1%\chapterimage{chapter-t4-bg} % Chapter heading image (Now given in Master document)
3%% Part of Stellarium User Guide
4%% 2015-12 wiki->LaTeX
5%% 2016-04-05 GZ fixed Grammar/spelling, a few enhancements, updated labels.
8\chapter{Astronomical Phenomena}
9\chapterauthor*{Barry Gerdes, with additions by Georg Zotti}
12This chapter focuses on the observational side of astronomy --- what we
13see when we look at the sky.
15\section{The Sun}
18Without a doubt, the most prominent object in the sky is the Sun. The
19Sun is so bright that when it is in the sky, its light is scattered by
20the atmosphere to such an extent that almost all other objects in the
21sky are rendered invisible.
23The Sun is a star like many others but it is much closer to the Earth
24at approximately 150 million kilometres (a distance also called
251~Astronomical Unit). The next nearest star, Proxima Centauri is
26approximately 260,000 times further away from us than the Sun! The Sun
27is also known by its Latin name, \emph{Sol}.
29Over the course of a year, the Sun appears to move round the celestial
30sphere in a great circle known as the \emph{ecliptic}. Stellarium can
31draw the ecliptic on the sky. To toggle drawing of the ecliptic, press
32the \key{,} key.
34\emph{WARNING: Looking at the Sun with even the smallest telescope or
35  binoculars can permanently damage the eye. Never look at the Sun
36  without using the proper filters attached to the front end
37  (objective lens) of your instrument! Never use screw-in ocular
38  filters, they may break in the heat and expose your eye to damaging
39  amounts of energy. By far the safest way to observe the Sun is to
40  look at it on a computer screen, courtesy of Stellarium!}
45The sunlight is scattered in Earth's atmosphere even if the Sun is
46below the horizon. The period after sunset when the Sun is higher than
47$-6°$ is called \indexterm[twilight, civil]{civil twilight}. The sky
48is generally bright enough for outdoor activity or reading the
51As time progresses, the first stars will appear. The phase where the
52Sun is between $-6°$ and $-12°$ below the (mathematical) horizon is
53called \indexterm[twilight, nautical]{nautical twilight}: before the
54invention of satellite navigation, celestial navigation was used to
55find a ship's position on the oceans. This required that it was still
56bright enough so that the horizon line was visible, but already dark
57enough to see enough stars to clearly identify them and measure the
58altitude of a few of them. (See also section \ref{sec:plugins:NavigationalStars}.)
60The twilight phase when the Sun is between $-12°$ and $-18°$ is called
61\indexterm[twilight, astronomical]{astronomical twilight}. Only the
62western horizon shows some brightening, but else the natural sky is
63``almost'' as dark as it can get.
65In the morning the game is reversed. Dawn starts with astronomical
66twilight, progresses to nautical and civil twilight, and sunrise
67ends the night.
69In Stellarium, you can \newFeature{0.21.2} set the time when the Sun
70reaches a configured altitude. See
71section~\ref{sec:gui:help:hotkeys:example} about how to configure the
78The Sun is just one of billions of stars. Even though many stars have a
79much greater absolute magnitude than the Sun (they give out more light),
80they have an enormously smaller apparent magnitude due to their large
81distance. Stars have a variety of forms --- different sizes,
82brightnesses, temperatures, and colours. Measuring the position,
83distance and attributes of the stars is known as \emph{astrometry}, and
84is a major part of observational astronomy.
86\subsection{Multiple Star Systems}
89Many stars have stellar companions. As many as six stars can be found
90orbiting one-another in close associations known as
91\emph{multiple star systems} --- \emph{binary systems} being the most
92common with two stars. Multiple star systems are more common than
93solitary stars, putting our Sun in the minority group.
95Sometimes multiple stars orbit each other in a way that means one will
96periodically eclipse the other. These are \emph{eclipsing binaries} or
97\emph{Algol variables}.
99\subsubsection{Optical Doubles \& Optical Multiples}
102Sometimes two or more stars appear to be very close to one another in
103the sky, but in fact have great separation, being aligned from the point
104of view of the observer but of different distances. Such pairings are
105known as \emph{optical doubles} and \emph{optical multiples}.
110The constellations are groupings of stars that are visually close to one
111another in the sky. The actual groupings are fairly arbitrary ---
112different cultures have grouped stars together into different
113constellations. In many cultures, the various constellations have been
114associated with mythological entities. As such people have often
115projected pictures into the skies as can be seen in figure~\ref{fig:ursamajor} which shows the constellation of Ursa Major. On the
116left is a picture with the image of the mythical Great Bear, on the
117right only a line-art version (or \emph{stick figure}) is shown. The seven bright stars of Ursa
118Major are widely recognised, known variously as ``the plough'', the
119``pan-handle'', and the ``big dipper''. This sub-grouping is known as an
120\emph{asterism} --- a distinct grouping of stars. On the right, the
121picture of the bear has been removed and only a constellation diagram
126\caption{Ursa Major}
131Stellarium can draw both constellation diagrams and artistic
132representations of the constellations. Multiple sky cultures are
133supported: Western, Polynesian, Egyptian, Chinese, and several other sky cultures are
134available, although at time of writing the non-Western constellations
135are not complete, and as yet there are no artistic representations of
136these sky-cultures.
138Aside from historical and mythological value, to the modern astronomer
139the constellations provide a way to segment the sky for the purposes
140of describing locations of objects, indeed one of the first tasks for
141an amateur observer is \emph{learning the constellations} --- the
142process of becoming familiar with the relative positions of the
143constellations, at what time of year a constellation is visible, and
144in which constellations observationally interesting objects reside.
145The International Astronomical Union\index{IAU} has adopted 88 ``Western''
146constellations as a common system for segmenting the sky (Table~\ref{tab:IAUConstellations}). They are
147based on Greek/Roman mythology, but with several additions from
148Renaissance and later centuries.  As such some formalisation has been
149adopted, each constellation having a \emph{proper name}, which is in
150Latin, and a three letter abbreviation of that name.  For example,
151Ursa Major has the abbreviation UMa. Also, the ``Western''
152constellation have clearly defined boundaries \citep{Delporte:1930}, which you can draw in
153Stellarium when you press the \key{B} key\footnote{These boundaries or
154  borders have been drawn using star maps from 1875. Due to the effect
155  of \emph{precession}, these borders are no longer parallel to
156  today's coordinates.}. The IAU constellation a selected object is placed in
157is also available in the object information data \citep{1987PASP...99..695R},
158regardless of the currently active skyculture.  On the other hand, the shapes
159of mythological figures, and also stick figures, have not been canonized, so
160you will find deviations between Stellarium and printed atlases.
