3Copyright (C) 2013 by Michael Gogins.
4All rights reserved.
7-odac -m3 -d
10sr = 48000
11ksmps = 100
12nchnls = 2
130dbfs = 5000000
15;#define FLTK #fltk#
16;#define CSOUNDQT0 #csoundqt#
18gkslider1 init 0
19gkslider2 init 0
20gkslider3 init 0
21gkslider4 init 0
22gkslider5 init 0
23gkbutt1 init 0
24gkbutt2 init 0
25gkbutt3 init 0
26gkbutt4 init 0
27gkbutt5 init 0
28gktrackpadx init 0
29gktrackpady init 0
30gkaccelerometerx init 0
31gkaccelerometery init 0
32gkaccelerometerz init 0
34#ifdef FLTK
35FLpanel "Csound 6", 510, 580, 150, 150
36gkslider1, ihslider1 FLslider "slider1", 0, 1, 0, 23, -1, 500, 20, 5, 5
37FLsetVal_i 1, ihslider1
38gkslider2, ihslider2 FLslider "slider2", 0, 1, 0, 23, -1, 500, 20, 5, 55
39FLsetVal_i 0.5, ihslider2
40gkslider3, ihslider3 FLslider "slider3", 0, 1, 0, 23, -1, 500, 20, 5, 105
41FLsetVal_i (1-0.5)/(8-0.5), ihslider3
42gkslider4, ihslider4 FLslider "slider4", 0, 1, 0, 23, -1, 500, 20, 5, 155
43FLsetVal_i 0, ihslider4
44gkslider5, ihslider5 FLslider "slider5", 0, 1, 0, 23, -1, 500, 20, 5, 205
45FLsetVal_i 0, ihslider5
46gktrackpadx, gktrackpady, ihtrackpadx, ihtrackpady FLjoy "trackpad.x/trackpad.y", 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 500, 250, 5, 250
47FLsetVal_i 0.5, ihtrackpadx
48FLsetVal_i (0.75-0.5)/(1-0.5), ihtrackpady
49gkbutt1, ihbutt1 FLbutton "butt1", 1, 0, 21, 100, 40, 5, 530 , -1
50gkbutt2, ihbutt2 FLbutton "butt2", 1, 0, 21, 100, 40, 105, 530 , -1
51gkbutt3, ihbutt3 FLbutton "butt3", 1, 0, 21, 100, 40, 205, 530 , -1
52gkbutt4, ihbutt4 FLbutton "butt4", 1, 0, 21, 100, 40, 305, 530 , -1
53gkbutt5, ihbutt5 FLbutton "butt5", 1, 0, 21, 100, 40, 405, 530 , -1
57connect "Bower", "outleft", "ReverbLeft", "inleft"
58connect "Bower", "outright", "ReverbRight", "inright"
59connect "Phaser", "outleft", "ReverbLeft", "inleft"
60connect "Phaser", "outright", "ReverbRight", "inright"
61connect "Droner", "outleft", "ReverbLeft", "inleft"
62connect "Droner", "outright", "ReverbRight", "inright"
63connect "Sweeper", "outleft", "ReverbLeft", "inleft"
64connect "Sweeper", "outright", "ReverbRight", "inright"
65connect "Buzzer", "outleft", "ReverbLeft", "inleft"
66connect "Buzzer", "outright", "ReverbRight", "inright"
67connect "Blower", "outleft", "ReverbLeft", "inleft"
68connect "Blower", "outright", "ReverbRight", "inright"
69connect "Shiner", "outleft", "ReverbLeft", "inleft"
70connect "Shiner", "outright", "ReverbRight", "inright"
71; connect "ReverbLeft", "outleft", "ParametricEQ", "inleft"
72; connect "ReverbRight", "outright", "ParametricEQ", "inright"
73; connect "ParametricEQ", "outleft", "MasterOutput", "inleft"
74; connect "ParametricEQ", "outright", "MasterOutput", "inright"
75connect "ReverbLeft", "outleft", "MasterOutput", "inleft"
76connect "ReverbRight", "outright", "MasterOutput", "inright"
78#ifndef FLTK
79alwayson "Controls"
81alwayson "VariablesForControls"
82alwayson "ReverbLeft"
83alwayson "ReverbRight"
84alwayson "ParametricEQ"
85alwayson "MasterOutput"
87opcode ratio2midinn, i, iii
88ifundamental, inumerator, idenominator xin
89ihertz = ifundamental * inumerator / idenominator
90; print ihertz
91; m = 12*log2(fm/440 Hz) + 69
92ilog2 = log(2)
93imidinn = 12 * (log(ihertz / 440) / ilog2) + 69
94; print imidinn
95xout imidinn
98instr 101
99iinsno = p1
100istart = p2
101iduration = p3
102ifundamental = p4
103inumerator = p5
104idenominator = p6
105ivelocity = p7
106ipan = p8
