1def plot_planet(plnt, t0=0, tf=None, N=60, units=1.0, color='k', alpha=1.0, s=40, legend=(False, False), axes=None):
2    """
3    ax = plot_planet(plnt, t0=0, tf=None, N=60, units=1.0, color='k', alpha=1.0, s=40, legend=(False, False), axes=None):
5    - axes:      3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
6    - plnt:      pykep.planet object we want to plot
7    - t0:        a pykep.epoch or float (mjd2000) indicating the first date we want to plot the planet position
8    - tf:        a pykep.epoch or float (mjd2000) indicating the final date we want to plot the planet position.
9                 if None this is computed automatically from the orbital period (prone to error for non periodic orbits)
10    - units:     the length unit to be used in the plot
11    - color:     color to use to plot the orbit (passed to matplotlib)
12    - s:         planet size (passed to matplotlib)
13    - legend     2-D tuple of bool or string: The first element activates the planet scatter plot,
14                 the second to the actual orbit. If a bool value is used, then an automated legend label is generated (if True), if a string is used, the string is the legend. Its also possible but deprecated to use a single bool value. In which case that value is used for both the tuple components.
16    Plots the planet position and its orbit.
18    Example::
20	import pykep as pk
21	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
23	fig = plt.figure()
24	ax = fig.gca(projection = '3d')
25	pl = pk.planet.jpl_lp('earth')
26	t_plot = pk.epoch(219)
27	ax = pk.orbit_plots.plot_planet(pl, ax = ax, color='b')
28    """
29    from pykep import MU_SUN, SEC2DAY, epoch, AU, RAD2DEG
30    from pykep.planet import keplerian
31    from math import pi, sqrt
32    import numpy as np
33    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
34    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
36    if axes is None:
37        fig = plt.figure()
38        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
39    else:
40        ax = axes
42    if type(t0) is not epoch:
43        t0 = epoch(t0)
45    # This is to make the tuple API compatible with the old API
46    if type(legend) is bool:
47        legend = (legend, legend)
49    if tf is None:
50        # orbit period at epoch
51        T = plnt.compute_period(t0) * SEC2DAY
52    else:
53        if type(tf) is not epoch:
54            tf = epoch(tf)
55        T = (tf.mjd2000 - t0.mjd2000)
56        if T < 0:
57            raise ValueError("tf should be after t0 when plotting an orbit")
59       # points where the orbit will be plotted
60    when = np.linspace(0, T, N)
62    # Ephemerides Calculation for the given planet
63    x = np.array([0.0] * N)
64    y = np.array([0.0] * N)
65    z = np.array([0.0] * N)
67    for i, day in enumerate(when):
68        r, v = plnt.eph(epoch(t0.mjd2000 + day))
69        x[i] = r[0] / units
70        y[i] = r[1] / units
71        z[i] = r[2] / units
73    # Actual plot commands
74    if (legend[0] is True):
75        label1 = plnt.name + " " + t0.__repr__()[0:11]
76    elif (legend[0] is False):
77        label1 = None
78    elif (legend[0] is None):
79        label1 = None
80    else:
81        label1 = legend[0]
83    if (legend[1] is True):
84        label2 = plnt.name + " orbit"
85    elif (legend[1] is False):
86        label2 = None
87    elif (legend[1] is None):
88        label2 = None
89    else:
90        label2 = legend[1]
92    ax.plot(x, y, z, label=label2, c=color, alpha=alpha)
93    ax.scatter([x[0]], [y[0]], [z[0]], s=s, marker='o', alpha=0.8, c=[color], label=label1)
95    if legend[0] or legend[1]:
96        ax.legend()
97    return ax
100def plot_lambert(l, N=60, sol=0, units=1.0, color='b', legend=False, axes=None, alpha=1.):
101    """
102    ax = plot_lambert(l, N=60, sol=0, units='pykep.AU', legend='False', axes=None, alpha=1.)
104    - axes:     3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
105    - l:        pykep.lambert_problem object
106    - N:        number of points to be plotted along one arc
107    - sol:      solution to the Lambert's problem we want to plot (must be in 0..Nmax*2)
108                where Nmax is the maximum number of revolutions for which there exist a solution.
