2- Fixed a bug that caused invalid bit scores in frameshift alignment mode.
5- Fixed an error when using HSP filter settings together with a BLAST database.
6- Optimized the performance of alignment traceback.
7- A non-default setting of `--max-hsps` will now recompute a full-matrix Smith Waterman
8  alignment with the ranges of the known HSPs masked in the target.
9- A non-default setting for `--max-hsps` can now be used together with `--ext full`.
10- The sensitivity levels used for iterated searches can now be manually set by
11  using a space-separated list after the `--iterate` option.
12- Seeds are masked based on complexity instead of frequency by default.
13- Added the option `--seed-cut` to set a complexity cutoff for indexed seeds.
14- Added the option `--freq-masking` to enable masking seeds based on frequency.
15- The fast, default, mid-sensitive and sensitive modes will by default softmask
16  a fixed set of highly abundant sequence motifs.
17- Added the option `--motif-masking (0,1)` to enable or disable motif masking.
18- Added the option `--masking seg` to enable SEG masking of target sequences (BLAST
19  default) instead of tantan masking.
20- Fixed a bug that caused the `full_sseq` output field to contain invalid information
21  or to produce an error when using a BLAST database.
22- Changed composition based statistics to use BLOSUM62 background frequencies.
23- Fixed the zstd dependency in the Dockerfile.
24- Added support for gap letters in BLAST databases.
25- Fixed a bug that caused the `--custom-matrix` option not to function correctly.
26- Changed the overlap for merging adjoining bands to >0.0.
27- Use more moderate filtering of HPSs in the chaining stage.
30- Fixed a bug that could cause invalid output when using `--masking 0` combined with
31  the global ranking mode.
32- Enabled lazy repeat masking in the query-indexed and contiguous seed modes when
33  using global ranking.
34- Added detection of cache size to auto-enable query-indexed mode.
37- Using BLAST databases now requires a preprocessing step using the command `prepdb`.
38- Improved performance of searching small query files.
39- Added "iterative" search mode (option `--iterate`) to search the query dataset with
40  increasing sensitivity, only searching queries at the target sensitivity that fail
41  to align at a lower sensitivity search.
42- Added the "global ranking" mode (option `-g`) to set a limit on the number of
43  Smith Waterman extensions per query, with the target sequences ranked by their
44  ungapped extension scores.
45- Added the `--fast` sensitivity mode that is faster and less sensitive than the
46  default mode.
47- Reduced the time for loading target sequences from BLAST databases.
48- Added the contiguous-seed mode (option `--algo ctg`) to improve performance for
49  small query files.
50- Added support for using `--comp-based-stats (3,4)` in combination with `--ext full`.
51- Fixed a bug that could cause a `Traceback error` when using `--comp-based-stats (3,4)`
52  in rare cases.
53- Changed the `full_sseq` output field to always contain unmasked sequences.
54- Fixed an issue that could cause target output order to be nondeterministic in case
55  of identically scoring hits.
56- Added support for reading zstd-compressed input files (auto-detected) and writing
57  zstd-compressed output files (option `--compress zstd`) (requires compilation
58  using `cmake -DWITH_ZSTD=ON`).
59- Compilation with BLAST database support requires the zstd library.
60- Added error message when reading protein sequences from FASTA files that only
61  contain DNA letters (can be disabled using `--ignore-warnings`).
64- Reduced the memory use of database building with taxonomy mapping.
65- Removed the limitation of sequence accession length.
66- Fixed a bug that could cause using a BLAST database not to function correctly.
67- Added support for using BLAST alias databases (created by `blastdb_aliastool`).
68- Reduced the memory use of the seed hit sorting stage.
69- Improved the consistency of results when running in query-indexed mode (`--algo 1`).
70- Added the option `--skip-missing-seqids` to ignore cases of missing sequences
71  in the database when using the `--seqidlist` option.
72- The `--min-orf` parameter now defaults to 1 in frameshift alignment mode.
75- Added support for using BLAST database files instead of the Diamond-formatted
76  `.dmnd` files.
