1 /* Spectrum_extensions.cpp
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 1993-2021 David Weenink
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
8  * your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this work. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 /*
20  djmw 20010718
21  djmw 20020813 GPL header
22  djmw 20030929 Added a warning in Spectrum_drawPhases.
23  djmw 20031023 New: Spectra_multiply, Spectrum_conjugate
24  djmw 20040506 Changed warning message in Spectrum_drawPhases.
25  djmw 20041124 Changed call to Sound_to_Spectrum.
26  djmw 20061218 Introduction of Melder_information<12...9>
27  djmw 20071022 phase_unwrap initialize phase = 0.
28  djmw 20080122 float -> double
29  djmw 20080202 Warning in Spectrum_drawPhases to wchar
30  djmw 20080411 Removed define NUM2pi
31 */
33 #include "Ltas.h"
34 #include "Spectrum_extensions.h"
35 #include "Sound_and_Spectrum.h"
36 #include "Sound_and_Spectrum_dft.h"
37 #include "NUM2.h"
39 #define SIGN(x,s) ((s) < 0 ? -fabs (x) : fabs(x))
41 #define THLCON 0.5
42 #define THLINC 1.5
43 #define EXP2   12
45 #define PPVPHA(x,y,test) ((test) ? atan2 (-(y),-(x)) : atan2 ((y),(x)))
46 #define PHADVT(xr,xi,yr,yi,xa) ((xa) > 0 ? ((xr)*(yr)+(xi)*(yi))/ (xa) : 0)
48 struct tribolet_struct {
49 	double thlinc, thlcon;
50 	double ddf, dvtmn2;
51 	double *x;
52 	integer nx, l, count;
53 	bool reverse_sign;
54 };
56 /*
57 	Perform modified Goertzel algorithm to calculate, at frequency 'freq_rad',
58 	the real and imaginary part of the spectrum and the d/df of the
59 	spectrum of x.
60 	Reference: Bonzanigo (1978), IEEE Trans. ASSP, Vol. 26.
61 */
62 static void getSpectralValues (struct tribolet_struct *tbs, double freq_rad, double *xr, double *xi, double *nxr, double *nxi) {
63 	const double cosf = cos (freq_rad), sinf = sin (freq_rad);
64 	double a = 2 * cosf;
65 	double b, u1 = 0, u2 = u1, w1 = u1, w2 = u1;
66 	const double *x = tbs -> x;
67 	const integer nx = tbs -> nx;
69 	for (integer j = 1; j <= nx; j ++) {
70 		double xj = x [j];
71 		double u0 =           xj + a * u1 - u2;
72 		double w0 = (j - 1) * xj + a * w1 - w2;
73 		u2 = u1;
74 		u1 = u0;
75 		w2 = w1;
76 		w1 = w0;
77 	}
79 	// Bonzanigo's phase correction
81 	a = freq_rad * (nx - 1);
82 	u1 =   cos (a);
83 	u2 = - sin (a);
85 	a = u1 - u2 * cosf;
86 	b =      u2 * sinf;
87 	*xr  = u1 * a - u2 * b;
88 	*xi  = u2 * a + u1 * b;
90 	a = w1 - w2 * cosf;
91 	b =      w2 * sinf;
92 	*nxr = u1 * a - u2 * b;
93 	*nxi = u2 * a + u1 * b;
94 	tbs -> count ++;
95 }
97 // Find the closest unwrapped phase estimate from the two admissible phase values (a1 & a2).
99 static int phase_check (double pv, double *inout_phase, double thlcon) {
100 	const double a0 = (*inout_phase - pv) / NUM2pi;
101 	const integer k = Melder_ifloor (a0);   // ppgb: instead of truncation toward zero
102 	const double a1 = pv + k * NUM2pi;
103 	const double a2 = a1 + SIGN (NUM2pi, a0);
104 	const double a3 = fabs (a1 - *inout_phase);
105 	const double a4 = fabs (a2 - *inout_phase);
107 	if (a3 > thlcon && a4 > thlcon)
108 		return 0;
109 	*inout_phase = a3 > a4 ? a2 : a1;
110 	return 1;
111 }
113 /*
114 	Phase unwrapping based on Tribolet's adaptive integration method.
115 	the unwrapped phase estimate is returned.
116 */
117 static double phase_unwrap (struct tribolet_struct *tbs, double pfreq, double ppv, double pdvt, double *pphase, double *ppdvt) {
118 	double sdvt [25], sppv [25];
119 	double freq, phase = 0.0;
120 	double xr, xi, xmsq, nxr, nxi;
121 	integer k, sindex [25], pindex = 1, sp = 1;
123 	sppv [sp] = ppv;
124 	sdvt [sp] = pdvt;
125 	sindex [sp] = tbs -> l + 1;
127 	goto p40;
128 p20:
129 	/*
130 		When the routine runs out of stack space, there probably is
131 		a zero very near the unit circle that results in a jump of
132 		pi in the phase.
