1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
3  * Version 4.0.2
4  *
5  * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
6  * the SWIG interface file instead.
7  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
9 package org.sbml.libsbml;
11 /**
12  *  Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of a
13  * mathematical expression.
14  <p>
15  * <p style='color: #777; font-style: italic'>
16 This class of objects is defined by libSBML only and has no direct
17 equivalent in terms of SBML components.  This class is not prescribed by
18 the SBML specifications, although it is used to implement features
19 defined in SBML.
20 </p>
22  <p>
23  * Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) are a simple kind of data structure used in
24  * libSBML for storing mathematical expressions.  The {@link ASTNode} is the
25  * cornerstone of libSBML's AST representation.  An AST 'node' represents the
26  * most basic, indivisible part of a mathematical formula and come in many
27  * types.  For instance, there are node types to represent numbers (with
28  * subtypes to distinguish integer, real, and rational numbers), names
29  * (e.g., constants or variables), simple mathematical operators, logical
30  * or relational operators and functions. LibSBML ASTs provide a canonical,
31  * in-memory representation for all mathematical formulas regardless of
32  * their original format (which might be MathML or might be text strings).
33  <p>
34  * <p>
35  * An AST <em>node</em> in libSBML is a recursive tree structure; each node has a
36  * type, a pointer to a value, and a list of children nodes.  Each {@link ASTNode}
37  * node may have none, one, two, or more children depending on its type.
38  * There are node types to represent numbers (with subtypes to distinguish
39  * integer, real, and rational numbers), names (e.g., constants or
40  * variables), simple mathematical operators, logical or relational operators
41  * and functions.  The following diagram illustrates an example of how the
42  * mathematical expression <code>'1 + 2'</code> is represented as an AST with
43  * one <em>plus</em> node having two <em>integer</em> children nodes for the numbers
44  * <code>1</code> and <code>2</code>.  The figure also shows the
45  * corresponding MathML representation:
46  <p>
47  * <table border="0" class="centered text-table width80 normal-font" style="padding-bottom: 0.5em">
48 <caption class="top-caption">Example AST representation of a mathematical expression.</caption>
49 <tr>
50 <th width="50px">Infix</th>
51 <th>AST</th>
52 <th>MathML</th>
53 </tr>
54 <tr>
55 <td valign="middle" align="center">
56 <code>1 + 2</code>
57 </td>
58 <td valign="middle">
59   <object type="image/svg+xml" data="simple-ast.svg" class="centered" width="140px"></object>
60 </td>
61 <td valign="middle">
62 <code>&lt;math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"&gt;</code><br>
63 <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;apply&gt;</code><br>
64 <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;plus/&gt;</code><br>
65 <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;cn type="integer"&gt; 1 &lt;/cn&gt;</code><br>
66 <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;cn type="integer"&gt; 2 &lt;/cn&gt;</code><br>
67 <code>&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/apply&gt;</code><br>
68 <code>&lt;/math&gt;</code>
69 </td>
70 </tr>
71 </table>
73  <p>
74  * The following are other noteworthy points about the AST representation
75  * in libSBML:
76 <p>
77  * <ul>
78  * <li> A numerical value represented in MathML as a real number with an
79  * exponent is preserved as such in the AST node representation, even if the
80  * number could be stored in a <code>double</code> data type.  This is done so that
81  * when an SBML model is read in and then written out again, the amount of
82  * change introduced by libSBML to the SBML during the round-trip activity is
83  * minimized.
84  <p>
85  * <li> Rational numbers are represented in an AST node using separate
86  * numerator and denominator values.  These can be retrieved using the
87  * methods {@link ASTNode#getNumerator()} and {@link ASTNode#getDenominator()}.
88  <p>
89  * <li> The children of an {@link ASTNode} are other {@link ASTNode} objects.  The list of
90  * children is empty for nodes that are leaf elements, such as numbers.
91  * For nodes that are actually roots of expression subtrees, the list of
92  * children points to the parsed objects that make up the rest of the
93  * expression.
94  *
95  * </ul> <p>
96  * For many applications, the details of ASTs are irrelevant because libSBML
97  * provides text-string based translation functions such as
98  * <a href='libsbml.html#formulaToL3String(org.sbml.libsbml.ASTNode)'><code>libsbml.formulaToL3String(ASTNode)</code></a> and
99  * <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a>.  If you find the complexity
100  * of using the AST representation of expressions too high for your purposes,
101  * perhaps the string-based functions will be more suitable.
102  <p>
103  * <h3><a class='anchor'
104  * name='ASTNodeType_t'>The set of possible ASTNode types</a></h3>
105  <p>
106  * <p>
107  * Every {@link ASTNode} has an associated type code to indicate whether, for
108  * example, it holds a number or stands for an arithmetic operator.
109  <p>
110  * The type is recorded as a value drawn from a
111  * set of static integer constants defined in the class {@link
112  * libsbmlConstants}. Their names begin with the characters <code>AST_.</code>
113  <p>
114  * The list of possible types is quite long, because it covers all the
115  * mathematical functions that are permitted in SBML. The values are shown
116  * in the following table:
117  <p>
118  * <table border="0" class="centered text-table align-bottom borderless code">
119 <tr><td>AST_CONSTANT_E</td><td>         AST_FUNCTION_CSC</td><td>                       AST_LOGICAL_AND</td></tr>
120 <tr><td>AST_CONSTANT_FALSE</td><td>     AST_FUNCTION_CSCH</td><td>                      AST_LOGICAL_IMPLIES<sup>2</sup></td></tr>
121 <tr><td>AST_CONSTANT_PI</td><td>        AST_FUNCTION_DELAY</td><td>                     AST_LOGICAL_NOT</td></tr>
122 <tr><td>AST_CONSTANT_TRUE</td><td>      AST_FUNCTION_EXP</td><td>                       AST_LOGICAL_OR</td></tr>
123 <tr><td>AST_DIVIDE</td><td>             AST_FUNCTION_FACTORIAL</td><td>                 AST_LOGICAL_XOR</td></tr>
124 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION</td><td>           AST_FUNCTION_FLOOR</td><td>                     AST_MINUS</td></tr>
125 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ABS</td><td>       AST_FUNCTION_LN</td><td>                        AST_NAME</td></tr>
126 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOS</td><td>    AST_FUNCTION_LOG</td><td>                       AST_NAME_AVOGADRO<sup>1</sup></td></tr>
127 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOSH</td><td>   AST_FUNCTION_MAX<sup>2</sup></td><td>           AST_NAME_TIME</td></tr>
128 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOT</td><td>    AST_FUNCTION_MIN<sup>2</sup></td><td>           AST_ORIGINATES_IN_PACKAGE<sup>2</sup></tr>
129 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOTH</td><td>   AST_FUNCTION_PIECEWISE</td><td>                 AST_PLUS</td></tr>
130 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCCSC</td><td>    AST_FUNCTION_POWER</td><td>                     AST_POWER</td></tr>
131 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCCSCH</td><td>   AST_FUNCTION_QUOTIENT<sup>2</sup></td><td>      AST_RATIONAL</td></tr>
132 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCSEC</td><td>    AST_FUNCTION_RATE_OF<sup>2</sup></td><td>       AST_REAL</td></tr>
133 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCSECH</td><td>   AST_FUNCTION_REM<sup>2</sup></td><td>           AST_REAL_E</td></tr>
134 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCSIN</td><td>    AST_FUNCTION_ROOT</td><td>                      AST_RELATIONAL_EQ</td></tr>
135 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCSINH</td><td>   AST_FUNCTION_SEC</td><td>                       AST_RELATIONAL_GEQ</td></tr>
136 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCTAN</td><td>    AST_FUNCTION_SECH</td><td>                      AST_RELATIONAL_GT</td></tr>
137 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_ARCTANH</td><td>   AST_FUNCTION_SIN</td><td>                       AST_RELATIONAL_LEQ</td></tr>
138 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_CEILING</td><td>   AST_FUNCTION_SINH</td><td>                      AST_RELATIONAL_LT</td></tr>
139 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_COS</td><td>       AST_FUNCTION_TAN</td><td>                       AST_RELATIONAL_NEQ</td></tr>
140 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_COSH</td><td>      AST_FUNCTION_TANH</td><td>                      AST_TIMES</td></tr>
141 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_COT</td><td>       AST_INTEGER</td><td>                            AST_UNKNOWN</td></tr>
142 <tr><td>AST_FUNCTION_COTH</td><td>      AST_LAMBDA</td></tr>
143 <tr><td><sup>1</sup> <span class='warning'><em>(Level&nbsp;3 only)</em></span><br/></td></tr>
144 <tr><td><sup>2</sup> <span class='warning'><em>(Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2+ only)</em></span></td></tr>
145 </table>
149  <p>
150  * The types have the following meanings:
151  <p>
152  * <ul>
153  * <li> If the node is basic mathematical operator (e.g., <code>'+'</code>), then the
154  * node's type will be {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_PLUS AST_PLUS},
155  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS},
156  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_TIMES AST_TIMES},
157  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_DIVIDE AST_DIVIDE}, or
158  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_POWER AST_POWER}, as appropriate.
159  <p>
160  * <li> If the node is a predefined function or operator from SBML
161  * Level&nbsp;1 (in the string-based formula syntax used in Level&nbsp;1) or
162  * SBML Level&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3 (in the subset of MathML used in SBML
163  * Levels&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3), then the node's type
164  * will be either <code style='margin-right: 0'>AST_FUNCTION_</code><span
165  * class='placeholder-nospace'>X</span>, <code style='margin-right: 0'>AST_LOGICAL_</code><span
166  * class='placeholder-nospace'>X</span>, or <code style='margin-right: 0'>AST_RELATIONAL_</code><span
167  * class='placeholder-nospace'>X</span>, as appropriate.  (Examples:
168  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION_LOG AST_FUNCTION_LOG},
169  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RELATIONAL_LEQ AST_RELATIONAL_LEQ}.)
170  <p>
171  * <li> If the node refers to a user-defined function, the node's type will
172  * be {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION AST_FUNCTION} (because it holds the
173  * name of the function).
174  <p>
175  * <li> If the node is a lambda expression, its type will be
176  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_LAMBDA AST_LAMBDA}.
177  <p>
178  * <li> If the node is a predefined constant (<code>'ExponentialE'</code>, <code>'Pi'</code>,
179  * <code>'True'</code> or <code>'False'</code>), then the node's type will be
180  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_CONSTANT_E AST_CONSTANT_E},
181  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_CONSTANT_PI AST_CONSTANT_PI},
182  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_CONSTANT_TRUE AST_CONSTANT_TRUE}, or
183  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_CONSTANT_FALSE AST_CONSTANT_FALSE}.
184  <p>
185  * <li> (Levels&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3 only) If the node is the special MathML
186  * csymbol <code>time</code>, the value of the node will be
187  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME_TIME AST_NAME_TIME}.  (Note, however, that the
188  * MathML csymbol <code>delay</code> is translated into a node of type
189  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION_DELAY AST_FUNCTION_DELAY}.  The difference is due to
190  * the fact that <code>time</code> is a single variable, whereas <code>delay</code> is actually a
191  * function taking arguments.)
192  <p>
193  * <li> (Level&nbsp;3 only) If the node is the special MathML csymbol
194  * <code>avogadro</code>, the value of the node will be
195  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO}.
196  <p>
197  * <li> (Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2+ only) If the node is the special MathML
198  * csymbol <code>rateOf</code>, the value of the node will be
199  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION_RATE_OF AST_FUNCTION_RATE_OF}.
200  <p>
201  * <li> (Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2+ only) If the node is a MathML
202  * operator that originates in a package, it is included in the
203  * {@link ASTNodeType_t} list, but may not be legally used in an SBML document
204  * that does not include that package.  This includes the node types from
206  * etc.), and elements from MathML that were not included in core.
207  <p>
208  * <li> If the node contains a numerical value, its type will be
209  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER},
210  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL AST_REAL},
211  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E}, or
212  * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}, as appropriate.
213  *
214  * </ul>
215  <p>
216  * <h3><a class='anchor' name='math-convert'>Converting between ASTs and text strings</a></h3>
217  <p>
218  * The text-string form of mathematical formulas produced by
219  * <a href='libsbml.html#formulaToString(ASTNode_t)'><code>libsbml.formulaToString(ASTNode_t)</code></a> and <a href='libsbml.html#formulaToL3String(ASTNode_t)'><code>libsbml.formulaToL3String(ASTNode_t)</code></a>,
220  * and read by <a href='libsbml.html#parseFormula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseFormula(String)</code></a> and <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a>
221  * are in a simple C-inspired infix notation.  A
222  * formula in this text-string form can be handed to a program that
223  * understands SBML mathematical expressions, or used as part
224  * of a translation system.  The libSBML distribution comes with an example
225  * program in the <code>'examples'</code> subdirectory called <code>translateMath</code> that
226  * implements an interactive command-line demonstration of translating
227  * infix formulas into MathML and vice-versa.
