6sr = 44100
7ksmps = 16
8nchnls = 2
90dbfs = 1
11/*****Playing a soundfile 1a: simple play from the Harddisk*****/
12;written by joachim heintz and andres cabrera
13;mar 2009
15instr 1
16	Sfile		invalue		"_Browse1"
17	kskip		invalue		"skip"
18	kloop		invalue		"loop"
19	ichn		filenchnls		Sfile; check if mono or stereo
20	if ichn == 1 then		;mono
21		aL	diskin2	Sfile, 1, i(kskip), i(kloop), 0, 1
22		aR	=	aL
23	else				;stereo
24		aL, aR	diskin2		Sfile, 1, i(kskip), i(kloop), 0, 1
25	endif
26	outs	aL, aR
29instr 2
30	turnoff2		1, 0, 0
35f 0 36000; don't listen to music longer than 10 hours
40 <label>Widgets</label>
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51  <b>129</b>
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76   <b>229</b>
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88  <midichan>0</midichan>
89  <midicc>-3</midicc>
90  <type>value</type>
91  <pressedValue>1.00000000</pressedValue>
92  <stringvalue>/home/linux/Joachim/Materialien/SamplesKlangbearbeitung/PassageStereo.aiff</stringvalue>
93  <text>Open File</text>
94  <image>/</image>
95  <eventLine/>
96  <latch>false</latch>
97  <latched>false</latched>
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99 <bsbObject version="2" type="BSBButton">
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107  <midichan>0</midichan>
108  <midicc>-3</midicc>
109  <type>event</type>
110  <pressedValue>1.00000000</pressedValue>
111  <stringvalue/>
112  <text>Play</text>
113  <image>/</image>
114  <eventLine>i 1 0 9999</eventLine>
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116  <latched>false</latched>
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130  <stringvalue/>
131  <text>Stop</text>
132  <image>/</image>
133  <eventLine>i 2 0 .1</eventLine>
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135  <latched>false</latched>
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152   <g>0</g>
153   <b>0</b>
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158   <b>255</b>
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162  <maximum>1e+12</maximum>
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164  <value>0</value>
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166 <bsbObject version="2" type="BSBCheckBox">
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171  <height>20</height>
172  <uuid>{7ec06e33-7ec2-47f9-84dd-e4966aea301e}</uuid>
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174  <midichan>0</midichan>
175  <midicc>-3</midicc>
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177  <label/>
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179  <randomizable group="0">false</randomizable>
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188  <visible>true</visible>
189  <midichan>0</midichan>
190  <midicc>-3</midicc>
191  <label>skiptime</label>
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193  <font>Lucida Grande</font>
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197   <r>0</r>
198   <g>0</g>
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217  <visible>true</visible>
218  <midichan>0</midichan>
219  <midicc>-3</midicc>
220  <label>loop</label>
221  <alignment>center</alignment>
222  <font>Lucida Grande</font>
223  <fontsize>14</fontsize>
224  <precision>3</precision>
225  <color>
226   <r>0</r>
227   <g>0</g>
228   <b>0</b>
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231   <r>255</r>
232   <g>255</g>
233   <b>255</b>
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246  <visible>true</visible>
247  <midichan>0</midichan>
248  <midicc>-3</midicc>
249  <label>SIMPLE SOUNDFILE PLAYER</label>
250  <alignment>center</alignment>
251  <font>Lucida Grande</font>
252  <fontsize>26</fontsize>
253  <precision>3</precision>
254  <color>
255   <r>0</r>
256   <g>0</g>
257   <b>0</b>
258  </color>
259  <bgcolor mode="nobackground">
260   <r>255</r>
261   <g>255</g>
262   <b>255</b>
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273  <height>43</height>
274  <uuid>{f68bb6d7-40f4-4f54-828c-78734025d499}</uuid>
275  <visible>true</visible>
276  <midichan>0</midichan>
277  <midicc>-3</midicc>
278  <label>(playing from the hard disk)</label>
279  <alignment>center</alignment>
280  <font>Lucida Grande</font>
281  <fontsize>22</fontsize>
282  <precision>3</precision>
283  <color>
284   <r>0</r>
285   <g>0</g>
286   <b>0</b>
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291   <b>255</b>
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304  <visible>true</visible>
305  <midichan>0</midichan>
306  <midicc>0</midicc>
307  <label>This simple example shows how a mono or stereo soundfile can be played in Csound directly from the hard disk.
308Note that the sample rate of the file is NOT converted to the orchestra sample rate!</label>
309  <alignment>center</alignment>
310  <font>DejaVu Sans</font>
311  <fontsize>14</fontsize>
312  <precision>3</precision>
313  <color>
314   <r>0</r>
315   <g>0</g>
316   <b>0</b>
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320   <g>255</g>
321   <b>255</b>
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336  <midicc>-3</midicc>
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339  <zoomx>2.00000000</zoomx>
340  <zoomy>1.00000000</zoomy>
341  <dispx>1.00000000</dispx>
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353  <midichan>0</midichan>
354  <midicc>-3</midicc>
355  <value>2.00000000</value>
356  <type>scope</type>
357  <zoomx>2.00000000</zoomx>
358  <zoomy>1.00000000</zoomy>
359  <dispx>1.00000000</dispx>
360  <dispy>1.00000000</dispy>
361  <mode>0.00000000</mode>
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