1<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE TS><TS language="nb_NO" version="2.1">
3    <name>ACLEditor</name>
4    <message>
5        <location filename="ACLEditor.cpp" line="+101"/>
6        <source>Deny</source>
7        <translation>Nekt</translation>
8    </message>
9    <message>
10        <location line="+2"/>
11        <source>Allow</source>
12        <translation>Tillat</translation>
13    </message>
14    <message>
15        <location line="+21"/>
16        <source>Allow %1</source>
17        <translation>Tillat %1</translation>
18    </message>
19    <message>
20        <location line="-8"/>
21        <source>Deny %1</source>
22        <translation>Nekt %1</translation>
23    </message>
24    <message>
25        <location line="-84"/>
26        <source>Mumble - Add channel</source>
27        <translation>Mumble - Legg til kanal</translation>
28    </message>
29    <message>
30        <location line="+11"/>
31        <location line="+50"/>
32        <source>Default server value</source>
33        <translation>Forvalgt tjenerverdi</translation>
34    </message>
35    <message>
36        <location line="-28"/>
37        <location line="+176"/>
38        <source>Failed: Invalid channel</source>
39        <translation>Feilet: Ugyldig kanal</translation>
40    </message>
41    <message>
42        <location line="-164"/>
43        <source>Mumble - Edit %1</source>
44        <translation>Mumble - Rediger %1</translation>
45    </message>
46    <message>
47        <location line="+2"/>
48        <source>ID: %1</source>
49        <translation>ID: %1</translation>
50    </message>
51    <message>
52        <location line="+46"/>
53        <source>This grants the %1 privilege. If a privilege is both allowed and denied, it is denied.&lt;br /&gt;%2</source>
54        <translation>Dette gir %1-privilegiet. Hvis et privilegie både er gitt og nektet, blir det nektet.&lt;br /&gt;%2</translation>
55    </message>
56    <message>
57        <location line="+123"/>
58        <source>Channel must have a name</source>
59        <translation>Kanalen  ha et navn.</translation>
60    </message>
61    <message>
62        <location line="-131"/>
63        <source>This revokes the %1 privilege. If a privilege is both allowed and denied, it is denied.&lt;br /&gt;%2</source>
64        <translation>Dette tilbakekaller %1-priviligiet. Hvis et privilegium både er nektet og gitt, blir det nektet.&lt;br /&gt;%2</translation>
65    </message>
66    <message>
67        <location filename="ACLEditor.ui"/>
68        <source>Dialog</source>
69        <translation>Dialog</translation>
70    </message>
71    <message>
72        <location/>
73        <source>Name</source>
74        <translation>Navn</translation>
75    </message>
76    <message>
77        <location/>
78        <source>Enter the channel name here.</source>
79        <translation>Skriv inn navnet  kanalen her.</translation>
80    </message>
81    <message>
82        <location/>
83        <source>Description</source>
84        <translation>Beskrivelse</translation>
85    </message>
86    <message>
87        <location/>
88        <source>Password</source>
89        <translation>Passord</translation>
90    </message>
91    <message>
92        <location/>
93        <source>Enter the channel password here.</source>
94        <translation>Skriv inn kanalpassord her.</translation>
95    </message>
96    <message>
97        <location/>
98        <source>Check to create a temporary channel.</source>
99        <translation>Huk av for å lage en midlertidig kanal.</translation>
100    </message>
101    <message>
102        <location/>
103        <source>Temporary</source>
104        <translation>Midlertidig</translation>
105    </message>
106    <message>
107        <location/>
108        <source>&lt;b&gt;Position&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
109This value enables you to change the way Mumble arranges the channels in the tree. A channel with a higher &lt;i&gt;Position&lt;/i&gt; value will always be placed below one with a lower value and the other way around. If the &lt;i&gt;Position&lt;/i&gt; value of two channels is equal they will get sorted alphabetically by their name.</source>
110        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;Position&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
111This value enables you to change the way mumble arranges the channels in the tree. A channel with a higher &lt;i&gt;Position&lt;/i&gt; value will always be placed below one with a lower value and the other way around. If the &lt;i&gt;Position&lt;/i&gt; value of two channels is equal they will get sorted alphabetically by their name.</oldsource>
112        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Plassering&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
113Denne verdien lar deg endre måten Mumble arrangerer kanalene i treet. En kanal med høyere &lt;i&gt;plasserings&lt;/i&gt;-verdi vil allti bli plassert under en med lavere verdi og omvendt. Hvis &lt;i&gt;posisjons&lt;/i&gt;verdien er den samme for to kanaler, vil de bli sortert alfabetisk.</translation>
114    </message>
115    <message>
116        <location/>
117        <source>Position</source>
118        <translation>Plassering</translation>
119    </message>
120    <message>
121        <location/>
122        <source>&amp;Groups</source>
123        <translation>&amp;Grupper</translation>
124    </message>
125    <message>
126        <location/>
127        <source>Group</source>
128        <translation>Gruppe</translation>
129    </message>
130    <message>
131        <location/>
132        <source>List of groups</source>
133        <translation>Liste over grupper</translation>
134    </message>
135    <message>
136        <location/>
137        <source>Remove selected group</source>
138        <translation>Fjern valgt gruppe</translation>
139    </message>
140    <message>
141        <location/>
142        <source>Remove</source>
143        <translation>Fjern</translation>
144    </message>
145    <message>
146        <location/>
147        <source>Inherit group members from parent</source>
148        <translation>Arv gruppemdlemmer fra forelder</translation>
149    </message>
150    <message>
151        <location/>
152        <source>Inherit</source>
153        <translation>Arv</translation>
154    </message>
155    <message>
156        <location/>
157        <source>Make group inheritable to sub-channels</source>
158        <translation>Gjør gruppen arvbar for underkanaler</translation>
159    </message>
160    <message>
161        <location/>
162        <source>Inheritable</source>
163        <translation>Arvbar</translation>
164    </message>
165    <message>
166        <location/>
167        <source>Group was inherited from parent channel</source>
168        <translation>Gruppen ble nedarvet fra opphavskanalen</translation>
169    </message>
170    <message>
171        <location/>
172        <source>Inherited</source>
173        <translation>Nedarvet</translation>
174    </message>
175    <message>
176        <location/>
177        <source>Members</source>
178        <translation>Medlemmer</translation>
179    </message>
180    <message>
181        <location/>
182        <source>Add</source>
183        <translation>Legg til</translation>
184    </message>
185    <message>
186        <location/>
187        <source>Add member to group</source>
188        <translation>Leg til medlem i gruppe</translation>
189    </message>
190    <message>
191        <location/>
192        <source>Remove member from group</source>
193        <translation>Fjern medlem fra gruppe</translation>
194    </message>
195    <message>
196        <location/>
197        <source>&amp;ACL</source>
198        <translation>&amp;ACL</translation>
199    </message>
200    <message>
201        <location/>
202        <source>Active ACLs</source>
203        <translation>Aktive ACL-er</translation>
204    </message>
205    <message>
206        <location/>
207        <source>List of entries</source>
208        <translation>Liste over oppføringer</translation>
209    </message>
210    <message>
211        <location/>
212        <source>Inherit ACL of parent?</source>
213        <translation>Arv ACL fra forelder?</translation>
214    </message>
215    <message>
216        <location/>
217        <source>This sets whether or not the ACL up the chain of parent channels are applied to this object. Only those entries that are marked in the parent as &quot;Apply to sub-channels&quot; will be inherited.</source>
218        <translation>Dette velger hvorvidt ACL-er oppover i kjeden av opphavskanaler skal ha innvirkning  dette objektet. Bare oppføringer som er markert i opphav som &quot;Oppføring skal ha innvirkning  underkanaler&quot; vil nedarves.</translation>
219    </message>
220    <message>
221        <location/>
222        <source>Inherit ACLs</source>
223        <translation>Arv ACL-er</translation>
224    </message>
225    <message>
226        <location/>
227        <source>Move entry up</source>
228        <translation>Flytt oppføring opp</translation>
229    </message>
230    <message>
231        <location/>
232        <source>This moves the entry up in the list. As entries are evaluated in order, this may change the effective permissions of users. You cannot move an entry above an inherited entry, if you really need that you&apos;ll have to duplicate the inherited entry.</source>
233        <translation>Dette flytter oppføringen oppover  listen. En oppføring tas hensyn til i rekkefølge, dette kan endre de faktiske tilgangene brukerne har. Du kan ikke flytte en oppføring over en som er nedarvet. Hvis du virkelig trenger det  du lage en kopi av den nedarvede oppføringen.</translation>
234    </message>
235    <message>
236        <location/>
237        <source>&amp;Up</source>
238        <translation>&amp;Oppover</translation>
239    </message>
240    <message>
241        <location/>
242        <source>Move entry down</source>
243        <translation>Flytt oppføring ned</translation>
244    </message>
245    <message>
246        <location/>
247        <source>This moves the entry down in the list. As entries are evaluated in order, this may change the effective permissions of users.</source>
248        <translation>Dette flytter oppføringen nedover  lista. Siden oppføringer tas hensyn til i denne rekkefølgen, kan det endre de faktiske tilgangene brukerne har.</translation>
249    </message>
250    <message>
251        <location/>
252        <source>&amp;Down</source>
253        <translation>&amp;Ned</translation>
254    </message>
255    <message>
256        <location/>
257        <source>Add new entry</source>
258        <translation>Legg til ny oppføring</translation>
259    </message>
260    <message>
261        <location/>
262        <source>This adds a new entry, initially set with no permissions and applying to all.</source>
263        <translation>Dette legger til en ny oppføring, oppstartsvis uten tillatelser, gjeldende for alle.</translation>
264    </message>
265    <message>
266        <location/>
267        <source>&amp;Add</source>
268        <translation>&amp;Legg til</translation>
269    </message>
270    <message>
271        <location/>
272        <source>Remove entry</source>
273        <translation>Fjern oppføring</translation>
274    </message>
275    <message>
276        <location/>
277        <source>This removes the currently selected entry.</source>
278        <translation>Dette fjerner valgt oppføring.</translation>
279    </message>
280    <message>
281        <location/>
282        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
283        <translation>&amp;Fjern</translation>
284    </message>
285    <message>
286        <location/>
287        <source>Context</source>
288        <translation>Bindeleddsinformasjon</translation>
289    </message>
290    <message>
291        <location/>
292        <source>Entry should apply to this channel.</source>
293        <oldsource>Entry should apply to this channel</oldsource>
294        <translation>Oppføring burde ha med kanalen å gjøre.</translation>
295    </message>
296    <message>
297        <location/>
298        <source>This makes the entry apply to this channel.</source>
299        <translation>Dette anvender oppføringen  denne kanalen.</translation>
300    </message>
301    <message>
302        <location/>
303        <source>Applies to this channel</source>
304        <translation>Gjelder for denne kanalen</translation>
305    </message>
306    <message>
307        <location/>
308        <source>Entry should apply to sub-channels.</source>
309        <translation>Regelen skal ha innvirkning  underkanaler.</translation>
310    </message>
311    <message>
312        <location/>
313        <source>Add new group</source>
314        <translation>Legg til ny gruppe</translation>
315    </message>
316    <message>
317        <location/>
318        <source>&lt;b&gt;Add&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
319Add a new group.</source>
320        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Legg til&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
321Legg til en ny gruppe</translation>
322    </message>
323    <message>
324        <location/>
325        <source>Inherited members</source>
326        <translation>Arvede medlemmer</translation>
327    </message>
328    <message>
329        <location/>
330        <source>Contains the list of members added to the group by this channel.</source>
331        <translation>Inneholder listen over medlemmer lagt til i gruppen av denne kanalen.</translation>
332    </message>
333    <message>
334        <location/>
335        <source>Contains a list of members whose group membership will not be inherited from the parent channel.</source>
336        <translation>Inneholder en liste over medlemmer hvis gruppemedlemskap ikke vil nedarves fra opphavskanalen.</translation>
337    </message>
338    <message>
339        <location/>
340        <source>Contains the list of members inherited by other channels.</source>
341        <translation>Inneholder listen over brukere nedarvet fra andre kanaler.</translation>
342    </message>
343    <message>
344        <location/>
345        <source>Type in the name of a user you wish to add to the group and click Add.</source>
346        <translation>Skriv navnet  en bruker du vil tilføye gruppen og klikk Legg til.</translation>
347    </message>
348    <message>
349        <location/>
350        <source>Type in the name of a user you wish to remove from the group and click Add.</source>
351        <translation>Skriv inn navnet  en bruker du ønsker å fjerne fra gruppen og klikk Legg til.</translation>
352    </message>
353    <message>
354        <location/>
355        <source>Exclude</source>
356        <translation>Utelukk</translation>
357    </message>
358    <message>
359        <location/>
360        <source>Excluded members</source>
361        <translation>Utelukkede medlemmer</translation>
362    </message>
363    <message>
364        <location/>
365        <source>This makes the entry apply to sub-channels of this channel.</source>
366        <translation>Dette anvender oppføringen  denne kanalens underkanaler.</translation>
367    </message>
368    <message>
369        <location/>
370        <source>Applies to sub-channels</source>
371        <translation>Har innvirkning  underkanaler</translation>
372    </message>
373    <message>
374        <location/>
375        <source>Permissions</source>
376        <translation>Tillatelser</translation>
377    </message>
378    <message>
379        <location/>
380        <source>User/Group</source>
381        <translation>Bruker/Gruppe</translation>
382    </message>
383    <message>
384        <location/>
385        <source>Group this entry applies to</source>
386        <translation>Gruppen denne oppføringen har innvirkning </translation>
387    </message>
388    <message>
389        <location/>
390        <source>User ID</source>
391        <translation>Bruker-ID</translation>
392    </message>
393    <message>
394        <location/>
395        <source>User this entry applies to</source>
396        <translation>Brukere denne oppføringen har innvirkning </translation>
397    </message>
398    <message>
399        <location/>
400        <source>This controls which user this entry applies to. Just type in the user name and hit enter to query the server for a match.</source>
401        <translation>Dette kontrollerer hvilken bruker oppføringen har innvirkning . Skriv inn brukernavnet og trykke enter for å spørre tjeneren om noe som stemmer overens.</translation>
402    </message>
403    <message>
404        <location/>
405        <source>&amp;Properties</source>
406        <translation>&amp;Egenskaper</translation>
407    </message>
408    <message>
409        <location/>
410        <source>&lt;b&gt;Name&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Enter the channel name in this field. The name has to comply with the restriction imposed by the server you are connected to.</source>
411        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Navn&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Skriv inn kanalnavnet i dette feltet. Navnet  følge restriksjonen som kommer fra tjeneren du er koblet til.</translation>
412    </message>
413    <message>
414        <location/>
415        <source>&lt;b&gt;Temporary&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
416When checked the channel created will be marked as temporary. This means when the last player leaves it the channel will be automatically deleted by the server.</source>
417        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Midlertidig&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
418Når uthaket vil kanalen som blir opprettet bli markert som midlertidig. Dette betyr at når den siste spilleren forlater kanalen vil den bli automatisk slettet  tjeneren.</translation>
419    </message>
420    <message>
421        <location/>
422        <source>&lt;b&gt;Group&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
423These are all the groups currently defined for the channel. To create a new group, just type in the name and press enter.</source>
424        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Gruppe&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
425Disse er alle grupper definert for kanalen. For å opprette en ny gruppe, skriv in navnet og trykk enter.</translation>
426    </message>
427    <message>
428        <location/>
429        <source>&lt;b&gt;Remove&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This removes the currently selected group. If the group was inherited, it will not be removed from the list, but all local information about the group will be cleared.</source>
430        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Fjern&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Fjerner valgt gruppe. Hvis gruppen var nedarvet, vil den ikke bli fjernet fra listen, men all lokal informasjon om gruppen vil bli fjernet.</translation>
431    </message>
432    <message>
433        <location/>
434        <source>&lt;b&gt;Inherit&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This inherits all the members in the group from the parent, if the group is marked as &lt;i&gt;Inheritable&lt;/i&gt; in the parent channel.</source>
435        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Nedarv&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Dette arver alle medlemmene i gruppen fra sin forelder, hvis gruppen er markert som &lt;i&gt;Arvbar&lt;/i&gt; i stamkanalen.</translation>
436    </message>
437    <message>
438        <location/>
439        <source>&lt;b&gt;Inheritable&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This makes this group inheritable to sub-channels. If the group is non-inheritable, sub-channels are still free to create a new group with the same name.</source>
440        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Arvbar&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Dette gjør denne gruppen arvbar for underkanaler. Hvis gruppen er ikke-arvbar kan underkanaler fremdeles opprette en ny gruppe med det samme navnet.</translation>
441    </message>
442    <message>
443        <location/>
444        <source>&lt;b&gt;Inherited&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This indicates that the group was inherited from the parent channel. You cannot edit this flag, it&apos;s just for information.</source>
445        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Arvet&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Dette indikerer at gruppen ble nedarvet fra en stamkanal. Du kan ikke redigerer dette flagget, det er der bare av informasjonshensyn.</translation>
446    </message>
447    <message>
448        <location/>
449        <source>&lt;b&gt;Members&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
450This list contains all members that were added to the group by the current channel. Be aware that this does not include members inherited by higher levels of the channel tree. These can be found in the &lt;i&gt;Inherited members&lt;/i&gt; list. To prevent this list to be inherited by lower level channels uncheck &lt;i&gt;Inheritable&lt;/i&gt; or manually add the members to the &lt;i&gt;Excluded members&lt;/i&gt; list.</source>
451        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Members&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
452Denne listen inneholder medlemmer som ble lagt til gruppen av den nåværende kanalen. Merk at dette ikke inkluderer medlemmer nedarvet fra høyere nivåer i kanaltreet. Disse kan finnes i listen over &lt;i&gt;Arvede medlemmer&lt;/i&gt;. For å forhindre denne listen i å bli arvet av lavere kanaler, kan du fravelge &lt;i&gt;Arvbar&lt;/i&gt; eller manuelt legge til medlemmene i listen over &lt;i&gt;Ekskluderte medlemmer&lt;/i&gt;.</translation>
453    </message>
454    <message>
455        <location/>
456        <source>&lt;b&gt;Excluded members&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
457Contains a list of members whose group membership will not be inherited from the parent channel.</source>
458        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Ekskluderte medlemmer&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
459Inneholder en liste over medlemmer hvis gruppemedlemskap ikke vil bli arvet fra opphavskanalen.</translation>
460    </message>
461    <message>
462        <location/>
463        <source>&lt;b&gt;Inherited members&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
464Contains the list of members inherited by the current channel. Uncheck &lt;i&gt;Inherit&lt;/i&gt; to prevent inheritance from higher level channels.</source>
465        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Arvede medlemmer&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
466Inneholder en liste over medlemmer arvet av den nåværende kanalen. Fravelg &lt;i&gt;Arv&lt;/i&gt; for å forhindre dem fra å bli arvet av høyere kanaler.</translation>
467    </message>
468    <message>
469        <location/>
470        <source>This controls which group of users this entry applies to.&lt;br /&gt;Note that the group is evaluated in the context of the channel the entry is used in. For example, the default ACL on the Root channel gives &lt;i&gt;Write&lt;/i&gt; permission to the &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt; group. This entry, if inherited by a channel, will give a user write privileges if he belongs to the &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt; group in that channel, even if he doesn&apos;t belong to the &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt; group in the channel where the ACL originated.&lt;br /&gt;If a group name starts with &apos;!&apos;, its membership is negated, and if it starts with &apos;~&apos;, it is evaluated in the channel the ACL was defined in, rather than the channel the ACL is active in.&lt;br /&gt;If a group name starts with &apos;#&apos;, it is interpreted as an access token. Users must have entered whatever follows the &apos;#&apos; in their list of access tokens to match. This can be used for very simple password access to channels for non-authenticated users.&lt;br /&gt;If a group name starts with &apos;$&apos;, it will only match users whose certificate hash matches what follows the &apos;$&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;A few special predefined groups are:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;all&lt;/b&gt; - Everyone will match.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;auth&lt;/b&gt; - All authenticated users will match.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;sub,a,b,c&lt;/b&gt; - User currently in a sub-channel minimum &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt; common parents, and between &lt;i&gt;b&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;c&lt;/i&gt; channels down the chain. See the website for more extensive documentation on this one.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;in&lt;/b&gt; - Users currently in the channel will match (convenience for &apos;&lt;i&gt;sub,0,0,0&lt;/i&gt;&apos;).&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;out&lt;/b&gt; - Users outside the channel will match (convenience for &apos;&lt;i&gt;!sub,0,0,0&lt;/i&gt;&apos;).&lt;br /&gt;Note that an entry applies to either a user or a group, not both.</source>
471        <translation>Dette kontrollerer hvilken gruppe brukere denne regelen gjelder for.&lt;br /&gt;Vær oppmerksom  at gruppen blir evaluert i sammenheng med kanalen som reglen er brukt i. F.eks. gir forvalgt ACL  rot-kanalen &lt;i&gt;Skrive&lt;/i&gt;-rettigheter til &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt;-gruppen. Denne regelen, hvis den er arvet fra en kanal, vil gi en bruker skrive-rettigheter om den er medlem i &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt;-gruppen i den kanalen, også selvom brukeren ikke tilhører &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt;-gruppen i den kanalen den opprinnelige ACL-en er satt.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis et gruppenavn starter med et &apos;!&apos;, blir gruppens medlemskap opphevet, og hvis det starter med &apos;~&apos;, blir gruppen evaluert i kanalen dens ACL er definert i, i stedet for at kanalen dens ACL er aktiv i.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis et gruppenavn starter med en &apos;#&apos;, blir det lest som et tilgangssymbol. Brukere  ha skrevet inn det som står etter &apos;#&apos;, i deres liste over tilgangssymboler for å samsvare. Dette kan brukes til meget simpel adgangskodebasert adgang til kanaler, for brukere som ikke er identitetsbekreftet.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis et gruppenavn starter med &apos;$&apos;, vil det kun samsvare med brukere, hvis sertifikat-sjekksum samsvarer med det som kommer etter &apos;$&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;Noen  spesielle forutdefinerte grupper er:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;all&lt;/b&gt; - Alle vil samsvare.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;auth&lt;/b&gt; - Alle identitetsbekreftede brukere vil samsvare.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;sub,a,b,c&lt;/b&gt; - Brukere som i øyeblikket er i en underkanal med minimum &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt; felles opphav, og mellom &lt;i&gt;b&lt;/i&gt; og &lt;i&gt;c&lt;/i&gt; kanaler nedover i rekken. Se nettstedet for mere omfattende dokumentasjon om dette.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;in&lt;/b&gt; - Brukere som i øyeblikket er i kanalen vil samsvare (en fordel for &apos;&lt;i&gt;sub,0,0,0&lt;/i&gt;&apos;).&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;out&lt;/b&gt; - Brukere utenfor kanalen vil samsvare (en fordel for &apos;&lt;i&gt;!sub,0,0,0&lt;/i&gt;&apos;).&lt;br /&gt;Merk at en oppføring gjelder for enten én bruker eller en gruppe, men aldri begge.</translation>
472    </message>
473    <message>
474        <location/>
475        <source>&lt;b&gt;Password&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This field allows you to easily set and change the password of a channel. It uses Mumble&apos;s access tokens feature in the background. Use ACLs and groups if you need more fine grained and powerful access control.</source>
476        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Passord&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Dette feltet lar deg enkelt velge og endre passordet for en kanal. Det bruker Mumble sine tilgangssymbolfunsksjon i bakgrunnen. Bruk ACL-er og grupper hvis du trenger mer finstemt og kraftigere tilgangskontroll.</translation>
477    </message>
478    <message>
479        <location/>
480        <source>This shows all the entries active on this channel. Entries inherited from parent channels will be shown in italics.&lt;br /&gt;ACLs are evaluated top to bottom, meaning priority increases as you move down the list.</source>
481        <translation>Dette viser alle oppføringene som er aktive i denne kanalen. Oppføringer arvet fra opphavskanaler vil bli vist i kursiv.&lt;br /&gt;ACL-er blir tatt stilling til fra topp til bunn, noe som betyr at prioritet øker ettersom du forflytter deg nedover  listen.</translation>
482    </message>
483    <message>
484        <location/>
485        <source>ID of the channel.</source>
486        <translation>Kanalens ID.</translation>
487    </message>
488    <message>
489        <location/>
490        <source>Maximum Users</source>
491        <translation>Maksimalt antall brukere</translation>
492    </message>
493    <message>
494        <location/>
495        <source>Maximum number of users allowed in the channel</source>
496        <translation>Maksimalt antall brukere tillatt i denne kanalen</translation>
497    </message>
498    <message>
499        <location/>
500        <source>&lt;b&gt;Maximum Users&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
501This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. If the value is above zero, only that number of users will be allowed to enter the channel. If the value is zero, the maximum number of users in the channel is given by the server&apos;s default limit.</source>
502        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Maksimalt antall brukere&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
503Denne verdien gjør at du setter maksimalt antall brukere tillatt i kanalen. Hvis verdien er over null, vil bare det antallet brukere bli tillatt i kanalen. Hvis verdien er null, er maksimalt antall brukere i kanalen gitt av tjenerens forvalgte grense.</translation>
504    </message>
505    <message>
506        <location/>
507        <source>This is the sort order for the channel.</source>
508        <translation>Dette er sorteringsrekkefølgen for kanalen.</translation>
509    </message>
512    <name>ALSAAudioInput</name>
513    <message>
514        <location filename="ALSAAudio.cpp" line="+149"/>
515        <source>Default ALSA Card</source>
516        <translation>Forvalgt ALSA-kort</translation>
517    </message>
518    <message>
519        <location line="+191"/>
520        <source>Opening chosen ALSA Input failed: %1</source>
521        <translation>Åpning av valgt ALSA-inngang feilet: %1</translation>
522    </message>
525    <name>ALSAAudioOutput</name>
526    <message>
527        <location line="-190"/>
528        <source>Default ALSA Card</source>
529        <translation>Forvalgt ALSA-kort</translation>
530    </message>
531    <message>
532        <location line="+328"/>
533        <source>Opening chosen ALSA Output failed: %1</source>
534        <translation>Kunne ikke åpne valgt ALSA-utgang: %1</translation>
535    </message>
538    <name>ASIOConfig</name>
539    <message>
540        <location filename="ASIOInput.cpp" line="+208"/>
541        <source>%1 (version %2)</source>
542        <translation>%1 (versjon %2)</translation>
543    </message>
544    <message>
545        <location line="+3"/>
546        <source>%1 -&gt; %2 samples buffer, with %3 sample resolution (%4 preferred) at %5 Hz</source>
547        <oldsource>%1 -&gt; %2 samples buffer, with %3 sample resolution (%4 preferred) at %5Hz</oldsource>
548        <translation>%1 -&gt; %2 datapunkters hurtiglager, med %3 samplingsoppløsning (%4 foretrukket)  %5 Hz</translation>
549    </message>
550    <message>
551        <location line="+43"/>
552        <location line="+25"/>
553        <source>ASIO Initialization failed: %1</source>
554        <translation>Igangsetting av ASIO mislyktes: %1</translation>
555    </message>
556    <message>
557        <location line="-21"/>
558        <location line="+25"/>
559        <source>Failed to instantiate ASIO driver</source>
560        <translation>Klarte ikke å igangsette ASIO-driver</translation>
561    </message>
562    <message>
563        <location line="+37"/>
564        <source>ASIO</source>
565        <translation>ASIO</translation>
566    </message>
567    <message>
568        <location filename="ASIOInput.ui"/>
569        <source>Form</source>
570        <translation>Skjema</translation>
571    </message>
572    <message>
573        <location/>
574        <source>Device selection</source>
575        <translation>Valg av enhet</translation>
576    </message>
577    <message>
578        <location/>
579        <source>Device</source>
580        <translation>Enhet</translation>
581    </message>
582    <message>
583        <location/>
584        <source>Device to use for microphone</source>
585        <translation>Enhet til bruk som mikrofon</translation>
586    </message>
587    <message>
588        <location/>
589        <source>This chooses what device to query. You still need to actually query the device and select which channels to use.</source>
590        <translation>Velger hvilken enhet som skal spørres. Du  fremdeles spørre enheten og hvilke kanaler den skal bruke.</translation>
591    </message>
592    <message>
593        <location/>
594        <source>Query selected device</source>
595        <translation>Spør valgt enhet</translation>
596    </message>
597    <message>
598        <location/>
599        <source>This queries the selected device for channels. Be aware that many ASIO drivers are buggy to the extreme, and querying them might cause a crash of either the application or the system.</source>
600        <translation>Dette spør valgt enhet etter kanaler. Merk at mange ASIO-drivere er feilaktige til det ekstreme, og å spørre dem kan forårsake et kræsj av enten programmet eller systemet.</translation>
601    </message>
602    <message>
603        <location/>
604        <source>&amp;Query</source>
605        <translation>&amp;Spørring</translation>
606    </message>
607    <message>
608        <location/>
609        <source>Configure selected device</source>
610        <translation>Sett opp valgt enhet</translation>
611    </message>
612    <message>
613        <location/>
614        <source>This configures the selected device. Be aware that many ASIO drivers are buggy to the extreme, and querying them might cause a crash of either the application or the system.</source>
615        <translation>Dette setter opp den valgte enheten. Merk at mange ASIO-drivere er feilaktige til det ekstreme, og å spørre dem kan forårsake et kræsj av enten programmet eller systemet.</translation>
616    </message>
617    <message>
618        <location/>
619        <source>&amp;Configure</source>
620        <translation>&amp;Sett opp</translation>
621    </message>
622    <message>
623        <location/>
624        <source>Capabilities</source>
625        <translation>Evner</translation>
626    </message>
627    <message>
628        <location/>
629        <source>Driver name</source>
630        <translation>Drivernavn</translation>
631    </message>
632    <message>
633        <location/>
634        <source>Buffer size</source>
635        <translation>Størrelse  mellomlager</translation>
636    </message>
637    <message>
638        <location/>
639        <source>This will configure the input channels for ASIO. Make sure you select at least one channel as microphone and speaker. &lt;i&gt;Microphone&lt;/i&gt; should be where your microphone is attached, and &lt;i&gt;Speaker&lt;/i&gt; should be a channel that samples &apos;&lt;i&gt;What you hear&lt;/i&gt;&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;For example, on the Audigy 2 ZS, a good selection for Microphone would be &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mic L&lt;/i&gt;&apos; while Speaker should be &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mix L&lt;/i&gt;&apos; and &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mix R&lt;/i&gt;&apos;.</source>
640        <translation>Dette vil sette opp lydinnganger for ASIO. Forsikre deg om at du har minst én kanal som mikrofon og høytaler. &lt;i&gt;Mikrofon&lt;/i&gt; burde være der mikrofonen din er innkoblet, og &lt;i&gt;Høyttaler&lt;/i&gt; burde være en kanal som sampler &apos;&lt;i&gt;Det du hører&lt;/i&gt;&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;For eksempel,  Audigy 2 ZS, vil et bra valg for mikrofon være &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mic L&lt;/i&gt;&apos; mens høytaler burde være &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mix L&lt;/i&gt;&apos; og &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mix R&lt;/i&gt;&apos;.</translation>
641    </message>
642    <message>
643        <location/>
644        <source>Configure input channels</source>
645        <translation>Sett opp inndatakanaler</translation>
646    </message>
647    <message>
648        <location/>
649        <source>Channels</source>
650        <translation>Kanaler</translation>
651    </message>
652    <message>
653        <location/>
654        <source>Microphone</source>
655        <translation>Mikrofon</translation>
656    </message>
657    <message>
658        <location/>
659        <source>&lt;-</source>
660        <translation>&lt;-</translation>
661    </message>
662    <message>
663        <location/>
664        <source>-&gt;</source>
665        <translation>-&gt;</translation>
666    </message>
667    <message>
668        <location/>
669        <source>Unused</source>
670        <translation>Ubrukt</translation>
671    </message>
672    <message>
673        <location/>
674        <source>Speakers</source>
675        <translation>Høytalere</translation>
676    </message>
679    <name>ASIOInput</name>
680    <message>
681        <location filename="ASIOInput.cpp" line="+74"/>
682        <source>You need to select at least one microphone and one speaker source to use ASIO. If you just need microphone sampling, use DirectSound.</source>
683        <translation>Du trenger ihvertfall én mikrofon og en høytalerkilde for å bruke ASIO. Hvis du bare trenger mikrofonsampling, bruk DirectSound.</translation>
684    </message>
685    <message>
686        <location line="+104"/>
687        <source>Opening selected ASIO device failed. No input will be done.</source>
688        <translation>Åpning av valgt ASIO-enhet feilet. Ingen inndataenhet vil bli lagt til.</translation>
689    </message>
692    <name>AboutDialog</name>
693    <message>
694        <location filename="About.cpp" line="+15"/>
695        <source>About Mumble</source>
696        <translation>Om Mumble</translation>
697    </message>
698    <message>
699        <location line="+35"/>
700        <source>&lt;h3&gt;Mumble (%1)&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p&gt;%3&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;A voice-chat utility for gamers&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;tt&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;%2&quot;&gt;%2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</source>
701        <translation>&lt;h3&gt;Mumble (%1)&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p&gt;%3&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Et prateverktøy for spillere&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;tt&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;%2&quot;&gt;%2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
702    </message>
703    <message>
704        <location line="+12"/>
705        <source>&amp;About Mumble</source>
706        <translation>&amp;Om Mumble</translation>
707    </message>
708    <message>
709        <location line="+1"/>
710        <source>&amp;License</source>
711        <translation>&amp;Lisens</translation>
712    </message>
713    <message>
714        <location line="+1"/>
715        <source>A&amp;uthors</source>
716        <translation>&amp;Utviklere</translation>
717    </message>
718    <message>
719        <location line="+1"/>
720        <source>&amp;Third-Party Licenses</source>
721        <translation>%Tredjepartslisenser</translation>
722    </message>
723    <message>
724        <location line="+2"/>
725        <source>OK</source>
726        <translation>OK</translation>
727    </message>
730    <name>AudioInput</name>
731    <message>
732        <location filename="AudioInput.ui"/>
733        <source>Form</source>
734        <translation>Skjema</translation>
735    </message>
736    <message>
737        <location/>
738        <source>Interface</source>
739        <translation>Grensesnitt</translation>
740    </message>
741    <message>
742        <location/>
743        <source>System</source>
744        <translation>System</translation>
745    </message>
746    <message>
747        <location/>
748        <source>Input method for audio</source>
749        <translation>Inndatametode for lyd</translation>
750    </message>
751    <message>
752        <location/>
753        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the input method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</source>
754        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Inndatametode til bruk for lyd.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Antageligvis ønsker du å bruke DirectSound.</translation>
755    </message>
756    <message>
757        <location/>
758        <source>Device</source>
759        <translation>Enhet</translation>
760    </message>
761    <message>
762        <location/>
763        <source>Input device for audio</source>
764        <translation>Inndataenhet for lyd</translation>
765    </message>
766    <message>
767        <location/>
768        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the input device to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
769        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Inndataenhet til bruk for lyd.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
770    </message>
771    <message>
772        <location/>
773        <source>Transmission</source>
774        <translation>Overøring</translation>
775    </message>
776    <message>
777        <location/>
778        <source>&amp;Transmit</source>
779        <translation>&amp;Overfør</translation>
780    </message>
781    <message>
782        <location/>
783        <source>When to transmit your speech</source>
784        <translation>Når du ønsker å overføre lyd</translation>
785    </message>
786    <message>
787        <location/>
788        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets when speech should be transmitted.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Continuous&lt;/i&gt; - All the time&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Voice Activity&lt;/i&gt; - When you are speaking clearly.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Push To Talk&lt;/i&gt; - When you hold down the hotkey set under &lt;i&gt;Shortcuts&lt;/i&gt;.</source>
789        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Angir når tale skal overføres.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Sammenhengende&lt;/i&gt; - Hele tiden&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Stemmeaktivitet&lt;/i&gt; - Når du snakker rent.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Trykk-for-å-snakke&lt;/i&gt; - Når du holder ned tastatursnarveien i &lt;i&gt;Tastatursnarveier&lt;/i&gt;.</translation>
790    </message>
791    <message>
792        <location/>
793        <source>DoublePush Time</source>
794        <translation>Dobbelttrykkstid</translation>
795    </message>
796    <message>
797        <location/>
798        <source>If you press the PTT key twice in this time it will get locked.</source>
799        <translation>Hvis du trykker to ganger  trykk-for-å-snakke -knappen innenfor denne tidsrammen, vil den bli låst.</translation>
800    </message>
801    <message>
802        <location/>
803        <source>&lt;b&gt;DoublePush Time&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If you press the push-to-talk key twice during the configured interval of time it will be locked. Mumble will keep transmitting until you hit the key once more to unlock PTT again.</source>
804        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dobbelttrykkstid&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Hvis du brukker trykk-for-å-snakke -tasten to ganger under tidsavgrensningen vil den låses. Forsendelse vil fortsette til du trykker igjen for å låse opp tasten igjen.</translation>
805    </message>
806    <message>
807        <location/>
808        <source>Reset audio cue to default</source>
809        <translation>Nullstill lydhint til forvalg</translation>
810    </message>
811    <message>
812        <location/>
813        <source>&lt;b&gt;Reset&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Reset the paths for the files to their default.</source>
814        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Nullstill&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Tilbakestiller stien for filene til forvalget.</translation>
815    </message>
816    <message>
817        <location/>
818        <source>Browse for on audio file</source>
819        <translation>Utforsk for lydfil</translation>
820    </message>
821    <message>
822        <location/>
823        <source>Browse for off audio file</source>
824        <translation>Se etter en lydfil for forsendelsesslutt</translation>
825    </message>
826    <message>
827        <location/>
828        <source>Off</source>
829        <translation>Av</translation>
830    </message>
831    <message>
832        <location/>
833        <source>On</source>
834        <translation>Påslått</translation>
835    </message>
836    <message>
837        <location/>
838        <source>Preview the audio cues</source>
839        <translation>Prøvehør lydhintene</translation>
840    </message>
841    <message>
842        <location/>
843        <source>Use SNR based speech detection</source>
844        <translation>Bruk signal-til-støy -basert stemmeoppdagelse</translation>
845    </message>
846    <message>
847        <location/>
848        <source>Signal to Noise</source>
849        <translation>Signalforhold</translation>
850    </message>
851    <message>
852        <location/>
853        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets speech detection to use Amplitude.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In this mode, the raw strength of the input signal is used to detect speech.</source>
854        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette valget vil bruke amplitude for stemmeoppdaging.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I dette moduset er det den råe styrken til inngangssignalet som brukes for å oppdage tale.</translation>
855    </message>
856    <message>
857        <location/>
858        <source>Amplitude</source>
859        <translation>Amplitude</translation>
860    </message>
861    <message>
862        <location/>
863        <source>Voice &amp;Hold</source>
864        <translation>Tid  &amp;gløtt for stemme</translation>
865    </message>
866    <message>
867        <location/>
868        <source>How long to keep transmitting after silence</source>
869        <translation>Hvor lang tid skal forsendelse fortsettes etter at det har blitt stille</translation>
870    </message>
871    <message>
872        <location/>
873        <source>Silence Below</source>
874        <translation>Fortiet under</translation>
875    </message>
876    <message>
877        <location/>
878        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the trigger values for voice detection.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Use this together with the Audio Statistics window to manually tune the trigger values for detecting speech. Input values below &quot;Silence Below&quot; always count as silence. Values above &quot;Speech Above&quot; always count as voice. Values in between will count as voice if you&apos;re already talking, but will not trigger a new detection.</source>
879        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette setter utløserfunksjonsverdier for stemmeoppdaging.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Bruk dette sammen med lydstatistikk-vinduet for å manuelt justere dem. Inndataverdier som &quot;Stille under&quot; teller alltid som stillhet. Verdier over &quot;Tale over&quot; teller alltid som tale. Verdier imellom vil telle som tale hvis du allerede snakker, men vil ikke utløse ny oppdagelse.</translation>
880    </message>
881    <message>
882        <location/>
883        <source>Speech Above</source>
884        <translation>Tale høyere enn</translation>
885    </message>
886    <message>
887        <location/>
888        <source>Signal values above this count as voice</source>
889        <translation>Signalverdier over dette teller som tale</translation>
890    </message>
891    <message>
892        <location/>
893        <source>Compression</source>
894        <translation>Kompresjon</translation>
895    </message>
896    <message>
897        <location/>
898        <source>&amp;Quality</source>
899        <translation>&amp;Kvalitet</translation>
900    </message>
901    <message>
902        <location/>
903        <source>Quality of compression (peak bandwidth)</source>
904        <translation>Kvalitet  komprimering (toppnivå for båndbredde)</translation>
905    </message>
906    <message>
907        <location/>
908        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the quality of compression.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This determines how much bandwidth Mumble is allowed to use for outgoing audio.</source>
909        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Kvalitetsinstilling for komprimering.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Dette bestemmer hvor mye båndbredde Mumble skal tillates å bruke for utgående lyd.</translation>
910    </message>
911    <message>
912        <location/>
913        <source>Audio per packet</source>
914        <translation>Lyd per pakke</translation>
915    </message>
916    <message>
917        <location/>
918        <source>How many audio frames to send per packet</source>
919        <translation>Antall lydrammer å sende per pakke</translation>
920    </message>
921    <message>
922        <location/>
923        <source>&lt;b&gt;This selects how many audio frames should be put in one packet.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Increasing this will increase the latency of your voice, but will also reduce bandwidth requirements.</source>
924        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette angir hvir mange lydrammer som skal puttes i en pakke.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Å øke dette vil heve forsinkelsen for din stemme, men vil også senke båndbreddekrav.</translation>
925    </message>
926    <message>
927        <location/>
928        <source>&lt;b&gt;This shows peak outgoing bandwidth used.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This shows the peak amount of bandwidth sent out from your machine. Audio bitrate is the maximum bitrate (as we use VBR) for the audio data alone. Position is the bitrate used for positional information. Overhead is our framing and the IP packet headers (IP and UDP is 75% of this overhead).</source>
929        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette viser toppnivået for brukt utgående båndbredde.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt; Dvs, akkurat i det tidspunktet der du sendte ut mest data. Lydbitraten er den maksimale bitraten (siden vi bruker VBR) for lyddataen alene. Posisjon er bitraten brukt for posisjonsbasert informasjon. Overskudd er vår innramming og IP-pakke hodene (IP og UDP er 75% av overskuddsdataen).</translation>
930    </message>
931    <message>
932        <location/>
933        <source>Audio Processing</source>
934        <translation>Lydbehandling</translation>
935    </message>
936    <message>
937        <location/>
938        <source>Noise Suppression</source>
939        <translation>Støydempning</translation>
940    </message>
941    <message>
942        <location/>
943        <source>Noise suppression</source>
944        <translation>Støydempning</translation>
945    </message>
946    <message>
947        <location/>
948        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the amount of noise suppression to apply.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The higher this value, the more aggressively stationary noise will be suppressed.</source>
949        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Velger mengden støydempning som skal utføres&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Desto høyere verdi, desto mer undertrykking av transmisjonsstøy.</translation>
950    </message>
951    <message>
952        <location/>
953        <source>Maximum amplification of input sound</source>
954        <translation>Maksimal forsterkning av inndatalyd</translation>
955    </message>
956    <message>
957        <location/>
958        <source>&lt;b&gt;Maximum amplification of input.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble normalizes the input volume before compressing, and this sets how much it&apos;s allowed to amplify.&lt;br /&gt;The actual level is continually updated based on your current speech pattern, but it will never go above the level specified here.&lt;br /&gt;If the &lt;i&gt;Microphone loudness&lt;/i&gt; level of the audio statistics hover around 100%, you probably want to set this to 2.0 or so, but if, like most people, you are unable to reach 100%, set this to something much higher.&lt;br /&gt;Ideally, set it so &lt;i&gt;Microphone Loudness * Amplification Factor &gt;= 100&lt;/i&gt;, even when you&apos;re speaking really soft.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Note that there is no harm in setting this to maximum, but Mumble will start picking up other conversations if you leave it to auto-tune to that level.</source>
959        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Maksimal forsterkning av opptak&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble normaliserer innspillings-lydstyrken før komprimering, og dette har innvirkning  hvor mye Mumble forsterker.&lt;br /&gt;Det egentlige nivået blir hele tiden oppdatert basert  det nåværende talemønster, men det vil aldri komme over nivået angitt her.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis &lt;i&gt;Mikrofon lydstyrke&lt;/i&gt;-nivået ligger omkring 100%, skal du sannsynligvis sette denne til 2.0 eller deromkring, men hvis du som de fleste folk ikke er i stand til at oppnå 100%, skal du sette denne til noe mye høyere.&lt;br /&gt;Ideelt sett skal du sette den til &lt;i&gt;Mikrofon lydstyrke * forsterkningsfaktor &gt;= 100&lt;/i&gt;, selv når du snakker lavt.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Merk at det ikke gjør noe hvis du setter denne til maksimum, men Mumble vil begynne å plukke opp andre samtaler, hvis du lar det justere dette nivået automatisk.</translation>
960    </message>
961    <message>
962        <location/>
963        <source>Current speech detection chance</source>
964        <translation>Nåværende sjanse for stemmeoppdagelse</translation>
965    </message>
966    <message>
967        <location/>
968        <source>Cancel echo from speakers</source>
969        <translation>Lydkansellering av ekko fra høytalere</translation>
970    </message>
971    <message>
972        <location/>
973        <source>Enabling this will cancel the echo from your speakers. Mixed has low CPU impact, but only works well if your speakers are equally loud and equidistant from the microphone. Multichannel echo cancellation provides much better echo cancellation, but at a higher CPU cost.</source>
974        <translation>Å skru  dette vil kansellere ekko fra høytalerne dine. Miksing har liten innvirkning  CPU bruk, men fungerer bare bra hvis høytalerne dine har samme lydstyrke og hver av dem er like langt unna mikrofonen. Multikanals ekko-kansellering gir mye bede resultater, men til en høyere CPU-pris.</translation>
975    </message>
976    <message>
977        <location/>
978        <source>Disabled</source>
979        <translation>Avskrudd</translation>
980    </message>
981    <message>
982        <location/>
983        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets speech detection to use Signal to Noise ratio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In this mode, the input is analyzed for something resembling a clear signal, and the clarity of that signal is used to trigger speech detection.</source>
984        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette setter stemmeoppdagelse til å bruke signal-til-støy -forhold&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;I dette moduset blir inngangssignalet analysert for noe som ligner  et rent signal, og renheten  det signalet brukes for å igangsette stemmeoppdagelse.</translation>
985    </message>
986    <message>
987        <location/>
988        <source>&lt;b&gt;This shows the current speech detection settings.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard.</source>
989        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette viser gjeldende stemmeoppdagelses-innstillinger&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Du kan endre disse innstillingene fra innstillingsdialogen eller fra lydveiviseren.</translation>
990    </message>
991    <message>
992        <location/>
993        <source>Signal values below this count as silence</source>
994        <translation>Signalverdier under dette anses som stillhet</translation>
995    </message>
996    <message>
997        <location/>
998        <source>Maximum bandwidth used for sending audio</source>
999        <translation>Maksimal båndbredde brukt til forsendelse av lyd</translation>
1000    </message>
1001    <message>
1002        <location/>
1003        <source>Use Amplitude based speech detection</source>
1004        <translation>Bruk amplitudebasert stemmeoppdagelse</translation>
1005    </message>
1006    <message>
1007        <location/>
1008        <source>&lt;b&gt;This selects how long after a perceived stop in speech transmission should continue.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Set this higher if your voice breaks up when you speak (seen by a rapidly blinking voice icon next to your name).</source>
1009        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette velger hvor lenge etter et antatt stopp i taleoverføringen den skal fortsette.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Sett denne høyere hvis du blir hakkete (kan ses som en raskt blinkende stemmeikon ved siden av navnet ditt).</translation>
1010    </message>
1011    <message>
1012        <location/>
1013        <source>Exclusive mode</source>
1014        <translation>Eksklusivt modus</translation>
1015    </message>
1016    <message>
1017        <location/>
1018        <source>&lt;b&gt;This opens the device in exclusive mode.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;No other application will be able to use the device.</source>
1019        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette åpner enheten i eksklusivt modus.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Inget annet program vil kunne bruke enheten.</translation>
1020    </message>
1021    <message>
1022        <location/>
1023        <source>Exclusive</source>
1024        <translation>Eksklusiv</translation>
1025    </message>
1026    <message>
1027        <location/>
1028        <source>R&amp;eset</source>
1029        <translation>&amp;Tilbakestill</translation>
1030    </message>
1031    <message>
1032        <location/>
1033        <source>&amp;Browse...</source>
1034        <translation>&amp;Bla gjennom...</translation>
1035    </message>
1036    <message>
1037        <location/>
1038        <source>B&amp;rowse...</source>
1039        <translation>&amp;Surf…</translation>
1040    </message>
1041    <message>
1042        <location/>
1043        <source>&amp;Preview</source>
1044        <translation>&amp;Forhåndsvisning</translation>
1045    </message>
1046    <message>
1047        <location/>
1048        <source>&lt;b&gt;Preview&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Plays the current &lt;i&gt;on&lt;/i&gt; sound followed by the current &lt;i&gt;off&lt;/i&gt; sound.</source>
1049        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Forhåndslytt&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Spiller nåværende &lt;i&gt;&lt;/i&gt;-lyd, etterfulgt av nåværende &lt;i&gt;av&lt;/i&gt;-lyd.</translation>
1050    </message>
1051    <message>
1052        <location/>
1053        <source>Displays an always on top window with a push to talk button in it</source>
1054        <translation>Viser et vindu som alltid er i forgrunnen med en trykk-for-å-snakke knapp</translation>
1055    </message>
1056    <message>
1057        <location/>
1058        <source>Display push to talk window</source>
1059        <translation>Vis trykk-for-å-snakke -vindu</translation>
1060    </message>
1061    <message>
1062        <location/>
1063        <source>Misc</source>
1064        <translation>Ymse</translation>
1065    </message>
1066    <message>
1067        <location/>
1068        <source>Audible audio cue when starting or stopping to transmit</source>
1069        <translation>Hørbar lydhint når lydoverføring stoppes eller startes</translation>
1070    </message>
1071    <message>
1072        <location/>
1073        <source>&lt;b&gt;This enables transmission audio cues.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Setting this will give you a short audio beep when you start and stop transmitting.</source>
1074        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette skrur  lydhint for lydoverføringer.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Å sette  dette vil gi deg et kort pip når du starter og slutter overføring.</translation>
1075    </message>
1076    <message>
1077        <location/>
1078        <source>Audio cue</source>
1079        <translation>Lydhint</translation>
1080    </message>
1081    <message>
1082        <location/>
1083        <source>Gets played when starting to transmit</source>
1084        <translation>Spilles når lydoverføring starter</translation>
1085    </message>
1086    <message>
1087        <location/>
1088        <source>Gets played when stopping to transmit</source>
1089        <translation>Spilles når lydoverføring stopper</translation>
1090    </message>
1091    <message>
1092        <location/>
1093        <source>Hold Time</source>
1094        <translation>Tid  gløtt</translation>
1095    </message>
1096    <message>
1097        <location/>
1098        <source>Time the microphone stays open after the PTT key is released</source>
1099        <translation>Tiden mikrofonen går for åpent hus etter at trykk-for-å-snakke -knappen har blitt sluppet</translation>
1100    </message>
1101    <message>
1102        <location filename="AudioInput.cpp" line="+580"/>
1103        <source>Server maximum network bandwidth is only %1 kbit/s. Audio quality auto-adjusted to %2 kbit/s (%3 ms)</source>
1104        <translation>Tjenerens maksimumsbåndbredde er bare %1 kbit/s. Lydkvalitet auto-justert til %2 kbit/s (%3 ms)</translation>
1105    </message>
1106    <message>
1107        <location filename="AudioInput.ui"/>
1108        <source>Max. Amplification</source>
1109        <translation>Maks. forsterkning</translation>
1110    </message>
1111    <message>
1112        <location/>
1113        <source>Idle action</source>
1114        <translation>Lediggangshandling</translation>
1115    </message>
1116    <message>
1117        <location/>
1118        <source>minutes do</source>
1119        <translation>minutter utfør</translation>
1120    </message>
1121    <message>
1122        <location/>
1123        <source>nothing</source>
1124        <translation>ingenting</translation>
1125    </message>
1126    <message>
1127        <location/>
1128        <source>deafen</source>
1129        <translation>gjør døv</translation>
1130    </message>
1131    <message>
1132        <location/>
1133        <source>mute</source>
1134        <translation>stum</translation>
1135    </message>
1136    <message>
1137        <location/>
1138        <source>after</source>
1139        <translation>etter</translation>
1140    </message>
1141    <message>
1142        <location/>
1143        <source>Echo Cancellation</source>
1144        <translation>Ekko-kansellering</translation>
1145    </message>
1146    <message>
1147        <location/>
1148        <source>Mixed echo cancellation</source>
1149        <translation>Blandet ekko-kansellering</translation>
1150    </message>
1151    <message>
1152        <location/>
1153        <source>Multichannel echo cancellation</source>
1154        <translation>Multikanals ekko-kansellering</translation>
1155    </message>
1156    <message>
1157        <location/>
1158        <source>The idle action will be reversed upon any key or mouse button input</source>
1159        <translation>Lediggangshandlingen vil motvirkes ved enhver annen tast eller musebevegelse</translation>
1160    </message>
1161    <message>
1162        <location/>
1163        <source>Undo Idle action upon activity</source>
1164        <translation>Fjern lediggangshandling ved aktivitet</translation>
1165    </message>
1168    <name>AudioInputDialog</name>
1169    <message>
1170        <location filename="AudioConfigDialog.cpp" line="+80"/>
1171        <source>Continuous</source>
1172        <translation>Sammenhengende</translation>
1173    </message>
1174    <message>
1175        <location line="+1"/>
1176        <source>Voice Activity</source>
1177        <translation>Stemmeaktivitet</translation>
1178    </message>
1179    <message>
1180        <location line="+1"/>
1181        <source>Push To Talk</source>
1182        <translation>Trykk for å snakke</translation>
1183    </message>
1184    <message>
1185        <location line="+14"/>
1186        <source>Audio Input</source>
1187        <translation>Lydinngang</translation>
1188    </message>
1189    <message>
1190        <location line="+98"/>
1191        <location line="+8"/>
1192        <location line="+7"/>
1193        <source>%1 ms</source>
1194        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
1195    </message>
1196    <message>
1197        <location line="-9"/>
1198        <location line="+7"/>
1199        <location line="+20"/>
1200        <source>Off</source>
1201        <translation>Av</translation>
1202    </message>
1203    <message>
1204        <location line="-12"/>
1205        <source>%1 s</source>
1206        <translation>%1 s</translation>
1207    </message>
1208    <message>
1209        <location line="+4"/>
1210        <source>%1 kb/s</source>
1211        <translation>%1 kb/s</translation>
1212    </message>
1213    <message>
1214        <location line="+11"/>
1215        <source>-%1 dB</source>
1216        <translation>-%1 dB</translation>
1217    </message>
1218    <message>
1219        <location line="+48"/>
1220        <source>%1 kbit/s (Audio %2, Position %4, Overhead %3)</source>
1221        <translation>%1 kbit/s (Lyd %2, Posisjon %4, Overskudd %3)</translation>
1222    </message>
1225    <name>AudioOutput</name>
1226    <message>
1227        <location filename="AudioOutput.ui"/>
1228        <source>Form</source>
1229        <translation>Skjema</translation>
1230    </message>
1231    <message>
1232        <location/>
1233        <source>Interface</source>
1234        <translation>Grensesnitt</translation>
1235    </message>
1236    <message>
1237        <location/>
1238        <source>System</source>
1239        <translation>System</translation>
1240    </message>
1241    <message>
1242        <location/>
1243        <source>Output method for audio</source>
1244        <translation>Utdatametode for lyd</translation>
1245    </message>
1246    <message>
1247        <location/>
1248        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the output method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</source>
1249        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;This is the input method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</oldsource>
1250        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette er utdatametoden til bruk for lyd.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Du vil mest sannsynlig ønske å bruke DirectSound.</translation>
1251    </message>
1252    <message>
1253        <location/>
1254        <source>Device</source>
1255        <translation>Enhet</translation>
1256    </message>
1257    <message>
1258        <location/>
1259        <source>Output device for audio</source>
1260        <translation>Utdataenhet for lyd</translation>
1261    </message>
1262    <message>
1263        <location/>
1264        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the output device to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
1265        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette er utdataenheten til bruk for lyd.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
1266    </message>
1267    <message>
1268        <location/>
1269        <source>Positional Audio</source>
1270        <translation>Posisjonell lyd</translation>
1271    </message>
1272    <message>
1273        <location/>
1274        <source>Audio Output</source>
1275        <translation>Lydutdata</translation>
1276    </message>
1277    <message>
1278        <location/>
1279        <source>Default &amp;Jitter Buffer</source>
1280        <translation>Forvalgt &amp;jutter-hurtiglager</translation>
1281    </message>
1282    <message>
1283        <location/>
1284        <source>Safety margin for jitter buffer</source>
1285        <translation>Sikkerhetsmargin for jitterhurtiglager</translation>
1286    </message>
1287    <message>
1288        <location/>
1289        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the minimum safety margin for the jitter buffer.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;All incoming audio is buffered, and the jitter buffer continually tries to push the buffer to the minimum sustainable by your network, so latency can be as low as possible. This sets the minimum buffer size to use. If the start of sentences you hear is very jittery, increase this value.</source>
1290        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette setter minimum sikkerhetsmargin for jitterhurtiglageret.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;All innkommende lyd hurtiglagres, og jitterhurtiglageret prøver kontinuerlig å redusere seg selv til det minimum som er bærekraftig  ditt nettverk, slik at forsinkelsen kan være  lav som mulig.
