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CHANGESH A D07-May-2001319 1512

COPYINGH A D19-Apr-200117.6 KiB340281

Loop.CH A D03-May-20227.7 KiB420319

Loop.hH A D03-May-20224.6 KiB147111

Makefile.inH A D03-May-20227.3 KiB339277

READMEH A D07-May-20015.5 KiB136108

SpiralInfo.CH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB10269

SpiralInfo.hH A D03-May-20221.7 KiB6835

SpiralLoops.CH A D03-May-202213.3 KiB587432

SpiralLoops.hH A D03-May-20224.2 KiB158112

SpiralLoops.proH A D19-Apr-20011.2 KiB4845

SpiralLoopsInfo.CH A D03-May-20221.5 KiB4823

SpiralLoopsInfo.hH A D03-May-20221.1 KiB3913

configureH A D19-Apr-200140.9 KiB1,3511,103

configure.inH A D19-Apr-2001360 2013


1** SpiralLoops 2.0.0 **
3Last changed Sunday 7 May 2001.
5SpiralLoops is open source software, distributed under the General
6Public License (GPL). See the file COPYING.
8SpiralLoops is an experimental loop based sampler. It should work on i386 or
9big-endian hardware running Linux or FreeBSD.
10This is the second release of SpiralLoops, with many features added.
11It is currently in beta state. Please let me know of any problems you have.
13It uses the OSS /dev/dsp driver, (although this is configurable) and the GUI
14it uses is FLTK (www.fltk.org).
16To build the source type:
21The GUI requires FLTK to be installed (www.fltk.org), Which may in turn
22require Mesa or OpenGL to link correctly.
24To be kept up to date with SpiralLoops, and other software visit www.pawfal.org
25and join the pawfal mailing-list.
29Sample input can come from a wav file, or recorded from a plugin, such as the
30SpiralSynth plugin.
31An unlimited number of loops can be played back and mixed together. Loops can
32be mangled, or complex patterns can be made by synchronising the loops together.
33Loop triggers can be used to cause interation between the loops, and as an
34expermental way of creating music.
36Main window features:
38Load/Save Workspace - Enables you to store workspaces containing all the loops,
39					  parameters and window positions to a file. Also saves all
40					  the loops to seperate wav files, so you may edit them
41					  externally.
42New Loop            - Create a new loop window.
43Load plugin         - Load the SpiralSynth plugin.
44Pause plugin        - Suspends calling of the plugin, to speed up loop
45                      processing.
46SnapPoints          - Set how many snappoints there are in a loop.
47Snap                - Enable the snap-to points for selections and triggers.
48Delay               - Global delay.
49Reverb              - Global reverb.
51Loop features:
53Left Mouse Button   - Selects the region.
54Middle Mouse Button - Use over the loop to "scratch" the loop play position.
55                      This isn't really scratching yet, as it doesn't change
56                      the pitch of the sample, this is mostly useful for
57                      syncronising beats by hand.
58Right Mouse Button  - "Rotates" the sample, altering the start position.
63Filter emphasis
64Filter cutoff
65Master              - Sets this loop to be the master.
66Update              - Shows the play position in the loop.
67Play                - Toggles the loop playback.
68Magic number        - Displays the ratio of play length to master loop
69                      play length.
70Record from plugin
71Load wav file
72Effects             - Enable dropdown effect window.
73Double              - Doubles the length of the loop.
74Match               - Matches the speed and length of the master loop.
75Hold       [ctrl-s] - Re-samples the stored loop with the one just played,
76                      this way filter modulation, scratching etc can be
77                      recorded. (not availible during recording)
78Cut        [ctrl-x] - Removes the selected region, and puts it in the copy
79                      buffer.
80Copy       [ctrl-c] - Copys the selected region to the copybuffer.
81Paste      [ctrl-v] - Inserts the copybuffer to the region start.
82Paste Mix  [ctrl-b] - Same as paste, except it mixes the copybuffer over
83                      the loop.
84Half       [ctrl-h] - Halves the length of the loop. (removes the second half)
85Zero       [ctrl-z] - Zeros the selection.
86Select All [ctrl-a] - Selects all of the loop.
87Reverse    [ctrl-r] - Reverses the selection.
88New trigger[ctrl-t] - Add a new trigger to the loop.
92Loop triggers are an experimental feature to modify playback of your loops,
93and create interactions between the loops in a workspace. These interactions
94can become very complex, and result in interesting rhythms and compositions.
96Basically, triggers are placed on a loop, and will start another loop playing
97when they are passed over by the play position (select update to see where this
98is on a loop).
100Triggers are created by pressing ctrl-t over a loop. They can be moved around
101the loop by dragging them with the left mouse button.
103Each trigger has two numbers associated with it, the one above the frigger is
104the number of the loop that will be started (between 0 and 10) cycle through
105the loops with the middle mouse button.
107The number to the right of the trigger is the stop-count. This specifies the
108number of times the trigger will be passed before stopping the current loop. If
109the stop count is zero, the loop won't be stopped. Cycle the stop-count with the
110right mouse button.
112The best way to find out how triggers work is to have a play with them, they are
113a little difficult to explain, but are actually quite simple. With only a few
114loops, and a couple of triggers, you can build a fairly interesting rhythm up
115that may take a while to fully run through. The best thing is that you can
116change the triggers in real time, and hear the effects as you change them.
118Note about the reverb - sorry it's not very good, it's included as it can do
119some strange things to your sounds and open up the stereo, but it's not a very
120good reverb ;)
124* Time Stretching.
125* Configurable keyboard shortcuts.
126* LADSPA plugin support.
129No representations are made about the suitability of this software
130for any purpose. This software is provided "as is" without express
131or implied warranty.
132(Damage to ears, speakers or buildings are not my fault :))
134Dave Griffiths - dave@pawfal.org