1 /* $Id: thrdatd.c 461924 2015-03-13 16:44:08Z vasilche $
2 *===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
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21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  thrdatd.c
27 *
28 * Author:  Stephen Bryant
29 *
30 * Initial Version Creation Date: 08/16/2000
31 *
32 * $Revision: 461924 $
33 *
34 * File Description: threader
35 */
37 #ifdef _MSC_VER
38 #pragma warning(disable:4244)   // disable double->float warning in MSVC
39 #pragma warning(disable:4018)   // disable signed/unsigned mismatch warning in MSVC
40 #endif
42 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
43 /* atd - adaptive threading of protein sequence through folding motif         */
44 /*                             Steve Bryant, 2/94                             */
45 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
46 /* Uses the Gibb's sampling algorithm to find optimal alignments of a	      */
47 /* query sequence and folding motif, and to locate the optimal core 	      */
48 /* structure, given a set of constraints on the locations of each core	      */
49 /* segment.								      */
50 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
51 /* Test version of 8/96: Sets alignment-only flag to ttbi.c.                  */
52 /* Also passes trajectory data back to calling routine, satd.c.               */
53 /* Also has test code to stop iterations in apparent local minima             */
54 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
56 #include <stdlib.h>
57 #include <math.h>
58 #include <stdio.h>
59 #include <string.h>
61 #include <algo/structure/threader/thrdatd.h>
62 #include <algo/structure/threader/thrddecl.h>
64 typedef char Boolean;
65 #define TRUE 1
66 #define FALSE 0
atd(Fld_Mtf * mtf,Cor_Def * cdf,Qry_Seq * qsq,Rcx_Ptl * pmf,Gib_Scd * gsp,Thd_Tbl * ttb,Seq_Mtf * psm,float * trg,int zscs,double ScalingFactor,float PSSM_Weight)68 int atd(Fld_Mtf* mtf, Cor_Def* cdf, Qry_Seq* qsq, Rcx_Ptl* pmf,
69         Gib_Scd* gsp, Thd_Tbl* ttb, Seq_Mtf* psm, float* trg, int zscs,
70         double ScalingFactor, float PSSM_Weight) {
71 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
72 /* mtf:  Contact matrices defining the folding motif                */
73 /* cdf:  Core segment locations and loop length limits              */
74 /* qsq:  Sequence to thread with alignment contraints               */
75 /* pmf:  Potential of mean force as a 3-d lookup table              */
76 /* gsp:  Various control parameters for Gibb's sampling             */
77 /* ttb:  Tables to hold Results of Gibbs sampled threading          */
78 /* psm:  Motif matching parameters                                  */
79 /* trg:  Will store trajectory energy values                        */
80 /* zscs: which z scores calculated? 0=none, 1=lowest energy, 2=all  */
81 /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
83   Cur_Loc *sli;	/* Current locations of core segments in the motif    */
84   Cur_Aln *sai;	/* Current alignment of query sequence with core      */
85   Seg_Nsm *spn;	/* Partial sums of contact counts by segment pair     */
86   Seg_Cmp *spc;	/* Partial sums of residue counts by segment pair     */
87   Thd_Cxe *cxe;	/* Expected energy of a contact in current thread     */
88   Seg_Gsm *spe;	/* Partial sums of contact energies by segment pair   */
89   Thd_Gsm *tdg;	/* Total energies for the current threaded sequence   */
90   Cxl_Los **cpr;	/* Contacts by segment, largest possible set          */
91   Cxl_Los **cpl;	/* Contacts by segment, given current alignment       */
92   Cxl_Als **cpa;	/* Contacts by segment, given current location        */
93   Seg_Ord *sgo;	/* Segment samping order and related quantities       */
94   Rnd_Smp *pvl;	/* Alignment-location parameter value probabilities   */
95   Thd_Tst *tts;	/* Parameters for local min and convergence tests     */
97 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
98 /* Parameters from argument data structures                                   */
99 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100  int	nsc; 		/* Number of threaded segments in core definition     */
101  int	nmt;		/* Number of residue positions in the folding motif   */
102  int	nlp;		/* Number of loops, including n- and c-terminal tails */
103  /*int	nrr;*/		/* Number of residue-residue contacts in motif        */
104  /*int	nrp;*/		/* Number of residue-peptide contacts in motif        */
105  int	nrt;		/* Number of residue types in contact potential       */
106  int	ndi;		/* Number of distance intervals in potential          */
108 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
109 /* Countdown timers for Gibbs annealing schedule                              */
110 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
111  int	nrs;		/* Number of random starts for Gibb's sampling        */
112  int	nts;		/* Number of temperature steps                        */
113  int	nti;		/* Number of iterations per tempeature step */
114  int	nac;		/* Number of alignment cycles per iteration */
115  int	nlc;		/* Number of extent/location cycles per iteration */
116  int	ngs;		/* Number of trajectory points recorded */
118 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
119 /* Other local variables                                                      */
120 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
121  int	i,j,k,n;	/* Counters                                           */
122  Cxl_Als	*ca;	/* Pointer to alignment sampling pair lists           */
123  Cxl_Los	*cl;	/* Pointer to location sampling lists                 */
124  Cxl_Los	*cr;	/* Pointer to contact pair lists                      */
125  int	spcd;		/* Flags a change in threaded sequence composition    */
126  int	mx,mn;		/* Range of segment alignment or location             */
127  int	cs;		/* Current segment in alignment or location sampling  */
128  int	ct=0;		/* Current terminus for segment location sampling     */
129  int	al;		/* Current alignment of a core segment                */
130  int	of;		/* Current terminus offset from reference position    */
131  /*int	rf;*/		/* Reference position for a core element              */
132  int  tmp;  /* temp holder for ttb->mx */
133  int  dist, dist2; /* for loop distances */
134  /*float hh;*/
136 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
137 /* Function declarations for routines returning non-integer values            */
138 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
139 /* float  dgri(); */
142 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
143 /*  if 2 aligned regions on the query sequence are constrained to match       */
144 /*  2 adjacent core regions, then make sure the loop constraints are          */
145 /*  sufficiently big.                                                         */
146 /*  this over-rides the automatically determined loop constraints.            */
147 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
148   /* for each loop between core blocks */
149   for (i=0; i<(cdf->sll.n-1); i++) {
150     /* if 2 aligned blocks on query sequence are constrained to adjacent core blocks */
151     if ((qsq->sac.mn[i] > 0) && (qsq->sac.mn[i+1] > 0)) {
152       /* calculate loop distance of query sequence */
153       dist = (qsq->sac.mn[i+1] - cdf->sll.nomn[i+1]) - (qsq->sac.mn[i] + cdf->sll.comn[i]) - 1;
154       /* if 1.5 times this dist is greater than the loop constraint, then relax the loop constraint */
155       dist = (int) ((double)dist * 1.5);
156       if (dist > cdf->lll.llmx[i+1]) {
157         cdf->lll.llmx[i+1] = dist;
158       }
159     }
160   }
163 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
164 /*  if 2 adjacent aligned regions on the query sequence are constrained to    */
165 /*  match 2 core regions that are separated by one intervening core region,   */
166 /*  then make sure the loop constraints are sufficiently big.                 */
167 /*  this over-rides the automatically determined loop constraints.            */
168 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
169   /* for each pair of core blocks separated by a core block */
170   for (i=0; i<(cdf->sll.n-2); i++) {
171     /* if 2 adjacent aligned blocks on the query sequence are constrained */
172     /* to 2 core blocks separated by an intervening core block */
173     if ((qsq->sac.mn[i] > 0) && (qsq->sac.mn[i+1] <= 0) && (qsq->sac.mn[i+2] > 0)) {
174       /* calculate loop distance of query sequence */
175       dist = (qsq->sac.mn[i+2] - cdf->sll.nomn[i+2]) - (qsq->sac.mn[i] + cdf->sll.comn[i]) - 1;
176       /* calculate length of intervening aligned block */
177       dist2 = cdf->sll.nomn[i+1] + cdf->sll.comn[i+1] + 1;
178       /* relax loop constraints between 2 core blocks and intervening core block */
179       if ((dist - dist2) > cdf->lll.llmx[i+1]) {
180         cdf->lll.llmx[i+1] = dist - dist2;
181       }
182       if ((dist - dist2) > cdf->lll.llmx[i+2]) {
183         cdf->lll.llmx[i+2] = dist - dist2;
184       }
185     }
186   }
189 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
190 /* Retrieve parameters                                                        */
191 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
192   nsc=cdf->sll.n;
193   nmt=mtf->n;
194   nlp=cdf->lll.n;
195   /*nrr=mtf->rrc.n;*/
196   /*nrp=mtf->rpc.n;*/
197   nrt=pmf->nrt;
198   ndi=pmf->ndi;
200 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
201   printf("nsc %d\n",nsc);
202   printf("nmt %d\n",nmt);
203   printf("nlp %d\n",nlp);
204   /*printf("nrr %d\n",nrr);*/
205   /*printf("nrp %d\n",nrp);*/