107iratio = inumerator / idenominator
108ihertz = ifundamental * iratio
109ikey ratio2midinn ifundamental, inumerator, idenominator
110event_i "i", "Droner", 0, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, 0, ipan
113instr 102
114iinsno = p1
115istart = p2
116iduration = p3
117ifundamental = p4
118inumerator = p5
119idenominator = p6
120ivelocity = p7
121ipan = p8
122iratio = inumerator / idenominator
123ihertz = ifundamental * iratio
124ikey ratio2midinn ifundamental, inumerator, idenominator
125event_i "i", "Phaser", 0, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, 0, ipan
128instr 103
129iinsno = p1
130istart = p2
131iduration = p3
132ifundamental = p4
133inumerator = p5
134idenominator = p6
135ivelocity = p7
136ipan = p8
137iratio = inumerator / idenominator
138ihertz = ifundamental * iratio
139ikey ratio2midinn ifundamental, inumerator, idenominator
140event_i "i", "Droner", 0, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, 0, ipan
143instr 104
144iinsno = p1
145istart = p2
146iduration = p3
147ifundamental = p4
148inumerator = p5
149idenominator = p6
150ivelocity = p7
151ipan = p8
152iratio = inumerator / idenominator
153ihertz = ifundamental * iratio
154ikey ratio2midinn ifundamental, inumerator, idenominator
155event_i "i", "Blower", 0, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, 0, ipan
158gioverlap = 20
160gkDistortFactor init 0.4
161gkFirstHarmonic init 0.4
162instr Droner
163iinsno = p1
164istart = p2
165iduration = p3
166ikey = p4
167ivelocity = p5
168iphase = p6
169ipan = p7
170print iinsno, istart, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, iphase, ipan
171k1 init .5
172k2 init .05
173k3 init .1
174k4 init .2
175k5 init .1
176k6 init .05
177k7 init .1
178k8 init 0
179k9 init 0
180k10 init 0
181k3 = gkslider1
182k4 = gkslider2
183k5 = gkslider3
184k6 = gkslider4
185k7 = gkslider5
186kwaveform init 0
187iamp = ampdb(ivelocity)
188iattack = gioverlap
189idecay = gioverlap
190isustain = p3 - gioverlap
191p3 = iattack + isustain + idecay
192kenvelope transeg 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, iamp, isustain, 0.0, iamp, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
193ihertz = cpsmidinn(ikey)
194print ihertz
195isine ftgenonce 0, 0, 65536, 10, 1, 0, .02
196if kwaveform == 0 then
197asignal poscil3 1, ihertz, isine
199if kwaveform == 1 then
200asignal vco2 1, ihertz, 8 ; integrated saw
202if kwaveform == 2 then
203asignal vco2 1, ihertz, 12 ; triangle
205asignal chebyshevpoly asignal, 0, k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10
206asignal = asignal * kenvelope * 10
207aleft, aright pan2 asignal, ipan
208adamping linseg 0, 0.03, 1, p3 - 0.1, 1, 0.07, 0
209aleft = adamping * aleft
210aright = adamping * aright
211outleta "outleft", aleft
212outleta "outright", aright
215instr Bower
216iinsno = p1
217istart = p2
218iduration = p3
219ikey = p4
220ivelocity = p5
221iphase = p6
222ipan = p7
223print iinsno, istart, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, iphase, ipan
224iamp = ampdb(ivelocity) * 200
225iattack = gioverlap
226idecay = gioverlap
227isustain = p3 - gioverlap
228p3 = iattack + isustain + idecay
229kenvelope transeg 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, iamp, isustain, 0.0, iamp, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
230ihertz = cpsmidinn(ikey)
231kamp = kenvelope
232kfreq = ihertz
233kpres = 0.25
