1 /******************************************************************************
2  *
3  * Project:  OpenCPN
4  * Purpose:  GRIB table
5  * Author:   David Register
6  *
7  ***************************************************************************
8  *   Copyright (C) 2010 by David S. Register   *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
16  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
18  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
21  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
22  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
23  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,  USA.         *
24  ***************************************************************************
25  *
26  */
28 #include "wx/wxprec.h"
30 #ifndef  WX_PRECOMP
31   #include "wx/wx.h"
32 #endif //precompiled headers
34 #include <wx/glcanvas.h>
35 #include <wx/graphics.h>
36 #include <wx/progdlg.h>
37 #include <wx/grid.h>
38 #include "GribTable.h"
39 #include "CustomGrid.h"
40 #include <wx/tokenzr.h>
42 extern double m_cursor_lat, m_cursor_lon;
44 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 //          GRIB Table Implementation
46 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GRIBTable(GRIBUICtrlBar & parent)48 GRIBTable::GRIBTable(GRIBUICtrlBar &parent)
49     : GRIBTableBase(&parent), m_pGDialog(&parent){}
InitGribTable(int zone,ArrayOfGribRecordSets * rsa,int NowIndex)51 void GRIBTable::InitGribTable( int zone, ArrayOfGribRecordSets *rsa, int NowIndex )
52 {
53     m_pGribTable->m_gParent = this;
54     m_pIndex = NowIndex;
56     //init row attr
57     wxGridCellAttr *datarow = new wxGridCellAttr();
58     datarow->SetFont(GetOCPNGUIScaledFont_PlugIn( _T("Dialog") ));
59     datarow->SetAlignment(wxALIGN_CENTRE, wxALIGN_CENTRE);
61     //populate "cursor position" display
62     wxString l;
63     l.Append(toSDMM_PlugIn(1, m_cursor_lat)).Append(_T("   "))
64         .Append(toSDMM_PlugIn(2, m_cursor_lon));
65     m_pCursorPosition->SetLabel(l);
66     m_pCursorPosition->SetFont(GetOCPNGUIScaledFont_PlugIn(_T("Dialog")).MakeBold());
67     m_pPositionText->SetFont(GetOCPNGUIScaledFont_PlugIn(_T("Dialog")).MakeBold());
69     //create as columns as necessary
70     m_pGribTable->AppendCols(rsa->GetCount());
72     //populate grid
73     wxDateTime time, day, ptime;
74     int nrows, wcols = 0;
75     for(unsigned i = 0; i < rsa->GetCount(); i++ ) {
76         //populate time labels
77         time = rsa->Item(i).m_Reference_Time;
78         m_pGribTable->SetColLabelValue(i ,GetTimeRowsStrings( time, zone , 1)
79 						.Append( _T("\n"))
80 						.Append( GetTimeRowsStrings( rsa->Item(i).m_Reference_Time, zone , 0))
81                                         );
82         nrows = -1;
83         GribTimelineRecordSet *pTimeset = m_pGDialog->GetTimeLineRecordSet(time);
84         if (pTimeset == 0)
85             continue;
87         GribRecord **RecordArray = pTimeset->m_GribRecordPtrArray;
89         /*create and polulate wind data row
90              wind is a special case:
91              1) if current unit is not bf ==> double speed display (current unit + bf)
92              2) create two lines for direction and speed and a third for gust if exists
93              3) these two or three lines will be part of the same block*/
94         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WIND_VX) != wxNOT_FOUND &&
95             m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WIND_VY) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
96             nrows++;
97             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Wind,Dir"), datarow );
98             double wdir;
99             GetWind(RecordArray, 1, wdir);       //this is a numerical row
100             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
101             m_pGribTable->SetNumericalRow( nrows, i, R_WIND, wdir );
102             nrows++;
103             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Wind,Speed"), datarow );
104             if(m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.Settings[GribOverlaySettings::WIND].m_Units != GribOverlaySettings::BFS)
105                 m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetWind(RecordArray, 2, wdir) );
106             else
107                 m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetWind(RecordArray, 3, wdir));
108             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
109             if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WIND_GUST) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
110                 nrows++;
111                 AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Wind,Gust"), datarow );