228  <p>
229  * The formula strings may contain operators, function calls, symbols, and
230  * white space characters.  The allowable white space characters are tab
231  * and space.  The following are illustrative examples of formulas
232  * expressed in the syntax:
233  <p>
234  * <pre class='fragment'>
235 0.10 * k4^2
236 </pre>
237  * <pre class='fragment'>
238 (vm * s1)/(km + s1)
239 </pre>
240  <p>
241  * The following table shows the precedence rules in this syntax.  In the
242  * Class column, <em>operand</em> implies the construct is an operand,
243  * <em>prefix</em> implies the operation is applied to the following arguments,
244  * <em>unary</em> implies there is one argument, and <em>binary</em> implies there are
245  * two arguments.  The values in the Precedence column show how the order
246  * of different types of operation are determined.  For example, the
247  * expression <em>a * b + c</em> is evaluated as <em>(a * b) + c</em>
248  * because the <code>*</code> operator has higher precedence.  The
249  * Associates column shows how the order of similar precedence operations
250  * is determined; for example, <em>a - b + c</em> is evaluated as <em>(a -
251  * b) + c</em> because the <code>+</code> and <code>-</code> operators are
252  * left-associative.  The precedence and associativity rules are taken from
253  * the C programming language, except for the symbol <code>^</code>, which
254  * is used in C for a different purpose.  (Exponentiation can be invoked
255  * using either <code>^</code> or the function <code>power.</code>)
256  <p>
257  * <table border="0" class="centered text-table width80 normal-font alt-row-colors" style="padding-bottom: 0.5em">
258  <tr style="background: lightgray; font-size: 14px;">
259      <th align="left">Token</th>
260      <th align="left">Operation</th>
261      <th align="left">Class</th>
262      <th>Precedence</th>
263      <th align="left">Associates</th>
264  </tr>
265 <tr><td><em>name</em></td><td>symbol reference</td><td>operand</td><td align="center">6</td><td>n/a</td></tr>
266 <tr><td><code>(</code><em>expression</em><code>)</code></td><td>expression grouping</td><td>operand</td><td align="center">6</td><td>n/a</td></tr>
267 <tr><td><code>f(</code><em>...</em><code>)</code></td><td>function call</td><td>prefix</td><td align="center">6</td><td>left</td></tr>
268 <tr><td><code>-</code></td><td>negation</td><td>unary</td><td align="center">5</td><td>right</td></tr>
269 <tr><td><code>^</code></td><td>power</td><td>binary</td><td align="center">4</td><td>left</td></tr>
270 <tr><td><code>*</code></td><td>multiplication</td><td>binary</td><td align="center">3</td><td>left</td></tr>
271 <tr><td><code>/</code></td><td>divison</td><td>binary</td><td align="center">3</td><td>left</td></tr>
272 <tr><td><code>+</code></td><td>addition</td><td>binary</td><td align="center">2</td><td>left</td></tr>
273 <tr><td><code>-</code></td><td>subtraction</td><td>binary</td><td align="center">2</td><td>left</td></tr>
274 <tr><td><code>,</code></td><td>argument delimiter</td><td>binary</td><td align="center">1</td><td>left</td></tr>
275 <caption class="top-caption">A table of the expression operators and their precedence in the
276 text-string format for mathematical expressions used by SBML_parseFormula().
277 </caption>
278 </table>
281  <p>
282  * A program parsing a formula in an SBML model should assume that names
283  * appearing in the formula are the identifiers of {@link Species}, {@link Parameter},
284  * {@link Compartment}, {@link FunctionDefinition}, {@link Reaction} (in SBML Levels&nbsp;2
285  * and&nbsp;3), or {@link SpeciesReference} (in SBML Level&nbsp;3 only) objects
286  * defined in a model.  When a function call is involved, the syntax
287  * consists of a function identifier, followed by optional white space,
288  * followed by an opening parenthesis, followed by a sequence of zero or
289  * more arguments separated by commas (with each comma optionally preceded
290  * and/or followed by zero or more white space characters), followed by a
291  * closing parenthesis.  There is an almost one-to-one mapping between the
292  * list of predefined functions available, and those defined in MathML.
293  * All of the MathML functions are recognized; this set is larger than the
294  * functions defined in SBML Level&nbsp;1.  In the subset of functions that
295  * overlap between MathML and SBML Level&nbsp;1, there exist a few
296  * differences.  The following table summarizes the differences between the
297  * predefined functions in SBML Level&nbsp;1 and the MathML equivalents in
298  * SBML Levels&nbsp;2 and &nbsp;3:
299  <p>
300  * <table border="0" class="centered text-table width80 normal-font alt-row-colors">
301  <tr style="background: lightgray; font-size: 14px;">
302      <th align="left">Text string formula functions</th>
303      <th align="left">MathML equivalents in SBML Levels&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3</th>
304  </tr>
305  <tr><td><code>acos</code></td><td><code>arccos</code></td></tr>
306  <tr><td><code>asin</code></td><td><code>arcsin</code></td></tr>
307  <tr><td><code>atan</code></td><td><code>arctan</code></td></tr>
308  <tr><td><code>ceil</code></td><td><code>ceiling</code></td></tr>
309  <tr><td><code>log</code></td><td><code>ln</code></td></tr>
310  <tr><td><code>log10(x)</code></td><td><code>log(x)</code> or <code>log(10, x)</code></td></tr>
311  <tr><td><code>pow(x, y)</code></td><td><code>power(x, y)</code></td></tr>
312  <tr><td><code>sqr(x)</code></td><td><code>power(x, 2)</code></td></tr>
313  <tr><td><code>sqrt(x)</code></td><td><code>root(x)</code> or <code>root(2, x)</code></td></tr>
314 <caption class="top-caption">Table comparing the names of certain
315 functions in the SBML text-string formula syntax and MathML.  The left
316 column shows the names of functions recognized by SBML_parseFormula(); the
317 right column shows their equivalent function names in MathML&nbsp;2.0, used
318 in SBML Levels&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3.</caption>
319 </table>
322  <p>
323  * <p>
324  * @note
325  * Callers using SBML Level&nbsp;3 are encouraged to use the facilities
326  * provided by libSBML's newer and more powerful Level&nbsp;3-oriented
327  * formula parser and formatter.  The entry points to this second system are
328  * <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a> and
329  * <a href='libsbml.html#formulaToL3String(org.sbml.libsbml.ASTNode)'><code>libsbml.formulaToL3String(ASTNode)</code></a>.  The Level&nbsp;1-oriented
330  * system (i.e., what is provided by <a href='libsbml.html#formulaToString(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.formulaToString(String)</code></a>
331  * and <a href='libsbml.html#parseFormula(org.sbml.libsbml.ASTNode)'><code>libsbml.parseFormula(ASTNode)</code></a>) is provided
332  * untouched for backwards compatibility.
333  <p>
334  * @see <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a>
335  * @see <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3FormulaWithSettings(java.lang.String, org.sbml.libsbml.L3ParserSettings)'><code>libsbml.parseL3FormulaWithSettings(String, L3ParserSettings)</code></a>
336  * @see <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3FormulaWithModel(java.lang.String, org.sbml.libsbml.Model)'><code>libsbml.parseL3FormulaWithModel(String, Model)</code></a>
337  * @see <a href='libsbml.html#parseFormula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseFormula(String)</code></a>
338  * @see <a href='libsbml.html#formulaToL3StringWithSettings(org.sbml.libsbml.ASTNode, org.sbml.libsbml.L3ParserSettings)'><code>libsbml.formulaToL3StringWithSettings(ASTNode, L3ParserSettings)</code></a>
339  * @see <a href='libsbml.html#formulaToL3String(org.sbml.libsbml.ASTNode)'><code>libsbml.formulaToL3String(ASTNode)</code></a>
340  * @see <a href='libsbml.html#formulaToString(org.sbml.libsbml.ASTNode)'><code>libsbml.formulaToString(ASTNode)</code></a>
341  * @see <a href='libsbml.html#getDefaultL3ParserSettings()'><code>libsbml.getDefaultL3ParserSettings()</code></a>
342  */
344 public class ASTNode {
345    private long swigCPtr;
346    protected boolean swigCMemOwn;
ASTNode(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn)348    protected ASTNode(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn)
349    {
350      swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
351      swigCPtr    = cPtr;
352    }
getCPtr(ASTNode obj)354    protected static long getCPtr(ASTNode obj)
355    {
356      return (obj == null) ? 0 : obj.swigCPtr;
357    }
getCPtrAndDisown(ASTNode obj)359    protected static long getCPtrAndDisown (ASTNode obj)
360    {
361      long ptr = 0;
363      if (obj != null)
364      {
365        ptr             = obj.swigCPtr;
366        obj.swigCMemOwn = false;
367      }
369      return ptr;
370    }
372   @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
finalize()373   protected void finalize() {
374     delete();
375   }
delete()377   public synchronized void delete() {
378     if (swigCPtr != 0) {
379       if (swigCMemOwn) {
380         swigCMemOwn = false;
381         libsbmlJNI.delete_ASTNode(swigCPtr);
382       }
383       swigCPtr = 0;
384     }
385   }
387   /**
388    * Equality comparison method for ASTNode.
389    * <p>
390    * Because the Java methods for libSBML are actually wrappers around code
391    * implemented in C++ and C, certain operations will not behave as
392    * expected.  Equality comparison is one such case.  An instance of a
393    * libSBML object class is actually a <em>proxy object</em>
394    * wrapping the real underlying C/C++ object.  The normal <code>==</code>
395    * equality operator in Java will <em>only compare the Java proxy objects</em>,
396    * not the underlying native object.  The result is almost never what you
397    * want in practical situations.  Unfortunately, Java does not provide a
398    * way to override <code>==</code>.
399    *  <p>
400    * The alternative that must be followed is to use the
401    * <code>equals()</code> method.  The <code>equals</code> method on this
402    * class overrides the default java.lang.Object one, and performs an
403    * intelligent comparison of instances of objects of this class.  The
404    * result is an assessment of whether two libSBML Java objects are truly
405    * the same underlying native-code objects.
406    *  <p>
407    * The use of this method in practice is the same as the use of any other
408    * Java <code>equals</code> method.  For example,
409    * <em>a</em><code>.equals(</code><em>b</em><code>)</code> returns
410    * <code>true</code> if <em>a</em> and <em>b</em> are references to the
411    * same underlying object.
412    *
413    * @param sb a reference to an object to which the current object
414    * instance will be compared
415    *
416    * @return <code>true</code> if <code>sb</code> refers to the same underlying
417    * native object as this one, <code>false</code> otherwise
418    */
equals(Object sb)419   public boolean equals(Object sb)
420   {
421     if ( this == sb )
422     {
423       return true;
424     }
425     return swigCPtr == getCPtr((ASTNode)(sb));
426   }
428   /**
429    * Returns a hashcode for this ASTNode object.
430    *
431    * @return a hash code usable by Java methods that need them.
432    */
hashCode()433   public int hashCode()
434   {
435     return (int)(swigCPtr^(swigCPtr>>>32));
436   }
439 /**
440    * Creates and returns a new {@link ASTNode}.
441    <p>
442    * Unless the argument <code>type</code> is given, the returned node will by default
443    * have a type of {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN}.  If the type
444    * isn't supplied when caling this constructor, the caller should set the
445    * node type to something else as soon as possible using {@link ASTNode#setType(int)}.
446    <p>
447    * @param type an optional type
448    * code indicating the type of node to create.
449    <p>
450    *
451 </dl><dl class="docnote"><dt><b>Documentation note:</b></dt><dd>
452 The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument
453 value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language
454 bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method
455 declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by
456 declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and
457 the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will
458 be <em>identical</em> for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading
459 this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look
460 for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one
461 appears in the documentation.
462 </dd></dl>
464    */ public
ASTNode(int type)465  ASTNode(int type) {
466     this(libsbmlJNI.new_ASTNode__SWIG_0(type), true);
467   }
470 /**
471    * Creates and returns a new {@link ASTNode}.
