1"""Implements the Astropy TestRunner which is a thin wrapper around pytest."""
3import inspect
4import os
5import glob
6import copy
7import shlex
8import sys
9import tempfile
10import warnings
11import importlib
12from collections import OrderedDict
13from importlib.util import find_spec
14from functools import wraps
16from astropy.config.paths import set_temp_config, set_temp_cache
17from astropy.utils import find_current_module
18from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning, AstropyDeprecationWarning
20__all__ = ['TestRunner', 'TestRunnerBase', 'keyword']
23class keyword:
24    """
25    A decorator to mark a method as keyword argument for the ``TestRunner``.
27    Parameters
28    ----------
29    default_value : `object`
30        The default value for the keyword argument. (Default: `None`)
32    priority : `int`
33        keyword argument methods are executed in order of descending priority.
34    """
36    def __init__(self, default_value=None, priority=0):
37        self.default_value = default_value
38        self.priority = priority
40    def __call__(self, f):
41        def keyword(*args, **kwargs):
42            return f(*args, **kwargs)
44        keyword._default_value = self.default_value
45        keyword._priority = self.priority
46        # Set __doc__ explicitly here rather than using wraps because we want
47        # to keep the function name as keyword so we can inspect it later.
48        keyword.__doc__ = f.__doc__
50        return keyword
53class TestRunnerBase:
54    """
55    The base class for the TestRunner.
57    A test runner can be constructed by creating a subclass of this class and
58    defining 'keyword' methods. These are methods that have the
59    :class:`~astropy.tests.runner.keyword` decorator, these methods are used to
60    construct allowed keyword arguments to the
61    ``run_tests`` method as a way to allow
62    customization of individual keyword arguments (and associated logic)
63    without having to re-implement the whole
64    ``run_tests`` method.
66    Examples
67    --------
69    A simple keyword method::
71        class MyRunner(TestRunnerBase):
73            @keyword('default_value'):
74            def spam(self, spam, kwargs):
75                \"\"\"
76                spam : `str`
77                    The parameter description for the run_tests docstring.
78                \"\"\"
79                # Return value must be a list with a CLI parameter for pytest.
80                return ['--spam={}'.format(spam)]
81    """
83    def __init__(self, base_path):
84        self.base_path = os.path.abspath(base_path)
86    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
87        # Before constructing the class parse all the methods that have been
88        # decorated with ``keyword``.
90        # The objective of this method is to construct a default set of keyword
91        # arguments to the ``run_tests`` method. It does this by inspecting the
92        # methods of the class for functions with the name ``keyword`` which is
93        # the name of the decorator wrapping function. Once it has created this
94        # dictionary, it also formats the docstring of ``run_tests`` to be
95        # comprised of the docstrings for the ``keyword`` methods.
97        # To add a keyword argument to the ``run_tests`` method, define a new
98        # method decorated with ``@keyword`` and with the ``self, name, kwargs``
99        # signature.
100        # Get all 'function' members as the wrapped methods are functions
101        functions = inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=inspect.isfunction)
103        # Filter out anything that's not got the name 'keyword'
104        keywords = filter(lambda func: func[1].__name__ == 'keyword', functions)
105        # Sort all keywords based on the priority flag.
106        sorted_keywords = sorted(keywords, key=lambda x: x[1]._priority, reverse=True)
108        cls.keywords = OrderedDict()
109        doc_keywords = ""
110        for name, func in sorted_keywords:
111            # Here we test if the function has been overloaded to return
112            # NotImplemented which is the way to disable arguments on
113            # subclasses. If it has been disabled we need to remove it from the
114            # default keywords dict. We do it in the try except block because
115            # we do not have access to an instance of the class, so this is
116            # going to error unless the method is just doing `return
117            # NotImplemented`.
118            try:
119                # Second argument is False, as it is normally a bool.
120                # The other two are placeholders for objects.
