1 /***************************************************************************
2  *                                                                         *
3  *   LinuxSampler - modular, streaming capable sampler                     *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck   *
6  *   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Christian Schoenebeck                       *
7  *                                                                         *
8  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
9  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
10  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
11  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
12  *                                                                         *
13  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
14  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
16  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
17  *                                                                         *
18  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
19  *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           *
20  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,                 *
21  *   MA  02111-1307  USA                                                   *
22  ***************************************************************************/
24 #ifndef __RT_MATH_H__
25 #define __RT_MATH_H__
27 #include <math.h>
28 #include <stdint.h>
29 #include "global_private.h"
31 /// Needed for calculating frequency ratio used to pitch a sample
32 #define TWELVEHUNDREDTH_ROOT_OF_TWO	1.000577789506555
34 enum implementation_t {
35     CPP,
36     ASM_X86_MMX_SSE
37 };
39 /** @brief Real Time Math Base Class
40  *
41  * Math functions for real time operation. This base class contains all
42  * non-template methods.
43  */
44 class RTMathBase {
45     public:
46         /**
47          * High resolution time stamp.
48          */
49         typedef uint32_t time_stamp_t;
51         typedef uint64_t usecs_t;
53         /**
54          * We read the processor's cycle count register as a reference
55          * for the real time. These are of course only abstract values
56          * with arbitrary time entity, but that's not a problem as long
57          * as we calculate relatively.
58          *
59          * @see unsafeMicroSeconds()
60          */
61         static time_stamp_t CreateTimeStamp();
63         /**
64          * Calculates the frequency ratio for a pitch value given in cents
65          * (assuming equal tempered scale of course, divided into 12
66          * semitones per octave and 100 cents per semitone).
67          *
68          * Note: CONFIG_MAX_PITCH (defined in config.h) has to be defined to an
69          * appropriate value, otherwise the behavior of this function is
70          * undefined, but most probably if CONFIG_MAX_PITCH is too small, the
71          * application will crash due to segmentation fault here.
72          *
73          * @param cents - pitch value in cents (+1200 cents means +1 octave)
74          * @returns  frequency ratio (e.g. +2.0 for +1 octave)
75          */
CentsToFreqRatio(double Cents)76         inline static double CentsToFreqRatio(double Cents) {
77             int   index_int   = (int) (Cents);      // integer index
78             float index_fract = Cents - index_int;  // fractional part of index
79             return pCentsToFreqTable[index_int] + index_fract * (pCentsToFreqTable[index_int+1] - pCentsToFreqTable[index_int]);
80         }
82         /**
83          * Slower version of CentsToFreqRatio, for big values.
84          *
85          * @param cents - pitch value in cents (+1200 cents means +1 octave)
86          * @returns  frequency ratio (e.g. +2.0 for +1 octave)
87          */
CentsToFreqRatioUnlimited(double Cents)88         static double CentsToFreqRatioUnlimited(double Cents) {
89             int octaves = int(Cents / 1200);
90             double x = CentsToFreqRatio(Cents - octaves * 1200);
91             return  octaves < 0 ? x / (1 << -octaves) : x * (1 << octaves);
92         }
94         /**
95          * Inverse function to CentsToFreqRatio(). This function is a bit
96          * slow, so it should not be called too frequently.
97          */
FreqRatioToCents(double FreqRatio)98         static double FreqRatioToCents(double FreqRatio) {
99             return log(FreqRatio) / log(TWELVEHUNDREDTH_ROOT_OF_TWO);
100         }
102         /**
103          * Calculates the linear ratio value representation (linear scale)
104          * of the @a decibel value provided (exponential scale).
105          *
106          * The context of audio acoustic sound pressure levels is assumed, and
107          * hence the field version of the dB unit is used here (which uses a
108          * linear factor of 20). This function is a bit slow, so it should
109          * not be called too frequently.
110          *
111          * @param decibel - sound pressure level in dB
112          * @returns linear ratio of the supplied dB value
113          * @see LinRatioToDecibel() as inverse function
114          */
DecibelToLinRatio(float decibel)115         static float DecibelToLinRatio(float decibel) {
116             return powf(10.f, decibel / 20.f);
117         }
119         /**
120          * Calculates the decibel value (exponential scale) of the @a linear
121          * ratio value representation (linear scale) provided.
122          *
123          * The context of audio acoustic sound pressure levels is assumed, and
124          * hence the field version of the dB unit is used here (which uses a
125          * linear factor of 20). This function is a bit slow, so it should
126          * not be called too frequently.
127          *
128          * @param linear - sound pressure level as linear ratio value (linear scale)
129          * @returns dB value representation
130          * @see DecibelToLinRatio() as inverse function
131          */
LinRatioToDecibel(float linear)132         static float LinRatioToDecibel(float linear) {
133             return 20.f * log10f(linear);
134         }
136         /**
137          * Calculates the relatively summed average of a set of values.