472    <p>
473    * Unless the argument <code>type</code> is given, the returned node will by default
474    * have a type of {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN}.  If the type
475    * isn't supplied when caling this constructor, the caller should set the
476    * node type to something else as soon as possible using {@link ASTNode#setType(int)}.
477    <p>
478    * @param type an optional type
479    * code indicating the type of node to create.
480    <p>
481    *
482 </dl><dl class="docnote"><dt><b>Documentation note:</b></dt><dd>
483 The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument
484 value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language
485 bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method
486 declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by
487 declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and
488 the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will
489 be <em>identical</em> for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading
490 this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look
491 for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one
492 appears in the documentation.
493 </dd></dl>
495    */ public
ASTNode()496  ASTNode() {
497     this(libsbmlJNI.new_ASTNode__SWIG_1(), true);
498   }
501 /**
502    * Copy constructor; creates a deep copy of the given {@link ASTNode}.
503    <p>
504    * @param orig the {@link ASTNode} to be copied.
505    */ public
ASTNode(ASTNode orig)506  ASTNode(ASTNode orig) {
507     this(libsbmlJNI.new_ASTNode__SWIG_2(ASTNode.getCPtr(orig), orig), true);
508   }
511 /**
512    * Frees the name of this {@link ASTNode} and sets it to <code>null.</code>
513    <p>
514    * This operation is only applicable to {@link ASTNode} objects corresponding to
515    * operators, numbers, or {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN}.  This
516    * method has no effect on other types of nodes.
517    <p>
518    * <p>
519  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
520  * function.   The possible values
521  * returned by this function are:
522    * <ul>
525    * </ul>
526    */ public
freeName()527  int freeName() {
528     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_freeName(swigCPtr, this);
529   }
532 /**
533    * Converts this {@link ASTNode} to a canonical form and returns <code>true</code> if
534    * successful, <code>false</code> otherwise.
535    <p>
536    * The rules determining the canonical form conversion are as follows:
537    <p>
538    * <ul>
539    * <li> If the node type is {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME AST_NAME}
540    * and the node name matches <code>'ExponentialE'</code>, <code>'Pi'</code>, <code>'True'</code> or
541    * <code>'False'</code> the node type is converted to the corresponding
542    * <code>AST_CONSTANT_</code><em><span class='placeholder'>X</span></em> type.
543    <p>
544    * <li> If the node type is an {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION AST_FUNCTION}
545    * and the node name matches an SBML (MathML) function name, logical operator name,
546    * or relational operator name, the node is converted to the corresponding
547    * <code>AST_FUNCTION_</code><em><span class='placeholder'>X</span></em> or
548    * <code>AST_LOGICAL_</code><em><span class='placeholder'>X</span></em> type.
549    *
550    * </ul> <p>
551    * SBML Level&nbsp;1 function names are searched first; thus, for
552    * example, canonicalizing <code>log</code> will result in a node type of {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION_LN AST_FUNCTION_LN}.  (See the SBML
553    * Level&nbsp;1 Version&nbsp;2 Specification, Appendix C.)
554    <p>
555    * Sometimes, canonicalization of a node results in a structural
556    * conversion of the node as a result of adding a child.  For example, a
557    * node with the SBML Level&nbsp;1 function name <code>sqr</code> and a single
558    * child node (the argument) will be transformed to a node of type
559    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION_POWER AST_FUNCTION_POWER} with
560    * two children.  The first child will remain unchanged, but the second
561    * child will be an {@link ASTNode} of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER} and a value of 2.  The function names that result
562    * in structural changes are: <code>log10</code>, <code>sqr</code>, and <code>sqrt.</code>
563    */ public
canonicalize()564  boolean canonicalize() {
565     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_canonicalize(swigCPtr, this);
566   }
569 /**
570    * Adds the given node as a child of this {@link ASTNode}.
571    <p>
572    * Child nodes are added in-order, from left to right.
573    <p>
574    * @param disownedChild the {@link ASTNode} instance to add.
575    * @param inRead <code>false</code> by default; may be set to <code>true</code> when
576    * reading XML where there may be a lambda function with no
577    * bvar arguments.
578    <p>
579    * <p>
580  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
581  * function.   The possible values
582  * returned by this function are:
583    * <ul>
586    *
587    * </ul> <p>
588    * <p>
589  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
590  * {@link ASTNode} object may change the
591  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
592  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
593  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
594  * formulas.  The method * {@link ASTNode#isWellFormedASTNode()} may also be useful for checking the
595  * results of node modifications.
596    <p>
597    * @see #prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
598    * @see #replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, boolean delreplaced)
599    * @see #insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)
600    * @see #removeChild(long n)
601    * @see #isWellFormedASTNode()
602    */ public
addChild(ASTNode disownedChild, boolean inRead)603  int addChild(ASTNode disownedChild, boolean inRead) {
604     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_addChild__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, this, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild), disownedChild, inRead);
605   }
608 /**
609    * Adds the given node as a child of this {@link ASTNode}.
610    <p>
611    * Child nodes are added in-order, from left to right.
612    <p>
613    * @param disownedChild the {@link ASTNode} instance to add.
614    * @param inRead <code>false</code> by default; may be set to <code>true</code> when
615    * reading XML where there may be a lambda function with no
616    * bvar arguments.
617    <p>
618    * <p>
619  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
620  * function.   The possible values
621  * returned by this function are:
622    * <ul>
625    *
626    * </ul> <p>
627    * <p>
628  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
629  * {@link ASTNode} object may change the
630  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
631  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
632  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
633  * formulas.  The method * {@link ASTNode#isWellFormedASTNode()} may also be useful for checking the
634  * results of node modifications.
635    <p>
636    * @see #prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
637    * @see #replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, boolean delreplaced)
638    * @see #insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)
639    * @see #removeChild(long n)
640    * @see #isWellFormedASTNode()
641    */ public
addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)642  int addChild(ASTNode disownedChild) {
643     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_addChild__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, this, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild), disownedChild);
644   }
647 /**
648    * Adds the given node as a child of this {@link ASTNode}.  This method adds
649    * child nodes from right to left.
650    <p>
651    * @param disownedChild the {@link ASTNode} instance to add.
652    * Will become a child of the parent node.
653    <p>
654    * <p>
655  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
656  * function.   The possible values
657  * returned by this function are:
658    * <ul>
661    *
662    * </ul> <p>
663    * <p>
664  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
665  * {@link ASTNode} object may change the
666  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
667  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
668  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
669  * formulas.  The method * {@link ASTNode#isWellFormedASTNode()} may also be useful for checking the
670  * results of node modifications.
671    <p>
672    * @see #addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
673    * @see #replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, boolean delreplaced)
674    * @see #insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)
675    * @see #removeChild(long n)
676    */ public
prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)677  int prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild) {
678     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_prependChild(swigCPtr, this, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild), disownedChild);
679   }
682 /**
683    * Removes the nth child of this {@link ASTNode} object.
684    <p>
685    * @param n long the index of the child to remove.
686    <p>
687    * <p>
688  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
689  * function.   The possible values
690  * returned by this function are:
691    * <ul>
694    *
695    * </ul> <p>
696    * <p>
697  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
698  * {@link ASTNode} object may change the
699  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
700  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
701  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
702  * formulas.  The method * {@link ASTNode#isWellFormedASTNode()} may also be useful for checking the
703  * results of node modifications.
704    <p>
705    * @see #addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
706    * @see #prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
707    * @see #replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, boolean delreplaced)
708    * @see #insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)
709    */ public
removeChild(long n)710  int removeChild(long n) {
711     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_removeChild(swigCPtr, this, n);
712   }
715 /**
716    * Replaces and optionally deletes the nth child of this {@link ASTNode} with the given {@link ASTNode}.
717    <p>
718    * @param n long the index of the child to replace.
719    * @param disownedChild {@link ASTNode} to replace the nth child.
720    * Will become a child of the parent node.
721    * @param delreplaced Boolean indicating whether to delete the replaced child.
722    <p>
723    * <p>
724  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
725  * function.   The possible values
726  * returned by this function are:
727    * <ul>
730    * <li> {@link libsbmlConstants#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT}
731    *
732    * </ul> <p>
733    * <p>
734  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
735  * {@link ASTNode} object may change the
736  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
737  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
738  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
739  * formulas.  The method * {@link ASTNode#isWellFormedASTNode()} may also be useful for checking the
740  * results of node modifications.
741    <p>
742    * @see #addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
743    * @see #prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
744    * @see #insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)
745    * @see #removeChild(long n)
746    */ public
replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, boolean delreplaced)747  int replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, boolean delreplaced) {
748     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_replaceChild__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, this, n, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild), disownedChild, delreplaced);
749   }
752 /**
753    * Replaces and optionally deletes the nth child of this {@link ASTNode} with the given {@link ASTNode}.
754    <p>
755    * @param n long the index of the child to replace.
756    * @param disownedChild {@link ASTNode} to replace the nth child.
757    * Will become a child of the parent node.
758    * @param delreplaced Boolean indicating whether to delete the replaced child.
759    <p>
760    * <p>
761  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
762  * function.   The possible values
763  * returned by this function are:
764    * <ul>
767    * <li> {@link libsbmlConstants#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT}
768    *
769    * </ul> <p>
770    * <p>
771  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
772  * {@link ASTNode} object may change the
773  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
774  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
775  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
776  * formulas.  The method * {@link ASTNode#isWellFormedASTNode()} may also be useful for checking the
777  * results of node modifications.
778    <p>
779    * @see #addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
780    * @see #prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
781    * @see #insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)
782    * @see #removeChild(long n)
783    */ public
replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)784  int replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild) {
785     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_replaceChild__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, this, n, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild), disownedChild);
786   }
789 /**
790    * Inserts the given {@link ASTNode} at point n in the list of children
791    * of this {@link ASTNode}.
792    <p>
793    * @param n long the index of the {@link ASTNode} being added.
794    * @param disownedChild {@link ASTNode} to insert as the nth child.
795    <p>
796    * <p>
797  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
798  * function.   The possible values
799  * returned by this function are:
800    * <ul>
803    * <li> {@link libsbmlConstants#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT}
804    *
805    * </ul> <p>
806    * <p>
807  * @warning Explicitly adding, removing or replacing children of an
808  * {@link ASTNode} object may change the
809  * structure of the mathematical formula it represents, and may even render
810  * the representation invalid.  Callers need to be careful to use this method
811  * in the context of other operations to create complete and correct
812  * formulas.  The method * {@link ASTNode#isWellFormedASTNode()} may also be useful for checking the
813  * results of node modifications.
814    <p>
815    * @see #addChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
816    * @see #prependChild(ASTNode disownedChild)
817    * @see #replaceChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild, boolean delreplaced)
818    * @see #removeChild(long n)
819    */ public
insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild)820  int insertChild(long n, ASTNode disownedChild) {
821     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_insertChild(swigCPtr, this, n, ASTNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedChild), disownedChild);
822   }
825 /**
826    * Creates a recursive copy of this node and all its children.
827    <p>
828    * @return a copy of this {@link ASTNode} and all its children.  The caller owns
829    * the returned {@link ASTNode} and is responsible for deleting it.
830    */ public
deepCopy()831  ASTNode deepCopy() {
832     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_deepCopy(swigCPtr, this);
833     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, true);
834   }
837 /**
838    * Returns the child at index n of this node.
839    <p>
840    * @param n the index of the child to get.
841    <p>
842    * @return the nth child of this {@link ASTNode} or <code>null</code> if this node has no nth
843    * child (<code>n &gt; </code>
844    * {@link ASTNode#getNumChildren()}
845    * <code>- 1</code>).
846    <p>
847    * @see #getNumChildren()
848    * @see #getLeftChild()
849    * @see #getRightChild()
850    */ public
getChild(long n)851  ASTNode getChild(long n) {
852     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getChild(swigCPtr, this, n);
853     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, false);
854   }
857 /**
858    * Returns the left child of this node.
859    <p>
860    * @return the left child of this {@link ASTNode}.  This is equivalent to calling
861    * {@link ASTNode#getChild(long)}
862    * with an argument of <code>0.</code>
863    <p>
864    * @see #getNumChildren()
865    * @see #getChild(long)
866    * @see #getRightChild()
867    */ public
getLeftChild()868  ASTNode getLeftChild() {
869     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getLeftChild(swigCPtr, this);
870     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, false);
871   }
874 /**
875    * Returns the right child of this node.