121                if func(None, False, None) is NotImplemented:
122                    continue
123            except Exception:
124                pass
126            # Construct the default kwargs dict and docstring
127            cls.keywords[name] = func._default_value
128            if func.__doc__:
129                doc_keywords += ' '*8
130                doc_keywords += func.__doc__.strip()
131                doc_keywords += '\n\n'
133        cls.run_tests.__doc__ = cls.RUN_TESTS_DOCSTRING.format(keywords=doc_keywords)
135        return super().__new__(cls)
137    def _generate_args(self, **kwargs):
138        # Update default values with passed kwargs
139        # but don't modify the defaults
140        keywords = copy.deepcopy(self.keywords)
141        keywords.update(kwargs)
142        # Iterate through the keywords (in order of priority)
143        args = []
144        for keyword in keywords.keys():
145            func = getattr(self, keyword)
146            result = func(keywords[keyword], keywords)
148            # Allow disabling of options in a subclass
149            if result is NotImplemented:
150                raise TypeError(f"run_tests() got an unexpected keyword argument {keyword}")
152            # keyword methods must return a list
153            if not isinstance(result, list):
154                raise TypeError(f"{keyword} keyword method must return a list")
156            args += result
158        return args
161        """
162        Run the tests for the package.
164        This method builds arguments for and then calls ``pytest.main``.
166        Parameters
167        ----------
170        """
172    _required_dependencies = ['pytest', 'pytest_remotedata', 'pytest_doctestplus', 'pytest_astropy_header']
173    _missing_dependancy_error = (
174        "Test dependencies are missing: {module}. You should install the "
175        "'pytest-astropy' package (you may need to update the package if you "
176        "have a previous version installed, e.g., "
177        "'pip install pytest-astropy --upgrade' or the equivalent with conda).")
179    @classmethod
180    def _has_test_dependencies(cls):  # pragma: no cover
181        # Using the test runner will not work without these dependencies, but
182        # pytest-openfiles is optional, so it's not listed here.
183        for module in cls._required_dependencies:
184            spec = find_spec(module)
185            # Checking loader accounts for packages that were uninstalled
186            if spec is None or spec.loader is None:
187                raise RuntimeError(
188                    cls._missing_dependancy_error.format(module=module))
190    def run_tests(self, **kwargs):
191        # The following option will include eggs inside a .eggs folder in
192        # sys.path when running the tests. This is possible so that when
193        # running pytest, test dependencies installed via e.g.
194        # tests_requires are available here. This is not an advertised option
195        # since it is only for internal use
196        if kwargs.pop('add_local_eggs_to_path', False):
198            # Add each egg to sys.path individually
199            for egg in glob.glob(os.path.join('.eggs', '*.egg')):
200                sys.path.insert(0, egg)
202        self._has_test_dependencies()  # pragma: no cover
204        # The docstring for this method is defined as a class variable.
205        # This allows it to be built for each subclass in __new__.
207        # Don't import pytest until it's actually needed to run the tests
208        import pytest
210        # Raise error for undefined kwargs
211        allowed_kwargs = set(self.keywords.keys())
212        passed_kwargs = set(kwargs.keys())
213        if not passed_kwargs.issubset(allowed_kwargs):
214            wrong_kwargs = list(passed_kwargs.difference(allowed_kwargs))
215            raise TypeError(f"run_tests() got an unexpected keyword argument {wrong_kwargs[0]}")
217        args = self._generate_args(**kwargs)
219        if kwargs.get('plugins', None) is not None:
220            plugins = kwargs.pop('plugins')
221        elif self.keywords.get('plugins', None) is not None:
222            plugins = self.keywords['plugins']
223        else:
224            plugins = []
226        # Override the config locations to not make a new directory nor use
227        # existing cache or config. Note that we need to do this here in
228        # addition to in conftest.py - for users running tests interactively
229        # in e.g. IPython, conftest.py would get read in too late, so we need
230        # to do it here - but at the same time the code here doesn't work when
231        # running tests in parallel mode because this uses subprocesses which
232        # don't know about the temporary config/cache.