112                 if(m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.Settings[GribOverlaySettings::WIND].m_Units != GribOverlaySettings::BFS)
113                     m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetWindGust(RecordArray, 1) );
114                 else
115                     m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetWindGust(RecordArray, 2));
116                 m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
117             }
118         }//wind
120         //create and polulate Pressure data rown
121         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_PRESSURE) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
122             nrows++;
123             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Pressure"), datarow );
124             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetPressure(RecordArray));
125         }//pressure
127         /*create and polulate Waves data rows
128             waves is another special case:
129              1) if significant height data exists then create a line for direction and height
130              then a third for periode if data exists
131              2) these two or three lines will be part of the same block*/
132         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_HTSIGW) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
133              double wdir;
134             if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WVDIR) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
135                 nrows++;
136                 AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Waves,Dir"), datarow );
137                 GetWaves(RecordArray ,Idx_WVDIR, wdir);             //this is a numerical row
138                 m_pGribTable->SetNumericalRow( nrows, i, R_WAVES, wdir );
139             }
140             nrows++;
141             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Waves,Hsig"), datarow );
142             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetWaves(RecordArray, Idx_HTSIGW, wdir));
143             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
144             if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_WVPER) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
145                 nrows++;
146                 AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Waves,Per"), datarow );
147                 m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetWaves(RecordArray ,Idx_WVPER, wdir));
148             }
149         }//waves
151         //create and polulate total rainfall data row
152         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_PRECIP_TOT) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
153             nrows++;
154             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Rainfall"), datarow );
155             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetRainfall(RecordArray));
156             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
157         }//rainfall
159         //create and populate total cloud control
160         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_CLOUD_TOT) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
161             nrows++;
162             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Cloud Cover"), datarow );
163             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetCloudCover(RecordArray));
164             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
165         }//cloud
167         //create and polulate the Air Temperature data row
168         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_AIR_TEMP) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
169             nrows++;
170             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Air Temp."), datarow );
171             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetAirTemp(RecordArray));
172             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
173         }//air temp
175         //create and polulate the Sea Surface Temperature data row
176         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_SEA_TEMP) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
177             nrows++;
178             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Sea Temp."), datarow );
179             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetSeaTemp(RecordArray));
180             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
181         }//sea temp
183         //create and polulate the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) data row
184         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_CAPE) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
185             nrows++;