77- Added the option `--seqidlist` to filter the database by sequence accession (only
78  supported for BLAST databases).
79- Fixed a bug that caused the `--dbsize` option not to function correctly.
80- Added the command `makeidx` and the option `--target-indexed` that provide an
81  optimisation specialized for small databases (<10 Mb).
82- Added the option `--mp-recover` to recover aborted runs in multiprocessing mode.
85- Added support for computing full-matrix instead of banded Smith Waterman extensions
86  (command line option `--ext full`).
87- Added support for the new `prot.accession2taxid.FULL.gz` taxonomy mapping file from
88  NCBI.
89- Added the option `--gapped-filter-evalue` to set the e-value threshold of the gapped
90  filter heuristic.
91- Added setting the scores of the mask letter according to BLAST rules when a
92  compositionally adjusted matrix is used.
93- Changed formatting of e-values to print two decimals instead of one.
94- Added the output field `qseq_translated` to print the translation of the aligned part
95  of the query sequence.
96- Added support for providing two input files to `--query/-q` when running alignment
97  in blastx mode.
98- Added the output field `full_qseq_mate` to print the sequence of the query's mate
99  (enabled when using two query files in blastx mode).
100- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash in blastx mode for very long queries.
103- Changed the computation of expected values to use the method described in Park, Y.,
104  Sheetlin, S., Ma, N. et al. New finite-size correction for local alignment score
105  distributions. *BMC Res Notes* **5**, 286 (2012).
106- Enabled the use of a custom scoring matrix without having to specify the statistical
107  parameters (option `--custom-matrix`).
108- Added support for compositional matrix adjust as described in Yi-Kuo Yu, Stephen F.
109  Altschul, The construction of amino acid substitution matrices for the comparison of
110  proteins with non-standard compositions, *Bioinformatics*, Volume 21, Issue 7, 1 April
111  2005, Pages 902�911. Three additional modes have been added that can be enabled by
112  setting `--comp-based-stats (2,3,4)` (*the feature is not enabled by default and does
113  not support translated searches at the moment*).
114- Fixed a bug that could cause incorrect alignment coordinates, gaps counts and sequence
115  identities being reported by `diamond view`.
116- Targets are sorted by bit score instead of e-value in the alignment output when the
117  `--top` parameter is used.
118- Disabled support of custom scoring matrices for the DAA format.
119- Fixed a bug that caused the use of a custom scoring matrix not to function correctly.
120- Fixed an issue that caused the portable binary not to function on systems that did not
121  support AVX.
122- Added the option `--no-unlink` to prevent unlinking of temporary files.
125- Fixed an issue that could cause high memory use in frameshift alignment mode.
128- Fixed a bug that could cause the `--max-target-seqs/-k`, `--ext-chunk-size` and
129  `--file-buffer-size` options not to function correctly on macOS.
132- Added a new sensitivity mode that is between the default mode and the sensitive mode
133  in sensitivity (option `--mid-sensitive`).
134- Added counters for total number of reference blocks, shapes and index chunks to
135  the status messages.
136- Fixed a bug (persisting since v2.0.2) that could cause secondary HSPs within one
137  target not to be reported if the `--max-hsps` option was used with a non-default setting.
138- Fixed a bug that could cause an invalid error message with regard to the database
139  format in certain cases.
140- The `--no-self-hits` option is no longer supported in `blastx` mode.
141- Changed the semantics of the `--no-self-hits` option to check for equality of both
142  sequence and sequence id, independent of the computed alignment.
143- The selection of the top hit when using `--top` will respect the identity, coverage
144  and no-self-hits filter settings (does not apply when frameshift alignment is
145  enabled).
146- The inclusion criterion for `--top` is applied to the bit score instead of the raw
147  score and is no longer affected by integer rounding (does not apply when frameshift
148  alignment is enabled).
149- Improved the accuracy of the ranking heuristic.
150- Added the options `--ext-chunk-size` and `--no-ranking` to control the ranking
151  heuristic.
154- Fixed a bug (persisting since v2.0.0) that could cause incomplete results in `blastx` mode.
