1 /**
2    @file
3    @ingroup interface
4    @brief    Front end interface structure definitions and handlers.
6    This header contains the front-end interface structures and handlers
7    for libbpm. They define a set of user friendly structures like
8    bpmconf_t, bpmcalib_t, beamconf_t etc... to work with the bpm data.
9 */
11 /** @addtogroup interface */
12 /** @{ */
14 #ifndef BPMINTERFACE_H__
15 #define BPMINTERFACE_H__
17 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 // includes
19 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
20 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <string.h>
23 #include <bpm/bpm_defs.h>
24 #include <bpm/bpm_wf.h>
25 #include <bpm/bpm_dsp.h>
27 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 // macro definitions
29 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
31 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 // typedefs, enums and other declarations
33 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
34 #ifdef __cplusplus
35 extern "C" {
36 #endif
38   /**
39      BPM cavity ( of better signal ) type
40   */
41   enum bpmtype_t  {
42     diode,           /**< rectified bpm signal ( trigger pulse )                         */
43     monopole,        /**< reference cavity signal ( monopole )                           */
44     dipole           /**< position sentivive cavity signal ( dipole )                    */
45   };
47   /**
48      Diode behavior type
49   */
50   enum triggertype {
51     positive,        /**< Positive half-period of the waveform is detected               */
52     negative,        /**< Negative half-period of the waveform is detected               */
53     bipolar          /**< The both half-periods are detected                             */
54   };
56   /**
57      BPM polarisation plane, basically a difficult way to say x or y ;)
58   */
59   enum bpmpol_t   {
60     horiz,           /**< Horizontal plane, or x in most cases                           */
61     vert             /**< Vertical plane, or y in most cases                             */
62   };
64   /**
65      BPM electronics phase lock type
66   */
67   enum bpmphase_t {
68     randomised,      /**< unlocked phase                                                 */
69     locked           /**< locked phase                                                   */
70   };
73   typedef struct bpmconf   bpmconf_t;    /**< type definition for BPM configuration      */
74   typedef struct bpmcalib  bpmcalib_t;   /**< type definition for calibrations           */
75   typedef struct bpmproc   bpmproc_t;    /**< type definition for processed BPM signals  */
76   typedef struct beamconf  beamconf_t;   /**< type definition for beam configurations    */
77   typedef struct bunchconf bunchconf_t;  /**< type definition for bunch configurations   */
78   typedef struct bpmmode   bpmmode_t;
79   typedef struct rfmodel   rfmodel_t;
81   typedef enum   triggertype triggertype_t;
83   /**
84      Structure containing the BPM configuration
85   */
86   struct bpmconf {
87     char     name[20];              /**< a BPM should have a name                        */
89     enum bpmtype_t  cav_type;         /**< BPM type                                      */
90     enum bpmpol_t   cav_polarisation; /**< BPM polarisation                              */
91     enum bpmphase_t cav_phasetype;    /**< BPM phase type                                */
93     rfmodel_t *cav_model;
94     double     cav_length;          /**< length of the cavity                            */
95     double     cav_freq;            /**< cavity freq (MHz)                               */
96     double     cav_decaytime;       /**< cavity decay time (microsec)                    */
97     double     cav_phase;           /**< phase advance wrt. reference (fixed or random)  */
98     double     cav_iqrotation;      /**< cavity IQ rotation                              */
99     double     cav_chargesens;      /**< charge sensitivity (volt/nC)                    */
100     double     cav_possens;         /**< pos sensitivity at 1.6nC charge (volt/micron)   */
101     double     cav_tiltsens;        /**< tilt sensitivity at 1.6nC charge (volt/micron)  */
103     double     rf_LOfreq;           /**< LO frequency to mix down with (in MHz)          */
105     // digitisation configuration parameters
106     double     digi_trigtimeoffset; /**< time (usec) to offset bunch arrival times by    */
107     double     digi_freq;           /**< digitization frequency (MHz)                    */
108     int        digi_nbits;          /**< number of bits in ADC for digitisation          */
109     int        digi_nsamples;       /**< number of samples in ADC digitisation           */
110     double     digi_ampnoise;       /**< amplitude noise in ADC channels (pedestal width)*/
111     int        digi_voltageoffset;  /**< voltage offset (pedestal position) in counts    */
112     double     digi_phasenoise;     /**< phase noise                                     */
115     /* ------------------- normal waveform processing parameters ----------------------- */
116     double     t0;                  /**< start time of pulse                             */
118     // ddc processing configuration parameters
119     double     ddc_freq;            /**< Frequency of downmixed waveform (MHz)           */
120     double     ddc_tdecay;          /**< Decay time (usec)                               */
121     double     ddc_tOffset;         /**< Always have offset from t0 for sampling !!!     */
122     filter_t  *ddc_filter;          /**< DDC 2 omega filter                              */
124     // fit processing configuration parameters
