1# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
3This module contains convenience functions for retrieving solar system
4ephemerides from jplephem.
7from urllib.parse import urlparse
8import os.path
10import numpy as np
11import erfa
13from .sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
14from astropy.utils.data import download_file
15from astropy.utils.decorators import classproperty, deprecated
16from astropy.utils.state import ScienceState
17from astropy.utils import indent
18from astropy import units as u
19from astropy.constants import c as speed_of_light
20from .representation import CartesianRepresentation, CartesianDifferential
21from .builtin_frames import GCRS, ICRS, ITRS, TETE
22from .builtin_frames.utils import get_jd12
24__all__ = ["get_body", "get_moon", "get_body_barycentric",
25           "get_body_barycentric_posvel", "solar_system_ephemeris"]
30"""List of kernel pairs needed to calculate positions of a given object."""
32    'sun': [(0, 10)],
33    'mercury': [(0, 1), (1, 199)],
34    'venus': [(0, 2), (2, 299)],
35    'earth-moon-barycenter': [(0, 3)],
36    'earth': [(0, 3), (3, 399)],
37    'moon': [(0, 3), (3, 301)],
38    'mars': [(0, 4)],
39    'jupiter': [(0, 5)],
40    'saturn': [(0, 6)],
41    'uranus': [(0, 7)],
42    'neptune': [(0, 8)],
43    'pluto': [(0, 9)],
46"""Indices to the plan94 routine for the given object."""
48    'mercury': 1,
49    'venus': 2,
50    'earth-moon-barycenter': 3,
51    'mars': 4,
52    'jupiter': 5,
53    'saturn': 6,
54    'uranus': 7,
55    'neptune': 8,
59You can either give an explicit ephemeris or use a default, which is normally
60a built-in ephemeris that does not require ephemeris files.  To change
61the default to be the JPL ephemeris::
63    >>> from astropy.coordinates import solar_system_ephemeris
64    >>> solar_system_ephemeris.set('jpl')  # doctest: +SKIP
66Use of any JPL ephemeris requires the jplephem package
68If needed, the ephemeris file will be downloaded (and cached).
70One can check which bodies are covered by a given ephemeris using::
72    >>> solar_system_ephemeris.bodies
73    ('earth', 'sun', 'moon', 'mercury', 'venus', 'earth-moon-barycenter', 'mars', 'jupiter', 'saturn', 'uranus', 'neptune')
77class solar_system_ephemeris(ScienceState):
78    """Default ephemerides for calculating positions of Solar-System bodies.
80    This can be one of the following::
82    - 'builtin': polynomial approximations to the orbital elements.
83    - 'de430', 'de432s', 'de440', 'de440s': short-cuts for recent JPL dynamical models.
84    - 'jpl': Alias for the default JPL ephemeris (currently, 'de430').
85    - URL: (str) The url to a SPK ephemeris in SPICE binary (.bsp) format.
86    - PATH: (str) File path to a SPK ephemeris in SPICE binary (.bsp) format.
87    - `None`: Ensure an Exception is raised without an explicit ephemeris.
89    The default is 'builtin', which uses the ``epv00`` and ``plan94``
90    routines from the ``erfa`` implementation of the Standards Of Fundamental
91    Astronomy library.
93    Notes
94    -----
95    Any file required will be downloaded (and cached) when the state is set.
96    The default Satellite Planet Kernel (SPK) file from NASA JPL (de430) is
97    ~120MB, and covers years ~1550-2650 CE [1]_.  The smaller de432s file is
98    ~10MB, and covers years 1950-2050 [2]_ (and similarly for the newer de440
99    and de440s).  Older versions of the JPL ephemerides (such as the widely
100    used de200) can be used via their URL [3]_.
102    .. [1] https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/planets/aareadme_de430-de431.txt
103    .. [2] https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/planets/aareadme_de432s.txt
104    .. [3] https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/planets/a_old_versions/
105    """
106    _value = 'builtin'
107    _kernel = None
109    @classmethod
110    def validate(cls, value):
111        # make no changes if value is None
112        if value is None:
113            return cls._value
114        # Set up Kernel; if the file is not in cache, this will download it.
115        cls.get_kernel(value)
116        return value
118    @classmethod
119    def get_kernel(cls, value):
120        # ScienceState only ensures the `_value` attribute is up to date,
121        # so we need to be sure any kernel returned is consistent.
