1 /*
2  # This file is part of the Astrometry.net suite.
3  # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
4  */
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <string.h>
9 #include <math.h>
10 #include <assert.h>
12 #include "os-features.h"
13 #include "wcs-resample.h"
14 #include "sip_qfits.h"
15 #include "an-bool.h"
16 #include "anqfits.h"
17 #include "starutil.h"
18 #include "bl.h"
19 #include "boilerplate.h"
20 #include "log.h"
21 #include "errors.h"
22 #include "fitsioutils.h"
23 #include "anwcs.h"
24 #include "resample.h"
25 /**  /# Modified by Robert Lancaster for the StellarSolver Internal Library
26 int resample_wcs_files(const char* infitsfn, int infitsext,
27                        const char* inwcsfn, int inwcsext,
28                        const char* outwcsfn, int outwcsext,
29                        const char* outfitsfn, int lorder,
30                        int zero_inf) {
32     anwcs_t* inwcs;
33     anwcs_t* outwcs;
34     anqfits_t* anqin;
35     qfitsdumper qoutimg;
36     float* inimg;
37     float* outimg;
38     qfits_header* hdr;
40     int outW, outH;
41     int inW, inH;
43     double outpixmin, outpixmax;
45     // read input WCS.
46     inwcs = anwcs_open(inwcsfn, inwcsext);
47     if (!inwcs) {
48         ERROR("Failed to parse WCS header from %s extension %i", inwcsfn, inwcsext);
49         return -1;
50     }
52     logmsg("Read input WCS from file \"%s\" ext %i\n", inwcsfn, inwcsext);
53     anwcs_print(inwcs, stdout);
55     // read output WCS.
56     outwcs = anwcs_open(outwcsfn, outwcsext);
57     if (!outwcs) {
58         ERROR("Failed to parse WCS header from %s extension %i", outwcsfn, outwcsext);
59         return -1;
60     }
62     logmsg("Read output (target) WCS from file \"%s\" ext %i\n", outwcsfn, outwcsext);
63     anwcs_print(outwcs, stdout);
65     outW = anwcs_imagew(outwcs);
66     outH = anwcs_imageh(outwcs);
68     // read input image.
69     anqin = anqfits_open(infitsfn);
70     if (!anqin) {
71         ERROR("Failed to open \"%s\"", infitsfn);
72         return -1;
73     }
74     inimg = (float*)anqfits_readpix(anqin, infitsext, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
75                                     PTYPE_FLOAT, NULL, &inW, &inH);
76     anqfits_close(anqin);
77     anqin = NULL;
78     if (!inimg) {
79         ERROR("Failed to read pixels from \"%s\"", infitsfn);
80         return -1;
81     }
83     if (zero_inf) {
84         int i;
85         for (i=0; i<(inW*inH); i++) {
86             if (!isfinite(inimg[i])) {
87                 inimg[i] = 0.0;
88             }
89         }
90     }
92     logmsg("Input  image is %i x %i pixels.\n", inW, inH);
93     logmsg("Output image is %i x %i pixels.\n", outW, outH);
95     outimg = calloc(outW * outH, sizeof(float));
97     if (resample_wcs(inwcs, inimg, inW, inH,
98                      outwcs, outimg, outW, outH, 1, lorder)) {
99         ERROR("Failed to resample");
100         return -1;
101     }
103     {
104         double pmin, pmax;
105         int i;
106         /// /# Modified by Robert Lancaster for the StellarSolver Internal Library, this commented out part was interfering with commenting out the whole block
107          pmin =  HUGE_VAL;
108          pmax = -HUGE_VAL;
109          for (i=0; i<(inW*inH); i++) {
110          pmin = MIN(pmin, inimg[i]);
111          pmax = MAX(pmax, inimg[i]);
112          }
113          logmsg("Input image bounds: %g to %g\n", pmin, pmax);
114          ///# Modified by Robert Lancaster for the StellarSolver Internal Library
115         pmin =  HUGE_VAL;
116         pmax = -HUGE_VAL;
117         for (i=0; i<(outW*outH); i++) {
118             pmin = MIN(pmin, outimg[i]);
119             pmax = MAX(pmax, outimg[i]);
120         }
121         logmsg("Output image bounds: %g to %g\n", pmin, pmax);
122         outpixmin = pmin;
123         outpixmax = pmax;
124     }
126     // prepare output image.
