \frac {2M}{\pi}
5418\frac{\mu_{12}}{\psi_{12}} \sqrt{\lambda_{12}^2 + \psi_{12}^2},
5421where \f$\mu_{12} = \mu_2 - \mu_1\f$.  This relation is indeterminate if
5422\f$\phi_1 = \phi_2\f$, so we take the limits
5423\f$\psi_{12}\rightarrow0\f$ and \f$\mu_{12}\rightarrow0\f$ and apply
5424L'H&ocirc;pital's rule to yield
5427 s_{12} &= \frac {2M}{\pi} \frac{d\mu}{d\psi} \left|\lambda_{12}\right|\\
5428&=a \cos\beta \left|\lambda_{12}\right|,
5431where the last relation is given by the defining equations for
5432\f$\psi\f$ and \f$\mu\f$.
5434This provides a complete solution for rhumb lines.  This formulation
5435entirely encapsulates the ellipsoidal shape of the earth via the
5436\ref auxlat; thus in the Rhumb class, the ellipsoidal
5437generalization is handled by the Ellipsoid class where the auxiliary
5438latitudes are defined.
5440\section rhumblat Determining the auxiliary latitudes
5442Here we brief develop the necessary formulas for the \ref auxlat.
5444<b>Isometric latitude:</b> The equation for \f$\psi\f$ can be integrated
5445to give
5447\psi = \sinh^{-1}\tan\phi - e\tanh^{-1}(e \sin\phi),
5449where \f$e = \sqrt{f(2-f)}\f$ is the eccentricity of the ellipsoid.  To
5450invert this equation (to give \f$\phi\f$ in terms of \f$\psi\f$), it is
5451convenient to introduce the variables \f$\tau=\tan\phi\f$ and \f$\tau' =
5452\tan\chi = \sinh\psi\f$ (\f$\chi\f$ is the conformal latitude) which are
5453related by (Karney, 2011)
5456\tau' &= \tau \sqrt{1 + \sigma^2} - \sigma \sqrt{1 + \tau^2}, \\
5457\sigma &= \sinh\bigl(e \tanh^{-1}(e \tau/\sqrt{1 + \tau^2}) \bigr).
5460The equation for \f$\tau'\f$ can be inverted to give \f$\tau\f$ in terms
5461of \f$\tau'\f$ using Newton's method with \f$\tau_0 = \tau'/(1-e^2)\f$
5462as a starting guess; and, of course, \f$\phi\f$ and \f$\psi\f$ are then
5463given by
5466\phi &= \tan^{-1}\tau,\\
5467\psi &= \sinh^{-1}\tau'.
5470This allows conversions to and from \f$\psi\f$ to be carried out for any
5471value of the flattening \f$f\f$; these conversions are implemented by
5472Ellipsoid::IsometricLatitude and Ellipsoid::InverseIsometricLatitude.
5473(For prolate ellipsoids, \f$f\f$ is negative and \f$e\f$ is imaginary,
5474and the equation for \f$\sigma\f$ needs to be recast in terms of the
5475tangent function.)
5477For small values of \f$f\f$, Engsager and Poder (2007) express
5478\f$\chi\f$ as a trigonometric series in \f$\phi\f$.  This series can be
5479reverted to give a series for \f$\phi\f$ in terms of \f$\chi\f$.  Both
5480series can be efficiently evaluated using Clenshaw summation and this
5481provides a fast non-iterative way of making the conversions.
5483<b>Parametric latitude:</b> This is given by
5485\tan\beta = (1-f)\tan\phi,
5487which allows rapid and accurate conversions; these conversions are
5488implemented by Ellipsoid::ParametricLatitude and
5491<b>Rectifying latitude:</b> Solving for distances on the meridian is
5492naturally carried out in terms of the parametric latitude instead of the
5493geographical latitude.  This leads to a simpler elliptic integral which
5494is easier to evaluate and to invert.  Helmert (1880, &sect;5.11) notes
5495that the series for meridian distance in terms of \f$\beta\f$ converge
5496faster than the corresponding ones in terms of \f$\phi\f$.
5498In terms of \f$\beta\f$, the rectifying latitude  is given by
5500\mu = \frac{\pi}{2E(ie')} E(\beta,ie'),
5502where \f$e'=e/\sqrt{1-e^2}\f$ is the second eccentricity and \f$E(k)\f$
5503and \f$E(\phi,k)\f$ are the complete and incomplete elliptic integrals
5504of the second kind; see https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.2.ii.  These can be
5505evaluated accurately for arbitrary flattening using the method given in
5506https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.36.i.  To find \f$\beta\f$ in terms of
5507\f$\mu\f$, Newton's method can be used (noting that \f$dE(\phi,k)/d\phi
5508= \sqrt{1 - k^2\sin^2\phi}\f$); for a starting guess use \f$\beta_0 =
5509\mu\f$ (or use the first terms in the reverted series; see below).
5510These conversions are implemented by Ellipsoid::RectifyingLatitude and
5513If the flattening is small, \f$\mu\f$ can be expressed as a series in
5514various ways.  The most economical series is in terms of the third
5515flattening \f$ n = f/(2-f)\f$ and was found by Bessel (1825); see
5516Eq. 5.5.7 of Helmert (1880).  Helmert (1880, Eq. 5.6.8) also gives the
5517reverted series (finding \f$\beta\f$ given \f$\mu\f$).  These series are
5518used by the Geodesic class where the coefficients are \f$C_{1j}\f$ and
5519\f$C_{1j}'\f$; see Eqs. (18) and (21) of Karney (2013) and \ref
5520geodseries.  (Make the replacements, \f$\sigma\rightarrow\beta\f$,
5521\f$\tau\rightarrow\mu\f$, \f$\epsilon\rightarrow n\f$, to convert the
5522notation of the geodesic problem to the problem at hand.)  The series
5523are evaluated by Clenshaw summation.
5525These relations allow inter-conversions between the various latitudes
5526\f$\phi\f$, \f$\psi\f$, \f$\chi\f$, \f$\beta\f$, \f$\mu\f$ to be carried
5527out simply and accurately.  The approaches using series apply only if
5528\f$f\f$ is small.  The others apply for arbitrary values of \f$f\f$.
5530\section rhumbarea The area under a rhumb line
5532The area between a rhumb line and the equator is given by
5534S_{12} = \int_{\lambda_1}^{\lambda_2} c^2 \sin\xi \,d\lambda,
5536where \f$c\f$ is the authalic radius and \f$\xi\f$ is the authalic
5537latitude.  Express \f$\sin\xi\f$ in terms of the conformal latitude
5538\f$\chi\f$ and expand as a series in the third flattening \f$n\f$.  This
5539can be expressed in terms of powers of \f$\sin\chi\f$.  Substitute
5540\f$\sin\chi=\tanh\psi\f$, where \f$\psi\f$ is the isometric latitude.
5541For a rhumb line we have
5544\psi &= m(\lambda-\lambda_0),\\
5545m &= \frac{\psi_2 - \psi_1}{\lambda_2 - \lambda_1}.
5548Performing the integral over \f$\lambda\f$ gives
5550S_{12} = c^2 \lambda_{12} \left<\sin\xi\right>_{12},
5552where \f$\left<\sin\xi\right>_{12}\f$ is the mean value of \f$\sin\xi\f$
5553given by
5556\left<\sin\xi\right>_{12} &= \frac{S(\chi_2) - S(\chi_1)}{\psi_2 - \psi_1},\\
5557S(\chi) &= \log\sec\chi + \sum_{l=1} R_l\cos(2l\chi),
5560\f$\log\f$ is the natural logarithm, and \f$R_l = O(n^l)\f$ is given as
5561a series in \f$n\f$ below.  In the spherical limit, the sum vanishes.
5563Note the simple way that longitude enters into the expression for the
5564area.  In the limit \f$\chi_2 \rightarrow \chi_1\f$, we can apply
5565l'H&ocirc;pital's rule
5568\rightarrow \frac{dS(\chi_1)/d\chi_1}{\sec\chi_1}
5571as expected.
5573In order to maintain accuracy, particularly for rhumb lines which nearly
5574follow a parallel, evaluate \f$\left<\sin\xi\right>_{12}\f$ using
5575divided differences (see the \ref divideddiffs "next section") and use
5576Clenshaw summation to evaluate the sum (see the \ref dividedclenshaw
5577"last section").
5579Here is the series expansion accurate to 10th order, found by the Maxima
5580script <a href="rhumbarea.mac">rhumbarea.mac</a>:
5583R[1] = - 1/3 * n
5584       + 22/45 * n^2
5585       - 356/945 * n^3
5586       + 1772/14175 * n^4
5587       + 41662/467775 * n^5
5588       - 114456994/638512875 * n^6
5589       + 258618446/1915538625 * n^7
5590       - 1053168268/37574026875 * n^8
5591       - 9127715873002/194896477400625 * n^9
5592       + 33380126058386/656284056553125 * n^10;
5593R[2] = - 2/15 * n^2
5594       + 106/315 * n^3
5595       - 1747/4725 * n^4
5596       + 18118/155925 * n^5
5597       + 51304574/212837625 * n^6
5598       - 248174686/638512875 * n^7
5599       + 2800191349/14801889375 * n^8
5600       + 10890707749202/64965492466875 * n^9
5601       - 3594078400868794/10719306257034375 * n^10;
5602R[3] = - 31/315 * n^3
5603       + 104/315 * n^4
5604       - 23011/51975 * n^5
5605       + 1554472/14189175 * n^6
5606       + 114450437/212837625 * n^7
5607       - 8934064508/10854718875 * n^8
5608       + 4913033737121/21655164155625 * n^9
5609       + 591251098891888/714620417135625 * n^10;
5610R[4] = - 41/420 * n^4
5611       + 274/693 * n^5
5612       - 1228489/2027025 * n^6
5613       + 3861434/42567525 * n^7
5614       + 1788295991/1550674125 * n^8
5615       - 215233237178/123743795175 * n^9
5616       + 95577582133463/714620417135625 * n^10;
5617R[5] = - 668/5775 * n^5
5618       + 1092376/2027025 * n^6
5619       - 3966679/4343625 * n^7
5620       + 359094172/10854718875 * n^8
5621       + 7597613999411/3093594879375 * n^9
5622       - 378396252233936/102088631019375 * n^10;
5623R[6] = - 313076/2027025 * n^6
5624       + 4892722/6081075 * n^7
5625       - 1234918799/834978375 * n^8
5626       - 74958999806/618718975875 * n^9
5627       + 48696857431916/9280784638125 * n^10;
5628R[7] = - 3189007/14189175 * n^7
5629       + 930092876/723647925 * n^8
5630       - 522477774212/206239658625 * n^9
5631       - 2163049830386/4331032831125 * n^10;
5632R[8] = - 673429061/1929727800 * n^8
5633       + 16523158892/7638505875 * n^9
5634       - 85076917909/18749059875 * n^10;
5635R[9] = - 39191022457/68746552875 * n^9
5636       + 260863656866/68746552875 * n^10;
5637R[10] = - 22228737368/22915517625 * n^10;
5640\section divideddiffs Use of divided differences
5642Despite our ability to compute latitudes accurately, the way that
5643distances enter into the solution involves the ratio
5644\f$\mu_{12}/\psi_{12}\f$; the numerical calculation of this term is
5645subject to catastrophic round-off errors when \f$\phi_1\f$ and
5646\f$\phi_2\f$ are close.  A simple solution, suggested by Bennett (1996),
5647is to extend the treatment of rhumb lines along parallels to this case,
5648i.e., to replace the ratio by the derivative evaluated at the midpoint.
5649However this is not entirely satisfactory: you have to pick the
5650transition point where the derivative takes over from the ratio of
5651differences; and, near this transition point, many bits of accuracy will
5652be lost (I estimate that about 1/3 of bits are lost, leading to errors
5653on the order of 0.1&nbsp;mm for double precision).  Note too that this
5654problem crops up even in the spherical limit.
5656It turns out that we can do substantially better than this and maintain
5657full double precision accuracy.  Indeed Botnev and Ustinov provide
5658formulas which allow \f$\mu_{12}/\psi_{12}\f$ to be computed accurately
5659(but the formula for \f$\mu_{12}\f$ applies only for small flattening).
5661Here I give a more systematic treatment using the algebra of <i>divided
5662differences</i>.  Many readers will be already using this technique,
5663e.g., when writing, for example,
5665  \frac{\sin(2x) - \sin(2y)}{x-y} = 2\frac{\sin(x-y)}{x-y}\cos(x+y).
5667However, Kahan and Fateman (1999) provide an extensive set of rules
5668which allow the technique to be applied to a wide range of problems.
5669(The classes LambertConformalConic and AlbersEqualArea use this
5670technique to improve the accuracy.)
5672To illustrate the technique, consider the relation between \f$\psi\f$
5673and \f$\chi\f$,
5675  \psi = \sinh^{-1}\tan\chi.
5677The divided difference operator is defined by
5679 \Delta[f](x,y) =
5681df(x)/dx, & \text{if $x=y$,} \\
5682\displaystyle\frac{f(x)-f(y)}{x-y}, & \text{otherwise.}
5685Many of the rules for differentiation apply to divided differences; in
5686particular, we can use the chain rule to write
5688\frac{\psi_1 - \psi_2}{\chi_1 - \chi_2}
5689= \Delta[\sinh^{-1}](\tan\chi_1,\tan\chi_2) \times
5690  \Delta[\tan](\chi_1,\chi_2).
5693Kahan and Fateman catalog the divided difference formulas for all the
5694elementary functions.  In this case, we need
5697\Delta[\tan](x,y) &= \frac{\tan(x-y)}{x-y} (1 + \tan x\tan y),\\
5698\Delta[\sinh^{-1}](x,y) &= \frac1{x-y}
5702The crucial point in these formulas is that the right hand sides can be
5703evaluated accurately even if \f$x-y\f$ is small.  (I've only included
5704the basic results here; Kahan and Fateman supplement these with the
5705derivatives if \f$x-y\f$ vanishes or the direct ratios if \f$x-y\f$ is
5706not small.)
5708To complete the computation of \f$\mu_{12}/\psi_{12}\f$, we now need
5709\f$(\mu_1 - \mu_2)/(\chi_1 - \chi_2)\f$, i.e., we need the divided
5710difference of the function that converts the conformal latitude to
5711rectifying latitude.  We could go through the chain of relations between
5712these quantities.  However, we can take a short cut and recognize that
5713this function was given as a trigonometric series by Kr&uuml;ger (1912)
5714in his development of the transverse Mercator projection.  This is also
5715given by Eqs. (5) and (35) of Karney (2011) with the replacements
5716\f$\zeta \rightarrow \mu\f$ and \f$\zeta' \rightarrow \chi\f$.  The
5717coefficients appearing in this series and the reverted series Eqs. (6)
5718and (36) are already computed by the TransverseMercator class.  The
5719series can be readily converted to divided difference form (see the
5720example at the beginning of this section) and Clenshaw summation can be
5721used to evaluate it (see below).
5723The approach of using the series for the transverse Mercator projection
5724limits the applicability of the method to \f$\left|f\right|\lt 0.01\f$.
5725If we want to extend the method to arbitrary flattening we need to
5726compute \f$\Delta[E](x,y;k)\f$.  The necessary relation is the "addition
5727theorem" for the incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind given
5728in https://dlmf.nist.gov/19.11.E2.  This can be converted in the
5729following divided difference formula
5733\sqrt{1 - k^2\sin^2x}, & \text{if $x=y$,} \\
5734\displaystyle \frac{E(x,k)-E(y,k)}{x-y}, & \text{if $xy \le0$,}\\
5736\biggl(\frac{E(z,k)}{\sin z} - k^2 \sin x \sin y\biggr)\frac{\sin z}{x-y},
5740where the angle \f$z\f$ is given by
5743\sin z &= \frac{2t}{1 + t^2},\quad\cos z = \frac{(1-t)(1+t)}{1 + t^2},\\
5744t &=
5746{\sin x\sqrt{1 - k^2\sin^2y} + \sin y\sqrt{1 - k^2\sin^2x}}
5747\frac{\sin x + \sin y}{\cos x + \cos y}.
5750We also need to apply the divided difference formulas to the conversions
5751from \f$\phi\f$ to \f$\beta\f$ and \f$\phi\f$ to \f$\psi\f$; but these
5752all involve elementary functions and the techniques given in Kahan and
5753Fateman can be used.
5755The end result is that the Rhumb class allows the computation of all
5756rhumb lines for any flattening with full double precision accuracy (the
5757maximum error is about 10 nanometers).  I've kept the implementation
5758simple, which results in rather a lot of repeated evaluations of
5759quantities.  However, in this case, the need for clarity trumps the
5760desire for speed.
5762\section dividedclenshaw Clenshaw evaluation of differenced sums
5764The use of
5765<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clenshaw_algorithm#Meridian_arc_length_on_the_ellipsoid">
5766Clenshaw summation</a> for summing series of the form,
5768g(x) = \sum_{k=1}^N c_k \sin kx,
5770is well established.  However when computing divided differences, we are
5771interested in evaluating
5773g(x)-g(y) = \sum_{k=1}^N 2 c_k
5777Clenshaw summation can be used in this case if we simultaneously compute
5778\f$g(x)+g(y)\f$ and perform a matrix summation,
5780\mathsf G(x,y) = \begin{bmatrix}
5781(g(x) + g(y)) / 2\\
5782(g(x) - g(y)) / (x - y)
5783\end{bmatrix} = \sum_{k=1}^N c_k \mathsf F_k(x,y),
5787\mathsf F_k(x,y)=
5789     \cos kd \sin kp\\
5790     {\displaystyle\frac{\sin kd}d} \cos kp
5793\f$d=\frac12(x-y)\f$, \f$p=\frac12(x+y)\f$, and, in the limit
5794\f$d\rightarrow0\f$, \f$(\sin kd)/d \rightarrow k\f$.  The first element
5795of \f$\mathsf G(x,y)\f$ is the average value of \f$g\f$ and the second
5796element, the divided difference, is the average slope.  \f$\mathsf
5797F_k(x,y)\f$ satisfies the recurrence relation
5799  \mathsf F_{k+1}(x,y) =
5800  \mathsf A(x,y) \mathsf F_k(x,y) - \mathsf F_{k-1}(x,y),
5804 \mathsf A(x,y) = 2\begin{bmatrix}
5805  \cos d \cos p & -d\sin d \sin p \\
5806- {\displaystyle\frac{\sin d}d} \sin p &   \cos d \cos p
5809and \f$\lim_{d\rightarrow0}(\sin d)/d = 1\f$.  The standard Clenshaw
5810algorithm can now be applied to yield
5813\mathsf B_{N+1} &= \mathsf B_{N+2} = \mathsf 0, \\
5814\mathsf B_k &= \mathsf A \mathsf B_{k+1} - \mathsf B_{k+2} +
5815c_k \mathsf I, \qquad\text{for $N\ge k \ge 1$},\\
5816\mathsf G(x,y) &= \mathsf B_1 \mathsf F_1(x,y),
5819where \f$\mathsf B_k\f$ are \f$2\times2\f$ matrices.  The divided
5820difference \f$\Delta[g](x,y)\f$ is given by the second element of
5821\f$\mathsf G(x,y)\f$.
5823The same basic recursion applies to the more general case,
5825g(x) = \sum_{k=0}^N c_k \sin\bigl( (k+k_0)x + x_0\bigr).
5827For example, the sum area arising in the computation of geodesic areas,
5829\sum_{k=0}^N c_k\cos\bigl((2k+1)\sigma)
5831is given by \f$x=2\sigma\f$, \f$x_0=\frac12\pi\f$, \f$k_0=\frac12\f$.
5832Again we consider the matrix sum,
5834\mathsf G(x,y) = \begin{bmatrix}
5835(g(x) + g(y)) / 2\\
5836(g(x) - g(y)) / (x - y)
5837\end{bmatrix} = \sum_{k=0}^N c_k \mathsf F_k(x,y),
5841\mathsf F_k(x,y)=
5843     \cos\bigl( (k+k_0)d \bigr) \sin \bigl( (k+k_0)p + x_0 \bigr)\\
5844     {\displaystyle\frac{\sin\bigl( (k+k_0)d \bigr)}d}
5845     \cos \bigl( (k+k_0)p + x_0 \bigr)
5848The recursion for \f$\mathsf B_k\f$ is identical to the previous case;
5849in particular, the expression for \f$\mathsf A(x,y)\f$ remains
5850unchanged.  The result for the sum is
5852\mathsf G(x,y) =
5853  (c_0\mathsf I - \mathsf B_2) \mathsf F_0(x,y)
5854  + \mathsf B_1 \mathsf F_1(x,y).
5858Back to \ref jacobi.  Forward to \ref greatellipse.  Up to \ref contents.
5863\page greatellipse Great Ellipses
5866Back to \ref rhumb.  Forward to \ref transversemercator.  Up to \ref contents.
5869Great ellipses are sometimes proposed (Williams, 1996; Pallikaris &
5870Latsas, 2009) as alternatives to geodesics for the purposes of
5871navigation.  This is predicated on the assumption that solving the
5872geodesic problems is complex and costly.  These assumptions are no
5873longer true, and geodesics should normally be used in place of great
5874ellipses.  This is discussed in more detail in \ref gevsgeodesic.
5876Solutions of the great ellipse problems implemented for MATLAB and
5877Octave are provided by
5878 - gedoc: briefly describe the routines
5879 - gereckon: solve the direct great ellipse problem
5880 - gedistance: solve the inverse great ellipse problem
5881 .
5882At this time, there is C++ support in GeographicLib for great
5886 - P. D. Thomas,
5887   <a href="https://apps.dtic.mil/docs/citations/AD0627893">
5888   Mathematical Models for Navigation Systems</a>,
5889   TR-182 (U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, 1965).
5890 - B. R. Bowring,
5891   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02521760">
5892   The direct and inverse solutions for the great elliptic line on the
5893   reference ellipsoid</a>, Bull. Geod. 58, 101--108 (1984).
5894 - M. A. Earle,
5895   A vector solution for navigation on a great ellipse,
5896   J. Navigation 53(3), 473--481 (2000).
5897 - M. A. Earle,
5898   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1017/S037346330800475X">
5899   Vector solutions for azimuth</a>,
5900   J. Navigation 61(3), 537--545 (2008).
5901 - C. F. F. Karney,
5902   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z">
5903   Algorithms for geodesics</a>, J. Geodesy 87(1), 43--55 (2013);
5904   addenda: <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/geod-addenda.html">
5905   geod-addenda.html</a>.
5906 - A. Pallikaris & G. Latsas,
5907   <a href="https://doi.org/1017/S0373463309005323">
5908   New algorithm for great elliptic sailing (GES)</a>,
5909   J. Navigation 62(3), 493--507 (2009).
5910 - A. Pallikaris, L. Tsoulos, & D. Paradissis,
5911   New meridian arc formulas for sailing calculations in navigational
5912   GIS, International Hydrographic Review, 24--34 (May 2009).
5913 - L. E. Sj&ouml;berg,
5914   <a href="https://doi.org/10.2478/v10156-011-0040-9">
5915   Solutions to the direct and inverse navigation problems on the great
5916   ellipse</a>, J. Geodetic Science 2(3), 200--205 (2012).
5917 - R. Williams,
5918   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1017/S0373463300013333">
5919   The Great Ellipse on the Surface of the Spheroid</a>,
5920   J. Navigation 49(2), 229--234 (1996).
5921 - T. Vincenty,
5922   <a href="https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/inverse.pdf">
5923   Direct and Inverse Solutions of Geodesics on the Ellipsoid with
5924   Application of Nested Equations</a>,
5925   Survey Review 23(176), 88--93 (1975).
5926 - Wikipedia page, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_ellipse">
5927   Great ellipse</a>.
5929Go to
5930 - \ref geformulation
5931 - \ref gearea
5932 - \ref gevsgeodesic
5934\section geformulation Solution of great ellipse problems
5936Adopt the usual notation for the ellipsoid: equatorial semi-axis
5937\f$a\f$, polar semi-axis \f$b\f$, flattening \f$f = (a-b)/a\f$,
5938eccentricity \f$e = \sqrt{f(2-f)}\f$, second eccentricity \f$e' =
5939e/(1-f)\f$, and third flattening \f$n=(a-b)/(a+b)=f/(2-f)\f$.
5941There are several ways in which an ellipsoid can be mapped into a sphere
5942converting the great ellipse into a great circle.  The simplest ones
5943entail scaling the ellipsoid in the \f$\hat z\f$ direction, the
5944direction of the axis of rotation, scaling the ellipsoid radially, or a
5945combination of the two.
5947One such combination (scaling by \f$a^2/b\f$ in the \f$\hat z\f$
5948direction, following by a radial scaling to the sphere) preserves the
5949geographical latitude \f$\phi\f$.  This enables a great ellipse to be
5950plotted on a chart merely by determining way points on the corresponding
5951great circle and transferring them directly on the chart.  In this
5952exercise the flattening of the ellipsoid can be <i>ignored</i>!
5954Bowring (1984), Williams (1996), Earle (2000, 2008) and Pallikaris &
5955Latsas (2009), scale the ellipsoid radially onto a sphere preserving the
5956geocentric latitude \f$\theta\f$.  More convenient than this is to scale
5957the ellipsoid along \f$\hat z\f$ onto the sphere, as is done by
5958Thomas (1965) and Sj&ouml;berg (2012), thus preserving the parametric
5959latitude \f$\beta\f$.  The advantage of this "parametric" mapping is
5960that Bessel's rapidly converging series for meridian arc in terms of
5961parametric latitude can be used (a possibility that is overlooked by
5964The full parametric mapping is:
5965 - The geographic latitude \f$\phi\f$ on the ellipsoid maps to the
5966   parametric latitude \f$\beta\f$ on the sphere,
5967   where
5968   \f[a\tan\beta = b\tan\phi.\f]
5969 - The longitude \f$\lambda\f$ is unchanged.
5970 - The azimuth \f$\alpha\f$ on the ellipsoid maps to an azimuth
5971   \f$\gamma\f$ on the sphere where
5972   \f[
5973   \begin{align}
5974   \tan\alpha &= \frac{\tan\gamma}{\sqrt{1-e^2\cos^2\beta}}, \\
5975   \tan\gamma &= \frac{\tan\alpha}{\sqrt{1+e'^2\cos^2\phi}},
5976   \end{align}
5977   \f]
5978   and the quadrants of \f$\alpha\f$ and \f$\gamma\f$ are the same.
