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4 // This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
5 // Version 4.0.2
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11 namespace libsbml {
13  using System;
14  using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
16 /**
17  * @sbmlpackage{core}
18  *
19 @htmlinclude pkg-marker-core.html An SBML <em>algebraic rule</em> representing <em>0 = f(<b>W</b>)</em>.
20  *
21  * The rule type AlgebraicRule is derived from the parent class Rule.  It
22  * is used to express equations that are neither assignments of model
23  * variables nor rates of change.  AlgebraicRule does not add any
24  * attributes to the basic Rule; its role is simply to distinguish this
25  * case from the other cases.
26  *
27  * In the context of a simulation, algebraic rules are in effect at all
28  * times, <em>t</em> >= <em>0</em>.  For purposes of evaluating
29  * expressions that involve the delay 'csymbol' (see the SBML
30  * specification), algebraic rules are considered to apply also at
31  * <em>t</em> <= <em>0</em>.  Please consult the relevant SBML
32  * specification for additional information about the semantics of
33  * assignments, rules, and entity values for simulation time <em>t</em>
34  * <= <em>0</em>.
35  *
36  * An SBML model must not be overdetermined.  The ability to define
37  * arbitrary algebraic expressions in an SBML model introduces the
38  * possibility that a model is mathematically overdetermined by the overall
39  * system of equations constructed from its rules, reactions and events.
40  * Therefore, if an algebraic rule is introduced in a model, for at least
41  * one of the entities referenced in the rule's 'math' element the value of
42  * that entity must not be completely determined by other constructs in the
43  * model.  This means that at least this entity must not have the attribute
44  * 'constant'=@c true and there must also not be a rate rule or assignment
45  * rule for it.  Furthermore, if the entity is a Species object, its value
46  * must not be determined by reactions, which means that it must either
47  * have the attribute 'boundaryCondition'=@c true or else not be involved
48  * in any reaction at all.  These restrictions are explained in more detail
49  * in the SBML specification documents.
50  *
51  * In SBML Levels 2 and&nbsp;3, Reaction object identifiers can be
52  * referenced in the 'math' expression of an algebraic rule, but reaction
53  * rates can never be <em>determined</em> by algebraic rules.  This is true
54  * even when a reaction does not contain a KineticLaw
55  * @if conly structure @else object@endif.  (In such cases of missing
56  * kinetic law definitions, the model is valid but incomplete; the rates of
57  * reactions lacking kinetic laws are simply undefined, and not determined by
58  * the algebraic rule.)
59  *
60  * In SBML Level&nbsp;2 and Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;1, the 'math'
61  * subelement of the AlgebraicRule is required.  In SBML Level&nbsp;3
62  * Version&nbsp;2, this rule is relaxed, and the subelement is
63  * optional.  If an AlgebraicRule with no 'math' child is present
64  * in the model, no additional mathematical constraints on the model are
65  * added by the rule.  This may represent a situation where the model itself
66  * is unfinished, or the missing information may be provided by an
67  * SBML Level&nbsp;3 package.
68  *
69  * Finally, any symbol that appears as the target of a rateOf csymbol
70  * (@link libsbml#AST_FUNCTION_RATE_OF AST_FUNCTION_RATE_OF@endlink, introduced in
71  * SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2) may
72  * not be determined by an AlgebraicRule. This is because the rateOf
73  * csymbol is defined as applying only to symbols whose rates of change
74  * are easily determinable.
75  *
76  * Users should note that these rules about what symbols may not be
77  * determined by an AlgebraicRule may be used to discover what symbol
78  * is being determined by an AlgebraicRule. If three symbols appear in
79  * the math element of an AlgebraicRule, the first of which is flagged
80  * constant=@c true, and the second of which appears as the target of a
81  * rateOf csymbol, one may conclude that the AlgebraicRule must be used
82  * to determine the value of the third symbol. This is, in fact, a
83  * principle use (outside of validation) of the constant attribute: its
84  * use in allowing software to properly identify the dependent variable
85  * in an AlgebraicRule.