206   printf("nrt %d\n",nrt);
207   printf("ndi %d\n",ndi);
208 #endif
211 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
212 /* Allocate storage for threading data structures                             */
213 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
214   sli=calloc(1,sizeof(Cur_Loc));
215   sai=calloc(1,sizeof(Cur_Aln));
216   spn=calloc(1,sizeof(Seg_Nsm));
217   spc=calloc(1,sizeof(Seg_Cmp));
218   cxe=calloc(1,sizeof(Thd_Cxe));
219   spe=calloc(1,sizeof(Seg_Gsm));
220   tdg=calloc(1,sizeof(Thd_Gsm));
221   cpr=calloc(nsc,sizeof(Cxl_Los *));
222   for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) cpr[i]=calloc(1,sizeof(Cxl_Los));
223   cpa=calloc(nsc,sizeof(Cxl_Als *));
224   for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) cpa[i]=calloc(1,sizeof(Cxl_Als));
225   cpl=calloc(nsc,sizeof(Cxl_Los *));
226   for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) cpl[i]=calloc(1,sizeof(Cxl_Los));
227   sgo=calloc(1,sizeof(Seg_Ord));
228   pvl=calloc(1,sizeof(Rnd_Smp));
229   tts=calloc(1,sizeof(Thd_Tst));
231 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
232   printf("allocated threading data structures\n");
233 #endif
236 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
237 /* Allocate storage for current segment locations, type Cur_Loc               */
238 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
239   sli->nsc=nsc;
240   sli->nlp=nlp;
241   sli->nmt=nmt;
242   sli->no=(int *)calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
243   sli->co=(int *)calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
244   sli->lp=(int *)calloc(nsc+1,sizeof(int));
245   sli->cr=(int *)calloc(nmt,sizeof(int));
247 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
248 printf("sli->nsc:%d nlp:%d nmt%d\n",sli->nsc,sli->nlp,sli->nmt);
249 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sli->no[i]); printf("sli->no\n");
250 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sli->co[i]); printf("sli->co\n");
251 for(i=0;i<nlp;i++) printf("%d ",sli->lp[i]); printf("sli->lp\n");
252 for(i=0;i<nmt;i++) printf("%d ",sli->cr[i]); printf("sli->cr\n");
253 #endif
255 /* Allocate storage for current segment alignment and sequence, type Cur_Aln */
256 sai->nsc=nsc;
257 sai->nmt=nmt;
258 sai->al=(int *)calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
259 sai->sq=(int *)calloc(nmt,sizeof(int));
260 sai->cf=(int *)calloc(nmt,sizeof(int));
262 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
263 printf("sai->nsc:%d nmt%d\n",sai->nsc,sai->nmt);
264 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sai->al[i]); printf("sai->al\n");
265 for(i=0;i<nmt;i++) printf("%d ",sai->sq[i]); printf("sai->sq\n");
266 #endif
269 /* Allocate storage for current segment pair energies, type Seg_Gsm */
270 spe->nsc=nsc;
271 spe->gss=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int *));
272 	for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) spe->gss[i]=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
273 spe->gs=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
274 spe->ms=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
275 spe->cs=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
276 spe->ls=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
277 spe->s0=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
279 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
280 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spe->gs[i]); printf("spe->gs\n");
281 for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
282 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spe->gss[j][i]);
283 	printf("spe->gss[%d]\n",j); }
284 #endif
286 /* Allocate storage for current segment pair contact counts, type Seg_Nsm */
287 spn->ndi=ndi;
288 spn->nsc=nsc;
289 spn->nrt=nrt;
290 spn->nrr=calloc(ndi,sizeof(int **));
291 	for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) spn->nrr[i]=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int *));
292 	for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) for (j=0; j<nsc; j++)
293 		spn->nrr[i][j]=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
294 spn->srr=calloc(ndi,sizeof(int));
295 spn->nrp=calloc(ndi,sizeof(int **));
296 	for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) spn->nrp[i]=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int *));
297 	for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) for (j=0; j<nsc; j++)
298 		spn->nrp[i][j]=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
299 spn->srp=calloc(ndi,sizeof(int));
300 spn->nrf=calloc(ndi,sizeof(int **));
301 	for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) spn->nrf[i]=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int *));
302 	for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) for (j=0; j<nsc; j++)
303 		spn->nrf[i][j]=calloc(nrt,sizeof(int));
304 spn->frf=calloc(ndi,sizeof(int *));
305 for(i=0;i<ndi;i++) spn->frf[i]=calloc(nrt,sizeof(int));
306 spn->srf=calloc(ndi,sizeof(int));
308 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
309 printf("spn->ndi:%d nsc:%d nrt%d\n",spn->ndi,spn->nsc,spn->nrt);
310 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
311 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrr[k][j][i]);
312 	printf("spn->nrr[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
313 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srr[i]); printf("spn->srr\n");
314 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
315 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrp[k][j][i]);
316 	printf("spn->nrp[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
317 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srp[i]); printf("spn->srp\n");
318 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
319 	for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrf[k][j][i]);
320 	printf("spn->nrf[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
321 for(j=0; j<ndi; j++) {
322 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spn->frf[j][i]);
323 	printf("spn->frf[%d]\n",j); }
324 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srf[i]); printf("spn->srf\n");
325 #endif
327 /* Allocate storage for threaded segment compostion, type Seg_Cmp */
328 spc->nsc=nsc;
329 spc->nrt=nrt;
330 spc->srt=calloc(nsc,sizeof(int *));
331 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) spc->srt[i]=calloc(nrt,sizeof(int));
332 spc->nlp=nlp;
333 spc->lrt=calloc(nlp,sizeof(int *));
334 	for(i=0; i<nlp; i++) spc->lrt[i]=calloc(nrt,sizeof(int));
335 spc->rt=calloc(nrt,sizeof(int));
336 spc->rto=calloc(nrt,sizeof(int));
338 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
339 printf("spc->nsc:%d nrt:%d nlp:%d\n",spc->nsc,spc->nrt,spc->nlp);
340 for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
341 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->srt[j][i]);
342 	printf("spc->srt[%d]\n",j); }
343 for(j=0; j<nlp; j++) {
344 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->lrt[j][i]);
345 	printf("spc->lrt[%d]\n",j); }
346 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spc->rt[i]); printf("spc->rt\n");
347 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spc->rto[i]); printf("spc->rto\n");
348 #endif
350 /* Allocate storage for expected contact energies, type Thd_Cxe */
351 cxe->nrt=nrt;
352 cxe->ndi=ndi;
353 cxe->rp=calloc(nrt,sizeof(float));
354 cxe->rrp=calloc(nrt,sizeof(float *));
355 	for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) cxe->rrp[i]=calloc(i+1,sizeof(float));
356 cxe->rre=calloc(ndi,sizeof(float));
357 cxe->rpe=calloc(ndi,sizeof(float));
358 cxe->rfe=calloc(ndi,sizeof(float));
360 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
361 printf("cxe->nrt:%d ndi:%d\n",cxe->nrt,cxe->ndi);
362 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rp[i]); printf("cxe->rp\n");
363 for(j=0; j<nrt; j++) {
364 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rrp[j][i]);
365 	printf("cxe->rrp[%d]\n",j); }
366 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rre[i]); printf("cxe->rre\n");
367 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rpe[i]); printf("cxe->rpe\n");
368 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rfe[i]); printf("cxe->rfe\n");
369 #endif
371 /* Allocate storage for segment sampling order, type Seg_Ord */
372 sgo->nsc=nsc;
373 sgo->si=(int *)calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
374 sgo->so=(int *)calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
375 sgo->to=(int *)calloc(nsc,sizeof(int));
377 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
378 printf("sgo->nsc:%d\n",sgo->nsc);
379 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",sgo->si[i]); printf("sgo->si\n");
380 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",sgo->so[i]); printf("sgo->so\n");
381 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",sgo->to[i]); printf("sgo->to\n");
382 #endif
385 /* Allocate storage for random sampling, type Rnd_Smp */
386 /* Need at most one value per residue in the query sequence */
387 pvl->p=(float *)calloc(qsq->n,sizeof(float));
388 pvl->e=(float *)calloc(qsq->n,sizeof(float));
389 pvl->sq=(int *)calloc(qsq->n,sizeof(int));
390 pvl->aqi=(int *)calloc(qsq->n,sizeof(int));
391 pvl->r=(int *)calloc(qsq->n,sizeof(int));
392 pvl->o=(int *)calloc(qsq->n,sizeof(int));
393 pvl->lsg=(int *)calloc(nsc+1,sizeof(int));
396 /* Allocate storage for local minima and convergence tests */
397 tts->nw=ttb->n;
398 tts->bw=(float *)calloc(tts->nw,sizeof(float));	/* For Boltzmann weights */
399 tts->nb=0; for(i=0; i<gsp->nts; i++) {
400 	if(tts->nb<gsp->nti[i]) tts->nb=gsp->nti[i];