125     double     fit_inifreq;         /**< Initial frequency for fitting                   */
126     double     fit_initdecay;       /**< Initial decay time for fitting                  */
127     double     fit_tOffset;         /**< Offset from t0 to start fitting                 */
129     /* -------------------- caltone waveform processing parameters --------------------- */
130     double     ddc_ct_freq;        /**< caltone frequency for the ddc algorithm          */
131     filter_t  *ddc_ct_filter;      /**< filter for the caltone ddc                       */
132     int        ddc_ct_iSample;     /**< sample number to sample from ddc for amp/phase   */
135     /* -------------------- geometry of the BPM in the beamline ------------------------ */
136     double     geom_pos[3];         /**< position of the BPM in the beamline             */
137     double     geom_tilt[3];        /**< tilt of the BPM (0: xrot, 1: yrot, 2: zrot)     */
139     /* --------------------- indices to use for user programs -------------------------- */
140     int        ref_idx;             /**< reference cavity index for this BPM             */
141     int        diode_idx;           /**< reference diode index for this BPM              */
142     int        forced_trigger;      /**< this cavity is abused as trigger signal         */
144     /* ------------------------- some processing buffers ------------------------------- */
145     doublewf_t* ddc_buffer_re;      /**< pointer to a doublewf_t buffer                  */
146     doublewf_t* ddc_buffer_im;      /**< pointer to a doublewf_t buffer                  */
147   };
149   /**
150      A structure containing the calibration information : purely calibration !
151   */
152   struct bpmcalib {
153     // ddc calibration constants
154     double    ddc_IQphase;     /**< processed IQ phase for the ddc routine               */
155     double    ddc_posscale;    /**< processed position scale for the ddc routine         */
156     double    ddc_slopescale;  /**< processed slope scale for the fit routine            */
157     double    ddc_ct_amp;      /**< calibration tone amplitude at time of calibration    */
158     double    ddc_ct_phase;    /**< calibration tone phase at time of calibration        */
160     // fit calibration constants
161     double    fit_IQphase;     /**< processed IQ phase for the fit routine               */
162     double    fit_posscale;    /**< position scale for the fit routine                   */
163     double    fit_slopescale;  /**< slope scale for the fit routine                      */
164     double    fit_ct_amp;      /**< calibration tone amplitude at time of calibration    */
165     double    fit_ct_phase;    /**< calibration tone phase at time of calibration        */
166   };
168   /**
169      A structure containing the processed waveform information
170   */
171   struct bpmproc {
172     double   ampnoise;        /**< calculated (processed) amplitude noise                */
173     double   voltageoffset;   /**< calculated voltage offset                             */
175     double   t0;              /**< trigger t0 for int, copied from bpmconf_t::t0 for ext */
177     int      saturated;       /**< this signal was saturated                             */
178     int      iunsat;          /**< the last unsaturated sample index                     */
180     complexwf_t *dc;          /**< The signal's DC waveform                              */
181     complexwf_t *ft;          /**< The signal's fourier transform                        */
183     // FFT parameters
184     int      fft_success;     /**< do we have proper fft info ?                          */
185     double   fft_amp;         /**< amplitude of fft                                      */
186     double   fft_freq;        /**< frequency obtained from fft (MHz)                     */
187     double   fft_tdecay;      /**< decay time obtained from fft (usec)                   */
188     double   fft_offset;      /**< offset of fft in fit                                  */
190     // DDC parameters
191     int      ddc_success;     /**< do we have proper ddc info ?                          */
192     double   ddc_tSample;     /**< time at which the ddc was sampled, t0+t0Offset        */
193     int      ddc_iSample;     /**< index of sample at which ddc sample was taken         */
194     double   ddc_Q;           /**< ddc Q value                                           */
195     double   ddc_I;           /**< ddc I value                                           */
196     double   ddc_amp;         /**< downconverted amplitude                               */
197     double   ddc_phase;       /**< downconverted phase                                   */
198     double   ddc_tdecay;      /**< downconverted decay time of waveform                  */
200     double   ddc_pos;         /**< calculated position from ddc                          */
201     double   ddc_slope;       /**< calculated slope from ddc                             */
203     double   ddc_ct_amp;      /**< last measured calibration tone amplitude for this bpm */
204     double   ddc_ct_phase;    /**< last measured calibration tone phase for this bpm     */
206     // FIT parameters
207     int      fit_success;     /**< do we have proper fit info ?                          */
208     double   fit_Q;           /**< fit Q value                                           */
209     double   fit_I;           /**< fit I value                                           */
210     double   fit_amp;         /**< fitted amplitude                                      */
211     double   fit_phase;       /**< fitted phase                                          */