186             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("CAPE"), datarow );
187             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetCAPE(RecordArray));
188             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
189         }//cape
191         //create and polulate the Composite Reflectivity data row
192         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_COMP_REFL) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
193             nrows++;
194             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("C. Reflect."), datarow );
195             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetCompRefl(RecordArray));
196             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
197         }//composite Reflectivity
199         /*create and populate the current data rows
200             1)create two lines for direstion and speed
201             2) these two or three lines will be part of the same block*/
202         if(m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_SEACURRENT_VX) != wxNOT_FOUND &&
203             m_pGDialog->m_bGRIBActiveFile->m_GribIdxArray.Index(Idx_SEACURRENT_VY) != wxNOT_FOUND) {
204             double wdir;
205             nrows++;
206             AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Current,Dir"), datarow );
207             GetCurrent(RecordArray, 1, wdir);                       //this is a numerical row
208             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
209             m_pGribTable->SetNumericalRow( nrows, i, R_CURRENT, wdir );
211             nrows++;
212 			AddDataRow( nrows, i, _("Current,Speed"), datarow );
213             m_pGribTable->SetCellValue(nrows, i, GetCurrent(RecordArray, 2, wdir));
214             m_pGribTable->SetCellBackgroundColour(nrows, i, m_pDataCellsColour);
215         }//current // populate grid
216         delete pTimeset;
217         m_pGribTable->AutoSizeColumn(i, false);
218         wcols = wxMax(m_pGribTable->GetColSize(i), wcols);
219     }//populate grid
220     //put cursor outside the grid
221     m_pGribTable->SetGridCursor( m_pGribTable->GetNumberRows() -1, 0);
222     //set col size
223     m_pGribTable->SetDefaultColSize( wcols, true );
224     //set row size
225     AutoSizeDataRows();
226     //set label size
227     m_pGribTable->SetColLabelSize(wxGRID_AUTOSIZE);
228     //set scroll steps
229     m_pGribTable->SetScrollLineX( wcols );
231     datarow->DecRef();              // Give up pointer contrl to Grid
233     m_tScrollToNowTimer.Connect(wxEVT_TIMER, wxTimerEventHandler( GRIBTable::OnScrollToNowTimer ), NULL, this);
234 }
SetTableSizePosition(int vpWidth,int vpHeight)236 void GRIBTable::SetTableSizePosition(int vpWidth, int vpHeight)
237 {
238     //Get size & position previously saved
239     int x = -1, y = -1, w = -1, h = -1;
240     wxFileConfig *pConf = GetOCPNConfigObject();
241     if (pConf) {
242         pConf->SetPath(_T("/Settings/GRIB"));
243         pConf->Read(_T("GribDataTablePosition_x"), &x);
244         pConf->Read(_T("GribDataTablePosition_y"), &y);
245         pConf->Read(_T("GribDataTableWidth"), &w);
246         pConf->Read(_T("GribDataTableHeight"), &h);
247     }
248     wxPoint final_pos = GetOCPNCanvasWindow()->ClientToScreen(wxPoint(x, y));
249     //set a default size & position if saved values are outside of limits
250     bool refit = false;
251     wxSize scw = wxSize(vpWidth, (vpHeight - GetChartbarHeight()));
252     wxPoint pcw = GetOCPNCanvasWindow()->ClientToScreen(GetOCPNCanvasWindow()->GetPosition());
253     if( !(wxRect(pcw, scw).Contains(wxRect(final_pos, wxSize(w, h)))) )
254         refit = true;
255     if( w < (m_pGribTable->GetRowLabelSize() + (m_pGribTable->GetColSize(0))) || h < (m_pGribTable->GetColLabelSize() + (m_pGribTable->GetRowSize(0))) )
256         refit = true;
257     if( refit ){
258         w = (scw.GetWidth() / 10) * 9;  //10% less than canvas
259         h = (scw.GetHeight() / 10) * 9;
260         x = (scw.GetWidth() / 20);  //centered horizontally
261         y = (scw.GetHeight() / 50); //a bit out-centered toward the top
262         final_pos = GetOCPNCanvasWindow()->ClientToScreen(wxPoint(x, y));
263     }//
264     //in case client size toot large for the grib
265     int w1 = m_pGribTable->GetRowLabelSize() + (m_pGribTable->GetColSize(0) * m_pGribTable->GetNumberCols());
266     w = wxMin( w, w1 );
267     int h1 = m_pGribTable->GetColLabelSize() + (m_pGribTable->GetRowSize(0) * (m_pGribTable->GetNumberRows() + 4 ));
268     h = wxMin( h, h1 );
270     this->SetClientSize(w, h);
271     this->Move(final_pos);
273     //scroll to the end of time steps to prepare the next scroll to 'now'
274     m_pGribTable->MakeCellVisible(0, m_pGribTable->GetNumberCols() - 1);