86  *
87  *
88  * @section rules-general General summary of SBML rules
89  *
90  * In SBML Level&nbsp;3 as well as Level&nbsp;2, rules are separated into three
91  * subclasses for the benefit of model analysis software.  The three
92  * subclasses are based on the following three different possible functional
93  * forms (where <em>x</em> is a variable, <em>f</em> is some arbitrary
94  * function returning a numerical result, <b><em>V</em></b> is a vector of
95  * variables that does not include <em>x</em>, and <b><em>W</em></b> is a
96  * vector of variables that may include <em>x</em>):
97  *
98  * <table border='0' cellpadding='0' class='centered' style='font-size: small'>
99  * <tr><td width='120px'><em>Algebraic:</em></td><td width='250px'>left-hand side is zero</td><td><em>0 = f(<b>W</b>)</em></td></tr>
100  * <tr><td><em>Assignment:</em></td><td>left-hand side is a scalar:</td><td><em>x = f(<b>V</b>)</em></td></tr>
101  * <tr><td><em>Rate:</em></td><td>left-hand side is a rate-of-change:</td><td><em>dx/dt = f(<b>W</b>)</em></td></tr>
102  * </table>
103  *
104  * In their general form given above, there is little to distinguish
105  * between <em>assignment</em> and <em>algebraic</em> rules.  They are treated as
106  * separate cases for the following reasons:
107  *
108  * @li <em>Assignment</em> rules can simply be evaluated to calculate
109  * intermediate values for use in numerical methods.  They are statements
110  * of equality that hold at all times.  (For assignments that are only
111  * performed once, see InitialAssignment.)
113  * @li SBML needs to place restrictions on assignment rules, for example
114  * the restriction that assignment rules cannot contain algebraic loops.
115  *
116  * @li Some simulators do not contain numerical solvers capable of solving
117  * unconstrained algebraic equations, and providing more direct forms such
118  * as assignment rules may enable those simulators to process models they
119  * could not process if the same assignments were put in the form of
120  * general algebraic equations;
121  *
122  * @li Those simulators that <em>can</em> solve these algebraic equations make a
123  * distinction between the different categories listed above; and
124  *
125  * @li Some specialized numerical analyses of models may only be applicable
126  * to models that do not contain <em>algebraic</em> rules.
127  *
128  * The approach taken to covering these cases in SBML is to define an
129  * abstract Rule structure containing a subelement, 'math', to hold the
130  * right-hand side expression, then to derive subtypes of Rule that add
131  * attributes to distinguish the cases of algebraic, assignment and rate
132  * rules.  The 'math' subelement must contain a MathML expression defining the
133  * mathematical formula of the rule.  This MathML formula must return a
134  * numerical value.  The formula can be an arbitrary expression referencing
135  * the variables and other entities in an SBML model.
136  *
137  * Each of the three subclasses of Rule (AssignmentRule, AlgebraicRule,
138  * RateRule) inherit the the 'math' subelement and other fields from SBase.
139  * The AssignmentRule and RateRule classes add an additional attribute,
140  * 'variable'.  See the definitions of AssignmentRule, AlgebraicRule and
141  * RateRule for details about the structure and interpretation of each one.
142  *
143  * @section rules-restrictions Additional restrictions on SBML rules
144  *
145  * An important design goal of SBML rule semantics is to ensure that a
146  * model's simulation and analysis results will not be dependent on when or
147  * how often rules are evaluated.  To achieve this, SBML needs to place two
148  * restrictions on rule use.  The first concerns algebraic loops in the system
149  * of assignments in a model, and the second concerns overdetermined systems.
150  *
151  * @subsection rules-no-loops A model must not contain algebraic loops
152  *
153  * The combined set of InitialAssignment, AssignmentRule and KineticLaw
154  * objects in a model constitute a set of assignment statements that should be
155  * considered as a whole.  (A KineticLaw object is counted as an assignment
156  * because it assigns a value to the symbol contained in the 'id' attribute of
157  * the Reaction object in which it is defined.)  This combined set of
158  * assignment statements must not contain algebraic loops---dependency
159  * chains between these statements must terminate.  To put this more formally,
160  * consider a directed graph in which nodes are assignment statements and
161  * directed arcs exist for each occurrence of an SBML species, compartment or
162  * parameter symbol in an assignment statement's 'math' subelement.  Let the
163  * directed arcs point from the statement assigning the symbol to the
164  * statements that contain the symbol in their 'math' subelement expressions.
165  * This graph must be acyclic.
166  *
167  * Similarly, the combined set of RateRule and Reaction objects constitute
168  * a set of definitions for the rates of change of various model entities
169  * (namely, the objects identified by the values of the 'variable' attributes
170  * of the RateRule objects, and the 'species' attributes of the SpeciesReference
171  * objects in each Reaction).  In SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2, these rates
172  * of change may be referenced directly
173  * using the <em>rateOf</em> csymbol, but may not thereby contain algebraic
174  * loops---dependency chains between these statements must terminate.  More
175  * formally, consider a directed graph in which the nodes are the definitions
176  * of different variables' rates of change, and directed arcs exist for each
177  * occurrence of a variable referenced by a <em>rateOf</em> csymbol from any
178  * RateRule or KineticLaw object in the model.  Let the directed arcs point
179  * from the variable referenced by the <em>rateOf</em> csymbol (call it
180  * <em>x</em>) to the variable(s) determined by the 'math' expression in which
181  * <em>x</em> appears.  This graph must be acyclic.