401 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
402 	 printf("nts=%d nti=%d tts->nb=%d\n",i,gsp->nti[i],tts->nb);
403 #endif
404 	}
405 tts->ib=(float *)calloc(tts->nb,sizeof(float)); /* Best energy per iteration */
408 /* For each core segment identify all possible contact pairs */
409 cprl(mtf,cdf,pmf,cpr,0);
411 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
412   for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) {
413 	cr=cpr[i];
414 	printf("rr:%d rp:%d rf:%d cpr[%d]\n",cr->rr.n,cr->rp.n,cr->rf.n,i); }
415 #endif
418 /* Allocate storage for master contact lists, type Cxl_Los */
419 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) {
420 	cr=cpr[i];
421 	cr->rr.r1=calloc(cr->rr.n,sizeof(int));
422 	cr->rr.r2=calloc(cr->rr.n,sizeof(int));
423 	cr->rr.d=calloc(cr->rr.n,sizeof(int));
424 	cr->rp.r1=calloc(cr->rp.n,sizeof(int));
425 	cr->rp.p2=calloc(cr->rp.n,sizeof(int));
426 	cr->rp.d=calloc(cr->rp.n,sizeof(int));
427 	if(cr->rf.n>0) {cr->rf.r1=calloc(cr->rf.n,sizeof(int));
428 			cr->rf.t2=calloc(cr->rf.n,sizeof(int));
429 			cr->rf.d=calloc(cr->rf.n,sizeof(int)); } }
431 /* Construct master contact lists */
432 cprl(mtf,cdf,pmf,cpr,1);
434 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
435 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) {
436 	cr=cpr[i];
437 	printf("rr:%d rp:%d rf:%d cpr[%d]\n",cr->rr.n,cr->rp.n,cr->rf.n,i); }
438 #endif
440 /* Allocate storage for extent-sampling contact lists, type Cxl_Los */
441 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) {
442 	cl=cpl[i]; cr=cpr[i];
443 	cl->rr.r1=calloc(cr->rr.n,sizeof(int));
444 	cl->rr.r2=calloc(cr->rr.n,sizeof(int));
445 	cl->rr.d=calloc(cr->rr.n,sizeof(int));
446 	cl->rr.e=calloc(cr->rr.n,sizeof(int));
447 	cl->rp.r1=calloc(cr->rp.n,sizeof(int));
448 	cl->rp.p2=calloc(cr->rp.n,sizeof(int));
449 	cl->rp.d=calloc(cr->rp.n,sizeof(int));
450 	cl->rp.e=calloc(cr->rp.n,sizeof(int));
451 	cl->rf.r1=calloc(cr->rf.n,sizeof(int));
452 	cl->rf.t2=calloc(cr->rf.n,sizeof(int));
453 	cl->rf.d=calloc(cr->rf.n,sizeof(int));
454 	cl->rf.e=calloc(cr->rf.n,sizeof(int)); }
457 /* Allocate storage for alignment-sampling contact lists, type Cxl_Als */
458 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) {
459 	ca=cpa[i];
460 	n=cpr[i]->rr.n;
461 	ca->rr.r1=calloc(n,sizeof(int));
462 	ca->rr.r2=calloc(n,sizeof(int));
463 	ca->rr.e=calloc(n,sizeof(int **));
464 	n=cdf->sll.nomx[i]+cdf->sll.comx[i]+1;
465 	ca->r.r=calloc(n,sizeof(int));
466 	ca->r.e=calloc(n,sizeof(int *));
467 		for(j=0;j<n;j++) ca->r.e[j]=calloc(nrt,sizeof(int));}
470 /* Initialize pseudo-random number generation. */
471 /* srand48((long)gsp->rsd); */
472 /* RandomSeed((long)gsp->rsd); */
473 Rand01(&gsp->rsd);
475 /* Initialize linked list for storage of top threads */
476 ttb0(ttb);
479 /* Initialize trajectory record counter */
480 ngs=0;
482 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
483 printf("ttb->n: %d mx: %d mn: %d\n",ttb->n,ttb->mx,ttb->mn);
484 for(i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) printf("i:%d tg:%.4f tf:%d pr:%d nx:%d\n",
485 	i,ttb->tg[i],ttb->tf[i],ttb->pr[i],ttb->nx[i]);
486 #endif
488 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
489 /* Begin sampling.  Loop over the number of random starts specified. */
490 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
492 for(nrs=0;nrs<gsp->nrs;nrs++) {
493 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
494   printf("nrs:%d\n",nrs);
495 #endif
497 /* Choose the initial location and extent of core elements */
499 /* Flag all core segments as missing extent assignment */
500 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) { sli->no[i]=-1; sli->co[i]=-1; }
502 /* Flag all core residue positions as not assigned to any core segment */
503 for(i=0; i<nmt; i++) sli->cr[i]=-1;
505 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
506 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sli->no[i]); printf("sli->no\n");
507 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sli->co[i]); printf("sli->co\n");
508 for(i=0;i<nlp;i++) printf("%d ",sli->lp[i]); printf("sli->lp\n");
509 for(i=0;i<nmt;i++) printf("%d ",sli->cr[i]); printf("sli->cr\n");
510 #endif
512 /* Determine the order of segment location. */
513 sgoi(gsp->iso,gsp->ito,pvl,sgo);
514 /* sgoi(1,2,pvl,sgo); */
516 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
517 printf("gsp->iso: %d gsp->ito: %d\n",gsp->iso,gsp->ito);
518 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sgo->si[i]); printf("sgo->si\n");
519 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sgo->so[i]); printf("sgo->so\n");
520 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sgo->to[i]); printf("sgo->to\n");
521 #endif
523 /* Loop over core segments and terminii */
524 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) {
525 	cs=sgo->si[i];
526 	/*rf=cdf->sll.rfpt[cs];*/
527 #ifdef ATD_DEBUG
528 	/*printf("cs:%d rf:%d\n",cs,rf);*/
529 #endif
530 	for(j=0;j<=1;j++) {
532 		switch(j) {	case 0: { ct=sgo->to[cs];
533 						break; }
534 				case 1: { ct=(sgo->to[cs]==0) ? 1:0;
535 						break; }
536 				}
538 		/* Find allowed extent range for current terminus */
539 		/* printf("ct:%d\n",ct); */
540 		if(!slo0(mtf,cdf,qsq,sli,cs,ct,&mn,&mx)) {
541 			printf("slo0 failed at nrs:%d cs:%d ct:%d\n",nrs,cs,ct);
542 			return(0); }
543 		/* printf("cs:%d ct:%d mn:%d mx:%d\n",cs,ct,mn,mx); */
545 		/* Assign extent, using the method specified */
546 		switch(gsp->isl) {
548 			case 1: { 	/* Assign minimum extent */
549 				switch(ct)  {
550 					case 0: {
551 						sli->no[cs]=cdf->sll.nomn[cs];
552 						break; }
553 					case 1: {
554 						sli->co[cs]=cdf->sll.comn[cs];
555 						break;}
556 					}
557 				break;
558 				}
560 			default: { 	/* Choose extent at random */
561 				switch(ct) {
562 					case 0: {
563 						pvl->n=mx-mn+1;
564 						for(k=0;k<pvl->n;k++)
565 							pvl->p[k]=1./pvl->n;
566 						sli->no[cs]=mn+rsmp(pvl);
567 						break; }
568 					case 1: {
569 						pvl->n=mx-mn+1;
570 						for(k=0;k<pvl->n;k++)
571 							pvl->p[k]=1./pvl->n;
572 						sli->co[cs]=mn+rsmp(pvl);
573 						break; }
574 					}
575 				break;
576 				}
578 			case 2:	{	/* Choose maximum extent */
579 				switch(ct) {
580 					case 0: {
582 /* disable this test since the assignment algorithm is based on alignment of
583    minimum extent core elements	*/	/*	if(mx<cdf->sll.nomx[cs]) {
584 		printf( "over maximum extent nrs:%d cs:%d ct:0\n",nrs,cs);
585 		return(0); } */
587 						sli->no[cs]=cdf->sll.nomx[cs];
588 						break; }
589 					case 1: {
591 					/*	if(mx<cdf->sll.comx[cs]) {
592 		printf("over maximum extent nrs:%d cs:%d ct:1\n",nrs,cs);
593 		return(0); } */
595 						sli->co[cs]=cdf->sll.comx[cs];
596 						break; }
597 					}
598 				break;
599 				}
600 			}
602 		}
603 	}
605 /* for(k=0;k<nsc;k++) printf("%d ",sli->no[k]);printf("sli->no\n");
606 for(k=0;k<nsc;k++) printf("%d ",sli->co[k]);printf("sli->co\n");*/
608 /* Store the initial location of the core segments */
609 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) {
610 	mn=cdf->sll.rfpt[i]-sli->no[i];
611 	mx=cdf->sll.rfpt[i]+sli->co[i];
612 	for(j=mn; j<=mx; j++) sli->cr[j]=i;
613 	}
615 /* for(i=0;i<nmt;i++) printf("%d ",sli->cr[i]); printf("sli->cr\n"); */
617 /* Store the initial motif-derived loop lengths */
618 for(i=1;i<nsc;i++) {
619 	mn=cdf->sll.rfpt[i-1]+sli->co[i-1];
620 	mx=cdf->sll.rfpt[i]-sli->no[i];
621 	sli->lp[i]=mtf->mll[mn][mx]; }
622 /* for(i=0;i<nlp;i++) printf("%d ",sli->lp[i]); printf("sli->lp\n"); */
624 /* Choose the initial alignment of the query sequence and core motif */
626 /* Flag all core segments as unaligned */
627 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) sai->al[i]=-1;
629 /* Determine the order of segment alignment. */
630 sgoi(gsp->iso,gsp->ito,pvl,sgo);
632 /* Randomly align core segments in the order determined */
633 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) { cs=sgo->si[i];
635 	/* Find alignment constraints arising from previously aligned */
636 	/* core segment, explicitly constrained core segments, and/or  */
637 	/* consideration of the lengths of the query sequence and core */
638 	/* segments and length ranges for loops. */
639 	if(!sal0(cdf,qsq,sli,sai,cs,&mn,&mx)) {
640 		printf("failed sal0 nrs:%d cs:%d\n",nrs,cs);
641 		return(0);}
642 	/* printf("cs:%d mn:%d mx:%d\n",cs,mn,mx); */
644 	/* Choose an alignment at random, given the min/max constraints */
645 	pvl->n=mx-mn+1;
646 	for(j=0;j<pvl->n;j++) pvl->p[j]=1./pvl->n;
647 	sai->al[cs]=mn+rsmp(pvl);
648 	}
649 /* for(k=0;k<nsc;k++) printf("%d ",sai->al[k]);printf("sai->al\n"); */
651 /* Assign the threaded sequence, i.e. the residue types aligned with each */
652 /* residue position in the current core model. These are stored in sai->sq. */
654 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) {
655 	mn=sai->al[i]-sli->no[i];
656 	mx=sai->al[i]+sli->co[i];
657 	j=cdf->sll.rfpt[i]-sli->no[i];
658 	for(k=mn; k<=mx; k++) {
659 		sai->sq[j]=qsq->sq[k];
660 		j++;} }
663 /* Compute threaded sequence compostion. */
664 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) spci(cdf,qsq,sli,sai,i,spc);
665 /* for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->rt[i]); printf("spc->rt\n"); */
667 /*
668 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) {
669 	for(j=0;j<nrt;j++) printf("%d ",spc->srt[i][j]);
670 	printf("spc->srt[%d]\n",i); }
671 for(i=0;i<nlp;i++) {
672 	for(j=0;j<nrt;j++) printf("%d ",spc->lrt[i][j]);
673 	printf("spc->lrt[%d]\n",i); }
674 for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->rt[i]); printf("spc->rt\n");