5979 - Positions on the great circle of radius \f$a\f$ are parametrized by
5980   arc length \f$\sigma\f$ measured from the northward crossing of the
5981   equator.  The great ellipse has semi-axes \f$a\f$ and
5982   \f$b'=a\sqrt{1-e^2\cos^2\gamma_0}\f$, where \f$\gamma_0\f$ is the
5983   great-circle azimuth at the northward equator crossing, and
5984   \f$\sigma\f$ is the parametric angle on the ellipse.  [In contrast,
5985   the ellipse giving distances on a geodesic has semi-axes
5986   \f$b\sqrt{1+e'^2\cos^2\alpha_0}\f$ and \f$b\f$.]
5987 .
5988To determine the distance along the ellipse in terms of \f$\sigma\f$ and
5989vice versa, the series for distance \f$s\f$ and for \f$\tau\f$ given in
5990\ref geodseries can be used.  The direct and inverse great ellipse
5991problems are now simply solved by mapping the problem to the sphere,
5992solving the resulting great circle problem, and mapping this back onto
5993the ellipsoid.
5995\section gearea The area under a great ellipse
5997The area between the segment of a great ellipse and the equator can be
5998found by very similar methods to those used for geodesic areas; see
5999<a href="https://doi.org/10.1179/003962689791474267"> Danielsen
6000(1989)</a>.  The notation here is similar to that employed by
6001<a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-012-0578-z"> Karney
6005S_{12} &= S(\sigma_2) - S(\sigma_1) \\
6006S(\sigma) &= c^2\gamma + e^2 a^2 \cos\gamma_0 \sin\gamma_0 I_4(\sigma)\\
6007c^2 &= {\textstyle\frac12}\bigl(a^2 + b^2 (\tanh^{-1}e)/e\bigr)
6011I_4(\sigma) = - \sqrt{1+e'^2}\int
6012\frac{r(e'^2) - r(k^2\sin^2\sigma)}{e'^2 - k^2\sin^2\sigma}
6013\frac{\sin\sigma}2 \,d\sigma
6017k &= e' \cos\gamma_0,\\
6018r(x) &= \sqrt{1+x} + (\sinh^{-1}\sqrt x)/\sqrt x.
6021Expand in terms of the third flattening of the ellipsoid, \f$n\f$, and the
6022third flattening of the great ellipse, \f$\epsilon=(a-b')/(a+b')\f$, by
6026e'&=\frac{2\sqrt n}{1-n},\\
6027k&=\frac{1+n}{1-n} \frac{2\sqrt{\epsilon}}{1+\epsilon},
6030to give
6032I_4(\sigma) = \sum_{l = 0}^\infty G_{4l}\cos \bigl((2l+1)\sigma\bigr).
6034Compared to the area under a geodesic, we have
6035- \f$\gamma\f$ and \f$\gamma_0\f$ instead of \f$\alpha\f$ and
6036  \f$\alpha_0\f$.  In both cases, these are azimuths on the auxiliary
6037  sphere; however, for the geodesic, they are also the azimuths on the
6038  ellipsoid.
6039- \f$r(x) = \bigl(1+t(x)\bigr)/\sqrt{1+x}\f$ instead of \f$t(x)\f$ with
6040  a balancing factor of \f$\sqrt{1+e'^2}\f$ appearing in front of the
6041  integral.  These changes are because expressing
6042  \f$\sin\phi\,d\lambda\f$ in terms of \f$\sigma\f$ is a little more
6043  complicated with great ellipses.  (Don't worry about the addition of
6044  \f$1\f$ to \f$t(x)\f$; that's immaterial.)
6045- the factors involving \f$n\f$ in the expression for \f$k\f$ in terms
6046  of \f$\epsilon\f$.  This is because \f$k\f$ is defined in terms of
6047  \f$e'\f$, whereas it is \f$e\cos\gamma_0\f$ that plays the role of the
6048  eccentricity for the great ellipse.
6050Here is the series expansion accurate to 10th order, found by
6051<a href="gearea.mac">gearea.mac</a>:
6054G4[0] = + (1/6 + 7/30 * n + 8/105 * n^2 + 4/315 * n^3 + 16/3465 * n^4 + 20/9009 * n^5 + 8/6435 * n^6 + 28/36465 * n^7 + 32/62985 * n^8 + 4/11305 * n^9)
6055        - (3/40 + 12/35 * n + 589/840 * n^2 + 1063/1155 * n^3 + 14743/15015 * n^4 + 14899/15015 * n^5 + 254207/255255 * n^6 + 691127/692835 * n^7 + 1614023/1616615 * n^8) * eps
6056        + (67/280 + 7081/5040 * n + 5519/1320 * n^2 + 6417449/720720 * n^3 + 708713/45045 * n^4 + 2700154/109395 * n^5 + 519037063/14549535 * n^6 + 78681626/1616615 * n^7) * eps^2
6057        - (29597/40320 + 30013/5280 * n + 33759497/1441440 * n^2 + 100611307/1441440 * n^3 + 16639623457/98017920 * n^4 + 3789780779/10581480 * n^5 + 1027832503/1511640 * n^6) * eps^3
6058        + (357407/147840 + 19833349/823680 * n + 61890679/480480 * n^2 + 97030756063/196035840 * n^3 + 2853930388817/1862340480 * n^4 + 15123282583393/3724680960 * n^5) * eps^4
6059        - (13200233/1537536 + 306285589/2882880 * n + 26279482199/37340160 * n^2 + 3091446335399/931170240 * n^3 + 93089556575647/7449361920 * n^4) * eps^5
6060        + (107042267/3294720 + 253176989449/522762240 * n + 57210830762263/14898723840 * n^2 + 641067300459403/29797447680 * n^3) * eps^6
6061        - (51544067373/398295040 + 38586720036247/17027112960 * n + 104152290127363/4966241280 * n^2) * eps^7
6062        + (369575321823/687964160 + 1721481081751393/158919720960 * n) * eps^8
6063        - 10251814360817/4445306880 * eps^9;
6064G4[1] = + (1/120 + 4/105 * n + 589/7560 * n^2 + 1063/10395 * n^3 + 14743/135135 * n^4 + 14899/135135 * n^5 + 254207/2297295 * n^6 + 691127/6235515 * n^7 + 1614023/14549535 * n^8) * eps
6065        - (53/1680 + 847/4320 * n + 102941/166320 * n^2 + 1991747/1441440 * n^3 + 226409/90090 * n^4 + 3065752/765765 * n^5 + 24256057/4157010 * n^6 + 349229428/43648605 * n^7) * eps^2
6066        + (4633/40320 + 315851/332640 * n + 5948333/1441440 * n^2 + 11046565/864864 * n^3 + 9366910279/294053760 * n^4 + 23863367599/349188840 * n^5 + 45824943037/349188840 * n^6) * eps^3
6067        - (8021/18480 + 39452953/8648640 * n + 3433618/135135 * n^2 + 29548772933/294053760 * n^3 + 44355142973/139675536 * n^4 + 4771229132843/5587021440 * n^5) * eps^4
6068        + (2625577/1537536 + 5439457/247104 * n + 353552588953/2352430080 * n^2 + 405002114215/558702144 * n^3 + 61996934629789/22348085760 * n^4) * eps^5
6069        - (91909777/13178880 + 2017395395921/18819440640 * n + 51831652526149/59594895360 * n^2 + 1773086701957889/357569372160 * n^3) * eps^6
6070        + (35166639971/1194885120 + 26948019211109/51081338880 * n + 7934238355871/1596291840 * n^2) * eps^7
6071        - (131854991623/1031946240 + 312710596037369/119189790720 * n) * eps^8
6072        + 842282436291/1481768960 * eps^9;
6073G4[2] = + (1/560 + 29/2016 * n + 1027/18480 * n^2 + 203633/1441440 * n^3 + 124051/450450 * n^4 + 1738138/3828825 * n^5 + 98011493/145495350 * n^6 + 4527382/4849845 * n^7) * eps^2
6074        - (533/40320 + 14269/110880 * n + 908669/1441440 * n^2 + 15253627/7207200 * n^3 + 910103119/163363200 * n^4 + 2403810527/193993800 * n^5 + 746888717/30630600 * n^6) * eps^3
6075        + (2669/36960 + 2443153/2882880 * n + 1024791/200200 * n^2 + 10517570057/490089600 * n^3 + 164668999127/2327925600 * n^4 + 1826633124599/9311702400 * n^5) * eps^4
6076        - (5512967/15375360 + 28823749/5765760 * n + 31539382001/871270400 * n^2 + 1699098121381/9311702400 * n^3 + 287618085731/398361600 * n^4) * eps^5
6077        + (22684703/13178880 + 25126873327/896163840 * n + 10124249914577/42567782400 * n^2 + 836412216748957/595948953600 * n^3) * eps^6
6078        - (3259030001/398295040 + 2610375232847/17027112960 * n + 2121882247763/1418926080 * n^2) * eps^7
6079        + (13387413913/343982080 + 939097138279/1135140864 * n) * eps^8
6080        - 82722916855/444530688 * eps^9;
6081G4[3] = + (5/8064 + 23/3168 * n + 1715/41184 * n^2 + 76061/480480 * n^3 + 812779/1782144 * n^4 + 9661921/8953560 * n^5 + 40072069/18106088 * n^6) * eps^3
6082        - (409/59136 + 10211/109824 * n + 46381/73920 * n^2 + 124922951/43563520 * n^3 + 12524132449/1241560320 * n^4 + 30022391821/1022461440 * n^5) * eps^4
6083        + (22397/439296 + 302399/384384 * n + 461624513/74680320 * n^2 + 1375058687/41385344 * n^3 + 4805085120841/34763688960 * n^4) * eps^5
6084        - (14650421/46126080 + 17533571183/3136573440 * n + 1503945368767/29797447680 * n^2 + 43536234862451/139054755840 * n^3) * eps^6
6085        + (5074867067/2788065280 + 479752611137/13243310080 * n + 1228808683449/3310827520 * n^2) * eps^7
6086        - (12004715823/1203937280 + 17671119291563/79459860480 * n) * eps^8
6087        + 118372499107/2222653440 * eps^9;
6088G4[4] = + (7/25344 + 469/109824 * n + 13439/411840 * n^2 + 9282863/56010240 * n^3 + 37558503/59121920 * n^4 + 44204289461/22348085760 * n^5) * eps^4
6089        - (5453/1317888 + 58753/823680 * n + 138158857/224040960 * n^2 + 191056103/53209728 * n^3 + 712704605341/44696171520 * n^4) * eps^5
6090        + (28213/732160 + 331920271/448081920 * n + 2046013913/283785216 * n^2 + 11489035343/241274880 * n^3) * eps^6
6091        - (346326947/1194885120 + 11716182499/1891901440 * n + 860494893431/12770334720 * n^2) * eps^7
6092        + (750128501/386979840 + 425425087409/9287516160 * n) * eps^8
6093        - 80510858479/6667960320 * eps^9;
6094G4[5] = + (21/146432 + 23/8320 * n + 59859/2263040 * n^2 + 452691/2687360 * n^3 + 21458911/26557440 * n^4) * eps^5
6095        - (3959/1464320 + 516077/9052160 * n + 51814927/85995520 * n^2 + 15444083489/3611811840 * n^3) * eps^6
6096        + (1103391/36208640 + 120920041/171991040 * n + 18522863/2263040 * n^2) * eps^7
6097        - (92526613/343982080 + 24477436759/3611811840 * n) * eps^8
6098        + 1526273559/740884480 * eps^9;
6099G4[6] = + (11/133120 + 1331/696320 * n + 145541/6615040 * n^2 + 46863487/277831680 * n^3) * eps^6
6100        - (68079/36208640 + 621093/13230080 * n + 399883/680960 * n^2) * eps^7
6101        + (658669/26460160 + 186416197/277831680 * n) * eps^8
6102        - 748030679/2963537920 * eps^9;
6103G4[7] = + (143/2785280 + 11011/7938048 * n + 972829/52093440 * n^2) * eps^7
6104        - (434863/317521920 + 263678129/6667960320 * n) * eps^8
6105        + 185257501/8890613760 * eps^9;
6106G4[8] = + (715/21168128 + 27313/26148864 * n) * eps^8
6107        - 1838551/1778122752 * eps^9;
6108G4[9] = + 2431/104595456 * eps^9;
6111\section gevsgeodesic Great ellipses vs geodesics
6113Some papers advocating the use of great ellipses for navigation exhibit
6114a prejudice against the use of geodesics.  These excerpts from
6115Pallikaris, Tsoulos, & Paradissis (2009) give the flavor
6116 - &hellip; it is required to adopt realistic accuracy standards in order not
6117   only to eliminate the significant errors of the spherical model but
6118   also to avoid the exaggerated and unrealistic requirements of sub
6119   meter accuracy.
6120 - Calculation of shortest sailings paths on the ellipsoid by a geodetic
6121   inverse method involve formulas that are much too complex.
6122 - Despite the fact that contemporary computers are fast enough to
6123   handle more complete geodetic formulas of sub meter accuracy, a basic
6124   principle for the design of navigational systems is the avoidance of
6125   unnecessary consumption of computing power.
6126 .
6127This prejudice was probably due to the fact that the most well-known
6128algorithms for geodesics, by Vincenty (1975), come with some
6130 - no derivation was given (although they follow in a straightforward
6131   fashion from classic 19th century methods);
6132 - the accuracy is "only" 0.5&nbsp;mm or so, surely good enough for most
6133   applications, but still a reason for a user to worry and a spur to
6134   numerous studies "validating" the algorithms;
6135 - no indication is given for how to extend the series to improve the
6136   accuracy;
6137 - there was a belief in some quarters (erroneous!) that the Vincenty
6138   algorithms could not be used to compute waypoints;
6139 - the algorithm for the inverse problem fails to converge for some
6140   inputs.
6141 .
6142These problems meant that users were reluctant to bundle the algorithms
6143into a library and treat them as a part of the software infrastructure
6144(much as you might regard the computation of \f$\sin x\f$ as a given).
6145In particular, I regard the last issue, lack of convergence of the
6146inverse solution, as fatal.  Even though the problem only arises for
6147nearly antipodal points, it means all users of the library must have
6148some way to handle this problem.
6150For these reasons, substitution of a great ellipse for the geodesic
6151makes some sense.  The solution of the great ellipse is, in principle,
6152no more difficult than solving for the great circle and, for paths of
6153less then 10000&nbsp;km, the error in the distance is less than
6156Now (2014), however, the situation has reversed.  The algorithms given
6157by Karney (2013)&mdash;and used in GeographicLib since
61582009&mdash;explicitly resolve the issues with Vincenty's algorithm.  The
6159geodesic problem is conveniently bundled into a library.  Users can call
6160this with an assurance of an accurate result much as they would when
6161evaluating \f$\sin x\f$.  On the other hand, great ellipses come with
6162their own set of asterisks:
6163 - To the extent that they are regarded as approximations to geodesics,
6164   the errors need to be quantified, the limits of allowable use
6165   documented, etc.
6166 - The user is now left with decisions on when to trust the results and
6167   to find alternative solutions if necessary.
6168 - Even though the great ellipse is no more that 13.5&nbsp;m longer than
6169   a 10000&nbsp;km geodesic, the path of the great ellipse can deviate
6170   from the geodesic by as much as 8.3&nbsp;km.  This disqualifies great
6171   ellipses from use in congested air corridors where the
6172   <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_lateral_offset_procedure">
6173   strategic lateral offset procedure</a> is in effect and in any
6174   situation which demands coordination in the routes of vessels.
6175 - Because geodesics obey the triangle inequality, while great ellipses
6176   do not, the solutions for realistic navigational problems, e.g.,
6177   determining the time of closest approach of two vessels, are often
6178   simpler in terms of geodesics.
6180To address some other of the objections in the quotes from Pallikaris et
6181al. given above:
6182 - "exaggerated and unrealistic requirements of sub meter accuracy": The
6183   geodesic algorithms allow full double precision accuracy at
6184   essentially no cost.  This is because Clenshaw summation allows
6185   additional terms to be added to the series without the need for
6186   addition trigonometric evaluations.  Full accuracy is important to
6187   maintain because it allows the results to be used reliably in more
6188   complex problems (e.g., in the determination of maritime boundaries).
6189 - "unnecessary consumption of computing power": The solution of the
6190   inverse geodesic problem takes 2.3&nbsp;&mu;s; multiple points on a
6191   geodesic can be computed at a rate of one point per 0.4&nbsp;&mu;s.
6192   The actual power consumed in these calculations is minuscule compared
6193   to the power needed to drive the display of a navigational computer.
6194 - "formulas that are much too complex": There's no question that the
6195   solution of the geodesic problem is more complex than for great
6196   ellipses.  However this complexity is only an issue when
6197   <b>implementing</b> the algorithms.  For the <b>end user</b>,
6198   navigational software employing geodesics is <b>less</b> complex
6199   compared with that employing great ellipses.  Here is what the user
6200   needs to know about the geodesic solution:
6201   <blockquote>"The shortest path is found."</blockquote>
6202   And here is the corresponding documentation for great ellipses:
6203   <blockquote>"A path which closely approximates the shortest path is
6204   found.  Provided that the distance is less than 10000&nbsp;km, the
6205   error in distance is no more than 14&nbsp;m and the deviation the
6206   route from that of the shortest path is no more than 9&nbsp;km.
6207   These bounds apply to the WGS84 ellipsoid.  The deviation of the path
6208   means that it should be used with caution when planning routes.  In
6209   addition, great ellipses do not obey the triangle inequality; this
6210   disqualifies them from use in some applications."</blockquote>
6212Having all the geodesic functions bundled up into a reliable "black box"
6213enables users to concentrate on how to solve problems using geodesics
6214(instead of figuring out how to solve for the geodesics).  A wide range
6215of problems (intersection of paths, the path for an interception, the
6216time of closest approach, median lines, tri-points, etc.) are all
6217amenable to simple and fast solutions in terms of geodesics.
6220Back to \ref rhumb.  Forward to \ref transversemercator.  Up to \ref contents.
6225\page transversemercator Transverse Mercator projection
6228Back to \ref greatellipse.  Forward to \ref geocentric.  Up to \ref contents.
6231TransverseMercator and TransverseMercatorExact provide accurate
6232implementations of the transverse Mercator projection.  The
6233<a href="TransverseMercatorProj.1.html">TransverseMercatorProj</a>
6234utility provides an interface to these classes.
6236Go to
6237 - \ref testmerc
6238 - \ref tmseries
6239 - \ref tmfigures
6242 - L. Kr&uuml;ger,
6243   <a href="https://doi.org/10.2312/GFZ.b103-krueger28"> Konforme
6244   Abbildung des Erdellipsoids in der Ebene</a> (Conformal mapping of
6245   the ellipsoidal earth to the plane), Royal Prussian Geodetic Institute,
6246   New Series 52, 172 pp. (1912).
6247 - L. P. Lee,
6248   Conformal Projections Based on Elliptic Functions,
6249   (B. V. Gutsell, Toronto, 1976), 128pp.,
6250   ISBN: 0919870163
6251   (Also appeared as:
6252   Monograph 16, Suppl. No. 1 to Canadian Cartographer, Vol 13).
6253   Part V, pp. 67--101,
6254   <a href="https://doi.org/10.3138/X687-1574-4325-WM62">Conformal
6255   Projections Based On Jacobian Elliptic Functions</a>.
6256 - C. F. F. Karney,
6257   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-011-0445-3">
6258   Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers</a>,
6259   J. Geodesy 85(8), 475--485 (Aug. 2011);
6260   addenda: <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm-addenda.html">
6261   tm-addenda.html</a>;
6262   preprint:
6263   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1417"> arXiv:1002.1417</a>;
6264   resource page:
6265   <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm.html"> tm.html</a>.
6266 .
6267The algorithm for TransverseMercator is based on
6268Kr&uuml;ger (1912); that for TransverseMercatorExact is
6269based on Lee (1976).
6271See <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm-grid.kmz"
6272type="application/vnd.google-earth.kmz"> tm-grid.kmz</a>, for an
6273illustration of the exact transverse Mercator grid in Google Earth.
6275\section testmerc Test data for the transverse Mercator projection
6277A test set for the transverse Mercator projection is available at
6278 - <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/testdata/TMcoords.dat.gz">
6279   TMcoords.dat.gz</a>
6280 - C. F. F. Karney, <i>Test data for the transverse Mercator projection</i>
6281   (2009),  <br>
6282   DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.32470">
6283   10.5281/zenodo.32470</a>.
6284 .
6285This is about 17 MB (compressed).  This test set consists of a set of
6286geographic coordinates together with the corresponding transverse
6287Mercator coordinates.  The WGS84 ellipsoid is used, with central
6288meridian 0&deg;, central scale factor 0.9996 (the UTM value),
6289false easting = false northing = 0&nbsp;m.
6291Each line of the test set gives 6 space delimited numbers
6292 - latitude (degrees, exact)
6293 - longitude (degrees, exact &mdash; see below)
6294 - easting (meters, accurate to 0.1&nbsp;pm)
6295 - northing (meters, accurate to 0.1&nbsp;pm)
6296 - meridian convergence (degrees, accurate to 10<sup>&minus;18</sup> deg)
6297 - scale (accurate to 10<sup>&minus;20</sup>)
6298 .
6299The latitude and longitude are all multiples of 10<sup>&minus;12</sup>
6300deg and should be regarded as exact, except that longitude =
630182.63627282416406551 should be interpreted as exactly (1 &minus; \e e)
630290&deg;.  These results are computed using Lee's formulas with
6303<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxima_(software)">Maxima</a>'s
6304bfloats and fpprec set to 80 (so the errors in the data are probably 1/2
6305of the values quoted above).  The Maxima code,
6306<a href="tm.mac">tm.mac</a> and <a href="ellint.mac">ellint.mac</a>,
6307was used to prepare this data set is included in the distribution; you
6308will need to have Maxima installed to use this code.  The comments at
6309the top of <a href="tm.mac">tm.mac</a> illustrate how to run it.
6311The contents of the file are as follows:
6312 - 250000 entries randomly distributed in lat in [0&deg;, 90&deg;], lon
6313   in [0&deg;, 90&deg;];
6314 - 1000 entries randomly distributed on lat in [0&deg;, 90&deg;], lon =
6315   0&deg;;
6316 - 1000 entries randomly distributed on lat = 0&deg;, lon in [0&deg;,
6317   90&deg;];
6318 - 1000 entries randomly distributed on lat in [0&deg;, 90&deg;], lon =
6319   90&deg;;
6320 - 1000 entries close to lat = 90&deg; with lon in [0&deg;, 90&deg;];
6321 - 1000 entries close to lat = 0&deg;, lon = 0&deg; with lat &ge;
6322   0&deg;, lon &ge; 0&deg;;
6323 - 1000 entries close to lat = 0&deg;, lon = 90&deg; with lat &ge;
6324   0&deg;, lon &le; 90&deg;;
6325 - 2000 entries close to lat = 0&deg;, lon = (1 &minus; \e e) 90&deg;
6326   with lat &ge; 0&deg;;
6327 - 25000 entries randomly distributed in lat in [&minus;89&deg;,
6328   0&deg;], lon in [(1 &minus; \e e) 90&deg;, 90&deg;];
6329 - 1000 entries randomly distributed on lat in [&minus;89&deg;, 0&deg;],
6330   lon = 90&deg;;
6331 - 1000 entries randomly distributed on lat in [&minus;89&deg;, 0&deg;],
6332   lon = (1 &minus; \e e) 90&deg;;
6333 - 1000 entries close to lat = 0&deg;, lon = 90&deg; (lat &lt; 0&deg;, lon
6334   &le; 90&deg;);
6335 - 1000 entries close to lat = 0&deg;, lon = (1 &minus; \e e) 90&deg;
6336   (lat &lt; 0&deg;, lon &le; (1 &minus; \e e) 90&deg;);
6337 .
6338(a total of 287000 entries).  The entries for lat &lt; 0&deg; and
6339lon in [(1 &minus; \e e) 90&deg;, 90&deg;] use the "extended"
6340domain for the transverse Mercator projection explained in Sec. 5 of
6341Karney (2011).  The first
6342258000 entries have lat &ge; 0&deg; and are suitable for testing
6343implementations following the standard convention.
6345\section tmseries Series approximation for transverse Mercator
6347Kr&uuml;ger (1912) gives a 4th-order approximation to the transverse
6348Mercator projection.  This is accurate to about 200&nbsp;nm (200
6349nanometers) within the UTM domain.  Here we present the series
6350extended to 10th order.  By default, TransverseMercator
6351uses the 6th-order approximation. The preprocessor macro
6352GEOGRAPHICLIB_TRANSVERSEMERCATOR_ORDER can be used to select an order
6353from 4 thru 8.  The series expanded to order <i>n</i><sup>30</sup> are
6354given in <a href="tmseries30.html"> tmseries30.html</a>.
6356In the formulas below ^ indicates exponentiation (<i>n</i>^3 =
6357<i>n</i>*<i>n</i>*<i>n</i>) and / indicates real division (3/5 = 0.6).
6358The equations need to be converted to Horner form, but are here left in
6359expanded form so that they can be easily truncated to lower order in \e
6360n.  Some of the integers here are not representable as 32-bit integers
6361and will need to be included as 64-bit integers.