876    <p>
877    * @return the right child of this {@link ASTNode}, or <code>null</code> if this node has no
878    * right child.  If
879    * {@link ASTNode#getNumChildren()}
880    * <code>&gt; 1</code>, then this is equivalent to:
881    * <pre class='fragment'>
882 getChild( getNumChildren() - 1 );
883 </pre>
884    <p>
885    * @see #getNumChildren()
886    * @see #getLeftChild()
887    * @see #getChild(long)
888    */ public
getRightChild()889  ASTNode getRightChild() {
890     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getRightChild(swigCPtr, this);
891     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, false);
892   }
895 /**
896    * Returns the number of children of this node.
897    <p>
898    * @return the number of children of this {@link ASTNode}, or 0 is this node has
899    * no children.
900    */ public
getNumChildren()901  long getNumChildren() {
902     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getNumChildren(swigCPtr, this);
903   }
906 /**
907    * Adds the given {@link XMLNode} as a MathML <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code>
908    * element to this {@link ASTNode}.
909    <p>
910    * The <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> element is a MathML&nbsp;2.0 construct
911 that can be used to associate additional information with a MathML
912 construct.  The construct can be used to decorate a MathML expressions with
913 a sequence of one or more <code>&lt;annotation&gt;</code> or
914 <code>&lt;annotation-xml&gt;</code> elements.  Each such element contains a
915 pair of items; the first is a symbol that acts as an attribute or key, and
916 the second is the value associated with the attribute or key.  Please refer
917 to the MathML&nbsp;2.0 documentation, particularly the <a target="_blank"
918 href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-MathML3-20071005/chapter5.html#mixing.semantic.annotations">Section
919 5.2, Semantic Annotations</a> for more information about these constructs.
921    <p>
922    * @param disownedAnnotation the annotation to add.
923    * Will become a child of the parent node.
924    <p>
925    * <p>
926  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
927  * function.   The possible values
928  * returned by this function are:
929    * <ul>
932    *
933    * </ul> <p>
934    * <p>
935  * @note Although SBML permits the use of the MathML
936  * <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> annotation construct, the truth is that
937  * this construct has so far (at this time of this writing, which is early
938  * 2014) seen very little use in SBML software.  The full implications of
939  * using these annotations are still poorly understood.  If you wish to
940  * use this construct, we urge you to discuss possible uses and applications
941  * on the SBML discussion lists, particularly <a target='_blank'
942  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-discuss</a> and/or <a target='_blank'
943  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-interoperability</a>.
944    <p>
945    * @see #getNumSemanticsAnnotations()
946    * @see #getSemanticsAnnotation(long)
947    */ public
addSemanticsAnnotation(XMLNode disownedAnnotation)948  int addSemanticsAnnotation(XMLNode disownedAnnotation) {
949     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_addSemanticsAnnotation(swigCPtr, this, XMLNode.getCPtrAndDisown(disownedAnnotation), disownedAnnotation);
950   }
953 /**
954    * Returns the number of MathML <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> element
955    * elements on this node.
956    <p>
957    * The <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> element is a MathML&nbsp;2.0 construct
958 that can be used to associate additional information with a MathML
959 construct.  The construct can be used to decorate a MathML expressions with
960 a sequence of one or more <code>&lt;annotation&gt;</code> or
961 <code>&lt;annotation-xml&gt;</code> elements.  Each such element contains a
962 pair of items; the first is a symbol that acts as an attribute or key, and
963 the second is the value associated with the attribute or key.  Please refer
964 to the MathML&nbsp;2.0 documentation, particularly the <a target="_blank"
965 href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-MathML3-20071005/chapter5.html#mixing.semantic.annotations">Section
966 5.2, Semantic Annotations</a> for more information about these constructs.
968    <p>
969    * @return the number of annotations of this {@link ASTNode}.
970    <p>
971    * <p>
972  * @note Although SBML permits the use of the MathML
973  * <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> annotation construct, the truth is that
974  * this construct has so far (at this time of this writing, which is early
975  * 2014) seen very little use in SBML software.  The full implications of
976  * using these annotations are still poorly understood.  If you wish to
977  * use this construct, we urge you to discuss possible uses and applications
978  * on the SBML discussion lists, particularly <a target='_blank'
979  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-discuss</a> and/or <a target='_blank'
980  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-interoperability</a>.
981    <p>
982    * @see #addSemanticsAnnotation(XMLNode)
983    * @see #getSemanticsAnnotation(long)
984    */ public
getNumSemanticsAnnotations()985  long getNumSemanticsAnnotations() {
986     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getNumSemanticsAnnotations(swigCPtr, this);
987   }
990 /**
991    * Returns the nth MathML <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> element on this
992    * {@link ASTNode}.
993    <p>
994    * The <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> element is a MathML&nbsp;2.0 construct
995 that can be used to associate additional information with a MathML
996 construct.  The construct can be used to decorate a MathML expressions with
997 a sequence of one or more <code>&lt;annotation&gt;</code> or
998 <code>&lt;annotation-xml&gt;</code> elements.  Each such element contains a
999 pair of items; the first is a symbol that acts as an attribute or key, and
1000 the second is the value associated with the attribute or key.  Please refer
1001 to the MathML&nbsp;2.0 documentation, particularly the <a target="_blank"
1002 href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-MathML3-20071005/chapter5.html#mixing.semantic.annotations">Section
1003 5.2, Semantic Annotations</a> for more information about these constructs.
1005    <p>
1006    * @param n the index of the annotation to return.  Callers should
1007    * use {@link ASTNode#getNumSemanticsAnnotations()} to first find out how
1008    * many annotations there are.
1009    <p>
1010    * @return the nth annotation inside this {@link ASTNode}, or <code>null</code> if this node has
1011    * no nth annotation (<code>n &gt;</code>
1012    * {@link ASTNode#getNumSemanticsAnnotations()}
1013    * <code>- 1</code>).
1014    <p>
1015    * <p>
1016  * @note Although SBML permits the use of the MathML
1017  * <code>&lt;semantics&gt;</code> annotation construct, the truth is that
1018  * this construct has so far (at this time of this writing, which is early
1019  * 2014) seen very little use in SBML software.  The full implications of
1020  * using these annotations are still poorly understood.  If you wish to
1021  * use this construct, we urge you to discuss possible uses and applications
1022  * on the SBML discussion lists, particularly <a target='_blank'
1023  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-discuss</a> and/or <a target='_blank'
1024  * href='http://sbml.org/Forums'>sbml-interoperability</a>.
1025    <p>
1026    * @see #getNumSemanticsAnnotations()
1027    * @see #addSemanticsAnnotation(XMLNode)
1028    */ public
getSemanticsAnnotation(long n)1029  XMLNode getSemanticsAnnotation(long n) {
1030     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getSemanticsAnnotation(swigCPtr, this, n);
1031     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new XMLNode(cPtr, false);
1032   }
1035 /**
1036    * Returns the value of this node as a single character.
1037    <p>
1038    * This function should be called only when
1039    * {@link ASTNode#getType()} returns
1040    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_PLUS AST_PLUS},
1041    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS},
1042    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_TIMES AST_TIMES},
1043    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_DIVIDE AST_DIVIDE} or
1044    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_POWER AST_POWER}.
1045    <p>
1046    * @return the value of this {@link ASTNode} as a single character
1047    */ public
getCharacter()1048  char getCharacter() {
1049     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getCharacter(swigCPtr, this);
1050   }
1053 /**
1054    * Returns the MathML <code>id</code> attribute value of this {@link ASTNode}.
1055    <p>
1056    * @return the MathML id of this {@link ASTNode}.
1057    <p>
1058    * @see #isSetId()
1059    * @see #setId(String id)
1060    * @see #unsetId()
1061    */ public
getId()1062  String getId() {
1063     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getId(swigCPtr, this);
1064   }
1067 /**
1068    * Returns the MathML <code>class</code> attribute value of this {@link ASTNode}.
1069    <p>
1070    * @return the MathML class of this {@link ASTNode}, or an empty string if it does not exist.
1071    <p>
1072    * @see #isSetClass()
1073    * @see #setClassName(String id)
1074    * @see #unsetClass()
1075    */ public
getClassName()1076  String getClassName() {
1077     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getClassName(swigCPtr, this);
1078   }
1081 /**
1082    * Returns the MathML <code>style</code> attribute value of this {@link ASTNode}.
1083    <p>
1084    * @return the MathML style of this {@link ASTNode}, or an empty string if it does not exist.
1085    <p>
1086    * @see #isSetStyle()
1087    * @see #setStyle(String id)
1088    * @see #unsetStyle()
1089    */ public
getStyle()1090  String getStyle() {
1091     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getStyle(swigCPtr, this);
1092   }
1095 /**
1096    * Returns the value of this node as an integer.
1097    <p>
1098    * If this node type is {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}, this
1099    * method returns the value of the numerator.
1100    <p>
1101    * @return the value of this {@link ASTNode} as a (<code>long</code>) integer if type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER}; the numerator if type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}, and <code>0</code> otherwise.
1102    <p>
1103    * @note This function should be called only when
1104    * {@link ASTNode#getType()} returns
1105    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER} or
1106    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}.
1107    * It will return <code>0</code> if the node type is <em>not</em> one of these, but since
1108    * <code>0</code> may be a valid value for integer, it is important to be sure that
1109    * the node type is one of the expected types in order to understand if
1110    * <code>0</code> is the actual value.
1111    <p>
1112    * @see #getNumerator()
1113    * @see #getDenominator()
1114    */ public
getInteger()1115  int getInteger() {
1116     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getInteger(swigCPtr, this);
1117   }
1120 /**
1121    * Returns the value of this node as a string.
1122    <p>
1123    * This function may be called on nodes that (1) are not operators, i.e.,
1124    * nodes for which * {@link ASTNode#isOperator()} returns <code>false</code>, and (2) are not numbers,
1125    * i.e., {@link ASTNode#isNumber()} returns
1126    * <code>null.</code>
1127    <p>
1128    * @return the value of this {@link ASTNode} as a string, or <code>null</code> if it is
1129    * a node that does not have a name equivalent (e.g., if it is a number).
1130    */ public
getName()1131  String getName() {
1132     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getName(swigCPtr, this);
1133   }
1136 /**
1137    * Returns the value of this operator node as a string.
1138    <p>
1139    * This function may be called on nodes that are operators, i.e., nodes for
1140    * which {@link ASTNode#isOperator()} returns
1141    * <code>true.</code>
1142    <p>
1143    * @return the name of this operator {@link ASTNode} as a string (or <code>null</code> if not
1144    * an operator).
1145    */ public
getOperatorName()1146  String getOperatorName() {
1147     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getOperatorName(swigCPtr, this);
1148   }
1151 /**
1152    * Returns the value of the numerator of this node if of
1153    * type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}, or the
1154    * numerical value of the node if of type
1155    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER}; <code>0</code> otherwise.
1156    <p>
1157    * This function should be called only when
1158    * {@link ASTNode#getType()} returns
1159    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL} or
1160    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER}.
1161    * It will return <code>0</code> if the node type is another type, but since <code>0</code> may
1162    * be a valid value for the denominator of a rational number or of an integer, it is
1163    * important to be sure that the node type is the correct type in order to
1164    * correctly interpret the returned value.
1165    <p>
1166    * @return the value of the numerator of this {@link ASTNode} if
1167    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}, the value if
1168    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER}, or <code>0</code> otherwise.
1169    <p>
1170    * @see #getDenominator()
1171    * @see #getInteger()
1172    */ public
getNumerator()1173  int getNumerator() {
1174     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getNumerator(swigCPtr, this);
1175   }
1178 /**
1179    * Returns the value of the denominator of this node.
1180    <p>
1181    * @return the value of the denominator of this {@link ASTNode}, or <code>1</code> (true) if
1182    * this node is not of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}.
1183    <p>
1184    * @note This function should be called only when
1185    * {@link ASTNode#getType()} returns
1186    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}.
1187    * It will return <code>1</code> if the node type is another type, but since <code>1</code> may
1188    * be a valid value for the denominator of a rational number, it is
1189    * important to be sure that the node type is the correct type in order to
1190    * correctly interpret the returned value.
1191    <p>
1192    * @see #getNumerator()
1193    */ public
getDenominator()1194  int getDenominator() {
1195     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getDenominator(swigCPtr, this);
1196   }
1199 /**
1200    * Returns the real-numbered value of this node.
1201    <p>
1202    * This function performs the necessary arithmetic if the node type is
1203    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E} (<em>mantissa *
1204    * 10<sup>exponent</sup></em>) or
1205    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}
1206    * (<em>numerator / denominator</em>).