164    \footnotesize\centering
165  \begin{tabular}{lll||lll}
166    \toprule
167\emph{Abbr.} & \emph{Name} & \emph{Genitive} & \emph{Abbr.} & \emph{Name}   & \emph{Genitive}       \\\midrule
168And & Andromeda            & Andromedae            & Lac & Lacerta              & Lacertae              \\
169Ant & Antlia               & Antliae               & Leo & Leo                  & Leonis                \\
170Aps & Apus                 & Apodis                & LMi & Leo Minor            & Leonis Minoris        \\
171Aqr & Aquarius             & Aquarii               & Lep & Lepus                & Leporis               \\
172Aql & Aquila               & Aquilae               & Lib & Libra                & Librae                \\
173%                                                  & %                                                  \\
174Ara & Ara                  & Arae                  & Lup & Lupus                & Lupi                  \\
175Ari & Aries                & Arietis               & Lyn & Lynx                 & Lyncis                \\
176Aur & Auriga               & Aurigae               & Lyr & Lyra                 & Lyrae                 \\
177Boo & Bootes               & Bootis                & Men & Mensa                & Mensae                \\
178Cae & Caelum               & Caeli                 & Mic & Microscopium         & Microscopii           \\
179%                                                  & %                                                  \\
180Cam & Camelopardalis       & Camelopardalis        & Mon & Monoceros            & Monocerotis           \\
181Cnc & Cancer               & Cancri                & Mus & Musca                & Muscae                \\
182Cvn & Canes Venatici       & Canum Venaticorum     & Nor & Norma                & Normae                \\
183CMa & Canis Maior          & Canis Maioris         & Oct & Octans               & Octantis              \\
184CMi & Canis Minor          & Canis Minoris         & Oph & Ophiuchus            & Ophiuchi              \\
185%                                                  & %                                                  \\
186Cap & Capricornus          & Capricorni            & Ori & Orion                & Orionis               \\
187Car & Carina               & Carinae               & Pav & Pavo                 & Pavonis               \\
188Cas & Cassiopeia           & Cassiopeiae           & Peg & Pegasus              & Pegasi                \\
189Cen & Centaurus            & Centauri              & Per & Perseus              & Persei                \\
190Cep & Cepheus              & Cephei                & Phe & Phoenix              & Phoenicis             \\
191%                                                  & %                                                  \\
192Cet & Cetus                & Ceti                  & Pic & Pictor               & Pictoris              \\
193Cha & Chamaeleon           & Chamaeleonis          & Psc & Pisces               & Piscium               \\
194Cir & Circinus             & Circini               & PsA & Piscis Austrinus     & Piscis Austrini       \\
195Col & Columba              & Columbae              & Pup & Puppis               & Puppis                \\
196Com & Coma Berenices       & Comae Berenicis       & Pyx & Pyxis                & Pyxidis               \\
197%                                                  & %                                                  \\
198CrA & Corona Australis     & Coronae Australis     & Ret & Reticulum            & Reticuli              \\
199CrB & Corona Borealis      & Coronae Borealis      & Sge & Sagitta              & Sagittae              \\
200Crt & Crater               & Crateris              & Sgr & Sagittarius          & Sagittarii            \\
201Crv & Corvus               & Corvi                 & Sco & Scorpius             & Scorpii               \\
202Cru & Crux                 & Crucis                & Scl & Sculptor             & Sculptoris            \\
203%                                                  & %                                                  \\
204Cyg & Cygnus               & Cygni                 & Sct & Scutum               & Scuti                 \\
205Del & Delphinus            & Delphini              & Ser & Serpens              & Serpentis             \\
206Dor & Dorado               & Doradus               & Sex & Sextans              & Sextantis             \\
207Dra & Draco                & Draconis              & Tau & Taurus               & Tauri                 \\
208Equ & Equuleus             & Equulei               & Tel & Telescopium          & Telescopii            \\
209%                                                  & %                                                  \\
210Eri & Eridanus             & Eridani               & Tri & Triangulum           & Trianguli             \\
211For & Fornax               & Fornacis              & TrA & Triangulum Australe  & Trianguli Australis   \\
212Gem & Gemini               & Geminorum             & Tuc & Tucana               & Tucanae               \\
213Gru & Grus                 & Gruis                 & UMa & Ursa Major           & Ursae Majoris         \\
214Her & Hercules             & Herculis              & UMi & Ursa Minor           & Ursae Minoris         \\
215%                                                  & %                                                  \\
216Hor & Horologium           & Horologii             & Vel & Vela                 & Velae                 \\
217Hya & Hydra                & Hydrae                & Vir & Virgo                & Virginis              \\
218Hyi & Hydrus               & Hydri                 & Vol & Volans               & Volantis              \\
219Ind & Indus                & Indi                  & Vul & Vulpecula            & Vulpeculae            \\
221  \end{tabular}
222  \caption{The official 88 IAU constellation names and abbreviations}
223  \label{tab:IAUConstellations}
228\subsection{Star Names}
231The brighter stars often have one or more \emph{common
232names} relating to mythical characters from the various traditions. For
233example the brightest star in the sky, Sirius is also known as The Dog
234Star (the name Canis Major --- the constellation Sirius is found in ---
235is Latin for ``The Great Dog'').
237Most bright names have been given names in antiquity. \name{Ptolemy}'s most
238influential book, the \emph{Syntaxis}, was translated to the Arab
239language in the age of early Muslim scientists. When, centuries later,
240the translation, called \emph{Almagest}, was re-introduced to the
241re-awakening European science, those names, which often only designated
242the position of the star within the figure, were taken from the books,
243often misspelled, and used henceforth as proper names.
245A few more proper names have been added later, sometimes dedicatory
246names added by court astronomers into their maps. There are also 3
247stars named after the victims of the Apollo~1 disaster in 1967.
248Today, the International Astronomical Union (IAU)\index{IAU} is the only
249scientifically accepted authority which can give proper names to
250stars. Some companies offer a paid name service for commemoration or
251dedication of a star for deceased relatives or such, but all you get
252here is a piece of paper with coordinates of (usually) an unremarkably
253dim star only visible in a telescope, and a name to remember, stored
254(at best) in the company's database.
256There are several more formal naming conventions that are in common use.
