1 // Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
3 // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the
4 // Mumble source tree or at <https://www.mumble.info/LICENSE>.
9 #include <QtCore/QVariant>
10 #include <QtCore/QList>
11 #include <QtCore/QPair>
12 #include <QtCore/QRectF>
13 #include <QtCore/QSettings>
14 #include <QtCore/QStringList>
15 #include <QtGui/QColor>
16 #include <QtGui/QFont>
17 #include <QtNetwork/QSslCertificate>
18 #include <QtNetwork/QSslKey>
20 // Global helper classes to spread variables around across threads
21 // especially helpful to initialize things like the stored
22 // preference for audio transmission, since the GUI elements
23 // will be created long before the AudioInput object, and the
24 // latter lives in a separate thread and so cannot touch the
25 // GUI.
27 struct Shortcut {
28 	int iIndex;
29 	QList<QVariant> qlButtons;
30 	QVariant qvData;
31 	bool bSuppress;
32 	bool operator <(const Shortcut &) const;
33 	bool isServerSpecific() const;
34 	bool operator ==(const Shortcut &) const;
35 };
37 struct ShortcutTarget {
38 	bool bUsers;
39 	QStringList qlUsers;
40 	QList<unsigned int> qlSessions;
41 	int iChannel;
42 	QString qsGroup;
43 	bool bLinks;
44 	bool bChildren;
45 	bool bForceCenter;
46 	ShortcutTarget();
47 	bool isServerSpecific() const;
48 	bool operator <(const ShortcutTarget &) const;
49 	bool operator ==(const ShortcutTarget &) const;
50 };
52 quint32 qHash(const ShortcutTarget &);
53 quint32 qHash(const QList<ShortcutTarget> &);
55 QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const ShortcutTarget &);
56 QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, ShortcutTarget &);
57 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(ShortcutTarget)
59 struct OverlaySettings {
60 	enum OverlayPresets { AvatarAndName, LargeSquareAvatar };
62 	enum OverlayShow { Talking, Active, HomeChannel, LinkedChannels };
64 	enum OverlaySort { Alphabetical, LastStateChange };
66 	enum OverlayExclusionMode { LauncherFilterExclusionMode, WhitelistExclusionMode, BlacklistExclusionMode };
68 	bool bEnable;
70 	QString qsStyle;
72 	OverlayShow osShow;
73 	bool bAlwaysSelf;
74 	int uiActiveTime; // Time in seconds for a user to stay active after talking
75 	OverlaySort osSort;
77 	float fX;
78 	float fY;
80 	qreal fZoom;
81 	unsigned int uiColumns;
83 	QColor qcUserName[4];
84 	QFont qfUserName;
86 	QColor qcChannel;
87 	QFont qfChannel;
89 	QColor qcFps;
90 	QFont qfFps;
92 	qreal fBoxPad;
93 	qreal fBoxPenWidth;
94 	QColor qcBoxPen;
95 	QColor qcBoxFill;
97 	bool bUserName;
98 	bool bChannel;
99 	bool bMutedDeafened;
100 	bool bAvatar;
101 	bool bBox;
102 	bool bFps;
103 	bool bTime;
105 	qreal fUserName;
106 	qreal fChannel;
107 	qreal fMutedDeafened;
108 	qreal fAvatar;
109 	qreal fUser[4];
110 	qreal fFps;
112 	QRectF qrfUserName;
113 	QRectF qrfChannel;
114 	QRectF qrfMutedDeafened;
115 	QRectF qrfAvatar;
116 	QRectF qrfFps;
117 	QRectF qrfTime;
119 	Qt::Alignment qaUserName;
120 	Qt::Alignment qaChannel;
121 	Qt::Alignment qaMutedDeafened;
122 	Qt::Alignment qaAvatar;
124 	OverlayExclusionMode oemOverlayExcludeMode;