1207    <p>
1208    * @return the value of this {@link ASTNode} as a real (double), or <code>0</code>
1209    * if this is not a node that holds a number.
1210    <p>
1211    * @note This function should be called only when this {@link ASTNode} has a
1212    * numerical value type.  It will return <code>0</code> if the node type is another
1213    * type, but since <code>0</code> may be a valid value, it is important to be sure
1214    * that the node type is the correct type in order to correctly interpret
1215    * the returned value.
1216    */ public
getReal()1217  double getReal() {
1218     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getReal(swigCPtr, this);
1219   }
1222 /**
1223    * Returns the mantissa value of this node.
1224    <p>
1225    * If {@link ASTNode#getType()} returns
1226    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL AST_REAL}, this method is
1227    * identical to {@link ASTNode#getReal()}.
1228    <p>
1229    * @return the value of the mantissa of this {@link ASTNode}, or <code>0</code> if this
1230    * node is not a type that has a real-numbered value.
1231    <p>
1232    * @note This function should be called only when
1233    * {@link ASTNode#getType()} returns
1234    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E},
1235    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL AST_REAL} or
1236    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO}.  It
1237    * will return <code>0</code> if the node type is another type, but since <code>0</code> may be
1238    * a valid value, it is important to be sure that the node type is the
1239    * correct type in order to correctly interpret the returned value.
1240    <p>
1241    * @see #getExponent()
1242    */ public
getMantissa()1243  double getMantissa() {
1244     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getMantissa(swigCPtr, this);
1245   }
1248 /**
1249    * Returns the exponent value of this {@link ASTNode}.
1250    <p>
1251    * @return the value of the exponent of this {@link ASTNode}, or <code>0</code> if this
1252    * is not a type of node that has an exponent.
1253    <p>
1254    * @note This function should be called only when
1255    * {@link ASTNode#getType()}
1256    * returns {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E}.
1257    * It will return <code>0</code> if the node type is another type, but since <code>0</code> may
1258    * be a valid value, it is important to be sure that the node type is the
1259    * correct type in order to correctly interpret the returned value.
1260    <p>
1261    * @see #getMantissa()
1262    */ public
getExponent()1263  int getExponent() {
1264     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getExponent(swigCPtr, this);
1265   }
1268 /**
1269    * Returns the numerical value of this {@link ASTNode}.
1270    <p>
1271    * @return the numerical value of this {@link ASTNode}, or <code>NaN</code> if this
1272    * is not a type of node that has a numerical value.
1273    <p>
1274    * @note This function will return a numerical value (as a double) for
1275    * any ASTNode_t that represents a number, a constant such as
1276    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_CONSTANT_PI AST_CONSTANT_PI},
1277    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_CONSTANT_E AST_CONSTANT_E}, or
1278    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO}, or
1279    * <code>1</code> for nodes of type
1280    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_CONSTANT_TRUE AST_CONSTANT_TRUE} and <code>0</code> for nodes of type
1281    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_CONSTANT_FALSE AST_CONSTANT_FALSE}. It does not evaluate
1282    * the node in any way so, for example, it will not return the value of
1283    * a named ASTNode_t or attempt to evaluate a function.
1284    * This includes a node representing <code>time</code> i.e. nodes
1285    * of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME_TIME AST_NAME_TIME}.
1286    */ public
getValue()1287  double getValue() {
1288     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getValue(swigCPtr, this);
1289   }
1292 /**
1293    * Returns the precedence of this node in the infix math syntax of SBML
1294    * Level&nbsp;1.  For more information about the infix syntax, see the
1295    * discussion about <a href='#math-convert'>text string formulas</a> at
1296    * the top of the documentation for {@link ASTNode}.
1297    <p>
1298    * @return an integer indicating the precedence of this {@link ASTNode}
1299    */ public
getPrecedence()1300  int getPrecedence() {
1301     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getPrecedence(swigCPtr, this);
1302   }
1305 /**
1306    * Returns the type of this {@link ASTNode}.
1307    <p>
1308    * The value returned is one of the Core AST type codes such as
1309    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_LAMBDA AST_LAMBDA},
1310    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_PLUS AST_PLUS}, etc.
1311    <p>
1312    * @return the type of this {@link ASTNode}.
1313    */ public
getType()1314  int getType() {
1315     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getType(swigCPtr, this);
1316   }
1319 /**
1320    * Returns the units of this {@link ASTNode}.
1321    <p>
1322    * SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;1 introduced the ability to include an
1323 attribute <code>sbml:units</code> on MathML <code>cn</code> elements
1324 appearing in SBML mathematical formulas.  The value of this attribute can
1325 be used to indicate the unit of measurement to be associated with the
1326 number in the content of the <code>cn</code> element.  The value of this
1327 attribute must be the identifier of a unit of measurement defined by SBML
1328 or the enclosing Model.  Here, the <code>sbml</code> portion is an XML
1329 namespace prefix that must be associated with the SBML namespace for SBML
1330 Level&nbsp;3.  The following example illustrates how this attribute can be
1331 used to define a number with value <code>10</code> and unit of measurement
1332 <code>second</code>:
1333 <pre class="fragment">&lt;math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
1334       xmlns:sbml="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core"&gt;
1335         &lt;cn type="integer" sbml:units="second"&gt; 10 &lt;/cn&gt;
1336 &lt;/math&gt;
1337 </pre>
1339    <p>
1340    * @return the units of this {@link ASTNode}.
1341    <p>
1342    * @note The <code>sbml:units</code> attribute is only available in SBML
1343    * Level&nbsp;3.  It may not be used in Levels 1&ndash;2 of SBML.
1344    <p>
1345    * @see <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a>
1346    */ public
getUnits()1347  String getUnits() {
1348     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getUnits(swigCPtr, this);
1349   }
1352 /**
1353    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node is the special
1354    * symbol <code>avogadro.</code>  The predicate returns <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1355    <p>
1356    * SBML Level&nbsp;3 introduced a predefined MathML <code>&lt;csymbol&gt;</code>
1357    * for the value of Avogadro's constant.  LibSBML stores this internally as
1358    * a node of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO}.
1359    * This method returns <code>true</code> if this node has that type.
1360    <p>
1361    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is the special symbol avogadro,
1362    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
1363    <p>
1364    * @see <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a>
1365    */ public
isAvogadro()1366  boolean isAvogadro() {
1367     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isAvogadro(swigCPtr, this);
1368   }
1371 /**
1372    * Returns <code>true</code> if this node has a Boolean type.
1373    <p>
1374    * The {@link ASTNode} objects that have Boolean types are the logical operators,
1375    * relational operators, and the constants <code>true</code> or <code>false.</code>
1376    <p>
1377    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has a Boolean type, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1378    */ public
isBoolean()1379  boolean isBoolean() {
1380     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isBoolean(swigCPtr, this);
1381   }
1384 /**
1385    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node returns a Boolean type
1386    * or <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1387    <p>
1388    * This function looks at the whole {@link ASTNode} rather than just the top
1389    * level of the {@link ASTNode}. Thus it will consider return values from
1390    * piecewise statements.  In addition, if this {@link ASTNode} uses a function
1391    * call, the return value of the functionDefinition will be determined.
1392    * Note that this is only possible where the {@link ASTNode} can trace its parent
1393    * {@link Model}, that is, the {@link ASTNode} must represent the <code>&lt;math&gt;</code> element of some
1394    * SBML object that has already been added to an instance of an {@link SBMLDocument}.
1395    * If this is not the case, this function will return <code>false</code> unless
1396    * isBoolean() returns <code>true.</code>
1397    <p>
1398    *
1399    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} returns a Boolean, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1400    <p>
1401    * @see #isBoolean()
1402    */ public
returnsBoolean(Model model)1403  boolean returnsBoolean(Model model) {
1404     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_returnsBoolean__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, this, Model.getCPtr(model), model);
1405   }
1408 /**
1409    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node returns a Boolean type
1410    * or <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1411    <p>
1412    * This function looks at the whole {@link ASTNode} rather than just the top
1413    * level of the {@link ASTNode}. Thus it will consider return values from
1414    * piecewise statements.  In addition, if this {@link ASTNode} uses a function
1415    * call, the return value of the functionDefinition will be determined.
1416    * Note that this is only possible where the {@link ASTNode} can trace its parent
1417    * {@link Model}, that is, the {@link ASTNode} must represent the <code>&lt;math&gt;</code> element of some
1418    * SBML object that has already been added to an instance of an {@link SBMLDocument}.
1419    * If this is not the case, this function will return <code>false</code> unless
1420    * isBoolean() returns <code>true.</code>
1421    <p>
1422    *
1423    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} returns a Boolean, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1424    <p>
1425    * @see #isBoolean()
1426    */ public
returnsBoolean()1427  boolean returnsBoolean() {
1428     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_returnsBoolean__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, this);
1429   }
1432 /**
1433    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents a MathML
1434    * constant (e.g., <code>true</code>, <code>Pi</code>).
1435    <p>
1436    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a MathML constant, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1437    <p>
1438    * @note this function will also return <code>true</code> for nodes of type
1439    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO} in SBML Level&nbsp;3.
1440    */ public
isConstant()1441  boolean isConstant() {
1442     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isConstant(swigCPtr, this);
1443   }
1446 /**
1447   * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents a MathML
1448   * ci element representing a value not a function (e.g., <code>true</code>, <code>Pi</code>).
1449   <p>
1450   * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a MathML ci element, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1451   */ public
isCiNumber()1452  boolean isCiNumber() {
1453     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isCiNumber(swigCPtr, this);
1454   }
1457 /**
1458   * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents a MathML
1459   * constant with numeric value (e.g., <code>Pi</code>).
1460   <p>
1461   * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a MathML constant, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1462   <p>
1463   * @note this function will also return <code>true</code> for
1464   * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST_NAME_AVOGADRO} in SBML Level&nbsp;3.
1465   */ public
isConstantNumber()1466  boolean isConstantNumber() {
1467     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isConstantNumber(swigCPtr, this);
1468   }
1471 /**
1472    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents a MathML
1473    * csymbol representing a function.
1474    <p>
1475    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a MathML csymbol function, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1476    */ public
isCSymbolFunction()1477  boolean isCSymbolFunction() {
1478     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isCSymbolFunction(swigCPtr, this);
1479   }
1482 /**
1483    * Returns <code>true</code> if this node represents a function.
1484    <p>
1485    * The three types of functions in SBML are MathML functions (e.g.,
1486    * <code>abs()</code>), SBML Level&nbsp;1 functions (in the SBML
1487    * Level&nbsp;1 math syntax), and user-defined functions (using
1488    * {@link FunctionDefinition} in SBML Level&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3).
1489    <p>
1490    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a function, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1491    */ public
isFunction()1492  boolean isFunction() {
1493     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isFunction(swigCPtr, this);
1494   }
1497 /**
1498    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents
1499    * the special IEEE 754 value infinity, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1500    <p>
1501    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is the special IEEE 754 value infinity,
1502    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
1503    */ public
isInfinity()1504  boolean isInfinity() {
1505     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isInfinity(swigCPtr, this);
1506   }
1509 /**
1510    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node contains an
1511    * integer value, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1512    <p>
1513    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER}, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1514    */ public
isInteger()1515  boolean isInteger() {
1516     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isInteger(swigCPtr, this);
1517   }
1520 /**
1521    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node is a MathML
1522    * <code>&lt;lambda&gt;</code>, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1523    <p>
1524    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_LAMBDA AST_LAMBDA}, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1525    */ public
isLambda()1526  boolean isLambda() {
1527     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isLambda(swigCPtr, this);
1528   }
1531 /**
1532    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents a
1533    * <code>log10</code> function, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1534    <p>
1535    * More precisely, this predicate returns <code>true</code> if the node type is
1536    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION_LOG AST_FUNCTION_LOG} with two
1537    * children, the first of which is an {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER} equal to 10.
1538    <p>
1539    * @return <code>true</code> if the given {@link ASTNode} represents a log10() function,
1540    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
1541    <p>
1542    * @see <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a>
1543    */ public
isLog10()1544  boolean isLog10() {
1545     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isLog10(swigCPtr, this);
1546   }
1549 /**
1550    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node is a MathML
1551    * logical operator.
1552    <p>
1553    * The possible MathML logical operators in SBML core are <code>and</code>, <code>or</code>, <code>not</code>,
1554    * <code>xor</code>, and (as of SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2) <code>implies.</code>  If
1555    * the node represents a logical operator defined in a Level&nbsp;3 package,
1556    * it will also return <code>true.</code>
1557    <p>
1558    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a MathML logical operator, <code>false</code>
1559    * otherwise.
