2 /* Web Polygraph       http://www.web-polygraph.org/
3  * Copyright 2003-2011 The Measurement Factory
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 */
6 #include "base/polygraph.h"
8 #include "base/polyLogCats.h"
9 #include "base/StatIntvlRec.h"
10 #include "runtime/LogComment.h"
11 #include "runtime/ErrorMgr.h"
12 #include "runtime/SharedOpts.h"
13 #include "client/Client.h"
14 #include "client/CltConnMgr.h"
15 #include "client/FtpCxm.h"
16 #include "client/FtpCltXact.h"
17 #include "client/ServerRep.h"
18 #include "csm/oid2Url.h"
19 #include "csm/BodyIter.h"
20 #include "csm/ContentCfg.h"
21 #include "runtime/globals.h"
22 #include "runtime/polyErrors.h"
23 #include "runtime/FtpText.h"
FtpCltXact()25 FtpCltXact::FtpCltXact() {
26 	FtpCltXact::reset();
27 }
reset()29 void FtpCltXact::reset() {
30 	CltXact::reset();
31 	protoStat = &StatIntvlRec::theFtpStat;
32 	theReqOid.type(TheBodilessContentId);
33 	theRep.reset();
34 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcUnknown;
35 	theActiveDataWaitingCmd = FtpReq::frcUnknown;
36 	theDataConn.reset();
37 	theDataConn.logCat(lgcCltSide);
38 	theDataConn.protoStat = protoStat;
39 	stopDataListen();
40 	stopDataChannel();
41 	theDataChannelState = dcsNone;
42 //Comment << here << "reset to new data state: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
43 }
exec(Connection * const aConn)45 void FtpCltXact::exec(Connection *const aConn) {
46 	CltXact::exec(aConn);
47 	newState(stHdrWaiting);
49 	Assert(!theMgr);
50 	theMgr = FtpCxm::Get();
51 	theMgr->control(this);
52 }
finish(Error err)54 void FtpCltXact::finish(Error err) {
55 //Comment << here << "finishing " << err << endc;
56 	if (theDataChannelState == dcsNone && !err) // we have seen neither RETR nor error
57 		err = errFtpNoDataXfer;
58 	stopDataListen();
59 	stopDataChannel();
60 	stopCtrlChannel(err);
61 	CltXact::finish(err);
62 }
writeFirst() const64 bool FtpCltXact::writeFirst() const {
65 	return false;
66 }
wantsToWrite() const68 bool FtpCltXact::wantsToWrite() const {
69 	// we usually want to write after reading a reply, except
70 	// when we need to wait for the data connection to succeed
71 	return theDataChannelState != dcsConnecting;
72 }
getPipeline()74 PipelinedCxm *FtpCltXact::getPipeline() {
75 	return 0; // FTP cannot be a pipelined transaction
76 }
pipeline(PipelinedCxm *)78 void FtpCltXact::pipeline(PipelinedCxm *) {
79     // FTP does not support pipelining so we will not change theMgr
80 }
proxyStatAuth() const82 AuthPhaseStat::Scheme FtpCltXact::proxyStatAuth() const {
83 	return theOid.authCred() ? AuthPhaseStat::sFtp : AuthPhaseStat::sNone;
84 }
stopCtrlChannel(const Error & err)86 void FtpCltXact::stopCtrlChannel(const Error &err) {
87 	if (theMgr) {
88 		if (err)
89 			theMgr->noteAbort(this);
90 		else
91 			theMgr->noteDone(this);
92 		theMgr->release(this);
93 		theMgr = 0;
94 	}
95 }
controlledPostRead(bool & needMore)97 bool FtpCltXact::controlledPostRead(bool &needMore) {
98 	Assert(theState == stHdrWaiting);
100 	if (Error err = handleReplies()) {
101 		finish(err);
102 		return false;
103 	}
105 	if (finishIfDone() || !theMgr)
106 		return false;
108 	needMore = theState == stHdrWaiting;
109 	return true;
110 }
finishIfDone()112 bool FtpCltXact::finishIfDone() {
113 //Comment << here << "ctrl: " << theState << " data: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
114 //Comment << here << (theState == stDone) << " / " << (theDataChannelState == dcsDone) << " || " << (theDataChannelState == dcsNone) << endc;
115 	// do not quit if we are not done with the control channel
116 	if (theState != stDone)
117 		return false;
119 	// quit if we are done with the data channel
120 	if (theDataChannelState == dcsDone || theDataChannelState == dcsNone) {
121 		finish(0);
122 		return true;
123 	}
125 	return false;
126 }
handleReplies()128 Error FtpCltXact::handleReplies() {
129 	IOBuf &buf = theConn->theRdBuf;
130 //Comment << "FTP reply (" << buf.contSize() << "): " << endc; printMsg(buf.content(), buf.contSize());
132 	// due to Preliminary and Intermediate replies, we might read several
133 	// server replies at once; handle them one by one until we are done or err
134 	while (theRep.parse(buf.content(), buf.contSize())) {
135 //Comment << "FTP reply size: " << theRep.size() << endc;
136 //Comment << here << "ctrl: " << theState << " data: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
137 		theRepSize.expect(theRep.size()); // XXX: ignores data channel
138 		consume(theRep.size()); // XXX: does not work for data/ctrl conn split
139 		if (const Error err = interpretReply())
140 			return err;
142 //Comment << here << "ctrl: " << theState << " data: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
144 		if (theRep.code() >= 200) {
145 			if (!buf.empty()) { // leftovers?
