1 /* The MIT License
3    Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Genome Research Ltd.
5    Author: Petr Danecek <pd3@sanger.ac.uk>
7    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
8    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
9    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
10    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
11    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
12    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
14    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
15    all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
25  */
27 #include <stdio.h>
28 #include <stdlib.h>
29 #include <strings.h>
30 #include <getopt.h>
31 #include <unistd.h>     // for isatty
32 #include <inttypes.h>
33 #include <htslib/hts.h>
34 #include <htslib/vcf.h>
35 #include <htslib/bgzf.h>
36 #include <htslib/kstring.h>
37 #include <htslib/kseq.h>
38 #include <htslib/synced_bcf_reader.h>
39 #include <htslib/khash_str2int.h>
40 #include <regex.h>
41 #include "../bcftools.h"
42 #include "../filter.h"
43 #include "../convert.h"
44 #include "../cols.h"
47 // Logic of the filters: include or exclude sites which match the filters?
48 #define FLT_INCLUDE 1
49 #define FLT_EXCLUDE 2
51 #define SELECT_TR_ALL       0
52 #define SELECT_TR_WORST     1
53 #define SELECT_TR_PRIMARY   2
54 #define SELECT_CSQ_ANY      -1
56 typedef struct
57 {
58     regex_t *regex;
59     char *type;
60 }
61 col2type_t;
63 typedef struct
64 {
65     char *field;    // the name of the VEP field, e.g. Consequence,Gene,etc.
66     char *tag;      // the name of the VCF tag: the annot_t.field with the -p prefix
67     int idx;        // 0-based index within the VEP annotation string
68     int type;       // annotation type, one of the BCF_HT_* types
69     kstring_t str;  // annotation value, ready to pass to bcf_update_info_*
70 }
71 annot_t;
73 typedef struct
74 {
75     convert_t *convert;
76     filter_t *filter;
77     int argc, filter_logic, regions_is_file, targets_is_file, list_hdr, record_cmd_line, clevel;
78     int regions_overlap, targets_overlap;
79     kstring_t kstr;
80     char *filter_str,
81         *vep_tag;       // the --annotation INFO tag to process
82     char **argv, *output_fname, *fname, *regions, *targets, *format_str;
83     int output_type;
84     htsFile *fh_vcf;
85     BGZF *fh_bgzf;
86     bcf_srs_t *sr;
87     bcf_hdr_t *hdr, *hdr_out;
88     int nfield;         // number of all available VEP fields
89     char **field;       // list of all available VEP fields
90     int nannot;         // number of requested fields
91     annot_t *annot;     // requested fields
92     int nscale;         // number of items in the severity scale
93     char **scale;       // severity scale (list)
94     int ncsq_str;       // the length of csq_str allocated by bcf_get_info_string()
95     char *csq_str;      // the current bcf_get_info_string() result
96     int csq_idx,        // the index of the Consequence field; for the --select CSQ option
97         primary_id;     // the index of the CANONICAL field; for the --select TR option
98     char *severity,     // the --severity scale option
99         *select,        // the --select option
100         *column_str,    // the --columns option
101         *column_types,  // the --columns-types option
102         *annot_prefix;  // the --annot-prefix option
103     void *field2idx,    // VEP field name to index, used in initialization
104         *csq2severity;  // consequence type to severity score
105     cols_t *cols_tr,    // the current CSQ tag split into transcripts
106         *cols_csq;      // the current CSQ transcript split into fields
107     int min_severity, max_severity;     // ignore consequences outside this severity range
108     int drop_sites;                     // the -x, --drop-sites option
109     int select_tr;                      // one of SELECT_TR_*
110     uint8_t *smpl_pass;                 // for filtering at sample level, used with -f
111     int duplicate;              // the -d, --duplicate option is set
112     char *all_fields_delim;     // the -A, --all-fields option is set
113     float *farr;                // helper arrays for bcf_update_* functions
114     int32_t *iarr;
115     int niarr,miarr, nfarr,mfarr;
116     col2type_t *column2type;
117     int ncolumn2type;
118     int raw_vep_request;        // raw VEP tag requested and will need subsetting
119     int allow_undef_tags;
120 }
121 args_t;
123 args_t args;
about(void)125 const char *about(void)
126 {
127     return "Query structured annotations such as the CSQ created by VEP.\n";
128 }
default_severity(void)130 static const char *default_severity(void)
131 {
132     return
133         "# Default consequence substrings ordered in ascending order by severity.\n"
134         "# Consequences with the same severity can be put on the same line in arbitrary order.\n"
135         "# See also https://m.ensembl.org/info/genome/variation/prediction/predicted_data.htm\n"
136         "intergenic\n"
137         "feature_truncation feature_elongation\n"
138         "regulatory\n"
139         "TF_binding_site TFBS\n"
140         "downstream upstream\n"
141         "non_coding_transcript non_coding\n"
142         "intron NMD_transcript\n"
143         "non_coding_transcript_exon\n"
144         "5_prime_utr 3_prime_utr\n"
145         "coding_sequence mature_miRNA\n"
146         "stop_retained start_retained synonymous\n"
147         "incomplete_terminal_codon\n"
148         "splice_region\n"
149         "missense inframe protein_altering\n"
150         "transcript_amplification\n"
151         "exon_loss\n"
152         "disruptive\n"
153         "start_lost stop_lost stop_gained frameshift\n"
154         "splice_acceptor splice_donor\n"
155         "transcript_ablation\n";
156 }
default_column_types(void)157 static const char *default_column_types(void)
158 {
159     return
160         "# Default CSQ subfield types, unlisted fields are type String.\n"
161         "# Note the use of regular expressions.\n"
162         "cDNA_position              Integer\n"
163         "CDS_position               Integer\n"
164         "Protein_position           Integer\n"
165         "DISTANCE                   Integer\n"
166         "STRAND                     Integer\n"
167         "TSL                        Integer\n"
168         "GENE_PHENO                 Integer\n"
169         "HGVS_OFFSET                Integer\n"
170         "AF                         Float\n"
171         ".*_AF                      Float\n"
172         "MAX_AF_.*                  Float\n"
173         "MOTIF_POS                  Integer\n"
174         "MOTIF_SCORE_CHANGE         Float\n"
175         "existing_InFrame_oORFs     Integer\n"
176         "existing_OutOfFrame_oORFs  Integer\n"