675 for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->rto[i]); printf("spc->rto\n");
676 */
678 /* Compute contact counts. */
679 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) spni(cpr,sli,i,spn);
681 /*
682 printf("spn->ndi:%d nsc:%d nrt%d\n",spn->ndi,spn->nsc,spn->nrt);
683 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
684 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrr[k][j][i]);
685 	printf("spn->nrr[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
686 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srr[i]); printf("spn->srr\n");
687 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
688 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrp[k][j][i]);
689 	printf("spn->nrp[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
690 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srp[i]); printf("spn->srp\n");
691 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
692 	for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrf[k][j][i]);
693 	printf("spn->nrf[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
694 for(j=0; j<ndi; j++) {
695 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spn->frf[j][i]);
696 	printf("spn->frf[%d]\n",j); }
697 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srf[i]); printf("spn->srf\n");
698 */
700 /* Compute expected contact energy. */
701 cxei(spn,spc,pmf,sli,psm,cdf,cxe);
704 /* printf("cxe->nrt:%d ndi:%d\n",cxe->nrt,cxe->ndi);
705 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rp[i]); printf("cxe->rp\n");
706 for(j=0; j<nrt; j++) {
707 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rrp[j][i]);
708 	printf("cxe->rrp[%d]\n",j); }
709 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rre[k]); printf("cxe->rre\n");
710 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rpe[k]); printf("cxe->rpe\n");
711 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rfe[i]); printf("cxe->rfe\n");  */
713 /* Construct contact pair lists for extent sampling, including energies */
714 cpll(cdf,pmf,qsq,cpr,sai,cpl);
716 /* Compute partial contact energy sums using the extent sampling lists. */
717 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) spel(cpl,sai,sli,i,spe,cdf,psm,spc);
719 /* for(k=0; k<nsc; k++) printf("%d ",spe->gs[k]); printf("spe->gs\n");
720 for(k=0; k<nsc; k++) {
721 	for(l=0; l<nsc; l++) printf("%d ",spe->gss[k][l]);
722 	printf("spe->gss[%d]\n",k); } */
724 /* Compute thread energy for the initial model */
725 dgri(spe,spn,cxe,tdg,psm,spc);
726 /*printf("g:%d g0:%.2f dg:%.2f\n",tdg->g, tdg->g0, tdg->dg); */
728 /* Push the initial model onto the stack */
729 ttbi(sai,sli,tdg,ttb,nrs,gsp->als);
731 /* If indicated, record this value in the trajectory */
732 if(gsp->trg!=0) { trg[ngs]=tdg->dg; ngs++; }
734 /*
735 for(k=0;k<nsc;k++) printf("%d ",sai->al[k]); printf("sai->al\n");
736 for(k=0;k<nmt;k++) printf("%d ",sai->sq[k]); printf("sai->sq\n");
738 printf("ttb->n: %d mx: %d mn: %d\n",ttb->n,ttb->mx,ttb->mn);
739 for(k=0; k<ttb->n; k++) {
740 	printf("k:%d tg:%.4f tf:%d ",k,ttb->tg[k],ttb->tf[k]);
741 	printf("al: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->al[l][k]);
742 	printf("no: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->no[l][k]);
743 	printf("co: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->co[l][k]);
744 	printf("nx:%d pr:%d\n",ttb->nx[k],ttb->pr[k]);  }
745 */
747 /* Loop over the specified number of Gibb's sampling iterations. For each, */
748 /* perform the specified number of alignment and location sampling cycles, */
749 /* and push the resulting threads onto the best threads stack. */
751 /* Iterations may follow an annealing schedule as specified by temperature */
752 /* parameters associated with that iteration.  The loop over iterations is */
753 /* therefore nested according to the number of temperature changes, and the */
754 /* number of iterations to conduct at each temperature.  The temperature */
755 /* parameters for alignment and location cycles are specified separately. */
757 for(nts=0;nts<gsp->nts;nts++) {
758 	/* printf("nts:%d\n",nts); */
760 	for(nti=0;nti<gsp->nti[nts];nti++) {
762 	/* Initialize storage for lowest energy found in this iteration */
763 	tts->ib[nti]=BIGNEG;
765 	if(gsp->nac[nts]>0) {
767 	/* Construct contact pair lists for alignment sampling */
768 	cpal(pmf,cpr,sli,cpa);
770 	/* Initialize partial energy sums for alignment sampling */
771 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) spea(cdf,cpa,sai,sli,i,1,spe,psm,spc);
773 	/* Perform the indicated number of alignment cycles. In each cycle */
774 	/* a new alignment for each core segments is chosen by the Gibbs */
775 	/* sampling algorithm, conditioned on the current extent of core */
776 	/* elements in the folding motif. */
778 	for(nac=0;nac<gsp->nac[nts];nac++) {
779 		/* printf("nac:%d\n",nac); */
781 		/* Determine order for segment alignment. */
782 		sgoi(gsp->iso,gsp->ito,pvl,sgo);
784 		/* Loop over core segments. */
785 		for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) { cs=sgo->si[i];
787 			/* Find allowed alignment range for current segment */
788 			if(salr(cdf,qsq,sli,sai,cs,&mn,&mx)==0) {
789 			printf("failed salr nrs:%d, nts:%d nti:%d cs:%d\n",
790 				nrs,nts,nti,cs);
792 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sai->al[i]); printf("sai->al\n");
793 for(i=0;i<sai->nmt;i++) printf("%d ",sai->sq[i]); printf("sai->sq\n");
795 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sli->no[i]); printf("sli->no\n");
796 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sli->co[i]); printf("sli->co\n");
797 for(i=0;i<sli->nlp;i++) printf("%d ",sli->lp[i]); printf("sli->lp\n");
798 for(i=0;i<sli->nmt;i++) printf("%d ",sli->cr[i]); printf("sli->cr\n");
800 				return(0); }
803 			/* Loop over values of the aligment variable. */
804 			pvl->n=mx-mn+1;
805 			/* printf("cs:%d mn:%d mx:%d\n",cs,mn,mx); */
806 			for(j=0; j<=mx-mn; j++) { al=mn+j;
808 				/* Assign the alignment. */
809 				salu(cdf,qsq,sli,cs,al,sai);
810 				/* printf("assigned cs:%d al:%d\n",cs,al); */
812 				/* Update contact energies. */
813 				spea(cdf,cpa,sai,sli,cs,1,spe,psm,spc);
814 				/* printf("updated energies cs:%d\n",cs); */
816 				/* Update composition of threaded sequence */
817 				spcd=spci(cdf,qsq,sli,sai,cs,spc);
818 				/* printf("spcd:%d\n",spcd); */
820 				/* If necessary update expected energy. */
821 				if(spcd!=0) cxei(spn,spc,pmf,sli,psm,cdf,cxe);
823 				/* Assign thread energy for this aligment. */
824 				pvl->e[j]=dgri(spe,spn,cxe,tdg,psm,spc);
825 				}
828 			/* Calculate probabilities and choose an alignment. */
829 			al=mn+algs(pvl,gsp->tma[nts]);
831 			/* Assign the chosen alignment for this segment. */
832 			salu(cdf,qsq,sli,cs,al,sai);
833 			/* printf("choose by sampling cs:%d al:%d\n",cs,al); */
835 			/* Update contact energies. */
836 			spea(cdf,cpa,sai,sli,cs,1,spe,psm,spc);
838 			/* Update composition. */
839 			spcd=spci(cdf,qsq,sli,sai,cs,spc);
841 			/* If necessary update expected energies. */
842 			if(spcd) cxei(spn,spc,pmf,sli,psm,cdf,cxe);
844 			/* Assign thread energy */
845 			dgri(spe,spn,cxe,tdg,psm,spc);
846 			}
849 		/* Push the sampled thread onto the stack. */
850 		ttbi(sai,sli,tdg,ttb,nrs,gsp->als);
852 		/* Record the lowest energy found in this iteration */
853 		if(tdg->dg>tts->ib[nti]) tts->ib[nti]=tdg->dg;
855 		/* If indicated, record this value in the trajectory */
856 		if(gsp->trg!=0) { trg[ngs]=tts->ib[nti]; ngs++; }
858 		} }
860 /* printf("After alignment cycle\n");
862 for(k=0;k<nsc;k++) printf("%d ",sai->al[k]); printf("sai->al\n");
863 for(k=0;k<nmt;k++) printf("%d ",sai->sq[k]); printf("sai->sq\n");
865 for(k=0; k<nsc; k++) printf("%d ",spe->gs[k]); printf("spe->gs\n");
866 for(k=0; k<nsc; k++) {
867 	for(l=0; l<nsc; l++) printf("%d ",spe->gss[k][l]);
868 	printf("spe->gss[%d]\n",k); }
869 printf("nts:%d nti:%d\n",nts,nti);
870 printf("ps:%.2f ms:%.2f dg:%.2f\n",tdg->ps, tdg->ms, tdg->dg);
872 printf("ttb->n: %d mx: %d mn: %d\n",ttb->n,ttb->mx,ttb->mn);
873 for(k=0; k<ttb->n; k++) {
874 	printf("k:%d tg:%.4f tf:%d ",k,ttb->tg[k],ttb->tf[k]);
875 	printf("al: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->al[l][k]);
876 	printf("no: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->no[l][k]);
877 	printf("co: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->co[l][k]);
878 	printf("nx:%d pr:%d\n",ttb->nx[k],ttb->pr[k]);  }
880 printf("spn->ndi:%d nsc:%d nrt%d\n",spn->ndi,spn->nsc,spn->nrt);
881 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
882 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrr[k][j][i]);
883 	printf("spn->nrr[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
884 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srr[i]); printf("spn->srr\n");
885 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
886 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrp[k][j][i]);
887 	printf("spn->nrp[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
888 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srp[i]); printf("spn->srp\n");
889 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
890 	for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrf[k][j][i]);
891 	printf("spn->nrf[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
892 for(j=0; j<ndi; j++) {
893 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spn->frf[j][i]);
894 	printf("spn->frf[%d]\n",j); }
895 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srf[i]); printf("spn->srf\n");
897 printf("spc->nsc:%d nrt:%d nlp:%d\n",spc->nsc,spc->nrt,spc->nlp);
898 for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