146 				if (ReportError(errExtraRepData)) { // XXX: add and use errExtraReply
147 					Comment << "FTP reply leftovers (" << buf.contSize() <<
148 						")" << endc;
149 					if (TheOpts.theDumpFlags(dumpErr, dumpAny))
150 						printMsg(buf.content(), buf.contSize());
151 				}
152 				return errOther;
153 			}
155 			theReqSize.reset(); // XXX: why? should we do it after 150?
156 			if (theState == stHdrWaiting)
157 				newState(stSpaceWaiting); // signal that no more data is needed
158 			return 0;
159 		}
161 		theRep.reset();
162 		theRepSize.reset();
163 		// if we got a Positive Preliminary reply, check if is there more
164 	}
166 	if (buf.full()) // command too big
167 		return errFtpHugeCmd;
169 	if (theConn->atEof()) { // premature end of reply stream
170 		if (buf.empty())
171 			return errFtpPrematureEndOfCtrl; // expected a reply, got nothing
172 		else
173 			return errFtpPrematureEndOfMsg; // we did not get the entire reply
174 	}
176 	Assert(theState == stHdrWaiting);
177 	return 0; // need more data to parse the header
178 }
makeReq(WrBuf & buf)180 void FtpCltXact::makeReq(WrBuf &buf) {
181 	Assert(!theReqSize.expected().known());
182 	ofixedstream os(buf.space(), buf.spaceSize());
183 	switch (theReqCmd) {
184 		case FtpReq::frcUSER:
185 			makeUser(os);
186 			break;
187 		case FtpReq::frcPASS:
188 			makePass(os);
189 			break;
190 		case FtpReq::frcTYPE:
191 			makeType(os);
192 			break;
193 		case FtpReq::frcPASV:
194 			makePasv(os);
195 			break;
196 		case FtpReq::frcPORT:
197 			makePort(os);
198 			break;
199 		case FtpReq::frcRETR:
200 			makeRetr(os);
201 			break;
202 		case FtpReq::frcSTOR:
203 			makeStor(os);
204 			break;
205 		case FtpReq::frcQUIT:
206 			makeQuit(os);
207 			break;
208 		default:
209 			// if we get here, it is an intermal error, but we cannot finish()
210 			// TODO: need exceptions to properly handle this and other errors
211 			ReportError(errFtpCmdSequence);
212 			makeQuit(os);
213 	}
214 	theReqSize.expect(Size(os.tellp()));
215 	buf.appended(theReqSize.expected());
216 //Comment << "FTP request (" << buf.contSize() << "): " << endc; printMsg(buf.content(), buf.contSize());
217 }
interpretReply()219 Error FtpCltXact::interpretReply() {
220 	Assert(theState == stHdrWaiting);
221 	if (theRep.code() < 100 || theRep.code() >= 400)
222 		return errFtpCommandFailed;
224 	// Interpret the server response and make sure we are making progress
225 	// according to client-side plan
227 	Error err = 0;
228 	// XXX: use named (enum) constants below
229 	// TODO: use a const transition table: rep.code -> expected state,
230 	//       next state?
231 	switch (theRep.code()) {
232 		case 220: // server greating
233 			err = transition(FtpReq::frcUnknown, FtpReq::frcUSER);
234 			if (!err && theSrvRep) {
235 				// we note request here to mimic HTTP; TODO: redesign?
