1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org).
3  * Version 4.0.2
4  *
5  * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
6  * the SWIG interface file instead.
7  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
9 package org.sbml.libsbml;
11 /**
12  *  An SBML <em>constraint</em>, for stating validity assumptions.
13  <p>
14  * The {@link Constraint} object class was introduced in SBML Level&nbsp;2
15  * Version&nbsp;2 as a mechanism for stating the assumptions under which a
16  * model is designed to operate.  The <em>constraints</em> are statements
17  * about permissible values of different quantities in a model.
18  * Constraints are not used to compute dynamical values for simulation or
19  * analysis, but rather, they serve an advisory role for
20  * simulation/analysis tools.
21  <p>
22  * SBML's {@link Constraint} object class has one required attribute, 'id', to
23  * give the parameter a unique identifier by which other parts of an SBML
24  * model definition can refer to it.  A {@link Constraint} object can also have an
25  * optional 'name' attribute of type <code>string.</code>  Identifiers and names must
26  * be used according to the guidelines described in the SBML specification
27  * (e.g., Section 3.3 in the Level&nbsp;2 Version 4 specification).
28  <p>
29  * {@link Constraint} has one subelement, 'math', containing a MathML
30  * formula defining the condition of the constraint.  This formula will
31  * return a Boolean value of <code>true</code> when the model is a <em>valid</em>
32  * state.  The formula can be an arbitrary expression referencing the
33  * variables and other entities in an SBML model.  The evaluation of 'math'
34  * and behavior of constraints are described in more detail below.
35  <p>
36  * In SBML Level&nbsp;2 and SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;1, the 'math'
37  * subelement is required, and its formula must be a Boolean value.  In
38  * SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2, these restrictions were relaxed:
39  * the 'math' subelement is optional, and numeric values are allowed
40  * in Boolean contexts (a '0' is interpreted as <code>false</code>, and all other
41  * values are interpreted as <code>true</code>).  If a {@link Constraint} with no 'math'
42  * is present in a {@link Model}, no restriction on the {@link Model}'s behavior is
43  * implied or enforced.
44  <p>
45  * A {@link Constraint} structure also has an optional subelement called 'message'.
46  * This can contain a message in XHTML format that may be displayed to the
47  * user when the condition of the formula in the 'math' subelement
48  * evaluates to a value of <code>false.</code>  Software tools are not required to
49  * display the message, but it is recommended that they do so as a matter
50  * of best practice.  The XHTML content within a 'message' subelement must
51  * follow the same restrictions as for the 'notes' element on {@link SBase}
52  * described in in the SBML Level&nbsp;2 specification; please consult the
53  * <a target='_blank' href='http://sbml.org/Documents/Specifications'>SBML
54  * specification document</a> corresponding to the SBML Level and Version
55  * of your model for more information about the requirements for 'notes'
56  * content.
57  <p>
58  * {@link Constraint} was introduced in SBML Level&nbsp;2 Version&nbsp;2.  It is
59  * not available in earlier versions of Level&nbsp;2 nor in any version of
60  * Level&nbsp;1.
61  <p>
62  * <h2>Semantics of Constraints</h2>
63  <p>
64  * In the context of a simulation, a {@link Constraint} has effect at all times
65  * <em>t &#8805; 0</em>.  Each {@link Constraint}'s 'math' subelement is first
66  * evaluated after any {@link InitialAssignment} definitions in a model at <em>t =
67  * 0</em> and can conceivably trigger at that point.  (In other words, a
68  * simulation could fail a constraint immediately.)
69  <p>
70  * {@link Constraint} structures <em>cannot and should not</em> be used to compute
71  * the dynamical behavior of a model as part of, for example, simulation.
72  * Constraints may be used as input to non-dynamical analysis, for instance
73  * by expressing flux constraints for flux balance analysis.
74  <p>
75  * The results of a simulation of a model containing a constraint are
76  * invalid from any simulation time at and after a point when the function
77  * given by the 'math' subelement returns a value of <code>false.</code>  Invalid
78  * simulation results do not make a prediction of the behavior of the
79  * biochemical reaction network represented by the model.  The precise
80  * behavior of simulation tools is left undefined with respect to
81  * constraints.  If invalid results are detected with respect to a given
82  * constraint, the 'message' subelement may optionally be displayed to the
83  * user.  The simulation tool may also halt the simulation or clearly
84  * delimit in output data the simulation time point at which the simulation
85  * results become invalid.