6363\e A in Kr&uuml;ger, p. 12, eq. (5)
6365  A = a/(n + 1) * (1 + 1/4 * n^2
6366                     + 1/64 * n^4
6367                     + 1/256 * n^6
6368                     + 25/16384 * n^8
6369                     + 49/65536 * n^10);
6372&gamma; in Kr&uuml;ger, p. 21, eq. (41)
6374alpha[1] =   1/2 * n
6375           - 2/3 * n^2
6376           + 5/16 * n^3
6377           + 41/180 * n^4
6378           - 127/288 * n^5
6379           + 7891/37800 * n^6
6380           + 72161/387072 * n^7
6381           - 18975107/50803200 * n^8
6382           + 60193001/290304000 * n^9
6383           + 134592031/1026432000 * n^10;
6384alpha[2] =   13/48 * n^2
6385           - 3/5 * n^3
6386           + 557/1440 * n^4
6387           + 281/630 * n^5
6388           - 1983433/1935360 * n^6
6389           + 13769/28800 * n^7
6390           + 148003883/174182400 * n^8
6391           - 705286231/465696000 * n^9
6392           + 1703267974087/3218890752000 * n^10;
6393alpha[3] =   61/240 * n^3
6394           - 103/140 * n^4
6395           + 15061/26880 * n^5
6396           + 167603/181440 * n^6
6397           - 67102379/29030400 * n^7
6398           + 79682431/79833600 * n^8
6399           + 6304945039/2128896000 * n^9
6400           - 6601904925257/1307674368000 * n^10;
6401alpha[4] =   49561/161280 * n^4
6402           - 179/168 * n^5
6403           + 6601661/7257600 * n^6
6404           + 97445/49896 * n^7
6405           - 40176129013/7664025600 * n^8
6406           + 138471097/66528000 * n^9
6407           + 48087451385201/5230697472000 * n^10;
6408alpha[5] =   34729/80640 * n^5
6409           - 3418889/1995840 * n^6
6410           + 14644087/9123840 * n^7
6411           + 2605413599/622702080 * n^8
6412           - 31015475399/2583060480 * n^9
6413           + 5820486440369/1307674368000 * n^10;
6414alpha[6] =   212378941/319334400 * n^6
6415           - 30705481/10378368 * n^7
6416           + 175214326799/58118860800 * n^8
6417           + 870492877/96096000 * n^9
6418           - 1328004581729009/47823519744000 * n^10;
6419alpha[7] =   1522256789/1383782400 * n^7
6420           - 16759934899/3113510400 * n^8
6421           + 1315149374443/221405184000 * n^9
6422           + 71809987837451/3629463552000 * n^10;
6423alpha[8] =   1424729850961/743921418240 * n^8
6424           - 256783708069/25204608000 * n^9
6425           + 2468749292989891/203249958912000 * n^10;
6426alpha[9] =   21091646195357/6080126976000 * n^9
6427           - 67196182138355857/3379030566912000 * n^10;
6428alpha[10]=   77911515623232821/12014330904576000 * n^10;
6431&beta; in Kr&uuml;ger, p. 18, eq. (26*)
6433 beta[1] =   1/2 * n
6434           - 2/3 * n^2
6435           + 37/96 * n^3
6436           - 1/360 * n^4
6437           - 81/512 * n^5
6438           + 96199/604800 * n^6
6439           - 5406467/38707200 * n^7
6440           + 7944359/67737600 * n^8
6441           - 7378753979/97542144000 * n^9
6442           + 25123531261/804722688000 * n^10;
6443 beta[2] =   1/48 * n^2
6444           + 1/15 * n^3
6445           - 437/1440 * n^4
6446           + 46/105 * n^5
6447           - 1118711/3870720 * n^6
6448           + 51841/1209600 * n^7
6449           + 24749483/348364800 * n^8
6450           - 115295683/1397088000 * n^9
6451           + 5487737251099/51502252032000 * n^10;
6452 beta[3] =   17/480 * n^3
6453           - 37/840 * n^4
6454           - 209/4480 * n^5
6455           + 5569/90720 * n^6
6456           + 9261899/58060800 * n^7
6457           - 6457463/17740800 * n^8
6458           + 2473691167/9289728000 * n^9
6459           - 852549456029/20922789888000 * n^10;
6460 beta[4] =   4397/161280 * n^4
6461           - 11/504 * n^5
6462           - 830251/7257600 * n^6
6463           + 466511/2494800 * n^7
6464           + 324154477/7664025600 * n^8
6465           - 937932223/3891888000 * n^9
6466           - 89112264211/5230697472000 * n^10;
6467 beta[5] =   4583/161280 * n^5
6468           - 108847/3991680 * n^6
6469           - 8005831/63866880 * n^7
6470           + 22894433/124540416 * n^8
6471           + 112731569449/557941063680 * n^9
6472           - 5391039814733/10461394944000 * n^10;
6473 beta[6] =   20648693/638668800 * n^6
6474           - 16363163/518918400 * n^7
6475           - 2204645983/12915302400 * n^8
6476           + 4543317553/18162144000 * n^9
6477           + 54894890298749/167382319104000 * n^10;
6478 beta[7] =   219941297/5535129600 * n^7
6479           - 497323811/12454041600 * n^8
6480           - 79431132943/332107776000 * n^9
6481           + 4346429528407/12703122432000 * n^10;
6482 beta[8] =   191773887257/3719607091200 * n^8
6483           - 17822319343/336825216000 * n^9
6484           - 497155444501631/1422749712384000 * n^10;
6485 beta[9] =   11025641854267/158083301376000 * n^9
6486           - 492293158444691/6758061133824000 * n^10;
6487 beta[10]=   7028504530429621/72085985427456000 * n^10;
6490The high-order expansions for &alpha; and &beta; were produced by the
6491Maxima program <a href="tmseries.mac"> tmseries.mac</a> (included in the
6492distribution).  To run, start Maxima and enter
6494  load("tmseries.mac")$
6496Further instructions are included at the top of the file.
6498\section tmfigures Figures from paper on transverse Mercator projection
6500This section gives color versions of the figures in
6501 - C. F. F. Karney,
6502   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-011-0445-3">
6503   Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers</a>,
6504   J. Geodesy 85(8), 475--485 (Aug. 2011);
6505   addenda: <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm-addenda.html">
6506   tm-addenda.html</a>;
6507   preprint:
6508   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1417"> arXiv:1002.1417</a>;
6509   resource page:
6510   <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm.html"> tm.html</a>.
6512\b NOTE:
6513The numbering of the figures matches that in the paper cited above.  The
6514figures in this section are relatively small in order to allow them to
6515be displayed quickly.  Vector versions of these figures are available in
6516<a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/tm-figs.pdf"
6517type="application/pdf"> tm-figs.pdf</a>.  This allows you to magnify the
6518figures to show the details more clearly.
6520\image html gauss-schreiber-graticule-a.png "Fig. 1(a)"
6521Fig. 1(a):
6522The graticule for the spherical transverse Mercator projection.
6523The equator lies on \e y = 0.
6524Compare this with Lee, Fig. 1 (right), which shows the graticule for
6525half a sphere, but note that in his notation \e x and \e y have switched
6526meanings.  The graticule for the ellipsoid differs from that for a
6527sphere only in that the latitude lines have shifted slightly.  (The
6528conformal transformation from an ellipsoid to a sphere merely relabels
6529the lines of latitude.)  This projection places the point latitude =
65300&deg;, longitude = 90&deg; at infinity.
6532\image html gauss-krueger-graticule-a.png "Fig. 1(b)"
6533Fig. 1(b):
6534The graticule for the Gauss-Kr&uuml;ger transverse Mercator projection.
6535The equator lies on \e y = 0 for longitude &lt; 81&deg;; beyond
6536this, it arcs up to meet \e y = 1.  Compare this with Lee, Fig. 45
6537(upper), which shows the graticule for the International Ellipsoid.  Lee,
6538Fig. 46, shows the graticule for the entire ellipsoid.  This projection
6539(like the Thompson projection) projects the ellipsoid to a finite area.
6541\image html thompson-tm-graticule-a.png "Fig. 1(c)"
6542Fig. 1(c):
6543The graticule for the Thompson transverse Mercator projection.  The
6544equator lies on \e y = 0 for longitude &lt; 81&deg;; at longitude =
654581&deg;, it turns by 120&deg; and heads for \e y = 1.
6546Compare this with Lee, Fig. 43, which shows the graticule for the
6547International Ellipsoid.  Lee, Fig. 44, shows the graticule for the
6548entire ellipsoid.  This projection (like the Gauss-Kr&uuml;ger
6549projection) projects the ellipsoid to a finite area.
6551\image html gauss-krueger-error.png "Fig. 2"
6552Fig. 2:
6553The truncation error for the series for the Gauss-Kr&uuml;ger transverse
6554Mercator projection.  The blue curves show the truncation error for the
6555order of the series \e J = 2 (top) thru \e J = 12 (bottom).  The red
6556curves show the combined truncation and round-off errors for
6557 - float and \e J = 4 (top)
6558 - double and \e J = 6 (middle)
6559 - long double and \e J = 8 (bottom)
6561\image html gauss-krueger-graticule.png "Fig. 3(a)"
6562Fig. 3(a):
6563The graticule for the extended domain.  The blue lines show
6564latitude and longitude at multiples of 10&deg;.  The green lines
6565show 1&deg; intervals for longitude in [80&deg;, 90&deg;] and latitude in
6566[&minus;5&deg;, 10&deg;].
6568\image html gauss-krueger-convergence-scale.png "Fig. 3(b)"
6569Fig. 3(b):
6570The convergence and scale for the Gauss-Kr&uuml;ger
6571transverse Mercator projection in the extended domain.  The blue lines
6572emanating from the top left corner (the north pole) are lines of
6573constant convergence.  Convergence = 0&deg; is given by the
6574dog-legged line joining the points (0,1), (0,0), (1.71,0),
6576Convergence = 90&deg; is given by the line y = 1.  The other
6577lines show multiples of 10&deg; between 0&deg; and
657890&deg;.  The other blue, the green and the black lines show
6579scale = 1 thru 2 at intervals of 0.1, 2 thru 15 at intervals of 1, and
658015 thru 35 at intervals of 5.  Multiples of 5 are shown in black,
6581multiples of 1 are shown in blue, and the rest are shown in green.
6582Scale = 1 is given by the line segment (0,0) to (0,1).  The red line
6583shows the equator between lon = 81&deg; and 90&deg;.  The
6584scale and convergence at the branch point are 1/\e e = 10 and
65850&deg;, respectively.
6587\image html thompson-tm-graticule.png "Fig. 3(c)"
6588Fig. 3(c):
6589The graticule for the Thompson transverse Mercator
6590projection for the extended domain.  The range of the projection is the
6591rectangular region shown
6592 - 0 &le; \e u &le; K(<i>e</i><sup>2</sup>),
6593   0 &le; \e v &le; K(1 &minus; <i>e</i><sup>2</sup>)
6594 .
6595The coloring of the lines is the same as Fig. 3(a), except that latitude
6596lines extended down to &minus;10&deg; and a red line has been added
6597showing the line \e y = 0 for \e x &gt; 1.71 in the Gauss-Kr&uuml;ger
6598projection (Fig. 3(a)).  The extended Thompson projection figure has
6599reflection symmetry on all the four sides of Fig. 3(c).
6602Back to \ref greatellipse.  Forward to \ref geocentric.  Up to \ref contents.
6607\page geocentric Geocentric coordinates
6610Back to \ref transversemercator.  Forward to \ref auxlat.  Up to \ref contents.
6613The implementation of Geocentric::Reverse is adapted from
6614 - H. Vermeille,
6615   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-002-0273-6">
6616   Direct transformation from geocentric coordinates to geodetic
6617   coordinates</a>, J. Geodesy 76, 451--454 (2002).
6619This provides a closed-form solution but can't directly be applied close to
6620the center of the earth.  Several changes have been made to remove this
6621restriction and to improve the numerical accuracy.  Now the method is
6622accurate for all inputs (even if \e h is infinite).  The changes are
6623described in Appendix B of
6624 - C. F. F. Karney,
6625   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1215v1">Geodesics
6626   on an ellipsoid of revolution</a>,
6627   Feb. 2011; preprint
6628   <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1102.1215v1">arxiv:1102.1215v1</a>.
6629 .
6630Vermeille similarly updated his method in
6631 - H. Vermeille,
6632   <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-010-0419-x">
6633   An analytical method to transform geocentric into
6634   geodetic coordinates</a>, J. Geodesy 85, 105--117 (2011).
6636The problems encountered near the center of the ellipsoid are:
6637 - There's a potential division by zero in the definition of \e s. The
6638   equations are easily reformulated to avoid this problem.
6639 - <i>t</i><sup>3</sup> may be negative.  This is OK; we just take the
6640   real root.
6641 - The solution for \e t may be complex.  However this leads to 3 real roots
6642   for <i>u</i>/\e r.  It's then just a matter of picking the one that computes
6643   the geodetic result which minimizes |<i>h</i>| and which avoids large
6644   round-off errors.
6645 - Some of the equations result in a large loss of accuracy due to
6646   subtracting nearly equal quantities.  E.g., \e k = sqrt(\e u + \e v +
6647   <i>w</i><sup>2</sup>) &minus; \e w is inaccurate if \e u + \e v is small;
6648   we can fix this by writing \e k = (\e u + \e v)/(sqrt(\e u + \e v +
6649   <i>w</i><sup>2</sup>) + \e w).
6651The error is computed as follows.  Write a version of
6652Geocentric::WGS84.Forward which uses long doubles (including using long
6653doubles for the WGS84 parameters).  Generate random (long double)
6654geodetic coordinates (\e lat0, \e lon0, \e h0) and use the "long double"
6655WGS84.Forward to obtain the corresponding (long double) geocentric
6656coordinates (\e x0, \e y0, \e z0).  [We restrict \e h0 so that \e h0
6657&ge; &minus; \e a (1 &minus; <i>e</i><sup>2</sup>) / sqrt(1 &minus;
6658<i>e</i><sup>2</sup> sin<sup>2</sup>\e lat0), which ensures that (\e
6659lat0, \e lon0, \e h0) is the principal geodetic inverse of (\e x0, \e
6660y0, \e z0).]  Because the forward calculation is numerically stable and
6661because long doubles (on Linux systems using g++) provide 11 bits
6662additional accuracy (about 3.3 decimal digits), we regard this set of
6663test data as exact.
6665Apply the double version of WGS84.Reverse to (\e x0, \e y0, \e z0) to
6666compute the approximate geodetic coordinates (\e lat1, \e lon1, \e h1).
6667Convert (\e lat1 &minus; \e lat0, \e lon1 &minus; \e lon0) to a
6668distance, \e ds, on the surface of the ellipsoid and define \e err =
6669hypot(\e ds, \e h1 &minus; \e h0).  For |<i>h0</i>| &lt; 5000&nbsp;km, we
6670have \e err &lt; 7&nbsp;nm (7 nanometers).
6672This methodology is not very useful very far from the globe, because the
6673absolute errors in the approximate geodetic height become large, or
6674within 50&nbsp;km of the center of the earth, because of errors in
6675computing the approximate geodetic latitude.  To illustrate the second
6676issue, the maximum value of \e err for \e h0 &lt; 0 is about 80&nbsp;mm.
6677The error is maximum close to the circle given by geocentric coordinates
6678satisfying hypot(\e x, \e y) = \e a <i>e</i><sup>2</sup> (=
667942.7&nbsp;km), \e z = 0.  (This is the center of meridional curvature
6680for \e lat = 0.)  The geodetic latitude for these points is \e lat = 0.
6681However, if we move 1&nbsp;nm towards the center of the earth, the
6682geodetic latitude becomes 0.04", a distance of 1.4&nbsp;m from the
6683equator.  If, instead, we move 1&nbsp;nm up, the geodetic latitude
6684becomes 7.45", a distance of 229&nbsp;m from the equator.  In light of
6685this, Reverse does quite well in this vicinity.
6687To obtain a practical measure of the error for the general case we define
6688- <i>err</i><sub>h</sub> = |\e h1 &minus; <i>h0</i>| / max(1, \e h0 / \e a)
6689- for \e h0 &gt; 0, <i>err</i><sub>out</sub> = \e ds
6690- for \e h0 &lt; 0, apply the long double version of WGS84.Forward to (\e
6691  lat1, \e lon1, \e h1) to give (\e x1, \e y1, \e z1) and compute
6692  <i>err</i><sub>in</sub> = hypot(\e x1 &minus; \e x0, \e y1 &minus; \e
6693  y0, \e z1 &minus; \e z0).
6695We then find <i>err</i><sub>h</sub> &lt; 8&nbsp;nm,
6696<i>err</i><sub>out</sub> &lt; 4&nbsp;nm, and <i>err</i><sub>in</sub> <
66977&nbsp;nm (1&nbsp;nm = 1 nanometer).
6699The testing has been confined to the WGS84 ellipsoid.  The method will
6700work for all ellipsoids used in terrestrial geodesy.  However, the
6701central region, which leads to multiple real roots for the cubic
6702equation in Reverse, pokes outside the ellipsoid (at the poles) for
6703ellipsoids with \e e &gt; 1/sqrt(2); Reverse has not been analyzed for this
6704case.  Similarly ellipsoids which are very nearly spherical may yield
6705inaccurate results due to underflow; in the other hand, the case of the
6706sphere, \e f = 0, is treated specially and gives accurate results.
6708Other comparable methods are K. M. Borkowski,
6709<a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00643807"> Transformation
6710of geocentric to geodetic coordinates without approximations</a>,
6711Astrophys. Space Sci. 139, 1--4 (1987)
6712(<a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00656995"> erratum</a>)
6713and T. Fukushima,
6714<a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s001900050271"> Fast transform from
6715geocentric to geodetic coordinates</a>, J. Geodesy 73, 603--610 (1999).
6716However the choice of independent variables in these methods leads
6717to a loss of accuracy for points near the equatorial plane.
6720Back to \ref transversemercator.  Forward to \ref auxlat.  Up to \ref contents.
6725\page auxlat Auxiliary latitudes
6728Back to \ref geocentric.  Forward to \ref highprec.  Up to \ref contents.
6731Go to
6732 - \ref auxlatformula
6733 - \ref auxlattable
6734 - \ref auxlaterror
6736Six latitudes are used by GeographicLib:
6737- &phi;, the (geographic) latitude;
6738- &beta;, the parametric latitude;
6739- &theta;, the geocentric latitude;
6740- &mu;, the rectifying latitude;
6741- &chi;, the conformal latitude;
6742- &xi;, the authalic latitude.
6744The last five of these are called <i>auxiliary latitudes</i>.  These
6745quantities are all defined in the
6746<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latitude#Auxiliary_latitudes">
6747Wikipedia article on latitudes</a>.  The Ellipsoid class contains
6748methods for converting all of these and the geographic latitude.
6750In addition there's the isometric latitude, &psi;, defined by &psi; =
6751gd<sup>&minus;1</sup>&chi; = sinh<sup>&minus;1</sup>&nbsp;tan&chi; and
6752&chi; = gd&psi; = tan<sup>&minus;1</sup>&nbsp;sinh&psi;.  This is not an
6753angle-like variable (for example, it diverges at the poles) and so we
6754don't treat it further here.  However conversions between &psi; and any
6755of the auxiliary latitudes is easily accomplished via an intermediate
6756conversion to &chi;.
6758The relations between &phi;, &beta;, and &theta; are all simple
6759elementary functions.  The latitudes &chi; and &xi; can be expressed as
6760elementary functions of &phi;; however, these functions can only be
6761inverted iteratively.  The rectifying latitude &mu; as a function of
6762&phi; (or &beta;) involves the incomplete elliptic integral of the
6763second kind (which is not an elementary function) and this needs to be
6764inverted iteratively.  The Ellipsoid class evaluates all the auxiliary
6765latitudes (and the corresponding inverse relations) in terms of their
6766basic definitions.
6768An alternative method of evaluating these auxiliary latitudes is in
6769terms of trigonometric series.  This offers some advantages:
6770- these series give a uniform way of expressing any latitude in terms of
6771  any other latitude;
6772- the evaluation may be faster, particularly if
6773  <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clenshaw_algorithm#Meridian_arc_length_on_the_ellipsoid">
6774  Clenshaw summation</a> is used;
6775- provided that the flattening is sufficiently small, the result may be
6776  more accurate (because the round-off errors are smaller).
6778Here we give the complete matrix of relations between all six latitudes;
6779there are 30 (=&nbsp;6&nbsp;&times;&nbsp;5) such relations.  These
6780expansions complement the work of
6781- O. S. Adams,
6782  <a href="https://docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/cgs_specpubs/QB275U35no671921.pdf">
6783  Latitude developments connected with geodesy and cartography</a>,
6784  Spec. Pub. 67 (US Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1921).
6785- P. Osborne,
6786  <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.35392">
6787  The Mercator Projections</a> (2013), Chap. 5.
6788- S. Orihuela,
6789  <a href="https://sites.google.com/site/geodesiafich/funciones_latitud.pdf">
6790  Funciones de Latitud</a> (2013).
6792Here, the expansions are in terms of the third flattening <i>n</i> =
6794This choice of expansion parameter results in expansions in which half
6795the coefficients vanish for all relations between &phi;, &beta;,
6796&theta;, and &mu;.  In addition, the expansions converge for |<i>n</i>|
6797&lt; 1 or <i>b</i>/<i>a</i> &isin; (0,&nbsp;&infin;).  These expansions
6798were obtained with the the maxima code, <a
6801Adams (1921) uses the eccentricity squared <i>e</i><sup>2</sup> as the
6802expansion parameter, but the resulting series only converge for
6803|<i>e</i><sup>2</sup>| &lt; 1 or <i>b</i>/<i>a</i> &isin;
6804(0,&nbsp;&radic;2).  In addition, it is shown in \ref auxlaterror, that
6805the errors when the series are truncated are much worse than for the
6806corresponding series in \e n.
6808\b NOTE: The assertions about convergence above are too optimistic.