258\subsubsection{Bayer Designation}
261The German astronomer \name[Johann]{Bayer} (1572--1625) devised one
262such system for his atlas, the \emph{Uranographia}, first published in
2631603. His scheme names the stars according to the constellation in
264which they lie prefixed by a lower case Greek letter (see
265Tab.~\ref{tab:Phenomena:StarNames:BayerLetters}), starting at $\alpha$
266for (usually) the brightest star in the constellation and proceeding
267with $\beta, \gamma, \ldots$ in descending order of apparent
268magnitude. For example, such a \emph{Bayer Designation} for Sirius is
269``$\alpha$ Canis Majoris'' (note that the genitive form of the
270constellation name is used, refer to Table~\ref{tab:IAUConstellations};
271today also the short form $\alpha$ CMa is in use).
272There are some exceptions to the descending magnitude
273ordering, and some multiple stars (both real and optical) are named
274with a numerical superscript after the Greek letter, e.g.\ $\pi^1$...
275$\pi^6$ Orionis.
279  \centering
280  \begin{tabular}{>{$}c<{$}l>{$}c<{$}l>{$}c<{$}l>{$}c<{$}l}
281    \toprule
282    \alpha    & alpha   &  \eta      & eta     & \nu       & nu       & \tau     & tau     \\
283    \beta     & beta    &  \theta    & theta   & \xi       & xi       & \upsilon & upsilon \\
284    \gamma    & gamma   &  \iota     & iota    & \omicron  & omicron  & \varphi  & phi     \\
285    \delta    & delta   &  \kappa    & kappa   & \pi       & pi       & \chi     & chi     \\
286    \epsilon  & epsilon &  \lambda   & lambda  & \rho     & rho       & \psi     & psi     \\
287    \zeta     & zeta    &  \mu       & mu      & \sigma   & sigma     & \omega   & omega   \\
288    \bottomrule
289 \end{tabular}
290  \caption{The Greek alphabet used by Bayer}
291  \label{tab:Phenomena:StarNames:BayerLetters}
294\subsubsection{Flamsteed Designation}
297English astronomer \name[John]{Flamsteed} (1646--1719) numbered stars in each
298constellation in order of increasing right ascension followed by the genitive
299form of the constellation name, for example ``61 Cygni'' (or short: ``61 Cyg'').
304Hipparcos (for High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite) was an
305astrometry mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) dedicated to the
306measurement of stellar parallax and the proper motions of stars. The
307project was named in honour of the Greek astronomer \name{Hipparchus}.
309Ideas for such a mission dated from 1967, with the mission accepted by
310ESA in 1980. The satellite was launched by an Ariane 4 on 8 August 1989.
311The original goal was to place the satellite in a geostationary orbit
312above the earth, however a booster rocket failure resulted in a highly
313elliptical orbit from 500 to 35,800~km (310 to 22,240 miles) altitude. Despite this
314difficulty, all of the scientific goals were accomplished.
315Communications were terminated on 15 August 1993.
317The program was divided in two parts: the \emph{Hipparcos experiment}
318whose goal was to measure the five astrometric parameters of some
319120,000 stars to a precision of some 2 to 4 milli arc-seconds and the
320\emph{Tycho experiment}, whose goal was the measurement of the
321astrometric and two-colour photometric properties of some 400,000
322additional stars to a somewhat lower precision.
324The final Hipparcos Catalogue (120,000 stars with 1 milli arc-second
325level astrometry) and the final Tycho Catalogue (more than one million
326stars with 20-30 milli arc-second astrometry and two-colour photometry)
327were completed in August 1996. The catalogues were published by ESA in
328June 1997. The Hipparcos and Tycho data have been used to create the
329Millennium Star Atlas: an all-sky atlas of one million stars to visual
330magnitude 11, from the Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues and 10,000
331non-stellar objects included to complement the catalogue data.
335\caption{Star Names and Data}
339There were questions over whether Hipparcos has a systematic error of
340about 1 milli arc-second in at least some parts of the sky. The value
341determined by Hipparcos for the distance to the Pleiades is about 10\%
342less than the value obtained by some other methods. By early 2004, the
343controversy remained unresolved.
345Stellarium uses the Hipparcos Catalogue for star data, as well as having
346traditional names for many of the brighter stars. The stars tab of the
347search window allows for searching based on a Hipparcos Catalogue number
348(as well as traditional names), e.g. the star Sadalmelik in the
349constellation of Aquarius can be found by searching for the name, or
350its Hipparcos number, 109074.
356%As described in section~\ref{ch:Catalogues}, various star
357%catalogues assign numbers to stars, which are often used in addition
358%to other names. Stellarium gets its star data from the Hipparcos
359%catalogue, and as such stars in Stellarium are generally referred to
360%with their Hipparcos number,
361%e.g.\ ``HIP~62223''.
363Figure~\ref{fig:starnames} shows the information
364Stellarium displays when a star is selected. At the top, the common
365name, Bayer/Flamsteed designations and Hipparcos number are shown,
366followed by the RA/Dec coordinates, apparent magnitude, distance and
367other data.
369\subsection{Spectral Type \& Luminosity Class}
372Stars have many different colours. Seen with the naked eye most appear
373to be white, but this is due to the response of the eye --- at low
374light levels the eye is not sensitive to colour. Typically the unaided
375eye can start to see differences in colour only for stars that have
376apparent magnitude brighter than 1. Betelgeuse, for example has a
377distinctly red tinge to it, and Sirius appears to be blue, while Vega
378is the prototype ``white'' star.
380By splitting the light from a star using a prism attached to a telescope
381and measuring the relative intensities of the colours of light the star
382emits --- the \indexterm{spectrum} --- a great deal of interesting information
383can be discovered about a star including its surface temperature, and
384the presence of various elements in its atmosphere.
387  \centering\small
388  \begin{tabular}{lll}
390\emph{Spectral Type} & \emph{Surface Temperature (K)} & \emph{Star Colour}\\\midrule
391O & 28,000---50,000 & Blue\\
392B & 10,000---28,000 & Blue-white\\
393A & 7,500---10,000 & White-blue\\
394F & 6,000---7,500 & Yellow-white\\
395G & 4,900---6,000 & Yellow\\
396K & 3,500---4,900 & Orange\\
397M & 2,000---3,500 & Red\\
399  \end{tabular}
400  \caption{Spectral Types}
401  \label{tab:spectraltype}
404Astronomers groups stars with similar spectra into \indexterm{spectral
405  types}, denoted by one of the following letters: O, B, A, F, G, K
406and M.\footnote{The classic mnemonic for students of astrophysics
407  says: ``Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me''.}  Type O stars have a high
408surface temperature (up to around 50,000~K) while the at other end of
409the scale, the M stars are red and have a much cooler surface
410temperature, typically 3000~K. The Sun is a type G star with a surface
411temperature of around 5,500~K. Spectral types may be further
412sub-divided using a numerical suffix ranging from 0-9 where 0 is the
413hottest and 9 is the coolest. Table~\ref{tab:spectraltype} shows the
414details of the various spectral types.