127     memset(&qoutimg, 0, sizeof(qoutimg));
128     qoutimg.filename = outfitsfn;
129     qoutimg.npix = outW * outH;
130     qoutimg.ptype = PTYPE_FLOAT;
131     qoutimg.fbuf = outimg;
132     qoutimg.out_ptype = BPP_IEEE_FLOAT;
134     hdr = fits_get_header_for_image(&qoutimg, outW, NULL);
135     anwcs_add_to_header(outwcs, hdr);
136     fits_header_add_double(hdr, "DATAMIN", outpixmin, "min pixel value");
137     fits_header_add_double(hdr, "DATAMAX", outpixmax, "max pixel value");
139     if (fits_write_header_and_image(hdr, &qoutimg, 0)) {
140         ERROR("Failed to write image to file \"%s\"", outfitsfn);
141         return -1;
142     }
143     free(outimg);
144     qfits_header_destroy(hdr);
146     anwcs_free(inwcs);
147     anwcs_free(outwcs);
149     return 0;
150 }
151 **/
152 // Check whether output pixels overlap with input pixels,
153 // on a grid of output pixel positions.
find_overlap_grid(int B,int outW,int outH,const anwcs_t * outwcs,const anwcs_t * inwcs,int * pBW,int * pBH)154 static anbool* find_overlap_grid(int B, int outW, int outH,
155                                  const anwcs_t* outwcs, const anwcs_t* inwcs,
156                                  int* pBW, int* pBH) {
157     int BW, BH;
158     anbool* bib = NULL;
159     anbool* bib2 = NULL;
160     int i,j;
162     BW = (int)ceil(outW / (float)B);
163     BH = (int)ceil(outH / (float)B);
164     bib = calloc(BW*BH, sizeof(anbool));
165     for (i=0; i<BH; i++) {
166         for (j=0; j<BW; j++) {
167             int x,y;
168             double ra,dec;
169             y = MIN(outH-1, B*i);
170             x = MIN(outW-1, B*j);
171             if (anwcs_pixelxy2radec(outwcs, x+1, y+1, &ra, &dec))
172                 continue;
173             bib[i*BW+j] = anwcs_radec_is_inside_image(inwcs, ra, dec);
174         }
175     }
176     if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) {
177         logverb("Input image overlaps output image:\n");
178         for (i=0; i<BH; i++) {
179             for (j=0; j<BW; j++)
180                 logverb((bib[i*BW+j]) ? "*" : ".");
181             logverb("\n");
182         }
183     }
184     // Grow the in-bounds area:
185     bib2 = calloc(BW*BH, sizeof(anbool));
186     for (i=0; i<BH; i++)
187         for (j=0; j<BW; j++) {
188             int di,dj;
189             if (!bib[i*BW+j])
190                 continue;
191             for (di=-1; di<=1; di++)
192                 for (dj=-1; dj<=1; dj++)
193                     bib2[(MIN(MAX(i+di, 0), BH-1))*BW + (MIN(MAX(j+dj, 0), BW-1))] = TRUE;
194         }
195     // swap!
196     free(bib);
197     bib = bib2;
198     bib2 = NULL;
200     if (log_get_level() >= LOG_VERB) {
201         logverb("After growing:\n");
202         for (i=0; i<BH; i++) {
203             for (j=0; j<BW; j++)
204                 logverb((bib[i*BW+j]) ? "*" : ".");
205             logverb("\n");
206         }
207     }
209     *pBW = BW;
210     *pBH = BH;
211     return bib;
212 }
resample_wcs(const anwcs_t * inwcs,const float * inimg,int inW,int inH,const anwcs_t * outwcs,float * outimg,int outW,int outH,int weighted,int lorder)216 int resample_wcs(const anwcs_t* inwcs, const float* inimg, int inW, int inH,
217                  const anwcs_t* outwcs, float* outimg, int outW, int outH,
218                  int weighted, int lorder) {
219     int i,j;
220     int jlo,jhi,ilo,ihi;
221     lanczos_args_t largs;
222     double xyz[3];
223     memset(&largs, 0, sizeof(largs));
224     largs.order = lorder;
225     largs.weighted = weighted;
227     jlo = ilo = 0;
228     ihi = outW;
229     jhi = outH;
231     // find the center of "outwcs", and describe the boundary as a
232     // polygon in ~IWC coordinates.  Then find the extent of "inwcs".
234     {
235         int ok = 1;
236         double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
237         int x, y, W, H;
238         double xx,yy;
239         xmin = ymin = HUGE_VAL;
240         xmax = ymax = -HUGE_VAL;
241         // HACK -- just look at the corners.  Could anwcs_walk_boundary.