6809Some of the series do indeed converge for |<i>n</i>| &lt; 1.  However
6810others have a smaller radius of convergence.  More on this later&hellip;
6812\section auxlatformula Series approximations for conversions
6814Here are the relations between &phi;, &beta;, &theta;, and &mu; carried
6815out to 4th order in <i>n</i>:
6819-n\sin 2\phi
6820+\frac{1}{2}n^{2}\sin 4\phi
6821-\frac{1}{3}n^{3}\sin 6\phi
6822+\frac{1}{4}n^{4}\sin 8\phi
6825+n\sin 2\beta
6826+\frac{1}{2}n^{2}\sin 4\beta
6827+\frac{1}{3}n^{3}\sin 6\beta
6828+\frac{1}{4}n^{4}\sin 8\beta
6831-\bigl(2n-2n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\phi
6832+\bigl(2n^{2}-4n^{4}\bigr)\sin 4\phi
6833-\frac{8}{3}n^{3}\sin 6\phi
6834+4n^{4}\sin 8\phi
6837+\bigl(2n-2n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\theta
6838+\bigl(2n^{2}-4n^{4}\bigr)\sin 4\theta
6839+\frac{8}{3}n^{3}\sin 6\theta
6840+4n^{4}\sin 8\theta
6843-n\sin 2\beta
6844+\frac{1}{2}n^{2}\sin 4\beta
6845-\frac{1}{3}n^{3}\sin 6\beta
6846+\frac{1}{4}n^{4}\sin 8\beta
6849+n\sin 2\theta
6850+\frac{1}{2}n^{2}\sin 4\theta
6851+\frac{1}{3}n^{3}\sin 6\theta
6852+\frac{1}{4}n^{4}\sin 8\theta
6855-\bigl(\frac{3}{2}n-\frac{9}{16}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\phi
6856+\bigl(\frac{15}{16}n^{2}-\frac{15}{32}n^{4}\bigr)\sin 4\phi
6857-\frac{35}{48}n^{3}\sin 6\phi
6858+\frac{315}{512}n^{4}\sin 8\phi
6861+\bigl(\frac{3}{2}n-\frac{27}{32}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\mu
6862+\bigl(\frac{21}{16}n^{2}-\frac{55}{32}n^{4}\bigr)\sin 4\mu
6863+\frac{151}{96}n^{3}\sin 6\mu
6864+\frac{1097}{512}n^{4}\sin 8\mu
6867-\bigl(\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{3}{16}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\beta
6868-\bigl(\frac{1}{16}n^{2}-\frac{1}{32}n^{4}\bigr)\sin 4\beta
6869-\frac{1}{48}n^{3}\sin 6\beta
6870-\frac{5}{512}n^{4}\sin 8\beta
6873+\bigl(\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{9}{32}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\mu
6874+\bigl(\frac{5}{16}n^{2}-\frac{37}{96}n^{4}\bigr)\sin 4\mu
6875+\frac{29}{96}n^{3}\sin 6\mu
6876+\frac{539}{1536}n^{4}\sin 8\mu
6879+\bigl(\frac{1}{2}n+\frac{13}{16}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\theta
6880-\bigl(\frac{1}{16}n^{2}-\frac{33}{32}n^{4}\bigr)\sin 4\theta
6881-\frac{5}{16}n^{3}\sin 6\theta
6882-\frac{261}{512}n^{4}\sin 8\theta
6885-\bigl(\frac{1}{2}n+\frac{23}{32}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\mu
6886+\bigl(\frac{5}{16}n^{2}-\frac{5}{96}n^{4}\bigr)\sin 4\mu
6887+\frac{1}{32}n^{3}\sin 6\mu
6888+\frac{283}{1536}n^{4}\sin 8\mu
6893Here are the remaining relations (including &chi; and &xi;) carried out
6894to 3rd order in <i>n</i>:
6898-\bigl(2n-\frac{2}{3}n^{2}-\frac{4}{3}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\phi
6899+\bigl(\frac{5}{3}n^{2}-\frac{16}{15}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\phi
6900-\frac{26}{15}n^{3}\sin 6\phi
6903+\bigl(2n-\frac{2}{3}n^{2}-2n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\chi
6904+\bigl(\frac{7}{3}n^{2}-\frac{8}{5}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\chi
6905+\frac{56}{15}n^{3}\sin 6\chi
6908-\bigl(n-\frac{2}{3}n^{2}\bigr)\sin 2\beta
6909+\bigl(\frac{1}{6}n^{2}-\frac{2}{5}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\beta
6910-\frac{1}{15}n^{3}\sin 6\beta
6913+\bigl(n-\frac{2}{3}n^{2}-\frac{1}{3}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\chi
6914+\bigl(\frac{5}{6}n^{2}-\frac{14}{15}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\chi
6915+\frac{16}{15}n^{3}\sin 6\chi
6918+\bigl(\frac{2}{3}n^{2}+\frac{2}{3}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\theta
6919-\bigl(\frac{1}{3}n^{2}-\frac{4}{15}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\theta
6920-\frac{2}{5}n^{3}\sin 6\theta
6923-\bigl(\frac{2}{3}n^{2}+\frac{2}{3}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\chi
6924+\bigl(\frac{1}{3}n^{2}-\frac{4}{15}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\chi
6925+\frac{2}{5}n^{3}\sin 6\chi
6928-\bigl(\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{2}{3}n^{2}+\frac{37}{96}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\mu
6929-\bigl(\frac{1}{48}n^{2}+\frac{1}{15}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\mu
6930-\frac{17}{480}n^{3}\sin 6\mu
6933+\bigl(\frac{1}{2}n-\frac{2}{3}n^{2}+\frac{5}{16}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\chi
6934+\bigl(\frac{13}{48}n^{2}-\frac{3}{5}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\chi
6935+\frac{61}{240}n^{3}\sin 6\chi
6938-\bigl(\frac{4}{3}n+\frac{4}{45}n^{2}-\frac{88}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\phi
6939+\bigl(\frac{34}{45}n^{2}+\frac{8}{105}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\phi
6940-\frac{1532}{2835}n^{3}\sin 6\phi
6943+\bigl(\frac{4}{3}n+\frac{4}{45}n^{2}-\frac{16}{35}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\xi
6944+\bigl(\frac{46}{45}n^{2}+\frac{152}{945}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\xi
6945+\frac{3044}{2835}n^{3}\sin 6\xi
6948-\bigl(\frac{1}{3}n+\frac{4}{45}n^{2}-\frac{32}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\beta
6949-\bigl(\frac{7}{90}n^{2}+\frac{4}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\beta
6950-\frac{83}{2835}n^{3}\sin 6\beta
6953+\bigl(\frac{1}{3}n+\frac{4}{45}n^{2}-\frac{46}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\xi
6954+\bigl(\frac{17}{90}n^{2}+\frac{68}{945}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\xi
6955+\frac{461}{2835}n^{3}\sin 6\xi
6958+\bigl(\frac{2}{3}n-\frac{4}{45}n^{2}+\frac{62}{105}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\theta
6959+\bigl(\frac{4}{45}n^{2}-\frac{32}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\theta
6960-\frac{524}{2835}n^{3}\sin 6\theta
6963-\bigl(\frac{2}{3}n-\frac{4}{45}n^{2}+\frac{158}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\xi
6964+\bigl(\frac{16}{45}n^{2}-\frac{16}{945}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\xi
6965-\frac{232}{2835}n^{3}\sin 6\xi
6968+\bigl(\frac{1}{6}n-\frac{4}{45}n^{2}-\frac{817}{10080}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\mu
6969+\bigl(\frac{49}{720}n^{2}-\frac{2}{35}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\mu
6970+\frac{4463}{90720}n^{3}\sin 6\mu
6973-\bigl(\frac{1}{6}n-\frac{4}{45}n^{2}-\frac{121}{1680}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\xi
6974-\bigl(\frac{29}{720}n^{2}-\frac{26}{945}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\xi
6975-\frac{1003}{45360}n^{3}\sin 6\xi
6978+\bigl(\frac{2}{3}n-\frac{34}{45}n^{2}+\frac{46}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\chi
6979+\bigl(\frac{19}{45}n^{2}-\frac{256}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\chi
6980+\frac{248}{567}n^{3}\sin 6\chi
6983-\bigl(\frac{2}{3}n-\frac{34}{45}n^{2}+\frac{88}{315}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 2\xi
6984+\bigl(\frac{1}{45}n^{2}-\frac{184}{945}n^{3}\bigr)\sin 4\xi
6985-\frac{106}{2835}n^{3}\sin 6\xi
6990\section auxlattable Series approximations in tabular form
6992Finally, this is a listing of all the coefficients for the expansions
6993carried out to 8th order in <i>n</i>.  Here's how to interpret this
6994data: the 5th line for &phi;&nbsp;&minus;&nbsp;&theta; is <tt>[32/5, 0,
6995-32, 0]</tt>; this means that the coefficient of sin(10&theta;) is
6999&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7000&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7001&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7002&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/4, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7003&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/5, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7004&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/6, 0, 0]<br>
7005&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/7, 0]<br>
7009&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7010&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7011&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7012&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/4, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7013&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/5, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7014&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/6, 0, 0]<br>
7015&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/7, 0]<br>
7019&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-2, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0]<br>
7020&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2, 0, -4, 0, 6, 0, -8]<br>
7021&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-8/3, 0, 8, 0, -16, 0]<br>
7022&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[4, 0, -16, 0, 40]<br>
7023&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-32/5, 0, 32, 0]<br>
7024&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[32/3, 0, -64]<br>
7025&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-128/7, 0]<br>
7029&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0]<br>
7030&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2, 0, -4, 0, 6, 0, -8]<br>
7031&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[8/3, 0, -8, 0, 16, 0]<br>
7032&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[4, 0, -16, 0, 40]<br>
7033&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[32/5, 0, -32, 0]<br>
7034&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[32/3, 0, -64]<br>
7035&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[128/7, 0]<br>
7039&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7040&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7041&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7042&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/4, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7043&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/5, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7044&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/6, 0, 0]<br>
7045&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/7, 0]<br>
7049&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7050&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7051&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7052&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/4, 0, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7053&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/5, 0, 0, 0]<br>
7054&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/6, 0, 0]<br>
7055&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/7, 0]<br>
7059&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-3/2, 0, 9/16, 0, -3/32, 0, 57/2048, 0]<br>
7060&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[15/16, 0, -15/32, 0, 135/2048, 0, -105/4096]<br>
7061&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-35/48, 0, 105/256, 0, -105/2048, 0]<br>
7062&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[315/512, 0, -189/512, 0, 693/16384]<br>
7063&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-693/1280, 0, 693/2048, 0]<br>
7064&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1001/2048, 0, -1287/4096]<br>
7065&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-6435/14336, 0]<br>
7069&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[3/2, 0, -27/32, 0, 269/512, 0, -6607/24576, 0]<br>
7070&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[21/16, 0, -55/32, 0, 6759/4096, 0, -155113/122880]<br>
7071&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[151/96, 0, -417/128, 0, 87963/20480, 0]<br>
7072&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1097/512, 0, -15543/2560, 0, 2514467/245760]<br>
7073&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[8011/2560, 0, -69119/6144, 0]<br>
7074&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[293393/61440, 0, -5962461/286720]<br>
7075&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[6459601/860160, 0]<br>
7079&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/2, 0, 3/16, 0, -1/32, 0, 19/2048, 0]<br>
7080&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/16, 0, 1/32, 0, -9/2048, 0, 7/4096]<br>
7081&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/48, 0, 3/256, 0, -3/2048, 0]<br>
7082&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-5/512, 0, 3/512, 0, -11/16384]<br>
7083&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-7/1280, 0, 7/2048, 0]<br>
7084&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-7/2048, 0, 9/4096]<br>
7085&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-33/14336, 0]<br>
7089&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/2, 0, -9/32, 0, 205/1536, 0, -4879/73728, 0]<br>
7090&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[5/16, 0, -37/96, 0, 1335/4096, 0, -86171/368640]<br>
7091&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[29/96, 0, -75/128, 0, 2901/4096, 0]<br>
7092&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[539/1536, 0, -2391/2560, 0, 1082857/737280]<br>
7093&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[3467/7680, 0, -28223/18432, 0]<br>
7094&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[38081/61440, 0, -733437/286720]<br>
7095&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[459485/516096, 0]<br>
7099&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/2, 0, 13/16, 0, -15/32, 0, 509/2048, 0]<br>
7100&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/16, 0, 33/32, 0, -1673/2048, 0, 2599/4096]<br>
7101&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-5/16, 0, 349/256, 0, -2989/2048, 0]<br>
7102&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-261/512, 0, 963/512, 0, -43531/16384]<br>
7103&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-921/1280, 0, 5545/2048, 0]<br>
7104&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-6037/6144, 0, 16617/4096]<br>
7105&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-19279/14336, 0]<br>
7109&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/2, 0, -23/32, 0, 499/1536, 0, -14321/73728, 0]<br>
7110&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[5/16, 0, -5/96, 0, 6565/12288, 0, -201467/368640]<br>
7111&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/32, 0, -77/128, 0, 2939/4096, 0]<br>
7112&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[283/1536, 0, -4037/7680, 0, 1155049/737280]<br>
7113&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1301/7680, 0, -19465/18432, 0]<br>
7114&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[17089/61440, 0, -442269/286720]<br>
7115&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[198115/516096, 0]<br>
7119&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-2, 2/3, 4/3, -82/45, 32/45, 4642/4725, -8384/4725, 1514/1323]<br>
7120&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[5/3, -16/15, -13/9, 904/315, -1522/945, -2288/1575, 142607/42525]<br>
7121&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-26/15, 34/21, 8/5, -12686/2835, 44644/14175, 120202/51975]<br>
7122&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1237/630, -12/5, -24832/14175, 1077964/155925, -1097407/187110]<br>
7123&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-734/315, 109598/31185, 1040/567, -12870194/1216215]<br>
7124&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[444337/155925, -941912/184275, -126463/72765]<br>
7125&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-2405834/675675, 3463678/467775]<br>
7129&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2, -2/3, -2, 116/45, 26/45, -2854/675, 16822/4725, 189416/99225]<br>
7130&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[7/3, -8/5, -227/45, 2704/315, 2323/945, -31256/1575, 141514/8505]<br>
7131&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[56/15, -136/35, -1262/105, 73814/2835, 98738/14175, -2363828/31185]<br>
7132&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[4279/630, -332/35, -399572/14175, 11763988/155925, 14416399/935550]<br>
7133&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[4174/315, -144838/6237, -2046082/31185, 258316372/1216215]<br>
7134&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[601676/22275, -115444544/2027025, -2155215124/14189175]<br>
7135&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[38341552/675675, -170079376/1216215]<br>
7139&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1, 2/3, 0, -16/45, 2/5, -998/4725, -34/4725, 1384/11025]<br>
7140&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/6, -2/5, 19/45, -22/105, -2/27, 1268/4725, -12616/42525]<br>
7141&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/15, 16/105, -22/105, 116/567, -1858/14175, 1724/51975]<br>
7142&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[17/1260, -8/105, 2123/14175, -26836/155925, 115249/935550]<br>
7143&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/105, 128/4455, -424/6237, 140836/1216215]<br>
7144&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[149/311850, -31232/2027025, 210152/4729725]<br>
7145&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-499/225225, 30208/6081075]<br>
7149&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1, -2/3, -1/3, 38/45, -1/3, -3118/4725, 4769/4725, -25666/99225]<br>
7150&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[5/6, -14/15, -7/9, 50/21, -247/270, -14404/4725, 193931/42525]<br>
7151&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[16/15, -34/21, -5/3, 17564/2835, -36521/14175, -1709614/155925]<br>
7152&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2069/1260, -28/9, -49877/14175, 2454416/155925, -637699/85050]<br>
7153&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[883/315, -28244/4455, -20989/2835, 48124558/1216215]<br>
7154&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[797222/155925, -2471888/184275, -16969807/1091475]<br>
7155&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2199332/225225, -1238578/42525]<br>
7159&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[0, 2/3, 2/3, -2/9, -14/45, 1042/4725, 18/175, -1738/11025]<br>
7160&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/3, 4/15, 43/45, -4/45, -712/945, 332/945, 23159/42525]<br>
7161&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-2/5, 2/105, 124/105, 274/2835, -1352/945, 13102/31185]<br>
7162&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-55/126, -16/105, 21068/14175, 1528/4725, -2414843/935550]<br>
7163&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-22/45, -9202/31185, 20704/10395, 60334/93555]<br>
7164&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-90263/155925, -299444/675675, 40458083/14189175]<br>
7165&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-8962/12285, -3818498/6081075]<br>
7169&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[0, -2/3, -2/3, 4/9, 2/9, -3658/4725, 76/225, 64424/99225]<br>
7170&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/3, -4/15, -23/45, 68/45, 61/135, -2728/945, 2146/1215]<br>
7171&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2/5, -24/35, -46/35, 9446/2835, 428/945, -95948/10395]<br>
7172&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[83/126, -80/63, -34712/14175, 4472/525, 29741/85050]<br>
7173&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[52/45, -2362/891, -17432/3465, 280108/13365]<br>
7174&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[335882/155925, -548752/96525, -48965632/4729725]<br>
7175&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[51368/12285, -197456/15795]<br>
7179&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/2, 2/3, -37/96, 1/360, 81/512, -96199/604800, 5406467/38707200, -7944359/67737600]<br>
7180&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/48, -1/15, 437/1440, -46/105, 1118711/3870720, -51841/1209600, -24749483/348364800]<br>
7181&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-17/480, 37/840, 209/4480, -5569/90720, -9261899/58060800, 6457463/17740800]<br>
7182&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-4397/161280, 11/504, 830251/7257600, -466511/2494800, -324154477/7664025600]<br>
7183&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-4583/161280, 108847/3991680, 8005831/63866880, -22894433/124540416]<br>
7184&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-20648693/638668800, 16363163/518918400, 2204645983/12915302400]<br>
7185&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-219941297/5535129600, 497323811/12454041600]<br>
7189&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/2, -2/3, 5/16, 41/180, -127/288, 7891/37800, 72161/387072, -18975107/50803200]<br>
7190&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[13/48, -3/5, 557/1440, 281/630, -1983433/1935360, 13769/28800, 148003883/174182400]<br>
7191&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[61/240, -103/140, 15061/26880, 167603/181440, -67102379/29030400, 79682431/79833600]<br>
7192&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[49561/161280, -179/168, 6601661/7257600, 97445/49896, -40176129013/7664025600]<br>
7193&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[34729/80640, -3418889/1995840, 14644087/9123840, 2605413599/622702080]<br>
7194&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[212378941/319334400, -30705481/10378368, 175214326799/58118860800]<br>
7195&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1522256789/1383782400, -16759934899/3113510400]<br>
7199&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-4/3, -4/45, 88/315, 538/4725, 20824/467775, -44732/2837835, -86728/16372125, -88002076/13956067125]<br>
7200&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[34/45, 8/105, -2482/14175, -37192/467775, -12467764/212837625, -895712/147349125, -2641983469/488462349375]<br>
7201&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1532/2835, -898/14175, 54968/467775, 100320856/1915538625, 240616/4209975, 8457703444/488462349375]<br>
7202&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[6007/14175, 24496/467775, -5884124/70945875, -4832848/147349125, -4910552477/97692469875]<br>
7203&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-23356/66825, -839792/19348875, 816824/13395375, 9393713176/488462349375]<br>
7204&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[570284222/1915538625, 1980656/54729675, -4532926649/97692469875]<br>
7205&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-496894276/1915538625, -14848113968/488462349375]<br>
7209&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[4/3, 4/45, -16/35, -2582/14175, 60136/467775, 28112932/212837625, 22947844/1915538625, -1683291094/37574026875]<br>
7210&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[46/45, 152/945, -11966/14175, -21016/51975, 251310128/638512875, 1228352/3007125, -14351220203/488462349375]<br>
7211&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[3044/2835, 3802/14175, -94388/66825, -8797648/10945935, 138128272/147349125, 505559334506/488462349375]<br>
7212&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[6059/4725, 41072/93555, -1472637812/638512875, -45079184/29469825, 973080708361/488462349375]<br>
7213&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[768272/467775, 455935736/638512875, -550000184/147349125, -1385645336626/488462349375]<br>
7214&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[4210684958/1915538625, 443810768/383107725, -2939205114427/488462349375]<br>
7215&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[387227992/127702575, 101885255158/54273594375]<br>
7219&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/3, -4/45, 32/315, 34/675, 2476/467775, -70496/8513505, -18484/4343625, 29232878/97692469875]<br>
7220&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-7/90, -4/315, 74/2025, 3992/467775, 53836/212837625, -4160804/1915538625, -324943819/488462349375]<br>
7221&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-83/2835, 2/14175, 7052/467775, -661844/1915538625, 237052/383107725, -168643106/488462349375]<br>
7222&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-797/56700, 934/467775, 1425778/212837625, -2915326/1915538625, 113042383/97692469875]<br>
7223&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-3673/467775, 390088/212837625, 6064888/1915538625, -558526274/488462349375]<br>
7224&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-18623681/3831077250, 41288/29469825, 155665021/97692469875]<br>
7225&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-6205669/1915538625, 504234982/488462349375]<br>
7229&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/3, 4/45, -46/315, -1082/14175, 11824/467775, 7947332/212837625, 9708931/1915538625, -5946082372/488462349375]<br>
7230&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[17/90, 68/945, -338/2025, -16672/155925, 39946703/638512875, 164328266/1915538625, 190673521/69780335625]<br>
7231&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[461/2835, 1102/14175, -101069/467775, -255454/1563705, 236067184/1915538625, 86402898356/488462349375]<br>
7232&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[3161/18900, 1786/18711, -189032762/638512875, -98401826/383107725, 110123070361/488462349375]<br>
7233&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[88868/467775, 80274086/638512875, -802887278/1915538625, -200020620676/488462349375]<br>
7234&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[880980241/3831077250, 66263486/383107725, -296107325077/488462349375]<br>
7235&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[37151038/127702575, 4433064236/18091198125]<br>
7239&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2/3, -4/45, 62/105, 778/4725, -193082/467775, -4286228/42567525, 53702182/212837625, 182466964/8881133625]<br>
7240&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[4/45, -32/315, 12338/14175, 92696/467775, -61623938/70945875, -32500616/273648375, 367082779691/488462349375]<br>
7241&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-524/2835, -1618/14175, 612536/467775, 427003576/1915538625, -663111728/383107725, -42668482796/488462349375]<br>
7242&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-5933/14175, -8324/66825, 427770788/212837625, 421877252/1915538625, -327791986997/97692469875]<br>
7243&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-320044/467775, -9153184/70945875, 6024982024/1915538625, 74612072536/488462349375]<br>
7244&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1978771378/1915538625, -46140784/383107725, 489898512247/97692469875]<br>
7245&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-2926201612/1915538625, -42056042768/488462349375]<br>
7249&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-2/3, 4/45, -158/315, -2102/14175, 109042/467775, 216932/2627625, -189115382/1915538625, -230886326/6343666875]<br>
7250&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[16/45, -16/945, 934/14175, -7256/155925, 117952358/638512875, 288456008/1915538625, -11696145869/69780335625]<br>
7251&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-232/2835, 922/14175, -25286/66825, -7391576/54729675, 478700902/1915538625, 91546732346/488462349375]<br>
7252&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[719/4725, 268/18711, -67048172/638512875, -67330724/383107725, 218929662961/488462349375]<br>
7253&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[14354/467775, 46774256/638512875, -117954842/273648375, -129039188386/488462349375]<br>
7254&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[253129538/1915538625, 2114368/34827975, -178084928947/488462349375]<br>
7255&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[13805944/127702575, 6489189398/54273594375]<br>
7259&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/6, -4/45, -817/10080, 1297/18900, 7764059/239500800, -9292991/302702400, -25359310709/1743565824000, 39534358147/2858202547200]<br>
7260&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[49/720, -2/35, -29609/453600, 35474/467775, 36019108271/871782912000, -14814966289/245188944000, -13216941177599/571640509440000]<br>
7261&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[4463/90720, -2917/56700, -4306823/59875200, 3026004511/30648618000, 99871724539/1569209241600, -27782109847927/250092722880000]<br>
7262&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[331799/7257600, -102293/1871100, -368661577/4036032000, 2123926699/15324309000, 168979300892599/1600593426432000]<br>
7263&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[11744233/239500800, -875457073/13621608000, -493031379277/3923023104000, 1959350112697/9618950880000]<br>
7264&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[453002260127/7846046208000, -793693009/9807557760, -145659994071373/800296713216000]<br>
7265&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[103558761539/1426553856000, -53583096419057/500185445760000]<br>
7269&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1/6, 4/45, 121/1680, -1609/28350, -384229/14968800, 12674323/851350500, 7183403063/560431872000, -375027460897/125046361440000]<br>
7270&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-29/720, 26/945, 16463/453600, -431/17325, -31621753811/1307674368000, 1117820213/122594472000, 30410873385097/2000741783040000]<br>
7271&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1003/45360, 449/28350, 3746047/119750400, -32844781/1751349600, -116359346641/3923023104000, 151567502183/17863765920000]<br>
7272&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-40457/2419200, 629/53460, 10650637121/326918592000, -13060303/766215450, -317251099510901/8002967132160000]<br>
7273&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-1800439/119750400, 205072597/20432412000, 146875240637/3923023104000, -2105440822861/125046361440000]<br>
7274&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-59109051671/3923023104000, 228253559/24518894400, 91496147778023/2000741783040000]<br>
7275&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-4255034947/261534873600, 126430355893/13894040160000]<br>
7279&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2/3, -34/45, 46/315, 2458/4725, -55222/93555, 2706758/42567525, 16676974/30405375, -64724382148/97692469875]<br>
7280&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[19/45, -256/315, 3413/14175, 516944/467775, -340492279/212837625, 158999572/1915538625, 85904355287/37574026875]<br>
7281&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[248/567, -15958/14175, 206834/467775, 4430783356/1915538625, -7597644214/1915538625, 2986003168/37574026875]<br>
7282&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[16049/28350, -832976/467775, 62016436/70945875, 851209552/174139875, -375566203/39037950]<br>
7283&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[15602/18711, -651151712/212837625, 3475643362/1915538625, 5106181018156/488462349375]<br>
7284&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[2561772812/1915538625, -10656173804/1915538625, 34581190223/8881133625]<br>
7285&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[873037408/383107725, -5150169424688/488462349375]<br>
7289&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-2/3, 34/45, -88/315, -2312/14175, 27128/93555, -55271278/212837625, 308365186/1915538625, -17451293242/488462349375]<br>
7290&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[1/45, -184/945, 6079/14175, -65864/155925, 106691108/638512875, 149984636/1915538625, -101520127208/488462349375]<br>
7291&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-106/2835, 772/14175, -14246/467775, 5921152/54729675, -99534832/383107725, 10010741462/37574026875]<br>
7292&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-167/9450, -5312/467775, 75594328/638512875, -35573728/273648375, 1615002539/75148053750]<br>
7293&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-248/13365, 2837636/638512875, 130601488/1915538625, -3358119706/488462349375]<br>
7294&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-34761247/1915538625, -3196/3553875, 46771947158/488462349375]<br>
7295&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[-2530364/127702575, -18696014/18091198125]<br>
7299\section auxlaterror Truncation errors
7301There are two sources of error when using these series.  The truncation
7302error arises from retaing terms up to a certain order in \e n; it is the
7303absolute difference between the value of the truncated series compared
7304with the exact latitude (evaluated with exact arithmetic).  In addition,
7305using standard double-precision arithmetic entails accumulating
7306round-off errors so that at the end of a complex calculation a few of
7307the trailing bits of the result are wrong.
7309Here's a table of the truncation errors.  The errors are given in "units
7310in the last place (ulp)" where 1 ulp = 2<sup>&minus;53</sup> radian =
73116.4 &times; 10<sup>&minus;15</sup> degree = 2.3 &times;
731210<sup>&minus;11</sup> arcsecond which is a measure of the round-off
7313error for double precision.  Here is some rough guidance on how to
7314interpret these errors:
7315- if the truncation error is less than 1 ulp, then round-off errors
7316  dominate;
7317- if the truncation error is greater than 8 ulp, then truncation errors
7318  dominate;
7319- otherwise, round-off and truncation errors are comparable.
7321The truncation errors are given accurate to 2 significant figures.
7325<caption>Auxiliary latitude truncation errors (ulp)</caption>
7327<th rowspan="2"> expression
7328<th colspan="2"> [<i>f</i> = 1/150, order = 6]
7329<th colspan="2"> [<i>f</i> = 1/297, order = 5]
7331<th> <i>n</i> series <th> <i>e</i><sup>2</sup> series
7332<th> <i>n</i> series <th> <i>e</i><sup>2</sup> series
7333<tr><td>  &beta; &minus; &phi;   <td><tt><center> 0.0060&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 28&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.035&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;41&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7334<tr><td>   &phi; &minus; &beta;  <td><tt><center> 0.0060&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 28&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.035&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;41&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7335<tr><td> &theta; &minus; &phi;   <td><tt><center> 2.9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 82&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;6.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 120&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7336<tr><td>   &phi; &minus; &theta; <td><tt><center> 2.9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 82&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;6.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 120&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7337<tr><td> &theta; &minus; &beta;  <td><tt><center> 0.0060&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 28&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.035&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;41&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7338<tr><td>  &beta; &minus; &theta; <td><tt><center> 0.0060&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 28&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.035&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;41&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7339<tr><td>    &mu; &minus; &phi;   <td><tt><center> 0.037&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 41&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.18&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;60&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7340<tr><td>   &phi; &minus; &mu;    <td><tt><center> 0.98&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 59&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;2.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;84&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7341<tr><td>    &mu; &minus; &beta;  <td><tt><center> 0.00069 </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;5.8&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.0024 </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;&nbsp;9.6&nbsp; </center></tt>
7342<tr><td>  &beta; &minus; &mu;    <td><tt><center> 0.13&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 12&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.35&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;19&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7343<tr><td>    &mu; &minus; &theta; <td><tt><center> 0.24&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 30&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.67&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;40&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7344<tr><td> &theta; &minus; &mu;    <td><tt><center> 0.099&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 23&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.23&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;33&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7345<tr><td>   &chi; &minus; &phi;   <td><tt><center> 0.78&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 43&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;2.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;64&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7346<tr><td>   &phi; &minus; &chi;   <td><tt><center> 9.0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 71&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 17&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 100&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7347<tr><td>   &chi; &minus; &beta;  <td><tt><center> 0.018&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;3.7&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.11&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;&nbsp;6.4&nbsp; </center></tt>
7348<tr><td>  &beta; &minus; &chi;   <td><tt><center> 1.7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 16&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;3.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;24&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7349<tr><td>   &chi; &minus; &theta; <td><tt><center> 0.18&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 31&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.56&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;43&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7350<tr><td> &theta; &minus; &chi;   <td><tt><center> 0.87&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 23&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;1.9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;32&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7351<tr><td>   &chi; &minus; &mu;    <td><tt><center> 0.022&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.56 </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.11&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;&nbsp;0.91 </center></tt>
7352<tr><td>    &mu; &minus; &chi;   <td><tt><center> 0.31&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;1.2&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.86&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;&nbsp;2.0&nbsp; </center></tt>
7353<tr><td>    &xi; &minus; &phi;   <td><tt><center> 0.015&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 39&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.086&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;57&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7354<tr><td>   &phi; &minus; &xi;    <td><tt><center> 0.34&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 53&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;1.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;75&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7355<tr><td>    &xi; &minus; &beta;  <td><tt><center> 0.00042 </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;6.3&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.0039 </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7356<tr><td>  &beta; &minus; &xi;    <td><tt><center> 0.040&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.15&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;15&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7357<tr><td>    &xi; &minus; &theta; <td><tt><center> 0.28&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 28&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.75&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;38&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7358<tr><td> &theta; &minus; &xi;    <td><tt><center> 0.040&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> 23&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.11&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;33&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt>
7359<tr><td>    &xi; &minus; &mu;    <td><tt><center> 0.015&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.79 </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.058&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;&nbsp;1.5&nbsp; </center></tt>
7360<tr><td>    &mu; &minus; &xi;    <td><tt><center> 0.0043&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.54 </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.018&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;&nbsp;1.1&nbsp; </center></tt>
7361<tr><td>    &xi; &minus; &chi;   <td><tt><center> 0.60&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;1.9&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;1.5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;&nbsp;3.6&nbsp; </center></tt>
7362<tr><td>   &chi; &minus; &xi;    <td><tt><center> 0.023&nbsp;&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.53 </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;0.079&nbsp; </center></tt><td><tt><center> &nbsp;&nbsp;0.92 </center></tt>
7366\if SKIP
7367 0  beta phi  ,0.0060!,28!!!,!0.035!,!41!!!
