1 /***************************************************************************
2  *                                                                         *
3  *   LinuxSampler - modular, streaming capable sampler                     *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   Copyright (C) 2003,2004 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck    *
6  *   Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Christian Schoenebeck                         *
7  *   Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Grigor Iliev                                  *
8  *   Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Andreas Persson                               *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
16  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
18  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
19  *                                                                         *
20  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
21  *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           *
22  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,                 *
23  *   MA  02111-1307  USA                                                   *
24  ***************************************************************************/
29 #include "EngineChannel.h"
30 #include "AbstractEngine.h"
32 #include "../common/Pool.h"
33 #include "../common/RingBuffer.h"
34 #include "../common/ResourceManager.h"
35 #include "common/AbstractInstrumentManager.h"
36 #include "common/InstrumentScriptVM.h"
39 #define CTRL_TABLE_IDX_PITCHBEND    129
40 #define CTRL_TABLE_SIZE             130
42 namespace LinuxSampler {
44     class MidiKeyboardManagerBase;
46     class AbstractEngineChannel: public EngineChannel, public InstrumentScriptConsumer {
47         public:
48             // implementation of abstract methods derived from interface class 'LinuxSampler::EngineChannel'
49             virtual void    PrepareLoadInstrument(const char* FileName, uint Instrument) OVERRIDE;
50             virtual void    Reset() OVERRIDE;
51             virtual void    SendNoteOn(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity, uint8_t MidiChannel) OVERRIDE;
52             virtual void    SendNoteOn(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity, uint8_t MidiChannel, int32_t FragmentPos) OVERRIDE;
53             virtual void    SendNoteOff(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity, uint8_t MidiChannel) OVERRIDE;
54             virtual void    SendNoteOff(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Velocity, uint8_t MidiChannel, int32_t FragmentPos) OVERRIDE;
55             virtual void    SendPitchbend(int Pitch, uint8_t MidiChannel) OVERRIDE;
56             virtual void    SendPitchbend(int Pitch, uint8_t MidiChannel, int32_t FragmentPos) OVERRIDE;
57             virtual void    SendControlChange(uint8_t Controller, uint8_t Value, uint8_t MidiChannel) OVERRIDE;
58             virtual void    SendControlChange(uint8_t Controller, uint8_t Value, uint8_t MidiChannel, int32_t FragmentPos) OVERRIDE;
59             virtual void    SendChannelPressure(uint8_t Value, uint8_t MidiChannel) OVERRIDE;
60             virtual void    SendChannelPressure(uint8_t Value, uint8_t MidiChannel, int32_t FragmentPos) OVERRIDE;
61             virtual void    SendPolyphonicKeyPressure(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Value, uint8_t MidiChannel) OVERRIDE;
62             virtual void    SendPolyphonicKeyPressure(uint8_t Key, uint8_t Value, uint8_t MidiChannel, int32_t FragmentPos) OVERRIDE;
63             virtual bool    StatusChanged(bool bNewStatus = false) OVERRIDE;
64             virtual float   Volume() OVERRIDE;
65             virtual void    Volume(float f) OVERRIDE;
66             virtual float   Pan() OVERRIDE;
67             virtual void    Pan(float f) OVERRIDE;
68             virtual uint    Channels() OVERRIDE;
69             virtual AudioOutputDevice* GetAudioOutputDevice() OVERRIDE;
70             virtual void    SetOutputChannel(uint EngineAudioChannel, uint AudioDeviceChannel) OVERRIDE;
71             virtual int     OutputChannel(uint EngineAudioChannel) OVERRIDE;
72             virtual void    Connect(MidiInputPort* pMidiPort) OVERRIDE;
73             virtual void    Disconnect(MidiInputPort* pMidiPort) OVERRIDE;
74             virtual void    DisconnectAllMidiInputPorts() OVERRIDE;
75             virtual uint    GetMidiInputPortCount() OVERRIDE;
76             virtual MidiInputPort* GetMidiInputPort(uint index) OVERRIDE;
77             virtual midi_chan_t MidiChannel() OVERRIDE;
78             virtual void    SetMidiChannel(midi_chan_t MidiChannel) OVERRIDE;
79             virtual void    Connect(MidiInputPort* pMidiPort, midi_chan_t MidiChannel) OVERRIDE; // deprecated, may be removed
80             virtual void    DisconnectMidiInputPort() OVERRIDE; // deprecated, may be removed
81             virtual MidiInputPort* GetMidiInputPort() OVERRIDE; // deprecated, may be removed
82             virtual String  InstrumentFileName() OVERRIDE;
83             virtual String  InstrumentName() OVERRIDE;
84             virtual int     InstrumentIndex() OVERRIDE;
85             virtual int     InstrumentStatus() OVERRIDE;
86             virtual Engine* GetEngine() OVERRIDE;
87             virtual String  EngineName() OVERRIDE;