236 				theSrvRep->noteRequest();
237 				if (true) // XXX: but there are FTP proxies; detect polysrv
238 					theSrvRep->noteFirstHandResponse();
239 			}
240 			break;
241 		case 331: // username accepted, password required
242 			err = transition(FtpReq::frcUSER, FtpReq::frcPASS);
243 			break;
244 		case 230: // password accepted.
245 			err = transition(FtpReq::frcPASS, FtpReq::frcTYPE);
246 			break;
247 		case 200:
248 			if (theReqCmd == FtpReq::frcTYPE) { // entering binary mode
249 				if (theOwner->usesPassiveFtp()) {
250 					err = transition(FtpReq::frcTYPE, FtpReq::frcPASV);
251 					theOid.passive(true);
252 				} else {
253 					err = transition(FtpReq::frcTYPE, FtpReq::frcPORT);
254 					theOid.active(true);
255 					if (!err)
256 						err = startDataListen();
257 				}
258 			} else // PORT accepted
259 				err = transition(FtpReq::frcPORT, theOid.put() ? FtpReq::frcSTOR : FtpReq::frcRETR);
260 			break;
261 		case 227: // passive address
262 			err = transition(FtpReq::frcPASV, theOid.put() ? FtpReq::frcSTOR : FtpReq::frcRETR);
263 			if (!err)
264 				err = interpretPasv();
265 			break;
266 		case 125: // Data connection already open; transfer starting.
267 		case 150: // Opening data connection.
268 			err = checkDataChannel();
269 			if (!err && theReqCmd != FtpReq::frcUnknown)
270 				err = transition(theReqCmd, FtpReq::frcUnknown);
271 			break;
272 		case 226: // Operation completed
273 			err = checkDataChannel(); // in case an optional(?) 125 or 150 was not received
274 			if (!err)
275 				err = transition(theReqCmd, FtpReq::frcQUIT);
276 			break;
277 		case 221: // Bye.
278 			err = transition(FtpReq::frcQUIT, FtpReq::frcUnknown);
279 			theConn->lastUse(true); // no pconn support yet
280 			stopCtrlChannel(err);
281 			if (!err)
282 				newState(stDone); // XXX: misplaced, not the last call
283 			break;
284 		default:
285 			Assert(false); // XXX: report unknown status codes
286 	}
288 	return err;
289 }
transition(FtpReq::Command from,FtpReq::Command to)291 Error FtpCltXact::transition(FtpReq::Command from, FtpReq::Command to) {
292 //Comment << here << "transition: " << theReqCmd << " =? " << from << " -> " << to << endc;
293 	if (theReqCmd != from)
294 		return errFtpCommandFailed; // XXX: report details and use errOther
296 	theReqCmd = to;
297 	return 0;
298 }
300 // do not call Client::originAuthScheme: assume FTP always requires authentication
makeUser(ostream & os)301 void FtpCltXact::makeUser(ostream &os) {
302 	os << ftpReqUserPfx;
303 	if (genCredentials()) { // TODO: call in start()
304 		os << theCred.name();
305 		Should(theOid.authCred()); // Client sets this
306 	} else {
307 		os << ftpReqUserAnonym;
308 		theOid.authCred(true); // anonymous but still authenticated
309 	}
310 	os << ftpReqUserSfx;
311 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcUSER;
312 }
makePass(ostream & os)314 void FtpCltXact::makePass(ostream &os) {
315 	os << ftpReqPassPfx;
316     if (theCred.image())
317 		os << theCred.password();
318 	else
319 		os << ftpReqPassAnonym;
320 	os << ftpReqPassSfx;
321 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcPASS;
322 }
makeType(ostream & os)324 void FtpCltXact::makeType(ostream &os) {
325 	os << ftpReqTypeBinary;
326 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcTYPE;
327 }
makePasv(ostream & os)329 void FtpCltXact::makePasv(ostream &os) {
330 	os << ftpReqPasv;
331 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcPASV;
332 }
makePort(ostream & os)334 void FtpCltXact::makePort(ostream &os) {
335 	Assert(theDataPort >= 0);
336 	const NetAddr addr(theOwner->host().addrN(), theDataPort);
337 	FtpMsg::PrintAddr(os << ftpReqPort, addr) << crlf;
338 	theDataPort = -1;
339 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcPORT;
340 }
makeRetr(ostream & os)342 void FtpCltXact::makeRetr(ostream &os) {