182  *
183  * SBML does not specify when or how often rules should be evaluated.
184  * Eliminating algebraic loops ensures that assignment statements can be
185  * evaluated any number of times without the result of those evaluations
186  * changing.  As an example, consider the set of equations <em>x = x + 1</em>,
187  * <em>y = z + 200</em> and <em>z = y + 100</em>.  If this set of equations
188  * were interpreted as a set of assignment statements, it would be invalid
189  * because the rule for <em>x</em> refers to <em>x</em> (exhibiting one type
190  * of loop), and the rule for <em>y</em> refers to <em>z</em> while the rule
191  * for <em>z</em> refers back to <em>y</em> (exhibiting another type of loop).
192  * Conversely, the following set of equations would constitute a valid set of
193  * assignment statements: <em>x = 10</em>, <em>y = z + 200</em>, and <em>z = x
194  * + 100</em>.
195  *
196  * @subsection rules-not-overdetermined A model must not be overdetermined
197  *
198  * An SBML model must not be overdetermined; that is, a model must not
199  * define more equations than there are unknowns in a model.  A valid SBML model
200  * that does not contain AlgebraicRule structures cannot be overdetermined.
201  *
202  * LibSBML implements the static analysis procedure described in
203  * Appendix&nbsp;B of the SBML Level&nbsp;3
204  * specification for assessing whether a model is overdetermined.
205  *
206  * (In summary, assessing whether a given continuous, deterministic,
207  * mathematical model is overdetermined does not require dynamic analysis; it
208  * can be done by analyzing the system of equations created from the model.
209  * One approach is to construct a bipartite graph in which one set of vertices
210  * represents the variables and the other the set of vertices represents the
211  * equations.  Place edges between vertices such that variables in the system
212  * are linked to the equations that determine them.  For algebraic equations,
213  * there will be edges between the equation and each variable occurring in the
214  * equation.  For ordinary differential equations (such as those defined by
215  * rate rules or implied by the reaction rate definitions), there will be a
216  * single edge between the equation and the variable determined by that
217  * differential equation.  A mathematical model is overdetermined if the
218  * maximal matchings of the bipartite graph contain disconnected vertexes
219  * representing equations.  If one maximal matching has this property, then
220  * all the maximal matchings will have this property; i.e., it is only
221  * necessary to find one maximal matching.)
222  *
223  * @section RuleType_t Rule types for SBML Level 1
224  *
225  * SBML Level 1 uses a different scheme than SBML Level 2 and Level 3 for
226  * distinguishing rules; specifically, it uses an attribute whose value is
227  * drawn from an enumeration of 3 values.  LibSBML supports this using methods
228  * that work @if clike a libSBML enumeration type,
229  * @link Rule::RuleType_t RuleType_t@endlink, whose values
230  * are @else with the enumeration values @endif listed below.
231  *
232  * @li @link libsbml#RULE_TYPE_RATE RULE_TYPE_RATE@endlink: Indicates
233  * the rule is a 'rate' rule.
234  * @li @link libsbml#RULE_TYPE_SCALAR RULE_TYPE_SCALAR@endlink:
235  * Indicates the rule is a 'scalar' rule.
236  * @li @link libsbml#RULE_TYPE_INVALID RULE_TYPE_INVALID@endlink:
237  * Indicates the rule type is unknown or not yet set.
238  *
239  *
240  */
242 public class AlgebraicRule : Rule {
243 	private HandleRef swigCPtr;
AlgebraicRule(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn)245 	internal AlgebraicRule(IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(libsbmlPINVOKE.AlgebraicRule_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn)
246 	{
247 		//super(libsbmlPINVOKE.AlgebraicRuleUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn);
248 		swigCPtr = new HandleRef(this, cPtr);
249 	}
getCPtr(AlgebraicRule obj)251 	internal static HandleRef getCPtr(AlgebraicRule obj)
252 	{
253 		return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
254 	}
getCPtrAndDisown(AlgebraicRule obj)256 	internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown (AlgebraicRule obj)
257 	{
258 		HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);
260 		if (obj != null)
261 		{
262 			ptr             = obj.swigCPtr;
263 			obj.swigCMemOwn = false;
264 		}
266 		return ptr;
267 	}
Dispose(bool disposing)269   protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
270     lock(this) {
271       if (swigCPtr.Handle != global::System.IntPtr.Zero) {
272         if (swigCMemOwn) {
273           swigCMemOwn = false;
274           libsbmlPINVOKE.delete_AlgebraicRule(swigCPtr);
275         }
276         swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero);
277       }
278       base.Dispose(disposing);
279     }
280   }
283 /**
284    * Creates a new AlgebraicRule object using the given SBML @p level and @p
285    * version values.
