3--midi-key-cps=4 --midi-velocity=5
7; by Sean Costello, August 23-26, 1999
8; GUI and some additions by Josep M Comajuncosas, July 2001
9; CsoundQt version by Andres Cabrera 2010
11sr = 44100
12ksmps = 128
13nchnls = 2
140dbfs = 1
16gasig2 init 0	; global variable to send pulse waves to ensemble section
17ga2 init 0	; global variable to send output of ensemble to reverb
20instr 1	; Used to generate simple sawtooth-like waveforms
22ifreq  = 440 * 2 ^((p4 -69)/12)
23print ifreq
24iharms=(sr*.4) / ifreq	; Limits number of harmonics in bandlimited
25			; pulse waveform
27asig	gbuzz	1, ifreq, iharms, 1, .9, 2
28kenv 	madsr	1, 0,1,1.5
30aout = kenv * asig * .45
31; The output of instr 19 is sent to the "ensemble" chorusing
32; section. None of the dry signal will be heard in the output.
33gasig2 = gasig2 + aout
38instr 22	; Ensemble section. Takes static sawtooth waves,
39		; and produces an animated flanged/chorused/vibratoed
40		; output. The phase shifter follows the output
41		; of the ensemble.
43kVcf1 invalue "Vcf1"
44kVcf2 invalue "Vcf2"
45kLfoWave invalue "LfoWave"
46kLfoDepth invalue "LfoDepth"
47kLfoFreq invalue "LfoFreq"
48kPhFreq invalue "PhFreq"
49kPhFdbk invalue "PhFdbk"
50kPhQ invalue "PhQ"
51kPhStages invalue "PhStages"
52kPhSep invalue "PhSep"
54ivib = p4 * .00025	; Determines amount of pitch change/vibrato/
55		; chorusing. A value of 1 gives moderately thick
56		; chorusing, without excessive vibrato. Vary this
57		; according to taste.
60ktimea	oscil	4, 0.33, 1
61ktimeb	oscil	4, 0.33, 1, .333
62ktimec	oscil	4, 0.33, 1, .667
64ktimed	oscil	1, 5.5, 1
65ktimee	oscil	1, 5.5, 1, .333
66ktimef	oscil	1, 5.5, 1, .667
69ktime1 = (ktimea + ktimed) * ivib
70ktime2 = (ktimeb + ktimee) * ivib
71ktime3 = (ktimec + ktimef) * ivib
74adummy	delayr	.030
75asig1	deltap3	ktime1 + .012
76asig2	deltap3	ktime2 + .012
77asig3 	deltap3	ktime3 + .012
78	delayw	gasig2
80aVcfIn = (asig1 + asig2 + asig3) * .01
82klow limit 1-kVcf2,0,1
83kband mirror kVcf2,0,1
84khigh limit kVcf2-1,0,1
86alow, ahigh, aband	svfilter	aVcfIn, kVcf1, 10
87aPhaserIn mac klow,alow,kband,aband,khigh,ahigh
89outs aband, aband
92ilfowave = 10+i(kLfoWave)
93klfofrq	oscil	kLfoDepth, kLfoFreq, ilfowave,-1
94rigoto end
96igoto skip0
97if ilfowave == kLfoWave kgoto skip0
98reinit lfo
101kmod	= kPhFreq*(1+klfofrq)
102kmod limit kmod,20,sr/4
106istages = i(kPhStages)
108aphs	phaser2 aPhaserIn, kmod, kPhQ, istages, 2, kPhSep, kPhFdbk
109	aout2=(aPhaserIn + aphs) * .5
112igoto skip1
113if istages == kPhStages kgoto skip1
114reinit phaser
117ga2 = ga2 + aout2
120gasig2 = 0
125instr 99	; Simple implementation of Feedback Delay Network (FDN)
126		; reverb, as described by John Stautner and Miller
127		; Puckette, "Designing Multi-Channel Reverberators,"
129kRevWet invalue "RevWet"
130kRevSize invalue "RevSize"
131kRevColor invalue "RevColor"
133atap	multitap ga2, 0.00043, 0.0215, 0.00268, 0.0298, 0.00485, 0.0572, 0.00595, 0.0708, 0.00741, 0.0797, 0.0142, 0.134, 0.0217, 0.181, 0.0272, 0.192, 0.0379, 0.346, 0.0841, 0.504
135aRvb_FreeL, aRvb_FreeR freeverb ga2, ga2, kRevSize, kRevColor
137outs aRvb_FreeL*kRevWet + ga2*(1-kRevWet), aRvb_FreeR*kRevWet + ga2*(1-kRevWet)
139ga2 = 0
146f1 0 32768 10 1		; Sine wave for delay line modulation
147f2 0 8192 9 1 1 .25		; Cosine wave for gbuzz
149;several shapes for the lfo
150f10 0 32768 10 1;sine
151f11 0 32768 7 0 15360 1 2048 -1 15360 0;saw up
152f12 0 32768 7 0 15360 -1 2048 1 15360 0;saw down
153f13 0 32768 7 0 8192 1 8192 0 8192 -1 8192 0;triangle
155; freeverb time constants, as direct (negative) sample, with arbitrary gains
156f71 0 16   -2  -1116 -1188 -1277 -1356 -1422 -1491 -1557 -1617  0.8  0.79  0.78  0.77  0.76  0.75  0.74  0.73
157f72 0 16   -2  -556 -441 -341 -225 0.7  0.72  0.74  0.76
159; Global instrument for ensemble/phaser effect. p4 sets amount
160; of pitch change in chorusing.
161f0 3600
162i22 0 3600 .9
164; Global instrument for reverb.
165i99 0 3600 .93 1.2 1 7000 1
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