133 	*/
134 	if ((sindex [sp] - pindex) <= 1)
135 		return phase;
136 	/*
137 		p30:
138 		Get the intermediate frequency value and compute its phase
139 		derivative and principal value.
140 	*/
141 	k = (sindex [sp] + pindex) / 2;
142 	freq = pfreq + (k - 1) * tbs -> ddf;
143 	getSpectralValues (tbs, freq, & xr, & xi, & nxr, & nxi);
144 	sindex [ ++sp] = k;
145 	sppv [sp] = PPVPHA (xr, xi, tbs -> reverse_sign);
146 	xmsq = xr * xr + xi * xi;
147 	sdvt [sp] = PHADVT (xr, xi, nxr, nxi, xmsq);
149 p40:
150 	/*
151 		Evaluate the phase increment.
152 		If the phase increment, reduced by the expected linear phase
153 		increment, is greater than the specified threshold, adapt step size.
154 	*/
155 	double delta = 0.5 * tbs -> ddf * (sindex [sp] - pindex);
156 	double phase_inc = delta * (*ppdvt + sdvt [sp]);
158 	if (fabs (phase_inc - delta * tbs -> dvtmn2) > tbs -> thlinc)
159 		goto p20;
161 	phase = *pphase + phase_inc;
163 	if (! phase_check (sppv [sp], &phase, tbs -> thlcon))
164 		goto p20;
165 	if (fabs (phase - *pphase) > NUMpi)
166 		goto p20;
167 	if (sp == 1)
168 		return phase;
169 	/*
170 		p10: Update previous estimate.
171 	*/
172 	pindex = sindex [sp];
173 	*pphase = phase;
174 	*ppdvt = sdvt [sp--];
176 	goto p40;
177 }
179 autoMatrix Spectrum_unwrap (Spectrum me) {
180 	try {
181 		struct tribolet_struct tbs;
182 		int remove_linear_part = 1;
184 		const integer nfft = 2 * Melder_clippedLeft (2_integer, Melder_iroundUpToPowerOfTwo (my nx - 1));   // TODO: explain edge case
185 		Melder_require (nfft / 2 == my nx - 1,
186 			U"Dimension of Spectrum should be a power of 2 - 1.");
188 		autoSound x = Spectrum_to_Sound (me);
189 		autoSound nx = Data_copy (x.get());
191 		for (integer i = 1; i <= x -> nx; i ++)
192 			nx -> z [1] [i] *= (i - 1);
194 		autoSpectrum snx = Sound_to_Spectrum (nx.get(), true);
195 		autoMatrix thee = Matrix_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1);
197 		tbs.thlinc = THLINC;
198 		tbs.thlcon = THLCON;
199 		tbs.x = & x -> z [1] [0];
200 		tbs.nx = x -> nx;
201 		tbs.l = Melder_ifloor (pow (2, EXP2) + 0.1);
202 		tbs.ddf = NUM2pi / ( (tbs.l) * nfft);
203 		tbs.reverse_sign = my z [1] [1] < 0;
204 		tbs.count = 0;