416For about 90\% of stars, the absolute magnitude increases as the
417spectral type tends to the O (hot) end of the scale. Thus the whiter,
418hotter stars tend to have a greater luminosity. These stars are called
419\indexterm{main sequence} stars. There are however a number of stars that
420have spectral type at the M end of the scale, and yet they have a high
421absolute magnitude. These stars are close to the ends of their lives
422and have a very large size, and consequently are known as
423\indexterm{giants}, the largest of these known as \indexterm{super-giants}.
425There are also stars whose absolute magnitude is very low regardless
426of the spectral class. These are known as \indexterm{dwarf stars}, among
427them \indexterm{white dwarfs} (dying stars) and \indexterm{brown dwarfs}
428(``failed stars'').
430The \indexterm{luminosity class} is an indication of the type of star ---
431whether it is main sequence, a giant or a dwarf. Luminosity classes are
432denoted by a number in roman numerals, as described in table~\ref{tab:luminosityclass}.
435  \centering\small
436  \begin{tabular}{lll}
438\emph{Luminosity class} & \emph{Description}\\\midrule
439Ia, Ib & Super-giants\\
440II     & Bright giants\\
441III    & Normal giants\\
442IV     & Sub-giants\\
443V      & Main sequence\\
444VI     & Sub-dwarfs\\
445VII    & White-dwarfs\\
448\caption{Luminosity Classification}
452Plotting the luminosity of stars against their spectral type/surface
453temperature gives a diagram called a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
454(after the two astronomers \name[Ejnar]{Hertzsprung} (1873--1967) and
455\name[Henry Norris]{Russell} (1877--1957) who devised it). A slight variation of this is shown
456in figure~\ref{fig:colourmag} (which is technically a colour/magnitude
461\caption{Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram}
465\subsection{Variable Stars}
468Most stars are of nearly constant luminosity. The Sun is a good example
469of one which goes through relatively little variation in brightness
470(usually about 0.1\% over an 11 year solar cycle). Many stars, however,
471undergo significant variations in luminosity, and these are known as
472\emph{variable stars}. There are many types of variable stars falling
473into two categories, \emph{intrinsic} and \emph{extrinsic}.
475Intrinsic variables are stars which have intrinsic variations in
476brightness, that is, the star itself gets brighter and dimmer. There
477are several types of intrinsic variables, probably the best-known and
478most important of which is the Cepheid variable whose luminosity is
479related to the period with which its brightness varies. Since the
480luminosity (and therefore absolute magnitude) can be calculated,
481Cepheid variables may be used to determine the distance of the star
482when the annual parallax is too small to be a reliable guide. This is
483especially welcome because they are giant stars, and so they are even
484visible in neighboring galaxies.
486Extrinsic variables are stars of constant brightness that show changes
487in brightness as seen from the Earth. These include rotating variables,
488stars whose apparent brightness change due to rotation, and eclipsing
491Stellarium's catalogs include many kinds variable stars.
492See section~\ref{sec:StarCatalogues:VariableStars} for more details.
494\section{Our Moon}
497The Moon is the large satellite which orbits the Earth approximately
498every 28 days. It is seen as a large bright disc in the early night sky
499that rises later each day and changes shape into a crescent until it
500disappears near the Sun. After this it rises during the day then gets
501larger until it again becomes a large bright disc again.
503\subsection{Phases of the Moon}
506As the moon moves round its orbit, the amount that is illuminated by the
507sun as seen from a vantage point on Earth changes. The result of this is
508that approximately once per orbit, the moon's face gradually changes
509from being totally in shadow to being fully illuminated and back to
510being in shadow again. This process is divided up into various phases as
511described in table~\ref{tab:moonphases}.
517New Moon       & The moon's disc is fully in shadow, or there is just a slither of illuminated surface on the edge.\\
518Waxing Crescent& Less than half the disc is illuminated, but more is illuminated each night.\\
519First Quarter  & Approximately half the disc is illuminated, and increasing each night.\\
520Waxing Gibbous & More than half of the disc is illuminated, and still increasing each night.\\
521Full Moon      & The whole disc of the moon is illuminated.\\
522Waning Gibbous & More than half of the disc is illuminated, but the amount gets smaller each night.\\
523Last Quarter   & Approximately half the disc is illuminated, but this gets less each night.\\
524Waning Crescent& Less than half the disc of the moon is illuminated, and this gets less each night.\\
527\caption{Lunar Phases}
531\subsection{The Lunar Magnitude}
534The eastern half of the Moon has more dark \emph{maria}, therefore
535careful studies \citep{Russell:1916} have shown that in the waxing
536phases the Moon is slightly brighter than in the waning phase of the
537same degree of illumination.
539Around Full Moon, the Moon shows an \indexterm{opposition surge}, a
540strong increase in brightness which \citet{Krisciunas-Schaefer:1991}
541describe as a 35\% increase in luminous flux over the curve
542extrapolated from measurements when the phase angle $|\alpha|<7^\circ$.
544Of course, just at Full Moon when the opposition is near-perfect, the
545Moon will also move through Earth's shadow during a Lunar eclipse.
547The Moon is a large reflective body which reflects not only sunlight
548which directly hits it, but also sunlight reflected from Earth to the
549Moon \citep{Agrawal:2016}. This \indexterm{Ashen Light} or
550\indexterm{Earthshine} is brightest when Earth is most strongly
551illuminated for the Moon, i.e., when the Moon as seen from Earth shows
552only a thin crescent. Therefore in these days around the New Moon, the
553thin crescent can often be seen complemented into a softly glowing
554full disk. \newFeature{0.21.0} Stellarium's estimate for visual
555magnitude is based on the mentioned references and a new standard
556value for the solar illumination constant of 133.1~klx \citep{Ashdown:2019}.
559\section{The Major Planets}
562Unlike the stars whose relative positions remain more or less constant,
563the planets seem to move across the sky over time (the word ``planet''
564comes from the Greek for ``wanderer''). The planets are siblings of the Earth,
565massive bodies that are in orbit around the Sun. Until 2006 there was no
566formal definition of a planet, leading to some confusion about the
567classification for some bodies traditionally regarded as being planets, but
568which didn't seem to fit with the others.
570In 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU)\index{IAU} defined a planet as a
571celestial body that, within the Solar System:
575  is in orbit around the Sun
577  has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces
578  so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape; and
580  has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit
583or within another system:
587  is in orbit around a star or stellar remnants
589  has a mass below the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of
590  deuterium; and
592  is above the minimum mass/size requirement for planetary status in the
593  Solar System.
596Moving from the Sun outwards, the 8 major planets are: Mercury, Venus,
597Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Since the formal
598definition of a planet in 2006 Pluto has been relegated to having the
599status of \emph{dwarf planet}, along with bodies such as Ceres and Eris.
