1 /********************************************************
2  Array Library, a simple module for handling arrays of data
4  Copyright (C) 2007-2014  Brian Langenberger
6  The Array Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of either:
9    * the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
10      Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
11      option) any later version.
13  or
15    * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
16      Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
17      later version.
19  or both in parallel, as here.
21  The Array Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
22  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
23  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
24  for more details.
26  You should have received copies of the GNU General Public License and the
27  GNU Lesser General Public License along with the GNU MP Library.  If not,
28  see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
29  *******************************************************/
31 #ifndef __ARRAYLIB_H__
32 #define __ARRAYLIB_H__
34 #include <stdarg.h>
35 #include <stdio.h>
37 /*arrays are thin wrappers around malloc'ed data
38   in order to provide a consistent interface for common array operations
40   all have a "_" attribute to access the array's raw data,
41   an unsigned "len" attribute for the array's current size
42   and various methods to perform array-wise operations
44   for example:
46   int total = 0;
47   a_int* a = a_int_new();        //initialize a new integer array
48   a->vappend(a, 3, 1, 2, 3);     //append three integer values
49   for (i = 0; i < a->len; i++) { //iterate over the array
50       total += a->_[i];          //sum the values in the array
51   }
52   a->print(a, stdout);           //display the array
53   a->del(a);                     //deallocate it once finished
55   by providing internal methods with consistent naming,
56   one doesn't have to remember different function names
57   to perform the same function on arrays of different types
58  */
61 /*appends a single value to the given array
62   "array" is evaluated twice, while "value" is evaluated only once
63   this presumes array has been resized in advance for additional items:
65   array->reset_for(array, count);
66   for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
67       a_append(array, data[i]);
69   it works equally well for array_i and array_f
70 */
71 #define a_append(array, value)((array)->_[(array)->len++] = (value))
74 /******************************************************************/
75 /*arrays of plain C primitives such as int, double, unsigned, etc.*/
76 /******************************************************************/
79 struct LINK_TYPE##_s;                                                   \
80 struct TYPE##_s {                                                       \
81     CONTENT_TYPE *_;                                                    \
82     unsigned len;                                                       \
83     unsigned total_size;                                                \
84                                                                         \
85     /*deletes the array and any allocated data it contains*/            \
86     void (*del)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                                 \
87                                                                         \
88     /*resizes the array to fit at least "minimum" items*/               \
89     void (*resize)(struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned minimum);            \
90                                                                         \
91     /*resizes the array to fit "additional_items"*/                     \
92     void (*resize_for)(struct TYPE##_s *self,                           \
93                        unsigned additional_items);                      \
94                                                                         \
95     /*deletes any data in the array and resets its contents*/           \
96     /*so that it can be re-populated with new data*/                    \
97     void (*reset)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                               \
98                                                                         \
99     /*deletes any data in the array,*/                                  \
100     /*resizes its contents to fit "minimum" number of items,*/          \
101     /*and resets it contents so it can be re-populated*/                \
102     void (*reset_for)(struct TYPE##_s *self,                            \
103                       unsigned minimum);                                \
104                                                                         \
105     /*appends a single value to the array*/                             \
106     void (*append)(struct TYPE##_s *self, CONTENT_TYPE value);          \
107                                                                         \
108     /*appends several values to the array*/                             \
109     void (*vappend)(struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count, ...);        \
110                                                                         \
111     /*appends "value", "count" number of times*/                        \
112     void (*mappend)(struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,              \
113                     CONTENT_TYPE value);                                \
114                                                                         \
115     void (*insert)(struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned index,               \
116                    CONTENT_TYPE value);                                 \
117                                                                         \
118     /*sets the array to new values, removing any old ones*/             \
119     void (*vset)(struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count, ...);           \
120                                                                         \
121     /*sets the array to single values, removing any old ones*/          \
122     void (*mset)(struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,                 \
123                  CONTENT_TYPE value);                                   \
124                                                                         \
125     /*appends all the items in "to_add" to this array*/                 \