88             virtual FxSend* AddFxSend(uint8_t MidiCtrl, String Name = "") throw (Exception) OVERRIDE;
89             virtual FxSend* GetFxSend(uint FxSendIndex) OVERRIDE;
90             virtual uint    GetFxSendCount() OVERRIDE;
91             virtual void    RemoveFxSend(FxSend* pFxSend) OVERRIDE;
92             virtual void    Connect(VirtualMidiDevice* pDevice) OVERRIDE;
93             virtual void    Disconnect(VirtualMidiDevice* pDevice) OVERRIDE;
95             // implementation of abstract methods derived from AbstractEngine::ScriptConsumer
ResourceToBeUpdated(VMParserContext * pResource,void * & pUpdateArg)96             virtual void ResourceToBeUpdated(VMParserContext* pResource, void*& pUpdateArg) OVERRIDE {}
ResourceUpdated(VMParserContext * pOldResource,VMParserContext * pNewResource,void * pUpdateArg)97             virtual void ResourceUpdated(VMParserContext* pOldResource, VMParserContext* pNewResource, void* pUpdateArg) OVERRIDE {}
OnResourceProgress(float fProgress)98             virtual void OnResourceProgress(float fProgress) OVERRIDE {}
100             virtual AbstractEngine::Format GetEngineFormat() = 0;
101             virtual MidiKeyboardManagerBase* GetMidiKeyboardManager() = 0;
103             AudioOutputDevice* GetAudioOutputDeviceSafe();
GetScriptCallbackID(const ScriptEvent * e)105             script_callback_id_t GetScriptCallbackID(const ScriptEvent* e) const {
106                 return pScript->pEvents->getID(e);
107             }
ScriptCallbackByID(script_callback_id_t id)109             RTList<ScriptEvent>::Iterator ScriptCallbackByID(script_callback_id_t id) const {
110                 return pScript->pEvents->fromID(id);
111             }
113             void ScheduleResumeOfScriptCallback(RTList<ScriptEvent>::Iterator& itCallback, sched_time_t now, bool forever);
hasFreeScriptCallbacks(vmint n)115             bool hasFreeScriptCallbacks(vmint n) const {
116                 return pScript->pEvents->poolHasFreeElements(n);
117             }
119             RTList<ScriptEvent>::Iterator forkScriptCallback(ScriptEvent* parent, bool bAutoAbort);
121             friend class AbstractVoice;
122             friend class AbstractEngine;
123             template<class TV, class TRR, class TR, class TD, class TIM, class TI> friend class EngineBase;
124             template<class EC, class R, class S, class D> friend class VoiceBase;
126         //protected:
127             AbstractEngineChannel();
128             virtual ~AbstractEngineChannel();
130             AbstractEngine*           pEngine;
131             Mutex                     EngineMutex; ///< protects the Engine from access by the instrument loader thread when lscp is disconnecting
132             Mutex                     MidiInputMutex; ///< Introduced when support for multiple MIDI inputs per engine channel was added: protects the MIDI event input ringbuffer on this engine channel to be accessed concurrently by multiple midi input threads. As alternative one might also move the ringbuffer from this engine channel to the individual MIDI ports/devices and let the sampler engine read the events from there instead of receiving them here.
134         //protected:
135             AudioChannel*             pChannelLeft;             ///< encapsulates the audio rendering buffer (left)
136             AudioChannel*             pChannelRight;            ///< encapsulates the audio rendering buffer (right)
137             int                       AudioDeviceChannelLeft;   ///< audio device channel number to which the left channel is connected to
138             int                       AudioDeviceChannelRight;  ///< audio device channel number to which the right channel is connected to
139             DoubleBuffer< ArrayList<MidiInputPort*> > midiInputs; ///< MIDI input ports on which this sampler engine channel shall listen to.
140             midi_chan_t               midiChannel;              ///< MIDI channel(s) on which this engine channel listens to (on all MIDI input ports).
141             RingBuffer<Event,false>*  pEventQueue;              ///< Input event queue.
142             RTList<Event>*            pEvents;                  ///< All engine channel specific events for the current audio fragment.
143             struct _DelayedEvents {
144                 RTList<Event>*            pList; ///< Unsorted list where all delayed events are moved to and remain here until they're finally processed.
145                 Pool<ScheduledEvent>      schedulerNodes; ///< Nodes used to sort the delayed events (stored on pList) with time sorted queue.
146                 RTAVLTree<ScheduledEvent> queue; ///< Used to access the delayed events (from pList) in time sorted manner.
_DelayedEvents_DelayedEvents148                 _DelayedEvents() : pList(NULL), schedulerNodes(CONFIG_MAX_EVENTS_PER_FRAGMENT) {}
clear_DelayedEvents150                 inline void clear() {
151                     if (pList) pList->clear();
152                     schedulerNodes.clear();
153                     queue.clear();
154                 }
155             } delayedEvents;
156             uint8_t                   ControllerTable[CTRL_TABLE_SIZE];     ///< Reflects the current values (0-127) of all MIDI controllers for this engine / sampler channel. Number 128 is for channel pressure (mono aftertouch), 129 for pitch bend.