109    - units:    the length unit to be used in the plot
110    - color:    matplotlib color to use to plot the line
111    - legend:   when True it plots also the legend with info on the Lambert's solution chosen
113    Plots a particular solution to a Lambert's problem
115    Example::
117      import pykep as pk
118      import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
120      fig = plt.figure()
121      ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
123      t1 = pk.epoch(0)
124      t2 = pk.epoch(640)
125      dt = (t2.mjd2000 - t1.mjd2000) * pk.DAY2SEC
127      pl = pk.planet.jpl_lp('earth')
128      pk.orbit_plots.plot_planet(pl, t0=t1, axes=ax, color='k')
129      rE,vE = pl.eph(t1)
131      pl = pk.planet.jpl_lp('mars')
132      pk.orbit_plots.plot_planet(pl, t0=t2, axes=ax, color='r')
133      rM, vM = pl.eph(t2)
135      l = lambert_problem(rE,rM,dt,pk.MU_SUN)
136      pk.orbit_plots.plot_lambert(l, ax=ax, color='b')
137      pk.orbit_plots.plot_lambert(l, sol=1, axes=ax, color='g')
138      pk.orbit_plots.plot_lambert(l, sol=2, axes=ax, color='g', legend = True)
140      plt.show()
141    """
142    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian, AU
143    import numpy as np
144    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
145    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
147    if axes is None:
148        fig = plt.figure()
149        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
150    else:
151        ax = axes
153    if sol > l.get_Nmax() * 2:
154        raise ValueError("sol must be in 0 .. NMax*2 \n * Nmax is the maximum number of revolutions for which there exist a solution to the Lambert's problem \n * You can compute Nmax calling the get_Nmax() method of the lambert_problem object")
156    # We extract the relevant information from the Lambert's problem
157    r = l.get_r1()
158    v = l.get_v1()[sol]
159    T = l.get_tof()
160    mu = l.get_mu()
162    # We define the integration time ...
163    dt = T / (N - 1)
165    # ... and allocate the cartesian components for r
166    x = np.array([0.0] * N)
167    y = np.array([0.0] * N)
168    z = np.array([0.0] * N)
170    # We calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
171    for i in range(N):
172        x[i] = r[0] / units
173        y[i] = r[1] / units
174        z[i] = r[2] / units
175        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt, mu)
177    # And we plot
178    if legend:
179        label = 'Lambert solution (' + str((sol + 1) // 2) + ' revs.)'
180    else:
181        label = None
182    ax.plot(x, y, z, c=color, label=label, alpha=alpha)
184    if legend:
185        ax.legend()
187    return ax
190def plot_kepler(r0, v0, tof, mu, N=60, units=1, color='b', label=None, axes=None):
191    """
192    ax = plot_kepler(r0, v0, tof, mu, N=60, units=1, color='b', label=None, axes=None):
194    - axes:     3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
195    - r0:       initial position (cartesian coordinates)
196    - v0:       initial velocity (cartesian coordinates)
197    - tof:      propagation time
198    - mu:       gravitational parameter
199    - N:	number of points to be plotted along one arc
200    - units:	the length unit to be used in the plot
201    - color:	matplotlib color to use to plot the line
202    - label 	adds a label to the plotted arc.
204    Plots the result of a keplerian propagation
206    Example::
208        import pykep as pk
209        pi = 3.14
210        pk.orbit_plots.plot_kepler(r0 = [1,0,0], v0 = [0,1,0], tof = pi/3, mu = 1)
211    """
213    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian
214    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
215    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
216    from copy import deepcopy
218    if axes is None:
219        fig = plt.figure()
220        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
221    else:
222        ax = axes
224    # We define the integration time ...