7368 1   phi beta ,0.0060!,28!!!,!0.035!,!41!!!
7369 2 theta phi  ,2.9!!!!,82!!!,!6.0!!!,120!!!
7370 3   phi theta,2.9!!!!,82!!!,!6.0!!!,120!!!
7371 4 theta beta ,0.0060!,28!!!,!0.035!,!41!!!
7372 5  beta theta,0.0060!,28!!!,!0.035!,!41!!!
7373 6    mu phi  ,0.037!!,41!!!,!0.18!!,!60!!!
7374 7   phi mu   ,0.98!!!,59!!!,!2.3!!!,!84!!!
7375 8    mu beta ,0.00069,!5.8!,!0.0024,!!9.6!
7376 9  beta mu   ,0.13!!!,12!!!,!0.35!!,!19!!!
737710    mu theta,0.24!!!,30!!!,!0.67!!,!40!!!
737811 theta mu   ,0.099!!,23!!!,!0.23!!,!33!!!
737912   chi phi  ,0.78!!!,43!!!,!2.1!!!,!64!!!
738013   phi chi  ,9.0!!!!,71!!!,17!!!!!,100!!!
738114   chi beta ,0.018!!,!3.7!,!0.11!!,!!6.4!
738215  beta chi  ,1.7!!!!,16!!!,!3.4!!!,!24!!!
738316   chi theta,0.18!!!,31!!!,!0.56!!,!43!!!
738417 theta chi  ,0.87!!!,23!!!,!1.9!!!,!32!!!
738518   chi mu   ,0.022!!,!0.56,!0.11!!,!!0.91
738619    mu chi  ,0.31!!!,!1.2!,!0.86!!,!!2.0!
738720    xi phi  ,0.015!!,39!!!,!0.086!,!57!!!
738821   phi xi   ,0.34!!!,53!!!,!1.1!!!,!75!!!
738922    xi beta ,0.00042,!6.3!,!0.0039,!10!!!
739023  beta xi   ,0.040!!,10!!!,!0.15!!,!15!!!
739124    xi theta,0.28!!!,28!!!,!0.75!!,!38!!!
739225 theta xi   ,0.040!!,23!!!,!0.11!!,!33!!!
739326    xi mu   ,0.015!!,!0.79,!0.058!,!!1.5!
739427    mu xi   ,0.0043!,!0.54,!0.018!,!!1.1!
739528    xi chi  ,0.60!!!,!1.9!,!1.5!!!,!!3.6!
739629   chi xi   ,0.023!!,!0.53,!0.079!,!!0.92
7399The 2nd and 3rd columns show the results for the SRMmax ellipsoid, \e f
7400= 1/150, retaining 6th order terms in the series expansion.  The 4th and
74015th columns show the results for the International ellipsoid, \e f =
74021/297, retaining 5th order terms in the series expansion.  The 2nd and
74034th columns give the errors for the series expansions in terms of \e n
7404given in this section (appropriately truncated).  The 3rd and 5th
7405columns give the errors when the series are reexpanded in terms of
7406<i>e</i><sup>2</sup> = 4\e n/(1 + \e n)<sup>2</sup> and truncated
7407retaining the <i>e</i><sup>12</sup> and <i>e</i><sup>10</sup> terms
7410Some observations:
7411- For production use, the 6th order series in \e n are recommended.  For
7412  \e f = 1/150, the resulting errors are close to the round-off limit.
7413  The errors in the 6th order series scale as <i>f</i><sup>7</sup>; so
7414  the errors with \e f = 1/297 are about 120 times smaller.
7415- It's inadvisable to use the 5th order series in \e n; this order is
7416  barely acceptable for \e f = 1/297 and the errors grow as
7417  <i>f</i><sup>6</sup> as \e f is increased.
7418- In all cases, the expansions in terms of <i>e</i><sup>2</sup> are
7419  considerably less accurate than the corresponding series in \e n.
7420- For every series converting between &phi; and any of &theta;, &mu;,
7421  &chi;, or &xi;, the series where &beta; is substituted for &phi; is
7422  more accurate.  Considering that the transformation between &phi; and
7423  &beta; is so simple, tan&beta; = (1 - \e f) tan&phi;, it sometimes
7424  makes sense to use &beta; internally as the basic measure of latitude.
7425  (This is the case with geodesic calculations.)
7428Back to \ref geocentric.  Forward to \ref highprec.  Up to \ref contents.
7433\page highprec Support for high precision arithmetic
7436Back to \ref auxlat.  Forward to \ref changes.  Up to \ref contents.
7439One of the goals with the algorithms in GeographicLib is to deliver
7440accuracy close to the limits for double precision.  In order to develop
7441such algorithms it is very useful to be have accurate test data.  For
7442this purpose, I used Maxima's bfloat capability, which support arbitrary
7443precision floating point arithmetic.  As of version 1.37, such
7444high-precision test data can be generated directly by GeographicLib by
7445compiling it with <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION</code> equal to 4 or 5.
7447Here's what you should know:
7448 - This is mainly for use for algorithm developers.  It's not
7449   recommended for installation for all users on a system.
7450 - Configuring with <code>-D GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION=4</code> gives quad
7451   precision (113-bit precision) via boost::multiprecision::float128;
7452   this requires:
7453   - <a href="https://www.boost.org"> Boost</a>, version 1.64 or later,
7454   - the quadmath library (the package names are libquadmath
7455     and libquadmath-devel),
7456   - the use of g++.
7457 - Configuring with <code>-D GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION=5</code> gives
7458   arbitrary precision via mpfr::mpreal; this requires:
7459   - <a href="https://www.mpfr.org"> MPFR</a>, version 3.0 or later,
7460   - <a href="http://www.holoborodko.com/pavel/mpfr"> MPFR C++</a>
7461     (version 3.6.8, dated 2020-10-29, or later; version 3.6.8 also
7462     requires the fixes given in pull requests #8 and #10),
7463   - a compiler which supports the explicit cast operator (e.g., g++ 4.5
7464     or later, Visual Studio 12 2013 or later).
7465 - MPFR, MPFR C++, and Boost all come with their own licenses.  Be sure
7466   to respect these.
7467 - The indicated precision is used for <b>all</b> floating point
7468   arithmetic.  Thus, you can't compare the results of different
7469   precisions within a single invocation of a program.  Instead, you can
7470   create a file of accurate test data at a high precision and use this
7471   to test the algorithms at double precision.
7472 - With MPFR, the precision should be set (using Utility::set_digits)
7473   just once before any other GeographicLib routines are called.
7474   Calling this function after other GeographicLib routines will lead to
7475   inconsistent results (because the precision of some constants like
7476   Math::pi() is set when the functions are first called).
7477 - All the \ref utilities call Utility::set_digits() (with no
7478   arguments).  This causes the precision (in bits) to be determined by
7479   the <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_DIGITS</code> environment variable.  If this
7480   is not defined the precision is set to 256 bits (about 77 decimal
7481   digits).
7482 - The accuracy of most calculations should increase as the precision
7483   increases (and typically only a few bits of accuracy should be lost).
7484   We can distinguish 4 sources of error:
7485   - Round-off errors; these are reliably reduced when the precision is
7486     increased.  For the most part, the algorithms used by GeographicLib
7487     are carefully tuned to minimize round-off errors, so that only a
7488     few bits of accuracy are lost.
7489   - Convergence errors due to not iterating certain algorithms to
7490     convergence.  However, all iterative methods used by GeographicLib
7491     converge quadratically (the number of correct digits doubles on
7492     each iteration) so that full convergence is obtained for
7493     "reasonable" precisions (no more than, say, 100 decimal digits or
7494     about 340 bits).  An exception is thrown if the convergence
7495     criterion is not met when using high precision arithmetic.
7496   - Truncation errors.  Some classes (namely, Geodesic and
7497     TransverseMercator) use series expansion to approximate the true
7498     solution.  Additional terms in the series are used for high
7499     precision, however there's always a finite truncation error which
7500     varies as some power of the flattening.  On the other hand,
7501     GeodesicExact and TransverseMercatorExact are somewhat slower
7502     classes offering the same functionality implemented with
7503     EllipticFunction.  These classes provide arbitrary accuracy.
7504     (However, a caveat is that the evaluation of the area in
7505     GeodesicExact still uses a series (albeit of considerably higher
7506     order).  So the area calculations are always have a finite
7507     truncation error.)
7508   - Quantization errors.  Geoid, GravityModel, and MagneticModel all
7509     depend on external data files.  The coefficient files for
7510     GravityModel and MagneticModel store the coefficients as IEEE
7511     doubles (and perhaps these coefficients can be regarded as exact).
7512     However, with Geoid, the data files for the geoid heights are
7513     quantized at 3mm leading to an irreducible &plusmn;1.5mm
7514     quantization error.  On the other hand, all the physical constants
7515     used by GeographicLib, e.g., the flattening of the WGS84 ellipsoid,
7516     are evaluated as exact decimal numbers.
7517 - Where might high accuracy be important?
7518   - checking the truncation error of series approximations;
7519   - checking for excessive round-off errors (typically due to subtraction);
7520   - checking the round-off error in computing areas of many-sided polygons;
7521   - checking the summation of high order spherical harmonic expansions
7522     (where underflow and overflow may also be a problem).
7523 - Because only a tiny number of people will be interested in using this
7524   facility:
7525   - the cmake support for the required libraries is rudimentary;
7526   - however geographiclib-config.cmake does export
7527     <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION</code> and
7528     <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_HIGHPREC_LIBRARIES</code>, the libraries
7529     providing the support for high-precision arithmetic;
7530   - support for the C++11 mathematical functions and the explicit cast
7531     operator is required;
7532   - quad precision is only available on Linux;
7533   - mpfr has been mostly tested on Linux (but it works on Windows with
7534     Visual Studio 12 and MacOS too).
7536The following steps needed to be taken
7538 - Phase 1, make sure you can switch easily between double, float, and
7539   long double.
7540   - use <code>\#include &lt;cmath&gt;</code> instead of <code>\#include
7541     &lt;math.h&gt;</code>;
7542   - use, e.g., <code>std::sqrt</code> instead of <code>sqrt</code> in
7543     header files (similarly for <code>sin</code>, <code>cos</code>,
7544     <code>atan2</code>, etc.);
7545   - use <code>using namespace std;</code> and plain <code>sqrt</code>,
7546     etc., in code files;
7547   - express all convergence criteria in terms of\code
7548     numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() \endcode
7549     etc., instead of using "magic constants", such as 1.0e-15;
7550   - use <code>typedef double real;</code> and replace all occurrences of
7551     <code>double</code> by <code>real</code>;
7552   - write all literals by, e.g., <code>real(0.5)</code>.  Some
7553     constants might need the L suffix, e.g., <code>real f =
7554     1/real(298.257223563L)</code> (but see below);
7555   - Change the typedef of <code>real</code> to <code>float</code> or
7556     <code>long double</code>, compile, and test.  In this way, the
7557     library can be run with any of the three basic floating point
7558     types.
7559   - If you want to run the library with multiple floating point types
7560     within a single executable, then make all your classes take a
7561     template parameter specifying the floating-point type and
7562     instantiate your classes with the floating-point types that you
7563     plan to use.  I did not take this approach with GeographicLib
7564     because double precision is suitable for the vast majority of
7565     applications and turning all the classes into templates classes
7566     would end up needlessly complicating (and bloating) the library.
7568 - Phase 2, changes to support arbitrary, but fixed, precision
7569   - Use, e.g., \code
7570     typedef boost::multiprecision::float128 real; \endcode
7571   - Change <code>std::sqrt(...)</code>, etc. to \code
7572     using std::sqrt;
7573     sqrt(...) \endcode
7574     (but note that <code>std::max</code> can stay).  It's only necessary
7575     to do this in header files (code files already have <code>using
7576     namespace std;</code>).
7577   - In the case of boost's multiprecision numbers, the C++11
7578     mathematical functions need special treatment, see Math.hpp.
7579   - If necessary, use series with additional terms to improve the
7580     accuracy.
7581   - Replace slowly converging root finding methods with rapidly
7582     converging methods.  In particular, the simple iterative method to
7583     determine the flattening from the dynamical form factor in
7584     NormalGravity converged too slowly; this was replaced by Newton's
7585     method.
7586   - If necessary, increase the maximum allowed iteration count in root
7587     finding loops.  Also throw an exception of the maximum iteration
7588     count is exceeded.
7589   - Write literal constants in a way that works for any precision, e.g.,
7590     \code
7591     real f = 1/( real(298257223563LL) / 1000000000 ); \endcode
7592     [Note that \code
7593     real f = 1/( 298 + real(257223563) / 1000000000 ); \endcode
7594     and <code>1/real(298.257223563L)</code> are susceptible to
7595     double rounding errors.  We normally want to avoid such errors when
7596     real is a double.]
7597   - For arbitrary constants, you might have to resort to macros \code
7599     #define REAL(x) x##F
7601     #define REAL(x) x
7603     #define REAL(x) x##L
7605     #define REAL(x) x##Q
7606     #else
7607     #define REAL(x) real(#x)
7608     #endif \endcode
7609     and then use \code
7610     real f = 1/REAL(298.257223563); \endcode
7611   - Perhaps use local static declarations to avoid the overhead of
7612     reevaluating constants, e.g., \code
7613     static inline real pi() {
7614       using std::atan2;
7615       // pi is computed just once
7616       static const real pi = atan2(real(0), real(-1));
7617       return pi;
7618     } \endcode
7619     This is <b>not</b> necessary for built-in floating point types,
7620     since the atan2 function will be evaluated at compile time.
7621   - In Utility::readarray and Utility::writearray, arrays of reals were
7622     treated as plain old data.  This assumption now no longer holds and
7623     these functions needed special treatment.
7624   - volatile declarations don't apply.
7626 - Phase 3, changes to support arbitrary precision which can be set at
7627   runtime.
7628   - The big change now is that the precision is not known at compile
7629     time.  All static initializations which involve floating point
7630     numbers need to be eliminated.
7631     - Some static variables (e.g., tolerances which are expressed in
7632       terms of <code>numeric_limits&lt;double&gt;\::epsilon()</code>)
7633       were made member variables and so initialized when the
7634       constructor was called.
7635     - Some simple static real arrays (e.g., the interpolating stencils
7636       for Geoid) were changed into integer arrays.
7637     - Some static variables where converted to static functions similar
7638       to the definition of pi() above.
7639     - All the static instances of classes where converted as follows
7640       \code
7641       // declaration
7642       static const Geodesic WGS84;
7643       // definition
7644       const Geodesic Geodesic::WGS84(Constants::WGS84_a(),
7645                                      Constants::WGS84_f());
7646       // use
7647       const Geodesic& geod = Geodesic::WGS84; \endcode
7648       becomes \code
7649       // declaration
7650       static const Geodesic& WGS84();
7651       // definition
7652       const Geodesic& Geodesic::WGS84() {
7653         static const Geodesic wgs84(Constants::WGS84_a(),
7654                                     Constants::WGS84_f());
7655         return wgs84;
7656         static const Geodesic& WGS84();
7657       }
7658       // use
7659       const Geodesic& geod = Geodesic::WGS84(); \endcode
7660       This is the so-called
7661       <a href="https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/ctors#static-init-order-on-first-use">
7662       "construct on first use idiom"</a>.  This is the most disruptive
7663       of the changes since it requires a different calling convention
7664       in user code.  However the old static initializations were
7665       invoked every time a code linking to GeographicLib was started,
7666       even if the objects were not subsequently used.  The new method
7667       only initializes the static objects if they are used.
7668     .
7669   - <code>numeric_limits&lt;double&gt;\::digits</code> is no longer a
7670     compile-time constant.  It becomes
7671     <code>numeric_limits&lt;double&gt;\::digits()</code>.
7672   - Depending on the precision cos(&pi;/2) might be negative.
7673     Similarly atan(tan(&pi;/2)) may evaluate to &minus;&pi;/2.
7674     GeographicLib already handled this, because this happens with long
7675     doubles (64 bits in the fraction).
7676   - The precision needs to be set in each thread in a multi-processing
7677     applications (for an example, see
7678     <code>examples/GeoidToGTX.cpp</code>).
7679   - Passing numbers to functions by value incurs a substantially higher
7680     overhead than with doubles.  This could be avoided by passing such
7681     arguments by reference.  This was <b>not</b> done here because it
7682     would junk up the code to benefit a narrow application.
7683   - The constants in GeodesicExact, e.g., 831281402884796906843926125,
7684     can't be specified as long doubles nor long longs (since they have
7685     more than 64 significant bits):
7686     - first tried macro which expanded to a string (see the macro REAL
7687       above);
7688     - now use inline function to combine two long long ints each with at
7689       most 52 significant bits;
7690     - also needed to simplify one routine in GeodesicExact which took
7691       inordinately long (15 minutes) to compile using g++;
7692     - but Visual Studio 12 then complained (with an
7693       internal compiler error</a> presumably due to overly aggressive
7694       whole-file optimization); fixed by splitting one function into a
7695       separate file.
7698Back to \ref auxlat.  Forward to \ref changes.  Up to \ref contents.
7703\page changes Change log
7706Back to \ref highprec.  Up to \ref contents.
7709List of versions in reverse chronological order together with a brief
7710list of changes.  (Note: Old versions of the library use a year-month
7711style of numbering.  Now, the library uses a major and minor version
7712number.)  Recent versions of GeographicLib are available at
7713<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/">
7715Older versions are in
7716<a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geographiclib/files/distrib/archive/">
7719The corresponding documentation for these versions is obtained by
7720clicking on the &ldquo;Version <i>m.nn</i>&rdquo; links below.  Some of
7721the links in the documentation of older versions may be out of date (in
7722particular the links for the source code will not work if the code has
7723been migrated to the archive subdirectory).  All the releases are
7724available as tags &ldquo;r<i>m.nn</i>&rdquo; in the the "release" branch
7725of the
7726<a href="https://sourceforge.net/p/geographiclib/code/ci/release/tree/">
7727git repository for GeographicLib</a>.
7729\if SKIP
7730 - TODO: Planned updates
7731   - Change templating in PolygonArea so that the AddPoint and AddEdge
7732     methods are templated instead of the class itself.  This would
7733     allow a polygon to contain a mixture of geodesic and rhumb-line
7734     edges.
7735   - Generalize Geoid, UTMUPS, MGRS, GeoCoords to handle non-WGS84
7736     ellipsoids.
7737   - Add GreatEllipse class.
7738   - Implement Geodesic + TM + PolarStereographic on Jets.
7739   - Template versions of Gnomonic and AzimuthalEquidistant so that they
7740     can use either Geodesic and GeodesicExact.  Use typedefs so that
7741     Geodesic::Line points to GeodesicLine.
7742   - Split DMS stuff from main JavaScript package.
7743   - Add C++ tests not dependent on utility programs.
7744   - Add information on radius of convergence for aux latitude series.
7745   - Check Geocentric::Reverse for accuracy for extreme ellipsoids, \e e
7746     &gt; 1/sqrt(2).
7747   - Check Visual Studo "code analysis" results (from Analize VS
7748     menu).  Probably an awful lot of false positives.
7749   - Fix cmake files so that they play nice with vcpkg:
7750     - Allow only some components to be built.
7751     - Allow tools, cmake install directories, etc., to be set.
7752     - Compute relative paths from bin to lib directories.
7753     - Install dll in tools directory.
7755     - Maybe segregate more tasks into a MAINTAINER mode.
7756   - Add Math routine for Clenshaw summation; may AuxiliaryLatitude
7757     class for conversions via the series?
7760 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.52">Version 1.52</a>
7761   (released 2021-06-22)
7762   - Add MagneticModel::FieldGeocentric and
7763     MagneticCircle::FieldGeocentric to return the field in geocentric
7764     coordinates (thanks to Marcelo Banik de Padua).
7765   - Document realistic errors for PolygonAreaT and
7766     <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a>.
7767   - Geodesic routines: be more aggressive in preventing negative \e s12
7768     and \e m12 for short lines (all languages).
7769   - Fix bug in AlbersEqualArea for extreme prolate ellipsoids (plus
7770     general cleanup in the code).
7771   - Thanks to Thomas Warner, a sample of wrapping the C++ library, so
7772     it's accessible in Excel, is given in <code>wrapper/Excel</code>.
7773   - Minor changes
7774     - Work around inaccuracies in hypot routines in Visual Studio
7775       (win32), Python, and JavaScript.
7776     - Initialize reference argument to remquo (C++ and C).
7777     - Get ready to retire unused _exact in RhumbLine.
7778     - Declare RhumbLine copy constructor "= default".
7779     - Use C++11 "= delete" idiom to delete copy assignment and copy
7780       constructors in RhumbLine, Geoid, GravityModel, MagneticModel.
7781     - Fix MGRS::Forward to work around aggressive optimization leading to
7782       incorrect rounding.
7783     - Fix plain makefiles, Makefile.mk, so that PREFIX is handled
7784       properly.
7785     - Make cmake's GeographicLib_LIBRARIES point to namespace versions.
7786   - <b>NOTE:</b> In the next version (tentatively 2.0), I plan to split
7787     up the git repository and the packaging of GeographicLib into
7788     separate entities for each language.  This will simplify
7789     development and deployment of the library.
7790   - <b>WARNING:</b> The .NET version of GeographicLib will not be
7791     supported in the next version.
7792   .
7793 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.51">Version 1.51</a>
7794   (released 2020-11-22)
7795   - C++11 compiler required for C++ library.  As a consequence:
7796     - The workaround implementations for C++11 routines (Math::hypot,
7797       Math::expm1, Math::log1p, Math::asinh, Math::atanh,
7798       Math::copysign, Math::cbrt, Math::remainder, Math::remquo,
7799       Math::round, Math::lround, Math::fma, Math::isfinite, and
7800       Math::isnan) are now deprecated.  Just use the versions in the
7801       std:: namespace instead.
7802     - SphericalEngine class, fix the namespace for using streamoff.
7803     - Some templated functions, e.g., Math::degree(), now have default
7804       template parameters, T = Math::real.
7805   - C99 compiler required for C library.
7806   - Reduce memory footprint in Java implementation.
7807   - New form of Utility::ParseLine to allow the syntax "KEY = VAL".
7808   - Add International Geomagnetic Reference Field (13th generation),
7809     igrf13, which approximates the main magnetic field of the earth for
7810     the period 1900--2025.
7811   - More symbols allowed with DMS decoding in C++, JS, and cgi-bin
7812     packages; see DMS::Decode.
7813   - Fix bug in cgi-bin argument processing which causes "+" to be
7814     misinterpreted.
7815   - Required minium version of CMake is now 3.7.0 (released
7816     2016-11-11).  This is to work around a bug in find_package for
7817     cmake 3.4 and 3.5.
7818   .
7819 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.50.1">Version 1.50.1</a>
7820   (released 2019-12-13)
7821   - Add the World Magnetic Model 2020, wmm2020, covering the period
7822     2020--2025.  This is now the model returned by
7823     MagneticModel::DefaultMagneticName and is default magnetic model
7824     for <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> (replacing
7825     wmm2015v2 which is only valid thru the end of 2019).
7826   - Include float instantiations of those templated Math functions
7827     which migrated to Math.cpp in version 1.50.
7828   - <b>WARNING:</b> The <i>next</i> version of GeographicLib will
7829     require a C++11 compliant compiler.  This means that the minimum
7830     version of Visual Studio will be Visual Studio 14 2015.  (This
7831     repeats the warning given with version 1.50.  It didn't apply to
7832     this version because this is a minor update.)
7833   .
7834 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.50">Version 1.50</a>
7835   (released 2019-09-24)
7836   - BUG fixes:
7837     - Java + JavaScript implementations of PolygonArea::TestEdge counted
7838       the pole encirclings wrong.
7839     - Fix typo in JavaScript implementation which affected unsigned
7840       areas.
7841     - Adding edges to a polygon counted pole encirclings inconsistent
7842       with the way the adding point counted them.  This might have
7843       caused an incorrect result if a polygon vertex had longitude = 0.
7844       This affected all implementations except Fortran and MATLAB).
7845     - GARS::Forward: fix BUG in handling of longitude = &plusmn;180&deg;.
7846     - Fix bug in Rhumb class and
7847       <a href="RhumbSolve.1.html">RhumbSolve(1)</a> utiity which caused
7848       incorrect area to be reported if an endpoint is at a pole.
7849       Thanks to Natalia Sabourova for reporting this.
7850     - Fix bug in MATLAB routine mgrs_inv which resulted in incorrect
7851       results for UPS zones with prec = &minus;1.
7852     - In geodreckon.m geoddistance.m, suppress (innocuous) "warning:
7853       division by zero" messages from Octave.
7854     - In python implementation, work around problems caused by sin(inf)
7855       and fmod(inf) raising exceptions.
7856     - Geoid class, fix the use of streamoff.
