2    "name": "MuseScore GPU driver blacklist - based on Qt built-in GPU driver blacklist for Qt 5.12.6",
3    "version": "5.6",
4    "entries": [
5        {
6            "id": 1,
7            "description": "Desktop OpenGL is unreliable on some Intel HD laptops (QTBUG-43263)",
8            "vendor_id": "0x8086",
9            "device_id": [ "0x0A16" ],
10            "os": {
11                "type": "win"
12            },
13            "driver_version": {
14                "op": "<=",
15                "value": ""
16            },
17            "features": [
18                "disable_desktopgl"
19            ]
20        },
21        {
22            "id": 2,
23            "description": "Intel Q965/Q963 - GMA 3000 has insufficient support of opengl and directx",
24            "vendor_id": "0x8086",
25            "device_id": [ "0x2992" ],
26            "os": {
27                "type": "win"
28            },
29            "features": [
30                "disable_desktopgl",
31                "disable_angle"
32            ]
33       },
34       {
35           "id": 3,
36           "description": "No OpenGL on Intel G33/G31 (QTBUG-47522)",
37           "vendor_id": "0x8086",
38           "device_id": [ "0x29C2" ],
39           "os": {
40               "type": "win"
41           },
42           "features": [
43               "disable_desktopgl"
44           ]
45       },
46       {
47           "id": 4,
48          "description": "Intel HD Graphics 3000 crashes when initializing the OpenGL driver (QTBUG-42240)",
49          "vendor_id": "0x8086",
50          "device_id": [ "0x0102", "0x0106", "0x010A", "0x0112", "0x0116", "0x0122", "0x0126" ],
51          "os": {
52              "type": "win"
53          },
54          "features": [
55              "disable_desktopgl"
56          ]
57       },
58       {
59           "id": 5,
60           "description": "Intel GMA 3150 (QTBUG-43243), Mobile Intel 945GM (QTBUG-47435) crash",
61           "vendor_id": "0x8086",
62           "device_id": [ "0xA001", "0xA011", "0x27A0" ],
63           "os": {
64               "type": "win"
65           },
66           "features": [
67               "disable_desktopgl", "disable_angle"
68           ]
69        },
70        {
71           "id": 6,
72           "description": "Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 / 5500 cause crashes on orientation changes in fullscreen mode (QTBUG-49541)",
73           "vendor_id": "0x8086",
74           "device_id": [ "0x0166", "0x1616" ],
75           "os": {
76               "type": "win"
77           },
78           "features": [
79               "disable_rotation"
80           ]
81        },
82        {
83           "id": 7,
84           "description": "AMD FirePro V5900 driver causes crashes in Direct3D on Windows.",
85           "vendor_id": "0x1002",
86           "device_id": ["0x6707"],
87           "os": {
88               "type": "win"
89           },
90           "features": [
91               "disable_angle"
92           ]
93        },
94        {
95           "id": 8,
96           "description": "Standard VGA: Insufficient support for OpenGL, D3D9 and D3D11",
97           "vendor_id": "0x0000",
98           "device_id": ["0x0000"],
99           "os": {
100               "type": "win"
101           },
102           "features": [
103               "disable_desktopgl", "disable_d3d11", "disable_d3d9"
104           ]
105        },
106        {
107           "id": 9,
108           "description": "Intel 945 crash (QTBUG-40991)",
109           "vendor_id": "0x8086",
110           "device_id": [ "0x27A2" ],
111           "os": {
112               "type": "win"
113           },
114           "features": [
115               "disable_desktopgl"
116           ]
117        },
118        {
119          "id": 10,
120          "description": "Intel(R) HD Graphics IronLake (Arrandale) crashes on makeCurrent QTBUG-53888",
121          "vendor_id": "0x8086",
122          "device_id": [ "0x0046" ],
123          "os": {
124              "type": "win"
125          },
126          "features": [
127              "disable_desktopgl"
128          ]
129        },
130        {
131          "id": 11,
132          "description": "Intel driver version causes GPU process hangs (QTBUG-56360)",
133          "vendor_id": "0x8086",
134          "os": {
135            "type": "win"
136          },
137          "driver_version": {
138            "op": "=",
139            "value": ""
140          },
141          "features": [
142            "disable_desktopgl", "disable_d3d11", "disable_d3d9"
143          ]
144        },
145        {
146           "id": 12,
147           "description": "Intel HD Graphics crash in conjunction with shader caches (QTBUG-64697) - disable for all Intel GPUs",
148           "vendor_id": "0x8086",
149           "os": {
150               "type": "win"
151           },
152           "features": [
153               "disable_program_cache"
154           ]
155        },
157        {
158            "id": 13,
159            "description": "Desktop OpenGL on Windows 7 often leads to bad QtQuick rendering (MuseScore issue #296682)",
160            "os": {
161                "type": "win",
162                "release": [ "7" ]
163            },
164            "features": [
165                "disable_desktopgl"
166            ]
167        }
168    ]