2/* faustxml.pure: Parse a Faust XML or JSON file. */
4/* Copyright (c) 2009-2014 by Albert Graef.
6   This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
7   terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
8   Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
10   This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
12   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
13   more details.
15   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16   with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
18using dict, regex, system, xml;
19namespace faustxml;
21/* .. default-domain:: pure
22   .. module:: faustxml
23   .. namespace:: faustxml
25   Appendix: faustxml
26   ==================
28   The faustxml module is provided along with faust2pd to retrieve the
29   description of a Faust DSP from its XML or JSON file as a data structure
30   which is ready to be processed by Pure programs. It may also be useful in
31   other Pure applications which need to inspect descriptions of Faust DSPs.
33   The main entry point is the :func:`info` function which takes the name of a
34   Faust-generated XML or JSON file as argument and returns a tuple ``(name,
35   descr, version, in, out, controls, options)`` with the name, description,
36   version, number of inputs and outputs, control descriptions and faust2pd
37   options (from the global meta data of the dsp module). A couple of other
38   convenience functions are provided to deal with the control descriptions.
40   Usage
41   -----
43   Use the following declaration to import this module in your programs::
45     using faustxml;
47   For convenience, you can also use the following to get access to the
48   module's namespace::
50     using namespace faustxml;
52   Data Structure
53   --------------
55   The following constructors are used to represent the UI controls of Faust
56   DSPs:
58   .. constructor:: button label
59      		    checkbox label
61      A button or checkbox with the given label.
63   .. constructor:: nentry (label,init,min,max,step)
64      		    vslider (label,init,min,max,step)
65		    hslider (label,init,min,max,step)
67      A numeric input control with the given label, initial value, range and
68      stepwidth.
70   .. constructor:: vbargraph (label,min,max)
71      		    hbargraph (label,min,max)
73      A numeric output control with the given label and range.
75   .. constructor:: vgroup (label,controls)
76      		    hgroup (label,controls)
77		    tgroup (label,controls)
79      A group with the given label and list of controls in the group. */
81nonfix button checkbox nentry vslider hslider vbargraph hbargraph
82  vgroup hgroup tgroup;
84public controlp;
86/* ..
88   Operations
89   ----------
91   .. function:: controlp x
93      Check for control description values. */
95controlp x
96= case x of
97    button _ | checkbox _ | nentry _ | vslider _ | hslider _ |
98    vbargraph _ | hbargraph _ | vgroup _ | hgroup _ | tgroup _ = true;
99    _ = false;
100  end;
102/* .. function:: control_type x
103      		 control_label x
104		 control_args x
106      Access functions for the various components of a control description. */
108public control_type control_label control_args;
110control_type x@(f@_ _) = f if controlp x;
112control_label x@(_ label::string) |
113control_label x@(_ (label,_)) = label if controlp x;
115control_args x@(_ _::string) = () if controlp x;
116control_args x@(_ (_,args)) = args if controlp x;
118/* .. function:: controls x
120      This function returns a flat representation of a control group ``x`` as
121      a list of basic control descriptions, which provides a quick way to
122      access all the control values of a Faust DSP. The grouping controls
123      themselves are omitted. You can pass the last component of the return
124      value of the :func:`info` function to this function. */
126public controls;
128controls x@(_ args)
129= case args of
130    _,ctrls = catmap controls ctrls if listp ctrls;
131    _ = [x] otherwise;
132  end if controlp x;
134/* .. function:: pcontrols x
136      Works like the :func:`controls` function above, but also replaces the label of
137      each basic control with a fully qualified path consisting of all control
138      labels leading up to the given control. Thus, e.g., the label of a
139      slider ``"gain"`` inside a group ``"voice#0"`` inside the main
140      ``"faust"`` group will be denoted by the label
141      ``"faust/voice#0/gain"``. */
143public pcontrols;
145pcontrols x = controls "" x with
146  controls path (f@_ (label::string,args))
147			= catmap (controls (join path label)) args
148			    if listp args;
149			= [f (join path label,args)];
150  controls path (f@_ label::string)
151			= [f (join path label)];
152  join "" s		|
153  join s ""		= s;
154  join s t		= s+"/"+t otherwise;
155end if controlp x;
157/* .. function:: info fname
159      Extract the description of a Faust DSP from its XML or JSON file. This
160      is the main entry point. Returns a tuple with the name, description and
161      version of the DSP, as well as the number of inputs and outputs, the
162      toplevel group with all the control descriptions, and additional
163      faust2pd-specific options specified in the global meta data. Raises an
164      exception if the XML/JSON file doesn't exist or contains invalid
165      contents.