155- Reduced the use of temporary disk space.
156- Fixed an issue that could cause long runtimes when using the `--taxon-list` option.
159- Added feature for using the tool in a distributed computing environment.
160- Fixed an issue that could cause increased memory usage and runtimes for very long queries.
161- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using `--comp-based-stats 0`.
162- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash for small input files in certain cases.
163- Fixed a bug that could cause filtering hits for identity or range cover not to function correctly when using
164  the tabular format without traceback being enabled.
165- Added warning messages to recommend block size parameters based on system RAM.
168- Added the sensitivity modes `--very-sensitive` and `--ultra-sensitive`.
169- The `--block-size`/`-b` parameter is set to 0.4 and the `--index-chunks`/`-c` parameter is set to 1 by default
170  in the new sensitivity modes.
171- Improved performance.
172- Added the option `--ext` with possible values `banded-fast` and `banded-slow` to adjust band setup for Smith
173  Waterman extensions (new default is `banded-fast` for the default and sensitive mode, and `banded-slow` otherwise).
174- Added automatic disabling of alignment traceback if not required by the user-defined output fields in tabular
175  output format.
176- Changed the default value of the `--max-hsps` parameter to 1.
177- Changed the default value of the `--freq-sd` parameter from 10 to 20 for the sensitive mode.
178- Fixed a compiler error on FreeBSD.
181- Fixed a bug that could cause `makedb` to produce invalid database files when using taxonomy features.
182- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when running in query-indexed mode.
185- Fixed a bug in `diamond view` that would cause high memory usage and erroneous output.
186- Reduced the use of temporary disk space.
187- Fixed a database compatibility issue with big endian architectures.
188- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash for query sequences shorter than 5 letters in blastx mode.
189- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when using a FASTA file as database parameter in blastx mode.
190- Added support for the following new ranks in the NCBI taxonomy: biotype, clade, forma specialis, genotype, isolate, morph, pathogroup, serogroup, serotype, strain, subvariety.
193- Fixed a compiler error for native builds.
194- Fixed a compiler error for GCC 4.8.
195- Fixed a compiler error when support for SSSE3 was enabled without support for SSE4.1.
196- Implemented asynchronous loading of seed hits.
199- Improved performance and sensitivity.
200- Increased use of temporary disk space.
201- Implemented support for the AVX2 instruction set.
202- Fixed a bug on big-endian architectures.
203- Fixed bugs for compilers with unsigned char.
204- Fixed compiler errors for generic builds.
205- Added compatibility of database files between little and big endian architectures.
206- Fixed various issues related to `Illegal instruction` errors on macOS.
207- Added option `--file-buffer-size` to set the size of the I/O buffers and set the default value to 64 MB.
210- Fixed a bug that would generate an incorrect count of positive scoring letters in all output formats.
211- Fixed a compiler error on macOS.
212- Fixed an `illegal instruction` error on macOS.
215- Improved performance.
216- Composition based statistics use integer scoring.
217- Option `--quiet` will suppress startup message.
218- Added output field `scovhsp` to print the subject coverage per HSP to the tabular format.
219- Added option `--culling-overlap` to set the minimum overlap with a higher scoring hit for a hit to be deleted and changed the
220  default value from 90% to 50%.
221- Added command `diamond test` to run a series of regression tests.
222- Fixed an off-by-one error of the query end position in the XML output format.
223- (Update 2020/06/08) Due to a bug, since this version DAA files are not backward compatible with previous versions when using frameshift alignment (option `-F`).
226- Added support for output field `cigar` to the tabular format.
227- Changed the maximum repeat period to 50 for tantan masking.
228- Changed the tantan masking to ungapped mode.
229- Improved the performance of repeat masking.
230- Added output fields sskingdoms, skingdoms, and sphylums to print subject super kingdoms, subject kingdoms, and subject phylums.
233- Fixed a bug that could cause taxonomy features to function incorrectly for databases created by versions 0.9.27 and 0.9.28.
236- Fixed a bug that could cause alignment score overflows for scores > 65535 in frameshift alignment mode.