234; krat rspline 0.006,0.988,0.1,0.4
235krat rspline 0.006,0.988,1,4
236kvibf = 4.5
237kvibamp = 0
238iminfreq = 20
239isine ftgenonce 0,0,65536,10,1
240aSig wgbow kamp,kfreq,kpres,krat,kvibf,kvibamp,isine,iminfreq
241;aSig butlp aSig,2000
242;aSig pareq aSig,80,6,0.707
243aleft, aright pan2 aSig / 7, ipan
244adamping linseg 0, 0.03, 1, p3 - 0.1, 1, 0.07, 0
245aleft = adamping * aleft
246aright = adamping * aright
247outleta "outleft", aleft
248outleta "outright", aright
251gkratio1 = 1
252gkratio2 = 1/3
253gkindex1 = 1
254gkindex2 = 0.0125
255instr Phaser
256iinsno = p1
257istart = p2
258iduration = p3
259ikey = p4
260ivelocity = p5
261iphase = p6
262ipan = p7
263print iinsno, istart, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, iphase, ipan
264iamp = ampdb(ivelocity) * 12
265iattack = gioverlap
266idecay = gioverlap
267isustain = p3 - gioverlap
268p3 = iattack + isustain + idecay
269kenvelope transeg 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, iamp, isustain, 0.0, iamp, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
270ihertz = cpsmidinn(ikey)
271isine ftgenonce 0,0,65536,10,1
272khertz = ihertz
273ifunction1 = isine
274ifunction2 = isine
275a1,a2 crosspm gkratio1, gkratio2, gkindex1, gkindex2, khertz, ifunction1, ifunction2
276aleft, aright pan2 a1+a2, ipan
277adamping linseg 0, 0.03, 1, p3 - 0.1, 1, 0.07, 0
278aleft = adamping * aleft * kenvelope
279aright = adamping * aright * kenvelope
280outleta "outleft", aleft
281outleta "outright", aright
284gkbritel init 0
285gkbriteh init 2.9
286gkbritels init .2 / 3
287gkbritehs init 2.5 / 2
288instr Sweeper
289iinsno = p1
290istart = p2
291iduration = p3
292ikey = p4
293ivelocity = p5
294iphase = p6
295ipan = p7
296print iinsno, istart, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, iphase, ipan
297iamp = ampdb(ivelocity)
298gisine ftgenonce 0, 0, 65536, 10, 1
299gioctfn ftgenonce 0, 0, 65536, -19, 1, 0.5, 270, 0.5
300iattack = gioverlap
301idecay = gioverlap
302isustain = p3 - gioverlap
303p3 = iattack + isustain + idecay
304kenvelope transeg 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, iamp, isustain, 0.0, iamp, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
305ihertz = cpsmidinn(ikey)
306icps = ihertz
307kamp expseg 0.001,0.02,0.2,p3-0.01,0.001
308ktonemoddep jspline 0.01,0.05,0.2
309ktonemodrte jspline 6,0.1,0.2
310ktone poscil3 ktonemoddep, ktonemodrte, gisine
311kbrite rspline gkbritel, gkbriteh, gkbritels, gkbritehs
312ibasfreq init icps
313ioctcnt init 3
314iphs init 0
315;a1 hsboscil kamp, ktone, kbrite, ibasfreq, gisine, gioctfn, ioctcnt, iphs
316a1 hsboscil kenvelope, ktone, kbrite, ibasfreq, gisine, gioctfn, ioctcnt, iphs
317amod poscil3 0.25, ibasfreq*(1/3), gisine
318arm = a1*amod
319kmix expseg 0.001, 0.01, rnd(1), rnd(3)+0.3, 0.001
321a1 ntrpol a1, arm, kmix
322;a1 pareq a1/10, 400, 15, .707
323;a1 tone a1, 500
324kpanrte jspline 5, 0.05, 0.1
325kpandep jspline 0.9, 0.2, 0.4
326kpan poscil3 kpandep, kpanrte, gisine
327a1,a2 pan2 a1, kpan
328a1 delay a1, rnd(0.1)
329a2 delay a2, rnd(0.11)
330kenv linsegr 1, 1, 0
331kenv = kenvelope
332aleft = a1*kenv*.02
333aright = a2*kenv*.02
334adamping linseg 0, 0.03, 1, p3 - 0.1, 1, 0.07, 0
335aleft = adamping * aleft
336aright = adamping * aright
337outleta "outleft", aleft
338outleta "outright", aright
341instr Buzzer
342iinsno = p1
343istart = p2
344iduration = p3
345ikey = p4
346ivelocity = p5