126     void (*extend)(struct TYPE##_s *self,                               \
127                    const struct TYPE##_s *to_add);                      \
128                                                                         \
129     /*returns 1 if all items in array equal those in compare,*/         \
130     /*returns 0 if not*/                                                \
131     int (*equals)(const struct TYPE##_s *self,                          \
132                   const struct TYPE##_s *compare);                      \
133                                                                         \
134     /*returns the smallest value in the array,*/                        \
135     /*or INT_MAX if the array is empty*/                                \
136     CONTENT_TYPE (*min)(const struct TYPE##_s *self);                   \
137                                                                         \
138     /*returns the largest value in the array,*/                         \
139     /*or INT_MIN if the array is empty*/                                \
140     CONTENT_TYPE (*max)(const struct TYPE##_s *self);                   \
141                                                                         \
142     /*returns the sum of all items in the array*/                       \
143     CONTENT_TYPE (*sum)(const struct TYPE##_s *self);                   \
144                                                                         \
145     /*makes "copy" a duplicate of this array*/                          \
146     void (*copy)(const struct TYPE##_s *self,                           \
147                  struct TYPE##_s *copy);                                \
148                                                                         \
149     /*links the contents of this array to a read-only array*/           \
150     void (*link)(const struct TYPE##_s *self,                           \
151                  struct LINK_TYPE##_s *link);                           \
152                                                                         \
153     /*swaps the contents of this array with another array*/             \
154     void (*swap)(struct TYPE##_s *self, struct TYPE##_s *swap);         \
155                                                                         \
156     /*moves "count" number of items from the start of this array*/      \
157     /*to "head", or as many as possible*/                               \
158     void (*head)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,           \
159                  struct TYPE##_s *head);                                \
160                                                                         \
161     /*moves "count" number of items from the end of this array*/        \
162     /*to "tail", or as many as possible*/                               \
163     void (*tail)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,           \
164                  struct TYPE##_s *tail);                                \
165                                                                         \
166     /*moves all except the first "count" number of items*/              \
167     /*from this array to "tail", or as many as possible*/               \
168     void (*de_head)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,        \
169                     struct TYPE##_s *tail);                             \
170                                                                         \
171     /*moves all except the last "count" number of items*/               \
172     /*from this array to "head", or as many as possible*/               \
173     void (*de_tail)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,        \
174                     struct TYPE##_s *head);                             \
175                                                                         \
176     /*splits the array into "head" and "tail" arrays*/                  \
177     /*such that "head" contains a copy of up to "count" items*/         \
178     /*while "tail" contains the rest*/                                  \
179     void (*split)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,          \
180                   struct TYPE##_s *head, struct TYPE##_s *tail);        \
181                                                                         \
182     /*concatenates "self" and "tail" into a single array*/              \
183     /*and places the result in "combined"*/                             \
184     void (*concat)(const struct TYPE##_s *self,                         \
185                    const struct TYPE##_s *tail,                         \
186                    struct TYPE##_s *combined);                          \
187                                                                         \
188     /*reverses the items in the array*/                                 \
189     void (*reverse)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                             \
190                                                                         \
191     /*sorts the items in the array*/                                    \
192     void (*sort)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                                \
193                                                                         \
194     void (*print)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, FILE* output);           \
195 };                                                                      \
196 typedef struct TYPE##_s TYPE;                                           \
197                                                                         \
198 struct LINK_TYPE##_s {                                                  \
199     const CONTENT_TYPE *_;                                              \
200     unsigned len;                                                       \
201                                                                         \
202     /*deletes the array and any allocated data it contains*/            \
203     void (*del)(struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self);                            \
204                                                                         \
205     /*deletes any data in the array and resets its contents*/           \
206     /*so that it can be linked to new data*/                            \
207     void (*reset)(struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self);                          \