1291Hvis begynnelsen  setninger du hører har mye jitter, øk denne verdien.</translation>
1292    </message>
1293    <message>
1294        <location/>
1295        <source>Minimum distance to user before sound volume decreases</source>
1296        <translation>Minimumsdistanse til bruker før lydvolum senkes</translation>
1297    </message>
1298    <message>
1299        <location/>
1300        <source>This sets the minimum distance for sound calculations. The volume of other users&apos; speech will not decrease until they are at least this far away from you.</source>
1301        <translation>Minimumsdistanse for lydutregninger. Lydstyrken  andre brukeres tale vil ikke senkes til de er ihvertfall denne avstanden unna deg.</translation>
1302    </message>
1303    <message>
1304        <location/>
1305        <source>This sets the maximum distance for sound calculations. When farther away than this, other users&apos; speech volume will not decrease any further.</source>
1306        <translation>Dette setter maksimal avstand for lydutregninger.
1307Når du er lenger unna enn dette vil andres stemme ikke bli dempet ytterligere.</translation>
1308    </message>
1309    <message>
1310        <location/>
1311        <source>&lt;b&gt;This enables one of the loopback test modes.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;None&lt;/i&gt; - Loopback disabled&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Local&lt;/i&gt; - Emulate a local server.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Server&lt;/i&gt; - Request loopback from server.&lt;br /&gt;Please note than when loopback is enabled, no other users will hear your voice. This setting is not saved on application exit.</source>
1312        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette skrur  ett av testmodusene for nøytal tilbakekobling.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Ingen&lt;/i&gt; - Nøytral tilbakekobling avskrudd&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Lokal&lt;/i&gt; - Emuler en lokal tjener.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Tjener&lt;/i&gt; - Forespør nøytral tilbakekobling fra tjener.&lt;br /&gt;Merk at når nøytral tilbakekobling er påskrudd, vil brukere ikke lenger høre stemmen din. Denne innstillingen blir ikke lagret ved programslutt.</translation>
1313    </message>
1314    <message>
1315        <location/>
1316        <source>Volume</source>
1317        <translation>Lydstyrke</translation>
1318    </message>
1319    <message>
1320        <location/>
1321        <source>Volume of incoming speech</source>
1322        <translation>Lydstyrke for innkommende tale</translation>
1323    </message>
1324    <message>
1325        <location/>
1326        <source>&lt;b&gt;This adjusts the volume of incoming speech.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Note that if you increase this beyond 100%, audio will be distorted.</source>
1327        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette justerer lydstyrke  innkommende tale.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Økning utover 100% betyr forvrenging.</translation>
1328    </message>
1329    <message>
1330        <location/>
1331        <source>Output Delay</source>
1332        <translation>Tidsforsinkelse for utdata</translation>
1333    </message>
1334    <message>
1335        <location/>
1336        <source>Amount of data to buffer</source>
1337        <translation>Mengden data som skal hurtiglagres</translation>
1338    </message>
1339    <message>
1340        <location/>
1341        <source>The connected &quot;speakers&quot; are actually headphones</source>
1342        <oldsource>The connected &quot;speakers&quot; are actually headphones.</oldsource>
1343        <translation>De tilkoblede &quot;høyttalerne&quot; er faktisk hodetelefoner</translation>
1344    </message>
1345    <message>
1346        <location/>
1347        <source>Factor for sound volume decrease</source>
1348        <translation>Faktor for lydstyrkesenkning</translation>
1349    </message>
1350    <message>
1351        <location/>
1352        <source>Bloom</source>
1353        <translation>Glød</translation>
1354    </message>
1355    <message>
1356        <location/>
1357        <source>Factor for sound volume increase</source>
1358        <translation>Faktor for lydstyrkeøkning</translation>
1359    </message>
1360    <message>
1361        <location/>
1362        <source>How much should sound volume increase for sources that are really close?</source>
1363        <translation>Hvor mye skal lydstyrken økes for kilder som er virkelig nære?</translation>
1364    </message>
1365    <message>
1366        <location/>
1367        <source>Checking this indicates that you don&apos;t have speakers connected, just headphones. This is important, as speakers are usually in front of you, while headphones are directly to your left/right.</source>
1368        <translation>Uthaking av denne indikerer at du ikke har høyttalere tilkoblet, bare hodetelefoner. Dette er viktig, siden høyttalere vanligvis er foran deg, mens hodetelefoner er direkte  sidene.</translation>
1369    </message>
1370    <message>
1371        <location/>
1372        <source>This sets the amount of data to pre-buffer in the output buffer. Experiment with different values and set it to the lowest which doesn&apos;t cause rapid jitter in the sound.</source>
1373        <translation>Dette angir mengden data som skal hurtiglagres i utdatahurtiglageret. Eksperimenter med forskjellige verdier og sett til den laveste verdien som ikke forårsaker rask jitter i lyden.</translation>
1374    </message>
1375    <message>
1376        <location/>
1377        <source>Headphones</source>
1378        <translation>Hodetelefoner</translation>
1379    </message>
1380    <message>
1381        <location/>
1382        <source>Minimum Distance</source>
1383        <translation>Minimumsavstand</translation>
1384    </message>
1385    <message>
1386        <location/>
1387        <source>Maximum Distance</source>
1388        <translation>Maksimumsavstand</translation>
1389    </message>
1390    <message>
1391        <location/>
1392        <source>Maximum distance, beyond which speech volume won&apos;t decrease</source>
1393        <translation>Maksimal distanse, etter dette vil ikke lydstyrkenivået for tale senkes</translation>
1394    </message>
1395    <message>
1396        <location/>
1397        <source>Minimum Volume</source>
1398        <translation>Minimum lydstyrkenivå</translation>
1399    </message>
1400    <message>
1401        <location/>
1402        <source>What should the volume be at the maximum distance?</source>
1403        <translation>Hva skal lydstyrken være  maksimalt hold?</translation>
1404    </message>
1405    <message>
1406        <location/>
1407        <source>Loopback Test</source>
1408        <translation>Lydsløyfetest</translation>
1409    </message>
1410    <message>
1411        <location/>
1412        <source>Delay Variance</source>
1413        <translation>Forsinkningsvariasjon</translation>
1414    </message>
1415    <message>
1416        <location/>
1417        <source>Variance in packet latency</source>
1418        <translation>Variasjon for pakkesvartid</translation>
1419    </message>
1420    <message>
1421        <location/>
1422        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the packet latency variance for loopback testing.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most audio paths contain some variable latency. This allows you to set that variance for loopback mode testing. For example, if you set this to 15ms, this will emulate a network with 20-35ms ping latency or one with 80-95ms latency. Most domestic net connections have a variance of about 5ms.</source>
1423        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;This sets the packet latency variance for loopback testing.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most audio paths contain some variable latency. This allows you set that variance for loopback mode testing. For example, if you set this to 15ms, this will emulate a network with 20-35ms ping latency or one with 80-95ms latency. Most domestic net connections have a variance of about 5ms.</oldsource>
1424        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Setter variasjon i pakkeforsinkelse for nøytral tilbakekoblingstesting.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;De fleste lydveier inneholder en del variabel forsinkelse. For eksempel hvis du setter dette til 15ms, vil det emulere et nettverk med 20-35 ms spørringsforsinkelse eller et med 80-95ms forsinkelse. De fleste tilkoblinger for konsumenter har en forsinkelse  omentrent 5ms.</translation>
1425    </message>
1426    <message>
1427        <location/>
1428        <source>Packet Loss</source>
1429        <translation>Pakketap</translation>
1430    </message>
1431    <message>
1432        <location/>
1433        <source>Packet loss for loopback mode</source>
1434        <translation>Pakketap for lydsløyfemodus</translation>
1435    </message>
1436    <message>
1437        <location/>
1438        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the packet loss for loopback mode.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This will be the ratio of packets lost. Unless your outgoing bandwidth is peaked or there&apos;s something wrong with your network connection, this will be 0%</source>
1439        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette setter pakketap for nøytralt tilbakekoblingsmodus&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Forholdet  pakker som går tapt. Om ikke din utgående båndbredde er helt i taket eller det er noe galt med din nettverkstilkobling, vil dette være 0%</translation>
1440    </message>
1441    <message>
1442        <location/>
1443        <source>&amp;Loopback</source>
1444        <translation>&amp;Lydsløyfe</translation>
1445    </message>
1446    <message>
1447        <location/>
1448        <source>Desired loopback mode</source>
1449        <translation>Ønsket nøytralt tilbakekoblingsmodus</translation>
1450    </message>
1451    <message>
1452        <location/>
1453        <source>Attenuate applications by...</source>
1454        <translation>Senk lydnivå  andre programmer med…</translation>
1455    </message>
1456    <message>
1457        <location/>
1458        <source>Attenuation of other applications during speech</source>
1459        <translation>Senkning av andre programmer under tale</translation>
1460    </message>
1461    <message>
1462        <location/>
1463        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate volume of other applications during speech&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This sets the attenuation of other applications if the feature is enabled.</source>
1464        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Senk lydstyrken  andre programmer under tale&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble støtter senkning av lydstyrken  andre programmer under innkommende og/eller utgående tale. Dette senker lydstyrken  andre programmet hvis funksjonen slås .</translation>
1465    </message>
1466    <message>
1467        <location/>
1468        <source>If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other applications while other users talk</source>
1469        <translation>Hvis påslått vil Mumble senke lydstyrken  andre programmer mens andre brukere snakker</translation>
1470    </message>
1471    <message>
1472        <location/>
1473        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate applications while other users talk&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This makes mumble activate the feature while other users talk to you.</source>
1474        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Senk lydstyrken  andre programmer mens brukere snakker&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble støtter senkning av lydstyrken  andre programmer under innkommende og/eller utgående tale. Dette får Mumble til å aktivere funksjonen mens andre brukere snakker til deg.</translation>
1475    </message>
1476    <message>
1477        <location/>
1478        <source>while other users talk</source>
1479        <translation>mens andre snakker</translation>
1480    </message>
1481    <message>
1482        <location/>
1483        <source>If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other applications while you talk</source>
1484        <translation>Ved å skru  dette vil andre samtaledeltagere bli dempet mens du snakker.</translation>
1485    </message>
1486    <message>
1487        <location/>
1488        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate applications while you talk&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This makes mumble activate the feature while you talk.</source>
1489        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Senk lydstyrken  programmer mens du snakker&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble støtter senkning av lydstyrken  andre programmer under innkommende og/eller utgående tale. Dette senker lydstyrken  andre programmet hvis funksjonen slås .</translation>
1490    </message>
1491    <message>
1492        <location/>
1493        <source>while you talk</source>
1494        <translation>mens du snakker</translation>
1495    </message>
1496    <message>
1497        <location/>
1498        <source>Exclusive mode, not recommended.</source>
1499        <translation>Ekslusiv modus, ikke anbefalt</translation>
1500    </message>
1501    <message>
1502        <location/>
1503        <source>&lt;b&gt;This opens the device in exclusive mode.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;No other application will be able to use the device.</source>
1504        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette åpner enheten i eksklusivt modus.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Ingen andre programmer vil kunne bruke enheten.</translation>
1505    </message>
1506    <message>
1507        <location/>
1508        <source>Exclusive</source>
1509        <translation>Eksklusiv</translation>
1510    </message>
1511    <message>
1512        <location/>
1513        <source>Priority Speaker</source>
1514        <translation>Prioritert taler</translation>
1515    </message>
1516    <message>
1517        <location/>
1518        <source>If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other users while you talk if you have the &quot;Priority Speaker&quot; status.</source>
1519        <translation>Hvis valgt vil Mumble senke lydstyrken  andre brukere mens du snakker hvis du har &quot;Prioritert taler&quot;-status.</translation>
1520    </message>
1521    <message>
1522        <location/>
1523        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate other users while talking as Priority Speaker.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other users while you talk as the &lt;i&gt;Priority Speaker&lt;/i&gt; to avoid getting disturbed. Checking this checkbox will enable this feature.</source>
1524        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Senk andres lydnivå mens du snakker som prioritert taler.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Senker andres utgangsnivå når du snakker som &lt;i&gt;prioritert taler&lt;/i&gt; for å unngå å bli forstyrret. Å velge dette vil skru  dette valget..</translation>
1525    </message>
1526    <message>
1527        <location/>
1528        <source>Attenuate other users while talking as Priority Speaker.</source>
1529        <translation>Senk lydstyrken  andre mens du snakker som Prioritert taler.</translation>
1530    </message>
1531    <message>
1532        <location/>
1533        <source>Advanced Attenuation Options</source>
1534        <translation>Avanserte dempningsvalg</translation>
1535    </message>
1536    <message>
1537        <location/>
1538        <source>If checked, Mumble will only attenuate applications that are using the same output source as Mumble</source>
1539        <translation>Hvis valgt vil Mumble bare senke lydstyrken  programmer som bruker samme utgangskilde som Mumble</translation>
1540    </message>
1541    <message>
1542        <location/>
1543        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate only applications using the same output as Mumble&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If checked, applications that use a different output than Mumble will not be attenuated.</source>
1544        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Bare senk lydnivået  programmer som bruker samme utgang som Mumble&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Programmer som bruker en annen utgang enn Mumble vil ikke bli  sitt lydnivå endret.</translation>
1545    </message>
1546    <message>
1547        <location/>
1548        <source>Only attenuate applications using the same output device</source>
1549        <translation>Bare senk lydstyrken  programmer som bruker den samme utgangsenheten</translation>
1550    </message>
1551    <message>
1552        <location/>
1553        <source>If checked, PulseAudio loopback modules will be attenuated</source>
1554        <translation>Hvis valgt vil PulseAudio sine nøytrale tilbakekoblingsmoduler  sitt lydnivå senket</translation>
1555    </message>
1556    <message>
1557        <location/>
1558        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate PulseAudio loopback modules&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If loopback modules are linked to Mumble&apos;s output device/sink, they will also be attenuated.</source>
1559        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Senk lydnivået  PulseAudio moduler med nøytral tilbakekobling&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Hvis de er lenket til Mumbles utgangsenhet/sink, vil også de  sitt lydnivå senket.</translation>
1560    </message>
1561    <message>
1562        <location/>
1563        <source>Attenuate PulseAudio loopback modules</source>
1564        <translation>Senk lydnivået  PulseAudio nøytrale tilbakekoblingsmoduler</translation>
1565    </message>
1568    <name>AudioOutputDialog</name>
1569    <message>
1570        <location filename="AudioConfigDialog.cpp" line="+138"/>
1571        <source>None</source>
1572        <translation>Ingen</translation>
1573    </message>
1574    <message>
1575        <location line="+1"/>
1576        <source>Local</source>
1577        <translation>Lokal</translation>
1578    </message>
1579    <message>
1580        <location line="+1"/>
1581        <source>Server</source>
1582        <translation>Tjener</translation>
1583    </message>
1584    <message>
1585        <location line="+6"/>
1586        <source>Audio Output</source>
1587        <translation>Lydutgang</translation>
1588    </message>
1589    <message>
1590        <location line="+119"/>
1591        <location line="+19"/>
1592        <location line="+8"/>
1593        <source>%1 ms</source>
1594        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
1595    </message>
1596    <message>
1597        <location line="-16"/>
1598        <location line="+4"/>
1599        <location line="+8"/>
1600        <location line="+31"/>
1601        <location line="+4"/>
1602        <source>%1 %</source>
1603        <translation>%1 %</translation>
1604    </message>
1605    <message>
1606        <location line="-16"/>
1607        <location line="+6"/>
1608        <source>%1 m</source>
1609        <translation>%1 m</translation>
1610    </message>
1613    <name>AudioOutputSample</name>
1614    <message>
1615        <location filename="AudioOutputSample.cpp" line="+186"/>
1616        <source>Choose sound file</source>
1617        <translation>Velg lydfil</translation>
1618    </message>
1619    <message>
1620        <location line="+5"/>
1621        <source>Invalid sound file</source>
1622        <translation>Ugyldig lydfil</translation>
1623    </message>
1624    <message>
1625        <location line="+1"/>
1626        <source>The file &apos;%1&apos; cannot be used by Mumble. Please select a file with a compatible format and encoding.</source>
1627        <translation>Fila &apos;%1&apos; kan ikke brukes av Mumble. Velg ei fil med kompatibelt format og koding.</translation>
1628    </message>
1631    <name>AudioStats</name>
1632    <message>
1633        <location filename="AudioStats.cpp" line="+363"/>
1634        <source>&gt;1000 ms</source>
1635        <oldsource>&gt;1000ms</oldsource>
1636        <translation>&gt;1000 ms</translation>
1637    </message>
1638    <message>
1639        <location filename="AudioStats.ui"/>
1640        <source>Audio Statistics</source>
1641        <translation>Lydstatistikk</translation>
1642    </message>
1643    <message>
1644        <location/>
1645        <source>Input Levels</source>
1646        <translation>Inngangsnivå</translation>
1647    </message>
1648    <message>
1649        <location/>
1650        <source>Peak microphone level</source>
1651        <translation>Toppnivå for mikrofon</translation>
1652    </message>
1653    <message>
1654        <location/>
1655        <source>Peak power in last frame</source>
1656        <translation>Toppnivå for effekt i siste ramme</translation>
1657    </message>
1658    <message>
1659        <location/>
1660        <source>This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms), and is the same measurement as you would usually find displayed as &quot;input power&quot;. Please disregard this and look at &lt;b&gt;Microphone power&lt;/b&gt; instead, which is much more steady and disregards outliers.</source>
1661        <translation>Dette viser toppnivå for effekt i siste ramme (20 ms) og er samme måling som du vanligvis finner vist i &quot;inngangseffekt&quot;. Se bort fra dette og se  &lt;b&gt;Mikrofoneffekt&lt;/b&gt; i steden for, som er mye jevnere og ikke tar hensyn til toppnivået til transienter.</translation>
1662    </message>
1663    <message>
1664        <location/>
1665        <source>Peak speaker level</source>
1666        <translation>Toppnivå for høytaler</translation>
1667    </message>
1668    <message>
1669        <location/>
1670        <source>This shows the peak power of the speakers in the last frame (20 ms). Unless you are using a multi-channel sampling method (such as ASIO) with speaker channels configured, this will be 0. If you have such a setup configured, and this still shows 0 while you&apos;re playing audio from other programs, your setup is not working.</source>
1671        <oldsource>This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms) of the speakers. Unless you are using a multi-channel sampling method (such as ASIO) with speaker channels configured, this will be 0. If you have such a setup configured, and this still shows 0 while you're playing audio from other programs, your setup is not working.</oldsource>
1672        <translation>Dette viser toppnivået til effekten av høytalerne i forrige ramme (20 ms). Om du bruker en kringlydskanals-samplingsmetode (som ASIO) med høyttaleroppsett konfigurert, vil dette være 0. Hvis du har et slikt oppsett konfigurert, og dette fremdeles viser 0 mens du spiller lyd fra andre programmer, fungerer ikke oppsettet ditt.</translation>
1673    </message>
1674    <message>
1675        <location/>
1676        <source>Peak clean level</source>
1677        <translation>Toppnivå for rent signal</translation>
1678    </message>
1679    <message>
1680        <location/>
1681        <source>This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms) after all processing. Ideally, this should be -96 dB when you&apos;re not talking. In reality, a sound studio should see -60 dB, and you should hopefully see somewhere around -20 dB. When you are talking, this should rise to somewhere between -5 and -10 dB.&lt;br /&gt;If you are using echo cancellation, and this rises to more than -15 dB when you&apos;re not talking, your setup is not working, and you&apos;ll annoy other users with echoes.</source>
1682        <translation>&quot;Toppnivå for effekt i siste ramme (20 ms) (etter behandling).
1683Dette er toppnivåene for forskjellige fall:
1684-96dB ideell, teoretisk
1685-60dB flott, studio
1686-20dB bra, vanlig.
1688Når du snakker på vanlig konsumentutstyr bør nivået ligge mellom -5 and -10dB.
1690Når du bruker lydkansellering og du ser at det stiger til mer enn -15dB har du feil i systemet som irriterer brukere ved å legge til ekko.&quot;</translation>
1691    </message>
1692    <message>
1693        <location/>
1694        <source>Signal Analysis</source>
1695        <translation>Signalanalyse</translation>
1696    </message>
1697    <message>
1698        <location/>
1699        <source>Microphone power</source>
1700        <translation>Elektrisk effekt til mikrofon</translation>
1701    </message>
1702    <message>
1703        <location/>
1704        <source>How close the current input level is to ideal</source>
1705        <translation>Hvor nært nåværende inngangsnivå er til idealet til enhver tid</translation>
1706    </message>
1707    <message>
1708        <location/>
1709        <source>This shows how close your current input volume is to the ideal. To adjust your microphone level, open whatever program you use to adjust the recording volume, and look at the value here while talking.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;Talk loud, as you would when you&apos;re upset over getting fragged by a noob.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Adjust the volume until this value is close to 100%, but make sure it doesn&apos;t go above. If it does go above, you are likely to get clipping in parts of your speech, which will degrade sound quality.</source>
1710        <translation>Dette viser hvor nært ditt nåværende inngangsvolum er til idealet. For å justere mikrofonnivået, åpne programmet du bruker til lydstyrkejustering og se på verdien her mens du snakker&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;Snakk høyt, som når en noob får inn et grisetreff.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Juster volumet til verdien er nært 100%, men forsikre deg om at den ikke går over. Hvis den gjør det, får du antagelig klipping i deler av talen din, som forverrer lydkvaliteten.</translation>
1711    </message>
1712    <message>
1713        <location/>
1714        <source>Signal-To-Noise ratio</source>
1715        <translation>Signal-til-støy -forhold</translation>
1716    </message>
1717    <message>
1718        <location/>
1719        <source>Signal-To-Noise ratio from the microphone</source>
1720        <translation>Signal-til-støy -forhold fra mikrofonen</translation>
1721    </message>
1722    <message>
1723        <location/>
1724        <source>This is the Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the microphone in the last frame (20 ms). It shows how much clearer the voice is compared to the noise.&lt;br /&gt;If this value is below 1.0, there&apos;s more noise than voice in the signal, and so quality is reduced.&lt;br /&gt;There is no upper limit to this value, but don&apos;t expect to see much above 40-50 without a sound studio.</source>
1725        <translation>Signal-til-støy-forhold (SNR) for mikrofonen i siste ramme (20 ms). Det viser hvor mye klarere tale er i forhold til støyen.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis denne verdien er under 1.0, er det mer støy enn tale i signalet, så kvaliteten er redusert.&lt;br /&gt;Det er ingen øvre grense for denne verdien, men ikke forvent å se mye over 40-50 uten et lydstudio.</translation>
1726    </message>
1727    <message>
1728        <location/>
1729        <source>Speech Probability</source>
1730        <translation>Talesannsynlighet</translation>
1731    </message>
1732    <message>
1733        <location/>
1734        <source>Probability of speech</source>
1735        <translation>Sannsynlighet for tale</translation>
1736    </message>
1737    <message>
1738        <location/>
1739        <source>This is the probability that the last frame (20 ms) was speech and not environment noise.&lt;br /&gt;Voice activity transmission depends on this being right. The trick with this is that the middle of a sentence is always detected as speech; the problem is the pauses between words and the start of speech. It&apos;s hard to distinguish a sigh from a word starting with &apos;h&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;If this is in bold font, it means Mumble is currently transmitting (if you&apos;re connected).</source>
1740        <translation>Sannsynligheten for at siste ramme (20 ms) var tale og ikke miljøstøy.&lt;br /&gt;Forsendelse av stemmeaktivitet avhenger av at dette er rett. Trekset er at midten av setningen alltid blir oppdaget som tale; problemet er at pauser mellom or og starten av setningen. Det er vanskelig å skille et sukk fra et ord som starter med &apos;h&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis dette er i fet skrift, betyr det at Mumble sender nå (hvis du er tilkoblet).</translation>
1741    </message>
1742    <message>
1743        <location/>
1744        <source>Configuration feedback</source>
1745        <translation>Tilbakemelding om oppsett</translation>
1746    </message>
1747    <message>
1748        <location/>
1749        <source>Current audio bitrate</source>
1750        <translation>Gjeldende lydbitrate</translation>
1751    </message>
1752    <message>
1753        <location/>
1754        <source>Bitrate of last frame</source>
1755        <translation>Bitraten til forrige ramme</translation>
1756    </message>
1757    <message>
1758        <location/>
1759        <source>DoublePush interval</source>
1760        <translation>Dobbeltrykksintervall</translation>
1761    </message>
1762    <message>
1763        <location/>
1764        <source>Time between last two Push-To-Talk presses</source>
1765        <translation>Tid mellom de to siste brukene av trykk-for-å-snakke knappen</translation>
1766    </message>
1767    <message>
1768        <location/>
1769        <source>Speech Detection</source>
1770        <translation>Stemmeoppdagelse</translation>
1771    </message>
1772    <message>
1773        <location/>
1774        <source>Current speech detection chance</source>
1775        <translation>Nåværende sjanse for stemmeoppdagelse</translation>
1776    </message>
1777    <message>
1778        <location/>
1779        <source>&lt;b&gt;This shows the current speech detection settings.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard.</source>
1780        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette viser gjeldende stemmeoppdagelses-innstillinger&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Du kan endre disse innstillingene fra innstillingsdialogen eller fra lydveiviseren.</translation>
1781    </message>
1782    <message>
1783        <location/>
1784        <source>Signal and noise power spectrum</source>
1785        <translation>Effektspektrum for signal og støy</translation>
1786    </message>
1787    <message>
1788        <location/>
1789        <source>Power spectrum of input signal and noise estimate</source>
1790        <translation>Effektspektrumet til inngangssignalet og støyanslag</translation>
1791    </message>
1792    <message>
1793        <location/>
1794        <source>This shows the power spectrum of the current input signal (red line) and the current noise estimate (filled blue).&lt;br /&gt;All amplitudes are multiplied by 30 to show the interesting parts (how much more signal than noise is present in each waveband).&lt;br /&gt;This is probably only of interest if you&apos;re trying to fine-tune noise conditions on your microphone. Under good conditions, there should be just a tiny flutter of blue at the bottom. If the blue is more than halfway up on the graph, you have a seriously noisy environment.</source>
1795        <translation>Dette viser
1796effektspektrumet til nåværende inngangssignal (rød linje) og&lt;br /&gt; gjeldende støyoverslag (innfylt blått).&lt;br /&gt; Alle amplituder er ganget med 30 for å vise den interessante delen (overskuddet av signal over støy i hvert frekvensband).&lt;br /&gt;Av interesse hvis du prøver å finjustere støy ut av dine opptak. Under gode forhold vil det bare være en liten antydning til små bevegelser av blått på bunnen. Hvis dette beveger seg mer enn halvveis opp på grafen har du et veldig bråkete miljø eller et problem med din mikrofon. </translation>
1797    </message>
1798    <message>
1799        <location/>
1800        <source>Echo Analysis</source>
1801        <translation>Ekkoanalyse</translation>
1802    </message>
1803    <message>
1804        <location/>
1805        <source>Weights of the echo canceller</source>
1806        <translation>Vekting av ekko-kansellator</translation>
1807    </message>
1808    <message>
1809        <location/>
1810        <source>This shows the weights of the echo canceller, with time increasing downwards and frequency increasing to the right.&lt;br /&gt;Ideally, this should be black, indicating no echo exists at all. More commonly, you&apos;ll have one or more horizontal stripes of bluish color representing time delayed echo. You should be able to see the weights updated in real time.&lt;br /&gt;Please note that as long as you have nothing to echo off, you won&apos;t see much useful data here. Play some music and things should stabilize. &lt;br /&gt;You can choose to view the real or imaginary parts of the frequency-domain weights, or alternately the computed modulus and phase. The most useful of these will likely be modulus, which is the amplitude of the echo, and shows you how much of the outgoing signal is being removed at that time step. The other viewing modes are mostly useful to people who want to tune the echo cancellation algorithms.&lt;br /&gt;Please note: If the entire image fluctuates massively while in modulus mode, the echo canceller fails to find any correlation whatsoever between the two input sources (speakers and microphone). Either you have a very long delay on the echo, or one of the input sources is configured wrong.</source>
1811        <translation>Dette viser vektingen af ekkokanselleringen, der tiden øker nedover og frekvens økes mot høyre.&lt;br /&gt;Ideelt sett skulle dette være svart, hvilket ville indikert at det overhodet ikke er noe ekko. Du bør være i stand til at se vektingen oppdateres i sanntid.&lt;br /&gt;Legg merke til at så lenge du ikke har noe som kan være ekko, vil du ikke se noe nyttig data her. Spill av noe musikk og tingene skulle vil begynne å stabilisere seg.&lt;br /&gt;Du kan velge å se den rette eller innbilte delen av frekvens-områdets vekt, eller alternativt den beregnede absolutte verdi og fase. Den mest brukbare av disse, vil være den absolutte verdi, som er amplituden av ekkoet, og som viser deg hvor mye av utgangssignalet, som blir fjernet på det tidspunktet. De andre visningstilstandene er mest brukbare for folk som gjerne vil justere ekkokansellerings-algoritmene.&lt;br /&gt;Merk: Hvis hele bildet svinger enormt i modulus-tilstand, vil det mislykkes ekkokanselleringen å finne noen sammenheng overhodet mellem de to inngangskildene (høyttalere og mikrofon). Enten har du en meget lang forsinkelse på ekkoet, eller så er en av inngangskildene satt opp feil.</translation>
1812    </message>
1813    <message>
1814        <location/>
1815        <source>This is the audio bitrate of the last compressed frame (20 ms), and as such will jump up and down as the VBR adjusts the quality. The peak bitrate can be adjusted in the Settings dialog.</source>
1816        <translation>Bitraten for lyd i siste komprimerte ramme (20 ms), den vil hoppe opp og ned ettersom VBR justerer kvaliteten. Toppnivået for bitrate kan justeres i innstillingsdialogen.</translation>
1817    </message>
1820    <name>AudioWizard</name>
1821    <message>
1822        <location filename="AudioWizard.ui"/>
1823        <source>Audio Tuning Wizard</source>
1824        <translation>Veiviser for lydjustering</translation>
1825    </message>
1826    <message>
1827        <location/>
1828        <source>Introduction</source>
1829        <translation>Introduksjon</translation>
1830    </message>
1831    <message>
1832        <location/>
1833        <source>Welcome to the Mumble Audio Wizard</source>
1834        <translation>Velkommen til veilderen for lydjustering i Mumble</translation>
1835    </message>
1836    <message>
1837        <location/>
1838        <source>Finished</source>
1839        <translation>Fullført</translation>
1840    </message>
1841    <message>
1842        <location/>
1843        <source>Enjoy using Mumble</source>
1844        <translation>Kos deg med Mumble</translation>
1845    </message>
1846    <message>
1847        <location/>
1848        <source>Device selection</source>
1849        <translation>Enhetsvalg</translation>
1850    </message>
1851    <message>
1852        <location/>
1853        <source>Selecting the input and output device to use with Mumble.</source>
1854        <translation>Valg av inn og utdata -enhet til bruk i Mumble.</translation>
1855    </message>
1856    <message>
1857        <location/>
1858        <source>This is the device your microphone is connected to.</source>
1859        <translation>Dette er enheten mikrofonen din er tilkoblet.</translation>
1860    </message>
1861    <message>
1862        <location/>
1863        <source>System</source>
1864        <translation>System</translation>
1865    </message>
1866    <message>
1867        <location/>
1868        <source>Input method for audio</source>
1869        <translation>Inndatametode for lyd</translation>
1870    </message>
1871    <message>
1872        <location/>
1873        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the input method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</source>
1874        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Inndatametode til bruk for lyd.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Antageligvis ønsker du å bruke DirectSound.</translation>
1875    </message>
1876    <message>
1877        <location/>
1878        <source>Device</source>
1879        <translation>Enhet</translation>
1880    </message>
1881    <message>
1882        <location/>
1883        <source>Input device to use</source>
1884        <translation>Inndataenhet i bruk</translation>
1885    </message>
1886    <message>
1887        <location/>
1888        <source>&lt;b&gt;Selects which sound card to use for audio input.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
1889        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Velger lydkort til bruk for inngangsignal&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
1890    </message>
1891    <message>
1892        <location/>
1893        <source>Cancel echo from headset or speakers</source>
1894        <translation>Kanseller ekko fra hodesett eller høytalere</translation>
1895    </message>
1896    <message>
1897        <location/>
1898        <source>Use echo cancellation</source>
1899        <translation>Bruk ekkokansellering</translation>
1900    </message>
1901    <message>
1902        <location/>
1903        <source>This enables echo cancellation of outgoing audio, which helps both on speakers and on headsets.</source>
1904        <translation>Dette skrur på ekkokansellering for utgående lyd, noe som hjelper både på høytalere og hodesett.</translation>
1905    </message>
1906    <message>
1907        <location/>
1908        <source>This is the device your speakers or headphones are connected to.</source>
1909        <translation>Dette er enheten dine høyttalere eller hodetelefoner er tilkoblet.</translation>
1910    </message>
1911    <message>
1912        <location/>
1913        <source>Output method for audio</source>
1914        <translation>Utdatametode for lyd</translation>
1915    </message>
1916    <message>
1917        <location/>
1918        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the Output method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</source>
1919        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette er utdatametoden til bruk for lyd.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Du vil mest sannsynlig ønske å bruke DirectSound.</translation>
1920    </message>
1921    <message>
1922        <location/>
1923        <source>Output device to use</source>
1924        <translation>Utgangsenhet å bruke</translation>
1925    </message>
1926    <message>
1927        <location/>
1928        <source>&lt;b&gt;Selects which sound card to use for audio Output.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
1929        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Velger hvilket lydkort som skal brukes for lydutgang.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
1930    </message>
1931    <message>
1932        <location/>
1933        <source>Enable positional audio</source>
1934        <translation>Skru på posisjonell lyd</translation>
1935    </message>
1936    <message>
1937        <location/>
1938        <source>Allows positioning of sound</source>
1939        <oldsource>Allows positioning of sound.</oldsource>
1940        <translation>Tillater posisjonering av lyd</translation>
1941    </message>
1942    <message>
1943        <location/>
1944        <source>&lt;p&gt;
1945This is the audio tuning wizard for Mumble. This will help you correctly set the input levels of your sound card, and also set the correct parameters for sound processing in Mumble.
1948Please be aware that as long as this wizard is active, audio will be looped locally to allow you to listen to it, and no audio will be sent to the server.
1950        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
1951Dette er lydjusteringsveiviseren i Mumble. Hjelper deg å korrigere inngangsnivåene på ditt lydkort og å sette opp rette parameter for lydbehandling i Mumble.
1954Merk at mens denne veiviseren er aktiv vil lyd aktivt bli bli tilbakekoblet nøytralt lokalt for at du skal kunne prøvelytte, og ingen lyd vil bli sendt til tjeneren.
1956    </message>
1957    <message>
1958        <location/>
1959        <source>Input Device</source>
1960        <translation>Inndataenhet</translation>
1961    </message>
1962    <message>
1963        <location/>
1964        <source>Output Device</source>
1965        <translation>Utdataenhet</translation>
1966    </message>
1967    <message>
1968        <location/>
1969        <source>This allows Mumble to use positional audio to place voices.</source>
1970        <translation>Dette lar Mumble bruke posisjonsbasert lyd for å plassere stemmer.</translation>
1971    </message>
1972    <message>
1973        <location/>
1974        <source>&lt;p&gt;
1975To keep latency to an absolute minimum, it's important to buffer as little audio as possible on the soundcard. However, many soundcards report that they require a much smaller buffer than what they can actually work with, so the only way to set this value is to try and fail.