899 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->srt[j][i]);
900 	printf("spc->srt[%d]\n",j); }
901 for(j=0; j<nlp; j++) {
902 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->lrt[j][i]);
903 	printf("spc->lrt[%d]\n",j); }
904 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spc->rt[i]); printf("spc->rt\n");
905 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spc->rto[i]); printf("spc->rto\n");
907 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rre[k]); printf("cxe->rre\n");
908 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rpe[k]); printf("cxe->rpe\n");
909 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rfe[i]); printf("cxe->rfe\n");
910 */
912 	if(gsp->nlc[nts]>0) {
914 	/* Construct contact pair lists for segment extent sampling. */
915 	cpll(cdf,pmf,qsq,cpr,sai,cpl);
917 	/* Initialize partial energy sums for segment extent sampling. */
918 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) spel(cpl,sai,sli,i,spe,cdf,psm,spc);
920 	/* Perform the indicated number of segment extent sampling cycles. */
921 	/* For each cycle, a new extent for the n- and c-termini of each */
922 	/* core element is chosen by the Gibbs sampling algorithm, */
923 	/* conditioned on the current aligment of the query sequence. */
925 	for(nlc=0;nlc<gsp->nlc[nts];nlc++) {
927 		/* Determine the order of segment location. */
928 		sgoi(gsp->iso,gsp->ito,pvl,sgo);
930 		/* Loop over core segments */
931 		for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) { cs=sgo->si[i];
933 		/* Loop over termini */
934 		for(j=0;j<=1;j++) {
936 			switch(j) {	case 0: { ct=sgo->to[cs];
937 						break; }
938 					case 1: { ct=(sgo->to[cs]==0) ? 1:0;
939 						break; }
940 					}
942 			/* Find allowed extent range for current terminus. */
943 			if(slor(mtf,cdf,qsq,sli,sai,cs,ct,&mn,&mx)==0) {
944 			printf("failed slor nrs:%d nts:%d nti:%d cs:%d ct:%d\n",
945 				nrs,nts,nti,cs,ct);
947 for(k=0;k<nsc;k++) printf("%d ",sai->al[k]); printf("sai->al\n");
948 for(k=0;k<nmt;k++) printf("%d ",sai->sq[k]); printf("sai->sq\n");
950 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sli->no[i]); printf("sli->no\n");
951 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) printf("%d ",sli->co[i]); printf("sli->co\n");
952 for(i=0;i<nlp;i++) printf("%d ",sli->lp[i]); printf("sli->lp\n");
953 for(i=0;i<nmt;i++) printf("%d ",sli->cr[i]); printf("sli->cr\n");
955 				return(0); }
956 			/* printf("cs:%d ct:%d mn:%d mx:%d\n",cs,ct,mn,mx); */
959 			/* Loop over possible extent values. */
960 			pvl->n=mx-mn+1;
961 			for(k=0; k<=mx-mn; k++) { of=mn+k;
963 				/* Assign the extent. */
964 				slou(mtf,cdf,cs,ct,of,sli,sai,qsq);
965 				/* printf("assigned cs:%d ct:%d of:%d\n",
966 					cs,ct,of); */
968 				/* Update contact energies. */
969 				spel(cpl,sai,sli,cs,spe,cdf,psm,spc);
971 				/* Update composition. */
972 				spci(cdf,qsq,sli,sai,cs,spc);
974 				/* Update contact counts. */
975         if (PSSM_Weight < 0.9999999) {
976   				spni(cpl,sli,cs,spn);
977         }
979 				/* Update expected contact energy. */
980                                 cxei(spn,spc,pmf,sli,psm,cdf,cxe);
982 				/* Assign thread energy for this extent. */
983 				pvl->e[k]=dgri(spe,spn,cxe,tdg,psm,spc);
984 				}
986 			/* Calculate probabilities and choose an extent. */
987 			of=mn+algs(pvl,gsp->tml[nts]);
989 			/* Assign the chosen extent for this terminus. */
990 			slou(mtf,cdf,cs,ct,of,sli,sai,qsq);
991 			/* printf("chose by sampling cs:%d ct:%d of:%d\n",
992 				cs,ct,of);  */
994 			/* Update contact energies. */
995 			spel(cpl,sai,sli,cs,spe,cdf,psm,spc);
997 			/* Update composition. */
998 			spci(cdf,qsq,sli,sai,cs,spc);
1000 			/* Update contact counts. */
1001       if (PSSM_Weight < 0.9999999) {
1002   			spni(cpl,sli,cs,spn);
1003       }
1005 			/* Update expected contact energy. */
1006 			cxei(spn,spc,pmf,sli,psm,cdf,cxe);
1008 			/* Update thread energy */
1009 			dgri(spe,spn,cxe,tdg,psm,spc); } }
1011 		/* Push the sampled thread onto the stack. */
1012 		ttbi(sai,sli,tdg,ttb,nrs,gsp->als);
1014 		/* Record the lowest energy found in this iteration */
1015 		if(tdg->dg>tts->ib[nti]) {tts->ib[nti]=tdg->dg;
1016 					  /*hh=tdg->ms;*/}
1018 	        /*printf("%d,%d,%d\n",nrs,nts,nti);
1019 		printf("%f,%f\n",tts->ib[nti],hh);*/
1021 		/* printf("tts->ib[%d]=%.2f\n",nti,tts->ib[nti]); */
1023 		/* If indicated, record this value in the trajectory */
1024 		if(gsp->trg!=0) { trg[ngs]=tts->ib[nti]; ngs++; }
1026 		} }
1028 /*
1029 for(k=0;k<nsc;k++) printf("%d ",sai->al[k]); printf("sai->al\n");
1030 for(k=0;k<nmt;k++) printf("%d ",sai->sq[k]); printf("sai->sq\n");
1032 for(k=0; k<nsc; k++) printf("%d ",spe->gs[k]); printf("spe->gs\n");
1033 for(k=0; k<nsc; k++) {
1034 	for(l=0; l<nsc; l++) printf("%d ",spe->gss[k][l]);
1035 	printf("spe->gss[%d]\n",k); }
1036 printf("nts:%d nti:%d\n",nts,nti);
1037 printf("ps:%.2f ms:%.2f dg:%.2f\n",tdg->ps, tdg->ms, tdg->dg);
1039 printf("ttb->n: %d mx: %d mn: %d\n",ttb->n,ttb->mx,ttb->mn);
1040 for(k=0; k<ttb->n; k++) {
1041 	printf("k:%d tg:%.4f tf:%d ",k,ttb->tg[k],ttb->tf[k]);
1042 	printf("al: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->al[l][k]);
1043 	printf("no: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->no[l][k]);
1044 	printf("co: "); for(l=0; l<sli->nsc; l++) printf("%d ",ttb->co[l][k]);
1045 	printf("nx:%d pr:%d\n",ttb->nx[k],ttb->pr[k]);  }
1047 printf("spn->ndi:%d nsc:%d nrt%d\n",spn->ndi,spn->nsc,spn->nrt);
1048 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
1049 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrr[k][j][i]);
1050 	printf("spn->nrr[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
1051 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srr[i]); printf("spn->srr\n");
1052 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
1053 	for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrp[k][j][i]);
1054 	printf("spn->nrp[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
1055 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srp[i]); printf("spn->srp\n");
1056 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
1057 	for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spn->nrf[k][j][i]);
1058 	printf("spn->nrf[%d][%d]\n",k,j); }
1059 for(j=0; j<ndi; j++) {
1060 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spn->frf[j][i]);
1061 	printf("spn->frf[%d]\n",j); }
1062 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) printf("%d ",spn->srf[i]); printf("spn->srf\n");
1064 printf("spc->nsc:%d nrt:%d nlp:%d\n",spc->nsc,spc->nrt,spc->nlp);
1065 for(j=0; j<nsc; j++) {
1066 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->srt[j][i]);
1067 	printf("spc->srt[%d]\n",j); }
1068 for(j=0; j<nlp; j++) {
1069 	for(i=0;i<nrt;i++) printf("%d ",spc->lrt[j][i]);
1070 	printf("spc->lrt[%d]\n",j); }
1071 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spc->rt[i]); printf("spc->rt\n");
1072 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) printf("%d ",spc->rto[i]); printf("spc->rto\n");
1074 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rre[k]); printf("cxe->rre\n");
1075 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rpe[k]); printf("cxe->rpe\n");
1076 for(k=0; k<ndi; k++) printf("%.4f ",cxe->rfe[i]); printf("cxe->rfe\n");
1077 */
1079 	/* Test for local minimum within this iteration. Set flag if found. */
1080 	tts->lm=0;
1081 	/* printf("tts->ib[%d]=%.2f mx=%.2f\n",
1082 		nti,tts->ib[nti],ttb->tg[ttb->mx]); */
1083 	if(gsp->lms[nts]>0 && (nti+1)>=gsp->lms[nts]) {
1084 		tts->gb=BIGNEG; for(i=nti-gsp->lmw[nts]+1;i<=nti;i++)
1085 			if(tts->gb<tts->ib[i]) tts->gb=tts->ib[i];
1086 		if(tts->gb<(((float)gsp->lmf[nts])/100.)*ttb->tg[ttb->mx]) {
1087 		/* printf("gb:%.2f mx:%.2f\n", tts->gb, ttb->tg[ttb->mx]); */
1088 				tts->lm=1; break; }}
1090 	/* End of loop over iterations per temperature step */
1091 	}
1094 	/* If local minimum flag is set, stop sampling for this random start */
1095 	if(tts->lm==1) break;
1097 	/* End of loop over temperature steps */
1098 	}
1101 /* Test for convergence based on recurrence of the same alignments */
1103 /* bwfi(ttb,gsp,tts); printf("nrs:%d ts:%d tf:%d\n",nrs,tts->ts,tts->tf); */
1104 if(nrs>=gsp->crs) {
1105 	bwfi(ttb,gsp,tts);
1107 	/* Stop if the number of starts and frequency crosses a threshold */
1108 	if(tts->tf>=gsp->cfm && tts->ts>=gsp->csm) break; }
1111 /* End of loop over random starts */
1112 }
1114 /* put results in order, from highest score to lowest */
1115 OrderThdTbl(ttb);
1117 /* Calculate z_scores */
1118 switch(zscs) {
1119   case 0:
1120     /* don't calculate any z-scores */
1121     break;
1122   case 1:
1123     /* calculate z-score for top alignment */
1124     zsc(ttb,psm,qsq,cpr,cdf,pmf,spe,sai,pvl,ScalingFactor);
1125     break;
1126   default:
1127     /* calculate z-scores for all top alignments */
1128     tmp = ttb->mx;
1129     for (i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) {
1130       ttb->mx = i;
1131       zsc(ttb,psm,qsq,cpr,cdf,pmf,spe,sai,pvl,ScalingFactor);
1132     }
1133     ttb->mx = tmp;
1134     break;
1135 }
1137 /* scale energies back down */
1138 ScaleThdTbl(ttb, 1.0/ScalingFactor);
1140 /*
1142 for(i=0;i<ttb->n;i++) {
1143 	printf("i:%d\n",i);
1144 	printf("ttb->tf:%d",ttb->tf[i]);
1145 	printf("ttb->ts:%d",ttb->ts[i]);
1146 	printf("ttb->ls:%d\n",ttb->ls[i]);
1148 	for(j=0;j<nsc;j++){
1149 	printf("ttb->al:%d",ttb->al[j][i]);
1150 	printf("ttb->no:%d",ttb->no[j][i]);
1151 	printf("ttb->co:%dn",ttb->co[j][i]);}
1153 	}
1155 */
1157 /* Free all allocated storage */
1159 free(sli->no);					/* In sli, type Cur_Loc */