208                                                                         \
209     /*returns 1 if all items in array equal those in compare,*/         \
210     /*returns 0 if not*/                                                \
211     int (*equals)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self,                     \
212                   const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *compare);                 \
213                                                                         \
214     /*returns the smallest value in the array,*/                        \
215     CONTENT_TYPE (*min)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self);              \
216                                                                         \
217     /*returns the largest value in the array,*/                         \
218     CONTENT_TYPE (*max)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self);              \
219                                                                         \
220     /*returns the sum of all items in the array*/                       \
221     CONTENT_TYPE (*sum)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self);              \
222                                                                         \
223     /*makes "copy" a duplicate of this array*/                          \
224     void (*copy)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self,                      \
225                  struct TYPE##_s *copy);                                \
226                                                                         \
227     /*links the contents of this array to a read-only array*/           \
228     void (*link)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self,                      \
229                  struct LINK_TYPE##_s *link);                           \
230                                                                         \
231     /*swaps the contents of this array with another array*/             \
232     void (*swap)(struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self,                            \
233                  struct LINK_TYPE##_s *swap);                           \
234                                                                         \
235     /*moves "count" number of items from the start of this array*/      \
236     /*to "head", or as many as possible*/                               \
237     void (*head)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,      \
238                  struct LINK_TYPE##_s *head);                           \
239                                                                         \
240     /*moves "count" number of items from the start of this array*/      \
241     /*to "head", or as many as possible*/                               \
242     void (*tail)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,      \
243                  struct LINK_TYPE##_s *tail);                           \
244                                                                         \
245     /*moves all except the first "count" number of items*/              \
246     /*from this array to "tail", or as many as possible*/               \
247     void (*de_head)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,   \
248                     struct LINK_TYPE##_s *tail);                        \
249                                                                         \
250     /*moves all except the last "count" number of items*/               \
251     /*from this array to "head", or as many as possible*/               \
252     void (*de_tail)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,   \
253                     struct LINK_TYPE##_s *head);                        \
254                                                                         \
255     /*splits the array into "head" and "tail" arrays*/                  \
256     /*such that "head" contains a copy of up to "count" items*/         \
257     /*while "tail" contains the rest*/                                  \
258     void (*split)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,     \
259                   struct LINK_TYPE##_s *head, struct LINK_TYPE##_s *tail); \
260                                                                         \
261     void (*print)(const struct LINK_TYPE##_s *self, FILE* output);      \
262 };                                                                      \
263 typedef struct LINK_TYPE##_s LINK_TYPE;                                 \
264                                                                         \
265 struct TYPE##_s*                                                        \
266 TYPE##_new(void);                                                       \
267                                                                         \
268 LINK_TYPE*                                                              \
269 LINK_TYPE##_new(void);
271 ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINITION(a_int, int, l_int)
272 ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINITION(a_double, double, l_double)
273 ARRAY_TYPE_DEFINITION(a_unsigned, unsigned, l_unsigned)
276 /******************************************************************/
277 /*         arrays of arrays such as a_int, a_double etc.          */
278 /******************************************************************/
280 #define ARRAY_A_TYPE_DEFINITION(TYPE, ARRAY_TYPE)                       \
281 struct TYPE##_s {                                                       \
282     struct ARRAY_TYPE##_s **_;                                          \
283     unsigned len;                                                       \
284     unsigned total_size;                                                \
285                                                                         \
286     /*deletes the array and any allocated data it contains*/            \
287     void (*del)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                                 \
288                                                                         \
289     /*resizes the array to fit at least "minimum" items*/               \
290     void (*resize)(struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned minimum);            \
291                                                                         \
292     /*deletes any data in the array and resets its contents*/           \
293     /*so that it can be re-populated with new data*/                    \