177         "existing_uORFs             Integer\n"
178         "SpliceAI_pred_DP_.*        Integer\n"
179         "SpliceAI_pred_DS_.*        Float\n";
180 }
usage_text(void)181 static const char *usage_text(void)
182 {
183     return
184         "\n"
185         "About: Query structured annotations such INFO/CSQ created by bcftools/csq or VEP. For more\n"
186         "   more information and pointers see http://samtools.github.io/bcftools/howtos/plugin.split-vep.html\n"
187         "Usage: bcftools +split-vep [Plugin Options]\n"
188         "Plugin options:\n"
189         "   -a, --annotation STR            INFO annotation to parse [CSQ]\n"
190         "   -A, --all-fields DELIM          Output all fields replacing the -a tag (\"%CSQ\" by default) in the -f\n"
191         "                                     filtering expression using the output field delimiter DELIM. This can be\n"
192         "                                     \"tab\", \"space\" or an arbitrary string.\n"
193         "   -c, --columns [LIST|-][:TYPE]   Extract the fields listed either as 0-based indexes or names, \"-\" to extract all\n"
194         "                                     fields. See --columns-types for the defaults. Supported types are String/Str,\n"
195         "                                     Integer/Int and Float/Real. Unlisted fields are set to String.\n"
196         "       --columns-types -|FILE      Pass \"-\" to print the default -c types or FILE to override the presets\n"
197         "   -d, --duplicate                 Output per transcript/allele consequences on a new line rather rather than\n"
198         "                                     as comma-separated fields on a single line\n"
199         "   -f, --format STR                Create non-VCF output; similar to `bcftools query -f` but drops lines w/o consequence\n"
200         "   -l, --list                      Parse the VCF header and list the annotation fields\n"
201         "   -p, --annot-prefix STR          Before doing anything else, prepend STR to all CSQ fields to avoid tag name conflicts\n"
202         "   -s, --select TR:CSQ             Select transcripts to extract by type and/or consequence severity. (See also -S and -x.)\n"
203         "                                     TR, transcript:   worst,primary(*),all        [all]\n"
204         "                                     CSQ, consequence: any,missense,missense+,etc  [any]\n"
205         "                                     (*) Primary transcripts have the field \"CANONICAL\" set to \"YES\"\n"
206         "   -S, --severity -|FILE           Pass \"-\" to print the default severity scale or FILE to override\n"
207         "                                     the default scale\n"
208         "   -u, --allow-undef-tags          Print \".\" for undefined tags\n"
209         "   -x, --drop-sites                Drop sites with none of the consequences matching the severity specified by -s.\n"
210         "                                      This switch is intended for use with VCF/BCF output (i.e. -f not given).\n"
211         "Common options:\n"
212         "   -e, --exclude EXPR              Exclude sites and samples for which the expression is true\n"
213         "   -i, --include EXPR              Include sites and samples for which the expression is true\n"
214         "       --no-version                Do not append version and command line to the header\n"
215         "   -o, --output FILE               Output file name [stdout]\n"
216         "   -O, --output-type u|b|v|z[0-9]  u/b: un/compressed BCF, v/z: un/compressed VCF, 0-9: compression level [v]\n"
217         "   -r, --regions REG               Restrict to comma-separated list of regions\n"
218         "   -R, --regions-file FILE         Restrict to regions listed in a file\n"
219         "       --regions-overlap 0|1|2     Include if POS in the region (0), record overlaps (1), variant overlaps (2) [1]\n"
220         "   -t, --targets REG               Similar to -r but streams rather than index-jumps\n"
221         "   -T, --targets-file FILE         Similar to -R but streams rather than index-jumps\n"
222         "       --targets-overlap 0|1|2     Include if POS in the region (0), record overlaps (1), variant overlaps (2) [0]\n"
223         "\n"
224         "Examples:\n"
225         "   # List available fields of the INFO/CSQ annotation\n"
226         "   bcftools +split-vep -l file.vcf.gz\n"
227         "\n"
228         "   # List the default severity scale\n"
229         "   bcftools +split-vep -S -\n"
230         "\n"
231         "   # Extract Consequence, IMPACT and gene SYMBOL of the most severe consequence into\n"
232         "   # INFO annotations starting with the prefix \"vep\". For brevity, the columns can\n"
233         "   # be given also as 0-based indexes\n"
234         "   bcftools +split-vep -c Consequence,IMPACT,SYMBOL -s worst -p vep file.vcf.gz\n"
235         "   bcftools +split-vep -c 1-3 -s worst -p vep file.vcf.gz\n"
236         "\n"
237         "   # Same as above but use the text output of the \"bcftools query\" format\n"
238         "   bcftools +split-vep -s worst -f '%CHROM %POS %Consequence %IMPACT %SYMBOL\\n' file.vcf.gz\n"
239         "\n"
240         "   # Print all subfields (tab-delimited) in place of %CSQ, each consequence on a new line\n"
241         "   bcftools +split-vep -f '%CHROM %POS %CSQ\\n' -d -A tab file.vcf.gz\n"
242         "\n"
243         "   # Extract gnomAD_AF subfield into a new INFO/gnomAD_AF annotation of Type=Float so that\n"
244         "   # numeric filtering can be used.\n"
245         "   bcftools +split-vep -c gnomAD_AF:Float file.vcf.gz -i'gnomAD_AF<0.001'\n"
246         "\n"
247         "   # Similar to above, but add the annotation only if the consequence severity is missense\n"
248         "   # or equivalent. In order to drop sites with different consequences completely, we add\n"
249         "   # the -x switch. See the online documentation referenced above for more examples.\n"
250         "   bcftools +split-vep -c gnomAD_AF:Float -s :missense    file.vcf.gz\n"
251         "   bcftools +split-vep -c gnomAD_AF:Float -s :missense -x file.vcf.gz\n"
252         "\n"
253         "   See also http://samtools.github.io/bcftools/howtos/plugin.split-vep.html\n"
254         "\n";
255 }
expand_csq_expression(args_t * args,kstring_t * str)257 static void expand_csq_expression(args_t *args, kstring_t *str)
258 {
259     if ( !args->all_fields_delim ) return;
261     str->l = 0;
262     kputc('%',str);
263     kputs(args->vep_tag,str);
264     char *ptr = strstr(args->format_str,str->s);
265     if ( !ptr ) return;
266     char *end = ptr + str->l, tmp = *end;
267     if ( isalnum(tmp) || tmp=='_' || tmp=='.' ) return;
268     *end = 0;
270     str->l = 0;
271     kputsn(args->format_str, ptr - args->format_str, str);