167   Example::
169     > using faustxml;
170     > let name,descr,version,in,out,group,opts =
171     >   faustxml::info "examples/basic/freeverb.dsp.xml";
172     > name,descr,version,in,out;
173     "freeverb","freeverb -- a Schroeder reverb","1.0",2,2
174     > using system;
175     > do (puts.str) $ faustxml::pcontrols group;
176     faustxml::hslider ("freeverb/damp",0.5,0.0,1.0,0.025)
177     faustxml::hslider ("freeverb/roomsize",0.5,0.0,1.0,0.025)
178     faustxml::hslider ("freeverb/wet",0.3333,0.0,1.0,0.025)
180   Note: As of faust2pd 2.11, the :func:`info` function can also process
181   descriptions in JSON format (as obtained with ``faust -json`` in recent
182   Faust versions). Moreover, instead of a JSON file you may also specify the
183   URL of a running Faust dsp instance (typically something like
184   ``http://localhost:5510``). This works with stand-alone Faust applications
185   which have httpd support enabled (created with, e.g., ``faust2jaqt
186   -httpd``), as well as dsp instances running in Grame's FaustLive
187   application. You also need to have the ``curl`` program installed to make
188   this work.
190   The latter currently has some minor limitations. Specifically, the
191   httpd/JSON interface only provides the name of a running dsp; the
192   description, version and other global meta data is not available. In the
193   current implementation, we therefore set the description to the name of the
194   dsp, and the version and auxiliary faust2pd options to empty strings in
195   this case.
197   Furthermore, the :func:`info` function can also be invoked with a special
198   URL of the form ``http://localhost:7777/availableInterfaces`` to retrieve
199   the list of dsp instances running in a (local or remote) FaustLive
200   instance. (Replace ``localhost`` with the hostname or IP address and
201   ``7777`` with the actual port number as necessary. FaustLive's default port
202   is usually ``7777``, but you should check the actual IP address with
203   FaustLive's ``Window / View QRcode`` option.) The result is a list of hash
204   pairs of names and URLs of dsp instances which can be queried for their
205   JSON data.
209public info;
211private pathname basename extension trim str_val tree node;
212private parse_json parse parse_doc parse_node parse_prop parse_type
213  parse_control make_control parse_group make_group;
215info fname::string
216= case regex "^([a-z]+)://(.*)$" REG_EXTENDED fname 0 of
217  // Check for JSON URL, retrieve with curl.
218  1,_,url,_,ty,_,path = case fget (popen ("curl -s "+url) "r") of
219    // list of available dsps in a FaustLive instance
220    s::string = res when
221      data = check s;
222      url = pathname fname;
223      // sort by port numbers
224      res = sort cmp [name=>port | name=>(port:_) = data] with
225	cmp (_=>p1) (_=>p2)
226	= v1 < v2 if intp v1 && intp v2 when
227	  v1 = val p1; v2 = val p2;
228	end;
229	// Presumably the port numbers are integers, but if they aren't then
230	// we can still compare them lexicographically as strings instead.
231	= p1 < p2 otherwise;
232      end;
233      // add URL prefix
234      res = [name=>url+"/"+port | name=>port = res];
235    end if lst == "availableInterfaces";
236    // ordinary JSON data with dsp description
237    s::string = name,parse_json data when
238      data = check s;
239      name = catch (cst "") (data!"name");
240    end;
241    _ = throw ("could not retrieve "+url) otherwise;
242  end when
243    ty == "http" || throw "unkown URL type (must be http)";
244    lst = if null path then "" else last (split "/" path);
245    url = if lst == "JSON" then url else url+"/JSON";
246  end;
247  // Check for JSON file.