1560    */ public
isLogical()1561  boolean isLogical() {
1562     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isLogical(swigCPtr, this);
1563   }
1566 /**
1567    * Returns <code>true</code> if this node is a user-defined variable name
1568    * or the symbols for time or Avogadro's constant.
1569    <p>
1570    * SBML Levels&nbsp;2 and&nbsp;3 provides <code>&lt;csymbol&gt;</code>
1571    * definitions for 'time' and 'avogadro', which can be used to represent
1572    * simulation time and Avogadro's constant in MathML.  Note that this
1573    * method does <em>not</em> return <code>true</code> for the other <code>csymbol</code>
1574    * values defined by SBML, 'delay', because the 'delay' is a function
1575    * and not a constant or variable.  Similarly, this function returns
1576    * <code>false</code> for the csymbol functions added by the 'Distributions' package.
1577    <p>
1578    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a user-defined variable name in SBML
1579    * or the special symbols for time or Avogadro's constant. It returns
1580    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
1581    */ public
isName()1582  boolean isName() {
1583     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isName(swigCPtr, this);
1584   }
1587 /**
1588    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents the
1589    * special IEEE 754 value 'not a number' (NaN), <code>false</code> (zero)
1590    * otherwise.
1591    <p>
1592    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is the special IEEE 754 NaN, <code>false</code>
1593    * otherwise.
1594    */ public
isNaN()1595  boolean isNaN() {
1596     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isNaN(swigCPtr, this);
1597   }
1600 /**
1601    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents the
1602    * special IEEE 754 value 'negative infinity', <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1603    <p>
1604    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is the special IEEE 754 value negative
1605    * infinity, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1606    */ public
isNegInfinity()1607  boolean isNegInfinity() {
1608     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isNegInfinity(swigCPtr, this);
1609   }
1612 /**
1613    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node contains a number,
1614    * <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.  This is functionally equivalent to the
1615    * following code:
1616    * <pre class='fragment'>
1617  isInteger() || isReal()
1618  </pre>
1619    <p>
1620    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a number, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1621    */ public
isNumber()1622  boolean isNumber() {
1623     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isNumber(swigCPtr, this);
1624   }
1627 /**
1628    * Returns <code>true</code> if this node is a mathematical
1629    * operator.
1630    <p>
1631    * The possible mathematical operators in the MathML syntax supported by
1632    * SBML are <code>+</code>, <code>-</code>, <code>*</code>, <code>/</code>
1633    * and <code>^</code> (power).
1634    <p>
1635    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is an operator, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1636    */ public
isOperator()1637  boolean isOperator() {
1638     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isOperator(swigCPtr, this);
1639   }
1642 /**
1643    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node is the MathML
1644    * <code>&lt;piecewise&gt;</code> construct.
1645    <p>
1646    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a MathML <code>piecewise</code> function,
1647    * <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1648    */ public
isPiecewise()1649  boolean isPiecewise() {
1650     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isPiecewise(swigCPtr, this);
1651   }
1654 /**
1655    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents a rational
1656    * number.
1657    <p>
1658    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is of type
1659    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1660    */ public
isRational()1661  boolean isRational() {
1662     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isRational(swigCPtr, this);
1663   }
1666 /**
1667    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node can represent a
1668    * real number, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1669    <p>
1670    * More precisely, this node must be of one of the following types: {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL AST_REAL}, {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E} or {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}.
1671    <p>
1672    * @return <code>true</code> if the value of this {@link ASTNode} can represented as a real
1673    * number, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1674    */ public
isReal()1675  boolean isReal() {
1676     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isReal(swigCPtr, this);
1677   }
1680 /**
1681    * Returns <code>true</code> if this node is a MathML
1682    * relational operator.
1683    <p>
1684    * The MathML relational operators are <code>==</code>, <code>&gt;=</code>,
1685    * <code>&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;</code>, and <code>!=</code>.
1686    <p>
1687    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a MathML relational operator,
1688    * <code>false</code> otherwise
1689    */ public
isRelational()1690  boolean isRelational() {
1691     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isRelational(swigCPtr, this);
1692   }
1695 /**
1696    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents a
1697    * square root function, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1698    <p>
1699    * More precisely, the node type must be {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION_ROOT AST_FUNCTION_ROOT} with two
1700    * children, the first of which is an {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER} node having value equal to 2.
1701    <p>
1702    * @return <code>true</code> if the given {@link ASTNode} represents a sqrt() function,
1703    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
1704    */ public
isSqrt()1705  boolean isSqrt() {
1706     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isSqrt(swigCPtr, this);
1707   }
1710 /**
1711    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node is a unary minus
1712    * operator, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.
1713    <p>
1714    * A node is defined as a unary minus node if it is of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS} and has exactly one child.
1715    <p>
1716    * For numbers, unary minus nodes can be 'collapsed' by negating the
1717    * number.  In fact, <a href='libsbml.html#parseFormula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseFormula(String)</code></a>
1718    * does this during its parsing process, and <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a>
1719    * has a configuration option that allows this behavior to be turned
1720    * on or off.  However, unary minus nodes for symbols
1721    * ({@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME AST_NAME}) cannot
1722    * be 'collapsed', so this predicate function is necessary.
1723    <p>
1724    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a unary minus, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1725    <p>
1726    * @see <a href='libsbml.html#parseL3Formula(java.lang.String)'><code>libsbml.parseL3Formula(String)</code></a>
1727    */ public
isUMinus()1728  boolean isUMinus() {
1729     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isUMinus(swigCPtr, this);
1730   }
1733 /**
1734    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node is a unary plus
1735    * operator, <code>false</code> (zero) otherwise.  A node is defined as a unary
1736    * minus node if it is of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS} and has exactly one child.
1737    <p>
1738    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a unary plus, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1739    */ public
isUPlus()1740  boolean isUPlus() {
1741     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isUPlus(swigCPtr, this);
1742   }
1745 /**
1746   * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node represents a
1747   * MathML user-defined function.
1748   <p>
1749   * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is a user-defined function, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1750   */ public
isUserFunction()1751  boolean isUserFunction() {
1752     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isUserFunction(swigCPtr, this);
1753   }
1756 /**
1757   * Returns <code>true</code> if this node is of type <code>type</code>
1758   * and has <code>numchildren</code> number of children.  Designed
1759   * for use in cases where it is useful to discover if the node is
1760   * a unary not or unary minus, or a times node with no children, etc.
1761   <p>
1762   * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is has the specified type and number
1763   *         of children, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1764   */ public
hasTypeAndNumChildren(int type, long numchildren)1765  int hasTypeAndNumChildren(int type, long numchildren) {
1766     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_hasTypeAndNumChildren(swigCPtr, this, type, numchildren);
1767   }
1770 /**
1771    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node has an unknown type.
1772    <p>
1773    * 'Unknown' nodes have the type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN}.
1774    * Nodes with unknown types will not appear in an
1775    * {@link ASTNode} tree returned by libSBML based upon valid SBML input; the only
1776    * situation in which a node with type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN}
1777    * may appear is immediately after having create a
1778    * new, untyped node using the {@link ASTNode} constructor.  Callers creating
1779    * nodes should endeavor to set the type to a valid node type as soon as
1780    * possible after creating new nodes.
1781    <p>
1782    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is of type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN}, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1783    */ public
isUnknown()1784  boolean isUnknown() {
1785     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isUnknown(swigCPtr, this);
1786   }
1789 /**
1790    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node has a value for the MathML
1791    * attribute 'id'.
1792    <p>
1793    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has an attribute id, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1794    <p>
1795    * @see #isSetClass()
1796    * @see #isSetStyle()
1797    * @see #setId(String id)
1798    * @see #unsetId()
1799    */ public
isSetId()1800  boolean isSetId() {
1801     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isSetId(swigCPtr, this);
1802   }
1805 /**
1806    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node has a value for the MathML
1807    * attribute 'class'.
1808    <p>
1809    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has an attribute class, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1810    <p>
1811    * @see #isSetId()
1812    * @see #isSetStyle()
1813    * @see #setClassName(String id)
1814    * @see #unsetClass()
1815    */ public
isSetClass()1816  boolean isSetClass() {
1817     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isSetClass(swigCPtr, this);
1818   }
1821 /**
1822    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node has a value for the MathML
1823    * attribute 'style'.
1824    <p>
1825    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has an attribute style, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1826    <p>
1827    * @see #isSetClass()
1828    * @see #isSetId()
1829    * @see #setStyle(String id)
1830    * @see #unsetStyle()
1831    */ public
isSetStyle()1832  boolean isSetStyle() {
1833     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isSetStyle(swigCPtr, this);
1834   }
1837 /**
1838    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node has the attribute
1839    * <code>sbml:units</code>.
1840    <p>
1841    * SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;1 introduced the ability to include an
1842 attribute <code>sbml:units</code> on MathML <code>cn</code> elements
1843 appearing in SBML mathematical formulas.  The value of this attribute can
1844 be used to indicate the unit of measurement to be associated with the
1845 number in the content of the <code>cn</code> element.  The value of this
1846 attribute must be the identifier of a unit of measurement defined by SBML
1847 or the enclosing Model.  Here, the <code>sbml</code> portion is an XML
1848 namespace prefix that must be associated with the SBML namespace for SBML
1849 Level&nbsp;3.  The following example illustrates how this attribute can be
1850 used to define a number with value <code>10</code> and unit of measurement
1851 <code>second</code>:
1852 <pre class="fragment">&lt;math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
1853       xmlns:sbml="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core"&gt;
1854         &lt;cn type="integer" sbml:units="second"&gt; 10 &lt;/cn&gt;
1855 &lt;/math&gt;
1856 </pre>
1858    <p>
1859    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has units associated with it, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1860    <p>
1861    * @note The <code>sbml:units</code> attribute is only available in SBML
1862    * Level&nbsp;3.  It may not be used in Levels 1&ndash;2 of SBML.
1863    <p>
1864    * @see #hasUnits()
1865    * @see #setUnits(String units)
1866    */ public
isSetUnits()1867  boolean isSetUnits() {
1868     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isSetUnits(swigCPtr, this);
1869   }
1872 /**
1873    * Returns <code>true</code> (nonzero) if this node or any of its
1874    * children nodes have the attribute <code>sbml:units</code>.
1875    <p>
1876    * SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;1 introduced the ability to include an
1877 attribute <code>sbml:units</code> on MathML <code>cn</code> elements
1878 appearing in SBML mathematical formulas.  The value of this attribute can
1879 be used to indicate the unit of measurement to be associated with the
1880 number in the content of the <code>cn</code> element.  The value of this
1881 attribute must be the identifier of a unit of measurement defined by SBML
1882 or the enclosing Model.  Here, the <code>sbml</code> portion is an XML
1883 namespace prefix that must be associated with the SBML namespace for SBML
1884 Level&nbsp;3.  The following example illustrates how this attribute can be
1885 used to define a number with value <code>10</code> and unit of measurement
1886 <code>second</code>:
1887 <pre class="fragment">&lt;math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
1888       xmlns:sbml="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core"&gt;
1889         &lt;cn type="integer" sbml:units="second"&gt; 10 &lt;/cn&gt;
1890 &lt;/math&gt;
1891 </pre>
1893    <p>
1894    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} or its children has units associated
1895    * with it, <code>false</code> otherwise.
1896    <p>
1897    * @note The <code>sbml:units</code> attribute is only available in SBML
1898    * Level&nbsp;3.  It may not be used in Levels 1&ndash;2 of SBML.
1899    <p>
1900    * @see #isSetUnits()
1901    * @see #setUnits(String units)
1902    */ public
hasUnits()1903  boolean hasUnits() {
1904     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_hasUnits(swigCPtr, this);
1905   }
1908 /**
1909    * Sets the value of this {@link ASTNode} to the given character.  If character
1910    * is one of <code>+</code>, <code>-</code>, <code>*</code>, <code>/</code> or <code>^</code>, the node
1911    * type will be set accordingly.  For all other characters, the node type
1912    * will be set to {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_UNKNOWN AST_UNKNOWN}.
1913    <p>
1914    * @param value the character value to which the node's value should be
1915    * set.
1916    <p>
1917    * <p>
1918  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1919  * function.   This particular
1920  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1921  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1922    * <ul>
1924    * </ul>
1925    */ public
setCharacter(char value)1926  int setCharacter(char value) {
1927     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setCharacter(swigCPtr, this, value);
1928   }
1931 /**
1932    * Sets the MathML attribute <code>id</code> of this {@link ASTNode}.