347iphase = p6
348ipan = p7
349print iinsno, istart, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, iphase, ipan
350iamp = ampdb(ivelocity) * 4
351iattack = gioverlap
352idecay = gioverlap
353isustain = p3 - gioverlap
354p3 = iattack + isustain + idecay
355kenvelope transeg 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, iamp, isustain, 0.0, iamp, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
356ihertz = cpsmidinn(ikey)
357;asignal gbuzz kenvelope, ihertz, 3, gkFirstHarmonic, gkDistortFactor, gisine
358isine ftgenonce 0, 0, 65536, 10, 1
359gkHarmonics = gkslider1 * 20
360asignal buzz kenvelope, ihertz, gkHarmonics, isine
361asignal = asignal * 3
362;asignal vco2 kenvelope, ihertz, 12
363;asignal poscil3 kenvelope, ihertz, giharmonics
364;asignal distort asignal, gkDistortFactor * .4, giwaveshaping
365aleft, aright pan2 asignal, ipan
366adamping linseg 0, 0.03, 1, p3 - 0.1, 1, 0.07, 0
367aleft = adamping * aleft
368aright = adamping * aright
369outleta "outleft", aleft
370outleta "outright", aright
373instr Shiner
374iinsno = p1
375istart = p2
376iduration = p3
377ikey = p4
378ivelocity = p5
379iphase = p6
380ipan = p7
381print iinsno, istart, iduration, ikey, ivelocity, iphase, ipan
382iamp = ampdb(ivelocity) * 4
383iattack = gioverlap
384idecay = gioverlap
385isustain = p3 - gioverlap
386p3 = iattack + isustain + idecay
387kenvelope transeg 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, iamp, isustain, 0.0, iamp, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
388ihertz = cpsmidinn(ikey)
389;asignal gbuzz kenvelope, ihertz, 3, gkFirstHarmonic, gkDistortFactor, gisine
390gkHarmonics = gkslider1 * 20
391;asignal buzz kenvelope, ihertz, gkHarmonics, gisine
392;asignal = asignal
393asignal vco2 kenvelope * 4, ihertz, 12
394;asignal poscil3 kenvelope, ihertz, giharmonics
395;asignal distort asignal, gkDistortFactor * .4, giwaveshaping
396aleft, aright pan2 asignal, ipan
397adamping linseg 0, 0.03, 1, p3 - 0.1, 1, 0.07, 0
398aleft = adamping * aleft
399aright = adamping * aright
400outleta "outleft", aleft
401outleta "outright", aright
404gkgrainDensity init 150
405gkgrainDuration init 0.2
406gkgrainAmplitudeRange init 100
407gkgrainFrequencyRange init .033
408instr Blower
409 //////////////////////////////////////////////
410 // Original by Hans Mikelson.
411 // Adapted by Michael Gogins.
412 //////////////////////////////////////////////
413 pset 0, 0, 3600
414i_instrument = p1
415i_time = p2
416i_duration = p3
417i_midikey = p4
418i_midivelocity = p5
419i_phase = p6
420i_pan = p6
421i_depth = p8
422i_height = p9
423i_pitchclassset = p10
424i_homogeneity = p11
425ifrequency = cpsmidinn(i_midikey)
426iamplitude = ampdb(i_midivelocity) / 200
427 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
428 ; f1 0 65536 1 "hahaha.aif" 0 4 0
429 ; f2 0 1024 7 0 224 1 800 0
430 ; f3 0 8192 7 1 8192 -1
431 ; f4 0 1024 7 0 512 1 512 0
432 ; f5 0 1024 10 1 .3 .1 0 .2 .02 0 .1 .04
433 ; f6 0 1024 10 1 0 .5 0 .33 0 .25 0 .2 0 .167
434 ; a0 14 50
435 ; p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
436 ; Start Dur Amp Freq GrTab WinTab FqcRng Dens Fade
437 ; i1 0.0 6.5 700 9.00 5 4 .210 200 1.8
438 ; i1 3.2 3.5 800 7.08 . 4 .042 100 0.8
439 ; i1 5.1 5.2 600 7.10 . 4 .0320 100 0.9
440 ; i1 7.2 6.6 900 8.03 . 4 .021 150 1.6
441 ; i1 21.3 4.5 1000 9.00 . 4 .031 150 1.2
442 ; i1 26.5 13.5 1100 6.09 . 4 .121 150 1.5
