3  - Happy New Year again! Not much new. (Perhaps that'll change soon?)
7  - Added "invert_home_end" option on the pattern editor to make the keys act
8    more like FT2. There is no UI switch for this option.
9  - Fixed a couple quirky segfaults, most of which were unlikely to happen
10    unless you were looking for them.
11  - Fixed a bug that cropped up that broke the mouse in dialogs.
12  - Small fixes to the IMF and S3M loaders.
13  - Removing the last envelope node adjusts the loop points (as it should!)
14  - A dialog now warns you if you are about to export an empty file (i.e.,
15    nothing in the orderlist)
16  - Added a separate glob pattern, listing only WAV and AIFF files by default
17  - Export shows file size and duration when it finishes
23  - Happy New Year! This is mostly for Windows users, as there was a huge
24    file-corruption problem which I hadn't noticed, plus a couple other small
25    changes. Aside from that, nothing major since last month.
29  - Fixed a MASSIVE problem with file saving code that destroyed any files it
30    wrote! (because of the stupid distinction between binary and text files,
31    argh!!)
32  - Fixed another tangentially related bug which stuffed increasing numbers of
33    newlines in the config file when saving. As a side effect the config file
34    will appear trashed in Notepad; just use something more competent (such as
35    Wordpad) and it'll be fine.
36  - Default directory if you haven't saved your config is now "My Documents"
37    rather than "Application Data". The config file / fonts / etc. are still
38    in the same place.
39  - Packages are now bundled with a different sdl.dll, which should fix some
40    strange bugs, such as producing "ding" noises when alt-keys are pressed
44  - The --diskwrite flag wasn't mentioned anywhere in the manpage. Now it is!
45  - Fixed "stacking up" on Ctrl-F2 dialog with multiple keypresses
51  - Forgot the manpage with the previous build. Whoops!
57  - Another massive update with lots of big changes!
58    As it turns out, the 20100202 build was sort of broken, and I was well
59    into tearing apart various huge chunks of code by the time the first bug
60    reports surfaced that indicated that something wasn't right. So, I just
61    reverted the download links to point back to the 20100101 build with the
62    expectation that I'd be able to pull everything together fairly soon...
63    but then Stuff Happened and then Schism Tracker sort of got shoved to the
64    back burner for a while, and now it's almost December. Oops.
65  - As you might have noticed, the website is changing significantly. Pardon
66    the dust, and please do report any troubles. :)
70  - MAJOR structural changes to the code: all C++ removed, many variables and
71    functions renamed, and directory layout rearranged. Apologies to anyone
72    maintaining separate patch sets! :)
73  - Manpage added for 'nix systems (mostly for Debian's sake)
74  - Command line option parsing overhauled; the old +f and +p options have
75    been replaced with -F and -P respectively.
76  - New command-line batch rendering mode:
77        schismtracker file.it --diskwrite file.wav
78    This works with both the .wav and .aiff writers (based on file extension)
79    and will also render multichannel if %c is in the output filename.
80  - Song length calculation improved somewhat
81  - Sharp/flat display setting is now honored in preferences (previously, it
82    was only "half applied" which led to the option potentially displaying
83    the opposite of the actual setting at startup)
85File loading:
87  - Due to the restructuring, a handful of obscure file formats are no longer
88    supported. If you're missing support for a format, post several test files
89    on /scdev/ and I'll write a new loader. (From what I can tell, most of the
90    remaining loaders that I hadn't rewritten were fairly broken anyway)
91  - Stereo sample flag ignored when loading old IT files (it was meaningless)
92  - Fixed dumb bug in the AIFF/8SVX sample loader that caused a crash when
93    reading a truncated or corrupted file
94  - MOD 8xx effect import fixed, it was screwing up the values in some
95    inexplicable way. (thanks Saga Musix)
96  - Slight hack added to S3M loader to discard SC0 and SD0 effects
97  - Subtle old-effects tremolo quirk implemented (you won't notice)
98  - MPT detect is slightly more lenient
99  - Raw sample loader truncates large samples, instead of loading nothing
100  - Fixed potential crash bug in the IT sample decompression code when loading
101    truncated or otherwise corrupt files
102  - Fixed a potential crash bug in the MTM loader
103  - Several improvements to XI loading, and instrument loading in general
104  - XM instruments with undefined loop type 3 are treated as ping-pong (fixes
105    some apparently malformed files which play properly in FT2)
106  - Fixed a subtle bug when importing pitch slide effects into the volume
107    column. This mostly affected XM files with both volume and effect column
108    data.