233        astropy_config = tempfile.mkdtemp('astropy_config')
234        astropy_cache = tempfile.mkdtemp('astropy_cache')
236        # Have to use nested with statements for cross-Python support
237        # Note, using these context managers here is superfluous if the
238        # config_dir or cache_dir options to pytest are in use, but it's
239        # also harmless to nest the contexts
240        with set_temp_config(astropy_config, delete=True):
241            with set_temp_cache(astropy_cache, delete=True):
242                return pytest.main(args=args, plugins=plugins)
244    @classmethod
245    def make_test_runner_in(cls, path):
246        """
247        Constructs a `TestRunner` to run in the given path, and returns a
248        ``test()`` function which takes the same arguments as
249        ``TestRunner.run_tests``.
251        The returned ``test()`` function will be defined in the module this
252        was called from.  This is used to implement the ``astropy.test()``
253        function (or the equivalent for affiliated packages).
254        """
256        runner = cls(path)
258        @wraps(runner.run_tests, ('__doc__',))
259        def test(**kwargs):
260            return runner.run_tests(**kwargs)
262        module = find_current_module(2)
263        if module is not None:
264            test.__module__ = module.__name__
266        # A somewhat unusual hack, but delete the attached __wrapped__
267        # attribute--although this is normally used to tell if the function
268        # was wrapped with wraps, on some version of Python this is also
269        # used to determine the signature to display in help() which is
270        # not useful in this case.  We don't really care in this case if the
271        # function was wrapped either
272        if hasattr(test, '__wrapped__'):
273            del test.__wrapped__
275        test.__test__ = False
276        return test
279class TestRunner(TestRunnerBase):
280    """
281    A test runner for astropy tests
282    """
284    def packages_path(self, packages, base_path, error=None, warning=None):
285        """
286        Generates the path for multiple packages.
288        Parameters
289        ----------
290        packages : str
291            Comma separated string of packages.
292        base_path : str
293            Base path to the source code or documentation.
294        error : str
295            Error message to be raised as ``ValueError``. Individual package
296            name and path can be accessed by ``{name}`` and ``{path}``
297            respectively. No error is raised if `None`. (Default: `None`)
298        warning : str
299            Warning message to be issued. Individual package
300            name and path can be accessed by ``{name}`` and ``{path}``
301            respectively. No warning is issues if `None`. (Default: `None`)
303        Returns
304        -------
305        paths : list of str
306            List of strings of existing package paths.
307        """
308        packages = packages.split(",")
310        paths = []
311        for package in packages:
312            path = os.path.join(
313                base_path, package.replace('.', os.path.sep))
314            if not os.path.isdir(path):
315                info = {'name': package, 'path': path}
316                if error is not None:
317                    raise ValueError(error.format(**info))
318                if warning is not None:
319                    warnings.warn(warning.format(**info))
320            else:
321                paths.append(path)
323        return paths
325    # Increase priority so this warning is displayed first.
326    @keyword(priority=1000)
327    def coverage(self, coverage, kwargs):
328        if coverage:
329            warnings.warn(
330                "The coverage option is ignored on run_tests, since it "
331                "can not be made to work in that context.  Use "
332                "'python setup.py test --coverage' instead.",
333                AstropyWarning)
335        return []
337    # test_path depends on self.package_path so make sure this runs before
338    # test_path.
339    @keyword(priority=1)
340    def package(self, package, kwargs):
341        """
342        package : str, optional
343            The name of a specific package to test, e.g. 'io.fits' or
344            'utils'. Accepts comma separated string to specify multiple
345            packages. If nothing is specified all default tests are run.
346        """
347        if package is None:
348            self.package_path = [self.base_path]
349        else:
350            error_message = ('package to test is not found: {name} '
351                             '(at path {path}).')