1978You should hear a voice sample. Change the slider below to the lowest value which gives &lt;b&gt;no&lt;/b&gt; interruptions or jitter in the sound. Please note that local echo is disabled during this test.
1981        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
1982For å holde forsinkelsen til et absolutt minimum, er det viktig å hurtiglagre  lite lyd som mulig  lydkortet. Dog oppgir mange lydkort at de krever mye mindre lager enn de fungerer med,  den eneste måten er prøving og feiling.
1985Du bør høre et lydklipp. Endre glidebryteren nedenfor til laveste verdi som &lt;b&gt;ingen&lt;/b&gt; forstyrrelser eller jitter i lydsignalet. Merk at lokalt ekko er avskrudd under testen.
1988    </message>
1989    <message>
1990        <location/>
1991        <source>Amount of data to buffer</source>
1992        <translation>Mengde data i mellomlagring</translation>
1993    </message>
1994    <message>
1995        <location/>
1996        <source>This sets the amount of data to pre-buffer in the output buffer. Experiment with different values and set it to the lowest which doesn&apos;t cause rapid jitter in the sound.</source>
1997        <translation>Dette angir mengden data som skal hurtiglagres i utdatahurtiglageret. Eksperimenter med forskjellige verdier og sett til den laveste verdien som ikke forårsaker rask jitter i lyden.</translation>
1998    </message>
1999    <message>
2000        <location/>
2001        <source>&lt;p&gt;
2002Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a &quot;Microphone boost&quot; make sure it's checked.
2005Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the blue and green but &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; the red zone while you speak.
2008        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
2009Åpne ditt lydkontrolpanel og  inn under innstillingene for opptak. Forsikre deg om at mikrofonen er valgt som aktiv inngang med maksimal opptaksstyrke. Hvis der er mulighet for å aktivere &quot;Mikrofon-boost&quot;,  forsikre deg om at denne er huket av.
2012Snakk høyt, som når du er irritert eller opprømt. Senk lydstyrken i lydkontrollpanelet til den grønne stolpen nedenfor er  høy som mulig i den blå og grønne, men &lt;b&gt;ikke&lt;/b&gt; i det røde området når du snakker.
2015    </message>
2016    <message>
2017        <location/>
2018        <source>Positional Audio</source>
2019        <translation>Posisjonell lyd</translation>
2020    </message>
2021    <message>
2022        <location/>
2023        <source>Adjusting attenuation of positional audio.</source>
2024        <translation>Dempingsjustering av lydnivået for posisjonsbasert lyd.</translation>
2025    </message>
2026    <message>
2027        <location/>
2028        <source>&lt;p&gt;
2029Mumble supports positional audio for some games, and will position the voice of other users relative to their position in game. Depending on their position, the volume of the voice will be changed between the speakers to simulate the direction and distance the other user is at. Such positioning depends on your speaker configuration being correct in your operating system, so a test is done here.
2032The graph below shows the position of &lt;font color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;you&lt;/font&gt;, the &lt;font color=&quot;yellow&quot;&gt;speakers&lt;/font&gt; and a &lt;font color=&quot;green&quot;&gt;moving sound source&lt;/font&gt; as if seen from above. You should hear the audio move between the channels.
2035        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
2036Mumble støtter posisjonsbasert lyd for noen spill, og vil posisjonere stemmen til andre brukere relativt til deres posisjon i spillet. Avhengig av deres posisjon, vil lydnivået  stemmen deres endres mellom høyttalerne for å simulere retning og distanse til den andre brukeren. Slik posisjonering avhenger av at ditt høyttaleroppsett er rett i operativsystemet ditt,  en test gjøres her.
2039Grafen nedenfor viser posisjonen  deg &lt;font color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;deg&lt;/font&gt;, dine &lt;font color=&quot;yellow&quot;&gt;høyttalere&lt;/font&gt; og en &lt;font color=&quot;green&quot;&gt;flyttbar lydkilde&lt;/font&gt; som hvis sett fra oven. Du bør også høre at lyden flytter seg mellom kanalene.
2042    </message>
2043    <message>
2044        <location/>
2045        <source>Use headphones instead of speakers</source>
2046        <translation>Bruk hodetelefoner istedenfor høyttalere</translation>
2047    </message>
2048    <message>
2049        <location/>
2050        <source>&lt;p&gt;
2051Congratulations. You should now be ready to enjoy a richer sound experience with Mumble.
2054Mumble is under continuous development, and the development team wants to focus on the features that benefit the most users. To this end, Mumble supports submitting anonymous statistics about your configuration to the developers. These statistics are essential for future development, and also make sure the features you use aren't deprecated.
2057        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
2058Gratulerer. Du er nå klar til å nyte en rikere lydopplevelse med Mumble.
2061Mumble er i stadig utvikling og utviklingslaget ønsker å fokusere på funksjoner som best hjelper de fleste brukerne. For å få til dette støtter Mumble innsending av anonym statistikk om ditt oppsett til utviklerne. Denne statistikken er essensiell for videre utvikling, og sørger også for at noen av funksjonene du bruker ikke blir foreldet.
2064    </message>
2065    <message>
2066        <location/>
2067        <source>Use headphones</source>
2068        <translation>Bruk hodetelefoner</translation>
2069    </message>
2070    <message>
2071        <location/>
2072        <source>This ignores the OS speaker configuration and configures the positioning for headphones instead.</source>
2073        <translation>Dette ser bort fra operativsystemets oppsett og setter opp posisjon myntet på hodetelefoner i steden.</translation>
2074    </message>
2075    <message>
2076        <location/>
2077        <source>Volume tuning</source>
2078        <translation>Lydstyrkejustering</translation>
2079    </message>
2080    <message>
2081        <location/>
2082        <source>Tuning microphone hardware volume to optimal settings.</source>
2083        <translation>Justering av maskinvare-lydnivået til mikrofon til optimale innstilllinger</translation>
2084    </message>
2085    <message>
2086        <location/>
2087        <source>Now talk softly, as you would when talking late at night and you don&apos;t want to disturb anyone. Adjust the slider below so that the bar moves into green when you talk, but stays blue while you&apos;re silent.</source>
2088        <translation>Nå, snakk så mykt som du kan, som om du snakket sent på kvelden og ikke ville forstyrre noen. Juster glidebryteren nedenfor slik at bjelken går inn i en grønn sone når du snakker, men holder seg i det blå feltet når du er stille.</translation>
2089    </message>
2090    <message>
2091        <location/>
2092        <source>Voice Activity Detection</source>
2093        <translation>Stemme-deteksjon</translation>
2094    </message>
2095    <message>
2096        <location/>
2097        <source>Letting Mumble figure out when you&apos;re talking and when you&apos;re silent.</source>
2098        <translation>Lar Mumble finne ut når du snakker og når du holder munn.</translation>
2099    </message>
2100    <message>
2101        <location/>
2102        <source>This will help Mumble figure out when you are talking. The first step is selecting which data value to use.</source>
2103        <translation>Dette hjelper Mumble å finne ut når du snakker. Første steg er å velge hvilken data som skal brukes.</translation>
2104    </message>
2105    <message>
2106        <location/>
2107        <source>Raw amplitude from input</source>
2108        <translation>Ubehandlet amplitude fra inngang</translation>
2109    </message>
2110    <message>
2111        <location/>
2112        <source>Signal-To-Noise ratio</source>
2113        <translation>Signal-til-støy -forhold</translation>
2114    </message>
2115    <message>
2116        <location/>
2117        <source>Next you need to adjust the following slider. The first few utterances you say should end up in the green area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the yellow (might be speech) and when you&apos;re not talking, everything should be in the red (definitively not speech).</source>
2118        <oldsource>Next you need to adjust the following two sliders. The first few utterances you say should end up in the green area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the yellow (might be speech) and when you're not talking, everything should be in the red (definitively not speech).</oldsource>
2119        <translation>Si noe mens du opererer glidebryteren slik at disse avgrensningene observeres.
2120Det første du sier. Grønt (Helt sikkert tale)
2121Vanlig snakking. Gult (Kan være tale)
2122Ingen snakking. Rødt (Definitivt ikke tale)</translation>
2123    </message>
2124    <message>
2125        <location/>
2126        <source>Device tuning</source>
2127        <translation>Enhetstilpasning</translation>
2128    </message>
2129    <message>
2130        <location/>
2131        <source>Changing hardware output delays to their minimum value.</source>
2132        <translation>Endrer forsinkelse for maskinvareutgang til deres minimumsverdi.</translation>
2133    </message>
2134    <message>
2135        <location/>
2136        <source>Submit anonymous statistics to the Mumble project</source>
2137        <translation>Send inn anonym statistikk til Mumble-prosjektet</translation>
2138    </message>
2139    <message>
2140        <location/>
2141        <source>Push To Talk:</source>
2142        <translation>Trykk for å snakke:</translation>
2143    </message>
2144    <message>
2145        <location/>
2146        <source>Quality &amp; Notifications</source>
2147        <translation>Kvalitet og merknader</translation>
2148    </message>
2149    <message>
2150        <location/>
2151        <source>Adjust quality and notification settings.</source>
2152        <translation>Juster kvalitet og merknadsinnstillinger.</translation>
2153    </message>
2154    <message>
2155        <location/>
2156        <source>Quality settings</source>
2157        <translation>Kvalitetsinnstillinger</translation>
2158    </message>
2159    <message>
2160        <location/>
2161        <source>Low</source>
2162        <translation>Lav</translation>
2163    </message>
2164    <message>
2165        <location/>
2166        <source>Balanced</source>
2167        <translation>Balansert</translation>
2168    </message>
2169    <message>
2170        <location/>
2171        <source>Notification settings</source>
2172        <translation>Merknadsinnstillinger</translation>
2173    </message>
2174    <message>
2175        <location/>
2176        <source>Use Text-To-Speech to read notifications and messages to you.</source>
2177        <translation>Bruk tekst-til-tale for å lese merknader og meldinger til deg.</translation>
2178    </message>
2179    <message>
2180        <location/>
2181        <source>Disable Text-To-Speech and use sounds instead.</source>
2182        <translation>Skru av tekst-til-tale og bruk lyder istedenfor.</translation>
2183    </message>
2184    <message>
2185        <location filename="AudioWizard.cpp" line="+291"/>
2186        <source>%1 ms</source>
2187        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
2188    </message>
2189    <message>
2190        <location filename="AudioWizard.ui"/>
2191        <source>Enables attenuation of other applications while users talk to you</source>
2192        <translation>Skrur  senkning av lydnivået for andre programmer mens brukere snakker til deg</translation>
2193    </message>
2194    <message>
2195        <location/>
2196        <source>Attenuate applications while other users talk</source>
2197        <translation>Senker lydnivået  programmer mens andre brukere snakker</translation>
2198    </message>
2199    <message>
2200        <location/>
2201        <source>High</source>
2202        <translation>Høy</translation>
2203    </message>
2204    <message>
2205        <location/>
2206        <source>Custom</source>
2207        <translation>Egenvalgt</translation>
2208    </message>
2209    <message>
2210        <location/>
2211        <source>You already set a customized quality configuration in Mumble. Select this setting to keep it.</source>
2212        <translation>Du har allerede valgt et egendefinert kvalitetsoppsett i Mumble. Velg denne innstillingen for å beholde det.</translation>
2213    </message>
2214    <message>
2215        <location/>
2216        <source>Enables attenuation of other applications while users talk to you. This means that as soon someone starts to speak to you in Mumble, the sound of all other applications (like audio players) will get attenuated so you can hear them more clearly.</source>
2217        <translation>Senkning av lydnivået  andre programmer mens brukere snakker til deg.  snart noen begynner å snakker til deg i Mumble vil lyden av alle andre programmer (som lydavspillere)  sitt lydnivå senket slik at du kan høre dem bedre.</translation>
2218    </message>
2219    <message>
2220        <location/>
2221        <source>Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users</source>
2222        <translation>Legg til noen høykontrastforbedringer for brukere med synshemning</translation>
2223    </message>
2224    <message>
2225        <location/>
2226        <source>Use high contrast graphics</source>
2227        <translation>Bruk høykontrastsgrafikk</translation>
2228    </message>
2229    <message>
2230        <location/>
2231        <source>Keep custom Text-To-Speech settings.</source>
2232        <translation>Behold brukerdefinerte tekst-til-tale -innstillinger.</translation>
2233    </message>
2234    <message>
2235        <location/>
2236        <source>&lt;p&gt;
2237Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a &quot;Microphone boost&quot; make sure it's checked.
2240Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the striped and the empty but &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; the crisscrossed zone while you speak.
2243        <oldsource>&lt;p&gt;
2244Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a &quot;Microphone boost&quot; make sure it's checked.
2247Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the striped and the empty but &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; the criss-crossed zone while you speak.
2250        <comment>For high contrast mode</comment>
2251        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
2252Åpne ditt lydkontrollpanel og  inn under innstillingene for opptak. Forsikre deg om at mikrofonen er valgt som det aktive inngang og med maksimal opptaksstyrke. Hvis der er mulighet for at aktivere &quot;Mikrofon-boost&quot;,  huk av denne.
2254&lt;p&gt; Snakk høyt, som når du er irritert eller opprømt. Senk lydstyrken i lydkontrollpanelet til den grønne stolpen nedenfor er  høy som mulig i den blå og grønne, men &lt;b&gt;ikke&lt;/b&gt; i det kryssete området når du snakker. &lt;/p&gt;
2256    </message>
2257    <message>
2258        <location/>
2259        <source>Now talk softly, as you would when talking late at night and you don&apos;t want to disturb anyone. Adjust the slider below so that the bar moves into empty zone when you talk, but stays in the striped one while you&apos;re silent.</source>
2260        <comment>For high contrast mode</comment>
2261        <translation>, snakk  mykt som du kan, som om du snakket sent  kvelden og ikke ville forstyrre noen. Juster glidebryteren nedenfor slik at bjelken går inn i en tom sone når du snakker, men holder seg i det stripete feltet når du er stille.</translation>
2262    </message>
2263    <message>
2264        <location/>
2265        <source>Next you need to adjust the following slider. The first few utterances you say should end up in the empty area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the striped (might be speech) and when you&apos;re not talking, everything should be in the crisscrossed (definitively not speech).</source>
2266        <comment>For high contrast mode</comment>
2267        <translation>Si noe mens du opererer glidebryteren slik at disse avgrensningene observeres.
2268Det første du sier. Tomt (Helt sikkert tale)
2269Vanlig snakking. Stripet (Kan være tale)
2270Ingen snakking. Krysset (Definitivt ikke tale)</translation>
2271    </message>
2272    <message>
2273        <location/>
2274        <source>In this configuration Mumble will use a &lt;b&gt;low amount of bandwidth&lt;/b&gt;. This will inevitably result in high latency and poor quality. Choose this only if your connection cannot handle the other settings. (16kbit/s, 60ms per packet)</source>
2275        <translation>&quot;&lt;b&gt;Lav mengde båndbredde&lt;/b&gt;. Å bruke mindre vil føre med seg høy forsinkelse og dårlig kvalitet. Bare velg dette hvis din tilkobling ikke kan takle andre innstillinger (16kbit/s, 60ms per pakke)</translation>
2276    </message>
2277    <message>
2278        <location/>
2279        <source>This is the &lt;b&gt;recommended default&lt;/b&gt; configuration. It provides a good balance between quality, latency, and bandwidth usage. (40kbit/s, 20ms per packet)</source>
2280        <translation>Dette oppsettet er &lt;b&gt;anbefalt forvalg&lt;/b&gt;. Det gir en god balanse mellom kvalitet, forsinkelse, og båndbreddebruk. (40kbit/s, 20ms per packet)</translation>
2281    </message>
2282    <message>
2283        <location/>
2284        <source>This configuration is only recommended for use in setups where bandwidth is not an issue, like a LAN. It provides the lowest latency supported by Mumble and &lt;b&gt;high quality&lt;/b&gt;. (72kbit/s, 10ms per packet)</source>
2285        <translation>Dette oppsettet er bare anbefalt til bruk i oppsett der man ikke trenger å ta hensyn til båndbredde, som et LAN. Det gir lavest mulig forsinkelse som støttes av Mumble og &lt;b&gt;høy kvalitet&lt;/b&gt;.(72kbit/s, 10ms per packet)</translation>
2286    </message>
2289    <name>BanEditor</name>
2290    <message>
2291        <location filename="BanEditor.ui"/>
2292        <source>Mumble - Edit Bans</source>
2293        <translation>Mumble - Rediger bannlysninger</translation>
2294    </message>
2295    <message>
2296        <location/>
2297        <source>&amp;Address</source>
2298        <translation>&amp;Adresse</translation>
2299    </message>
2300    <message>
2301        <location/>
2302        <source>&amp;Mask</source>
2303        <translation>&amp;Masker</translation>
2304    </message>
2305    <message>
2306        <location/>
2307        <source>Reason</source>
2308        <translation>Grunn</translation>
2309    </message>
2310    <message>
2311        <location/>
2312        <source>Start</source>
2313        <translation>Begynnelse</translation>
2314    </message>
2315    <message>
2316        <location/>
2317        <source>End</source>
2318        <translation>Slutt</translation>
2319    </message>
2320    <message>
2321        <location/>
2322        <source>User</source>
2323        <translation>Bruker</translation>
2324    </message>
2325    <message>
2326        <location/>
2327        <source>Hash</source>
2328        <translation>Sjekksum</translation>
2329    </message>
2330    <message>
2331        <location/>
2332        <source>&amp;Add</source>
2333        <translation>&amp;Legg til</translation>
2334    </message>
2335    <message>
2336        <location/>
2337        <source>&amp;Update</source>
2338        <translation>&amp;Oppdater</translation>
2339    </message>
2340    <message>
2341        <location/>
2342        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
2343        <translation>&amp;Fjern</translation>
2344    </message>
2345    <message>
2346        <location/>
2347        <source>Ban List</source>
2348        <translation>Blokkeringsliste</translation>
2349    </message>
2350    <message>
2351        <location/>
2352        <source>Search field</source>
2353        <translation>Søkefelt</translation>
2354    </message>
2355    <message>
2356        <location/>
2357        <source>This is the search field. Use it to find bans that have this username set in the username field.</source>
2358        <translation>Dette er søkefeltet. Bruk det til å finne samsvar med brukernavn i listen over bannlysninger.</translation>
2359    </message>
2360    <message>
2361        <location/>
2362        <source>Who are you looking for?</source>
2363        <translation>Hvem leter du etter?</translation>
2364    </message>
2365    <message>
2366        <location/>
2367        <source>No nickname</source>
2368        <translation>Inget brukernavn</translation>
2369    </message>
2370    <message>
2371        <location/>
2372        <source>IP address</source>
2373        <translation>IP-adresse</translation>
2374    </message>
2375    <message>
2376        <location/>
2377        <source>No IP address</source>
2378        <translation>Ingen IP-adresse</translation>
2379    </message>
2380    <message>
2381        <location/>
2382        <source>Reason for the ban</source>
2383        <translation>Grunn til blokkering</translation>
2384    </message>
2385    <message>
2386        <location/>
2387        <source>No reason</source>
2388        <translation>Ingen grunn</translation>
2389    </message>
2390    <message>
2391        <location/>
2392        <source>Ban end date</source>
2393        <translation>Sluttdato for blokkering</translation>
2394    </message>
2395    <message>
2396        <location/>
2397        <source>Ban end date. If you set the same date for start and end, the ban will be permanent (it will not expire).</source>
2398        <translation>Sluttdato for blokkering. Hvis du velger samme dato for begynnelse og slutt, vil blokkeringen være permanent (den utløper altså ikke).</translation>
2399    </message>
2400    <message>
2401        <location/>
2402        <source>Certificate hash</source>
2403        <translation>Sertifikatets sjekksum</translation>
2404    </message>
2405    <message>
2406        <location/>
2407        <source>No certificate hash</source>
2408        <translation>Sertifikat mangler sjekksum</translation>
2409    </message>
2410    <message>
2411        <location/>
2412        <source>Banned users</source>
2413        <translation>Blokkerte brukere</translation>
2414    </message>
2415    <message>
2416        <location/>
2417        <source>This is a list with banned users.</source>
2418        <translation>Liste over blokkerte brukere.</translation>
2419    </message>
2420    <message>
2421        <location/>
2422        <source>Use this button if you want to add a new ban.</source>
2423        <translation>Bruk denne knappen hvis du vil legge til en ny blokkering.</translation>
2424    </message>
2425    <message>
2426        <location/>
2427        <source>Use this button if you want to update ban information.</source>
2428        <translation>Bruk denne kanppen hvis du ønsker å oppdatere blokkeringsinformasjon.</translation>
2429    </message>
2430    <message>
2431        <location/>
2432        <source>Use this button if you want to remove user from the ban list.</source>
2433        <translation>Bruk dennne knappen hvis du ønsker å fjerne en bruker fra blokkeringslisten.</translation>
2434    </message>
2435    <message>
2436        <location/>
2437        <source>Clear all fields</source>
2438        <translation>Tøm alle felter</translation>
2439    </message>
2440    <message>
2441        <location/>
2442        <source>This button clears all fields. Use it if you want to add a new ban.</source>
2443        <translation>Denne knappen tømmer alle felter. Bruk den hvis du ønsker å legge til en ny blokkering.</translation>
2444    </message>
2445    <message>
2446        <location/>
2447        <source>Clear</source>
2448        <translation>Tøm</translation>
2449    </message>
2450    <message numerus="yes">
2451        <location filename="BanEditor.cpp" line="+177"/>
2452        <source>Ban List - %n Ban(s)</source>
2453        <translation><numerusform>Blokkeringsliste - %n blokkering</numerusform><numerusform>Blokkeringsliste - %n blokkeringer</numerusform></translation>
2454    </message>
2457    <name>CertView</name>
2458    <message>
2459        <location filename="Cert.cpp" line="+27"/>
2460        <source>Name</source>
2461        <translation>Navn</translation>
2462    </message>
2463    <message>
2464        <location line="+8"/>
2465        <source>Email</source>
2466        <translation>E-post</translation>
2467    </message>
2468    <message>
2469        <location line="+8"/>
2470        <source>Issuer</source>
2471        <translation>Utsteder</translation>
2472    </message>
2473    <message>
2474        <location line="+8"/>
2475        <source>Expiry Date</source>
2476        <translation>Utløpsdato</translation>
2477    </message>
2478    <message>
2479        <location line="+43"/>
2480        <source>(none)</source>
2481        <translation>(ingen)</translation>
2482    </message>
2483    <message>
2484        <location line="+19"/>
2485        <source>Self-signed</source>
2486        <translation>Selv-signert</translation>
2487    </message>
2490    <name>CertWizard</name>
2491    <message>
2492        <location line="+86"/>
2493        <source>Unable to validate email.&lt;br /&gt;Enter a valid (or blank) email to continue.</source>
2494        <translation>Kunne ikke bekrefte e-post.&lt;br /&gt;Skriv en gyldig (eller tom) e-post for å fortsette.</translation>
2495    </message>
2496    <message>
2497        <location line="+7"/>
2498        <source>There was an error generating your certificate.&lt;br /&gt;Please try again.</source>
2499        <translation>Feil oppstod under opprettelse av ditt sertifikat &lt;br /&gt;Prøv igjen.</translation>
2500    </message>
2501    <message>
2502        <location line="+8"/>
2503        <source>Your certificate and key could not be exported to PKCS#12 format. There might be an error in your certificate.</source>
2504        <translation>Sertifikat og nøkkel tilhørende deg kunne ikke eksporteres til PKCS#12-format. Det kan være en feil i ditt sertifikat.</translation>
2505    </message>
2506    <message>
2507        <location line="+5"/>
2508        <source>The file could not be opened for writing. Please use another file.</source>
2509        <translation>Filen kunne ikke åpnes for skriving. Bruk en annen fil.</translation>
2510    </message>
2511    <message>
2512        <location line="+4"/>
2513        <source>The file&apos;s permissions could not be set. No certificate and key has been written. Please use another file.</source>
2514        <translation>Filens tilgangsinnstillinger kunne ikke endres. Det kunne ikke opprettes noe sertifikat. Bruk en annen fil.</translation>
2515    </message>
2516    <message>
2517        <location line="+6"/>
2518        <source>The file could not be written successfully. Please use another file.</source>
2519        <translation>Kunne ikke skrive til denne fila. Velg en annen fil.</translation>
2520    </message>
2521    <message>
2522        <location line="+7"/>
2523        <source>The file could not be opened for reading. Please use another file.</source>
2524        <translation>Denne fila kunne ikke åpnes for lesning. Velg en annen fil.</translation>
2525    </message>
2526    <message>
2527        <location line="+6"/>
2528        <source>The file is empty or could not be read. Please use another file.</source>
2529        <translation>Denne fila er tom eller kunne ikke leses. Velg en annen fil.</translation>
2530    </message>
2531    <message>
2532        <location line="+5"/>
2533        <source>The file did not contain a valid certificate and key. Please use another file.</source>
2534        <translation>Fila inneholdt ikke gyldig sertifikat og nøkkel. Bruk en annen fil.</translation>
2535    </message>
2536    <message>
2537        <location line="+16"/>
2538        <source>Select file to export certificate to</source>
2539        <translation>Velg fil å eksportere sertifikat til</translation>
2540    </message>
2541    <message>
2542        <location line="+37"/>
2543        <source>Select file to import certificate from</source>
2544        <translation>Velg fil å importere sertifikat fra</translation>
2545    </message>
2546    <message>
2547        <location line="+34"/>
2548        <source>Unable to import. Missing password or incompatible file type.</source>
2549        <translation>Klarer ikke å importere. Manglende passord eller ukompatibel filtype.</translation>
2550    </message>
2551    <message>
2552        <location filename="main.cpp" line="+519"/>
2553        <source>&lt;b&gt;Certificate Expiry:&lt;/b&gt; Your certificate is about to expire. You need to renew it, or you will no longer be able to connect to servers you are registered on.</source>
2554        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Sertifikatsutløp:&lt;/b&gt;Ditt sertifikat er i ferd med å utløpe. Du  fornye det, ellers vil du ikke lenger kunne koble til tjenere du er registrert .</translation>
2555    </message>
2558    <name>Certificates</name>
2559    <message>
2560        <location filename="Cert.ui"/>
2561        <source>Certificate Management</source>
2562        <translation>Behandling av sertifikat</translation>
2563    </message>
2564    <message>
2565        <location/>
2566        <source>Certificate Authentication</source>
2567        <translation>Bekreftelse av sertifikat</translation>
2568    </message>
2569    <message>
2570        <location/>
2571        <source>Authenticating to servers without using passwords</source>
2572        <translation>Identitetsbekreftelse til tjenere uten bruk av passord</translation>
2573    </message>
2574    <message>
2575        <location/>
2576        <source>Current certificate</source>
2577        <translation>Gjeldende sertifikat</translation>
2578    </message>
2579    <message>
2580        <location/>
2581        <source>This is the certificate Mumble currently uses.</source>
2582        <translation>Dette er det sertifikatet Mumble bruker for øyeblikket.</translation>
2583    </message>
2584    <message>
2585        <location/>
2586        <source>Current Certificate</source>
2587        <translation>Gjeldende sertifikat</translation>
2588    </message>
2589    <message>
2590        <location/>
2591        <source>Create a new certificate</source>
2592        <translation>Opprett et nytt sertifikat</translation>
2593    </message>
2594    <message>
2595        <location/>
2596        <source>This will create a new certificate.</source>
2597        <translation>Dette vil opprette et nytt sertifikat.</translation>
2598    </message>
2599    <message>
2600        <location/>
2601        <source>Import certificate from file</source>
2602        <translation>Importer et sertifikat fra fil</translation>
2603    </message>
2604    <message>
2605        <location/>
2606        <source>This will import a certificate from file.</source>
2607        <translation>Dette vil importere et sertifikat fra en fil.</translation>
2608    </message>
2609    <message>
2610        <location/>
2611        <source>Import a certificate</source>
2612        <translation>Importer et sertifikat</translation>
2613    </message>
2614    <message>
2615        <location/>
2616        <source>Export Certificate</source>
2617        <translation>Eksporter et sertifikat</translation>
2618    </message>
2619    <message>
2620        <location/>
2621        <source>This will export a certificate to file.</source>
2622        <translation>Dette vil eksportere et sertifikat til en fil.</translation>
2623    </message>
2624    <message>
2625        <location/>
2626        <source>Export current certificate</source>
2627        <translation>Eksporter gjeldende sertifikat</translation>
2628    </message>
2629    <message>
2630        <location/>
2631        <source>Import Certificate</source>
2632        <translation>Importer sertifikat</translation>
2633    </message>
2634    <message>
2635        <location/>
2636        <source>PKCS #12 Certificate import</source>
2637        <translation>PKCS#12 Sertifikatsimportering</translation>
2638    </message>
2639    <message>
2640        <location/>
2641        <source>&lt;p&gt;Mumble can import certificates stored in PKCS #12 format. This is the format used when exporting a key from Mumble, and also when exporting keys from Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If the file is password protected, you will need the password to import the certificate.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
2642        <oldsource>&lt;p&gt;Mumble can import certificates stored in PKCS #12 format. This is the format used when exporting a key from Mumble, and also when exporting keys from FireFox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If the file is password protected, you will need the password to import the certificate.&lt;/p&gt;</oldsource>
2643        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Mumble kan importere sertifikater lagret i PKCS #12-format. Dette formatet brukes ved eksportering av nøkkel fra Mumble, og når nøkler eksporteres fra Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera osv.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Hvis fila er passordbeskyttet, vil du trenge passordet for å importere sertifikatet.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
2644    </message>
2645    <message>
2646        <location/>
2647        <source>Import from</source>
2648        <translation>Importer fra</translation>
2649    </message>
2650    <message>
2651        <location/>
2652        <source>Filename to import from</source>
2653        <translation>Filnavn det skal importeres fra</translation>
2654    </message>
2655    <message>
2656        <location/>
2657        <source>This is the filename you wish to import a certificate from.</source>
2658        <translation>Filnavnet du ønsker å importere et sertifikat fra.</translation>
2659    </message>
2660    <message>
2661        <location/>
2662        <source>Select file to import from</source>
2663        <translation>Velg en fil å importere fra</translation>
2664    </message>
2665    <message>
2666        <location/>
2667        <source>This opens a file selection dialog to choose a file to import a certificate from.</source>
2668        <translation>Åpner en filutvalgsdialog for åpning av sertifikatet som skal importeres.</translation>
2669    </message>
2670    <message>
2671        <location/>
2672        <source>Open...</source>
2673        <translation>Åpne...</translation>
2674    </message>
2675    <message>
2676        <location/>
2677        <source>Password</source>
2678        <translation>Passord</translation>
2679    </message>
2680    <message>
2681        <location/>
2682        <source>Password for PKCS#12 file</source>
2683        <translation>Passord for PKCS#12-filen</translation>
2684    </message>
2685    <message>
2686        <location/>
2687        <source>This is the password for the PKCS#12 file containing your certificate.</source>
2688        <translation>Dette er passordet for PKCS#12-filen som inneholder ditt sertifikat.</translation>
2689    </message>
2690    <message>
2691        <location/>
2692        <source>Certificate to import</source>
2693        <translation>Sertifikat som skal importeres</translation>
2694    </message>
2695    <message>
2696        <location/>
2697        <source>This is the certificate you are importing.</source>
2698        <translation>Dette er sertifikatet du importerer.</translation>
2699    </message>
2700    <message>
2701        <location/>
2702        <source>Certificate Details</source>
2703        <translation>Sertifikatdetaljer</translation>
2704    </message>
2705    <message>
2706        <location/>
2707        <source>Replace Certificate</source>
2708        <translation>Erstatt sertifikat</translation>
2709    </message>
2710    <message>
2711        <location/>
2712        <source>Replace existing certificate with new certificate?</source>
2713        <translation>Erstatt eksisterende sertifikat med nytt?</translation>
2714    </message>
2715    <message>
2716        <location/>
2717        <source>&lt;p&gt;You already have a certificate stored in Mumble, and you are about to replace it.&lt;/p&gt;
2718&lt;p&gt;If you are upgrading to a certificate issued to you by a trusted CA and the email addresses match your current certificate, this is completely safe, and servers you connect to will automatically recognize the strong certificate for your email address.
2720&lt;p&gt;If this is not the case, you will no longer be recognized by any server you previously have authenticated with. If you haven't been registered on any server yet, this is nothing to worry about.
2723Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
2726        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Du har allerede et sertifikat lagret i Mumble og du er i ferd med å erstatte det.&lt;/p&gt;
2727&lt;p&gt;Hvis du oppgraderer til et sertifikat utstedt deg av en tiltrodd CA (sertifikatsmyndighet) og e-posten samsvarer med ditt gjeldende sertifikat, er dette helt trygt, og tjenerne du kobler til vil automatisk gjenkjenne det sterke sertifikatet for din e-postadresse.
2729&lt;p&gt;Hvis dette ikke er tilfelle, vil du ikke lenger bli gjenkjent av noen tjener du tidligere har identifisert deg mot. Hvis du ikke har blitt registrert på noen tjener enda, er ikke dette noe du trenger å uroe deg over.
2732Er du sikker på at du vil erstatte ditt sertifikat?