205 		/*
206 			Reuse snx : put phase derivative (d/df) in imaginary part.
207 		*/
208 		tbs.dvtmn2 = 0.0;
209 		for (integer i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
210 			const double xr = my z [1] [i], xi = my z [2] [i];
211 			const double nxr = snx -> z [1] [i], nxi = snx -> z [2] [i];
212 			const double xmsq = xr * xr + xi * xi;
213 			const double pdvt = PHADVT (xr, xi, nxr, nxi, xmsq);
214 			thy z [1] [i] = xmsq;
215 			snx -> z [2] [i] = pdvt;
216 			tbs.dvtmn2 += pdvt;
217 		}
219 		tbs.dvtmn2 = (2.0 * tbs.dvtmn2 - snx -> z [2] [1] - snx -> z [2] [my nx]) / (my nx - 1);
221 		autoMelderProgress progress (U"Phase unwrapping");
223 		double pphase = 0.0, phase = 0.0;
224 		double ppdvt = snx -> z [2] [1];
225 		thy z [2] [1] = PPVPHA (my z [1] [1], my z [2] [1], tbs.reverse_sign);
226 		for (integer i = 2; i <= my nx; i ++) {
227 			const double pfreq = NUM2pi * (i - 1) / nfft;
228 			const double pdvt = snx -> z [2] [i];
229 			const double ppv = PPVPHA (my z [1] [i], my z [2] [i], tbs.reverse_sign);
230 			phase = phase_unwrap (&tbs, pfreq, ppv, pdvt, &pphase, &ppdvt);
231 			ppdvt = pdvt;
232 			thy z [2] [i] = pphase = phase;
233 			Melder_progress ( (double) i / my nx, i,
234 			                   U" unwrapped phases from ", my nx, U".");
235 		}
237 		const integer iphase = Melder_ifloor (phase / NUMpi + 0.1);
239 		if (remove_linear_part) {
240 			phase /= my nx - 1;
241 			for (integer i = 2; i <= my nx; i ++)
242 				thy z [2] [i] -= phase * (i - 1);
243 		}
244 		Melder_information (U"Number of spectral values: ", tbs.count);
245 		Melder_information (U" iphase = ", iphase);
246 		return thee;
247 	} catch (MelderError) {
248 		Melder_throw (me, U": not unwrapped.");
249 	}
250 }
252 void Spectrum_drawPhases (Spectrum me, Graphics g, double fmin, double fmax, double phase_min, double phase_max, int unwrap, bool /* garnish */) {
253 	autoMatrix thee;
254 	bool reverse_sign = my z [1] [1] < 0;
256 	if (unwrap)
257 		thee = Spectrum_unwrap (me);
258 	else {
259 		thee = Matrix_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, 1.0, 2.0, 2, 1.0, 1.0);
260 		for (integer i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
261 			thy z [2] [i] = PPVPHA (my z [1] [i], my z [2] [i], reverse_sign);
262 		}
263 	}
264 	Matrix_drawRows (thee.get(), g, fmin, fmax, 1.9, 2.1, phase_min, phase_max);
265 }
267 autoSpectrum Spectra_multiply (Spectrum me, Spectrum thee) {
268 	try {
269 		Melder_require (my nx == thy nx && my x1 == thy x1 && my xmax == thy xmax && my dx == thy dx,
270 			U"Dimensions of both spectra should be the same.");
272 		autoSpectrum him = Data_copy (me);
274 		for (integer i = 1; i <= his nx; i ++) {
275 			his z [1] [i] = my z [1] [i] * thy z [1] [i] - my z [2] [i] * thy z [2] [i];
276 			his z [2] [i] = my z [1] [i] * thy z [2] [i] + my z [2] [i] * thy z [1] [i];
277 		}
278 		return him;
279 	} catch (MelderError) {
280 		Melder_throw (me, U": not multiplied.");
281 	}
282 }
284 void Spectrum_shiftPhaseBy90Degrees (Spectrum me) {
285 	// shifting +pi/2 by a multiplication with i
286 	for (integer i = 2; i <= my nx - 1; i ++) {
287 		std::swap (my z [1] [i], my z [2] [i]);
288 		my z [1] [i] = - my z [1] [i];
289 	}
290 }
292 void Spectrum_unshiftPhaseBy90Degrees (Spectrum me) {
293 	// shifting -pi/2 by a multiplication with -i
294 	for (integer i = 2; i <= my nx - 1; i ++) {
295 		my z [1] [i] = - my z [1] [i];
296 		std::swap (my z [1] [i], my z [2] [i]);
297 	}
298 }
300 void Spectrum_conjugate (Spectrum me) {
301 	for (integer i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++)
302 		my z [2] [i] = - my z [2] [i];
303 }
305 autoSpectrum Spectrum_resample (Spectrum me, integer numberOfFrequencies) {
306 	try {
307 		const double newSamplingFrequency = (1 / my dx) * numberOfFrequencies / my nx;
308 		// resample real and imaginary part !