275     //trigger scroll to 'now'(must be postpone after the dialog is shown)
276     m_tScrollToNowTimer.Start( 200, wxTIMER_ONE_SHOT );
277 }
OnScrollToNowTimer(wxTimerEvent & event)279 void GRIBTable::OnScrollToNowTimer( wxTimerEvent& event )
280 {
281     m_pGribTable->MakeCellVisible(0, m_pIndex);
282 }
OnClose(wxCloseEvent & event)284 void GRIBTable::OnClose( wxCloseEvent& event )
285 {
286     CloseDialog();
287     this->EndModal(wxID_OK);
288 }
OnOKButton(wxCommandEvent & event)290 void GRIBTable::OnOKButton( wxCommandEvent& event )
291 {
292 		CloseDialog();
293 		this->EndModal(wxID_OK);
294 }
CloseDialog()296 void GRIBTable::CloseDialog()
297 {
298     wxSize s = this->GetClientSize();
299 	wxPoint p = GetOCPNCanvasWindow()->ScreenToClient( this->GetPosition() );
301     wxFileConfig *pConf = GetOCPNConfigObject();
302     if(pConf) {
303         pConf->SetPath ( _T ( "/Settings/GRIB" ) );
305         pConf->Write( _T ( "GribDataTablePosition_x" ), p.x );
306         pConf->Write( _T ( "GribDataTablePosition_y" ), p.y );
307         pConf->Write( _T ( "GribDataTableWidth" ), s.GetWidth() );
308         pConf->Write( _T ( "GribDataTableHeight" ), s.GetHeight() );
309     }//
310 }
AddDataRow(int num_rows,int num_cols,wxString label,wxGridCellAttr * row_attr)312 void GRIBTable::AddDataRow( int num_rows, int num_cols, wxString label, wxGridCellAttr *row_attr )
313 {
314     if(m_pGribTable->GetNumberRows() == num_rows) {
315         m_pGribTable->AppendRows(1);
316         m_pGribTable->SetRowLabelValue(num_rows, label);
317         row_attr->IncRef();
318         m_pGribTable->SetRowAttr(num_rows, row_attr);
319     }
320     m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGribTable->GetCellBackgroundColour(num_rows, num_cols);  //set default colour
321 }
AutoSizeDataRows()323 void GRIBTable::AutoSizeDataRows()
324 {
325     int hrows = 0;
326     for( int i = 0; i < m_pGribTable->GetNumberRows(); i++ ) {
327         m_pGribTable->AutoSizeRow(i, false);
328         hrows = wxMax(m_pGribTable->GetRowHeight(i) + 3, hrows);
329     }
330     m_pGribTable->SetDefaultRowSize( hrows, true );
331     //set scroll steps
332     m_pGribTable->SetScrollLineY(hrows);
333 }
GetWind(GribRecord ** recordarray,int datatype,double & wdir)335 wxString GRIBTable::GetWind(GribRecord **recordarray, int datatype, double& wdir )
336 {
337     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
338     int altitude = 0;
339     double vkn, ang;
340     wdir = GRIB_NOTDEF;
341     if(GribRecord::getInterpolatedValues(vkn, ang,
342                                          recordarray[Idx_WIND_VX + altitude],
343                                          recordarray[Idx_WIND_VY + altitude],
344                                          m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat)) {
345         if( datatype == 1 ){
346             wdir = ang;
347             return skn;
348         }
349         double cvkn = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::WIND, vkn);
350         m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::WIND, cvkn);
351         skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%2d bf"), (int)wxRound( m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetmstobfFactor(vkn)* vkn )) );
352 		if( datatype ==2 ) { //wind speed unit other than bf
353             skn.Prepend(wxString::Format( _T("%2d ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::WIND) , (int) wxRound( cvkn )) + _T(" - "));
354         }
355 	}
356 	return skn;
357 }
GetWindGust(GribRecord ** recordarray,int datatype)359 wxString GRIBTable::GetWindGust(GribRecord **recordarray, int datatype )
360 {
361     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
362     if( recordarray[Idx_WIND_GUST] ) {
363         double vkn = recordarray[Idx_WIND_GUST]->
364             getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
365             if( vkn != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
366                 double cvkn = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::WIND_GUST, vkn);
367                 m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::WIND_GUST, cvkn);
369                 skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%2d bf"), (int)wxRound( m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetmstobfFactor(vkn)* vkn )) ); //wind gust unit bf
370                 if( datatype == 1 ) { //wind gust unit other than bf
371                     skn.Prepend( wxString::Format(_T("%2d ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::WIND_GUST), (int) wxRound( cvkn)) + _T(" - " ) );
372                 }
373             }
374     }
375     return skn;
376 }
GetPressure(GribRecord ** recordarray)378 wxString GRIBTable::GetPressure(GribRecord **recordarray)