352            self.package_path = self.packages_path(package, self.base_path,
353                                                   error=error_message)
355        if not kwargs['test_path']:
356            return self.package_path
358        return []
360    @keyword()
361    def test_path(self, test_path, kwargs):
362        """
363        test_path : str, optional
364            Specify location to test by path. May be a single file or
365            directory. Must be specified absolutely or relative to the
366            calling directory.
367        """
368        all_args = []
369        # Ensure that the package kwarg has been run.
370        self.package(kwargs['package'], kwargs)
371        if test_path:
372            base, ext = os.path.splitext(test_path)
374            if ext in ('.rst', ''):
375                if kwargs['docs_path'] is None:
376                    # This shouldn't happen from "python setup.py test"
377                    raise ValueError(
378                        "Can not test .rst files without a docs_path "
379                        "specified.")
381                abs_docs_path = os.path.abspath(kwargs['docs_path'])
382                abs_test_path = os.path.abspath(
383                    os.path.join(abs_docs_path, os.pardir, test_path))
385                common = os.path.commonprefix((abs_docs_path, abs_test_path))
387                if os.path.exists(abs_test_path) and common == abs_docs_path:
388                    # Turn on the doctest_rst plugin
389                    all_args.append('--doctest-rst')
390                    test_path = abs_test_path
392            # Check that the extensions are in the path and not at the end to
393            # support specifying the name of the test, i.e.
394            # test_quantity.py::test_unit
395            if not (os.path.isdir(test_path) or ('.py' in test_path or '.rst' in test_path)):
396                raise ValueError("Test path must be a directory or a path to "
397                                 "a .py or .rst file")
399            return all_args + [test_path]
401        return []
403    @keyword()
404    def args(self, args, kwargs):
405        """
406        args : str, optional
407            Additional arguments to be passed to ``pytest.main`` in the ``args``
408            keyword argument.
409        """
410        if args:
411            return shlex.split(args, posix=not sys.platform.startswith('win'))
413        return []
415    @keyword(default_value=[])
416    def plugins(self, plugins, kwargs):
417        """
418        plugins : list, optional
419            Plugins to be passed to ``pytest.main`` in the ``plugins`` keyword
420            argument.
421        """
422        # Plugins are handled independently by `run_tests` so we define this
423        # keyword just for the docstring
424        return []
426    @keyword()
427    def verbose(self, verbose, kwargs):
428        """
429        verbose : bool, optional
430            Convenience option to turn on verbose output from pytest. Passing
431            True is the same as specifying ``-v`` in ``args``.
432        """
433        if verbose:
434            return ['-v']
436        return []
438    @keyword()
439    def pastebin(self, pastebin, kwargs):
440        """
441        pastebin : ('failed', 'all', None), optional
442            Convenience option for turning on pytest pastebin output. Set to
443            'failed' to upload info for failed tests, or 'all' to upload info
444            for all tests.
445        """
446        if pastebin is not None:
447            if pastebin in ['failed', 'all']:
448                return [f'--pastebin={pastebin}']
449            else:
450                raise ValueError("pastebin should be 'failed' or 'all'")
452        return []
454    @keyword(default_value='none')
455    def remote_data(self, remote_data, kwargs):
456        """
457        remote_data : {'none', 'astropy', 'any'}, optional
458            Controls whether to run tests marked with @pytest.mark.remote_data. This can be
459            set to run no tests with remote data (``none``), only ones that use
460            data from http://data.astropy.org (``astropy``), or all tests that
461            use remote data (``any``). The default is ``none``.