294     void (*reset)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                               \
295                                                                         \
296     /*returns a freshly appended array which values can be added to*/   \
297     /*this array should *not* be deleted once it is done being used*/   \
298     struct ARRAY_TYPE##_s* (*append)(struct TYPE##_s *self);            \
299                                                                         \
300     /*appends all the items in "to_add" to this array*/                 \
301     void (*extend)(struct TYPE##_s *self,                               \
302                    const struct TYPE##_s *to_add);                      \
303                                                                         \
304     /*returns 1 if all items in array equal those in compare,*/         \
305     /*returns 0 if not*/                                                \
306     int (*equals)(const struct TYPE##_s *self,                          \
307                   const struct TYPE##_s *compare);                      \
308                                                                         \
309     /*makes "copy" a duplicate of this array*/                          \
310     void (*copy)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, struct TYPE##_s *copy);   \
311                                                                         \
312     /*swaps the contents of this array with another array*/             \
313     void (*swap)(struct TYPE##_s *self, struct TYPE##_s *swap);         \
314                                                                         \
315     /*splits the array into "head" and "tail" arrays*/                  \
316     /*such that "head" contains a copy of up to "count" items*/         \
317     /*while "tail" contains the rest*/                                  \
318     void (*split)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,          \
319                   struct TYPE##_s *head, struct TYPE##_s *tail);        \
320                                                                         \
321     /*splits each sub-array into "head" and "tail" arrays*/             \
322     /*such that each "head" contains a copy of up to "count" items*/    \
323     /*while each "tail" contains the rest*/                             \
324     void (*cross_split)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,    \
325                         struct TYPE##_s *head, struct TYPE##_s *tail);  \
326                                                                         \
327     /*reverses the items in the array*/                                 \
328     void (*reverse)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                             \
329                                                                         \
330     void (*print)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, FILE* output);           \
331 };                                                                      \
332 typedef struct TYPE##_s TYPE;                                           \
333                                                                         \
334 TYPE*                                                                   \
335 TYPE##_new(void);
337 ARRAY_A_TYPE_DEFINITION(aa_int, a_int)
338 ARRAY_A_TYPE_DEFINITION(aa_double, a_double)
339 ARRAY_A_TYPE_DEFINITION(al_int, l_int)
340 ARRAY_A_TYPE_DEFINITION(al_double, l_double)
342 /******************************************************************/
343 /*   arrays of arrays of arrays such as aa_int, aa_double, etc.   */
344 /******************************************************************/
346 #define ARRAY_AA_TYPE_DEFINITION(TYPE, ARRAY_TYPE)                      \
347 struct TYPE##_s {                                                       \
348     struct ARRAY_TYPE##_s **_;                                          \
349     unsigned len;                                                       \
350     unsigned total_size;                                                \
351                                                                         \
352     /*deletes the array and any allocated data it contains*/            \
353     void (*del)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                                 \
354                                                                         \
355     /*resizes the array to fit at least "minimum" items*/               \
356     void (*resize)(struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned minimum);            \
357                                                                         \
358     /*deletes any data in the array and resets its contents*/           \
359     /*so that it can be re-populated with new data*/                    \
360     void (*reset)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                               \
361                                                                         \
362     /*returns a freshly appended array_i which values can be added to*/ \
363     /*this array should *not* be deleted once it is done being used*/   \
364     struct ARRAY_TYPE##_s* (*append)(struct TYPE##_s *self);            \
365                                                                         \
366     /*appends all the items in "to_add" to this array*/                 \
367     void (*extend)(struct TYPE##_s *self,                               \
368                    const struct TYPE##_s *to_add);                      \
369                                                                         \
370     /*returns 1 if all items in array equal those in compare,*/         \
371     /*returns 0 if not*/                                                \
372     int (*equals)(const struct TYPE##_s *self,                          \
373                   const struct TYPE##_s *compare);                      \
374                                                                         \
375     /*makes "copy" a duplicate of this array*/                          \
376     void (*copy)(const struct TYPE##_s *self,                           \
377                  struct TYPE##_s *copy);                                \
378                                                                         \
379     /*swaps the contents of this array with another array*/             \
380     void (*swap)(struct TYPE##_s *self, struct TYPE##_s *swap);         \
381                                                                         \