7857   - The PolygonArea class, the
7858     <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a> utility, and their
7859     equivalents in C, Fortran, MATLAB, Java, JavaScript, Python, and
7860     Maxima can now handle arbitrarily complex polygons.  In the case of
7861     self-intersecting polygons the area is accumulated "algebraically",
7862     e.g., the areas of the 2 loops in a figure-8 polygon will partially
7863     cancel.
7864   - Changes in gravity and magnetic model handling
7865     - SphericalEngine::coeff::readcoeffs takes new optional argument
7866       \e truncate.
7867     - The constructors for GravityModel and MagneticModel allow the
7868       maximum degree and order to be specified.  The array of
7869       coefficients will then be truncated if necessary.
7870     - GravityModel::Degree(), GravityModel::Order(),
7871       MagneticModel::Degree(), MagneticModel::Order() return the
7872       maximum degree and order of all the components of a GravityModel
7873       or MagneticModel.
7874     - <a href="Gravity.1.html">Gravity</a> and
7875       <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> utilities
7876       accept -N and -M options to to allow the maximum degree and order
7877       to be specified.
7878   - The <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a> allows fractional
7879     distances to be entered as fractions (with the <code>-F</code>
7880     flag).
7881   - MajorRadius() methods are now called EquatorialRadius() for the
7882     C++, Java, and .NET libraries.  "Equatorial" is more descriptive in
7883     the case of prolate ellipsoids.  MajorRadius() is retained for
7884     backward compatibility for C++ and Java but is deprecated.
7885   - Minimum version updates:
7886     - CMake = 3.1.0, released 2014-12-15.
7887     - Minimum g++ version = 4.8.0, released 2013-03-22.
7888     - Visual Studio 10 2010 (haven't been able to check Visual Studio
7889       2008 for a long time).
7890     - <b>WARNING:</b> The <i>next</i> version of GeographicLib will
7891       require a C++11 compliant compiler.  This means that the minimum
7892       version of Visual Studio will be Visual Studio 14 2015.
7893     - Minimum boost version = 1.64 needed for GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION =
7894       4.
7895     - Java = 1.6; this allows the removal of epsilon, min, hypot,
7896       log1p, copysign, cbrt from GeoMath.
7897   - CMake updates:
7898     - Fine tune Visual Studio compatibility check in
7899       find_package(GeographicLib); this allows GeographicLib compiled
7900       with Visual Studio 14 2015 to be used with a project compiled
7901       with Visual Studio 15 2017 and 16 2019.
7902     - Suppress warnings with dotnet build.
7903     - Change CMake target names and add an interface library (thanks to
7904       Matthew Woehlke).
7905     - Remove pre-3.1.0 cruft and update the documentation to remove the
7906       need to call include_dirctories.
7907     - Add _d suffix to example and test programs.
7908     - Changer installation path for binary installer to the Windows
7909       default.
7910     - Add support for Intel compiler (for C++, C, Fortran).  This
7911       entails supplying the <code>-fp-model precise</code> flag to
7912       prevent the compiler from incorrectly simplying <code>(a + b) +
7913       c</code> and <code>0.0 + x</code>.
7914   - Add version 2 of the World Magnetic Model 2015, wmm2015v2.  This
7915     is now the default magnetic model for
7916     <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> (replacing wmm2015
7917     which is now deprecated).  Coming in 2019-12: the wmm2020 model.
7918   - The -f flag in the scripts geographiclib-get-geoids,
7919     geographiclib-get-gravity, and geographiclib-get-magnetic, allows
7920     you to load new models (not yet in the set defined by "all").  This
7921     is in addition to its original role of allowing you to overwrite
7922     existing models.
7923   - Changes in math function support:
7924     - Move some of the functionality from Math.hpp to Math.cpp to make
7925       compilation of package which depend on GeographicLib less
7926       sensitive to the current compiler environment.
7927     - Add Math::remainder, Math::remquo, Math::round, and Math::lround.
7928       Also add implementations of remainder, remquo to C
7929       implementation.
7930     - Math::cbrt, Math::atanh, and Math::asinh now preserve the sign of
7931       &minus;0.  (Also: C, Java, JavaScript, Python, MATLAB.  Not
7932       necessary: Fortran because sign is a built-in function.)
7933     - JavaScript: fall back to Math.hypot, Math.cbrt, Math.log1p,
7934       Math.atanh if they are available.
7935   - When parsing DMS strings ignore various non-breaking spaces (C++
7936     and JavaScript).
7937   - Improve code coverage in the tests of geodesic algorithms (C++, C,
7938     Java, JavaScript, Python, MATLAB, Fortran).
7939   - Old deprecated NormalGravity::NormalGravity constructor removed.
7940   - Additions to the documentation:
7941     - add documentation links to ge{distance,reckon}.m;
7942     - clarify which solution is returned for Geocentric::Reverse.
7943   .
7944 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.49">Version 1.49</a>
7945   (released 2017-10-05)
7946   - Add the Enhanced Magnetic Model 2017, emm2017.  This is valid for
7947     2000 thru the end of 2021.
7948   - Avoid potential problems with the order of initializations in DMS,
7949     GARS, Geohash, Georef, MGRS, OSGB, SphericalEngine; this only would
7950     have been an issue if GeographicLib objects were instantiated
7951     globally.  Now no GeographicLib initialization code should be run
7952     prior to the entry of main().
7953   - To support the previous fix, add an overload,
7954     Utility::lookup(const char* s, char c).
7955   - NearestNeighbor::Search throws an error if \e pts is the wrong size
7956     (instead of merely returning no results).
7957   - Use complex arithmetic for Clenshaw sums in TransverseMercator and
7958     tranmerc_{fwd,inv}.m.
7959   - Changes in cmake support:
7960     - fix compiler flags for GEOGRAPHICLIB_PRECISION = 4;
7961     - add CONVERT_WARNINGS_TO_ERRORS option (default OFF), if ON then
7962       compiler warnings are treated as errors.
7963   - Fix warnings about implicit conversions of doubles to bools in C++,
7964     C, and JavaScript packages.
7965   - Binary installers for Windows now use Visual Studio 14 2015.
7966   .
7967 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.48">Version 1.48</a>
7968   (released 2017-04-09)
7969   - The "official" URL for GeographicLib is now
7970     https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io (instead of
7971     http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net).
7972   - The default range for longitude and azimuth is now
7973     (&minus;180&deg;, 180&deg;], instead of [&minus;180&deg;,
7974     180&deg;).  This was already the case for the C++ library; now the
7975     change has been made to the other implementations (C, Fortran,
7976     Java, JavaScript, Python, MATLAB, and Maxima).
7977   - Changes to NearestNeighbor:
7978     - fix BUG in reading a NearestNeighbor object from a stream which
7979       sometimes incorrectly caused a "Bad index" exception to be
7980       thrown;
7981     - add NearestNeighbor::operator<<, NearestNeighbor::operator>>,
7982       NearestNeighbor::swap, std::swap(GeographicLib::NearestNeighbor&,
7983       GeographicLib::NearestNeighbor&);
7984   - Additions to the documentation:
7985     - add documentation on \ref nearest;
7986     - \ref normalgravity documentation is now on its own page and now
7987       has an illustrative figure;
7988     - document the \ref auxlaterror in the series for auxiliary
7989       latitudes.
7990   - Fix BUGS in MATLAB function geodreckon with mixed scalar and array
7991     arguments.
7992   - Workaround bug in math.fmod for Python 2.7 on 32-bit Windows
7993     machines.
7994   - Changes in cmake support:
7995     - add USE_BOOST_FOR_EXAMPLES option (default OFF), if ON search for
7996       Boost libraries for building examples;
7997     - add APPLE_MULTIPLE_ARCHITECTURES option (default OFF), if ON
7998       build for both i386 and x86_64 on Mac OS X systems;
7999     - don't add flag for C++11 for g++ 6.0 (since it's not needed).
8000   - Fix compiler warnings with Visual Studio 2017 and for the C
8001     library.
8002   .
8003 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.47">Version 1.47</a>
8004   (released 2017-02-15)
8005   - Add NearestNeighbor class.
8006   - Improve accuracy of area calculation (fixing a flaw introduced in
8007     version 1.46); fix applied in Geodesic, GeodesicExact, and the
8008     implementations in C, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, Python, MATLAB,
8009     and Maxima.
8010   - Generalize NormalGravity to allow oblate and prolate ellipsoids.
8011     As a consequence a new form of constructor,
8012     NormalGravity::NormalGravity, has been introduced and the old
8013     form is now <b>deprecated</b> (and because the signatures of the two
8014     constructors are similar, the compiler will warn about the use of
8015     the old one).
8016   - Changes in Math class:
8017     - Math::sincosd, Math::sind, Math::cosd only return &minus;0 for
8018       the case sin(&minus;0);
8019     - Math::atan2d and Math::AngNormalize return results in
8020       (&minus;180&deg;, 180&deg;]; this may affect the longitudes and
8021       azimuth returned by several other functions.
8022   - Add Utility::trim() and Utility::val<T>(); Utility::num<T>() is now
8023     <b>deprecated</b>.
8024   - Changes in cmake support:
8025     - remove support of PACKAGE_PATH and INSTALL_PATH in cmake
8026       configuration;
8027     - fix to FindGeographicLib.cmake to make it work on Debian systems;
8028     - use $<TARGET_PDB_FILE:tgt> (cmake version &ge; 3.1);
8029     - use NAMESPACE for exported targets;
8030     - geographiclib-config.cmake exports GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA,
8032   - Add pkg-config support for cmake and autoconf builds.
8033   - Minor fixes:
8034     - fix the order of declarations in C library, incorporating the
8035       patches in version 1.46.1;
8036     - fix the packaging of the Python library, incorporating the
8037       patches in version 1.46.3;
8038     - restrict junit dependency in the Java package to testing scope
8039       (thanks to Mick Killianey);
8040     - various behind-the-scenes fixes to EllipticFunction;
8041     - fix documentation and default install location for Windows binary
8042       installers;
8043     - fix clang compiler warnings in GeodesicExactC4 and
8044       TransverseMercator.
8045   .
8046 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.46">Version 1.46</a>
8047   (released 2016-02-15)
8048   - The following BUGS have been fixed:
8049     - the -w flag to <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter(1)</a> was
8050       being ignored;
8051     - in the Java package, the wrong longitude was being returned with
8052       direct geodesic calculation with a negative distance when
8053       starting point was at a pole (this bug was introduced in version
8054       1.44);
8055     - in the JavaScript package, PolygonArea.TestEdge contained a
8056       misspelling of a variable name and other typos (problem found by
8057       threepointone).
8059     - make the -w flag (to swap the default order of latitude and
8060       longitude) a toggle for all \ref utilities;
8061     - the -a option to <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve(1)</a> now
8062       toggles (instead of sets) arc mode;
8063     - swap order \e coslon and \e sinlon arguments in CircularEngine
8064       class.
8065   - Remove deprecated functionality:
8066     - remove gradient calculation from the Geoid class and
8067       <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval(1)</a> (this was inaccurate
8068       and of dubious utility);
8069     - remove reciprocal flattening functions, InverseFlattening in many
8070       classes and Constants::WGS84_r(); stop treating flattening &gt; 1
8071       as the reciprocal flattening in constructors;
8072     - remove DMS::Decode(string), DMS::DecodeFraction,
8073       EllipticFunction:m, EllipticFunction:m1, Math::extradigits,
8074       Math::AngNormalize2, PolygonArea::TestCompute;
8075     - stop treating LONG_NOWRAP as an alias for LONG_UNROLL in
8076       Geodesic (and related classes) and Rhumb;
8077     - stop treating full/schmidt as aliases for FULL/SCHMIDT in
8078       SphericalEngine (and related classes);
8079     - remove qmake project file src/GeographicLib.pro because QtCreator
8080       can handle cmake projects now;
8081     - remove deprecated Visual Studio 2005 project and solution files.
8082   - Changes to GeodesicLine and GeodesicLineExact classes; these
8083     changes (1) simplify the process of computing waypoints on a
8084     geodesic given two endpoints and (2) allow a GeodesicLine to be
8085     defined which is consistent with the solution of the inverse
8086     problem (in particular Geodesic::InverseLine the specification of
8087     south-going lines which pass the poles in a westerly direction by
8088     setting sin &alpha;<sub>1</sub> = &minus;0):
8089     - the class stores the distance \e s13 and arc length \e a13 to a
8090       reference point 3; by default these quantities are NaNs;
8091     - GeodesicLine::SetDistance (and GeodesicLine::SetArc) specify the
8092       distance (and arc length) to point 3;
8093     - GeodesicLine::Distance (and GeodesicLine::Arc) return the
8094       distance (and arc length) to point 3;
8095     - new methods Geodesic::InverseLine and Geodesic::DirectLine return
8096       a GeodesicLine with the reference point 3 defined as point 2 of
8097       the corresponding geodesic calculation;
8098     - these changes are also included in the C, Java, JavaScript, and
8099       Python packages.
8100   - Other changes to the geodesic routines:
8101     - more accurate solution of the inverse problem when longitude
8102       difference is close to 180&deg; (also in C, Fortran, Java,
8103       JavaScript, Python, MATLAB, and Maxima packages);
8104     - more accurate calculation of lon2 in the inverse calculation with
8105       LONG_UNROLL (also in Java, JavaScript, Python packages).
8106   - Changes to <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve(1)</a> utility:
8107     - the -I and -D options now specify geodesic line calculation via
8108       the standard inverse or direct geodesic problems;
8109     - rename -l flag to -L to parallel the new -I and -D flags (-l is
8110       is retained for backward compatibility but is <b>deprecated</b>),
8111       and similarly for <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">RhumbSolve(1)</a>;
8112     - the -F flag (in conjunction with the -I or -D flags) specifies that
8113       distances read on standard input are fractions of \e s13 or \e
8114       a13;
8115     - the -a option now toggles arc mode (noted above);
8116     - the -w option now toggles longitude first mode (noted above).
8117   - Changes to Math class:
8118     - Math::copysign added;
8119     - add overloaded version of Math::AngDiff which returns the error
8120       in the difference.  This allows a more accurate treatment of
8121       inverse geodesic problem when \e lon12 is close to 180&deg;;
8122     - Math::AngRound now converts tiny negative numbers to &minus;0
8123       (instead of +0), however &minus;0 is still converted to +0.
8124   - Add -S and -T options to
8125     <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert(1)</a>.
8126   - Add <a href="https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/">Sphinx</a>
8127     documentation for Python package.
8128   - Samples of wrapping the C++ library, so it's accessible in other
8129     languages, are given in <code>wrapper/C</code>,
8130     <code>wrapper/python</code>, and <code>wrapper/matlab</code>.
8131   - Binary installers for Windows now use Visual Studio 12 2013.
8132   - Remove top-level pom.xml from release (it was specific to SRI).
8133   - A reminder: because of the JavaScript changes introduced in version
8134     1.45, you should remove the following installation directories from
8135     your system:
8136     - Windows: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/doc/scripts
8137     - Others: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/doc/GeographicLib/scripts
8138   .
8139 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.45">Version 1.45</a>
8140   (released 2015-09-30)
8141   - Fix BUG in solution of inverse geodesic caused by misbehavior of
8142     some versions of Visual Studio on Windows (fmod(&minus;0.0, 360.0)
8143     returns +0.0 instead of &minus;0.0) and Octave (sind(&minus;0.0)
8144     returns +0.0 instead of &minus;0.0).  These bugs were exposed
8145     because max(&minus;0.0, +0.0) returns &minus;0.0 for some
8146     languages.
8147   - Geodesic::Inverse now correctly returns NaNs if one of the
8148     latitudes is a NaN.
8149   - Changes to JavaScript package:
8150     - thanks to help from Yurij Mikhalevich, it is a now a
8151       <a href="https://nodejs.org">node</a> package that can be
8152       installed with <a href="https://www.npmjs.com">npm</a>;
8153     - make install now installs the node package in
8154       <code>lib/node_modules/geographiclib</code>;
8155     - add unit tests using mocha;
8156     - add documentation via <a href="http://usejsdoc.org">JSDoc</a>;
8157     - fix bug Geodesic.GenInverse (this bug, introduced in version
8158       1.44, resulted in the wrong azimuth being reported for points at
8159       the pole).
8160   - Changes to Java package:
8161     - add implementation of ellipsoidal Gnomonic projection (courtesy
8162       of Sebastian Mattheis);
8163     - add unit tests using JUnit;
8164     - Math.toRadians and Math.toDegrees are used instead of
8165       GeoMath.degree (which is now removed), as a result&hellip;
8166     - Java version 1.2 (released 1998-12) or later is now required.
8167   - Changes to Python package:
8168     - add unit tests using the unittest framework;
8169     - fixed bug in normalization of the area.
8170   - Changes to MATLAB package:
8171     - fix array size mismatch in geoddistance by avoiding calls to
8172       subfunctions with zero-length arrays;
8173     - fix tranmerc_{fwd,inv} so that they work with arrays and
8174       mixed array/scalar arguments;
8175     - work around Octave problem which causes mgrs_fwd to return
8176       garbage with prec = 10 or 11;
8177     - add geographiclib_test.m to run a test suite.
8178   - Behavior of substituting 1/\e f for \e f if \e f &gt; 1 is now
8179     <b>deprecated</b>.  This behavior has been removed from the
8180     JavaScript, C, and Python implementations (it was never
8181     documented).  Maxima, MATLAB, and Fortran implementations never
8182     included this behavior.
8183   - Other changes:
8184     - fix bug, introduced in version 1.42, in the C++ implementation to
8185       the computation of area which causes NaNs to be returned in the
8186       case of a sphere;
8187     - fixed bug, introduced in version 1.44, in the detection of C++11
8188       math functions in configure.ac;
8189     - throw error on non-convergence in Gnomonic::Reverse if
8191     - add geod_polygon_clear to C library;
8192     - turn illegal latitudes into NaNs for Fortran library;
8193     - add test suites for the C and Fortran libraries.
8194   .
8195 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.44">Version 1.44</a>
8196   (released 2015-08-14)
8197   - Various changes to improve accuracy, e.g., by minimizing round-off
8198     errors:
8199     - Add Math::sincosd, Math::sind, Math::cosd which take their
8200       arguments in degrees.  These functions do exact range reduction
8201       and thus they obey exactly the elementary properties of the
8202       trigonometric functions, e.g., sin 9&deg; = cos 81&deg; = &minus;
8203       sin 123456789&deg;.
8204     - Math::AngNormalize now works for any angles, instead of angles in
8205       the range [&minus;540&deg;, 540&deg;); the function
8206       Math::AngNormalize2 is now <b>deprecated</b>.
8207     - This means that there is now no restriction on longitudes and
8208       azimuths; any values can be used.
8209     - Improve the accuracy of Math::atan2d.
8210     - DMS::Decode avoids unnecessary round-off errors; thus 7:33:36 and
8211       7.56 result in identical values.  DMS::Encode rounds ties to
8212       even.  These changes have also been made to DMS.js.
8213     - More accurate rounding in MGRS::Reverse and mgrs_inv.m; this
8214       change only makes a difference at sub-meter precisions.
8215     - With MGRS::Forward and mgrs_fwd.m, ensure that digits in lower
8216       precision results match those at higher precision; as a result,
8217       strings of trailing 9s are less likely to be generated.  This
8218       change only makes a difference at sub-meter precisions.
8219     - Replace the series for <i>A</i><sub>2</sub> in the Geodesic class
8220       with one with smaller truncation errors.
8221     - Geodesic::Inverse sets \e s12 to zero for coincident points at
8222       pole (instead of returning a tiny quantity).
8223     - Math::LatFix returns its argument if it is in [&minus;90&deg;,
8224       90&deg;]; if not, it returns NaN.
8225     - Using Math::LatFix, routines which don't check their arguments
8226       now interpret a latitude outside the legal range of
8227       [&minus;90&deg;, 90&deg;] as a NaN; such routines will return
8228       NaNs instead of finite but incorrect results; <b>caution</b>:
8229       code that (dangerously) relied on the "reasonable" results being
8230       returned for values of the latitude outside the allowed range
8231       will now malfunction.
8232   - All the \ref utilities accept the -w option to swap the
8233     latitude-longitude order on input and output (and where appropriate
8234     on the command-line arguments).  CartConvert now accepts the -p
8235     option to set the precision; now all of the utilities except
8236     GeoidEval accept -p.
8237   - Add classes for GARS, the Global Area Reference System, and for
8238     Georef, the World Geographic Reference System.
8239   - Changes to DMS::Decode and DMS.js:
8240     - tighten up the rules:
8241       - 30:70.0 and 30:60 are illegal (minutes and second must be
8242         strictly less than 60), however
8243       - 30:60.0 and 30:60. are legal (floating point 60 is OK, since it
8244         might have been generated by rounding 59.99&hellip;);
8245     - generalize a+b concept, introduced in version 1.42, to any number
8246       of pieces; thus 8+0:40-0:0:10 is interpreted as 8:39:50.
8247   - Documentation fixes:
8248     - update man pages to refer to
8249       <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert(1)</a> on handling of
8250       geographic coordinates;
8251     - document limitations of the series used for TransverseMercator;
8252     - hide the documentation of the computation of the gradient of the
8253       geoid height (now <b>deprecated</b>) in the Geoid class;
8254     - warn about the possible misinterpretation of 7.0E+1 by
8255       DMS::Decode;
8256     - \e swaplatlong optional argument of DMS::DecodeLatLon and
8257       various functions in the GeoCoords class is now called \e
8258       longfirst;
8259     - require Doxygen 1.8.7 or later.
8260   - More systematic treatment of version numbers:
8261     - Python: \__init\__.py defines \__version\__ and \__version_info\__;
8262     - JavaScript:
8263       - Math.js defines Constants.version and Constants.version_string;
8264       - version number included as comment in packed script
8265         geographiclib.js;
8266       - <a href="../scripts/geod-calc.html">geod-calc.html</a> and
8267         <a href="../scripts/geod-google.html">geod-google.html</a>
8268         report the version number;
8269       - https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/scripts/ gives access to
8270         earlier versions of geographiclib.js as
8271         geographiclib-<i>m.nn</i>.js;
8272     - Fortran: add geover subroutine to return version numbers;
8273     - Maxima: geodesic.mac defines geod_version;
8274     - CGI scripts: these report the version numbers of the utilities.
8275   - BUG FIXES:
8276     - NormalGravity now works properly for a sphere (\e omega = \e f =
8277       \e J2 = 0), instead of returning NaNs (problem found by htallon);
8278     - CassiniSoldner::Forward and cassini_fwd.m now returns the correct
8279       azimuth for points at the pole.
8280   - MATLAB-specific fixes:
8281     - mgrs_fwd now treats treats prec &gt; 11 as prec = 11;
8282     - illegal letter combinations are now correctly detected by
8283       mgrs_inv;
8284     - fixed bug where mgrs_inv returned the wrong results for prec = 0
8285       strings and center = 0;
8286     - mgrs_inv now decodes prec = 11 strings properly;
8287     - routines now return array results with the right shape;
8288     - routines now properly handle mixed scalar and array arguments.
8289   - Add Accumulator<T>::operator*=(T y).
8290   - Geohash uses "invalid" instead of "nan" when the latitude or
8291     longitude is a nan.
8292   .
8293 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.43">Version 1.43</a>
8294   (released 2015-05-23)
8295   - Add the Enhanced Magnetic Model 2015, emm2015.  This is valid for
8296     2000 thru the end of 2019.  This required some changes in the
8297     MagneticModel and MagneticCircle classes; so this model cannot be
8298     used with versions of GeographicLib prior to 1.43.
8299   - Fix BLUNDER in PolarStereographic constructor introduced in version
8300     1.42.  This affected UTMUPS conversions for UPS which could be
8301     incorrect by up to 0.5 km.
8302   - Changes in the LONG_NOWRAP option (added in version 1.39) in the
8303     Geodesic and GeodesicLine classes:
8304     - The option is now called LONG_UNROLL (a less negative sounding
8305       term); the original name, LONG_NOWRAP, is retained for backwards
8306       compatibility.
8307     - There were two bad BUGS in the implementation of this capability:
8308       (a)&nbsp;it gave <i>incorrect</i> results for west-going
8309       geodesics; (b)&nbsp;the option was <i>ignored</i> if used
8310       directly via the GeodesicLine class.  The first bug affected the
8311       implementations in all languages.  The second affected the
8312       implementation in C++ (GeodesicLine and GeodesicLineExact),
8313       JavaScript, Java, C, Python.  These bugs have now been FIXED.
8314     - The <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a> utility now accepts
8315       a -u option, which turns on the LONG_UNROLL treatment.  With this
8316       option <code>lon1</code> is reported as entered and
8317       <code>lon2</code> is given such that <code>lon2</code> &minus;
8318       <code>lon1</code> indicates how often and in what sense the
8319       geodesic has encircled the earth.  (This option also affects the
8320       value of longitude reported when an inverse calculation is run
8321       with the -f option.)
8322     - The inverse calculation with the JavaScript and Python libraries
8323       similarly sets <code>lon1</code> and <code>lon2</code> in output
8324       dictionary respecting the LONG_UNROLL flag.
8325     - The online version of
8326       <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/cgi-bin/GeodSolve">GeodSolve</a>
8327       now offers an option to unroll the longitude.
8328     - To support these changes DMS::DecodeLatLon no longer reduces the
8329       longitude to the range [&minus;180&deg;, 180&deg;) and
8330       Math::AngRound now coverts &minus;0 to +0.
8331   - Add Math::polyval (also to C, Java, JavaScript, Fortran, Python
8332     versions of the library; this is a built-in function for
8333     MATLAB/Octave).  This evaluates a polynomial using Horner's method.
8334     The Maxima-generated code fragments for the evaluation of series in
8335     the Geodesic, TransverseMercator, and Rhumb classes and MATLAB
8336     routines for great ellipses have been replaced by Maxima-generated
8337     arrays of polynomial coefficients which are used as input to
8338     Math::polyval.
8339   - Add MGRS::Check() to verify that \e a, \e f,
8340     <i>k</i><sub>UTM</sub>, and <i>k</i><sub>UPS</sub> are consistent
8341     with the assumptions in the UTMUPS and MGRS classes.  This is
8342     invoked with <code>GeoConvert \--version</code>.  (This function
8343     was added to document and check the assumptions used in the UTMUPS
8344     and MGRS classes in case they are extended to deal with ellipsoids
8345     other than WS84.)