273     int i;
274     for (i=0; i<args->nfield; i++)
275     {
276         if ( i>0 ) kputs(args->all_fields_delim, str);
277         kputc('%', str);
278         kputs(args->field[i], str);
279     }
281     *end = tmp;
282     kputs(end, str);
284     free(args->format_str);
285     args->format_str = str->s;
286     str->l = str->m = 0;
287     str->s = NULL;
288 }
init_column2type(args_t * args)290 static void init_column2type(args_t *args)
291 {
292     int i, ntype = 0;
293     char **type = NULL;
294     if ( args->column_types && strcmp("-",args->column_types) )
295         type = hts_readlines(args->column_types, &ntype);
296     else
297     {
298         char *str = strdup(default_column_types());
299         char *beg = str;
300         while ( *beg )
301         {
302             char *end = beg;
303             while ( *end && *end!='\n' ) end++;
304             char tmp = *end;
305             *end = 0;
306             ntype++;
307             type = (char**) realloc(type,sizeof(*type)*ntype);
308             type[ntype-1] = strdup(beg);
309             if ( !tmp ) break;
310             beg = end+1;
311         }
312         free(str);
313     }
314     if ( !type || !ntype ) error("Failed to parse the column types\n");
315     for (i=0; i<ntype; i++)
316     {
317         if ( type[i][0]=='#' ) continue;
318         char *tmp = strdup(type[i]);
319         char *ptr = tmp;
320         while ( *ptr && !isspace(*ptr) ) ptr++;
321         if ( !*ptr ) error("Error: failed to parse the column type \"%s\"\n",type[i]);
322         *ptr = 0;
323         ptr++;
324         while ( *ptr && isspace(*ptr) ) ptr++;
325         if ( !*ptr ) error("Error: failed to parse the column type \"%s\"\n",type[i]);
326         args->ncolumn2type++;
327         args->column2type = (col2type_t*) realloc(args->column2type,sizeof(*args->column2type)*args->ncolumn2type);
328         col2type_t *ct = &args->column2type[args->ncolumn2type-1];
329         ct->regex = (regex_t *) malloc(sizeof(regex_t));
330         if ( regcomp(ct->regex, tmp, REG_NOSUB) )
331                 error("Error: fail to compile the column type regular expression \"%s\": %s\n", tmp,type[i]);
332         int type_ok = 0;
333         if ( !strcmp(ptr,"Float") ) type_ok = 1;
334         else if ( !strcmp(ptr,"Integer") ) type_ok = 1;
335         else if ( !strcmp(ptr,"Flag") ) type_ok = 1;
336         else if ( !strcmp(ptr,"String") ) type_ok = 1;
337         if ( !type_ok ) error("Error: the column type \"%s\" is not supported: %s\n",ptr,type[i]);
338         ct->type = strdup(ptr);
339         free(tmp);
340     }
341     if ( !args->ncolumn2type ) error("Failed to parse the column types\n");
342     for (i=0; i<ntype; i++) free(type[i]);
343     free(type);
344 }
destroy_column2type(args_t * args)345 static void destroy_column2type(args_t *args)
346 {
347     int i;
348     for (i=0; i<args->ncolumn2type; i++)
349     {
350         regfree(args->column2type[i].regex);
351         free(args->column2type[i].regex);
352         free(args->column2type[i].type);
353     }
354     free(args->column2type);
355 }
get_column_type(args_t * args,char * field)356 static const char *get_column_type(args_t *args, char *field)
357 {
358     if ( !args->column2type ) init_column2type(args);
359     int i;
360     for (i=0; i<args->ncolumn2type; i++)
361     {
362         int match = regexec(args->column2type[i].regex, field, 0,NULL,0) ? 0 : 1;
363         if ( match ) return args->column2type[i].type;
364     }
365     return "String";
366 }
query_has_field(char * fmt,char * field,kstring_t * str)367 static int query_has_field(char *fmt, char *field, kstring_t *str)
368 {
369     str->l = 0;
370     kputc('%',str);
371     kputs(field,str);
372     char end, *ptr = fmt;
373     while ( ptr )
374     {
375         ptr = strstr(ptr,str->s);
376         if ( !ptr ) return 0;
377         end = ptr[str->l];
378         if ( isalnum(end) || end=='_' || end=='.' )
379         {
380             ptr++;
381             continue;
382         }
383         break;
384     }
385     return 1;
386 }
strdup_annot_prefix(args_t * args,const char * str)387 char *strdup_annot_prefix(args_t *args, const char *str)
388 {
389     if ( !args->annot_prefix ) return strdup(str);
390     int str_len = strlen(str);
391     int prefix_len = strlen(args->annot_prefix);
392     char *out = calloc(str_len+prefix_len+1,1);
393     memcpy(out,args->annot_prefix,prefix_len);
394     memcpy(out+prefix_len,str,str_len);
395     return out;
396 }
init_data(args_t * args)397 static void init_data(args_t *args)
398 {
399     args->sr = bcf_sr_init();
400     if ( args->regions )
401     {
402         args->sr->require_index = 1;
403         bcf_sr_set_opt(args->sr,BCF_SR_REGIONS_OVERLAP,args->regions_overlap);
404         if ( bcf_sr_set_regions(args->sr, args->regions, args->regions_is_file)<0 ) error("Failed to read the regions: %s\n",args->regions);
405     }
406     if ( args->targets )
407     {
408         bcf_sr_set_opt(args->sr,BCF_SR_TARGETS_OVERLAP,args->targets_overlap);
409         if ( bcf_sr_set_targets(args->sr, args->targets, args->targets_is_file, 0)<0 ) error("Failed to read the targets: %s\n",args->targets);
410     }
411     if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->sr,args->fname) ) error("Error: %s\n", bcf_sr_strerror(args->sr->errnum));
412     args->hdr = bcf_sr_get_header(args->sr,0);
413     args->hdr_out = bcf_hdr_dup(args->hdr);
415     // Parse the header CSQ line, must contain Description with "Format: ..." declaration
416     bcf_hrec_t *hrec = bcf_hdr_get_hrec(args->hdr, BCF_HL_INFO, NULL, args->vep_tag, NULL);
417     if ( !hrec ) error("The tag INFO/%s not found in the header\n", args->vep_tag);
418     int ret = bcf_hrec_find_key(hrec, "Description");
419     if ( ret<0 ) error("No \"Description\" field was found for the tag INFO/%s in the header\n", args->vep_tag);
420     char *format = strstr(hrec->vals[ret], "Format: ");
421     if ( !format ) error("Expected \"Format: \" substring in the header INFO/%s/Description, found: %s\n", args->vep_tag,hrec->vals[ret]);
422     format += 8;
423     char *ep = format;
424     while ( *ep )
425     {
426         char *bp = ep;
427         while ( *ep && *ep!='|' && *ep!='"' && *ep!='(' ) ep++; // don't include bracket in "pos(1-based)"
428         char tmp = *ep;
429         *ep = 0;
430         args->nfield++;
431         args->field = (char**)realloc(args->field,args->nfield*sizeof(*args->field));
432         args->field[args->nfield-1] = strdup_annot_prefix(args,bp);
433         if ( !tmp ) break;
434         *ep = tmp;
435         while ( *ep && *ep!='|' ) ep++;     // skip bracket in "pos(1-based)"
436         if ( *ep ) ep++;
437     }
438     if ( !args->nfield ) error("Could not parse Description of INFO/%s: %s\n", args->vep_tag,hrec->vals[ret]);