86  <p>
87  * SBML does not impose restrictions on duplicate {@link Constraint} definitions or
88  * the order of evaluation of {@link Constraint} objects in a model.  It is
89  * possible for a model to define multiple constraints all with the same
90  * mathematical expression.  Since the failure of any constraint indicates
91  * that the model simulation has entered an invalid state, a system is not
92  * required to attempt to detect whether other constraints in the model
93  * have failed once any one constraint has failed.
94  */
96 public class Constraint extends SBase {
97    private long swigCPtr;
Constraint(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn)99    protected Constraint(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn)
100    {
101      super(libsbmlJNI.Constraint_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn);
102      swigCPtr = cPtr;
103    }
getCPtr(Constraint obj)105    protected static long getCPtr(Constraint obj)
106    {
107      return (obj == null) ? 0 : obj.swigCPtr;
108    }
getCPtrAndDisown(Constraint obj)110    protected static long getCPtrAndDisown (Constraint obj)
111    {
112      long ptr = 0;
114      if (obj != null)
115      {
116        ptr             = obj.swigCPtr;
117        obj.swigCMemOwn = false;
118      }
120      return ptr;
121    }
123   @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
finalize()124   protected void finalize() {
125     delete();
126   }
delete()128   public synchronized void delete() {
129     if (swigCPtr != 0) {
130       if (swigCMemOwn) {
131         swigCMemOwn = false;
132         libsbmlJNI.delete_Constraint(swigCPtr);
133       }
134       swigCPtr = 0;
135     }
136     super.delete();
137   }
140 /**
141    * Creates a new {@link Constraint} using the given SBML <code>level</code> and <code>version</code>
142    * values.
143    <p>
144    * @param level a long integer, the SBML Level to assign to this {@link Constraint}.
145    <p>
146    * @param version a long integer, the SBML Version to assign to this
147    * {@link Constraint}.
148    <p>
149    * <p>
150  * @throws SBMLConstructorException
151  * Thrown if the given <code>level</code> and <code>version</code> combination are invalid
152  * or if this object is incompatible with the given level and version.
153    <p>
154    * <p>
155  * @note Attempting to add an object to an {@link SBMLDocument} having a different
156  * combination of SBML Level, Version and XML namespaces than the object
157  * itself will result in an error at the time a caller attempts to make the
158  * addition.  A parent object must have compatible Level, Version and XML
159  * namespaces.  (Strictly speaking, a parent may also have more XML
160  * namespaces than a child, but the reverse is not permitted.)  The
161  * restriction is necessary to ensure that an SBML model has a consistent
162  * overall structure.  This requires callers to manage their objects
163  * carefully, but the benefit is increased flexibility in how models can be
164  * created by permitting callers to create objects bottom-up if desired.  In
165  * situations where objects are not yet attached to parents (e.g.,
166  * {@link SBMLDocument}), knowledge of the intented SBML Level and Version help
167  * libSBML determine such things as whether it is valid to assign a
168  * particular value to an attribute.
169    */ public
Constraint(long level, long version)170  Constraint(long level, long version) throws org.sbml.libsbml.SBMLConstructorException {
171     this(libsbmlJNI.new_Constraint__SWIG_0(level, version), true);
172   }
175 /**
176    * Creates a new {@link Constraint} using the given {@link SBMLNamespaces} object
177    * <code>sbmlns</code>.
178    <p>
179    * <p>
180  * The {@link SBMLNamespaces} object encapsulates SBML Level/Version/namespaces
181  * information.  It is used to communicate the SBML Level, Version, and (in
182  * Level&nbsp;3) packages used in addition to SBML Level&nbsp;3 Core.  A
183  * common approach to using libSBML's {@link SBMLNamespaces} facilities is to create an
184  * {@link SBMLNamespaces} object somewhere in a program once, then hand that object
185  * as needed to object constructors that accept {@link SBMLNamespaces} as arguments.
186    <p>
187    * @param sbmlns an {@link SBMLNamespaces} object.
188    <p>
189    * <p>
190  * @throws SBMLConstructorException
191  * Thrown if the given <code>sbmlns</code> is inconsistent or incompatible
192  * with this object.
