1 cfg_net! {
2     use crate::net::addr::{self, ToSocketAddrs};
4     use std::io;
5     use std::net::SocketAddr;
7     /// Performs a DNS resolution.
8     ///
9     /// The returned iterator may not actually yield any values depending on the
10     /// outcome of any resolution performed.
11     ///
12     /// This API is not intended to cover all DNS use cases. Anything beyond the
13     /// basic use case should be done with a specialized library.
14     ///
15     /// # Examples
16     ///
17     /// To resolve a DNS entry:
18     ///
19     /// ```no_run
20     /// use tokio::net;
21     /// use std::io;
22     ///
23     /// #[tokio::main]
24     /// async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
25     ///     for addr in net::lookup_host("localhost:3000").await? {
26     ///         println!("socket address is {}", addr);
27     ///     }
28     ///
29     ///     Ok(())
30     /// }
31     /// ```
32     pub async fn lookup_host<T>(host: T) -> io::Result<impl Iterator<Item = SocketAddr>>
33     where
34         T: ToSocketAddrs
35     {
36         addr::to_socket_addrs(host).await
37     }
38 }