157             String                    InstrumentFile;
158             int                       InstrumentIdx;
159             String                    InstrumentIdxName;
160             int                       InstrumentStat;
161             double                    GlobalVolume;             ///< Master volume factor set through the C++ API / LSCP (a value < 1.0 means attenuation, a value > 1.0 means amplification)
162             double                    MidiVolume;               ///< Volume factor altered by MIDI CC#7 (a value < 1.0 means attenuation, a value > 1.0 means amplification)
163             int                       Pitch;                    ///< Current (absolute) MIDI pitch value.
164             float                     CurrentKeyDimension;      ///< Current value (0-1.0) for the keyboard dimension, altered by pressing a keyswitching key.
165             bool                      PortamentoMode;           ///< in Portamento Mode we slide the pitch from the last note to the current note.
166             float                     PortamentoTime;           ///< How long it will take to glide from the previous note to the current (in seconds)
167             float                     PortamentoPos;            ///< Current position on the keyboard, that is integer and fractional part (only used if PortamentoMode is on)
168             std::vector<FxSend*>      fxSends;
169             int                       GlobalTranspose;          ///< amount of semi tones all notes should be transposed
170             int                       iLastPanRequest;          ///< just for the return value of Pan(), so we don't have to make an injective function
171             ssize_t                   iEngineIndexSelf;         ///< Reflects the index of this EngineChannel in the Engine's ArrayList.
172             bool                      bStatusChanged;           ///< true in case an engine parameter has changed (e.g. new instrument, another volumet)
173             uint32_t                  RoundRobinIndex;          ///< counter for round robin sample selection, incremented for each note on
174             InstrumentScript*         pScript;                  ///< Points to the real-time instrument script(s) to be executed, NULL if current instrument does not have an instrument script. Even though the underlying VM representation of the script is shared among multiple sampler channels, the InstrumentScript object here is not shared though, it exists for each sampler channel separately.
176             SynchronizedConfig< ArrayList<VirtualMidiDevice*> > virtualMidiDevices;
177             SynchronizedConfig< ArrayList<VirtualMidiDevice*> >::Reader virtualMidiDevicesReader_AudioThread;
178             SynchronizedConfig< ArrayList<VirtualMidiDevice*> >::Reader virtualMidiDevicesReader_MidiThread;
180             // specialization of RTList that doesn't require the pool
181             // to be provided at construction time
182             template<typename T>
183             class LazyList : public RTList<T> {
184             public:
185                 using RTList<T>::allocAppend;
186                 using RTList<T>::pPool;
LazyList()188                 LazyList() : RTList<T>(0) { }
allocAppend(Pool<T> * pool)189                 typename RTList<T>::Iterator allocAppend(Pool<T>* pool) {
190                     pPool = pool;
191                     return allocAppend();
192                 }
193             };
195             typedef std::map<uint, LazyList<Event>*> ActiveKeyGroupMap;
196             ActiveKeyGroupMap ActiveKeyGroups;      ///< Contains event queues for key groups, ordered by key group ID.
198             virtual void ResetControllers();
199             virtual void ResetInternal(bool bResetEngine);
200             virtual void RemoveAllFxSends();
202             void ImportEvents(uint Samples);
203             virtual note_id_t ScheduleNoteMicroSec(const Event* pEvent, int64_t delay) = 0;
204             event_id_t ScheduleEventMicroSec(const Event* pEvent, int64_t delay);
205             void IgnoreEvent(event_id_t id);
206             virtual void IgnoreNote(note_id_t id) = 0;
207             void IgnoreEventByScriptID(const ScriptID& id);
208             virtual uint AllNoteIDs(note_id_t* dstBuf, uint bufSize) = 0;
210             void AddGroup(uint group);
211             void HandleKeyGroupConflicts(uint KeyGroup, Pool<Event>::Iterator& itNoteOnEvent);
212             void ClearGroupEventLists();
213             void DeleteGroupEventLists();
215         private:
216             /**
217              * Returns @c true if there are 2 ore more MidiInputPorts connected
218              * to this engine channel.
219              *
220              * This method is currently only used to prevent unnecessary
221              * MidiInputMutex.Lock() if there is not more than 1 MIDI input on
222              * this engine channel.
223              */
hasMultipleMIDIInputs()224             inline bool hasMultipleMIDIInputs() const {
225                 //FIXME: leaves tiny time frames open (shortly after 1->2 devices connected or 2->1 disconnected) which could lead to concurrency issue for the purpose described above, however in practice it "should" be acceptable
226                 return midiInputs.unsafeBack().size() > 1;
227             }
229             inline bool applyTranspose(Event* event);
230     };
232 } // namespace LinuxSampler
234 #endif  /* __LS_ABSTRACTENGINECHANNEL_H__ */