2735    </message>
2736    <message>
2737        <location/>
2738        <source>This is the certificate Mumble currently uses. It will be replaced.</source>
2739        <translation>Dette er sertifikatet Mumble bruker nå. Det vil bli erstattet.</translation>
2740    </message>
2741    <message>
2742        <location/>
2743        <source>New certificate</source>
2744        <translation>Nytt sertifikat</translation>
2745    </message>
2746    <message>
2747        <location/>
2748        <source>This is the new certificate that will replace the old one.</source>
2749        <translation>Dette er det nye sertifikatet som erstatter det gamle.</translation>
2750    </message>
2751    <message>
2752        <location/>
2753        <source>New Certificate</source>
2754        <translation>Nytt serfifikat</translation>
2755    </message>
2756    <message>
2757        <location/>
2758        <source>Make a backup of your certificate</source>
2759        <translation>Lag sikkerhetskopi av ditt sertifikat</translation>
2760    </message>
2761    <message>
2762        <location/>
2763        <source>Export to</source>
2764        <translation>Eksporter til</translation>
2765    </message>
2766    <message>
2767        <location/>
2768        <source>Filename to export to</source>
2769        <translation>Filnavn å ekspotere til</translation>
2770    </message>
2771    <message>
2772        <location/>
2773        <source>This is the filename you wish to export a certificate to.</source>
2774        <translation>Dette er filnavnet du ønsker å eksportere et sertifikat til.</translation>
2775    </message>
2776    <message>
2777        <location/>
2778        <source>Save As...</source>
2779        <translation>Lagre som...</translation>
2780    </message>
2781    <message>
2782        <location/>
2783        <source>This is the certificate Mumble currently uses. It will be exported.</source>
2784        <translation>Dette er sertifikatet Mumble bruker akkurat nå. Det vil bli eksportert.</translation>
2785    </message>
2786    <message>
2787        <location/>
2788        <source>Generate a new certificate for strong authentication</source>
2789        <translation>Opprett et nytt sertifikat for sterk identitetsbekreftelse</translation>
2790    </message>
2791    <message>
2792        <location/>
2793        <source>&lt;p&gt;Mumble will now generate a strong certificate for authentication to servers.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If you wish, you may provide some additional information to be stored in the certificate, which will be presented to servers when you connect. If you provide a valid email address, you can upgrade to a CA issued email certificate later on, which provides strong identification.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
2794        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Mumble vil nå opprette et sterkt sertifikat for identitetsbekreftelse til tjenere.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Hvis du ønsker kan du oppgi ytterligere informasjon som skal lagres i ditt sertifikat, som vil bli presentert ovenfor tjenerne du kobler til. Hvis du oppgir en gyldig e-postadresse, kan du oppgradere til en CA(sertifikasjonsmyndighets)-utstedt sertifikat senere, som gir sterk identifikasjon.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
2795    </message>
2796    <message>
2797        <location/>
2798        <source>Name</source>
2799        <translation>Navn</translation>
2800    </message>
2801    <message>
2802        <location/>
2803        <source>Email</source>
2804        <translation>E-post</translation>
2805    </message>
2806    <message>
2807        <location/>
2808        <source>Your email address (e.g. johndoe@mumble.info)</source>
2809        <translation>Din e-postadresse (f.eks. ola@nordmann.no)</translation>
2810    </message>
2811    <message>
2812        <location/>
2813        <source>This is your email address. It is strongly recommended to provide a valid email address, as this will allow you to upgrade to a strong certificate without authentication problems.</source>
2814        <translation>Dette er din e-postadresse. Det anbefales sterkt at du oppgir en gyldig e-postadresse. Dette vil la deg oppgradere til et sterkt sertifikat uten identitetsbekreftelsesproblemer.</translation>
2815    </message>
2816    <message>
2817        <location/>
2818        <source>Your name (e.g. John Doe)</source>
2819        <translation>Ditt navn (f.eks. Ola Nordmann)</translation>
2820    </message>
2821    <message>
2822        <location/>
2823        <source>This is your name, and will be filled out in the certificate. This field is entirely optional.</source>
2824        <translation>Dett er ditt navn, og vil bli fylt ut sammen med sertifikatet. Dette feltet er helt valgfritt.</translation>
2825    </message>
2826    <message>
2827        <location/>
2828        <source>Finish</source>
2829        <translation>Sluttfør</translation>
2830    </message>
2831    <message>
2832        <location/>
2833        <source>Certificate-based authentication is ready for use</source>
2834        <translation>Sertifikatsbasert identitetsbekreftelse klar til bruk</translation>
2835    </message>
2836    <message>
2837        <location/>
2838        <source>Enjoy using Mumble with strong authentication.</source>
2839        <translation>Nyt bruk av Mumble med sterk identitetsbekreftelse</translation>
2840    </message>
2841    <message>
2842        <location/>
2843        <source>Automatic certificate creation</source>
2844        <translation>Automatisk sertifikatsopprettelse</translation>
2845    </message>
2846    <message>
2847        <location/>
2848        <source>&lt;p&gt;If you ever lose your current certificate, which will happen if your computer suffers a hardware failure or you reinstall your machine, you will no longer be able to authenticate to any server you are registered on. It is therefore &lt;b&gt;mandatory&lt;/b&gt; that you make a backup of your certificate. We strongly recommend you store this backup on removable storage, such as a USB flash drive.&lt;/p&gt;
2849&lt;p&gt;Note that this file will not be encrypted, and if anyone gains access to it, they will be able to impersonate you, so take good care of it.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
2850        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Hvis du noensinne mister ditt nåværende sertifikat, hvilket vil skje om harddisken på din maskin blir ødelagt eller hvis du reinstallerer ditt operativsystem, vil du ikke lenger kunne identitetsbekrefte deg ovenfor tjenere du er registrert på. Det er derfor &lt;b&gt;påkrevd&lt;/b&gt; at du tar en sikkerhetskopi av ditt sertifikat. Vi anbefaler sterkt at du lagrer denne sikkerhetskopien på et flyttbart medium, som en USB-minnepinne.&lt;/p&gt;
2851&lt;p&gt;Merk at denne filen ikke er kryptert, slik at alle som får tilgang til den vil kunne opptre som deg, så ta godt vare på den.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
2852    </message>
2853    <message>
2854        <location/>
2855        <source>&lt;p&gt;Mumble can use certificates to authenticate with servers. Using certificates avoids passwords, meaning you don&apos;t need to disclose any password to the remote site. It also enables very easy user registration and a client side friends list independent of servers.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;While Mumble can work without certificates, the majority of servers will expect you to have one.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Creating a new certificate automatically is sufficient for most use cases. But Mumble also supports certificates representing trust in the users ownership of an email address. These certificates are issued by third parties. For more information see our &lt;a href=&quot;http://mumble.info/certificate.php&quot;&gt;user certificate documentation&lt;/a&gt;. &lt;/p&gt;</source>
2856        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Mumble kan bruke sertifikater for identitetsbekreftelse ovenfor tjenere. Bruk av sertifikater unngår bruk av passord, som betyr at du ikke må oppgi et passord fra brukersiden. Det gir også veldig enkel brukerregistrering og en venneliste som er uavhengig av tjenere.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Selv om Mumble kan fungere uten sertifikater, forventer de fleste tjenere at du har et. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Automatisk opprettelse av et nytt sertifikat er nok for de fleste brukstilfeller, men Mumble støtter også sertifikater som representerer tillit til brukernes eierforhold til en e-postadresse. Disse sertifikatene utstedes av tredjeparter. For mer informasjon, se vår&lt;a href=&quot;http://mumble.info/certificate.php&quot;&gt;brukersertifikatdokumentasjon&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
2857    </message>
2860    <name>ChanACL</name>
2861    <message>
2862        <location filename="../ACL.cpp" line="+205"/>
2863        <source>None</source>
2864        <translation>Ingen</translation>
2865    </message>
2866    <message>
2867        <location line="+4"/>
2868        <source>Traverse</source>
2869        <translation>Overgang</translation>
2870    </message>
2871    <message>
2872        <location line="+2"/>
2873        <source>Enter</source>
2874        <translation>Gå inn i</translation>
2875    </message>
2876    <message>
2877        <location line="+2"/>
2878        <source>Speak</source>
2879        <translation>Snakk</translation>
2880    </message>
2881    <message>
2882        <location line="+4"/>
2883        <source>Mute/Deafen</source>
2884        <translation>Gjør stum/døv</translation>
2885    </message>
2886    <message>
2887        <location line="+4"/>
2888        <source>Make channel</source>
2889        <translation>Opprett kanal</translation>
2890    </message>
2891    <message>
2892        <location line="+2"/>
2893        <source>Make temporary</source>
2894        <translation>Gjør midlertidig</translation>
2895    </message>
2896    <message>
2897        <location line="+2"/>
2898        <source>Link channel</source>
2899        <translation>Lenk kanal</translation>
2900    </message>
2901    <message>
2902        <location line="-87"/>
2903        <source>This represents no privileges.</source>
2904        <translation>Dette representerer ingen privilegier.</translation>
2905    </message>
2906    <message>
2907        <location line="+2"/>
2908        <source>This represents total access to the channel, including the ability to change group and ACL information. This privilege implies all other privileges.</source>
2909        <translation>Dette representerer total tilgang til kanalen, inkludert muligheten til å endre gruppe- og ACL -informasjon. Dette privilegiet impliserer alle andre privilegier.</translation>
2910    </message>
2911    <message>
2912        <location line="+3"/>
2913        <source>This represents the permission to traverse the channel. If a user is denied this privilege, he will be unable to access this channel and any sub-channels in any way, regardless of other permissions in the sub-channels.</source>
2914        <translation>Dette representerer tilgang til overgang av kanalen. Hvis en bruker nektes denne retten, vil vedkommende ikke kunne nå denne kanalen eller noen av kanalene under den, uavhenging av andre tilgangsrettigheter i underkanalene.</translation>
2915    </message>
2916    <message>
2917        <location line="+4"/>
2918        <source>This represents the permission to join the channel. If you have a hierarchical channel structure, you might want to give everyone Traverse, but restrict Enter in the root of your hierarchy.</source>
2919        <translation>Muligheten til å ta del i kanalen. Hvis du har en hierarkisk kanalstruktur, kan det hende du vil gi alle overgangsrettigheter, men håndheve inngang i rot-kanalen av ditt hierarki. </translation>
2920    </message>
2921    <message>
2922        <location line="+3"/>
2923        <source>This represents the permission to speak in a channel. Users without this privilege will be suppressed by the server (seen as muted), and will be unable to speak until they are unmuted by someone with the appropriate privileges.</source>
2924        <translation>Muligheten til å snakke i en kanal. Brukere uten dette privilegiet vil bli undertrykt av brukeren (ses som stum), og vil ikke kunne snakke før de får sin stumhet opphevet av noen med tilstrekkelige rettigheter.</translation>
2925    </message>
2926    <message>
2927        <location line="+4"/>
2928        <source>This represents the permission to whisper to this channel from the outside. This works exactly like the &lt;i&gt;speak&lt;/i&gt; privilege, but applies to packets spoken with the Whisper key held down. This may be used to broadcast to a hierarchy of channels without linking.</source>
2929        <translation>Tilgangen til å hviske til denne kanalen fra utsiden. Fungerer akkurat som &lt;i&gt;snakke&lt;/i&gt;-privilegiet, men har innvirkning på pakker sagt med hviske-knappen aktuert. Dette kan også brukes til å kringkaste til et kanalhierarki uten å lenke.</translation>
2930    </message>
2931    <message>
2932        <location line="+4"/>
2933        <source>This represents the permission to mute and deafen other users. Once muted, a user will stay muted until he is unmuted by another privileged user or reconnects to the server.</source>
2934        <translation>Muligheten til å gjøre andre brukere døve og stumme. Når først gjort stum vil en bruker forbli stum til vedkommende får sin stumhet opphevet av en annen priviligert bruker eller kobler til igjen på tjeneren.</translation>
2935    </message>
2936    <message>
2937        <location line="+3"/>
2938        <source>This represents the permission to move a user to another channel or kick him from the server. To actually move the user, either the moving user must have Move privileges in the destination channel, or the user must normally be allowed to enter the channel. Users with this privilege can move users into channels the target user normally wouldn&apos;t have permission to enter.</source>
2939        <translation>Muligheten til å flytte en bruker til en annen kanal eller sparke ut vedkommende fra tjeneren. Brukere må normalt ha tilgang til en kanal for å bli flyttet dit. Flytteren kan også ha flyttingstilgang til målkanalen. Brukeren kan da bli flyttet til kanaler den ikke normalt har mulighet til å ta del i.</translation>
2940    </message>
2941    <message>
2942        <location line="+5"/>
2943        <source>This represents the permission to make sub-channels. The user making the sub-channel will be added to the admin group of the sub-channel.</source>
2944        <translation>Tilgang til opprettelse av underkanaler vil føre med seg administratorrettigheter til den opprettede underkanalen.</translation>
2945    </message>
2946    <message>
2947        <location line="+3"/>
2948        <source>This represents the permission to make a temporary subchannel. The user making the sub-channel will be added to the admin group of the sub-channel. Temporary channels are not stored and disappear when the last user leaves.</source>
2949        <translation>Tilgang til opprettelse av midlertidige underkanaler vil føre med seg administratorrettigheter til den opprettede underkanalen. Midlertidige kanaler er ikke lagret, og forsvinner når den siste brukeren forlater den.</translation>
2950    </message>
2951    <message>
2952        <location line="+3"/>
2953        <source>This represents the permission to link channels. Users in linked channels hear each other, as long as the speaking user has the &lt;i&gt;speak&lt;/i&gt; privilege in the channel of the listener. You need the link privilege in both channels to create a link, but just in either channel to remove it.</source>
2954        <translation>Bruk av muligheten til å lenke sammen kanaler gjør at brukere i de sammenlenkede kanalene hører hverandre, såfremt taleren har &lt;i&gt;tale&lt;/i&gt;-privilegie i lytterens kanal. Du trenger lenkeprivilegie i begge kanaler for å opprette en lenke, men bare i hver av dem for å fjerne den.</translation>
2955    </message>
2956    <message>
2957        <location line="+4"/>
2958        <source>This represents the permission to write text messages to other users in this channel.</source>
2959        <translation>Dette representerer retten til å skrive tekstmeldinger til andre brukere i kanalen.</translation>
2960    </message>
2961    <message>
2962        <location line="+2"/>
2963        <source>This represents the permission to forcibly remove users from the server.</source>
2964        <translation>Dette representerer retten til å tvangsfjerne brukere fra tjeneren.</translation>
2965    </message>
2966    <message>
2967        <location line="+2"/>
2968        <source>This represents the permission to permanently remove users from the server.</source>
2969        <translation>Dette representerer retten til å fjerne brukere fra tjeneren permanent.</translation>
2970    </message>
2971    <message>
2972        <location line="+2"/>
2973        <source>This represents the permission to register and unregister users on the server.</source>
2974        <translation>Representerer rettigheten til å registrere og avregistrere brukere på tjeneren.</translation>
2975    </message>
2976    <message>
2977        <location line="+2"/>
2978        <source>This represents the permission to register oneself on the server.</source>
2979        <translation>Dette representerer retten til å registrere seg selv på tjeneren.</translation>
2980    </message>
2981    <message>
2982        <location line="+31"/>
2983        <source>Whisper</source>
2984        <translation>Hvisk</translation>
2985    </message>
2986    <message>
2987        <location line="+4"/>
2988        <source>Move</source>
2989        <translation>Flytt</translation>
2990    </message>
2991    <message>
2992        <location line="+8"/>
2993        <source>Text message</source>
2994        <translation>Tekstmeldinger</translation>
2995    </message>
2996    <message>
2997        <location line="+2"/>
2998        <source>Kick</source>
2999        <translation>Spark ut</translation>
3000    </message>
3001    <message>
3002        <location line="+2"/>
3003        <source>Ban</source>
3004        <translation>Bannlys</translation>
3005    </message>
3006    <message>
3007        <location line="+2"/>
3008        <source>Register User</source>
3009        <translation>Registrer bruker</translation>
3010    </message>
3011    <message>
3012        <location line="+2"/>
3013        <source>Register Self</source>
3014        <translation>Registrer deg selv</translation>
3015    </message>
3016    <message>
3017        <location line="-28"/>
3018        <source>Write ACL</source>
3019        <translation>Skriv ACL</translation>
3020    </message>
3023    <name>ChatbarTextEdit</name>
3024    <message>
3025        <location filename="CustomElements.cpp" line="+82"/>
3026        <source>Paste and &amp;Send</source>
3027        <oldsource>Paste and send</oldsource>
3028        <translation>Lim inn og &amp;send</translation>
3029    </message>
3030    <message>
3031        <location line="+25"/>
3032        <source>&lt;center&gt;Type chat message here&lt;/center&gt;</source>
3033        <translation>&lt;center&gt;Skriv inn sludremelding her&lt;/center&gt;</translation>
3034    </message>
3037    <name>ClientUser</name>
3038    <message>
3039        <location filename="ClientUser.cpp" line="+110"/>
3040        <source>Friend</source>
3041        <translation>Venn</translation>
3042    </message>
3043    <message>
3044        <location line="+2"/>
3045        <source>Authenticated</source>
3046        <translation>Identitetsbekreftet</translation>
3047    </message>
3048    <message>
3049        <location line="+2"/>
3050        <source>Priority speaker</source>
3051        <translation>Prioritert taler</translation>
3052    </message>
3053    <message>
3054        <location line="+2"/>
3055        <source>Recording</source>
3056        <translation>Spiller inn</translation>
3057    </message>
3058    <message>
3059        <location line="+2"/>
3060        <source>Muted (server)</source>
3061        <translation>Stum (tjener)</translation>
3062    </message>
3063    <message>
3064        <location line="+2"/>
3065        <source>Deafened (server)</source>
3066        <translation>Gjort døv (tjener)</translation>
3067    </message>
3068    <message>
3069        <location line="+2"/>
3070        <source>Local Ignore (Text messages)</source>
3071        <translation>Lokal ignorering (teksmeldinger)</translation>
3072    </message>
3073    <message>
3074        <location line="+2"/>
3075        <source>Local Mute</source>
3076        <translation>Lokal stumhet</translation>
3077    </message>
3078    <message>
3079        <location line="+2"/>
3080        <source>Muted (self)</source>
3081        <translation>Stum (selv)</translation>
3082    </message>
3083    <message>
3084        <location line="+2"/>
3085        <source>Deafened (self)</source>
3086        <translation>Gjord døv (selv)</translation>
3087    </message>
3090    <name>ConfigDialog</name>
3091    <message>
3092        <location filename="ConfigDialog.cpp" line="+29"/>
3093        <source>Accept changes</source>
3094        <translation>Godta endringer</translation>
3095    </message>
3096    <message>
3097        <location line="+1"/>
3098        <source>This button will accept current settings and return to the application.&lt;br /&gt;The settings will be stored to disk when you leave the application.</source>
3099        <translation>Denne knappen vil godta gjeldende innstillinger og gå tilbake til programmet.&lt;br /&gt;Innstillingene vil lagres til disk når du forlater programmet.</translation>
3100    </message>
3101    <message>
3102        <location line="+4"/>
3103        <source>Reject changes</source>
3104        <translation>Forkast endringer</translation>
3105    </message>
3106    <message>
3107        <location line="+1"/>
3108        <source>This button will reject all changes and return to the application.&lt;br /&gt;The settings will be reset to the previous positions.</source>
3109        <translation>Denne knappen vil avslå alle endringer og returnere til programmet.&lt;br /&gt;Innstillingene vil bli satt til sine tidligere posisjoner.</translation>
3110    </message>
3111    <message>
3112        <location line="+4"/>
3113        <source>Apply changes</source>
3114        <translation>Bruk endringer</translation>
3115    </message>
3116    <message>
3117        <location line="+1"/>
3118        <source>This button will immediately apply all changes.</source>
3119        <translation>Denne knappen vil utføre alle endringer umiddelbart.</translation>
3120    </message>
3121    <message>
3122        <location line="+3"/>
3123        <source>Undo changes for current page</source>
3124        <translation>Angre endringer for nåværende side</translation>
3125    </message>
3126    <message>
3127        <location line="+1"/>
3128        <source>This button will revert any changes done on the current page to the most recent applied settings.</source>
3129        <translation>Denne knappen vil tilbakestille alle endringer gjort på denne siden til de nyligst tillagte innstillingene.</translation>
3130    </message>
3131    <message>
3132        <location line="+3"/>
3133        <source>Restore defaults for current page</source>
3134        <translation>Gjenopprett forvalg for gjeldende side</translation>
3135    </message>
3136    <message>
3137        <location line="+1"/>
3138        <source>This button will restore the defaults for the settings on the current page. Other pages will not be changed.&lt;br /&gt;To restore all settings to their defaults, you will have to use this button on every page.</source>
3139        <oldsource>This button will restore the settings for the current page only to their defaults. Other pages will not be changed.&lt;br /&gt;To restore all settings to their defaults, you will have to use this button on every page.</oldsource>
3140        <translation>Denne knappen vil tilbakestille innstillingene på denne siden tilbake til forvalg. Andre sider vil ikke bli endret.&lt;br /&gt;For å endre alle innstillinger til deres forvalg må du bruke denne knappen på hver side.</translation>
3141    </message>
3142    <message>
3143        <location filename="ConfigDialog.ui"/>
3144        <source>Mumble Configuration</source>
3145        <translation>Mumble-oppsett</translation>
3146    </message>
3149    <name>ConnectDialog</name>
3150    <message>
3151        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="+1134"/>
3152        <source>Connecting to %1</source>
3153        <translation>Kobler til %1</translation>
3154    </message>
3155    <message>
3156        <location line="-699"/>
3157        <location line="+699"/>
3158        <source>Enter username</source>
3159        <translation>Skriv inn brukernavn</translation>
3160    </message>
3161    <message>
3162        <location line="-699"/>
3163        <source>Adding host %1</source>
3164        <translation>Legger til vert %1</translation>
3165    </message>
3166    <message>
3167        <location filename="ConnectDialog.ui"/>
3168        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="+71"/>
3169        <source>Servername</source>
3170        <translation>Tjenernavn</translation>
3171    </message>
3172    <message>
3173        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="+1"/>
3174        <source>Hostname</source>
3175        <translation>Vertsnavn</translation>
3176    </message>
3177    <message>
3178        <location line="+3"/>
3179        <source>Bonjour name</source>
3180        <translation>Bonjour-navn</translation>
3181    </message>
3182    <message>
3183        <location line="+3"/>
3184        <source>Port</source>
3185        <translation>Port</translation>
3186    </message>
3187    <message>
3188        <location line="+1"/>
3189        <source>Addresses</source>
3190        <translation>Adresser</translation>
3191    </message>
3192    <message>
3193        <location line="+3"/>
3194        <source>Website</source>
3195        <translation>Nettside</translation>
3196    </message>
3197    <message>
3198        <location line="+3"/>
3199        <source>Packet loss</source>
3200        <translation>Pakketap</translation>
3201    </message>
3202    <message>
3203        <location line="+3"/>
3204        <source>Ping (80%)</source>
3205        <translation>Ping(80%)</translation>
3206    </message>
3207    <message>
3208        <location line="+0"/>
3209        <location line="+2"/>
3210        <source>%1 ms</source>
3211        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
3212    </message>
3213    <message>
3214        <location line="+0"/>
3215        <source>Ping (95%)</source>
3216        <translation>Ping (95%)</translation>
3217    </message>
3218    <message>
3219        <location line="+2"/>
3220        <source>Bandwidth</source>
3221        <translation>Båndbredde</translation>
3222    </message>
3223    <message>
3224        <location line="+0"/>
3225        <source>%1 kbit/s</source>
3226        <translation>%1 kbit/s</translation>
3227    </message>
3228    <message>
3229        <location line="+430"/>
3230        <source>&amp;Connect</source>
3231        <translation>&amp;Koble til</translation>
3232    </message>
3233    <message>
3234        <location line="+76"/>
3235        <source>&amp;Filters</source>
3236        <translation>&amp;Filtre</translation>
3237    </message>
3238    <message>
3239        <location filename="ConnectDialog.ui"/>
3240        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-505"/>
3241        <source>Users</source>
3242        <translation>Brukere</translation>
3243    </message>
3244    <message>
3245        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="+1"/>
3246        <source>Version</source>
3247        <translation>Versjon</translation>
3248    </message>
3249    <message>
3250        <location line="+1221"/>
3251        <source>Failed to fetch server list</source>
3252        <translation>Innhenting av tjenerliste feilet</translation>
3253    </message>
3254    <message>
3255        <location filename="ConnectDialog.ui"/>
3256        <source>Mumble Server Connect</source>
3257        <translation>Mumble tjenertilknytning</translation>
3258    </message>
3259    <message>
3260        <location/>
3261        <source>Ping</source>
3262        <translation>Ping</translation>
3263    </message>
3264    <message>
3265        <location/>
3266        <source>Remove from Favorites</source>
3267        <translation>Fjern fra favoritter</translation>
3268    </message>
3269    <message>
3270        <location/>
3271        <source>Add custom server</source>
3272        <translation>Tilføy brukerdefinert tjener</translation>
3273    </message>
3274    <message>
3275        <location/>
3276        <source>Show all servers that respond to ping</source>
3277        <translation>Vis alle tjenerene som besvarte ping</translation>
3278    </message>
3279    <message>
3280        <location/>
3281        <source>Show all servers with users</source>
3282        <translation>Vis alle de tjenerne som har brukere</translation>
3283    </message>
3284    <message>
3285        <location/>
3286        <source>Show all servers</source>
3287        <translation>Vis alle tjenere</translation>
3288    </message>
3289    <message>
3290        <location/>
3291        <source>&amp;Copy</source>
3292        <translation>&amp;Kopier</translation>
3293    </message>
3294    <message>
3295        <location/>
3296        <source>Copy favorite link to clipboard</source>
3297        <translation>Kopier favorittlenke til utklippstavle</translation>
3298    </message>
3299    <message>
3300        <location/>
3301        <source>&amp;Paste</source>
3302        <translation>&amp;Lim inn</translation>
3303    </message>
3304    <message>
3305        <location/>
3306        <source>Paste favorite from clipboard</source>
3307        <translation>Lim inn favoritt fra utklippstavle</translation>
3308    </message>
3309    <message>
3310        <location/>
3311        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-784"/>
3312        <source>&amp;Edit...</source>
3313        <translation>&amp;Rediger</translation>
3314    </message>
3315    <message>
3316        <location/>
3317        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-7"/>
3318        <source>&amp;Add New...</source>
3319        <translation>&amp;Legg til ny...</translation>
3320    </message>
3321    <message>
3322        <location/>
3323        <source>Add to &amp;Favorites</source>
3324        <translation>Legg til i &amp;favoritter</translation>
3325    </message>
3326    <message>
3327        <location/>
3328        <source>Open &amp;Webpage</source>
3329        <translation>Åpne &amp;nettsted</translation>
3330    </message>
3331    <message>
3332        <location/>
3333        <source>Show &amp;Reachable</source>
3334        <translation>Vis &amp;innen rekkevidde</translation>
3335    </message>
3336    <message>
3337        <location/>
3338        <source>Show &amp;Populated</source>
3339        <translation>Vis &amp;befolkede</translation>
3340    </message>
3341    <message>
3342        <location/>
3343        <source>Show &amp;All</source>
3344        <translation>Vis &amp;alle</translation>
3345    </message>
3348    <name>ConnectDialogEdit</name>
3349    <message>
3350        <location filename="ConnectDialogEdit.ui"/>
3351        <source>Edit Server</source>
3352        <translation>Rediger tjener</translation>
3353    </message>
3354    <message>
3355        <location/>
3356        <source>Name of the server</source>
3357        <translation>Navn på tjeneren</translation>
3358    </message>
3359    <message>
3360        <location/>
3361        <source>A&amp;ddress</source>
3362        <translation>&amp;Adresse</translation>
3363    </message>
3364    <message>
3365        <location/>
3366        <source>Internet address of the server.</source>
3367        <oldsource>Internet address of the server. </oldsource>
3368        <translation>Internettadresse for tjeneren.</translation>
3369    </message>
3370    <message>
3371        <location/>
3372        <source>&lt;b&gt;Address&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3373Internet address of the server. This can be a normal hostname, an IPv4/IPv6 address or a Bonjour service identifier. Bonjour service identifiers have to be prefixed with a &apos;@&apos; to be recognized by Mumble.</source>
3374        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;Address&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/br&gt;
3375Internet address of the server. This can be a normal hostname, an ipv4/6 address or a bonjour service identifier. Bonjour service identifiers have to be prefixed with a '@' to be recognized by Mumble.</oldsource>
3376        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Adresse&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3377Internettadresse til denne tjeneren. Dette kan være et normalt vertsnavn, en IPv4/IPv6-adresse eller en Bonjour-tjenesteidentifikator. Bonjour-tjenesteidentifikatorer må innledes med en &apos;@&apos; for å gjenkjennes av Mumble.</translation>
3378    </message>
3379    <message>
3380        <location/>
3381        <source>&amp;Port</source>
3382        <translation>&amp;Port</translation>
3383    </message>
3384    <message>
3385        <location/>
3386        <source>Port on which the server is listening</source>
3387        <translation>Porten tjeneren lytter på</translation>
3388    </message>
3389    <message>
3390        <location/>
3391        <source>&lt;b&gt;Port&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3392Port on which the server is listening. If the server is identified by a Bonjour service identifier this field will be ignored.</source>
3393        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Port&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3394Porten tjenren lytter til. Hvis tjeneren er identifisert av en Bonjourtjenesteidentifikator vil dette feltet bli oversett.</translation>
3395    </message>
3396    <message>
3397        <location/>
3398        <source>&amp;Username</source>
3399        <translation>&amp;Brukernavn</translation>
3400    </message>
3401    <message>
3402        <location/>
3403        <source>Username to send to the server</source>
3404        <translation>Brukernavn som skal sendes til tjeneren</translation>
3405    </message>
3406    <message>
3407        <location/>
3408        <source>&lt;b&gt;Username&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3409Username to send to the server. Be aware that the server can impose restrictions on how a username might look like. Also your username could already be taken by another user.</source>
3410        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Brukernavn&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3411Brukernavn å sende til tjeneren. Merk at tjeneren kan utøve en restriksjon på hvordan et brukernavn kan se ut. Ditt brukernavn kan også være tatt av en annen bruker allerede.</translation>
3412    </message>
3413    <message>
3414        <location/>
3415        <source>Label</source>
3416        <translation>Etikett</translation>
3417    </message>
3418    <message>
3419        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-192"/>
3420        <source>Add Server</source>
3421        <translation>Legg til tjener</translation>
3422    </message>
3423    <message>
3424        <location line="+15"/>
3425        <source>You are currently connected to a server.
3426Do you want to fill the dialog with the connection data of this server?
3427Host: %1 Port: %2</source>
3428        <translation type="unfinished"/>
3429    </message>
3430    <message>
3431        <location line="+45"/>
3432        <source>You have an URL in your clipboard.
3433Do you want to fill the dialog with this data?
3434Host: %1 Port: %2</source>
3435        <translation type="unfinished"/>
3436    </message>
3437    <message>
3438        <location filename="ConnectDialogEdit.ui"/>
3439        <source>Password</source>
3440        <translation>Passord</translation>
3441    </message>
3442    <message>
3443        <location/>
3444        <source>Password to send to the server</source>
3445        <translation>Passord som skal sendes til tjeneren</translation>
3446    </message>
3447    <message>
3448        <location/>
3449        <source>&lt;b&gt;Password&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3450Password to be sent to the server on connect. This password is needed when connecting as &lt;i&gt;SuperUser&lt;/i&gt; or to a server using password authentication. If not entered here the password will be queried on connect.</source>
3451        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Passord&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3452Passord kan sendes til tjeneren ved tilkobling. Dette passordet trengs for å koble til som &lt;i&gt;SuperBruker&lt;/i&gt; eller til en tjener ved bruk av passord for identitetsbekreftelse. Hvis ikke oppført her, vil passordet bli forespurt ved tilkobling.</translation>
3453    </message>
3454    <message>
3455        <location/>
3456        <source>Show password</source>
3457        <translation>Vis passord</translation>
3458    </message>
3459    <message>
3460        <location/>
3461        <source>&lt;b&gt;Label&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3462Label of the server. This is what the server will be named like in your server list and can be chosen freely.</source>
3463        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Merkelapp&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3464Hva tjeneren er beskrevet som. Dette er hva tjeneren vil bli navngitt som i din tjenerliste og kan velges fritt.</translation>
3465    </message>
3466    <message>
3467        <location/>
3468        <source>Local server label</source>
3469        <translation>Etikett for lokal tjener</translation>
3470    </message>
3471    <message>
3472        <location/>
3473        <source></source>
3474        <translation></translation>
3475    </message>
3476    <message>
3477        <location/>
3478        <source>64738</source>
3479        <translation>64738</translation>
3480    </message>
3481    <message>
3482        <location/>
3483        <source>Your username</source>
3484        <translation>Ditt brukernavn</translation>
3485    </message>
3486    <message>
3487        <location/>
3488        <source>Your password</source>
3489        <translation>Ditt passord</translation>
3490    </message>
3491    <message>
3492        <location/>
3493        <source>&amp;Fill</source>
3494        <translation type="unfinished"/>
3495    </message>
3498    <name>CoreAudioSystem</name>
3499    <message>
3500        <location filename="CoreAudio.cpp" line="+64"/>
3501        <source>Default Device</source>
3502        <translation>Forvalgt enhet</translation>
3503    </message>
3506    <name>CrashReporter</name>
3507    <message>
3508        <location filename="CrashReporter.cpp" line="+16"/>
3509        <source>Mumble Crash Report</source>
3510        <translation>Mumble krasjrapport</translation>
3511    </message>
3512    <message>
3513        <location line="+6"/>
3514        <source>&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;We&apos;re terribly sorry, but it seems Mumble has crashed. Do you want to send a crash report to the Mumble developers?&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The crash report contains a partial copy of Mumble&apos;s memory at the time it crashed, and will help the developers fix the problem.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
3515        <translation>&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Vi er veldig lei oss, men det later til at Mumble har kræsjet. Ønsker du å sende en kræsjrapport til Mumble-utviklerne?&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Kræsjrapporten inneholder en delvis kopi av Mumble på kræsjtidspunktet, og vil hjelpe utviklere å ordne problemet.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
3516    </message>
3517    <message>
3518        <location line="+8"/>
3519        <source>Email address (optional)</source>
3520        <translation>E-postadresse (valgfritt)</translation>
3521    </message>
3522    <message>
3523        <location line="+9"/>
3524        <source>Please describe briefly, in English, what you were doing at the time of the crash</source>
3525        <oldsource>Please briefly describe what you were doing at the time of the crash</oldsource>
3526        <translation>Beskriv i korte trekk, på Engelsk, hva du gjorde når Mumble krasjet</translation>
3527    </message>
3528    <message>
3529        <location line="+5"/>
3530        <source>Send Report</source>
3531        <translation>Send rapport</translation>
3532    </message>
3533    <message>
3534        <location line="+3"/>
3535        <source>Don&apos;t send report</source>
3536        <translation>Ikke send rapport</translation>
3537    </message>
3538    <message>
3539        <location line="+24"/>
3540        <source>Crash upload successful</source>
3541        <translation>Kræsjrapportering vellykket</translation>
3542    </message>
3543    <message>
3544        <location line="+0"/>
3545        <source>Thank you for helping make Mumble better!</source>
3546        <translation>Takk for at du hjelper til med å gjøre Mumble bedre!</translation>
3547    </message>
3548    <message>
3549        <location line="+2"/>
3550        <location line="+2"/>
3551        <source>Crash upload failed</source>
3552        <translation>Opplasting av kræsj mislyktes</translation>
3553    </message>
3554    <message>
3555        <location line="-2"/>
3556        <source>We&apos;re really sorry, but it appears the crash upload has failed with error %1 %2. Please inform a developer.</source>
3557        <translation>Det beklages på det mest innstendige at kræsjrapportering har mislyktes med feil %1 %2. Informer en utvikler om dette.</translation>
3558    </message>
3559    <message>
3560        <location line="+2"/>
3561        <source>This really isn&apos;t funny, but apparently there&apos;s a bug in the crash reporting code, and we&apos;ve failed to upload the report. You may inform a developer about error %1</source>
3562        <translation>Dette er ikke gøy, men det later til at det er en feil i kræsjrapporteringskoden, og dermed kunne ikke rapporten lastes opp. Informer en utvikler om denne feilet %1</translation>
3563    </message>
3564    <message>
3565        <location line="+101"/>
3566        <source>Uploading crash report</source>
3567        <translation>Laster opp kræsjrapport</translation>
3568    </message>
3569    <message>
3570        <location line="+0"/>
3571        <source>Abort upload</source>
3572        <translation>Avbryt opplasting</translation>
3573    </message>
3576    <name>DXAudioInput</name>
3577    <message>
3578        <location filename="DirectSound.cpp" line="+158"/>
3579        <source>Default DirectSound Voice Input</source>
3580        <translation>Forvalgt DirectSound inngang for tale</translation>
3581    </message>
3582    <message>
3583        <location line="+451"/>
3584        <source>Opening chosen DirectSound Input device failed. No microphone capture will be done.</source>
3585        <translation>Åpning av valgt DirectSound-inngang mislyktes. Inget mikrofonopptak vil bli gjort.</translation>
3586    </message>
3587    <message>
3588        <location line="-83"/>
3589        <source>Opening chosen DirectSound Input failed. Default device will be used.</source>
3590        <translation>Åpning av valgt DirectSound-inngang mislyktes. Forvalgt enhet vil bli brukt.</translation>
3591    </message>
3592    <message>
3593        <location line="+78"/>
3594        <source>Lost DirectSound input device.</source>
3595        <translation>Mistet DirectSound-inngangsenhet</translation>
3596    </message>
3599    <name>DXAudioOutput</name>
3600    <message>
3601        <location line="-486"/>
3602        <source>Default DirectSound Voice Output</source>
3603        <translation>Forvalgt DirectSound ugang for tale</translation>
3604    </message>
3605    <message>
3606        <location line="+243"/>
3607        <source>Opening chosen DirectSound Output failed. Default device will be used.</source>
3608        <translation>Åpning av valgt DirectSound-ugang feilet. Forvalgt enhet vil bli brukt.</translation>
3609    </message>
3610    <message>
3611        <location line="+73"/>
3612        <source>Lost DirectSound output device.</source>
3613        <translation>Mistet DirectSound-utgangsenhet</translation>
3614    </message>
3615    <message>
3616        <location line="+4"/>
3617        <source>Opening chosen DirectSound Output failed. No audio will be heard.</source>
3618        <translation>Åpning av valgt DirectSound-utgang feilet. Ingen lyd vil bli hørt.</translation>
3619    </message>
3622    <name>Database</name>
3623    <message>
3624        <location filename="Database.cpp" line="+92"/>
3625        <source>Mumble failed to initialize a database in any
3626of the possible locations.</source>
3627        <translation>Mumble klarte ikke å igangsette en database
3628på noen av de mulige plasseringene.</translation>
3629    </message>
3630    <message>
3631        <location line="+7"/>
3632        <source>The database &apos;%1&apos; is read-only. Mumble cannot store server settings (i.e. SSL certificates) until you fix this problem.</source>
3633        <oldsource>The database '%1' is read-only. Mumble can not store server settings (ie. SSL certificates) until you fix this problem.</oldsource>
3634        <translation>Databasen &apos;%1&apos; er kun lesbar. Mumble kan ikke lagre tjener-innstillinger (f.eks SSL-sertifikater) til du ordner dette problemet.</translation>
3635    </message>
3638    <name>DeveloperConsole</name>
3639    <message>
3640        <location filename="DeveloperConsole.cpp" line="+31"/>
3641        <source>Developer Console</source>
3642        <translation>Utviklerkonsoll</translation>
3643    </message>
3646    <name>DockTitleBar</name>
3647    <message>
3648        <location filename="CustomElements.cpp" line="+189"/>
3649        <source>Drag here</source>
3650        <translation>Dra hit</translation>
3651    </message>
3654    <name>GlobalShortcut</name>
3655    <message>
3656        <location filename="GlobalShortcut.ui"/>
3657        <source>Shortcuts</source>
3658        <translation>Tastatursnarveier</translation>
3659    </message>
3660    <message>
3661        <location/>
3662        <source>List of configured shortcuts</source>
3663        <translation>Liste over oppsatte tastatursnarveier</translation>
3664    </message>
3665    <message>
3666        <location/>
3667        <source>Function</source>
3668        <translation>Funksjon</translation>
3669    </message>
3670    <message>
3671        <location/>
3672        <source>Data</source>
3673        <translation>Data</translation>
3674    </message>
3675    <message>
3676        <location/>
3677        <source>Shortcut</source>
3678        <translation>Snarvei</translation>
3679    </message>
3680    <message>
3681        <location/>
3682        <source>Suppress</source>
3683        <translation>Undertrykk</translation>
3684    </message>
3685    <message>
3686        <location/>
3687        <source>Add new shortcut</source>
3688        <translation>Legg til ny snarvei</translation>
3689    </message>
3690    <message>
3691        <location/>
3692        <source>This will add a new global shortcut</source>
3693        <translation>Dette vil legge til en ny global snarvei</translation>
3694    </message>
3695    <message>
3696        <location/>
3697        <source>&amp;Add</source>
3698        <translation>&amp;Legg til</translation>
3699    </message>
3700    <message>
3701        <location/>
3702        <source>Remove selected shortcut</source>
3703        <translation>Fjern valgt snarvei</translation>
3704    </message>
3705    <message>
3706        <location/>
3707        <source>This will permanently remove a selected shortcut.</source>
3708        <translation>Dette vil slette valgt snarvei for godt.</translation>
3709    </message>
3710    <message>
3711        <location/>
3712        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
3713        <translation>&amp;Fjern</translation>
3714    </message>
3715    <message>
3716        <location/>
3717        <source>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Mumble can currently only use mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) for global shortcuts.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If you want more flexibility, you can enable &lt;span style=&quot; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;Access for assistive devices&lt;/span&gt; in the system&apos;s Accessibility preferences. However, please note that this change also potentially allows malicious programs to read what is typed on your keyboard.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
3718        <translation>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Kun valgtaster fra tastatur eller mus (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, osv.) kan brukes for snarveier som gjelder for hele systemet.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Hvis du ønsker mer fleksibilitet kan du endre &lt;span style=&quot; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;Tilgang for hjelpeenheter&lt;/span&gt; i systemets tilgjengelighetsinnstillinger. Merk at denne endringen har potensiale til å la skadelig programvare se hva som skrives på ditt tastatur.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
3719    </message>
3720    <message>
3721        <location/>
3722        <source>Open Accessibility Preferences</source>
3723        <translation>Åpne tilgjengelighetsinnstillinger</translation>
3724    </message>
3725    <message>
3726        <location/>
3727        <source>Skip</source>
3728        <translation>Hopp over</translation>
3729    </message>
3730    <message>
3731        <location/>
3732        <source>Enable Global Shortcuts</source>
3733        <translation>Aktiver globale tatatursnarveier</translation>
3734    </message>
3735    <message>
3736        <location/>
3737        <source>&lt;b&gt;Additional Shortcut Engines&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This section allows you to configure the use of additional GlobalShortcut engines.</source>
3738        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Ytterligere snarveismotorer&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Denne delen lar deg sette opp bruken av ytterligere GlobalShortcut-motrorer.</translation>
3739    </message>
3740    <message>
3741        <location/>
3742        <source>Additional Shortcut Engines</source>
3743        <translation>Ytterligere snarveismotorer</translation>
3744    </message>
3745    <message>
3746        <location/>
3747        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable Windows hooks&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;This enables the Windows hooks shortcut engine. Using this engine allows Mumble to suppress keypresses and mouse clicks.</source>
3748        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Skru på Windows-kroker&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Dette skrur på snarveismotoren for Windows-kroker. Bruk av denne motoren lar Mumble undertrykke tastetrykk og museklikk.</translation>
3749    </message>
3750    <message>
3751        <location/>
3752        <source>Enable Windows hooks</source>
3753        <translation>Skru på Windows-kroker</translation>
3754    </message>
3755    <message>
3756        <location/>
3757        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable GKey&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;This setting enables support for the GKey shortcut engine, for &quot;G&quot;-keys found on Logitech keyboards.</source>
3758        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Skru på GKey&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Denne innstillinger skrur på støtte for GKey-snarveismotorer for &quot;G&quot;-taster på Logitech-tastatur.</translation>
3759    </message>
3760    <message>
3761        <location/>
3762        <source>Enable GKey</source>
3763        <translation>Skru på GKey</translation>
3764    </message>
3765    <message>
3766        <location/>
3767        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable XInput&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This setting enables support for the XInput shortcut engine, for Xbox compatible controllers.</source>
3768        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Skru på XInput&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Denne innstillinger skrur på støtte for Xinput-snarveismotoren for Xbox-kompatible kontrollerer.</translation>
3769    </message>
3770    <message>
3771        <location/>
3772        <source>Enable XInput</source>
3773        <translation>Skru på Xinput</translation>
3774    </message>
3775    <message>
3776        <location/>
3777        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable shortcuts in privileged applications&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Also known as &quot;UIAccess&quot;. This allows Mumble to receive global shortcut events from programs running at high privilege levels, such as an Admin Command Prompt or older games that run with admin privileges.
3778&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
3779Without this option enabled, using Mumble&apos;s global shortcuts in privileged applications will not work. This can seem inconsistent: for example, if the Push-to-Talk button is pressed in a non-privileged program, but released in a privileged application, Mumble will not observe that it has been released and you will continue to talk until you press the Push-to-Talk button again.</source>
3780        <translation type="unfinished"/>
3781    </message>
3782    <message>
3783        <location/>
3784        <source>Enable shortcuts in privileged applications</source>
3785        <translation type="unfinished"/>
3786    </message>
3789    <name>GlobalShortcutConfig</name>
3790    <message>
3791        <location filename="GlobalShortcut.cpp" line="+533"/>
3792        <source>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Mumble can currently only use mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) for global shortcuts.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If you want more flexibility, you can add Mumble as a trusted accessibility program in the Security &amp; Privacy section of your Mac&apos;s System Preferences.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In the Security &amp; Privacy preference pane, change to the Privacy tab. Then choose Accessibility (near the bottom) in the list to the left. Finally, add Mumble to the list of trusted accessibility programs.&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
3793        <translation>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Kun valgtaster fra tastatur eller mus (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, osv.) kan brukes for snarveier som gjelder for hele systemet. &lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Hvis du ønsker mer fleksibilitet kan du legge til Mumble som et betrodd hjelpefunksjons-program i Sikkerhet &amp; Personvern på din Macs systeminnstillinger.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;I sikkerhet og personvernsfanen, endre til personvernsfanen. Velg så Tilgjengelighet (nært bunnen) i listen på venstresiden. Til sist, legg til Mumble i listen over betrodde tilgjengelighetsprogrammer.&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
3794    </message>
3795    <message>
3796        <location line="+115"/>
3797        <source>Shortcuts</source>
3798        <translation>Tastatursnarveier</translation>
3799    </message>
3800    <message>
3801        <location line="+72"/>
3802        <source>Shortcut button combination.</source>
3803        <translation>Tastatursnarveiskombinasjon</translation>
3804    </message>
3805    <message>
3806        <location line="+1"/>
3807        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the global shortcut key combination.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Click this field and then press the desired key/button combo to rebind. Double-click to clear.</source>
3808        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;This is the global shortcut key combination.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Double-click this field and then the desired key/button combo to rebind.</oldsource>
3809        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette er tastatursnarveien for hele systemet.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Klikk i dette feltet og trykk på ønsket knapp/kombinasjon for å tilknytte ny snarvei. Dobbeltklikk for å tømme.</translation>
3810    </message>
3811    <message>
3812        <location line="+4"/>
3813        <source>Suppress keys from other applications</source>
3814        <translation>Undertrykker tastetrykk fra andre program</translation>
3815    </message>
3816    <message>
3817        <location line="+1"/>
3818        <source>&lt;b&gt;This hides the button presses from other applications.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Enabling this will hide the button (or the last button of a multi-button combo) from other applications. Note that not all buttons can be suppressed.</source>
3819        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette skjuler tastetrykk fra andre programmer.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Å skru på dette vil gjemme knappen (eller den siste knappen i en kombinasjonssnarvei) fra andre programmer. Merk at ikke alle knapper kan undertrykkes.</translation>
3820    </message>
3823    <name>GlobalShortcutTarget</name>
3824    <message>
3825        <location filename="GlobalShortcutTarget.ui"/>
3826        <source>Whisper Target</source>
3827        <translation>Hvisk til utvalgt</translation>
3828    </message>
3829    <message>
3830        <location/>
3831        <source>Whisper to list of Users</source>
3832        <translation>Hvisk til liste over brukere</translation>
3833    </message>
3834    <message>
3835        <location/>
3836        <source>Channel Target</source>
3837        <translation>Kanalmål</translation>
3838    </message>
3839    <message>
3840        <location/>
3841        <source>Restrict to Group</source>
3842        <translation>Begrens til gruppe</translation>
3843    </message>
3844    <message>
3845        <location/>
3846        <source>If specified, only members of this group will receive the whisper.</source>
3847        <translation>Hvis spesifisert, vil bare medlemmer av denne gruppen motta din hvisken.</translation>
3848    </message>
3849    <message>
3850        <location/>
3851        <source>List of users</source>
3852        <translation>Liste over brukere</translation>
3853    </message>
3854    <message>
3855        <location/>
3856        <source>Add</source>
3857        <translation>Legg til</translation>
3858    </message>
3859    <message>
3860        <location/>
3861        <source>Remove</source>
3862        <translation>Fjern</translation>
3863    </message>
3864    <message>
3865        <location/>
3866        <source>Modifiers</source>
3867        <translation>Valgtaster</translation>
3868    </message>
3869    <message>
3870        <location/>
3871        <source>Do not send positional audio information when using this whisper shortcut.</source>
3872        <translation>Ikke send posisjonsbasert lydinformasjon når denne hviske-snarveien brukes.</translation>
3873    </message>
3874    <message>
3875        <location/>
3876        <source>Ignore positional audio</source>
3877        <translation>Se bort fra posisjonsbasert lyd</translation>
3878    </message>
3879    <message>
3880        <location/>
3881        <source>Shout to Linked channels</source>
3882        <translation>Rop til lenkede kanaler</translation>
3883    </message>
3884    <message>
3885        <location/>
3886        <source>Shout to subchannels</source>
3887        <translation>Rop til underkanaler</translation>
3888    </message>
3889    <message>
3890        <location/>
3891        <source>Shout to Channel</source>
3892        <translation>Rop til kanal</translation>
3893    </message>
3894    <message>
3895        <location/>
3896        <source>The whisper will also be transmitted to linked channels.</source>
3897        <translation>Denne hvisken vil også bli oversendt til lenkede kanaler.</translation>
3898    </message>
3899    <message>
3900        <location/>
3901        <source>The whisper will also be sent to the subchannels of the channel target.</source>
3902        <translation>Denne hvisken vil bli sendt til underkanalene av kanalmålet.</translation>
3903    </message>
3906    <name>GlobalShortcutX</name>
3907    <message>
3908        <location filename="GlobalShortcut_unix.cpp" line="+354"/>
3909        <source>Mouse %1</source>
3910        <translation>Mus %1</translation>
3911    </message>
3914    <name>JackAudioSystem</name>
3915    <message>
3916        <location filename="JackAudio.cpp" line="+121"/>
3917        <source>Hardware Ports</source>
3918        <translation type="unfinished"/>
3919    </message>
3920    <message>
3921        <location line="+1"/>
3922        <source>Mono</source>
3923        <translation type="unfinished"/>
3924    </message>
3925    <message>
3926        <location line="+1"/>
3927        <source>Stereo</source>
3928        <translation type="unfinished"/>
3929    </message>
3932    <name>LCD</name>
3933    <message>
3934        <location filename="LCD.cpp" line="+267"/>
3935        <source>Not connected</source>
3936        <translation>Ikke tilkoblet</translation>
3937    </message>
3940    <name>LCDConfig</name>
3941    <message>
3942        <location line="-171"/>
3943        <source>Enable this device</source>
3944        <translation>Aktiver denne enheten</translation>
3945    </message>
3946    <message>
3947        <location line="+5"/>
3948        <source>LCD</source>
3949        <translation>LCD</translation>
3950    </message>
3951    <message>
3952        <location filename="LCD.ui"/>
3953        <source>Form</source>
3954        <translation>Skjema</translation>
3955    </message>
3956    <message>
3957        <location/>
3958        <source>Devices</source>
3959        <translation>Enheter</translation>
3960    </message>
3961    <message>
3962        <location/>
3963        <source>Name</source>
3964        <translation>Navn</translation>
3965    </message>
3966    <message>
3967        <location/>
3968        <source>&lt;p&gt;This is the list of available LCD devices on your system.  It lists devices by name, but also includes the size of the display. Mumble supports outputting to several LCD devices at a time.&lt;/p&gt;
3971This field describes the size of an LCD device. The size is given either in pixels (for Graphic LCDs) or in characters (for Character LCDs).&lt;/p&gt;
3973&lt;p&gt;This decides whether Mumble should draw to a particular LCD device.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
3974        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Liste over tilgjengelige LCD-enheter på ditt system. Opplistet etter navn, men også med størrelsen på skjermen. Mumble støtter forsendelse av data til flere LCD-enheter samtidig&lt;/p&gt;
3977Dette feltet beskriver størrelsen på en LCD-enhet. Enten gitt i piksler (for grafiske LCD-paneler) eller i tegn (for segmentbaserte LCD-er).&lt;/p&gt;
3979&lt;p&gt;Dette bestemmer hvorvidt Mumble skal tegne på en gitt LCD-enhet.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
3980    </message>
3981    <message>
3982        <location/>
3983        <source>Size</source>
3984        <translation>Størrelse</translation>
3985    </message>
3986    <message>
3987        <location/>
3988        <source>Enabled</source>
3989        <translation>Aktivert</translation>
3990    </message>
3991    <message>
3992        <location/>
3993        <source>Views</source>
3994        <translation>Visninger</translation>
3995    </message>
3996    <message>
3997        <location/>
3998        <source>Minimum Column Width</source>
3999        <translation>Minimumskolonnebredde</translation>
4000    </message>
4001    <message>
4002        <location/>
4003        <source>&lt;p&gt;This option decides the minimum width a column in the User View.&lt;/p&gt;
4004&lt;p&gt;If too many people are speaking at once, the User View will split itself into columns. You can use this option to pick a compromise between number of users shown on the LCD, and width of user names.&lt;/p&gt;
4006        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Dette valget bestemmer minimumsbredden på en kolonne i brukervisning.&lt;/p&gt;
4007&lt;p&gt;Hvis for mange folk snakker samtidig, vil brukervisningen dele seg selv inn i kolonner. Du kan bruke dette valget for å velge et kompromiss mellom antallet brukere vist på en LCD, og bredden på brukernavn.&lt;/p&gt;
4009    </message>
4010    <message>
4011        <location/>
4012        <source>This setting decides the width of column splitter.</source>
4013        <translation>Denne innstillingen avgjør bredden på kollonneoppdalingen.</translation>
4014    </message>
4015    <message>
4016        <location/>
4017        <source>Splitter Width</source>
4018        <translation>Mellomrom på oppdeling</translation>
4019    </message>
4022    <name>Log</name>
4023    <message>
4024        <location filename="Log.cpp" line="+221"/>
4025        <source>Debug</source>
4026        <translation>Feilretting</translation>
4027    </message>
4028    <message>
4029        <location line="+1"/>
4030        <source>Critical</source>
4031        <translation>Kritisk</translation>
4032    </message>
4033    <message>
4034        <location line="+1"/>
4035        <source>Warning</source>
4036        <translation>Advarsel</translation>
4037    </message>
4038    <message>
4039        <location line="+1"/>
4040        <source>Information</source>
4041        <translation>Informasjon</translation>
4042    </message>
4043    <message>
4044        <location line="+1"/>
4045        <source>Server Connected</source>
4046        <translation>Tilkoblet tjener</translation>
4047    </message>
4048    <message>
4049        <location line="+1"/>
4050        <source>Server Disconnected</source>
4051        <translation>Frakoblet tjener</translation>
4052    </message>
4053    <message>
4054        <location line="+7"/>
4055        <source>Other self-muted/deafened</source>
4056        <translation>Andre selv-stumhet/døvhet</translation>
4057    </message>
4058    <message>
4059        <location line="+6"/>
4060        <source>Permission Denied</source>
4061        <translation>Tilgang nektet</translation>
4062    </message>
4063    <message>
4064        <location line="+1"/>
4065        <source>Text Message</source>
4066        <translation>Tekstmelding</translation>
4067    </message>
4068    <message>
4069        <location line="-13"/>
4070        <source>User Joined Server</source>
4071        <translation>Bruker tok del i rommet</translation>
4072    </message>
4073    <message>
4074        <location line="+1"/>
4075        <source>User Left Server</source>
4076        <translation>Bruker forlot tjeneren</translation>
4077    </message>
4078    <message>
4079        <location line="+1"/>
4080        <source>User recording state changed</source>
4081        <translation>Brukerens opptakstilstand ble endret</translation>
4082    </message>
4083    <message>
4084        <location line="+1"/>
4085        <source>User kicked (you or by you)</source>
4086        <translation>Bruker kastet ut (deg eller av deg)</translation>
4087    </message>
4088    <message>
4089        <location line="+1"/>
4090        <source>User kicked</source>
4091        <translation>Bruker kastet ut</translation>
4092    </message>
4093    <message>
4094        <location line="+1"/>
4095        <source>You self-muted</source>
4096        <translation>Du gjorde deg selv stum</translation>
4097    </message>
4098    <message>
4099        <location line="+2"/>
4100        <source>User muted (you)</source>
4101        <translation>Bruker gjort stum (deg)</translation>
4102    </message>
4103    <message>
4104        <location line="+1"/>
4105        <source>User muted (by you)</source>
4106        <translation>Bruker gjort stum (av deg)</translation>
4107    </message>
4108    <message>
4109        <location line="+1"/>
4110        <source>User muted (other)</source>
4111        <translation>Bruker gjort stum (andre)</translation>
4112    </message>
4113    <message>
4114        <location line="+1"/>
4115        <source>User Joined Channel</source>
4116        <translation>Bruker ble med i kanalen</translation>
4117    </message>
4118    <message>
4119        <location line="+1"/>
4120        <source>User Left Channel</source>
4121        <translation>Bruker forlot kanalen</translation>
4122    </message>
4123    <message>
4124        <location line="+3"/>
4125        <source>You self-unmuted</source>
4126        <translation>Du opphevet egen stumhet</translation>
4127    </message>
4128    <message>
4129        <location line="+1"/>
4130        <source>You self-deafened</source>
4131        <translation>Du gjorde deg selv døv</translation>
4132    </message>
4133    <message>
4134        <location line="+1"/>
4135        <source>You self-undeafened</source>
4136        <translation>Du opphevet egen døvhet</translation>
4137    </message>
4138    <message>
4139        <location line="+1"/>
4140        <source>User renamed</source>
4141        <translation>Bruker tok nytt navn</translation>
4142    </message>
4143    <message>
4144        <location line="+1"/>
4145        <source>You Joined Channel</source>
4146        <translation type="unfinished"/>
4147    </message>
4148    <message>
4149        <location line="+1"/>
4150        <source>You Joined Channel (moved)</source>
4151        <translation type="unfinished"/>
4152    </message>
4153    <message>
4154        <location line="+59"/>
4155        <source>the server</source>
4156        <translation>tjeneren</translation>
4157    </message>
4158    <message>
4159        <location line="+111"/>
4160        <source>[[ Invalid size ]]</source>
4161        <translation>[[ Ugyldig størrelse ]]</translation>
4162    </message>
4163    <message>
4164        <location line="+13"/>
4165        <source>[[ Text object too large to display ]]</source>
4166        <translation>[[ Tekst for vidtfavnende for visning ]]</translation>
4167    </message>
4168    <message>
4169        <location line="+46"/>
4170        <source>[Date changed to %1]
4172        <translation>[Dato endret til %1]
4174    </message>
4175    <message>
4176        <location line="+74"/>
4177        <source>link to %1</source>
4178        <translation>lenk til %1</translation>
4179    </message>
4180    <message>
4181        <location line="+2"/>
4182        <source>FTP link to %1</source>
4183        <translation type="unfinished"/>
4184    </message>
4185    <message>
4186        <location line="+2"/>
4187        <source>player link</source>
4188        <translation>bruker-lenke</translation>
4189    </message>
4190    <message>
4191        <location line="+2"/>
4192        <source>channel link</source>
4193        <translation>kanal-lenke</translation>
4194    </message>
4195    <message>
4196        <location line="+2"/>
4197        <source>%1 link</source>
4198        <translation>%1 lenk</translation>
4199    </message>
4202    <name>LogConfig</name>
4203    <message>
4204        <location line="-495"/>
4205        <source>Toggle console for %1 events</source>
4206        <translation>Veksle konsoll for %1-handlinger</translation>
4207    </message>
4208    <message>
4209        <location line="+1"/>
4210        <source>Toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events</source>
4211        <translation>Veksle oppsprettsmerknader for %1-hendelser</translation>
4212    </message>
4213    <message>
4214        <location line="+12"/>
4215        <source>Toggle Text-To-Speech for %1 events</source>
4216        <translation>Veksle tekst-til-tale for %1-hendelser</translation>
4217    </message>
4218    <message>
4219        <location line="-10"/>
4220        <source>Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events</source>
4221        <translation>Klikk her for å veksle lydmerknader for %1-hendelser</translation>
4222    </message>
4223    <message>
4224        <location line="-1"/>
4225        <source>Toggle window highlight (if not active) for %1 events</source>
4226        <translation type="unfinished"/>
4227    </message>
4228    <message>
4229        <location line="+2"/>
4230        <source>Path to sound file used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events&lt;br /&gt;Single click to play&lt;br /&gt;Double-click to change</source>
4231        <translation>Sti til lydfil brukt for lydmerknader i fall %1-hendelser inntreffer&lt;br /&gt;Enkelttrykk for å spille&lt;br /&gt;Dobbeltklikk for å endre</translation>
4232    </message>
4233    <message>
4234        <location line="+2"/>
4235        <source>Click here to toggle console output for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, this option makes Mumble output all %1 events in its message log.</source>
4236        <translation>Klikk her for å veksle konsollutdata for %1-hendelser.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis valgt vil dette valget få Mumble til å sende alle %1-hendelser til sin meldingslogg.</translation>
4237    </message>
4238    <message>
4239        <location line="+1"/>
4240        <source>Click here to toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, a notification pop-up will be created by Mumble for every %1 event.</source>
4241        <oldsource>Click here to toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, a notification pop-up will be created by mumble for every %1 event.</oldsource>
4242        <translation>Klikk her for å veksle oppsprettsmerknader for %1-hendelser.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis valgt, vil en oppsprettsmerknad for Mumble bli opprettet for hver %1-hendelse.</translation>
4243    </message>
4244    <message>
4245        <location line="+1"/>
4246        <source>Click here to toggle window highlight for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, Mumble&apos;s window will be highlighted for every %1 event, if not active.</source>
4247        <translation type="unfinished"/>
4248    </message>
4249    <message>
4250        <location line="+2"/>
4251        <source>Path to sound file used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;Single click to play&lt;br /&gt;Double-click to change&lt;br /&gt;Ensure that sound notifications for these events are enabled or this field will not have any effect.</source>
4252        <translation>Sti til lydfil brukt for lydmerknader i fall %1-hendelser inntreffer.&lt;br /&gt;Enkeltklikk for avspilling&lt;br /&gt;Dobbeltklikk for å endre&lt;br /&gt;Forsikre deg om at lydmerknader for disse hendelsene er påskrudd, ellers vil ikke dette feltet ha noen effekt.</translation>
4253    </message>
4254    <message>
4255        <location line="+4"/>
4256        <source>Click here to toggle Text-To-Speech for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, Mumble uses Text-To-Speech to read %1 events out loud to you. Text-To-Speech is also able to read the contents of the event which is not true for sound files. Text-To-Speech and sound files cannot be used at the same time.</source>
4257        <oldsource>Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, Mumble uses a soundfile predefined by you to indicate %1 events. Soundfiles and Text-To-Speech cannot be used at the same time.</oldsource>
4258        <translation>Klikk her for å veksle tekst-til-tale for %1-hendelser.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis valgt, vil Mumble bruke tekst-til-tale til opplesning av %1-hendelser for deg. Tekst-til-taler er også i stand til å lese innholdet av hendelsen, noe som ikke er tilfelle for lydfiler. Tekst-til-tale og lydfiler kan ikke brukes samtidig.</translation>
4259    </message>
4260    <message>
4261        <location line="-5"/>
4262        <source>Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, Mumble uses a sound file predefined by you to indicate %1 events. Sound files and Text-To-Speech cannot be used at the same time.</source>
4263        <oldsource>Path to soundfile used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;Single click to play&lt;br /&gt;Doubleclick to change&lt;br /&gt;Be sure that sound notifications for these events are enabled or this field will not have any effect.</oldsource>
4264        <translation>Klikk her for å veksle lydmerknader for %1-hendelser.&lt;br /&gt;Hvis valgt vil Mumble bruke ei lydfil oppgitt av deg for å indikere %1-hendelser. Lydfiler og tekst-til-tale kan ikke brukes samtidig.</translation>
4265    </message>
4266    <message>
4267        <location filename="Log.ui"/>
4268        <source>Messages</source>
4269        <translation>Meldinger</translation>
4270    </message>
4271    <message>
4272        <location/>
4273        <source>Message</source>
4274        <translation>Melding</translation>
4275    </message>
4276    <message>
4277        <location/>
4278        <source>Console</source>
4279        <translation>Konsoll</translation>
4280    </message>
4281    <message>
4282        <location/>
4283        <source>Notification</source>
4284        <translation>Merknad</translation>
4285    </message>
4286    <message>
4287        <location/>
4288        <source>Text-To-Speech</source>
4289        <translation>Tekst-til-tale</translation>
4290    </message>
4291    <message>
4292        <location/>
4293        <source>Soundfile</source>
4294        <translation>Lydfil</translation>
4295    </message>
4296    <message>
4297        <location/>
4298        <source>Path</source>
4299        <translation>Sti</translation>
4300    </message>
4301    <message>
4302        <location/>
4303        <source>Text To Speech</source>
4304        <translation>Tekst til tale</translation>
4305    </message>
4306    <message>
4307        <location/>
4308        <source>Volume</source>
4309        <translation>Lydstyrke</translation>
4310    </message>
4311    <message>
4312        <location/>
4313        <source>Volume of Text-To-Speech Engine</source>
4314        <translation>Lydstyrke for tekst-til-tale -motor</translation>
4315    </message>
4316    <message>
4317        <location/>
4318        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the volume used for the speech synthesis.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
4319        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Lydstyrke brukt for talesyntese.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
4320    </message>
4321    <message>
4322        <location/>
4323        <source>Length threshold</source>
4324        <translation>Lengdeterskel</translation>
4325    </message>
4326    <message>
4327        <location/>
4328        <source>Message length threshold for Text-To-Speech Engine</source>
4329        <translation>Maksimal lengdeterskel for tekst-til-tale -motor</translation>
4330    </message>
4331    <message>
4332        <location/>
4333        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the length threshold used for the Text-To-Speech Engine.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Messages longer than this limit will not be read aloud in their full length.</source>
4334        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette er varighetsterskelen brukt for tekst-til-tale -motoren.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Meldinger lenger enn denne grensen vil ikke bli lest høyt i deres fulle lengde.</translation>
4335    </message>
4336    <message>
4337        <location/>
4338        <source> Characters</source>
4339        <translation>Tegn</translation>
4340    </message>
4341    <message>
4342        <location/>
4343        <source>Whisper</source>
4344        <translation>Hvisk</translation>
4345    </message>
4346    <message>
4347        <location/>
4348        <source>If checked you will only hear whispers from users you added to your friend list.</source>
4349        <translation>Hvis valgt vil du bare høre hvisken fra brukere du har lagt til på vennelista.</translation>
4350    </message>
4351    <message>
4352        <location/>
4353        <source>Only accept whispers from friends</source>
4354        <translation>Bare aksepter hvisken fra venner</translation>
4355    </message>
4356    <message>
4357        <location/>
4358        <source>If enabled text messages you send will be read back to you with TTS</source>
4359        <translation>Hvis påskrudd vil tekstmeldinger du sender bli lest opp for deg med tekst-til-tale</translation>
4360    </message>
4361    <message>
4362        <location/>
4363        <source>Read back own messages</source>
4364        <translation>Less opp egne meldinger</translation>
4365    </message>
4366    <message>
4367        <location/>
4368        <source>Chat Log</source>
4369        <translation>Sludrelogg</translation>
4370    </message>
4371    <message>
4372        <location/>
4373        <source>Maximum chat length</source>
4374        <translation>Maksimal sludrelengde</translation>
4375    </message>
4376    <message>
4377        <location/>
4378        <source>Unlimited</source>
4379        <translation>Ubegrenset</translation>
4380    </message>
4381    <message>
4382        <location/>
4383        <source> Lines</source>
4384        <translation>Linjer</translation>
4385    </message>
4386    <message>
4387        <location/>
4388        <source>Highlight</source>
4389        <translation type="unfinished"/>
4390    </message>
4393    <name>LookConfig</name>
4394    <message>
4395        <location filename="LookConfig.cpp" line="+30"/>
4396        <source>System default</source>
4397        <translation>Systemforvalg</translation>
4398    </message>
4399    <message>
4400        <location line="+21"/>
4401        <location line="+51"/>
4402        <source>None</source>
4403        <translation>Ingen</translation>
4404    </message>
4405    <message>
4406        <location line="-50"/>
4407        <source>Only with users</source>
4408        <translation>Kun dem som inneholder brukere</translation>
4409    </message>
4410    <message>
4411        <location line="+1"/>
4412        <source>All</source>
4413        <translation>Alle</translation>
4414    </message>
4415    <message>
4416        <location line="+2"/>
4417        <location line="+4"/>
4418        <source>Ask</source>
4419        <translation>Spør</translation>
4420    </message>
4421    <message>
4422        <location line="-3"/>
4423        <location line="+4"/>
4424        <source>Do Nothing</source>
4425        <translation>Ikke gjør noe</translation>
4426    </message>
4427    <message>
4428        <location line="-3"/>
4429        <location line="+4"/>
4430        <source>Move</source>
4431        <translation>Flytt</translation>
4432    </message>
4433    <message>
4434        <location line="+21"/>
4435        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;%1&quot;&gt;Browse&lt;/a&gt;</source>
4436        <extracomment>This link is located next to the theme heading in the ui config and opens the user theme directory</extracomment>
4437        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;%1&quot;&gt;Utforsk&lt;/a&gt;</translation>
4438    </message>
4439    <message>
4440        <location line="+7"/>
4441        <source>User Interface</source>
4442        <translation>Brukergrensesnitt</translation>
4443    </message>
4444    <message>
4445        <location filename="LookConfig.ui"/>
4446        <source>This sets which channels to automatically expand. &lt;i&gt;None&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;All&lt;/i&gt; will expand no or all channels, while &lt;i&gt;Only with users&lt;/i&gt; will expand and collapse channels as users join and leave them.</source>
4447        <translation>Dette velger hvilke kanaler som skal utvides automatisk.