1160 free(sli->co);
1161 free(sli->lp);
1162 free(sli->cr);
1163 free(sli);
1164 /* printf("freed sli\n"); */
1166 free(sai->al);					/* In sai, type Cur_Aln */
1167 free(sai->sq);
1168 free(sai->cf);
1169 free(sai);
1170 /* printf("freed sai\n"); */
1172 free(spe->gs);					/* In spe, type Seg_Gsm */
1173 free(spe->ms);
1174 free(spe->cs);
1175 free(spe->ls);
1176 free(spe->s0);
1177 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) free(spe->gss[i]); free(spe->gss);
1178 free(spe);
1179 /* printf("freed spe\n"); */
1181 free(spn->srr);					/* In spn, type Seg_Nsm */
1182 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++)
1183 	for (j=0; j<nsc; j++) free(spn->nrr[i][j]);
1184 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) free(spn->nrr[i]); free(spn->nrr);
1185 free(spn->srp);
1186 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++)
1187 	for (j=0; j<nsc; j++) free(spn->nrp[i][j]);
1188 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) free(spn->nrp[i]); free(spn->nrp);
1189 free(spn->srf);
1190 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++)
1191 	for (j=0; j<nsc; j++) free(spn->nrf[i][j]);
1192 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) free(spn->nrf[i]); free(spn->nrf);
1193 for(i=0; i<ndi; i++) free(spn->frf[i]); free(spn->frf);
1194 free(spn);
1195 /* printf("freed spn\n"); */
1198 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) {				/* In cpr, type Cxl_Los */
1199 	cr=cpr[i];
1200 	free(cr->rr.r1);
1201 	free(cr->rr.r2);
1202 	free(cr->rr.d);
1203 	free(cr->rp.r1);
1204 	free(cr->rp.p2);
1205 	free(cr->rp.d);
1206 	free(cr->rf.r1);
1207 	free(cr->rf.t2);
1208 	free(cr->rf.d); }
1209 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) free(cpr[i]);
1210 free(cpr);
1211 /* printf("freed cpr\n"); */
1214 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) {				/* In cpl, type Cxl_Los */
1215 	cl=cpl[i];
1216 	free(cl->rr.r1);
1217 	free(cl->rr.r2);
1218 	free(cl->rr.d);
1219 	free(cl->rr.e);
1220 	free(cl->rp.r1);
1221 	free(cl->rp.p2);
1222 	free(cl->rp.d);
1223 	free(cl->rp.e);
1224 	free(cl->rf.r1);
1225 	free(cl->rf.t2);
1226 	free(cl->rf.d);
1227 	free(cl->rf.e); }
1228 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) free(cpl[i]);
1229 free(cpl);
1230 /* printf("freed cpl\n"); */
1233 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) {				/* In cpa, type Cxl_Als */
1234 	ca=cpa[i];
1235 	free(ca->rr.r1);
1236 	free(ca->rr.r2);
1237 	free(ca->rr.e);
1238 	free(ca->r.r);
1239 	n=cdf->sll.nomx[i]+cdf->sll.comx[i]+1;
1240 	for(j=0;j<n;j++) free(ca->r.e[j]);
1241 	free(ca->r.e);}
1242 for(i=0;i<nsc;i++) free(cpa[i]);
1243 free(cpa);
1244 /* printf("freed cpa\n"); */
1247 free(spc->rt);					/* In spc, type Seg_Cmp */
1248 free(spc->rto);
1249 for(i=0; i<nsc; i++) free(spc->srt[i]);
1250 free(spc->srt);
1251 for(i=0; i<nlp; i++) free(spc->lrt[i]);
1252 free(spc->lrt);
1253 free(spc);
1254 /* printf("freed spc\n"); */
1256 free(cxe->rp);					/* In cxe, type Thd_Cxe */
1257 for(i=0; i<nrt; i++) free(cxe->rrp[i]);
1258 free(cxe->rrp);
1259 free(cxe->rre);
1260 free(cxe->rpe);
1261 free(cxe->rfe);
1262 free(cxe);
1263 /* printf("freed cxe\n"); */
1265 free(sgo->si);					/* In sgo; type Seg_Ord */
1266 free(sgo->so);
1267 free(sgo->to);
1268 free(sgo);
1269 /* printf("freed sgo\n"); */
1271 free(pvl->p);					/* In pvl; type Rnd_Smp */
1272 free(pvl->e);
1273 free(pvl->sq);
1274 free(pvl->aqi);
1275 free(pvl->r);
1276 free(pvl->o);
1277 free(pvl->lsg);
1278 free(pvl);
1279 /* printf("freed pvl\n"); */
1281 free(tts->bw);					/* In tts; type Thd_Tst */
1282 free(tts->ib);
1283 free(tts);
1284 /* printf("freed tts\n"); */
1286 free(tdg);
1288 return(1);  /* successful completion */
1289 }
NewCorDef(int NumBlocks)1292 Cor_Def*  NewCorDef(int NumBlocks) {
1293 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1294 /*  allocate space for a new Cor_Def.                       */
1295 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1296   Cor_Def* cdfp;
1298   cdfp = (Cor_Def*) calloc(1,sizeof(Cor_Def));
1299   cdfp->sll.rfpt = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * NumBlocks);
1300   cdfp->sll.nomn = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * NumBlocks);
1301   cdfp->sll.nomx = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * NumBlocks);
1302   cdfp->sll.comn = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * NumBlocks);
1303   cdfp->sll.comx = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * NumBlocks);
1304   cdfp->sll.n    = NumBlocks;
1305   cdfp->lll.llmn = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * (NumBlocks+1));
1306   cdfp->lll.llmx = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * (NumBlocks+1));
1307   cdfp->lll.lrfs = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * (NumBlocks+1));
1308   cdfp->lll.n    = NumBlocks+1;
1309   return(cdfp);
1310 }
FreeCorDef(Cor_Def * cdfp)1313 Cor_Def*  FreeCorDef(Cor_Def* cdfp) {
1314 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1315 /*  free Cor_Def.                                           */
1316 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1317   free(cdfp->sll.rfpt);
1318   free(cdfp->sll.nomn);
1319   free(cdfp->sll.nomx);
1320   free(cdfp->sll.comn);
1321   free(cdfp->sll.comx);
1322   free(cdfp->lll.llmn);
1323   free(cdfp->lll.llmx);
1324   free(cdfp->lll.lrfs);
1325   free(cdfp);
1326   return NULL;
1327 }
PrintCorDef(Cor_Def * cdf,FILE * pFile)1330 void PrintCorDef(Cor_Def* cdf, FILE* pFile) {
1331 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1332 /* for debugging.  Print CorDef.                            */
1333 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1334   int    i;
1335   static Boolean FirstPass = TRUE;
1337   if (FirstPass == FALSE) return;
1338   FirstPass = FALSE;
1340   fprintf(pFile, "Core Definition:\n");
1341   fprintf(pFile, "number of core segments: %4d\n", cdf->sll.n);
1342   fprintf(pFile, "   nomx   nomn   rfpt   comn   comx\n");
1343   for (i=0; i<cdf->sll.n; i++) {
1344     fprintf(pFile, " %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n",
1345       cdf->sll.nomx[i], cdf->sll.nomn[i], cdf->sll.rfpt[i], cdf->sll.comn[i], cdf->sll.comx[i]);
1346   }
1347   fprintf(pFile, "number of loops (one more than core segs): %4d\n", cdf->lll.n);
1348   fprintf(pFile, "   llmn   llmx   lrfs\n");
1349   for (i=0; i<cdf->lll.n; i++) {
1350     fprintf(pFile, " %6d %6d %6d\n", cdf->lll.llmn[i], cdf->lll.llmx[i], cdf->lll.lrfs[i]);
1351   }
1352   fprintf(pFile, "number of fixed segments: %4d\n", cdf->fll.n);
1353   fprintf(pFile, "     nt     ct     sq\n");
1354   for (i=0; i<cdf->fll.n; i++) {
1355     fprintf(pFile, " %6d %6d %6d\n", cdf->fll.nt[i], cdf->fll.ct[i], cdf->fll.sq[i]);
1356   }
1357   fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1358 }
NewSeqMtf(int NumResidues,int AlphabetSize)1361 Seq_Mtf*  NewSeqMtf(int NumResidues, int AlphabetSize) {
1362 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1363 /*  allocate space for a new pssm.                          */
1364 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1365   int       i;
1366   Seq_Mtf*  pssm;
1368   pssm = (Seq_Mtf*) calloc(1,sizeof(Seq_Mtf));
1369   pssm->n = NumResidues;
1370   pssm->AlphabetSize = AlphabetSize;
1371   pssm->ww =    (int**) calloc(1,NumResidues * sizeof(int*));
1372   pssm->freqs = (int**) calloc(1,NumResidues * sizeof(int*));
1373   for (i=0; i<NumResidues; i++) {
1374     pssm->ww[i] =    (int*) calloc(1,AlphabetSize * sizeof(int));
1375     pssm->freqs[i] = (int*) calloc(1,AlphabetSize * sizeof(int));
1376   }
1377   return(pssm);
1378 }
FreeSeqMtf(Seq_Mtf * pssm)1381 Seq_Mtf*  FreeSeqMtf(Seq_Mtf* pssm) {
1382 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1383 /*  free pssm.                                              */
1384 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1385   int  i;
1387   for (i=0; i<pssm->n; i++) {
1388     free(pssm->ww[i]);
1389     free(pssm->freqs[i]);
1390   }
1391   free(pssm->ww);
1392   free(pssm->freqs);
1393   free(pssm);
1394   return NULL;
1395 }
PrintSeqMtf(Seq_Mtf * psm,FILE * pFile)1398 void PrintSeqMtf(Seq_Mtf* psm, FILE* pFile) {
1399 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1400 /*  print the pssm.                                         */
1401 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1402   char OutputOrder[] = "ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV";
1403   int  i, j;
1405   fprintf(pFile, "PSSM:\n");
1406   fprintf(pFile, "Number of residues: %4d\n", psm->n);
1407   fprintf(pFile, "Weights:\n");
1408   for (i=0; i<strlen(OutputOrder); i++) {
1409     fprintf(pFile, "%8c ", OutputOrder[i]);
1410   }
1411   fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1412   for (i=0; i<psm->n; i++) {
1413     for (j=0; j<strlen(OutputOrder); j++) {
1414       fprintf(pFile, "%8d ", psm->ww[i][j]);
1415     }
1416     fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1417   }
1418   fprintf(pFile, "Frequencies:\n");
1419   for (i=0; i<strlen(OutputOrder); i++) {
1420     fprintf(pFile, "%8c ", OutputOrder[i]);
1421   }
1422   fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1423   for (i=0; i<psm->n; i++) {
1424     for (j=0; j<strlen(OutputOrder); j++) {
1425       fprintf(pFile, "%8d ", psm->freqs[i][j]);
1426     }
1427     fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1428   }
1429   fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1430 }
NewQrySeq(int NumResidues,int NumBlocks)1433 Qry_Seq*  NewQrySeq(int NumResidues, int NumBlocks) {
1434 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1435 /*  allocate space for a new query sequence.                */