248  _ = case fget (fopen fname "r") of
249    s::string = basename fname,parse_json (check s);
250    _ = throw "could not open JSON file" otherwise;
251  end if extension fname == "json";
252  // Check for XML file.
253  _ = case xml::load_file fname 0 of
254    doc = name,descr,info,opts when
255      name = basename fname; descr,info = parse name doc;
256      descr = if null descr then name else descr;
257      // Custom global meta data is not available in the XML file.
258      opts = [];
259    end if xml::docp doc;
260    _ = throw "could not open XML file" otherwise;
261  end if extension fname == "xml";
262  _ = throw ("unkown file type '"+extension fname+"' (must be json or xml)");
263end with
264  // Trivial JSON parser. Since JSON syntax is valid Pure syntax, we can just
265  // let 'val' do the job, and then convert JSON dictionaries to Pure records
266  // for easier access.
267  check s = case json (val s) of
268    data::smatrix = data;
269    _ = throw "invalid JSON data" otherwise;
270  end;
271  json x::smatrix = record {key=>json val | key:val = x};
272  json x::list = map json x;
273  json x = x otherwise;
276/* Private operations. *******************************************************/
278/* Determine the pathname of a file (strip off filename and extension). */
280pathname s::string
281= s when
282  s::string = join "/" (if null s then [] else init $ split "/" s);
285/* Determine the basename of a file (strip off path and extension). */
287basename s::string
288= s when
289  s::string = if null s then "" else last $ split "/" s;
290  s::string = if null s then "" else head $ split "." s;
293/* Determine the extension of a file (strip off path and filename). */
295extension s::string
296= s when
297  s::string = if null s then "" else last $ split "/" s;
298  s::string = if null s || index s "." < 0 then "" else last $ split "." s;
301/* Remove leading and trailing whitespace. */
303trim s::string = regex "^[ \t\n]*((.|\n)*[^ \t\n])[ \t\n]*$" REG_EXTENDED
304		 s 0!4;
306/* Parse a string value. */
308str_val s::string
309= case eval (sprintf "quote (%s)" s) of
310    s::string = s;
311    _ = s otherwise;
312  end;
314/* Helper function to parse the contents of a Faust JSON file. */
316parse_json data::smatrix = name,version,in,out,
317  catch (\_ -> throw "invalid JSON data") (parse (data!"ui"!0)), opts
319  parse x = case ty of
320    "vgroup" | "hgroup" | "tgroup" = (tyval ty) (label,map parse (x!"items"));
321    "button" | "checkbox" = (tyval ty) label;
322    "nentry" | "vslider" | "hslider" = (tyval ty) (label,args) when
323      args = tuple (map (double.val) (x!!["init","min","max","step"]));
324    end;
325    "vbargraph" | "hbargraph" = (tyval ty) (label,args) when
326      args = tuple (map (double.val) (x!!["min","max"]));
327    end;
328  end when
329    ty = x!"type";
330    label = x!"label";
331  end;
332  tyval ty = val ("faustxml::"+ty);
333end when
334  name = catch (cst "") (data!"name");
335  meta = catch (cst {}) (data!"meta");
336  // At present, the global meta data is encoded as a list of dictionaries,
337  // turn it into a single dictionary for convenience.
338  meta = if recordp meta then meta else colcat meta;
339  recordp meta || throw "invalid JSON data";
340  version = catch (cst "") (meta!"version");
341  // As of faust2pd 2.11, we allow faust2pd options to be specified in the
342  // Faust source in one chunk using the global 'faust2pd' meta data key.
343  opts = catch (cst [])
344    (regsplit "[[:space:]]+" REG_EXTENDED (meta!"faust2pd") 0);
345  // For compatibility with pd-faust and older faust2pd versions, we also
346  // still allow options to be specified using 'pd' meta data on the toplevel
347  // group.