109  - "Embed MIDI data" switch is now always enabled / disabled as appropriate
110    when loading a song, and MIDI output settings are no longer reset when a
111    file does not provide its own settings.
112  - MIDI output settings are blanked when loading old IT files, to prevent
113    stray Zxx effects from interfering with playback, thus making unnecessary
114    the former destructive workaround of deleting the effects themselves.
116File saving / rendering:
118  - All low-level file output code rewritten (both file save and export)
119  - New S3M writer which actually assigns Adlib channels correctly and shows
120    warnings for unsupported features (like it always SHOULD have done).
121  - XM/MOD save support removed, sorry. If you want them, get Milky Tracker.
122    (Or alternately, describe to me why an IT clone should provide support
123    for those formats, and why they would be of benefit...)
124  - File saving doesn't fail if the file already existed (was broken on Wii,
125    and maybe also Windows)
126  - Overwriting an existing file will *attempt* to preserve permissions
127  - File output disallows overwriting a file without write permission
128  - Complete overhaul to multi-channel export: select MWAV or MAIFF format to
129    split by channel (entering a directory name won't work anymore)
130  - Completely blank channels are no longer saved when diskwriting per channel
131  - Multi-channel export replaces %c in the filename with the channel number
132  - Pattern-to-sample doesn't stop playback (note: this royally confuses
133    Adlib instruments, so don't try it :)
134  - Ctrl-Shift-O key added to write each channel to a separate sample
135  - Ctrl-O, Ctrl-Shift-O, and Ctrl-B added to pattern editor
136  - All (?) changes should now mark the file as modified
137  - Edit history (timestamp data) is now saved along with IT files. This was
138    written by Impulse Tracker, and is also supported by recent versions of
139    OpenMPT. Although it isn't yet viewable from within the tracker, there is
140    a script in the repository to output this data.
144  - SAy effect was incorrectly applying offset to new notes
145  - Channel panning should "stay put" after panbrello effects
146  - Channel volume (Mxx/Nxx) fixed to NOT affect background notes (!)
147  - Sample vibrato code rewritten for better accuracy
148  - Vibrato waveform resets on new notes
149  - Oxx with out-of-range offsets and Old Effects off fixed to play like
150    Impulse Tracker (ignore effect and play from the start of the sample)
151  - Various strange bugs related to Gxx and multisampled instruments fixed
152  - Incoming MIDI start/continue messages (FA and FC) are now handled
154User interface:
156  - A "+" indicator is displayed next to the filename when the song has
157    unsaved changes
158  - Status line now shows how many times a song has looped
159  - Minor changes to the menu
160  - Infopage technical view was showing incorrect data sometimes
161  - Tab key behavior made much more logical on midi input/output screens
162  - Shift-F1 on the midi input screen will switch to midi output
163  - Reverted some dialog behavior that partially broke text input in the
164    previous build. (Sorry!)
165  - In the pattern editor, the '8' key on number pad now plays the row as
166    expected. (This has been inexplicably broken since 2006!)
167  - 'D' properly sends keyjazz note-offs (most obvious on instrument list)
168  - Fixed bug preventing midi pitch bend from ever being input in the pattern
169    editor (maybe!)
170  - Fixed horribly broken help text, which was sometimes cutting off the text
171    or even crashing in various circumstances
172  - Caught potential crash caused by attempting to draw playback marks on
173    broken instrument envelopes (such as those written by MPT)
174  - Right click only pops up main menu when a dialog is not active
17820100202 (Groundhog Day)
180  - BIG update -- lots of stuff added this month!