1436 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1437   Qry_Seq*  qsqp;
1438   int       i;
1440   qsqp = (Qry_Seq*) calloc(1,sizeof(Qry_Seq));
1441   qsqp->n = NumResidues;
1442   qsqp->sq = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * NumResidues);
1443   qsqp->sac.n = NumBlocks;
1444   qsqp->sac.mn = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * NumBlocks);
1445   qsqp->sac.mx = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * NumBlocks);
1446   /* for no constraints, set mn and mx to -1 for each block */
1447   /* make no constraints the default */
1448   for (i=0; i<NumBlocks; i++) {
1449     qsqp->sac.mn[i] = -1;
1450     qsqp->sac.mx[i] = -1;
1451   }
1452   return(qsqp);
1453 }
FreeQrySeq(Qry_Seq * qsqp)1456 Qry_Seq*  FreeQrySeq(Qry_Seq* qsqp) {
1457 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1458 /*  free query sequence.                                    */
1459 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1460   free(qsqp->sac.mn);
1461   free(qsqp->sac.mx);
1462   free(qsqp->sq);
1463   free(qsqp);
1464   return NULL;
1465 }
PrintQrySeq(Qry_Seq * qsqp,FILE * pFile)1468 void PrintQrySeq(Qry_Seq* qsqp, FILE* pFile) {
1469 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1470 /*  for debugging. print query sequence.                    */
1471 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1472   int    i, j, Count;
1473   char   ResLetters[32];
1475   /* lookup to give one-letter names of residues */
1476   strcpy(ResLetters, "ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV");
1478   fprintf(pFile, "Query Sequence:\n");
1479   fprintf(pFile, "number of residues: %4d\n", qsqp->n);
1480   Count = 0;
1481   for (i=0; i<=qsqp->n/30; i++) {
1482     for (j=0; j<30; j++) {
1483       fprintf(pFile, "%c ", ResLetters[qsqp->sq[i*30 + j]]);
1484       Count++;
1485       if (Count == qsqp->n) {
1486         fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1487         goto Here;
1488       }
1489     }
1490     fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1491   }
1493 Here:
1494   fprintf(pFile, "number of constraints: %4d\n", qsqp->sac.n);
1495   fprintf(pFile, "     mn     mx\n");
1496   for (i=0; i<qsqp->sac.n; i++) {
1497     fprintf(pFile, " %6d %6d\n", qsqp->sac.mn[i], qsqp->sac.mx[i]);
1498   }
1499   fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1500 }
NewRcxPtl(int NumResTypes,int NumDistances,int PeptideIndex)1503 Rcx_Ptl*  NewRcxPtl(int NumResTypes, int NumDistances, int PeptideIndex) {
1504 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1505 /*  allocate space for the contact potential                */
1506 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1507   Rcx_Ptl*  pmf;
1508   int       i, j;
1510   pmf = (Rcx_Ptl*) calloc(1,sizeof(Rcx_Ptl));
1511   pmf->rre = (int***) calloc(1,NumDistances * sizeof(int**));
1512   pmf->rrt = (int***) calloc(1,NumDistances * sizeof(int**));
1513   pmf->re  = (int**)  calloc(1,NumDistances * sizeof(int*));
1514   for (i=0; i<NumDistances; i++) {
1515     pmf->rre[i] = (int**) calloc(1,NumResTypes * sizeof(int*));
1516     pmf->rrt[i] = (int**) calloc(1,NumResTypes * sizeof(int*));
1517     for (j=0; j<NumResTypes; j++) {
1518       pmf->rre[i][j] = (int*) calloc(1,NumResTypes * sizeof(int));
1519       pmf->rrt[i][j] = (int*) calloc(1,NumResTypes * sizeof(int));
1520     }
1521     pmf->re[i]  = (int*)  calloc(1,NumResTypes * sizeof(int));
1522   }
1523   pmf->nrt = NumResTypes;
1524   pmf->ndi = NumDistances;
1525   pmf->ppi = PeptideIndex;
1526   return(pmf);
1527 }
FreeRcxPtl(Rcx_Ptl * pmf)1530 Rcx_Ptl*  FreeRcxPtl(Rcx_Ptl* pmf) {
1531 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1532 /*  free contact potential.                                 */
1533 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1534   int  i, j;
1536   for (i=0; i<pmf->ndi; i++) {
1537     for (j=0; j<pmf->nrt; j++) {
1538       free(pmf->rre[i][j]);
1539       free(pmf->rrt[i][j]);
1540     }
1541     free(pmf->rre[i]);
1542     free(pmf->rrt[i]);
1543     free(pmf->re[i]);
1544   }
1545   free(pmf->rre);
1546   free(pmf->rrt);
1547   free(pmf->re);
1548   free(pmf);
1549   return NULL;
1550 }
NewGibScd(int NumTempSteps)1553 Gib_Scd*  NewGibScd(int NumTempSteps) {
1554 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1555 /*  allocate space for annealing schedule.                  */
1556 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1557   Gib_Scd*  gsp;
1559   gsp = (Gib_Scd*) calloc(1,sizeof(Gib_Scd));
1560   gsp->nts = NumTempSteps;
1561   gsp->nti = (int*) calloc(1,NumTempSteps * sizeof(int));
1562   gsp->nac = (int*) calloc(1,NumTempSteps * sizeof(int));
1563   gsp->nlc = (int*) calloc(1,NumTempSteps * sizeof(int));
1564   gsp->tma = (int*) calloc(1,NumTempSteps * sizeof(int));
1565   gsp->tml = (int*) calloc(1,NumTempSteps * sizeof(int));
1566   gsp->lms = (int*) calloc(1,NumTempSteps * sizeof(int));
1567   gsp->lmw = (int*) calloc(1,NumTempSteps * sizeof(int));
1568   gsp->lmf = (int*) calloc(1,NumTempSteps * sizeof(int));
1569   return(gsp);
1570 }
FreeGibScd(Gib_Scd * gsp)1573 Gib_Scd*  FreeGibScd(Gib_Scd* gsp) {
1574 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1575 /*  free the annealing schedule.                            */
1576 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1577   free(gsp->nti);
1578   free(gsp->nac);
1579   free(gsp->nlc);
1580   free(gsp->tma);
1581   free(gsp->tml);
1582   free(gsp->lms);
1583   free(gsp->lmw);
1584   free(gsp->lmf);
1585   free(gsp);
1586   return NULL;
1587 }
NewFldMtf(int NumResidues,int NumResResContacts,int NumResPepContacts)1590 Fld_Mtf*  NewFldMtf(int NumResidues, int NumResResContacts, int NumResPepContacts) {
1591 /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
1592 /*  allocate space for contact lists and minimum loop lengths  */
1593 /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/
1594   int       i;
1595   Fld_Mtf*  mtf;
1597   mtf = (Fld_Mtf*) calloc(1,sizeof(Fld_Mtf));
1598   mtf->n = NumResidues;
1599   mtf->rrc.n = NumResResContacts;
1600   mtf->rrc.r1 = (int*) calloc(1,NumResResContacts * sizeof(int));
1601   mtf->rrc.r2 = (int*) calloc(1,NumResResContacts * sizeof(int));
1602   mtf->rrc.d =  (int*) calloc(1,NumResResContacts * sizeof(int));
1603   mtf->rpc.n = NumResPepContacts;
1604   mtf->rpc.r1 = (int*) calloc(1,NumResPepContacts * sizeof(int));
1605   mtf->rpc.p2 = (int*) calloc(1,NumResPepContacts * sizeof(int));
1606   mtf->rpc.d =  (int*) calloc(1,NumResPepContacts * sizeof(int));
1607   mtf->mll = (int**) calloc(1,NumResidues * sizeof(int*));
1608   for (i=0; i<NumResidues; i++) {
1609     mtf->mll[i] = (int*) calloc(1,NumResidues * sizeof(int));
1610   }
1611   return(mtf);
1612 }
FreeFldMtf(Fld_Mtf * mtf)1615 Fld_Mtf*  FreeFldMtf(Fld_Mtf* mtf) {
1616 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1617 /*  free contact lists and loop lengths                     */
1618 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1619   int  i;
1621   free(mtf->rrc.r1);
1622   free(mtf->rrc.r2);
1623   free(mtf->rrc.d);
1624   free(mtf->rpc.r1);
1625   free(mtf->rpc.p2);
1626   free(mtf->rpc.d);
1627   for (i=0; i<mtf->n; i++) {
1628     free(mtf->mll[i]);
1629   }
1630   free(mtf->mll);
1631   free(mtf);
1632   return NULL;
1633 }
PrintFldMtf(Fld_Mtf * mtf,FILE * pFile)1636 void PrintFldMtf(Fld_Mtf* mtf, FILE* pFile) {
1637 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1638 /*  print contact lists and loop lengths.                   */
1639 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1640   int    i, j;
1642   fprintf(pFile, "Contact Lists, Loop Lengths:\n");
1643   fprintf(pFile, "Number of residues: %4d\n", mtf->n);
1644   fprintf(pFile, "Number of residue-residue contacts: %6d\n", mtf->rrc.n);
1645   fprintf(pFile, "res index 1,  res index 2,  Distance interval\n");
1646   for (i=0; i<mtf->rrc.n; i++) {
1647     fprintf(pFile, "  %9d  %12d  %18d\n", mtf->rrc.r1[i], mtf->rrc.r2[i], mtf->rrc.d[i]);
1648   }
1649   fprintf(pFile, "Number of residue-peptide contacts: %6d\n", mtf->rpc.n);
1650   fprintf(pFile, "res index,  peptide index,  Distance interval\n");
1651   for (i=0; i<mtf->rpc.n; i++) {
1652     fprintf(pFile, "  %7d  %14d  %18d\n", mtf->rpc.r1[i], mtf->rpc.p2[i], mtf->rpc.d[i]);
1653   }
1654   fprintf(pFile, "Minimum loop lengths:\n");
1655   for (i=0; i<mtf->n; i++) {
1656     for (j=0; j<mtf->n; j++) {
1657       fprintf(pFile, " %4d", mtf->mll[i][j]);
1658     }
1659     fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1660   }
1661   fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1662 }
NewThdTbl(int NumResults,int NumCoreElements)1665 Thd_Tbl*  NewThdTbl(int NumResults, int NumCoreElements) {
1666 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1667 /*  allocate space for results.                             */
1668 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1669   int       i;
1670   Thd_Tbl*  ttb;
1672   ttb = (Thd_Tbl*) calloc(1,sizeof(Thd_Tbl));
1673   ttb->n =   NumResults;
1674   ttb->nsc = NumCoreElements;
1675   ttb->tg =   (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1676   ttb->ps =   (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1677   ttb->ms =   (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1678   ttb->cs =   (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1679   ttb->lps =  (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1680   ttb->zsc =  (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1681   ttb->g0 =   (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1682   ttb->m0 =   (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1683   ttb->errm = (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1684   ttb->errp = (float*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(float));
