1 /*
2  *  - - - - - - - - - -
3  *   g a l _ d s c o m
4  *  - - - - - - - - - -
5  *
6  *  This routine is part of the General Astrodynamics Library
7  *
8  *  Description:
9  *
10  *     This routine provides deep space common items used by both the secular
11  *     and periodics routines.
12  *
13  *  Status:
14  *
15  *     SGP4 support routine.
16  *
17  *  Given:
18  *
19  *     epoch            d
20  *     ep               d           Eccentricity
21  *     argpp            d           Argument of Perigee
22  *     tc               d
23  *     inclp            d           Inclination
24  *     nodep            d           Right Ascension of Ascending Node
25  *     np               d           Mean Motion
26  *
27  *  Returned:
28  *
29  *     *sinim           d
30  *     *cosim           d
31  *     *sinomm          d
32  *     *cosomm          d
33  *     *snodm           d
34  *     *cnodm           d
35  *     *day             d
36  *     *e3              d
37  *     *ee2             d
38  *     *em              d           Eccentricity
39  *     *emsq            d           Eccentricity squared
40  *     *gam             d
41  *     *peo             d
42  *     *pgho            d
43  *     *pho             d
44  *     *pinco           d
45  *     *plo             d
46  *     *rtemsq          d
47  *     *se2             d
48  *     *se3             d
49  *     *sgh2            d
50  *     *sgh3            d
51  *     *sgh4            d
52  *     *sh2             d
53  *     *sh3             d
54  *     *si2             d
55  *     *si3             d
56  *     *sl2             d
57  *     *sl3             d
58  *     *sl4             d
59  *     *s1              d
60  *     *s2              d
61  *     *s3              d
62  *     *s4              d
63  *     *s5              d
64  *     *s6              d
65  *     *s7              d
66  *     *ss1             d
67  *     *ss2             d
68  *     *ss3             d
69  *     *ss4             d
70  *     *ss5             d
71  *     *ss6             d
72  *     *ss7             d
73  *     *sz1             d
74  *     *sz2             d
75  *     *sz3             d
76  *     *sz11            d
77  *     *sz12            d
78  *     *sz13            d
79  *     *sz21            d
80  *     *sz22            d
81  *     *sz23            d
82  *     *sz31            d
83  *     *sz32            d
84  *     *sz33            d
85  *     *xgh2            d
86  *     *xgh3            d
87  *     *xgh4            d
88  *     *xh2             d
89  *     *xh3             d
90  *     *xi2             d
91  *     *xi3             d
92  *     *xl2             d
93  *     *xl3             d
94  *     *xl4             d
95  *     *nm              d           Mean Motion
96  *     *z1              d
97  *     *z2              d
98  *     *z3              d
99  *     *z11             d
100  *     *z12             d
101  *     *z13             d
102  *     *z21             d
103  *     *z22             d
104  *     *z23             d
105  *     *z31             d
106  *     *z32             d
107  *     *z33             d
108  *     *zmol            d
109  *     *zmos            d
110  *
111  *  Notes:
112  *
113  *  1) This routine is a translation from c++ to c of David Vallado's SGP4UNIT.dscom
114  *     routine ( 2007 November 16 ). This routine used to be called dpper, but the
115  *     functions inside weren't well organized.
116  *
117  *  References:
118  *
119  *     NORAD Spacetrack Report #3 1980
120  *     Hoots, Roehrich
121  *
122  *     NORAD Spacetrack Report #6 1986
123  *     Hoots
124  *
125  *     Hoots, Schumacher and Glover 2004
126  *
127  *     Revisting Spacetrack Report #3
128  *     Vallado, David, Crawford, Paul, Hujsak, Richard, Kelso, T.S.
129  *     AIAA 2006-6753
130  *
131  *  This revision:
132  *
133  *     2008 April 6
134  *
135  *  Copyright (C) 2008 Paul C. L. Willmott. See notes at end.