212     double   fit_freq;        /**< fitted frequency (MHz)                                */
213     double   fit_tdecay;      /**< fitted decay time of waveform (usec)                  */
214     double   fit_offset;      /**< fitted offset for waveform                            */
216     double   fit_pos;         /**< calculated position from fit                          */
217     double   fit_slope;       /**< calculated slope from fit                             */
219     double   fit_ct_amp;      /**< last measured calibration tone amplitude for this bpm */
220     double   fit_ct_phase;    /**< last measured calibration tone phase for this bpm     */
221   };
223   /**
224      This structure contains the global beam parameters as well as
225      a pointer to the array of bunches
226   */
227   struct beamconf {
228     int		  train_num;        /**< seq number of the train (evt num)               */
230     double        beamrate;         /**< beam repetition rate (train to train)           */
231     double        bunchrate;        /**< bunch repetition rate (in the train)            */
232     int           nbunches;         /**< number of bunches per train                     */
234     bunchconf_t  *bunch;            /**< list of pointers to the bunch conf structures   */
236     double        position[2];      /**< beam position at the origin                     */
237     double        positionsigma[2]; /**< position spread at the origin                   */
239     double        slope[2];         /**< beam slope at the origin                        */
240     double        slopesigma[2];    /**< slope spread at the origin                      */
242     double        tilt[2];          /**< bunch tilt at the origin                        */
243     double        tiltsigma[2];     /**< tilt spread at the origin                       */
245     double        bunchlength;      /**< bunch length at the origin                      */
246     double        bunchlengthsigma; /**< length spread at the origin                     */
248     double        energy;           /**< beam energy (in GeV) at the origin              */
249     double        energysigma;      /**< beam energy spread                              */
250     double        charge;           /**< bunch charge (in nC)                            */
251     double        chargesigma;      /**< charge spread                                   */
252   };
254   /**
255      This structure contains information on a single bunch inside the
256      bunchtrain, which has its own energy, internal energy spread, charge,
257      length, position/slope/tilt in the world coo frame and
258      position/slope/tilt in the BPM local coo frame.
259    */
260   struct bunchconf {
261     int      train_num;	      /**< seq number of the train this bunch belongs to         */
262     int      bunch_num;	      /**< seq number of the bunch in the train                  */
264     double   energy;          /**< energy of the bunch                                   */
265     double   energyspread;    /**< energy spread inside the bunch                        */
266     double   charge;
267     double   length;          /**< the bunch length                                      */
268     double   arrival_time;    /**< arrival time of bunch                                 */
269     double   position[2];     /**< the bunch position x,y at the bpm coo                 */
270     double   slope[2];        /**< the bunch slope x',y' at the bpm coo                  */
271     double   tilt[2];         /**< the bunch tilt x',y' at the bpm coo                   */
273     double   bpmposition[3];  /**< where the beam hits the BPM in the BPM local co       */
274     double   bpmslope[2];     /**< slope of beam through the BPM in BPM local co         */
275     double   bpmtilt[2];      /**< bunch tilt in the BPM local co                        */
276   };
278   /**
279      This structure defines a BPM resonant mode which is defined by
280      it's resonant frequency, Q factor and sensitivities to the
281      beam charge, slope and bunch tilt. */
282   struct bpmmode {
283     char          name[20];     /**< The name for the BPM mode, e.g "dipolex" */
284     double        frequency;    /**< The resonant frequency of the mode */
285     double        Q;            /**< The Q factor for the mode */
286     int           order;        /**< The mode order, 0:monopole, 1:dipole, 2:quadrupole... */
287     enum bpmpol_t polarisation; /**< The mode polarisation: horiz, vert */
288     double        sensitivity;  /**< The sensitivity of the mode, units depend on order */
289     complexwf_t   *response;    /**< Pointer to the mode response buffer */
290     doublewf_t    *buffer;      /**< Pointer to the mode's buffer */
291   };
293   /**
294      This structure contains the complete RF model for a BPM, which is
295      essentially a collection of it's resonant modes and sensitivities */
296   struct rfmodel {
297     char       name[20];        /**< A name for the cavity's RF model */
298     int        nmodes;          /**< The number of BPM modes in the model */
299     bpmmode_t *mode;            /**< A list of pointers to the array of modes */
300   };
305 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
306    function prototypes and declarations
307    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
308   EXTERN int bpm_verbose;    /**< be a bit verbose in libbpm */
309   EXTERN int libbpm_evtnum;  /**< the global event number in the processing */
312 #ifdef __cplusplus
313 }
314 #endif
317 #endif /* #ifndef BPMINTERFACE_H__ */
318 /*@}*/
319 /* ================================ end of file ============================= */