237- Fixed a clang compiler error.
240- Improved performance of the seed matching stage.
241- Seed frequency counts are computed based on hit seeds.
242- Added option `--taxon-exclude` to exclude list of taxon ids from search.
243- Compiling from source will no longer perform a native build. Instead, a portable binary that contains code paths
244  for multiple architectures will be produced, with dispatch logic that is invoked at runtime.
247- Fixed a bug that could cause undefined behaviour when using a database file of format version < 2.
248- Fixed a compiler error when compiled as generic C++.
249- Program will no longer terminate with an error if unlink system call fails.
250- Added option `--tantan-minMaskProb` to set minimum repeat probability for tantan masking and changed the default value to 0.9.
251- Added option `--tantan-maxRepeatOffset` to set maximum tandem repeat period to consider and changed the default value to 15.
252- Added option `--tantan-ungapped` to use tantan in ungapped mode and changed the default to gapped mode.
253- Changed score matrix lambda calculation for tantan masking.
254- Reference masking is recomputed during alignment runs.
257- Added support for the `sscinames` output field to print subject scientific names to the tabular output format.
258- Fixed a compiler error for GCC 8.2.
259- Added option `--stop-match-score` to set the match score of stop codons.
260- Fixed a bug that caused the `qqual` output field to not be correctly clipped to the aligned part of the query.
261- Added output fields `qseq_gapped` and `sseq_gapped` to the tabular format.
262- Raised compiler requirement to GCC 4.8.
263- Fixed a bug that caused the final sequence positions to not be printed in the pairwise format.
264- Allow using `--min-score` instead of `--top` for the LCA computation of the taxonomy output format.
265- Reduced the number of temporary files.
266- Added output field `qstrand` to the tabular format.
267- Database format version changed to 3.
268- Fixed a bug in the `--range-culling` mode that could cause undefined behaviour.
271- Fixed a compiler error on macOS.
272- Added --header option to output header for tabular output format.
273- The quality string output in tabular format (qqual field) is clipped to the aligned part of the query.
274- Print '*' as quality string if quality values are not available in tabular output format.
275- Added field 'full_qqual' to print unclipped query quality values to the tabular format.
276- Added field 'full_qseq' to print unclipped query sequence to the tabular format.
277- Added support for using the hyphen character '-' to denote the standard input for input file parameters.
278- Status messages are written to stderr.
279- Fixed a bug that could incorrectly report queries as unaligned in the output of the --un option.
280- Added option '--al' to write aligned queries to file.
281- Added options '--alfmt' and '--unfmt' to set the format of the aligned/unaligned query file (supported values: fasta, fastq).
284- Fixed an issue that could cause too high memory usage.
285- Added output field 'qqual' to print query FASTQ quality values to the tabular format.
286- Changed license to GPL.
287- Raised compiler requirement to GCC 4.6.
288- Added option to use the DAA output format for diamond view.
289- Added support for using a FASTA file as the --db parameter in alignment workflows.
290- Added CL (command line) and VN (version) fields to the @PG SAM format header line.
291- Fixed a performance issue for very long query sequences.
292- Added shortcut --long-reads for --range-culling --top 10 -F 15.
295- Added output field full_sseq to tabular output format.
296- Database sequences that exceed the maximum accession length will no longer cause an error.
297- Added support for PAF output format.
298- Optimized performance of database taxonomy filtering.
301- Fixed compiler errors on some systems.
304- Added Bioconda installation instructions to manual.
305- Added official docker release: https://hub.docker.com/r/buchfink/diamond/
306- Fixed a bug that could cause corrupted output if compression was activated.
307- Fixed an issue that could cause high memory usage by automatic use of the query-indexed algorithm.
310- Fixed a bug in the --un function to write unaligned reads.
311- Fixed an issue in the LCA algorithm that could cause an assignment to a higher node.
312- --taxonmap and --taxonnodes parameters now apply exclusively to the makedb command.
313- Added option --taxonlist to filter searches by subject taxonomic id.
314- Changed database format; rebuilding is required.