439     args->field2idx = khash_str2int_init();
440     int i,j;
441     for (i=0; i<args->nfield; i++)
442     {
443         if ( khash_str2int_has_key(args->field2idx, args->field[i]) )
444         {
445             fprintf(stderr,"Warning: duplicate INFO/%s key \"%s\"\n", args->vep_tag,args->field[i]);
446             continue;
447         }
448         khash_str2int_set(args->field2idx, args->field[i], i);
449     }
451     // Severity scale
452     kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
453     args->csq2severity = khash_str2int_init();
454     int severity = 0;
455     if ( args->severity )
456     {
457         kstring_t tmp = {0,0,0};
458         htsFile *fp = hts_open(args->severity,"r");
459         if ( !fp ) error("Cannot read %s\n", args->severity);
460         while ( hts_getline(fp, KS_SEP_LINE, &tmp) > 0 )
461         {
462             kputs(tmp.s, &str);
463             kputc('\n', &str);
464         }
465         free(tmp.s);
466     }
467     else
468         kputs(default_severity(),&str);
469     ep = str.s;
470     while ( *ep )
471     {
472         if ( *ep=='#' )
473         {
474             while ( *ep && *ep!='\n' ) { *ep = tolower(*ep); ep++; }
475             if ( !*ep ) break;
476             ep++;
477             continue;
478         }
479         char *bp = ep;
480         while ( *ep && !isspace(*ep) ) { *ep = tolower(*ep); ep++; }
481         char tmp = *ep;
482         *ep = 0;
483         args->nscale++;
484         args->scale = (char**) realloc(args->scale,args->nscale*sizeof(*args->scale));
485         args->scale[args->nscale-1] = strdup(bp);
486         if ( !khash_str2int_has_key(args->csq2severity,args->scale[args->nscale-1]) )
487             khash_str2int_set(args->csq2severity,args->scale[args->nscale-1], severity);
488         if ( !tmp ) break;
489         if ( tmp=='\n' ) severity++;
490         ep++;
491         while ( *ep && isspace(*ep) ) ep++;
492     }
494     // Transcript and/or consequence selection
495     if ( !args->select ) args->select = "all:any";
496     cols_t *cols = cols_split(args->select, NULL, ':');
497     char *sel_tr  = cols->off[0][0] ? cols->off[0] : "all";
498     char *sel_csq = cols->n==2 && cols->off[1][0] ? cols->off[1] : "any";
499     if ( !strcasecmp(sel_tr,"all") ) args->select_tr = SELECT_TR_ALL;
500     else if ( !strcasecmp(sel_tr,"worst") ) args->select_tr = SELECT_TR_WORST;
501     else if ( !strcasecmp(sel_tr,"primary") ) args->select_tr = SELECT_TR_PRIMARY;
502     else error("Error: the transcript selection key \"%s\" is not recognised.\n", sel_tr);
503     if ( !strcasecmp(sel_csq,"any") ) { args->min_severity = args->max_severity = SELECT_CSQ_ANY; }     // to avoid unnecessary lookups
504     else
505     {
506         int len = strlen(sel_csq);
507         int severity, modifier = '=';
508         if ( sel_csq[len-1]=='+' ) { modifier = '+'; sel_csq[len-1] = 0; }
509         else if ( sel_csq[len-1]=='-' ) { modifier = '-'; sel_csq[len-1] = 0; }
510         if ( khash_str2int_get(args->csq2severity, sel_csq, &severity)!=0 )
511             error("Error: the consequence \"%s\" is not recognised. Run \"bcftools +split-vep -S ?\" to see the default list.\n", sel_csq);
512         if ( modifier=='=' ) { args->min_severity = severity; args->max_severity = severity; }
513         else if ( modifier=='+' ) { args->min_severity = severity; args->max_severity = INT_MAX; }
514         else if ( modifier=='-' ) { args->min_severity = 0; args->max_severity = severity; }
515     }
516     cols_destroy(cols);
518     // The 'CANONICAL' column to look up severity, its name is hardwired for now
519     if ( args->select_tr==SELECT_TR_PRIMARY )
520     {
521         char *tmp = strdup_annot_prefix(args,"CANONICAL");
522         if ( khash_str2int_get(args->field2idx,tmp,&args->primary_id)!=0 )
523             error("The primary transcript was requested but the field \"CANONICAL\" is not present in INFO/%s: %s\n",args->vep_tag,hrec->vals[ret]);
524         free(tmp);
525     }
527     // Create a text output as with `bcftools query -f`. For this we need to determine the fields to be extracted
528     // from the formatting expression
529     if ( args->format_str && !args->column_str )
530     {
531         // Special case: -A was given, extract all fields, for this the -a tag (%CSQ) must be present
532         if ( args->all_fields_delim ) expand_csq_expression(args, &str);
534         for (i=0; i<args->nfield; i++)
535         {
536             if ( !query_has_field(args->format_str,args->field[i],&str) ) continue;
538             int tag_id = bcf_hdr_id2int(args->hdr, BCF_DT_ID, args->field[i]);
539             if ( bcf_hdr_idinfo_exists(args->hdr,BCF_HL_INFO,tag_id) )
540                 fprintf(stderr,"Note: ambiguous key %%%s; using the %s subfield of %s, not the INFO/%s tag\n", args->field[i],args->field[i],args->vep_tag,args->field[i]);
542             int olen = args->column_str ? strlen(args->column_str) : 0;
543             int nlen = strlen(args->field[i]);
544             args->column_str = (char*)realloc(args->column_str, olen + nlen + 2);
545             if ( olen )
546             {
547                 memcpy(args->column_str+olen,",",1);
548                 olen++;
549             }
550             memcpy(args->column_str+olen,args->field[i],nlen);
551             args->column_str[olen+nlen] = 0;
552         }
553         if ( query_has_field(args->format_str,args->vep_tag,&str) ) args->raw_vep_request = 1;
554     }
556     // The "Consequence" column to look up severity, its name is hardwired for now
557     char *tmp = strdup_annot_prefix(args,"Consequence");
558     if ( khash_str2int_get(args->field2idx,tmp,&args->csq_idx)!=0 )
559         error("The field \"Consequence\" is not present in INFO/%s: %s\n", args->vep_tag,hrec->vals[ret]);
560     free(tmp);
562     // Columns to extract: given as names, 0-based indexes or ranges of indexes
563     if ( args->column_str )
564     {
565         int *column = NULL;
566         int *types  = NULL;
567         if ( !strcmp("-",args->column_str) )    // all subfields
568         {
569             free(args->column_str);
570             kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
571             ksprintf(&str,"0-%d",args->nfield-1);
572             args->column_str = str.s;
573         }
574         ep = args->column_str;
575         while ( *ep )
576         {
577             char *tp, *bp = ep;
578             while ( *ep && *ep!=',' ) ep++;
579             char keep = *ep;
580             *ep = 0;
581             int type = -1;
582             int idx_beg, idx_end;
583             if ( !strcmp("-",bp) )
584             {
585                 kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
586                 ksprintf(&str,"0-%d",args->nfield-1);