382     /*splits the array into "head" and "tail" arrays*/                  \
383     /*such that "head" contains a copy of up to "count" items*/         \
384     /*while "tail" contains the rest*/                                  \
385     void (*split)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, unsigned count,          \
386                   struct TYPE##_s *head, struct TYPE##_s *tail);        \
387                                                                         \
388     /*reverses the items in the array*/                                 \
389     void (*reverse)(struct TYPE##_s *self);                             \
390                                                                         \
391     void (*print)(const struct TYPE##_s *self, FILE* output);           \
392 };                                                                      \
393 typedef struct TYPE##_s TYPE;                                           \
394                                                                         \
395 struct TYPE##_s*                                                        \
396 TYPE##_new(void);
398 ARRAY_AA_TYPE_DEFINITION(aaa_int, aa_int)
399 ARRAY_AA_TYPE_DEFINITION(aaa_double, aa_double)
401 /***************************************************************
402  *                        object arrays                        *
403  *                  [ptr1*, ptr2*, ptr3*, ...]                 *
404  ***************************************************************/
406 struct a_obj_s {
407     void **_;
408     unsigned len;
409     unsigned total_size;
411     /*called when an object is duplicated between arrays*/
412     void* (*copy_obj)(void* obj);
414     /*called when an object is removed from the array
415       may be NULL, meaning no free is performed*/
416     void (*free_obj)(void* obj);
418     /*called by the a->print(a, FILE) method to display an object
419       may be NULL, meaning some default is printed*/
420     void (*print_obj)(void* obj, FILE* output);
422     /*deletes the array and any allocated data it contains*/
423     void (*del)(struct a_obj_s *self);
425     /*resizes the array to fit at least "minimum" number of items,
426       if necessary*/
427     void (*resize)(struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned minimum);
429     /*resizes the array to fit "additional_items" number of new items,
430       if necessary*/
431     void (*resize_for)(struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned additional_items);
433     /*deletes any data in the array and resets its contents
434       so that it can be re-populated with new data*/
435     void (*reset)(struct a_obj_s *self);
437     /*deletes any data in the array,
438       resizes its contents to fit "minimum" number of items,
439       and resets it contents so it can be re-populated with new data*/
440     void (*reset_for)(struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned minimum);
442     /*appends a single value to the array*/
443     void (*append)(struct a_obj_s *self, void* value);
445     /*appends several values to the array*/
446     void (*vappend)(struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count, ...);
448     /*appends "value", "count" number of times*/
449     void (*mappend)(struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count, void* value);
451     /*deletes the item at the given index
452       and sets it to the new value*/
453     void (*set)(struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned index, void* value);
455     /*sets the array to new values, removing any old ones*/
456     void (*vset)(struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count, ...);
458     /*sets the array to single values, removing any old ones*/
459     void (*mset)(struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count, void* value);
461     /*appends all the items in "to_add" to this array*/
462     void (*extend)(struct a_obj_s *self, const struct a_obj_s *to_add);
464     /*makes "copy" a duplicate of this array*/
465     void (*copy)(const struct a_obj_s *self, struct a_obj_s *copy);
467     /*swaps the contents of this array with another array*/
468     void (*swap)(struct a_obj_s *self, struct a_obj_s *swap);
470     /*moves "count" number of items from the start of this array
471       to "head", or as many as possible*/
472     void (*head)(const struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count,
473                  struct a_obj_s *head);
475     /*moves "count" number of items from the end of this array
476       to "tail", or as many as possible*/
477     void (*tail)(const struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count,
478                  struct a_obj_s *tail);
480     /*moves all except the first "count" number of items
481       from this array to "tail", or as many as possible*/
482     void (*de_head)(const struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count,
483                     struct a_obj_s *tail);
485     /*moves all except the last "count" number of items
486       from this array to "head", or as many as possible*/
487     void (*de_tail)(const struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count,
488                     struct a_obj_s *head);
490     /*splits the array into "head" and "tail" arrays
491       such that "head" contains a copy of up to "count" items
492       while "tail" contains the rest*/
493     void (*split)(const struct a_obj_s *self, unsigned count,
494                   struct a_obj_s *head, struct a_obj_s *tail);
496     /*concatenates "array" and "tail" into a single array*/
497     /*and places the result in "combined"*/
498     void (*concat)(const struct a_obj_s *self,
499                    const struct a_obj_s *tail,
500                    struct a_obj_s *combined);
502     void (*print)(const struct a_obj_s *self, FILE* output);
503 };
505 typedef struct a_obj_s a_obj;
507 typedef void* (*ARRAY_COPY_FUNC)(void* obj);
508 typedef void (*ARRAY_FREE_FUNC)(void* obj);
509 typedef void (*ARRAY_PRINT_FUNC)(void* obj, FILE* output);
511 /*some placeholder functions for a_obj objects*/
512 void*
513 a_obj_dummy_copy(void* obj);
514 void
515 a_obj_dummy_free(void* obj);
516 void
517 a_obj_dummy_print(void* obj, FILE* output);
519 /*copy, free and print functions may be NULL,
520   indicating no copy, free or print operations are necessary for object*/
521 a_obj*
522 a_obj_new(void* (*copy)(void* obj),
523           void (*free)(void* obj),
524           void (*print)(void* obj, FILE* output));
526 #endif