379 {
380     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
381     if( recordarray[Idx_PRESSURE] ) {
382         double press = recordarray[Idx_PRESSURE]->
383             getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
385         if( press != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
386             press = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::PRESSURE, press);
387             int p = (m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.Settings[GribOverlaySettings::PRESSURE].m_Units == 2) ? 2 : 0;  // if PRESSURE & inHG = two decimals
388             skn.Printf( wxString::Format(_T("%2.*f ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::PRESSURE), p, ( press )) );
389         }
390     }
391     return skn;
392 }
GetWaves(GribRecord ** recordarray,int datatype,double & wdir)394 wxString GRIBTable::GetWaves(GribRecord **recordarray, int datatype, double& wdir)
395 {
396     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
397     wdir = GRIB_NOTDEF;
398 	switch (datatype ) {
399 		case Idx_HTSIGW:
400             if( recordarray[Idx_HTSIGW] ) {
401                 double height = recordarray[Idx_HTSIGW]->
402 					getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
403                 if( height != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
404                     double cheight = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::WAVE, height);
405                     skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%4.1f ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::WAVE), cheight ));
406                     m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::WAVE, cheight);
407                 }
408             }
409 			break;
410 		case Idx_WVDIR:
411 			if( recordarray[Idx_WVDIR] ) {
412 				double direction = recordarray[Idx_WVDIR]->
413 							getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true, true );
414                 wdir = direction;
415                 return skn;
416 			}
417 			break;
418 		case Idx_WVPER:
419 			if( recordarray[Idx_WVPER] ) {
420 				double period = recordarray[Idx_WVPER]->
421 							getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
422 				if( period != GRIB_NOTDEF )
423 					skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%01ds") , (int) (period + 0.5)) );
424 			}
425 	}
426     return skn;
427 }
GetRainfall(GribRecord ** recordarray)429 wxString GRIBTable::GetRainfall(GribRecord **recordarray)
430 {
431     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
432     if( recordarray[Idx_PRECIP_TOT] ) {
433         double precip = recordarray[Idx_PRECIP_TOT]->
434             getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
436         if( precip != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
437             precip = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::PRECIPITATION, precip);
438             skn.Printf( _T("%6.2f ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::PRECIPITATION), precip );
439             m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::PRECIPITATION, precip);
440         }
441     }
442     return skn;
443 }
GetCloudCover(GribRecord ** recordarray)445 wxString GRIBTable::GetCloudCover(GribRecord **recordarray)
446 {
447     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
448     if( recordarray[Idx_CLOUD_TOT] ) {
449         double cloud = recordarray[Idx_CLOUD_TOT]->
450             getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
452         if( cloud != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
453             cloud = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::CLOUD, cloud);
454             skn.Printf( _T("%5.1f "), cloud );
455             skn.Append(m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::CLOUD));
456             m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::CLOUD, cloud);
457         }
458     }
459     return skn;
460 }
GetAirTemp(GribRecord ** recordarray)462 wxString GRIBTable::GetAirTemp(GribRecord **recordarray)
463 {
464     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
465     if( recordarray[Idx_AIR_TEMP] ) {
466         double temp = recordarray[Idx_AIR_TEMP]->
467             getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
469         if( temp != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
470             temp = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::AIR_TEMPERATURE, temp);
471             skn.Printf( _T("%5.1f ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::AIR_TEMPERATURE), temp );
472             m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::AIR_TEMPERATURE, temp);
473         }
474     }
475     return skn;
476 }
