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OteyPiano.cppH A D05-Nov-201711.4 KiB438331

READMEH A D05-Nov-20171.2 KiB2219

dwgs.cppH A D05-Nov-20175.7 KiB282198

dwgs.hH A D05-Nov-20171.7 KiB9279

filter.cppH A D05-Nov-20177.6 KiB349231

filter.hH A D05-Nov-20171,000 4834

hammer.cppH A D05-Nov-20172.2 KiB11193

hammer.hH A D05-Nov-20171.6 KiB8474

piano.hH A D05-Nov-20171.6 KiB7438

reverb.cppH A D05-Nov-2017948 4941

reverb.hH A D05-Nov-2017503 2825


1Written by Clayton Otey, Dec 2007
3Compilation Instructions:
4First you need libsndfile.
5Download the source from http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/ into a new directory.
6cd <directory>
7tar xzf *.tar.gz
10sudo make install
11This will install into /usr/local by default.  See the README and INSTALL files in the libsndfile source distribution for instructions on how to install on non-unix platforms or how to change the install locations.
12If you're running linux and ld is not set up to look in /usr/local/lib, you may get an error like
13"error while loading shared libraries libsndfile.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory."
14In this case you will need to add the following line to your /etc/ld.so.conf file (as root):
16and rebuild your ld.so cache by running 'sudo ldconfig'
18Now, cd into the piano src directory and type `make'
21Run ./piano to see usage
22When run, a mono .wav file called out.wav is created.  If the -b option is used a file called wave.out is generated instead, which is a binary file of floating point numbers in the range [-1:1].  This can be converted to any mono audio format using 3rd party tools e.g. libsndfile.