125 	QStringList qslLaunchers;
126 	QStringList qslLaunchersExclude;
127 	QStringList qslWhitelist;
128 	QStringList qslWhitelistExclude;
129 	QStringList qslPaths;
130 	QStringList qslPathsExclude;
131 	QStringList qslBlacklist;
132 	QStringList qslBlacklistExclude;
134 	OverlaySettings();
135 	void setPreset(const OverlayPresets preset = AvatarAndName);
137 	void load();
138 	void load(QSettings*);
139 	void save();
140 	void save(QSettings*);
141 };
143 struct Settings {
144 	enum AudioTransmit { Continuous, VAD, PushToTalk };
145 	enum VADSource { Amplitude, SignalToNoise };
146 	enum LoopMode { None, Local, Server };
147 	enum ChannelExpand { NoChannels, ChannelsWithUsers, AllChannels };
148 	enum ChannelDrag { Ask, DoNothing, Move };
149 	enum ServerShow { ShowPopulated, ShowReachable, ShowAll };
150 	enum TalkState { Passive, Talking, Whispering, Shouting };
151 	enum IdleAction { Nothing, Deafen, Mute };
152 	typedef QPair<QList<QSslCertificate>, QSslKey> KeyPair;
154 	AudioTransmit atTransmit;
155 	quint64 uiDoublePush;
156 	quint64 pttHold;
158 	/// Removed. This was previously used to configure whether the Mumble
159 	/// ConfigDialog should show advanced options or not.
160 	bool bExpert;
162 	bool bTxAudioCue;
163 	static const QString cqsDefaultPushClickOn;
164 	static const QString cqsDefaultPushClickOff;
165 	QString qsTxAudioCueOn;
166 	QString qsTxAudioCueOff;
168 	bool bTransmitPosition;
169 	bool bMute, bDeaf;
170 	bool bTTS;
171 	bool bUserTop;
172 	bool bWhisperFriends;
173 	bool bTTSMessageReadBack;
174 	int iTTSVolume, iTTSThreshold;
175 	/// The Text-to-Speech language to use. This setting overrides
176 	/// the default language for the Text-to-Speech engine, which
177 	/// is usually inferred from the current locale.
178 	///
179 	/// The language is expected to be in BCP47 form.
180 	///
181 	/// The setting is currently only supported by the speech-dispatcher
182 	///backend.
183 	QString qsTTSLanguage;
184 	int iQuality, iMinLoudness, iVoiceHold, iJitterBufferSize;
185 	int iNoiseSuppress;
186 	bool bDenoise;
187 	quint64 uiAudioInputChannelMask;
189 	// Idle auto actions
190 	unsigned int iIdleTime;
191 	IdleAction iaeIdleAction;
192 	bool bUndoIdleActionUponActivity;
194 	VADSource vsVAD;
195 	float fVADmin, fVADmax;
196 	int iFramesPerPacket;
197 	QString qsAudioInput, qsAudioOutput;
198 	float fVolume;
199 	float fOtherVolume;
200 	bool bAttenuateOthersOnTalk;
201 	bool bAttenuateOthers;
202 	bool bAttenuateUsersOnPrioritySpeak;
203 	bool bOnlyAttenuateSameOutput;
204 	bool bAttenuateLoopbacks;
205 	int iOutputDelay;
206 	bool bUseOpusMusicEncoding;
208 	QString qsALSAInput, qsALSAOutput;
209 	QString qsPulseAudioInput, qsPulseAudioOutput;
210 	QString qsJackClientName, qsJackAudioOutput;
211 	bool bJackStartServer, bJackAutoConnect;
212 	QString qsOSSInput, qsOSSOutput;
213 	int iPortAudioInput, iPortAudioOutput;
215 	bool bASIOEnable;
216 	QString qsASIOclass;
217 	QList<QVariant> qlASIOmic;
218 	QList<QVariant> qlASIOspeaker;
220 	QString qsCoreAudioInput, qsCoreAudioOutput;
222 	QString qsWASAPIInput, qsWASAPIOutput;
223 	/// qsWASAPIRole is configured via 'wasapi/role'.