4448&lt;i&gt;Ingen&lt;/i&gt; og &lt;i&gt;Alle&lt;/i&gt; utvider ingen eller alle kanaler, mens &lt;i&gt;Kun dem som inneholder brukere&lt;/i&gt; vil utvide og sammenfolde kanaler ettersom brukere tar del i og forlater dem.</translation>
4449    </message>
4450    <message>
4451        <location/>
4452        <source>List users above subchannels (requires restart).</source>
4453        <translation>List opp brukere over underkanaler (krever omstart).</translation>
4454    </message>
4455    <message>
4456        <location/>
4457        <source>&lt;b&gt;If set, users will be shown above subchannels in the channel view.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A restart of Mumble is required to see the change.</source>
4458        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette vil vise brukere før underkanaler i kanalvisningen.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Omstart av Mumble kreves for å se endringen.</translation>
4459    </message>
4460    <message>
4461        <location/>
4462        <source>Users above Channels</source>
4463        <translation>Brukere over kanaler</translation>
4464    </message>
4465    <message>
4466        <location/>
4467        <source>&lt;b&gt;If set, will verify you want to quit if connected.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
4468        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Hvis satt, vil spørre deg om bekreftelse ved avslutting hvis tilkoblet.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
4469    </message>
4470    <message>
4471        <location/>
4472        <source>Show number of users in each channel</source>
4473        <translation>Vis antalle brukere i hver kanal</translation>
4474    </message>
4475    <message>
4476        <location/>
4477        <source>Show channel user count</source>
4478        <translation>Vis brukerantall for kanal</translation>
4479    </message>
4480    <message>
4481        <location/>
4482        <source>Language</source>
4483        <translation>Språk</translation>
4484    </message>
4485    <message>
4486        <location/>
4487        <source>Language to use (requires restart)</source>
4488        <translation>Språk i bruk (krever omstart)</translation>
4489    </message>
4490    <message>
4491        <location/>
4492        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets which language Mumble should use.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You have to restart Mumble to use the new language.</source>
4493        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette velger hvilket språk Mumble skal bruke.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Du må starte om Mumble for å bruke det nye språket.</translation>
4494    </message>
4495    <message>
4496        <location/>
4497        <source>Look and Feel</source>
4498        <translation>Utseende og oppførsel</translation>
4499    </message>
4500    <message>
4501        <location/>
4502        <source>Layout</source>
4503        <translation>Oppsett</translation>
4504    </message>
4505    <message>
4506        <location/>
4507        <source>Classic</source>
4508        <translation>Klassisk</translation>
4509    </message>
4510    <message>
4511        <location/>
4512        <source>Stacked</source>
4513        <translation>Stablet</translation>
4514    </message>
4515    <message>
4516        <location/>
4517        <source>Hybrid</source>
4518        <translation>Hybrid</translation>
4519    </message>
4520    <message>
4521        <location/>
4522        <source>Custom</source>
4523        <translation>Brukerdefinert</translation>
4524    </message>
4525    <message>
4526        <location/>
4527        <source>This changes the behavior when moving channels.</source>
4528        <translation>Dette endrer oppførselen når kanaler flyttes.</translation>
4529    </message>
4530    <message>
4531        <location/>
4532        <source>This sets the behavior of channel drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. &lt;i&gt;Move&lt;/i&gt; moves the channel without prompting. &lt;i&gt;Do Nothing&lt;/i&gt; does nothing and prints an error message. &lt;i&gt;Ask&lt;/i&gt; uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the channel.</source>
4533        <oldsource>This sets the behavior of channel drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. &lt;i&gt;Move Channel&lt;/i&gt; moves the channel without prompting. &lt;i&gt;Do Nothing&lt;/i&gt; does nothing and prints an error message. &lt;i&gt;Ask&lt;/i&gt; uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the channel.</oldsource>
4534        <translation>Dette angir opprørselen ved kanaldraging; det kan brukes til å forhindre utilsiktet draging. &lt;i&gt;Flytt&lt;/i&gt; flytter kanalen uten forespørsel. &lt;i&gt;Gjør ingenting&lt;/i&gt; gjør ingenting og skriver en feilmelding. &lt;i&gt;Spør&lt;/i&gt; bruker en meldingsboks til å bekrefte at du virkelig ønsket å flytte kanalen.</translation>
4535    </message>
4536    <message>
4537        <location/>
4538        <source>Expand</source>
4539        <translation>Utvid</translation>
4540    </message>
4541    <message>
4542        <location/>
4543        <source>When to automatically expand channels</source>
4544        <translation>Tidspunkt for automatisk ekspansjon av kanaler</translation>
4545    </message>
4546    <message>
4547        <location/>
4548        <source>Channel Dragging</source>
4549        <translation>Kanaldraging</translation>
4550    </message>
4551    <message>
4552        <location/>
4553        <source>Ask whether to close or minimize when quitting Mumble.</source>
4554        <translation>Spør hvorvidt det skal lukkes eller minimeres når Mumble avsluttes.</translation>
4555    </message>
4556    <message>
4557        <location/>
4558        <source>Ask on quit while connected</source>
4559        <translation>Spør ved avslutning når tilkoblet</translation>
4560    </message>
4561    <message>
4562        <location/>
4563        <source>Always On Top</source>
4564        <translation>Alltid øverst</translation>
4565    </message>
4566    <message>
4567        <location/>
4568        <source>&lt;b&gt;If set, minimizing the Mumble main window will cause it to be hidden and accessible only from the tray. Otherwise, it will be minimized as a window normally would.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
4569        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Hvis satt vil minimering av hovedvinduet til Mumble forårsake gjemming og gjøre det kun tilgjengelig fra systemkurven. Ellers vil det minimeres som vindu ellers.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
4570    </message>
4571    <message>
4572        <location/>
4573        <source>Hide in tray when minimized</source>
4574        <translation>Gjem i systemkurven når minimert</translation>
4575    </message>
4576    <message>
4577        <location/>
4578        <source>Hide the main Mumble window in the tray when it is minimized.</source>
4579        <translation>Gjem hovedvinduet til Mumble i systemkurven når minimert.</translation>
4580    </message>
4581    <message>
4582        <location/>
4583        <source>This setting controls when the application will be always on top.</source>
4584        <translation>Denne innstillingen kontrollerer hvorvidt programmet alltid skal være i forgrunnen.</translation>
4585    </message>
4586    <message>
4587        <location/>
4588        <source>Never</source>
4589        <translation>Aldri</translation>
4590    </message>
4591    <message>
4592        <location/>
4593        <source>Always</source>
4594        <translation>Alltid</translation>
4595    </message>
4596    <message>
4597        <location/>
4598        <source>In minimal view</source>
4599        <translation>I minimal visning</translation>
4600    </message>
4601    <message>
4602        <location/>
4603        <source>In normal view</source>
4604        <translation>I normalvisning</translation>
4605    </message>
4606    <message>
4607        <location/>
4608        <source>Displays talking status in system tray</source>
4609        <translation>Vis snakkestatus i systemkurven</translation>
4610    </message>
4611    <message>
4612        <location/>
4613        <source>Show talking status in tray icon</source>
4614        <translation>Vis snakkestatus i systemkurvsikonet</translation>
4615    </message>
4616    <message>
4617        <location/>
4618        <source>This setting controls in which situations the application will stay always on top. If you select &lt;i&gt;Never&lt;/i&gt; the application will not stay on top. &lt;i&gt;Always&lt;/i&gt; will always keep the application on top. &lt;i&gt;In minimal view&lt;/i&gt; / &lt;i&gt;In normal view&lt;/i&gt; will only keep the application always on top when minimal view is activated / deactivated.</source>
4619        <translation>Denne innstillingen har kontrollerer hvilke situasjoner programmet vil forbli i forgrunnen. Hvis du velger &lt;i&gt;Aldri&lt;/i&gt; vil programmet ikke forbli i forgrunnen. &lt;i&gt;Alltid&lt;/i&gt; beholder alltid programmet i forgrunnen. &lt;i&gt;I minimert tilstand&lt;/i&gt; / &lt;i&gt;I normal tilstand&lt;/i&gt; beholder programmet i forgrunnen hvis minimering er aktivert / deaktivert.</translation>
4620    </message>
4621    <message>
4622        <location/>
4623        <source>Show context menu in menu bar</source>
4624        <translation>Vis kontekstmeny i menylinjen</translation>
4625    </message>
4626    <message>
4627        <location/>
4628        <source>Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users</source>
4629        <translation>Legg til noen høykontrastforbedringer for brukere med synshemning</translation>
4630    </message>
4631    <message>
4632        <location/>
4633        <source>Optimize for high contrast</source>
4634        <translation>Optimaliser for høy kontrast</translation>
4635    </message>
4636    <message>
4637        <location/>
4638        <source>Application</source>
4639        <translation>Program</translation>
4640    </message>
4641    <message>
4642        <location/>
4643        <source>Adds user and channel context menus into the menu bar</source>
4644        <translation>Tilføy kanal- og bruker-meny i menylinjen</translation>
4645    </message>
4646    <message>
4647        <location/>
4648        <source>Tray Icon</source>
4649        <translation>Systemkurvsikon</translation>
4650    </message>
4651    <message>
4652        <location/>
4653        <source>Channel Tree</source>
4654        <translation>Kanaltre</translation>
4655    </message>
4656    <message>
4657        <location/>
4658        <source>Use selected item as the chat bar target</source>
4659        <translation>Bruk valgt element som mål for sladrelinjen</translation>
4660    </message>
4661    <message>
4662        <location/>
4663        <source>Filter automatically hides empty channels</source>
4664        <translation>Filteret skjuler automatisk tomme kanaler</translation>
4665    </message>
4666    <message>
4667        <location/>
4668        <source>Show transmit mode dropdown in toolbar</source>
4669        <translation>Vis rullegardin for forsendelsesmodus i verktøyslinjen</translation>
4670    </message>
4671    <message>
4672        <location/>
4673        <source>Theme</source>
4674        <translation>Drakt</translation>
4675    </message>
4676    <message>
4677        <location/>
4678        <source>Theme to use to style the user interface</source>
4679        <translation>Drakt til bruk for å skreddersy brukergrensesnittet</translation>
4680    </message>
4681    <message>
4682        <location/>
4683        <source>&lt;b&gt;Configures which theme the Mumble user interface should be styled with&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble will pick up themes from certain directories and display them in this list. The one you select will be used to customize the visual appearance of Mumble. This includes colors, icons and more.</source>
4684        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Setter opp hvilken drakt grensesnittet til Mumble skal bruke&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble vil plukke opp drakter fra noen mapper, hvis plassering er gitt, og vise dem i denne listen. Den du velger vil bli brukt til å tilpasse den visuelle framtoningen av Mumble. Dette inkluderer farger, ikoner med mer.</translation>
4685    </message>
4686    <message>
4687        <location/>
4688        <source>User Dragging</source>
4689        <translation>Brukerdraging</translation>
4690    </message>
4691    <message>
4692        <location/>
4693        <source>This changes the behavior when moving users.</source>
4694        <translation>Dette endrer oppførselen når brukere flyttes.</translation>
4695    </message>
4696    <message>
4697        <location/>
4698        <source>This sets the behavior of user drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. &lt;i&gt;Move&lt;/i&gt; moves the user without prompting. &lt;i&gt;Do Nothing&lt;/i&gt; does nothing and prints an error message. &lt;i&gt;Ask&lt;/i&gt; uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the user.</source>
4699        <translation>Dette angir opprørselen ved brukerdraging; det kan brukes til å forhindre utilsiktet draging. &lt;i&gt;Flytt&lt;/i&gt; flytter brukeren uten forespørsel. &lt;i&gt;Gjør ingenting&lt;/i&gt; gjør ingenting og skriver en feilmelding. &lt;i&gt;Spør&lt;/i&gt; bruker en meldingsboks til å bekrefte at du virkelig ønsket å flytte brukeren.</translation>
4700    </message>
4701    <message>
4702        <location/>
4703        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable Developer menu&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This enables the &quot;Developer&quot;-menu in Mumble. This menu is used for developer-specific features, such as the Developer Console.</source>
4704        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Skru på utvikler-meny&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Dette skrur på &quot;Utvikler&quot;-menyen i Mumble. Denne menyen brukes for utvikler-spesifikke funksjoner, som utviklingskonsollen.</translation>
4705    </message>
4706    <message>
4707        <location/>
4708        <source>Enable Developer menu</source>
4709        <translation>Skru på utviklermeny</translation>
4710    </message>
4711    <message>
4712        <location/>
4713        <source>When in custom layout mode, checking this disables rearranging.</source>
4714        <translation>Når du er i egendefinert oppsettsmodus, vil uthuking av denne skru av omorganisering.</translation>
4715    </message>
4716    <message>
4717        <location/>
4718        <source>Lock layout</source>
4719        <translation>Lås oppsett</translation>
4720    </message>
4723    <name>MainWindow</name>
4724    <message>
4725        <location filename="MainWindow.cpp" line="+106"/>
4726        <location line="+2701"/>
4727        <source>Root</source>
4728        <translation>Rot</translation>
4729    </message>
4730    <message>
4731        <location line="-2644"/>
4732        <source>Push-to-Talk</source>
4733        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4734        <translation>Trykk-for-å-snakke</translation>
4735    </message>
4736    <message>
4737        <location line="+2"/>
4738        <source>Push and hold this button to send voice.</source>
4739        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4740        <translation>Trykk og hold denne knappen for åpne for stemmeforsendelse.</translation>
4741    </message>
4742    <message>
4743        <location line="+1"/>
4744        <source>This configures the push-to-talk button, and as long as you hold this button down, you will transmit voice.</source>
4745        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4746        <translation>Dette setter opp trykk-for-å-snakke -knappen, og så lenge du holder denne knappen nede, vil du sende tale.</translation>
4747    </message>
4748    <message>
4749        <location line="+3"/>
4750        <source>Reset Audio Processor</source>
4751        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4752        <translation>Nullstill lydbehandler</translation>
4753    </message>
4754    <message>
4755        <location line="+13"/>
4756        <source>Unlink Plugin</source>
4757        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4758        <translation>Fjern lenking av programtillegg</translation>
4759    </message>
4760    <message>
4761        <location line="+3"/>
4762        <source>Push-to-Mute</source>
4763        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4764        <translation>Trykk-for-å-gjøre-stum</translation>
4765    </message>
4766    <message>
4767        <location line="+3"/>
4768        <source>Join Channel</source>
4769        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4770        <translation>Ta del i kanal</translation>
4771    </message>
4772    <message>
4773        <location line="+4"/>
4774        <source>Toggle Overlay</source>
4775        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4776        <translation>Veksle skjermforgrunnsinfo</translation>
4777    </message>
4778    <message>
4779        <location line="+2"/>
4780        <source>Toggle state of in-game overlay.</source>
4781        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4782        <translation>Veksle statusen til i-spill-skjermforgrunnsinfo</translation>
4783    </message>
4784    <message>
4785        <location line="+4"/>
4786        <source>Toggle Minimal</source>
4787        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4788        <translation>Veksle minimal</translation>
4789    </message>
4790    <message>
4791        <location line="+3"/>
4792        <source>Volume Up (+10%)</source>
4793        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4794        <translation>Øket lydstyrke (+10%)</translation>
4795    </message>
4796    <message>
4797        <location line="+3"/>
4798        <source>Volume Down (-10%)</source>
4799        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4800        <translation>Senket lydstyrke (-10%)</translation>
4801    </message>
4802    <message>
4803        <location filename="MainWindow.ui"/>
4804        <source>Mumble</source>
4805        <translation>Mumble</translation>
4806    </message>
4807    <message>
4808        <location filename="MainWindow.cpp" line="+4"/>
4809        <location line="+159"/>
4810        <location line="+2638"/>
4811        <source>Mumble -- %1</source>
4812        <translation>Mumble -- %1</translation>
4813    </message>
4814    <message>
4815        <location line="-2766"/>
4816        <source>&amp;Window</source>
4817        <translation>&amp;Vindu</translation>
4818    </message>
4819    <message>
4820        <location line="+2"/>
4821        <location line="+185"/>
4822        <source>Minimize</source>
4823        <translation>Minimer</translation>
4824    </message>
4825    <message>
4826        <location line="-185"/>
4827        <source>Ctrl+M</source>
4828        <translation>Ctrl+M</translation>
4829    </message>
4830    <message>
4831        <location line="+184"/>
4832        <source>Close</source>
4833        <translation>Lukk</translation>
4834    </message>
4835    <message>
4836        <location line="-1"/>
4837        <source>Mumble is currently connected to a server. Do you want to Close or Minimize it?</source>
4838        <translation>Mumble er ikke koblet til en tjener. Ønsker du å lukke eller minimere det?</translation>
4839    </message>
4840    <message>
4841        <location line="-252"/>
4842        <source>Mute Self</source>
4843        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4844        <translation>Gjør deg selv stum</translation>
4845    </message>
4846    <message>
4847        <location line="+2"/>
4848        <source>Set self-mute status.</source>
4849        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4850        <translation>Velg egen stumhetssatus.</translation>
4851    </message>
4852    <message>
4853        <location line="+1"/>
4854        <source>This will set or toggle your muted status. If you turn this off, you will also disable self-deafen.</source>
4855        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4856        <translation>Dette vil sette eller veksle din stumhetssatus. Hvis du skrur dette av, vil du også kunne skru av at man kan gjøre seg selv stum.</translation>
4857    </message>
4858    <message>
4859        <location line="+2"/>
4860        <source>Deafen Self</source>
4861        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4862        <translation>Gjør deg selv døv</translation>
4863    </message>
4864    <message>
4865        <location line="+2"/>
4866        <source>Set self-deafen status.</source>
4867        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4868        <translation>Velg selv-døvhetsstatus.</translation>
4869    </message>
4870    <message>
4871        <location line="+1"/>
4872        <source>This will set or toggle your deafened status. If you turn this on, you will also enable self-mute.</source>
4873        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4874        <translation>Dette vil velge eller veksle din døvhetsstatus. Hvis du skrur det på, vil du også skru på at man kan gjøre seg selv stum.</translation>
4875    </message>
4876    <message>
4877        <location line="+31"/>
4878        <source>Whisper/Shout</source>
4879        <oldsource>Whisper</oldsource>
4880        <translation>Hvisk/Skrik</translation>
4881    </message>
4882    <message>
4883        <location line="+79"/>
4884        <location line="+2797"/>
4885        <source>&lt;center&gt;Not connected&lt;/center&gt;</source>
4886        <oldsource>Not connected</oldsource>
4887        <translation>&lt;center&gt;Ikke tilkoblet&lt;/center&gt;</translation>
4888    </message>
4889    <message>
4890        <location line="-2349"/>
4891        <source>Clear</source>
4892        <translation>Tøm</translation>
4893    </message>
4894    <message>
4895        <location line="+73"/>
4896        <source>Opening URL %1</source>
4897        <translation>Åpner URL %1</translation>
4898    </message>
4899    <message>
4900        <location line="+4"/>
4901        <source>File does not exist</source>
4902        <translation>Filen finnes ikke</translation>
4903    </message>
4904    <message>
4905        <location line="+8"/>
4906        <source>File is not a configuration file.</source>
4907        <translation>Filen er ikke en oppsettsfil.</translation>
4908    </message>
4909    <message>
4910        <location line="+6"/>
4911        <source>Settings merged from file.</source>
4912        <translation>Innstillinger innflettet fra fil.</translation>
4913    </message>
4914    <message>
4915        <location line="+6"/>
4916        <source>URL scheme is not &apos;mumble&apos;</source>
4917        <translation>URL-forordningen er ikke &apos;mumble&apos;</translation>
4918    </message>
4919    <message>
4920        <location line="+26"/>
4921        <source>This version of Mumble can&apos;t handle URLs for Mumble version %1.%2.%3</source>
4922        <translation>Denne versjonen av Mumble kan ikke håndtere URL-er for Mumble versjon %1.%2.%3</translation>
4923    </message>
4924    <message>
4925        <location line="+36"/>
4926        <source>Connecting to %1</source>
4927        <translation>Kobler til %1</translation>
4928    </message>
4929    <message>
4930        <location line="+0"/>
4931        <source>Enter username</source>
4932        <translation>Skriv inn brukernavn</translation>
4933    </message>
4934    <message>
4935        <location line="+15"/>
4936        <location line="+221"/>
4937        <source>Connecting to server %1.</source>
4938        <translation>Oppretter forbindelse til tjener %1.</translation>
4939    </message>
4940    <message>
4941        <location line="+10"/>
4942        <source>Reconnecting.</source>
4943        <translation>Kobler til igjen.</translation>
4944    </message>
4945    <message>
4946        <location line="+76"/>
4947        <location line="+1497"/>
4948        <source>Transmit Mode set to Continuous</source>
4949        <translation>Forsendelsesmodus satt til sammenhengende</translation>
4950    </message>
4951    <message>
4952        <location line="-1397"/>
4953        <source>&lt;p&gt;%1 (%2)&lt;br /&gt;%3&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4954        <translation>&lt;p&gt;%1 (%2)&lt;br /&gt;%3&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4955    </message>
4956    <message>
4957        <location line="+69"/>
4958        <source>&lt;h2&gt;Voice channel&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Encrypted with 128 bit OCB-AES128&lt;br /&gt;%1 ms average latency (%4 deviation)&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4959        <translation>&lt;h2&gt;Stemmekanal&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Kryptert med 128 bit OCB-AES128&lt;br /&gt;%1 ms gjennomsnittlig forsinkelse (%4 avvik)&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4960    </message>
4961    <message>
4962        <location line="-179"/>
4963        <location line="+448"/>
4964        <source>Register yourself as %1</source>
4965        <translation>Registrer deg selv som %1</translation>
4966    </message>
4967    <message>
4968        <location line="-448"/>
4969        <location line="+448"/>
4970        <source>&lt;p&gt;You are about to register yourself on this server. This action cannot be undone, and your username cannot be changed once this is done. You will forever be known as &apos;%1&apos; on this server.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Are you sure you want to register yourself?&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4971        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Du er i ferd med å registrere deg selv på denne tjeneren. Dette kan ikke angres, og ditt brukernavn kan ikke endres når dette først er gjort. Du vil for alltid være kjent som &apos;%1&apos; på denne tjeneren.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Er du sikker på at du vil registrere deg?&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4972    </message>
4973    <message>
4974        <location line="-343"/>
4975        <source>&lt;h2&gt;Version&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Protocol %1&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4976        <translation>&lt;h2&gt;Versjon&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Protokoll %1&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4977    </message>
4978    <message>
4979        <location line="+3"/>
4980        <source>&lt;p&gt;No build information or OS version available&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4981        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Ingen bygg- eller OS -versjon tilgjengelig&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4982    </message>
4983    <message>
4984        <location line="+18"/>
4985        <source>The connection is encrypted and authenticated using %1 and uses %2 as the key exchange mechanism (%3)</source>
4986        <translation>Tilkoblingen er kryptert og identitetsbekreftet ved bruk av %1 og bruker %2 som nøkkelutvekslingsmekanisme (%3)</translation>
4987    </message>
4988    <message>
4989        <location line="+7"/>
4990        <source>The connection is encrypted using %1, with %2 for message authentication and %3 as the key exchange mechanism (%4)</source>
4991        <translation>Tilkoblingen er kryptert ved bruk av %1, med %2 for bekreftelse av meldinger og %3 som nøkkelutvekslingsmekanisme (%4)</translation>
4992    </message>
4993    <message>
4994        <location line="+11"/>
4995        <source>The connection is secured by the cipher suite that OpenSSL identifies as %1</source>
4996        <translation>Tilkoblingen er sikret ved bruk av chiffreringsprogrampakken som OpenSSL identifiserer seg som %1</translation>
4997    </message>
4998    <message>
4999        <location line="+6"/>
5000        <source>&lt;p&gt;The connection provides perfect forward secrecy&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5001        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Denne tilkoblingen gir perfekt sikkerhetsvidreformidling&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5002    </message>
5003    <message>
5004        <location line="+2"/>
5005        <source>&lt;p&gt;The connection does not provide perfect forward secrecy&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5006        <translation>&lt;p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Denne tilkoblingen gir ikke perfekt sikkerhetsvidreformidling&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5007    </message>
5008    <message>
5009        <location line="+4"/>
5010        <source>&lt;h2&gt;Control channel&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;The connection uses %1&lt;/p&gt;%2%3&lt;p&gt;%4 ms average latency (%5 deviation)&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Remote host %6 (port %7)&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5011        <translation>&lt;h2&gt;Kontrollkanal&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Denne tilkoblingen bruker %1&lt;/p&gt;%2%3&lt;p&gt;%4 ms gjennomsnittlig forsinkelse (%5 avvik)&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Fjernvert %6 (port %7)&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5012    </message>
5013    <message>
5014        <location line="+21"/>
5015        <source>Voice channel is sent over control channel</source>
5016        <translation>Talekanal blir sendt over kontrollkanalen</translation>
5017    </message>
5018    <message>
5019        <location line="+273"/>
5020        <source>Register user %1</source>
5021        <translation>Registrer bruker %1</translation>
5022    </message>
5023    <message>
5024        <location line="+0"/>
5025        <source>&lt;p&gt;You are about to register %1 on the server. This action cannot be undone, the username cannot be changed, and as a registered user, %1 will have access to the server even if you change the server password.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;From this point on, %1 will be authenticated with the certificate currently in use.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Are you sure you want to register %1?&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5026        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Du er i ferd med å registrere %1 på tjeneren. Denne handlingen kan ikke angres, brukernavnet kan ikke endret, og som registrert bruker vil, %1 ha tilgang til tjeneren selv om du endrer tjenerpassordet.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Fra nå av vil %1 bli identitetsbekreftet med sertifikatet som er i bruk nå.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Er du sikker på at du ønsker å registrere %1?&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5027    </message>
5028    <message>
5029        <location line="+40"/>
5030        <source>Kicking user %1</source>
5031        <translation>Kaster ut brukeren %1</translation>
5032    </message>
5033    <message>
5034        <location line="+19"/>
5035        <source>Banning user %1</source>
5036        <translation>Lyser %1 i bann</translation>
5037    </message>
5038    <message>
5039        <location line="+61"/>
5040        <source>View comment on user %1</source>
5041        <translation>Vis kommentar på bruker %1</translation>
5042    </message>
5043    <message>
5044        <location line="+76"/>
5045        <location line="+270"/>
5046        <location line="+611"/>
5047        <source>Message to channel %1</source>
5048        <translation>Melding til kanal %1</translation>
5049    </message>
5050    <message>
5051        <location line="+65"/>
5052        <source>Connected.</source>
5053        <translation>Tilkoblet.</translation>
5054    </message>
5055    <message>
5056        <location line="+112"/>
5057        <source>&lt;li&gt;Expected certificate digest (SHA-1):	%1&lt;/li&gt;</source>
5058        <translation>&lt;li&gt;Forventet sertifikatportefølje (SHA-1):	%1&lt;/li&gt;</translation>
5059    </message>
5060    <message>
5061        <location line="+2"/>
5062        <source>Server presented a certificate which failed verification.</source>
5063        <translation>Tjeneren forela et sertifikat som feilet identitetsbekreftelse.</translation>
5064    </message>
5065    <message>
5066        <location line="+7"/>
5067        <source>&lt;p&gt;%1&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;%2&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p&gt;The specific errors with this certificate are:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ol&gt;%3&lt;/ol&gt;&lt;p&gt;Do you wish to accept this certificate anyway?&lt;br /&gt;(It will also be stored so you won&apos;t be asked this again.)&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5068        <translation>&lt;p&gt;%1&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;%2&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p&gt;Den spesifikke feilen med dette sertifikatet er:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ol&gt;%3&lt;/ol&gt;&lt;p&gt;Ønsker du å godta dette sertifikatet likevel?&lt;br /&gt;(dette vil også bli lagret og du vil ikke bli spurt igjen.)&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5069    </message>
5070    <message>
5071        <location line="+24"/>
5072        <source>SSL Version mismatch</source>
5073        <translation>SSL-versjon samsvarer ikke</translation>
5074    </message>
5075    <message>
5076        <location line="+67"/>
5077        <source>Server connection failed.</source>
5078        <translation type="unfinished"/>
5079    </message>
5080    <message>
5081        <location line="+80"/>
5082        <source>&lt;center&gt;Type message to channel &apos;%1&apos; here&lt;/center&gt;</source>
5083        <oldsource>Type message to channel '%1' here</oldsource>
5084        <translation>&lt;center&gt;Skriv melding til kanalen &apos;%1&apos; her&lt;/center&gt;</translation>
5085    </message>
5086    <message>
5087        <location line="+3"/>
5088        <source>&lt;center&gt;Type message to user &apos;%1&apos; here&lt;/center&gt;</source>
5089        <oldsource>Type message to user '%1' here</oldsource>
5090        <translation>&lt;center&gt;Skriv melding til brukeren &apos;%1&apos; her&lt;/center&gt;</translation>
5091    </message>
5092    <message>
5093        <location line="+101"/>
5094        <source>Choose image file</source>
5095        <translation>Velg billedfil</translation>
5096    </message>
5097    <message>
5098        <location line="+7"/>
5099        <location line="+17"/>
5100        <location line="+9"/>
5101        <source>Failed to load image</source>
5102        <translation>Innlesning av bilde feilet</translation>
5103    </message>
5104    <message>
5105        <location line="-26"/>
5106        <source>Could not open file for reading.</source>
5107        <translation>Kunne ikke åpne bilde for lesning.</translation>
5108    </message>
5109    <message>
5110        <location line="+17"/>
5111        <location line="+9"/>
5112        <source>Image format not recognized.</source>
5113        <translation>Billedformat ikke gjenkjent.</translation>
5114    </message>
5115    <message>
5116        <location line="-3103"/>
5117        <source>&amp;User</source>
5118        <translation>&amp;Bruker</translation>
5119    </message>
5120    <message>
5121        <location line="+1"/>
5122        <source>&amp;Channel</source>
5123        <translation>&amp;Kanal</translation>
5124    </message>
5125    <message>
5126        <location line="+62"/>
5127        <location line="+26"/>
5128        <source>Use in conjunction with Whisper to.</source>
5129        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5130        <translation>Bruk i kombinasjon med hvisken for å.</translation>
5131    </message>
5132    <message>
5133        <location line="-21"/>
5134        <source>This will switch the states of the in-game overlay.</source>
5135        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5136        <translation>Dette veksler statusen til i-spill-forgrunnsinfoen.</translation>
5137    </message>
5138    <message>
5139        <location line="+19"/>
5140        <source>Link Channel</source>
5141        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5142        <translation>Lenk kanal</translation>
5143    </message>
5144    <message>
5145        <location line="+4"/>
5146        <source>Cycle Transmit Mode</source>
5147        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5148        <translation>Veksle forsendelsesmodus</translation>
5149    </message>
5150    <message>
5151        <location line="+3"/>
5152        <source>Send Text Message</source>
5153        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5154        <translation>Send tekstmelding</translation>
5155    </message>
5156    <message>
5157        <location line="+3"/>
5158        <source>Send Clipboard Text Message</source>
5159        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5160        <translation>Send utklippstavleinnhold som tekstmelding</translation>
5161    </message>
5162    <message>
5163        <location line="+2"/>
5164        <source>This will send your Clipboard content to the channel you are currently in.</source>
5165        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5166        <translation>Dette vil sende innholdet fra utklippstavla til den kanalen du er i for øyeblikket.</translation>
5167    </message>
5168    <message>
5169        <location line="+88"/>
5170        <source>Continuous</source>
5171        <translation>Sammenhengende</translation>
5172    </message>
5173    <message>
5174        <location line="+1"/>
5175        <source>Voice Activity</source>
5176        <translation>Stemmeaktivitet</translation>
5177    </message>
5178    <message>
5179        <location line="+1"/>
5180        <source>Push-to-Talk</source>
5181        <translation>Trykk-for-å-snakke</translation>
5182    </message>
5183    <message>
5184        <location line="+49"/>
5185        <source>Mumble - Minimal View -- %1</source>
5186        <translation>Mumble - Minimal visning -- %1</translation>
5187    </message>
5188    <message>
5189        <location line="+62"/>
5190        <source>Cancel</source>
5191        <translation>Avbryt</translation>
5192    </message>
5193    <message>
5194        <location line="+305"/>
5195        <source>Save Image As...</source>
5196        <translation>Lagre bilde som…</translation>
5197    </message>
5198    <message>
5199        <location line="+15"/>
5200        <source>Save Image File</source>
5201        <translation>Lagre bildefil</translation>
5202    </message>
5203    <message>
5204        <location line="+18"/>
5205        <source>Could not save image: %1</source>
5206        <translation>Kunne ikke lagre bilde: %1</translation>
5207    </message>
5208    <message>
5209        <location line="+418"/>
5210        <source>Change your comment</source>
5211        <translation>Endre din kommentar</translation>
5212    </message>
5213    <message>
5214        <location line="+41"/>
5215        <location line="+1484"/>
5216        <source>Transmit Mode set to Voice Activity</source>
5217        <translation>Forsendelsesmodus satt til stemmeaktivitet</translation>
5218    </message>
5219    <message>
5220        <location line="-1479"/>
5221        <location line="+1483"/>
5222        <source>Transmit Mode set to Push-to-Talk</source>
5223        <translation>Forsendelsesmodus satt til trykk-for-å-snakke</translation>
5224    </message>
5225    <message>
5226        <location line="-1332"/>
5227        <source>&lt;p&gt;Connected users: %1/%2&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5228        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Tilkoblede brukere: %1/%2&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5229    </message>
5230    <message>
5231        <location line="+15"/>
5232        <source>UDP Statistics</source>
5233        <translation>UDP-statistikk</translation>
5234    </message>
5235    <message>
5236        <location line="+0"/>
5237        <source>To Server</source>
5238        <translation>Til tjener</translation>
5239    </message>
5240    <message>
5241        <location line="+0"/>
5242        <source>From Server</source>
5243        <translation>Fra tjener</translation>
5244    </message>
5245    <message>
5246        <location line="+0"/>
5247        <source>Good</source>
5248        <translation>God</translation>
5249    </message>
5250    <message>
5251        <location line="+0"/>
5252        <source>Late</source>
5253        <translation>Forsinket</translation>
5254    </message>
5255    <message>
5256        <location line="+0"/>
5257        <source>Lost</source>
5258        <translation>Tapt</translation>
5259    </message>
5260    <message>
5261        <location line="+0"/>
5262        <source>Resync</source>
5263        <translation>Resynkronisert</translation>
5264    </message>
5265    <message>
5266        <location line="+4"/>
5267        <source>&lt;h2&gt;Audio bandwidth&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Maximum %1 kbit/s&lt;br /&gt;Current %2 kbit/s&lt;br /&gt;Codec: %3&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5268        <translation>&lt;h2&gt;Lydbåndbredde&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Maksimalt %1 kbit/s&lt;br /&gt;Nå %2 kbit/s&lt;br /&gt;Kodek: %3&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5269    </message>
5270    <message>
5271        <location line="+2"/>
5272        <source>Mumble Server Information</source>
5273        <translation>Mumble tjenerinformasjon</translation>
5274    </message>
5275    <message>
5276        <location line="+4"/>
5277        <location line="+1524"/>
5278        <source>&amp;View Certificate</source>
5279        <translation>&amp;Vis sertifikat</translation>
5280    </message>
5281    <message>
5282        <location line="-1230"/>
5283        <location line="+19"/>
5284        <source>Enter reason</source>
5285        <translation>Oppgi begrunnelse</translation>
5286    </message>
5287    <message>
5288        <location line="+22"/>
5289        <source>Sending message to %1</source>
5290        <translation>Sender melding til %1</translation>
5291    </message>
5292    <message>
5293        <location line="+12"/>
5294        <location line="+103"/>
5295        <location line="+4"/>
5296        <location line="+266"/>
5297        <location line="+611"/>
5298        <source>To %1: %2</source>
5299        <translation>Til %1: %2</translation>
5300    </message>
5301    <message>
5302        <location line="-984"/>
5303        <location line="+107"/>
5304        <source>Message to %1</source>
5305        <translation>Melding til %1</translation>
5306    </message>
5307    <message>
5308        <location line="-64"/>
5309        <source>Are you sure you want to reset the comment of user %1?</source>
5310        <translation>Bekreft nullstilling av kommentar på bruker %1.</translation>
5311    </message>
5312    <message>
5313        <location line="+16"/>
5314        <source>Are you sure you want to reset the avatar of user %1?</source>
5315        <translation>Bekreft nullstilling av avatar for bruker %1.</translation>
5316    </message>
5317    <message>
5318        <location line="+232"/>
5319        <source>Are you sure you want to delete %1 and all its sub-channels?</source>
5320        <translation>Bekreft sletting av %1 og alle dens underkanaler.</translation>
5321    </message>
5322    <message>
5323        <location line="+71"/>
5324        <source>Sending message to channel %1</source>
5325        <translation>Sender melding til kanalen %1</translation>
5326    </message>
5327    <message>
5328        <location line="+9"/>
5329        <source>Message to tree %1</source>
5330        <translation>Melding til treet %1</translation>
5331    </message>
5332    <message>
5333        <location line="+0"/>
5334        <source>To %1 (Tree): %2</source>
5335        <oldsource>(Tree) %1: %2</oldsource>
5336        <translation>Til %1 (tre): %2</translation>
5337    </message>
5338    <message>
5339        <location line="+173"/>
5340        <source>Unmuted and undeafened.</source>
5341        <translation>Stum. og døv-het opphevet.</translation>
5342    </message>
5343    <message>
5344        <location line="+2"/>
5345        <source>Unmuted.</source>
5346        <translation>Stumhet opphevet.</translation>
5347    </message>
5348    <message>
5349        <location line="+2"/>
5350        <source>Muted.</source>
5351        <translation>Stum.</translation>
5352    </message>
5353    <message>
5354        <location line="+31"/>
5355        <source>Muted and deafened.</source>
5356        <translation>Gjort stum og døv.</translation>
5357    </message>
5358    <message>
5359        <location line="+2"/>
5360        <source>Deafened.</source>
5361        <translation>Gjort døv.</translation>
5362    </message>
5363    <message>
5364        <location line="+3"/>
5365        <source>Undeafened.</source>
5366        <translation>Døvhet opphevet.</translation>
5367    </message>
5368    <message>
5369        <location line="+47"/>
5370        <source>Restart Mumble?</source>
5371        <translation>Omstart av Mumble?</translation>
5372    </message>
5373    <message>
5374        <location line="+1"/>
5375        <source>Some settings will only apply after a restart of Mumble. Restart Mumble now?</source>
5376        <translation>Noen innstillinger vil bare trå i kraft etter at Mumble er startet på ny. Omstart nå?</translation>
5377    </message>
5378    <message>
5379        <location line="+51"/>
5380        <source>About Qt</source>
5381        <translation>Om Qt</translation>
5382    </message>
5383    <message>
5384        <location line="+469"/>
5385        <source>SSL Verification failed: %1</source>
5386        <translation>SSL-bekreftelse mislyktes: %1</translation>
5387    </message>
5388    <message>
5389        <location line="+5"/>
5390        <source>&lt;li&gt;Server certificate digest (SHA-1):	%1&lt;/li&gt;</source>
5391        <translation>&lt;li&gt;Tjenersertifikatsportefølje (SHA-1):	%1&lt;/li&gt;</translation>
5392    </message>
5393    <message>
5394        <location line="+3"/>
5395        <source>&lt;b&gt;WARNING:&lt;/b&gt; The server presented a certificate that was different from the stored one.</source>
5396        <translation>&lt;b&gt;ADVARSEL:&lt;/b&gt; Tjeneren presenterte et sertifikat som er forskjellig fra det som er lagret.</translation>
5397    </message>
5398    <message>
5399        <location line="+34"/>
5400        <source>This server is using an older encryption standard, and is no longer supported by modern versions of Mumble.</source>
5401        <translation>Denne tjeneren kjører en gammel krypteringsstandard som ikke lenger støttes.</translation>
5402    </message>
5403    <message>
5404        <location line="+6"/>
5405        <location line="+59"/>
5406        <source>Server connection failed: %1.</source>
5407        <translation>Tilkobling til tjener feilet: %1.</translation>
5408    </message>
5409    <message>
5410        <location line="-57"/>
5411        <source>Disconnected from server.</source>
5412        <translation>Frakoblet tjener.</translation>
5413    </message>
5414    <message>
5415        <location line="+11"/>
5416        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+70"/>
5417        <source>Invalid username</source>
5418        <translation>Ugyldig brukernavn</translation>
5419    </message>
5420    <message>
5421        <location line="+1"/>
5422        <source>You connected with an invalid username, please try another one.</source>
5423        <translation>Du koblet til med ugyldig brukernavn, velg nytt.</translation>
5424    </message>
5425    <message>
5426        <location line="+4"/>
5427        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+3"/>
5428        <source>Username in use</source>
5429        <translation>Brukernavnet er i bruk</translation>
5430    </message>
5431    <message>
5432        <location line="+1"/>
5433        <source>That username is already in use, please try another username.</source>
5434        <translation>Brukernavnet er allerede i bruk, prøv et annet.</translation>
5435    </message>
5436    <message>
5437        <location line="+5"/>
5438        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+3"/>
5439        <source>Wrong certificate or password</source>
5440        <translation>Feil sertifikat eller passord</translation>
5441    </message>
5442    <message>
5443        <location line="+1"/>
5444        <source>Wrong certificate or password for registered user. If you are
5445certain this user is protected by a password please retry.