587                 if ( keep ) ksprintf(&str,",%s",ep+1);
588                 free(args->column_str);
589                 args->column_str = str.s;
590                 ep = str.s;
591                 continue;
592             }
593             char *tmp = strdup_annot_prefix(args, bp);
594             if ( khash_str2int_get(args->field2idx, bp, &idx_beg)==0 || khash_str2int_get(args->field2idx, tmp, &idx_beg)==0 )
595                 idx_end = idx_beg;
596             else if ( (tp=strrchr(bp,':')) )
597             {
598                 *tp = 0;
599                 if ( khash_str2int_get(args->field2idx, bp, &idx_beg)!=0 )
600                 {
601                     *tp = ':';
602                     tp = strrchr(tmp,':');
603                     *tp = 0;
604                     if ( khash_str2int_get(args->field2idx, tmp, &idx_beg)!=0 ) error("No such column: \"%s\"\n", bp);
605                 }
606                 idx_end = idx_beg;
607                 *tp = ':';
608                 if ( !strcasecmp(tp+1,"string") ) type = BCF_HT_STR;
609                 else if ( !strcasecmp(tp+1,"float") || !strcasecmp(tp+1,"real") ) type = BCF_HT_REAL;
610                 else if ( !strcasecmp(tp+1,"integer") || !strcasecmp(tp+1,"int") ) type = BCF_HT_INT;
611                 else if ( !strcasecmp(tp+1,"flag") ) type = BCF_HT_FLAG;
612                 else error("The type \"%s\" (or column \"%s\"?) not recognised\n", tp+1,bp);
613             }
614             else
615             {
616                 char *mp;
617                 idx_beg = strtol(bp,&mp,10);
618                 if ( !*mp ) idx_end = idx_beg;
619                 else if ( *mp=='-' )
620                     idx_end = strtol(mp+1,&mp,10);
621                 if ( *mp )
622                 {
623                     if ( *mp==':' )
624                     {
625                         idx_end = idx_beg;
626                         if ( !strcasecmp(mp+1,"string") ) type = BCF_HT_STR;
627                         else if ( !strcasecmp(mp+1,"float") || !strcasecmp(mp+1,"real") ) type = BCF_HT_REAL;
628                         else if ( !strcasecmp(mp+1,"integer") || !strcasecmp(mp+1,"int") ) type = BCF_HT_INT;
629                         else if ( !strcasecmp(mp+1,"flag") ) type = BCF_HT_FLAG;
630                         else error("The type \"%s\" (or column \"%s\"?) not recognised\n", mp+1,bp);
631                     }
632                     else if ( !strcmp(bp,args->vep_tag) )
633                     {
634                         free(tmp);
635                         args->raw_vep_request = 1;
636                         if ( !keep ) break;
637                         ep++;
638                         continue;
639                     }
640                     else
641                         error("No such column: \"%s\"\n", bp);
642                 }
643             }
644             free(tmp);
646             i = args->nannot;
647             args->nannot += idx_end - idx_beg + 1;
648             column = (int*)realloc(column,args->nannot*sizeof(*column));
649             types  = (int*)realloc(types,args->nannot*sizeof(*types));
650             for (j=idx_beg; j<=idx_end; j++)
651             {
652                 if ( j >= args->nfield ) error("The index is too big: %d\n", j);
653                 column[i] = j;
654                 types[i]  = type;
655                 i++;
656             }
657             if ( !keep ) break;
658             ep++;
659         }
660         args->annot = (annot_t*)calloc(args->nannot,sizeof(*args->annot));
661         for (i=0; i<args->nannot; i++)
662         {
663             annot_t *ann = &args->annot[i];
664             ann->type = types[i];
665             ann->idx = j = column[i];
666             ann->field = strdup(args->field[j]);
667             ann->tag = strdup(args->field[j]);
668             args->kstr.l = 0;
669             const char *type = "String";
670             if ( ann->type==BCF_HT_REAL ) type = "Float";
671             else if ( ann->type==BCF_HT_INT ) type = "Integer";
672             else if ( ann->type==BCF_HT_FLAG ) type = "Flag";
673             else if ( ann->type==BCF_HT_STR ) type = "String";
674             else if ( ann->type==-1 ) type = get_column_type(args, args->field[j]);
675             ksprintf(&args->kstr,"##INFO=<ID=%%s,Number=.,Type=%s,Description=\"The %%s field from INFO/%%s\">",type);
676             bcf_hdr_printf(args->hdr_out, args->kstr.s, ann->tag,ann->field,args->vep_tag);
677         }
678         if ( args->raw_vep_request && args->select_tr==SELECT_TR_ALL ) args->raw_vep_request = 0;
679         if ( args->raw_vep_request )
680         {
681             args->nannot++;
682             args->annot = (annot_t*)realloc(args->annot,args->nannot*sizeof(*args->annot));
683             annot_t *ann = &args->annot[args->nannot-1];
684             ann->type  = BCF_HT_STR;
685             ann->idx   = -1;
686             ann->field = strdup(args->vep_tag);
687             ann->tag   = strdup(args->vep_tag);
688             memset(&ann->str,0,sizeof(ann->str));
689         }
690         free(column);
691         free(types);
692         destroy_column2type(args);
694         if ( bcf_hdr_sync(args->hdr_out)<0 )
695             error_errno("[%s] Failed to update header", __func__);
696     }
697     if ( args->format_str )
698     {
699         if ( !args->column_str && !args->select ) error("Error: No %s field selected in the formatting expression and -s not given: a typo?\n",args->vep_tag);
700         args->convert = convert_init(args->hdr_out, NULL, 0, args->format_str);
701         if ( !args->convert ) error("Could not parse the expression: %s\n", args->format_str);
702         if ( args->allow_undef_tags ) convert_set_option(args->convert, allow_undef_tags, 1);
703     }
704     if ( args->filter_str )
705     {
706         int max_unpack = args->convert ? convert_max_unpack(args->convert) : 0;
707         args->filter = filter_init(args->hdr_out, args->filter_str);
708         max_unpack |= filter_max_unpack(args->filter);
709         if ( !args->format_str ) max_unpack |= BCF_UN_FMT;      // don't drop FMT fields on VCF input when VCF/BCF is output
710         args->sr->max_unpack = max_unpack;
711         if ( args->convert && (max_unpack & BCF_UN_FMT) )
712             convert_set_option(args->convert, subset_samples, &args->smpl_pass);
713     }
715     free(str.s);
716 }
destroy_data(args_t * args)717 static void destroy_data(args_t *args)
718 {
719     free(args->farr);
720     free(args->iarr);
721     free(args->kstr.s);
722     free(args->column_str);
723     free(args->format_str);
724     cols_destroy(args->cols_csq);
725     cols_destroy(args->cols_tr);
726     int i;
727     for (i=0; i<args->nscale; i++) free(args->scale[i]);
728     free(args->scale);
