1Most of the known bugs revolve around things that aren't sufficiently
2error-checked. Here's the biggest examples:
4* If you use the Internet with dcd, to download track lists from the CD
5  Index, who knows what could happen. Not everything is checked as well as
6  it could be. (This is even more true now, since there's enough code in
7  the strangely-named "libmusicbrainz" that I can't comfortably wrap my
8  brain around it all. And it does all the network stuff now.)
10* The `quit' code, to inhibit the normal exit of dcd, isn't thoroughly tested.
12* More than a few people have reported strangeness with the `info'
13  command, reporting the drive is not playing when it clearly is.
14  Unfortunately, some (many?) CD-ROM drives don't properly support the
15  status-request command. I've tried to work around this, but the new
16  strangeness isn't any better (for many people, dcd will report the CD-ROM
17  is playing when it isn't). You can't win.