136  *
137  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
138  */
140 #include <math.h>
141 #include "gal_const.h"
142 #include "gal_dscom.h"
144 void
gal_dscom(double epoch,double ep,double argpp,double tc,double inclp,double nodep,double np,double * snodm,double * cnodm,double * sinim,double * cosim,double * sinomm,double * cosomm,double * day,double * e3,double * ee2,double * em,double * emsq,double * gam,double * peo,double * pgho,double * pho,double * pinco,double * plo,double * rtemsq,double * se2,double * se3,double * sgh2,double * sgh3,double * sgh4,double * sh2,double * sh3,double * si2,double * si3,double * sl2,double * sl3,double * sl4,double * s1,double * s2,double * s3,double * s4,double * s5,double * s6,double * s7,double * ss1,double * ss2,double * ss3,double * ss4,double * ss5,double * ss6,double * ss7,double * sz1,double * sz2,double * sz3,double * sz11,double * sz12,double * sz13,double * sz21,double * sz22,double * sz23,double * sz31,double * sz32,double * sz33,double * xgh2,double * xgh3,double * xgh4,double * xh2,double * xh3,double * xi2,double * xi3,double * xl2,double * xl3,double * xl4,double * nm,double * z1,double * z2,double * z3,double * z11,double * z12,double * z13,double * z21,double * z22,double * z23,double * z31,double * z32,double * z33,double * zmol,double * zmos)145 gal_dscom
146   (
147     double epoch,
148     double ep,
149     double argpp,
150     double tc,
151     double inclp,
152     double nodep,
153     double np,
154     double *snodm,
155     double *cnodm,
156     double *sinim,
157     double *cosim,
158     double *sinomm,
159     double *cosomm,
160     double *day,
161     double *e3,
162     double *ee2,
163     double *em,
164     double *emsq,
165     double *gam,
166     double *peo,
167     double *pgho,
168     double *pho,
169     double *pinco,
170     double *plo,
171     double *rtemsq,
172     double *se2,
173     double *se3,
174     double *sgh2,
175     double *sgh3,
176     double *sgh4,
177     double *sh2,
178     double *sh3,
179     double *si2,
180     double *si3,
181     double *sl2,
182     double *sl3,
183     double *sl4,
184     double *s1,
185     double *s2,
186     double *s3,
187     double *s4,
188     double *s5,
189     double *s6,
190     double *s7,
191     double *ss1,
192     double *ss2,
193     double *ss3,
194     double *ss4,
195     double *ss5,
196     double *ss6,
197     double *ss7,
198     double *sz1,
199     double *sz2,
200     double *sz3,
201     double *sz11,
202     double *sz12,
203     double *sz13,
204     double *sz21,
205     double *sz22,
206     double *sz23,
207     double *sz31,
208     double *sz32,
209     double *sz33,
210     double *xgh2,
211     double *xgh3,
212     double *xgh4,
213     double *xh2,
214     double *xh3,
215     double *xi2,
216     double *xi3,
217     double *xl2,
218     double *xl3,
219     double *xl4,
220     double *nm,
221     double *z1,
222     double *z2,
223     double *z3,
224     double *z11,
225     double *z12,
226     double *z13,
227     double *z21,
228     double *z22,
229     double *z23,
230     double *z31,
231     double *z32,
232     double *z33,
233     double *zmol,
234     double *zmos
235   )
237 {
239 /*
240  * Constants
241  */
243   const double zes    =  0.01675      ;
244   const double zel    =  0.05490      ;
245   const double c1ss   =  2.9864797e-6 ;
246   const double c1l    =  4.7968065e-7 ;
247   const double zsinis =  0.39785416   ;
248   const double zcosis =  0.91744867   ;