343 	Assert(theDataChannelState == dcsConnected || theDataChannelState == dcsListening);
344 	os << ftpReqRetr;
345 	Oid2UrlPath(theOid, os) << crlf;
346 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcRETR;
347 	if (theOid.foreignUrl())
348 		TheEmbedStats.foreignUrlRequested++;
349 }
makeStor(ostream & os)351 void FtpCltXact::makeStor(ostream &os) {
352 	Assert(theDataChannelState == dcsConnected || theDataChannelState == dcsListening);
353 	Assert(!theReqContentCfg);
354 	Assert(!theBodyIter);
356 	os << ftpReqStor;
357 	Oid2UrlPath(theOid, os) << crlf;
358 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcSTOR;
359 	if (theOid.foreignUrl())
360 		TheEmbedStats.foreignUrlRequested++;
362 	theReqContentCfg = theOwner->selectReqContent(theOid, theReqOid);
363 	theBodyIter = theReqContentCfg->getBodyIter(theReqOid);
364 	theBodyIter->start(&theDataConn.theWrBuf);
365 }
makeQuit(ostream & os)367 void FtpCltXact::makeQuit(ostream &os) {
368 	os << ftpReqQuit;
369 	theReqCmd = FtpReq::frcQUIT;
370 }
interpretPasv()372 Error FtpCltXact::interpretPasv() {
373 	const NetAddr addr(FtpMsg::ParseAddr(theRep.data()));
374 	return addr ? startDataChannel(addr) : errFtpBadPasv;
375 }
checkDataChannel()377 Error FtpCltXact::checkDataChannel() {
378 	Error err = 0;
379 	if (dataCommand(theReqCmd)) {
380 		if (theDataChannelState == dcsConnected)
381 			err = kickDataChannel();
382 		else if (theDataChannelState == dcsListening)
383 			theActiveDataWaitingCmd = theReqCmd;
384 	}
385 	return err;
386 }
kickDataChannel()388 Error FtpCltXact::kickDataChannel() {
389 	if (theDataChannelState != dcsConnected)
390 		return errFtpCommandFailed;
392 	theDataChannelState = dcsInProgress;
393 //Comment << here << "starting to read data; new data state: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
394 	const FtpReq::Command reqCmd = dataCommand(theReqCmd) ?
395 		theReqCmd : theActiveDataWaitingCmd;
396 	if (reqCmd == FtpReq::frcRETR)
397 		theDataConn.theRd.start(this);
398 	else if (ShouldUs(reqCmd == FtpReq::frcSTOR))
399 		theDataConn.theWr.start(this);
401 	theActiveDataWaitingCmd = FtpReq::frcUnknown;
402 	return 0;
403 }
startDataChannel(const NetAddr & addr)405 Error FtpCltXact::startDataChannel(const NetAddr &addr) {
406 	if (theDataChannelState != dcsNone)
407 		return errFtpCmdSequence;
408 	// ConnMgr is used to get credentials for SOCKS proxy
409 	theDataConn.mgr(theOwner->connMgr());
410 	theDataConn.startUse();
411 	Should(theDataConn.connect(addr, SockOpt(), theOwner->portMgr(), theOwner->socksProxy()));
412 	theDataConn.theWr.start(this);
413 	theDataChannelState = dcsConnecting;
414 //Comment << here << "new data state: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
415 	return 0;
416 }
startDataListen()418 Error FtpCltXact::startDataListen() {
419 	if (theDataChannelState != dcsNone)
420 		return errFtpCmdSequence;
422 	Assert(theDataPort < 0);
423 	theSock = theOwner->makeListenSocket(theOwner->portMgr());
424 	if (!theSock) {
425 		if (ReportError2(Error::Last(), lgcCltSide))
426 			Comment << "fyi: FTP client could not create listening socket at " << theOwner->host() << endc;
427 		return errOther;
428 	}
430 	theDataPort = theSock.lport();
431 	Assert(theDataPort >= 0);
433 	theReserv = TheFileScanner->setFD(theSock.fd(), dirRead, this);
434 	theDataChannelState = dcsListening;
436 	return 0;
437 }
stopDataChannel()439 void FtpCltXact::stopDataChannel() {
440 	theDataConn.closeNow();
441 //Comment << here << "new data state: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
442 }
stopDataListen()444 void FtpCltXact::stopDataListen() {
445 	if (theReserv)
446 		TheFileScanner->clearRes(theReserv);
447 	if (theSock)
448 		theSock.close();
449 	theDataPort = -1;
450 }
noteReadReady(int fd)452 void FtpCltXact::noteReadReady(int fd) {
453 	if (fd == theSock.fd())