182File loading/saving:
184  - MMCMP decompression fixed for big-endian systems
185  - Fixed a crash bug and some problems with XM and AIFF on 64-bit
186  - Replaced loaders: FAR, MDL, ULT, OKT
187  - New loader: MUS (Doom music)
188  - Some fixes to XM and IMF envelope behavior; XM envelopes should now load
189    just like IT
190  - XM loader was leaking a ton of memory by allocating space for each sample
191    twice, whoops
192  - Added title scanner for MoonFish files, because why not :)
193  - Relative paths on the command line (e.g. schismtracker ./file.it) are
194    changed to absolute paths. This fixes a long-standing bug with the file
195    browsers getting "stuck" inside the current directory.
196  - Font path defined in the config file can be an absolute path residing
197    outside of ~/.schism/fonts now, so it's possible, for example, to share
198    the same font.cfg between Schism Tracker and Impulse Tracker.
199  - Path normalizing code rewritten, and now actually works correctly
200  - Module browser remembers cursor position (this got broken when filename
201    pattern matching was added)
202  - Changed the formatting for printing information when loading songs: less
203    "cramped", more IT-like
205Pattern editor:
207  - More template changes to better match IT behavior
208      - Enter key turns template mode off (except with Notes Only templates)
209      - Multi-cursor only shows when shift is not being held down (for block
210        selections)
211      - Note cut/off/fade and clear now correctly wipe all masked fields in
212        all affected channels
213      - Some behavior was erroneously dependent on the specific template mode
214  - PgUp from the last row of a pattern will place the cursor on the previous
215    major highlight, even if the highlight doesn't line up with the pattern
216    size.
217  - Multichannel dialog layout and cursor alignment changed to match Impulse
218    Tracker
219  - Block swap (Alt-Y) wasn't recording the pattern state for undo.
221Sample list:
223  - New feature: press Alt-Shift-Z on the sample list to select from 128
224    built-in Adlib MIDI patches!
225  - Host instrument dialog defaults to No when an instrument containing the
226    sample already exists (not QUITE the same as Impulse Tracker, but maybe
227    this is better?)
228  - When creating a host instrument, the number of the instrument used is
229    displayed in the status line
230  - Anything that "generates" a sample (Alt-P, Alt-Y, Alt-Z, Alt-Shift-Z) will
231    prompt for a host instrument if instrument mode is enabled.
232  - Sample modification keys (reverse, sign flip, amplify, etc.) are disabled
233    with Adlib samples.
234  - Quality convert fixed to show the confirmation dialog with stereo samples,
235    although changing quality without converting the data is unimplemented
236    (and probably would not be very useful, for that matter)
237  - Sample-loading page fixed to always show the current sample number/name at
238    the top of the screen (was showing the current instrument if instrument
239    mode was enabled)
240  - I was wrong: in Impulse Tracker, F8 never clears the dots that show what
241    samples have been played; *starting* playback does that. Fixed.
242  - Fixed some edge-case bugs with Alt-Ins/Del on the sample list
246  - Modplug's extensions to S9x removed (they were mostly broken anyway, and
247    no one seemed to notice)
248  - Fixed a player bug with the handling of S6x and SDx effects on the same
249    row
250  - Envelope carry behavior changed to reset the envelope regardless of carry
251    if a new note is played after a note-off
252  - Adlib mixing volume amplified due to request from Manwe. (Sorry this took
253    so long... it was *really* easy after I found the right place to do it,
254    haha)
255  - Changed internal handling of arpeggio slightly
259  - Copyright text moved off of the log page to a new help screen, accessible
260    by pressing F1 at the startup dialog (or on Ctrl-F11)
261  - Several previously undocumented keys added to help
262  - Some other internal changes with help text; should be easier to keep it
263    up-to-date in the future
264  - Alt-P and Alt-N keys on instrument list note translation table fixed
265  - Upper value limit fixed for entering sample numbers on note translation
266    table
267  - Dialog changes: 'c' and 'o' keys to select OK/Cancel
268  - Global keys that open dialogs (Ctrl-N, Ctrl-P, etc.) show the dialog on
269    key-down, instead of key-up
270  - In classic mode, Schism Tracker will make the clicking sound that IT
271    produced when initializing the sound card.
272  - Audio device setup code rewritten
273  - New config file parameter: [Audio] driver=alsa:hw:2 (format is
274    driver:device)
275  - Mouse behavior is (hopefully) more consistent and expected
279For older stuff, see http://schismtracker.org/hg/file/20100202/NEWS