729     for (i=0; i<args->nfield; i++) free(args->field[i]);
730     free(args->field);
731     for (i=0; i<args->nannot; i++)
732     {
733         annot_t *ann = &args->annot[i];
734         free(ann->field);
735         free(ann->tag);
736         free(ann->str.s);
737     }
738     free(args->annot);
739     if ( args->field2idx ) khash_str2int_destroy(args->field2idx);
740     if ( args->csq2severity ) khash_str2int_destroy(args->csq2severity);
741     bcf_sr_destroy(args->sr);
742     bcf_hdr_destroy(args->hdr_out);
743     free(args->csq_str);
744     if ( args->filter ) filter_destroy(args->filter);
745     if ( args->convert ) convert_destroy(args->convert);
746     if ( args->fh_vcf && hts_close(args->fh_vcf)!=0 ) error("Error: close failed .. %s\n",args->output_fname);
747     if ( args->fh_bgzf && bgzf_close(args->fh_bgzf)!=0 ) error("Error: close failed .. %s\n",args->output_fname);
748     free(args);
749 }
list_header(args_t * args)750 static void list_header(args_t *args)
751 {
752     int i;
753     for (i=0; i<args->nfield; i++) printf("%d\t%s\n", i,args->field[i]);
754 }
csq_to_severity(args_t * args,char * csq,int * min_severity,int * max_severity,int exact_match)756 static void csq_to_severity(args_t *args, char *csq, int *min_severity, int *max_severity, int exact_match)
757 {
758     *min_severity = INT_MAX;
759     *max_severity = -1;
760     char *ep = csq;
761     while ( *ep )
762     {
763         char *bp = ep;
764         while ( *ep && *ep!='&' ) { *ep = tolower(*ep); ep++; }
765         char tmp = *ep;
766         *ep = 0;
768         int i, severity = -1;
769         if ( khash_str2int_get(args->csq2severity, bp, &severity)!=0 )
770         {
771             for (i=0; i<args->nscale; i++)
772                 if ( strstr(bp,args->scale[i]) ) break;
774             if ( i!=args->nscale )
775                 khash_str2int_get(args->csq2severity, args->scale[i], &severity);
776             else
777                 severity = args->nscale + 1;
779             args->nscale++;
780             args->scale = (char**) realloc(args->scale,args->nscale*sizeof(*args->scale));
781             args->scale[args->nscale-1] = strdup(bp);
782             khash_str2int_set(args->csq2severity,args->scale[args->nscale-1], severity);
783             if ( i==args->nscale )
784                 fprintf(stderr,"Note: assigning a (high) severity score to a new consequence, use -S to override: %s -> %d\n",args->scale[args->nscale-1],args->nscale);
786             if ( khash_str2int_get(args->csq2severity, bp, &severity)!=0 ) error("FIXME: failed to look up the consequence \"%s\"\n", bp);
787         }
788         if ( exact_match < 0 )
789         {
790             if ( *min_severity > severity ) *min_severity = severity;
791             if ( *max_severity < severity ) *max_severity = severity;
792         }
793         else
794         {
795             if ( severity==exact_match )
796             {
797                 *min_severity = *max_severity = severity;
798                 *ep = tmp;
799                 return;
800             }
801         }
803         if ( !tmp ) break;
804         *ep = tmp;
805         ep++;
806     }
807 }
csq_severity_pass(args_t * args,char * csq)809 static int csq_severity_pass(args_t *args, char *csq)
810 {
811     if ( args->min_severity==args->max_severity && args->min_severity==SELECT_CSQ_ANY ) return 1;
813     int min_severity, max_severity, exact_match = args->min_severity==args->max_severity ? args->min_severity : -1;
814     csq_to_severity(args, csq, &min_severity, &max_severity, exact_match);
815     if ( max_severity < args->min_severity ) return 0;
816     if ( min_severity > args->max_severity ) return 0;
817     return 1;
818 }
get_primary_transcript(args_t * args,bcf1_t * rec,cols_t * cols_tr)820 static int get_primary_transcript(args_t *args, bcf1_t *rec, cols_t *cols_tr)    // modifies args->cols_csq!
821 {
822     int i;
823     for (i=0; i<cols_tr->n; i++)
824     {
825         args->cols_csq = cols_split(cols_tr->off[i], args->cols_csq, '|');
826         if ( args->primary_id >= args->cols_csq->n )
827             error("Too few columns at %s:%"PRId64" .. %d (Consequence) >= %d\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),(int64_t) rec->pos+1,args->primary_id,args->cols_csq->n);
828         if ( !strcmp("YES",args->cols_csq->off[args->primary_id]) ) return i;
829     }
830     return -1;
831 }
get_worst_transcript(args_t * args,bcf1_t * rec,cols_t * cols_tr)832 static int get_worst_transcript(args_t *args, bcf1_t *rec, cols_t *cols_tr)     // modifies args->cols_csq!
833 {
834     int i, max_severity = -1, imax_severity = 0;
835     for (i=0; i<cols_tr->n; i++)
836     {
837         args->cols_csq = cols_split(cols_tr->off[i], args->cols_csq, '|');
838         if ( args->csq_idx >= args->cols_csq->n )
839             error("Too few columns at %s:%"PRId64" .. %d (Consequence) >= %d\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),(int64_t) rec->pos+1,args->csq_idx,args->cols_csq->n);
840         char *csq = args->cols_csq->off[args->csq_idx];
842         int min, max;
843         csq_to_severity(args, csq, &min, &max, -1);
844         if ( max_severity < max ) { imax_severity = i; max_severity = max; }
845     }
846     return imax_severity;
847 }
annot_reset(annot_t * annot,int nannot)848 static void annot_reset(annot_t *annot, int nannot)
849 {
850     int i;
851     for (i=0; i<nannot; i++) annot[i].str.l = 0;
852 }
annot_append(annot_t * ann,char * value)853 static void annot_append(annot_t *ann, char *value)
854 {
855     if ( ann->str.l ) kputc(',',&ann->str);
856     kputs(value, &ann->str);
857 }
parse_array_real(char * str,float ** arr,int * marr,int * narr)858 static inline void parse_array_real(char *str, float **arr, int *marr, int *narr)
859 {
860     char *bp = str, *ep;
861     float *ptr = *arr;
862     int i, n = 1, m = *marr;
863     for (i=0; *bp; bp++)
864         if ( *bp == ',' ) n++;
866     hts_expand(float*,n,m,ptr);
868     i = 0;
869     bp = str;
870     while ( *bp )
871     {
872         ptr[i] = strtod(bp, &ep);
873         if ( bp==ep )
874             bcf_float_set_missing(ptr[i]);
875         i++;
876         while ( *ep && *ep!=',' ) ep++;
877         bp = *ep ? ep + 1 : ep;
878     }
879     *narr = i;
880     *marr = m;
881     *arr  = ptr;
882 }
parse_array_int32(char * str,int ** arr,int * marr,int * narr)883 static inline void parse_array_int32(char *str, int **arr, int *marr, int *narr)
884 {
885     char *bp = str, *ep;
886     int32_t *ptr = *arr;
887     int i, n = 1, m = *marr;
888     for (i=0; *bp; bp++)
889         if ( *bp == ',' ) n++;
891     hts_expand(int32_t*,n,m,ptr);
893     i = 0;
894     bp = str;
895     while ( *bp )
896     {
897         ptr[i] = strtol(bp, &ep, 10);
898         if ( bp==ep )
899             ptr[i] = bcf_int32_missing;