193    <p>
194    * <p>
195  * @note Attempting to add an object to an {@link SBMLDocument} having a different
196  * combination of SBML Level, Version and XML namespaces than the object
197  * itself will result in an error at the time a caller attempts to make the
198  * addition.  A parent object must have compatible Level, Version and XML
199  * namespaces.  (Strictly speaking, a parent may also have more XML
200  * namespaces than a child, but the reverse is not permitted.)  The
201  * restriction is necessary to ensure that an SBML model has a consistent
202  * overall structure.  This requires callers to manage their objects
203  * carefully, but the benefit is increased flexibility in how models can be
204  * created by permitting callers to create objects bottom-up if desired.  In
205  * situations where objects are not yet attached to parents (e.g.,
206  * {@link SBMLDocument}), knowledge of the intented SBML Level and Version help
207  * libSBML determine such things as whether it is valid to assign a
208  * particular value to an attribute.
209    */ public
Constraint(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns)210  Constraint(SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) throws org.sbml.libsbml.SBMLConstructorException {
211     this(libsbmlJNI.new_Constraint__SWIG_1(SBMLNamespaces.getCPtr(sbmlns), sbmlns), true);
212   }
215 /**
216    * Copy constructor; creates a copy of this {@link Constraint}.
217    <p>
218    * @param orig the object to copy.
219    */ public
Constraint(Constraint orig)220  Constraint(Constraint orig) throws org.sbml.libsbml.SBMLConstructorException {
221     this(libsbmlJNI.new_Constraint__SWIG_2(Constraint.getCPtr(orig), orig), true);
222   }
225 /**
226    * Creates and returns a deep copy of this {@link Constraint} object.
227    <p>
228    * @return the (deep) copy of this {@link Constraint} object.
229    */ public
cloneObject()230  Constraint cloneObject() {
231     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.Constraint_cloneObject(swigCPtr, this);
232     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new Constraint(cPtr, true);
233   }
236 /**
237    * Get the message, if any, associated with this {@link Constraint}
238    <p>
239    * @return the message for this {@link Constraint}, as an {@link XMLNode}.
240    */ public
getMessage()241  XMLNode getMessage() {
242     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.Constraint_getMessage(swigCPtr, this);
243     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new XMLNode(cPtr, false);
244   }
247 /**
248    * Get the message string, if any, associated with this {@link Constraint}
249    <p>
250    * @return the message for this {@link Constraint}, as a string.
251    */ public
getMessageString()252  String getMessageString() {
253     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_getMessageString(swigCPtr, this);
254   }
257 /**
258    * Get the mathematical expression of this {@link Constraint}
259    <p>
260    * @return the math for this {@link Constraint}, as an {@link ASTNode}, or <code>null</code> if the math is not set.
261    */ public
getMath()262  ASTNode getMath() {
263     long cPtr = libsbmlJNI.Constraint_getMath(swigCPtr, this);
264     return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, false);
265   }
268 /**
269    * Predicate returning <code>true</code> if a
270    * message is defined for this {@link Constraint}.
271    <p>
272    * @return <code>true</code> if the message of this {@link Constraint} is set,
273    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
274    */ public
isSetMessage()275  boolean isSetMessage() {
276     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_isSetMessage(swigCPtr, this);
277   }
280 /**
281    * Predicate returning <code>true</code> if a
282    * mathematical formula is defined for this {@link Constraint}.
283    <p>
284    * @return <code>true</code> if the 'math' subelement for this {@link Constraint} is
285    * set, <code>false</code> otherwise.
286    */ public
isSetMath()287  boolean isSetMath() {
288     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_isSetMath(swigCPtr, this);
289   }
292 /**
293    * Sets the message of this {@link Constraint}.
294    <p>
295    * The {@link XMLNode} tree passed in <code>xhtml</code> is copied.
296    <p>
297    * @param xhtml an XML tree containing XHTML content.
298    <p>
299    * <p>
300  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
301  * function.   The possible values
302  * returned by this function are:
303    * <ul>
305    * <li> {@link libsbmlConstants#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT}
306    * </ul>
307    */ public
setMessage(XMLNode xhtml)308  int setMessage(XMLNode xhtml) {
309     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_setMessage__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, this, XMLNode.getCPtr(xhtml), xhtml);
310   }
313 /**
314    * Sets the message of this {@link Constraint}.