317- Optimized output writing performance.
318- Fixed a bug in the XML output format.
321- Fixed a compiler error on FreeBSD.
322- Added option --range-culling.
323- Fixed escape sequences in XML output.
326- Fixed a bug that caused an error for non-SSSE3 builds.
329- Improved performance of frameshift alignment mode.
332- Added support for frameshift alignments.
335- Fixed query positions in pairwise format for translated searches.
336- Changed default behaviour of --max-hsps option to report unlimited number of HSPs.
339- Fixed dbinfo command to be able to read older database formats.
340- Adjusted XML format for better compatibility with Blast2Go.
341- Fixed a potential error when running multiple instances of Diamond.
344- Added option --xml-blord-format for alternative-style XML format.
345- Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when writing compressed output files.
348- added --strand option to choose query strand
349- added dbinfo command
352- Added taxonomic classification format.
353- Fixed a bug in getseq printing masked residues.
354- Fixed parsing of UniRef100_ sequence id prefixes.
355- Added support for using the staxids output field in diamond view.
358- Fixed a compiler error.
361- Fixed compiler errors.
362- Changed XML format to print accessions in the Hit_id and Hit_accession fields.
365- Fixed compiler errors.
368- Added support for named pipes.
369- Added support for reading input files from stdin.
370- Added more elaborate file I/O error messages.
373- Improved performance.
374- Fixed a bug in the query-indexed algorithm.
375- Empty sequences are ignored instead of generating an error.
378- Fixed a bug that could cause hanging.
379- Fixed a bug that could cause an error when using the staxids output field and the --unal option.
382- Fixed a compiler error.
383- Improved performance for very small query files.
386- fixed a performance issue
389- improved performance
390- improved support for alignments with long gaps
391- removed SEG masking
392- added low complexity masking using tantan
393- changed license to AGPL
396- fixed std::exception error messages
397- fixed sequence titles in XML format
398- XML and pairwise format contain full length titles by default
401- fixed a bug that would cause an error message for empty DAA files
402- all scoring matrices use the respective default gap penalties from BLAST
403- added check for SSSE3 instruction set
404- added diamond-sse2 to the binary package
405- added staxids field to the tabular format
408- fixed a compiler error
411- added a check to detect incomplete database files
412- database files will be deleted in case database building fails
413- fixed a compiler error on 32 bit systems
416- fixed a compiler error
419- modified option --no-self-hits to also require matching sequence titles for filtering of a self hit
420- fixed a bug that could cause a crash in the `joining output blocks` stage
423- improved speed and sensitivity
424- fixed an issue that could cause too high memory usage in certain cases
427- renamed option --run-len to --min-orf
428- added compositional score adjustments (option --comp-based-stats (0,1), enabled by default)
429- removed --single-domain option and replaced by --max-hsps
430- added option --no-self-hits
433- slightly improved sensitivity
434- added option to report unaligned queries (--unal)
435- pairwise, XML and SAM format will report unaligned queries by default
436- added option to filter alignments by subject cover (--subject-cover)
439- fixed an issue that could cause a crash when using view on incomplete DAA files
442- slightly improved sensitivity
443- added support for the BLAST pairwise format (option -f 0)
446- added support for gzip compressed files containing multiple gzip streams
449- fixed a compiler error
450- now compiles as generic C++ code without SSE being available
451- added option to write unaligned queries to file (--un)
454- fixed a bug with the qseq field in the blast tabular format
455- added qtitle and btop fields to the blast tabular format
456- fixed a bug that could cause a crash when passing a nonexistant input file
457- fixed an issue that could cause unexpectedly long runtimes in certain cases
460- error messages when reading sequence files include line numbers
463- added option to change the genetic code used for translation in blastx mode
466- the Hit_id and Hit_accession fields are now filled for the BLAST XML format
469- fixed an error of 'diamond view' when using a custom scoring matrix
472- added support for customizing the BLAST tabular output format
475- ungapped xdrop score and ungapped and gapped filter scores are now set in bits
476- added support for custom scoring matrices
479- fixed a crash bug