348  meta_ui = catch (cst {}) (data!"ui"!0!"meta");
349  opts_ui = map ("--"+) (cat (map (list.(!!["pd"])) meta_ui));
350  opts = opts+opts_ui;
351  in = catch (cst 0) (val (data!"inputs"));
352  out = catch (cst 0) (val (data!"outputs"));
355/* Generate a tree representation of an entire XML document, or the subtree of
356   an XML document rooted at a given node. */
358tree doc::pointer = tree (xml::root doc) if xml::docp doc;
359tree n::pointer = node (xml::node_info n)
360		  [tree m | m = xml::children n; ~xml::is_blank_node m]
361		    if xml::nodep n;
363/* Helper functions to parse the contents of a Faust XML file. */
365parse nm doc
366= case map (map tree . xml::select doc)
367       ["/faust/name","/faust/version",
368	"/faust/inputs","/faust/outputs",
369	"/faust/ui/activewidgets/widget",
370	"/faust/ui/passivewidgets/widget",
371	"/faust/ui/layout/group"] of
372    [[name],[version],[in],[out],active,passive,layout] =
373      parse_doc nm (name,version,in,out,active+passive,layout);
374    _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
375  end;
377private extern int atoi(char*);
378private extern double atof(char*);
380parse_doc nm (node (xml::element "name" _ _) name,
381	      node (xml::element "version" _ _) version,
382	      node (xml::element "inputs" _ _) in,
383	      node (xml::element "outputs" _ _) out,
384	      controls,layout)
385= case map (parse_group 0 nm (dict controls)) layout of
386    [controls] = (name,version,in,out,controls);
387    _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
388  end when
389    [name,version,in,out] = map parse_node [name,version,in,out];
390    [name,version] = map (parse_prop.trim) [name,version];
391    [in,out] = map atoi [in,out];
392    controls = map (parse_control nm) controls;
393  end;
394parse_doc _ _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
396parse_node [node (xml::text s::string) _] = s;
397parse_node [] = "";
398parse_node _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
400parse_prop s
401= case s of
402    "Unknow" = ""; // sic! (old Faust versions)
403    "Unknown" = "";
404    _::string = str_val s;
405    _ = "" otherwise;
406  end;
408parse_type s::string = eval $ "faustxml::"+s;
410using system;
411check_label 0 nm "0x00" = nm;
412check_label 0 nm "" = nm;
413check_label _ _ "" = "";
414check_label _ _ s = s otherwise;
416parse_control nm (node (xml::element "widget" _ attrs) params)
417= case attrs!!["type","id"]+params!!["label"] of
418    [ty,id,label] =
419      make_control (atoi id) ty (check_label 1 nm (str_val label)) params;
420    _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
421  end when
422    attrs = dict attrs; params = dict $ map param params with
423      param (node (xml::element name::string _ _) val)
424      = name=>val if stringp val when val = parse_node val end;
425      param _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
426    end;
427  end;
428parse_control _ _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
430make_control id ty label params
431= id => parse_type ty label if any ((==)ty) ["button","checkbox"];
432= case params!!["init","min","max","step"] of
433    res@[init,min,max,step] =
434      id => parse_type ty (label,tuple (map atof res));
435    _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
436  end if any ((==)ty) ["vslider","hslider","nentry"];
437= case params!!["min","max"] of
438    res@[min,max] =
439      id => parse_type ty (label,tuple (map atof res));
440    _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
441  end if any ((==)ty) ["vbargraph","hbargraph"];
442make_control _ _ _ _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
444parse_group lev nm cdict (node (xml::element "group" _ attrs) params)
445= case attrs!!["type"] of
446    [ty] = make_group lev nm cdict ty params;
447    _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
448  end when attrs = dict attrs end;
449parse_group lev nm cdict (node (xml::element "widgetref" _ ["id"=>id::string]) [])
450= case cdict!![atoi id] of [c] = c; _ = throw "invalid XML data"; end;
451parse_group _ _ _ _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
453make_group lev nm cdict ty (node (xml::element "label" _ _) label:params)
454= case parse_type ty (check_label lev nm (str_val label),
455		      map (parse_group (lev+1) nm cdict) params) of
456    c = c if stringp label && controlp c;
457    _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;
458  end when label = parse_node label end;
459make_group _ _ _ _ _ = throw "invalid XML data" otherwise;