5446Otherwise abort and check your certificate and username.</source>
5447        <translation>Feil sertifikat eller passord for registrert bruker. Hvis du er sikker
5448på at denne brukeren er beskyttet med et passord, prøv igjen.
5449Ellers avbryt alt og sjekk ditt sertifikat og brukernavn.</translation>
5450    </message>
5451    <message>
5452        <location line="+7"/>
5453        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+3"/>
5454        <source>Wrong password</source>
5455        <translation>Feil passord</translation>
5456    </message>
5457    <message>
5458        <location line="+1"/>
5459        <source>Wrong server password for unregistered user account, please try again.</source>
5460        <translation>Feil tjenerpassord for uregistrert brukerkonto, prøv igjen.</translation>
5461    </message>
5462    <message>
5463        <location line="-2238"/>
5464        <location line="+2450"/>
5465        <source>Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)</source>
5466        <translation>Bilder (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)</translation>
5467    </message>
5468    <message>
5469        <location filename="MainWindow.ui"/>
5470        <source>C&amp;onfigure</source>
5471        <translation>&amp;Sett opp</translation>
5472    </message>
5473    <message>
5474        <location/>
5475        <source>&amp;Help</source>
5476        <translation>&amp;Hjelp</translation>
5477    </message>
5478    <message>
5479        <location/>
5480        <source>Log</source>
5481        <translation>Logg</translation>
5482    </message>
5483    <message>
5484        <location/>
5485        <source>This shows all recent activity. Connecting to servers, errors and information messages all show up here.&lt;br /&gt;To configure exactly which messages show up here, use the &lt;b&gt;Settings&lt;/b&gt; command from the menu.</source>
5486        <translation>Dette viser nylig aktivitet. Tilkobling til tjenere, feil og informasjonsmeldinger vil alle vises her.&lt;br /&gt;For å bestemme akkurat hvilke meldinger som skal vises her, bruk &lt;b&gt;Innstillings&lt;/b&gt;-kommandoen fra menyen.</translation>
5487    </message>
5488    <message>
5489        <location/>
5490        <source>&amp;Quit Mumble</source>
5491        <translation>&amp;Avslutt Mumble</translation>
5492    </message>
5493    <message>
5494        <location/>
5495        <source>Closes the program</source>
5496        <translation>Lukker programmet</translation>
5497    </message>
5498    <message>
5499        <location/>
5500        <source>Exits the application.</source>
5501        <translation>Avslutter programmet.</translation>
5502    </message>
5503    <message>
5504        <location/>
5505        <source>Ctrl+Q</source>
5506        <translation>Ctrl+Q</translation>
5507    </message>
5508    <message>
5509        <location/>
5510        <source>Open the server connection dialog</source>
5511        <translation>Åpne tjenertilkoblingsdialogen</translation>
5512    </message>
5513    <message>
5514        <location/>
5515        <source>&amp;Disconnect</source>
5516        <translation>&amp;Koble fra</translation>
5517    </message>
5518    <message>
5519        <location/>
5520        <source>Disconnect from server</source>
5521        <translation>Koble fra tjeneren</translation>
5522    </message>
5523    <message>
5524        <location/>
5525        <source>Disconnects you from the server.</source>
5526        <translation>Kobler deg fra tjeneren</translation>
5527    </message>
5528    <message>
5529        <location/>
5530        <source>Show information about the server connection</source>
5531        <translation>VIs informasjon om tjenerforbindelse</translation>
5532    </message>
5533    <message>
5534        <location/>
5535        <source>This will show extended information about the connection to the server.</source>
5536        <translation>Viser utvidet informasjon om din tilkobling til tjeneren.</translation>
5537    </message>
5538    <message>
5539        <location/>
5540        <source>&amp;Mute</source>
5541        <translation>&amp;Gjør stum</translation>
5542    </message>
5543    <message>
5544        <location/>
5545        <source>&amp;Deafen</source>
5546        <translation>&amp;Gjør døv</translation>
5547    </message>
5548    <message>
5549        <location/>
5550        <source>&amp;Local Mute</source>
5551        <translation>&amp;Lokal stumhet</translation>
5552    </message>
5553    <message>
5554        <location/>
5555        <source>Send a Text Message</source>
5556        <translation>Send en tekstmelding</translation>
5557    </message>
5558    <message>
5559        <location/>
5560        <source>Sends a text message to another user.</source>
5561        <translation>Sender en tekstmelding til en annen bruker.</translation>
5562    </message>
5563    <message>
5564        <location/>
5565        <source>Add new channel</source>
5566        <translation>Legg til ny kanal</translation>
5567    </message>
5568    <message>
5569        <location/>
5570        <source>This adds a new sub-channel to the currently selected channel.</source>
5571        <translation>Dette legger til en ny underkanal i valgt kanal.</translation>
5572    </message>
5573    <message>
5574        <location/>
5575        <source>Remove channel</source>
5576        <translation>Fjern kanal</translation>
5577    </message>
5578    <message>
5579        <location/>
5580        <source>This removes a channel and all sub-channels.</source>
5581        <translation>Dette fjerner en kanal og alle dens underkanaler</translation>
5582    </message>
5583    <message>
5584        <location/>
5585        <source>Edit Groups and ACL for channel</source>
5586        <translation>Rediger grupper og ACL for kanal</translation>
5587    </message>
5588    <message>
5589        <location/>
5590        <source>This opens the Group and ACL dialog for the channel, to control permissions.</source>
5591        <translation>Dette åpne gruppe- og ACL -dialogen for kanalen, for kontrolltilganger.</translation>
5592    </message>
5593    <message>
5594        <location/>
5595        <source>&amp;Link</source>
5596        <translation>&amp;Lenk</translation>
5597    </message>
5598    <message>
5599        <location/>
5600        <source>Link your channel to another channel</source>
5601        <translation>Lenk din kanal til en annen kanal</translation>
5602    </message>
5603    <message>
5604        <location/>
5605        <source>This is the chatbar&lt;br /&gt;If you enter text here and then press enter the text is sent to the user or channel that was selected. If nothing is selected the message is sent to your current channel.</source>
5606        <translation>Dette er sludrefeltet&lt;br /&gt;Hvis du skriver inn tekst her og trykker enter vil teksten bli sendt til valgt bruker. Hvis ingenting er valgt vil meldingen sendes til din nåværende kanal.</translation>
5607    </message>
5608    <message>
5609        <location/>
5610        <source>Chatbar</source>
5611        <translation>Sludrefelt</translation>
5612    </message>
5613    <message>
5614        <location/>
5615        <source>Shows a dialog of registered servers, and also allows quick-connect.</source>
5616        <translation>Viser en dialog over registrerte brukere, og tillater også hurtigtilkobling.</translation>
5617    </message>
5618    <message>
5619        <location/>
5620        <source>Kick user (with reason)</source>
5621        <translation>Hiv ut bruker (med grunnlag)</translation>
5622    </message>
5623    <message>
5624        <location/>
5625        <source>Kick selected user off server. You&apos;ll be asked to specify a reason.</source>
5626        <translation>Hiv valgt bruker ut av tjeneren. Du vil bli spurt om å oppgi en grunn.</translation>
5627    </message>
5628    <message>
5629        <location/>
5630        <source>Mute user</source>
5631        <translation>Gjør bruker stum</translation>
5632    </message>
5633    <message>
5634        <location/>
5635        <source>Mute or unmute user on server. Unmuting a deafened user will also undeafen them.</source>
5636        <translation>Gjør eller fjern stumhet fra bruker på tjener. Fjerning av stumhet fra bruker vil også fjerne døvhet for vedkommende.</translation>
5637    </message>
5638    <message>
5639        <location/>
5640        <source>Kick and ban user (with reason)</source>
5641        <translation>Spark ut og bannlys bruker (med grunnlag)</translation>
5642    </message>
5643    <message>
5644        <location/>
5645        <source>Kick and ban selected user from server. You&apos;ll be asked to specify a reason.</source>
5646        <translation>Spark ut og bannlys valgt bruker fra tjener. Du vil også bli spurt om å oppgi en grunn.</translation>
5647    </message>
5648    <message>
5649        <location/>
5650        <source>Deafen user</source>
5651        <translation>Gjør bruker døv</translation>
5652    </message>
5653    <message>
5654        <location/>
5655        <source>Deafen or undeafen user on server. Deafening a user will also mute them.</source>
5656        <translation>Gjør eller fjern døvhet fra bruker på tjeneren. Å gjøre noen døv vil også gjøre vedkommende stum.</translation>
5657    </message>
5658    <message>
5659        <location/>
5660        <source>Mute user locally</source>
5661        <translation>Gjør bruker stum lokalt</translation>
5662    </message>
5663    <message>
5664        <location/>
5665        <source>Mute or unmute user locally. Use this on other users in the same room.</source>
5666        <translation>Legg til eller fjern lokal stumhet fra bruker. Bruk dette på andre brukere i samme rom.</translation>
5667    </message>
5668    <message>
5669        <location/>
5670        <source>This links your current channel to the selected channel. If users in a channel have permission to speak in the other channel, users can now hear each other. This is a permanent link, and will last until manually unlinked or the server is restarted. Please see the shortcuts for push-to-link.</source>
5671        <oldsource>This links your current channel to the selected channel. If they have permission to speak in the other channel, users can now hear each other. This is a permanent link, and will last until manually unlinked or the server is restarted. Please see the shortcuts for push-to-link.</oldsource>
5672        <translation>Dette lenker din nåværende kanal til valgt kanal. Hvis brukere i en kanal har tilgang til å snakke i den andre kanalen, kan de forskjellige brukerne nå høre hverandre. Dette er en permanent lenke, og vil vare til den manuelt blir opphevet eller tjeneren blir startet om. Se snarveier for trykk-for-å-lenke.</translation>
5673    </message>
5674    <message>
5675        <location/>
5676        <source>&amp;Unlink</source>
5677        <comment>Channel</comment>
5678        <translation>&amp;Fjern lenking</translation>
5679    </message>
5680    <message>
5681        <location/>
5682        <source>Unlink your channel from another channel</source>
5683        <translation>Fjern lenke fra din kanal til en annen</translation>
5684    </message>
5685    <message>
5686        <location/>
5687        <source>This unlinks your current channel from the selected channel.</source>
5688        <translation>Dette fjerner lenken mellom din nåværende kanal fra valgt kanal.</translation>
5689    </message>
5690    <message>
5691        <location/>
5692        <source>Unlinks your channel from all linked channels.</source>
5693        <translation>Fjerner lenken mellom din kanal og alle lenkede kanaler.</translation>
5694    </message>
5695    <message>
5696        <location/>
5697        <source>This unlinks your current channel (not the selected one) from all linked channels.</source>
5698        <translation>Dette fjerner lenken fra din nåværende kanal (ikke valgt kanal) fra alle lenkede kanaler.</translation>
5699    </message>
5700    <message>
5701        <location/>
5702        <source>&amp;Reset</source>
5703        <translation>&amp;Tilbakestill</translation>
5704    </message>
5705    <message>
5706        <location/>
5707        <source>Reset audio preprocessor</source>
5708        <translation>Tilbakestill lydbehandler</translation>
5709    </message>
5710    <message>
5711        <location/>
5712        <source>This will reset the audio preprocessor, including noise cancellation, automatic gain and voice activity detection. If something suddenly worsens the audio environment (like dropping the microphone) and it was temporary, use this to avoid having to wait for the preprocessor to readjust.</source>
5713        <translation>Dette vil tilbakestille lyd for-behandleren, inkludert lydkansellering, automatisk forsterkningsjustering og aktivitetsoppdagelse. Hvis noe plutselig forverrer lydmiljøet (som at noen mister mikrofonen) og det var midlertidig, bruk dette for å forhindre at for-behandleren skal rejustere seg.</translation>
5714    </message>
5715    <message>
5716        <location/>
5717        <source>&amp;Mute Self</source>
5718        <translation>&amp;Gjør deg selv stum</translation>
5719    </message>
5720    <message>
5721        <location/>
5722        <source>Mute yourself</source>
5723        <translation>Gjør deg selv stum</translation>
5724    </message>
5725    <message>
5726        <location/>
5727        <source>Mute or unmute yourself. When muted, you will not send any data to the server. Unmuting while deafened will also undeafen.</source>
5728        <translation>Gjør deg selv stum eller fjern stumhet fra deg selv. Når du er stum vil du ikke sende noe data til tjeneren. Å fjerne stumhet mens du er døv vil også fjerne døvheten.</translation>
5729    </message>
5730    <message>
5731        <location/>
5732        <source>&amp;Deafen Self</source>
5733        <translation>&amp;Gjør deg selv døv</translation>
5734    </message>
5735    <message>
5736        <location/>
5737        <source>Deafen yourself</source>
5738        <translation>Gjør deg selv døv</translation>
5739    </message>
5740    <message>
5741        <location/>
5742        <source>Deafen or undeafen yourself. When deafened, you will not hear anything. Deafening yourself will also mute.</source>
5743        <translation>Legg til eller fjern døvhet for deg selv. Når gjort døv, vil du ikke høre noe. Å gjøre deg selv døv gjør deg også stum.</translation>
5744    </message>
5745    <message>
5746        <location/>
5747        <source>&amp;Text-To-Speech</source>
5748        <translation>&amp;Tekst-til-tale</translation>
5749    </message>
5750    <message>
5751        <location/>
5752        <source>Toggle Text-To-Speech</source>
5753        <translation>Veksle tekst-til-tale</translation>
5754    </message>
5755    <message>
5756        <location/>
5757        <source>Enable or disable the text-to-speech engine. Only messages enabled for TTS in the Configuration dialog will actually be spoken.</source>
5758        <translation>Skru på eller av tekst-til-tale -motoren. Bare meldinger ment for TTT i oppsettsdialogen vil bli uttalt.</translation>
5759    </message>
5760    <message>
5761        <location/>
5762        <source>Display audio statistics</source>
5763        <translation>Vis lydstatistikk</translation>
5764    </message>
5765    <message>
5766        <location/>
5767        <source>Pops up a small dialog with information about your current audio input.</source>
5768        <translation>Viser et lite oppsprettsvindu med informasjon om din nåværende lydinngang.</translation>
5769    </message>
5770    <message>
5771        <location/>
5772        <source>Forcibly unlink plugin</source>
5773        <translation>Fralenk programtillegg med tvang</translation>
5774    </message>
5775    <message>
5776        <location/>
5777        <source>This forces the current plugin to unlink, which is handy if it is reading completely wrong data.</source>
5778        <translation>Dette tvinger det nåværende programtillegget til å ikke lenger være lenket, noe som er nyttig hvis det leser helt feil data.</translation>
5779    </message>
5780    <message>
5781        <location/>
5782        <source>Configure Mumble</source>
5783        <translation>Sett opp Mumble</translation>
5784    </message>
5785    <message>
5786        <location/>
5787        <source>Allows you to change most settings for Mumble.</source>
5788        <translation>Lar deg endre de fleste innstillingene i Mumble.</translation>
5789    </message>
5790    <message>
5791        <location/>
5792        <source>Start the audio configuration wizard</source>
5793        <translation>Start lydoppsettsveiviseren</translation>
5794    </message>
5795    <message>
5796        <location/>
5797        <source>This will guide you through the process of configuring your audio hardware.</source>
5798        <translation>Denne veilederen vil ta deg gjennom måten din lydmaskinvare settes opp.</translation>
5799    </message>
5800    <message>
5801        <location/>
5802        <source>&amp;What&apos;s This?</source>
5803        <translation>&amp;Hva er dette?</translation>
5804    </message>
5805    <message>
5806        <location/>
5807        <source>Enter What&apos;s This? mode</source>
5808        <translation>Gå inn i &quot;Hva er dette?&quot;-modus</translation>
5809    </message>
5810    <message>
5811        <location/>
5812        <source>Click this to enter &quot;What&apos;s This?&quot; mode. Your cursor will turn into a question mark. Click on any button, menu choice or area to show a description of what it is.</source>
5813        <translation>Klikk for å tre inn i &quot;Hva er dette?&quot;-modus. Din peker vil forvandles til et spørsmålstegn. Klikk på vilkårlig knapp, menyvalg eller område for å få en beskrivelse av hva noe er.</translation>
5814    </message>
5815    <message>
5816        <location/>
5817        <source>Information about Mumble</source>
5818        <translation>Informasjon om Mumble</translation>
5819    </message>
5820    <message>
5821        <location/>
5822        <source>Shows a small dialog with information and license for Mumble.</source>
5823        <translation>Viser en liten dialog med informasjon og lisensinfo om Mumble.</translation>
5824    </message>
5825    <message>
5826        <location/>
5827        <source>Information about Speex</source>
5828        <translation>Informasjon om Speex</translation>
5829    </message>
5830    <message>
5831        <location/>
5832        <source>Shows a small dialog with information about Speex.</source>
5833        <translation>Viser en liten dialog med informasjon om Speex.</translation>
5834    </message>
5835    <message>
5836        <location/>
5837        <source>Information about Qt</source>
5838        <translation>Informasjon om Qt</translation>
5839    </message>
5840    <message>
5841        <location/>
5842        <source>Shows a small dialog with information about Qt.</source>
5843        <translation>Viser en liten dialog med informasjon om Qt.</translation>
5844    </message>
5845    <message>
5846        <location/>
5847        <source>Check for &amp;Updates</source>
5848        <translation>Se etter &amp;oppdateringer</translation>
5849    </message>
5850    <message>
5851        <location/>
5852        <source>Check for new version of Mumble</source>
5853        <translation>Se etter ny Mumble-versjon</translation>
5854    </message>
5855    <message>
5856        <location/>
5857        <source>Connects to the Mumble webpage to check if a new version is available, and notifies you with an appropriate download URL if this is the case.</source>
5858        <translation>Kolber til Mumble sin nettside for å se om en ny versjon er tilgjengelig, og gir deg beskjed om en passende nedlastingsnettadresse hvis dette viser seg å være tilfelle.</translation>
5859    </message>
5860    <message>
5861        <location/>
5862        <source>Sends a text message to all users in a channel.</source>
5863        <translation>Sender en tekstmelding til alle brukere i en kanal.</translation>
5864    </message>
5865    <message>
5866        <location/>
5867        <source>Configure certificates for strong authentication</source>
5868        <translation>Sett opp sertifikater for sterk identitetsbekreftelse</translation>
5869    </message>
5870    <message>
5871        <location/>
5872        <source>This starts the wizard for creating, importing and exporting certificates for authentication against servers.</source>
5873        <translation>Starter veiviseren for opprettelse, importering og eksport av sertifikater for identitetsbekreftelse mot tjenere.</translation>
5874    </message>
5875    <message>
5876        <location/>
5877        <source>Register user on server</source>
5878        <translation>Registrer bruker på tjener</translation>
5879    </message>
5880    <message>
5881        <location/>
5882        <source>This will permanently register the user on the server.</source>
5883        <translation>Dette vil registrere brukeren på tjeneren for godt.</translation>
5884    </message>
5885    <message>
5886        <location/>
5887        <source>Add &amp;Friend</source>
5888        <translation>Legg til &amp;venn</translation>
5889    </message>
5890    <message>
5891        <location/>
5892        <source>Adds a user as your friend.</source>
5893        <translation>Legger til en bruker som din venn.</translation>
5894    </message>
5895    <message>
5896        <location/>
5897        <source>This will add the user as a friend, so you can recognize him on this and other servers.</source>
5898        <translation>Dette vil legge til brukeren som venn, slik at du kan gjenkjenne vedkommende på denne og andre tjenere.</translation>
5899    </message>
5900    <message>
5901        <location/>
5902        <source>&amp;Remove Friend</source>
5903        <translation>&amp;Fjern venn</translation>
5904    </message>
5905    <message>
5906        <location/>
5907        <source>Removes a user from your friends.</source>
5908        <translation>Fjerner en bruker fra din venneliste.</translation>
5909    </message>
5910    <message>
5911        <location/>
5912        <source>This will remove a user from your friends list.</source>
5913        <translation>Dette vil fjerne en bruker fra din venneliste.</translation>
5914    </message>
5915    <message>
5916        <location/>
5917        <source>&amp;Update Friend</source>
5918        <translation>&amp;Oppdater venn</translation>
5919    </message>
5920    <message>
5921        <location/>
5922        <source>Update name of your friend.</source>
5923        <translation>Oppdater navnet til vennen din.</translation>
5924    </message>
5925    <message>
5926        <location/>
5927        <source>Your friend uses a different name than what is in your database. This will update the name.</source>
5928        <translation>Din venn bruker et annet navn en hva som er oppgitt i din database. Dette vil oppdatere navnet.</translation>
5929    </message>
5930    <message>
5931        <location/>
5932        <source>Edit registered users list</source>
5933        <translation>Rediger liste over registrerte brukere</translation>
5934    </message>
5935    <message>
5936        <location/>
5937        <source>This opens the editor for registered users, which allow you to change their name or unregister them.</source>
5938        <translation>Dette åpner tekstbehandleren for registrerte brukere, som lar deg endre navnet deres og avregistrere dem.</translation>
5939    </message>
5940    <message>
5941        <location/>
5942        <source>Add or remove text-based access tokens</source>
5943        <translation>Legg til eller fjern tekstbaserte tilgangssymbol</translation>
5944    </message>
5945    <message>
5946        <location/>
5947        <source>&amp;Minimal View</source>
5948        <translation>&amp;Minimal visning</translation>
5949    </message>
5950    <message>
5951        <location/>
5952        <source>Toggle minimal window modes</source>
5953        <translation>Veksle minimerte vindusmodi</translation>
5954    </message>
5955    <message>
5956        <location/>
5957        <source>This will toggle minimal mode, where the log window and menu is hidden.</source>
5958        <translation>Dette vil veksle minimal modus, der loggingsvinduet og menyen er gjemt.</translation>
5959    </message>
5960    <message>
5961        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+334"/>
5962        <source>You muted and deafened %1.</source>
5963        <translation>Du gjorde %1 stum og døv.</translation>
5964    </message>
5965    <message>
5966        <location line="+2"/>
5967        <source>You unmuted and undeafened %1.</source>
5968        <translation>Du opphevet stumhet og døvhet fra %1.</translation>
5969    </message>
5970    <message>
5971        <location line="+11"/>
5972        <source>You undeafened %1.</source>
5973        <translation>Du opphevet døvhet fra %1.</translation>
5974    </message>
5975    <message>
5976        <location line="+7"/>
5977        <source>You suppressed %1.</source>
5978        <translation>Du undertrykte %1.</translation>
5979    </message>
5980    <message>
5981        <location line="+7"/>
5982        <source>%1 muted and deafened by %2.</source>
5983        <translation>%1 gjort stum og døv av %2.</translation>
5984    </message>
5985    <message>
5986        <location line="+2"/>
5987        <source>%1 unmuted and undeafened by %2.</source>
5988        <translation>%1 fikk sin stumhet og døvhet opphevet av %2.</translation>
5989    </message>
5990    <message>
5991        <location line="+11"/>
5992        <source>%1 undeafened by %2.</source>
5993        <translation>%1 fikk sin døvhet opphevet av %2.</translation>
5994    </message>
5995    <message>
5996        <location line="+7"/>
5997        <source>%1 suppressed by %2.</source>
5998        <translation>%1 undertrykt av %2.</translation>
5999    </message>
6000    <message>
6001        <location line="+26"/>
6002        <source>%1 moved to %2.</source>
6003        <translation>%1 flyttet til %2.</translation>
6004    </message>
6005    <message>
6006        <location line="+2"/>
6007        <source>%1 moved to %2 by %3.</source>
6008        <translation>%1 flyttet til %2 av %3.</translation>
6009    </message>
6010    <message>
6011        <location line="+18"/>
6012        <source>%1 moved in from %2 by %3.</source>
6013        <translation>%1 overbragt fra %2 av %3.</translation>
6014    </message>
6015    <message>
6016        <location line="-202"/>
6017        <source>%1 is now muted and deafened.</source>
6018        <translation>%1 er nå stum og døv.</translation>
6019    </message>
6020    <message>
6021        <location line="-222"/>
6022        <source>Your account information can not be verified currently. Please try again later</source>
6023        <translation>Din kontoinformasjon kan ikke bekreftes for øyeblikket. Prøv igjen senere</translation>
6024    </message>
6025    <message>
6026        <location line="+20"/>
6027        <location line="+55"/>
6028        <source>Welcome message: %1</source>
6029        <translation>Velkomstmelding: %1</translation>
6030    </message>
6031    <message>
6032        <location line="-17"/>
6033        <source>Mumble: %1</source>
6034        <translation>Mumble: %1</translation>
6035    </message>
6036    <message>
6037        <location line="+42"/>
6038        <source>You were denied %1 privileges in %2.</source>
6039        <translation>Du ble nektet %1 privilegium i %2.</translation>
6040    </message>
6041    <message>
6042        <location line="+2"/>
6043        <source>%3 was denied %1 privileges in %2.</source>
6044        <translation>%3 ble nektet %1 privilegium i %2.</translation>
6045    </message>
6046    <message>
6047        <location line="+4"/>
6048        <source>Denied: Cannot modify SuperUser.</source>
6049        <translation>Nektet: Kan ikke endre SuperBruker.</translation>
6050    </message>
6051    <message>
6052        <location line="+4"/>
6053        <source>Denied: Invalid channel name.</source>
6054        <translation>Nektet: Ugyldig kanalnavn.</translation>
6055    </message>
6056    <message>
6057        <location line="+4"/>
6058        <source>Denied: Text message too long.</source>
6059        <translation>Nektet: Tekstmelding for lang.</translation>
6060    </message>
6061    <message>
6062        <location line="+22"/>
6063        <source>Denied: Operation not permitted in temporary channel.</source>
6064        <translation>Nektet: Operasjonen tillates ikke i en midlertidig kanal.</translation>
6065    </message>
6066    <message>
6067        <location line="+7"/>
6068        <source>You need a certificate to perform this operation.</source>
6069        <translation>Du trenger et sertifikat for å utføre denne handlingen.</translation>
6070    </message>
6071    <message>
6072        <location line="+2"/>
6073        <source>%1 does not have a certificate.</source>
6074        <translation>%1 har ikke et sertifikat.</translation>
6075    </message>
6076    <message>
6077        <location line="+5"/>
6078        <source>Invalid username: %1.</source>
6079        <translation>Ugyldig brukernavn: %1</translation>
6080    </message>
6081    <message>
6082        <location line="+2"/>
6083        <source>Invalid username.</source>
6084        <translation>Ugyldig brukernavn.</translation>
6085    </message>
6086    <message>
6087        <location line="+4"/>
6088        <source>Channel is full.</source>
6089        <translation>Kanalen er full.</translation>
6090    </message>
6091    <message>
6092        <location line="+4"/>
6093        <source>Channel nesting limit reached.</source>
6094        <translation>Grensen for tillegg av underkanaler er nådd.</translation>
6095    </message>
6096    <message>
6097        <location line="+4"/>
6098        <source>Channel count limit reached. Need to delete channels before creating new ones.</source>
6099        <translation type="unfinished"/>
6100    </message>
6101    <message>
6102        <location line="+7"/>
6103        <source>Permission denied.</source>
6104        <translation>Tilgang nektet.</translation>
6105    </message>
6106    <message>
6107        <location line="+40"/>
6108        <source>%1 connected.</source>
6109        <translation>%1 tilkoblet.</translation>
6110    </message>
6111    <message>
6112        <location line="+13"/>
6113        <source>%1 is now muted.</source>
6114        <translation>%1 er nå stum.</translation>
6115    </message>
6116    <message>
6117        <location line="+2"/>
6118        <source>%1 is now unmuted.</source>
6119        <translation>%1 har nå fått sin stumhet opphevet.</translation>
6120    </message>
6121    <message>
6122        <location line="+11"/>
6123        <source>Recording started</source>
6124        <translation>Opptak startet</translation>
6125    </message>
6126    <message>
6127        <location line="+2"/>
6128        <source>Recording stopped</source>
6129        <translation>Opptak stoppet</translation>
6130    </message>
6131    <message>
6132        <location line="+4"/>
6133        <source>%1 started recording.</source>
6134        <translation>%1 begynte å ta opp.</translation>
6135    </message>
6136    <message>
6137        <location line="+2"/>
6138        <source>%1 stopped recording.</source>
6139        <translation>%1 sluttet å ta opp.</translation>
6140    </message>
6141    <message>
6142        <location line="+10"/>
6143        <source>You revoked your priority speaker status.</source>
6144        <translation>Du tilbakekalte din prioriterte talerstatus.</translation>
6145    </message>
6146    <message>
6147        <location line="+2"/>
6148        <source>You assumed priority speaker status.</source>
6149        <translation>Du tok prioritert taler-status.</translation>
6150    </message>
6151    <message>
6152        <location line="+4"/>
6153        <source>%1 revoked your priority speaker status.</source>
6154        <translation>%1 tilbakekalte din prioritert taler-status.</translation>
6155    </message>
6156    <message>
6157        <location line="+2"/>
6158        <source>%1 gave you priority speaker status.</source>
6159        <translation>%1 ga deg prioritert taler-status</translation>
6160    </message>
6161    <message>
6162        <location line="+4"/>
6163        <source>You revoked priority speaker status for %1.</source>
6164        <translation>Du tilbakekalte prioritert taler-status for %1.</translation>
6165    </message>
6166    <message>
6167        <location line="+2"/>
6168        <source>You gave priority speaker status to %1.</source>
6169        <translation>Du ga prioritert taler-status til %1.</translation>
6170    </message>
6171    <message>
6172        <location line="+4"/>
6173        <source>%1 revoked own priority speaker status.</source>
6174        <translation>%1 tilbakekalte egen prioritert taler-status.</translation>
6175    </message>
6176    <message>
6177        <location line="+2"/>
6178        <source>%1 assumed priority speaker status.</source>
6179        <translation>%1 tok prioritert taler-status.</translation>
6180    </message>
6181    <message>
6182        <location line="+4"/>
6183        <source>%1 revoked priority speaker status for %2.</source>
6184        <translation>%1 tilbakekalte prioritert-taler status for %2.</translation>
6185    </message>
6186    <message>
6187        <location line="+2"/>
6188        <source>%1 gave priority speaker status to %2.</source>
6189        <translation>%1 ga prioritert-taler status til %2.</translation>
6190    </message>
6191    <message>
6192        <location line="+21"/>
6193        <source>You were unmuted and undeafened by %1.</source>
6194        <translation>Du fikk din stum- og døv-het opphevet av %1.</translation>
6195    </message>
6196    <message>
6197        <location line="+4"/>
6198        <source>You were muted by %1.</source>
6199        <translation>Du ble gjort stum av %1.</translation>
6200    </message>
6201    <message>
6202        <location line="+7"/>
6203        <source>You were undeafened by %1.</source>
6204        <translation>Du fikk din demping opphevet av %1.</translation>
6205    </message>
6206    <message>
6207        <location line="+6"/>
6208        <source>You were suppressed.</source>
6209        <oldsource>You were suppressed by %1.</oldsource>
6210        <translation>Du ble undertrykt.</translation>
6211    </message>
6212    <message>
6213        <location line="+3"/>
6214        <source>You were unsuppressed.</source>
6215        <translation>Undertrykking av deg ble opphevet.</translation>
6216    </message>
6217    <message>
6218        <location line="+2"/>
6219        <source>You were unsuppressed by %1.</source>
6220        <translation>Du fikk din undertrykking opphevet av %1.</translation>
6221    </message>
6222    <message>
6223        <location line="+75"/>
6224        <source>You joined %1.</source>
6225        <translation type="unfinished"/>
6226    </message>
6227    <message>
6228        <location line="+9"/>
6229        <source>You moved %1 to %2.</source>
6230        <translation>Du flyttet %1 til %2.</translation>
6231    </message>
6232    <message>
6233        <location line="+19"/>
6234        <source>%1 is recording</source>
6235        <translation>%1 tar opp</translation>
6236    </message>
6237    <message>
6238        <location line="+10"/>
6239        <source>%1 renamed to %2 by %3.</source>
6240        <translation>%1 gitt nytt navn til %2 av %3.</translation>
6241    </message>
6242    <message>
6243        <location line="+51"/>
6244        <source>%1 disconnected.</source>
6245        <translation>%1 koblet fra.</translation>
6246    </message>
6247    <message>
6248        <location line="+115"/>
6249        <location line="+1"/>
6250        <source>Server</source>
6251        <comment>message from</comment>
6252        <translation>Tjener</translation>
6253    </message>
6254    <message>
6255        <location line="+3"/>
6256        <source>(Tree) </source>
6257        <translation>(Tre)</translation>
6258    </message>
6259    <message>
6260        <location line="+2"/>
6261        <source>(Channel) </source>
6262        <translation>(Kanal)</translation>
6263    </message>
6264    <message>
6265        <location line="+2"/>
6266        <source>(Private) </source>
6267        <translation>(Privat)</translation>
6268    </message>
6269    <message>
6270        <location line="+3"/>
6271        <source>%2%1: %3</source>
6272        <translation>%2%1: %3</translation>
6273    </message>
6274    <message>
6275        <location line="+201"/>
6276        <source>The server requests minimum client version %1</source>
6277        <translation>Tjeneren forespør minimum klientversjon %1</translation>
6278    </message>
6279    <message>
6280        <location line="+4"/>
6281        <source>The server requests positional audio be enabled.</source>
6282        <translation>Tjeneren forespør at posisjonsbasert lyd er påskrudd.</translation>
6283    </message>
6284    <message>
6285        <location line="+2"/>
6286        <source>The server requests positional audio be disabled.</source>
6287        <translation>Tjeneren forespør at posisjonsbasert lyd er avskrudd.</translation>
6288    </message>
6289    <message>
6290        <location line="+4"/>
6291        <source>The server requests Push-to-Talk be enabled.</source>
6292        <translation>Tjeneren forespør at trykk-for-å-snakke er påskrudd.</translation>
6293    </message>
6294    <message>
6295        <location line="+2"/>
6296        <source>The server requests Push-to-Talk be disabled.</source>
6297        <translation>Tjeneren forespør at trykk-for-å-snakke er avskrudd.</translation>
6298    </message>
6299    <message>
6300        <location line="-519"/>
6301        <source>You were unmuted by %1.</source>
6302        <translation>Du fikk din stumhet opphevet av %1.</translation>
6303    </message>
6304    <message>
6305        <location line="+29"/>
6306        <source>You muted %1.</source>
6307        <translation>Du gjorde %1 stum.</translation>
6308    </message>
6309    <message>
6310        <location line="+16"/>
6311        <source>You unsuppressed %1.</source>
6312        <translation>Du opphevet undertrykking av %1.</translation>
6313    </message>
6314    <message>
6315        <location line="-14"/>
6316        <source>You unmuted %1.</source>
6317        <translation>Du opphevet forstumming av %1.</translation>
6318    </message>
6319    <message>
6320        <location line="+25"/>
6321        <source>%1 muted by %2.</source>
6322        <translation>%1 gjort stum av %2.</translation>
6323    </message>
6324    <message>
6325        <location line="+16"/>
6326        <source>%1 unsuppressed by %2.</source>
6327        <translation>%2 fikk sin undertrykking opphevet av %1.</translation>
6328    </message>
6329    <message>
6330        <location line="-14"/>
6331        <source>%1 unmuted by %2.</source>
6332        <translation>%2 opphevet %1 sin stumhet.</translation>
6333    </message>
6334    <message>
6335        <location line="+422"/>
6336        <source>Unable to find matching CELT codecs with other clients. You will not be able to talk to all users.</source>
6337        <translation>Kunne ikke finne samsvarende CELT-kodek delt av andre klienter. Du vil ikke kunne snakke med alle brukerne.</translation>
6338    </message>
6339    <message>
6340        <location line="-488"/>
6341        <source>You were muted and deafened by %1.</source>
6342        <oldsource>You were deafened by %1.</oldsource>
6343        <translation>Du ble gjort stum og døv av %1.</translation>
6344    </message>
6345    <message>
6346        <location line="+178"/>
6347        <source>You were kicked from the server by %1: %2.</source>
6348        <translation>Du ble sparket ut av tjeneren av %1: %2.</translation>
6349    </message>
6350    <message>
6351        <location line="+5"/>
6352        <source>%3 was kicked from the server by %1: %2.</source>
6353        <translation>%3 ble sparket ut av tjeneren av %1: %2.</translation>
6354    </message>
6355    <message>
6356        <location line="-7"/>
6357        <source>You were kicked and banned from the server by %1: %2.</source>
6358        <translation>Du ble sparket ut og bannlyst fra tjeneren av %1. %2.</translation>
6359    </message>
6360    <message>
6361        <location line="+5"/>
6362        <source>%3 was kicked and banned from the server by %1: %2.</source>
6363        <translation>%3 ble sparket ut og bannlyst fra tjeneren av %1: %2.</translation>
6364    </message>
6365    <message>
6366        <location line="-80"/>
6367        <source>You were moved to %1 by %2.</source>
6368        <translation>Du ble flyttet til %1 av %2.</translation>
6369    </message>
6370    <message>
6371        <location line="+21"/>
6372        <source>%1 entered channel.</source>
6373        <translation>%1 kom inn i kanalen.</translation>
6374    </message>
6375    <message>
6376        <location line="-415"/>
6377        <source>Server connection rejected: %1.</source>
6378        <translation>Tjenertilkobling avslått: %1</translation>
6379    </message>
6380    <message>
6381        <location line="+162"/>
6382        <source>Denied: %1.</source>
6383        <translation>Nektet: %1.</translation>
6384    </message>
6385    <message>
6386        <location line="+271"/>
6387        <source>%1 renamed to %2.</source>
6388        <translation>%1 heter nå %2.</translation>
6389    </message>
6390    <message>
6391        <location line="+46"/>
6392        <source>%1 left channel and disconnected.</source>
6393        <translation>%1 forlot kanalen og koblet fra.</translation>
6394    </message>
6395    <message>
6396        <location line="+129"/>
6397        <source>Message from %1</source>
6398        <translation>Melding fra %1</translation>
6399    </message>
6400    <message>
6401        <location filename="UserModel.cpp" line="+1391"/>
6402        <source>You have User Dragging set to &quot;Do Nothing&quot; so the user wasn&apos;t moved.</source>
6403        <translation>Du har brukerdraging satt til &quot;Gjør ingenting&quot; så brukeren ble ikke flyttet.</translation>
6404    </message>
6405    <message>
6406        <location line="+21"/>
6407        <source>You have Channel Dragging set to &quot;Do Nothing&quot; so the channel wasn&apos;t moved.</source>
6408        <translation>Du har kanaldraging satt til &quot;Gjør ingenting&quot; så kanalen ble ikke flyttet.</translation>
6409    </message>
6410    <message>
6411        <location line="+6"/>
6412        <source>Unknown Channel Drag mode in UserModel::dropMimeData.</source>
6413        <translation>Ukjent kanaldragingsmodus i UserModel::dropMimeData.</translation>
6414    </message>
6415    <message>
6416        <location filename="main.cpp" line="-351"/>
6417        <source>Remote controlling Mumble:
6420        <translation>Fjernkontroll av Mumble:
6423    </message>
6424    <message>
6425        <location line="-24"/>
6426        <source>Usage: mumble [options] [&lt;url&gt;]
6428&lt;url&gt; specifies a URL to connect to after startup instead of showing
6429the connection window, and has the following form:
6432The version query parameter has to be set in order to invoke the
6433correct client version. It currently defaults to 1.2.0.
6435Valid options are:
6436  -h, --help    Show this help text and exit.
6437  -m, --multiple
6438                Allow multiple instances of the client to be started.
6439  -n, --noidentity
6440                Suppress loading of identity files (i.e., certificates.)
6441  --license
6442                Show the Mumble license.
6443  --authors
6444                Show the Mumble authors.
6445  --third-party-licenses
6446                Show licenses for third-party software used by Mumble.
6449        <translation>Bruk: mumble [options] [&lt;url&gt;]
6451&lt;url&gt; spesifiserer en URL å koble til etter oppstart i stedet for å vise tilkoblingsvinduet, og har følgende form:
6454Versjonsspørringsparameteret må settes for å kunne kalle rett klientversjon. Det har 1.2.0 som forvalg nå
6455Gyldige valg:
6456  -h, --help    Viser denne hjelpeteksten og avslutter.
