1 /*
2     platerev.c:
4     Copyright (C) 2006 by Stefan Bilbao
5                   2012    John ffitch
7     This file is part of Csound.
9     The Csound Library is free software; you can redistribute it
10     and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14     Csound is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20     License along with Csound; if not, write to the Free Software
21     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
22     02110-1301 USA
23 */
25 #include "csdl.h"
26 #include <math.h>
28 /* #undef CS_KSMPS */
29 /* #define CS_KSMPS     (csound->GetKsmps(csound)) */
31 typedef struct {
32     OPDS        h;
33     MYFLT       *aout[40];
34     MYFLT       *tabins;
35     MYFLT       *tabout;
36     MYFLT       *bndry;
37     MYFLT       *asp;
38     MYFLT       *stiff;
39     MYFLT       *decay;
40     MYFLT       *loss;
41     MYFLT       *ain[40];
42  // Internals
43     double       s00, s10, s01, s11, s20, s02, t00, t01, t10;
44     uint32_t     nin, nout, Nx, Ny;
45     double       *u, *u1, *u2;
46     AUXCH        auxch;
47     double       L, dy, dt;
48     MYFLT        *in_param, *out_param;
49     double       ci[40], si[40], co[40], so[40];
50  } PLATE;
platerev_init(CSOUND * csound,PLATE * p)53 static int32_t platerev_init(CSOUND *csound, PLATE *p)
54 {
55     FUNC *inp, *outp;
56     double a = *p->asp;
57     double dt = (p->dt = 1.0/csound->GetSr(csound)); /* time step */
58     double sig = (csound->GetSr(csound)+csound->GetSr(csound))*
59                  (POWER(10.0, FL(3.0)*dt/(*p->decay))-FL(1.0)); /* loss constant */
60     double b2 = *p->loss;
61     double dxmin = 2.0*sqrt(dt*(b2+hypot(*p->loss, *p->stiff)));
62     uint32_t Nx = (p->Nx = (uint32_t)floor(1.0/dxmin));
63     uint32_t Nx5 = Nx+5;
64     double dx = 1.0/(double)Nx;
65     uint32_t Ny = (p->Ny = (uint32_t)floor(a*Nx));
66     double dy = (p->dy = *p->asp/Ny);
67     double alf = dx/dy;
68     double mu = dt*(*p->stiff)*Nx*Nx;
69     double mu2 = mu*mu;
70     double eta = 1.0/(1.0+sig*dt);
71     double V = 2.0*b2*dt*Nx*Nx;
72     uint32_t qq;
74     p->nin = (int32_t) (p->INOCOUNT) - 7; p->nout = (int32_t) (p->OUTOCOUNT);
75     if (UNLIKELY((inp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound,p->tabins)) == NULL ||
76                  inp->flen < (uint32_t)3*p->nin)) {
77       return csound->InitError(csound, "%s",
78                                Str("Missing input table or too short"));
79     }
80     if (UNLIKELY((outp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound,p->tabout)) == NULL ||
81                  outp->flen < (uint32_t)3*p->nout)) {
82       return csound->InitError(csound, "%s",
83                                Str("Missing output table or too short"));
84     }
85     p->in_param = inp->ftable;
86     p->out_param = outp->ftable;
87     p->L = (a<1.0 ? a : 1.0);
88     csound->AuxAlloc(csound, 3*Nx5*(Ny+5)*sizeof(double), &p->auxch);
89     p->u = (double*)p->auxch.auxp;
90     p->u1 = p->u+Nx5*(Ny+5);
91     p->u2 = p->u1+Nx5*(Ny+5);
92     p->s00 = 2.0*eta*(1.0-mu2*(3.0+4.0*alf*alf+3.0*alf*alf*alf*alf)-
93                             V*(1.0+alf*alf));
94     p->s10 = (4.0*mu2*(1.0+alf*alf)+V)*eta;