249   const double zcosgs =  0.1945905    ;
250   const double zsings = -0.98088458   ;
252 /*
253  * Local Variables
254  */
256   int lsflg ;
258   double a1    , a2    , a3    , a4    , a5    , a6    , a7    ,
259          a8    , a9    , a10   , betasq, cc    , ctem  , stem  ,
260          x1    , x2    , x3    , x4    , x5    , x6    , x7    ,
261          x8    , xnodce, xnoi  , zcosg , zcosgl, zcosh , zcoshl,
262          zcosi , zcosil, zsing , zsingl, zsinh , zsinhl, zsini ,
263          zsinil, zx    , zy ;
265 /*
266  * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
267  */
269   *nm     = np ;
270   *em     = ep ;
271   *snodm  = sin ( nodep ) ;
272   *cnodm  = cos ( nodep ) ;
273   *sinomm = sin ( argpp ) ;
274   *cosomm = cos ( argpp ) ;
275   *sinim  = sin ( inclp ) ;
276   *cosim  = cos ( inclp ) ;
277   *emsq   = (*em) * (*em) ;
278   betasq = 1.0 - *emsq ;
279   *rtemsq = sqrt ( betasq ) ;
281 /*
282  * Initialize lunar solar terms
283  */
285   *peo    = 0.0 ;
286   *pinco  = 0.0 ;
287   *plo    = 0.0 ;
288   *pgho   = 0.0 ;
289   *pho    = 0.0 ;
290   *day    = epoch + 18261.5 + tc / 1440.0 ;
291   xnodce = fmod ( 4.5236020 - 9.2422029e-4 * (*day), GAL_2PI ) ;
292   stem   = sin ( xnodce ) ;
293   ctem   = cos ( xnodce ) ;
294   zcosil = 0.91375164 - 0.03568096 * ctem ;
295   zsinil = sqrt ( 1.0 - zcosil * zcosil ) ;
296   zsinhl = 0.089683511 * stem / zsinil ;
297   zcoshl = sqrt ( 1.0 - zsinhl * zsinhl ) ;
298   *gam    = 5.8351514 + 0.0019443680 * (*day) ;
299   zx     = 0.39785416 * stem / zsinil ;
300   zy     = zcoshl * ctem + 0.91744867 * zsinhl * stem ;
301   zx     = atan2 ( zx, zy ) ;
302   zx     = *gam + zx - xnodce ;
303   zcosgl = cos ( zx ) ;
304   zsingl = sin ( zx ) ;
306 /*
307  * Do solar terms
308  */
310   zcosg = zcosgs ;
311   zsing = zsings ;
312   zcosi = zcosis ;
313   zsini = zsinis ;
314   zcosh = *cnodm ;
315   zsinh = *snodm ;
316   cc    = c1ss ;
317   xnoi  = 1.0 / *nm ;
319   for ( lsflg = 1; lsflg <= 2; lsflg++ ) {
320     a1  =   zcosg * zcosh + zsing * zcosi * zsinh ;
321     a3  =  -zsing * zcosh + zcosg * zcosi * zsinh ;
322     a7  =  -zcosg * zsinh + zsing * zcosi * zcosh ;
323     a8  =   zsing * zsini ;
324     a9  =   zsing * zsinh + zcosg * zcosi * zcosh ;
325     a10 =   zcosg * zsini ;
326     a2  =   *cosim * a7 + *sinim * a8 ;
327     a4  =   *cosim * a9 + *sinim * a10 ;
328     a5  =  -*sinim * a7 + *cosim * a8 ;
329     a6  =  -*sinim * a9 + *cosim * a10 ;
331     x1  =  a1 * (*cosomm) + a2 * (*sinomm) ;
332     x2  =  a3 * (*cosomm) + a4 * (*sinomm) ;
333     x3  = -a1 * (*sinomm) + a2 * (*cosomm) ;
334     x4  = -a3 * (*sinomm) + a4 * (*cosomm) ;
335     x5  =  a5 * (*sinomm) ;
336     x6  =  a6 * (*sinomm) ;
337     x7  =  a5 * (*cosomm) ;
338     x8  =  a6 * (*cosomm) ;
340     *z31 = 12.0 * x1 * x1 - 3.0 * x3 * x3 ;
341     *z32 = 24.0 * x1 * x2 - 6.0 * x3 * x4 ;
342     *z33 = 12.0 * x2 * x2 - 3.0 * x4 * x4 ;
343     *z1  =  3.0 *  ( a1 * a1 + a2 * a2 ) + *z31 * (*emsq) ;
344     *z2  =  6.0 *  ( a1 * a3 + a2 * a4 ) + *z32 * (*emsq) ;
345     *z3  =  3.0 *  ( a3 * a3 + a4 * a4 ) + *z33 * (*emsq) ;
346     *z11 = -6.0 * a1 * a5 + (*emsq) *  ( -24.0 * x1 * x7-6.0 * x3 * x5 ) ;
347     *z12 = -6.0 *  ( a1 * a6 + a3 * a5 ) + (*emsq) *
348         ( -24.0 * (x2 * x7 + x1 * x8 ) - 6.0 * ( x3 * x6 + x4 * x5 ) ) ;
349     *z13 = -6.0 * a3 * a6 + (*emsq) * ( -24.0 * x2 * x8 - 6.0 * x4 * x6 ) ;
350     *z21 =  6.0 * a2 * a5 + (*emsq) * ( 24.0 * x1 * x5 - 6.0 * x3 * x7 ) ;
351     *z22 =  6.0 *  ( a4 * a5 + a2 * a6) + (*emsq) *