6457  -m, --multiple
6458                Tillater å starte flerfoldige utgaver av klienten.
6459  -n, --noidentity
6460                Undertrykk lasting av identitetsfiler (altså sertifikater.)
6461  --license
6462                Vis Mumble-lisensen.
6463  --authors
6464                Vis hvem som har utviklet Mumble.
6465  --third-party-licenses
6466                Vis lisenser for tredjepartsprogramvare brukt av Mumble.
6469    </message>
6470    <message>
6471        <location line="+28"/>
6472        <source>Usage: mumble rpc &lt;action&gt; [options]
6474It is possible to remote control a running instance of Mumble by using
6475the 'mumble rpc' command.
6477Valid actions are:
6478  mute
6479                Mute self
6480  unmute
6481                Unmute self
6482  togglemute
6483                Toggle self-mute status
6484  deaf
6485                Deafen self
6486  undeaf
6487                Undeafen self
6488  toggledeaf
6489                Toggle self-deafen status
6492        <translation>Bruk: mumble rpc &lt;action&gt; [options]
6494Det er mulig å fjernstyre en kjørende utgave av Mumble ved å bruke
6495&apos;mumble rpc&apos;-kommandoen.
6497Gyldige valg:
6498  mute
6499                Gjør deg selv stum
6500  unmute
6501                Opphev egen stumhet
6502  togglemute
6503                Veksle status for egen stumhet
6504  deaf
6505                Gjør deg selv døv
6506  undeaf
6507                Opphev egen døvhet
6508  toggledeaf
6509                Veksle status for egen døvhet
6512    </message>
6513    <message>
6514        <location line="+28"/>
6515        <source>Invocation</source>
6516        <translation>Påkallelse</translation>
6517    </message>
6518    <message>
6519        <location line="+25"/>
6520        <source>Error: No RPC command specified</source>
6521        <translation>Feil: Ingen RPC-kommendo oppgitt</translation>
6522    </message>
6523    <message>
6524        <location line="+2"/>
6525        <source>RPC</source>
6526        <translation>RPC</translation>
6527    </message>
6528    <message>
6529        <location line="+227"/>
6530        <source>Welcome to Mumble.</source>
6531        <translation>Velkommen til Mumble.</translation>
6532    </message>
6533    <message>
6534        <location line="+76"/>
6535        <source>Skipping version check in debug mode.</source>
6536        <translation>Hopper over versjonssjekk i feilrettingsmodus.</translation>
6537    </message>
6538    <message>
6539        <location filename="MainWindow.ui"/>
6540        <source>Hide Frame</source>
6541        <translation>Skjul ramme</translation>
6542    </message>
6543    <message>
6544        <location/>
6545        <source>Toggle showing frame on minimal window</source>
6546        <translation>Veksle visning av ramme i minimalt vindu</translation>
6547    </message>
6548    <message>
6549        <location/>
6550        <source>This will toggle whether the minimal window should have a frame for moving and resizing.</source>
6551        <translation>Dette vil veksle hvorvidt det minimale vinduet skal ha en ramme for flytting og endring av størrelse.</translation>
6552    </message>
6553    <message>
6554        <location/>
6555        <source>&amp;Unlink All</source>
6556        <translation>&amp;Fjern alle sammenlenkinger</translation>
6557    </message>
6558    <message>
6559        <location/>
6560        <source>Reset the comment of the selected user.</source>
6561        <translation>Tilbakestill kommentar for valgt bruker</translation>
6562    </message>
6563    <message>
6564        <location/>
6565        <source>&amp;Join Channel</source>
6566        <translation>&amp;Ta del i kanal</translation>
6567    </message>
6568    <message>
6569        <location/>
6570        <source>View comment in editor</source>
6571        <translation>Vis kommentar i tekstbehandler</translation>
6572    </message>
6573    <message>
6574        <location/>
6575        <source>Query server for connection information for user</source>
6576        <translation>Spør tjeneren om tilkoblingsinformasjon om bruker</translation>
6577    </message>
6578    <message>
6579        <location/>
6580        <source>S&amp;erver</source>
6581        <translation>&amp;Tjener</translation>
6582    </message>
6583    <message>
6584        <location/>
6585        <source>&amp;Self</source>
6586        <translation>&amp;Selv</translation>
6587    </message>
6588    <message>
6589        <location/>
6590        <source>&amp;Unlink Plugins</source>
6591        <translation>&amp;Fjern lenking av programtillegg</translation>
6592    </message>
6593    <message>
6594        <location/>
6595        <source>Register yourself on the server</source>
6596        <translation>Registrer deg selv på tjeneren</translation>
6597    </message>
6598    <message>
6599        <location/>
6600        <source>Change your avatar image on this server</source>
6601        <translation>Fjern ditt avatarbilde på denne tjeneren</translation>
6602    </message>
6603    <message>
6604        <location/>
6605        <source>&amp;Remove Avatar</source>
6606        <translation>&amp;Fjern avatar</translation>
6607    </message>
6608    <message>
6609        <location/>
6610        <source>Remove currently defined avatar image.</source>
6611        <translation>Fjern gjeldende avatarbilde</translation>
6612    </message>
6613    <message>
6614        <location/>
6615        <source>Icon Toolbar</source>
6616        <translation>Ikonverktøyslinje</translation>
6617    </message>
6618    <message>
6619        <location/>
6620        <source>Change your own comment</source>
6621        <translation>Endre din egen kommentar</translation>
6622    </message>
6623    <message>
6624        <location/>
6625        <source>Recording</source>
6626        <translation>Opptak</translation>
6627    </message>
6628    <message>
6629        <location/>
6630        <source>Priority Speaker</source>
6631        <translation>Prioritert taler</translation>
6632    </message>
6633    <message>
6634        <location/>
6635        <source>&amp;Copy URL</source>
6636        <translation>&amp;Kopier URL</translation>
6637    </message>
6638    <message>
6639        <location/>
6640        <source>Copies a link to this channel to the clipboard.</source>
6641        <translation>Kopierer en lenke til denne kanalen til utklippstavlen.</translation>
6642    </message>
6643    <message>
6644        <location/>
6645        <source>Ignore Messages</source>
6646        <translation>Ignorer meldinger</translation>
6647    </message>
6648    <message>
6649        <location/>
6650        <source>Locally ignore user&apos;s text chat messages.</source>
6651        <translation>Ignorer brukerens sludremeldinger lokalt</translation>
6652    </message>
6653    <message>
6654        <location/>
6655        <source>Silently drops all text messages from the user.</source>
6656        <translation>Avskjediger alle tekstmeldinger fra brukeren i all stillhet.</translation>
6657    </message>
6658    <message>
6659        <location/>
6660        <source>Edit ban list on server</source>
6661        <translation>Rediger bannlysningslisten på tjeneren</translation>
6662    </message>
6663    <message>
6664        <location/>
6665        <source>This lets you edit the server-side IP ban list.</source>
6666        <translation>Dette lar deg endre den tjenerbaserte bannlysningslisten over IP-adresser.</translation>
6667    </message>
6668    <message>
6669        <location/>
6670        <source>&amp;Filter on/off</source>
6671        <translation>&amp;Filter på/av</translation>
6672    </message>
6673    <message>
6674        <location/>
6675        <source>Toggle the channel filter (Ctrl+F)</source>
6676        <translation>Veksle kanalfiteret (Ctrl+F)</translation>
6677    </message>
6678    <message>
6679        <location/>
6680        <source>Enable or disable the filtering of select channels.
6681By default all empty channels will be filtered.
6682You can mark additional channels for filtering from
6683the channel&apos;s context menu.</source>
6684        <translation>Skru på eller av filtrering av valgte kanaler.
6685Som forvalg vil alle tomme kanaler bli filtrert.
6686Du kan markere ytterligere kanaler fra filtrering fra
6687kanalens kontekstmeny.</translation>
6688    </message>
6689    <message>
6690        <location/>
6691        <source>Ctrl+F</source>
6692        <translation>Ctrl+F</translation>
6693    </message>
6694    <message>
6695        <location/>
6696        <source>&amp;Hide Channel when Filtering</source>
6697        <translation>&amp;Skrul kanal ved filtrering</translation>
6698    </message>
6699    <message>
6700        <location/>
6701        <source>Reset the avatar of the selected user.</source>
6702        <translation>Tilbakestill avataren tilhørende valgt bruker.</translation>
6703    </message>
6704    <message>
6705        <location/>
6706        <source>Locally adjust the user&apos;s speech volume.</source>
6707        <translation>Lokal justering av brukerens talelydstyrkenivå</translation>
6708    </message>
6709    <message>
6710        <location/>
6711        <source>Opens a dialog with a volume slider. Use this on other users in the same room.</source>
6712        <translation>Åpner en dialog med en lydstyrkeglidebryter. Bruk denne på andre brukere i samme rom.</translation>
6713    </message>
6714    <message>
6715        <location filename="MainWindow.cpp" line="-3067"/>
6716        <source>&amp;Developer</source>
6717        <translation>&amp;Utvikler</translation>
6718    </message>
6719    <message>
6720        <location filename="MainWindow.ui"/>
6721        <source>&amp;Hide Mumble</source>
6722        <translation>&amp;Skjul Mumble</translation>
6723    </message>
6724    <message>
6725        <location/>
6726        <source>Hides the main Mumble window.</source>
6727        <translation>Gjemmer hovedvinduet til Mumble.</translation>
6728    </message>
6729    <message>
6730        <location/>
6731        <source>Hides the main Mumble window. Restore by clicking on the tray icon or starting Mumble again.</source>
6732        <translation>Skjuler hovedvinduet til Mumble. Gjenopprett det ved å klikke på systemkurven eller å starte Mumble igjen.</translation>
6733    </message>
6734    <message>
6735        <location/>
6736        <source>Show the Developer Console</source>
6737        <translation>Vis utviklerkonsollen</translation>
6738    </message>
6739    <message>
6740        <location/>
6741        <source>Shows the Mumble Developer Console, where Mumble&apos;s log output can be inspected.</source>
6742        <translation>Viser utviklerkonsollen i Mumble, der du kan se Mumbles loggutdata og inspisere den.</translation>
6743    </message>
6744    <message>
6745        <location/>
6746        <source>&amp;Connect...</source>
6747        <translation>&amp;Koble til…</translation>
6748    </message>
6749    <message>
6750        <location/>
6751        <source>&amp;Ban list...</source>
6752        <translation>&amp;Bannlysningsliste…</translation>
6753    </message>
6754    <message>
6755        <location/>
6756        <source>&amp;Information...</source>
6757        <translation>&amp;Informasjon…</translation>
6758    </message>
6759    <message>
6760        <location/>
6761        <source>&amp;Kick...</source>
6762        <translation>&amp;Kast ut…</translation>
6763    </message>
6764    <message>
6765        <location/>
6766        <source>&amp;Ban...</source>
6767        <translation>&amp;Bannlys…</translation>
6768    </message>
6769    <message>
6770        <location/>
6771        <source>Local Volume Adjustment...</source>
6772        <translation>Lokal lydstyrkejustering…</translation>
6773    </message>
6774    <message>
6775        <location/>
6776        <source>Send &amp;Message...</source>
6777        <translation>Send &amp;melding…</translation>
6778    </message>
6779    <message>
6780        <location/>
6781        <source>&amp;Add...</source>
6782        <translation>&amp;Legg til…</translation>
6783    </message>
6784    <message>
6785        <location/>
6786        <source>&amp;Remove...</source>
6787        <translation>&amp;Fjern…</translation>
6788    </message>
6789    <message>
6790        <location/>
6791        <source>&amp;Edit...</source>
6792        <translation>&amp;Rediger…</translation>
6793    </message>
6794    <message>
6795        <location/>
6796        <source>Audio S&amp;tatistics...</source>
6797        <translation>&amp;Lydstatistikk…</translation>
6798    </message>
6799    <message>
6800        <location/>
6801        <source>&amp;Settings...</source>
6802        <translation>&amp;Innstillinger…</translation>
6803    </message>
6804    <message>
6805        <location/>
6806        <source>&amp;Audio Wizard...</source>
6807        <translation>&amp;Lydveiviser…</translation>
6808    </message>
6809    <message>
6810        <location/>
6811        <source>Developer &amp;Console...</source>
6812        <translation>&amp;Utviklerkonsoll</translation>
6813    </message>
6814    <message>
6815        <location/>
6816        <source>&amp;About...</source>
6817        <translation>&amp;Om…</translation>
6818    </message>
6819    <message>
6820        <location/>
6821        <source>About &amp;Speex...</source>
6822        <translation>Om &amp;Speex…</translation>
6823    </message>
6824    <message>
6825        <location/>
6826        <source>About &amp;Qt...</source>
6827        <translation>Om &amp;Qt…</translation>
6828    </message>
6829    <message>
6830        <location/>
6831        <source>&amp;Certificate Wizard...</source>
6832        <translation>&amp;Sertifikatsveiviser…</translation>
6833    </message>
6834    <message>
6835        <location/>
6836        <source>&amp;Register...</source>
6837        <translation>&amp;Registrer…</translation>
6838    </message>
6839    <message>
6840        <location/>
6841        <source>Registered &amp;Users...</source>
6842        <translation>Registrerte &amp;brukere…</translation>
6843    </message>
6844    <message>
6845        <location/>
6846        <source>Change &amp;Avatar...</source>
6847        <translation>Endre &amp;avatar…</translation>
6848    </message>
6849    <message>
6850        <location/>
6851        <source>&amp;Access Tokens...</source>
6852        <translation>&amp;Tilgangssymboler…</translation>
6853    </message>
6854    <message>
6855        <location/>
6856        <source>Reset &amp;Comment...</source>
6857        <translation>Tilbakestill &amp;kommentar…</translation>
6858    </message>
6859    <message>
6860        <location/>
6861        <source>Reset &amp;Avatar...</source>
6862        <translation>Tilbakestill &amp;avatar…</translation>
6863    </message>
6864    <message>
6865        <location/>
6866        <source>View Comment...</source>
6867        <translation>Vis kommentar…</translation>
6868    </message>
6869    <message>
6870        <location/>
6871        <source>&amp;Change Comment...</source>
6872        <translation>&amp;Endre kommentar…</translation>
6873    </message>
6874    <message>
6875        <location/>
6876        <source>R&amp;egister...</source>
6877        <translation>&amp;Registrer…</translation>
6878    </message>
6881    <name>Manual</name>
6882    <message>
6883        <location filename="ManualPlugin.ui"/>
6884        <source>Manual Mumble Positional Audio</source>
6885        <translation>Manuell posisjonsbasert lyd for Mumble</translation>
6886    </message>
6887    <message>
6888        <location/>
6889        <source>Position</source>
6890        <translation>Posisjon</translation>
6891    </message>
6892    <message>
6893        <location/>
6894        <source>X</source>
6895        <translation>X</translation>
6896    </message>
6897    <message>
6898        <location/>
6899        <source>Y</source>
6900        <translation>Y</translation>
6901    </message>
6902    <message>
6903        <location/>
6904        <source>Z</source>
6905        <translation>Z</translation>
6906    </message>
6907    <message>
6908        <location/>
6909        <source>m</source>
6910        <translation>m</translation>
6911    </message>
6912    <message>
6913        <location/>
6914        <source>Heading</source>
6915        <translation>Retning</translation>
6916    </message>
6917    <message>
6918        <location/>
6919        <source>Azimuth</source>
6920        <translation>Asimut</translation>
6921    </message>
6922    <message>
6923        <location/>
6924        <source>Elevation</source>
6925        <translation>Høyde</translation>
6926    </message>
6927    <message>
6928        <location/>
6929        <source>°</source>
6930        <translation>°</translation>
6931    </message>
6932    <message>
6933        <location/>
6934        <source>Meta data</source>
6935        <translation>Metadata</translation>
6936    </message>
6937    <message>
6938        <location/>
6939        <source>Context</source>
6940        <translation>Bindeleddsinformasjon</translation>
6941    </message>
6942    <message>
6943        <location/>
6944        <source>Identity</source>
6945        <translation>Identitet</translation>
6946    </message>
6947    <message>
6948        <location/>
6949        <source>Set</source>
6950        <translation>Sett</translation>
6951    </message>
6952    <message>
6953        <location/>
6954        <source>State</source>
6955        <translation>Tilstand</translation>
6956    </message>
6957    <message>
6958        <location/>
6959        <source>Linked</source>
6960        <translation>Lenket</translation>
6961    </message>
6962    <message>
6963        <location/>
6964        <source>Activated</source>
6965        <translation>Akivert</translation>
6966    </message>
6967    <message>
6968        <location/>
6969        <source>Unhinge</source>
6970        <translation>Henglse fra</translation>
6971    </message>
6974    <name>NetworkConfig</name>
6975    <message>
6976        <location filename="NetworkConfig.cpp" line="+29"/>
6977        <source>Network</source>
6978        <translation>Nettverk</translation>
6979    </message>
6980    <message>
6981        <location line="+36"/>
6982        <source>Updates are mandatory when using snapshot releases.</source>
6983        <translation>Oppdateringer er påkrevde når du bruker øyeblikksutgaver.</translation>
6984    </message>
6985    <message>
6986        <location filename="NetworkConfig.ui"/>
6987        <source>Connection</source>
6988        <translation>Tilkobling</translation>
6989    </message>
6990    <message>
6991        <location/>
6992        <source>Use TCP compatibility mode</source>
6993        <oldsource>Use TCP compatability mode</oldsource>
6994        <translation>Bruk TCP kompabilitetsmodus</translation>
6995    </message>
6996    <message>
6997        <location/>
6998        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable TCP compatibility mode&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;This will make Mumble use only TCP when communicating with the server. This will increase overhead and cause lost packets to produce noticeable pauses in communication, so this should only be used if you are unable to use the default (which uses UDP for voice and TCP for control).</source>
6999        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Skru på TCP kompabilitetsmodus&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Dette får Mumble til å kommunisere bare ved bruk av TCP mot tjeneren. Dette øker overskuddet og forårsaker pakketap som igjen gir merkbare stopp i kommunikasjonen, så de bør bare brukes hvis du ikke kan bruke forvalget (som bruker UDP for tale og TCP for kontrollsignal).</translation>
7000    </message>
7001    <message>
7002        <location/>
7003        <source>Reconnect when disconnected</source>
7004        <translation>Koble til igjen ved frakobling</translation>
7005    </message>
7006    <message>
7007        <location/>
7008        <source>&lt;b&gt;Reconnect when disconnected&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;This will make Mumble try to automatically reconnect after 10 seconds if your server connection fails.</source>
7009        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Koble til igjen ved frakobling&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Mumble vil automatisk prøve å koble til igjen 10 sekunder etter at din tjenerforbindelse feiler.</translation>
7010    </message>
7011    <message>
7012        <location/>
7013        <source>Reconnect automatically</source>
7014        <translation>Koble til igjen automatisk</translation>
7015    </message>
7016    <message>
7017        <location/>
7018        <source>Proxy</source>
7019        <translation>Mellomtjener</translation>
7020    </message>
7021    <message>
7022        <location/>
7023        <source>Type</source>
7024        <translation>Type</translation>
7025    </message>
7026    <message>
7027        <location/>
7028        <source>Type of proxy to connect through</source>
7029        <translation>Typen mellomtjener å koble til gjennom</translation>
7030    </message>
7031    <message>
7032        <location/>
7033        <source>Direct connection</source>
7034        <translation>Direkte tilkobling</translation>
7035    </message>
7036    <message>
7037        <location/>
7038        <source>HTTP(S) proxy</source>
7039        <translation>HTTP(S)-mellomtjener</translation>
7040    </message>
7041    <message>
7042        <location/>
7043        <source>SOCKS5 proxy</source>
7044        <translation>SOCKS5-mellomtjener</translation>
7045    </message>
7046    <message>
7047        <location/>
7048        <source>Hostname</source>
7049        <translation>Vertsnavn</translation>
7050    </message>
7051    <message>
7052        <location/>
7053        <source>Hostname of the proxy</source>
7054        <translation>Vertsnavnet til mellomtjeneren</translation>
7055    </message>
7056    <message>
7057        <location/>
7058        <source>Force TCP mode</source>
7059        <translation>Tving TCP-modus</translation>
7060    </message>
7061    <message>
7062        <location/>
7063        <source>Enable QoS to prioritize packets</source>
7064        <translation>Skru på QoS for å prioritere pakker</translation>
7065    </message>
7066    <message>
7067        <location/>
7068        <source>This will enable QoS, which will attempt to prioritize voice packets over other traffic.</source>
7069        <translation>Dette vil skru på QoS, som vil etterstrebe prioritering av stemmepakker framfor annen trafikk.</translation>
7070    </message>
7071    <message>
7072        <location/>
7073        <source>Use Quality of Service</source>
7074        <translation>Bruk tjenestekvalitetsprioritering</translation>
7075    </message>
7076    <message>
7077        <location/>
7078        <source>Don&apos;t send certificate to server and don&apos;t save passwords. (Not saved).</source>
7079        <translation>Ikke send sertifikat til tjener og ikke lagre passord. (Ikke lagret).</translation>
7080    </message>
7081    <message>
7082        <location/>
7083        <source>&lt;b&gt;This will suppress identity information from the client.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;The client will not identify itself with a certificate, even if defined, and will not cache passwords for connections. This is primarily a test-option and is not saved.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
7084        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette undertrykker identitetsinformasjon fra klienten.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Klienten vil ikke identifisere seg med et sertifikat selv om det er definert, og vil ikke mellomlagre passord for tilkoblinger. Dette er i hovedsak et test-valg og blir ikke lagret.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
7085    </message>
7086    <message>
7087        <location/>
7088        <source>Suppress certificate and password storage</source>
7089        <translation>Undertrykk sertifikat- og passords-lagring</translation>
7090    </message>
7091    <message>
7092        <location/>
7093        <source>&lt;b&gt;Type of proxy to connect through.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This makes Mumble connect through a proxy for all outgoing connections. Note: Proxy tunneling forces Mumble into TCP compatibility mode, causing all voice data to be sent via the control channel.</source>
7094        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Typen mellomtjener Mumble kobler til gjennom.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt; for alle utgående tilkoblinger. Merk: Mellomtjenertunnelering tvinger Mumble til å bruke TCP kompabilitetsmodus, slik at all taledata blir sendt gjennom kontrollkanalen.</translation>
7095    </message>
7096    <message>
7097        <location/>
7098        <source>&lt;b&gt;Hostname of the proxy.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This field specifies the hostname of the proxy you wish to tunnel network traffic through.</source>
7099        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Vertsnavnet til mellomtjeneren.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Dette felter spesifiserer vertsnavnet til mellomtjeneren du prøver å tunnelere nettverkstrafikk gjennom.</translation>
7100    </message>
7101    <message>
7102        <location/>
7103        <source>Port</source>
7104        <translation>Port</translation>
7105    </message>
7106    <message>
7107        <location/>
7108        <source>Port number of the proxy</source>
7109        <translation>Portnummeret til mellomtjeneren</translation>
7110    </message>
7111    <message>
7112        <location/>
7113        <source>&lt;b&gt;Port number of the proxy.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This field specifies the port number that the proxy expects connections on.</source>
7114        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Portnummeret til mellomtjeneren.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Dette feltet spesifiserer portnummberet som mellomtjeneren forventer tilkoblinger på.</translation>
7115    </message>
7116    <message>
7117        <location/>
7118        <source>Username</source>
7119        <translation>Brukernavn</translation>
7120    </message>
7121    <message>
7122        <location/>
7123        <source>Username for proxy authentication</source>
7124        <translation>Brukernavn for mellomtjener-identitetsbekreftelse</translation>
7125    </message>
7126    <message>
7127        <location/>
7128        <source>&lt;b&gt;Username for proxy authentication.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This specifies the username you use for authenticating yourself with the proxy. In case the proxy does not use authentication, or you want to connect anonymously, simply leave this field blank.</source>
7129        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Brukernavn for identitetsbekreftelse til mellomtjener.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Angir brukernavnet brukt til bekreftelse ovenfor mellomtjeneren. I fall den ikke bruker identitetsbekreftelse, eller du ønsker å koble til anonymt, la dette feltet stå tomt.</translation>
7130    </message>
7131    <message>
7132        <location/>
7133        <source>Password</source>
7134        <translation>Passord</translation>
7135    </message>
7136    <message>
7137        <location/>
7138        <source>Password for proxy authentication</source>
7139        <translation>Passord for mellomtjener-identitetsbekreftelse</translation>
7140    </message>
7141    <message>
7142        <location/>
7143        <source>&lt;b&gt;Password for proxy authentication.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This specifies the password you use for authenticating yourself with the proxy. In case the proxy does not use authentication, or you want to connect anonymously, simply leave this field blank.</source>
7144        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Passord for identitetsbekreftelse til mellomtjener.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Angir passordet brukt til bekreftelse ovenfor mellomtjeneren. I fall den ikke bruker identitetsbekreftelse, eller du ønsker å koble til anonymt, la dette feltet stå tomt.</translation>
7145    </message>
7146    <message>
7147        <location/>
7148        <source>Mumble services</source>
7149        <translation>Mumble-tjenester</translation>
7150    </message>
7151    <message>
7152        <location/>
7153        <source>Check for new releases of Mumble automatically.</source>
7154        <translation>Se etter nye utgaver av Mumble automatisk.</translation>
7155    </message>
7156    <message>
7157        <location/>
7158        <source>This will check for new releases of Mumble every time you start the program, and notify you if one is available.</source>
7159        <translation>Dette vil se etter nye versjoner av Mumble hver gang du starter programmet, og gjøre det oppmerksom på oppdateringer.</translation>
7160    </message>
7161    <message>
7162        <location/>
7163        <source>Check for application updates on startup</source>
7164        <translation>Se etter programoppdateringer ved oppstart</translation>
7165    </message>
7166    <message>
7167        <location/>
7168        <source>Check for new releases of plugins automatically.</source>
7169        <translation>Se etter nye utgaver av programtillegg automatisk.</translation>
7170    </message>
7171    <message>
7172        <location/>
7173        <source>This will check for new releases of plugins every time you start the program, and download them automatically.</source>
7174        <translation>Dette vil se etter nye versjoner av Mumble hver gang du starter programmet, og laste dem ned automatisk.</translation>
7175    </message>
7176    <message>
7177        <location/>
7178        <source>&lt;b&gt;Submit anonymous statistics.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble has a small development team, and as such needs to focus its development where it is needed most. By submitting a bit of statistics you help the project determine where to focus development.</source>
7179        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Send inn anonym statistikk.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble har et lite utviklerlag, og trenger derfor å fokusere sin utvikling der det trengs mest. Ved å sende inn en del statistikk kan du hjelpe prosjektet å fastslå hvor utvikling bør fokuseres.</translation>
7180    </message>
7181    <message>
7182        <location/>
7183        <source>Submit anonymous statistics to the Mumble project</source>
7184        <translation>Send inn anonym statistikk til Mumble-prosjektet</translation>
7185    </message>
7186    <message>
7187        <location/>
7188        <source>Submit anonymous statistics</source>
7189        <translation>Send anonym statistikk</translation>
7190    </message>
7191    <message>
7192        <location/>
7193        <source>Reconnect to last used server when starting Mumble</source>
7194        <translation>Koble til tjeneren som sist ble brukt ved oppstart av Mumble</translation>
7195    </message>
7196    <message>
7197        <location/>
7198        <source>Reconnect to last server on startup</source>
7199        <translation>Koble til tjeneren som sist ble brukt ved oppstart</translation>
7200    </message>
7201    <message>
7202        <location/>
7203        <source>Download plugin and overlay updates on startup</source>
7204        <translation>Last ned programtillegg og forgrunnsinformasjonsoppdateringer ved oppstart</translation>
7205    </message>
7206    <message>
7207        <location/>
7208        <source>Privacy</source>
7209        <translation>Personvern</translation>
7210    </message>
7211    <message>
7212        <location/>
7213        <source>Prevent OS information being sent to Mumble servers and web servers</source>
7214        <translation>Forhindre OS-informasjon fra å bli sendt til Mumble-tjenere og vev-tjenere</translation>
7215    </message>
7216    <message>
7217        <location/>
7218        <source>&lt;b&gt;Don't send OS information to servers&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
7219Prevents the client from sending potentially identifying information about the operating system to the Mumble server and web servers.</source>
7220        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Ikke send OS-informasjon til tjenere&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
7221Forhindrer klienten fra å sende potensielt identifiserende informasjon om operativsystemet til Mumble-tjeneren og vev-tjenere.</translation>
7222    </message>
7223    <message>
7224        <location/>
7225        <source>Do not send OS information to Mumble servers and web servers</source>
7226        <translation>Ikke send OS-informasjon til Mumble-tjenere og vev-tjenere</translation>
7227    </message>
7230    <name>Overlay</name>
7231    <message>
7232        <location filename="OverlayEditorScene.cpp" line="+97"/>
7233        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="+129"/>
7234        <source>Silent</source>
7235        <translation>Stille</translation>
7236    </message>
7237    <message>
7238        <location line="+3"/>
7239        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="+3"/>
7240        <source>Talking</source>
7241        <translation>Snakker</translation>
7242    </message>
7243    <message>
7244        <location line="+3"/>
7245        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="+3"/>
7246        <source>Whisper</source>
7247        <translation>Hvisk</translation>
7248    </message>
7249    <message>
7250        <location line="+3"/>
7251        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="+3"/>
7252        <source>Shout</source>
7253        <translation>Rop</translation>
7254    </message>
7255    <message>
7256        <location line="+17"/>
7257        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="-110"/>
7258        <source>Channel</source>
7259        <translation>Kanal</translation>
7260    </message>
7261    <message>
7262        <location filename="Overlay.cpp" line="+205"/>
7263        <source>Failed to create communication with overlay at %2: %1. No overlay will be available.</source>
7264        <translation>Klarte ikke å opprette kommunikasjon med forgrunnslag  %2: %1. Ingen forgrunnsinformasjonslag vil være tilgjengelige.</translation>
7265    </message>
7268    <name>OverlayClient</name>
7269    <message>
7270        <location filename="OverlayUserGroup.cpp" line="+76"/>
7271        <source>Filter</source>
7272        <translation>Filter</translation>
7273    </message>
7274    <message>
7275        <location line="+2"/>
7276        <source>Only talking</source>
7277        <translation>Snakker bare</translation>
7278    </message>
7279    <message>
7280        <location line="+5"/>
7281        <source>Talking and recently active</source>
7282        <translation>Snakker og var nylig aktiv</translation>
7283    </message>
7284    <message>
7285        <location line="+5"/>
7286        <source>All in current channel</source>
7287        <translation>Alle i nåværende kanal</translation>
7288    </message>
7289    <message>
7290        <location line="+5"/>
7291        <source>All in linked channels</source>
7292        <translation>Alle i sammenlenkede kanaler</translation>
7293    </message>
7294    <message>
7295        <location line="+7"/>
7296        <source>Always show yourself</source>
7297        <translation>Alltid vis deg selv</translation>
7298    </message>
7299    <message>
7300        <location line="+8"/>
7301        <source>Configure recently active time (%1 seconds)...</source>
7302        <translation>Sett opp tidsavbrudd for nylig aktiv tid (%1 sekunder)…</translation>
7303    </message>
7304    <message>
7305        <location line="+3"/>
7306        <source>Columns</source>
7307        <translation>Kolonner</translation>
7308    </message>
7309    <message>
7310        <location line="+8"/>
7311        <source>Sort</source>
7312        <translation>Sorter</translation>
7313    </message>
7314    <message>
7315        <location line="+2"/>
7316        <source>Alphabetically</source>
7317        <translation>Alfabetisk</translation>
7318    </message>
7319    <message>
7320        <location line="+5"/>
7321        <source>Last state change</source>
7322        <translation>Siste statusendring</translation>
7323    </message>
7324    <message>
7325        <location line="+5"/>
7326        <source>Edit...</source>
7327        <translation>Rediger…</translation>
7328    </message>
7329    <message>
7330        <location line="+1"/>
7331        <source>Reset Zoom</source>
7332        <translation>Tilbakestill forstørrelsesnivå</translation>
7333    </message>
7334    <message>
7335        <location line="+41"/>
7336        <source>Configure recently active time</source>
7337        <translation>Sett opp tid for nylig aktiv tid</translation>
7338    </message>
7339    <message>
7340        <location line="+1"/>
7341        <source>Amount of seconds users remain active after talking:</source>
7342        <translation>Antall sekunder brukerne forblir aktive etter å ha snakket:</translation>
7343    </message>
7346    <name>OverlayConfig</name>
7347    <message>
7348        <location filename="OverlayConfig.cpp" line="+80"/>
7349        <source>To move the users, drag the little red dot.</source>
7350        <translation>For å flytte brukerne, dra den lille røde prikken.</translation>
7351    </message>
7352    <message>
7353        <location line="+1"/>
7354        <source>To resize the users, mouse wheel over a user.</source>
7355        <oldsource>To resize the users, mousewheel over a user.</oldsource>
7356        <translation>For å endre størrelsen  brukerne, drei musehjulet over en bruker.</translation>
7357    </message>
7358    <message>
7359        <location line="+1"/>
7360        <source>For more options, right click a user.</source>
7361        <oldsource>For more options, rightclick a user.</oldsource>
7362        <translation>For flere valgmuligheter, høyreklikk  en bruker.</translation>
7363    </message>
7364    <message>
7365        <location line="+72"/>
7366        <source>Launcher Filter</source>
7367        <translation>Oppstarterfilter</translation>
7368    </message>
7369    <message>
7370        <location line="+249"/>
7371        <source>Overlay</source>
7372        <translation>Forgrunnslag</translation>
7373    </message>
7374    <message>
7375        <location line="+190"/>
7376        <location line="+60"/>
7377        <location line="+76"/>
7378        <source>Choose executable</source>
7379        <translation>Velg kjørbar fil</translation>
7380    </message>
7381    <message>
7382        <location line="-134"/>
7383        <location line="+60"/>
7384        <location line="+76"/>
7385        <source>Choose application</source>
7386        <translation>Velg program</translation>
7387    </message>
7388    <message>
7389        <location line="-41"/>
7390        <source>Choose path</source>
7391        <translation>Velg sti</translation>
7392    </message>
7393    <message>
7394        <location line="+132"/>
7395        <source>Load Overlay Presets</source>
7396        <translation>Last inn forvalg for forgrunnslag</translation>
7397    </message>
7398    <message>
7399        <location line="+2"/>
7400        <location line="+36"/>
7401        <source>Mumble overlay presets (*.mumblelay)</source>
7402        <translation>Forvalg for overlag i Mumble (*.mumblelay)</translation>
7403    </message>
7404    <message>
7405        <location line="-2"/>
7406        <source>Save Overlay Presets</source>
7407        <translation>Lagre forvalg for forgrunnslag</translation>
7408    </message>
7409    <message>
7410        <location filename="Overlay.ui"/>
7411        <source>Options</source>
7412        <translation>Valg</translation>
7413    </message>
7414    <message>
7415        <location/>
7416        <source>Enable overlay.</source>
7417        <translation>Skru  forgrunnslag.</translation>
7418    </message>
7419    <message>
7420        <location/>
7421        <source>Enable Overlay</source>
7422        <translation>Skru  forgrunnslag</translation>
7423    </message>
7424    <message>
7425        <location/>
7426        <source>This sets whether the overlay is enabled or not. This setting is only checked when applications are started, so make sure Mumble is running and this option is on before you start the application.&lt;br /&gt;Please note that if you start Mumble after starting the application, or if you disable the overlay while the application is running, there is no safe way to restart the overlay without also restarting the application.</source>
7427        <oldsource>This sets whether the overlay is enabled or not. This setting is only checked when applications are started, so make sure Mumble is running and this option is on before you start the application.&lt;br /&gt;Please note that if you start the application after starting Mumble, or if you disable the overlay while running, there is no safe way to restart the overlay without also restarting the application.</oldsource>
7428        <translation>Endringer i forgrunnslag trer kun i effekt i det et program startes. Start programmer  ny etter å ha gjort endringer for å se dem.</translation>
7429    </message>
7430    <message>
7431        <location/>
7432        <source>Layout</source>
7433        <translation>Oppsett</translation>
7434    </message>
7435    <message>
7436        <location filename="OverlayConfig.cpp" line="-702"/>
7437        <source>Blacklist</source>
7438        <translation>Svarteliste</translation>
7439    </message>
7440    <message>
7441        <location line="-1"/>
7442        <source>Whitelist</source>
7443        <translation>Hvitliste</translation>
7444    </message>
7445    <message>
7446        <location filename="Overlay.ui"/>
7447        <source>Uninstall Overlay</source>
7448        <translation>Avinstaller forgrunnslag</translation>
7449    </message>
7450    <message>
7451        <location/>
7452        <source>Overlay Installation</source>
7453        <translation>Installasjon av forgrunnslag</translation>
7454    </message>
7455    <message>
7456        <location/>
7457        <source>Mumble has detected that you do not have the Mumble Overlay installed.
7459Click the button below to install the overlay.</source>
7460        <translation>Mumble har oppdaget at du ikke har Mumble-forgrunnslaget installert.
7462Klikk  knappen nedenfor for å installere forgrunnslaget.</translation>
7463    </message>
7464    <message>
7465        <location/>
7466        <source>Install Mumble Overlay</source>
7467        <translation>Installer Mumble-forgrunnslaget</translation>
7468    </message>
7469    <message>
7470        <location/>
7471        <source>Overlay Upgrade</source>
7472        <translation>Forgrunnslags-oppdatering</translation>
7473    </message>
7474    <message>
7475        <location/>
7476        <source>Mumble has detected an old version of the overlay support files installed on your computer.
7478To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below.</source>
7479        <translation>Forgrunnslag utdatert.