1933    <p>
1934    * @param id <code>string</code> representing the identifier.
1935    <p>
1936    * <p>
1937  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1938  * function.   This particular
1939  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1940  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1941    * <ul>
1943    *
1944    * </ul> <p>
1945    * @see #isSetId()
1946    * @see #getId()
1947    * @see #unsetId()
1948    */ public
setId(String id)1949  int setId(String id) {
1950     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setId(swigCPtr, this, id);
1951   }
1954 /**
1955    * Sets the MathML attribute <code>class</code> of this {@link ASTNode} to <code>className</code>.
1956    <p>
1957    * @param className <code>string</code> representing the MathML class for this node.
1958    <p>
1959    * <p>
1960  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1961  * function.   This particular
1962  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1963  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1964    * <ul>
1966    *
1967    * </ul> <p>
1968    * @note In the API interfaces for languages other than Java, this method
1969    * is named <code>setClass()</code>, but in Java it is renamed
1970    * <code>setClassName()</code> to avoid a name collision with Java's
1971    * standard object method of the same name.
1972    <p>
1973    * @see #isSetClass()
1974    * @see #getClass()
1975    * @see #unsetClass()
1976    */ public
setClassName(String className)1977  int setClassName(String className) {
1978     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setClassName(swigCPtr, this, className);
1979   }
1982 /**
1983    * Sets the MathML attribute <code>style</code> of this {@link ASTNode} to style.
1984    <p>
1985    * @param style <code>string</code> representing the identifier.
1986    <p>
1987    * <p>
1988  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
1989  * function.   This particular
1990  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
1991  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
1992    * <ul>
1994    *
1995    * </ul> <p>
1996    * @see #isSetStyle()
1997    * @see #getStyle()
1998    * @see #unsetStyle()
1999    */ public
setStyle(String style)2000  int setStyle(String style) {
2001     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setStyle(swigCPtr, this, style);
2002   }
2005 /**
2006    * Sets the value of this {@link ASTNode} to the given name.
2007    <p>
2008    * As a side effect, this {@link ASTNode} object's type will be reset to
2009    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_NAME AST_NAME} if (and <em>only
2010    * if</em>) the {@link ASTNode} was previously an operator (
2011    * {@link ASTNode#isOperator()}
2012    * <code>== true</code>), number (
2013    * {@link ASTNode#isNumber()}
2014    * <code>== true</code>), or unknown.
2015    * This allows names to be set for {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_FUNCTION AST_FUNCTION} nodes and the like.
2016    <p>
2017    * @param name the string containing the name to which this node's value
2018    * should be set.
2019    <p>
2020    * <p>
2021  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2022  * function.   This particular
2023  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
2024  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
2025    * <ul>
2027    * </ul>
2028    */ public
setName(String name)2029  int setName(String name) {
2030     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setName(swigCPtr, this, name);
2031   }
2034 /**
2035    * Sets the value of this {@link ASTNode} to the given (<code>long</code>) integer and sets
2036    * the node type to {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_INTEGER AST_INTEGER}.
2037    <p>
2038    * @param value the integer to which this node's value should be set.
2039    <p>
2040    * <p>
2041  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2042  * function.   This particular
2043  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
2044  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
2045    * <ul>
2047    * </ul>
2048    */ public
setValue(int value)2049  int setValue(int value) {
2050     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setValue__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, this, value);
2051   }
2054 /**
2055    * Sets the value of this {@link ASTNode} to the given rational in two parts: the
2056    * numerator and denominator.  The node type is set to {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_RATIONAL AST_RATIONAL}.
2057    <p>
2058    * @param numerator the numerator value of the rational.
2059    * @param denominator the denominator value of the rational.
2060    <p>
2061    * <p>
2062  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2063  * function.   This particular
2064  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
2065  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
2066    * <ul>
2068    * </ul>
2069    */ public
setValue(int numerator, int denominator)2070  int setValue(int numerator, int denominator) {
2071     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setValue__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, this, numerator, denominator);
2072   }
2075 /**
2076    * Sets the value of this {@link ASTNode} to the given real (<code>double</code>) and sets
2077    * the node type to {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL AST_REAL}.
2078    <p>
2079    * This is functionally equivalent to:
2080    * <pre class='fragment'>
2081 setValue(value, 0);
2082 </pre>
2083    <p>
2084    * @param value the <code>double</code> format number to which this node's value
2085    * should be set.
2086    <p>
2087    * <p>
2088  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2089  * function.   This particular
2090  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
2091  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
2092    * <ul>
2094    * </ul>
2095    */ public
setValue(double value)2096  int setValue(double value) {
2097     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setValue__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, this, value);
2098   }
2101 /**
2102    * Sets the value of this {@link ASTNode} to the given real (<code>double</code>) in two
2103    * parts: the mantissa and the exponent.  The node type is set to
2104    * {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_REAL_E AST_REAL_E}.
2105    <p>
2106    * @param mantissa the mantissa of this node's real-numbered value.
2107    * @param exponent the exponent of this node's real-numbered value.
2108    <p>
2109    * <p>
2110  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2111  * function.   This particular
2112  * function only does one thing irrespective of user input or
2113  * object state, and thus will only return a single value:
2114    * <ul>
2116    * </ul>
2117    */ public
setValue(double mantissa, int exponent)2118  int setValue(double mantissa, int exponent) {
2119     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setValue__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, this, mantissa, exponent);
2120   }
2123 /**
2124    * Sets the type of this {@link ASTNode} to the given type code.
2125    <p>
2126    * @param type the type to which this node should be set.
2127    <p>
2128    * <p>
2129  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2130  * function.   The possible values
2131  * returned by this function are:
2132    * <ul>
2135    *
2136    * </ul> <p>
2137    * @note A side-effect of doing this is that any numerical values previously
2138    * stored in this node are reset to zero.
2139    */ public
setType(int type)2140  int setType(int type) {
2141     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setType(swigCPtr, this, type);
2142   }
2145 /**
2146    * Sets the units of this {@link ASTNode} to units.
2147    <p>
2148    * The units will be set <em>only</em> if this {@link ASTNode} object represents a
2149    * MathML <code>&lt;cn&gt;</code> element, i.e., represents a number.
2150    * Callers may use
2151    * {@link ASTNode#isNumber()}
2152    * to inquire whether the node is of that type.
2153    <p>
2154    * SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;1 introduced the ability to include an
2155 attribute <code>sbml:units</code> on MathML <code>cn</code> elements
2156 appearing in SBML mathematical formulas.  The value of this attribute can
2157 be used to indicate the unit of measurement to be associated with the
2158 number in the content of the <code>cn</code> element.  The value of this
2159 attribute must be the identifier of a unit of measurement defined by SBML
2160 or the enclosing Model.  Here, the <code>sbml</code> portion is an XML
2161 namespace prefix that must be associated with the SBML namespace for SBML
2162 Level&nbsp;3.  The following example illustrates how this attribute can be
2163 used to define a number with value <code>10</code> and unit of measurement
2164 <code>second</code>:
2165 <pre class="fragment">&lt;math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
2166       xmlns:sbml="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core"&gt;
2167         &lt;cn type="integer" sbml:units="second"&gt; 10 &lt;/cn&gt;
2168 &lt;/math&gt;
2169 </pre>
2171    <p>
2172    * @param units <code>string</code> representing the unit identifier.
2173    <p>
2174    * <p>
2175  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2176  * function.   The possible values
2177  * returned by this function are:
2178    * <ul>
2182    *
2183    * </ul> <p>
2184    * @note The <code>sbml:units</code> attribute is only available in SBML
2185    * Level&nbsp;3.  It may not be used in Levels 1&ndash;2 of SBML.
2186    <p>
2187    * @see #isSetUnits()
2188    * @see #hasUnits()
2189    */ public
setUnits(String units)2190  int setUnits(String units) {
2191     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setUnits(swigCPtr, this, units);
2192   }
2195 /**
2196    * Swaps the children of this {@link ASTNode} object with the children of the
2197    * given {@link ASTNode} object.
2198    <p>
2199    * @param that the other node whose children should be used to replace
2200    * <em>this</em> node's children.
2201    <p>
2202    * <p>
2203  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2204  * function.   The possible values
2205  * returned by this function are:
2206    * <ul>
2209    * </ul>
2210    */ public
swapChildren(ASTNode that)2211  int swapChildren(ASTNode that) {
2212     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_swapChildren(swigCPtr, this, ASTNode.getCPtr(that), that);
2213   }
2216 /**
2217    * Renames all the SIdRef attributes on this node and any child node
2218    */ public
renameSIdRefs(String oldid, String newid)2219  void renameSIdRefs(String oldid, String newid) {
2220     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_renameSIdRefs(swigCPtr, this, oldid, newid);
2221   }
2224 /**
2225    * Renames all the UnitSIdRef attributes on this node and any child node.
2226    <p>
2227    * The only place UnitSIDRefs appear is in MathML <code>&lt;cn&gt;</code>
2228    * elements, so the effects of this method are limited to that.
2229    <p>
2230    * @param oldid the old identifier.
2231    * @param newid the new identifier.
2232    */ public
renameUnitSIdRefs(String oldid, String newid)2233  void renameUnitSIdRefs(String oldid, String newid) {
2234     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_renameUnitSIdRefs(swigCPtr, this, oldid, newid);
2235   }
2238 /** * @internal */ public
replaceIDWithFunction(String id, ASTNode function)2239  void replaceIDWithFunction(String id, ASTNode function) {
2240     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_replaceIDWithFunction(swigCPtr, this, id, ASTNode.getCPtr(function), function);
2241   }
2244 /** * @internal */ public
multiplyTimeBy(ASTNode function)2245  void multiplyTimeBy(ASTNode function) {
2246     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_multiplyTimeBy(swigCPtr, this, ASTNode.getCPtr(function), function);
2247   }
2250 /**
2251    * Unsets the units of this {@link ASTNode}.
2252    <p>
2253    * <p>
2254  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2255  * function.   The possible values
2256  * returned by this function are:
2257    * <ul>
2261    * </ul>
2262    */ public
unsetUnits()2263  int unsetUnits() {
2264     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_unsetUnits(swigCPtr, this);
2265   }
2268 /**
2269    * Unsets the MathML <code>id</code> attribute of this {@link ASTNode}.
2270    <p>
2271    * <p>
2272  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2273  * function.   The possible values
2274  * returned by this function are:
2275    * <ul>
2278    * </ul>
2279    */ public
unsetId()2280  int unsetId() {
2281     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_unsetId(swigCPtr, this);
2282   }
2285 /**
2286    * Unsets the MathML <code>class</code> attribute of this {@link ASTNode}.
2287    <p>
2288    * <p>
2289  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2290  * function.   The possible values
2291  * returned by this function are:
2292    * <ul>
2295    * </ul>
2296    */ public
unsetClass()2297  int unsetClass() {
2298     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_unsetClass(swigCPtr, this);
2299   }
2302 /**
2303    * Unsets the MathML <code>style</code> attribute of this {@link ASTNode}.
2304    <p>
2305    * <p>
2306  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2307  * function.   The possible values
2308  * returned by this function are:
2309    * <ul>
2312    * </ul>
2313    */ public
unsetStyle()2314  int unsetStyle() {
2315     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_unsetStyle(swigCPtr, this);
2316   }
2319 /** * @internal */ public
setDefinitionURL(XMLAttributes url)2320  int setDefinitionURL(XMLAttributes url) {
2321     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setDefinitionURL__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, this, XMLAttributes.getCPtr(url), url);
2322   }
2325 /** * @internal */ public
setDefinitionURL(String url)2326  int setDefinitionURL(String url) {
2327     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setDefinitionURL__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, this, url);
2328   }
2331 /**
2332    * Returns the MathML <code>definitionURL</code> attribute value.
2333    <p>
2334    * @return the value of the <code>definitionURL</code> attribute, in the form of
2335    * a libSBML {@link XMLAttributes} object.
2336    <p>
2337    * @see #setDefinitionURL(XMLAttributes url)
2338    * @see #setDefinitionURL(String url)
2339    * @see #getDefinitionURLString()
2340    */ public
getDefinitionURL()2341  XMLAttributes getDefinitionURL() {
2342     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getDefinitionURL(swigCPtr, this);
2343     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new XMLAttributes(cPtr, false);
2344   }
2347 /**
2348    * Replaces occurrences of a given name with a given {@link ASTNode}.