600See figure~\ref{fig:planets}.
603  \centering
604  \includegraphics[width=0.9\linewidth]{pictures/the_planets.jpg}
605  \caption{The Planets}
606  \label{fig:planets}
610\subsection{Terrestrial Planets}%\label{terrestrial-planets}
612The planets closest to the sun are called collectively the
613\emph{terrestrial planets}. The terrestrial planets are: Mercury, Venus,
614Earth and Mars.
616The terrestrial planets are relatively small, comparatively dense, and
617have solid rocky surface. Most of their mass is made from solid matter,
618which is mostly rocky and/or metallic in nature.
620\subsection{Jovian Planets}%\label{jovian-planets}
622Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune make up the \emph{Jovian planets},
623also called \emph{gas giants}. They are much more massive than the
624terrestrial planets, and do not have a solid surface. Jupiter is the
625largest of all the planets with a diameter of about 12, and mass over
626300 times that of the Earth!
628The Jovian planets do not have a solid surface -- the vast majority of
629their mass being in gaseous form (although they may have rocky or
630metallic cores). Because of this, they have an average density which is
631much less than the terrestrial planets. Saturn's mean density is only
632about $0.7 \g/\cm^3$ -- it would float in water!
634\subsection{Apparent Magnitudes of the Planets}
635The apparent magnitude of the planets can be found in astronomical
636almanachs. Over time, several scientific studies have refined these
637models. A few of them have been implemented in Stellarium:
639\item[M\"uller 1893] G. M\"uller formulated
640  \indexterm[magnitudes, visual]{visual magnitudes} for the
641  planets from visual observations of 1877--1891. They can be found in
642  \citet{AstronomicalAlgorithms:1998} and \citet{ESAE:1961}. They give
643  notably lower brightness estimates than the later models, which however
644  provide \indexterm[magnitudes, instrumental]{instrumental magnitudes}
645  in the Johnson V photometric system. Several important
646  historical studies from the early 20th century are based on these estimates.
647\item[Astronomical Almanac 1984] This model was used in the
648  Astronomical Almanac starting in 1984. The expressions are allegedly
649  ``due to D. L.  Harris'', but J.
650  \citet[p.286]{AstronomicalAlgorithms:1998} denies this origin.
651\item[Explanatory Supplement 1992] Expressions from \citet{ESAA:1992}.
652\item[Explanatory Supplement 2013] Expressions from \citet{ESAA:2013}.
653\item[Mallama \& Hilton 2018] The currently most modern expressions
654  include e.g. a model for Mars which takes the brightening and
655  dimming of albedo features into account \citep{Mallama:2018}.
656\item[Generic] A simple model based on albedo, size and distance.
659\section{The Minor Bodies}%\label{the-minor-planets}
661As well as the Major Planets, the solar system also contains
662innumerable smaller bodies in orbit around the Sun. These are
663generally the \emph{dwarf planets} (Ceres, Pluto, Eris), the other
664\emph{minor planets}, also known as \emph{planetoids} or
665\emph{asteroids}, and comets.
667While the positions of the major planets can meanwhile be computed for
668many millennia in the past and future, the minor bodies have only been
669systematically observed since the beginning of the 19th
670century.\footnote{The first discovered asteroid, (1) Ceres, was in
671  fact discovered on January 1, 1801.} The small masses occasionally
672pass by the larger planets which exert gravitational forces, so that
673the orbits of the minor bodies are not stable and cannot be computed
674for long periods. The positions are computed by using
675\indexterm{osculating orbital elements}, which describe the motions on
676instantaneous \indexterm{Kepler orbits}\footnote{The mathematician and
677  astronomer \name[Johannes]{Kepler} (1571--1630) discovered that
678  planets do not move on circles (which had been postulated since
679  antiquity), but on ``conical sections'', i.e., ellipses, parabolae
680  or even hyperbolae. The latter two can be observed for far-out
681  comets and recently even interstellar objects passing the Sun.}. If
682you want to compute positions of these objects with Stellarium, you
683need to have valid (current) \indexterm{orbital elements}. See
684Appendix~\ref{sec:ssystem.ini:minor} for more details.
689Asteroids are celestial bodies orbiting the Sun in more or less regular
690orbits mostly between Mars and Jupiter. They are generally rocky bodies
691like the inner (terrestrial) planets, but of much smaller size. They
692are countless in number ranging in size from about ten meters to
693hundreds of kilometres.
698A comet is a small body in the solar system that orbits the Sun and (at
699least occasionally) exhibits a coma (or atmosphere) and/or a tail.
701Most comets have a very eccentric orbit (featuring a highly flattened
702ellipse, or even a parabolic track), and as such spend most of their
703time a very long way from the Sun. Comets are composed of rock, dust
704and ices. When they come close to the Sun, the heat evaporates the
705ices, causing a gaseous release. This gas and loose material which
706comes away from the body of the comet is swept away from the Sun by
707the Solar wind, forming the tail. The outgassing may also change the
708orbit of the comet, so that its orbital elements should be used only
709for a few months around their \indexterm{epoch}.
711Most larger comets exhibit two kinds of tail: a straight gas tail
712(often blue-green in photographs), and a wider, occasionally curved
713dust tail (reflecting whitish sunlight).
715Comets whose orbit brings them close to the Sun more frequently than
716every 200 years are considered to be \emph{short period} comets, the
717most famous of which is probably Comet Halley, named after the British
718astronomer \name[Edmund]{Halley} (1656--1741/42\footnote{\name{Halley} lived
719in a time when Great Britain still used the Julian calendar and started
720the years in March. He died on January 14th, 1741 (British Julian),
721which was called January 25th 1742 (Gregorian) in most other European countries.}),
722which has an orbital period of roughly 76~years.
728These objects are small pieces of space debris left over from the early
729days of the solar system or which crumbled off a comet when it came close to the sun.
730These particles orbit the Sun and come in a variety of shapes,
731sizes an compositions, ranging from microscopic dust particles
732up to about ten meters across.
734Sometimes these objects collide with the Earth. The closing speed of
735these collisions is generally extremely high (tens of kilometres per
736second). When such an object ploughs through the Earth's atmosphere, a
737large amount of kinetic energy is converted into heat and light, and a
738visible flash or streak can often be seen with the naked eye. Even the
739smallest particles can cause these events which are commonly known as
740\emph{shooting stars}.