95     p->s01 = alf*alf*(4.0*mu2*(1.0+alf*alf)+V)*eta;
96     p->s11 = -2.0*mu2*eta*alf*alf;
97     p->s02 = (p->s20 = -eta*mu2)*alf*alf*alf*alf;
98     p->t00 = (-(1.0-sig*dt)+2.0*V*(1.0+alf*alf))*eta;
99     p->t10 = -V*eta;
100     p->t01 = -V*eta*alf*alf;
101     for (qq=0; qq<p->nin; qq++) {
102       p->ci[qq] = cos((double)p->in_param[3*qq+2]);
103       p->si[qq] = sin((double)p->in_param[3*qq+2]);
104     }
105     for (qq=0; qq<p->nout; qq++) {
106       p->co[qq] = cos((double)p->out_param[3*qq+2]);
107       p->so[qq] = sin((double)p->out_param[3*qq+2]);
108     }
110     return OK;
111 }
platerev(CSOUND * csound,PLATE * p)114 static int32_t platerev(CSOUND *csound, PLATE *p)
115 {
116     IGN(csound);
117     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
118     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
119     uint32_t i, j, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
120     uint32_t Ny = p->Ny, Nx = p->Nx;
121     uint32_t Nx5 = Nx+5;
122     int32_t bc =  (int32_t) MYFLT2LONG(*p->bndry);
123     double *u = p->u, *u1 = p->u1, *u2 = p->u2;
124     double s00 = p->s00, s10 = p->s10, s01 = p->s01,
125            s11 = p->s11, s20 = p->s20, s02 = p->s02,
126            t00 = p->t00, t10 = p->t10, t01 = p->t01;
127     double dt = p->dt, dy = p->dy;
128     uint32_t n, qq;
129     MYFLT *uin;
130     double wi[40], wo[40], sdi[40], cdi[40], sdo[40], cdo[40];
132     if (UNLIKELY(early)) nsmps -= early;
133     for (qq=0; qq<(uint32_t)p->nin; qq++) {
134       double delta = TWOPI*(double)p->in_param[3*qq]*dt;
135       cdi[qq] = cos(delta);
136       sdi[qq] = sin(delta);
137       wi[qq] = p->L*0.5*(double)p->in_param[3*qq+1];
138       delta = TWOPI*(double)p->out_param[3*qq]*dt;
139       cdo[qq] = cos(delta);
140       sdo[qq] = sin(delta);
141       wo[qq] = (p->L*0.5)*(double)p->out_param[3*qq+1];
142       if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(p->aout[qq], '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
143       if (UNLIKELY(early)) memset(&p->aout[qq][nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
144     }
145     for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
146       /* interior grid points*/
147       /*u = conv2(u1,S,'same')+conv2(u2,T,'same'); */
148       for (j=2; j<Ny+3; j++)  /* Loop from 2,3,...Nf, Nf+1, Nf+2 */
149         for (i=2; i<Nx+3; i++) {
150           int32_t ij = i+Nx5*j;
151           u[ij] = s00*u1[ij]+
152                   s10*(u1[ij-Nx5]+u1[ij+Nx5])+
153                   s20*(u1[ij-2*Nx5]+u1[ij+2*Nx5])+
154                   s01*(u1[ij-1]+u1[ij+1])+
155                   s02*(u1[ij-2]+u1[ij+2])+
156                   s11*(u1[ij-1-Nx5]+u1[ij+1+Nx5]+
157                        u1[ij-1+Nx5]+u1[ij+1-Nx5]);
158           u[ij] += t00*u2[ij]+
159                    t10*(u2[ij-Nx5]+u2[ij+Nx5])+
160                    t01*(u2[ij-1]+u2[ij+1]);
161         }
162       /* boundary grid points*/
163       if (bc==1) {             /* clamped*/
164         int32_t jj = Nx5*j;
165         for (j=0; j<Ny+5; j++) {
166           u[0+jj] = u[2+jj] = u[Nx+2+jj] = u[Nx+4+jj] = 0.0;
167         }
168         for (j=2; j<Ny+3; j++) {
169           u[1+jj] = u[3+jj];