225    dt = tof / (N - 1)
227    # ... and calculate the cartesian components for r
228    x = [0.0] * N
229    y = [0.0] * N
230    z = [0.0] * N
232    # We calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
233    r = deepcopy(r0)
234    v = deepcopy(v0)
235    for i in range(N):
236        x[i] = r[0] / units
237        y[i] = r[1] / units
238        z[i] = r[2] / units
239        r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt, mu)
241    # And we plot
242    ax.plot(x, y, z, c=color, label=label)
243    return ax
246def plot_taylor(r0, v0, m0, thrust, tof, mu, veff, N=60, units=1, color='b', legend=False, axes=None):
247    """
248    ax = plot_taylor(r0, v0, m0, thrust, tof, mu, veff, N=60, units=1, color='b', legend=False, axes=None):
250    - axes:	3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
251    - r0:	initial position (cartesian coordinates)
252    - v0:	initial velocity (cartesian coordinates)
253    - m0: 	initial mass
254    - u:	cartesian components for the constant thrust
255    - tof:	propagation time
256    - mu:	gravitational parameter
257    - veff:	the product Isp * g0
258    - N:	number of points to be plotted along one arc
259    - units:	the length unit to be used in the plot
260    - color:	matplotlib color to use to plot the line
261    - legend:	when True it plots also the legend
263    Plots the result of a taylor propagation of constant thrust
265    Example::
267	import pykep as pk
268	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
269	pi = 3.14
271	fig = plt.figure()
272	ax = fig.gca(projection = '3d')
273	pk.orbit_plots.plot_taylor([1,0,0],[0,1,0],100,[1,1,0],40, 1, 1, N = 1000, axes = ax)
274	plt.show()
275    """
277    from pykep import propagate_taylor
278    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
280    if axes is None:
281        fig = plt.figure()
282        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
283    else:
284        ax = axes
286    # We define the integration time ...
287    dt = tof / (N - 1)
289    # ... and calcuate the cartesian components for r
290    x = [0.0] * N
291    y = [0.0] * N
292    z = [0.0] * N
294    # Replace r0, v0, m0 for r, v, m
295    r = r0
296    v = v0
297    m = m0
298    # We calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
299    for i in range(N):
300        x[i] = r[0] / units
301        y[i] = r[1] / units
302        z[i] = r[2] / units
303        r, v, m = propagate_taylor(r, v, m, thrust, dt, mu, veff, -10, -10)
305    # And we plot
306    if legend:
307        label = 'constant thrust arc'
308    else:
309        label = None
310    ax.plot(x, y, z, c=color, label=label)
312    if legend:
313        ax.legend()
315    if axes is None:  # show only if axis is not set
316        plt.show()
317    return ax
320def plot_taylor_disturbance(r0, v0, m0, thrust, disturbance, tof, mu, veff, N=60, units=1, color='b', legend=False, axes=None):
321    """
322    ax = plot_taylor_disturbance(r, v, m, thrust, disturbance, t, mu, veff, N=60, units=1, color='b', legend=False, axes=None):
324    - axes:		3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
325    - r0:		initial position (cartesian coordinates)
326    - v0:		initial velocity (cartesian coordinates)
327    - m0: 		initial mass
328    - thrust:		cartesian components for the constant thrust
329    - disturbance:	cartesian components for a constant disturbance (will not affect mass)
330    - tof:		propagation time
331    - mu:		gravitational parameter
332    - veff:		the product Isp * g0
333    - N:		number of points to be plotted along one arc
334    - units:		the length unit to be used in the plot
335    - color:		matplotlib color to use to plot the line
336    - legend:		when True it plots also the legend
338    Plots the result of a taylor propagation of constant thrust
339    """
341    from pykep import propagate_taylor_disturbance
342    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
344    if axes is None:
345        fig = plt.figure()
346        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
347    else:
348        ax = axes
350    # We define the integration time ...