742While smaller objects tend to burn up in the atmosphere, larger, denser
743objects can penetrate the atmosphere and strike the surface of the
744planet, sometimes leaving meteor craters.
746Sometimes the angle of the collision means that larger objects pass
747through the atmosphere but do not strike the Earth. When this happens,
748spectacular fireballs are sometimes seen.
750To clarify some terminology:
752\item[Meteoroids]  are the objects when they are floating in space.
753\item[Meteor] is the name given to the visible atmospheric phenomenon.
755 \item[Shooting Star] colloquial term for a small meteor
756 \item[Fireball, Bolide] term for a very bright meteor. These illuminate the landscape,
757  sometimes for several seconds, and occasionally even cause sounds. These are also candidates for
759\item[Meteorites], the objects that penetrate the
760atmosphere and land (or \emph{impact}) on the surface.
763In some nights over the year you can observe increased meteorite
764activity. Those meteors seem to come from a certain point in the sky,
765the \emph{Radiant}. But what we see is similar to driving through a
766mosquito swarm which all seem to come head-on. Earth itself moves
767through space, and sweeps up a dense cloud of particles which
768originates from a comet's tail. Stellarium's Meteor Shower plugin (see
769section~\ref{sec:plugins:MeteorShowers}) can help you planning your next
770meteor observing night.
772\section{Zodiacal Light and \emph{Gegenschein}}
775In very clear nights on the best observing sites, far away from the
776light pollution of our cities, you can observe a feeble glow also
777known as ``false twilight'' after evening twilight in the west, or
778before dawn in the east. The glow looks like a wedge of light along
779the ecliptic. Exactly opposite the sun, there is another dim glow that
780can be observed with dark-adapted eyes in perfect skies: the
781\emph{Gegenschein} (counterglow).
783This is sunlight reflected off the same dust and meteoroids in the
784plane of our solar system which is the source of meteors. Stellarium's
785sky can show the Zodiacal light \citep{Kwon:2004:ZodiacalLight}, but
786observe how quickly light pollution kills its visibility!
789\section{The Milky Way}
792There is a band of very dense stars running right round the sky in huge
793irregular stripe. Most of these stars are very dim, but the overall
794effect is that on very dark clear nights we can see a large, beautiful
795area of diffuse light in the sky. It is this for which we name our
796galaxy the \indexterm{Milky Way}.
798The reason for this effect is that our galaxy is somewhat like a disc,
799and we are off to one side. Thus when we look towards the centre of the
800disc, we see more a great concentration of stars (there are more star in
801that direction). As we look out away from the centre of the disc we see
802fewer stars - we are staring out into the void between galaxies!
804It's a little hard to work out what our galaxy would look like from far
805away, because when we look up at the night sky, we are seeing it from
806the inside. All the stars we can see are part of the Milky Way, and we
807can see them in every direction. However, there is some structure. There
808is a higher density of stars in particular places.
813Seen with the naked eye, binoculars or a small telescope, a
814\emph{nebula} (plural \emph{nebulae}) is a fuzzy patch on the sky.
815Historically, the term referred to any extended object, but the modern
816definition excludes some types of object such as galaxies.
818Observationally, nebulae are popular objects for amateur astronomers
819-- they exhibit complex structure, spectacular colours (in most cases
820only visible in color photography) and a wide variety of forms. Many
821nebulae are bright enough to be seen using good binoculars or small to
822medium sized telescopes, and are a very photogenic subject for
825Nebulae are associated with a variety of phenomena, some being clouds of
826interstellar dust and gas in the process of collapsing under gravity,
827some being envelopes of gas thrown off during a supernova event (so
828called \emph{supernova remnants}), yet others being the remnants of
829dumped outer layers around dying stars (\emph{planetary nebulae}).
831Examples of nebulae for which Stellarium has images include the Crab
832Nebula (M1), which is a supernova remnant, and the Dumbbell Nebula
833(M27) and the Ring Nebula (M57) which are planetary nebulae.
835\subsection{The Messier Objects}
838The \emph{Messier} objects are a set of astronomical objects catalogued
839by \name[Charles]{Messier} (1730--1817) in his catalogue of \emph{Nebulae and Star Clusters}
840first published in 1774. The original motivation behind the catalogue
841was that Messier was a comet hunter, and he was frustrated by objects which
842resembled but were not comets. He therefore compiled a list of these annoying
845The first edition covered 45 objects numbered M1 to M45. The total list
846consists of 110 objects, ranging from M1 to M110. The final catalogue
847was published in 1781 and printed in the \emph{Connaissance des Temps}
848in 1784. Many of these objects are still known by their Messier number.
850Because the Messier list was compiled by astronomers in the Northern
851Hemisphere, it contains only objects from the north celestial pole to a
852celestial latitude of about $-35\degree$. Many impressive Southern objects, such
853as the Large \index{Magellanic Cloud!Large} and Small \index{Magellanic Cloud!Small}
854Magellanic Clouds are excluded from the list.
855Because all of the Messier objects are visible with binoculars or small
856telescopes (under favourable conditions), they are popular viewing
857objects for amateur astronomers. In early spring, astronomers sometimes
858gather for ``Messier Marathons'', when all of the objects can be viewed
859over a single night.
861Stellarium includes images of many Messier objects.
864% Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caldwell_catalogue
866\subsection{The Caldwell catalogue}
869The \emph{Caldwell} catalogue is an astronomical catalogue of 109 star
870clusters, nebulae, and galaxies for observation by amateur
871astronomers. The list was compiled by \name[Patrick]{Moore}
872(1923--2012) as a complement to the Messier catalogue
875While the Messier catalogue is used by amateur astronomers as a list
876of deep-sky objects for observation, Moore noted that Messier's list
877was not compiled for that purpose and excluded many of the sky's
878brightest deep-sky objects \citep{SJOMeara:2003}, such as the Hyades,
879the Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884), and the Sculptor Galaxy (NGC
880253). The Messier catalogue was actually compiled as a list of known
881objects that might be confused with comets. Moore also observed that
882since Messier compiled his list from observations in Paris, it did not
883include bright deep-sky objects visible in the Southern Hemisphere,
884such as Omega Centauri, Centaurus A, the Jewel Box, and 47 Tucanae
885\citep{SJOMeara:2003}. Moore compiled a list of 109 objects to match
886the commonly accepted number of Messier objects (he excluded M110
887\citep{Moore:1995}), and the list was published in \emph{Sky \&
888  Telescope} in December 1995 \citep{Moore:1995}.
890Moore used his other surname -- Caldwell -- to name the list, since
891the initial of ``Moore'' is already used for the Messier catalogue
892\citep{SJOMeara:2003}. Entries in the catalogue are designated with a
893``C'' and the catalogue number (1 to 109).