224 	/// It is a string explaining Mumble's purpose for opening
225 	/// the audio device. This can be used to force Windows
226 	/// to not treat Mumble as a communications program
227 	/// (the default).
228 	///
229 	/// The default is "communications". When this is set,
230 	/// Windows treats Mumble as a telephony app, including
231 	/// potential audio ducking.
232 	///
233 	/// Other values include:
234 	///
235 	///   "console", which should be used for games, system
236 	///              notification sounds, and voice commands.
237 	///
238 	///   "multimedia", which should be used for music, movies,
239 	///                 narration, and live music recording.
240 	///
241 	/// This is practically a direct mapping of the ERole enum
242 	/// from Windows: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd370842
243 	QString qsWASAPIRole;
245 	QByteArray qbaDXInput, qbaDXOutput;
247 	bool bExclusiveInput, bExclusiveOutput;
248 	bool bEcho;
249 	bool bEchoMulti;
250 	bool bPositionalAudio;
251 	bool bPositionalHeadphone;
252 	float fAudioMinDistance, fAudioMaxDistance, fAudioMaxDistVolume, fAudioBloom;
253 	QMap<QString, bool> qmPositionalAudioPlugins;
255 	OverlaySettings os;
257 	int iOverlayWinHelperRestartCooldownMsec;
258 	bool bOverlayWinHelperX86Enable;
259 	bool bOverlayWinHelperX64Enable;
261 	int iLCDUserViewMinColWidth;
262 	int iLCDUserViewSplitterWidth;
263 	QMap<QString, bool> qmLCDDevices;
265 	bool bShortcutEnable;
266 	bool bSuppressMacEventTapWarning;
267 	bool bEnableEvdev;
268 	bool bEnableXInput2;
269 	bool bEnableGKey;
270 	bool bEnableXboxInput;
271 	bool bEnableWinHooks;
272 	/// Enable verbose logging in GlobalShortcutWin's DirectInput backend.
273 	bool bDirectInputVerboseLogging;
274 	/// Enable use of UIAccess (Windows's UI automation feature). This allows
275 	/// Mumble greater access to global shortcuts.
276 	bool bEnableUIAccess;
277 	QList<Shortcut> qlShortcuts;
279 	enum MessageLog { LogNone = 0x00, LogConsole = 0x01, LogTTS = 0x02, LogBalloon = 0x04, LogSoundfile = 0x08, LogHighlight = 0x10 };
280 	int iMaxLogBlocks;
281 	QMap<int, QString> qmMessageSounds;
282 	QMap<int, quint32> qmMessages;
284 	QString qsLanguage;
286 	/// Name of the theme to use. @see Themes
287 	QString themeName;
288 	/// Name of the style to use from theme. @see Themes
289 	QString themeStyleName;
291 	QByteArray qbaMainWindowGeometry, qbaMainWindowState, qbaMinimalViewGeometry, qbaMinimalViewState, qbaSplitterState, qbaHeaderState;
292 	QByteArray qbaConfigGeometry;
293 	enum WindowLayout { LayoutClassic, LayoutStacked, LayoutHybrid, LayoutCustom };
294 	WindowLayout wlWindowLayout;
295 	ChannelExpand ceExpand;
296 	ChannelDrag ceChannelDrag;
297 	ChannelDrag ceUserDrag;
298 	bool bMinimalView;
299 	bool bHideFrame;
300 	enum AlwaysOnTopBehaviour { OnTopNever, OnTopAlways, OnTopInMinimal, OnTopInNormal };
301 	AlwaysOnTopBehaviour aotbAlwaysOnTop;
302 	bool bAskOnQuit;
303 	bool bEnableDeveloperMenu;
304 	bool bLockLayout;
305 	bool bHideInTray;
306 	bool bStateInTray;
307 	bool bUsage;
308 	bool bShowUserCount;
309 	bool bChatBarUseSelection;
310 	bool bFilterHidesEmptyChannels;
311 	bool bFilterActive;
312 	QByteArray qbaConnectDialogHeader, qbaConnectDialogGeometry;
313 	bool bShowContextMenuInMenuBar;
315 	QString qsUsername;
316 	QString qsLastServer;
317 	ServerShow ssFilter;
319 	QString qsImagePath;
321 	bool bUpdateCheck;
322 	bool bPluginCheck;
324 	// PTT Button window
325 	bool bShowPTTButtonWindow;
326 	QByteArray qbaPTTButtonWindowGeometry;
328 	// Network settings
329 	enum ProxyType { NoProxy, HttpProxy, Socks5Proxy };
330 	bool bTCPCompat;
331 	bool bReconnect;
332 	bool bAutoConnect;
333 	bool bQoS;
334 	ProxyType ptProxyType;
335 	QString qsProxyHost, qsProxyUsername, qsProxyPassword;
336 	unsigned short usProxyPort;
338 	/// The ping interval in milliseconds. The Mumble client
339 	/// will regularly send TCP and UDP pings to the remote
340 	/// server. This setting specifies the time (in milliseconds)
341 	/// between each ping message.