351    dt = tof / (N - 1)
353    # ... and calcuate the cartesian components for r
354    x = [0.0] * N
355    y = [0.0] * N
356    z = [0.0] * N
358    # Replace r0, v0 and m0
359    r = r0
360    v = v0
361    m = m0
362    # We calculate the spacecraft position at each dt
363    for i in range(N):
364        x[i] = r[0] / units
365        y[i] = r[1] / units
366        z[i] = r[2] / units
367        r, v, m = propagate_taylor_disturbance(
368            r, v, m, thrust, disturbance, dt, mu, veff, -10, -10)
370    # And we plot
371    if legend:
372        label = 'constant thrust arc'
373    else:
374        label = None
375    ax.plot(x, y, z, c=color, label=label)
376    return ax
379def plot_sf_leg(leg, N=5, units=1, color='b', legend=False, plot_line=True, plot_segments=False, axes=None):
380    """
381    ax = plot_sf_leg(leg, N=5, units=1, color='b', legend=False, no_trajectory=False, axes=None):
383    - axes:	    3D axis object created using fig.gca(projection='3d')
384    - leg:	    a pykep.sims_flanagan.leg
385    - N:	    number of points to be plotted along one arc
386    - units:	    the length unit to be used in the plot
387    - color:	    matplotlib color to use to plot the trajectory and the grid points
388    - legend	    when True it plots also the legend
389    - plot_line:    when True plots also the trajectory (between mid-points and grid points)
391    Plots a Sims-Flanagan leg
393    Example::
395        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
396        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
398        fig = plt.figure()
399        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
400        t1 = epoch(0)
401        pl = planet_ss('earth')
402        rE,vE = pl.eph(t1)
403        plot_planet(pl,t0=t1, units=AU, axes=ax)
405        t2 = epoch(440)
406        pl = planet_ss('mars')
407        rM, vM = pl.eph(t2)
408        plot_planet(pl,t0=t2, units=AU, axes=ax)
410        sc = sims_flanagan.spacecraft(4500,0.5,2500)
411        x0 = sims_flanagan.sc_state(rE,vE,sc.mass)
412        xe = sims_flanagan.sc_state(rM,vM,sc.mass)
413        l = sims_flanagan.leg(t1,x0,[1,0,0]*5,t2,xe,sc,MU_SUN)
415        plot_sf_leg(l, units=AU, axes=ax)
416    """
417    from pykep import propagate_lagrangian, AU, DAY2SEC, G0, propagate_taylor
418    import numpy as np
419    from scipy.linalg import norm
420    from math import exp
421    import matplotlib.pylab as plt
422    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
424    if axes is None:
425        fig = plt.figure()
426        ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
427    else:
428        ax = axes
430    # We compute the number of segments for forward and backward propagation
431    n_seg = len(leg.get_throttles())
432    fwd_seg = (n_seg + 1) // 2
433    back_seg = n_seg // 2
435    # We extract information on the spacecraft
436    sc = leg.get_spacecraft()
437    isp = sc.isp
438    max_thrust = sc.thrust
440    # And on the leg
441    throttles = leg.get_throttles()
442    mu = leg.get_mu()
444    # Forward propagation
446    # x,y,z contain the cartesian components of all points (grid+midpoints)
447    x = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
448    y = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
449    z = [0.0] * (fwd_seg * 2 + 1)
451    state = leg.get_xi()
453    # Initial conditions
454    r = state.r
455    v = state.v
456    m = state.m
457    x[0] = r[0] / units
458    y[0] = r[1] / units
459    z[0] = r[2] / units
461    # We compute all points by propagation
462    for i, t in enumerate(throttles[:fwd_seg]):
463        dt = (t.end.mjd - t.start.mjd) * DAY2SEC
464        alpha = min(norm(t.value), 1.0)
465        # Keplerian propagation and dV application
466        if leg.high_fidelity is False:
467            dV = [max_thrust / m * dt * dumb for dumb in t.value]
468            if plot_line:
469                plot_kepler(r, v, dt / 2, mu, N=N, units=units,
470                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha), axes=ax)
471            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt / 2, mu)
472            x[2 * i + 1] = r[0] / units
473            y[2 * i + 1] = r[1] / units
474            z[2 * i + 1] = r[2] / units
475            # v= v+dV
476            v = [a + b for a, b in zip(v, dV)]
477            if plot_line:
478                plot_kepler(r, v, dt / 2, mu, N=N, units=units,
479                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha), axes=ax)
480            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, dt / 2, mu)
481            x[2 * i + 2] = r[0] / units
482            y[2 * i + 2] = r[1] / units
483            z[2 * i + 2] = r[2] / units
484            m *= exp(-norm(dV) / isp / G0)
485        # Taylor propagation of constant thrust u
486        else:
487            u = [max_thrust * dumb for dumb in t.value]
