1 package org.unicode.cldr.api;
3 import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
4 import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk;
6 /**
7  * Tests for the core CLDR value representation. Since this is an immutable value type, the tests
8  * largely focus on things like parsing and validity checking.
9  */
10 public class CldrValueTest extends TestFmwk {
TestNoValueAttributes()12     public void TestNoValueAttributes() {
13         String dpath = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/territories/territory[@type=\"US\"]";
14         CldrValue value = CldrValue.parseValue(dpath, "Hello World");
15         assertEquals("value", "Hello World", value.getValue());
16         assertTrue("no attributes", value.getValueAttributes().isEmpty());
17         assertEquals("path", dpath, value.getPath().toString());
18     }
TestValueAttributes()20     public void TestValueAttributes() {
21         CldrValue v = CldrValue.parseValue("//supplementalData/info[@digits=\"2\"][@iso4217=\"AMD\"]"
22             + "[@cashRounding=\"0\"][@rounding=\"0\"][@cashDigits=\"0\"]", "");
23         assertEquals("value", "", v.getValue());
24         // The map contains only the value attributes (no "iso4217") and in DTD order.
25         ImmutableMap<AttributeKey, String> expected = ImmutableMap.of(
26             AttributeKey.keyOf("info", "digits"), "2",
27             AttributeKey.keyOf("info", "rounding"), "0",
28             AttributeKey.keyOf("info", "cashDigits"), "0",
29             AttributeKey.keyOf("info", "cashRounding"), "0");
30         assertEquals("attributes", expected, v.getValueAttributes());
31         // Attribute order is normalized to DTD order.
32         assertEquals("attribute order",
33             expected.keySet().asList(), v.getValueAttributes().keySet().asList());
34     }
TestRetainExplicitNonDefault()36     public void TestRetainExplicitNonDefault() {
37         // The "deprecated" attribute has a default value of "false" and should be ignored, even if
38         // explicitly present.
39         CldrValue v = CldrValue.parseValue(
40             "//ldmlBCP47/keyword"
41                 + "/key[@name=\"cu\"][@description=\"Currency type key\"][@alias=\"currency\"]"
42                 + "/type[@name=\"xau\"][@description=\"Gold\"][@deprecated=\"true\"]",
43             "");
44         assertEquals("path string",
45             "//ldmlBCP47/keyword/key[@name=\"cu\"]/type[@name=\"xau\"]", v.getPath().toString());
46         AttributeKey key = AttributeKey.keyOf("type", "deprecated");
47         assertTrue("deprecated", v.getValueAttributes().containsKey(key));
48     }
TestValueEquality()50     public void TestValueEquality() {
51         CldrValue v = CldrValue.parseValue(
52             "//supplementalData/info[@iso4217=\"AMD\"][@digits=\"2\"]"
53                 + "[@rounding=\"0\"][@cashDigits=\"0\"][@cashRounding=\"0\"]", "value");
54         // Same value, but attributes in a different order in the string (does not matter).
55         CldrValue vDiffOrder = CldrValue.parseValue(
56             "//supplementalData/info[@iso4217=\"AMD\"][@cashRounding=\"0\"]"
57                 + "[@cashDigits=\"0\"][@rounding=\"0\"][@digits=\"2\"]", "value");
58         // Different value does matter.
59         CldrValue vDiffValue = CldrValue.parseValue(
60             "//supplementalData/info[@iso4217=\"AMD\"][@digits=\"2\"]"
61                 + "[@rounding=\"0\"][@cashDigits=\"0\"][@cashRounding=\"0\"]", "different");
62         // Different "value" attribute value does matter.
63         CldrValue vDiffAttr = CldrValue.parseValue(
64             "//supplementalData/info[@iso4217=\"AMD\"][@digits=\"3\"]"
65                 + "[@rounding=\"0\"][@cashDigits=\"0\"][@cashRounding=\"0\"]", "value");
66         // Differing "distinguishing" attribute does matter (that's part of the CldrPath).
67         CldrValue vSameDiffPath = CldrValue.parseValue(
68             "//supplementalData/info[@iso4217=\"XXX\"][@digits=\"2\"]"
69                 + "[@rounding=\"0\"][@cashDigits=\"0\"][@cashRounding=\"0\"]", "value");
70         assertEquals("equal instances", v, vDiffOrder);
71         assertNotEquals("unequal path", v, vSameDiffPath);
72         assertNotEquals("unequal values", v, vDiffValue);
73         assertNotEquals("unequal attributes", v, vDiffAttr);
75         // Also do some hashcode checking (not all combinations).
76         assertEquals("equal hashcode", v.hashCode(), vDiffOrder.hashCode());
77         // Clash is technically possible but effectively impossible.
78         assertNotEquals("unequal hashcode", v.hashCode(), vDiffValue.hashCode());
79         assertNotEquals("unequal hashcode", v.hashCode(), vDiffAttr.hashCode());
80     }
81 }