309 		autoSound thee = Sound_resample ((Sound) me, newSamplingFrequency, 50);
310 		autoSpectrum him = Spectrum_create (my xmax, numberOfFrequencies);
311 		his z.all()  <<=  thy z.all();
312 		return him;
313 	} catch (MelderError) {
314 		Melder_throw (me, U": not resampled.");
315 	}
316 }
317 /*
318 autoSpectrum Spectrum_resample2 (Spectrum me, integer numberOfFrequencies) {
319 	try {
320 		autoSound sound = Spectrum_to_Sound (me);
321 		const double newSamplingFrequency = (1.0 / my dx) * numberOfFrequencies / my nx;
322 		const double resampleFactor = (my nx - 1.0) / numberOfFrequencies;
323 		autoSound resampled = Sound_resample (sound.get(), resampleFactor / sound -> dx, 50);
324 		autoSpectrum extendedSpectrum = Sound_to_Spectrum_dft (resampled.get(), 50);
325 		autoSpectrum him = Spectrum_create (my xmax, numberOfFrequencies);
326 		his z.all()  <<=  extendedSpectrum -> z.all();
327 		return him;
328 	} catch (MelderError) {
329 		Melder_throw (me, U": not resampled.");
330 	}
331 }
332 */
333 #if 0
334 static autoSpectrum Spectrum_shiftFrequencies2 (Spectrum me, double shiftBy, bool changeMaximumFrequency) {
335 	try {
336 		double xmax = my xmax;
337 		integer numberOfFrequencies = my nx, interpolationDepth = 50;
338 		if (changeMaximumFrequency) {
339 			xmax += shiftBy;
340 			numberOfFrequencies += (xmax - my xmax) / my dx;
341 		}
342 		autoSpectrum thee = Spectrum_create (xmax, numberOfFrequencies);
343 		// shiftBy >= 0
344 		for (integer i = 1; i <= thy nx; i ++) {
345 			const double thyf = thy x1 + (i - 1) * thy dx;
346 			const double myf = thyf - shiftBy;
347 			if (myf >= my xmin && myf <= my xmax) {
348 				const double index = Sampled_xToIndex (me, myf);
349 				thy z [1] [i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z.row (1), index, interpolationDepth);
350 				thy z [2] [i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z.row (2), index, interpolationDepth);
351 			}
352 		}
353 		return thee;
354 	} catch (MelderError) {
355 		Melder_throw (me, U": not shifted.");
356 	}
357 }
358 #endif
360 autoSpectrum Spectrum_shiftFrequencies (Spectrum me, double shiftBy, double newMaximumFrequency, integer interpolationDepth) {
361 	try {
362 		double xmax = my xmax;
363 		integer numberOfFrequencies = my nx;
364 		if (newMaximumFrequency != 0.0) {
365 			numberOfFrequencies = Melder_ifloor (newMaximumFrequency / my dx) + 1;
366 			xmax = newMaximumFrequency;
367 		}
368 		autoSpectrum thee = Spectrum_create (xmax, numberOfFrequencies);
369 		for (integer i = 1; i <= thy nx; i ++) {
370 			const double thyf = thy x1 + (i - 1) * thy dx;
371 			const double myf = thyf - shiftBy;
372 			if (myf >= my xmin && myf <= my xmax) {
373 				const double index = Sampled_xToIndex (me, myf);
374 				thy z [1] [i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z.row (1), index, interpolationDepth);
375 				thy z [2] [i] = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z.row (2), index, interpolationDepth);
376 			}
377 		}
378 		/*
379 			Make imaginary part of first and last sample zero
380 			so Spectrum_to_Sound uses FFT if numberOfSamples was power of 2!
381 		*/
382 		thy z [1] [1] = hypot (thy z [1] [1], thy z [2] [1]);
383 		thy z [2] [1] = 0.0;
384 		thy z [1] [thy nx] = hypot (thy z [1] [thy nx], thy z [2] [thy nx]);
385 		thy z [2] [thy nx] = 0.0;
386 		return thee;
387 	} catch (MelderError) {
388 		Melder_throw (me, U": not shifted.");
389 	}
390 }
392 autoSpectrum Spectrum_compressFrequencyDomain (Spectrum me, double fmax, integer interpolationDepth, int freqscale, int method) {
393 	try {
394 		const double fdomain = my xmax - my xmin, factor = fdomain / fmax ;
395 		//integer numberOfFrequencies = 1.0 + fmax / my dx; // keep dx the same, otherwise the "duration" changes
396 		const double xmax = my xmax / factor;
397 		const integer numberOfFrequencies = Melder_ifloor (my nx / factor); // keep dx the same, otherwise the "duration" changes
398 		autoSpectrum thee = Spectrum_create (xmax, numberOfFrequencies);
399 		thy z [1] [1] = my z [1] [1];
400 		thy z [2] [1] = my z [2] [1];
401 		const double df = freqscale == 1 ? factor * my dx : log10 (fdomain) / (numberOfFrequencies - 1);
402 		for (integer i = 2; i <= numberOfFrequencies; i ++) {
403 			const double f = my xmin + (freqscale == 1 ? (i - 1) * df : pow (10.0, (i - 1) * df));
404 			const double index = (f - my x1) / my dx + 1;
405 			double x, y;
406 			if (index > my nx)
407 				break;
408 			if (method == 1) {
409 				x = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z.row (1), index, interpolationDepth);
410 				y = NUM_interpolate_sinc (my z.row (2), index, interpolationDepth);
411 			} else {
412 				x = undefined;   // ppgb: better than data from random memory
413 				y = undefined;
414 			}
415 			thy z [1] [i] = x;
416 			thy z [2] [i] = y;
417 		}
418 		return thee;
419 	} catch (MelderError) {
420 		Melder_throw (me, U": not compressed.");
421 	}
422 }
424 /* End of file Spectrum_extensions.cpp */