1685   ttb->tf =   (int*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(int));
1686   ttb->ts =   (int*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(int));
1687   ttb->ls =   (int*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(int));
1688   ttb->pr =   (int*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(int));
1689   ttb->nx =   (int*) calloc(1,NumResults * sizeof(int));
1690   ttb->al =   (int**) calloc(1,NumCoreElements * sizeof(int*));
1691   ttb->no =   (int**) calloc(1,NumCoreElements * sizeof(int*));
1692   ttb->co =   (int**) calloc(1,NumCoreElements * sizeof(int*));
1693   for (i=0; i<NumCoreElements; i++) {
1694     ttb->al[i] = (int*) calloc(1,NumResults *sizeof(int));
1695     ttb->no[i] = (int*) calloc(1,NumResults *sizeof(int));
1696     ttb->co[i] = (int*) calloc(1,NumResults *sizeof(int));
1697   }
1698   return(ttb);
1699 }
FreeThdTbl(Thd_Tbl * ttb)1702 Thd_Tbl*  FreeThdTbl(Thd_Tbl* ttb) {
1703 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1704 /*  free results.                                           */
1705 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1706   int  i;
1708   free(ttb->tg);
1709   free(ttb->ps);
1710   free(ttb->ms);
1711   free(ttb->cs);
1712   free(ttb->lps);
1713   free(ttb->zsc);
1714   free(ttb->g0);
1715   free(ttb->m0);
1716   free(ttb->errm);
1717   free(ttb->errp);
1718   free(ttb->tf);
1719   free(ttb->ts);
1720   free(ttb->ls);
1721   free(ttb->pr);
1722   free(ttb->nx);
1723   for (i=0; i<ttb->nsc; i++) {
1724     free(ttb->al[i]);
1725     free(ttb->no[i]);
1726     free(ttb->co[i]);
1727   }
1728   free(ttb->al);
1729   free(ttb->no);
1730   free(ttb->co);
1731   free(ttb);
1732   return NULL;
1733 }
PrintThdTbl(Thd_Tbl * ttb,FILE * pFile)1736 void PrintThdTbl(Thd_Tbl* ttb, FILE* pFile) {
1737 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1738 /* print the results.                                                           */
1739 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1740   int    i, j;
1742   fprintf(pFile, "Threading Results:\n");
1743   fprintf(pFile, "number of threads: %6d\n", ttb->n);
1744   fprintf(pFile, "number of core segments:  %6d\n", ttb->nsc);
1745   fprintf(pFile, "index of lowest energy thread:  %6d\n", ttb->mn);
1746   fprintf(pFile, "index of highest energy thread: %6d\n", ttb->mx);
1747   fprintf(pFile, "for each thread:\n");
1748   fprintf(pFile, "           tg           ps           ms           cs          lps          zsc\n");
1749   for (i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) {
1750     fprintf(pFile, " %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e\n",
1751       ttb->tg[i], ttb->ps[i], ttb->ms[i], ttb->cs[i], ttb->lps[i], ttb->zsc[i]);
1752   }
1753   fprintf(pFile, "           g0           m0         errm         errp\n");
1754   for (i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) {
1755     fprintf(pFile, " %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e %12.5e\n",
1756       ttb->g0[i], ttb->m0[i], ttb->errm[i], ttb->errp[i]);
1757   }
1758   fprintf(pFile, "     tf     ts     ls     pr     nx\n");
1759   for (i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) {
1760     fprintf(pFile, " %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n",
1761       ttb->tf[i], ttb->ts[i], ttb->ls[i], ttb->pr[i], ttb->nx[i]);
1762   }
1763   fprintf(pFile, "threading alignments: %6d\n", i+1);
1764   fprintf(pFile, "Centers:\n");
1765   for (i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) {
1766     for (j=0; j<ttb->nsc; j++) {
1767       fprintf(pFile, " %4d", ttb->al[j][i] + 1);
1768     }
1769     fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1770   }
1771   fprintf(pFile, "N offsets:\n");
1772   for (i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) {
1773     for (j=0; j<ttb->nsc; j++) {
1774       fprintf(pFile, " %4d", ttb->no[j][i]);
1775     }
1776     fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1777   }
1778   fprintf(pFile, "C offsets:\n");
1779   for (i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) {
1780     for (j=0; j<ttb->nsc; j++) {
1781       fprintf(pFile, " %4d", ttb->co[j][i]);
1782     }
1783     fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1784   }
1785   fprintf(pFile, "\n");
1786 }
CopyResult(Thd_Tbl * pFromResults,Thd_Tbl * pToResults,int from,int to)1789 int CopyResult(Thd_Tbl* pFromResults, Thd_Tbl* pToResults, int from, int to) {
1790 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1791 /* copy the from-th result of pFromResults to the to-th result of pToResults.   */
1792 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1793   int  i;
1795   pToResults->tg[to] =   pFromResults->tg[from];
1796   pToResults->ps[to] =   pFromResults->ps[from];
1797   pToResults->ms[to] =   pFromResults->ms[from];
1798   pToResults->cs[to] =   pFromResults->cs[from];
1799   pToResults->lps[to] =  pFromResults->lps[from];
1800   pToResults->zsc[to] =  pFromResults->zsc[from];
1801   pToResults->g0[to] =   pFromResults->g0[from];
1802   pToResults->m0[to] =   pFromResults->m0[from];
1803   pToResults->errm[to] = pFromResults->errm[from];
1804   pToResults->errp[to] = pFromResults->errp[from];
1805   pToResults->tf[to] =   pFromResults->tf[from];
1806   pToResults->ts[to] =   pFromResults->ts[from];
1807   pToResults->ls[to] =   pFromResults->ls[from];
1808   pToResults->pr[to] =   pFromResults->pr[from];
1809   pToResults->nx[to] =   pFromResults->nx[from];
1810   for (i=0; i<pFromResults->nsc; i++) {
1811     pToResults->al[i][to] = pFromResults->al[i][from];
1812     pToResults->no[i][to] = pFromResults->no[i][from];
1813     pToResults->co[i][to] = pFromResults->co[i][from];
1814   }
1815   return(1);
1816 }
OrderThdTbl(Thd_Tbl * pResults)1819 void OrderThdTbl(Thd_Tbl* pResults) {
1820 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1821 /*  put the results in order of highest score to lowest.    */
1822 /*  it's O(n**2), but that's ok because n is very small.    */
1823 /*  return the new ordered results, free original results.  */
1824 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1825   int*      Order;
1826   Boolean*  CheckList;
1827   int       i, j, SaveIndex, Index;
1828   double    HighestScore;
1829   Thd_Tbl*  pOrderedResults;
1831   /* mem allocation for array where order of results is stored */
1832   Order = (int*) calloc(1,sizeof(int) * pResults->n);
1833   /* mem allocation for checklist to tell which results have been ordered */
1834   CheckList = (Boolean*) calloc(1,sizeof(Boolean) * pResults->n);
1836   /* look through the list n times */
1837   for (i=0; i<pResults->n; i++) {
1838     HighestScore = -9999999999.0;
1839     SaveIndex = -1;
1840     /* each time, find the highest remaining score */
1841     for (j=0; j<pResults->n; j++) {
1842       if (CheckList[j] == FALSE) {
1843         if (pResults->tg[j] > HighestScore) {
1844           HighestScore = pResults->tg[j];
1845           SaveIndex = j;
1846         }
1847       }
1848     }
1849     /* save the index, and mark that the score has been ordered */
1850     Order[i] = SaveIndex;
1851     CheckList[SaveIndex] = TRUE;
1852   }
1854   /* now that the order is determined, do the re-ordering */
1855   pOrderedResults = NewThdTbl(pResults->n, pResults->nsc);
1856   for (i=0; i<pResults->n; i++) {
1857     CopyResult(pResults, pOrderedResults, Order[i], i);
1858   }
1859   pOrderedResults->mx = 0;
1860   pOrderedResults->mn = pResults->n - 1;
1862   /* now copy results back to original structure */
1863   for (i=0; i<pResults->n; i++) {
1864     CopyResult(pOrderedResults, pResults, i, i);
1865   }
1867   /* update next and previous arrays to match new order */
1868   for (i=0; i<pResults->n; i++) {
1869     /* point to next-lower energy thread */
1870     pResults->nx[i] = i+1 < pResults->n ? i+1 : 0;
1871     /* point to next-higher energy thread */
1872     Index = pResults->n - i - 1;
1873     pResults->pr[Index] = Index-1 < 0 ? 0 : Index-1;
1874   }
1876   /* update min and max indices to match new order */
1877   pResults->mx = pOrderedResults->mx;
1878   pResults->mn = pOrderedResults->mn;
1880   /* free memory allocated for this routine */
1881   free(Order);
1882   free(CheckList);
1883   FreeThdTbl(pOrderedResults);
1885   return;
1886 }
ScaleThdTbl(Thd_Tbl * ttb,double ScalingFactor)1889 void ScaleThdTbl(Thd_Tbl* ttb, double ScalingFactor) {
1890 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1891 /*  scale the energies in ttb by ScalingFactor              */
1892 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1893   int    i;
1894   float  SF;
1896   SF = (float) ScalingFactor;
1898   for (i=0; i<ttb->n; i++) {
1899     ttb->tg[i]   *= SF;
1900     ttb->ps[i]   *= SF;
1901     ttb->ms[i]   *= SF;
1902     ttb->cs[i]   *= SF;
1903     ttb->lps[i]  *= SF;
1904     ttb->zsc[i]  *= SF;
1905     ttb->g0[i]   *= SF;
1906     ttb->m0[i]   *= SF;
1907     ttb->errm[i] *= SF;
1908     ttb->errp[i] *= SF;
1909   }
1910 }
ThrdRound(double Num)1913 int ThrdRound(double Num) {
1914 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1915 /*  round fp to nearest int                                 */
1916 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/
1917   if (Num > 0) {
1918     return((int)(Num + 0.5));
1919   }
1920   else {
1921     return((int)(Num - 0.5));
1922   }
1923 }