122        if cls._kernel is None or cls._kernel.origin != value:
123            if cls._kernel is not None:
124                cls._kernel.daf.file.close()
125                cls._kernel = None
126            kernel = _get_kernel(value)
127            if kernel is not None:
128                kernel.origin = value
129            cls._kernel = kernel
130        return cls._kernel
132    @classproperty
133    def kernel(cls):
134        return cls.get_kernel(cls._value)
136    @classproperty
137    def bodies(cls):
138        if cls._value is None:
139            return None
140        if cls._value.lower() == 'builtin':
141            return (('earth', 'sun', 'moon') +
142                    tuple(PLAN94_BODY_NAME_TO_PLANET_INDEX.keys()))
143        else:
144            return tuple(BODY_NAME_TO_KERNEL_SPEC.keys())
147def _get_kernel(value):
148    """
149    Try importing jplephem, download/retrieve from cache the Satellite Planet
150    Kernel corresponding to the given ephemeris.
151    """
152    if value is None or value.lower() == 'builtin':
153        return None
155    try:
156        from jplephem.spk import SPK
157    except ImportError:
158        raise ImportError("Solar system JPL ephemeris calculations require "
159                          "the jplephem package "
160                          "(https://pypi.org/project/jplephem/)")
162    if value.lower() == 'jpl':
163        value = DEFAULT_JPL_EPHEMERIS
165    if value.lower() in ('de430', 'de432s', 'de440', 'de440s'):
166        value = ('https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels'
167                 '/spk/planets/{:s}.bsp'.format(value.lower()))
169    elif os.path.isfile(value):
170        return SPK.open(value)
172    else:
173        try:
174            urlparse(value)
175        except Exception:
176            raise ValueError('{} was not one of the standard strings and '
177                             'could not be parsed as a file path or URL'.format(value))
179    return SPK.open(download_file(value, cache=True))
182def _get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, time, ephemeris=None,
183                                 get_velocity=True):
184    """Calculate the barycentric position (and velocity) of a solar system body.
186    Parameters
187    ----------
188    body : str or other
189        The solar system body for which to calculate positions.  Can also be a
190        kernel specifier (list of 2-tuples) if the ``ephemeris`` is a JPL
191        kernel.
192    time : `~astropy.time.Time`
193        Time of observation.
194    ephemeris : str, optional
195        Ephemeris to use.  By default, use the one set with
196        ``astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris.set``
197    get_velocity : bool, optional
198        Whether or not to calculate the velocity as well as the position.
200    Returns
201    -------
202    position : `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation` or tuple
203        Barycentric (ICRS) position or tuple of position and velocity.
205    Notes
206    -----
207    Whether or not velocities are calculated makes little difference for the
208    built-in ephemerides, but for most JPL ephemeris files, the execution time
209    roughly doubles.
210    """
211    # If the ephemeris is to be taken from solar_system_ephemeris, or the one
212    # it already contains, use the kernel there.  Otherwise, open the ephemeris,
213    # possibly downloading it, but make sure the file is closed at the end.
214    default_kernel = ephemeris is None or ephemeris is solar_system_ephemeris._value
215    kernel = None
216    try:
217        if default_kernel:
218            if solar_system_ephemeris.get() is None:
219                raise ValueError(_EPHEMERIS_NOTE)
220            kernel = solar_system_ephemeris.kernel
221        else:
222            kernel = _get_kernel(ephemeris)
224        jd1, jd2 = get_jd12(time, 'tdb')
225        if kernel is None:
226            body = body.lower()
227            earth_pv_helio, earth_pv_bary = erfa.epv00(jd1, jd2)
228            if body == 'earth':
229                body_pv_bary = earth_pv_bary
231            elif body == 'moon':
232                # The moon98 documentation notes that it takes TT, but that TDB leads
233                # to errors smaller than the uncertainties in the algorithm.
234                # moon98 returns the astrometric position relative to the Earth.
235                moon_pv_geo = erfa.moon98(jd1, jd2)
236                body_pv_bary = erfa.pvppv(moon_pv_geo, earth_pv_bary)
237            else:
238                sun_pv_bary = erfa.pvmpv(earth_pv_bary, earth_pv_helio)
239                if body == 'sun':
240                    body_pv_bary = sun_pv_bary
241                else:
242                    try:
243                        body_index = PLAN94_BODY_NAME_TO_PLANET_INDEX[body]
244                    except KeyError:
245                        raise KeyError("{}'s position and velocity cannot be "
246                                       "calculated with the '{}' ephemeris."
247                                       .format(body, ephemeris))
248                    body_pv_helio = erfa.plan94(jd1, jd2, body_index)
249                    body_pv_bary = erfa.pvppv(body_pv_helio, sun_pv_bary)
251            body_pos_bary = CartesianRepresentation(
252                body_pv_bary['p'], unit=u.au, xyz_axis=-1, copy=False)
253            if get_velocity:
254                body_vel_bary = CartesianRepresentation(
255                    body_pv_bary['v'], unit=u.au/u.day, xyz_axis=-1,
256                    copy=False)
258        else:
259            if isinstance(body, str):
260                # Look up kernel chain for JPL ephemeris, based on name
261                try:
262                    kernel_spec = BODY_NAME_TO_KERNEL_SPEC[body.lower()]
263                except KeyError:
264                    raise KeyError("{}'s position cannot be calculated with "
265                                   "the {} ephemeris.".format(body, ephemeris))
266            else:
267                # otherwise, assume the user knows what their doing and intentionally
268                # passed in a kernel chain
269                kernel_spec = body
271            # jplephem cannot handle multi-D arrays, so convert to 1D here.