170           u[Nx+3+jj] = u[Nx+1+jj];
171         }
172         for (i=0; i<Nx+5; i++) {
173           u[i+Nx5*0] = u[i+Nx5*2] = u[i+Nx5*(Ny+2)] = u[i+Nx5*(Ny+4)] = 0.0;
174         }
175         for (i=2; i<Nx+3; i++) {
176           u[i+Nx5*1] = u[i+Nx5*3];
177           u[i+Nx5*(Ny+3)] = u[i+Nx5*(Ny+1)];
178         }
179         u[1+Nx5*1] = u[1+Nx5*(Ny+3)] = u[Nx+3+Nx5*1] = u[Nx+3+Nx5*(Ny+3)] = 0.0;
180       }
181       else if (bc==2) {           /* pivoting*/
182         int32_t jj = Nx5*j;
183         for (j=0; j<Ny+5; j++) {
184           u[0+jj] = u[2+jj] = u[Nx+2+jj] = u[Nx+4+jj] = 0.0;
185         }
186         for (j=2; j<Ny+3; j++) {
187           u[1+jj] = -u[3+jj];
188           u[Nx+3+jj] = -u[Nx+1+jj];
189         }
190         for (i=0; i<Nx+5; i++) {
191           u[i+Nx5*0] = u[i+Nx5*2] = u[i+Nx5*(Ny+2)] = u[i+Nx5*(Ny+4)] = 0.0;
192         }
193         for (i=2; i<Nx+3; i++) {
194           u[i+Nx5*1] = -u[i+Nx5*3];
195           u[i+Nx5*(Ny+3)] = -u[i+Nx5*(Ny+1)];
196         }
197       }
198       /* else completely free */
199       /* insert excitation*/
200       for (qq=0; qq<p->nin; qq++) {
201         double w = wi[qq];
202         double cv = p->ci[qq]*cdi[qq] - p->si[qq]*sdi[qq];
203         double sv = p->ci[qq]*sdi[qq] + p->si[qq]*cdi[qq];
204         double xid = (0.5+w*cv)*Nx;
205         double yid = ((*p->asp)*0.5+w*sv)/dy;
206         int32_t xi = (int32_t)(floor(xid))+2;
207         int32_t yi = (int32_t)(floor(yid))+2;
208         double xf = xid-(double)(xi-2);
209         double yf = yid-(double)(yi-2);
210         double xyf = xf*yf;
211         uin=p->ain[qq];
212         p->ci[qq] = cv; p->si[qq] = sv;
213         yi = Nx5*yi + xi;
214         u[yi]       += (1.0-xf-yf+xyf)*uin[n];
215         u[1+yi]     += (xf-xyf)*uin[n];
216         u[1+Nx5+yi] += xyf*uin[n];
217         u[Nx5+yi]   += (yf-xyf)*uin[n];
218       }
219       /*        %%%% readout */
220       for (qq=0; qq<p->nout; qq++) {
221         double w = wo[qq];
222         double cv = p->co[qq]*cdo[qq] - p->so[qq]*sdo[qq];
223         double sv = p->co[qq]*sdo[qq] + p->so[qq]*cdo[qq];
224         double xod = (0.5+w*cv)*Nx;
225         double yod = (*p->asp*0.5+w*sv)/dy;
226         int32_t xo = (int32_t)(floor(xod))+2;
227         int32_t yo = (int32_t)(floor(yod))+2;
228         double xf = xod-(double)(xo-2);
229         double yf = yod-(double)(yo-2);
230         double xyf = xf*yf;
231         p->co[qq] = cv; p->so[qq] = sv;
232         yo = yo*Nx5 + xo;
233         (p->aout[qq])[n] = (MYFLT)((1.0-xf-yf+xyf)*u[yo]+
234                                    (yf-xyf)*u[Nx5+yo]+
235                                    (xf-xyf)*u[1+yo]+
236                                    xyf*u[1+Nx5+yo])/FL(25.0);
237       }
238       {
239         double *tmp = u2;      /* cycle U*/
240         u2 = u1;
241         u1 = u;
242         u = tmp;
243       }
244     }
245     p->u = u; p->u1 = u1; p->u2 = u2;
246     return OK;
247 }
249 static OENTRY localops[] =
250   {
251    { "platerev", sizeof(PLATE), 0, 3, "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm",
252      "iikiiiiy",
253      (SUBR) platerev_init, (SUBR) platerev
254   },
255 };