138          *
139          * @param current - the current avaerage value of all previously summed values
140          * @param sample - new value to be applied as summed average to the existing values
141          * @param n - amount of sample values applied so far
142          * @returns new average value of all summed values (including the new @a sample)
143          */
144         template<typename T_int>
RelativeSummedAvg(float current,float sample,T_int n)145         inline static float RelativeSummedAvg(float current, float sample, T_int n) {
146             return current + (sample - current) / float(n);
147         }
149         /**
150          * Clock source to use for getting the current time.
151          */
152         enum clock_source_t {
153             real_clock,    ///< Use this to measure time that passed in reality (no matter if process got suspended).
154             process_clock, ///< Use this to measure only the CPU execution time of the current process (if the process got suspended, the clock is paused as well).
155             thread_clock,  ///< Use this to measure only the CPU execution time of the current thread (if the process got suspended or another thread is executed, the clock is paused as well).
156         };
158         /**
159          * Returns a time stamp of the current time in microseconds (in
160          * probably real-time @b unsafe way). There is no guarantee about
161          * what the returned amount of microseconds relates to (i.e.
162          * microseconds since epoch, microseconds since system uptime, ...).
163          * So you should only use it to calculate time differences between
164          * values taken with this method.
165          *
166          * @b CAUTION: This method may not @b NOT be real-time safe! On some
167          * systems it could be RT safe, but there is no guarantee whatsoever!
168          * So this method should only be used for debugging, benchmarking and
169          * other developing purposes !
170          *
171          * For creating time stamps in real-time context, use
172          * CreateTimeStamp() instead.
173          *
174          * @param source - the actual clock to use for getting the current
175          *                 time, note that the various clock sources may not
176          *                 be implemented on all systems
177          * @returns time stamp in microseconds
178          *
179          * @see CreateTimeStamp()
180          */
181         static usecs_t unsafeMicroSeconds(clock_source_t source);
183         /**
184          * 'Equalness' comparison between two 32 bit floating point numbers
185          * (that is of single precision data type).
186          *
187          *  This methods deals with the expected tolerance of the floating point
188          *  representation.
189          *
190          * @return true if the two numbers can be expected to be equal
191          */
192         static bool fEqual32(float a, float b);
194         /**
195          * 'Equalness' comparison between two 64 bit floating point numbers
196          * (that is of double precision data type).
197          *
198          *  This methods deals with the expected tolerance of the floating point
199          *  representation.
200          *
201          * @return true if the two numbers can be expected to be equal
202          */
203         static bool fEqual64(double a, double b);
205     private:
206         static float* pCentsToFreqTable;
208         static float* InitCentsToFreqTable();
209 };
211 /** @brief Real Time Math
212  *
213  * This is a template which provides customized methods for the desired low
214  * level implementation. The ASM_X86_MMX_SSE implementation of each method
215  * for example doesn't use 387 FPU instruction. This is needed for MMX
216  * algorithms which do not allow mixed MMX and 387 instructions.
217  */
218 template<implementation_t IMPL = CPP>
219 class __RTMath : public RTMathBase {
220     public:
221         // conversion using truncate
Int(const float a)222         inline static int Int(const float a) {
223             switch (IMPL) {
224                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
225                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
226                     int ret;
227                     asm (
228                         "cvttss2si %1, %0  # convert to int\n\t"
229                         : "=r" (ret)
230                         : "m" (a)
231                     );
232                     return ret;
233                 }
234                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
235                 default: {
236                     return (int) a;
237                 }
238             }
239         }
241 	//for doubles and everything else except floats
Int(const T_a a)242         template<class T_a> inline static int Int(const T_a a) {
243             return (int) a;
244         }
Float(const int a)246         inline static float Float(const int a) {
247             switch (IMPL) {
248                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
249                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
250                     float ret;
251                     asm (
252                         "cvtsi2ss %1, %%xmm0  # convert to float\n\t"
253                         "movss    %%xmm0,%0   # output\n\t"
254                         : "=m" (ret)
255                         : "r" (a)
256                     );
257                     return ret;
258                 }
259                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
260                 default: {
261                     return (float) a;
262                 }
263             }
264         }
266 #if 0
267         //for everything except ints
268         template<class T_a> inline static float Float(T_a a) {
269             return (float) a;
270         }
271 #endif
Sum(const float & a,const float & b)273 	inline static float Sum(const float& a, const float& b) {
274             switch (IMPL) {
275                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
276                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
277                     float ret;
278                     asm (
279                         "movss    %1, %%xmm0  # load a\n\t"
280                         "addss    %2, %%xmm0  # a + b\n\t"
281                         "movss    %%xmm0, %0  # output\n\t"
282                         : "=m" (ret)
283                         : "m" (a), "m" (b)
284                     );
285                     return ret;
286                 }
287                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
288                 default: {
289                     return (a + b);
290                 }
291             }
292         }
Sum(const T_a a,const T_b b)294         template<class T_a, class T_b> inline static T_a Sum(const T_a a, const T_b b) {