900         i++;
901         while ( *ep && *ep!=',' ) ep++;
902         bp = *ep ? ep + 1 : ep;
903     }
904     *narr = i;
905     *marr = m;
906     *arr  = ptr;
907 }
filter_and_output(args_t * args,bcf1_t * rec,int severity_pass,int all_missing)908 static void filter_and_output(args_t *args, bcf1_t *rec, int severity_pass, int all_missing)
909 {
910     int i, updated = 0;
911     for (i=0; i<args->nannot; i++)
912     {
913         annot_t *ann = &args->annot[i];
914         if ( !ann->str.l ) continue;
915         if ( ann->type==BCF_HT_REAL )
916         {
917             parse_array_real(ann->str.s,&args->farr,&args->mfarr,&args->nfarr);
918             bcf_update_info_float(args->hdr_out,rec,ann->tag,args->farr,args->nfarr);
919         }
920         else if ( ann->type==BCF_HT_INT )
921         {
922             parse_array_int32(ann->str.s,&args->iarr,&args->miarr,&args->niarr);
923             bcf_update_info_int32(args->hdr_out,rec,ann->tag,args->iarr,args->niarr);
924         }
925         else
926             bcf_update_info_string(args->hdr_out,rec,ann->tag,ann->str.s);
927         updated++;
928     }
929     if ( args->filter )
930     {
931         int pass = filter_test(args->filter, rec, (const uint8_t**) &args->smpl_pass);
932         if ( args->filter_logic & FLT_EXCLUDE ) pass = pass ? 0 : 1;
933         if ( !pass ) return;
934     }
935     if ( args->format_str )
936     {
937         if ( args->nannot )
938         {
939             if ( !updated || all_missing ) return;         // the standard case: using -f to print the CSQ subfields, skipping if missing
940         }
941         else
942         {
943             if ( !severity_pass ) return;   // request to print only non-CSQ tags at sites that pass severity
944         }
946         args->kstr.l = 0;
947         convert_line(args->convert, rec, &args->kstr);
948         if ( args->kstr.l && bgzf_write(args->fh_bgzf, args->kstr.s, args->kstr.l)!=args->kstr.l )
949             error("Failed to write to %s\n", args->output_fname);
950         return;
951     }
952     if ( bcf_write(args->fh_vcf, args->hdr_out,rec)!=0 )
953         error("Failed to write to %s\n", args->output_fname);
954 }
process_record(args_t * args,bcf1_t * rec)955 static void process_record(args_t *args, bcf1_t *rec)
956 {
957     int len = bcf_get_info_string(args->hdr,rec,args->vep_tag,&args->csq_str,&args->ncsq_str);
958     if ( len<=0 )
959     {
960         if ( !args->drop_sites )
961         {
962             annot_reset(args->annot, args->nannot);
963             filter_and_output(args,rec,1,1);
964         }
965         return;
966     }
968     args->cols_tr = cols_split(args->csq_str, args->cols_tr, ',');
970     int i,j, itr_min = 0, itr_max = args->cols_tr->n - 1;
971     if ( args->select_tr==SELECT_TR_PRIMARY )
972     {
973         itr_min = itr_max = get_primary_transcript(args, rec, args->cols_tr);
974         if ( itr_min<0 ) itr_max = itr_min - 1;
975     }
976     else if ( args->select_tr==SELECT_TR_WORST )
977         itr_min = itr_max = get_worst_transcript(args, rec, args->cols_tr);
979     annot_reset(args->annot, args->nannot);
980     int severity_pass = 0;  // consequence severity requested via the -s option (BCF record may be output but not annotated)
981     int all_missing   = 1;  // transcripts with all requested annotations missing will be discarded if -f was given
982     static int too_few_fields_warned = 0;
983     for (i=itr_min; i<=itr_max; i++)
984     {
985         args->cols_csq = cols_split(args->cols_tr->off[i], args->cols_csq, '|');
986         if ( args->csq_idx >= args->cols_csq->n )
987             error("Too few columns at %s:%"PRId64" .. %d (Consequence) >= %d\n", bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),(int64_t) rec->pos+1,args->csq_idx,args->cols_csq->n);
989         char *csq = args->cols_csq->off[args->csq_idx];
990         if ( !csq_severity_pass(args, csq) ) continue;
991         severity_pass = 1;
993         for (j=0; j<args->nannot; j++)
994         {
995             annot_t *ann = &args->annot[j];
996             if ( ann->idx >= args->cols_csq->n )
997             {
998                 if ( !too_few_fields_warned )
999                 {
1000                     fprintf(stderr, "Warning: fewer %s fields than expected at %s:%"PRId64", filling with dots. This warning is printed only once.\n", args->vep_tag,bcf_seqname(args->hdr,rec),(int64_t) rec->pos+1);
1001                     too_few_fields_warned = 1;
1002                 }
1003                 annot_append(ann, ".");
1004                 continue;
1005             }
1007             char *ann_str = NULL;
1008             if ( ann->idx==-1 ) ann_str = args->cols_tr->off[i];
1009             else if ( *args->cols_csq->off[ann->idx] ) ann_str = args->cols_csq->off[ann->idx];
1010             if ( ann_str )
1011             {
1012                 annot_append(ann, ann_str);
1013                 all_missing = 0;
1014             }
1015             else
1016                 annot_append(ann, "."); // missing value
1017         }
1019         if ( args->duplicate )
1020         {
1021             filter_and_output(args, rec, severity_pass, all_missing);
1022             annot_reset(args->annot, args->nannot);
1023             all_missing   = 1;
1024             severity_pass = 0;
1025         }
1026     }
1027     if ( !severity_pass && args->drop_sites ) return;
1028     if ( !args->duplicate )
1029         filter_and_output(args, rec, severity_pass, all_missing);
1030 }
run(int argc,char ** argv)1032 int run(int argc, char **argv)
1033 {
1034     args_t *args = (args_t*) calloc(1,sizeof(args_t));
1035     args->argc   = argc; args->argv = argv;
1036     args->output_fname = "-";
1037     args->output_type  = FT_VCF;
1038     args->vep_tag = "CSQ";
1039     args->record_cmd_line = 1;
1040     args->regions_overlap = 1;
1041     args->targets_overlap = 0;
1042     args->clevel = -1;
1043     static struct option loptions[] =
1044     {
1045         {"drop-sites",no_argument,0,'x'},
1046         {"all-fields",no_argument,0,'A'},
1047         {"duplicate",no_argument,0,'d'},
1048         {"format",required_argument,0,'f'},
1049         {"annotation",required_argument,0,'a'},
1050         {"annot-prefix",required_argument,0,'p'},
1051         {"columns",required_argument,0,'c'},
1052         {"columns-types",required_argument,0,1},
1053         {"select",required_argument,0,'s'},
1054         {"severity",required_argument,0,'S'},
1055         {"list",no_argument,0,'l'},
1056         {"include",required_argument,0,'i'},
1057         {"exclude",required_argument,0,'e'},
1058         {"output",required_argument,NULL,'o'},
1059         {"output-type",required_argument,NULL,'O'},
1060         {"regions",1,0,'r'},
1061         {"regions-file",1,0,'R'},