352           ( 24.0 *  ( x2 * x5 + x1 * x6 ) - 6.0 * ( x4 * x7 + x3 * x8 ) ) ;
353     *z23 =  6.0 * a4 * a6 + (*emsq) * ( 24.0 * x2 * x6 - 6.0 * x4 * x8 ) ;
354     *z1  = *z1 + *z1 + betasq * (*z31) ;
355     *z2  = *z2 + *z2 + betasq * (*z32) ;
356     *z3  = *z3 + *z3 + betasq * (*z33) ;
357     *s3  = cc * xnoi ;
358     *s2  = -0.5 * (*s3) / (*rtemsq) ;
359     *s4  = (*s3) * (*rtemsq) ;
360     *s1  = -15.0 * (*em) * (*s4) ;
361     *s5  = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4 ;
362     *s6  = x2 * x3 + x1 * x4 ;
363     *s7  = x2 * x4 - x1 * x3 ;
365 /*
366  * Do lunar terms -
367  */
369     if (lsflg == 1) {
370       *ss1   = *s1 ;
371       *ss2   = *s2 ;
372       *ss3   = *s3 ;
373       *ss4   = *s4 ;
374       *ss5   = *s5 ;
375       *ss6   = *s6 ;
376       *ss7   = *s7 ;
377       *sz1   = *z1 ;
378       *sz2   = *z2 ;
379       *sz3   = *z3 ;
380       *sz11  = *z11 ;
381       *sz12  = *z12 ;
382       *sz13  = *z13 ;
383       *sz21  = *z21 ;
384       *sz22  = *z22 ;
385       *sz23  = *z23 ;
386       *sz31  = *z31 ;
387       *sz32  = *z32 ;
388       *sz33  = *z33 ;
389       zcosg = zcosgl ;
390       zsing = zsingl ;
391       zcosi = zcosil ;
392       zsini = zsinil ;
393       zcosh = zcoshl * (*cnodm) + zsinhl * (*snodm) ;
394       zsinh = (*snodm) * zcoshl - (*cnodm) * zsinhl ;
395       cc    = c1l ;
396     }
397   }
399   *zmol = fmod ( 4.7199672 + 0.22997150  * (*day) - (*gam), GAL_2PI ) ;
400   *zmos = fmod ( 6.2565837 + 0.017201977 * (*day), GAL_2PI ) ;
402 /*
403  * Do solar terms
404  */
406   *se2  =   2.0 * (*ss1) * (*ss6) ;
407   *se3  =   2.0 * (*ss1) * (*ss7) ;
408   *si2  =   2.0 * (*ss2) * (*sz12) ;
409   *si3  =   2.0 * (*ss2) * ( *sz13 - *sz11 ) ;
410   *sl2  =  -2.0 * (*ss3) * (*sz2) ;
411   *sl3  =  -2.0 * (*ss3) * ( *sz3 - *sz1 ) ;
412   *sl4  =  -2.0 * (*ss3) * ( -21.0 - 9.0 * (*emsq) ) * zes ;
413   *sgh2 =   2.0 * (*ss4) * (*sz32) ;
414   *sgh3 =   2.0 * (*ss4) * ( *sz33 - *sz31 ) ;
415   *sgh4 = -18.0 * (*ss4) * zes ;
416   *sh2  =  -2.0 * (*ss2) * (*sz22) ;
417   *sh3  =  -2.0 * (*ss2) * ( *sz23 - *sz21 ) ;
419 /*
420  * Do lunar terms
421  */
423    *ee2  =   2.0 * (*s1) * (*s6) ;
424    *e3   =   2.0 * (*s1) * (*s7) ;
425    *xi2  =   2.0 * (*s2) * (*z12) ;
426    *xi3  =   2.0 * (*s2) * ( *z13 - *z11 ) ;
427    *xl2  =  -2.0 * (*s3) * (*z2) ;
428    *xl3  =  -2.0 * (*s3) * ( *z3 - *z1 ) ;
429    *xl4  =  -2.0 * (*s3) * ( -21.0 - 9.0 * (*emsq) ) * zel ;
430    *xgh2 =   2.0 * (*s4) * (*z32) ;
431    *xgh3 =   2.0 * (*s4) * ( *z33 - *z31 ) ;
432    *xgh4 = -18.0 * (*s4) * zel ;
433    *xh2  =  -2.0 * (*s2) * (*z22) ;
434    *xh3  =  -2.0 * (*s2) * ( *z23 - *z21 ) ;
436 /*
437  * Finished.
438  */
440 }
442 /*
443  *  gal - General Astrodynamics Library
444  *  Copyright (C) 2008 Paul C. L. Willmott
445  *
446  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
447  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
448  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
449  *  (at your option) any later version.
450  *
451  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
452  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
454  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
455  *
456  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
457  *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
458  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
459  *
460  *  Contact:
461  *
462  *  Paul Willmott
463  *  vp9mu@amsat.org
464  */