8346   - MATLAB function mgrs_inv now takes an optional \e center argument
8347     and strips white space from both beginning and end of the string.
8348   - Minor internal changes:
8349     - GeodSolve sets the geodesic mask so that unnecessary calculations
8350       are avoided;
8351     - some routines have migrated into a math class for the Python,
8352       Java, and JavaScript libraries.
8353   - A reminder: because of changes in the installation directories for
8354     non-Windows systems introduced in version 1.42, you should remove
8355     the following directories from your system:
8356     - ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/cmake/GeographicLib*
8357     - ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/libexec/GeographicLib/matlab
8358   .
8359 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.42">Version 1.42</a>
8360   (released 2015-04-28)
8361   - DMS::Decode allows a single addition or subtraction operation,
8362     e.g., 70W+0:0:15.  This affects the GeoCoords class and the
8363     utilities (which use the DMS class for reading coordinates).
8364   - Add Math::norm, Math::AngRound, Math::tand, Math::atan2d,
8365     Math::eatanhe, Math::taupf, Math::tauf, Math::fma and remove
8366     duplicated (but private) functionality from other classes.
8367   - On non-Windows systems, the cmake config-style find_package files
8368     are now installed under ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}
8369     instead of ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share, because the files are
8370     architecture-specific.  This change will let 32-bit and 64-bit
8371     versions coexist on the same machine (in lib and lib64).  You
8372     should remove the versions in the old "share" location.
8373   - MATLAB changes:
8374     - provide native MATLAB implementations for compiled interface
8375       functions, see \ref matlab;
8376     - the compiled MATLAB interface is now <b>deprecated</b> and so the
8377       MATLAB_COMPILER option in the cmake build has been removed;
8378     - reorganize directories, so that
8379       - matlab/geographiclib contains the native matlab code;
8380       - matlab/geographiclib-legacy contains wrapper functions to mimic
8381         the previous compiled functionality;
8382     - the installed MATLAB code mirrors this layout, but the parent
8383       installation directory on non-Windows systems is
8384       ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share (instead of
8385       ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/libexec), because the files are now
8386       architecture independent;
8387     - matlab/geographiclib is now packaged and distributed as
8388       MATLAB File Exchange package
8389       <a href="https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50605">
8390       50605</a> (this supersedes three earlier MATLAB packages);
8391     - point fix for geodarea.m to correct bug in area of polygons which
8392       encircle a pole multiple times (released as version 1.41.1 of
8393       MATLAB File Exchange package 39108, 2014-04-22).
8394   - artifactId for Java package changed from GeographicLib to
8395     GeographicLib-Java and the package is now deployed to
8396     Maven Central (thanks to Chris Bennight for help on this).
8397   - Fix autoconf mismatch of version numbers (which were inconsistent
8398     in versions 1.40 and 1.41).
8399   - Mark the computation of the gradient of the geoid height in the
8400     Geoid class and the <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a>
8401     utility as <b>deprecated</b>.
8402   - Work around the boost-quadmath bug with setprecision(0).
8403   - Deprecate use of Visual Studio 2005 "-vc8" project files in the
8404     windows directory.
8405   .
8406 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.41">Version 1.41</a>
8407   (released 2015-03-09)
8408   - Fix bug in Rhumb::Inverse (with \e exact = true) and related
8409     functions which causes the wrong distance to be reported if one of
8410     the end points is at a pole.  Thanks to Thomas Murray for reporting
8411     this.
8412   - Add International Geomagnetic Reference Field (12th generation),
8413     igrf12, which approximates the main magnetic field of the earth for
8414     the period 1900--2020.
8415   - Split information about \ref jacobi to a separate section and
8416     include more material.
8417   .
8418 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.40">Version 1.40</a>
8419   (released 2014-12-18)
8420   - Add the World Magnetic Model 2015, wmm2015.  This is now the
8421     default magnetic model for
8422     <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> (replacing wmm2010
8423     which is valid thru the end of 2014).
8424   - Geodesic::Inverse didn't return NaN if one of the longitudes was a
8425     NaN (bug introduced in version 1.25).  Fixed in the C++, Java,
8426     JavaScript, C, Fortran, and Python implementations of the geodesic
8427     routines.  This bug was not present in the MATLAB version.
8428   - Fix bug in Utility::readarray and Utility::writearray which caused
8429     an exception in debug mode with zero-sized arrays.
8430   - Fix BLUNDER in OSGB::GridReference (found by kalderami) where the
8431     wrong result was returned if the easting or northing was negative.
8432   - OSGB::GridReference now returns "INVALID" if either coordinate is
8433     NaN.  Similarly a grid reference starting with "IN" results in NaNs
8434     for the coordinates.
8435   - Default constructor for GeoCoords corresponds to an undefined
8436     position (latitude and longitude = NaN), instead of the north pole.
8437   - Add an online version of <a href="RhumbSolve.1.html">RhumbSolve</a>
8438     at https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/cgi-bin/RhumbSolve.
8439   - Additions to the documentation:
8440     - documentation on \ref triaxial-conformal;
8441     - a page on \ref auxlat (actually, this was added in version 1.39);
8442     - document the use of two single quotes to stand for a double quote
8443       in DMS (this feature was introduced in version 1.13).
8444   - The MATLAB function, geographiclibinterface, which compiles the
8445     wrapper routines for MATLAB now works with MATLAB on a Mac.
8446   .
8447 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.39">Version 1.39</a>
8448   (released 2014-11-11)
8449   - GeographicLib usually normalizes longitudes to the range
8450     [&minus;180&deg;, 180&deg;).  However, when solving the direct
8451     geodesic and rhumb line problems, it is sometimes necessary to know
8452     how many lines the line encircled the earth by returning the
8453     longitude "unwrapped".  So the following changes have been made:
8454     - add a LONG_NOWRAP flag to \e mask enums for the \e outmask
8455       arguments for Geodesic, GeodesicLine, Rhumb, and RhumbLine;
8456     - similar changes have been made to the Python, JavaScript, and
8457       Java implementations of the geodesic routines;
8458     - for the C, Fortran, and MATLAB implementations the \e arcmode
8459       argument to the routines was generalized to allow a combination
8460       of ARCMODE and LONG_NOWRAP bits;
8461     - the Maxima version now returns the longitude unwrapped.
8462     .
8463     These changes were necessary to fix the PolygonAreaT::AddEdge (see
8464     the next item).
8465   - Changes in area calculations:
8466     - fix BUG in PolygonAreaT::AddEdge (also in C, Java, JavaScript,
8467       and Python implementations) which sometimes causes the wrong area
8468       to be returned if the edge spanned more than 180&deg;;
8469     - add area calculation to the Rhumb and RhumbLine classes and the
8470       <a href="RhumbSolve.1.html">RhumbSolve</a> utility (see \ref
8471       rhumbarea);
8472     - add PolygonAreaRhumb typedef for PolygonAreaT<Rhumb>;
8473     - add -R option to <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a> to use
8474       PolygonAreaRhumb (and -G option for the default geodesic polygon);
8475     - fix BLUNDER in area calculation in MATLAB routine geodreckon;
8476     - add area calculation to MATLAB/Octave routines for great ellipses
8477       (see \ref gearea).
8478   - Fix bad BUG in Geohash::Reverse; this was introduced in version
8479     1.37 and affected all platforms where unsigned longs are 32-bits.
8480     Thanks to Christian Csar for reporting and diagnosing this.
8481   - Binary installers for Windows are now built with Visual Studio 11
8482     2012 (instead of Visual Studio 10 2010).  Compiled MATLAB support
8483     still with version 2013a (64-bit).
8484   - Update GeographicLib.pro for builds with qmake to include all the
8485     source files.
8486   - Cmake updates:
8487     - include cross-compiling checks in cmake config file;
8488     - improve the way unsuitable versions are reported;
8489     - include_directories (${GeographicLib_INCLUDE_DIRS}) is no longer
8490       necessary with cmake 2.8.11 or later.
8491   - legacy/Fortran now includes drop-in replacements for the geodesic
8492     utilities from the NGS.
8493   - geographiclib-get-{geoids,gravity,magnetic} with no arguments now
8494     print the usage instead of loading the minimal sets.
8495   - Utility::date(const std::string&, int&, int&, int&) and hence the
8496     <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a> utility accepts
8497     the string "now" as a legal time (meaning today).
8498   .
8499 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.38">Version 1.38</a>
8500   (released 2014-10-02)
8501   - On MacOSX, the installed package is relocatable (for cmake version
8502     2.8.12 and later).
8503   - On Mac OSX, GeographicLib can be installed using homebrew.
8504   - In cmake builds under Windows, set the output directories so that
8505     binaries and shared libraries are together.
8506   - Accept the minus sign as a synonym for - in DMS.{cpp,js}.
8507   - The cmake configuration file geographiclib-depends.cmake has been
8508     renamed to geographiclib-targets.cmake.
8509   - MATLAB/Octave routines for great ellipses added; see \ref
8510     greatellipse.
8511   - Provide man pages for geographiclib-get-{geoids,gravity,magnetic}.
8512   .
8513 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.37">Version 1.37</a>
8514   (released 2014-08-08)
8515   - Add \ref highprec.
8516   - <b>INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE</b>: the static instantiations of various
8517     classes for the WGS84 ellipsoid have been changed to a
8518     <a href="https://isocpp.org/wiki/faq/ctors#static-init-order-on-first-use">
8519     "construct on first use idiom"</a>.  This avoids a lot of wasteful
8520     initialization before the user's code starts.  Unfortunately it
8521     means that existing source code that relies on any of the following
8522     static variables will need to be changed to a function call:
8523     - AlbersEqualArea::AzimuthalEqualAreaNorth
8524     - AlbersEqualArea::AzimuthalEqualAreaSouth
8525     - AlbersEqualArea::CylindricalEqualArea
8526     - Ellipsoid::WGS84
8527     - Geocentric::WGS84
8528     - Geodesic::WGS84
8529     - GeodesicExact::WGS84
8530     - LambertConformalConic::Mercator
8531     - NormalGravity::GRS80
8532     - NormalGravity::WGS84
8533     - PolarStereographic::UPS
8534     - TransverseMercator::UTM
8535     - TransverseMercatorExact::UTM
8536     .
8537     Thus, occurrences of, for example, \code
8538     const Geodesic& geod = Geodesic::WGS84; // version 1.36 and earlier
8539     \endcode
8540     need to be changed to \code
8541     const Geodesic& geod = Geodesic::WGS84(); // version 1.37 and later
8542     \endcode
8543     (note the parentheses!); alternatively use \code
8544     // works with all versions
8545     const Geodesic geod(Constants::WGS84_a(), Constants::WGS84_a()); \endcode
8546   - Incompatible change: the environment variables
8547     <code>{GEOID,GRAVITY,MAGNETIC}_{NAME,PATH}</code> are now prefixed
8548     with <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_</code>.
8549   - Incompatible change for Windows XP: retire the Windows XP common
8550     data path.  If you're still using Windows XP, then you might have
8551     to move the folder <code>C:\\Documents and Settings\\All
8552     Users\\Application Data\\GeographicLib</code> to
8553     <code>C:\\ProgramData\\GeographicLib</code>.
8554   - All macro names affecting the compilation now start with
8555     <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_</code>; this applies to
8556     <code>GEOID_DEFAULT_NAME</code>, <code>GRAVITY_DEFAULT_NAME</code>,
8557     <code>MAGNETIC_DEFAULT_NAME</code>, <code>PGM_PIXEL_WIDTH</code>,
8558     <code>HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE</code>, <code>STATIC_ASSERT</code>,
8559     <code>WORDS_BIGENDIAN</code>.
8560   - Changes to PolygonArea:
8561     - introduce PolygonAreaT which takes a geodesic class as a parameter;
8562     - PolygonArea and PolygonAreaExact are typedef'ed to
8563       PolygonAreaT<Geodesic> and PolygonAreaT<GeodesicExact>;
8564     - add -E option to <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a> to use
8565       PolygonAreaExact;
8566     - add -Q option to <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a> to
8567       calculate the area on the authalic sphere.
8568   - Add -p option to <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a>,
8569     <a href="ConicProj.1.html">ConicProj</a>,
8570     <a href="GeodesicProj.1.html">GeodesicProj</a>,
8571     <a href="TransverseMercatorProj.1.html">TransverseMercatorProj</a>.
8572   - Add Rhumb and RhumbLine classes and the
8573     <a href="RhumbSolve.1.html">RhumbSolve</a> utility; see \ref rhumb
8574     for more information.
8575   - Minor changes to NormalGravity:
8576     - add NormalGravity::J2ToFlattening and NormalGravity::FlatteningToJ2;
8577     - use Newton's method to determine \e f from \e J2;
8578     - in constructor, allow \e omega = 0 (i.e., treat the spherical case).
8579   - Add grs80 GravityModel, see \ref gravity.
8580   - Make geographiclib-get-{geoids,gravity,magnetic} scripts work on MacOS.
8581   - Minor changes:
8582     - simplify cross-platform support for C++11 mathematical functions;
8583     - change way area coefficients are given in GeodesicExact to improve
8584       compile times;
8585     - enable searching the online documentation;
8586     - add macros <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_VERSION</code> and
8587       <code>GEOGRAPHICLIB_VERSION_NUM</code>;
8588     - add solution and project files for Visual Studio Express 2010.
8589   .
8590 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.36">Version 1.36</a>
8591   (released 2014-05-13)
8592   - Changes to comply with NGA's prohibition of the use of the
8593     upper-case letters N/S to designate the hemisphere when displaying
8594     UTM/UPS coordinates:
8595     - UTMUPS::DecodeZone allows north/south as hemisphere
8596       designators (in addition to n/s);
8597     - UTMUPS::EncodeZone now encodes the hemisphere in
8598       <i>lower case</i> (to distinguish this use from a grid zone
8599       designator);
8600     - UTMUPS::EncodeZone takes an optional parameter \e
8601       abbrev to indicate whether to use n/s or north/south as the
8602       hemisphere designator;
8603     - GeoCoords::UTMUPSRepresentation and
8604       GeoCoords::AltUTMUPSRepresentation similarly accept
8605       the \e abbrev parameter;
8606     - <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a> uses the
8607       flags -a and -l to govern whether UTM/UPS output uses n/s
8608       (the -a flag) or north/south (the -l flag) to denote the
8609       hemisphere;
8610     - Fixed a bug what allowed +3N to be accepted as an alternative UTM
8611       zone designation (instead of 3N).
8612     .
8613     <b>WARNING:</b> The use of lower case n/s for the hemisphere might
8614     cause compatibility problems.  However DecodeZone has always
8615     accepted either case; so the issue will only arise with other
8616     software reading the zone information.  To avoid possible
8617     misinterpretation of the zone designator, consider calling
8618     EncodeZone with \e abbrev = false and GeoConvert with -l, so that
8619     north/south are used to denote the hemisphere.
8620   - MGRS::Forward with \e prec = &minus;1 will produce a grid
8621     zone designation.  Similarly MGRS::Reverse will
8622     decode a grid zone designation (and return \e prec = &minus;1).
8623   - Stop using the throw() declaration specification which is
8624     deprecated in C++11.
8625   - Add missing std:: qualifications to copy in LocalCartesion and
8626     Geocentric headers (bug found by Clemens).
8627   .
8628 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.35">Version 1.35</a>
8629   (released 2014-03-13)
8630   - Fix blunder in UTMUPS::EncodeEPSG (found by Ben
8631     Adler).
8632   - MATLAB wrapper routines geodesic{direct,inverse,line} switch to
8633     "exact" routes if |<i>f</i>| &gt; 0.02.
8634   - GeodSolve.cgi allows ellipsoid to be set (and uses the -E option
8635     for <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a>).
8636   - Set title in HTML versions of man pages for the \ref utilities.
8637   - Changes in cmake support:
8638     - add _d to names of executables in debug mode of Visual Studio;
8639     - add support for Android (cmake-only), thanks to Pullan Yu;
8640     - check CPACK version numbers supplied on command line;
8641     - configured version of project-config.cmake.in is
8642       project-config.cmake (instead of geographiclib-config.cmake), to
8643       prevent find_package incorrectly using this file;
8644     - fix tests with multi-line output;
8645     - this release includes a file, pom.xml, which is used by an
8646       experimental build system (based on maven) at SRI.
8647   .
8648 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.34">Version 1.34</a>
8649   (released 2013-12-11)
8650   - Many changes in cmake support:
8651     - minimum version of cmake needed increased to 2.8.4 (which was
8652       released in 2011-02);
8653     - allow building both shared and static libraries with <code>-D
8655     - both shared and static libraries (Release plus Debug) included in
8656       binary installer;
8657     - find_package uses COMPONENTS and GeographicLib_USE_STATIC_LIBS to
8658       select the library to use;
8659     - find_package version checking allows nmake and Visual Studio
8660       generators to interoperate on Windows;
8661     - find_package (GeographicLib &hellip;) requires that GeographicLib be
8662       capitalized correctly;
8663     - on Unix/Linux, don't include the version number in directory for
8664       the cmake configuration files;
8665     - defaults for GEOGRAPHICLIB_DOCUMENTATION and
8667     - the GEOGRAPHICLIB_EXAMPLES configuration parameter is no longer
8668       used; cmake always configures to build the examples, but they are
8669       not built by default (instead build targets: exampleprograms and
8670       netexamples);
8671     - matlab-all target renamed to matlabinterface;
8672     - the configuration parameters PACKAGE_PATH and INSTALL_PATH are
8673       now deprecated (use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead);
8674     - on Linux, the installed package is relocatable;
8675     - on MacOSX, the installed utilities can find the shared library.
8676   - Use a more precise value for OSGB::CentralScale().
8677   - Add Arc routines to Python interface.
8678   - The Geod utility has been removed; the same functionality lives on
8679     with <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a> (introduced in
8680     version 1.30).
8681   .
8682 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.33">Version 1.33</a>
8683   (released 2013-10-08)
8684   - Add <a href="NET/index.html">NETGeographic .NET wrapper library</a>
8685     (courtesy of Scott Heiman).
8686   - Make inspector functions in Ellipsoid const.
8687   - Add Accumulator.cpp to instantiate Accumulator.
8688   - Defer some of the initialization of OSGB to when it
8689     is first called.
8690   - Fix bug in autoconf builds under MacOS.
8691   .
8692 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.32">Version 1.32</a>
8693   (released 2013-07-12)
8694   - Generalize C interface for polygon areas to allow vertices to be
8695     specified incrementally.
8696   - Fix way flags for C++11 support are determined.
8697   .
8698 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.31">Version 1.31</a>
8699   (released 2013-07-01)
8700   - Changes breaking binary compatibility (source compatibility is
8701     maintained):
8702     - overloaded versions of DMS::Encode,
8703       EllipticFunction::EllipticFunction, and
8704       GeoCoords::DMSRepresentation, have been eliminated
8705       by the use of optional arguments;
8706     - correct the declaration of first arg to
8707       UTMUPS::DecodeEPSG.
8708   - FIX BUG in GravityCircle constructor (found by
8709     Mathieu Peyr&eacute;ga) which caused bogus results for the gravity
8710     disturbance and gravity anomaly vectors.  (This only affected
8711     calculations using GravityCircle.  GravityModel calculations did
8712     not suffer from this bug.)
8713   - Improvements to the build:
8714     - add macros GEOGRAPHICLIB_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR,PATCH} to Config.h;
8715     - fix documentation for new version of perlpod;
8716     - improving setting of runtime path for Unix-like systems with cmake;
8717     - install PDB files when compiling with Visual Studio to aid
8718       debugging;
8719     - Windows binary release now uses MATLAB R2013a (64-bit) and
8720       uses the -largeArrayDims option.
8721     - fixes to the way the MATLAB interface routines are built (thanks
8722       to Phil Miller and Chris F.).
8723   - Changes to the geodesic routines:
8724     - add \ref java of the geodesic routines (thanks to Skip Breidbach
8725       for the maven support);
8726     - FIX BUG: avoid altering input args in Fortran implementation;
8727     - more systematic treatment of very short geodesic;
8728     - fixes to Python port so that they work with version 3.x, in
8729       addition to 2.x (courtesy of Amato);
8730     - accumulate the perimeter and area of polygons via a double-wide
8731       accumulator in Fortran, C, and MATLAB implementations (this is
8732       already included in the other implementations);
8733     - port PolygonArea::AddEdge and
8734       PolygonArea::TestEdge to JavaScript and Python
8735       interfaces;
8736     - include documentation on \ref geodshort.
8737   - Unix scripts for downloading datasets,
8738     geographiclib-get-{geoids,gravity,magnetic}, skip already download
8739     models by default, unless the -f flag is given.
8740   - FIX BUGS: meridian convergence and scale returned by
8741     TransverseMercatorExact was wrong at a pole.
8742   - Improve efficiency of MGRS::Forward by avoiding the
8743     calculation of the latitude if possible (adapting an idea of Craig
8744     Rollins).
8745   - Fixes to the way the MATLAB interface routines are built (thanks to
8746     Phil Miller and Chris F.).
8747   .
8748 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.30">Version 1.30</a>
8749   (released 2013-02-27)
8750   - Changes to geodesic routines:
8751     - FIX BUG in fail-safe mechanisms in Geodesic::Inverse;
8752     - the command line utility Geod is now called
8753       <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">GeodSolve</a>;
8754     - allow addition of polygon edges in PolygonArea;
8755     - add full Maxima implementation of geodesic algorithms.
8756   .
8757 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.29">Version 1.29</a>
8758   (released 2013-01-16)
8759   - Changes to allow compilation with libc++ (courtesy of Kal Conley).
8760   - Add description of \ref triaxial to documentation.
8761   - Update journal reference for "Algorithms for geodesics".
8762   .
8763 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.28">Version 1.28</a>
8764   (released 2012-12-11)
8765   - Changes to geodesic routines:
8766     - compute longitude difference exactly;
8767     - hence FIX BUG in area calculations for polygons with vertices very
8768       close to the prime meridian;
8769     - FIX BUG is geoddistance.m where the value of m12 was wrong for
8770       meridional geodesics;
8771     - add MATLAB implementations of the geodesic projections;
8772     - remove unneeded special code for geodesics which start at a pole;
8773     - include polygon area routine in C and Fortran implementations;
8774     - add doxygen documentation for C and Fortran libraries.
8775   .
8776 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.27">Version 1.27</a>
8777   (released 2012-11-29)
8778   - Changes to geodesic routines:
8779     - add native MATLAB implementations: geoddistance.m, geodreckon.m,
8780       geodarea.m;
8781     - add C and Fortran implementations;
8782     - improve the solution of the direct problem so that the series
8783       solution is accurate to round off for |<i>f</i>| &lt; 1/50;
8784     - tighten up the convergence criteria for solution of the inverse
8785       problem;
8786     - no longer signal failures of convergence with NaNs (a slightly
8787       less accurate answer is returned instead).
8788   - Fix DMS::Decode double rounding BUG.
8789   - On MacOSX platforms with the cmake configuration, universal
8790     binaries are built.
8791   .
8792 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.26">Version 1.26</a>
8793   (released 2012-10-22)
8794   - Replace the series used for geodesic areas by one with better
8795     convergence (this only makes an appreciable difference if
8796     |<i>f</i>| &gt; 1/150).
8797   .
8798 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.25">Version 1.25</a>
8799   (released 2012-10-16)
8800   - Changes to geodesic calculations:
8801     - restart Newton's method in Geodesic::Inverse when it goes awry;
8802     - back up Newton's method with the bisection method;
8803     - Geodesic::Inverse now converges for any value of \e f;
8804     - add GeodesicExact and GeodesicLineExact which are formulated in
8805       terms of elliptic integrals and thus yield accurate results even
8806       for very eccentric ellipsoids;
8807     - the -E option to <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">Geod</a> invokes these
8808       exact classes.
8809   - Add functionality to EllipticFunction:
8810     - add all the traditional elliptic integrals;
8811     - remove restrictions on argument range for incomplete elliptic integrals;
8812     - allow imaginary modulus for elliptic integrals and elliptic functions;
8813     - make interface to the symmetric elliptic integrals public.
8814   - Allow Ellipsoid to be copied.
8815   - Changes to the build tools:
8816     - cmake uses folders in Visual Studio to reduce clutter;
8817     - allow precision of reals to be set in cmake;
8818     - fail gracefully in the absence of pod documentation tools;
8819     - remove support for maintainer tasks in Makefile.mk;
8820     - upgrade to automake 1.11.6 to fix the "make distcheck" security
8821       vulnerability; see
8822       https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-3386
8823   .
8824 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.24">Version 1.24</a>
8825   (released 2012-09-22)
8826   - Allow the specification of the hemisphere in UTM coordinates in
8827     order to provide continuity across the equator:
8828     - add UTMUPS::Transfer;
8829     - add GeoCoords::UTMUPSRepresentation(bool, int) and
8830       GeoCoords::AltUTMUPSRepresentation(bool, int);
8831     - use the hemisphere letter in, e.g.,
8832       <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a> -u -z 31n.
8833   - Add UTMUPS::DecodeEPSG and
8834     UTMUPS::EncodeEPSG.
8835   - cmake changes:
8836     - restore support for cmake 2.4.x;
8837     - explicitly check version of doxygen.
8838   - Fix building under cygwin.
8839   - Document restrictions on \e f in \ref intro.
8840   - Fix Python interface to work with version 2.6.x.
8841   .
8842 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.23">Version 1.23</a>
8843   (released 2012-07-17)
8844   - Documentation changes:
8845     - remove html documentation from distribution and use web links if
8846       doxygen is not available;
8847     - use doxygen tags to document exceptions;
8848     - begin migrating the documentation to using Greek letters where
8849       appropriate (requires doxygen or later).
8850   - Add Math::AngNormalize and
8851     Math::AngNormalize2; the allowed range for longitudes
8852     and azimuths widened to [&minus;540&deg;, 540&deg;).
8853   - DMS::Decode understands more unicode symbols.
8854   - Geohash uses geohash code "nan" to stand for not a
8855     number.
8856   - Add Ellipsoid::NormalCurvatureRadius.
8857   - Various fixes in LambertConformalConic,
8858     TransverseMercator,
8859     PolarStereographic, and Ellipsoid to
8860     handle reverse projections of points near infinity.