286    *
287    * @param level the SBML Level to assign to this AlgebraicRule object.
288    *
289    * @param version the SBML Version to assign to this AlgebraicRule object.
290    *
291    *
292  * @throws SBMLConstructorException
293  * Thrown if the given @p level and @p version combination are invalid
294  * or if this object is incompatible with the given level and version.
295  *
296  *
297    *
298    *
299  * @note Attempting to add an object to an SBMLDocument having a different
300  * combination of SBML Level, Version and XML namespaces than the object
301  * itself will result in an error at the time a caller attempts to make the
302  * addition.  A parent object must have compatible Level, Version and XML
303  * namespaces.  (Strictly speaking, a parent may also have more XML
304  * namespaces than a child, but the reverse is not permitted.)  The
305  * restriction is necessary to ensure that an SBML model has a consistent
306  * overall structure.  This requires callers to manage their objects
307  * carefully, but the benefit is increased flexibility in how models can be
308  * created by permitting callers to create objects bottom-up if desired.  In
309  * situations where objects are not yet attached to parents (e.g.,
310  * SBMLDocument), knowledge of the intented SBML Level and Version help
311  * libSBML determine such things as whether it is valid to assign a
312  * particular value to an attribute.
313  *
314  *
315    */ public
AlgebraicRule(long level, long version)316  AlgebraicRule(long level, long version) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_AlgebraicRule__SWIG_0(level, version), true) {
317     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
318   }
321 /**
322    * Creates a new AlgebraicRule object using the given SBMLNamespaces object
323    * @p sbmlns.
324    *
325    *
326  *
327  * The SBMLNamespaces object encapsulates SBML Level/Version/namespaces
328  * information.  It is used to communicate the SBML Level, Version, and (in
329  * Level&nbsp;3) packages used in addition to SBML Level&nbsp;3 Core.  A
330  * common approach to using libSBML's SBMLNamespaces facilities is to create an
331  * SBMLNamespaces object somewhere in a program once, then hand that object
332  * as needed to object constructors that accept SBMLNamespaces as arguments.
333  *
334  *
335    *
336    * @param sbmlns an SBMLNamespaces object.
337    *
338    *
339  * @throws SBMLConstructorException
340  * Thrown if the given @p sbmlns is inconsistent or incompatible
341  * with this object.
342  *
343  *
344    *
345    *
346  * @note Attempting to add an object to an SBMLDocument having a different
347  * combination of SBML Level, Version and XML namespaces than the object
348  * itself will result in an error at the time a caller attempts to make the
349  * addition.  A parent object must have compatible Level, Version and XML
350  * namespaces.  (Strictly speaking, a parent may also have more XML
351  * namespaces than a child, but the reverse is not permitted.)  The
352  * restriction is necessary to ensure that an SBML model has a consistent
353  * overall structure.  This requires callers to manage their objects
354  * carefully, but the benefit is increased flexibility in how models can be
355  * created by permitting callers to create objects bottom-up if desired.  In
356  * situations where objects are not yet attached to parents (e.g.,
357  * SBMLDocument), knowledge of the intented SBML Level and Version help
358  * libSBML determine such things as whether it is valid to assign a
359  * particular value to an attribute.
360  *
361  *
362    */ public
AlgebraicRule(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns)363  AlgebraicRule(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_AlgebraicRule__SWIG_1(SBMLNamespaces.getCPtr(sbmlns)), true) {
364     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
365   }
368 /**
369    * Creates and returns a deep copy of this AlgebraicRule object.
370    *
371    * @return the (deep) copy of this Rule object.
372    */ public new
clone()373  AlgebraicRule clone() {
374     global::System.IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.AlgebraicRule_clone(swigCPtr);
375     AlgebraicRule ret = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new AlgebraicRule(cPtr, true);
376     return ret;
377   }
380 /**
381    * Predicate returning @c true if all the required attributes for this
382    * AlgebraicRule object have been set.
383    *
384    * In SBML Levels&nbsp;2&ndash;3, there is no required attribute
385    * for an AlgebraicRule object.  For Level&nbsp;1, the only required
386    * attribute is 'formula'.
387    *
388    * @return @c true if the required attributes have been set, @c false
389    * otherwise.
390    */ public new
hasRequiredAttributes()391  bool hasRequiredAttributes() {
392     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.AlgebraicRule_hasRequiredAttributes(swigCPtr);
393     return ret;
394   }
396 }
398 }