GetSeaTemp(GribRecord ** recordarray)478 wxString GRIBTable::GetSeaTemp(GribRecord **recordarray)
479 {
480     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
481     if( recordarray[Idx_SEA_TEMP] ) {
482         double temp = recordarray[Idx_SEA_TEMP]->
483             getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
485         if( temp != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
486             temp = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::SEA_TEMPERATURE, temp);
487             skn.Printf( _T("%5.1f ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::SEA_TEMPERATURE), temp );
488             m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::SEA_TEMPERATURE, temp);
489         }
490     }
491     return skn;
492 }
GetCAPE(GribRecord ** recordarray)494 wxString GRIBTable::GetCAPE(GribRecord **recordarray)
495 {
496     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
497     if( recordarray[Idx_CAPE] ) {
498         double cape = recordarray[Idx_CAPE]->
499             getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
501         if( cape != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
502             cape = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::CAPE, cape);
503             skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%5.0f ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::CAPE), cape ) );
504             m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::CAPE, cape);
505         }
506     }
507     return skn;
508 }
GetCompRefl(GribRecord ** recordarray)510 wxString GRIBTable::GetCompRefl(GribRecord **recordarray)
511 {
512     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
513     if( recordarray[Idx_COMP_REFL] ) {
514         double refl = recordarray[Idx_COMP_REFL]->
515             getInterpolatedValue(m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat, true );
517         if( refl != GRIB_NOTDEF ) {
518             refl = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::COMP_REFL, refl);
519             skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%5.0f ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::COMP_REFL), refl ) );
520             m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::COMP_REFL, refl);
521         }
522     }
523     return skn;
524 }
GetCurrent(GribRecord ** recordarray,int datatype,double & wdir)527 wxString GRIBTable::GetCurrent(GribRecord **recordarray, int datatype, double& wdir)
528 {
529     wxString skn(wxEmptyString);
530     double vkn, ang;
531     wdir = GRIB_NOTDEF;
532     if(GribRecord::getInterpolatedValues(vkn, ang,
533                                          recordarray[Idx_SEACURRENT_VX],
534                                          recordarray[Idx_SEACURRENT_VY],
535                                          m_cursor_lon, m_cursor_lat)) {
537         if( datatype == 1 ){
538             wdir = ang;
539             return skn;
540         }
541         vkn = m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.CalibrateValue(GribOverlaySettings::CURRENT, vkn);
542         skn.Printf( wxString::Format( _T("%4.1f ") + m_pGDialog->m_OverlaySettings.GetUnitSymbol(GribOverlaySettings::CURRENT), vkn ) );
543 		m_pDataCellsColour = m_pGDialog->pPlugIn->m_pGRIBOverlayFactory->GetGraphicColor(GribOverlaySettings::CURRENT, vkn);
544     }
545     return skn;
546 }
GetTimeRowsStrings(wxDateTime date_time,int time_zone,int type)548 wxString GRIBTable::GetTimeRowsStrings( wxDateTime date_time, int time_zone, int type )
549 {
550     wxDateTime t( date_time );
551     switch( time_zone ) {
552         case 0:
553 			if( (wxDateTime::Now() == (wxDateTime::Now().ToGMT())) && t.IsDST() )  //bug in wxWingets 3.0 for UTC meridien ?
554 				t.Add( wxTimeSpan( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) );
555             switch( type ){
556             case 0:
557                 return t.Format( _T(" %H:%M  "), wxDateTime::Local ) + _T("LOC");
558             case 1:
559                 if(GetLocaleCanonicalName() == _T("en_US"))
560                     return t.Format( _T(" %a-%m/%d/%y  "), wxDateTime::Local);
561                 else
562                     return t.Format( _T(" %a-%d/%m/%y  "), wxDateTime::Local);
563             }
564         case 1:
565             switch( type ){
566             case 0:
567                 return t.Format( _T(" %H:%M  "), wxDateTime::UTC ) + _T("UTC");
568             case 1:
569                 if(GetLocaleCanonicalName() == _T("en_US"))
570                     return t.Format( _T(" %a-%m/%d/%y  "), wxDateTime::UTC );
571                 else
572                     return t.Format( _T(" %a-%d/%m/%y  "), wxDateTime::UTC );
573             }
574         default:
575             return wxEmptyString;
576     }
577 }