488            if plot_line:
489                plot_taylor(r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, N=N,
490                            units=units, color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha), axes=ax)
491            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(
492                r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12, -12)
493            x[2 * i + 1] = r[0] / units
494            y[2 * i + 1] = r[1] / units
495            z[2 * i + 1] = r[2] / units
496            if plot_line:
497                plot_taylor(r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, N=N,
498                            units=units, color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha), axes=ax)
499            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(
500                r, v, m, u, dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12, -12)
501            x[2 * i + 2] = r[0] / units
502            y[2 * i + 2] = r[1] / units
503            z[2 * i + 2] = r[2] / units
505    x_grid = x[::2]
506    y_grid = y[::2]
507    z_grid = z[::2]
508    x_midpoint = x[1::2]
509    y_midpoint = y[1::2]
510    z_midpoint = z[1::2]
511    if plot_segments:
512        ax.scatter(x_grid[:-1], y_grid[:-1], z_grid[:-1],
513                     label='nodes', marker='o')
514        ax.scatter(x_midpoint, y_midpoint, z_midpoint,
515                     label='mid-points', marker='x')
516        ax.scatter(x_grid[-1], y_grid[-1], z_grid[-1],
517                     marker='^', c='y', label='mismatch point')
519    # Backward propagation
521    # x,y,z will contain the cartesian components of
522    x = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
523    y = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
524    z = [0.0] * (back_seg * 2 + 1)
526    state = leg.get_xf()
528    # Final conditions
529    r = state.r
530    v = state.v
531    m = state.m
532    x[-1] = r[0] / units
533    y[-1] = r[1] / units
534    z[-1] = r[2] / units
536    for i, t in enumerate(throttles[-1:-back_seg - 1:-1]):
537        dt = (t.end.mjd - t.start.mjd) * DAY2SEC
538        alpha = min(norm(t.value), 1.0)
539        if leg.high_fidelity is False:
540            dV = [max_thrust / m * dt * dumb for dumb in t.value]
541            if plot_line:
542                plot_kepler(r, v, -dt / 2, mu, N=N, units=units,
543                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha), axes=ax)
544            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, -dt / 2, mu)
545            x[-2 * i - 2] = r[0] / units
546            y[-2 * i - 2] = r[1] / units
547            z[-2 * i - 2] = r[2] / units
548            # v= v+dV
549            v = [a - b for a, b in zip(v, dV)]
550            if plot_line:
551                plot_kepler(r, v, -dt / 2, mu, N=N, units=units,
552                            color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha), axes=ax)
553            r, v = propagate_lagrangian(r, v, -dt / 2, mu)
554            x[-2 * i - 3] = r[0] / units
555            y[-2 * i - 3] = r[1] / units
556            z[-2 * i - 3] = r[2] / units
557            m *= exp(norm(dV) / isp / G0)
558        else:
559            u = [max_thrust * dumb for dumb in t.value]
560            if plot_line:
561                plot_taylor(r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, N=N,
562                            units=units, color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha), axes=ax)
563            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(
564                r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12, -12)
565            x[-2 * i - 2] = r[0] / units
566            y[-2 * i - 2] = r[1] / units
567            z[-2 * i - 2] = r[2] / units
568            if plot_line:
569                plot_taylor(r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, N=N,
570                            units=units, color=(alpha, 0, 1 - alpha), axes=ax)
571            r, v, m = propagate_taylor(
572                r, v, m, u, -dt / 2, mu, isp * G0, -12, -12)
573            x[-2 * i - 3] = r[0] / units
574            y[-2 * i - 3] = r[1] / units
575            z[-2 * i - 3] = r[2] / units
577    x_grid = x[::2]
578    y_grid = y[::2]
579    z_grid = z[::2]
580    x_midpoint = x[1::2]
581    y_midpoint = y[1::2]
582    z_midpoint = z[1::2]
584    if plot_segments:
585        ax.scatter(x_grid[1:], y_grid[1:], z_grid[
586                     1:], marker='o', label='nodes')
587        ax.scatter(x_midpoint, y_midpoint, z_midpoint,
588                     marker='x', label='mid-points')
589        ax.scatter(x_grid[0], y_grid[0], z_grid[0],
590                     marker='^', c='y', label='mismatch point')
592    if legend:
593        ax.legend()
595    if axes is None:  # show only if axis is not set
596        plt.show()
597    return ax