462        """
464        if remote_data is True:
465            remote_data = 'any'
466        elif remote_data is False:
467            remote_data = 'none'
468        elif remote_data not in ('none', 'astropy', 'any'):
469            warnings.warn("The remote_data option should be one of "
470                          "none/astropy/any (found {}). For backward-compatibility, "
471                          "assuming 'any', but you should change the option to be "
472                          "one of the supported ones to avoid issues in "
473                          "future.".format(remote_data),
474                          AstropyDeprecationWarning)
475            remote_data = 'any'
477        return [f'--remote-data={remote_data}']
479    @keyword()
480    def pep8(self, pep8, kwargs):
481        """
482        pep8 : bool, optional
483            Turn on PEP8 checking via the pytest-pep8 plugin and disable normal
484            tests. Same as specifying ``--pep8 -k pep8`` in ``args``.
485        """
486        if pep8:
487            try:
488                import pytest_pep8  # pylint: disable=W0611
489            except ImportError:
490                raise ImportError('PEP8 checking requires pytest-pep8 plugin: '
491                                  'https://pypi.org/project/pytest-pep8')
492            else:
493                return ['--pep8', '-k', 'pep8']
495        return []
497    @keyword()
498    def pdb(self, pdb, kwargs):
499        """
500        pdb : bool, optional
501            Turn on PDB post-mortem analysis for failing tests. Same as
502            specifying ``--pdb`` in ``args``.
503        """
504        if pdb:
505            return ['--pdb']
506        return []
508    @keyword()
509    def open_files(self, open_files, kwargs):
510        """
511        open_files : bool, optional
512            Fail when any tests leave files open.  Off by default, because
513            this adds extra run time to the test suite.  Requires the
514            ``psutil`` package.
515        """
516        if open_files:
517            if kwargs['parallel'] != 0:
518                raise SystemError(
519                    "open file detection may not be used in conjunction with "
520                    "parallel testing.")
522            try:
523                import psutil  # pylint: disable=W0611
524            except ImportError:
525                raise SystemError(
526                    "open file detection requested, but psutil package "
527                    "is not installed.")
529            return ['--open-files']
531            print("Checking for unclosed files")
533        return []
535    @keyword(0)
536    def parallel(self, parallel, kwargs):
537        """
538        parallel : int or 'auto', optional
539            When provided, run the tests in parallel on the specified
540            number of CPUs.  If parallel is ``'auto'``, it will use the all
541            the cores on the machine.  Requires the ``pytest-xdist`` plugin.
542        """
543        if parallel != 0:
544            try:
545                from xdist import plugin # noqa
546            except ImportError:
547                raise SystemError(
548                    "running tests in parallel requires the pytest-xdist package")
550            return ['-n', str(parallel)]
552        return []
554    @keyword()
555    def docs_path(self, docs_path, kwargs):
556        """
557        docs_path : str, optional
558            The path to the documentation .rst files.
559        """
561        paths = []
562        if docs_path is not None and not kwargs['skip_docs']:
563            if kwargs['package'] is not None:
564                warning_message = ("Can not test .rst docs for {name}, since "
565                                   "docs path ({path}) does not exist.")
566                paths = self.packages_path(kwargs['package'], docs_path,
567                                           warning=warning_message)
568            elif not kwargs['test_path']:
569                paths = [docs_path, ]
571            if len(paths) and not kwargs['test_path']:
572                paths.append('--doctest-rst')
574        return paths
576    @keyword()
577    def skip_docs(self, skip_docs, kwargs):
578        """
579        skip_docs : `bool`, optional
580            When `True`, skips running the doctests in the .rst files.
581        """
582        # Skip docs is a bool used by docs_path only.
583        return []
585    @keyword()
586    def repeat(self, repeat, kwargs):
587        """
588        repeat : `int`, optional
589            If set, specifies how many times each test should be run. This is
590            useful for diagnosing sporadic failures.
591        """
592        if repeat:
593            return [f'--repeat={repeat}']
595        return []
597    # Override run_tests for astropy-specific fixes
598    def run_tests(self, **kwargs):
600        # This prevents cyclical import problems that make it
601        # impossible to test packages that define Table types on their
602        # own.
603        from astropy.table import Table  # pylint: disable=W0611
605        return super().run_tests(**kwargs)