272            jd1_shape = getattr(jd1, 'shape', ())
273            if len(jd1_shape) > 1:
274                jd1, jd2 = jd1.ravel(), jd2.ravel()
275                # Note that we use the new jd1.shape here to create a 1D result array.
276                # It is reshaped below.
277            body_posvel_bary = np.zeros((2 if get_velocity else 1, 3) +
278                                        getattr(jd1, 'shape', ()))
279            for pair in kernel_spec:
280                spk = kernel[pair]
281                if spk.data_type == 3:
282                    # Type 3 kernels contain both position and velocity.
283                    posvel = spk.compute(jd1, jd2)
284                    if get_velocity:
285                        body_posvel_bary += posvel.reshape(body_posvel_bary.shape)
286                    else:
287                        body_posvel_bary[0] += posvel[:4]
288                else:
289                    # spk.generate first yields the position and then the
290                    # derivative. If no velocities are desired, body_posvel_bary
291                    # has only one element and thus the loop ends after a single
292                    # iteration, avoiding the velocity calculation.
293                    for body_p_or_v, p_or_v in zip(body_posvel_bary,
294                                                   spk.generate(jd1, jd2)):
295                        body_p_or_v += p_or_v
297            body_posvel_bary.shape = body_posvel_bary.shape[:2] + jd1_shape
298            body_pos_bary = CartesianRepresentation(body_posvel_bary[0],
299                                                    unit=u.km, copy=False)
300            if get_velocity:
301                body_vel_bary = CartesianRepresentation(body_posvel_bary[1],
302                                                        unit=u.km/u.day, copy=False)
304        return (body_pos_bary, body_vel_bary) if get_velocity else body_pos_bary
306    finally:
307        if not default_kernel and kernel is not None:
308            kernel.daf.file.close()
311def get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, time, ephemeris=None):
312    """Calculate the barycentric position and velocity of a solar system body.
314    Parameters
315    ----------
316    body : str or list of tuple
317        The solar system body for which to calculate positions.  Can also be a
318        kernel specifier (list of 2-tuples) if the ``ephemeris`` is a JPL
319        kernel.
320    time : `~astropy.time.Time`
321        Time of observation.
322    ephemeris : str, optional
323        Ephemeris to use.  By default, use the one set with
324        ``astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris.set``
326    Returns
327    -------
328    position, velocity : tuple of `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation`
329        Tuple of barycentric (ICRS) position and velocity.
331    See also
332    --------
333    get_body_barycentric : to calculate position only.
334        This is faster by about a factor two for JPL kernels, but has no
335        speed advantage for the built-in ephemeris.
337    Notes
338    -----
340    """
341    return _get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, time, ephemeris)
344def get_body_barycentric(body, time, ephemeris=None):
345    """Calculate the barycentric position of a solar system body.
347    Parameters
348    ----------
349    body : str or list of tuple
350        The solar system body for which to calculate positions.  Can also be a
351        kernel specifier (list of 2-tuples) if the ``ephemeris`` is a JPL
352        kernel.
353    time : `~astropy.time.Time`
354        Time of observation.
355    ephemeris : str, optional
356        Ephemeris to use.  By default, use the one set with
357        ``astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris.set``
359    Returns
360    -------
361    position : `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation`
362        Barycentric (ICRS) position of the body in cartesian coordinates
364    See also
365    --------
366    get_body_barycentric_posvel : to calculate both position and velocity.
368    Notes
369    -----
371    """
372    return _get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, time, ephemeris,
373                                        get_velocity=False)
376def _get_apparent_body_position(body, time, ephemeris, obsgeoloc=None):
377    """Calculate the apparent position of body ``body`` relative to Earth.
379    This corrects for the light-travel time to the object.
381    Parameters
382    ----------
383    body : str or other
384        The solar system body for which to calculate positions.  Can also be a
385        kernel specifier (list of 2-tuples) if the ``ephemeris`` is a JPL
386        kernel.
387    time : `~astropy.time.Time`
388        Time of observation.
389    ephemeris : str, optional
390        Ephemeris to use.  By default, use the one set with
391        ``~astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris.set``
392    obsgeoloc : `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation`, optional
393        The GCRS position of the observer
395    Returns
396    -------
397    cartesian_position : `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation`
398        Barycentric (ICRS) apparent position of the body in cartesian coordinates
400    Notes
401    -----
403    """
404    if ephemeris is None:
405        ephemeris = solar_system_ephemeris.get()
407    # Calculate position given approximate light travel time.