315    <p>
316    * @param message an XML string that is to be used as the content of the
317    * 'message' subelement of this object.
318    <p>
319    * @param addXHTMLMarkup a boolean indicating whether to wrap the contents
320    * of the <code>message</code> argument with XHTML paragraph (<code>&lt;p&gt;</code>)
321    * tags.  This is appropriate when the string in <code>message</code> does not already
322    * containg the appropriate XHTML markup.
323    <p>
324    * <p>
325  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
326  * function.   The possible values
327  * returned by this function are:
328    * <ul>
330    * <li> {@link libsbmlConstants#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT}
331    * </ul>
332    */ public
setMessage(String message, boolean addXHTMLMarkup)333  int setMessage(String message, boolean addXHTMLMarkup) {
334     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_setMessage__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, this, message, addXHTMLMarkup);
335   }
338 /**
339    * Sets the message of this {@link Constraint}.
340    <p>
341    * @param message an XML string that is to be used as the content of the
342    * 'message' subelement of this object.
343    <p>
344    * @param addXHTMLMarkup a boolean indicating whether to wrap the contents
345    * of the <code>message</code> argument with XHTML paragraph (<code>&lt;p&gt;</code>)
346    * tags.  This is appropriate when the string in <code>message</code> does not already
347    * containg the appropriate XHTML markup.
348    <p>
349    * <p>
350  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
351  * function.   The possible values
352  * returned by this function are:
353    * <ul>
355    * <li> {@link libsbmlConstants#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT}
356    * </ul>
357    */ public
setMessage(String message)358  int setMessage(String message) {
359     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_setMessage__SWIG_2(swigCPtr, this, message);
360   }
363 /**
364    * Sets the mathematical expression of this {@link Constraint} to a copy of the
365    * AST given as <code>math</code>.
366    <p>
367    * @param math an {@link ASTNode} expression to be assigned as the 'math'
368    * subelement of this {@link Constraint}.
369    <p>
370    * <p>
371  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
372  * function.   The possible values
373  * returned by this function are:
374    * <ul>
376    * <li> {@link libsbmlConstants#LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT}
377    * </ul>
378    */ public
setMath(ASTNode math)379  int setMath(ASTNode math) {
380     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_setMath(swigCPtr, this, ASTNode.getCPtr(math), math);
381   }
384 /**
385    * Unsets the 'message' subelement of this {@link Constraint}.
386    <p>
387    * <p>
388  * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
389  * function.   The possible values
390  * returned by this function are:
391    * <ul>
394    * </ul>
395    */ public
unsetMessage()396  int unsetMessage() {
397     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_unsetMessage(swigCPtr, this);
398   }
401 /**
402    * <p>
403  * Replaces all uses of a given <code>SIdRef</code> type attribute value with another
404  * value.
405  <p>
406  * <p>
407  * In SBML, object identifiers are of a data type called <code>SId</code>.
408  * In SBML Level&nbsp;3, an explicit data type called <code>SIdRef</code> was
409  * introduced for attribute values that refer to <code>SId</code> values; in
410  * previous Levels of SBML, this data type did not exist and attributes were
411  * simply described to as 'referring to an identifier', but the effective
412  * data type was the same as <code>SIdRef</code> in Level&nbsp;3.  These and
413  * other methods of libSBML refer to the type <code>SIdRef</code> for all
414  * Levels of SBML, even if the corresponding SBML specification did not
415  * explicitly name the data type.
416  <p>
417  * This method works by looking at all attributes and (if appropriate)
418  * mathematical formulas in MathML content, comparing the referenced
419  * identifiers to the value of <code>oldid</code>.  If any matches are found, the
420  * matching values are replaced with <code>newid</code>.  The method does <em>not</em>
421  * descend into child elements.
422  <p>
423  * @param oldid the old identifier.
424  * @param newid the new identifier.
425    */ public
renameSIdRefs(String oldid, String newid)426  void renameSIdRefs(String oldid, String newid) {
427     libsbmlJNI.Constraint_renameSIdRefs(swigCPtr, this, oldid, newid);
428   }
431 /**
432    * <p>
433  * Replaces all uses of a given <code>UnitSIdRef</code> type attribute value with
434  * another value.