342 	int iPingIntervalMsec;
344 	/// The connection timeout duration in milliseconds.
345 	/// If a connection is not fully established to the
346 	/// server within this duration, the client will
347 	/// forcefully disconnect.
348 	int iConnectionTimeoutDurationMsec;
350 	/// bUdpForceTcpAddr forces Mumble to bind its UDP
351 	/// socket to the same address as its TCP
352 	/// connection is using.
353 	bool bUdpForceTcpAddr;
355 	/// iMaxInFlightTCPPings specifies the maximum
356 	/// number of ping messages that the client has
357 	/// sent, but not yet recieved a response for
358 	/// from the server. This value is checked when
359 	/// the client sends its next ping message. If
360 	/// the maximum is reached, the connection will
361 	/// be closed.
362 	/// If this setting is assigned a value of 0 or
363 	/// a negative number, the TCP ping check is
364 	/// disabled.
365 	int iMaxInFlightTCPPings;
367 	/// The service prefix that the WebFetch class will use
368 	/// when it constructs its fully-qualified URL. If this
369 	/// is empty, no prefix is used.
370 	///
371 	/// When the WebFetch class receives a HTTP response which
372 	/// includes the header "Use-Service-Prefix", this setting
373 	/// is updated to reflect the received service prefix.
374 	///
375 	/// For more information, see the documentation for WebFetch::fetch().
376 	QString qsServicePrefix;
378 	// Network settings - SSL
379 	QString qsSslCiphers;
381 	// Privacy settings
382 	bool bHideOS;
384 	int iMaxImageWidth;
385 	int iMaxImageHeight;
386 	KeyPair kpCertificate;
387 	bool bSuppressIdentity;
389 	bool bShowTransmitModeComboBox;
391 	// Accessibility
392 	bool bHighContrast;
394 	// Recording
395 	QString qsRecordingPath;
396 	QString qsRecordingFile;
397 	enum RecordingMode { RecordingMixdown, RecordingMultichannel };
398 	RecordingMode rmRecordingMode;
399 	int iRecordingFormat;
401 	// Special configuration options not exposed to UI
403 	/// Codec kill-switch
404 	bool bDisableCELT;
406 	/// Disables the "Public Internet" section in the connect dialog if set.
407 	bool disablePublicList;
409 	/// Removes the add and edit options in the connect dialog if set.
410 	bool disableConnectDialogEditing;
412 	// Config updates
413 	unsigned int uiUpdateCounter;
415 	// Nonsaved
416 	LoopMode lmLoopMode;
417 	float dPacketLoss;
418 	float dMaxPacketDelay;
419 	/// If true settings in this structure require a client restart to apply fully
420 	bool requireRestartToApply;
422 	bool doEcho() const;
423 	bool doPositionalAudio() const;
425 	Settings();
426 	void load();
427 	void load(QSettings*);
428 	void save();
429 };
431 #endif