1062         {"regions-overlap",required_argument,NULL,3},
1063         {"targets",1,0,'t'},
1064         {"targets-file",1,0,'T'},
1065         {"targets-overlap",required_argument,NULL,4},
1066         {"no-version",no_argument,NULL,2},
1067         {"allow-undef-tags",no_argument,0,'u'},
1068         {NULL,0,NULL,0}
1069     };
1070     int c;
1071     char *tmp;
1072     while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "o:O:i:e:r:R:t:T:lS:s:c:p:a:f:dA:xu",loptions,NULL)) >= 0)
1073     {
1074         switch (c)
1075         {
1076             case  2 : args->record_cmd_line = 0; break;
1077             case  1 : args->column_types = optarg; break;
1078             case 'A':
1079                 if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"tab") ) args->all_fields_delim = "\t";
1080                 else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"space") ) args->all_fields_delim = " ";
1081                 else args->all_fields_delim = optarg;
1082                 break;
1083             case 'x': args->drop_sites = 1; break;
1084             case 'd': args->duplicate = 1; break;
1085             case 'f': args->format_str = strdup(optarg); break;
1086             case 'a': args->vep_tag = optarg; break;
1087             case 'p': args->annot_prefix = optarg; break;
1088             case 'c': args->column_str = strdup(optarg); break;
1089             case 'S': args->severity = optarg; break;
1090             case 's': args->select = optarg; break;
1091             case 'l': args->list_hdr = 1; break;
1092             case 'u': args->allow_undef_tags = 1; break;
1093             case 'e':
1094                 if ( args->filter_str ) error("Error: only one -i or -e expression can be given, and they cannot be combined\n");
1095                 args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_EXCLUDE; break;
1096             case 'i':
1097                 if ( args->filter_str ) error("Error: only one -i or -e expression can be given, and they cannot be combined\n");
1098                 args->filter_str = optarg; args->filter_logic |= FLT_INCLUDE; break;
1099             case 't': args->targets = optarg; break;
1100             case 'T': args->targets = optarg; args->targets_is_file = 1; break;
1101             case 'r': args->regions = optarg; break;
1102             case 'R': args->regions = optarg; args->regions_is_file = 1; break;
1103             case 'o': args->output_fname = optarg; break;
1104             case 'O':
1105                       switch (optarg[0]) {
1106                           case 'b': args->output_type = FT_BCF_GZ; break;
1107                           case 'u': args->output_type = FT_BCF; break;
1108                           case 'z': args->output_type = FT_VCF_GZ; break;
1109                           case 'v': args->output_type = FT_VCF; break;
1110                           default:
1111                           {
1112                               args->clevel = strtol(optarg,&tmp,10);
1113                               if ( *tmp || args->clevel<0 || args->clevel>9 ) error("The output type \"%s\" not recognised\n", optarg);
1114                           }
1115                       }
1116                       if ( optarg[1] )
1117                       {
1118                           args->clevel = strtol(optarg+1,&tmp,10);
1119                           if ( *tmp || args->clevel<0 || args->clevel>9 ) error("Could not parse argument: --compression-level %s\n", optarg+1);
1120                       }
1121                       break;
1122             case  3 :
1123                 if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"0") ) args->regions_overlap = 0;
1124                 else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"1") ) args->regions_overlap = 1;
1125                 else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"2") ) args->regions_overlap = 2;
1126                 else error("Could not parse: --regions-overlap %s\n",optarg);
1127                 break;
1128             case  4 :
1129                 if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"0") ) args->targets_overlap = 0;
1130                 else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"1") ) args->targets_overlap = 1;
1131                 else if ( !strcasecmp(optarg,"2") ) args->targets_overlap = 2;
1132                 else error("Could not parse: --targets-overlap %s\n",optarg);
1133                 break;
1134             case 'h':
1135             case '?':
1136             default: error("%s", usage_text()); break;
1137         }
1138     }
1139     if ( args->drop_sites && args->format_str ) error("Error: the -x behavior is the default (and only supported) with -f\n");
1140     if ( args->all_fields_delim && !args->format_str ) error("Error: the -A option must be used with -f\n");
1141     if ( args->severity && (!strcmp("?",args->severity) || !strcmp("-",args->severity)) ) error("%s", default_severity());
1142     if ( args->column_types && !strcmp("-",args->column_types) ) error("%s", default_column_types());
1143     if ( optind==argc )
1144     {
1145         if ( !isatty(fileno((FILE *)stdin)) ) args->fname = "-";  // reading from stdin
1146         else { error("%s", usage_text()); }
1147     }
1148     else if ( optind+1!=argc ) error("%s", usage_text());
1149     else args->fname = argv[optind];
1151     init_data(args);
1153     if ( args->list_hdr )
1154         list_header(args);
1155     else
1156     {
1157         if ( !args->format_str && !args->column_str )
1158         {
1159             if ( args->min_severity==SELECT_CSQ_ANY && args->max_severity==SELECT_CSQ_ANY )
1160                 error("Error: none of the -c,-f,-s options was given, why not use \"bcftools view\" instead?\n");
1161             else if ( !args->drop_sites )
1162                 error("Error: when the -s option is used without -x, everything is printed; why not use \"bcftools view\" instead?\n");
1163         }
1165         if ( args->format_str )
1166             args->fh_bgzf = bgzf_open(args->output_fname, args->output_type&FT_GZ ? "wg" : "wu");
1167         else
1168         {
1169             char wmode[8];
1170             set_wmode(wmode,args->output_type,args->output_fname,args->clevel);
1171             args->fh_vcf = hts_open(args->output_fname ? args->output_fname : "-", wmode);
1172             if ( args->record_cmd_line ) bcf_hdr_append_version(args->hdr_out, args->argc, args->argv, "bcftools_split-vep");
1173             if ( bcf_hdr_write(args->fh_vcf, args->hdr_out)!=0 ) error("Failed to write the header to %s\n", args->output_fname);
1174         }
1175         while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->sr) )
1176             process_record(args, bcf_sr_get_line(args->sr,0));
1177     }
1179     destroy_data(args);
1181     return 0;
1182 }