454 		acceptDataConnection();
455 	else
456 	if (fd == theDataConn.fd())
457 		noteDataChannelReadReady();
458 	else
459 		Assert(false);
460 }
noteWriteReady(int fd)462 void FtpCltXact::noteWriteReady(int fd) {
463 	if (fd == theDataConn.fd())
464 		noteDataChannelWriteReady();
465 	else
466 		Assert(false);
467 }
acceptDataConnection()469 void FtpCltXact::acceptDataConnection() {
470 	Assert(theDataChannelState == dcsListening);
471 	Assert(!theDataConn.sock());
472 	theDataConn.startUse();
473 	theDataConn.protoStat = protoStat;
474 	bool fatal = false;
475 	Must(theDataConn.accept(theSock, SockOpt(), fatal));
476 //Comment << theSock.fd() << " accepted " << theDataConn.sock().fd() << endc;
478 	stopDataListen();
479 	theDataChannelState = dcsConnected;
480 	if (dataCommand(theReqCmd) || dataCommand(theActiveDataWaitingCmd))
481 		kickDataChannel();
482 	else
483 		finish(errOther);
484 }
noteDataChannelReadReady()486 void FtpCltXact::noteDataChannelReadReady() {
487 	Assert(theDataChannelState == dcsInProgress);
489 	// TODO: support simulated I/O aborts, MD5 checks
490 	const Size sz = theDataConn.read();
491 //Comment << "FTP data read: " << sz << " eof: " << theDataConn.atEof() << endc;
492 	if (theDataConn.bad()) {
493 		finish(errOther);
494 		return;
495 	}
497 	if (sz > 0) {
498 		theRepSize.got(sz);
499 		theDataConn.theRdBuf.consumed(sz);
500 		return; // only EOF signals the end of data
501 	}
503 	if (theDataConn.atEof()) {
504 		stopDataChannel();
505 		theDataChannelState = dcsDone;
506 //Comment << here << "new data state: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
507 		finishIfDone();
508 		return;
509 	}
510 }
noteDataChannelWriteReady()512 void FtpCltXact::noteDataChannelWriteReady() {
513 //Comment << here << "ctrl: " << theState << " data: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
514 	switch (theDataChannelState) {
515 		case dcsConnecting:
516 			if (const Error err = theDataConn.sock().error()) {
517 //Comment << here << "connect err: " << err << endc;
518 				finish(err);
519 				return;
520 			}
521 			if (theDataConn.socksProxy() &&
522 				!theDataConn.socksConnected())
523 				theDataConn.socksWrite();
524 			else {
525 				theDataConn.theWr.stop(this);
526 				theDataChannelState = dcsConnected;
527 //Comment << here << "new data state: " << theDataChannelState << endc;
528 				// we can now send RETR/STOR
529 				// the response will kick reading on a data channel
530 				theMgr->resumeWriting(this);
531 			}
532 			break;
533 		case dcsInProgress:
534 			Assert(theBodyIter);
535 			theBodyIter->pour();
536 			theDataConn.write();
537 			if ((theBodyIter->pouredAll() &&
538 				theDataConn.theWrBuf.empty()) ||
539 				theDataConn.bad()) {
540 				stopDataChannel();
541 				theBodyIter->putBack();
542 				theBodyIter = 0;
543 				theDataChannelState = theDataConn.bad() ?
544 					dcsAborted : dcsDone;
545 			} else
546 			if (!theDataConn.theWr.theReserv)
547 				theDataConn.theWr.start(this);
548 			break;
549 		default:
550 			Assert(false);
551 	}
552 }
controlledFill(bool & needMore)554 bool FtpCltXact::controlledFill(bool &needMore) {
555 	// do nothing while data channel is connecting
556 //	if (theDataChannelState == dcsConnecting)
557 //		return true;
559 	return CltXact::controlledFill(needMore);
560 }
controlledPostWrite(Size & size,bool & needMore)562 bool FtpCltXact::controlledPostWrite(Size &size, bool &needMore) {
563 	// do nothing while data channel is connecting
564 //	if (theDataChannelState == dcsConnecting)
565 //		return true;
567 	return CltXact::controlledPostWrite(size, needMore);
568 }
controlledMasterRead()570 bool FtpCltXact::controlledMasterRead() {
571 	// do nothing while data channel is reading
572 //	if (theDataChannelState == dcsInProgress)
573 //		return true;
575 	return CltXact::controlledMasterRead();
576 }