7481Trykk  knappen nedefor for å oppgradere.</translation>
7482    </message>
7483    <message>
7484        <location/>
7485        <source>Upgrade Mumble Overlay</source>
7486        <translation>Opgrader Mumble-forgrunnslag</translation>
7487    </message>
7488    <message>
7489        <location/>
7490        <source>Display a frame counter in the overlay</source>
7491        <translation>Vis en rammeteller i forgrunnslaget</translation>
7492    </message>
7493    <message>
7494        <location/>
7495        <source>Show FPS counter</source>
7496        <translation>Vis FPS-teller</translation>
7497    </message>
7498    <message>
7499        <location/>
7500        <source>Load an overlay preset from file</source>
7501        <translation>Last inn et forgrunnslagsforvalg fra ei fil</translation>
7502    </message>
7503    <message>
7504        <location/>
7505        <source>Load…</source>
7506        <translation>Last inn…</translation>
7507    </message>
7508    <message>
7509        <location/>
7510        <source>Save your overlay settings to file</source>
7511        <translation>Lagre dine forgrunnsinnstillinger til ei fil</translation>
7512    </message>
7513    <message>
7514        <location/>
7515        <source>Save…</source>
7516        <translation>Lagre…</translation>
7517    </message>
7518    <message>
7519        <location/>
7520        <source>Set the overlay font.</source>
7521        <translation>Velg forgrunnslagsskriften.</translation>
7522    </message>
7523    <message>
7524        <location/>
7525        <source>Set the overlay text color.</source>
7526        <translation>Velg tekstfarge for forgrunnslag.</translation>
7527    </message>
7528    <message>
7529        <location/>
7530        <source>Color</source>
7531        <translation>Farge</translation>
7532    </message>
7533    <message>
7534        <location/>
7535        <source>Remove</source>
7536        <translation>Fjern</translation>
7537    </message>
7538    <message>
7539        <location/>
7540        <source>Font</source>
7541        <translation>Skrift</translation>
7542    </message>
7543    <message>
7544        <location/>
7545        <source>FPS and Clock Display</source>
7546        <translation>FPS og klokkevisning</translation>
7547    </message>
7548    <message>
7549        <location/>
7550        <source>Display a clock in the overlay showing the current local time (system time).</source>
7551        <translation>Vis en klokke i forgrunnslaget med gjeldende lokaltid (systemtid).</translation>
7552    </message>
7553    <message>
7554        <location/>
7555        <source>Show Clock</source>
7556        <translation>Vis klokke</translation>
7557    </message>
7558    <message>
7559        <location/>
7560        <source>Overlay Exceptions</source>
7561        <translation>Unntak fra forgrunnslag</translation>
7562    </message>
7563    <message>
7564        <location/>
7565        <source>Overlay Exception Mode</source>
7566        <translation>Unntak fra forgrunnslag-modus</translation>
7567    </message>
7568    <message>
7569        <location/>
7570        <source>Allowed launchers</source>
7571        <translation>Tillatte oppstartere</translation>
7572    </message>
7573    <message>
7574        <location/>
7575        <source>Add</source>
7576        <translation>Legg til</translation>
7577    </message>
7578    <message>
7579        <location/>
7580        <source>Allowed programs</source>
7581        <translation>Tillatte programmer</translation>
7582    </message>
7583    <message>
7584        <location/>
7585        <source>Allowed paths</source>
7586        <translation>Tillatte stier</translation>
7587    </message>
7588    <message>
7589        <location/>
7590        <source>Blacklisted programs</source>
7591        <translation>Svartelistede programmer</translation>
7592    </message>
7595    <name>OverlayEditor</name>
7596    <message>
7597        <location filename="OverlayEditor.ui"/>
7598        <source>State</source>
7599        <translation>Tilstand</translation>
7600    </message>
7601    <message>
7602        <location/>
7603        <source>User is not talking</source>
7604        <translation>Brukeren snakker ikke</translation>
7605    </message>
7606    <message>
7607        <location/>
7608        <source>Passive</source>
7609        <translation>Passiv</translation>
7610    </message>
7611    <message>
7612        <location/>
7613        <source>User is talking in your channel or a linked channel</source>
7614        <translation>En bruker snakker i din kanal eller en lenket kanal</translation>
7615    </message>
7616    <message>
7617        <location/>
7618        <source>Talking</source>
7619        <translation>Snakker</translation>
7620    </message>
7621    <message>
7622        <location/>
7623        <source>User is whispering to you privately</source>
7624        <translation>En bruker hvisker privat til deg</translation>
7625    </message>
7626    <message>
7627        <location/>
7628        <source>Private Whisper</source>
7629        <translation>Privat hvisken</translation>
7630    </message>
7631    <message>
7632        <location/>
7633        <source>User is shouting to your channel</source>
7634        <translation>Brukeren roper til kanalen din</translation>
7635    </message>
7636    <message>
7637        <location/>
7638        <source>Channel Whisper</source>
7639        <translation>Kanalhvisken</translation>
7640    </message>
7641    <message>
7642        <location/>
7643        <source>Zoom</source>
7644        <translation>Forstørr</translation>
7645    </message>
7646    <message>
7647        <location/>
7648        <source>Zoom Factor</source>
7649        <translation>Forstørrelsesfaktor</translation>
7650    </message>
7651    <message>
7652        <location/>
7653        <source>Enabled Elements</source>
7654        <translation>Påskrudde elementer</translation>
7655    </message>
7656    <message>
7657        <location/>
7658        <source>User avatar, chosen by each user</source>
7659        <translation>Bruk avatar, valgt av hver bruker</translation>
7660    </message>
7661    <message>
7662        <location/>
7663        <source>Avatar</source>
7664        <translation>Avatar</translation>
7665    </message>
7666    <message>
7667        <location/>
7668        <source>User&apos;s name</source>
7669        <translation>Brukerens navn</translation>
7670    </message>
7671    <message>
7672        <location/>
7673        <source>Username</source>
7674        <translation>Brukernavn</translation>
7675    </message>
7676    <message>
7677        <location/>
7678        <source>Name of user&apos;s channel, if outside your current channel</source>
7679        <translation>Navnet  brukerens kanal, hvis vedkommende er utefor din egen</translation>
7680    </message>
7681    <message>
7682        <location/>
7683        <source>Channel</source>
7684        <translation>Kanal</translation>
7685    </message>
7686    <message>
7687        <location/>
7688        <source>Muted or deafened</source>
7689        <translation>Gjort stum eller døv</translation>
7690    </message>
7691    <message>
7692        <location/>
7693        <source>Mute state</source>
7694        <translation>Døvhetsstatus</translation>
7695    </message>
7696    <message>
7697        <location/>
7698        <source>Bounding box, automatically shrunk to minimum size to contain all visible elements</source>
7699        <translation>Avgrensningsramme, automatisk krympet til minimumstørrelse for alle synlige elementer</translation>
7700    </message>
7701    <message>
7702        <location/>
7703        <source>Bounding box</source>
7704        <translation>Avgrensningsramme</translation>
7705    </message>
7706    <message>
7707        <location/>
7708        <source>Overlay Editor</source>
7709        <translation>Behandler for forgrunnslag</translation>
7710    </message>
7713    <name>OverlayEditorScene</name>
7714    <message>
7715        <location filename="OverlayEditorScene.cpp" line="+397"/>
7716        <source>Layout preset</source>
7717        <translation>Forgrunnslagsforvalg</translation>
7718    </message>
7719    <message>
7720        <location line="+1"/>
7721        <source>Large square avatar</source>
7722        <translation>Stor firkantet avatar</translation>
7723    </message>
7724    <message>
7725        <location line="+1"/>
7726        <source>Avatar and Name</source>
7727        <translation>Avatar og navn</translation>
7728    </message>
7729    <message>
7730        <location line="+2"/>
7731        <source>User Opacity</source>
7732        <translation>Brukerugjennomsiktighet</translation>
7733    </message>
7734    <message>
7735        <location line="+6"/>
7736        <location line="+31"/>
7737        <source>%1%</source>
7738        <translation>%1%</translation>
7739    </message>
7740    <message>
7741        <location line="-5"/>
7742        <source>Object Opacity</source>
7743        <translation>Objektugjennomsiktighet</translation>
7744    </message>
7745    <message>
7746        <location line="+13"/>
7747        <source>Alignment</source>
7748        <translation>Justering</translation>
7749    </message>
7750    <message>
7751        <location line="+11"/>
7752        <source>Left</source>
7753        <translation>Venstre</translation>
7754    </message>
7755    <message>
7756        <location line="+5"/>
7757        <location line="+18"/>
7758        <source>Center</source>
7759        <translation>Midten</translation>
7760    </message>
7761    <message>
7762        <location line="-13"/>
7763        <source>Right</source>
7764        <translation>Høyre</translation>
7765    </message>
7766    <message>
7767        <location line="+8"/>
7768        <source>Top</source>
7769        <translation>Toppen</translation>
7770    </message>
7771    <message>
7772        <location line="+10"/>
7773        <source>Bottom</source>
7774        <translation>Bunnen</translation>
7775    </message>
7776    <message>
7777        <location line="+7"/>
7778        <source>Color...</source>
7779        <translation>Farge…</translation>
7780    </message>
7781    <message>
7782        <location line="+1"/>
7783        <source>Font...</source>
7784        <translation>Skrift…</translation>
7785    </message>
7786    <message>
7787        <location line="+6"/>
7788        <source>Bounding box</source>
7789        <translation>Avgrensningsramme</translation>
7790    </message>
7791    <message>
7792        <location line="+1"/>
7793        <source>Pen width</source>
7794        <translation>Skriftsbredde</translation>
7795    </message>
7796    <message>
7797        <location line="+1"/>
7798        <source>Padding</source>
7799        <translation>Spaltefyll</translation>
7800    </message>
7801    <message>
7802        <location line="+1"/>
7803        <source>Pen color</source>
7804        <translation>Skriftsfarge</translation>
7805    </message>
7806    <message>
7807        <location line="+1"/>
7808        <source>Fill color</source>
7809        <translation>Utfyllingsfarge</translation>
7810    </message>
7811    <message>
7812        <location line="+87"/>
7813        <source>Pick pen color</source>
7814        <translation>Velg skriftsfarge</translation>
7815    </message>
7816    <message>
7817        <location line="+6"/>
7818        <source>Pick fill color</source>
7819        <translation>Velg utfyllingsfarge</translation>
7820    </message>
7821    <message>
7822        <location line="+14"/>
7823        <source>Pick color</source>
7824        <translation>Velg farge</translation>
7825    </message>
7826    <message>
7827        <location line="+21"/>
7828        <source>Pick font</source>
7829        <translation>Velg skrifttype</translation>
7830    </message>
7833    <name>PluginConfig</name>
7834    <message>
7835        <location filename="Plugins.ui"/>
7836        <location filename="Plugins.cpp" line="+73"/>
7837        <source>Plugins</source>
7838        <translation>Programtillegg</translation>
7839    </message>
7840    <message>
7841        <location filename="Plugins.cpp" line="+54"/>
7842        <source>Plugin has no configure function.</source>
7843        <translation>Programtillegget har ingen oppsettsfunksjoner.</translation>
7844    </message>
7845    <message>
7846        <location line="+19"/>
7847        <source>Plugin has no about function.</source>
7848        <translation>Programtillegget har ingen informasjonsfunksjon</translation>
7849    </message>
7850    <message>
7851        <location filename="Plugins.ui"/>
7852        <source>Form</source>
7853        <translation>Skjema</translation>
7854    </message>
7855    <message>
7856        <location/>
7857        <source>Options</source>
7858        <translation>Valg</translation>
7859    </message>
7860    <message>
7861        <location/>
7862        <source>Enable plugins and transmit positional information</source>
7863        <translation>Skru  programtillegg og oversend posisjonsbasert informasjon</translation>
7864    </message>
7865    <message>
7866        <location/>
7867        <source>This allows plugins for supported games to fetch your in-game position and transmit it with each voice packet. This enables other users to hear your voice in-game from the direction your character is in relation to their own.</source>
7868        <translation>Dette tillater programtillegg for støttede spill å innhente din posisjon inne i spillet og oversende den i hver talepakke. Dette lar andre brukere høre stemmen din inne i spillet fra der din karakter befinner seg relativt til seg selv.</translation>
7869    </message>
7870    <message>
7871        <location/>
7872        <source>Link to Game and Transmit Position</source>
7873        <translation>Lenke til spill og forsendelsesposisjon</translation>
7874    </message>
7875    <message>
7876        <location/>
7877        <source>Reloads all plugins</source>
7878        <translation>Gjeninnlast alle programtillegg</translation>
7879    </message>
7880    <message>
7881        <location/>
7882        <source>This rescans and reloads plugins. Use this if you just added or changed a plugin to the plugins directory.</source>
7883        <translation>Dette skanner og gjeninnlaster programtillegg. Bruk dette hvis du akkurat la til eller endret et programtillegg i programtilleggsmappa.</translation>
7884    </message>
7885    <message>
7886        <location/>
7887        <source>&amp;Reload plugins</source>
7888        <translation>&amp;Gjeninnlast programtillegg</translation>
7889    </message>
7890    <message>
7891        <location/>
7892        <source>Information about plugin</source>
7893        <translation>Informasjon om programtillegg</translation>
7894    </message>
7895    <message>
7896        <location/>
7897        <source>This shows a small information message about the plugin.</source>
7898        <translation>Dette viser en liten informasjonsmelding om programtillegget.</translation>
7899    </message>
7900    <message>
7901        <location/>
7902        <source>&amp;About</source>
7903        <translation>&amp;Om</translation>
7904    </message>
7905    <message>
7906        <location/>
7907        <source>Show configuration page of plugin</source>
7908        <translation>Vis oppsettside tilhørende programtillegg</translation>
7909    </message>
7910    <message>
7911        <location/>
7912        <source>This shows the configuration page of the plugin, if any.</source>
7913        <translation>Dette viser oppsettssiden tilhørende programtillegget, hvis noen.</translation>
7914    </message>
7915    <message>
7916        <location/>
7917        <source>&amp;Configure</source>
7918        <translation>&amp;Sett opp</translation>
7919    </message>
7920    <message>
7921        <location/>
7922        <source>Name</source>
7923        <translation>Navn</translation>
7924    </message>
7925    <message>
7926        <location/>
7927        <source>Enabled</source>
7928        <translation>Påskrudd</translation>
7929    </message>
7932    <name>Plugins</name>
7933    <message>
7934        <location filename="Plugins.cpp" line="+440"/>
7935        <source>Skipping plugin update in debug mode.</source>
7936        <translation>Hopper over programoppdatering i feilrettingsmodus.</translation>
7937    </message>
7938    <message>
7939        <location line="+168"/>
7940        <location line="+6"/>
7941        <source>Downloaded new or updated plugin to %1.</source>
7942        <translation>Programtillegg lastet ned eller oppdatert til %1.</translation>
7943    </message>
7944    <message>
7945        <location line="+2"/>
7946        <source>Failed to install new plugin to %1.</source>
7947        <translation>Klarte ikke å installere nytt programtillegg til %1.</translation>
7948    </message>
7949    <message>
7950        <location line="-344"/>
7951        <source>%1 lost link.</source>
7952        <translation>%1 mistet lenke.</translation>
7953    </message>
7954    <message>
7955        <location line="+123"/>
7956        <source>%1 linked.</source>
7957        <translation>%1 er lenket.</translation>
7958    </message>
7961    <name>PortAudioSystem</name>
7962    <message>
7963        <location filename="PAAudio.cpp" line="+280"/>
7964        <source>Default Device</source>
7965        <translation>Forvalgt enhet</translation>
7966    </message>
7969    <name>PulseAudioSystem</name>
7970    <message>
7971        <location filename="PulseAudio.cpp" line="+799"/>
7972        <source>Default Input</source>
7973        <translation>Forvalgt inngang</translation>
7974    </message>
7975    <message>
7976        <location line="+1"/>
7977        <source>Default Output</source>
7978        <translation>Forvalgt utgang</translation>
7979    </message>
7982    <name>QApplication</name>
7983    <message>
7984        <location filename="main.cpp" line="+126"/>
7985        <source>Failed to restart mumble</source>
7986        <translation>Klarte ikke å utføre omstart av Mumble</translation>
7987    </message>
7988    <message>
7989        <location line="+1"/>
7990        <source>Mumble failed to restart itself. Please restart it manually.</source>
7991        <translation>Mumble klarte ikke å starte seg selv  nytt. Start det  nytt manuelt.</translation>
7992    </message>
7995    <name>RichTextEditor</name>
7996    <message>
7997        <location filename="RichTextEditor.cpp" line="+234"/>
7998        <source>Failed to load image</source>
7999        <translation>Klarte ikke å laste inn bilde</translation>
8000    </message>
8001    <message>
8002        <location line="+0"/>
8003        <source>Image file too large to embed in document. Please use images smaller than %1 kB.</source>
8004        <translation>Bildet er for stort for innebygging i dokument. Bruk et bilde mindre enn %1 kB.</translation>
8005    </message>
8006    <message>
8007        <location line="+81"/>
8008        <source>Message is too long.</source>
8009        <translation>Meldingen er for lang.</translation>
8010    </message>
8011    <message>
8012        <location filename="RichTextEditor.ui"/>
8013        <source>Display</source>
8014        <translation>Vis</translation>
8015    </message>
8016    <message>
8017        <location/>
8018        <source>Source Text</source>
8019        <translation>Kildetekst</translation>
8020    </message>
8021    <message>
8022        <location/>
8023        <source>&amp;Bold</source>
8024        <translation>&amp;Fet</translation>
8025    </message>
8026    <message>
8027        <location/>
8028        <source>Ctrl+B</source>
8029        <translation>Ctrl+B</translation>
8030    </message>
8031    <message>
8032        <location/>
8033        <source>&amp;Italic</source>
8034        <translation>&amp;Kursiv</translation>
8035    </message>
8036    <message>
8037        <location/>
8038        <source>Italic</source>
8039        <translation>Kursiv</translation>
8040    </message>
8041    <message>
8042        <location/>
8043        <source>Ctrl+I</source>
8044        <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
8045    </message>
8046    <message>
8047        <location/>
8048        <source>Underline</source>
8049        <translation>Understreking</translation>
8050    </message>
8051    <message>
8052        <location/>
8053        <source>Ctrl+U</source>
8054        <translation>Ctrl+U</translation>
8055    </message>
8056    <message>
8057        <location/>
8058        <source>Color</source>
8059        <translation>Farge</translation>
8060    </message>
8061    <message>
8062        <location/>
8063        <source>Insert Link</source>
8064        <translation>Sett inn lenke</translation>
8065    </message>
8066    <message>
8067        <location/>
8068        <source>Ctrl+L</source>
8069        <translation>Ctrl+L</translation>
8070    </message>
8071    <message>
8072        <location/>
8073        <source>Insert Image</source>
8074        <translation>Sett inn bilde</translation>
8075    </message>
8078    <name>RichTextEditorLink</name>
8079    <message>
8080        <location filename="RichTextEditorLink.ui"/>
8081        <source>Add Link</source>
8082        <translation>Legg til lenke</translation>
8083    </message>
8084    <message>
8085        <location/>
8086        <source>URL</source>
8087        <translation>URL</translation>
8088    </message>
8089    <message>
8090        <location/>
8091        <source>Text</source>
8092        <translation>Tekst</translation>
8093    </message>
8096    <name>ServerHandler</name>
8097    <message>
8098        <location filename="ServerHandler.cpp" line="+299"/>
8099        <source>Unable to resolve hostname</source>
8100        <translation type="unfinished"/>
8101    </message>
8102    <message>
8103        <location line="+173"/>
8104        <source>Server is not responding to TCP pings</source>
8105        <translation>Tjeneren besvarer ikke TCP-ping</translation>
8106    </message>
8107    <message>
8108        <location line="+84"/>
8109        <source>UDP packets cannot be sent to or received from the server. Switching to TCP mode.</source>
8110        <translation>UDP-pakker kan ikke bli sendt eller mottatt av tjeneren. Bytter til TCP-modus.</translation>
8111    </message>
8112    <message>
8113        <location line="+2"/>
8114        <source>UDP packets cannot be sent to the server. Switching to TCP mode.</source>
8115        <translation>UDP-pakker kan ikke sendes til tjeneren. Bytter til TCP-modus.</translation>
8116    </message>
8117    <message>
8118        <location line="+2"/>
8119        <source>UDP packets cannot be received from the server. Switching to TCP mode.</source>
8120        <translation>UDP-pakker kan ikke mottas fra tjeneren. Bytter til TCP-modus.</translation>
8121    </message>
8122    <message>
8123        <location line="+7"/>
8124        <source>UDP packets can be sent to and received from the server. Switching back to UDP mode.</source>
8125        <translation>UDP-pakker kan sendes og mottas av tjeneren. Bytter tilbake til UDP-modus.</translation>
8126    </message>
8127    <message>
8128        <location line="+53"/>
8129        <source>Connection timed out</source>
8130        <translation>Tidsavbrudd for forbindelse</translation>
8131    </message>
8134    <name>ServerView</name>
8135    <message>
8136        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-753"/>
8137        <source>Favorite</source>
8138        <translation>Favoritt</translation>
8139    </message>
8140    <message>
8141        <location line="+6"/>
8142        <source>LAN</source>
8143        <translation>LAN</translation>
8144    </message>
8145    <message>
8146        <location line="+9"/>
8147        <source>Public Internet</source>
8148        <translation>Offentlig Internett</translation>
8149    </message>
8150    <message>
8151        <location line="+7"/>
8152        <source>Africa</source>
8153        <translation>Afrika</translation>
8154    </message>
8155    <message>
8156        <location line="+1"/>
8157        <source>Asia</source>
8158        <translation>Asia</translation>
8159    </message>
8160    <message>
8161        <location line="+1"/>
8162        <source>North America</source>
8163        <translation>Nord-Amerika</translation>
8164    </message>
8165    <message>
8166        <location line="+1"/>
8167        <source>South America</source>
8168        <translation>Sør-Amerika</translation>
8169    </message>
8170    <message>
8171        <location line="+1"/>
8172        <source>Europe</source>
8173        <translation>Europa</translation>
8174    </message>
8175    <message>
8176        <location line="+1"/>
8177        <source>Oceania</source>
8178        <translation>Australia</translation>
8179    </message>
8182    <name>ShortcutActionWidget</name>
8183    <message>
8184        <location filename="GlobalShortcut.cpp" line="-615"/>
8185        <source>Unassigned</source>
8186        <translation>Utildelt</translation>
8187    </message>
8190    <name>ShortcutDelegate</name>
8191    <message>
8192        <location line="+363"/>
8193        <source>On</source>
8194        <translation></translation>
8195    </message>
8196    <message>
8197        <location line="+2"/>
8198        <source>Off</source>
8199        <translation>Av</translation>
8200    </message>
8201    <message>
8202        <location line="+2"/>
8203        <source>Toggle</source>
8204        <translation>Veksle</translation>
8205    </message>
8206    <message>
8207        <location line="+6"/>
8208        <source>Unassigned</source>
8209        <translation>Utildelt</translation>
8210    </message>
8213    <name>ShortcutKeyWidget</name>
8214    <message>
8215        <location line="-437"/>
8216        <source>Press Shortcut</source>
8217        <translation>Trykk snarvei</translation>
8218    </message>
8221    <name>ShortcutTargetDialog</name>
8222    <message>
8223        <location line="+193"/>
8224        <source>Root</source>
8225        <translation>Rot</translation>
8226    </message>
8227    <message>
8228        <location line="+5"/>
8229        <source>Parent</source>
8230        <translation>Opphav</translation>
8231    </message>
8232    <message>
8233        <location line="+5"/>
8234        <source>Current</source>
8235        <translation>Nåværende</translation>
8236    </message>
8237    <message>
8238        <location line="+5"/>
8239        <location line="+6"/>
8240        <source>Subchannel #%1</source>
8241        <translation>Underkanal #%1</translation>
8242    </message>
8245    <name>ShortcutTargetWidget</name>
8246    <message>
8247        <location line="+85"/>
8248        <source>...</source>
8249        <translation>…</translation>
8250    </message>
8251    <message>
8252        <location line="+41"/>
8253        <source>, </source>
8254        <translation>, </translation>
8255    </message>
8256    <message>
8257        <location line="+6"/>
8258        <source>Root</source>
8259        <translation>Rot</translation>
8260    </message>
8261    <message>
8262        <location line="+2"/>
8263        <source>Parent</source>
8264        <translation>Opphav</translation>
8265    </message>
8266    <message>
8267        <location line="+2"/>
8268        <source>Current</source>
8269        <translation>Nåværende</translation>
8270    </message>
8271    <message>
8272        <location line="+3"/>
8273        <location line="+2"/>
8274        <source>Subchannel #%1</source>
8275        <translation>Underkanal #%1</translation>
8276    </message>
8277    <message>
8278        <location line="+7"/>
8279        <source>Invalid</source>
8280        <translation>Ugyldig</translation>
8281    </message>
8282    <message>
8283        <location line="+3"/>
8284        <source>Empty</source>
8285        <oldsource>&lt;Empty&gt;</oldsource>
8286        <translation>Tom</translation>
8287    </message>
8290    <name>ShortcutToggleWidget</name>
8291    <message>
8292        <location line="-271"/>
8293        <source>Off</source>
8294        <translation>Av</translation>
8295    </message>
8296    <message>
8297        <location line="+4"/>
8298        <source>Toggle</source>
8299        <translation>Veksle</translation>
8300    </message>
8301    <message>
8302        <location line="+4"/>
8303        <source>On</source>
8304        <translation></translation>
8305    </message>
8308    <name>TextMessage</name>
8309    <message>
8310        <location filename="TextMessage.h" line="+20"/>
8311        <source>Enter text</source>
8312        <translation>Skriv inn tekst</translation>
8313    </message>
8314    <message>
8315        <location filename="TextMessage.ui"/>
8316        <source>If checked the message is recursively sent to all subchannels</source>
8317        <translation>Hvis valgt vil meldingen bli sendt rekursivt til alle underkanaler</translation>
8318    </message>
8319    <message>
8320        <location/>
8321        <source>Send recursively to subchannels</source>
8322        <translation>Send rekursivt til alle underkanaler</translation>
8323    </message>
8326    <name>Tokens</name>
8327    <message>
8328        <location filename="Tokens.cpp" line="+42"/>
8329        <source>Empty Token</source>
8330        <translation>Tomt symbol</translation>
8331    </message>
8332    <message>
8333        <location filename="Tokens.ui"/>
8334        <source>Mumble - Access Tokens</source>
8335        <translation>Mumble - Tilgangssymbol</translation>
8336    </message>
8337    <message>
8338        <location/>
8339        <source>List of access tokens on current server</source>
8340        <translation>Liste over tilgangssymbol  gjeldende tjener</translation>
8341    </message>
8342    <message>
8343        <location/>
8344        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is an editable list of access tokens on the connected server.&lt;/b&gt;
8345&lt;br /&gt;
8346An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simple access management on channels. Mumble will remember the tokens you've used and resend them to the server next time you reconnect, so you don't have to enter these every time.
8348        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Dette er en redigerbar liste over tilgangssymbol  den tilkoblede tjeneren.&lt;/b&gt;
8349&lt;br /&gt;
8350Et tilgangssymbol er en tekststring, som kan brukes som et passord for veldig enkl tilgangsbehandling  kanaler. Mumble vil huske symbolene du har brukt og sende til tjenere igjen neste gang du kobler til, slik at du ikke  skrive dem inn hver gang.
8353    </message>
8354    <message>
8355        <location/>
8356        <source>Add a token</source>
8357        <translation>Legg til et symbol</translation>
8358    </message>
8359    <message>
8360        <location/>
8361        <source>&amp;Add</source>
8362        <translation>&amp;Legg til</translation>
8363    </message>
8364    <message>
8365        <location/>
8366        <source>Remove a token</source>
8367        <translation>Fjern et symbol</translation>
8368    </message>
8369    <message>
8370        <location/>
8371        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
8372        <translation>&amp;Fjern</translation>
8373    </message>
8376    <name>UserEdit</name>
8377    <message>
8378        <location filename="UserEdit.ui"/>
8379        <source>Registered Users</source>
8380        <translation>Registrerte brukere</translation>
8381    </message>
8382    <message>
8383        <location/>
8384        <location filename="UserEdit.cpp" line="+103"/>
8385        <source>Remove</source>
8386        <translation>Fjern</translation>
8387    </message>
8388    <message>
8389        <location/>
8390        <location filename="UserEdit.cpp" line="-7"/>
8391        <source>Rename</source>
8392        <translation>Gi nytt navn</translation>
8393    </message>
8394    <message>
8395        <location/>
8396        <source>Who are you looking for?</source>
8397        <translation>Hvem leter du etter?</translation>
8398    </message>
8399    <message>
8400        <location/>
8401        <source>Days</source>
8402        <translation>Dager</translation>
8403    </message>
8404    <message>
8405        <location/>
8406        <source>Weeks</source>
8407        <translation>Uker</translation>
8408    </message>
8409    <message>
8410        <location/>
8411        <source>Months</source>
8412        <translation>Måneder</translation>
8413    </message>
8414    <message>
8415        <location/>
8416        <source>Years</source>
8417        <translation>År</translation>
8418    </message>
8419    <message>
8420        <location/>
8421        <source>Inactive for</source>
8422        <translation>Inaktiv i</translation>
8423    </message>
8424    <message numerus="yes">
8425        <location filename="UserEdit.cpp" line="-68"/>
8426        <source>Registered users: %n account(s)</source>
8427        <translation><numerusform>Registrerte brukere: %n konto(er)</numerusform><numerusform>Registrerte brukere: %n konto(er)</numerusform></translation>
8428    </message>
8431    <name>UserInformation</name>
8432    <message>
8433        <location filename="UserInformation.ui"/>
8434        <source>User Information</source>
8435        <translation>Brukerinformasjon</translation>
8436    </message>
8437    <message>
8438        <location/>
8439        <source>Connection Information</source>
8440        <translation>Tilkoblingsinformasjon</translation>
8441    </message>
8442    <message>
8443        <location/>
8444        <source>Version</source>
8445        <translation>Versjon</translation>
8446    </message>
8447    <message>
8448        <location/>
8449        <source>OS</source>
8450        <translation>OS</translation>
8451    </message>
8452    <message>
8453        <location/>
8454        <source>Certificate</source>
8455        <translation>Sertifikat</translation>
8456    </message>
8457    <message>
8458        <location/>
8459        <source>IP Address</source>
8460        <translation>IP-adresse</translation>
8461    </message>
8462    <message>
8463        <location/>
8464        <source>CELT Versions</source>
8465        <translation>CELT-versjoner</translation>
8466    </message>
8467    <message>
8468        <location/>
8469        <source>Details...</source>
8470        <translation>Detaljer…</translation>
8471    </message>
8472    <message>
8473        <location/>
8474        <source>Ping Statistics</source>
8475        <translation>Svartidsstatistikk</translation>
8476    </message>
8477    <message>
8478        <location/>
8479        <source>Pings received</source>
8480        <translation>Svartidspakker mottatt</translation>
8481    </message>
8482    <message>
8483        <location/>
8484        <source>Average ping</source>
8485        <translation>Gjennomsnittlig svartid</translation>
8486    </message>
8487    <message>
8488        <location/>
8489        <source>TCP (Control)</source>
8490        <translation>TCP (Kontroll)</translation>
8491    </message>
8492    <message>
8493        <location/>
8494        <source>UDP (Voice)</source>
8495        <translation>UDP (Stemme)</translation>
8496    </message>
8497    <message>
8498        <location/>
8499        <source>UDP Network statistics</source>
8500        <translation>UDP nettverksstatistikk</translation>
8501    </message>
8502    <message>
8503        <location/>
8504        <source>Good</source>
8505        <translation>God</translation>
8506    </message>
8507    <message>
8508        <location/>
8509        <source>Late</source>
8510        <translation>Sen</translation>
8511    </message>
8512    <message>
8513        <location/>
8514        <source>Lost</source>
8515        <translation>Tapt</translation>
8516    </message>
8517    <message>
8518        <location/>
8519        <source>Resync</source>
8520        <translation>Resynkroniser</translation>
8521    </message>
8522    <message>
8523        <location/>
8524        <source>From Client</source>
8525        <translation>Fra klient</translation>
8526    </message>
8527    <message>
8528        <location/>
8529        <source>To Client</source>
8530        <translation>Til klient</translation>
8531    </message>
8532    <message>
8533        <location/>
8534        <source>Connection time</source>
8535        <translation>Tilkoblingstid</translation>
8536    </message>
8537    <message>
8538        <location filename="UserInformation.cpp" line="+83"/>
8539        <source>%1w</source>
8540        <translation>%1u</translation>
8541    </message>
8542    <message>
8543        <location line="+2"/>
8544        <source>%1d</source>
8545        <translation>%1d</translation>
8546    </message>
8547    <message>
8548        <location line="+2"/>
8549        <source>%1h</source>
8550        <translation>%1t</translation>
8551    </message>
8552    <message>
8553        <location line="+2"/>
8554        <source>%1m</source>
8555        <translation>%1m</translation>
8556    </message>
8557    <message>
8558        <location line="+1"/>
8559        <source>%1s</source>
8560        <translation>%1s</translation>
8561    </message>
8562    <message>
8563        <location line="+33"/>
8564        <location line="+39"/>
8565        <source>, </source>
8566        <translation>, </translation>
8567    </message>
8568    <message>
8569        <location line="-13"/>
8570        <location line="+1"/>
8571        <source>%1 (%2)</source>
8572        <oldsource>%1.%2.%3 (%4)</oldsource>
8573        <translation>%1 (%2)</translation>
8574    </message>
8575    <message>
8576        <location line="+15"/>
8577        <source>Supported</source>
8578        <translation>Støttet</translation>
8579    </message>
8580    <message>
8581        <location line="+0"/>
8582        <source>Not Supported</source>
8583        <translation>Ikke støttet</translation>
8584    </message>
8585    <message>
8586        <location line="-123"/>
8587        <source>Not Reported</source>
8588        <translation>Ikke innrapportert</translation>
8589    </message>
8590    <message>
8591        <location line="+164"/>
8592        <source>%1 online (%2 idle)</source>
8593        <translation>%1 pålogget (%2 lediggang)</translation>
8594    </message>
8595    <message>
8596        <location line="+2"/>
8597        <source>%1 online</source>
8598        <translation>%1 pålogget</translation>
8599    </message>
8600    <message>
8601        <location line="+5"/>
8602        <source>%1 kbit/s</source>
8603        <translation>%1 kbit/s</translation>
8604    </message>
8605    <message>
8606        <location filename="UserInformation.ui"/>
8607        <source>Bandwidth</source>
8608        <comment>GroupBox</comment>
8609        <translation>Båndbredde</translation>
8610    </message>
8611    <message>
8612        <location/>
8613        <source>Bandwidth</source>
8614        <comment>Label</comment>
8615        <translation>Båndbredde</translation>
8616    </message>
8617    <message>
8618        <location/>
8619        <source>Ping deviation</source>
8620        <translation>Svartidsavvik</translation>
8621    </message>
8624    <name>UserListModel</name>
8625    <message>
8626        <location filename="UserListModel.cpp" line="+58"/>
8627        <source>Nick</source>
8628        <translation>Kallenavn</translation>
8629    </message>
8630    <message>
8631        <location line="+1"/>
8632        <source>Inactive days</source>
8633        <translation>Inaktive dager</translation>
8634    </message>
8635    <message>
8636        <location line="+1"/>
8637        <source>Last channel</source>
8638        <translation>Siste kanal</translation>
8639    </message>
8640    <message>
8641        <location line="+29"/>
8642        <source>Last seen: %1</source>
8643        <translation>Sist sett: %1</translation>
8644    </message>
8645    <message>
8646        <location line="+1"/>
8647        <source>Never</source>
8648        <translation>Aldri</translation>
8649    </message>
8650    <message>
8651        <location line="+2"/>
8652        <source>Channel ID: %1</source>
8653        <translation type="unfinished"/>
8654    </message>
8657    <name>UserLocalVolumeDialog</name>
8658    <message>
8659        <location filename="UserLocalVolumeDialog.ui"/>
8660        <source>Local volume for other users</source>
8661        <translation>Lokalt lydstyrkenivå for andre brukere</translation>
8662    </message>
8663    <message>
8664        <location/>
8665        <source>&lt;b&gt;Adjust the volume of other users locally&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports adjusting the volume of other users locally.</source>
8666        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Juster lydstyrkenivået til andre brukere lokalt&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble støtter justering av volumet til andre brukere lokalt.</translation>
8667    </message>
8668    <message>
8669        <location filename="UserLocalVolumeDialog.cpp" line="+53"/>
8670        <source>Adjusting local volume for %1</source>
8671        <translation>Justerer lokalt voum for %1</translation>
8672    </message>
8673    <message>
8674        <location filename="UserLocalVolumeDialog.ui"/>
8675        <source> dB</source>
8676        <translation>dB</translation>
8677    </message>
8678    <message>
8679        <location/>
8680        <source>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Use the slider or the text box to change the volume of the user.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Attention!&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Increasing the volume of a user too much can permanently damage your hearing. It may also increase the background noise of the user.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
8681        <translation>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Bruk glidebryteren eller tekstboksen for å endre lydstyrken  brukeren.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Advarsel!&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Økning av lydstyrken av en bruker kan skade hørselen din permanent. Det kan også øke bakgrunnstøten til brukeren.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
8682    </message>
8685    <name>UserModel</name>
8686    <message>
8687        <location filename="UserModel.cpp" line="-836"/>
8688        <source>This is a user connected to the server. The icon to the left of the user indicates whether or not they are talking:</source>
8689        <translation>Dette er en bruker tilknyttet tjeneren. Ikonet til venstre for brukeren indikerer hvorvidt de snakker:</translation>
8690    </message>
8691    <message>
8692        <location line="+1"/>
8693        <source>Talking to your channel.</source>
8694        <translation>Snakker til din kanal</translation>
8695    </message>
8696    <message>
8697        <location line="+1"/>
8698        <source>Shouting directly to your channel.</source>
8699        <oldsource>Whispering directly to your channel.</oldsource>
8700        <translation>Roper direkte til din kanal.</translation>
8701    </message>
8702    <message>
8703        <location line="+1"/>
8704        <source>Whispering directly to you.</source>
8705        <translation>Hvisker direkte til deg.</translation>
8706    </message>
8707    <message>
8708        <location line="+1"/>
8709        <source>Not talking.</source>
8710        <translation>Snakker ikke.</translation>
8711    </message>
8712    <message>
8713        <location line="+8"/>
8714        <source>This is a channel on the server. The icon indicates the state of the channel:</source>
8715        <translation>Dette er en kanal  tjeneren. Ikonet indikerer kanalstatus.</translation>
8716    </message>
8717    <message>
8718        <location line="+1"/>
8719        <source>Your current channel.</source>
8720        <translation>Din gjeldende kanal.</translation>
8721    </message>
8722    <message>
8723        <location line="+1"/>
8724        <source>A channel that is linked with your channel. Linked channels can talk to each other.</source>
8725        <translation>En kanal som er lenket til din kanal. Lenkede kanaler kan snakke til hverandre.</translation>
8726    </message>
8727    <message>
8728        <location line="+1"/>
8729        <source>A channel on the server that you are not linked to.</source>
8730        <translation>En kanal  tjeneren som du ikke er lenket til.</translation>
8731    </message>
8732    <message>
8733        <location line="+18"/>
8734        <source>This shows the flags the user has on the server, if any:</source>
8735        <translation>Dette viser flaggene brukeren har  tjeneren, hvis noen:</translation>
8736    </message>
8737    <message>
8738        <location line="+1"/>
8739        <source>On your friend list</source>
8740        <translation> din venneliste</translation>
8741    </message>
8742    <message>
8743        <location line="+1"/>
8744        <source>Authenticated user</source>
8745        <translation>Identitetsbekreftet bruker</translation>
8746    </message>
8747    <message>
8748        <location line="+1"/>
8749        <source>Muted (manually muted by self)</source>
8750        <translation>Stum (manuelt gjort stum av eget grep)</translation>
8751    </message>
8752    <message>
8753        <location line="+1"/>
8754        <source>Muted (manually muted by admin)</source>
8755        <translation>Stum (manuelt gjort stum av en administrator)</translation>
8756    </message>
8757    <message>
8758        <location line="+1"/>
8759        <source>Muted (not allowed to speak in current channel)</source>
8760        <translation>Stum (får ikke snakke i gjeldende kanal)</translation>
8761    </message>
8762    <message>
8763        <location line="+1"/>
8764        <source>Muted (muted by you, only on your machine)</source>
8765        <translation>Stum (gjort stum av deg, bare  din maskin)</translation>
8766    </message>
8767    <message>
8768        <location line="+1"/>
8769        <source>Muted (push-to-mute)</source>
8770        <translation type="unfinished"/>
8771    </message>
8772    <message>
8773        <location line="+2"/>
8774        <source>Deafened (by self)</source>
8775        <translation>Gjort døv (av eget valg)</translation>
8776    </message>
8777    <message>
8778        <location line="+1"/>
8779        <source>Deafened (by admin)</source>
8780        <translation>Gjort døv (av administrator)</translation>
8781    </message>
8782    <message>
8783        <location line="+1"/>
8784        <source>User has a new comment set (click to show)</source>
8785        <translation>Brukeren har en ny kommentar satt (klikk for å vise)</translation>
8786    </message>
8787    <message>
8788        <location line="+1"/>
8789        <source>User has a comment set, which you&apos;ve already seen. (click to show)</source>
8790        <translation>Brukeren har en kommentar satt, som du allerede har sett. (Klikk for å vise)</translation>
8791    </message>
8792    <message>
8793        <location line="+1"/>
8794        <source>Ignoring Text Messages</source>
8795        <translation>Ignorerer tekstmeldinger</translation>
8796    </message>
8797    <message>
8798        <location line="+8"/>
8799        <source>This shows the flags the channel has, if any:</source>
8800        <translation>Dette viser flaggene kanalen har, hvis noen:</translation>
8801    </message>
8802    <message>
8803        <location line="+1"/>
8804        <source>Channel has a new comment set (click to show)</source>
8805        <translation>Kanalen har en ny kommentar (klikk for å vise)</translation>
8806    </message>
8807    <message>
8808        <location line="+1"/>
8809        <source>Channel has a comment set, which you&apos;ve already seen. (click to show)</source>
8810        <translation>Kanalen har en kommentar satt, som du allerede har sett. (Klikk for å vise)</translation>
8811    </message>
8812    <message>
8813        <location line="+1"/>
8814        <source>Channel will be hidden when filtering is enabled</source>
8815        <translation>Kanalen vil bli gjemt når filtrering er påslått</translation>
8816    </message>
8817    <message>
8818        <location line="+18"/>
8819        <source>Name</source>
8820        <translation>Navn</translation>
8821    </message>
8822    <message>
8823        <location line="+2"/>
8824        <source>Flags</source>
8825        <translation>Flagg</translation>
8826    </message>
8827    <message>
8828        <location line="+726"/>
8829        <source>Are you sure you want to drag this user?</source>
8830        <translation>Er du sikker  at du vil dra denne brukeren?</translation>
8831    </message>
8832    <message>
8833        <location line="+21"/>
8834        <source>Are you sure you want to drag this channel?</source>
8835        <translation>Er du sikker  at du vil dra denne kanalen?</translation>
8836    </message>
8837    <message>
8838        <location line="+94"/>
8839        <location line="+20"/>
8840        <source>Cannot perform this movement automatically, please reset the numeric sorting indicators or adjust it manually.</source>
8841        <translation>Kan ikke utføre denne bevegelsen automatisk, tilbakestill de numeriske sorteringsindikatorene eller juster dem manuelt.</translation>
8842    </message>
8845    <name>VersionCheck</name>
8846    <message>
8847        <location filename="VersionCheck.cpp" line="+118"/>
8848        <source>Upgrade Mumble</source>
8849        <translation>Oppgrader Mumble</translation>
8850    </message>
8851    <message>
8852        <location line="+1"/>
8853        <source>A new version of Mumble has been detected and automatically downloaded. It is recommended that you either upgrade to this version, or downgrade to the latest stable release. Do you want to launch the installer now?</source>
8854        <translation>En ny versjon av Mumble har blitt oppdaget og automatisk nedlastet. Det er anbefalt at du enten oppgraderer til denne versjonen, eller endgraderer til seneste ferdige utgave. Ønsker du å starte opp installasjonskandidaten ?</translation>
8855    </message>
8856    <message>
8857        <location line="+15"/>
8858        <source>Failed to launch snapshot installer.</source>
8859        <translation>Klarte ikke å starte opp øyeblikks-installasjonskandidat.</translation>
8860    </message>
8861    <message>
8862        <location line="+5"/>
8863        <source>Corrupt download of new version detected. Automatically removed.</source>
8864        <translation>Ødelagt nedlasting av ny versjon oppdaget. Automatisk fjernet.</translation>
8865    </message>
8866    <message>
8867        <location line="+23"/>
8868        <source>Downloading new snapshot from %1 to %2</source>
8869        <translation>Laster ned nytt øyeblikks-installasjonskandidat fra %1 til %2</translation>
8870    </message>
8871    <message>
8872        <location line="+14"/>
8873        <source>Failed to write new version to disk.</source>
8874        <oldsource>Failed to write new version to disc.</oldsource>
8875        <translation>Kunne ikke skrive ny versjon til disk.</translation>
8876    </message>
8877    <message>
8878        <location line="+10"/>
8879        <source>Mumble failed to retrieve version information from the central server.</source>
8880        <translation>Mumble klarte ikke å hente versjonsinformasjon fra den sentrale tjeneren.</translation>
8881    </message>
8884    <name>ViewCert</name>
8885    <message>
8886        <location filename="ViewCert.cpp" line="+57"/>
8887        <source>Certificate Chain Details</source>
8888        <translation>Detaljer for sertifikatkjeden</translation>
8889    </message>
8890    <message>
8891        <location line="+6"/>
8892        <source>Certificate chain</source>
8893        <translation>Sertifikatskjede</translation>
8894    </message>
8895    <message>
8896        <location line="+9"/>
8897        <source>Certificate details</source>
8898        <translation>Sertifikatsdetaljer</translation>
8899    </message>
8900    <message>
8901        <location line="+36"/>
8902        <location line="+40"/>
8903        <source>Common Name</source>
8904        <translation>Vanlig navn</translation>
8905    </message>
8906    <message>
8907        <location line="-39"/>
8908        <location line="+40"/>
8909        <source>Organization</source>
8910        <translation>Organisasjon</translation>
8911    </message>
8912    <message>
8913        <location line="-39"/>
8914        <source>Subunit</source>
8915        <translation>Underenhet</translation>
8916    </message>
8917    <message>
8918        <location line="+1"/>
8919        <location line="+40"/>
8920        <source>Country</source>
8921        <translation>Land</translation>
8922    </message>
8923    <message>
8924        <location line="-39"/>
8925        <location line="+40"/>
8926        <source>Locality</source>
8927        <translation>Lokalitet</translation>
8928    </message>
8929    <message>
8930        <location line="-39"/>
8931        <location line="+40"/>
8932        <source>State</source>
8933        <translation>Stat/fylke</translation>
8934    </message>
8935    <message>
8936        <location line="-39"/>
8937        <source>Valid from: %1</source>
8938        <translation>Gyldig fra: %1</translation>
8939    </message>
8940    <message>
8941        <location line="+1"/>
8942        <source>Valid to: %1</source>
8943        <translation>Gyldig til: %1</translation>
8944    </message>
8945    <message>
8946        <location line="+1"/>
8947        <source>Serial: %1</source>
8948        <translation>Serienummer: %1</translation>
8949    </message>
8950    <message>
8951        <location line="+1"/>
8952        <source>Public Key: %1 bits %2</source>
8953        <translation>Offentlig nøkkel: %1 bit %2</translation>
8954    </message>
8955    <message>
8956        <location line="+0"/>
8957        <source>RSA</source>
8958        <translation>RSA</translation>
8959    </message>
8960    <message>
8961        <location line="+0"/>
8962        <source>DSA</source>
8963        <translation>DSA</translation>
8964    </message>
8965    <message>
8966        <location line="+1"/>
8967        <source>Digest (SHA-1): %1</source>
8968        <translation>Digest (SHA-1): %1</translation>
8969    </message>
8970    <message>
8971        <location line="+2"/>
8972        <source>Digest (SHA-256): %1</source>
8973        <translation>Digest (SHA-256): %1</translation>
8974    </message>
8975    <message>
8976        <location line="+14"/>
8977        <source>Email: %1</source>
8978        <translation>E-post: %1</translation>
8979    </message>
8980    <message>
8981        <location line="+4"/>
8982        <source>DNS: %1</source>
8983        <translation>DNS: %1</translation>
8984    </message>
8985    <message>
8986        <location line="+9"/>
8987        <source>Issued by:</source>
8988        <translation>Utstedt av:</translation>
8989    </message>
8990    <message>
8991        <location line="+3"/>
8992        <source>Unit Name</source>
8993        <translation>Enhetsnavn</translation>
8994    </message>
8997    <name>VoiceRecorder</name>
8998    <message>
8999        <location filename="VoiceRecorder.cpp" line="+262"/>
9000        <source>Recorder failed to create directory &apos;%1&apos;</source>
9001        <translation>Opptaker klarte ikke å lage mappe &apos;%1&apos;</translation>
9002    </message>
9003    <message>
9004        <location line="+14"/>
9005        <source>Recorder failed to open file &apos;%1&apos;</source>
9006        <translation>Opptaker klarte ikke å åpne fil &apos;%1&apos;</translation>
9007    </message>
9008    <message>
9009        <location line="+166"/>
9010        <source>.wav - Uncompressed</source>
9011        <translation>.wav - Ukomprimert</translation>
9012    </message>
9013    <message>
9014        <location line="+3"/>
9015        <source>.ogg (Vorbis) - Compressed</source>
9016        <translation>.ogg (Vorbis) - Komprimert</translation>
9017    </message>
9018    <message>
9019        <location line="+3"/>
9020        <source>.au - Uncompressed</source>
9021        <translation>.au - Ukomprimert</translation>
9022    </message>
9023    <message>
9024        <location line="+2"/>
9025        <source>.flac - Lossless compressed</source>
9026        <translation>.flac - Tapsfritt komprimert</translation>
9027    </message>
9030    <name>VoiceRecorderDialog</name>
9031    <message>
9032        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.ui"/>
9033        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.cpp" line="+108"/>
9034        <location line="+8"/>
9035        <location line="+10"/>
9036        <location line="+9"/>
9037        <location line="+141"/>
9038        <source>Recorder</source>
9039        <translation>Opptaker</translation>
9040    </message>
9041    <message>
9042        <location/>
9043        <source>Control</source>
9044        <translation>Kontroll</translation>
9045    </message>
9046    <message>
9047        <location/>
9048        <source>00:00:00</source>
9049        <translation>00:00:00</translation>
9050    </message>
9051    <message>
9052        <location/>
9053        <source>&amp;Start</source>
9054        <translation>&amp;Start</translation>
9055    </message>
9056    <message>
9057        <location/>
9058        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.cpp" line="-21"/>
9059        <source>S&amp;top</source>
9060        <translation>S&amp;topp</translation>
9061    </message>
9062    <message>
9063        <location/>
9064        <source>Mode</source>
9065        <translation>Modus</translation>
9066    </message>
9067    <message>
9068        <location/>
9069        <source>Multichannel</source>
9070        <translation>Multikanal</translation>
9071    </message>
9072    <message>
9073        <location/>
9074        <source>Output</source>
9075        <translation>
9077    </message>
9078    <message>
9079        <location/>
9080        <source>Output format</source>
9081        <translation>Utdata-format</translation>
9082    </message>
9083    <message>
9084        <location/>
9085        <source>Target directory</source>
9086        <translation>Målmappe</translation>
9087    </message>
9088    <message>
9089        <location/>
9090        <source>Filename</source>
9091        <translation>Filnavn</translation>
9092    </message>
9093    <message>
9094        <location/>
9095        <source>&amp;Browse...</source>
9096        <translation>&amp;Utforsk…</translation>
9097    </message>
9098    <message>
9099        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.cpp" line="-210"/>
9100        <source>Valid variables are:</source>
9101        <translation>Gyldige variabler:</translation>
9102    </message>
9103    <message>
9104        <location line="+1"/>
9105        <source>Inserts the user&apos;s name</source>
9106        <translation>Skriver inn brukerens navn</translation>
9107    </message>
9108    <message>
9109        <location line="+1"/>
9110        <source>Inserts the current date</source>
9111        <translation>Skriver inn nåværende dato</translation>
9112    </message>
9113    <message>
9114        <location line="+1"/>
9115        <source>Inserts the current time</source>
9116        <translation>Skriver inn gjeldende tid</translation>
9117    </message>
9118    <message>
9119        <location line="+1"/>
9120        <source>Inserts the hostname</source>
9121        <translation>Skriver inn vertsnavn</translation>
9122    </message>
9123    <message>
9124        <location line="+26"/>
9125        <source>Recorder still running</source>
9126        <translation>Opptakeren kjører fremdeles</translation>
9127    </message>
9128    <message>
9129        <location line="+1"/>
9130        <source>Closing the recorder without stopping it will discard unwritten audio. Do you really want to close the recorder?</source>
9131        <translation>Lukking av opptakeren uten å stoppe den vil forkaste ulagret lyd. Ønsker du virkelig å lukke opptakeren?</translation>
9132    </message>
9133    <message>
9134        <location line="+33"/>
9135        <source>Unable to start recording. Not connected to a server.</source>
9136        <translation>Klarte ikke å starte opptak. Ikke tilkoblet en tjener.</translation>
9137    </message>
9138    <message>
9139        <location line="+8"/>
9140        <source>The server you are currently connected to is version 1.2.2 or older. For privacy reasons, recording on servers of versions older than 1.2.3 is not possible.
9141Please contact your server administrator for further information.</source>
9142        <translation>Tjeneren du har koblet til er  versjon 1.2.2 eller eldre. Av sikkerhetshensyn, er opptak  tjenere eldre enn 1.2.3 ikke mulig. Kontakt din tjeneradministrator for ytterligere informasjon.</translation>
9143    </message>
9144    <message>
9145        <location line="+10"/>
9146        <source>There is already a recorder active for this server.</source>
9147        <translation>Det er allerede en aktiv opptaker i bruk for denne tjeneren.</translation>
9148    </message>
9149    <message>
9150        <location line="+9"/>
9151        <source>Please select a recording format.</source>
9152        <translation>Velg et opptaksformat.</translation>
9153    </message>
9154    <message>
9155        <location line="+73"/>
9156        <source>Stopping</source>
9157        <translation>Stopper</translation>
9158    </message>
9159    <message>
9160        <location line="+26"/>
9161        <source>Select target directory</source>
9162        <translation>Velg målmappe</translation>
9163    </message>
9164    <message>
9165        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.ui"/>
9166        <source>Downmix</source>
9167        <translation>Nedmikset</translation>
9168    </message>
9171    <name>WASAPISystem</name>
9172    <message>
9173        <location filename="WASAPI.cpp" line="+241"/>
9174        <source>Default Device</source>
9175        <translation>Forvalgt enhet</translation>
9176    </message>
9179    <name>qwPTTButtonWidget</name>
9180    <message>
9181        <location filename="PTTButtonWidget.ui"/>
9182        <source>Mumble PTT</source>
9183        <translation>Mumble trykk-for-å-snakke</translation>
9184    </message>
9185    <message>
9186        <location/>
9187        <source>Push to talk</source>
9188        <translation>Trykk for å snakke</translation>
9189    </message>