2349    <p>
2350    * For example, if the formula in this {@link ASTNode} is <code>x + y</code>,
2351    * and the function is called with <code>bvar</code> = <code>'x'</code> and <code>arg</code> = an {@link ASTNode}
2352    * representing the real value <code>3.</code>  This method would substitute <code>3</code> for
2353    * <code>x</code> within this {@link ASTNode} object, resulting in the forula <code>3 + y</code>.
2354    <p>
2355    * @param bvar a string representing the variable name to be substituted.
2356    * @param arg an {@link ASTNode} representing the name/value/formula to use as
2357    * a replacement.
2358    */ public
replaceArgument(String bvar, ASTNode arg)2359  void replaceArgument(String bvar, ASTNode arg) {
2360     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_replaceArgument(swigCPtr, this, bvar, ASTNode.getCPtr(arg), arg);
2361   }
2364 /**
2365    * Returns the parent SBML object.
2366    <p>
2367    * @return the parent SBML object of this {@link ASTNode}.
2368    <p>
2369    *
2370    * @see #unsetParentSBMLObject()
2371    <p>
2372    * @see #isSetParentSBMLObject()
2373    */ public
getParentSBMLObject()2374  SBase getParentSBMLObject() {
2375   return libsbml.DowncastSBase(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getParentSBMLObject(swigCPtr, this), false);
2376 }
2379 /**
2380    * Unsets the parent SBML object.
2381    <p>
2382    * <p>
2383  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2384  * function.   The possible values
2385  * returned by this function are:
2386    * <ul>
2389    *
2390    * </ul> <p>
2391    * @see #isSetParentSBMLObject()
2392    * @see #getParentSBMLObject()
2393    */ public
unsetParentSBMLObject()2394  int unsetParentSBMLObject() {
2395     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_unsetParentSBMLObject(swigCPtr, this);
2396   }
2399 /**
2400    * Returns <code>true</code> if this node has a value for the parent SBML
2401    * object.
2402    <p>
2403    * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has an parent SBML object set, <code>false</code> otherwise.
2404    <p>
2405    *
2406    * @see #unsetParentSBMLObject()
2407    <p>
2408    * @see #getParentSBMLObject()
2409    */ public
isSetParentSBMLObject()2410  boolean isSetParentSBMLObject() {
2411     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isSetParentSBMLObject(swigCPtr, this);
2412   }
2415 /**
2416    * Reduces this {@link ASTNode} to a binary tree.
2417    <p>
2418    * Example: if this {@link ASTNode} is <code>and(x, y, z)</code>, then the
2419    * formula of the reduced node is <code>and(and(x, y), z)</code>.  The
2420    * operation replaces the formula stored in the current {@link ASTNode} object.
2421    */ public
reduceToBinary()2422  void reduceToBinary() {
2423     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_reduceToBinary(swigCPtr, this);
2424   }
2427 /**
2428   * Unsets the user data of this node.
2429   <p>
2430   * The user data can be used by the application developer to attach custom
2431   * information to the node.  In case of a deep copy, this attribute will
2432   * passed as it is. The attribute will be never interpreted by this class.
2433   <p>
2434   * <p>
2435  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
2436  * function.   The possible values
2437  * returned by this function are:
2438   * <ul>
2441   *
2442   * </ul> */ public
unsetUserData()2443  int unsetUserData() {
2444     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_unsetUserData(swigCPtr, this);
2445   }
2448 /**
2449   * Returns <code>true</code> if this node has a user data object.
2450   <p>
2451   * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has a user data object set, <code>false</code>
2452   * otherwise.
2453   */ public
isSetUserData()2454  boolean isSetUserData() {
2455     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isSetUserData(swigCPtr, this);
2456   }
2459 /**
2460   * Returns <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> depending on whether this
2461   * {@link ASTNode} is well-formed.
2462   <p>
2463   * @note An {@link ASTNode} may be well-formed, with each node and its children
2464   * having the appropriate number of children for the given type, but may
2465   * still be invalid in the context of its use within an SBML model.
2466   <p>
2467   * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} is well-formed, <code>false</code> otherwise.
2468   <p>
2469   * @see #hasCorrectNumberArguments()
2470   */ public
isWellFormedASTNode()2471  boolean isWellFormedASTNode() {
2472     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isWellFormedASTNode(swigCPtr, this);
2473   }
2476 /**
2477   * Returns <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has the correct number of children for
2478   * its type.
2479   <p>
2480   * For example, an {@link ASTNode} with type {@link libsbmlConstants#AST_MINUS AST_MINUS}
2481   * expects 1 or 2 child nodes.
2482   <p>
2483   * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link ASTNode} has the appropriate number of children
2484   * for its type, <code>false</code> otherwise.
2485   <p>
2486   * @note This function performs a check on the top-level node only.  Child
2487   * nodes are not checked.
2488   <p>
2489   * @see #isWellFormedASTNode()
2490   */ public
hasCorrectNumberArguments()2491  boolean hasCorrectNumberArguments() {
2492     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_hasCorrectNumberArguments(swigCPtr, this);
2493   }
2496 /**
2497    * Returns the MathML <code>definitionURL</code> attribute value as a string.
2498    <p>
2499    * @return the value of the <code>definitionURL</code> attribute, as a string.
2500    <p>
2501    * @see #getDefinitionURL()
2502    * @see #setDefinitionURL(String url)
2503    * @see #setDefinitionURL(XMLAttributes url)
2504    */ public
getDefinitionURLString()2505  String getDefinitionURLString() {
2506     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getDefinitionURLString(swigCPtr, this);
2507   }
2510 /** * @internal */ public
representsBvar()2511  boolean representsBvar() {
2512     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_representsBvar(swigCPtr, this);
2513   }
2516 /** * @internal */ public
isBvar()2517  boolean isBvar() {
2518     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isBvar(swigCPtr, this);
2519   }
2522 /** * @internal */ public
setBvar()2523  void setBvar() {
2524     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_setBvar(swigCPtr, this);
2525   }
2528 /** * @internal */ public
usesL3V2MathConstructs()2529  boolean usesL3V2MathConstructs() {
2530     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_usesL3V2MathConstructs(swigCPtr, this);
2531   }
2534 /** * @internal */ public
usesRateOf()2535  boolean usesRateOf() {
2536     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_usesRateOf(swigCPtr, this);
2537   }
2540 /** * @internal */ public
isQualifier()2541  boolean isQualifier() {
2542     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isQualifier(swigCPtr, this);
2543   }
2546 /** * @internal */ public
isSemantics()2547  boolean isSemantics() {
2548     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_isSemantics(swigCPtr, this);
2549   }
2552 /** * @internal */ public
getNumBvars()2553  long getNumBvars() {
2554     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getNumBvars(swigCPtr, this);
2555   }
2558 /** * @internal */ public
addPlugin(ASTBasePlugin plugin)2559  void addPlugin(ASTBasePlugin plugin) {
2560     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_addPlugin(swigCPtr, this, ASTBasePlugin.getCPtr(plugin), plugin);
2561   }
2564 /** * @internal */ public
loadASTPlugins(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns)2565  void loadASTPlugins(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) {
2566     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_loadASTPlugins(swigCPtr, this, SBMLNamespaces.getCPtr(sbmlns), sbmlns);
2567   }
2570 /** * @internal */ public
loadASTPlugin(String pkgName)2571  void loadASTPlugin(String pkgName) {
2572     libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_loadASTPlugin(swigCPtr, this, pkgName);
2573   }
2576 /**
2577    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2578    * package extension with the given <code>sbmlns</code>.
2579    <p>
2580    * @param sbmlns the namespace of the plugin to return.
2581    <p>
2582    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2583    * a package extension with the given package name or URI, or <code>null</code>
2584    * if none exist.
2585    */ public
getASTPlugin(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns)2586  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) {
2587   return libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, this, SBMLNamespaces.getCPtr(sbmlns), sbmlns), false);
2588 }
2591 /**
2592    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2593    * package extension for the package that defines the given <code>type</code>.
2594    <p>
2595    * @param type the type that is defined by the given plugin.
2596    <p>
2597    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2598    * a package extension that defines the given <code>type</code>, or <code>null</code>
2599    * if none exist.
2600    */ public
getASTPlugin(int type)2601  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(int type) {
2602   return libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, this, type), false);
2603 }
2606 /**
2607    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2608    * package extension for the package with the given constraints.
2609    <p>
2610    * @param name the type or csymbol defined by the returned plugin.
2611    * @param isCsymbol Boolean indicator of whether the <code>name</code> is a csymbol
2612    * (if <code>true</code>) or type (if <code>false</code>).
2613    * @param strCmpIsCaseSensitive whether to search for the matching type
2614    * or csymbol in case-sensitve manner (if <code>true</code>) or case-insensitive
2615    * manner (if <code>false</code>).
2616    <p>
2617    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2618    * a package extension that defines the given <code>name</code>, or <code>null</code>
2619    * if none exist.
2620    */ public
getASTPlugin(String name, boolean isCsymbol, boolean strCmpIsCaseSensitive)2621  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(String name, boolean isCsymbol, boolean strCmpIsCaseSensitive) {
2622   return libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, this, name, isCsymbol, strCmpIsCaseSensitive), false);
2623 }
2626 /**
2627    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2628    * package extension for the package with the given constraints.
2629    <p>
2630    * @param name the type or csymbol defined by the returned plugin.
2631    * @param isCsymbol Boolean indicator of whether the <code>name</code> is a csymbol
2632    * (if <code>true</code>) or type (if <code>false</code>).
2633    * @param strCmpIsCaseSensitive whether to search for the matching type
2634    * or csymbol in case-sensitve manner (if <code>true</code>) or case-insensitive
2635    * manner (if <code>false</code>).
2636    <p>
2637    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2638    * a package extension that defines the given <code>name</code>, or <code>null</code>
2639    * if none exist.
2640    */ public
getASTPlugin(String name, boolean isCsymbol)2641  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(String name, boolean isCsymbol) {
2642   return libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_3(swigCPtr, this, name, isCsymbol), false);
2643 }
2646 /**
2647    * Returns a plug-in object (extension interface) for an SBML Level&nbsp;3
2648    * package extension for the package with the given constraints.
2649    <p>
2650    * @param name the type or csymbol defined by the returned plugin.
2651    * @param isCsymbol Boolean indicator of whether the <code>name</code> is a csymbol
2652    * (if <code>true</code>) or type (if <code>false</code>).
2653    * @param strCmpIsCaseSensitive whether to search for the matching type
2654    * or csymbol in case-sensitve manner (if <code>true</code>) or case-insensitive
2655    * manner (if <code>false</code>).
2656    <p>
2657    * @return the plug-in object (the libSBML extension interface) of
2658    * a package extension that defines the given <code>name</code>, or <code>null</code>
2659    * if none exist.
2660    */ public
getASTPlugin(String name)2661  ASTBasePlugin getASTPlugin(String name) {
2662   return libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getASTPlugin__SWIG_4(swigCPtr, this, name), false);
2663 }
2666 /** * @internal */ public
getPlugin(String _package)2667  ASTBasePlugin getPlugin(String _package) {
2668   return libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getPlugin__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, this, _package), false);
2669 }
2672 /** * @internal */ public
getPlugin(long n)2673  ASTBasePlugin getPlugin(long n) {
2674   return libsbml.DowncastASTBasePlugin(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getPlugin__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, this, n), false);
2675 }
2678 /** * @internal */ public
getNumPlugins()2679  long getNumPlugins() {
2680     return libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getNumPlugins(swigCPtr, this);
2681   }
2684   /**
2685    * Returns an {@link ASTNodeList} of all {@link ASTNode} objects.
2686    *
2687    * Unlike the equivalent method in the libSBML C/C++ interface, this method does
2688    * not offer the ability to pass a predicate as an argument.  The method always
2689    * returns the list of all {@link ASTNode} objects.
2690    *
2691    * @return the {@link ASTNodeList} of nodes for which the predicate
2692    * returned @c true (non-zero).
2693    *
2694    * @warning The list returned is owned by the caller and should be deleted
2695    * after the caller is done using it.  The {@link ASTNode} objects in the
2696    * list; however, are <strong>not</strong> owned by the caller (as they
2697    * still belong to the tree itself), and therefore should not be deleted.
2698    */
getListOfNodes()2699  public ASTNodeList getListOfNodes() {
2700     return new ASTNodeList(libsbmlJNI.ASTNode_getListOfNodes(swigCPtr, this), true);
2701   }
2703 }