1 #ifndef STK_FILELOOP_H
2 #define STK_FILELOOP_H
4 #include "FileWvIn.h"
6 namespace stk {
8 /***************************************************/
9 /*! \class FileLoop
10     \brief STK file looping / oscillator class.
12     This class provides audio file looping functionality.  Any audio
13     file that can be loaded by FileRead can be looped using this
14     class.
16     FileLoop supports multi-channel data.  It is important to
17     distinguish the tick() method that computes a single frame (and
18     returns only the specified sample of a multi-channel frame) from
19     the overloaded one that takes an StkFrames object for
20     multi-channel and/or multi-frame data.
22     by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995--2021.
23 */
24 /***************************************************/
26 class FileLoop : protected FileWvIn
27 {
28  public:
29   //! Default constructor.
30   FileLoop( unsigned long chunkThreshold = 1000000, unsigned long chunkSize = 1024 );
32   //! Class constructor that opens a specified file.
33   FileLoop( std::string fileName, bool raw = false, bool doNormalize = true,
34             unsigned long chunkThreshold = 1000000, unsigned long chunkSize = 1024,
35             bool doInt2FloatScaling = true );
37   //! Class destructor.
38   ~FileLoop( void );
40   //! Open the specified file and load its data.
41   /*!
42     Data from a previously opened file will be overwritten by this
43     function.  An StkError will be thrown if the file is not found,
44     its format is unknown, or a read error occurs.  If the file length
45     is less than the chunkThreshold limit and \e doNormalize is true,
46     the file data will be normalized with respect to the maximum absolute
47     value of the data. If the \e doInt2FloatScaling flag is true and the
48     input data is fixed-point, a scaling will be applied with respect to
49     the fixed-point limits.
50   */
51   void openFile( std::string fileName, bool raw = false, bool doNormalize = true, bool doInt2FloatScaling = true );
53   //! Close a file if one is open.
closeFile(void)54   void closeFile( void ) { FileWvIn::closeFile(); };
56   //! Clear outputs and reset time (file) pointer to zero.
reset(void)57   void reset( void ) { FileWvIn::reset(); };
59   //! Return the number of audio channels in the data or stream.
channelsOut(void)60   unsigned int channelsOut( void ) const { return data_.channels(); };
62   //! Normalize data to a maximum of +-1.0.
63   /*!
64     This function has no effect when data is incrementally loaded
65     from disk.
66   */
normalize(void)67   void normalize( void ) { FileWvIn::normalize( 1.0 ); };
69   //! Normalize data to a maximum of \e +-peak.
70   /*!
71     This function has no effect when data is incrementally loaded
72     from disk.
73   */
normalize(StkFloat peak)74   void normalize( StkFloat peak ) { FileWvIn::normalize( peak ); };
76   //! Return the file size in sample frames.
77   //unsigned long getSize( void ) const { return data_.frames(); };
getSize(void)78   unsigned long getSize( void ) const { return fileSize_; };
80   //! Return the input file sample rate in Hz (not the data read rate).
81   /*!
82     WAV, SND, and AIF formatted files specify a sample rate in
83     their headers.  STK RAW files have a sample rate of 22050 Hz
84     by definition.  MAT-files are assumed to have a rate of 44100 Hz.
85   */
getFileRate(void)86   StkFloat getFileRate( void ) const { return data_.dataRate(); };
88   //! Set the data read rate in samples.  The rate can be negative.
89   /*!
90     If the rate value is negative, the data is read in reverse order.
91   */
92   void setRate( StkFloat rate );
94   //! Set the data interpolation rate based on a looping frequency.
95   /*!
96     This function determines the interpolation rate based on the file
97     size and the current Stk::sampleRate.  The \e frequency value
98     corresponds to file cycles per second.  The frequency can be
99     negative, in which case the loop is read in reverse order.
100   */
setFrequency(StkFloat frequency)101   void setFrequency( StkFloat frequency ) { this->setRate( fileSize_ * frequency / Stk::sampleRate() ); };
103   //! Increment the read pointer by \e time samples, modulo file size.
104   void addTime( StkFloat time );
106   //! Increment current read pointer by \e angle, relative to a looping frequency.
107   /*!
108     This function increments the read pointer based on the file
109     size and the current Stk::sampleRate.  The \e anAngle value
110     is a multiple of file size.
111   */
112   void addPhase( StkFloat angle );
114   //! Add a phase offset to the current read pointer.
115   /*!
116     This function determines a time offset based on the file
117     size and the current Stk::sampleRate.  The \e angle value
118     is a multiple of file size.
119   */
120   void addPhaseOffset( StkFloat angle );
122   //! Return the specified channel value of the last computed frame.
123   /*!
124     For multi-channel files, use the lastFrame() function to get
125     all values from the last computed frame.  If no file data is
126     loaded, the returned value is 0.0.  The \c channel argument must
127     be less than the number of channels in the file data (the first
128     channel is specified by 0).  However, range checking is only
129     performed if _STK_DEBUG_ is defined during compilation, in which
130     case an out-of-range value will trigger an StkError exception.
131   */
132   StkFloat lastOut( unsigned int channel = 0 ) { return FileWvIn::lastOut( channel ); };
134   //! Compute a sample frame and return the specified \c channel value.
135   /*!
136     For multi-channel files, use the lastFrame() function to get
137     all values from the computed frame.  If no file data is loaded,
138     the returned value is 0.0.  The \c channel argument must be less
139     than the number of channels in the file data (the first channel is
140     specified by 0).  However, range checking is only performed if
141     _STK_DEBUG_ is defined during compilation, in which case an
142     out-of-range value will trigger an StkError exception.
143   */
144   StkFloat tick( unsigned int channel = 0 );
146   //! Fill the StkFrames object with computed sample frames, starting at the specified channel and return the same reference.
147   /*!
148     The \c channel argument plus the number of output channels must
149     be less than the number of channels in the StkFrames argument (the
150     first channel is specified by 0).  However, range checking is only
151     performed if _STK_DEBUG_ is defined during compilation, in which
152     case an out-of-range value will trigger an StkError exception.
153   */
154   virtual StkFrames& tick( StkFrames& frames,unsigned int channel = 0 );
156  protected:
158   StkFrames firstFrame_;
159   StkFloat phaseOffset_;
161 };
163 } // stk namespace
165 #endif