408    delta_light_travel_time = 20. * u.s
409    emitted_time = time
410    light_travel_time = 0. * u.s
411    earth_loc = get_body_barycentric('earth', time, ephemeris)
412    if obsgeoloc is not None:
413        earth_loc += obsgeoloc
414    while np.any(np.fabs(delta_light_travel_time) > 1.0e-8*u.s):
415        body_loc = get_body_barycentric(body, emitted_time, ephemeris)
416        earth_distance = (body_loc - earth_loc).norm()
417        delta_light_travel_time = (light_travel_time -
418                                   earth_distance/speed_of_light)
419        light_travel_time = earth_distance/speed_of_light
420        emitted_time = time - light_travel_time
422    return get_body_barycentric(body, emitted_time, ephemeris)
425def get_body(body, time, location=None, ephemeris=None):
426    """
427    Get a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` for a solar system body as observed
428    from a location on Earth in the `~astropy.coordinates.GCRS` reference
429    system.
431    Parameters
432    ----------
433    body : str or list of tuple
434        The solar system body for which to calculate positions.  Can also be a
435        kernel specifier (list of 2-tuples) if the ``ephemeris`` is a JPL
436        kernel.
437    time : `~astropy.time.Time`
438        Time of observation.
439    location : `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`, optional
440        Location of observer on the Earth.  If not given, will be taken from
441        ``time`` (if not present, a geocentric observer will be assumed).
442    ephemeris : str, optional
443        Ephemeris to use.  If not given, use the one set with
444        ``astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris.set`` (which is
445        set to 'builtin' by default).
447    Returns
448    -------
449    skycoord : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
450        GCRS Coordinate for the body
452    Notes
453    -----
454    The coordinate returned is the apparent position, which is the position of
455    the body at time *t* minus the light travel time from the *body* to the
456    observing *location*.
459    """
460    if location is None:
461        location = time.location
463    if location is not None:
464        obsgeoloc, obsgeovel = location.get_gcrs_posvel(time)
465    else:
466        obsgeoloc, obsgeovel = None, None
468    cartrep = _get_apparent_body_position(body, time, ephemeris, obsgeoloc)
469    icrs = ICRS(cartrep)
470    gcrs = icrs.transform_to(GCRS(obstime=time,
471                                  obsgeoloc=obsgeoloc,
472                                  obsgeovel=obsgeovel))
474    return SkyCoord(gcrs)
477def get_moon(time, location=None, ephemeris=None):
478    """
479    Get a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` for the Earth's Moon as observed
480    from a location on Earth in the `~astropy.coordinates.GCRS` reference
481    system.
483    Parameters
484    ----------
485    time : `~astropy.time.Time`
486        Time of observation
487    location : `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`
488        Location of observer on the Earth. If none is supplied, taken from
489        ``time`` (if not present, a geocentric observer will be assumed).
490    ephemeris : str, optional
491        Ephemeris to use.  If not given, use the one set with
492        ``astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris.set`` (which is
493        set to 'builtin' by default).
495    Returns
496    -------
497    skycoord : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
498        GCRS Coordinate for the Moon
500    Notes
501    -----
503    """
505    return get_body('moon', time, location=location, ephemeris=ephemeris)
508# Add note about the ephemeris choices to the docstrings of relevant functions.
509# Note: sadly, one cannot use f-strings for docstrings, so we format explicitly.
510for f in [f for f in locals().values() if callable(f) and f.__doc__ is not None
511          and '{_EPHEMERIS_NOTE}' in f.__doc__]:
512    f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.format(_EPHEMERIS_NOTE=indent(_EPHEMERIS_NOTE)[4:])
515deprecation_msg = """
516The use of _apparent_position_in_true_coordinates is deprecated because
517astropy now implements a True Equator True Equinox Frame (TETE), which
518should be used instead.
522@deprecated('4.2', deprecation_msg)
523def _apparent_position_in_true_coordinates(skycoord):
524    """
525    Convert Skycoord in GCRS frame into one in which RA and Dec
526    are defined w.r.t to the true equinox and poles of the Earth
527    """
528    location = getattr(skycoord, 'location', None)
529    if location is None:
530        gcrs_rep = skycoord.obsgeoloc.with_differentials(
531            {'s': CartesianDifferential.from_cartesian(skycoord.obsgeovel)})
532        location = (GCRS(gcrs_rep, obstime=skycoord.obstime)
533                    .transform_to(ITRS(obstime=skycoord.obstime))
534                    .earth_location)
535    tete_frame = TETE(obstime=skycoord.obstime, location=location)
536    return skycoord.transform_to(tete_frame)