435  <p>
436  * <p>
437  * In SBML, unit definitions have identifiers of type <code>UnitSId</code>.  In
438  * SBML Level&nbsp;3, an explicit data type called <code>UnitSIdRef</code> was
439  * introduced for attribute values that refer to <code>UnitSId</code> values; in
440  * previous Levels of SBML, this data type did not exist and attributes were
441  * simply described to as 'referring to a unit identifier', but the effective
442  * data type was the same as <code>UnitSIdRef</code> in Level&nbsp;3.  These and
443  * other methods of libSBML refer to the type <code>UnitSIdRef</code> for all
444  * Levels of SBML, even if the corresponding SBML specification did not
445  * explicitly name the data type.
446  <p>
447  * This method works by looking at all unit identifier attribute values
448  * (including, if appropriate, inside mathematical formulas), comparing the
449  * referenced unit identifiers to the value of <code>oldid</code>.  If any matches
450  * are found, the matching values are replaced with <code>newid</code>.  The method
451  * does <em>not</em> descend into child elements.
452  <p>
453  * @param oldid the old identifier.
454  * @param newid the new identifier.
455    */ public
renameUnitSIdRefs(String oldid, String newid)456  void renameUnitSIdRefs(String oldid, String newid) {
457     libsbmlJNI.Constraint_renameUnitSIdRefs(swigCPtr, this, oldid, newid);
458   }
461 /** * @internal */ public
replaceSIDWithFunction(String id, ASTNode function)462  void replaceSIDWithFunction(String id, ASTNode function) {
463     libsbmlJNI.Constraint_replaceSIDWithFunction(swigCPtr, this, id, ASTNode.getCPtr(function), function);
464   }
467 /**
468    * Returns the libSBML type code for this SBML object.
469    <p>
470    * <p>
471  * LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object.  These
472  * are integer constants known as <em>SBML type codes</em>.  The names of all
473  * the codes begin with the characters <code>SBML_</code>.
474  * In the Java language interface for libSBML, the
475  * type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class
476  * {@link libsbmlConstants}.    Note that different Level&nbsp;3
477  * package plug-ins may use overlapping type codes; to identify the package
478  * to which a given object belongs, call the
479  * <code>{@link SBase#getPackageName()}
480  * </code>
481  * method on the object.
482  <p>
483  * The exception to this is lists:  all SBML-style list elements have the type
484  * {@link libsbmlConstants#SBML_LIST_OF SBML_LIST_OF}, regardless of what package they
485  * are from.
486    <p>
487    * @return the SBML type code for this object:
488    * {@link libsbmlConstants#SBML_CONSTRAINT SBML_CONSTRAINT} (default).
489    <p>
490    * <p>
491  * @warning <span class='warning'>The specific integer values of the possible
492  * type codes may be reused by different libSBML plug-ins for SBML Level&nbsp;3.
493  * packages,  To fully identify the correct code, <strong>it is necessary to
494  * invoke both getPackageName() and getTypeCode()</strong> (or
495  * {@link ListOf#getItemTypeCode()}).</span>
496    <p>
497    * @see #getElementName()
498    * @see #getPackageName()
499    */ public
getTypeCode()500  int getTypeCode() {
501     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_getTypeCode(swigCPtr, this);
502   }
505 /**
506    * Returns the XML element name of this object, which for {@link Constraint}, is
507    * always <code>'constraint'.</code>
508    <p>
509    * @return the name of this element, i.e., <code>'constraint'.</code>
510    */ public
getElementName()511  String getElementName() {
512     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_getElementName(swigCPtr, this);
513   }
516 /**
517    * Predicate returning <code>true</code> if
518    * all the required elements for this {@link Constraint} object
519    * have been set.
520    <p>
521    * @note The required elements for a {@link Constraint} object are:
522    * <ul>
523    * <li> 'math' (through SBML Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;1 only; not
524    *     required in Level&nbsp;3 Version&nbsp;2+.)
525    *
526    * </ul> <p>
527    * @return a boolean value indicating whether all the required
528    * elements for this object have been defined.
529    */ public
hasRequiredElements()530  boolean hasRequiredElements() {
531     return libsbmlJNI.Constraint_hasRequiredElements(swigCPtr, this);
532   }
534 }