480- implemented getseq command to retrieve sequences from database files
483- slightly improved sensitivity of fast and sensitive mode
484- added new alignment mode (option --more-sensitive)
485- the scoring matrix parameter will accept upper case spelling
488- optimized performance
491- fixed a compiler error on Mac
492- fixed a crash on some systems
495- fixed a memory leak
498- fixed a compiler error for GCC 4.1 and 4.2
501- changed database format
502- block size parameter is set only for the alignment commands
503- the program will accept databases created by later versions if the format is compatible
504- improved sensitivity of sensitive mode with some loss in performance
507- fixed a compiler error
510- added option to directly generate all output formats
511- fixed some GCC 6.1 compiler errors
514- optimized performance
515- improved local alignment accuracy
516- fixed some fields in the XML format
519- fixed a clang compiler error
522- added support for BLAST XML format
523- fixed the gzip compressed output option
526- fixed a problem of the Windows version that could cause errors for larger files
527- optimized performance
530- optimized performance
533- fixed a problem that could cause very long runtimes for highly repetitive sequences
534- optimized performance
535- fixed a bug that could cause too high memory usage in blastp mode
538- fixed a problem that could sometimes cause alignments to be missed
539- suppressed reporting of alignments that are enveloped by better alignments
542- use parameter -k0 to report unlimited number of alignments
543- fixed a crash bug on Mac OS X
544- fixed a crash when view was used with terminal output
547- added option to disable auto appending of DAA and DMND file extensions (--no-auto-append)
548- fixed some compiler errors for GCC 4.6
551- fixed a bug that would sometimes cause alignments to be missed
552- fixed a bug that would cause alignments on the reverse strand to be missed in blastx mode
553- temporary directory now defaults to output directory
554- removed dependency on Boost
555- fixed a bug that would cause stop codons to be translated into 'X'
558- fixed header string in SAM output to correctly identify the blastp alignment mode
559- added option to filter alignments for a given query cover (option --query-cover)
560- added option to print full subject titles in output files (option --salltitles)
563- added --version switch
564- added static build option for CMake build
565- fixed a bug that would cause a return code of 1 without an error
568- --log option works on OS X
569- added option to set effective database size (--dbsize)
570- added CMake build option
571- fixed a Clang compiler warning
572- dash characters (-) are ignored (treated as X) in protein sequences
575- added --single-domain option
576- fixed a bug that could cause the program not to use all available threads
577- optimized performance
580- fixed a bug that could produce an incorrect sort order of HSPs
583- fixed a number formatting error in the SAM output format
586- fixed a formatting error in CIGAR strings
589- fixed a compiler error for Clang
590- compiles on OS X
591- fixed a bug that would not produce the correct sort order for HSPs with e-value 0
592- option --run-len defaults to 1 for sequences shorter than 30 letters
595- removed OpenMP dependency
596- using explicit Makefile instead of autoconf
597- file extensions can be named explicitly for DAA and database files
598- HSPs are grouped by target sequence
599- fixed a bug that could produce incorrect output for view
600- fixed a bug that could report an incorrect number of alignments
601- fixed a compiler error for GCC 4.1.2
604- changed database format (makedb required)
605- optimized multithreading load balancing
606- removed a non-determinism in alignment computation
607- IUPAC nucleotide ambiguity codes in DNA sequences are accepted and converted into N's
608- SEG masking is disabled by default for blastp mode
609- fixed a memory leak
610- reduced database file sizes
613- fixed a bug that could create invalid DAA files when using the --id option
614- added integrity check of DAA files to view command
615- fixed a bug that could cause segmentation fault or file seek errors
618- fixed a race condition for opening temporary files
619- temporary files are deleted on ungraceful termination of the program
620- blank lines in FASTA files are tolerated
621- fixed a compiler error for GCC 4.4.7
622- view command can write to standard output
625- introduced DAA format
626- reduced usage of temporary disk space and memory
627- fixed a compiler error for GCC 4.1.2
628- fixed a bug that could cause the program to hang when running out of temporary space or memory
629- added --forwardonly option to view command