8861   - Fix programming blunder in LambertConformalConic::Forward
8862     (incorrect results were returned if the tangent latitude was
8863     negative).
8864   .
8865 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.22">Version 1.22</a>
8866   (released 2012-05-27)
8867   - Add Geohash and Ellipsoid classes.
8868   - FIX BUG in AlbersEqualArea for very prolate
8869     ellipsoids (<i>b</i><sup>2</sup> &gt; 2 <i>a</i><sup>2</sup>).
8870   - cmake changes:
8871     - optionally use PACKAGE_PATH and INSTALL_PATH to determine
8873     - use COMMON_INSTALL_PATH to determine layout of installation
8874       directories;
8875     - as a consequence, the installation paths for the documentation,
8876       and Python and MATLAB interfaces are shortened for Windows;
8877     - zip source distribution now uses DOS line endings;
8878     - the tests work in debug mode for Windows;
8879     - default setting of GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA does not depend on
8881     - add a cmake configuration for build tree.
8882   .
8883 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.21">Version 1.21</a>
8884   (released 2012-04-25)
8885   - Support colon-separated DMS output:
8886     - DMS::Encode and
8887       GeoCoords::DMSRepresentation generalized;
8888     - <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a> and
8889       <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">Geod</a> now accept a -: option.
8890   - <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> does not print the gradient
8891     of the geoid height by default (because it's subject to large
8892     errors); give the -g option to get the gradient printed.
8893   - Work around optimization BUG in Geodesic::Inverse
8894     with tdm mingw g++ version 4.6.1.
8895   - autoconf fixed to ensure that that out-of-sources builds work;
8896     document this as the preferred method of using autoconf.
8897   - cmake tweaks:
8898     - simplify the configuration of doxygen;
8899     - allow the MATLAB compiler to be specified with the
8900       MATLAB_COMPILER option.
8901   .
8902 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.20">Version 1.20</a>
8903   (released 2012-03-23)
8904   - cmake tweaks:
8905     - improve find_package's matching of compiler versions;
8906     - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX set from CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH if available;
8907     - add "x64" to the package name for the 64-bit binary installer;
8908     - fix cmake warning with Visual Studio Express.
8909   - Fix SphericalEngine to deal with aggressive iterator
8910     checking by Visual Studio.
8911   - Fix transcription BUG is Geodesic.js.
8912   .
8913 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.19">Version 1.19</a>
8914   (released 2012-03-13)
8915   - Slight improvement in Geodesic::Inverse for very
8916     short lines.
8917   - Fix argument checking tests in MGRS::Forward.
8918   - Add \--comment-delimiter and \--line-separator options to the \ref
8919     utilities.
8920   - Add installer for 64-bit Windows; the compiled MATLAB interface is
8921     supplied with the Windows 64-bit installer only.
8922   .
8923 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.18">Version 1.18</a>
8924   (released 2012-02-18)
8925   - Improve documentation on configuration with cmake.
8926   - cmake's find_package ensures that the compiler versions match on Windows.
8927   - Improve documentation on compiling MATLAB interface.
8928   - Binary installer for Windows installs under C:/pkg-vc10 by default.
8929   .
8930 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.17">Version 1.17</a>
8931   (released 2012-01-21)
8932   - Work around optimization BUG in Geodesic::Inverse
8933     with g++ version 4.4.0 (mingw).
8934   - Fix BUG in argument checking with OSGB::GridReference.
8935   - Fix missing include file in SphericalHarmonic2.
8936   - Add simple examples of usage for each class.
8937   - Add internal documentation to the cmake configuration files.
8938   .
8939 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.16">Version 1.16</a>
8940   (released 2011-12-07)
8941   - Add calculation of the earth's gravitational field:
8942     - add NormalGravity GravityModel and
8943       GravityCircle classes;
8944     - add command line utility
8945       <a href="Gravity.1.html">Gravity</a>;
8946     - add \ref gravity;
8947     - add Constants::WGS84_GM(), Constants::WGS84_omega(), and
8948       similarly for GRS80.
8949   - Build uses GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA to specify a common parent directory
8950      for geoid, gravity, and magnetic data (instead of
8951      GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_PATH, etc.); similarly,
8952      <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a>,
8953      <a href="Gravity.1.html">Gravity</a>, and
8954      <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a>, look at the
8955      environment variable GEOGRAPHICLIB_DATA to locate the data.
8956   - Spherical harmonic software changes:
8957     - capitalize enums SphericalHarmonic::FULL and
8958       SphericalHarmonic::SCHMIDT (the lower case names
8959       are retained but deprecated);
8960     - optimize the sum by using a static table of square roots which is
8961       updated by SphericalEngine::RootTable;
8962     - avoid overflow for high degree models.
8963   - Magnetic software fixes:
8964     - fix documentation BUG in MagneticModel::Circle;
8965     - make MagneticModel constructor explicit;
8966     - provide default MagneticCircle constructor;
8967     - add additional inspector functions to
8968       MagneticCircle;
8969     - add -c option to <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a>;
8970     - default height to zero in
8971       <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a>.
8972   .
8973 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.15">Version 1.15</a>
8974   (released 2011-11-08)
8975   - Add calculation of the earth's magnetic field:
8976     - add MagneticModel and MagneticCircle
8977       classes;
8978     - add command line utility
8979       <a href="MagneticField.1.html">MagneticField</a>;
8980     - add \ref magnetic;
8981     - add \ref magneticinst;
8982     - add \ref magneticformat;
8983     - add classes SphericalEngine,
8984       CircularEngine, SphericalHarmonic,
8985       SphericalHarmonic1, and
8986       SphericalHarmonic2. which sum spherical harmonic
8987       series.
8988   - Add Utility class to support I/O and date
8989     manipulation.
8990   - Cmake configuration includes a _d suffix on the library built in
8991     debug mode.
8992   - For the Python package, include manifest and readme files; don't
8993     install setup.py for non-Windows systems.
8994   - Include Doxygen tag file in distribution as doc/html/Geographic.tag.
8995   .
8996 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.14">Version 1.14</a>
8997   (released 2011-09-30)
8998   - Ensure that geographiclib-config.cmake is relocatable.
8999   - Allow more unicode symbols to be used in DMS::Decode.
9000   - Modify <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> so that it can be
9001     used to convert the height datum for LIDAR data.
9002   - Modest speed-up of Geodesic::Inverse.
9003   - Changes in Python interface:
9004     - FIX BUG in transcription of Geodesic::Inverse;
9005     - include setup.py for easy installation;
9006     - Python only distribution is available at
9007       https://pypi.python.org/pypi/geographiclib
9008   - Supply a minimal Qt qmake project file for library
9009     src/Geographic.pro.
9010   .
9011 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.13">Version 1.13</a>
9012   (released 2011-08-13)
9013   - Changes to I/O:
9014     - allow : (colon) to be used as a DMS separator in
9015       DMS::Decode(const std::string&, flag&);
9016     - also accept Unicode symbols for degrees, minutes, and seconds
9017       (coded as UTF-8);
9018     - provide optional \e swaplatlong argument to various
9019       DMS and GeoCoords functions to make
9020       longitude precede latitude;
9021     - <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a> now has a -w option to
9022       make longitude precede latitude on input and output;
9023     - include a JavaScript version of DMS.
9024   - Slight improvement in starting guess for solution of geographic
9025     latitude in terms of conformal latitude in TransverseMercator,
9026     TransverseMercatorExact, and LambertConformalConic.
9027   - For most classes, get rid of const member variables so that the
9028     default copy assignment works.
9029   - Put Math and Accumulator in their own
9030     header files.
9031   - Remove unused "fast" Accumulator method.
9032   - Reorganize the \ref python.
9033   - Withdraw some deprecated routines.
9034   - cmake changes:
9035     - include FindGeographic.cmake in distribution;
9036     - building with cmake creates and installs
9037       geographiclib-config.cmake;
9038     - better support for building a shared library under Windows.
9039   .
9040 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.12">Version 1.12</a>
9041   (released 2011-07-21)
9042   - Change license to MIT/X11.
9043   - Add PolygonArea class and equivalent MATLAB function.
9044   - Provide JavaScript and Python implementations of geodesic routines.
9045   - Fix Windows installer to include runtime dlls for MATLAB.
9046   - Fix (innocuous) unassigned variable in Geodesic::GenInverse.
9047   - Geodesic routines in MATLAB return a12 as first column of aux return
9048     value (incompatible change).
9049   - A couple of code changes to enable compilation with Visual
9050     Studio 2003.
9051   .
9052 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.11">Version 1.11</a>
9053   (released 2011-06-27)
9054   - Changes to <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a>:
9055     - add -l flag to <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a> for polyline
9056       calculations;
9057     - trim precision of area to 3 decimal places;
9058     - FIX BUG with pole crossing edges (due to compiler optimization).
9059   - <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">Geod</a> no longer reports the reduced
9060     length by default; however the -f flag still reports this and in
9061     addition gives the geodesic scales and the geodesic area.
9062   - FIX BUGS (compiler-specific) in inverse geodesic calculations.
9063   - FIX BUG: accommodate tellg() returning &minus;1 at end of string.
9064   - Change way flattening of the ellipsoid is specified:
9065     - constructors take \e f argument which is taken to be the
9066       flattening if \e f &lt; 1 and the inverse flattening otherwise
9067       (this is a compatible change for spheres and oblate ellipsoids, but it
9068       is an INCOMPATIBLE change for prolate ellipsoids);
9069     - the -e arguments to the \ref utilities are handled similarly; in
9070       addition, simple fractions, e.g., 1/297, can be used for the
9071       flattening;
9072     - introduce Constants::WGS84_f() for the WGS84
9073       flattening (and deprecate Constants::WGS84_r() for the inverse
9074       flattening);
9075     - most classes have a Flattening() member function;
9076     - InverseFlattening() has been deprecated (and now returns inf for a
9077       sphere, instead of 0).
9078   .
9079 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.10">Version 1.10</a>
9080   (released 2011-06-11)
9081   - Improvements to MATLAB/Octave interface:
9082     - add {geocentric,localcartesian}{forward,reverse};
9083     - make geographiclibinterface more general;
9084     - install the source for the interface;
9085     - cmake compiles the interface if ENABLE_MATLAB=ON;
9086     - include compiled interface with Windows binary installer.
9087   - Fix various configuration issues
9088     - autoconf did not install Config.h;
9089     - cmake installed in man/man1 instead of share/man/man1;
9090     - cmake did not set the rpath on the tools.
9091   .
9092 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.9">Version 1.9</a>
9093   (released 2011-05-28)
9094   - FIX BUG in area returned by
9095     <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a> for pole encircling polygons.
9096   - FIX BUG in error message reported when DMS::Decode reads the string
9097     "5d.".
9098   - FIX BUG in AlbersEqualArea::Reverse (lon0 not being used).
9099   - Ensure that all exceptions thrown in the \ref utilities are caught.
9100   - Avoid using catch within DMS.
9101   - Move Accumulator class from Planimeter.cpp to
9102     Constants.hpp.
9103   - Add Math::sq<T>.
9104   - Simplify \ref geoidinst
9105     - add geographiclib-get-geoids for Unix-like systems;
9106     - add installers for Windows.
9107   - Provide cmake support:
9108     - build binary installer for Windows;
9109     - include regression tests;
9110     - add \--input-string, \--input-file, \--output-file options to the
9111       \ref utilities to support tests.
9112   - Rename utility EquidistantTest as <a href="GeodesicProj.1.html">
9113     GeodesicProj</a> and TransverseMercatorTest as
9114     <a href="TransverseMercatorProj.1.html"> TransverseMercatorProj</a>.
9115   - Add <a href="ConicProj.1.html"> ConicProj</a>.
9116   - Reverse the initial sense of the -s option for
9117     <a href="Planimeter.1.html"> Planimeter</a>.
9118   - Migrate source from subversion to git.
9119   .
9120 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.8">Version 1.8</a>
9121   (released 2011-02-22)
9122   - Optionally return rotation matrix from Geocentric and
9123     LocalCartesian.
9124   - For the \ref utilities, supply man pages, -h prints the synopsis,
9125     \--help prints the man page, \--version prints the version.
9126   - Use accurate summation in <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a>.
9127   - Add 64-bit targets for Visual Studio 2010.
9128   - Use templates for defining math functions and some constants.
9129   - Geoid updates
9130     - Add Geoid::DefaultGeoidPath and
9131       Geoid::DefaultGeoidName;
9132     - <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> uses environment variable
9133       GEOGRAPHICLIB_GEOID_NAME as the default geoid;
9134     - Add \--msltohae and \--haetomsl as
9135       <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> options (and don't
9136       document the single hyphen versions).
9137   - Remove documentation that duplicates papers on transverse Mercator
9138     and geodesics.
9139   .
9140 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.7">Version 1.7</a>
9141   (released 2010-12-21)
9142   - FIX BUG in scale returned by LambertConformalConic::Reverse.
9143   - Add AlbersEqualArea projection.
9144   - Library created by Visual Studio is Geographic.lib instead of
9145     GeographicLib.lib (compatible with makefiles).
9146   - Make classes NaN aware.
9147   - Use cell arrays for MGRS strings in MATLAB.
9148   - Add solution/project files for Visual Studio 2010 (32-bit only).
9149   - Use C++11 static_assert and math functions, if available.
9150   .
9151 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.6">Version 1.6</a>
9152   (released 2010-11-23)
9153   - FIX BUG introduced in Geoid in version 1.5 (found by
9154     Dave Edwards).
9155   .
9156 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.5">Version 1.5</a>
9157   (released 2010-11-19)
9158   - Improve area calculations for small polygons.
9159   - Add -s and -r flags to <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a>.
9160   - Improve the accuracy of LambertConformalConic using
9161     divided differences.
9162   - FIX BUG in meridian convergence returned by
9163     LambertConformalConic::Forward.
9164   - Add optional threadsafe parameter to Geoid
9165     constructor.  WARNING: This changes may break binary compatibility
9166     with previous versions of GeographicLib.  However, the library is
9167     source compatible.
9168   - Add OSGB.
9169   - MATLAB and Octave interfaces to UTMUPS,
9170     MGRS, Geoid, Geodesic
9171     provided.
9172   - Minor changes
9173     - explicitly turn on optimization in Visual Studio 2008 projects;
9174     - add missing dependencies in some Makefiles;
9175     - move pi() and degree() from Constants to
9176       Math;
9177     - introduce Math::extended type to aid testing;
9178     - add Math::epi() and Math::edegree().
9179     - fixes to compile under cygwin;
9180     - tweak expression used to find latitude from conformal latitude.
9181   .
9182 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.4">Version 1.4</a>
9183   (released 2010-09-12)
9184   - Changes to Geodesic and GeodesicLine:
9185     - FIX BUG in Geodesic::Inverse with prolate ellipsoids;
9186     - add area computations to Geodesic::Direct and Geodesic::Inverse;
9187     - add geodesic areas to geodesic test set;
9188     - make GeodesicLine constructor public;
9189     - change longitude series in Geodesic into Helmert-like form;
9190     - ensure that equatorial geodesics have cos(alpha0) = 0 identically;
9191     - generalize interface for Geodesic and GeodesicLine;
9192     - split GeodesicLine and Geodesic into different files;
9193     - signal convergence failure in Geodesic::Inverse with NaNs;
9194     - deprecate one function in Geodesic and two functions in
9195       GeodesicLine;
9196     - deprecate -n option for <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">Geod</a>.
9197     .
9198     <b>WARNING</b>: These changes may break binary compatibility with
9199     previous versions of GeographicLib.  However, the library is
9200     source compatible (with the proviso that
9201     GeographicLib/GeodesicLine.hpp may now need to be included).
9202   - Add the <a href="Planimeter.1.html">Planimeter</a> utility for
9203     computing the areas of geodesic polygons.
9204   - Improve iterative solution of Gnomonic::Reverse.
9205   - Add Geoid::ConvertHeight.
9206   - Add -msltohae, -haetomsl, and -z options to
9207     <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a>.
9208   - Constructors check that minor radius is positive.
9209   - Add overloaded Forward and Reverse functions to the projection
9210     classes which don't return the convergence (or azimuth) and scale.
9211   - Document function parameters and return values consistently.
9212   .
9213 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.3">Version 1.3</a>
9214   (released 2010-07-21)
9215   - Add Gnomonic, the ellipsoid generalization of the
9216     gnomonic projection.
9217   - Add -g and -e options to
9218     <a href="GeodesicProj.1.html">EquidistantTest</a>.
9219   - Use fixed-point notation for output from
9220     <a href="CartConvert.1.html">CartConvert</a>,
9221     <a href="GeodesicProj.1.html">EquidistantTest</a>,
9222     <a href="TransverseMercatorProj.1.html">TransverseMercatorTest</a>.
9223   - PolarStereographic:
9224     - Improved conversion to conformal coordinates;
9225     - Fix bug with scale at opposite pole;
9226     - Complain if latitude out of range in SetScale.
9227   - Add Math::NaN().
9228   - Add long double version of hypot for Windows.
9229   - Add EllipticFunction::E(real).
9230   - Update references to Geotrans in MGRS documentation.
9231   - Speed up tmseries.mac.
9232   .
9233 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.2">Version 1.2</a>
9234   (released 2010-05-21)
9235   - FIX BUGS in Geodesic,
9236     - wrong azimuth returned by Direct if point 2 is on a pole;
9237     - Inverse sometimes fails with very close points.
9238   - Improve calculation of scale in CassiniSoldner,
9239     - add GeodesicLine::Scale,
9240       GeodesicLine::EquatorialAzimuth, and
9241       GeodesicLine::EquatorialArc;
9242     - break friend connection between CassiniSoldner and Geodesic.
9243   - Add DMS::DecodeAngle and
9244     DMS::DecodeAzimuth.  Extend
9245     DMS::Decode and DMS::Encode to deal
9246     with distances.
9247   - Code and documentation changes in Geodesic and
9248     Geocentric for consistency with
9249     the forthcoming paper on geodesics.
9250   - Increase order of series using in Geodesic to 6 (full
9251     accuracy maintained for ellipsoid flattening &lt; 0.01).
9252   - Macro __NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH to disable use of long double.
9253   - Correct declaration of Math::isfinite to return a bool.
9254   - Changes in the \ref utilities,
9255     - improve error reporting when parsing command line arguments;
9256     - accept latitudes and longitudes in decimal degrees or degrees,
9257       minutes, and seconds, with optional hemisphere designators;
9258     - <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a> -z accepts zone or
9259       zone+hemisphere;
9260     - <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> accepts any of the input
9261       formats used by <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a>;
9262     - <a href="CartConvert.1.html">CartConvert</a> allows the ellipsoid
9263       to be specified with -e.
9264   .
9265 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.1">Version 1.1</a>
9266   (released 2010-02-09)
9267   - FIX BUG (introduced in 2009-03) in EllipticFunction::E(sn,cn,dn).
9268   - Increase accuracy of scale calculation in TransverseMercator and
9269     TransverseMercatorExact.
9270   - Code and documentation changes for consistency with
9271     <a  href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1002.1417">arXiv:1002.1417</a>
9272   .
9273 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/1.0">Version 1.0</a>
9274   (released 2010-01-07)
9275   - Add autoconf configuration files.
9276   - BUG FIX: Improve initial guess for Newton's method in
9277     PolarStereographic::Reverse.  (Previously this failed to converge
9278     when the co-latitude exceeded about 130 deg.)
9279   - Constructors for TransverseMercator, TransverseMercatorExact,
9280     PolarStereographic, Geocentric, and Geodesic now check for obvious
9281     problems with their arguments and throw an exception if necessary.
9282   - Most classes now include inspector functions such as MajorRadius()
9283     so that you can determine how instances were constructed.
9284   - Add LambertConformalConic class.
9285   - Add PolarStereographic::SetScale to allow the
9286     latitude of true scale to be specified.
9287   - Add solution and project files for Visual Studio 2008.
9288   - Add GeographicErr for exceptions.
9289   - Geoid changes:
9290     - BUG FIX: fix typo in Geoid::Cache which could cause
9291       a segmentation fault in some cases when the cached area spanned
9292       the prime meridian.
9293     - Include sufficient edge data to allow heights to be returned for
9294       cached area without disk reads;
9295     - Add inspector functions to query the extent of the cache.
9296   .
9297 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-11">Version 2009-11</a>
9298   (released 2009-11-03)
9299   - Allow specification of "closest UTM zone" in UTMUPS
9300     and <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a> (via -t option).
9301   - Utilities now complain is there are too many tokens on input lines.
9302   - Include real-to-real versions of DMS::Decode and
9303     DMS::Encode.
9304   - More house-cleaning changes:
9305     - Ensure that functions which return results through reference
9306       arguments do not alter the arguments when an exception is thrown.
9307     - Improve accuracy of MGRS::Forward.
9308     - Include more information in some error messages.
9309     - Improve accuracy of inverse hyperbolic functions.
9310     - Fix the way Math functions handle different precisions.
9311   .
9312 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-10">Version 2009-10</a>
9313   (released 2009-10-18)
9314  - Change web site to https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io
9315  - Several house-cleaning changes:
9316    - Change from the a flat directory structure to a more easily
9317      maintained one.
9318    - Introduce Math class for common mathematical functions (in
9319      Constants.hpp).
9320    - Use Math::real as the type for all real quantities.  By default this
9321      is typedef'ed to double; and the library should be installed this
9322      way.
9323    - Eliminate const reference members of AzimuthalEquidistant,
9324      CassiniSoldner and LocalCartesian so that they may be copied.
9325    - Make several constructors explicit.  Disallow some constructors.
9326      Disallow copy constructor/assignment for Geoid.
9327    - Document least squares formulas in Geoid.cpp.
9328    - Use unsigned long long for files positions of geoid files in Geoid.
9329    - Introduce optional mgrslimits argument in UTMUPS::Forward and
9330      UTMUPS::Reverse to enforce stricter MGRS limits on eastings and
9331      northings.
9332    - Add 64-bit targets in Visual Studio project files.
9333   .
9334 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-09">Version 2009-09</a>
9335   (released 2009-09-01)
9336   - Add Geoid and
9337     <a href="GeoidEval.1.html">GeoidEval</a> utility.
9338   .
9339 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-08">Version 2009-08</a>
9340   (released 2009-08-14)
9341   - Add CassiniSoldner class and
9342     <a href="GeodesicProj.1.html">EquidistantTest</a> utility.
9343   - Fix bug in Geodesic::Inverse where NaNs were
9344     sometimes returned.
9345   - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: AzimuthalEquidistant now returns the reciprocal
9346     of the azimuthal scale instead of the reduced length.
9347   - Add -n option to <a href="GeoConvert.1.html">GeoConvert</a>.
9348   .
9349 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-07">Version 2009-07</a>
9350   (released 2009-07-16)
9351   - Speed up the series inversion code in tmseries.mac and geod.mac.
9352   - Reference Borkowski in section on \ref geocentric.
9353   .
9354 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-06">Version 2009-06</a>
9355   (released 2009-06-01)
9356   - Add routines to decode and encode zone+hemisphere to UTMUPS.
9357   - Clean up code in Geodesic.
9358   .
9359 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-05">Version 2009-05</a>
9360   (released 2009-05-01)
9361   - Improvements to Geodesic:
9362     - more economical series expansions,
9363     - return reduced length (as does the
9364       <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">Geod</a> utility),
9365     - improved calculation of starting point for inverse method,
9366     - use reduced length to give derivative for Newton's method.
9367   - Add AzimuthalEquidistant class.
9368   - Make Geocentric, TransverseMercator,
9369     and PolarStereographic classes work with prolate
9370     ellipsoids.
9371   - <a href="CartConvert.1.html">CartConvert</a> checks its inputs more
9372     carefully.
9373   - Remove reference to defunct Constants.cpp from GeographicLib.vcproj.
9374   .
9375 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-04">Version 2009-04</a>
9376   (released 2009-04-01)
9377   - Use compile-time constants to select the order of series in
9378     TransverseMercator.
9379   - 2x unroll of Clenshaw summation to avoid data shuffling.
9380   - Simplification of EllipticFunction::E.
9381   - Use STATIC_ASSERT for compile-time checking of constants.
9382   - Improvements to Geodesic:
9383     - compile-time option to change order of series used,
9384     - post Maxima code for generating the series,
9385     - tune the order of series for double,
9386     - improvements in the selection of starting points for Newton's
9387       method,
9388     - accept and return spherical arc lengths,
9389     - works with both oblate and prolate ellipsoids,
9390     - add -a, -e, -b options to the <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">Geod</a>
9391       utility.
9392   .
9393 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-03">Version 2009-03</a>
9394   (released 2009-03-01)
9395   - Add Geodesic and the
9396     <a href="GeodSolve.1.html">Geod</a> utility.
9397   - Declare when no exceptions are thrown by functions.
9398   - Minor changes to DMS class.
9399   - Use invf = 0 to mean a sphere in constructors to some classes.
9400   - The makefile creates a library and includes an install target.
9401   - Rename ECEF to Geocentric, ECEFConvert
9402     to <a href="CartConvert.1.html">CartConvert</a>.
9403   - Use inline functions to define constant doubles in Constants.hpp.
9404   .
9405 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-02">Version 2009-02</a>
9406   (released 2009-01-30)
9407   - Fix documentation of constructors (flattening &rarr; inverse
9408     flattening).
9409   - Use std versions of math functions.
9410   - Add ECEF and LocalCartesian classes
9411     and the ECEFConvert utility.
9412   - Gather the documentation on the \ref utilities onto one page.
9413   .
9414 - <a href="https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/2009-01">Version 2009-01</a>
9415   (released 2009-01-12)
9416   - First proper release of library.
9417   - More robust TransverseMercatorExact:
9418     - Introduce \e extendp version of constructor,
9419     - Test against extended test data,
9420     - Optimize starting positions for Newton's method,
9421     - Fix behavior near all singularities,
9422     - Fix order dependence in C++ start-up code,
9423     - Improved method of computing scale and convergence.
9424   - Documentation on transverse Mercator projection.
9425   - Add MGRS, UTMUPS, etc.
9426   .
9427 - Version 2008-09
9428   - Ad hoc posting of information on the transverse Mercator projection.
9431Back to \ref highprec.  Up to \ref contents.