1SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  NAXIS   =                    1 / number of data axes                            NAXIS1  =                 4096 / length of data axis 1                          EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'AstronomyCOMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT This FITS file contains an example spectral WCS header constructed by   COMMENT Mark Calabretta (ATNF) and Dirk Petry (ESO) based on an observation     COMMENT of the Orion Kleinmann-Low nebula made by Andrew Walsh (JCU) and        COMMENT Sven Thorwirth (MPIfR) using the Mopra radio telescope.                 COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT The 110GHz 13CO 1-0 spectrum in this file is linear in wavelength,      COMMENT having been regridded from a linear frequency axis, as observed.        COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT The reference pixel has been placed deliberately well outside the       COMMENT the spectrum in order to test spectral-WCS-interpreting software.       COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT Spectral representations are:                                           COMMENT   F: Frequency                          ...frequency-like               COMMENT   E: Photon energy                      ...frequency-like               COMMENT   N: Wave number                        ...frequency-like               COMMENT   R: Radio velocity                     ...frequency-like               COMMENT      Wavelength (default)               ...wavelength-like              COMMENT   O: Optical velocity                   ...wavelength-like              COMMENT   Z: Redshift                           ...wavelength-like              COMMENT   V: Relativistic velocity              ...velocity-like                COMMENT   B: Relativistic beta                  ...velocity-like                COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT The Mopra radio telescope is operated by the Australia Telescope        COMMENT National Facility.                                                      COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT Author: Mark Calabretta, Australia Telescope National Facility          COMMENT http://www.atnf.csiro.au/~mcalabre/index.html                           COMMENT 2009-04-22                                                              COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------  COMMENT                                                                         OBJECT  = 'Orion-KL'           / Orion Kleinmann-Low nebula                     MOLECULE= '13CO    '           / Carbon(13) monoxide                            TRANSITI= '1-0     '           / 1-0 transition                                 DATE-OBS= '2006-07-09T20:29:00' / Date of observation                           TELESCOP= 'ATNF Mopra'         / 22m mm-wave telescope                          OBSERVER= 'Walsh/Thorwirth'    / Observers                                      BUNIT   = 'K       '           / Brightness units, Kelvin                       COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------ Frequency  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1F =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1F = 'FREQ-W2F'           / Frequency, non-linear axis                     CRVAL1F =       102.6940613E+9 / [Hz] Frequency of reference channel            CDELT1F =      -2.332330873E+5 / [Hz] Channel spacing                           CUNIT1F = 'Hz      '           / Units of coordinate increment and value        COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQF=       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAVF=        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYSF= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBSF= 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYSF=                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRCF= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCEF=               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2F =                    1                                                  CDELT2F =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2F = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2F =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2F = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3F =                    1                                                  CDELT3F =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3F = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3F =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3F = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYSF= 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOXF=               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4F =                    1                                                  CDELT4F =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4F = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4F =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT -------------------------------------------------------- Photon energy  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1E =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1E = 'ENER-W2F'           / Photon energy, non-linear axis                 CRVAL1E =       4.247088937E-4 / [eV] Photon energy of reference channel        CDELT1E =     -0.9645754124E-9 / [eV] Channel spacing                           CUNIT1E = 'eV      '           / Units of coordinate increment and value        COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQE=       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAVE=        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYSE= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBSE= 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYSE=                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRCE= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCEE=               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2E =                    1                                                  CDELT2E =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2E = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2E =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2E = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3E =                    1                                                  CDELT3E =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3E = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3E =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3E = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYSE= 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOXE=               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4E =                    1                                                  CDELT4E =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4E = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4E =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT ---------------------------------------------------------- Wave number  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1N =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1N = 'WAVN-W2F'           / Wave number, non-linear axis                   CRVAL1N =       3.425505162E+2 / [/m] Wave number of reference channel          CDELT1N =      -7.779818375E-4 / [/m] Channel spacing                           CUNIT1N = '/m      '           / Units of coordinate increment and value        COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQN=       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAVN=        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYSN= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBSN= 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYSN=                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRCN= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCEN=               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2N =                    1                                                  CDELT2N =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2N = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2N =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2N = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3N =                    1                                                  CDELT3N =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3N = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3N =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3N = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYSN= 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOXN=               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4N =                    1                                                  CDELT4N =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4N = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4N =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------- Radio velocity  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1R =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1R = 'VRAD-W2F'           / Radio velocity, non-linear axis                CRVAL1R =       2.042288396E+7 / [m/s] Radio velocity of reference channel      CDELT1R =       6.344887666E+2 / [m/s] Channel spacing                          CUNIT1R = 'm/s     '           / Units of coordinate increment and value        COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQR=       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAVR=        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYSR= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBSR= 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYSR=                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRCR= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCER=               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2R =                    1                                                  CDELT2R =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2R = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2R =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2R = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3R =                    1                                                  CDELT3R =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3R = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3R =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3R = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYSR= 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOXR=               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4R =                    1                                                  CDELT4R =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4R = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4R =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------------- Wavelength  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1  =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1  = 'WAVE    '           / Wavelength in vacuuo, linear axis              CRVAL1  =       2.919277457E-3 / [m] Wavelength of reference channel            CDELT1  =       6.630101933E-9 / [m] Channel spacing                            CUNIT1  = 'm       '           / Units of coordinate increment and value        COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQ =       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAV =        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYS = 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBS = 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYS =                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRC = 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCE =               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2  =                    1                                                  CDELT2  =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2  = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2  =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2  = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3  =                    1                                                  CDELT3  =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3  = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3  =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3  = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYS = 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOX =               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4  =                    1                                                  CDELT4  =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4  = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4  =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------- Optical velocity  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1O =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1O = 'VOPT    '           / Optical velocity, linear axis                  CRVAL1O =       2.191586755E+7 / [m/s] Optical velocity of reference channel    CDELT1O =       7.306462036E+2 / [m/s] Channel spacing                          CUNIT1O = 'm/s     '           / Units of coordinate increment and value        COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQO=       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAVO=        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYSO= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBSO= 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYSO=                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRCO= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCEO=               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2O =                    1                                                  CDELT2O =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2O = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2O =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2O = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3O =                    1                                                  CDELT3O =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3O = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3O =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3O = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYSO= 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOXO=               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4O =                    1                                                  CDELT4O =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4O = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4O =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------- Redshift  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1Z =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1Z = 'ZOPT    '           / Redshift, linear axis                          CRVAL1Z =       7.310346531E-2 / [] Redshift of reference channel               CDELT1Z =       2.437173398E-6 / [] Channel spacing                             COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQZ=       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAVZ=        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYSZ= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBSZ= 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYSZ=                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRCZ= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCEZ=               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2Z =                    1                                                  CDELT2Z =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2Z = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2Z =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2Z = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3Z =                    1                                                  CDELT3Z =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3Z = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3Z =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3Z = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYSZ= 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOXZ=               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4Z =                    1                                                  CDELT4Z =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4Z = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4Z =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT ------------------------------------------------ Relativistic velocity  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1V =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1V = 'VELO-W2V'           / Relativistic velocity, non-linear axis         CRVAL1V =       2.111679434E+7 / [m/s] Velocity of reference channel            CDELT1V =       6.774939349E+2 / [m/s] Channel spacing                          CUNIT1V = 'm/s     '           / Units of coordinate increment and value        COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQV=       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAVV=        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYSV= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBSV= 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYSV=                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRCV= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCEV=               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2V =                    1                                                  CDELT2V =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2V = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2V =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2V = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3V =                    1                                                  CDELT3V =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3V = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3V =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3V = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYSV= 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOXV=               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4V =                    1                                                  CDELT4V =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4V = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4V =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         COMMENT ---------------------------------------------- Relativistic beta (v/c)  COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX1B =              32768.0 / Pixel coordinate of reference point            CTYPE1B = 'BETA-W2V'           / Relativistic beta (v/c), non-linear axis       CRVAL1B =       7.043804396E-2 / [] Relativistic beta of reference channel      CDELT1B =       2.259876514E-6 / [] Channel spacing                             COMMENT                                                                         RESTFRQB=       110201353000.0 / [Hz] 13CO line rest frequency                  RESTWAVB=        0.00272040633 / [m]  13CO line rest wavelength                 SPECSYSB= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of spectral coordinates        SSYSOBSB= 'TOPOCENT'           / Reference frame of observation                 VELOSYSB=                  0.0 / [m/s] Bary-topo velocity towards the source    SSYSSRCB= 'LSRK    '           / Reference frame of source redshift             ZSOURCEB=               0.0000 / Redshift of the source                         COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX2B =                    1                                                  CDELT2B =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE2B = 'RA      '                                                            CRVAL2B =             83.81042 / [deg] (05h35m14.5s)                            CUNIT2B = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX3B =                    1                                                  CDELT3B =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE3B = 'DEC     '                                                            CRVAL3B =            -5.375222 / [deg] (-05:22:30.8)                            CUNIT3B = 'deg     '                                                            COMMENT                                                                         RADESYSB= 'FK5     '           / FK5 (IAU 1984) equatorial coordinates          EQUINOXB=               2000.0 / Equinox J2000.0                                COMMENT                                                                         CRPIX4B =                    1                                                  CDELT4B =                  1.0                                                  CTYPE4B = 'STOKES  '                                                            CRVAL4B =                    1 / Stokes I (total intensity)                     COMMENT                                                                         HISTORY fimgcreate 1.0b at 2009-04-22T04:28:10                                  DATE    = '2009-04-22T04:28:10' / file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)