443 ; i1 30.7 9.3 900 8.05 . 4 .014 150 2.5
444 ; i1 34.2 8.8 700 10.02 . 4 .14 150 1.6
445igrtab ftgenonce 0, 0, 65536, 10, 1, .3, .1, 0, .2, .02, 0, .1, .04
446iwintab ftgenonce 0, 0, 65536, 10, 1, 0, .5, 0, .33, 0, .25, 0, .2, 0, .167
447iHz = ifrequency
448ip4 = iamplitude
449ip5 = iHz
450ip6 = igrtab
451ip7 = iwintab
452ip8 = 0.033
453ip8 = .002
454ip9 = 150
455ip9 = 100
456ip10 = 1.6
457ip10 = 3
458idur = p3
459iamp = iamplitude ; p4
460ifqc = iHz ; cpspch(p5)
461igrtab = ip6
462iwintab = ip7
463ifrng = ip8
464idens = ip9
465ifade = ip10
466igdur = 0.2
467iattack = gioverlap
468idecay = gioverlap
469isustain = p3 - gioverlap
470p3 = iattack + isustain + idecay
471kenvelope transeg 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, iamp, isustain, 0.0, iamp, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, iamp / 2.0, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
472; kamp linseg 0, ifade, 1, idur - 2 * ifade, 1, ifade, 0
473kamp = kenvelope
474; Amp Fqc Dense AmpOff PitchOff GrDur GrTable WinTable MaxGrDur
475aoutl grain ip4, ifqc, gkgrainDensity, gkgrainAmplitudeRange, ifqc * gkgrainFrequencyRange, gkgrainDuration, igrtab, iwintab, 5
476aoutr grain ip4, ifqc, gkgrainDensity, gkgrainAmplitudeRange, ifqc * gkgrainFrequencyRange, gkgrainDuration, igrtab, iwintab, 5
477aleft = aoutl * kamp * iamplitude
478aright = aoutr * kamp * iamplitude
479adamping linseg 0, 0.03, 1, p3 - 0.1, 1, 0.07, 0
480aleft = adamping * aleft
481aright = adamping * aright
482outleta "outleft", aleft
483outleta "outright", aright
484prints "instr %4d t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f\n", p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7
487gkReverbFeedback init 0.975
488gkDelayModulation init 0.875
491#ifdef CSOUNDQT
493instr ReverbLeft
494; p4 = gain of reverb. Adjust empirically
495; for desired reverb time. .6 gives
496; a good small "live" room sound, .8
497; a small hall, .9 a large hall,
498; .99 an enormous stone cavern.
500; p5 = amount of random pitch modulation
501; for the delay lines. 1 is the "normal"
502; amount, but this may be too high for
503; held pitches such as piano tones.
504; Adjust to taste.
506; p6 = cutoff frequency of lowpass filters
507; in feedback loops of delay lines,
508; in Hz. Lower cutoff frequencies results
509; in a sound with more high-frequency
510; damping.
512; 8 delay line FDN reverb, with feedback matrix based upon
513; physical modeling scattering junction of 8 lossless waveguides
514; of equal characteristic impedance. Based on Julius O. Smith III,
515; "A New Approach to Digital Reverberation using Closed Waveguide
516; Networks," Proceedings of the International Computer Music
517; Conference 1985, p. 47-53 (also available as a seperate
518; publication from CCRMA), as well as some more recent papers by
519; Smith and others.
520; Coded by Sean Costello, October 1999
521itone = 16000
522asignal inleta "inleft"
523afilt1 init 0
524afilt2 init 0
525afilt3 init 0
526afilt4 init 0
527afilt5 init 0
528afilt6 init 0
529afilt7 init 0
530afilt8 init 0
531idel1 = (2473.000/sr)
532idel2 = (2767.000/sr)
533idel3 = (3217.000/sr)
534idel4 = (3557.000/sr)
535idel5 = (3907.000/sr)
536idel6 = (4127.000/sr)
537idel7 = (2143.000/sr)
538idel8 = (1933.000/sr)
539; k1-k8 are used to add random pitch modulation to the
540; delay lines. Helps eliminate metallic overtones
541; in the reverb sound.