295             return (a + b);
296         }
Sub(const float & a,const float & b)298         inline static float Sub(const float& a, const float& b) {
299             switch (IMPL) {
300                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
301                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
302                     float ret;
303                     asm (
304                         "movss    %1, %%xmm0  # load a\n\t"
305                         "subss    %2, %%xmm0  # a - b\n\t"
306                         "movss    %%xmm0, %0  # output\n\t"
307                         : "=m" (ret)
308                         : "m" (a), "m" (b)
309                     );
310                     return ret;
311                 }
312                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
313                 default: {
314                     return (a - b);
315                 }
316             }
317         }
Sub(const T_a a,const T_b b)319         template<class T_a, class T_b> inline static T_a Sub(const T_a a, const T_b b) {
320             return (a - b);
321         }
Mul(const float a,const float b)323         inline static float Mul(const float a, const float b) {
324             switch (IMPL) {
325                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
326                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
327                     float ret;
328                     asm (
329                         "movss    %1, %%xmm0  # load a\n\t"
330                         "mulss    %2, %%xmm0  # a * b\n\t"
331                         "movss    %%xmm0, %0  # output\n\t"
332                         : "=m" (ret)
333                         : "m" (a), "m" (b)
334                     );
335                     return ret;
336                 }
337                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
338                 default: {
339                     return (a * b);
340                 }
341             }
342         }
Mul(const T_a a,const T_b b)344         template<class T_a, class T_b> inline static T_a Mul(const T_a a, const T_b b) {
345             return (a * b);
346         }
Div(const float a,const float b)348         inline static float Div(const float a, const float b) {
349             switch (IMPL) {
350                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
351                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
352                     float ret;
353                     asm (
354                         "movss    %1, %%xmm0  # load a\n\t"
355                         "divss    %2, %%xmm0  # a / b\n\t"
356                         "movss    %%xmm0, %0  # output\n\t"
357                         : "=m" (ret)
358                         : "m" (a), "m" (b)
359                     );
360                     return ret;
361                 }
362                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
363                 default: {
364                     return (a / b);
365                 }
366             }
367         }
Div(const T_a a,const T_b b)369         template<class T_a, class T_b> inline static T_a Div(const T_a a, const T_b b) {
370             return (a / b);
371         }
Min(const float a,const float b)373         inline static float Min(const float a, const float b) {
374             switch (IMPL) {
375                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
376                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
377                     float ret;
378                     asm (
379                         "movss    %1, %%xmm0  # load a\n\t"
380                         "minss    %2, %%xmm0  # Minimum(a, b)\n\t"
381                         "movss    %%xmm0, %0  # output\n\t"
382                         : "=m" (ret)
383                         : "m" (a), "m" (b)
384                     );
385                     return ret;
386                 }
387                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
388                 default: {
389                     return std::min(a, b);
390                 }
391             }
392         }
Min(const T_a a,const T_b b)394         template<class T_a, class T_b> inline static T_a Min(const T_a a, const T_b b) {
395             return (b < a) ? b : a;
396         }
Max(const float a,const float b)398         inline static float Max(const float a, const float b) {
399             switch (IMPL) {
400                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
401                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
402                     float ret;
403                     asm (
404                         "movss    %1, %%xmm0  # load a\n\t"
405                         "maxss    %2, %%xmm0  # Maximum(a, b)\n\t"
406                         "movss    %%xmm0, %0  # output\n\t"
407                         : "=m" (ret)
408                         : "m" (a), "m" (b)
409                     );
410                     return ret;
411                 }
412                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
413                 default: {
414                     return std::max(a, b);
415                 }
416             }
417         }
Max(const T_a a,const T_b b)419         template<class T_a, class T_b> inline static T_a Max(const T_a a, const T_b b) {
420             return (b > a) ? b : a;
421         }
Fmodf(const float & a,const float & b)423         inline static float Fmodf(const float &a, const float &b) {
424             switch (IMPL) {
425                 #if CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
426                 case ASM_X86_MMX_SSE: {
427                     float ret;
428                     asm (
429                         "movss    %1, %%xmm0  # load a\n\t"
430                         "movss    %2, %%xmm1  # load b\n\t"
431                         "movss    %%xmm0,%%xmm2\n\t"
432                         "divss    %%xmm1, %%xmm2  # xmm2 = a / b\n\t"
433                         "cvttss2si %%xmm2, %%ecx  #convert to int\n\t"
434                         "cvtsi2ss %%ecx, %%xmm2  #convert back to float\n\t"
435                         "mulss    %%xmm1, %%xmm2  # xmm2 = b * int(a/b)\n\t"
436                         "subss    %%xmm2, %%xmm0  #sub a\n\t"
437                         "movss    %%xmm0, %0  # output\n\t"
438                         : "=m" (ret)
439                         : "m" (a), "m" (b)
440                         : "%ecx"
441                     );
442                     return ret;
443                 }
444                 #endif // CONFIG_ASM && ARCH_X86
445                 default: {
446                     return fmodf(a, b);
447                 }
448             }
449         }
450 };
452 /// convenience typedef for using the default implementation (which is CPP)
453 typedef __RTMath<> RTMath;
455 #endif // __RT_MATH_H__