242         W = anwcs_imagew(inwcs);
243         H = anwcs_imageh(inwcs);
244         for (x=0; x<2; x++) {
245             for (y=0; y<2; y++) {
246                 if (anwcs_pixelxy2xyz(inwcs, 1+x * (W-1), 1+y * (H-1), xyz) ||
247                     anwcs_xyz2pixelxy(outwcs, xyz, &xx, &yy)) {
248                     ok = 0;
249                     break;
250                 }
251                 xmin = MIN(xmin, xx);
252                 xmax = MAX(xmax, xx);
253                 ymin = MIN(ymin, yy);
254                 ymax = MAX(ymax, yy);
255             }
256             if (!ok)
257                 break;
258         }
259         if (ok) {
260             W = anwcs_imagew(outwcs);
261             H = anwcs_imageh(outwcs);
262             if ((xmin >= W) || (xmax < 0) ||
263                 (ymin >= H) || (ymax < 0)) {
264                 logverb("No overlap between input and output images\n");
265                 return 0;
266             }
267             ilo = MAX(0, xmin);
268             ihi = MIN(W, xmax);
269             jlo = MAX(0, ymin);
270             jhi = MIN(H, ymax);
271             //logverb("Clipped resampling output box to [%i,%i], [%i,%i]\n",
272             //ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi);
273         }
274     }
276     for (j=jlo; j<jhi; j++) {
277         for (i=ilo; i<ihi; i++) {
278             double inx, iny;
279             float pix;
280             // +1 for FITS pixel coordinates.
281             if (anwcs_pixelxy2xyz(outwcs, i+1, j+1, xyz) ||
282                 anwcs_xyz2pixelxy(inwcs, xyz, &inx, &iny))
283                 continue;
285             inx -= 1.0;
286             iny -= 1.0;
288             if (lorder == 0) {
289                 int x,y;
290                 // Nearest-neighbour resampling
291                 x = round(inx);
292                 y = round(iny);
293                 if (x < 0 || x >= inW || y < 0 || y >= inH)
294                     continue;
295                 pix = inimg[y * inW + x];
296             } else {
297                 if (inx < (-lorder) || inx >= (inW+lorder) ||
298                     iny < (-lorder) || iny >= (inH+lorder))
299                     continue;
300                 pix = lanczos_resample_unw_sep_f(inx, iny, inimg, inW, inH, &largs);
301             }
302             outimg[j * outW + i] = pix;
303         }
304     }
305     return 0;
306 }
resample_wcs_rgba(const anwcs_t * inwcs,const unsigned char * inimg,int inW,int inH,const anwcs_t * outwcs,unsigned char * outimg,int outW,int outH)309 int resample_wcs_rgba(const anwcs_t* inwcs, const unsigned char* inimg,
310                       int inW, int inH,
311                       const anwcs_t* outwcs, unsigned char* outimg,
312                       int outW, int outH) {
313     int i,j;
314     int B = 20;
315     int BW, BH;
316     anbool* bib;
317     int bi,bj;
319     bib = find_overlap_grid(B, outW, outH, outwcs, inwcs, &BW, &BH);
321     // We've expanded the in-bounds boxes by 1 in each direction,
322     // so this (using the lower-left corner) should be ok.
323     for (bj=0; bj<BH; bj++) {
324         for (bi=0; bi<BW; bi++) {
325             int jlo,jhi,ilo,ihi;
326             if (!bib[bj*BW + bi])
327                 continue;
328             jlo = MIN(outH,  bj   *B);
329             jhi = MIN(outH, (bj+1)*B);
330             ilo = MIN(outW,  bi   *B);
331             ihi = MIN(outW, (bi+1)*B);
332             for (j=jlo; j<jhi; j++) {
333                 for (i=ilo; i<ihi; i++) {
334                     double xyz[3];
335                     double inx, iny;
336                     int x,y;
337                     // +1 for FITS pixel coordinates.
338                     if (anwcs_pixelxy2xyz(outwcs, i+1, j+1, xyz) ||
339                         anwcs_xyz2pixelxy(inwcs, xyz, &inx, &iny))
340                         continue;
341                     // FIXME - Nearest-neighbour resampling!!
342                     // -1 for FITS pixel coordinates.
343                     x = round(inx - 1.0);
344                     y = round(iny - 1.0);
345                     if (x < 0 || x >= inW || y < 0 || y >= inH)
346                         continue;
347                     // HACK -- straight copy
348                     outimg[4 * (j * outW + i) + 0] = inimg[4 * (y * inW + x) + 0];
349                     outimg[4 * (j * outW + i) + 1] = inimg[4 * (y * inW + x) + 1];
350                     outimg[4 * (j * outW + i) + 2] = inimg[4 * (y * inW + x) + 2];
351                     outimg[4 * (j * outW + i) + 3] = inimg[4 * (y * inW + x) + 3];
352                 }
353             }
354         }
355     }
357     free(bib);
359     return 0;
361 }