895Unlike objects in the Messier catalogue, which are listed roughly in
896the order of discovery by Messier and his peers, the Caldwell
897catalogue is ordered by declination, with C1 being the most northerly
898and C109 being the most southerly \citep{SJOMeara:2003}, although two
899objects (C~26=NGC~4244 and C~41, the Hyades) are listed out of
900sequence \citep{SJOMeara:2003}. Other errors in the original list have
901since been corrected: it incorrectly identified the S Norma Cluster
902(C~89=NGC~6087) as NGC 6067 and incorrectly labelled the Lambda
903Centauri Cluster (C~100=IC~2944) as the Gamma Centauri Cluster
909Stars, it seems, are gregarious -- they like to live together in groups.
910These groups are called galaxies. The number of stars in a typical
911galaxy is literally astronomical -- many \emph{billions} -- sometimes over
912\emph{hundreds of billions} of stars!
914Our own star, the sun, is part of a galaxy. When we look up at the
915night sky, all the stars we can see are in the same galaxy. We call
916our own galaxy the Milky Way (or sometimes simply ``the
917Galaxy''\footnote{Which means closely the same thing, the word
918  deriving from Greek \emph{gala}=milk.}).
920Other galaxies appear in the sky as dim fuzzy blobs. Only four are
921normally visible to the naked eye. The Andromeda galaxy (M31) visible in
922the Northern hemisphere, the two Magellanic clouds, visible in the
923Southern hemisphere, and the home galaxy Milky Way, visible in parts
924from north and south under dark skies.
926There are thought to be billions of galaxies in the universe comprised
927of an unimaginably large number of stars.
929The vast majority of galaxies are so far away that they are very dim,
930and cannot be seen without large telescopes, but there are dozens of
931galaxies which may be observed in medium to large sized amateur
932instruments. Stellarium includes images of many galaxies, including the
933Andromeda galaxy (M31)\index{M31}, the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101), the Sombrero Galaxy
934(M104) and many others.
936Astronomers classify galaxies according to their appearance. Some
937classifications include \emph{spiral galaxies}, \emph{elliptical
938galaxies}, \emph{lenticular galaxies} and \emph{irregular galaxies}.
945Eclipses occur when an apparently large celestial body (planet, moon
946etc.) moves between the observer and a more distant object
947-- the more distant object being eclipsed by the nearer one.
949\subsection{Solar Eclipses}
952Solar eclipses occur when our Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun.
953This happens when the inclined orbit of the Moon causes its path to
954cross the ecliptic and our line of sight to the Sun. In essence it is the observer
955falling under the shadow of the Moon.
957By a wonderful coincidence, Sun and Moon appear of almost identical
958size in Earth's sky, but the Moon's elliptical orbit sometimes causes
959it to appear just a bit smaller than the Sun.
961There are therefore three types of solar eclipses:
963\item[Partial] The Moon only covers part of the Sun's surface.
964\item[Total] The Moon completely obscures the Sun's surface.
965\item[Annular] The Moon is at or close to apogee (furthest from Earth in its
966elliptic orbit) and its disc is too small to completely cover the Sun.
967In this case most of the Sun's disc is obscured -- all except a thin ring
968around the edge.
970Sometimes the eclipse starts annular, but when the shadow reaches the
971part of the globe closest to the Moon, it becomes just large enough to
972cover the sun totally, and when receding, it may go back to the
973annular characteristic. This is called \emph{annular-total} in the
974classical literature, or \emph{hybrid} in more recent works.
976\subsection{Lunar Eclipses}
979Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon,
980and the Moon is in the Earth's shadow. They occur under the same basic
981conditions as the solar eclipse but can occur more often because the
982Earth's shadow is so much larger than the Moon's.
984Total lunar eclipses are more noticeable than partial eclipses because
985the Moon moves fully into the Earth's shadow and there is very
986noticeable darkening. However, the Earth's atmosphere refracts light
987(bends it) in such a way that some sunlight can still fall on the Moon's
988surface even during total eclipses. The blue parts of sunlight are scattered and filtered away,
989so that there is a marked reddening of the light as it passes through the atmosphere, and this
990makes the Moon appear in a deep red colour. The darkness and colors are notably influenced by
991atmospheric clarity and clouds. After big volcanic eruptions eclipses are often reported darker.
992\name[Andr\'e]{Danjon} (1890--1967) has introduced a scale for the apparent brightness of the
993fully eclipsed Moon, where 0 is given for extremely dark eclipses and 4 for very bright ones.
994These unpredictable brightness differences make accurate simulation of the exact appearance impossible,
995but Stellarium's display gives a pretty good impression for eclipses given as 2-3 on this \indexterm{Danjon scale}.
997Earth's atmosphere also makes the shadow slightly larger than what can
998be derived by the geometrical sizes and distances of the involved
999objects. The Astronomical Almanac uses a traditional enlargement by 2\% after
1000\name[William]{Chauvenet} (1820--1870) while recent eclipse experts prefer another
1001formulation which leads to a slightly smaller enlargement after \name[Andr\'e]{Danjon} \citep{Espenak-Meeus:2009}. You
1002can select which formulation you prefer (see section~\ref{sec:gui:view:sso}).
1004\section{Observing Hints}
1007When stargazing, there's a few little things which make a lot of
1008difference, and are worth taking into account.
1011\item[Dark skies] For many people getting away from light pollution
1012isn't an easy thing. At best it means a drive away from the towns, and
1013for many the only chance to see a sky without significant glow from
1014street lighting is on vacation. If you can't get away from the cities
1015easily, make the most of it when you are away.
1017\item[Wrap up warm] The best observing conditions are the same
1018conditions that make for cold nights, even in the summer time. Observing
1019is not a strenuous physical activity, so you will feel the cold %a lot
1020more than if you were walking around. Wear a lot of warm clothing, don't
1021sit/lie on the floor (at least use a camping mat, better take a
1022deck-chair), and take a flask of hot drink.
1024\item[Dark adaptation] The true majesty of the night sky only
1025becomes apparent when the eye has had time to become accustomed to the
1026dark.  This process, known as dark adaptation, can take up to half an
1027hour, and as soon as the observer sees a bright light they must start
1028the process over. Red light doesn't compromise dark adaptation as much
1029as white light, so use a red torch if possible (and one that is as dim
1030as you can manage with). A dim single red LED light is ideal, also to
1031have enough light to take notes.
1033\item[The Moon] Unless you're particularly interested in observing the
1034Moon on a given night, it can be a nuisance---it can be so bright as
1035to make observation of dimmer objects such as nebulae impossible. When
1036planning what you want to observe, take the phase and position of the
1037Moon into account. Of course Stellarium is the ideal tool for finding
1038this out!