542k1 randi .001, 3.1, .06
543k2 randi .0011, 3.5, .9
544k3 randi .0017, 1.11, .7
545k4 randi .0006, 3.973, .3
546k5 randi .001, 2.341, .63
547k6 randi .0011, 1.897, .7
548k7 randi .0017, 0.891, .9
549k8 randi .0006, 3.221, .44
550; apj is used to calculate "resultant junction pressure" for
551; the scattering junction of 8 lossless waveguides
552.; of equal characteristic impedance. If you wish to
553; add more delay lines, simply add them to the following
554; equation, and replace the .25 by 2/N, where N is the
555; number of delay lines.
556apj = .25 * (afilt1 + afilt2 + afilt3 + afilt4 + afilt5 + afilt6 + afilt7 + afilt8)
557adum1 delayr 1
558adel1 deltapi idel1 + k1 * gkDelayModulation
559 delayw asignal + apj - afilt1
560adum2 delayr 1
561adel2 deltapi idel2 + k2 * gkDelayModulation
562 delayw asignal + apj - afilt2
563adum3 delayr 1
564adel3 deltapi idel3 + k3 * gkDelayModulation
565 delayw asignal + apj - afilt3
566adum4 delayr 1
567adel4 deltapi idel4 + k4 * gkDelayModulation
568 delayw asignal + apj - afilt4
569adum5 delayr 1
570adel5 deltapi idel5 + k5 * gkDelayModulation
571 delayw asignal + apj - afilt5
572adum6 delayr 1
573adel6 deltapi idel6 + k6 * gkDelayModulation
574 delayw asignal + apj - afilt6
575adum7 delayr 1
576adel7 deltapi idel7 + k7 * gkDelayModulation
577 delayw asignal + apj - afilt7
578adum8 delayr 1
579adel8 deltapi idel8 + k8 * gkDelayModulation
580 delayw asignal + apj - afilt8
581; 1st order lowpass filters in feedback
582; loops of delay lines.
583afilt1 tone adel1 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
584afilt2 tone adel2 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
585afilt3 tone adel3 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
586afilt4 tone adel4 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
587afilt5 tone adel5 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
588afilt6 tone adel6 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
589afilt7 tone adel7 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
590afilt8 tone adel8 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
591; The outputs of the delay lines are summed
592; and sent to the stereo outputs. This could
593; easily be modified for a 4 or 8-channel
594; sound system.
595aout1 = (afilt1 + afilt3 + afilt5 + afilt7)
596aout2 = (afilt2 + afilt4 + afilt6 + afilt8)
597aleft = aout1 + aout2
598; To the master output.
599outleta "outleft", aleft
602instr ReverbRight
603; p4 = gain of reverb. Adjust empirically
604; for desired reverb time. .6 gives
605; a good small "live" room sound, .8
606; a small hall, .9 a large hall,
607; .99 an enormous stone cavern.
609; p5 = amount of random pitch modulation
610; for the delay lines. 1 is the "normal"
611; amount, but this may be too high for
612; held pitches such as piano tones.
613; Adjust to taste.
615; p6 = cutoff frequency of lowpass filters
616; in feedback loops of delay lines,
617; in Hz. Lower cutoff frequencies results
618; in a sound with more high-frequency
619; damping.
621; 8 delay line FDN reverb, with feedback matrix based upon
622; physical modeling scattering junction of 8 lossless waveguides
623; of equal characteristic impedance. Based on Julius O. Smith III,
624; "A New Approach to Digital Reverberation using Closed Waveguide
625; Networks," Proceedings of the International Computer Music
626; Conference 1985, p. 47-53 (also available as a seperate
627; publication from CCRMA), as well as some more recent papers by
628; Smith and others.
629; Coded by Sean Costello, October 1999
630itone = 16000
631asignal inleta "inright"
632afilt1 init 0
633afilt2 init 0
634afilt3 init 0
635afilt4 init 0
636afilt5 init 0
637afilt6 init 0
638afilt7 init 0
639afilt8 init 0
640idel1 = (2473.000/sr)
641idel2 = (2767.000/sr)
642idel3 = (3217.000/sr)
643idel4 = (3557.000/sr)
644idel5 = (3907.000/sr)
645idel6 = (4127.000/sr)
646idel7 = (2143.000/sr)
647idel8 = (1933.000/sr)
648; k1-k8 are used to add random pitch modulation to the
649; delay lines. Helps eliminate metallic overtones
650; in the reverb sound.
651k1 randi .001, 3.1, .06
652k2 randi .0011, 3.5, .9
653k3 randi .0017, 1.11, .7
654k4 randi .0006, 3.973, .3
655k5 randi .001, 2.341, .63
656k6 randi .0011, 1.897, .7
657k7 randi .0017, 0.891, .9
658k8 randi .0006, 3.221, .44
659; apj is used to calculate "resultant junction pressure" for
660; the scattering junction of 8 lossless waveguides
661.; of equal characteristic impedance. If you wish to
662; add more delay lines, simply add them to the following
663; equation, and replace the .25 by 2/N, where N is the
664; number of delay lines.
665apj = .25 * (afilt1 + afilt2 + afilt3 + afilt4 + afilt5 + afilt6 + afilt7 + afilt8)
666adum1 delayr 1
667adel1 deltapi idel1 + k1 * gkDelayModulation
668 delayw asignal + apj - afilt1
669adum2 delayr 1
670adel2 deltapi idel2 + k2 * gkDelayModulation
671 delayw asignal + apj - afilt2
672adum3 delayr 1
673adel3 deltapi idel3 + k3 * gkDelayModulation
674 delayw asignal + apj - afilt3
675adum4 delayr 1
676adel4 deltapi idel4 + k4 * gkDelayModulation
677 delayw asignal + apj - afilt4
678adum5 delayr 1
679adel5 deltapi idel5 + k5 * gkDelayModulation
680 delayw asignal + apj - afilt5
681adum6 delayr 1
682adel6 deltapi idel6 + k6 * gkDelayModulation
683 delayw asignal + apj - afilt6
684adum7 delayr 1
685adel7 deltapi idel7 + k7 * gkDelayModulation
686 delayw asignal + apj - afilt7
687adum8 delayr 1
688adel8 deltapi idel8 + k8 * gkDelayModulation
689 delayw asignal + apj - afilt8
690; 1st order lowpass filters in feedback
691; loops of delay lines.
692afilt1 tone adel1 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
693afilt2 tone adel2 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
694afilt3 tone adel3 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
695afilt4 tone adel4 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
696afilt5 tone adel5 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
697afilt6 tone adel6 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
698afilt7 tone adel7 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
699afilt8 tone adel8 * gkReverbFeedback, itone
700; The outputs of the delay lines are summed
701; and sent to the stereo outputs. This could
702; easily be modified for a 4 or 8-channel
703; sound system.
704aout1 = (afilt1 + afilt3 + afilt5 + afilt7)
705aout2 = (afilt2 + afilt4 + afilt6 + afilt8)
706aright = aout1 + aout2
707outleta "outright", aright
712instr ReverbLeft
713aleft init 0
714azero init 0
715aleft inleta "inleft"
716aleft, aright reverbsc aleft, azero, gkReverbFeedback, 15000.
717outleta "outleft", aleft
720instr ReverbRight
721aleft init 0
722azero init 0
723aright inleta "inright"
724aleft, aright reverbsc azero, aright, gkReverbFeedback, 15000.0
725outleta "outright", aright
730gkCenterHz init 200
731gkGain init 1
732gkQ init 0.7071067 ; sqrt(.5)
733instr ParametricEQ
734aleft inleta "inleft"
735aright inleta "inright"
736aleft pareq aleft, gkCenterHz, ampdb(gkGain), gkQ, 0
737aright pareq aright, gkCenterHz, ampdb(gkGain), gkQ, 0
738outleta "outleft", aleft
739outleta "outright", aright
742gkMasterLevel init 4
743instr MasterOutput
744aleft inleta "inleft"
745aright inleta "inright"
746aleft *= gkMasterLevel
747aright *= gkMasterLevel
748outs aleft, aright
749;fout "Drone-IV-performance.wav", 16, aleft, aright
752instr Controls
753#ifdef CSOUNDQT
754gkslider1 invalue "slider1"
755gkslider2 invalue "slider2"
756gkslider3 invalue "slider3"
757gkslider4 invalue "slider4"
758gkslider5 invalue "slider5"
759gkbutt1 invalue "butt1"
760gkbutt2 invalue "butt2"