1040\item[Averted vision] A curious fact about the eye is that it is more
1041sensitive to dim light towards the edge of the field of view. If an
1042object is slightly too dim to see directly, looking slightly off to the
1043side but concentrating on the object's location can often reveal it.
1045\item[Angular distance] Learn how to estimate angular distances. Learn
1046  the angular distances described in
1047  section~\ref{sec:Concepts:Angles:HandyAngles}. If you have a pair of
1048  binoculars, find out the angular distance across the field of view
1049  and use this as a standard measure.
1053%% The following 3 were grouped to reduce the part TOC sections.
1054\section{Atmospheric effects}
1057%% Refraction section by GZotti 2016-04-12
1058\subsection{Atmospheric Extinction}
1068\caption{Airmass and Extinction.  The figure shows Airmass (blue)
1069  along the line of sight in the altitude labeled on the left side.
1070  The green curves show how many magnitudes an object is dimmed down,
1071  depending on extinction factor $k$ (called $k_v$ in the figure). The
1072  red curves indicate at which altitude a star of given magnitude can
1073  be seen with good eyesight, again depending on $k$. The black dots
1074  are observed values found in the literature.}
1078\indexterm{Atmospheric Extinction} is the attenuation of light of a
1079celestial body by Earth's atmosphere. In the last split-second of its
1080travel into our eyes or detectors, light from outer space has to pass
1081our atmosphere, through layers of mixed gas, water vapour and dust. If
1082a star is in the zenith, its light must pass one \indexterm{air mass}
1083and is reduced by whatever amount of water and dust is above you. When
1084the star is on the horizon, it has to pass about 40 times longer
1085through the atmosphere: 40 air masses (Fig.~\ref{fig:Extinction}). The
1086number of air masses increases fast in low altitudes, this is why we
1087see so few stars along the horizon. Usually blue light is extinguished
1088more, this is why the sun and moon (and brigher stars) appear reddish
1089on the horizon.
1091Stellarium can simulate extinction, and you can set the opacity of
1092your atmosphere with a global factor $k$, the \emph{magnitude loss per
1093  airmass} (see section~\ref{sec:gui:view:sky:atmosphere}). The best
1094mountaintop sites may have $k=0.15$, while $k=0.25$ seems a value
1095usable for good locations in lower altitudes.
1097%% Refraction section by GZotti 2016-04-12
1098\subsection{Atmospheric Refraction}
1103%\caption{Refraction. The figure shows corrective values (degrees)
1104%  which are subtracted from observed altitudes (left side) to reach
1105%  geometric altitudes, or values to be added to computed values (right
1106%  side). The models used are not directly inverse operations.}
1117\caption{Refraction. The figure shows corrective values (degrees)
1118  which are subtracted from observed altitudes (left side) to reach
1119  geometric altitudes, or values to be added to computed values (right
1120  side). The models used are not directly inverse operations.}
1125\indexterm{Atmospheric Refraction} is a lifting effect of our
1126atmosphere which can be observed by the fact that objects close to the
1127horizon appear higher than they should be if computed only with
1128spherical trigonometry. Stellarium simulates refraction for
1129terrestrial locations when the atmosphere is switched on. Refraction
1130depends on air pressure and temperature. Figure~\ref{fig:Refraction}
1131has been created from the same formulae that are employed in
1132Stellarium. You can see how fast refraction grows very close to the
1133mathematical horizon.
1135Note that these models can only give approximate conditions. There are
1136many weird effects in the real atmosphere, when temperature inversion
1137layers can create light ducts, double sunsets etc.
1139Also note that the models give meaningful results only for altitudes
1140above approximately $-2\degree$. Below that, in nature, there is
1141always ground which blocks our view. In Stellarium you can switch off
1142the ground, and you can observe a sunset with a strange egg-shaped sun
1143below the horizon. This is of course nonsense. Stellarium is also not
1144able to properly recreate the atmospheric distortions as seen from a
1145stratosphere balloon, where the height of earth's surface is several
1146degrees below the mathematical horizon.
1150\indexterm[scintillation]{Scintillation} is the scientific name of the twinkling which stars show
1151in turbulent atmosphere. The twinkling is caused by moving pockets of air with different temperature.
1152Observe a star low on the horizon with a telescope, and you will note it does not stand still
1153but dances around a bit, often also changing color to show red or blue hues.
1154While the twinkling of stars may look fine and comforting to the naked eye on a nice warm summer evening,
1155telescopic observers and astrophotographers don't like it at all. They rather complain about ``bad seeing'',
1156because it deteriorates the optical resolution of their instruments and photographs.
1158Just like extinction and refraction are stronger along the horizon,
1159stars in low altitude in general show more twinkling than stars higher up in the sky.
1161Note that planets seem to be affected less by scintillation: they are not point sources, but little disks,
1162and so the effect of the turbulent pockets of air distorting different parts of the disks cancels out a bit
1163when observing with the naked eye: planets appear to be more stable.
1164Of course, the view in a telescope will still be deteriorated by the turbulent atmosphere.
1166While bad seeing was one key motivation of sending telescopes into earth orbit since the 1970s,
1167the latest generation of ground-based giant telescopes is able to compensate for the turbulent
1168motion by rapidly deforming their secondary mirror.
1172\subsection{Light Pollution}
1175An ugly side effect of civilisation is a steady increase in outdoor
1176illumination. Many people think it increases safety, but while this
1177statement can be questioned, one definite result, aside from
1178environmental issues like dangers for the nocturnal fauna, are ever
1179worsening conditions for astronomical observations or just enjoyment
1180of the night sky.
1182Stellarium can simulate the effect of light pollution on the visibility
1183of celestial objects. This is controlled from the
1184light pollution section of the \emph{Sky} tab of the \emph{View}
1185window (see section~\ref{fig:gui:view:sky}).  Light pollution levels are set using a numerical value
1186between 1 and 9 which corresponds to the \emph{Bortle Dark Sky Scale}
1187(see Appendix~\ref{ch:BortleScale}). Given that public lighting became
1188bright enough to cause adverse effects on observability only during
1189the 19th century, Stellarium presents an unpolluted sky for dates before 1825.
1190Note that of course light pollution was not switched on over night,
1191but became gradually noticeable over decades, but you have to estimate the appropriate level.
1193In addition, local variations of
1194the amount of light pollution can be included in a light pollution
1195layer in the landscapes, see
1196section~\ref{ch:landscapes} for details. This foreground layer may include
1197all kinds of light, e.g.\  campfires, so this is also available for earlier
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