761gkbutt3 invalue "butt3"
762gkbutt4 invalue "butt4"
763gkbutt5 invalue "butt5"
764gktrackpadx invalue "trackpad.x"
765gktrackpady invalue "trackpad.y"
766gkaccelerometerx invalue "accelerometerX"
767gkaccelerometery invalue "accelerometerY"
768gkaccelerometerz invalue "accelerometerZ"
770gkslider1 chnget "slider1"
771gkslider2 chnget "slider2"
772gkslider3 chnget "slider3"
773gkslider4 chnget "slider4"
774gkslider5 chnget "slider5"
775gkbutt1 chnget "butt1"
776gkbutt2 chnget "butt2"
777gkbutt3 chnget "butt3"
778gkbutt4 chnget "butt4"
779gkbutt5 chnget "butt5"
780gktrackpadx chnget "trackpad.x"
781gktrackpady chnget "trackpad.y"
782gkaccelerometerx chnget "accelerometerX"
783gkaccelerometery chnget "accelerometerY"
784gkaccelerometerz chnget "accelerometerZ"
788instr VariablesForControls
789if gkslider1 > 0 then
790 	gkFirstHarmonic = gkslider1 * 2
791	gkgrainDensity = gkslider1 * 400
792	gkratio2 = gkslider1 ;1/3
794if gkslider2 > 0 then
795 	gkDistortFactor = gkslider2 * 2
796	gkgrainDuration = 0.005 + gkslider2 / 2
797	gkindex1 = gkslider2 * 3;1
799if gkslider3 > 0 then
800 	gkVolume = gkslider3 * 5
801	gkgrainAmplitudeRange = gkslider3 * 300
802	gkindex2 = gkslider3 ;0.0125
804if gkslider4 > 0 then
805	gkgrainFrequencyRange = gkslider4 / 10
807if gktrackpady > 0 then
808 	gkDelayModulation = gktrackpady * 2
809 	; gkGain = gktrackpady * 2 - 1
811if gktrackpadx > 0 then
812 	gkReverbFeedback = (2/3) + (gktrackpadx / 3)
813 	; gkCenterHz = 100 + gktrackpadx * 3000
815kbutt1 trigger gkbutt1, .5, 0
816if kbutt1 > 0 then
817 	gkbritels = gkbritels / 1.5
818 	gkbritehs = gkbritehs / 1.5
819 	; gkQ = gkQ / 2
821kbutt2 trigger gkbutt2, .5, 0
822if kbutt2 > 0 then
823 	gkbritels = gkbritels * 1.5
824 	gkbritehs = gkbritehs * 1.5
825 	; gkQ = gkQ * 2
833; Change the tempo, if you like.
834t 0 27
836; p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8
837; insno onset duration fundamental numerator denominator velocity pan
839; C E B
840i 101 0 60 [1 * 60] 1 1 60 [-1 + 1 / 2]
841i 101 0 60 [2 * 60] 5 4 60 [-1 + 3 / 2]
842i 101 0 60 [3 * 60] 28 15 60 [-1 + 2 / 2]
843; C Ab E B
844i 104 30 30 [1 * 60] 8 5 60 [-1 + 2 / 2]
845; G F# B
846i 102 60 60 [1 * 60] 3 2 60 [-1 + 1 / 2]
847i 102 60 30 [2 * 60] 45 32 64 [-1 + 2 / 2]
848i 102 60 60 [3 * 60] 28 15 64 [-1 + 3 / 2]
849; G F B
850i 102 90 30 [2 * 60] 4 3 64 [-1 + 2 / 2]
851; C E B
852i 103 120 60 [1 * 60] 1 1 64 [-1 + 1 / 2]
853i 103 120 60 [2 * 60] 5 4 56 [-1 + 2 / 2]
854i 103 120 30 [3 * 60] 28 15 56 [-1 + 3 / 2]
855i 103 150 30 [4 * 60] 1 1 58 [-1 + 3 / 2]
856;i 103 120 60 [3 * 60] 1 1 56 [-1 + 3 / 2]
857e 10.0
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1139  <type>event</type>
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1158  <type>event</type>
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1160  <stringvalue/>
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1162  <image>/</image>
1163  <eventLine>i1 0 10</eventLine>
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1169  <x>120</x>
1170  <y>273</y>
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1175  <midichan>0</midichan>
1176  <midicc>0</midicc>
1177  <type>event</type>
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1179  <stringvalue/>
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1181  <image>/</image>
1182  <eventLine>i1 0 10</eventLine>
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1186 <bsbObject type="BSBButton" version="2">
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